Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 25, 1883, Page 7, Image 7

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Van Brunt , Thompson fe Oo
Cutter ,
Which hiis'beeu through a good many
sons , uml.hna nhvnj'S given entire
isfnctipn. It is one o tlu iirst
stalk cutters ever put on the market ,
and to-flny there is none superior. The
is as well known as this. We. would j
request dealers to place their orders
with us early , as the demand for stalk WJ
cutterrf will be larger than eVcr liufore.
Plows , Seapers , Cultivators , Mowers .
Hay Rakes , Harrows , Hay Tedder ,
Stalk Gutter , New Tongueless Cultivator
Which gave such universal satisfaction
last season. We offer you this Cultivator
again and are still confident that it is nearer
perfection than any similar cultivator of
other makes. The record which it has
made in the past hears us out in the above
To our former patrons nnd to
those who may in the future , he our
patroas , we will say that wo arc again
permitted to offer you the
Hay Rake
for the coming year. Th < ? success of
this Rake is so well known that com
ment is unnecessary. It has higher
wheels than any other and for raking v
stalks , as well as hay , it cannot be ' .
bent ,
Carriages , Buggies , Phaetons and Spring Wagons ,
To he found in the West , at corresponding low prices. You should investigate this before buying elsewhere.
Did you ever see ono of these in
chines work ? Its the funniest thing
you over saw. It is the
. Hay Tedder ,
find will do more work turning hay thnn
twenty men can do in the mine time.
f' We desire your trade , and in return wo will furnish 3-011 with good goods.
, 12 nud 11 Fourth Street , t juncil Uluffn , Iowa.
Nous Front Neohx.
M. II. Hagorty and John Ocannon
, riod their manhood at the art of self-
lofonso the other evening , for which they
were interviewed by his 'honor , the
mayor , who assessed the regular line of
? 10 and costs , amounting to 91".85 ,
which was by them paid.
Prof. Hardin and company were
icro Wednesday night and played ion
'nil houso. Throughout the company
is up to the standard in our opinion ,
The public school here closed the pros-
cut term yesterday with a school oxhibi-
'ion. ' A great many of the patrons of
Lho school were present and expressed
themselves as being well satisfied with
ho advancement of the scholars under
, ho tutorship of Miss Towsloy and Miss
Xeuas Brown , founder of The Noola
rrihuno , is now employed to look after
the local columns of The Itoportor.
Mr. 11'oloy , ono of the commission-
era of Aurora county , Dakota , is hero nt
present visiting friends and relatives.
\nd wo think that when Pat returns to
us homo in Dakota old Pottawattamio
county will lose ono of her lady popula
tion. VKI- .
Acltl Phosphate.
Unanimous Approval of Medical Staff.
Dr. T. O. COMSTOCK , Physician nt
Good Samaritan HospitalSt. Louis , Mo. ,
says : "For years wo liavo used it in this
liospitnl , in dyspepsia and nervous dis
eases , nnd as n drink during the decline
nnd in the convalcsconco of lingering
fevers. It has the unanimous approval
of our medical stan" . "
Jloul Kstiuo TrniiBl'crtt.
The following deocw vroro filci\ for re
cord in the recorder's ollico , December
22 , reported for the BKU by P. J. Mo-
Mahon , real estate agent :
Charles M. Prudon to L. 15. Curtis et
nlsosw } ] 27,74JO ; 8000.
Henry Spechtto X. Do Great , sej' no ]
nnd sej 27 , 7ti , - 1 ; $2,300.
John Trimble ot nl to George B.
Chuck , lots 1 , 2 , 31 ! nnd III , block 14 ,
Ferry add. mid lot -I , block 18 , Bryant
darks add ; St21.-10. :
P. Judson to Samuel Roichnrt , lot 1 ,
block 3 , Judaoii's ndd. to Nooln ; Si > 0.
Totnl sales , $3,27110. .
Depend Upon It.
Mother Shlptoiv'H inoiiliCBlos nnd l.ouWiuia
olooUuns are very uncertain things , but
Thomas' Jtlcrtric : Oil can bo ilepondod U | > oii
always. It euros aches and palna of every do-
An Onmlin Vlslior.
John \V. Smith , hailing from Omnha ,
visited the Blufls yesterday with his
team , and the peculiar condition of the
streets here was not exactly fitted to the
kind of whisky ho had aboard. "While
driving' along Fifth avenue the buggy
upset and ho was thrown out. A revolver
ver fell from his pocket nnd wna dis
charged. That frightened the horse still
worse and it took a run while Smith lay
insensible and blooding on the ground.
Ho was gathered up , taken to j.olico
headquarters nnd n doctor called to at
tend him. Smith was Buffering badly
from heart disease , as well ns whisky and
the ranawny , but ho was straightened up
enough before night to pay his § 7 00 to
the court , nnd go homo under thn escort
of a friend.
Goiij..hi , Cold * , and Sore-Throat ykld readily toB.
II. l > oiiilait SOIID' Capsicum Cough Drops.
Six per cent city and farm loans. S. W
Forgusson & Co. , 39 Pearl St. m\r& >
Whont No. 2 spring , 70c ; No. 3 , COo ; rs
joctoJ , 50c ; good demand.
Corn Loalors ore paying Hfie for old corn
and 2Cc for ? w.
Oats In good demand at "Ool
Hay 4 OOfflfl 00 per ton ; COo per halo ,
Rye lOc ; light supply.
Ourn Mual 1 25 per 100 pounds.
Wood Good supply ; prices at yards , 0 00 ®
Coal Delivered , hard , 11 f > 0 per ton ; soft
C 00 per tonl
lluttor 1'lonty and in fair demand nt 20c
creamery , 'Me ,
KgfjH Heady sale nt 23o per cTozon.
Lard l'ulrbank' , wholesaling at lie.
I'oultry Finn ; doalorH nro paying for
chickonH ICc ; live , 2 GO per dozen.
Vegetables Potatoes , COc ; onions , ' 10c ; cab
baflos , HOSi-10c ( per dozen ; apples , ruudy Halo
nt C0@3 fill for prime Ktnnk.
Flour City flour , 1 C0@3 40.
Brooms 2 00@3 00 per doz.
Cattle 3 00@3 W ) ; culves , 5 00@7 50.
HORN liocal packers are buying now am'
there in a. good demand for all grades in car-
loud lots at 4 Ii0@t W , .
Tliu Sau City opera house will seat 050.
Sac City on the 2Dth inst. will vote on
extending Us limits.
The Iowa corn crop for 1883 will hardly
average -10 per cent.
A convention of mayors in to bo hole ]
in Burlington January 8.
Since the school house fire , a topio in
Cherokee in fire protection.
The Ottumwa I'low company has in
creased its capital stock to $50,000.
Kx-Govornor Lowe died in Washington
Saturday. The funeral will occur
Public sympathy in largely in favor ol
Anderson's acquittal , now on trial al
Oakaloosn on a charge of murder.
"Kookuk has seldom known so pros
perous n twelve months as the year ol
1883 has been , " says The Gate City.
The case of the State of Iowa va. John
Wright , president of the Bank of Ode-
bolt , resulted in the discharge of the do-
The city council of DCS Moincn has
voted to offer . ' 1,000 in prizes for the
Oremon'H tournament , to bo hold there
in Juno.
Twenty-nine little boys and girls from
the Boston Homo of the Friendless have
boon brought to Sioux City to line
homes. .
. .I ) , Schultz , of Cedar county , says ho
plowed every month winter before last ,
and expects to bo able to do the uauio
tliia winter ,
John Manly , a Chicago , Milwaukee A
St. Paul brakeman , foil between the
cars at Stone City , and his head wns cui
from the shoulders.
Horse thieves nro again at work ii
Sioux City , having stolen a horse from
the Milwaukee , and ono from the tiloim-
taineor house barn , Wednesday night.
Joseph Pachta , a young Dohoinlnii ,
w as found in a straw pile on his farm
tear Vail , Tuesday morning , with his
hroat cut. Supposed to bo n case , of
From September , 1882 , to September ,
883 , the school children in Dos Moincs
ncrcnscd 1,021. The school boards nro
iut to their stumps to provUo necessary
chool room.
Sampson Miller , n onn-nrmod farmer
if Marshall county , is on trial to answer
ho charge of incest , the victim being n
: omcly daughter , aged 1(1 ( , who gave
ilrth to n child last September.
A liltlo four-year-old son of J , II.
/ion , DOS Moines , overturned n laruo
; rind-stono , tl.o crank to which caught
Ho boy in the eye , tearing that member
intirely from its socket and terribly
acorating the llesh.
Jlonry Urow , n farmer , living sovcn
nilcs northeast of Kmmotsburg , on on *
ering his stable last Saturday received n
ipvore blow on the head from n hanging
imbor , which injury resulted in his death
ho following day.
Henry Knoblen , of Bopne , was on-
; aged in putting n revolver in order. The
veiipon was accidentally discharged , the
> nll striking his 13-year-old daughter
Vnnio , who wns in the room. The girl
it last reports wns in n precarious condi-
ion , but there wns hope that she might
1'or the first time in the history of the
iiipremo ourt of this state , reports the
) cs Moines Register , the work is nil
hushed up to date , with the exception
> f three or four cases on which n dig-
ngreement wnn hnd , nnd these will be
locidod nt the adjourned mooting in
lanunry. .
Mononn county has ! ) ! ) school houses ,
valued nt $05,0:10. : The total number ot
.eauhers is 301IS of them men , nnd
they were paid during the yonr $211-
131.85. The nvorngo monthly compensa
tion of the girls is $32.7-1) ) , while the
men only got § 3 < i.30j. ; There nro 4,100
children of school ngo in the rounty
A case that will test the validity of the
now standard time has been appealed
from a Sioux City justice court. Defend
ant failed to appear by n certain dcsig-
mted hour , and the justice entered up
iudgmont against him. The man came
nto court half nn hour afterward , but
.00 late , according to standard time , to
Win. Ilnnnum , living near Do Witt ,
Clinton county , wns aroused by burglars
who took $110 from his room , nnd gave
chase with his revolver , but it being
fruitless , he returned to find his barn on
Tiro. The barn contained nixtecn head
af horses , twelve of which were burned ,
including "Ladv Hopeful , " a trotter val
ued nt $1,000Thu robbers doubtless
lircd the barn to cover their retreat. Mr.
llnnnum'a entire loss is fully $1,000 ,
which amount is partially covered by in
.T. W. ( irahain , Wholesale Drugglnt , of
iVunttn , Texas , writes : 1 have been Imudlini ;
[ lUNOS for the past year , nnd liavo found it
inoof the moat milubln modicinox I have over
Imd in my IIOIIBQ for Conglm , Culdfl and oven
Consumption , uUvnya giving onttro Hntlnfuc-
tton. I'lo.iau Hend mo DUO grjx.s by Snturduy'8
Dr. ( irccu'H OxyKoiiutoil ItittorH
IK the oldest nnd boat remedy for Dyspepsia ,
DlltousnoRsncns , Mnlnria , Indlgostion , nil dls
orders ( if the Btoumch , and nil iU ca os imli
cnting 1111 impure condition of the Blood ,
Kidneys nnd I.Ivor.
tarrh nnd nil alfcctlona of the IIIUCUOUH meui'
Dr. Itogcr'n Vegetable Worm Hyrup in-
Htnntly destroy * worms nn'd romovcx the Ho
crctioua which c.iuso them.
Tlio luwu DuIoKntlon.
The Iowa delegation in congress are
quartered , according to the olllcial direc
tory in The Congressional Ilccord , ns
'follows :
Senator W , B. Allison , 1124 Vermont
Senator J. F. Wilson , liiggs lioilsO.
First district Hon. M. A. McCoi'd
( not located ) .
Second district Hon. J. IT. Murphy
Ebbitt house.
Third district Hon. D , It. Henderson ,
1027 Vermont avoriuj.
Fourth district lion. L. H. Wheeler ,
Metropolitan hotel.
Fifth district Hon. James Wilson ,
National hotel.
Sixth district Hon. J. C. Cook , Na
tional hotel.
, Seventh district Hon. J. A. . Kasson ,
024 Fifteenth street. N. W.
Eighth district Hon.W. P. Hepburn ,
1227 I street , N. W.
Ninth district Hon. W. II. M.Puaoy ,
Ebbitt houso.
Tenth district Hon. A. J. Holmea ,
1111 ! H street , N. W.
Eleventh district Hon. 1. 0. Struhlo ,
National hotel.
Do Not Men n Blindly.
Co carefully in purchaitiiig inodicluo. Many
advertlhod rouiodlcH can work gront Injury-
lira worse tliun noun , llunluck Itlutnl Jlitten
ute purely u vegotnlilo prepnrnti JM ; the small-
oat child can tnlca thorn. They kill dlNUaso
and cure the patiunt In a , unto nnd kindly way.
Jllcrniry lion | irotucwl ! mom iniw. ry and umjouioni
rrlilen ] | tlmu w r , i > oktllriica anil hinlno fiiinbluoJ ,
It ) on Imro any tlontl (11 jcawtor hklu liuinnr , It Ii
your duty to ycumcll and pu teritv to tak the
only vt'i'taWu curu , which IxHrtlft'iiiSiHirlllc.
Hwllt'aKpo'inolmi relluvod me ol Malarial Illond
I'lilnun after dad lin ronlloci ! to tlia liomu ( or IHu
mcmtliHuiuniadlieoM doKt'il withlilua niuan , calumul
and ol tier pnlsonou * driifK ( until 1 n In dvu > alr
Hwllt'n Uiiccino It tl.o rouii'dy for thU kind ol hlood
| Kl > on. O. M. UIj.MlKi : , AKvnt
Hnuthcrii Ulu Iinuraiifo ( 'o. , Atlanta , Ua.
I havul en iiktni ; for a nimitli or two In my lioute.
linlil , Hwlft'fl Kpeclllc ( B. H. H. ) ( hu KrvaUr ( Kirtloii ol
ol It li Un < IMCM cocmtmtd by thufetnalu | > ortlori ol
my lamlly , und with t * o liaprlut runulU. It artcd
like a charm on my wllo.wlio 1ml limi In lad licaltli
lor \niig \ time , and ( or ulirnu I lia\o | IJ linndrudt
at dollars lor dortort and tni'dlcluu * . It tujjun to
liulld her | i Iroin tliv llritt donn. Another Icinalo
im'iiilor ol my liur.lly t uk It vtlth wiually ratltlacto *
ryrvmdU. ItlnmtiUnlytliebdAttonlo ( or cKllcato
ladlca that 1 havuu\cruicxl , andl liato t'liil them
all. I liu\e nudonlit th > t want l unt-rcclnu , clone
conflni'inent In poorly tfiitllatvd lmuw < , nmverKa *
jioliun and nuiluiial ( Kiloin olten iiruductM tlcknun
inonif our when , daughter * and nlnlon , anJ I tw
lluvu Hwltt'n Hcillo | It the lomuly lor ull thU Hort ul
blood iioUoidiiK. I' . L. JONKH. J , 1 > .
( jultiuan , Oa.
iV Treatment of Canoor.
1'or twi-nty yetrn I haw nurtured Irani a cancur or
thu ildu ol no nc < k near vtiu ihouldcr and vnhaiiiUd
the whole caUloKue ol remedied without any rvllcl.
Tlio cancer Kronlnx worm ull thatlo.e , thu wliolu nj > -
] > er | rtoliuyliody bwamo mlfT ami lull olpalu. I
had vlrlual'y ' lout the u < o ol l tli arm , my un'01'1 '
health had tiroUn down and I aw It wai only n
iiuenilrn ol tlmo when Ille lUell would b de * > truud.
InthUcondlllun I ( Miin > t < nc i | the utu o ( Hull I'M
HHicllIo. | The llr t hottlo relieved inn of the ftllTncu
In the nock , thu lecond iiatu mo ptrlect UK * ol uy
arim.nnd I IIKitfoiiff ) ami well In ttury way. I urn
a ixMir man but I uuuld nottuke ! ) : , , < mi tor the Kood
I tufo fVitrlinci | I rtltli 8 * > H' Kjn-cHlc. 1 lIMo It
Hill lore * out all thu iiolinii and curu nu > ,
W , It , UOIIIHON , D Uboro , ( ia.
rcatltv on lllondand Skin PUra ii mulled Irto
to ap.h | inU. THE HWIIT Hl'UUlI'M CO. .
l n cr , AtUnUUk.
This ne\y and beautiful addition ia located hotwceii Davenport nnd Caas'strceU' '
only ton blocks from the High School.
Lots Will T3Q Sold at $350 to $650.
Thiajis hy all odds the most desirnhlu property placed ontho ] [ market this year.
Situated ns it is , in the heart of the city , and at prices no higher than is asked for
lota two and throe miles distant. |
Davenport Street is Now being Graded Through this
! The finest reuidoncos in Omaha are bnliy built within sovori blockg of this ad.
Ibis addition nnd these lots will double in viluc in less than six months. '
Lots in Hawthorne will quadiupliJ In prlco before lots two and thr'oo miloa dia-
tant will double.
Call and See Prices and Plat , and Drive with | us to
Parties wishing desirable residence property will find it to their advantage to
cell nnd sou us.
la onmmontcd with it bmitiHfnl rovtb of fore.4 troon consisting of Oak , Hickory
Ash nnd Kim. Jlcnto thu Ahndo nnd nnrimoutul troe.1 are < alrcaIy planted nnd full
grown. ,
Wo hitvii property in till parti of thu city , both.for residence and business pur-
purposes ,
" \Vo huvtfsau Eighty acre tr.tct und lltO ucro tract on line of Bolt Knilroad at a
213 South 14th Street , between Parnani arid Douglas.
. . . . ,
' ' ' i < / .V ,
i. " . . ' 4iji 'I1' ! ' , :