Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 28, 1883, Image 1

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    < W ) J. uili.-tft I TT T ? df OMAHA DAILY BEE.
Seine Sensational Testimony in
the Emma Bond Oaso.
An Auditor Discovers a Tax-
Swindling System ,
A Murder for a Paltry Sum of
Two Murderers Eiponinc for the
ST. Louis , December 27.A Post' Dis
patch , Hillsboro special says : When
court opened this morning , Judge Thorn
ton of the defense announced that either
this. afternoon or to-morrow ho
would have Miss Bond put on
1'i the stand again. John 0. Mont
* gomery then " "testified _ ho waa 33
years old , married , had a wife and throe
children , loft the house between 10 and
11 o'clock on the day of tlio outrage .with
hia wife and family , visited Mrs. PottuB
and took dinner there. Leo Pottus and
Clomonti were present , loft directly after
dinner , wont to his father's house three
hundred yards distant , mot Sherman
Yanokoy there , left his father's house at
1 o'clock wont down the road past the
school house saw little Charley Masters
there. Didn't stop there ; wont to
Joseph Yonkors. Mr. Yonkera and his
sister wont down to the field with Josopli
and George Yonkers to look at a now
binder ; then wont to the cornfield , talked
awhile about Guitoau , who was hung the
day before. Mot John Margert there
then all four of us wont to the wheat
Hold ; looked at the cradle , tried to work
it but couldn't. Was in the field proba
bly an hour and a half , then all wont to
the house of Margort , and George Yon
kor and wife ; then left for homo and ]
started for Mrs. Pottus' house , sun
nbout an hour high ; mot Shor
wan , Yonkers and my father h
the road ; on arriving at Mrs. Pottus
house saw Lee Pottus'mowing ; Clement
was there ; got out my team , took aup
per , left with wife and children for home
sun then down. Saw John Campbell as
I was driving homo ; also John Margcr
on horseback , got home at dusk , put U ]
horses , wont to the house ; shortly afto
wont to bed ; was never in the sclioo
house loft till next morning ; never pore
my too nail there. The morning afto
the outrage was in the loft with others
some ono asked mo to cut a pipco of wooc
from the hole inside the boardine ; cut ou
a piece of board ; am. right-handed ; cat
use knife easily with right hand ; hac
nothing whatever to do with the ontrag
or attempted outrage of Emma Bono
stopped at the school house three-quo ]
tors of an hour ; big crowd there ; lei
with my cousin , wont south to Grpv
City ; big crowd there also , and excite
ment about the rape ; stayed at Grov
City till four in the afternoon , then wen
I was arrested after dark ; ,
" ' brown ted ;
and a little white stripe ; had worn it a
the week ; wore boots ; didn't wear shoe
' that summer ; were overalls of dull atee
color. When I saw dementi and Le
Pettus on the day of the outrage hot
'vroro without coata and both voro dar
colored ahirts. Montgomery gave an a <
count of his actions subsequent te hi
arrest and then answered a number o
questions put by his counsel for the pu :
pose of getting denials and oxplanatioi
of little circumstances upon which th
prosecution placed value. Among othi.
things Montgomery denied that ho eve
told Hoinlein or Swick to tellLeePottu
to stand firm and give nothing away , o
that ho said when told that Pettus an
'Clomenti had bpo'n arrested and th
former made a written confession impl
eating him : "My God what shall I do
didn't remember saying any such thing
never told the crowd that people were i
too great a hurry to arrest mo , that
they had waited awhile they would hav
got something out of mo but the
wouldn't got anything now.
The examination lasted an hour and
half. Instead of being a narrative
was iu the form of short answers
Joseph Yonkor was the next witnos
Ho testified that John C. Montgomorj
was at his house most of the aftornoo
on the day of the outrage and fully co
roborated Montgomery's testimony as '
how the afternoon was spout. Ho wa
cross-examined very closely aa to all th
circumatancea of the day and proved the
best witness the defence has yet had , his
evidence being very clear and convinc
George Yonker testified to the same
facts as his brother Joseph did. Ho was
minutely cross-examined but his evidence
was unshaken. Both were good witnesses
and the alibi for Montgomery , so far , is
very strong.
Mrs. Sarah Yonkors. wife of George
Yonkers , then testified and her evidence
created a great sensation. She testified
to being at the house of Joseph Yonkers
with her husband , and to events , cir
cumstances , etc. , given by the Yonkor
brothers and John C. Montgomery , but
insisted that it was on the day following
the outrage and not on the day of the
outrage. She said she first hoard of the
outrage from Mrs. Jos. Yonkers on the
day of her visit , that she had not
boon there or soon Mra. Yonkera for
some days before , and did not BOO her for
three weeks afterwards. Witness was
very closely qu&stionod by the counsel ,
but she firmly maintained it was the day
after the outrage that she and her hus
band were at Yonkers1 , and on which the
events occurred as testified to by Mont
gomorj' and tlio Yonkers brothers. This
evidence created a marked sensation ,
and is regarded by some as destroying
Montgomery's alibi. Some express the
belief that the alibi in his case has boon
constructed on his actions on some day
other than that on which the outrage was
committed ,
The next witness waa Mrs. . Joseph
Yonkers who tostiGod substantially the
same as the Yonkers brothers and Mont
gomery , os to what occurred at her
hoiiEo and giving Thursday as the day ,
aaid it was that day she told Mrs.
George Yonkers of the outrage. She
also testified that Mrs. George Yonkers
was at her house Friday and brought her
children to go to a picnic.
Miss Laura Yonkers , daughter of the
proceeding witness , testified to about the
same thing as her mother , but on cross-
examination failed to remember several
things she stated at the preliminary trial.
John Morgan testified to being at Joe <
Yonkors' Thursday afternoon , Juno 28 ;
saw Montgomery there and was in the
wheat field with him and the Yonkor
Sherman Yonckoy testified that ho
passed Joe Yonkors' house between 5
and U o'clock Thursday afternoon and
saw John S. Montgomery there.
James Kline testified to the anmo
thing and John Campbell testified to
meeting John 0. Montgomery and fam
ily in n wagon on the road going homo
about Sundown.
The Republican's liillaboro special
says : Mr. Bond has received numerous
loiters the past four weeks from various
parts of the country in which the writers
offered to furnish any number of men to
lynch Montgomery , Pottus and Clomonti.
Ono letter postmarked al n town near
Gftlvoston , Texas , states that the writer
is chief of an organizotion for the pun
ishment of crime , and that ho would bo
pleased to furnish forty mon on short
notice to hang the three defendants if
Bond desired. Bond has destroyed all
these letters , and gives no countenance
whatever to such communications.
Lout.sviu.Kt December 27. George
W. Levi , ox-chief of , the Louisville fire
department , was to-day conyictod pf defaulting -
faulting the city of its rovo'uuo while ho
was in the tax department and sentenced
to three years in the penitentiary.
HELENA , Mont. , December 27. A
Bozeman special to The Herald says :
John 0. Clark was hanged in the jail
yard at 11:30 : this morning for the mur
der of Thomas Ilpgors in Juno last. Ho
died protesting his innocence.
Frank Young , who was to- have been
hung to-day , has boon reprieved for GO
days by President Arthur , to allow hia
case to conia before the supreme court.
AI.IIANY , N. Y. , December 27. Pri
vate dispatches from Hanover , Germany ,
atato that Colonel Henry II. . Ilathbpno
killed hia wife and committed suicide.
They were connected with thomost prom
inent families hero. She was the daugh
ter of ox-United Stoles Senator Harris ,
SAN FUANCISCO , December 27. Fred
erick Burchard , who testified yesterday
in the Hill-Sharon divorce case "that in
April , 1881 , ho became engaged to bo
married to Miss Hill , " was this afternoon
arrostnd on complaint of Miss Hil'
charged with perjury. Burchard was released <
leased on bonds.
CINCINNATI , December 27. County
Auditor Browstor says ho has discovered
a million dollars fraudulent increase evaluations
valuations of property for taxes on th
books , made for the purpose of getting ;
fpo for procuring the refunding of excessive
sivo taxes. Ho says this has been don
since 1883.
NEW YOUK , December 27. Two Peru
Indiana , detectives arrived to-day with'i
requisition for Walter E. Kidder , arrest
ed recently charged with bigamy '
" *
CINCINNATI , O.- December 27. Th
body of an unknown man , sup
posed to bo fifty years old
was found among the willows aloii ]
a little stream near Cumminsvillo , in th
suburbs of the city. There was a rep
about the nock , and the tongue protrude
aa if choked to death. There were mark
of blows on the top of the head.
The body has been since identified a
that of Win. H. Kirk , a dealer in sam
who lately has boon dealing in horses
Ho lived on Elizabeth street , this city ,
and was undoubtedly murdered fo ;
money. His wife aays _ ho left hem <
Monday to go to Chovoit to bu/a'horso
He had $200 with him. She had no
since heard from him. When the nowi
of the finding the body was published
she visited the morgue and found it wa
her husband. There is nothing mon
than a suspicion as to the murderer
No arrests have been made.
John Noill , a teamster , having a stabl
adjoining Kirk's waa arrested on susp
cion as the murderer and a largo amoun
pf money was found ou him , correspond
ing with that taken away by. Kirk
Kirk's cap and some other articles wori
found hidden in the , kindling wood 01
Noill'a promises.
EMPOKIA , Kas. , December 27. Roc
and Pearce , murderers of W. IJ. McMi"
Ian , vrorp sentenced to-day to remain i
the penitentiary . ono year and at sue
time thereafter aa the governor shall set
they filial I bo liangod within the prison
Corn ICoport.
WASHINGTON , December 27. Profea-
ser J. H. Dodge , statistician of the agri
cultural department , lias just completed
a preliminary estimate of the principal
crops for 1883. It shows that potatoes ,
all roots and oats have grown unusually
luxuriant. Of corn the professor says
the avorrgo yield par aero the present
year ia nearly 23 busnols , which in 12
per cent less than the average yield for a
series of years , or 1,551,000,835 bushels
stands for the quantity of the present
crop. It is doubtless true that the qual
ity of corn in the north parallel is 40 per
cent worse than for many years. As n
whole the corn grown in 1883 in Michi
gan , Wisconsin , Minnesota and Dakota ,
added to half that grown in Ohio , Indi
ana , Illinois , Iowa and Nebraska , would
inako 400,000,000 , only one-fourth of the
whole crop , and that a possible depreci
ation of 40 per cent in all of it would bo
equivalent to a 10 per cent reduction in
the value of the entire crop. One feature
of the corn growing in 1883 should prove
a lesson to the farmers of the country
about growing seed corn in the west.
Nebraska seed in Illinois has demon
strated the folly of attempting to accli
mate southern maize in more northern
districts. Much loss from frost would
have been avoided had seed boon care
fully selected from the best corn grown
in the immudiuto neighborhood. The
wheat crop is slightly in excess of 400-
000,000 bushels , and the cotton product ,
as shown by the December roturusabout
0,000,000 bales. There will bo another
investigation after tlio close of the cotton
harvest and shipments of a largo portion
of the crop , when the precise results
will bo approached more nearly titan is
possible now
A Governor Who Ought to bo
Modalod ,
The Doorcase in Internal Bovonue
Oollootibns ,
Testimony Given in the JProtous
Investigation , ' ' .
Mr. Morrison's ' Views on Tariff
WASHINGTON , Docolnbor 27. ThoPro-
tous inquiry was resumed to-day. Oapt.
Richard Pike , master of the government
atoamor Proteus , testified : There was
no disagreement between himself and
Lieut. Garlington. Ho expressed the
opinion that ono or two moro boat-loads
of supplies could bo gotten off the ice to
Capo Sabine after tlio wreck , and sug
gested it to Garlington , but the latter de
clined to lot his boats co. In regard to
leaving Payer harbor , Pike said that ho
told Garlington the water ho saw north
was "no good. " Ho ( Pike ) was not
ready to go. Ho wanted coal in the
bunkers. Thereupon Garlington said :
"I can BOO open water and want to go.
You shall have my mon to help you in
the bunkers. " Upon that witness said
ho would go and try it.
Liout. Col. Wolla was called and 11 ally
contradicted the evidence given by Pike.
Ho said ho hoard no pxprcssion of opin
ion on the part of Pike that the water
was " 110 good. " lleforring to Piko'a
statement that moro supplies could have
boon saved , but Garlington objected
to letting his boats go , witness
( Wells ) said that when they were on the
ice lloo ono of Piko's boatn , which had
boon to the shore , came along side , and
Pike , with ono of his officers , clambered
over into the opening of broken ice , got
into hia boat and pushed it off , leaving
some of his own crow on the Hoc. The
men thus abandoned cursed Pike for
leaving them. Ho spoke of keeping one
of Garlington's boats and keeping along
the east coast , to the south , not going ;
ashore at all at Capo Sabino. When
Pike afterwards , at Capo Sabine , pro
posed to Garlington to take ono of his
boats and got moro stores off thoicofiooo ,
witness , remembering the throats ant
mutinous proposals of tlio Protons crow ,
advised Garlington not to allow the boat :
to go with the Proteus crow , feeling i
unsafe to trust them. Ho said the stores
which it was proposed to save , were some
ho ( Wells ) had thrown out of his boat to
inako room for the mon Pike abandoned
In response to Pike's proposition , six o
Garlington's men and as many of thi
Proteus crow manned two of the Proteus
boats and brought in a portion of tli
supplies. Witness estimated the amoun
of supplies saved from the wreck of _ th
Proteus , loft in cache at Capo Sabine
at 700 full rationii , and clothing fo
twenty-throe men for , six months.
N. W. Fitzgerald , the suspended pen
aion attorney , appeared in court to-da.
in the suit of Cohen & Sons , against him
but , on account of the sickness of counsel
sol , the case wont over. Immediate
after , C. W. Grant , attorney for Fit !
gerald , wont into the clork's office , ant
by direction of his client , dismissed th
suits recently brought against the SI
Louis Globe-Democrat for libel and $50.
000 damages , and against General H. F
Boyington and the Cincinnati Commor
cial-Gazotto for libel and $100,000 dam
ages , against Fulton , of Indianapolis , fo
slander and § 20,000 damages , and agains
Charles T. Murray , , of St. Louis , fo
libel and § 50,000. Hardly had thos
caaes boon so entered , when A. A. Lip
scomb filed a suit against Fitzgerald t
recover $2,500 on an Indiana judgemon
N. C. Irwin , governor of Idaho torr
tory , troturned to the treasurer of th
United States a draft for $050 sent hii
as salary for the quarter ended Octobo
30th , and declined also to receive th
salary duo him for the quarter ondin
December 31st. Ho states that ho ha
boon unable to attend to the duties of tl
office since July,1st , and docs not coi
aider that ho can conscientiously acco ]
For the first five months of the prosen
fiscal year the total internal revenue co
lections were $51,27',438 ' , being ? 11
. ' (43,071 ( loaa than for the corresponding
period of last year. In spirits the total
increase in collections is $2,074,771 ;
total docrcaso in the collection of tax on
tobacco , $0,101,007 ; from banks and
bankers , 81,008,202 ; miscellaneous taxes ,
$3,05i,231. (
The funeral of Mrs. General Ilosocrans
took place at St. Aloysius church. A
requiem mass was celebrated by Rev.
Father Cusain. Nearly all the members
of congress now in Washington were
present with their families. The casket
was covered with flowers. The remains
wore p aced in a vault at Alt , Olivet cem
A < ! I.BKKHUir.
Morrison expect * to appoint Henry
Talbot , Jr. , of Illinois , clerk of the waya
and moans committee.
The Post will contain to-morrow an
interview with Mr. Morrison , chairman
of the ways and means committee , in
which ho says the committee will report
a bill to inako a pretty general reduction
in existing duties , and that in arranging
the provisions of the bill the committee
will look to the possibility of preparing a
measure that can pass congress , but
whether or not the bill can got through
the liouso without being amended so as
to dostrov its usefulness is a matter of
mcro conjecture. Mr. MorriKon said ho
was not in fnvpr of disturbing the tax on
whisky and tobacco ,
Work wild
Pm'Hiiunu , December 27. OQlcials
of the local miners' organization pronounce -
nounco the report that they intended to
strike on the first of the year with
20,000 miners of West Moroland , Char ,
field , Bedford and Huntington counties ,
absurd. Tlioy say there are not that
irmny miners in the district and the men
are not in condition to strike as they
have hnd but little work and have scarce
ly money enough ahead to buy two
weeks provisions.
The amalgamated union minors only
organized last summer and are too poor
to stand such n strike. The miners of
the Connollsvillo coke regions mot at
Scottdalo to-day and after passing a
series of resolutions denouncing Hunga
rian sort labor , appointed a committee to
prepare n petition to congress requesting
the pftsiftgo of some restrictive law upon
their wholesaleimportation. .
The 3,000 employes of the National
Tube Works company , of Koosport , decided -
cidod to-night to accept a reduction of
12 J to 25 per cent on January 1st. The
mills will probably continue operations
all winter.
Ohio liltiuor Men.
COLUMIIUH , December 27. The state
convention of liquor dealers assembled
to-day , with delegates from aU the county
associations , and organized with William
Backus , of Cleveland , as chairman. The
object is mutual relief and protection ,
with a view to securing desired legislation.
Bfcckua , as permanent chairman , made
a radical speech , demanding the repeal
of the obnoxious legislation passed by
the last legislature , and full protection
of the tratlio free from all tax Meas
ures were taken for uniting .brewers , dis
tillers , wholesale. and rotaitdbalors , all in
ono perfect atato organization , with aux
iliaries in each county to begin an aggres
sive campaign for the fullest rights and
personal rights.
( iouM ) AND THI : i. UOAIW.
NRW YOKK , December 27. Jay Gould
has arranged with the Mercantile Trust
company to purchase from the Manhattan
Railway company the lirat preferred
stock holders1 dividend , payabloi January
2nd , on assignment of their claims , ac-
> mpaniod also by an assignment of their
aims to n dividend from the Now York
lovatcd railway company for a like
.mount in case the , agreement between
lie elevated railroad 'companies should
o adjudged invalid' .
Pirrsiiuuo. December 27. Nogotia-
ona looking to the lease of the Pitts-
-urg & Western railroad to the Jowott
interests , it is stated positively by the
tockholdora of the former , have fallen
Jirough and that if the Pittaburg Ai
Voatorn ia leased at all the B. it 0. will
o the lessee. I
NEW OULKANH , "December 27 The
rut train crossed Atchafalaya bridge on
lie Texas Pacific railroad December 2Gth.
'ho ' structuro'is nowcomplotodand trains
, re crossing it regularly. The bridge ia
,045 foot long and cost half a million.
llufllncss Unfortunates.
PICOVIDKNUE , December 27. Follow-
ng is a statement of A. D. Smith &
Co. 'a paporj hold by Providence banks :
American National bank $175,000 , Na-
.ional Bank of Commerce $105,000 , Poo-
lie's Saving bank $10,700 , other banks
if Providence $2)5,000 ! ) ; total amount of ,
paper hold by these banks $707,000.
GnicAoo , Docombur 27. 0. A. Cou-
tant & : Co. , fane 'Hmgoods and notions ,
have failed , liabilities $ l0l000rasaota , '
retail value , $50,000.
NEW YOKK , December 27. The num
ber of 'schedules of assignments filed in
; his city in 1883 was 343. The liabili-
ics were $20,857,853 , actual aasoto
! ! ) ,374,451.
BOSTON , December 27. In the in-
lolvonoy case of Frank O. Nash , of
iVoymouth , the liabilitiea ore $150,000 ,
assets $82,000.
BOSTON' , December 27. 0. H. Ward ,
[ > oot and shoo manufacturer , who failed
'or $1,500.000 hat summer , has mort-
; aged his entire property for the benefit
if the creditors.
EAST WKYMOUTH , Mass. , December 27.
Dizer t f'o. , boot and shoo manufac
turers , have decided to stop business
rather than accede to the demands of the
itriking losters. Nearly 400 workmen
will bo thrown out of work.
A lirllllant Ilnccplion.
DETJIOIT , Mich. , December 27. A re
ception was given at the elegant rooms
of the Detroit club this evening to Chief
Justice Benjamin F. Graves , of the an-
promo court , who retires voluntarily
from the bench Monday noxt. The re
ception , which was participated in by
leading members of the bar from nil
parts of the state and many judges of the
circuit and municipal courts , waa a very
brilliant affair. During the evening a
brief testimonial address , beautifully on-
gtavod on parchment and signed by about
fifty loading lawyers of the state , wan
presented Judge Graves , with a fitting
address by Hon. G. Y. N. Lathrop , of
this city. Judge Craves ! has been on the
supreme bench fifteen years , and was on
the circuit bench before his promotion
twelve years.
Till ) IJlHllOD'H Wlf < ! .
DKNVBH , December 27. The marriage
of the eminent Methodist divine , Bishop
Henry W. Warren , of Georgia , and Mrs.
Elix-aboili S. Hill' , of this city , was cele
brated at the Evans Memorial church at
noon to-day , lit. llov. Bishop Simpson ,
of Philadelphia , officiating. The recep
tion at the palutiil residence of the bride
was a very elaborate affair. Mrs. Iliff is
a lady of rare culture and possessed of a
princely fortune , and is widely known
for her charity and liberality to the poor.
The bishop and Mrs. Warren leave to
night on a trip to Now and Old Mexico
and Cuba.
Ai-lluir Auulu OfT.
WAHIIINOTON , D. C. , December 27.
The president loft Washington last night
for Now York for the purpose pf attend
ing to private business and also to attend
the reception given this afternoon by
Stophoii B. French. Ho will probably
return to Washington to-morrow.
NKW YOHK , December 27. President
Arthur was in town to-day and attended
a reception at the house of Charles E.
Miller. It was reported that ho would
return to Washington to-night.
AUltlUOHO IlljIlllUtlUII ,
SYIUCUHK , N. Y. , December 27.-"I
the matter of the Now York ( Jlucoio
company against the American Glucose
company and' 0. J. Hamilton ot al. a
motion for an injunction to re-strain de
fendants from using a patented process
invented by plaintiff , was granted. The
injunction utlectu nine of the largest glucose >
coso manufacture in the United States ,
The Bloody Eiots in Now Found-
laud Not Yet Quelled ,
A Prospect of Still Moro Desperate
ate Fighting ,
El Mahdi Loses Courage and Pre
pares for the Worst ,
The Dynamiters Eoviving Their
System of Warfare ,
ST. Joiuvs , N. F. , December 27. Ad
vices from Harbor Grace atato that the
Orange procession yesterday vrhilo pass
ing Snijjshoad , waa fired on bytho crowd. '
At first the Orangemen thought the
llring was from powder guns carried by
their friends , until they saw their mon
fall , Four men were killed , two Orange
men and two Roman Catholics , eight are
reported mortally and eighteen to twenty
slightly wounded. Head Constable
Doyle is among the wounded. There is
a lull in the outbreak at Grace Harbor ,
but the neighboring town of Carbonoar
is in a atato of wildcat fronsty. Over
1,000 men are parading the streets and
preparing to march to Harbor Grace.
Crowds are hurrying up from the whole
extent of the north shore of Conception
bay to the sceuo of the disturbance. All
business places are closed and most pri
vate dwellings are protected by bara and
bolls. The police dispatched from St.
Johns reached Harbor Grace last night.
If thojiot breaks out anew the law otli-
cora will bo po\yorlosa to protect life and
property. It ia rumored that the gov
ernment has cabled Halifax for troops
and war ships. If the Carbonoar con-
"ngont marches to Harbor Grace the
iault will bo terrible to contemplate.
MADKID , December 27. A decree is
azottod abrogating Article 5 of the do
roe of March,12 , 1808 , whereby goods
: om the United States pay u duty in
uba iis if they had been brought in for-
ign ships , oven when arriving under the
panish ilag. The decree becomes opera
ivo thirty days after publication by the
panish consuls in their respective locali-
TOUONTO , December 27. The Trades'
ongress unanimously resolved that the
uturo welfare of the working people of
10 dominion requires the prohibition of
10 importation of Chinese labor.
ST. PinT.jwituun , December 27. The
oalth of the czar is improving and the
iains and inflammation caused by hia re
: ont accident are rapidly subsiding.
PAIUS , December 27. The chamber
f deputies discussed the bill granting
; rodit of 2,000,000 francs for the proposed
x > Umiztion"bfAlgor . * * Ai- , v.
The National and Temps ( newspapers'
) oth state that Franco will exact sonv
ocurity for the duo discharge of tin
ecuniary responsibility incurred b
China's aggressive attitude in connoctioi
ivitli the Tonquin question.
PAULS , December 27. It is roporto
; hat the government has tolegraphec
Admiral Courbot , urging him to follow
up hia victory at Sontay with the utmpa1
promptness and energy compatible will
prudence. It is reported that Admira
Courbot will make an attack upoi
Horlioa before inarching against Bac
. Bohemia , December 27. A so
ore shock of earthquake waa felt hero
causing the inhabitants to lloo to th
leighboring fields.
HAVANA , December 27. The sanitar ; r
condition of Havana is improving. On ) ,
en deaths from yellow fever occurre j
during the week ended yesterday. Th < 3
cases are scattered among the populatio i
and not confined to shipping and military ,
iospitala as they are usually.
CAIUO , December 27. Ono thousan
throe hundred troops have arrived
Khartoum from Fashoda. They mot n
resistance on the way. The garrison
Khartoum now numbers 4,000. A foinal
slave captured by El Mahdi after slayin
tlio Kabobish chief , liar master , rocontl
escaped from El Oheid and reports I
Mahdi in great fear and that ho has BOH
his family to a place of safety. The noigli
boring tribes refused to help him. A
emissary of El Mahdi was arrentod ii
Minich , forty miles above Cairo. H .
declared it was his intention to procoo *
to Cairo and Mecca.
LIVERPOOL , December 27. Some anxiety
ioty is felt regarding the steamer Celtic ,
which is overdue , The Coltio sailed
from Now York December 15 for Liver-
MAHIIID , December 27. At the cab
inet council the minmtors explained the
political situation to King Alfonso , and
expressed their fears that an agreement
between the ; ninisterialista and support-
era of Sagaatn is impossible.
BRKI.IN , December 27. It in euid that
during tlio visit of the crown prince to
the pope the latter repeatedly referred to
questions concerning the church , but the
prince declined to commit himself on
that subject.
LONDON , December 27. There is n
revival of attempts to destroy life and
property by explosives. Besides the
explosion ut Birkonhcad on the night of
the 25th , a dynamite cartridge was ex
ploded in Barrack street , Strabane ,
county Tyrone , Ireland , yesterday , de
stroying the roof of u house , A box of
explosives and fuse were found and
attached , on the track of the Great Wes
tern railroad near Axminuter ,
PAUIH , December 27. Two hundred
students , fooling offended by nn article in
the communist journal , Cri du Pouple ,
besieged the oflico yesterday evening and
demanded retraction. The editor ru-
fused , and the students dispersed , but
will moot to-night to determine what
course to pursue.
PAUIH , December 27. The government
has decided to prohibit the importation
of American salted moats until the chain ,
bora have pronounced upon the bill
which the minister of commerce will in
troduce at the beginning of next session.
The prohibition will not apply to the
ports of Havre , Nantes and Bordeaux ,
wherehoweverarrivals will bo subjected
to rigid scrutiny , the chamber of com
merce to boar the cost of inspection.
CIIIOAUO , December 27. The state
ment made by M. Paul Bert , contained
iu a Paris dispatch published this morn-
intj , in which no professes to quote from
tlio report of Dr. A J. Dotmars , of tlio
United States bureau of aqricultnro to
the olfoct that diseased and dying hoga
passed through the stock yards at Chica
go daily , and were sold cheap and ship
ped to Bordeaux and Havre , has drawn
out a letter ot protest from Dctmars.
Ho declares the statement of M. Bert
not only a perversion of facts , but a
falsehood , In his official reports to the
commissioner of agriculture are contain
ed all ho has had to oiler concerning the
transportation of diseased or dead hogs
and there ho simply called attention to
their transportation to rendering tanks
entirely distant from the packing houses ,
as affording moans of spreading hog
cholera prevailing in 1878 and 187 ! ) , Dr.
Dotmars declares the regulations of the
Chicago stock yards are such as to ren
der it absolutely impossible that dead
hogs should bo smuggled into them , and
should any animal die in the yards , it is
at once delivered to a apap grease render
ing establishment , outside the yards , and
cannot possibly got into the paoldnp
house. Dr. Dotmras says , that during
the last four months ho has examined
fully 40,000 hogs without discovering the
slightest trace of disease , on ho certainly
would if any had oxiated. During the
last two years very little swine plague
lias existed anywhere , and , as far as ho
lias been able to learn , no diseased hogs
liave been shipped , nearly all small ren
dering tanks having boon closed , hia ex
posures five years ago having contributed
largely to that result. Dotmars declares
Bert must bo n true demagogue , other-
he would not resort to falsehood to please
lim constituents.
A Sound Principle.
Nisw YuiiK , December 27. Aboul
forty professors of modern languages
from the principal institutions of learning
in the country convened at Columbia
college , with n view to establishing an
association to promote the study of modern
orn languages in American colleges
President Carter , of Williams , was chosoi
chairman. A committee was appointee
to draw up a plan fora permanent organ
ization. The afternoon was spent in the
discussion of a resolution to the ollpc
that it was the dontimont of the mooting
ihat no college should grant the dogro
B. A. to a student who could not root
with facility French and Gorman.
Tlio TcauhorH of lown.
DBA MoiKH/Ja. , Docoinbort27 , AtUi
'second T'day's f p"roooedirig'bftKeMoW ;
State Teachers' association , tlio attendance
anco was largely increased , numborin
over 400. The work of the day was don
in three sections , college department
graded school department , work am
county superintendents section. Interesting
osting papers on different phases of edu
catiomu work woroj presented. In th
evening , the annual address of Presidon
Klinofoltcr was delivered and the annua
lecture before the association was give
byll. A. Burroll , editor of The Wash
ington PrcsH.
Mr. Snblii'a Denial.
MINNEAPOLIS Minn. , December 27.
Senator D. M. Sabin , recently olecto
chairman of the national republica
central committee , arrived home to-daw
In n letter to The Tribune the senate
explicitly denies the authenticity of
contly published interviews wherein 1
is represented as using disparaging lai
guago in reference to prominent ropubli
cans throughout the country , especially
Now York. Ho utterly repudiates the
language in such reputed interviews.
BoBtoii CranlCH ,
BOSTON , December 27. A mass moot ,
ing waa hold in Tremont temple to-day
and considered the constitutional prohi
bition of the manufacture and sale of
liquor. About two hundred persons
were present. ,
The case of Ilev. William Mitchell ,
the clergyman arrested for stealing a
book from a store , hus boon dismissed ,
Ho is now in a private asylum.
Stamping Tun Hark.
Niw : YOUK , December 27. Tlio Turf ,
Field and Farm says : Madison Square
garden i engaged for a six days race , for
which Charles Itowell and Alderman
Fitzgerald have already signed articles i ,
at a rent pf $5,000. The start takes
place at midnight February 24th , the
stakes being $500 a sido.
Tlio Ijost Charley MuCoiuaa.
, WAHHINOION , D. 0. , December 27.
Lioutenant-Gonoral Sheridan reooived a
telegram from Major-general Pppo , at
Fort Leavonworth , Kas. , saying ho
thought the white buy Charley McCo-
mas is with a band of Ohiricahua In
dians daily expected to roach San Carlos
agency ,
Uophoolcu' Will.
BOSTON , December 27. The will of
Professor Sophocles , after several private
bequests , gives the rest of the estate tc
Harvard college as a permanent fund , to
be known as the "Oonstantinua" fundin
memory of an uncle of the deceased.
Against Clionp Imlmr.
RKADINO , Pa. , December 27. A pot' '
tion requesting congress to prevent lion
importation of foreign laborers under con
tracts made abroad has received many
signatures of workingmon.
Hulled Out.
KANHAH OITV , December 27. Orth
atoin was released on S7f > 00 bail to-day
Tlio now trial , for the lulling of Goorgi
Fredericks , ia bet for January 10th.
I'M Mnlull'H Mnvonioiilu ,
HUAKIM , Deo. 27 , It ia atatoo tha
rebels are menacing lUnuyoh. Egyptiai
gunboat embarks garrison and inhabit
Details of the Loss of the Steamer
Plantyn ,
Horrible Deaths Mot tiy Colorado
Minors ,
Condition of the Frozen Japanese
Sailors ,
General Grant Sustains ft Severe
Injury ,
LONDON , December 27. Intelligence
is received of the arrival at Oporto ,
Portugal , of fifty-throo men belonging to
the steamer Plantyn , Captain Scott , from
Now York November HUi for Antwerp ,
and not since hoard from. A dispatch
state * that the fifty.throo mon were
brought to that place by the brig G. D.
T. , which rescued them.
NKW YOUK , December 27. French ,
Edyo vt Co. , agents of the Plantyn , state
that the vessel was inspected just previ
ous to the departure from Now York ,
and waa furnished with rafts and boats
sulliciont to carry . ' 100 persons. She hod
provisions for 120 persons although she
had only twouty-ono passengers and a
crow of forty. The agents are of the
opinion that the fifty-three persons landed
at Oporto were all tlio brig G. D. T.
could carry and that the remaining eight
will bo heard from aboard some other
Vessel. Her werealmost
passengers were- ex
clusively Italians.
Niw HAVKN , Conn. , December 27.
A largo number of frost bitten sailors
were landed at the marine hospital hero
yesterday. Most of the sailors are Japa
nese. Pliyaicianastatothatthoywillboun-
able to toll for the next forty-eight hours
whether amputation will bo necessary in
the cases of nineteen of the effected
Gi.oueKSTEHMass.Docombor27. The
bark fif from Tra-
Paragon , ty-tivo days -
pain , has arrived. The crow are badly
frost bitten.
nuoKr. THRouou A iiiunaK.
CIIAULOTXB , N. 0. , December 27. A
freight train broke through n bridge on ,
the Cheater & Lonon Narrow Gauge rail
road. Joseph Henderson , fireman , and
William Simmons , a brakeman , were
ABHLAND , Pa. , December 27. Tha
horses attached to a sleigh containing
four couples from Roaring Crook , ran
away at Ilooktown last ight , dragging
the sleigh over a precipice. Jos. Smith
had his leg and arm broken , Henry
Green had an arm broken , Mary Kroh-
GiuAiinviLLE , Pa. , December 27.J
Three mon digging coal near hero were
buried by falling earth. Ono was fatally
and the others seriously injured.
BUFFALO , December 27. A terrific
gas explosion occurred iu the French res
taurant to-night. Workmen had been
fixing a leak in a street main , and ono of
the stopcocks under the sidewalk wua
loft loosely closed. The gas collected
was iglijted by a lamp. Head Waiter
Purcell was knocked senseless , and in
ternally injured. .Charles Rohard , cook , *
was seriously cut on the hood and body. rf ,
Two waitresses were also badly out in
the herd. The dining room , bar and J
fixtures were badly demolished. Loss , *
$ ! ,000.
DKNVKH , December 27. Following is
a list of the killed by tlio snow slide at
Mondota mine , near Telluride , on the
24th : J. H. Bond , 0. H. Herrick ,
Thomas Duncgan , William Taylor , John
Davis , William Applewhite , F. Slater ,
Lewis Huckius.
At Silvorton a terrific wind storm sot
in on the 10th , raging furiously for six
days. It proved the most disastrous to
life over known. Of five parsons ser
iously injured at the Virginia mine , on
Friday , three have since died , making
nine in all.
Yesterday a minor named Brett Wal
lace was buried in a snow slide at the
head of Clement crook , and uinnot bo
found until spring. .
Yesterday two men , names not learned ,
were caught in a snow slide , near Iron-
town , and carried 15,000 feet down the
aide of the mountain. Whtm extricated
ono of them was frozen from the waist
down , the lleah.opening in scums. Ho
cannot recover.
A train of twontyfivo cara , at Monument
ment , were overturned by a high wind
on the 25th , and u number of cattlu
General Grunt's Fall.
NEW YOIIK , December 27. General
Grant on leaving hit homo to-day slipped
upon the ice and fell , receiving n aeyoro
shook and seriously injuring his thigh.
Frederick Grant , his son , says ho had
soon the HUrgeons who attended hia
father , but they were unable to deter
mine whether the injury is dangerous.
They said , however , that the limb wo uld
be paralyzed for the time being.
Another account says : It seems that
General Grant , while alighting from hia
coupe at his residence on Monday evening -
ing , slipped and foil on his loft aido. , re
ceiving oorious injury to his leg about
four Inches below the hip joint. The
surgeons say no bones are broken , and
the supposition is that a bruise of the
- Eciatio nerve was sustained. The general
immediately after the accident was as
sisted to bed , whore lie has remained
over since , lying in ono position on hia
back. While the injured leg ia most
painful , the guaeral's health otherwise ia
- good , and ho is oven comparatively cheer-
. lul undar the circumstances. The surgeons - .
geons anticipate nothing uerioua , but at
the same time they predict thrt , it will
bo several weeks before tha general will
be able to leave the house ,
General Grant's injuries nra IMS pain ,
ful to night. At a iato hour ha was rest *
- ing comfortably. Hit leg is vury umoU