Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 27, 1883, Image 5

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    ' . A.
Proprietors. | SiiporintcHiient
Mill and Grain Elevator Machinery
Celebrated 'Anchor ' Brand Dufour Bolting Cloth
We are prepared to furnish plans and estimates , and will contract for
the erection o Flouring Mills and Grain Elevators , or for changing
Flouruig Mills , from Stone to the Roller systf ni.
ttdgPEspecial attention given to furnishing Power Plants for any pur
pose , and estimates made for same. General machinery repairs attended
to promptly. Address
RICHARDS & CLARKE , Omaha , Neb.
u.My Repository U constantly Oiled with ajsclect Jatook. EBcet Workmanship guuuUed.
Office and Factory S , W. Corner 16th end Capitol Avenue , Qmah
ag IN
Heating and | Baking
Ts only attained by using
Stoves and Ranges ,
Foi r Ja by
266TH EDITION , PRICE $1:00 : ,
Kxhaustcd Vitality , Nervous and Physical 6eflllty ,
Premature Decline In Man , Unorsof Youth , and the
untold miseries rosultlriB frcm Indiscretions or ox.
cctfcs A book for 01 cr ) man , > oumr , middle agud ,
andolJ. It contains JJ5 proscriptions for all acute
and chronic diseases each one of w hich Is Im aluablo
So found by the Author , whoso experience for 2
years It such as probably never before fell to the lo
of any pbvelclan. 800 pages , bound In bcautlfn
Trench muslin , t mbossc dcovers , full Bllt.jfuarantoed
to lie a liner work. In every eonsc , miclianlcal , lit-
crarv and nrofrsslnnal , than any other work > old In
this country for * 2 to , or the monuy will bo u-fundod
1nct err Instance. Trice only .CO by mall , post-
iiMd. ) llU8lrathoiiamplo5cents , K.nd ( iiow. Oold
medal awardfdthe author hv the Kational Mcdlcul
Awoclatlon , to the officers of whlcJi Jio.refe.s
This bonk should ho read br tne > punpfor imtruo.
lion , and by the afflicted for relief. Jt will benefit
alt London Lancet. . . . .
There Is no member of society to whom this book
win not bo useful , whether youth , [ lart-nt , guardian ,
Instructororclerirvinan. Argonaut.
Address the Peabody Medltal Institute , or Dr. W ,
II , Parker , No. 4 Bulflnch Street , Boston Mass. . who
inay be consulted on all dlseaaos renulrlnc skill and
experience. Chronlo andobrtlnatedlstasesthat have
battled the skill of all other pliysUCAl Van >
a specialty. Buch treated successn C H L tully
without an instance of failure. TU
mjc8twiv in
. > emtb. tc.
ra perfectly rwtorcd ( o n > liii t lieiillli snil
.lioruji. IJJT THE MAR8TOM
Bf3LU8 ? neiomarli drurvin
> f Nervous Hclii'iuy anii'ri'lJilViii llec iiy Is
nnlformljr aucorufuiiiil Jjw u e JinKfrt on rrlect
iiiil Olrvit iiirllHuUonil
nliitrtilinr iiitliii < - > i. rrali- l 'lre llw > frf .
2 DTU3I HK.U.V buu : , * io. aiux , no.
< , t Ton &MI. Ill-urn ilux IncluUnO.
240 Ib. FAHMER'9. SCALE , 85.
Th Llitle Ii-tMliv , " ' 4 < > z tn iiIh. it.
MST roi.ot i Dit inn luyr Mini * , sio
III. A nil nr.'l Jt ll I'l fiiiiu.KlU
Patent Dried Fruit Lifter ,
GROCERY Grocei'ics
COUMEI1 SCALES. ' Without It.
box No , 1 will cure any ca e In four da > s or less No ,
; 9 will euro the moit obstinate cose no matter of how
long standing ,
Allan's Soluble Medicated Bougies
No nauteous doses of lubtiba , oopabla , or oil of san
dal wood , that are1.Aln to produce djspepsla by
des trj Ing the coatlngsof the rtomach , I'rlcs 91DO
Sold by all drUitgUts , or mailed on receipt ot price
rtlicr nartluilars stn J for circuUr.
' Ilex l.l-XS
C. ALtAN CO. ,
JiilmHtrenl , New Ynr
ruiuiun inoirruut.
What wns the matter of Joseph 0 , Goodrlitgo , ol
HuntlriK'ton street , K , \ ,
had djujK'inl'k , andcotiltln't > le ji nhht * .
did he pet relief
dldn t iet nnj tcllef for neMly two } c > r ,
though ho trlod , ho & ) s , "neatly a bundled different
medicine * "
Whit did lie nnslly rc orl loj
RurdocK Blood Bitters , nd snjsho In a letter to
the proprietors of this remedy ; "You my u o mr
namolnany tt\lo of adtoitl < cmcnt Jcu choo < e. I
want jou to ha\o the bcncRt "I my opinion , and
that Is that Burdock Blood Bitters are an escellrnt
ton la for the stounch nnd a flno blood purifier > s
M ill. They cured mo. "
\MiatdldChMlcsU Alnswotth , 41 Vance IllocV ,
lndlaba | > olh , Iml. , vj'
Ilo Mid , " .My mother hit bren ( King Burdock
lllcxxl Hitlers as a liver rcmtd > and find them \cry
\ \ ho h A. Burns ?
Ho It a blacksmith , llv In ; ; about thrco mllcj cast
of Coburg , Ont ,
\ \ hit docs he hao to offn t
Ten cents Is what ho si ) < h wouldn't ho phcn
for his chance ot living betoro he tunl Burdock
Blood Bitters. Ho haddsrsl\ ] | tlttccn ) ean ,
and was enroll . \ thico bottles t this very cvcellcnt
You PCO the'o eruptions on my faco. IM jou sup-
l < oic Burdock Blood Bitten would irmo\o tltcml
\YoKuaranteothp } Mill. IhrroUn'talictter mod-
Iclno In th world ( or ilNcawiif thoMcoil , Ask
llov. Wm. Stout , \\hrtjn , Countv tlrej , Ont ,
sllllctcdlth a great , Imtolont rorcvlilch nctontecit
Oiflcrcnt phMililMis tmt d without succeM , whit
ho thinks ot Burdock BUvxl BlttJrs a inc-lloiuu that
( a\odhim friim thoKnvo. They t-crUInU hat n not
an cqunl In their spiel title * . Bycry ilnijtiilst.
FOSTER , MILBUKN &ICO. . Prop's Buffalo.
Scvcntj-Vlvo 1'cr Cent of tlio Cases
tit Wlitsky.
To the Killtor of Tlio Bio. <
In an nrticlo which nppoarod in your
isatto of tlio 24Ih iust. , lio.idcd "Dosor-
lions in the Army , " the opinion of the
"Oflicor" dill'ors matoriftlly from that of
the enlisted men themselves , respecting
at least ono of the chief "incentives" to
desertion , and that is "tho long interval
between pay-days. " Enlisted men gen
erally of the writer's acquaintance would
bo better satisfied if the system as prac
ticed in the navy regarding payment
prevailed in the army ; that is to aay ,
each man in open account with the gov
ernment , is given credit for his earnings
and allowed to draw at stated times such
amounts as would sullico for his small
wants , leaving the balance to accrue ,
with \\ithout interest , until expiration
of term of service. To bo sine provision
is made by law for the deposit of money
by soldiers , but there is this objection to
it , once having the money in hand , many
men with previous good intention to de
posit , are insensibly led into the purchase
of articles unnecessary and extravagant.
Wcro the ether plan in force itis the opin
ion of the "rank and file" that a
largo majority would draw only enough
to procure such indisponsiblca as tobacco ,
and the few necessary toilet articles per
taining to the soldier's outfit. The gov
ernment would bo in a position of secur
ity against losses for transportation , etc. ,
and men once having a balance to their
credit would bo less likely to desert and
leave it behind them. Excessive labor is
something of which wo know nothing at
this post. Only in rare cases are men
called upon to perform ether than the
regular duties required of soldiers. At a
frontier post where I once eorvod , the
entire fatigue of the garrison for moro
than a year devolved upon ono company ,
and there was never a murmur , so that it
hardly seems probable that it is a real
cause of desertion. The true cause , at
this post , at all events , is the vicinage of
liquor saloons where soldiers can obtain
credit to the extent of their two month's
pay. After a few months of this kind of
existence , swamped by whisky debts , ow
ing more or.loss to each of the half dozen
"gin mills" in the row , the soldier de
termines to "cut looso" by extraordinary
effort against temptation. Ho saves a
clear two month's pay , and "jumps the
service , " and his rum bills at the same
Ho cannot bo blamed entirely for it ,
because ho is actually the victim of an
appottto pandered to by men who must
have money , oven at the expense of
other's woe and misery. It is fclio firm
belief of the w ritor that 75 per cent of
tlio desertions which have taken place
within his konwlcdgc. bavo been the di
rect outgrowth of whisky drinking. Wo
have among us a class of men who in
cities are styled "vagrants , " They como
and enlist , as many of them unblushingly -
ly affirm , to got "tho winter over them. "
AH soon as spring time appears off tbey
go , with a few Collars , a system reno
vated and built up by wholesome gov
ernment rations. Those creatures count
in the aggregate of desertions and add
enormously to the percentage. JVIon who
soldier -with a desire to got along seldom
desert , but are attached to the life , occa
sionally violate articles of war , are tried ,
punished and returned to duty , and ac
cept it as a matter of course , and in very
many cases ono or two moderate doses
of ganrd house life cllocts a complete
reformation. Respectfully ,
PJUVATE , 4th Infantry ,
Fr. OMIIDec. . 2ith. (
Comity. Mo. , at the residence of tlio lirido'a
undo , Col. Diuld Clarkaon. Mr. Nelson 1) .
Hotter slid .Miss Kato Claruson , No cards ,
MAKltlKn-AtUiorosldoncoof the brldo'a
mother. Twenty-sixth and Burt wtroota ,
December 23,1883 , by tlio Hev. F. S. Hlny-
noy , Mr. Ford It. Joslln and Mis * R. Tllllo
StnoUoy , all nf Omabn , Neb ,
Mimic und refrenltmenti were In harmony
with the occasion , and wcro very fine.
Who want glossy , luxuriant
nndwavy tresses of abundant ,
LeautiM IIair must UBO
elegant * cheap article always
makes tlio llulr crow freely
and fust , keeps it from foiling
oat , arrests and cures gray-
T > CSS , removes dandruff and
i'.clilng ' . , makes the Hair
fitrong , giving It a curling
tendency and keeping it In
Jiv'iy desired position. Beau *
I'.ful , healthy Hair is the sure
p ; ult'0f uying ICuthuiron.
Two of Onmlm'fl YOIIMR 1'coplo
Iiiiunch Vpon Ilio Sen of Lift ) In
tlio Mntrltnnntnl Hont.
On Monday evening List ihoro wns a
very pleasant nncl hnppy wedding nt the
residence of Julius Hornlmrd , No. 121 ! )
llownnl street. The contracting parties
wcro Mr. Theodore Hngomim ntul Misi
Klcnnor Knlo llornhartl.
Tlio Hov. Frazor , pnstor of the Gcr-
man Luthornn church , performed tlio
ceremony , after M Inch a reception \vns
tendered the linppy couple ,
A largo number of the friends of the
family wore present niul extended their
hearty congratulations.
A lirst-clnsa nupporvrna sen oil nnd the
table woo loaded with all the delicacies
which the season affords.
Many costly and useful presents were
received by the happy people. The fes
tivities wcro continued until n late hour.
The groom is a bookkeeper for Poycko
Bros. , and is n trusty and faithful man ,
and together with his amiable wife , wo
hope , will float peacefully dow n the stream
of lime to the vast ocean of otornity.
Nntlnnnl Bonril ol' Hullronil Commits
" \V.\MIHMITON , December 2(5. ( Senator
Culiom to-day introduced a bill to estab
lish a board of railroad commissioners
and to regulate intor-stato commerce ,
which proposes to provide for the ap
pointment by the presidontof five com
missioners for the term of five years
each , ono to retire each year.
The commissioners are to \ > o paid
$5,000 per annum and their actual
traveling expenses while in the performance -
anco of their ollicial duties , to bo fur-
njshed with an oflico and secretary ,
whoso salary is fixed at $3,600. The bill
does not authorize the board to establish
rates , but provides that it shall oxorpiso
supervision over that portion of the busi
ness of all railroads , canals , or other
transportation companies which passes
through ono or anoro states or
territories , or to or from any
foreign coontry into or through any
sttito or territory. Such super
vision is to bo limited to questions of
commerce between the states and terri
tories and between foreign countries and
states or territories , and to the methods
of operations by canals , railroads and
other transportation companies as nllect-
ing commerce between the states and
territories and between foreign countries
and the states and territories.
It provides by Sec. 4 of the bill that
the board'shall investigate all cases -with
reference to inter-stato commerce laid
before it by the railroad com
missioners ot the several states ,
and that all complaints of discrimination
in rates of freight carried between the
states and territories and foreign coun
tries shall , if desired by complainants
and doomed necessary by the commis
sioners , bo investigated at the place
where the cause of complaint originated.
In such investigation the commissioners
shall have power to summon witnesses
and to require the production of books ,
papers and contracts relating to the com
The next section makes it tlio duty of
the board to gather all necessary facts
and statistics bearing upon the question
of intor-stato commerce , and it is given
power to require any reports or informa
tion doomed necessary Irom all common
carriers engaged in inter-stato com
merce. Tlio board is required to make
an annual report to the president , as well
as special reports of all investigations and
the findings of the board to , the person
making complaint , and to give public
notice to all parties concerned when any
public carrier of commerce between the
states has violated or failed to perform a
duty.By section 7 , of the bill every unjunt
disci imiuation against parsons or places ,
all extortion , and all drawbacks , special
rates , or airangomonts of any kind
whereby ono shipper or ono locality
may bo given an unjust advantage over
another , are declared to bo against pub
lic policy , and it is specially made the
duty of the commissioners to investigate
all such cases of which they can obtain
knowledge , and make full toport thereof
in their annual report. Failure or re
fusal to give information to the
commissioners when requested is made u
misdemeanor , punishable with a fmojiot
exceeding § 1,000. Tlio last section pro
vides that all common carriers engaged
in intor-stato commerce shall bo required
to keep posted in every depot on their
line vrhoro freights are received or do-
livorud at loast'two plainly printcdjcopios
of their schedules of fioight rates , and
that no change in such schedule ahull take
oflect until a now schedule , specifying
micli change , shall liavo been similary
posted at least five days ,
Manifestations Which Have
tlio Ooininiinlry.
KOMK , Oa. , December 21. Tlio Cherokee -
okoo section of Georgia is greatly excited
over the manifestations of Miss Lula
Hurst , the fifteen-year-old daughter of
Mr. William 13 , llurst , a substantial
Farmer of Polk county. The stories told
were of such a strange character that
Col , Freeman of the Cedartown Adverti
ser , Dr. F , M. Liddyll and several other
prominent citizens wont out to Mr.
Hurst's residence for the purpose of in
vestigating them , They found the young
woman to bo the picture of health and of
modest manner. Upon a request to
manifest seine of her newly developed
powers , she aioso and placed hur hands
on the back of a common chair , which
eoon began to move , first slowly , then
violently. The doctor was requested to
hold the chair. Being tmablo
to do so alone than two ,
and then three men , trio with
no bettor cflbct. Apparently there was
not a particle of phvsical force used by
the young lady , her hands merely resting
carelessly on the back of the chair. On
a previous occasion four of the stoutest
men of the neighborhood had found it
impossible to hold the chair. A largo
old-fiiahionod bedstead stood with us
head back in the corner of the room.
On the foot of the bud Miss Lula placed
her hands lightly on the bed and it arose
two foot in the air and moved swiftly
around the room ,
Miss Lora \Vimboily , a cousin of Miss
Luta , while in bed recently heard a
thumping noise in the head board , which
aho thought was produced by her cousin
with her fingers , and she requested her
to stop and go to sleep. Miss Lula pro
tested innocence , yet the sound grow
nioro audible. A playful jomark that
it should strike her caused t , fonsation
like a slsght shock , fait by Miss Wim-
borly about tlio face. The sound vra
then called to munifoit itself where com *
mandod nbout the bed , and the bed wat
finally commanded to moo , and , to the
wonder of the occupants , rolled hrislclj
around the room. This is the circum
stance which led to the subsequent ex
periments. On a recent occasion while
Miss Lulu was in bed she thought of
some favorite air , when its music ema
nated strangely from the head-board of
the bed , and wai hoard by more than
half ado/on present sitting in the room.
On another occasion , a man above the
ordinary weight , sat in a chair , hin font
311 the rounds , while the lady placed her
hand in an under grip on tlio upper back
of the chair and lifted him across the
loom. The people know nothing of
Spirituallftm , and are sorely troubled by
manifestations which they deem the
work of an OM ! spirit.
H ) Hill Njc ,
Will Taylor , the son of the present
American Consul at Marseilles , was n
deal like ether boys , while at school
In I his old homo , of Hudson , NVis , Om
day ho called his father into the libra rj
and said :
"Pa , I don't like to toll you , but the
teacher and I have had trouble , "
"What's the matter now ? "
"Well , 1 cut ono of the desks a little
with my knife , and the teacher na\s 1'vu '
got to pay a dollar or take a lickin . '
"Well , why don't you take the lickiup
and say nothing moro about it ? 1 can
stand considerable physical pain , so loiifj
as it visits our family in that form. Oi
course , it is not pleasant to bo Hogged ,
but you have broken a rule of the school ,
and I guess you'll ' have to stand it. 1
presume that the teacher _ wiU in wrath
remember moroy , and avoid disabling you
so that you can't got your coat on any
moro. "
'But , Pa , T feel mighty bad about it
already , and if you would pay my line I'd
never do it again. I knc\y a good dual
moro about it now and 1 will never do it
igain. A dollar ain't ' much to you , pa ,
but it's a heap to a boy that hasn't ' got a
cent. If 1 could make a dollar as easy as
you can , pa , I'd never lot my little boy
jot flogged that way just to B.wo n dollar.
If I had a little feller that got licked bo-
kuT didn't put up fcr him , I'd hate the
sight of money ahyaya. I'd feel as of
every dollar I had in my pocket had boon
taken out of my little kid's back. "
"AVoll , now , I'll toll you what I'll do.
I'll ' give you a dollar to save you fiom
punishment this time , but if anything of
this kind over occurs again I'll hold you
while the teacher licks you , and then I'll
; ot thu teacher to hold you while 1 lick
you. That's the way I feel about that.
If you wan't to go _ around whittling up
our educational institutions you can dose
so ; but you'll have to purchase them after
wards yourself. I don't ' propose _ to buy
any moro damaged school furniture. You
[ > robably grasp my moaning , do you noli
I send you to school to acquire an educa
tion , not to acquire liabilities so that you
can como around and make an assessment
) n mo. 1 feel a great interest in you ,
Willie , but I do not fool as though it
should bo an assessable interest. I want
: o go on , of course , and improve tlio
sroporty. but when I pay my dues on it
I want to know that it goes toward deve
lopment work. I don t want my assess
ment togo toward the purchase of a school-
desk with American hircoglypluos can eden
on it.
' 1 hope you will bear this in your
mind , my son , and bowaro. It will bo
greatly to your interest < bowaio. If
I were in your place I would put in a
large portion of my time in the beware
business. "
The boy took the dollar , and wont
Jioughtfully away to school , nnd no moro
was ever said about the matter until Mr.
Taylor learned casually several months
ator that the Spartan youth had received
the walloping and filed away the dollar
'or future reference. The boy was after
ward heard to say that ho favored a much
licavior fine in cases of that kind. Ono
whipping was sufficient , ho said , but ho
'avorod a fine of 85. It ought to bo severe -
voro enough to make it an object.
Liail UKVKUT. An
unfailing euro for
Seminal Weak *
IICM , Siwrnutorr.
luia , Iniotoncy | ,
and all Diseases
that follow an a
sequence of Bclf.
Abuse ; as loss of 5-i.j.
" °
ill Uack , Dimness of Vision , I'rcmnturn old Age ,
'aiRiij other dlscaat-s that lead to Insanity or Con.
I imptlon and a I'rematuro Grav e.
UIWARK ol advertisements tn refund money , when
druggists from whom the medicine Is bought rfo not
rebuild , but refer you to the manufacturers , and the
roiiulrcinonts are such that they arn reldom , if ever ,
compiled w Ith. Hoe their written guarantee A trial
of one ulnglo package of Qraj's Hpeclllo will convince
the moat skeptical of IU real merits.
On account of ouuntufoltcrs , o have adopted the
Wrapper ; the onlygenulno.
43TFull partlcnlara In our pamphlet , which we do
elro to nonil tree by mill to every ono.tiTTlio / Hpe-
cinostcillclno is sold by all druggUta at < l porjiack.
ago , or six packages for ? /i , or will bo sent free by
mall on the receipt of tlio money , by addrctunng
III Ornnha bvO , nrnlman t L tv Om&
Very Important. Got tlio donulno.
Hoff's Malt Extract.
Unequalled In MB tonic
action op the cnfetblcd
and sic ! : . ' J
Co. : liy family plij Iclan
vAliaa rcconimcndcd > oiir
Til ACT foi my lfc , who
has brin un Irnullil for
Illtocn } uri , and It 1ms
'slmott ' [ pirformcd mlra-
ilcu for hur ,
"nrookljn , Jan. 1883. "
I'llICK , 100 J'KJl DOZKN.
ron THE cnnr. OP ALL DISEASES ov
1)008.110(10 ,
POM TWISmf VKAIW irnimilin ' llomro-
imllilc Vmcrlnnr v Hpcclllcii have Iwcn iiwd liy
I'arincrii , Hlorli Ilri-idi-rn , l.lvrrv HlnliliiiiuJ
'J iirfiiH'ii , tliirtv ltnllnind > , Mnniil liiri-rx.
C'oul HlliiB Ciiiniuinlru , 'I rny'd Illuiniilriinirs
nnd Mt-nnn orli'K , anl otlan luiuuilnti ituclc ,
. . . _
Ilimilihrev * ' . . \i-trrlimry.Monunl. ra
11 ntriii liy mail nil nit ) | > t of prli r.ui r < nt *
Kri'ainiihlrlit nenl free ona.i | > IUatluil
10 ! ) I'dllim blrtit , Auw VorU.
Vital Wcnkneii anil I'rov
tratlon from on.r work ur
mul l/ro . turvUtyl ,
IVenln n o yiyCOM ,
l tbOIMII t PII11III * ' NoJ K
t ul remedy known. I'M * ! | MrvlaTorf , . lhUiiiI
hirxu till of powder fur tvnt pout fr < > i > nr < i
. .
. . . . . .
* ! t t of price. llumplirryV llnmrii. Mi J , 'o.
illwt , Catul uw lc.v.1 iO J Vullua b U. * , V
Cares lUiouiuatlsni , Law
baoLnwoBackSprains and
Brute * * , Asthma , Catt.rrh ,
Coughs , Colds , Sere Throat ,
Diphtheria , Bums , Frost
Sites , Tooth , Ear , and Head
ache , and all pains and achos.
Trie txit Inlerntl n.t etternil trmcjj. In the
ureill. IttijrtwnlscvuinleM. SoUl r meJIelne
< UiltrtCTerr licic. Dlttctloni In eight Ungutfts.
, N.V..U.S.A.
CAPITAL PRIZE , $75,000. ,
fca.TlckoU only S5. Slinros In PronorUoul *
Louisiana Slate Lot'.cry Coinnany ,
" II V tlit hereby reitiju tlml re tn/irrt f e the nr-
or allthe Atonlhli
I > nnciii < > s tij the ZoiiiniiMi &t le Zoffo.v Com *
HIH.I/ , HinI'M ; ICMIII tmiiwie ; < tniMiiJiif f/if
/Jniicui.j themtelt'Ct , niul that the taint die row-
hicttitwth lioncrty , Jiiirntn , n nit in n xlfnWt
ominf nil ) * ntiff , ilml ire < ni < A < i ire the rym/xrn.v
'o e ( A fx rcitfyicatt , tttlh fiie-timitt of our siii-
> \attim \ nttachctl , in ttstt < tritiiemcnti.
> t l l In 180 for 2S > oil s by tlo lei-'slaturo
'or ' udtlcatloiml nnd chaiitabl i purpofiH with a cap-
talof 91OOO.tWO to which a HSUVO fund of over
$350,000 has iWouvdi added.
lly till oxorwhelmlng jiopihroto its franc hlao
wasmtita nparttf the nrincnt ttat ) tonttltulluii
adopted IKtxMiilarSil , A , I ) . 1S7U.
I'ho only Lottery ever voted on and en
dorsed by the jiooplo of any State.
It no\cr scales or po < tpom.s.
Its grand sini'lo nuiubor drawings tnko
) lnco muntlily.
A | > lcmHtl opiiortuiittv to win n ] ' 'ortuno.
Virst Gratia DrnwhiR Chits A , nt Now Or-
oaiis , Tiioiulny , January l"i , 1881 101th
Monthly drawing ,
CAPITAL PRTXE , § 7o,000.
100,000 Ttclcoti at Vivo Uollars llnch. Vino-
tuinn , In Vifthsln iiropDrtion ,
I OAVITAk I'lllXi : . 876,000
1 do do . 25,000
1 ilo do . . . 10,000
2 pui/.r.s or * oooo . . . . 12,000
B do 2000 . 10,000
1(1 ( d ) 1000 . 10000
JO ilo DUO . 111,001)
SOU ill ) 200 . 20,1100
MO do 1W . 3' ' > ,000
(1000 do 23 . i..OOO
. .M1'HOIMU10lltizis. .
f ) Appioxlmitlon priroa ol $7M ) . 0,750
9 do do MO . 4.6CO
D do do 250 . 2 , 10
1S07 Prices , amounting to . S20SMIO
forratns to rlubs Hhuuld bo made onlj
at the olllca ol the Camniii ) In Now Orluaim.
For further Information wrlto clearly cUlnufull
addrebs. llaku 1' . 0. Money Orders pajablo nnd
addrisg HcuUtored tottira to
Now Orleans , Ia.
Postal Notes nnil orillnarj Ittterx liv Mailer Kx-
) rc8a ( all tutu * of S3 nnd upwards by i\pross : at our
M. A. DAUPHIN , Now Otloam , la.
( kl7 Be\enth St. , WashhiKton , D. O.
B. Frank Moore ,
127 La Sal/e Sine * , Chicago. ,
6V > ilanatfer olChliago Ollk-o. To whom T > jdy for
ir fonnutloD and tlckcU , 101th Monthly
Drawing ,
Jan. 15.
Tuesday. . .
Pint Capital Prlru $76.000. Tickets $5 ; sold In
I'lfths atSl cah. Scofulilii ill almto
Unynlnnil U.S.
WiettMneerniany , IMi'Ifiitfaml ami / ' ; < ( ' ,
Htccraito Outnard , ti < > \ I'roptld from AnUcrr > .io ,
Kxcurslon , f IU , Including ItcilOln , Uu ; 2d C'ubln ,
! 55 ; Kxcurslon , 8100 ; Haloon fruu. $ UD to tO.'i Kx-
curslon 110 to $1CU.
Wright & BOIK , Oen , Agts d Uroodvay
N. Y.
Cald ill , Hamilton A Co. , Onmlia P. i : . Umliran
&Co.,2aSN. 10th Htruct , On.uht ; U. K Klinl > all ,
Oinuha , ARentf. liV r < vlIy
Erlnngor , Bavai ia
Culrnbaclior , Biivuria.
Pilsner Bolu-iniiui
Kuisor 13 cu ( lien.
Budwoiscr St. Louis
Aiiltausor St. Louir ,
Best's > . . . .Milwaulceo.
Schlitz-Pilsner Milwuulcce.
Krup's Omulm.
Ale. Porter , Douiostic tuid Illiine
Wine. ED. MA.UREII ,
1214 Pnrjmm.
1'ufunts sent frco. Tblrtr-soven Tcari1 ozpcrlenco.
I'atents obtained through MUNN A CO. are noticed
in the BciKNTino AUEIIICAN. the urvctt , best , and
most wldelr circulated eclentlflo paper ,
\Vcoklr. Bplendia enErevlniM and Intereitlnir In
formation , bpcolrucn copy of I hn Hclriu lllo Amer-
Icnii soutfree. A < 1dro > iUUNN ACO , BciEMTUlO
JLMTMUJAU Office , 2U JJruadwuy , Now York.
Hi II U fl ffl II T" ll'osn ' Buffer jn from the
HHIlHIJIJIJ'jirBit ; ' .lf i'jutbliil vrrori ,
'I * nuiulual wuakucM , o rly Uu-
cay , lent manhood , ele. , I will Bend you particulars of a
fliuple anil curtain means of iwlf cure , freuoftlnrilo.
> unLKU , Moouus , OUNH.
Plattsiuoatli , - . . .
Afii nvnoa ou JiK : tr UBO
f stock ( or > aI < .iOorro ionileiKo solicited
" " " " '
llftilonir boon ftcVnowlwIifetl and more o at thll < l r
thin any othor. The vast field ol dclonco U
iver IticrcAMmr , nnd Its luimcroiu brknrhes are ' 3
brought nearer and nearer to perfection , and
no ono min can any loncer RTMP them nl
llenco the noeo lty for dividing the lalwr. And It It
true l > cjond all iloiiht that dlinvno , nrfoctlng tlio iron-
to-iirlmry otgam neeil epeclal ettidy moro than any-
hlri ; cl < c , If vo irould understand and know how
rcit thcin tire | > erly ,
1 > IU It. WAdNKIi H fully mrnro Itiftt thnro are
many phj slclnnn , and nome tn llilo twoplo , who will
condemn hlmformnklng thl.icJ.iw ol ilUcMM A * pe >
claltj , but ho U happy to know that with most per-
on nf rcflnemcnt and IntolllKcnoo ft moro anl'gntcn ' *
d \ low l < taken of the Riilijoct , and that tru | > liiilo-
an who iletotoi hlmicll to rollo > lni { the afHIctol and
avlng them from womo than death , Is no lesi a phi-
nnlhrcpldt and benefactor tohlirnco than the nur >
soon or vhjulclan who by close apullcAtlon excels In
any other liriuioti of hl profcMlon. Ami fortunately
or hunnnlty , the day la ilawnlngnhen the Mn t > hf.
anlhrophy that condemned the \lctlm ot folly or
crime , like the lepers under the .Jewish Iftw. to dl
uncnrcd for has pmotlAwar.
A Few Reasons
Why jou should try the celebrated Dr. II. Woznor' *
methods ol cum :
1. "Dr. II. Wagner Is a natural physician. "
The Orcitcst Mving' Phrenologist ,
"Few can excel jou M a doctor. "
DR. J. SIMM * ,
The World s Greatest Physiognomist.
. "Von are vt ondcrf ully proficient In j our know !
edge ot dlscnwj and medicines. "
4. "Theanilcted flnd ready relict In jour pres
ence. " DR. J. SIMMS.
6. "Dr. H , Wagner Is n regular graduate Irom
ncllcvuo Hospital , Now York city ; has had very extensive -
tensive hngpltal practice , and Is thoroughly potted on
all branches of his bclo\od sclonre , especially ou
chronlo diseases. "
DM. RROWSKU. Si Ewixo.
8. "Dr. U. Wagner has Immortalized himself by
his wonderful discovery of speclfta remedies for pri
vate andticMial diseases.1rglnK City Chronicle.
7. "Thousands ot Imallds "
flock to see him. San
Kniiclnco Chronlde.
8. "llio Doctor's long exporlenco M a specialist
should render him very succcMful. " Hocky ilouu.
tain Nons.
Plain Facts Plainly Spoken.
At ono tlmo a discussion of the secret vleo n s en-
Ircly avoldoil by the profwwlon , and modlcal orks o1
but a few j cars ago would hardly mention It.
To day the physician Is ot a dlUcreiit opinion ; ho U
aware that It 1 * hli duty OU.iRrce.iblo though It
nay bo to handle this matter without clo > esand
peak plainly aliMit It : and Inklllgcnt pnronui and
guardians will thank him for doing so.
The results attending this dostructlt o vice wcro for.
ncily not unilrntootl , or not properly estimated : and
lo Importance being attached to a subject which by
t natiiro does not linlto close In\cstlgatlonlt wa
vlllln jly litnoroil.
1110 habit Is goncrolly contracted by the young
while attending school ; older companions through
heir example , may b i responsible for It , or It may bo
acquired through accident. Tlio excitement once ex-
icrlcnced , the pnctlco will be repeated a aln ami
apxln , until at last the habit becomes firm and com.
ilctely onsliMss tha victim. Mental and nervous at
llctlons are usually the prlmarj ronilta ot ( clt-aliuio.
Among the Injurious effect * may be mentioned lassl-
tide , ilojcctlon or Irrooclblllty of Umpcr and general
lability. The IHJV seeks serlusloti , and rarely John
n the Bportt of his companloiiH. It ho bo a young
nan ho will bo little found In company with the ether
ox , ami Is troubled with cxcmllin ; ami nnno lns
> osnfillness in their presence. Laiclvlous dreanu ,
niUsliinj and cmptions on the face , etc. , are also
> romncnt ! sjinptnuif.
If the practice la violently pcntstcd Inmoro serious
Uturli.inccs take pHco. Croat palpitation of the
icart , or cpllcptla coiiMilsIons , are experienced , and
ho suffcrt r may fall Into a complete state ot Idiocy ba
ore , llnnlly , ilcnth relieves him.
To all those engagedhthlj angcrou , practice. !
wouldeiy , first pi all , ( top It at oncemake ; every
losilblo effort to do so ; but If j ou f all , If ) our nervous
ystcm U already too much nhittcrcd , and conso-
[ Ucntly , } our will power broken , take some ner\o
nUtako to suppose that any one may , for seine time ,
10 to\crj sollttlo , gl\ohlmiiel ( up to this fascinating
lUtdangorousaxcltemcntvtithout suffering from its
> 11 consoauaucca at tome future tlmo. The number
ol joungmcnhoaio Incapaclatcil to fill the duties
njoliieil by wedlock U nlanningly larec , and In most
it such caacs this unfortunate condition of things can
id traced to the practice of self abuse , which hod been
abandoned j pars ajfo. Indeed , afow months' practice
ot this habit Is minlclciit to Induce rpirraatorrhacal 3
atcr ) oarsand I ha > o many of such coses uudcr trcit
Dient at the proacnt da > .M' II
Young Men
Vho may bo suffering from the effects of youthful
olllca or Indiscretions w 111 do ell to avail thumseli 01
f this , the greatest boon o > er laid at the altar of suf
erlnnhumanity. DR. WAONKR vtlllfruarantce tofor-
clt t-iW for every cato of ucmlnal wcaknctis or prlrato ol any kind and character .which bounder *
akus to and falls to euro.
Middle Aged Men.
There are many at the 0re of 30 to DO n ho are
roublud with too frequent evacuations of the blad
der , often accompanied by aulfcjht sumrtlny or bucn-
ng sensation , and a wiukrnlnff of the system In
nanner the patient cannot ncoount for. On cxarnln-
tig the urinary deponlts a ropy scdlinont win cfton ba
ounil , and suinctlmei ) small i > arUclo of albumen will
tj > pear , or the color \\lllba nf thin uillklsh hue.
iiK to a dark and turpld fljihi'uanco. Thv aa
imn > ineny men u ho die of thl uiiJcuIty , Ignoi uf > (
ho cauio , Mhkh Is the uecond ta/a nf eemlnal-nc . -
less. Dr. W. w 111 guarantee a perfect euro In all cases
and a healthy restoration of the Kenlto-urinary oran -
; an .
Consultation frco. Tlioronsh examination and ad-
vleo. $5.
All communications should bo addressed , Dr. llenry
Icnry Wanner , P. 0. CSS9 , Denver , Colorado.
The Young MHII'M Pochut Coimianlon , by Dr. II
Valuer , Is uorth HHelLht In gold to jouug mea
Prlco 91,2fi. Sent by mall to any addrciu.xj
Let Your Light Shine.
Dr. Winner , ho celebrated specialist , of Denver
Mo. , 313 I ni liner street , bolletcs In letting tlioworld
\thathouindo , andlsdoliit ; for thouvanda of
ilj felliiuiucn. IIU treatment for lost manhood la
i it tn win him a nanio that iiosterlty will blexo. Ten
hourand tt-MtlminililK from all ever the United States
rum thOKoho hoHcurvd , Id proof posltl\o that lie does
nru the u orat CAUI.I ) of tlieso diseases. 11\e afllicted
rum chronlo and sexual dlntnses of every Iclnd will
ml him their bent friend. Itcad hU adv crtUomontln
all our city papers , and call on him fur advice , asws
[ nowyou v.lll corroborate lu In Kiylnu liulj the gut
urer's truu frioud. HiKkyllounrulii .S'oua. |
Relief to the Afflicted.
tn rrm.lii-iics , Al In sdt , u'6 , ( ho specialists are the
ones vthoaUa ) > inomujtniiti ) front and accomplish
rroal rciulta , 1 hU rcnurk In k j > cclally applicable to
o Dr. II. Wagner , of tlil clt ) . Hit itandd at the top
ol Msprofc lon , oinl tlmtiinslio tterforma for the
unfortunate would eetm vtonderftil If not mnncrly
lowed In thu light of Htlciitlflo auiuUomint * . He u
entinr > od b ) the mint nnlnont of the faculty ,
lljoillcoutail Laramlr troit , where ha Hill speedi
ly ifft < ta Hire tor the njtlorli of cither sex , no mat
er how Rompllcatcd thulr complaint 1'oiscroy t
Chronic Complaints Require
Time for a Cure.
Persons at a distance M ho nlah to be treated by Dr.
Vaguer utcd not fuel backw turd berauo of ( nubility
to vUlt him. If they will w to the doctor he will
end a Hit of qucHtloni w liable * him to solid
medicines , oomiM.1 and to thounands he has
lovemven , Hu has p hi every city , town ami
tatlon In Colorado null as all ever the United
SUtui. Bco hl ad Jhla advertisement Den
ver Tribune.
Shall We Beform ?
Speclflo remedies for alldlseases Is the theory 1
practice at present of educated and annirleiioe
hyslclaus , and In all Urge connnunltlos they h\
, holr i > cdaJUe , to excel In which th y direct their
ituilien and iiructlce. Dr. Winner Is a lucccaslul IN
lustration ot this modern school ol siwcliUtlcs. and hbj
unprecedented BUCC M In the treatment of prlvat *
diseases Is u wonderful us It It Battering. 1'rof. J.
Thoto pirsons who ueixl tuedlca ] relief for the most
delicate uf dljeatta will find an accouipUihcd and no.
reufulphblclaiilii tlio IH.TSOD of Dr. Wagner. No ,
343 Laruncr strict , who It hljfhly rooummcudeil bj th
modlcal i'roltm > ljii at home fcud aboard. l'omero/
Democrat , lll.-otry and Itrnonuicemuit glrv wayto
wUdoin. uiidthuvmu ) ihy Id n belle * el Uj Mtlni-hl ,
Illtht blilui ) for the glory of his fellow men. 1'rlukr' *
Ink i the torch ho can bcnusu to enlda tliuWeary
aud sick one to the fountain of huiltn If this rtld
should be liutruuiental as a "TOUClILlGH'T'Kt.uii-
oualiill to guide nuDuilns humanity to813
utroet , Denver , Coloradott will answer thd
or which Iv was written , AJ.Uow
1 > . 0. bo 33SO , or call at 313 Larimer ( jtr
Denver ,
/arnc d.tbo coJuom hetkled "Th Nwewlty th
i M. iU-J. I . , U VUtUliai.Jt , J UW X rf ! ,