THE DAILY BEE OMAHA , TUESDAY JANUARY , J , 1884 , THE OMAHA BEE. Onmlm OHloo , No. OKI Fixnmm St. Council ItlttfTrt nmco , No. V Pcixrl Street , Ncnr llrontlwfiy. Now York Ofilco , Uoom O5 Trllninc Building. _ v Pablbhod every trcrntng , except Sunday. The nl > MoniUy mornlrg d lly. RKMS T MAtU. no Year. . . $10.00 I Three Months. . W.OO KUUoncn . 6.00 | One Month . LOO TOT wnttY RIH , rtmuinxo RTKRT WHDHIUDAT. T1RW.1 rOftrrAID. One Year . 82.00 I Three Months . f BO Bit Months. . 1.00 | Ono Month . 20 American Haws Company , Sol tn to the United SUtcu. A. Communlaitlons roUtlnu to Now-s anil Editorial mutters should be addressed to the EDITOR , or Tin i I.HTTHRS. AH Business tetters and Remittance * ehotiU b fcddrcRsod to Til 13 mi runusnixo OOMPAXT , OMAHA DratU , Chocks and I'ostofllco orJon to bo made pay kble to the order of tha company. THE BEE PUBLISHING GO , , PROPS , E. ROSEWATER , Editor. THK Iowa pool dies with the expiring year , unwept , unhonorcd , nnd unhung. A FULL account of the Warron-IHil wedding shows that the cattle-queen was deeply moved. She had to move tc Goorpin. Ilonco these ( stoors. ON Now Year's day twenty years ape Uio thormoinotor in Omaha indicated 24 degrees below zero , and callers had thoii oars and noses frost bitten notwiUiBtand- ing the warm receptions and the warmer stimulants. BILL SrniNiiKU still declares that he lias no disposition to serve on the committee mitteo "on expenditures of the depart , mout of justice , " This is sad , but W ( presume George Bliss and the other nttx : route attorney will excuse Mr. Springer ST. PAUL is putting on airs bocausohoi jobbers are importing teas and trinkoti from China and Jajym direct. Omahi began direct importations irom Japar years ago when Yost was postmaster am wo have not considered it worth braggin ; about. THE artesian bore , which the government mont is sinking in the neighborhood o : Denver , has reached the depth of l,43f foot. It ] yields' gas , salt , mud { , ant pretty much everything except water It , however , yields fond and drink to tin barnacles who are employed to do thi boring. They will continue to bor < through to China. TniPAJvriTK alliances nro nil the rage It is announced by cable , since the nov alliance was formed in Omaha by tlu railroad kings , that the crowned heads o : Europe have become similarly affected A three-cornered alliance has boot formed between Italy , Germany ant Austria , which was one of the objects 01 * the recent visit of the crown prince t ( Rome. " IT 13 announced that the Standard Oi company is negotiating for the Olc Brooklyn Navy-yard. This indicate ! that the Standard people have designs or the government. Next they will wanl our valuable navy. [ Now York World Now wo understand why the Assad ated Press lias so much to say about oui rotten navy. It is n boar movement of the Standard Oil monopoly to buy up the VufisT1 - „ THK free and full discussion of the causes of desertion by men who are it the army and by ox-soldiers cannot fai to have a good effect. If army oiticon are not fully posted on all the causes o desertion they will now havean oppor tunity to inform themselves and reined ; the abuses. A private in the rogula : army may not feel at liberty to proson his grievances to an oflicer , but when thi chance is afforded him through the press without exposing him to annoyance am persecution , ho will epoak his mini freoly. FIVK years ago any journalist or pub lie man who dared to assort that inonopo lias were the greatest monauco to American can institutions was promptly put dowi as n crank or a demagogue. Now th country Js full of cranks. Lost wool Judge Ingersoll , not Bob , in pleadiiij the claims of a citizen of Ohio ngaina the Standard Oil monopoly eaid , amoitj other things : "This is the casp of n little individua standing up for his rights. Mora thai ono hundred years a"o , a little band o people stood out boldly and declared tha they should not bo taxed unless they hai a voice in the government which mad the levy. The result was a great revolution tion , and the birth of thoeo Unltoi States. A poor uogro of St Loui stood up boldly fet his rights. The cat was brought into court , and the countr ; was shaken by a contest that ended i : the liberating of the slaves , the expend ing of vast sums of money , and the lese o ( thousand * of loyal lives. If , thirt years ago , the picture of the present vai powers of the railroads could have bee presented to the poonlo , they would luv atarted back : aghast. " It may not suit everybody to knovr i butit is very ipla'm that the cause of woma aulTrago is gaming quite rapidly in publl favor in Iowa. Wo have been surprise at the number of influential papers wluc are proclaiming adherence to it , and i the very few papers which are decided ! opposing it. Des Molnca Jlcghlcr. It was so in Nebraska last year durii the woman suffrage campaign. By tl time the influential papers had oihaus ed their ink and the agitators had tullu thouiBolvc * hoarse frcm the stump , tl good common aonso of the people o : jiloded the folly through the ballot bo : As long as the agitation is nil on 01 side the plea for puiifying politics I making a womau a voter gain * adhoron among the thoughtless and ntmtimont crowd , but when the question is djuoun od from a practical bland point and \tl visionoriejj have to meet the lu\ squarely as a political problem the pro ] oaition to drag woman down into tl uiu of politic- * loose * iU aUruulu > n , TIIK NEW TfKAtt. The advent of the now year opens up a vast field of speculation. Wo are in the midst of an era of commercial inac tivity and industrial depression which usually fellows a period of unusual pros perity. In the midst of peace and plenty there are thousands in the industrial conlers who are without employment , and without moans of aubiUtoneo. The west alone , with its marvellous produc tiveness , has withstood the oflecls of de pression. Tito fertile prairies of lllinuis , Iowa , Kansas and Nebraska still afford ample means to feed , clothe and house every man and woman willing to work. Compared with the states on the Atlantic seaboard this flection of the country has certainly boon blessed with prosperity. And so Ifar as wo can look ahead , .ho future promises to bring ; rcator prosperity to the west than over , mmigration is still pouring in , and out illagos , towns and cities still continue k ; row and improve. The presidential campaign may still fur. her depress trade in the east , but wo arc lot likely to fool its oflbct west of the Mississippi. Our grain and cattle will find a ready market , no matter wlial ho outcome of the presidential contcsl may ho. Omaha especially starts out on UK ow year [ with brighter prospects than ho over had boforo. During the ycai iho has had * a wonderful growth , but the oming year will eclipse anything thai lias over boon known. Contracts are ul oady made for public improvements in volving an outlay of half a million del ors , to bo begun early in the spring , ant t is safe to predict that moro than double that sum will bo expended nexl ioason in grading , pnving , sewerage ant ithor improvements. More solid build- ngs will bo erected this year than dur ng any three years previous. Fully i million dollars Trill bo expended durinj .ho coming spring in the establishment o stock-yards and packing-houses. And Tin : BKB , as usual , proposes t < keep stop with the music of progress t does not intend to rest upon the ropu ution achieved as the most widely roac and moat influential newspaper in thi Missouri valley. "NVhilo proud of iti position it in conscious that it must con inue , in the future as it has in the paste o spare no effort to give to its patrons ai good a newspaper as can bo proclucec with the means and talent at its com mand. A NATIONAL llANKHUl'T LA W. Since the repeal of the old nationa bankrupt law , which was enacted at thi utbrcak of the war and served its pur pose in i'a day , a general desire has ansoi n commercial circles for a now law tha would moot the wants of the present day Time. Such n bill has boon framed by Judgi Lowell , of the United States Now Eng and circuit , and is now before botl iiousos of congress. Judge Lowell ii icrhaps as competent to deal with tin question as any man in America. Hi was district judge in Boston during tin ntiro time that the last national bank rupt law was in operation. Ho has i : amiliar knowledge of its merits and do octs , and his draft of a now bankrup aw aims to retain what was good in tin ) ld law and to correct its defects. The bill now pending in congress em braces 100 sections , covering , with thi ndox , seventy-six printed pages. It i .ho work of much study , long exporionc ml frequent revision. Since its first in Production in the lost senate by Senate lear it has boon materially modified ii several of the most objectionable partic ulars and will probably now receive. sanction of the majority in congress The bill defines all thu words and phrase used in bankruptcy which have booi liorotofqro in dispute , or which in the nn tare of things require to bo limited by ipccifio definition. The courts are givei jurisdiction and powers substantially a they were under the former bankrup aw , but they are explained with a groa deal moro care , to prevent litigation. In stood of rogistorn in bankruptcy , paid b ; ' 003 , the bill contemplates the appoint ment in each congressional district of i commissioner in bankruptcy , at u salar ; of $2,000 a year , and a supervisor in eacl udicial circuit , at an annual salary o $3,000 , who shall have a general over ight of the supervisors , assignees am clerks. Any person having provable debts ox oooding the amount of $500 may file hi petition as voluntary bankrupt under th bill. Throe or moro creditors , whoa debts aggregate not less than $250 , 01 if his creditors are loss than twelve i number , then not less than one-fourt of his creditors , having debts to tha iunoimt , may tile a petition in involui tary bankruptcy. The property oxompl od from the operations of the decree i the uocosimry wearing apparel of th bankrupt , and of his wife and children Ills uniform , arms and equipments , an such other property as is exempted f roi attachment by the lawn of the Unite States or in the statu in which the ban ! ruptoy proceedings tire instituted ; an the court may allow the bankrupt , i addition , a sum of money , not oxcecUit : $500 , if his circumstances require it. Bankruptcy proceedings under tl Lowell bill will cost loss than under tl old law , chiefly by the abolition of fee Thu register , whoso office was uftu worth 15.000 a year , will receive bi $2,000 , irroipocttUo of the amount i business which comes before him. Tl : United States is reimbursed by the ? l feu charged each bankrupt at the outse and 1 per cent of the jrosj ; amount < money realised from the assets in oxco of 500 , or one-half of 1 per cent win the debtor makes a composition , TIioi aru other charges for printing and ad but the intent of thu bill is to r ; , as far as pui-iMo thu cot > i uf buul upt proceedings to the bankrupt estate. An important provision of the bill is 'iat ' the bankrupt must apply for hisdis. liargo in iiot less than two months , nor moro than six after the adjudication. This ii to meet the old evil of bankrupt rocoedings indefinitely protracted , . 'ho rights of creditors are guarded by oquiring at least a three-fourths major- ty in value to accept a composition , 'references and conveyances in fraud of rcditors can bo prevented under the ill. ill.In In Nebraska wo already have a very tringont laws regulating insolvency and ssignmenls , but in many other stales hero is no protection for creditors gainst dishonest debtors and fraudulent ransfers under the name of assignments , national law that will afford propoi irotection to the commercial classes al ho leant possible expense , is cortainlj loodcd , and should bo enacted by the resent congress. KEVKNUK. At the last city council mooting ol ) envor an appropriation ordinance wa < iisaod disbursing ever § 700,000. Thii vas at least $250,000 moro than woult > o received during the next fiscal yoai rom taxation and all other sources. Tlu utmost amount that could bo raised fron : ill sources was estimated at $450,000 , To moot the emergency the 1113301 ccommondod the passage of a jusl ind equitable license ordinance rom which a revenue might be ibtainod. Such an ordinance , whicl lad boon under consideration foi onto time , was accordingly passed. ' Bj ts provisions licenses are to bo imposed us follows. [ 'raveling ' HaloHinon. . . . $ 100 per qunrtoi ( 'iro Insurance companion 500 per anmni ilfo Insurance companies 500 per annun Folegraph companies. . 2,009 per annun foluphono companies 1,000 per nnnun ianlw and bunking 1,000 per minim \M \ companies . . . . 1,000 per mm tin Jistrlct Messenger compan ion 150 per annun IHoctric Light companies. . 1,000 per aunnn Mercantile ngonsics. . . 100 per nnnun ) il companies 500 par annun Sleeping Car companies. . 500 per aniuin " 'ntont Hight dealers . . 300 par nnnun llrcun nnd Menageries 500 per day 51do Shows GO per day furnishers of steam heating 500 per annun lostauronw nelllng liquor. . 1100 per unimn itreot Railway companion , . 25 per car Teams . . 5 per nnnun Whether this license system will hi , ho moans of supplying the deficiency re nains to be soon , but it will help out ma .orially. Of the § 722,000 included in tin appropriation ordinance it should hi jorno in mind that $316,000 is a cit ; debt of ton years' accumulation , and th object , therefore , seems to bo to nmk .ho licenses eventually pay this debt which will probably be put into the ahap of 5 per cent ton year bonds. It will bo seen that the Denver liccns ordinance has been carefully prepared md in most coses the licenses have beoi mposod upon persons or corporation well able to pay. In fact , the amount required from iiro and lifo insuranc companies , telegraph and telephone cor ) orations , banks and banking , gas , oil looping car and street railway compa lies , and4 circuses , are very low. Any o hose can well afford to pay the license Cho scheme is in every way practical and could bo put in successful opera ion in Omaha. Perhaps th figures for Omaha should bo mad little lower , but that w could obtain a very handsome rovonui 'or the city tltoro is not the least doubt The matter is at least worthy of soriou consideration by our city council. It is a r.Uhor curious thing , however : lmt the Denver city council porpotuall ; tabled the liquor license ordinance , am the inference is that the whisky elomen [ irodominntcs in that body. Denver ca : take n lesson from Nebraska cities in th matter of liquor license. In Omaha n $1,000 per year for saloon licenses about S'.K,000 ' ) is obtained for the achoc Fund. It is indeed singular that Denve should have omitted in UH license sye torn the very business , of nil others , thn should bo taxed the heaviest. The only question with our counci would bo whotlior some of the institu bions , that will hereafter bo compelled t bake out a license in Denver , can bo U gaily taxed in that manner under tit constitution. There is no doubt abou the locality of the question of liconsin drummers , traveling shows , circuses , pal ont light dealers , and street railway con panics , but some of the others are probi lily exempted under our present statutes TIIK IWKTUfd'fON SCANDAL. The publication of the famous Contn 1'rtuilio Huntington letters has stirred u a storm of indignation among all hone ; people from the Pncifio to the Atlanti coasts. The outspoken and indopondoi paper * among them the San Francisc ( ! /u-onlolc , which made the exposure < the letters insist that congress canni allow the matter to go by without thorough iuvestigatieu of tha Crod Mobilior and the wholesale corruption < congressmen by Huntington and h ! partners , lluntington's manipulation as confessed by himself in his correspouc once , throw far into the sliadu the open lions of Oakes Amoa and his Unic Pacific Credit Mobilior. Men who wo : supposed to bo above Huapicion have hoc brought out as prominent figures in th latest monopoly scandal. Huntingtc throughout all his letters acknowledgi that ho has mainly occupied himself i bribery in order to gain his oiuls. Coi grcsamon whi > nuccombod to his tomptit baits are called goutlomon , and the : who were inclined to hold out ai branded iwddhogs. . With Huntingtc bribery is a fino. art , These who stoc in the way of the Oontr.vl Pacific woi punished with defeat if they camu up fi oflico , and these who assisted the gigant monopoly vero rewarded with oflho an money , Iktai by wholcu.iio Ltilicry lh > [ untington and his associates defeated 10 Texas Pacific , the rival to the Con- ral Pacific. After ofibring to build the outhcrn Pacific through without any ubsidy in land or bonds thus strength- ning his company and weakening his nomy Iluntinglon procured an assign ment from the Texas Pacific of all its ights and equities to the Southern Pa- ific. Mr , Huntington is now ondcavoi- ng to induce congress to declare the 'oxas Pacific grant forfeited. Mr. Hunt- ngton , however , will probably find that o has blocked his own game , and ho ill not bo able to gobble up the Texas 'acifio land grant. The probability is , hat if congress does its duty , the Toxn" 'ncific ' land grant will bo annulled unit ho land restored to the public domain , luntington is certainly possessed of ihcck , that would do honor to his satanic najcsty , to persist in asking for thin im mense subsidy , when ho guaranteed that ho Southern Pacific was to bo built vithout any subsidy in lands or bonds. Congress has been branded by him oa venal and corrupt body , and it must low , regardless of party , remove the stigma by exposing and punishing the guilty ones. If congress proceeds in tint iisttor in an honest and ener getic manner , Mr. lluntingtrih will irish that ho had never been born , and some of his associates and tools will have similar feeling. Public opinion has icon aroused , nnd the general sentiment s that those highway robbers should be summarily dealt with. Is it any wondoi , hat such men , who were poor only a few rears ago , have amassed millions upon Millions in so short a time ? STATIS .IOITING3 , Congressman Valentino greased the wheel ; f Progress In the neighborhood of West . 'oint with a Christmas turkey. Pent up Utica found \ont ono day last week in a slugging match in the center of the oun. Both bruisers were badly buttered. The state proai are burdened \\ith thanks ; ivincr fur Christina * dlnncra , tlonntiuuu ol .urkey , mid review of local improvements. Thu people of Stuart have mihscribetl noai $400 towards building a jail in Stuart for the acconm.odation of the prisoners of Holt county. The York Times says that the first nnnnu' catalogue of the Methodist Kpiscopnl college tf Nebraska shows an enrollment of 3& ituilonts. Air. and Airs. Charlod , of Dodge county , notuitha novcro accident near Arlington last week , being thrown out of their \\agoi jy n runnu ay toani. Mra. Mark Hall , of Auburn , recently wet now dredJ from her brother-in-law on i wngcr that shu could husk hfty bushels of con 'n ton hours. Shu did the job in live. Patrick l-"gan , late of the Irish Ljndloaguo Is making it lit ely for the grain oloator inou opoly nloug the line of the B. & LI. Thli kind of computlon is profitable to the fanners The Lincoln Democrat ban a roil in pickli For "a couple of nice young men" whodrugje ( ( "a girl of respectable parentage" on Christ man. and proposal to publish the "names o thuUllaliw. " Christmas win ushered into Springfield , Ser : > y countywith an unusual amount of hilarity Half a dozen fights followed in 8ucco siou : losng ! with a display of hip pocdet artillery N'o Funerals. The Crete Union and Standard have boot merged in a now paper the Ulobe. Trui will manipulate tha shears , Dougherty wil cuddle the sketches and Tom Cumiuinga wil furnish the motive power. A drunken man named Brandon , had a lit tlolnss with abrakoman at Snolton nnd go lilt over' the head with a lantern whicl knocked him between the platform and i moving tinin. IIo bad a miraculous escape only having thrao fingers mashed. The Lincoln board of trade has an nbnnd unco of gall that is just abont paramount t < chook. It demands Missouri river raton 01 freight shipped to Lincoln. That's right pitch into 'em and we'll hold your hat am coat. [ Beatrice KxproHs. The editor of The Oakland independent explains plains that nil noticcw of balls anil dances ap pouring in his paper are paid busincHS locals : ind the editor takes ) pleasure in saying tha ho is strongly opposed to balls and dances a conducted at the present day. Time chaugei nnd men with them. George used to danci 'round tinlto lively ton yoarx ago , espooinllj whan n "phat tako" wax on the hook. The friomlH of Cougtowmnn Laird at Host [ ngs shipped him a gold headed cunont Christ man. Immediately under the hall the base o the head is octagon shaped , four Mdofl plah nnd four Hideo cngrnxod. On e.ich ono of thi plan pinion was engraved a name of ono o iho donors , On these platen wcro cngravoc tha names , CHincron , Paul , Craus and Kelley They give this cane in testimony of tlmhlgl CHtocm in which ho is hold by them. Sheriff llyor , of COHS county , during his nil yearo in otlico made a record us : t vigilant ofli cur nnd gentleman second to noue inthoututo In consideration of his faithful norvicci h ! f i lends and admirers in the count ; hliowed their appreciation In iv must substaii tlal manner. The customary cano , of course was brought out , hut to it wan added nn elegant gant Kilver touBot. Mrs. Hyer WOK not for gotten , being presented with a hafulsom drew pattern , of silk velvet. The prosvnta tion wax made in court Christmas night. Woi Uo Meyer. It is now undisputed that " \Vcl Do Moyor' Caturrli Cure U the only treatment thn .vill absolutely euro Catarrh fresh or chronic "Very ollicaclom , Snml. Uould , Weopln Water , Nob. " One box cured mo. Mrs. Mar BUmarck Dakota. " "It Konyon , , restore mo to tha pulpit , UQV. Uuo. I ! , llois , Coble vllle , N.Y. " "One box radically cured me HOY. C. II. Taylor , 140 Noble Btreot , Hrool lyn. " "A perfect euro nftor 30 yea. B mitrerim .1. D. McDonald , 710 Broadway , N. Y. , &c A.C , Thousands of tostlmoniala are receive from ull purtH of tha world. Delivered , 81.01 Dr. Wei Do Moyer'H Illustrated Tron | | HO , " with BtaUimonU by the curoil , mnlle free. D. U. Dewey 4 Co. , 182 Fulton atroe N. Y. tuM.thur.Vsat-niA.o-3m OCCIDENTAL JOTTINGS , TYjromlue. The Wyoming mica minw are piuiiiin m well. well.Sheep Sheep Dip Kniinody h oixanlzlnga Btoc company wltli n capital of $100.000 , for tl manufacture of K'ovei ' at Laraiulo. At Hock orfiok , Albiny county , within tlin iniltM uf the tlepot , ! a deKuit [ of opaolnlti Kpiom Rait or Hiilphatu of magnesia , covoiln about 100 iioriw tu a ilepth of auuio four Inche Jainos 1'inloy , a ranchmen from near Fo : Colllui , UM drugged and robbed of liUloot uualthut Choyemio. llu had a narrow e , capo from deitU. The imUonoua lruf ; blucko liU fuce , and HtiirnneU hU llmlu. and for tlnio ha frnthuil ot tlia mouUi. The rciHjrtJof tha territorial librarian U ) tli olK'ith IfKialamo assembly nhow that thoi areuuwS.oTO voluinen in liii hands. Thei lih'urtw and cliarU but not tha land and publi document * . They show nn Incrir.iso in lai two yours of l.fc'O vohuiitw. Tno number ri ported t9 the fourth leglnlatho assembly . < ,01l [ to tha fifth lunembly 3.7W ; to tlio slxt niuembly 6,233 ; to the seventh assembly ) Dakota. JIUinarck bllli.-xrd-liall piopiietorH clali that the roller rink hm ruined vI ) | bo askol to njipropiinl JBVHMi moro to completa the poverumout run from iSprlnn < iold to ! ' ( . lUuilall. A Sioux rolls petition plei ! | ; < u the tlnn * ! not to piktroiilzo tha tolcphono coiujnuy If tl poll * wu reset on I'lillllpj nvcnuo. Kiiif * Ulo U Uio u iua vi a cer tuvrj cti IStjotl 1II1N , on the line of the ChMiibtrlntn , Sprlnglleld k Ynnkton rnllwny. Sixty Imuici Imvo boon built in Fnrgo dur ing the pout thrco yours nnd n half by the Md of the Largo Building nsaoclntlon , The manufacturing Interests of Sioux FalU nro In n robuit condition , A inachlno hnp nnd n door nnd finsh factory nro nmong the promised Institution * , A convention of publishers nt Huron the other day decided upon a uniform rnto of ? 3.fiO for the publication of final proof notices nnd § 5 for contest notices , P. V. M. Jtnymond , collnppcd grocer , was nrrestod In I'nrgo on the 2lith nt the Instance of St , I'AU ! creditor , on n charge of obtaining goods under fnlo pretences. iloscph Sues , nliohomlancUbon of Yank- ton nbout forty-five years of nee , h in jnil to niiBwer for the rape of n Httla ( icrnmn gtrl , fifteen years of nge. .Tohnnnn Schnnuk by nnmo , The child had been nont by tier father n short dUtinca to bring In the cous. Tliii wa l Oio Jim llhor woodi , nbout five miles from i mkton , where Suoi nnd other * wcro engaged In chopping , The girl had got the < mn togothcr and was proceeding homownrd , when .SUCH catno upon her and overpowered ior. Colorado. Slugger Sullivan nnd his combination mntlo 5,000 In Denver. 1each illo has nmilo n move to ctdargo her ity limits , nnd will probably do so , the onrts having granted the necessary permia- ton , Colorado , the youngest state in the union , irodiicing more mineral than any other atnto r territory , has 3,000 mlloa ef railway in op. sratton , The K vans Journal has risen from the ashes , and has been issued again as usual. The ed- tor says : "Since the lire ono subscriber out f 800 lias offered to pay his subscription for ho diurnnl. If _ tbat follow docan't go to ictuon when ho dies , no use for nuy of the out trjlng to got there. " Irwin in n remarkable camp. Just vhqn .Idngx look the bluest somebody makes n big itrlko nnd things go booming ngaln. Thoro- cent strike in the Great Kastorn appears to bean an o\ ont of moro than usual importance to ho camp , nnd the owners cannot bu blamed if .hoy got n little excited over it Two nnd 11 lalf feet of 500-ounco 010 is not uncovered every day. Montnnn. Murray minlnc district promise ! ) to bo quite a lively camp next year. Mlcsonlii county li.ia just paid $10,500 for a low bridge ncrost the Hell Gate. The now mines nt 1'iah creek are said to bo richer than these of Couer d'Alone. The Walkervillo branch of the X. P. rail- rend , will bo completed about the first of next Tidy. The Bozeman Coal company'a output for November was 2,500 tons worth ? 4 per ton at ho mines. The now issue of Beaverhead county bonds $10,000) ) were disposed of at a half of ono per cent premium. The Hhipmcnta of copper niatto and ore 'rom the district of Butte will approximate " 0,000,000 pounds. Tim Loxlmrton production this year will up- .iroxtmtito § 1,100,000 , the Alice 81,000,000 ind other mines in proportion. " " is the "Old-Mnn-Afrnid-of-Nothing" name of n recently civilized Indian in Montana , but 0.1 ho has liinco married n white womau , ho .hinks of sending in a petition to have his name changed. Tlio latest reports from the buffalo range are .hat the large herds are still north of the Mis souri river and as long as the weather con- .inuea ns pleasant as it ia now , they will pro- jably remain there. The assay office nt Helena reports S"73- 7W.1" in gold and $2 ,749.40 in silver received dnrinp 188. ! , nud since th'o establishment of the office in January , 1877 , gold 83,709,381.42 , The excitement still continues over the re orted discoxery of paying placer ininea on b'Uh creek , nbout twenty miles from Butte. The gulch is eight or ton miles in length , and las nearly ull been taken up in twenty-acre claims. MlHccllnnoouH. It is anuouucod as u fact that LOB Angeles a to have connection with the Denver & Ilia .Jrando within two yenra. Hniloy , in the Wood river country , has ) ullt a Slothodist church , and now the people ore agitating the question of a boll. A. C. Tichnor , of Los Angolea , claims to javo invented an electrical process which will do away with telegraph and telephone w irea nnd poles. It is reported that roving bands of Indians nro killing cattle on the ranges southeast of Miles City , M. T. Laboring men in Northern Ari/ona upon iho ranches receive from &JO to % 40 per month , teamsters about § . " > 0 , while the regular puy foi rood mlnorii Is nbout 81 per day. Santa I'a will have narrow gauge oonncc- .ton with the Denver und KIo Grande system > f roads Inside of sixty days , bringing the 'ortilo valleys rf ; the San Lull and TUOH within a day's travel and opening up a rich mineral action. Indian Agent Kiordan presents the Navnjo ildo of the recent troubles nnd says that there ire organized bands of horse thieves in south ern Colornda nnd in Jtlo Arrib i county , who xtoal Indiiu ponies and th'js force the Indlunh .o retaliate. Grant nnd Doua counties , K. M. , nre tiling .heir beet ctforts toward Inducing tbo South ern Pacific to p.vy its taxes. From thu way matter * look nt present it Is quite eIdont u series of lawsnltn will begun l > y the counties to recover. Advices from the Moscaloro nnd Jicarllla Apache agency in Lincoln county , nayoverj- thlug there in In first-clnss shape ur.d : moving along nicely. Indian Agent Llewellyn has started for Washington , accompanied by t\\ chiefs , to bin o an interview with Secretary Toller. The Indians want more stock cattle nid farming implements , nnd desire a school for 100 children at the ngency. CURES Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago , Backache , Headache , Toothache , . UuriiN. hriu.U. rioit KUri AKD ILL ( ITIItU IIOIIILT I'AI\X AND 1CUE8. BUbi lirttiilui > ol lw l i tt jrtwb r . t in ; CuUa ' UUKlloDllllI ( > uiuiii. THE Ml tUI.KS A. IXIK.Ll'Jl CO. . Mr > ' 'UllUurt , 011,0.8. A. C. E. MAYW23 & CO. , l509FafnamSfeel ! , - - Omatia , Neb : BUIPPEIH AND DEALERS JN s'd S Soft Coa AND CONEKIBVIuLB COKE ; STEELE , JOHNSONtfc CO. , II. 13. LOCIv\VOOD ( formerly of Lockwood & Draper ) Chicn o , Mutr- nger of the Ten , Cigar niul Tobacco Departments. A fn\\ \ \ line of nil grndcs of nbovc ; nlso pipes and smokers' articles curried in stock. Prices nnd snmplt-s furnished on application. Open orders intrusted to in shall receive our careful attention Satisfaction Guaranteed. AGENTS FOR BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & WAND POWDER CO AND D. B. BEEMER , A < zcntOmnhn. H JOBBERr.OP EASTERA PRICED DUPLICATED ] 1118 FARNAM STREET , OMAHA NKB. G. F. GOODMAM , Paints Oi OMAHA , NEBRASKA. J. A , WHOLESALE AOT RETAIL DEALER IN SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOULDINGS , LIME , CEMENT , PLASTER , STATE AGENT TOR MILWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY. Union Pacific Depot , - Double and Single Acting Power and Hand Engine Trimmings , Milling Machinery , ? Belting , Hoae , Brass and Iron Fittings ! Steam Packing at wholesale and roiail. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS. Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb. OO. . DEALERS IN Hall's Safe and Lock Comp'y sr v FLEE Am BUEGLAE PEOOF [ SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO It la the IxHt and cheapest food for stock of any kind. One pound la equal to throe noandi Of oor ock fed with Ground Oil Cake in the Fall and Winter , Instead J running down , will IneroaMi In weigh bain good marketable condition In the sprlmr. Dairymen , as well a * othtrs , who u o It can ' " n i fits. Try It and Judje for joursahoa. rrico $25 00 iwr ton ; no charge for sacks Addrosa ° l-nu4- WOODMAJf IJNSEKO OIL COMPANY Om/.ua AND JOBBERS OF DOMESTIC OKUB8TOBiOG08 , PIPES t riETIOLES PROPRIETORS OF THE FOLLOWING CELEBRATED BRANDS : Beina Victorias , Especiales , Roses in 7 Sises from $6 to $120 per 1000. AND THE FOLLOWING LEADING FIVE CENT CIGARS : Combination , Grapes , Progress , Nebraska , "Wyoming and Brigands , WE DUPLICATE EASTERN PRICES BEND FOR PRICE LIST AND SAMPLES. 0. M. LEIGliTO.N. n. T. CLAHKK. LEIGHTON & GLAEEE , ( aUCCKSSOHS TO KICNNAUO JJHOS. t.CO. ) iPTTi .0 5 DEALERS IN Paints , Oils , Brushes , Glass , OMAHA , „ - . K33BBASJU.