- 1 B. BI" . The Nebraska National Bank OF OMAHA , NEB , DinECTons , H , W. TATE3 , President , for tn ny ye n Cwhlei o h nrtt National Dank ol Onuh * . A. K. TOUZAIAN , Vlo. I > K ld nt , ot Bwton. W. V. MOUSE , ot VT. v. MOUSE & Co. JOHN a COLLINS , olO.H COLUK8. M. WOOIAVORTII , Countollot k Attorner * t Uw 1. S. IlKKD , of Byron ll d & Co. Thli U nk opened for bmlnwn April S7 , 18Si THE D1HKCT.ORS AND STOCKHOLDERS kr mong the leading business men of Om h , and II business la conducted with especial reference to th best nd InerciwIriB Interests of lt mercantile p tron . COLLECTIONS roeelva prompt attention n duties lowest obtainable here or elsenhere. INTEREST allowed on time dcpoflta upon favor able terms and upon accounts of banks and banker * FOREIGN EXCHANGE , Government Ponds an Oountr and Cltv Bccuntles bought and sold. Council Bluffs Loan anc Trust Company. First Mortgage Loans Negotiated. Oommorcla Piper and all flood Securities dealt In. 89 Pear ( treet , and 608 First avenue , Council Bluffs. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. FINANCIAL NBW YORK , December 27. Money Easy at 2@2J per cent. , closed at 2J@3. Prime Paper 5@Gi per cont. ExchanR6 BUls Barely steady nt 4Sli ; i mand , 4.811- Governments Strong. Stocks The stock market opened generally lower , but before the first call advanced } ( percent. After 11 o'clock Western Union was decidedly weak , Belling down 1J per cent. The general market declined in sympathy from the time mentioned , and until the cluse the market continued lower. Vilhml's wore the feature of the afternoon trading. Oregon Transcontinental fell to 31 per cent. Gran gorV > also declined on the tha rumor that the C. , B. & Q. would not bo represented in the Iowa pool conference. As compared \vithlasf night's close , Granger , Vlllard , Central Pa- Icific , Union Pacific , Wabash nnd Western Union were . } @ 2jj per cent lower , while Denver ver , Kansas and Texas were J@J per cent higher. COUPONS la Pacific 6's of ' 95. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STOCKS AND BONDS. American Express j' BurL , Ce < 'ar ' Rapids k Northern. Central Pacific.- ' . I Chicago & Alton do do pfd Chi , Burl. & Quincy Erie do pfd Fort Wayne & Chicago Hannibal & St. Joseph do do do pfd Illinois Central Ind. , Bloom. & Yestern Kaus.is & Texas Lake Shore & Michigan So Michigan Central Minneapolis & St. Louis do do do pfd. . . . Northern Pacific do do pfd Northwestern do pfd New York Central Ooio &Miss asippi do do pfd Peoria , Doca\ur & Evanavlllo. Bock l8luiiiM > . . . . . . . St. Paul < t .ft Uwaukoo du do do pfd St. Paul Hiuu. & Manitoba St. Paul i. On aha do do _ pfd. . . . . . , Union Pacific . W abash , St. L. & Pacific. . . . d" do do pfd. Wfttem Union Telegraph. . . * Asked. GRAIN AM ) f KOV18IONH. C1I10AOO PRODTCE. CHICAGO , December 2J. Flour Market Aull and unchanged ; medium to choice spring wheat flours , 4 00@4 75 ; fair to hue winter wheat Hours , 4 50@5 25 ; Minnesota bakers' good to choice , 4 75@5 50 , . Wheat Regujar , easy ; market opened go lower and declined $ © 80 ; closed 4C lower than the closing prices yoatcrday ; for Decom- bcr , 9Gc ; for January , 9Gl@96 o ; for Fob- "ruary , ! > "ic ; for May , 1 OJJ@1 04J ; winter .wheat quiet at 07c@100.spring \ ; wheat quiet and lower at V5j@'J6c. PC , Coruf-Markot steady but prices fluctuated .finally . and closed Jo lower for January , and Jo lower for May than the closinc figures of yesterday ; for cash , GlJ@GOge ; for December , JfiOPc ; fur January , GOJ@GOJc ; for May , GOJ@ BOJfl , jSJuats Market quiet ; for cosh , S3\c \ ; for Do- eeinber 33\o \ ; for January , 33 33 0 ; fur -torch , lc ; for May , 3838lc. } ; Kye Market dull but easy ; cosh , GOc. Barley Market dull ; cash , GGc. Timothy Weak ; prime , 1 24 © 1 25 ; fair 22 , jl'Iaxseed Market dull ; prices n ranged at 41J@143. fPork Moss steady ; market closed at about the same prices ; 13 35@13 50 fur ld ; 14 20@ 14 22i for new ; January. 14 2014 22Fob : - " inary , 14 4nrtfil4 2J ; April , 14 72i14 75 ; "May , M90@1492J , i Lard Alaiket hieady ; cash , 8 75@8 80 ; January , 880@882J ; February , 895@8 97i ; > jy , J ou jj ftAtA fBulk ; Meats Unchanged ; shoulders , 625 ; : > lonc ; clear , 7 20 ; short ribs , 7 35 ; short clear , 7(6.Butter ( Butter Fair demand for bettor grades ; To'ls dull ; choice creameries , 32@35c ; fair. -IfaGlc ; fancy dairies , 22o)27c ( ) ; good choice , 13(5l8c ( ; common rolls , 13@17c. Qhco.io Limited market ; choice full cream tdara , 1213 ; choicn full cream flats , 12 < lc ; good part skim cheddars and flats , 8 "Eggs-Fresh , 21@24c ; plcklod , 15@21c , , , j , Jimes btuaily and unchanged ; green salt f cured bull and damaged , Gjc ; green salt cured , Ijjt nnd h avy. 8 0 ; green salt naif. He. kTalloyv No. 1 country , 7cj No , 2 , country -f'l5. MILWACKKE. . Dooember 27. Wheat Mar- Iket irugular ; No. 2 , 94c ; December , 9-lgc ; January , 94Zc ; February , 9Go ; May , 41 * 03 . fe Porn Hull and lower : No. 2 , 59Jc. Oftta-Neglectod ; No. 2 , 33c. | JCye t.ower at ( JOJf Olo. { jBarloy Neglected ; No , 2 , cxsh , 61io bid. TOLEDO , Dooember 27 , Wheat Market ami linn ; i\o. a red , cash , 1 00i@l 02 , Corn Market steady ; No. 2 cash and Do . ' 'comber , 54c. If ; Oats Market qulot and film ; cash and De- If comber , 33ic. 1 OINOINNATI. CINCINNATI , December 27. Wheat Mar , jket hujvyi Mo. 2 red , 1 03 © 1 01 for cash. Corn Firm ; mixed , 48c. Oat T ) ll and unchanged nt 33/c / , Eyu-Qulnt at C3o. Trjfc Dull at 13 37J. 5'ird Firmer at 8 b j. iulk Meatu Dull and unchanged. Whisky-Steady at 113. NEW ORLEANS. _ NEWOHLEANB , December 27. Corn In fair cdemaud nnd ea ier ; mixed , 55c ; white and ellow , 65@50c. i Oata Steady and In fair demand at 45c. I * Com Meal Scarce and firm at 2 55 , Pork J nver and carco at 15 60. Lard-Steady ; tierce , refined , 887i@900 keg , 'J60. "Hulk Mnats In fair demand. Whhky-r5teady and unclianged nnd li good demand ; weitcm rectified , 1 05@1 20. ST. ST. LODIB , I ocembcr 27. Wheat Slo > and lower ; No. 3 rod , SI OU@1 02f for ca h ? 1 02A.1 02J for .TnnuarV ! 61 03@1 10 fo May ; No Srod , 03J@OUc. Corn Lower and fairly active ! 47@47o fo ca hj 47ic for December ; ISo for January r > ,1J@5lo for May. Oata Ixjwor nnd olowj S01@30Jo for cash SOIo for January ; 30i@30.lo for May Hyo Blc. Barley 50@80c. Butter Unclianrod. ay Unchangeil. Flax Seod-Sl 40. llran 6.1 03 Jo. Corn Moal-S-J 30. rcomA rnoDDce. 1'EOntA , December 27. Corn Steady ? no > mixed , 4n@45Jc ; now , rejected , 4243Jc. Oats Kaslorj No. 2 white , 33c. Whisky Finns ? 1 15. KANSAS KANSAS CITT , Docomoer 27. Wheat Lower ; 82o for cash and January ; 91c bid fo May. Corn Quiet ; 39o for cash ; 39J@39gc fo January ; 4G3o for May. Oats Higher at 28c. BALTIMORE. BALTIMORE , December 27. Wheat Western orn , lower but active ; No. 2 winter rod cosh 1 06 @ 1 073. Corn Western , lower ; mixed , cash , Glc asked. Oat * Firm ; western white , 40@42c ; mixed IfffiSUc. Uyo Firm , at 72@74c. Butter Dull ; western packed , 10@23c creamery , 25@35c. Kwrt ( Julot ; fresh at 28@29c , Whisky-Steady at 118i. LIVERPOOL. LIVERPOOL , December 27. Broadstuffi Dull. Wheat Winter , 8s 5d@9s Id ; spring , Corn 8 9d@9s 2d. NEW TORK. Nr.w VOHK , December 27. Wheat Cosh lull and A@Jc lowflr ; options declined i@llc ; ater bccTuno stronger and recovered J@jo , closing linn ; ungraded rod , 80c@l 20 ; No. 3 red , 1 03551 03 | ; No. 2 rod , 113i@l 141. Corn Cosh , higher ; options opened i@Jo ewer , rocoorcdc , closing steady ; ungra ded , 40GGo ; No. 2 , G5@Go3c. Oatd l@io lower , closing steadier ; mixed OMtorn , : 9J@41c ; whlto , 41@41c. Eggs Western , fresh , dull ami easier at 31c. 31c.Pork Pork Dull ; nqw mess , 14 75@1G 25. Lard Steady ; western steam , 9 10 cash. Butter Quiet and firm for choice. LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO LIVESTOCK. December 27. The Drovers' ' Journal reports this afternoon as follows ! Hogs Market dull and prices 10@15c ewer ; i > acklnir , 4 70@5 40 ; packing and ship ping , 5 50@5 90 ; light 4 76@5 40. .Cattle Market weak ; export , C 00@0 05 ; rood to choice shipping , 5 40@0 00 ; common ; o medium , 4 25@3 25 ; inferior to fair cowd , 2 25@3 00 ; medium to good 3 50@4 25 ; tockers , 2 90@4 00 ; feeders , 3 90@450.ffo MM Sheep Market steady ; inferior to fair , 2 50@4 00 per cwt. ; medium to good , 4 00@ u 00 ; choice to extra , 4 25 @ 5 00. ST. LODI3 HVE STOCK , ST. Louis , December 20. Cattle Supply and demand light ; good grades firm ; export- rs , 0 25@G-75 ; heavy shipping , 5 60@0 25 ; ight 4 85@5 60 ; good butchers' steers , 4 25 ® 5 00 ; cowa and heifers , 3 50@4 50 ; Texans , 3 tt > @ 5 00. Sheep Very scarce ; little dolnc ; best radca firm ; common dull ; medium to good , 3 25@4 00 ; prime to extra , 4 25@5 00. Hogs Market unsettled and slow ; light , 510@5 20 ; packing , 5 25@550 ; butchers to [ xtra , 5 f > 0@5 75. KANSAS CITY LIVE 3TOCK. KANSAS CITY , December 27. The Daily In dicator reports : Cattle Offerings light ; shippln ? slow ; mtchers' steady ; half-breed steers , 4 50 ; mtchors' and feeders unchanged. Hogs Steady at a decline at 5 0 , " > @ 517 } . Shoe ) ) Market nuiet and unchanged. TRAFFIC. IXOCn AND QBAIN. OBIOAQO , December 27. Eocoipts and shlp- ments of flour and grain for the past 24 hours iavo been aa follows : Receipts. Bhip'fa. Flour , bbis 20,000 27,000 Wheat , bushels 120,000 26,000 Corn , bushels 207,000 124,000 Oats , bushels 94,000 55,000 Rye , bushe's ' 23,000 3,000 BarloyJ bushels 59,000 21,000 NEW YOBS , December 27. Receipts and iipmentsof flour and grain for the past 24 hours lava been aw follows : Receipts Ship'ts. Vheat , bushels 29,000 32,000 Corn , bushels 44.000 10,000 Oats , bushels 27,000 LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO , December 27. Receipts and ship ments of live stock for the post 24 hours have > een as follows : Receipt ! . Ship'ta. attlo 7,000 Hogs 22,000 been 4,000 . . . . KANSAS CITT , December 27. Receipts nnd ilpments of 11 vo stock for the past 24 hours mvo boon as follows : Roceipta. Bhlp'to. Cattle 3GO . . . . logs l.liOO . . . . hoop 450 . . . . ST. Loms.December 27. Receipts and ship- nonts of llvo ntock for the past 24 hours have )00u as follows : Roceipta. Shlp'ts. Cattle 800 500 Hogs 3,000 1,000 heep t 250 150 OMAHA MARKETS. "Wholesale 1'rtocs , OFFICE or TUB OMAHA BEE. 1 Wednesday Evening , December 27. ) The following prices are charged retailers ly jobbers , wholesalers and commission mor > ianta , with the exception of irrain , which Is uotod at the prices furniahod by the elevators nd other local buyers : Grant. WHEAT Cash No. 2. 90c ; No , 8. 660 , BAtttur Cash No , 264c. RTE Cash No. 3,40o. UouN No. 2 , I7c. OATB No. 2 , 34e. Mvo Stock. FAT STEERS QuIet at 4 00@4 7B. FAT Cowa 3 00@3 60 , Hoes 4 75@5 70. SHEEP Finn at 3 00@3 60. OAI.VK8 Fair quality 4 60@5.00goodlbutch ; en' stock , 6 CO. Flour nndJMillatafls. WiNTEn WHEAT Best quality , patant.Jat 3 3r.3 05 , BEOOND QtTALiTT 2 75@3 25. SPBIKO WIIEAT Best quality , patent , 8 25@3 US. SECOND QDAIITT 2 D0@3 35. BBAN 56o per cwt CHOPPED FEID Per 100 Iba. 85e , CORN MEAL 100110 per owt j SoiiEBaiNa C5@7Co per cw.- General I'rortuco. BDTTEB Fancy creamery , 33@3Sc ; cold storage creamery , 25@27c ; choice dairy , 20 y.'lc ; beat country , Holld packed , 12@16c ; jcat country , roll , lG@18c : inferior grades. 10@Hc. Receipt ! are mnall , nud the demand ; ood.Kaoa Kaoa Market stocked ; nalej to-day at 20@ AdvUo liberal uonilgnmenU. FPtua Fancy Jonathani. $4 50@5 00 ; fancy Ben Davis , ? 3 60 © I 00 ; fancy Jonot , 53 00@3 60 ; fancy WlUowtwlg1 , 33 25@3 76. Demand good. CHEESE New York State full cream , late September make , 14c ; New York State full cream , 10 hoop lots , ISJc ; do full cruam , 60 hoop lots , 13ic ; Wisconsin , full cream , Inbox , He ; Young America , strictly full cream , lie ; full cream , 12c ; full cream 10 hoop lob , 11 Jc- full cream flats , 12Jc ; full cream flats , lllc ; fancy brick cheese , 100 Ib C.VIM , 151o ; Llm- burger 18lc ; genuine old Swl , 19c. POTATOKS Receipts small and prices good. Consignment * of strictly choice , largo sized , straight potatoes are Belling from 33 to SSc ; mixed can 30 to 32o and light demand ) poachhlowa , 85to40o. RSwKFT POTATOKS Choice yellow , 4j@5o. ONIONS No demand ; market ovoretocltcd. CABBAOB Market for choice stock $5 00 ® G 00 per hundred. Demand good. BKANS Hand picked navies , 82 25@2 H ) Ijand picked mediums , 81 762 00. lie- colpts largo ; demand good. GAJIK Pratrio chickens , per doz. , $3 00 tc 3 25 ; quail. 81 25 to 1 60 ; sni | > o , $1 50 to 1 75 ducks , Mallard , per doz , 2 00@2 60 : mixed 31 50 to 2 00 ; deer saddles , lHtol2jocar ; cass , 8 to 9c ; antpiopo vaddlos , 11 to 12c ; car- CARS , 9i to lOo. Demand good. Would advin liberal consignment * . Bo careful that you game comoi to market In nlco condition. FRESH OTSTRRS Selects , 45c ; itandanls 40cj mediums , SOc. CELERY I5c. POULTRY Liva chickens , per doz , 1 75 ® 2 00 ; full dressed chickens , per Ib , 8@10c ; tur kayo , per Ib. , 15@17c ; ducks , 10 ® 11' ; geese 12@14o , LEMONS Extra fancy bar lemons , { S3 00 fancy Messina lemon * , per box , 87 25 ; 5 box lots , Molina lemons , $7 00 ; 10 box lots do. $ G 75 ; Malaga lemons , fancy , $5 00 ; do 5 box lots. $ < 60. OUANCIKS Louisiana * per bbl , $9 00 : do. box , 85 00 ; atom cut Jaii.aica.1 , per bbl , 810 00 per box , ? 6 00 ; Florida , per box , 85 25 BANANAS Choice , per bunch , 83 00@4 00. CRANHERRIKS Boll nnd bugles ; 81000 ® 12 00 ; boll and cherry , 89 50@10 50. Above quotation * for choico. DATES Black Arabian , per Ib. , 8@9o ; quarter crates , lOc. Fms 23 Ib. kegs , per Ib. , 12Jc ; 10 Ib. box , ayer , per Ib. , IGc ; smaU'evals per Ib , , ISc. COCOANUTS Extra fine , per 100 , 8 00. CIDKR Pure sweet cider , 22 gal keg , 8G 00 ; M. & P. clarified , 16 gal keg , 84 75 ; At. & . P. clarified , 32 gal keg , $8 00. Pids FKKT , riiirE , ETC. Pigs foot , IB Ib kits , SI 15 ; pigs 40 Ib qr bbl. 82 25 : pigs foot , 80 Ib half 1)1)1 , 54 00 ; tripe , 15 Ib kits , $115 ; tripe , 40 Ib qr bbl , 82 25ripo ; , 80 Ib half bblj $400 ; pigs tongues , 15 Ib kits , 8250 ; pigs tongues , 40 Ib qr bbl , SO 00. Lambs' tonpuos , 15 Ib kits , 82 GJJ 40 Ib qr bbl , § 15 25. MINCK MEAT Atmoro'n , 181b buckets ( buckets 25c ) 9c ; 371b buckets ( bucket 40o ) , 9c. : lOOlb kegs , 9c ; half barrels , Sic. ASSORTED JELLY 2-lb stouo jars : 12 In case , per doz , § 2 25 ; tumbler , per doz , 81 95 ; schooner , per dozen , 83 10 ; 1-lb tin cans , 4 doz. in CMC , 81 40 ; 2-lb tin cans , 2 doz in case , § 150. BULK JELLIES Currant , SO-lb wood nails , per Ib , Sic ; strawberry , 30-lb wood pails per Ib , SJc ; raspberry , 30-lb wood pails nor Ib , 8ic ; blackberry. 30-lb wood pails per lu , 8ic ; crab apple , 30-lb wood pails i > or Ib , Sic. Ari-LK BUTTER 35-lb wooden pails , per Ib , 8c ; 5-lb wooden pails , G in case , per case , 8350 PEACH Btnrnn 2o-lb wooden palls per Ib , $11 00 ; 5-lb wooden paiU , G In case , per case , 5425. PRESERVES ( In 20-lb wooden pails ) R sp. berry , 15c ; strawberry , quince , 14c ; poach , 14c ; cherry , 14c ; tomatoes , 14c : iIum , 14c ; assorted , Mb wooden buckets , G in cose , per case , 84 75 ; assorted , 2-lb tin cans , 2 doz in case , per case , 8G 50. NEBRASKA COMB HONEY 2-lb frames , 24-lb cases , per Ib , ISc. HAY Baled , 8 00@10 00 per ton ; In bulk , 500@6-60por ton. Grocers List. CANNED GOODS Oysters ( Standard ) , per case , 3 70@3 90 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 10 ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 90 ; Bartlctt pears , per case , 2 40 ; whortleberries , per cose , 510 ; egg plums , 2 Ib , per case , 2 90 ; green rages , 2 Ib , per case , 2 90 ; pine apples , 2 Ib per cose. 4 80@5 50. ROPE Sisal J inch and larger , lOc , § Inch , UUc ; i inch , lie. CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , 16s , 15c ; 8s , 15c ; boxes 40 Ibs , 1G oz. , Gs , 15c. MATCHES Per caddie , S5c ; round , coses , 2 55 ; square cases , 1 70 , SUGARS Powdered , 9ic ; cut loaf , 9.Jc ; granulated , 8Jo ; confectioners' A , 8 0 ; Stand ard extra O , 7fic ; extra O , 7io ; medium yel low , 7c ; dark yellow , 'GJc. COFKEES Ordinary grades , 12@12Jo ; fair 13 @ 13Jc ; good , 14c ; prime , 15@15ic ; choice. lG@17c ; fancy green andyollowlG@lGicold ; frovernmont Java , 20@26c ; Levoring's rooated. 145cArbucklo'B _ roasted , I \McLaughllnV roasted , ISJcj mltation Java , 1GJ RIOE Louisiana pnmo to choice , 7c ; fair Ipj Patmo , GJc. FISH No. 1 mackerel , half brig. , 8 00 ; No. mackerel , < cits , 115 ; family mackerel , half > rls. , GOO ; family mackerel , kits , 95c ; No. 1 vhito fish , half brls. , 7 00 ; No. 1 kits 1 05. SYRUP Standard Com. , 34c , bets ; Standard o , 4J gallon kegs 185 ; Standard do , 4 gallon keps 150 SODAIn Ib papers , 3 SO per case ; keg per Ib , ic. ic.PICKLES PICKLES Medium , In barrels , 7 00 ; do n half barrels , 4 00 ; small , in barrels , 8 00 ; do n half barrels , 4 50 ; gherkins in barrels , 9 00 ; o in half barrels , 6 00. TEAS Gunpowder , good , 45@55c ; choice GO WBc ; good Imperial , 40@43c ; choice , 60@G5c ; rouug Hyson , good , 3G@50c ; choice , 3c@l 00 ; Japan , natural loaf , 35c ; Japan , loico , 60@75c ; Oolong , good , 35@40c ; Oolong , toico , 40@55c ; Souchong , good , 35@40c ; loico , 35@45c. WOODENWABE TVo hoop palls , 185 ; : iroe hoop palls. 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Plo- oer washboards , 185 ; Double Crown 2 90 ; Vellbucketa. 3 85. ; SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 345j Kirk's atinot , 3 GO ; Kirk's 'standard , 3 75 ; Kirk's ivliito Russian , 525 ; Kirk's outoca , 215 ; Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40c ; Kirk's magnolia , doz. . POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 case , in case , 35 ; Babbitt.8 ball 2 doz. In case , 190 ; Anchor > all , 2 doz. in case , 160. CANDY French mixed , in 30 Ib. pails. 18c ; anorican mixed , in 30 Ib pails , 14c ; Brilliant nixed , in 30 Ib nails , 13c ; Nobby mixed , in 30 } pails , 13c ; Competition mixed , in 30 Ib ails , 12ic ; Excelsior stick , 30 Ib pails , 12c ; oublo refined , 30 Ib pails , 13c ; Crystal mixed , 0 Ib palls , 15c ; Old Time , mixed , 30 Ib pails , Ic ; Tip Top , mixed , 30 Ib pails , 13c ; Flirt , mixed , 30 Ib pall , Hie ; Flirt , stick , 30 Ib alls , llic ; Tin Top , stick , 30 Ib palls. 12o. VINEQAB Now York apple IGc ; Ohio ap- le. ISc. SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 180 ; Ashton , hi acks , 3 60 ; bbis dairy GO , 5s , 3 30. STARCH Pearl , 4ic ; Silver Gloss , 9c ; Com torch , 9c ; Excelsior Gloss , 7lc ; Com , 8c , SPICES Pepper , 17o ; allspice , 16c ; cloves c ; cassia 15c. ' LYE American. 3 40 ; Greenwich , 3 40 ; Western , 2 75 ; North Stur , 2 00 ; Lowls'.lyo 65 ; Jewell lye , 2 75 , Dry Goods. BROWN COTTONS Atlantic A , 8ic ; Apple ? ton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; Boot FF. Sic , Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7c ; Cabot W , 7Jo ; Chltu- nango A , Otc ; Great Falls E.Sie ; Hoosler , Ojc ; Honest Width Be ; Indian lioad A , So ; Indian Standard A So ; Indian Orchard , d. w. , 7jc ; Lawrence LL , Gic ; Mystio River , 7io ; Pequot A. , 89o ; Utlca 0 , 5 c ; Wacliusott B , 7Jo ; do A.BJc doE4S,12c. } FINB BROWN COTTONB Allondalo 4 4. 7io , Alligator 3-4 , 3c : Argyle 4-4 , 7jo ; Atlantic LL , 0c : Badger State X 4-4,6Ao ; Bonnlngton 0 4-4 , Uc ; Buckeye S 4-4,6o : Indian Orchard . lJ * ' aVi UVAJ 4fi7. Wmnautta4-l , 13c. DLBAOIIED COTTONB AiidroBcogcIn TJ 4-4. \ci \ UlackBtono AA imperial 8Jc ; do do half douched . Do ; Cabot 4-4 , 8o ; Fidelity 4.4 Jc ; Fruit of tha Loom , OJo ; do cambrlo 4-4 21 ; do Wutor Twist , lOjcj Great FalUQ , Oo ndlaii Head ahnink 4-1. llic ; Lonsclalo , lOo o cambrlo 37,12joj Now York Mllln , ! 2Ao 'equot A , lOo : J'opperol , N O Twills , I2&o 'ociihoutau 4'4 , Oic ; Pocaasot 5-4. 8 { ; Utlca lo ; Wwwmttu p X X. I2jo Docufl ( Colored ) Albany N. brown. 8oj do 0 , drab , lie ; do XX htrlnea and plaids , 12 l-2c ; lo XXX lirown and drub , stripes and plaids , 2 l'2c ; Arlington fancy , lUc ; Itruiuwlck irown , 8 l-2c ; Charlut fancy , 12 l-2c ; do ox. ra heavy , 20c ; Fall lllver brown , extra heavy , 11.2c ; Indiana A brown , ISo ; Nopousct A irown , 15o TICKINQS Amoakoag A0 AS2 , lOc ; do XX blue 32. 18 l-2c ; Arrowanna , 0 l-2c ; Clare mout 13D , 1 2o : Conoatoga , extra , 17 l-2o JlBinllton 1) , 11 l-2cj IxiwUton A30,15c : L. ID nehulia 4-4 , 20o ; Omega , super extra 4-4 , & . ' ; Pearl Iliver 32 , lof-lc ; Putnam XX blue trlpo , 12c ; Shetuckot B. 10 l-2oj do S3 , 12o ; Yeoman'H blya 20 , Oc. Amoskcag , blue andbrownlCl-2cj Andover DD blno , 15 l-2c ; Arlington X blue Scotch , 18 l-2cj ConconJ 000 , bln and brown , 12 l-2c ; do A/ViV , do do 13 1-2 } do XX to do do , 14 l-2c ; ] { nymnkor > blue And brown. 9 1.2o ; Jlystlc RIvorDDstrino , 161.2oj Tcftrl lllror , blue nd brown , IGo ; UoCMVillo , bhio find brown , 14 l2o. finloli , Gc. OOIISKT JKANS Amory , Androocopgln saltoon , 8jo : Clarendon CJc : Conontofrff nt. teens , Tic ; llallowoll , 8c ; Indian Orehanl , 7Jc | NfimiRaniiott , improved , 8Jcj Popixirlll nat- teen , l Jc ; Hockport , Co. PRINTS Aliens , Cc ! American , CJc ! Arnldo , CJcj IJonvIck , 4Jo ; Oochooo , OJ jCtmostoga , OJc ; Dunkirk , Ccj Ihmnoll , 01@.cj Kildytbmo , Ojoj Gloucester , OJc : Harmony , r > c ; Knlckorbockor , GJc ; Mrrrimao I ) , 7c ; MysHc , fijo ; Sprnffiitw , Gc ; Bonthbridgo , Oc ; do Glnghamn , 7c ; Alar ) . bore , CJc ; Oriental , S\c \ , COTTONAi > E8 Abbor\lllo , 13Jcj Agate , SOc American , He ; Artlslan , 20c ! Cairo D and T 13ic ; Clarion D and T , 17ic ; Dccan Co Rtriiwa D and T , IGc : Keystone 13Jc ; Nan tucket. 19c : Nonpareil , IGc ; Ocean D and T ISic ; Royal , IGJc ! Sussex , 12c ; Tioga. Wnclm nott shirting chocks , 12 c ; do Nankin 12Jcs York , plain Nankin , 12jc ; do chocks , Btripos vnd fancy , 12Jc ; do 8 oz , 20o. SHEBTINOS AndroscoVgln 10-4 , 27ic ; do - - - - - - - - - - - 9-4,23c Fruit ol 98 , 10-4 ' ' " ' IGcj'Poppoaoll 90 , 29c'do"G7 ; , 21c'do7 ; , ISc Utlca 90 , SGc ; do 68 , 22io ; do 48,17c. Lumber. WHOLESALE. Wo quota lumber , lath and Bhlnglos on oars nt Omaha at the following prices : JOIST AND SOANTLINQ 10 ft. and under 22 00 ; 18 ft , 23 50. TIMBERS 10 foot and under , 22 00. TIMBER AND JOIST 18 ft , 23 50 ; 20 ft , 23 60 ; 22 ft ; 20 50 ; 24 ft , 2G CO. FENCING No. 1 , 4 and G In. , 24 00 ; No. 2 , 2200. SlIKETlNd No. l(2d ( common boards ) , 20 00 ; No. 2,18 00. LIME Per barrel , 1 25 ; bulk i > cr bushel' 35oj cement , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa planter , bbl , 2 CO ; hair porbu. 50c ; Tarred felt , J100 Ibs , 350 ; straw board , S 60. Paints , Oils nnd VitrnUlicn. OILS 110 ° carbon , per gallon , 13c ; 160 ° headlight , per gallon , 14Jc ; 175 ° headlight , per gallon , 14 ic ; 160 ° water whlto , 18c ; lln seed , raw , ; pr ( fallon,55c ; linseed , boiled , per gallon , CSaLard , winter str'd , par gallon , SOc : No. 1 , 70oNo. ; 2 , GOc ; castor , XXX , per pal- Ion , 1 50 ; No. 3 , 1 30 : sweet , per gallon , 1 00 sperm W.B. , per gallon , 1 GO ; fish , W. B. , net-gallon , G5c ; noatsfoot extra , per gallon , 90c ; No. 1 , 75c ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , SOc ; summer , 15c ; golden machine , No. 1 , per gal lon , 35c ; No. 2 , 25c ; sperm , signal , per gallon , BOc ; turpentine , per gallon , 4Sc ; naptha 74 ° , per gallon , IGc. PAINTS IN OIL Whlto load , Omaha P. P. lie ; white load , St. Louis , pure , Gc ; Marseilles roon 1 to 5 Ib cans , ' 'Oc : Froncli zinc , green iool , 12c : French zinc , red neal , He ; French cine , in varnish east , 20c : Fionch zinc , in oil asst , 15c ; raw and bunit timber , 1 Ib cans , lOc ; raw and burnt Sienna , lOo ; vandyke brown. ISc ; refined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , niut Ivory block , ICe ; drop block , ICe ; Prussian blue , 30o ; ultrmnnrino blue , ISo ; chrome green L. M , & D. , IGc ; blind and shutter green , L M. & D. , IGc ; Paris green , 18c ; Indian rod , I5c ; Venetian rod , 9c ; Tuscan rod , 22o ; Ameri can Vermllhon , I. & P. , 18o ; cliromo yellow L. M. , O. &D. O. , 18o ; yellow ochre , 9o ; olden ocliro , IGc , patent dryer , 8c ; graining bolors , light oak , dark oak , walnut , chf" taut ind ash 16c. llrv Pulnta. Whlto load , 8c ; French zinc , lOc ; Paris whiting , 2Jo ; whiting gildore , IJc ; whiting jom'l lie ; lampblack , Gormautown , 14c ; lampblack , ordinary , lOc ; Prussian blue , C5c ; ultramarine , 18c ; vandyke , brown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; sienna , burnt , 4c ; tienna , raw , 4c ; Paris green , genuine , 25c ; Paris green , common , 20c ; cliromo green , N.Y. , 20c ; chrome green. K. , 12c ; vermillion , Eng. , rOc ; vermillion , American , ISc ; Indian rod , lOc ; rose pink , 14c ; Venetian rod , Cokusoss , 2c ; Venetian rod , American , IJc : rod load , fjc ; chromo yellow , genuine , 20c ; cliromo yel low , K , , 12c : ocliro , rochello,3c ; ochre , French , 2c ; ochre , American , 2c ; Winter's mineral , 2Jc ; lohigh brown , 2 c ; Spanish brown , 2Jc ; L'rinco's mineral. So , VARNISHES Barrels , per gallon : Furni ture , extra , 8110 ; furniture , No. 1 , SI : coach , sxtra , 81 40 ; coach , No. 1 , 81 20Damar , sxtra , 81 75 ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltum , extra , 85o ; ihollac , 83 60 ; hard oil finish , 81 60 , Tobaccos. PLUO TOBACCO Climax , 60c ; Bullion 60c ; Horseshoe , 60o ; Star. 60c ; Ruddy , 45o ; Her- ley's , 48c ; Black , 38@40c. FINK Cur Common , 20@30o ; good , 45 ® Xc ) ; Rose Loaf , 70c ; Premium , G5o ; Diamond 3rown , 55c ; Sweet Sixteen , 47c. SMORINO O. S. , 21c ; Meerschaum , 28cDur- ; mrr , 8 oz. , 56c ; Durham , 4 oz. . 57c ; Durharr I oz. , 55c ; Seal of North Carolina , 8 oz. , 55c 3eal of North Carolina , 4 oz. , 57c ; Seal of tforth Carolina , 2 oz. , GOc ; O. KJ | Durham , 4 > z. , 28c ; O. K Dm * . ' i30c ; Undo " Jfod , i'a 25c ; To' ' 'f 23o , Leather. dole , 880 to 42c ; hemlock b..c 80 to SSc ; iciii o kip , SOo to 1 00 ; runner G5o to 80o ; lem u calf , 85o to 120 ; hemlock upper , 23o a SGc ; oak upper , 24c ; alligator , 4 00 to 5 60 ; alf kid , 32(2,35 ( , ; Greison kid , 2 CO to 2 75 ; oak dp , SOo to 1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 130 ; French tip , 110 to 155 ; French calf , 123 to 2 00 ; rus- ota , C 50 to 7 60 ; linings , 0 00 to 10 50 ; top- rings , 9 00 to 10 60 ; B. L. Morocco , SOo to Sao ; wbblo O. D. Morocco , 35c ; simon , 2 60 to 3 00. HARNESS No. 1 star oak , 42o ; No 2 do , ' I9c ; No. 1 Ohio oak , SSc ; No. 2 do , B5c ; No. Milwaukee 37c : No 2 do 34c ull and weak ; green butchers , Gc ; groe altod , 74@7Jc ; dry flint , 12@13o ; dry Bolt , ) ( Bllc ) ; damaged hldci ) , two-thlrda price , TALLOW Go. SIIHEP PZLTB 25c@l 00. Wool. Merino unwashed , li 3@15c ; medium unwas washed , choice , 32c ; fair , 8c ; burry , black and cottod wool , 2@0o 'ess ' , Hoarv Ilardwaro Xjlat. Iron , rates , 2 50 ; plow steel special cast , 7o * ruclblo , 8c ; special or Gennan , Co : cost too ; o , 15@20 ; wagon K\nka \ , sot , 2 25 < & 3 00 ; hubs > or set , 125 ; felloes sawed dry , 140 ; tonguas , ach , 70@85o ; bxlos each , 7Co ; square nuU per > , 7@llc ; washers or Ib. 8@18o ; rivets , per b , lie ; coil chain , per It > , G@12c ; malleable , 80 ron wedges , Oc ; crowbars , Gc ; harrow tooth c ; spring tool , 7@8c ; Burden's horsohoos , 5 00 iurden'smuloshoos GOO , BAIIBED Wine 7n ECU lota , 4\o \ pcrJIOO , NAILS Hates , 10 to GO , S 00 , SHOT Sliot , 1 85 ; buck shot , 210 ; oriental > owdor , kcga , 040 ; do. , half kegs , 3 48 ; do. , uarter keg * , 188 ; bloating , kegs , 8 35 ; fuse , per 100 foot 50c. LEAD Bar , 1G5 , COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 ; Mor- s run Bloxsburg , 1000 ; Wbltobroaat lump , 00 ; Whltobrcast nut , 5 00 ; Iowa lump , B 00 ; : owu nut , 5 00 ; Hock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthra. Bite , 1126@11 50 ; Canon City , 7 00 , per ton Llaunra. ALCOHOL 188 proof , 2 26 per wlno gallon xtra California spirits , 188 proof , 125 per iroof gallon ; trlplo refmod sj > IrlU , 187 proof , 23 per proof gallon ; re-dlatllled whl kies 00 )150 ) ; fine lilondod , 1 50@2 50 ; Ken. ucky bourbons , 200@700 ; Kentucky and 'onnsylvunia ryes , 2 00@7 00. BIUNDIM Imported , GOO@1G00 ; domontlo 404 00. GINS Imported , 4 C0@0 00 ; domestic , 1 40 © 300. HUMS Imported , 4 50@0 00 ; NowKngland , 00@4 00 ; domestic , 150@3 50. PKACII ANU Ai'i'LB BUANDT 176@4 00. CHAMPAGNES Imported per caxo , 23 00@ i 00 ; American , per cane , 12 r ( > © 10 00. CODED MEATS AND ) Mni > In tierces lOo , n palls lie. Hams , ll&o & ; breakfast bacon , 3aUGJc ; smoked el Jen , Oi'glOa ; Halt sides , GliKEN FllUIT AND I'liOIIUCE Potatoes , BB@ 5o per 100 pounds ; onions , per 100 pounds , 81 50@2 00 ; turnip * , per 100 Ib , 00@80o ; Col orado cabbage , new , per 100 , 85c@100 Ive chickens , old , per doz , $1 00 ( 425FpraIria ; chicken * per'doz , $3 75@IOO ; cgff , frwh , per duz , 32@35c ; butter , fitlr qual ity creamery , finoit peril ) , S8@42 ; creamery , good , i > cr Ib , 2S@34cj Kan M and Nobraskn dairy , jxir Ib , 37ffl ) r > c ; cooking , 12 < ai5cj chcono , full creAm , per Ib. 1017ci a | > plM | > or bbl , eastern , $ rt 00B 50 | ( Trapo * , | > r Ib , " ( allOc ; California \ nn , per lt > , 7@10c Mo9 ! nn lemon * , extra , per box , $7 OC @ 8 00 ; oranges , 912 00013 OOj Colorado wheat , | > or 100 Ib , SI S0@l JW ; flour , tali quality , $10 00(5)10 ( ) 50 per barrel ) flour , Graham , jxsr 100 Ib. Si 00@2 50 : flour , rye , iwr 100 Ib , $2 W2 ) 70 ; flour , buckwheat , per 111 , $10 00@10 M ; corn meal , per 100 Ibi , $1 G5@l 85j corn , ix > r 100 llw , $1 30 ® I 35 ; com chop , pot 100 llw. $1 30@1 S3j now oats , per 100 Ib * . 31 S-Vjai 45 ! oal , Nebraska , mixed. l > cr 100 Ib , ? 1 33@1 av wheat , per 100 llw , 31 35@145Wley ! , jwrlOOlbi , 1 r > 0@ @l 75 ; mixed chop , per 100 Hw , $1 S3 ® 1 40 ; bran , per ton , 817 001 00 ; hay , per ton. S12 00@1G OOj baled scconil bottom. 310 0012 00 ; baled upland , $14 0017 00 straw , per ton , $8 00@9 00. Railway Time Table. LOCAt , TIUlNS-niUbOrCDtVISlONJ U. l > . U K. , MAIN LINK. MAT * . ARKin. Atlantic Ktprcn7:2& : a rr iVettern KXJTOM 8:00pm : WcnternKxtircRi.S.'iOp In J. ItUmlPa . . . .4sopm : O. lilaml I'M * . 11:40 : am Jncoln Kx..12:80pm : Lincoln Kx DUMMY TUMKS-nilllXlK DIVISION. m h ! 7:10 : , 8:00,0:00.10:00,11:00 : : : M m.,12 in XO , 2:00,3:00,4:00 : : : , B 00,0,00.10:10 : n. m. ) ii Sun Uys : 7:10,0:0 : : lloo : . m ; ZM > , 4oo : , BttO , 10:10 : 11. m. ArrUo nttransferilormtCO mlnuteaUtor ; llroau way depotCouncil BUKTu , 30 minute * Uter. I/CMC Council lUuirs , Hro < l\vny ilrpot , 8:00 : , 9:00 : , 0:00,11:00 : : ft.m. ; 12 ialiX ; : ) , Sco : , 3.00,4:00,6:00,0:40 : : : , .0:40p.m : On8umlftj :18OT : , 10.-oo . > n.Um3.W ; ; , i.-OO , 0:40,10:40 : : p. in. Arriv o Tranif er depot , 10 min utes Uter. Ixw\o Council Blufh Tmnoler ilepol ! 85 : , 02S ; , 0:2filt : : S.m.l2 ; inl:2J ; : , 2:25,3s : : , 4:26 , f > :25,0S" : : :05,10:651\ : : Arrlv a Onmh SO minute * Uter. , LUiVl OHtllA. LRAT1 COUNCIL RLDTn. rwa No. S. , . .7fS : ru | r . No. p. , , . 7.lam : " No. 10 6:45 : pin < > No. 15..11:45 : ra 11 No. 4 8&oim : : | " No 8..nso : m C" No. 8 tl:6Ufttn : | " No ' 5t..7ilR pm 11 N .c 8l6am : S. " No. 1. . . . TS&pm " No. 60..0:50 : urn | C. , M. A St. 11,1V-U. . P DKfOT. Mail ft Kx 7:50 : rn 11'ooinoKx 0IS : ru UUntlaKx 3:60 : pm | M ll&Kx 7:10 : p in ffABASH , ST. LOUIS & PAOIFIO-l' . P. DKrOT. Oiuah , , . . ,7Hn ) m I Om&ha " 3:50pn\ : | " 0. , n & Q II. 11.-U P. DKPOT. Ukll * 7tXRra : ) IKxtirou B:45 : m Express 3:50 : p lu I M&ll" 7:10 pm Kinross . .7:50 a m I Mall , . . , . .0:4Sm : Mail 3:60piu : | Kinross 7:10pm o. & N. w , it , n u. tiKi'or. kfall * 7:60am I Kxprost 9:48 : m' Etprcn 3:50p : ra | Mall' 7:10 : pm 8. 0. & P. K. IU-U. P. VKVOl. Uall > 0:15 : Kin I Rxprou 9.45am Express 6:00pm : | Mall * 7:10p m M1SSOU1U I'ACIFIO U. P. DKIXT Expron , . .7:00 : a ml KipreM .8:46 : pm 0,8T. PAUL , M. ; 0. U. H , DKl'OT N. 16T11 8T No. X * ,7:30am : I No. 1" 8:30p : m No. 4' . . „ . . . .lOOpmNo : | 8 * 11:45 : am SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC-DKPOT N. 16th Btroct. U-o\o Omaha for Valentine via at. Paul Line fo niilr 7:30am Arrive from Valentine. 6:30 : pin B. ft M. IN NKBUASKA. Denver Kxprcsi. . . 8:16 : n ml AtUntla BSOpm 1'nclflo Kxprcu.a:3S : p in. | Donor.K . pro s9iO : a m K. 0. , tri. JOE & C. D. n. U. B. IDEPOT. . Itall . .8:25Riu : I Kxnrcad OKWam Eipro83 70l ; > ui iMall u .00pm : Sunday oxccptotl. Opening and Cloning of Hallo. KOUTI. orut. CLOSI. a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. CI&N.W.,0.U. .fe P. , 0.11. &Q. , St. Paul & Sioux Clty.Il:00 : 0:00 : 6:40 : 3:15 : a , M.&S.1-.S. O. & P. In loua 0.00 5:40 Waliiuh Exprcin l'J:30 : SilB Wabuh local 9:00 : 6:40 : K. C. , St. Joe & 0. 9:00 : 0:00 : 6:40 : 0:50 : Missouri Padlla 7:30 : 6:40 : 0. , SUP. M. &O 6:00 : 7:20 : Uulon Pacificcnorlaml 8:00 : 11:35 : Union Pacino , Denver Kx. . . . 4:00 : 7:30 : O. & Iloimblicau Volley. . . 1:30 : 11:35 : B.&M. Kxprcss 7:00 7:40 : B. K M. for PlatUmouth , S. Bend , Ashland ami Lincoln.11:00 : OIIlcc open Kunda > trnm 11:00 : m. to 1:00 : p. m. 0. E. COUTANT Poitmanlr * SMITH & SPAFARD ! . DRUGGISTS ! S. W CORNER 13th AND HOWARD Bell all medicines advertised In tills paper. ' Ilavo also n flno line ol porlumory iiookot kuhiw , toilet anil choice Havana cigara. Proscriptions compoundedattxl hoars. Twenty jean practical experience. Nebraska Cornice -AND- MANUFAOTURKR8 0V GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES ; DDoxMxxoxr ' / . T'fii , FINIALS , WINDOW CAPS , TIH , IRON AND SLATE ROOFING , PATENT JIKTALIO SKYLIGHT , Iron Fencing ! Croitlnn , Hfilustradoa , Verandas , Ofllcoand JJnnk KaUiniri , Window and Collar ( Itmrds , lite. N. W. COIl. NINTH AND JONUS 8TS. WM. OAJSEIl , Manager. DISEASES OP THE EYE & EAR J , T. ARMSTRONG , M. D.ft Ootxliett [ 1(01 Farrum Street , oriioslto Pixton Hotel , Orn ha , Neb. jCj "I' U of the human body enlarged , developed and tr < mthoiied ( , etc. , In an Interuiitlnir , advertisement lonif run In our paper. In reply to Inquiries wo will lay that there It no evidence of humbug about thla. On the contrary , the odvertlitera are \ery highly eiidornod. Interested may it" ' sealou circulars giving allpartlu Iiemoni oddreulnz Krlo Medical Co. , . Obox UuRalo N Y. ( Toledo Kvcnintr.lllacl „ NEBRASKA LAND AGENCY. 0. F. DAVIS & CO. , (8UCCK880I18 ( TO DAVIS & SNYDKU. ) General Dcalen In REALESTATE ESTATE OIIAIIA. Have lor "ale 200,000 aeiei carelnlly Beleokul UnJi o K torn Nebraska , at low | irloo and on ouy turun. Improved farms for eale In DouuU . UodKe , Oolfat , PlaUe , Hurt , Oumlng , Barny , Waalilmtou , Mertck , Baunderd , and Duller Counties. Taxes paid In all parts of the HUte. Money loaned on Improved farms. Notary rubllo Alwayi lu oQlcu. Oorrespondouoa olldtc.l DR , EMILY PAGELSEN ICliJ DODGK STREET , OlllCihoilrt 10 < in 4JIM.to : 7:30. ICE TOOLS OF EVEEYiDESORIPTION I have ( ccurml tlie agency c > l Wm. T. "Wood & Co. , To tell their tooli. They are maUn ? th bott lot Tool . and are the oldwt flnu lu the Uiilltsl UUtei Any ICQ Compaoy wUhlnx tu buy tooln will rotxlve th prompt nt ftUoiitlou by Wrwjlnif ri W. UuUjlVI'i 1S17 Shermin Ai taut , Omaha , Nob. HAWT NE , This now and bountiful addition is located between Davonporfand Casa'strcotal ' ' Tnmnl rnrm " " "r" > nly ton blocks from the High Scheol. tr Lots Will "belSold at $350 to $650. HAWTHORNE ! Thisjia by all oUda the most doairablo property placed on'tho market this year. Situated an it is , in the heart of the city , and at prices HO higher than is asked for ota two and three miles diatant. | Davenport. Street is Now being Graded Through thi Addition , ' . " ' HAWTHORNE The finest rosidonoos in Omaha are being built within seven blocks of this ad hia addition and thcso lots will double in value in loss than aix months. Lota in Hawthorne will quadruple in price before lots two and three miles dia- Mil will double. Ball and See Prices and Plat , and { .Drive with gus to Hawthorne. Parties wishing desirable residence properly will find "it to their advantage emil mil and BOO us. a ornamented with a beautiful rowth of forest trees , , consisting of Oak , Hickory \sh and Elm. Hence the shade and ornamental trees are already planted and Ml irown , , Wo have property in all parts of the city , both for residence and business pur- purposes. \Vo have an Eighty aero tract and 100 aero tract on line of Bolt Railroad at a ; BEDFORD & SOITER , 213 South 14th Street , between Farnam and Douglas. f > , f c