Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1884, Page 5, Image 5

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l-'x '
Propriotors. Suporiutcndont
i2.ha Iron Works -
u. p. RAK.WAY . - - - i7Tn & ISTII STREETS
ill and Grain Elevator Machinery
Celebrated 'Anchor ' Brand Dufour Bolting Cloth
* 33
f 3O
We are prepared to furnish plans nud estimates , nnd will contracb for
the erection of Flouring Mills and Grain Elevators , or for changing
Flouring Mills , from Stone to the Roller systc m.
Sg Eapecial attention given to furnishing Power Plants for any pur
pose , and estimates made for same. General machinery repairs attended
to promptly. Address
RICHARDS & CLARKE , Omaha , Neb.
1S1D nnd 1E20 Harney Street nr.d 03 H. 13th Struct ,
n-tratod Cntalotruc furnished tree upon appllutln
SI * '
fer. . Untly Oiled with oleotj9took.C.Be t WorLm&naWp ( ruareateod.
Office and Factory S. W. Corner 16th and Capitol Avenue , 0/nnt-
Manufactured by the Omaha Dry Hop Toast Go \ I
Heating and Baking
fmly attait > 9d by U1inf !
Stoves and Ranges ,
ffllli WIRE GJ01E OVEH DOOitt
Fet . * ' by
Call nud Got my Prices before buviw clBowhere. Yarda , coruor 'JU
and Dourfas. .Alao 7th aud Doic-laa.
ree-fourth' , of the dlsea. cs that pre
vail In the human family arc directly or Indirectly ln [
ilucod by some derangement of Iho stomach. The
mosfMtlou * ailments have their ut\g\n \ \ the re. With
i ! ) pri < h the fond pas ci Indlifesled throughthe lac >
teat vc scl nnd many pirtlclcs ot ilclctcrom inattcf
are carried Into the blood nnd R ln lodgnifnt often In
the IUIIRJ ami other gre t centres of v itallty , Ilcnco
dyspepsia faroM tlie occurrence ot consumption In ,
arsons at all predisposed ta It. It li al n the prlma-
y ftirco ° ' wtofnta and other d'rcaK-il ' ot the blood
nd skin ,
Tlio person wd ! , L I" " ftlictlto OIia A > ' ttml
an cat little or nothing < fc hCv. ' " J l l i. The
orsonwliofeclsn liratlnrsi H i stomach after
atlnu , accompnnlrd by a , giilplus t.'l'o' ' 1i ' '
articles of fowl , hai iijrrpopsU. lloliiesinnosytiip-
ems arobid tiisto hi the mouth , pnln In if > s chest ,
lortiifSi nf brc-vth , p-\lpltat on , headache , gMillness ,
oMnrM of cvtrcmltltj , hngtior , fU-epleujnes * ' " > l
ee ] > ondciicy.
In prescribing llurdok niood IlUters as a cure for
ycp'1-fla wo desire the patient ti eit regularly a
easonablt ipivittty of gmnl , plain foxxl fnot too hot
r too col-l ) and to u o > cry sparlnglj of Jttbacco ( If
ddlclrd to the habit ) , which Is apt to cxlinust the
rgansof tmlUatlon , l > .tspcprlal n tlhciio of the
mcous mimbrano of the stomach. It the pitlt'nt
lit treat tlimnucou mombranc ot the stomach w I tit
i ) sort of decency , roultiif to agirrnvnto Us
> o8Utfncoulth tndlgeitlbl : matter , we gunrantro
10 us < i of IlurJock lllofxl Hitters will euro him.
lint's all wo nvl > . ni\o the stomach a f.itr clnnco ,
urdock Hitters w III do the reel. Thousands nf tos-
Durilock lllood ntttcni by all dniglsts.
FOSTER , MILBURN & CO. . Prop's Buffalo ,
* r Krjiiiiino of Nonlly Stevens' I'lnno
A piano recital will bo given by Miss
ioally Stovona nt Boyd's oporn hnuso
n Thursduy evening , January it , 188 1 ,
t 8 o'clock.
. Toccata and J-'orco , ( il min. ) . .ll.ich Tauslp ;
( n Song . Mozart Iviilliik
. < b Nocturnoc ( sharp mlu. ) ) P1 ,
I c Undo ( n min. ) 1 . Chft'In '
rSoronatn , S
.sMnzurku s.
1 Uarcarolo , )
. Vnlso C.ijirlccH . Kubinstciu
J'AHT 11 ,
. Concerto ( o tint ) . Liszt
rchostrnl Hccompiuiimont nrrnngod for ono
lil.ino by Mr. C\hu.
. Konx I'olbcta ( ottidd ) . l iszt
. Hliapsodio Hongevitia ( No. 15) ) .
Ilev. J. W. Savage , of the First M. K.
lurch , addressed the Union Sunday
chool Sunday afternoon. Secretary
oplin , of the Y. M. C. A. , waa also
iroscnt and assisted.
The ontortaiument of the S.V. . A. S.
t Lyceum hall on Now Year's evening ,
or the benefit of our Sunday school ,
rill undoubtedly bo well attended , as
10 object is n gwod ono. An entortain-
ng programme lias been prepared , which
fill bo augmented by the presence of the
J. P. orchestra.
The many friends of Airs. Samuel
Avery will bo glad to learn that she is as
well as could bo expected , having boon
relieved of n fifty-pound tumor on
Vcdncsdny evening , and lias since been
11 a precarious condition.
_ _
Alms Giving.
\ > tha Kditor of THK BKE.
In behalf of the children of the Tenth
itroot mission , 1 wish to thank our gen-
rous friends and merchants for their
rifts to Santa Claus on the evening of Do-
icnibor 27.
Wo distributed through their liberality
i pairs of shoes , 1 dozen trimmed hats ,
i dozen wool scarfs , 10 dozen pair of mit-
ens , 4 dozen caps , \ dozen merino socks ,
' , dozen misses hose , 2 pair of heavy
ocks , 2 pair of misses leggings , 1 dozen
> ockot knives , 8i dozen toys , 25 pounds
f figs , nuts and candyassortod , 2 buahols
f apples. _ M. E. BACKUS.
It is said that cattlemen are to organize u
National Stock company lu Chicago.
At the present time tlio cattle businuim IB
moat popular and profitable in Colorado.
The Colorado Catlto Growers' association
vill incut on tlio1th day of January in Dun.
A bunch of graded cattle lias been received
n Colorado from Iowa , by Mr. Henry Wai
cor , and placed on bid ranch ua tlio Divide.
Hon. .1. C. Abbott , ntato auditor of Col
irado , lias purchased 30J , bead of young cattle
n Iowa , which ho la posturing nt Ida farm on
he I"oudro.
Mr. John U. I'outt , son of M.vyorlinutt , uf
) onver , U H.iid to have selected a ranch in tlio
vnlloy near Fort Collins , which ho will pur-
shtiBo and stock with Uoodod aniinala.
Sex oral stock combinations are projected for
landlinp llvo stock coloring ranges in Cole ,
ado , Wyoming und Nubraako. One which
ms recently boon developed ! on the Jiox
Cider , wbero thin Htroam ia crossed by the
JiirliiiRton & Missouri lino. A railway Bta-
Ion has boon oitablishod aud named Hndfon.
It id rumored in Kansas City that tha Chan ,
'rancis Adams , Jr. , syndicate , who own tlie
stock ynnln tliero , and are largely interested
u that city and ita Vicinity , are about to ch
ain a controlling intoront In the Uuiun 1'aci-
io , and thereby glva Kansas City n chance
'or tlo cattle tr.ida vhich ccntcra about
Cattlemen in from tha nnith and northwont
import tbo lurgewt fire * over known In the
'joup country. Homo have their range * on.
iroly burned off , which will uecexnitato tha
removal of cattle and horioa to the north or
muthoaat , tu the satUoinouti. Tha weather
uvi bean good till fall , and tit proeent the in
dications are for an upon winter. It was
feared that our early rains would greatlv
lamago thu ( jrass , nnd ntoxik on ranges ivoulc !
10 in a bad nhai > o for winter ; but ull reports
.icein to bo thnt otock won uovor in a better
and . . . .
From tlioso aourcoa urlso tluou-lourths of
Iho illsoiisus of the liunrin > . luusii
ejrini < iomajnilicatotbolro"j * n > i'T. n ot
Appetite , ISow < l < i cc <
ntljc , tnllncitt ultcr
tzcrtloii of ijO'Jy T - < n
ot food , Iri-Hnl-'JUt-V W
plrltii A fif'-uf " - to * iv. " 1
111)10 CllltV I'.V .ll'Bi''Jul
, . ,
nrorj ViL. * , t'OWSTII'ATIO.V , null ilo-
mandtliottiuol aicinoOythuiuitbdlrtotl/
ontUo l.lvor. AaaJ.lvcrinodlclnoTOTT'i
ri l H liavo no oijual. Thiilr nctlouon the
Kliliioyiiiii'lhklnl4Ul4o prompt iruraovlu ; {
nil imimrUlcs Uiroutrli tliesutiroo ! * cuv
tiiucru of the Hj-attn > , " proiluolng uppo-
tltoBOinrtillr.sttonrculririitoil'uoli-iir !
' ' ' ' ' '
sl-inuniliivlBorotialioflv. 'J'U'I'T'HI'IM/I
cuiiso no nuusca or irilplni ; nor interfere
\ , Hl > ilally work im < l uro n jK'r/cct
holdevrrrwhr'U5o. . CiUrf. *
nm * *
) WfflM .
OKAY lUm on WiMMtriw clinugqa In.
ttantl } ' tout t/jsv lluric bj'UHliujlo up.
pll-sWlcn ( if HUH ir.'B. heM by Drumjtals ,
, / Vnrlc.
v'v ? , fSHJAi Bi-uoumiucma FEU.
A Voloo Kroiu Nlntirnrn ,
To tlie Rlltor cl TIIR Urn.
KOUT NIOIIKAUA , Nub. , December HO ,
1883. I noticed in the columns of your
paper nn nrticlo nsiigning a "now rcn-
sou" for desertions from the United
States nrmy , nnd purporting to onunalo
from n inombor of the Fourth United
Status infantry. Until that nrticlo np *
paired in the press wo wcro totally una
ware thai 6t > r gallant regiment Ind stolen
n march oil the "Salvation Army. "
Whisky is Iho cause f desertion and not
work. Tlioro is not a aoldior' In lUo nnny
to-day who does not know perfectly well
thnt the recruit who drinks to n greater
or loss uxtont is ten limes moro
ikoly to remain in the army than a
mill who practices Ut0"l * abstinence. "
\Vero ilio men who h wo,11 to. desert
ho army the country would J' ' d itself in
ho condition In which FrAw1co once
ound itsoU "it innill exist on l'alor
only.Voro the gentleman who " ° ' °
hu nrticlo roforreii to nbcryo to bo . ' '
0 Fort Niobrara , 1 will wager si.t month *
> ay that ho will not got time to- boat any
laloons , nnd that within nno short wnok
iis joyful shout of whisky will bo
hanged to the doleful cry of "broken
ontract nnd underpaid labor. " 0 linvo
ho honor to remain very respectfully ,
our obedient nervant ,
Jonx R. Jrvr.iw ,
Co. F , 4th U. S. Infantry ,
Fort Niobrara , Nubruka.
icncral OiiHNoilnchH of ilio Olllcors ,
To the IMIUir ot TimIKK.
O.MAHA , Nob. , bocombor . ' ! 0. DEAU
in : Concerning desertions in the army ,
f which BO much ban boon said of late , 1
vill say 1 think it is duo to the general
usaudncss of the oflicors nnd hospital
vhisky consumed by thorn.
The private of the Fourth infantry
> lames it to the whisky the nioii drink.
t is -wonder they drink , they do it
iccauso they are thoroughly discouraged.
They see Jive years of tyrrnny nnd
turvntion and thousands of other things
toforo them that would discourage the
aints of Heaven.
While 1 was at the rucruiting barracks ,
Tort Columbus , during the apring and
ummer of 1877 , I was not given moro
inn olio-half the rations 1 got in my
ompany , nnd while I was in my oom-
mny 1 never got moro than one-half of
vhat the government allowed me. I
inovr how much iv soldier should got for
ration and I know when they got it if
am so unfortunate ns to boone of them.
1 am satisfied that \yhilo 1 belonged to
> attory E , Second artillery , thnt at least
jalf of my rations wcro stolen by the
irst sergeant and captain of the battery.
I know that when myself and a innn-
f other men reported the state of allairs
, o the captain ho would sny , "I will see
bout it , nnd 1 know that ia tlio last I
vor heard of it , nnd there would bo no
mprovcmout. If anything the food
would got worse for the purpose of pun-
shing us for reporting the matter.
'hen when wo went to the commanding
llicor the next day the captain would
ay , "why I never know any reason for
omplnint. I always thought the com-
> any wore well satisfied with the rations.
was under the impression my company
ivcd the best of any in the post , " and all
ho time ho know there had boon com.
> laints of the most griovious kind. I
will toll you about a man taken sick in
San Antonio , Texas. The doctor pro
nounced his disease smallpox , ilo quar-
ntined the patient and an attendant at
nco. ISext day ho found out the disease
vus not smallpox , but ho kept the pa-
icnt in quarantine till ho vrns pro-
lounced cured , then ho burned about
i500 worth of government property ,
11 to save himself from ridicule for mis-
akin i ; some kind of skin disease for
Another man , Gua Uutzmacher , had
ontracted chronic dysentery and
was taken from bed and ordered to Fort
Jrown , Tox. , and to travel ovurlnnd in
ho worst kind of weather. The liquor
hat was taken along for the sick men
of which there was quito a number )
lover came insight of n patient , it was
rank by the officers nnd the doctor , the
iuk men wore allowed to got along the
) cst they could , nnd live on fat pork , , coffee nnd boium. This wau
lot the diet B mnn suffering with chronic
lysontory should have , but it was all ho
got , nnd ho slept in the open air on the
: old ground every night , .lust before
ho man died ho told Lieut. A. 0. Tay
or of battery E , Second artillery , and
as near IIH I can romumbor , ho used the
ollowing language : "Lieut. Taylor 1
am going to die , and you are my mur
derer. If you had given mo the proper
attention I would have boun n well man
ion- , but you took mo on n march from
San Antonio to this place when I was
lot fit to bo out nf my bed aud the con
sequence ia you uro the direct cause of
ny death. "
This Lieutenant Taylor bought two
cows , one for himself and one for the
iompany , with the company's funds.
[ Iis cow ran off and then ho took the
company's cow nnd oaid the company's
cow was the one that ran off. lie then
sold his cow and put tha money in hiu
pocket. There is not one company in
every twelve that known how the compa
ny funds uro handled , and if they should
MVO the nerve to ask any questions about
1 , they would bo fired from n cannon ,
so to speak. Lieutenant Taylor , by ac
cident , got to bo commanding ollicer ,
juarturmaster commisaary and ordinance
oflicor. Ilo ordered the ordinance de
partment to destroy nud burn a light bat
tery of artillery , lie then cold the light
battery at private nalo for $ ! > 0 and put
'ho ' money in hia pocket.
lie Bold about ten toim of scrap iron nt
iriyato sale , and pocketed the money.
Thin is all contrary to the rulon of tlio
army , and was discovered by the com
manding oflicor who Hiicceodcd him. lie
was never punished , but ho is
still an oflicor nnd gentleman.
While in Hot Springs , Ark , , ho and
Dr. KUv-'orth kept the whole company
on the sick report for about four months
just to get the 50 cents each for attend-
in' ; them. That is what the government
allows them , lie got stuck on a prosti
tute that ono of the men
ppencd to bo acquainted with , and hu
made it so hot for that man that ho had
to got transferred to another company ,
And lie is not by any means the only of
ficer that is crooked in the nrmy , neither
in it near nil he has done that 1 Imvi
mentioned. Every day I was under
hiu command 1 Haw him do MOIIK
thing that he shouldd not do or that h (
had no right to do , and about nine
tunthi of thu oflicni'H of the army an
crooked and n gang of organized thievpH
T could fill thu rest of your paper witl
the EUOIO kind of incidents , thono I havi
spoken of being but a small amount of
what I have seen. Yours truly ,
Ex-Sergeant Battery E , 2nd Artillery.
Slttlne up lu Hod ,
NKW YOIIK , December . ' (1. ( fJcnoral
Grant is slowly recovering. Ilo passed n
comfortable night nnd though not nblo to
walk , ho sat up in bed to-day.
Itnlm-tl Out.
Virusiifun , Miu , , December ! U.
The Mcridnn railroad is submerged for
half a mile at Cokora Creek. Trains
were delayed eighteen hours by the
heavy r.xina of yesterday.
Tlio Ycrdlut.
"McDonald alirnyn furnishes the best
goods for the least money. " The cut ,
style , make nnd finish of every cloak ,
dolman , mantle or suit ia supmior to
anything else of the kind in thu city , nnd
every garment sold , from ne dollar up ,
guaranteed ilfi per cent , off regular cost.
Call at once , oven if nnly to see what
can bo had here for n little money. Re
member the place :
ens. . MCDONALD'S ,
M03 Farnam , opp. I'axton ,
Hoard of Trade Annual Meeting.
ThO annual meeting of tin ) Omaha
board of trade will bo hold on Tuesday
Mits.i i K. January 1st , nt 7:30 : o'clock.
All members should attend.
Matter * Victor Crdihvoll , Henry linstin ,
Cttrtin TnriiPk" nni' ' WIMTIMI Ynlon nro homo
from Ynlo colloj0. "d IMiwti'r Will 1'opplo-
Urn hao returned v."rom Harvard to PUSH the
holiday vtuvUion.
Limi UMKPT. A.1
tuifalllnif euro for
ScmlnM Wc k.
nciwHxrin | ! torr.
hiv , llniMiti'iicy ,
Mill Ml Il flV J
that follow M n
Boqucnco of Soil.
Abuse ; tin IOM of
f > ORETAKINQ."iu tu"oi-Airii AFTER TAKING ,
fi Dock , Dimness of Vlnlon , rronuturo OKI Ago ,
' aiaiiy other illdcaivii tlmt Umil to Iniuiilty or Con-
Itnptlon unit n I'ronmtnro Oravo.
URWARR of nilvcrtbwiiicnU to refunil money , nhcn
J rn Kictn from whom the inoillcino Is bought d > > not
rfAm ( ( , but refer you to the manufacturer * , nml the
roqulrcmonU nro mich tlmt they nro tcUmnf rvtr ,
3on\illuil | Itlu Hco tholr written irunrMiUM ) , A trl l
of ono hlnulo ) wckiu-o of Ornj 'n HiKJclllc will oonInoc
Iho most nUcptlcal of IU roM incrltn.
On account of counteIolt < .r , u hare iwloptod the
r ; the onlj rti'iiulno.
jtiTFull mrtlculani In nut | iinihlct | , which wo ilo-
nlro to MMIII free bv mull to every one. t < miuSio. |
clflciliillolnu ID olil by all tliii lntii at 81 | r juick.
a o , or U itncko ui ) for t5 > or Hill lw font frco by
mall on the n olpt of the money , by aiUlroxmnK
THE ( IIUYMKDICINi : Ol . , II Ulf loN. Y
In Omaha hO ( Jtr.lnian
5,000 BlmrtM of the Union t'oniollilatcxl Silver
Mining Company , o ( Council lllultn , lona. For lur-
tlier particulars , aptily to
o .2w Ilrown'a kl' Utiw\lir
CAPITAL PRIZE , $75,000.
only $ T > . Sharon in 1'roportionTXX
Lonisiaiia State Lottery Company ,
"We do hereby certify that ve tvjieniie the ar-
ranycmenti far nil the Monthly and Seini-Annual
J > ramngi of the Louixina tstute lattery Com-
jxtny , anil in pfrton manaijt and control the
Jtramnyt thcimtlrcii , ami thitt the tame are eon
ducted with honfjity , fairneti , anil in yowl faith
tovxird allKirties , and i authorize the romxinj/
to use thit tcrtijicalt , with fac-iimila of our tiy-
natures attached , in iti atlrei tiMiitentii. "
Incorpvatml In lB4HorVfl yeuuby the
for educational Hnil chnrltabln purposcB wltn acup-
Itnlof JI.OOO.OW to which n renerve fund of otiir
? i.WOOOhul ! tlKrc tx'cn added.
Ily an oterwlivlinlni ; pnpilnr vuto Its francbUo
u on mane npirt-f the i < n < uiit ttatl coimtltutlon
luloptul December ! ! d , A. 1) . 1B7U.
The only Lottery ever \otod on and on-
clorsud by the pcoplo of any State.
It never HO < ! CH or postxnui. |
Ita grand aiiu'lo numbur drawings tnku
ilacu monthly.
A Hjilonillil opKjrtuntv | ! to vin a Fortune.
'irnt ( Jrnnd DruwinR Claw A , ut Now Or-
onus , TuuHclay , January 16 , 18 < ? l ICIth
Muutlily drawing.
CAPITAL PIUXE , $75,000.
.00,000 TIclflU at Five Dollam Kach. 1'rac-
tliiu ) , In I'lftln In proportion.
1CAIMTA1. I'llIXK . e7f.,000
1 ilo do . 2S.OW )
1 do do . 10,000
a vai/.ia OF toooo . iz.cxw
6 do 200D . 10000
10 d' ' > 1000 . IOOOU
" 0 ilo SCO . 10,000
800 do 2 > 0 . W.OC'O '
IM do 100 . 0,000
; OCO ilo 2J
0 Approilnutlou prloi of f7 , ' 0 . fl.TtO
B do do f.00 . < ,600
B do da W ) . V/'SU
Ib07 I'rlrcd , amaunllnK to , , . $ . ' 05 , 00
' Aiirlleatlun for ruti'H tocltiln should ) > u made only
at the oHlcu of the Ujinpiny In NuwDrloAim.
Kor further Information write cluirly tiMug full
i'lilruxa. Matte I' . U. Monny Order * pi ) able und
ddreJj ntL-lxtered I utters to
La ,
rental Nohtt and ordinary lottcriibr Hall or Kt-
> rei ( all ttimH ( if KJ and upward * by Cipiiu at oui
M , A. DAUrillN , New Orlcam , Ln.
W ; Bc.enth Ht. , Wanhlnuton , D. V ,
Frank Moore ,
127 La Salle Strict , Chicago.
New Managi-r nf UMrago Oinco , To wtinm uiiply for
lofoiioutlua kiiU HcKtH , lOHIi Mcmttily
Tuesday. Jan 15.
F trot Capital I'rliu f7f. , ' 0. Tlolitt * ? J ; ioM I
eacli , heu JulUch nie boxo.
tdam D e-Works !
U'J 1 1 ( li Btrut , Ixt. rarnaru ninl
3D. B. WAtr H & CO , ,
tkanud ,
4ilrtu 1'luniui ijj'ltlpri ' cojiH : ldjcd unit curio
| AIM | ! iii * , In bill. , t.iuin iiml U'ltit , olciuiicJ b
trie run U ill ) cicnulni ; ( .ru'-X4i. jiM fin' da-
j.Uvr tl uii lu c' line * tldu
[ Th . 'olto lnR IIM m * f < ! 'l In nearly cv r > 'n " '
| > p r thrnCtl0ul ( the " " ' SMex , and li onoof the
nnc lt rllmonlv1' < ' " won \ < y Ktnodlclno prorirlo.
i/iryorothcrnUo. J'r- Crane ( holt n jrrailuMo of
rno.llclnoatwi'll nl A cVrpjimtiKl ) > * thlt rtldence
wltliont nn } sollcltM on wbttoicr U will rcpAynllto
"I Imvo ncicr'ocn n tefllflnfl moro jicrfoctly
mhplol to IN Muloiu A | > pllc.ttloiH tli n TIoiiiiV 1'x !
IrctrlcOil , I A < ( or nntiy K4' " a ruiTrnr from
qulno : IliomiV Edcctrlc Ollrnroil me. My wlte
nil rhllil liiil ( llphthcrln ; TlionuV IVlcctrlo Oil
ciircil them ; nml It tike ft In nctron It will euro FCICII
times cut ot ( en. I nut ronll.lcnt It 11 n euro ( or tlio
most o'j tln.iteroM r rouxli , ftiiil K tnkcn Into the
lipMl.hj tlioiu.vtrlU , tuoor thrto tliucjawcck , will
| v HI cly rrmnto the niiMt ellen < hem 3 olrftUtrli ;
Mill uotli ttlii > Un < llii | ; the ilcllcntu nature o ( the
tnucoui momlirnno oltho n.vsil organs , can tie taken
tip with perfect ] Kor ilcitucKM nnd rarnelio
It hai ilono MMiilcrt to my rtttMn kiinwtnlRr. It Is
thu only incillelno ilulihKl imtcnt that 1 IIMO ocr
( clt like rcooinniriiillni ? , niul I am nnxloin to nco It Inc
cerj place , ( or I tell j ou I u onM not bo u Ithout It In
thohou o ( nrnnyron Mcr.itlon , It nlcooperates In
ftAtliin'\iuiikii | ' rlllc , \\litnuterltli nic-l It 1'C-
conies liulUiH'iiwl'lo to liousolioM silcty. I \\n ready
tORhoanj ono thoK-iicflt ctmy otiH-rintlon , totli
at to Its cTiTt ! < nml luoile or npiOlcatlon , K they U1
drop ice n note making liuulry. | "
Her. li r1. OIIANII , UimUrk , N Y. Ir. Tlionias'
i\li > ctilo Oil Is nolil ovcrj licro ky DruggM * .
TOSTEU , MIHIUIIN Jt CO. . I'rrtp'n , lluirnlo , N. V.
_ The ntcewlty ( or
LT - . prompt and etdclont
liomehold rtined'c'
I * daily itrun Ing more
Uioto lloatrttcrs
Stomach Ituters IP
the chlollninlrit nnil
tlio inont poiiiilu.
IrrfKiihrlty of the
ttonurli nndlioHel * ,
imUrUI ( e\cr , lltcr
complaint , ilelillity ,
. / theuiuall < im a n d
' minor ailment ? , are
thoroughly conquer *
t'llbj lhl * > lnconiiara. |
Mo ( mully rcitoratU e
and iiu'illoliul date.
Kiinrd , mid It lajiut-
ly ri'iriuilod at the
inirent and most com-
prcheiiilto reined )
ofltttclajM. forwilo by nil and Doalon
An # tf IUnl kpjwtlilnfIonia * > r * > ilulj ! fi.v0- . _ . .
* ti.l. . wcrt't . , niNi . . I'ttiwiMlft. lllkrrbir * . k.'rr knj Apt. , tnil
* .A. , . , . . .
! Af. droln lmrrt d.lWw.f
, . -cn , MI.I U | JI inmin.t tlrinkl Tr. II.
'li A k T < mf port , nr ilrwErl'at tl >
Kt Jlltl AIAY. N. Y.
Cotna , from which the rxeviui o.
Oil lmn bran rtmoml. ItlinafAru
times the strength of Coeo.i inUiil
with Blarch , Arrowroot or Hugur ,
ami U therefore far luoro economi
cal. It In lU'llcluili , neil i lulling ,
BtreuKtlieulng , tartly ( lUriHtt-J , and
mlmlruhly mlnpled for Inuillda ui
well na fur pornoim In hcnlth.
Sold by ( Iror CM ovorj'iYhore.
V. BAKER & GO , . Dorchester , Mass.
Hoff'sMalt Extract !
'Hie losst | ioiilMd
It aids dlirentlon.
Htroiitlioii | * > the ncatc.
lluiliis up the ejptciiL
Children ,
. . Jldtlll'M
Kor ComnJesccntH.
N. II. U liai Mtn
rk'ily Imitated , and the
iiiibl ulHlieruhy cautioned
toarovpt none unlcnn It
the nainu of
Bolo Amenta ( or tlitt
United Hlntos mill British
I'milnc B ol NortliAmur.
Im , 273 Greenwich Ht. ,
Now York. 1'rlcu (4. ) Hr )
mivouu Debility
01' JfANLY VIQOItHp rm toir.
Ihiua , etc. , when all other reino-
dlea fall. A curt miarantetd.
Sl.W ) a bottle , larKe bottle , foul
tltnca the iUintlty | , < 6. Ily ox-
pruxn to any addroM. Bom b ;
olldniirslht , . . KNCIUHI ! HIIDl
OAMNST1TUTK , I'roprletors , 718 Olive Btroflt , Ht
Louis , Mo.
" 1 have sold UlrA tloyCoopor'J Vital ltont < irativt
oryoaru. Kvery cu tomcr eiwaks highly of IL )
oahealUitlnL'lyoiidoroo it uno remedy of true merit
"U K. GOODMAN , Drugxlit.
Om ha Koli I 1RS.1 vIR tnfte-ordlv
Hoyulniitl U.M , i
11\t llhlnc\ertnanii \ , Italy ,
Ktoeroxo Outward , 820 ; I'mpild ( rom Ant ornZO ;
Kicurulon , $10 , Including beddlnir , etc ; 'J > l CnMn ,
| 55 ; KxciUHtou , $100 ; hbioon ttoar. (00 to (90 ; Kx-
mrblon 3110 tu $100 ,
KtTl'uivt Vr'rlglit & Bom , Qtu. AU. | fiS llrrvvlway
N. y.
Coldwell.IIainlltonfcCo. , Omaha I' , I. Hudman
&Co.,20SN , lUtli HtreH , Omaha ; 1) . K Hlmhall ,
Omaha , Aifcnti" . inAnei > | .ly
In warranted to enr loneer , ( It
Jh form mat. r , anil iilvo beltci
> futl fuoiliii lliuu nnyi'ihcrCorw.1
in UIH iniirkul , or iirlio jiuld wil.
tie rifuiidfd. OhulnduiitccniiiUul
OillAro'n ) brut iitiy kluiK , ucoolil
tacli Cnmt. | 'rli < - , Ili l Huli-rn Jtuu. ruitatft
lll , tl.Ml AUK votir W-ll Imlit furtll UL.
ItUTIIHUIIII.O , JOhl'.rn Aj < * . !
nufAttunrti , y io a ! ! > . ! luiuauliiUu
ttaiulo liy
I011X II.\
Imported Beer
Erlunger , . Buvaria
Culmbiichor , . Bavaria
Pilsner. . , . Bohemian
iii i Vr . i . . . . Mihvnukci :
Schlit/-PilBiier . Milwnulcoc
K rue's . . Oiuulii
Ak > , Porlcr. Dotncdtic aun Khiu
Wuw , KI ) . MA UU1011 ,
Iti 14
\\M \ lone twen Acknowledged and more no at thin < l y
than any nthor. The tut Held of sclonoa lit
e\rr IncroaMn ; , and 1(4 ( numerous broncho * Mo
brought nearer ami nearer to perfection , and
no ono man ran any longer irraim them M
Ilcnco the ncco lty for illvlilltiR the hbor. And It I )
true bojoihl all ilnnlit that illiewo , anectlnft the K n
to-urlntry orKan need upeclM study moro than any
hlng eHc , If wo would understand and know how
real them pronctlv.
UK. II. WAONfcll li fully nwaro ln\l there are
many physician * , nniloomodcnulblo pwido , who will
condemn him fortnakliiff thlacla ol dhionej a upo-
clvty , but hoi * happy to know that with mmt per *
n of refinement nml Intelligence a moro cnll litcn.
d t Inn l < taken of tlio nnbjoct , and that the phyilc-
au who do\otc < himself to relief In j the Mlllcted anj
aNliiR them from ono than tlcAth , la no less n phi *
nnthropljt and licncfnctor to bin race thtn the ur-
( foon or physician uho by clo o application oxcali In
any nthcr branch of hl < profcinlon. And fortunately
or humanity , the day li dan-nlnjt when the fnlio phi.
nnthroiihy that condemned the Nktlms of folly or
crime , like the U-pcrs under th < Jewish law , to din
uncarod for hnj passed away ,
A Few Reasons
Why you nhnuM try the celebrated Dr. II. Wagnet'l
mothoil * of cure : 1
1 , "Dr. U. Wagner li a natural physician. "
O , 8. Kowtim ,
The Orcatcst tJrlnK I'hrcnolojrUt.
"Few rnn oxccl } ou ai n doctor. "
DR. J. BiuMff ,
Tha U'orM'n Greatest riij-slognomlst ,
"Von ard wandcrfiilly iirnfldontluyour kiiowl
f ill oao aud Hiixlldnca. "
IR. J. IfAtrifxws.
4. "The aQllclCil find toady relief In your prog'
cnc . " DR. J. SIMMS.
ft. "Dr. H. Wanner Is a reirular frradunto from
Ilcllcxuo Honjiltal , Now York cltyj hai had very ox-
temtlva luwplUvl practice , and Is thormylily posted on
all bnnohcM ul hU bcloted eclonco , cnpoclally on
chronlo dlsivwcs. "
DRS. IlBOirxiiM. ft Kwixo.
0. "Dr. H. Wagner hao Immortalltod hlm.inlf br
his vtomlcrfiildhco\ery of uncclllo remedies for prl-
\atc ami Bcximl ill oiv i ! . " Vlrntnli City Chronicle.
7. "Thinisanilfl of Inralldl flock to goo hlin. " San
Trjuiclaco Chronlclo.
5. "Tlio Doctor'n long ; oxpcrlcneo n.s a ppedillst
liouU render him > cry iiucccssful. " Ilocky Moun-
tAln News.
Plain Facts Plainly Spoken ,
At ono time it ilhcutslon o ( the secret vice ma on *
tlrely molded by tire protrusion , and medical works o'
hut a ( on-j earn ago would hardly mention It.
To-U y the physician ! > ol a different opinion ; ho Is
a are that It Is hi * duty .llnagrceablo though It
may ho to handl ? this matter without Rloveaond
ppwk plainly ahout II ; and Intelligent paroiita and
guardian * u III thank him ( or .doing so.
The rcsulU nttcndlnii this deBtructho lice were PI *
nierly not understood , or not properly estimated ; and
rui Importance being attached to a subject which by
It * nature docs not Imlto close lmcstlp.tlonlt was
willingly Ignored. '
The habit U generally contracted liy the young
\\hllo attending school ; older companions through
their example , may hi ro'ponslhle ( or It , or It may bo
acquired through accident. Tlio oxcltcmentonco ex *
perlmced , the practice " 111 bs rep Med ngalu and
again , until at the habit becomes llrm and com
pletely tmsl.ucs the victim. Mental and nervous at
tlletlons are usually the primary results ol Belt-abuse.
Among the Injurious c fleets may bo mentioned lassi
tude , dejection or Irrasclhlllty ol temper and general
debility. Tlio boy seeks seclusion , and rarely joins
In the sporta of hli companions. If ha bo a young
man lie " 111 bo llttlo found In company with the other
rex , and U troubled with exceeding ami annoying
lianhtiilness In their presence , lascivious dreams ,
omMons anil oniptlous on the face , etc. , are also
prominent symptom * .
It the practice Is \ lolently persisted In , moro serious
dlstnrbanccs take place. Uruat palpitation of the
heart , or cpUoptto convulsions , are ox ) > rwic d. and
the sutfcrer may ( all Into a complete state of Idiocy be *
ton , finally , death relieves him.
Tu all thosa cupx cd lu this dangerous , practice , I
uould say , first ol all , stop It at once ; make every
ponKlliIe tllort to ilo so ; hut If you ( all , It your nervous
s > tem Is already too much shattered , and consequently
quently , jour will-power broken , take son nerro
tonic to aid you In j our effort. Hat \ug \ freed yourscll
from the habit , I would further counsel you to go
through a regular course of treatment , ( or It la a great
mUtakotosuppoiothatany ono may , ( or gome time ,
bo totcryHollttlu , Kl > ohlm olt up to this ( oscinatlnif
but dangarous excitement uithout sufforlnR from Its
otllconsequcnccHatsoinotaturo tlmo. The ninnrwr
o ( 5 ounK men u ho are lncapaclatc < l to (111 tha dutlca
en Joined byodloch Is nlannlnsly larao , and Ia moec
of such caa H IhUiuitortunato condition of tilings can
bo traced to the practice ot eeK-abusc , which liad boon
abandoned j earn ago. Indeed , n lew months' practice
of thl t habit Is sulllclcnt to Induce speriuatorrh < D.l 'J
later ) ears , and I have many ol such cases under treat
moat at the present day./ . ' ! ]
Young Men
Whonny lw guttering from the effect ] of youthful
lolllcn or Indiscretions w 111 do ell to avail thomaclve
of thin , the greatcut boon ever laid at the altar ot out-
ferine humanity. DR. WAONXH will guarantee to lor *
full gTiOO For o\ory caw of seminal wcakncsa or prlrito
dlnoaao ot any kind and character .which ho under
takes to and falls to cure.
Middle Aged Men.
There are 'many at the ago of SO to 60 who ara
ouliled 1th too ( rciUent | o\uouatlona of the btad *
ir , often occoiniiaiilod by a slight muiitlng or burn *
K eensatlon , and a niukcnlng of the ejstcm In n
nonncr tha patient cannot account for. On examln >
K the urinary iluponltu a ropy eudlmcnt will often ba
und , and sometimes small particles of albumen nlll
pear , or the color will be of thin mllktsh hue. v-iln
. . -anglntf to a dark and torpid nppi-oranco. Tlivtvw >
iiany ineny men who die of this dl.ilculty , i > !
10 cm : o , ulUch Is the svcond stage of sernmal-wc. . * , *
eat Ir W.lll ( ruamiiteo a perfect euro In all caeca
id a healthy restoration ol the Kcnlto-urinary or-
, n s.
UoiiKultatlon frco. Tliorough examination and ad *
ce , $5.
All commiiijlcntorm ! should bo addressedDr. Henry
enry Wagnur , 1' . O. S3.SO , IKinver , Colorado.
The YOUIIK Hun's Pocket Companion , by Dr. Hi
i'.iner ( , U worth Ita wok-li
rlai 81.2J. Bent by mail
Let Your Light Shine.
Dr. Wanner , ho celebrated spochllot , of Dcuvur
jlo. , UJIi Ijrliner street , bellovvB In letting the world
low \\lnt ho can do , nnd In iloln ; ; for thousands of
Isfell.jviinen. IIU treatment for lost uionhood U
ro to win him a name that posterity Mill bless. TOD
oiiKand testimonial * from all o\er the United State )
inn tliowiliu haH cured , In proof ponltli e that he does
jre the oral canes uf the a diseases. The aHUcted
oni chronic and eoxual diseases of e\ery kind will
ml him their bout frlond. Head hid aiUcrtlHemeutin
11 imr city paxjrii | , and call on him far aih lc , an wo
n.nv you u 111 corroborate un In naj IIIB hu la the euf
rer' true frleud. Kocky Mounnuu Kowa. |
Belief to the Afflicted.
In medicines , oa In Bdenco , the gpectoIUU an the.
JICH lioalwa > Hcoiiie totlia front aud nccompllnu
, r < ut rraultH. 1 hlx remnik in especially applicable tea
a Dr. 11. Wat'iier , of thU city , Ilo otands at the top
lilnnrofi-iulon , and the cures lie performs for Uiu
nloztunata would HVOIII uonderlul Knot properly
Icwoil In tliull litof brlcntlllo oc/nilrenienU. He W
luloiK'd bv the mi t iiinlnent of th uiodtcal ( acuity.
.U nillco at 31 $ Larumlr streetwhore Iw vlll epcodU
; y elTcct a euro fur the Hiillerlnu of either BC.X , no mat-
ur haw ntimpUcaUxl their complaint. Fomeroy , !
> emocraL
Chronic Complaints Require
Time for a Cure.
illatance K ho uHuh to hi treated br Dr.
ner n < cd not fuel backu aril Iwcauee of Inability
> Lilt him. II they will w tu the doctor he will
lend a lint of quwtlona w liable ! him to leiiil
nedldnof , ixiunsel and to thousands he hu
lever noon. Ho has p In v\ery Uty , town and
itatlon In Colorulo wrllaa all our the United
lUtui. tk'uhlsaU Vlila adteitUeiucut. Dn >
er Trlbunu.
Shall We Reform ?
BpeclBo rcmuJlm fur All diseases It the Uiaorr 1
practlou ftt present of educattxl and expcrlenco
iihytlclans , and In all Urge communities they hive
ihvlr tpeiialtleu , to uxcal In which they direct theli
tudies and practice. Dr. Wanner U a successful II-
iutratlon ol this modern school of unedaltlcs. aud bli
unprecedented bucctss In Iho treatment of prlvat *
dUouM.ii U ria wonderful an It U llttUirlui ; . Prof. J ,
Slmms ,
Tliota periona who need modlctl relief for the most
dellcatu ot dlsuftHui ) will find an accomplished and uc
cestfulphjilclauln the | wruoii ot Dr , Wagner , No.
813 harimtr street , who In hljIily recommended by the
mcdlcul ] irofo kluii nt homo uid aboard. I'omeroy1 *
Demount , lll otryund Itninrancu luuet give wayto
ulwlom. and tha vuo ph blclan tell eiilu lcUlnt'hli
ll hl ihlnu fur the glory of his fellow men. Piluto'l
Ink * thu torch ho uin l * t u o to culdo tlio wiary
aud silk ono to the luunUtii of health If tliU aitlcj *
ihnuld bo liiktrumvtital as iv ' 'lOKC'" tot up.
omililll to iruldo milfirlng huuuuilty toSlS I ulmoi
lrey'71 > cniurl1olotadoit will awvcr the puri < o
or/Ulch llwmi written. Addre
r. 0. Ux 2bt > , 01 call at 813 Urlmur httret.
JT Dcuvvr , Ufa.