Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1884, Page 7, Image 7

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    I f
'V '
l\ I' ' '
VanBrunt , Thompson
THIS 13 A Ct'T 01' THK
Double Row Stalk Cutter
Which \\nsP \ \ been through a gooil many
seasons , nnil has always given entire
satisfnctio.ii. It is one of thi first
stalk cutters over put on the market ,
and to-dny there is none superior. The
Row Stalk Cutter
is ns well known as this. We would
request dealers to place their orders
with us early , as the demand for stalk
cutters will be larger than ever before.
Plows , .Reapers , Cultivators , Mowers.
Hay Rakes , Harrows , Hay Tedder ,
Stalk Cutter , New Tongueless Cultivator
! L
Which gave such universal satisfaction
last season. We ofTer you this Cultivator
again and are still confident that it is nearer
perfection than any similar cultivator of
other makes. The record which it has
made in the past bears us out in the above
To our former patrons and to
those vvho may in the future , be our
patrons , we will say that WL. are again
permitted to offer you the
Hay Rake
for the coming year. The success of
this Hake is so well known that com
ment is unnecessary. It has higher
wheels than any other and for inking \
stalks , as well as hay , it cannot be i
beat , r- j *
Carriages , Buggies , Phaetons and Spring Wagons ,
To be found in the West , at corresponding low prices. You should investigate this before buying elsewhere.
Did you ever see one o these ma
chines work ? Its the funniest thing
you over saw. It is the
Hay Tedder ,
id will domoro work turning hay than
twenty men can do in the Mime time ,
Wo desireyour trade , and in return wo will furnish you with oed goods ,
, .oslO 12nud M- Fourth Street , t jimcil Bluffs , Iowa.
Who Ruled tho. Hawkeye State in
Days ofYoro ,
lutorostiiig Glmruotor Skotohos ,
SUto I iulcr.
Does it not surprise ) shrewd politicians
n little to Jioto the turn JolmN. Irwinof
Kcokuk , lids token n connection \\ilh
the honprAblo position of governor of
the territory of Idaho , ( which ho now
wants it to bo understood , ho did not
seek ) by refusing the salary for the quar
ter about ended nnd returning Iho § 050.-
00 which wns paid him ivs his salary for
the last quarter , on the ground that ho
had not attended to the duties of the
position , nnd could not , thorofoto , con
scientiously accept the salary for thnt
olllco. Several surprises grow out of one
grout surprise his notion has caused.
With what complnconcv ho nssimis that
there not nuy duties to perform in con
nection with the wearing of the honor ,
and how strange- sooins that the gov
ernment of the United States should pay
$0cr ° .00 per quarter to the governor of a
territory" , the management of the nffiiits
of which crfu bo slighted in .such n man-
nor. Governor1 Jrwin probably M ° [
given Idnho any of his attention , nnu vet
Idaho still oxhisU in her cold nest in ti\C
northern Rockies , and even now says she
will nsk to bo admitted ns n state in five
years. If 'Gov. I ruin wns not morally
certain thnt the United Stntos had nol
recoivodj full service , ho would in nl
probability nccopt * the salary. Hut good
politician1) have given him credit for being -
ing n much bettor politician than his late
action indicates ; and their idea of n gooi
politician is one who always accepts the
emoluments of ollico whether ho merits
them or not. Probacly Gov. Irwin is
not like one or several of the Kookuk
mon , who have boon presented with of
fices by their admiring friends. Once up
on a time , so the story was told to mo ,
audit wns long after the surrender of
llobt. E. Lee , Col. Henry Olny Caldwell ,
a Van Buron county man , with the pres
tige of his military record behind him ,
fresh with the honor which the war
thrust upon him , returned to his homo in
southeastern Iowa. Thou , ns now , Van
Buron county happened to bo in the same
congressional district as Lee , and Koo
kuk wns then in Leo county ns now , Col.
Caldwell was a bright laWycr , but ho
thought more of congress just then then
than ho did of law , nnd if the Kcokuk
fellows , ( and Gov. llothort lived there
thenjl believe ) had not hoard of thie
young man's ambitions , Col. C.ildwoll
would have stood an excellent oppor
tunity to BOO what the real side of r
congressman's life may bo. But these
Kcokuk follows measured his capacities ,
his popularity , and his strength , nnd like
the three tailors of Tooloy street who
attempted to dictate the social rules of
all England , decided that it would bo
much bettor for Col. Caldwell to nccopt
some position judicial , and nccoidingly ,
\ \ ithout his seeking , and much to his sur
prise , but surprise which afterward re
solved itself into satisfaction , Col. Cald
well was appointed judge of the United
States circuit court for the district of
Arkansas , nnd a Kookuk man wont to
congress ( but it wasn't Ex-Gov.Rotliort ) .
Gov. Irwin , I think , has boon staying in
Kcokuk most of the time since his ap
pointments as governor of Idaho , nnd
there is yet a good chance for him to
make the heroic effort of his life , to obtain
a seat in congress , despite the machina
tions of his friends in Leo county Prob
ably Es-Gov. llothort will ho satisfied
with the Idahogovornorshipaftor another
two years.
* *
Iowa politics often breed queer meas
ures , which are laid to the personal mo
tives of some aspiripg son ; but the lost
proposition which Jms como up to bo con
sidered by the state that warrants a
suspicion , is the suggestion of Julian K.
Graves , that the legialatuio , to moot this
winter , make an appropriation for the
purchase of the B. F. Allen homestead
and mansion on the boulevard and that
it bo bought for the express purpose of
a homo for the families of Iowa's gov
ernors that are to come to Dos Monies
from different parts of the state , and
probably to como once or twiw from
northeastern Iowa. This is a pretty
good idea , and because it is ji good idea ,
1 understand why the Urn. Julius K.
Graves , of Dubuquc , a prominent lowan ,
and the only republican in Iowa who
could carry Dubuqur county on a guber
natorial election , * * the especial cham
pion of it.
* *
The dc J of Gov. Lowe removes to the
bettor porld a man who -was eminently
able , and one whoso character , public nnd
nn'vato , wna nbovo reproach. Three of
Iowa's ox-governors have died within the
last year nnd a half , Ansel BrJggo and
Stephen Ilempstcad being the other two.
Ansel Briggs was the first governor of the
state under the constitution , and was
sleeted to oflico in 1840. the first year of
the state. Ho died at Omaha. Stephen
Hempstead , who succeeded him in 1850 ,
was afterwards elected county judge of
Dubuque county , and though ho was in
liis pnmo one of the ablest lawyers of
Iowa , ho outlived his usefulness ; , and
died penniless. But n few years before
his death ho was elected justice of the
peace in Dubuque and was obliged to live
upon the scanty income it brought. Gov. .
Lowe died without leaving anything more
than A fair competence to his family ,
though his entire life was spent in active
law practice. Tiio action ol Gov. Sher a
man in announcing the death of the ox-
governor , and ordering that Uio ilags
upon the stata house bo placed at half
mast , was docidly appropriate nnd htting.
[ believe he has boon thu first govoinor
to observe this custom. It is one which | s
generally obsoived by thu oiecutivcs < /
other states.
* , #
lion J. B. Grinnoll loaves Jowa the
last of next week for Washington , D. 0 , ,
where ho will remain until the last of
February , and will give his attention to
the work of the commission appointed by
President Arthur to examine into thu
prevalence and prevention of contagions
diseases among cattle and swine. Air.
Grinnoll , 1 believe , was tendered by the
governor u position on the Iowa delega
tion to look after the Hennopin canal
scheme at Washington during the winter.
Ho aaid in reply that if the governor
wanted him to aorvo ho wouldn't ' object ,
hut that ho was thu wiong man to select
because ho did not boliovoin ) the scheme.
Saya he : ' 'Tho canal would bo open for
uao about three months in Btho year and
the other nine would either bo dry 01
fro/on up. I am one of those who bf
liuvo thut Iowa should keep her product
all at homo ; but if we mutt agree upon u
mode of cheaper transportation let the
highway which the Almighty propaml
and intended for it , be utilized. That i
the Mleiisaipiu nnd the Gulf route. I air
in for improving the Mississippi , and J
waut all the Iow product which is dcs
( mod for Kuropo to go that way. The
cnnnl route is the nlow route , and unless
you w nut your Town pftttlo to son the
splendid agricultural country between
Iowa nnd Chicago , nnd give them n long
ride , with frequent stops , for lliom to
ent and drink , why solid thorn by the
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
IOWA : * nws.
ImlopomlouctJ "a over seven milca of
Tlio most expensive residence in Parker -
or burg cost $ 1,000.
There are fil.'J pupils enrolled in the
city schools nt llnrlnn.
The wool growers will meet in DCS
Moiuos January 10th.
Henry Hospers will build half n do/on
tenement houses in Orange City.
Col. Kinory , of LoMars , will lecture in
Stprm Lake next Monday evening.
The Onnna schools Iho past month
have had an average enrollmontof SMl. !
Josinh Miller , n caltlo dealer , was
killed by a switch train at Lyons NVcduos-
With the lirst of the year the Dos
Moines police is to be increased 00 per
llov. Father McCabe , the first priest of
St. Anthony's , U.wenport , has bocoino
' 'isnne.
Tl(0 ( 'r'a' ' ' ° A donion nt Oskaloosa for
the inurdoi' of McAllister resulted in his
Dr. John Vnlkamot , Of Darlington ,
was aoriouoly injured by n runaway acci
dent Saturday.
A Davonuort Juan wants to bet that ho
can exist three jnonths with but one
hour's sloop n day.
During the past year there have boon
702 births , 5181 deaths and -132 marriages
iu Dubuque county.
Bloomtiold has six churches with a
seating capacity of 2,000. The population
of the place is 2,500.
The total school tax levy in Benton
county amounts to ? 81lDO.Gt ; § 70-
052.02 for local purposes.
A now hotel is promised in Dos
Moincs , to bo six stories high and to cost
not less than half a million.
The grand jury of l'olk county pronounce -
nounco the jail and court house of the
county unsafe and unhealthy.
A now bank to bo called the Citizens'
Savings bank has boon orcnui/od , at
Docorah with n capital of § 50,000.
The fnrm-houso of E. P. lUng.of Dick
inson county , was burned oil Christmas.
Loss about § 1,500 ; partially insured.
The flax-mill at Manson wil probably
bo comortod into a creamery. In any
event , Mr. Cromwell is going to give
Manson a creamery.
A Franklin township man , aged 70 ,
and who has boon married four times ,
procured n license to marry n fifth time
Saturday. The prospective bride is U8.
The Iowa supreme court has decided
that the location of out-houses w ithin
twoh o foot of the promises on an adjoin
ing lot is n nuisance nnd must bo abated
The State Agricultural society will
moot in Des Moines on the Oth of Janu
ary. The meeting will decide the time
and place for holding the next state
Several Des Moines citizens contem
plate suing the water company for dam
ages , because the big well of the com
pany , in low water , runs the little wells
of the citixons dry.
Frank , sou of Capt. T. M. Fee , was
found dead in his father's law oflico at
Contervillo on Christmas morning , the
young man having suicided by shooting
liimself through the brain.
Judge Lewis refuses to dissolve the in
junction restraining the city council of
LoMars from purchasing the Seventh
street property , for which the council
proposed to pay § 14,000.
W. M. Thompson , of Dubuque , a na
tive of Jamaica , proposes , if furnished
with necessary funds , to go to England
and "remove" Judge Donman , who pre
sided at the trial of O'Donnoll.
It is said that in Storm Lake 8110,310
has been put into now buildings there the
past year ; that § 500,000 has been paid ,
aut for produce , and that the Lake has
done a banking business of $7WiOi)25. )
Dos Monies has 9 511-100 miles of sow-
crago , costing § 208,700.152. Tlip city
also has six miles of paving And eight
miles of curbing , and the total cost of
sewering nnd paving to date has boon
§ 501,550.70.
Two mon attempted to rob the poat-
oflico at Commerce. Tluv postmaster
inado a plucky light , andIfho robbers
brat n hasty retrout , OIHof _ them leaving
iiis overcoat. Olllce/s dticcoodod in cap
turing one of them ; whoso name is
Vales nnd he was'snflly lodged in jail.
Tire total assessed' valuation of Mononn
county , including exemptiona , is &lH57-
D)8. ! ) The exemptions amount to01,88-1 !
The total tax is 901'JIO 51. The increase -
crease in valuation o\cr lust year is
57'10'Ui. , and the increase iu taxoa in
! JCook'n ranch in Sao county embraces
.wolvo sections of hind in a body , and
Bach section In surrounded with u duublo (
ow of trees of live or six years' growth ,
Is has a barn norrly iiOO feet squarewith
tower 40 feet square and 00 teot high ,
nnd the herd consists of 1100 head of the
very best Ilorcfurds. The cattlu wore
shipped from England last May. They
oolc BO much alike that they are num-
jored on the horn to distinguish them ,
Mrs. E. W. Bowman , of Clinton , whilu
preparing breakfast , stooped for uomo'
thing and in doing so ran the sharp point
of n poker , projecting from the woodbox ,
itfo nor loft eye , and with euch force as
to tar it from thu socket , the eye coin
ing cVar out on her cheek. "With rare
nom nnd presence of mind , " Eaya The
Herald , * 'Mrs Bowman replaced the eve ,
pressing it back into place , nnd made nor
situation known , surgical help being
speedily procured. The doctor says thoio
is but smalMiopo that the eight of the in
jured eye will over bo restored. "
Froij Glc\olaiiil , Ohio ,
Comes a letter ht iied T. Wftlkor , Baying :
'Alxnit nix mfyUm nco commenced taking
Jlaitioci JHotxt Jltcrt ( for protracted 'CUHO of
lumbuL'o and genial debility , anil now am
ploaieil to Htatu haVi manured my appetite
and wonted ntrciiKtlx J'eelbettor altogether. "
Hrin.s UY V
or VnrloiiH Sijles
in Nmiihcr H
Twenty-live coids of ilcda woru
tic sulo'valk in froit ,
piled on of ) k down-
store , i-j'3 tha ow M.T Sun.
They always have the largest and best stock.
They extended along the atroot on the
curb and between the walk nnd tho. win *
dow f , so thnt people could Imrdly pass ,
Although porters v < cro rapidly oirryinfl
them inside.
"Whnt nro you going to do with nil
those hand-sleds ? " the dualor was asked.
"Do you think that wnsn big pilot You
dpu't knpw tl\t ! ( o cord of sh-d } only nuin-
beis nboilt sixU , do J Oil ? Como in aidg
nnd BOO aoiuo sleds. "
In four stories of _ three fronts wort !
tnoro sleds piled as high an a man could
reach from a slof'lnddor. They vroro tied
together , two nnd two , the tops facing
each other
"Next year's stock ? "
"No , next week's supply. We'll have
some nioro after that. "
"Whuro do they como from ? "
"Thoro nro n do/on factories in the
country thnt during the BIX warm months
make sleds. During the rest of the year
they make express wagons. It's ' A
specialty without any exorbitant profit in
it. "
"How do the retail prices run ! "
"From110 cents to § 18. The first is a
cheap solid board runner without orna
ment. At 81.75 they have bent-wood
runners braced with iron inside and out.
They will carry n man. Above that you
can pay for all the ornament you want.
Swell-box cutters , upholstered in plusher
or r.iw _ silk , ornamented with real chromes
and withal as strong AS they nro hand
some , will cost from $15 to 918. A polo
can bo attached for n span of goats when
desired. They delight the hearts of the
boya and the girls. "
"What is the choice sled of all ? "
The boy's choice is the coaster. It is
long , low , sharp forward , and rakish , And
remind * him of the time when ho will com
mand a pirate schooner. Thorunncraaroof
solid wood , heavily shod. There nro good
hand holds in them. They project be
yond the boy's head as ho goes down the
hill , so AS to protect him when ho runs
into the other fellow. They uro euro
death to the other follow. It is becoming
the faahion to put alarm gongs on
thorn. "
"What are the thirty-cent sleds
worth ? "
"Good to increase trade. A man is
not very old who can say that the trndo
has quadrupled in his time. The increase
is duo to cheap sleds. They break and
thus necessitate the purchase of an
other. "
"Is there anything more to bo said
about hand-sleds ? "
"Yes. Some are made whooly of iron ,
except the top board. That is wood because -
cause wood is lighter , and is not so cold
to chubby fingers. Sleds vary in length
From two to four foot , nnd in height from
four to ton inches. They will average
one-third as broad as they uro long. They
nro so cheap that the boy cannot afford
to make his own. Amorici.ii sloda arc
lighter and stronger than Canada sleds
Wo soil lots of them there , in the face of
i 25 per rent tariff. Wo have sold some
in Russia. Wo would Bell more , only
the trade there begins when wo are in
terested in velocipedes and oxprcss-
wagons. "Wo have shipped some as far
south as Richmond , Y.a , just enough to
make boys wish they lived where they
could have some fun. One thing wo can
not tell About sleds , and that is the num
ber nuido. It is simply coextensive with
youngsters. "
1 hi\u brtii uiliiirHiiHt'ii Bperlfln In mv prattlco
/ < > riiiitottloi | > K tliiio , unit I luiiird It tlm Imt tout
blimtlon ax n hluinl | niillir iind tunic. It Nontlril )
lOKoUMe , lalntf | of tliu ixtr.utu of iw/tn
wlilcourow In tlilt Hitiloiinf UiorK I am ( iinlllir
with KH liUtorylrmii the tlmo the forimili uni ol
talni.i | Iron tlm ImlliiH. It Ui tirtitin nuilnafu rein-
tilorill / lilndm I lloi l polvnn unJ BKII humor , umi
thiro Iciisnuur litun afalluiu tucitiu. Ilaiucutiil
liliiail taint In
ultli It , ufUr I hail moiit tliiimlly fulled liy the most
npjirou'il mutliiiJd uf triutmint wltli imrctir ) anil
luulilo o ( iiotihflum.
HIKI ) A.'JOOllint , II. I ) . ,
I'trry Houston Co , On.
Our trtatlita on Dluo < l ami Skin DUuiws nialliJ
no to amillrauu.
Tin : SWIFT Hi'Kumu c < > ,
Drawer y , Atlanta , ( ! a.
Patent Dried Fruit Lifter ,
lit I '
BTO1U3 CAN Arroitu
AB A 1'AIll Of
Without It ,
\ To tUoui Gufforlntr from th
IlitlocUof jnutlllul irrorn ,
' ouiliul Ufftliiu < , earl ) tin * i
eay , loitiimnliooj. ta , I will send ) our , rllculir o (
* lu > i > lu and cnrUIn mcinl of mltcurp.f
Vc2ayfirt.iir.utf > i 1. UmiUI , Mo
The moot the lorm"Hhor
t.lno" In connection nlthth *
corjiorito nnmo of n yrcitroad ,
com 0 } s an litc. % of ust what
required by the trM clhid pub
lic n Short Mno , Quick Ttm
Mid the best of accommoda *
tloiu all of which are turn *
Ijhcd by the greatest railway In America.
And Si Paul.
It owns ami operates o\or-J,500 mllcaol road n
northern Illinois , Wlsconjln , Mlnncnota , Iowa and
Pa'iota ; ami enl tn main lines , branches and oonnoo.
tloni roach all the great buslncM centres of the
Northwest and Far West , It naturally nnswon th *
dwcrlptlon nl Short Line , and Host Itouto between
Chicago , Milwaukee , St. Paul and Minneapolis
Chicago , Hllu-aukco , La Crowe and Wlnona.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Abonleen and KllcndaU
ChloiKOi Milwaukee , Kau Clalro and Stlllnator *
ChlCAKOi JHtnaukce , Wausau and Merrill.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Ilcmcr Dam and Oshkcwh.
Chicago , llllnaukco , Wauketha and Oconomomxu
ChlcnRO , Milwaukee , Madison and Prairiedti Chlen.
ChlcafM , Mlln-aukoe , Ouatonna and Falrlliault.
ChlcaKO , Ilelolt JanclUo and Mineral Potnt.
Chlcagu , Kldn , Itockford and Uulmquo.
ChlcsRO , Clinton , Hock Island and Cedar JUplili.
ChlcaRO , Council nhitis and Omaha.
Chicago , Sioux Clt } , Sioux Kalis and Yankton
Chicago , Mlluaukco , Mitchell and Chamberlain.
Hock 1 Aland , Dubuque , St. Paul and MlnncapoUr.
Ua\cnport , Caluiar , St. Paul and Minneapolis.
Pullman Sleepers and the Finest Dlnlna Cars In
world are run on the mainlines oftho CHICAGO
and o\ery attention u paid to passengers by court *
OUB employes of the company.
S. d. A. V. H. CAUPENTEH ,
Oen'l Manager. Oen'l Pau. Agenl.
Oon'l Sup't
And your work is done for nil time
to time to come.
to produce a more durable material
for street piveinent than the
Sioux Fulls Granite. ,
filled promptly. Samples sent aud
estimate- * given upon application.
Sioux Falls , Dakota.
Graham Paper Co , ,
! 17 and tin Horth Main St. , St. touU.
'uwa ,
3E 333El.l3C : > axr. LXjTarU of tbo
uman liuUj inlarxou , ilt > \ eloped aim streugthcned ,
to. , loan ltiU'ri > ntlui ; ulvertuciuont lout ; run In our
> ] at. In rqilv tu liuiulrlm wo IU uaj that tlioru In
o Wenco of liumbuif aliout tlilj. On the contrary
uu ad > crllscni are ) try highly on Juriud. IntoreituJ
cnuim may got ooaloil clriularn thliiir alliurtlo
nr tiy adilruislnx Erlo Medical Ua. , . Olios
ludklo K V. (1'atodo ( KvculuK Il al \
A % lotlm of early linprutltnr * . ctuilnj uvrroui d bll
tr , prematura tttcty. t to. , Imvluii ttlid la Ttlo etcrj
Dawarenudy liia Ul oov rrd d minl uicimof i lf.
urn , vrtilcU ho \ > ill tend 1'ltn' to Uj iiillow-tutlonini. I
. U.UUaVUS.OCliilUua i
\Vho.u tlrOlllli , uxluiii > lluu uud ( iicmatani
decay nf jcou uJlycii.iin.i * . < tronut out U , etc.
r Iwrfoctlrcitarvd to r > liu t lii'allheod _
\lcoiun * iuunlioo4 tr THEJ/IARSfTOM
OQLUS.i'ttaktomach drncrmg.
ulNvrvouallubllKy em ) Vli ) tlrul l > ccuy u
uiiKarmly nuocewful lu > rauw lmn ( on p rMV
iHiiu < Uliv\viiuil.tllrvct lnctlioU ina > -
1 - ' - - - fc lwl Tt > lUo f"