OTIS DAIL5T BEE--OMAHA , TU2 ] 25. 1883. RICHARDS & CLARKE , \V. A. CLARKE , Proprietor , ? Superintendent Omaha Iron Works' . U. P. RAIuWAY 17TH & 18T1I STREETS MANUFACTURERS OF AiNU DEALERS | tN WATER WHEELS , ROLLER MILLS- Mill and Grain Elevator Machinery. MILL FURNISHINGS OF ALL KINDS , INCLUDING THE . Celebrated 'Anchor ' Brand Dufour Bolting Cloth STEAM PUMPS , STEAM , WATER AND GAS PIPE. BRASS GOODS AND PIPE FITTINGS , ARCHITECTURAL AND BRIDGE IRON. I O I o We are prepared to furnish plans and estimates , and will contract for the erection -of Flouring Mills and Grain Elevators , or for changing Flouring Mills , from Stone to the Roller sj'stf m. BgpEspecial attention given to furnishing Power Plants for any pur pose , and estimates made for eame. General machinery repairs attended to promptly. Address RICHARDS & CLARKE , Omaha , Neb. PERFECTION IN Heating and | Baking Tc only attained by using Stoves and Ranges , ' KITH WIRE GAUZE OVER OOORi Foi r.'a by MILTON ROGERS & SONS OMAHA- box No. 1 w 111 cnro any case In four dij a or less No , S will euro the mo t obstinate case no matter ot how foig standing. Allan's Soluble Medicated Bougies No na COU3 doses ol "Hbebs , copabla , or oil of san. datwood , thatnr > e .UInto produce djBnepsia h > destrjlnirthocuatlngaof the tomah. 1'rloo 81.SO Boldly all drtiKKlbts , or mailed on recolpt of prlci. rther jartlculara send for clroalar. IMPROVED SOFT ; ELASTIC SECTION HVSAIs warranted to crir longer , nt viLvfAtlie form nta ( < r , and ithro Ultci iiiivot'ierCorM.1 wSfpfatlr-fuctlon thuii J - , - , II In the market or prlt-o paid v he nfunded. ThotnilpnietnHitaol Chlcoifo'n lM t iihYulrliuii , ucucm piny7nch Cnmet. frlro. fli.t Nutti-i Jctin'lViUitc ; Srtnald , l ' ' > Ai > V your mrn bant for thfiu. nrpoia ' " " j JUUIMI Ju CC. . Moou'Ilm 7"lUi is i ! J liouanpli ( Jt.ChlcaB- ( . Fur e * ly t ? JNO. H. F. LEHMANN. ImportedBeer IN BOTTLES. Bavaria , -Erlanger .Culmbachfir , BaVlirill. Pilsner Bohemian , Kaiser , . .Bremen. DOMESTIC. Budweiser St. Louis Anhausor .bt.LouiB. Best's Miwaucee , Milwaukee. Scblit/-Pilsner / - " i Omaha. ; g t Afe Porter. Domestic and Rhine Win ? EDMAURER , iSUParnara. [ \ PATTNTS . _ _ . _ - . - 1. . o/TT tfripTff A mticAW * con * Patent Dried Fruit Lifter , AS USEFUL NO DEALER IX A IN GROCERY Groceries STOItE CAN AlTOllU TOUB .18 A PAUl 0V Without It. COUJiTKII SCALES. H.C.CLARKSOLE PROPRIETOR , OMAHA , NKII. Tin * III 1.1 ai Iliei nrrn tor liinaiip voiiv iy for iiii < tiri > ftf ilirinui mwitf i > r tla * KiniTiilhMiirifdnK lirifUMn inUlnki' ulxmt llltf IllUlllllllPflt , lltl I-OM iif 1 11 1 1' IT V ixrminllng Ihiiiiiiili l IKluirc I. , -i li. li. 10 ilieni U , iirjitfil aitiuii l > ii nut ( UK lth KlH l III 41111 * 'til lltf l-ohi li ml li liii lrl * > fnr NUNHOOD RESTORED. A .1-ilm nf r. rl lmnnidrnra riu > lainrrTouid bll. S. H , ATWOOP , Plattamouth , - . - - - Neb lUaDIKOf TIIOROCOHIIRKB AID IIIOII ORADI ' . - JERSEY CATTLE I AND IlVKOO OK JKMir KKD bWI.MI , ryouni { itoek for s Ie.BCoTrc pondence soUolted , ' OHIOAGO BOALE ca . FORGES , TOOLS , &o , Put Upon Their Foot. What ( -.in Ihc mittcr of Joseph 0 151 Iluntln-rtoii utrect , N \ . Wtll , he had di pei > < ila , and rouldn't deep nljjhK llo ( lMhe'it | rellol' He didn't get anj itllef lor nc tly two } t r , though ho tried , ho .j , "npirlj n bundled illtfcrent What did ho finally rcort to' Burdock Blood Bitter * , - > iidf.ilio In a letter to t ho pi oprtotori of t1il < remcdj : "You nny mo my unite In any stjlo ol aihcttl-iemcnt jou choiwo , I want jou to hi\o Iho benefit of iiiy opinion , and that la that Ilurdock Illood Dltlin are an excellent Kile for the itomach ind a fine blood purifier it fill. Tliey curcil me , " \MiatdliU'h-iik-i 1. Atninorth , 41 Vnnco UlocV , ndlanai < o1K lndta * > ? Ho Mid , "ily mother hn been ii W Ilurdock Hood Hitters m ft lUcr roinc.h and llnd them \ery lllc.iclouj. Who IjA. Hurtii ? Ho lia MickjmHli , Ihlnc about threv miles tat if Ooutirg , Ont. Wh it duel ho ha\c to nlTcr ! Ten cents I * hit ho r\ ) he woulJu't have ( -Urn or hti rhanca of H\IIK | before ho u cd Ilurdock Hood IHUerri. Ho hid dj pesli | for Illtceiicani . , ind was cured \ j three bottles f thlMcry excellent irrparatlon. You pee thc'-a cruptlnni nn my hoc. Un ) ou Mip- > o o Ilurdock Illood I'.lltcH would iumo\o them } Wo ruarantcp tl-o ) will. There l n't n better mcd * clno in th Morld for dl c ? cs i-ll Iho Mood. Ak to\\Vm. Stout , of Whtton , County ( Ircy , Out , illllctud with n ( Trent , tmlotont sore , whkh ne\eiiteen Olffercnt plnstdans tnat-d without BUCCCM , w hat thlnkM of llurdoek IlloiHl lllt.-ri ! < --i medic mo that cdlilm from the Rra\e. lliev ivrtalnlj lmu.ot nn einiil In their fpicUUIii. IH t\ir ) dniKclit. F03TEU , MILBURN & ) CO. . Prop's BuDUlO. N.Y. The Union Sunday ohoolill htivo n Cliristinns trco Tuosdny ovoninj , ' . The Saratoga school being overcrowded - od , tbo board has ordered additional [ leaks , niul thrown the two recitation rooms into ono , thus giving n now school room with n soiiling capacity of thirty. The teachers , Mr. F. M. llailoy nnd Miss Kliza Loinax , were the surprised and pleased recipients of two elegant anil costly gifts from their pupils. The pre sentation speeches wcro inado by Master iloraco Bancroft , in behalf of the gram- ' mm- grade , and by IMissJAnnio Cr.iig for the primary. Rov. W. E. Copeland was unavoidablj- prevented from addressing the .Sunday ichool as previously announced , by rca- eon of sickness. Lyceum hall w as on Saturday last the scene of another of these weekly enter tainments , given by _ the Literary and Debating society , which have become so popular. The following is tho. pro gramme : Ilccitatious by the Misses Elton , Craig , llosenborry and Meanoy and by Masters Page , Bancroft and Purcoll. Koading , MissKclloy , and an essay on "Laughter" by Mr1 Korr. A recitation by Masters and Misgtja Fichonchor , Gruonig and Petersen was rendered in n very pleas ing manner ; the children , seven in nuiu bor , had boon carefully trained for the occasion by Miss Honmslc. The crown ing feature of the ovoning'a enjoyment was a charade , the presentation of which elicited rounds of applause and was a grand success in every particular. Great praise is duo to the following ladies and ; cntlemon for the able manner in which ; hey performed their various parts. .Tho Misses Patrick , Law ton and 0. Butlin , and Messrs. Bailey , Patrick , Clark and Kennedy. The subject debated : "Uosolved , That : arin" should bo imposed for revenue pur poses only , " was animated and interest ing. The participants being Mr. Kerr on thoaifirmativo , with Mr. Ivanhoo on ; ho negative aide , assisted by Messrs W. Simeral and E. D. McLaugblin , re spectively. The judges ruled that the question as adopted took moro the form of "Protection or no Protection , " and on the motion of Mr. Elton it was de cided to take up the same subject two weeks hence. The subject for debate on Saturday next will DO , "Resolved , That conscience ia n correct monitor. " to Hotel 1'atroiin. If it rains , do not hesitate to apply to , ho clerk for an umbrella. Ho keeps u argo stock constantly on hand , which ho .oans cheerfully to guests of the louse. Ilo does not expect you to bring t back. Do not neglect to look over the tolo- grnms several times 11 day. It t-ivea you an air of importance ; and , if you think of t , you might ask the clerk if "tho Hon. Mr. Soand-So" had called foryou"sinco yon wont out the l.ist time. " \bovo all things , do not fail to iniiuii o .lie time the trains on all the diiloront oads take their departure. Do this long joforo you intend leaving , BO that you can forgot about it and hnvo to ask it all ivcr again the day you decide to go , llumombor , too , that ono of the most admired gueats in any house is the one who is always ringing for ico-wator and ; rowling because the towels are not on land at exactly the minute ho takes his jath. You unould not forgot that the the chambermaid has for " only way "got- ling oven" is to keep a man standing wet and cold while she goes down to tlio laundry. This is her sacred privilege established by a long line of precedent. She would die for it and BO may you. Commercial travelers , otherwise known as "drummers , " are entitled to primary consideration in all metropolitan hotels. Ifocauao you are < ' i member of congress is no reason why yo'u should expect a room on the pallor floor at second floor prices. If the boll-boy ansivcra your cull with in fifteen minutes after tlio time line ( ono by when you needed him , remem ber that ho may have boon asleep when you called , and haa probably don o as well as you would if you had boon out with the boys the night before. Register your name plainly , forgetting none of your Jitlea , The newspapers all want you in their "personals. It will bo a pleasure , also , to the hotel clerk to have you write your name ao plainly that ho can rend it backward and upside down just aa well ns forward. If you think there is any subject upon which tho.clork is not informed , you tire very much mistaken. Ho ia a walking encyclopedia of universal knowledge , and if there is anything ho cannot toll you abdut , urn are at liberty to mark hitn down a "green hand. " If there is anvthintr that M ill make hitn love you it ia Uib , If you have a silk umbrella of your ownwith a gold head , take a turnaround town in the ovonin , and in the morn ing , when UIB check clerk hands you a gingham umbrella with a hickory han dle , demand of him the dilToronco in cash. You were not to blame because it- took the nicht clerk and three porters to put you to bed nf 2 o'clock in the morn ing. _ Larry > 'lynu , lured ID , In attomijttiiK to huard n switch engine In tha Wubinh yorili at Den Molr.ea , wo * thrown under the wheols. IJoth leen were crimhocl , thn Kcnlp torn ICKWO from LU head nnd hia face brtiUnd anil mnahcd. Ho lived or.ly two houn , AFFAIRS ATJAIRFIELD , A Newsy Gossipy Lcllcr From the Noted "Col , Janus , " I'lio Cent and IMntrlmonml Crop I'cfsonnl nml Vlous Notes. uurroapomtoncQ ID The Doc. FAIUVIKUI , Nub. , December 10 , 18811. In justice to Mr. John Sperry , of this city , plcaso slnto that Mr. Spcrry won not .ho nullior of the letter from Fairlichl thnt nppoaroil in Tin : llr.u of Monday , or hat ho luul any connection whatever vith it. Tlio corn cioji in this section ia very icavy , but very little of it ia fit for seed. Seine of our fnrniors have boon paying T 0 conta a bushel for sued corn , Miss KatioJ Uarr , a clmrming society ) ollo of Fairfield , Iowa , will spend the vinlor hero with rolntho' . The last quart urly meeting of this year of the M. K. Church of Fairfield wHl bo lold on next Saturday and Sunday. Ruv. Tohn Gallagher , the now presiding older , recently of Falls City but now of Host- ings , will preside. Mr. J. A. Minor , our popular grain buyer , seeing the tax to which our few business houses voro put to recently , rented a fttoro room in the Willis block and put in a fresh stock of general mer chandise. Ho is doing well. Our village is all agon over the now railu ay lines that are coining this way and real estate in conscmtonco lus un up ward tendency. Last Tuesday evening a nuiubor of poo- ilo , members of the Baptist church , while living in { other places , mot and organized a Baptist society. Prospects of another church building in the nuar : uturo are good. Last Friday ovoniii" ; a largo number of invited guests assembled at the homo to Mr. D. B. Gillett to witness the crystal redding , of Mr. and Mrs. Gillett , in loner of the jiftoontl1 anniversary of .heir wedded life. A moat enjoyable : imo was had. Mr. Martin .Smith , of Kdgar _ , recently purchased the ono-half section farm of John Prall , north of town , for ยง 7,020. Mr. Prall with still remain with us. Our real estate agents aio kept very nisy. L.uid buyers are numerous , and good prices are obtained. Sales average about iivo ppr week. Prof. K. S. Dotwillor has taken charge > f our public schools , and Miss Jcssio Ferguson yill be his assistant. The for- nor superintendent , Prof. Randall , has removed to Clay Center , where ho is at- .ending to the duties 01 count } ' superin tendent of public schools. Sabbath last , Rov.'R. R. Williams ten dered his resignation as pastor of the Congrcgatio lal church , which was ac cepted , llov. Williams wns a faithful , mrd-workiiig pastor , and during the six , -cara of his pastorate hero has done much towards bringing souls to Christ and juilding up a splendid church organist- lion. No longer than last Sunday fif teen now members were added to the al ready largo congregation. His resigna tion is much regretted. Rev. A. Ivorshanour now Methodist preacher from Iowa , is mooting with de served success. Ho is a pleasant fjuntlo- man and an earnest worker , and his con gregation is increasing in numbers very rast , ever twenty having joined the church within the past two weeks. THE BEE has a good circulation hero , and is much , sought after a 'little too nuch sDinotimes by "borrowers. " Wo mvo that class of people ( like other ) laces ) who think nothing of coming into our place of business and taking the > est seat you have , ponder pleasantly over your morning paper ! Can you > rint and distribute a ' 'freo edition" for ho benefit of these poor follows ? COIONKI , JAMKS. THE SLAVE OF POTIPHAR , Or. StollliiKB' Dlsuoiireo Kundiiy Kvon- Ins AVlioIcHoino IJCHSOIIH. The third sermon of Dr. Stalling on Joseph , delivered Sunday evening , was founded on Gen. . ' ( ! ! : 1 , Si. Doubtless wo had nil built air castles. Years ago , when young , nnd listening to some ndvcnturcr as ho related his tales of heroism , or reading in some onchant- ng book the accounts of marvelous good 'ortuno , wo hud gene to work and paintad aoino good fortune for ourselves. For- mps it wnH that wo would bo a' soldier , iko Xerxes or Alexander ; or an orator , iko Webster or Clny ; or ft millionaire , iko Crwsus or Rothschild ; or n genius , iko Fulton nnd Morse ; and then , like .horn , hiivo our nitmos inscribed on pil- "ara of marble. So Joseph , when sold into Egypt , per- Imps concluded that hp hud boon build ing air castles. May bo ho had done BO when dreaming his remarkable dreams. To Ilia youthful mind the providonccn of God may have begun to look singularly mysterious. Tlio visions of .tho sheaves and of the eleven stars-which had so i-nisod hia expectations , what were they lo him now/ / They seemed only to make eport _ of his boyish fancies and to fill him with disappointment. Many were the tears alier. and the grief ho expressed ever hia unexpected and sorrowful calam ity. Joseph could not liolp his misfortune , Ho was not a runaway ; ho was his brothers1 cruel victim , llonco ho would pine no longer ; ho would make the best out of his trouble. Ilo would bo true to God and his parents' pioua teaching , nnd auywhoru nnd nt all times do his duty , WHAT wi : r.KAit.v. 1 , It is always wise to make the beat out of misfortunes , Sudden rovcraus often drive men into despair. It any tiling happens to interrupt their prosper ity ; if thoysustain heavy losses ; if the ac cumulation of years pass out of their pos session , then , at if all were irretrievably gone , they yield to those reverses , and nine coining yearn away in utter hope lessness. This is not wisdom. There are men who have failed a do/.en times , who yet , by the patient acceptance ol their misfortune and their indomitable pluck , have risen again into success like a splendid mansion out of a charred ruin. 2 , Honesty is the best policy. Joseph , being un involuntary slave , might have claimed that hp oived nothing to hia master. Assuming such n position , ho might have Bought to uvongo himself by not doing u whit more than ho vrna com pelled to do , nnd by not doiny , what ho was compelled to do , will. Jut ! ho resolved - solved dillbrtntly. Ho concluded it wai bettor to be a faithful than an unfaithfu iluvo. Hence , had Potiphar's biuincss - / ' S < _ _ * i - * ! * - * T f i been hN own ho could not hava taken n deeper interest in it. What a lesson for the times ! What a worthy oxmnplo for voluntary nerrnnts and employes of any description ! Many in this dtiy only accept their humble po sitions in lifo boc.uwo they cannot help it. Many n young man in n bminosa liouso , engaged as n clerk : many young man in a aliop , employed ni n laborer ; many a young woman in a kitchen , hited as n servant , chafoa under what is re garded a yoke of bondage. They take no interoit in the allUira of their employ- era. Tlmy need constantly bo directed , watched , spurred , reprimanded , They cannot bo tiustcd with responsibilities. They hurry through their toil and nro oil' . They will only do so much nnd no more. If they can slight their work they will. They nro discontented , icatlcss , unhappy. Who are the young men thnt risu from ! ho bottom to the top 1 From soclimon lo. distinction ? From poverty to vronltht They aio those , who , like Joseph , do their honest duty wherever hey nro put ; who execute ns well that which is another man's ns thnt which is their own ; who appropriate not n dollar to themselves which they have not justly earned ; \ \ hose eyes are as open to the prosperity of their employers us the eyes of their employers themselves. What Bays Solomon omen ! "Seest thnu n man diligent in Ins business ? Ho shall stand before kingsl" ! l. Uod helps these that help thorn- .Ivcs. Wo are told that the Lord was with Joseph , nnd thnt the Lord made nil that ho did prosper in his hands. Wo are not to understand , however , that God did everything and Joseph nothing. Joseph was possessed of line endow ments. These entered just ns truly into Ilia successes ns did the agency of God. It is n popular maxim thnt every man is the architect of his own fortune , It is not true. Ho is in n measure dependent upon others ho is in n mcoauro depend ent , upon God. If , when young , ho starts out to depend upon himself Mono , nnd to build his fortune by any means , whether fair or foul ; if ho have no right eous principles to go upon , and no fear of God before his eyes , ho will not succeed the Lord will not holpjiim. The doyil will help that young man , nnd help him downward. Ihit the Lord helps the good , t , What n high compliment worldly men sometimes pay to piety. I'otirthnr was n worldly man. IIu cared nothing tbout religion personally. Ho did not joliovo in God ho was n heathen. His JUHU1C33 concerned him the most. What ever prospered his buainosa , no matter what , .that hoould respect Ilo saw .hat leligion helped Joseph , and because t did ho insufar icspcctcd it. It wai a , ; oed thing , ho paw , for Joseph , because i i/ood thing , through Joseph , for him- elf. elf.Tho The young should therefore bo pious. [ t was fortunate for Joseph thnt ho fcaied ! 3od. J t will bo fortunate for every man. When ho goes out into the world , nway : rom his homo , nnd away front the re straints of good parents , it will answer "urn well to bo a Christian. The fourtli sermon will bo : "Joseph , The Moral Hero , or The Battle Between Jcseph nnd His Mistress. " Tlio Klflth Generation. Jetrolt Free I'rcH' . On Friday there was born nt .No. JS.'I ratiot nvonuo n great-grcat-grnnadaugh- lor. The first generation of the living 'nmily is Mrs. M. H. Smit , of St. Louis , Mo. , who was born in Amsterdam , Bel aud , ninety years ago. The oldest of lor seventeen children is Jacob M. Smit , the pawnbroker at 29 Michigan nvonuo , who is 73 yonrs of ngo , and the father of sixteen children. His oldest son , M. ( | . Smit , is n resident of Pittsburg , Fix. , is 19 years old , nnd the father of twelve children. His oldest son , J. M. Smit , is 24 yearn of ago , and is now n happy lather of a daughter. OKAY'S SPECIFIC TRADE MARK TMBGRKAT & .0-TRADB MARK LISII UKSIKUT. An unfailing euro for Ucmlnal Weak , new ) , H | > crma tort- hum , unpotency , and all Ulaeatica that follow as a eminence of Self. . n > . .w.f > * i. . > u > < . > > , I > atii At TER TAKInD , ; i Back , Ulmncsd of Vision , I'renialnro Uld AKC , ' jnany otlicrdlecasug tint lead tu Insanity or Con. : mptlon and a Premature Ora\o. BnwAnx of ad ortlsentuntfi to refund money , when JniK'triits from whom the meillcino It bought ifn iiuf refund , hut rotor } ou to tha manufacturer * ! , and Un > rcqulr'.mcntH are uuch that they are trfifaui , if ever , oomplled with , tieo their written ( ruarantvo , Atrlnl of one RhiKlo packaKo of Graj'ri Spucino will comlncc the most slieiitlcal of Itn real incrltH. On account of oountujfeltcra , wo havu adopted the- Wrapper ; tha only ( oniilno. tSTVutl partlculara In OUT pamphlet , which we de * tire to Bond free hy mail to every uno. jfrfTho S.o- | clllcCUidlclne li ) Bold by all dru.rirlatii at VI | > or pack * ago , or MX packages for W , or will ho Kent frco by mall on the receipt of the mono } , hy adilroHmni ; TUB OIIAYMK DICINUCO. , JIUIIalo K. Y III OujBba hv C . 'J'rilniaii. , | y Dili * COSTA INS : nf Marliti f.tttlicr. r.nurikMd IJ ) liniill. mtlHpli.t' , . Tlir fjttthtr Munumant at Wunnt11 } J. fcoinrd J'ltt Jnil-iln'tlfte , A i dinning Hhort stor ) , Jainv Albert llnrrUiin , .If the IMilcn data. A 1'ouni , Oiorifo 1.ntluop , H'oman inMoitfrn CMIttntton , An Important ) jurby lleno 0 , I'lildtr. Jiit/nrait iiiilitnl. A I'm in. ll > IxiiiUo Clmiulkr Monlton. niiel , I'atl anil J'itnt. Dv Aniui Full'ird. lieaiitlfiill > Illuktiiitiilfroiii piilntliiKH ! > } Uuvu- Hero A. Htlfonl. TIIKIKIOIIUKIU'KIl : A Keu Ycar'n Mnwiuu IH Kdltli M , ThniniK. With imulo for IMU and i horiiKcx by lr I/impold DitinriHch. TliikllnyCinnlialt , Cliupi. V , and VI. ly Kd ir FkUdil. rittAj > i > tiillollatiiil ! , A I'fwiin. Ily II , C.lliiiincr. Creation or Kmliitiuitt A riilli ( oiiU.il | | Inqulr ) b\ , ( liorKollcliiiir C'urtU , Jlecent IMtratur't. lllmtraled. lljuks , 1'initry , Fiction. Town Talk. 'IhoNim Vntr The llartholdl fetntue Kxlnhltlon , A new loluinu bu lin vlth thU number , Vc rl. ubitlb ( ooiiimencln ulth thU nnDib < .r ncelto the llrnttHO parti of ' 'llnklinK t' ) ndula. " I'c.r vain u > all newidvalerii. KubHcrlplloim re ctlvrd at principal houkitorcH or at pulillciitiou otllcv , S3. OO a Year. 2Oc a Number. TI1K MANHATTAN MACJAXINK CO. , Temple Court , Now York City. DUFRENE & ARCHITECTS iifUEUOVKI ) 'JO OMAHA. N.VUO.S'AI. 1JANK HUlt.IINtJ _ 3P33HSO3XT < * .jCj-"l' r { of the human bed ) inlaivnl , dnulopod and Btrun thoncd etc. , U an lntm thnf a < lieili uincnt Ion/ run In our l\x.r. \ In rLply t hiUlrlcj | vie Hill lay that thiro line noldenoool liuinbuj ; alxiutthlj. Onthecontrtry the ailwrtlM'm r > ri highly endoneil. luUrettet ixirnoni may gvl ic.'ilod tlttulara sliln0' alliartlu Ural ) > oildronliu Krlit UullMlUii. , . 0 not .N Y , H' .A Lnm- - , Spmiasand Bruises , Asthma , Catarrh , Coughs , Colds , Sere Throat , Elplithorin , Suras , Frost BUos , Tooth , Ear , and JToocf- ncho , and all pains and achos. Th l * i InKrntt ami ettrnil ttmedf In ll.e . wntll. l trlK > tlleru i n Ml. Sol.l \ < t tneJlelno dolcrterciyohete. Ult llonln l ht U FOSTER , MILDUnN & CO. , Prop'n , mil PALO. N.Y..U.S.A. WITE And your work is tlono for all time to time lo come. WE CHALLENGE to produce n more durable material i'or .street pavement thim the Sioux Falls Granite. TOR ANY AMOUNT OF OR- MACADAM ! 51\ed \ promptly. Samples .sent and estimates given upon application. WM.MoBAIN&CO. , Sioux Palls , Dakota. Western Cornice-Ws , DION AND SLATE HOOFING. C. SPECHT , PEOP , 1111 Douglu SL Onuha , Noli , UANUFAGTUnetl Ol1 Galvanized Iron Cornices tfDonact Windows , rimala. Tin , Iron and HliU looting , Hjiccht's patent Metallic Hlijliilct ( , Talent uljuetcd Ilatchet liar and llrackct riluUliiK. I am 10 Kcneral aiont for the aboio line of Kouild. Iron enolnir , CrontliiK'S , Ilaltlutradoii , VorttinUn , Iron Hunk aliuiKa , Window Ullndu , Cellar UuariU ; aNo general ont for 1'oennnti HIM atont Innldn llllnd. lliu iuu ol tnu term " nnoi Unu" In ihiifotl'.n ulth th corpnratu nnnia ol n irruatroad , con \ ej H an Idea of list u hat nxiilrc | < l hj the tratclhupub LINE. lieu Minrt Line , ( JiUck 'Jimt nnd the hii > t of [ ucommodk . tlonit all of which ru futn bhed by the ( rrtatttt ralluu ) And St. Paul. HOWIK and operoti-i OUT 4 , WO mllojol road D Northern Illlii0l , WlHconnln , JIiniKisota , Iowa and Dakota ; and anl t main linen , hiamhen andoonnto Lion i -Rch all the itrtat biulneu < untri' ol the Northwest and 1'nrWot , It naturally nn en tb deKrlptlnn of Hhort Line , and lt llouto Letwuoo tldcaso , SlllHailkcc , KL 1'nuland MlmiiapolU CliItnKiiIll iiukoo , I M CrM d and Wlnunu. Chicago , llllwankOL , Aberdeen and Kllendab Chicago , Mlltruukeo , Kail ClulrU and HtllhiaUr1 LhlcaK , Jllhiankce , Wausau anil llerrlll. CldcaKO , MIJHaukee , Iluiuir Uam and ( JnikCMli ) , . Chicago , llllwaukie , Wauke < haand Ociinoinimoa. Chlca0 | | Mlluankce , Madleoii and I'ralrlodu Chloe , Chicago , Milwaukee , Onatonna and Valrlliault , ChlcaifO , Ilelolt JanoNvl'Io ' and Mineral 1'olut. Chicago , IClL'ln , llockford and luljuiiio. | Chicago , Clinton , Itock Inlnnil and Cvdar Ilapldl. Chicago , Counill HIuHn and Omaha. Chicago , Hlunv Cltj , Hlout Fallt and Yaliktoa Chicago , lllln aukee , Mltcht-ll ami Clmmbcrlaui. Itook Inland , lliibuinio , Ht. Paul and tllnueapollf. la\onport , Ualmar , Bt. I'aul and Mumiapolii. I'ullman Blccpvri and the I'lniU DlnliieCani la world ara nm on the nialnllnuiioftlittCHIOAOO MILWAUKEE ft. ST. PAUL RAILWAY and every attention li luild io ( tauvuKeri uy court * oui wopfoyuti of the company , S. ti. MKIlRttL , A. V. II. OAltl'rajTKK , Uon'l Monagu , ( jen'l I'aJa. AirtDl J.T. CLAIIK , QF.O H. IIKAFKOKD , Qen'l ttup't ST , LOUIS PAPER WAREHOUSE , Graham Paper Co , , 111 and 210 North Main St. Bt. Loula. WHOLK3AI.K UKAtKlU IN HOOK , m A nemo JwimN0' | NKWH , fPAPErcojiwiiAWNo KNVKLOl'ES , t'ABDlBOAUI ) AND PRINTERS' STOCK tfirfanhpald. U M U111 fl H T < ' " " " " iufforlnl'tl > ( > MJIIiHOUusnuxfeLrdI.i ? ear , lot luanhood. etc. , I will wnd jou | > rll ulr * > of o > timpla and rnrtaln meu4 of rwlf eurt fr o 01 charico. udgrouraildrrMto f. V. tfVHUU , tuxilil'fl , Oo . , ' ' > J' THE NECESSITY FOtT THE SPECIALIST , DK. E , WAGNER , 9 I la * I on ? been MknowIodVpl nod more M fit thli d r thananyothcr. Thotoit Jfcld tf mfdfcnl clone 1 * \cr Incrctwlnjr , and It * titnncrons braiches nrt brought nearer and nearer to perfection , and no on nnn can any longer irrrmn them M Ilrnrotho iicco llv for dlvldliii ; tlioltbor. And II l true l n oiut nil doubt that dlscofc , adcctlnfr the gtn- tn-mlnary orftr.ni nerd nprrUI iludvinoro than ! > nr > hint ; oljoIf wo < inld understand and know"low re t llictn iirm > tlr. 1)11 , II. WAUNhtl li fully aware that f he-roars manri'hd ! < lan , and some * en ilhle ticople , nltunUI condemn him for making this clajm nt dlnauics a * pe- clilty , but hoIhappy t know that with ino * < l per- nnj of rrflnoniont and Intellljrcnco . mnrc enlighten- il < i low l-i taken of tha milijoct , and that the | ihy lo MI hniii\ot ! hlmiolf to relletlng thonflllctcd and atlnjt themfromnoreo than < 1etxlh , ItnolcMa iiht- anlhroplst hnd benefactor in his race than the BUT- [ teen or pbj lclanwhobj clo o apnllcntlon excels In any other branch of hit profovJon. .And fortunately orhumanlt ) , theilay l < d < wnlnit hcn the falw phf- anlhropliy thnt condemned the \lctlms of follj-or crime , Ilko the Ifptrs under the .JovtUh law. to ills uncarcd for has patted an ay. A Few Reasons Why you should try the celebrated Dr. II. Was-atr" > method * of cure : 1 , "Dr. H. Wagner I ] a natural phj sldin. " O. S , FOWLM , The Greatest Mtlng Phrenologist. Tew can excel you M a doctor. " DR. J. SIMMS , The World's drollest Physiognomist. . "You are wonderfully proflclcnt In ) our knowf cu e of dlwivio and umllclncs. " DR. J. MATTnRws * 4 , "Tho afflicted find ready relief In lour pros- enco. " DR. J. KlMMS. fi. "Dr. H. Wagner Is renruKr graduate from IMletuo Hospital , Now York city ; has had .iry ox- ( rush a hospital practice , and U thoroughly posted on all hranehei of his lielo\cd eclonce , especially on chronic dlKOAses. " Dna. HROWMH L & torn o. 0. "Dr. H. Watrnor hai Immnrtallzcd hlirsolf by huwondorfuUllsrotory of upoclfla remedies for pri vate and sexual ill-oases. " Virginia City Chronicle. 7. "Thousands of Invalids Hock to 100 him. " San Francisco Chronicle. 8. "Tlio Doctors long experience as a spcclallit haul 1 render him \erj nucco-wtul. " llockj Moun tain News. Plain Facts Plainly Spoken. At ono time n discussion of the secret vice w-as en tirely atolded by the profession , and modlcnl works o * hut a tow ) ears ago would hardly mention It. To day the phjslchn Is ot n different opinion ; ho Is annro tint It In his duty disagreeable though It liny bo to hvullo lids matter without Rioted and speak plainly about It ; ' and Intelligent parents and KinrdUnt will thank him for doing so. The results attending this destructlto vice wcro for merly not understood , or not properly estimated ; and no Importance helnc attached to n subject hlch by Its nature does nut Invllo cliwo estimation , It wai w Illlngly l nnred. * - The hahlt U K" crally contracted by the younR w hlle attcndlii ! * : chaol ; older companions through their example , may In respontlblo for It , or It may be acquired through accident. The excitement once ex * pcrlonccd , the prnctlco will ho repeated agrata and amln , until at last the hahlt becomes firm and com' nlctcly cnslaMU the \lctim. JlinUl nnd nervous at lllctlons are tiHiiMly tlio primary results ot self nlmio. Amonz the Injurious cfltcW may ho mentioned lusl- tudo , dejection or irrasclhillty of tcinpcr and gcncrM dobllltj' . The boy seeks seclusion , and rarely Joins In tha cports ot hli companions. If ho be a joimir man houill bo llttla foilnd In company with theother sox * . and Is troubled with exceeding and annojiiitt bashlulness In their prc > icnco. Lajchlous droimo , emlsslona and crup'.lons on the face , etc. , are also prominent ) mptom.i. I f the practice Is \ lolontly perxlrfteil In , moro serious dlsturhanccs take plic . Urcat | apltatlon ] of the heart , ur epileptic convulsions , are experienced , and the sufferer may fall Into n complete state ol Idiocy be fore , ltnr.1ly , dcith rollet ea him. To all thoKo engaged In this dangerous , practice , ! nnuldmy , first of all , stop It at once ; make every poHilblo cHort to do HO ; but if j ou fail , if j our ncn ouj sjstem is already too much shattered , and conao- ipicnlly , jour will'powor broken , take some u m * tonlo to aid jou In jour effort. Ha\Ing freed joursclf front the habit , I would further counsel jou to gn through a regular courno of treatment , for It Is a great mistake to siipnosi ) that any ono may , for some time , bo t ot cry no little , git e himself up to this fascinating hut dangerous oxcltomcnt without sullerlng from its et 11 consequence * at nome future time. Hie numncr of j nung men w ho are Incapaciatcd to fill the duUes enjoined hy w odlock Is alarmingly large , and In most f mich eascH this unfortunate condition of things can bo traced to the practice of self abuse , w hlch had been altandonod jcarn ago. Indeed , a fen months' practlct * of this habit Is sutlliJcnt to Induce spernutorrhaa. T later j oarnund I hat e many of such cases under treat incut at the pro-lent da/ ) ; ! ! Young Men ' # & 'I Who nuy bo Buffering ; from tha effect * of } oathful follies or Indiscretions 111 do w ell to avail themselves of this , the Rreatc t lioon o\cr laid nt the JUr of tnf- f ferine humanity. DR. WAONIER will ( ruanuitoo to for " feit JSOO for of seminal cakncsa 1' e > cry cane or private * * dlBcam of any kind and character , \\hlch ho under * \t A * tAkca to and fall ] to cure. Middle Aged Men. nr'I There are many at the ago of SO to 80 who ore troubled with too frequent evacuations of the biad. ilcr , often oeouinpaidod by untight Hinartlnpf or bum- Ing eenaatlon , and a Muakvidn of the Hyetem In inoiMiertlio i > atlc.iit cannot account for. On examln- lrr ( the urinary doi mlU a rnpy Kcdlmcnt will often be found , and 8nuu.tlmc * sniAll particles of albumen will appear , or the color will be of thin mllklah bue , nirnln ctiaiiKlns toadarlcandtorpldajiiK-arance. 1vi \ many nieny mciM\hndU > ofthUi < HlcultyIjpi .tot the caiiHo , which lit tlieNerondpli o of tminlna * nt * - now. lr. W. will iriuronUa a | i-rfcct euro In all rua ; and a hoolthy rc toratlnu of the KenUo-urlnary nr- Consultation frco. Thorough elimination and ad- tice , * < i. All communications should bo addroiuod , Dr. Henry Henry Wagner , I' . 0. 2380 , Demur , Colorado. The Young Man's 1'ocKot Cumnnnlou , hy Dr. I ! Wanner , Is worth HH trohrht tuf-old tojounj * nitiu' 1'rlc.e $1,25. Sent hy mall to any i " " Let Your Light Shine. Jr. U'auner , ho celebrated Gpcclallitt. of Deux or Jiilit , , : iii : Lirlnuir Htreot , licllo\cs In letting thouorld . .nowliat huuuido , and In doing for thouxands of ill fellu inun. Ills treitment for lost manhood li u ro to win liim n name that iiostorlty will bletu. Ten hiiuwnd tcstln.onlaU from all mer tno United Btatet r ni thus-j ho | mi cured , Id proof posltlro that ho Joe * tire tliuu'irat uuiea of these dtavonca. Ilio allUcttd rum clironlu nnd itaMinl dUea u of o ory kind will nd him their l ! t friend. Iliad hid adurtNementlti ill our city papers , nnd call on him for advice , as B ( now \ \\llleniTolionitoiislii xj InhoU tha aut- crcr'n line friend. Hocky Mounnun NOAI.I Relief to the Afflicted. 'lu mcdkimj ) , n In oclunro , tha KpoclalUta oru the onm wheal aj nome to the front and acoomplUh trt it ruMiltij , IhU remarU In enjiecUlly appltcablo to , o Dr. H. WaKiiir , of thh city. Ilo gtandd nt the top of hi * profession , and thu euros ha parforuia for tha unfortunate uontd vuem vonderful If not properl > viewed In tholljjhtol ( tlrtitlllo aonulreincnK Ho f ender d by thu mint euilnent of the medical faculb. Ilia otllrp ut ! ll't I/iramlr i-trect , wlaro ha will iipcedl- ly elfu ta euro lor the nulTerln , ; of ultlicr 8ox , no matter - tor how oomplicatvd their oouiilalnt. | I'omiroriB Democrat. Chronic Complaints Require Time for a Cure. Pertoni at a distance who wish tobf trwt il hy lr , at'iier need not feil backward l > t < tiso of Inability to > l lt him. Ifthoyulllw to the doctor h will tend a lUt of quosllonn w nablta him to eend inedlclnos , counsel and to thousands bo hM uo\er seen , Ilo has p In u\ery illy , town nod station In Colorado Bellas ullo\ir tha ( Jolted Btatoo. boohlsinl | hU luhcrllwmtnt , Denver - ver 1'rlbunc. Shall We Reform ? Speclfla remedies for all dbeasoi It the theory ) practice at priwcut of educated uid exporlenoo ph ) Iclaiii , and lu all lartfe oominuultle * they hav their tpeUaltlo , to exo.1 In wldch they direct their itudkaaud pruclloo. Dr. Wanner U a siioocaalul II. liutratlou of thli mcnkrii school of niwdiltlii. oudhl * unprecedented Bucctna In the truifuiont ot priiata divined Is an wondorlul aa It U tuttcrlni ; , rrof. J. Bitnins. Thosa persons who neat medical relief for the meal dellcati ) of dldeawn will Ibid an acoompUihed and iuo. oeufulidijuklaii lu tlio pornon of Dt , Wanner , No. 813 Ijulmerstreet , who U highly roonmmeiidod bythft medical profunliiu at homo an < l aboard. I'oinwoy'a Democrat , lllgotryaud lirnonuicetmut cite way to wisdom , aid the uuo phj ulekii bdloti In letting h-rt lluht ihlna for the glory of hU fi'Ilow mou. 1'tlnUi % Ink B the torch he can bcitt a tu Riilda the weary aud tdak ono to tha fountain of hi'dlh If this article should bo luttrumeutol 04 a "TOIICIILIUUT" sot up * ounhlllto guldo BUffrrluir hutnoidty toSU lArlmit strvotIomor , Colorado , It will onur the purpose 1 tit or which ItvtaiwTlttttii. AddriM * . -I t. Dtt.B MHy WAONER , P , 0. box 389 , Of call at 3U Uriuicr Uticet , Ikuttr , Ccio. - ' " \ .