Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 25, 1883, Image 3

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Ii I
< i
10 Nebraska National Bant
hild 0p capital . sunn Ooo
| arplU8 Fund , HOT. l , 1883 i
, , XV. TATES , President , Ca hlet ol
, VIM President , of notion.
. , „ _ 'W ' y. MOUSE & co ,
. WOOLWOimi , Counsellor it Attorney at Law.
| jl * B , USED , ol Byron Heed & Co.
this Bank opened lor business April S7,18SJ
aiweoR the leading budncM men ol Omaha , ami It
A Ihwtoowls conducted with especial reference to th
B Mt and Increasing Interests of IU mercantile pattens ,
fV { LECTIONS roocUo prompt attention and
i' fc nres lowest obtainable hero or elsewhere.
fJNTEUCSTallowed on time deposits upon farot.
MJJTterms and anon accounts ol tanks and btnktrt.
1 FOHEION KXCHANUE , aovcrnmcnt Donds nd
g ttotv and Cltv Becuntles bought and sold.
Council Bluffs Loan and
Trust Company.
r tf& First Mortgage Uians Ncjrotlated. Oommcrclal
t.'Ftpernndnll ( to < xl Securities dealt In. 39 Tear !
P/ street , and Mfl Mrst avenue , Council niutfs.
NKW YORK , December 21.
Money Kiwy nt lJGfi2j percent. , c\onsd \
nngft B'lla ' J.82 ; demand , 4.S5.
Qovernmonta Strong.
Stocks The stock excli'in o upaim tor liusl-
nBcit Wcilnesdny at 11 o'clock. The innrkot
y was \voak nud lower. I'lillninn car ile-
to $1.12jSt. I'liul to U2e , West rii
jon to 74\o \ anil Omalin preferred toil to.
, tiio clnso nil were n shade ( inner.
[ Coupons in ;
' ' * ' ' ' ' * ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
&a 'C'a oV % . . . . . . / . . . . . . . . . . . I' , % 12S
lerican Exprosu HI
, Cedar Rapids & Northern ft
itral Pacific GljJ
( faieago & Alton 132
i'do , do pfd 145
; , Burl. A ; Qulacy IlUj
* * i f
77 !
Potf/Wnyno & Chicago 133r
aanlbnl&St Joseph 38) )
* -rl'do ; do do pfd * 88) )
Knois Central 131J
L , Bloom , & Yestern < 118
naaH&Texns 1215
iko Shore & Michigan So 02J
Ilcljlgtui Central 89
lldneapolia k St. Louis 17
, do do do pfd HI
PMOuriPacifiQ i8
prthorn I'nciBc 235
do do pfd r.5
Srthwestorn 115s
K'do pfd 142 |
Jew York Central 112J
Jo & Mississippi 22) )
fef do do pfd . ' . ! )0' ) '
orla. Decatur t Evansville 14J
Sock Island 118
li. Paul & Milwaukee 02
. & do do do pfd llfi1
gSCPaul Minn. & Manitoba SIS' '
ml & Omaha 33 j
3 do pfd 94
Pacific 18' '
Jnion Pacific 7f > j
jVfabash , St. L&Pacifio J8J
"J-fdo do do ofd 31
Pastern Union Telegraph 74
SALTIJIOBB , December 24. Wheat West
| , ittendy ; No. 2 winter red cash , 1 03J
, orn Western , about utoady , and quiet :
ked , cash. COJc bid.
lots Dull ; western white , 40@42c :
god , 3l@3i > c.
lye-Quiet at 6C@68c.
luttor * Dull ; western packed , 10@22c :
aery , 25@35c.
a Quiet ; fresh at 28@30a
D , December 24. The Drovers' Jour.
a thin afternoon as follows :
-Market dull and prices 510c low.
ig , 4 85@5 50 ; packing and'shipping ,
0 ; light , 480@540 ; Bkips , : iOO@C 25.
dosed weak ; 30,000 unsold.
"Strong ; export , ( i 00@fl 40 ; good to
hipping , 5 40@5 00 ; common to
14 00@5 50 ; inferior to fair cows ,
medium to good , 3 50@1 50 ;
13 00@4 00 ; feeders 3 404 50.
ferSteady ; inferior to fair , 2 50@4 00
Fmodium to good , 4 00@4 50 ; choice
\4 50@G 00.
iCixr , December 2 l. lho Daily In-
B ports :
r-Oilerinf j light ; market steady and
pmited ; salen made at about Satur-
[ VVeak and 5@10u lower ; B.ilcn at
-Market xteady an < l uncliaugod.
ouis , December 24. Cattle Fair
butchera' stock in some demand , but
pnerally lower ; fair to good , 4 00@
niuon , neglected ; cows and heifers ,
iCO ; Texans , 3 60@5 00 ; shipping
iry slow ; only light Hales nt previous *
iDull and lower ; light , 5 10@5 25 ;
p40g5G5 ; heavy , not Belling.
t-Supply light , with only ilocal trade ;
i-- ' muttons , 3 50 ® 4 25.
a , Deceinbar 24. Kecclpts and ship.
uU tot live Btock for the pant 24 Lours have
follows :
Receipts. Hhip'ts ,
4,300 . . . .
' 2J,000 . . . .
PITT , December 24. Keoelpta and
{ 11 ve itock for the pant 24 hours
olio wit
Receipt * . Ship'ta.
< XX )
If' 5,000
. . . 97
jomber 24.The Mark Lane
t the week'A grain trade says. :
I'maintain a strong , healthy
< le in overcome by the check
i la given to , and there in but
, vith n tendency to lower
changed. OIF-coa t trade is
k of supply , which , how-
Ito , nocoaituw. Pour u heat
ee sold , one withdrawn ,
Cargoes on paHaago in no
nominal. Salon of Kng-
t' ) week , 70.553 ( iuarerH
7 < 3 ot 41s Gd for
olcualu i'rlccm ,
, ser TUB OMAHA Br . l
r.Kv " alng , December 24. I
. prip * < are charged retailers
eommUalon mer-
i of t oin , which Is
wdihedby tha I elevator *
ijc ; No. 9 , 65a
NIv *
CORN No2,45o
OATS No. 2,33o.
Tilvo Stock.
VAT STEERS Quiet at 4 00@4 75 ,
FAT Oovfs-3 00@3 60.
Hoos-4 7 < i@fi 70.
SHEEP Firm ftt S 00@3 BO.
CALVES Fair quality 4 C0@5.00 ; good.bntch
on' stock , G W ) .
Flour and MtllRtufla.
WiKTF.n WHEAT IJost quality , patentat (
8 3T @ 3 f,5.
SKCONII QDALITT 2 7 < "n3 25.
SrniNo WHEAT Best quality , patent ,
3 25@3 CO.
BRAN 55o per cwt
CuorrED FEEI > Per 100 Ibs. 85c.
Conn MEAL 100@110 per cwt a
SCREENING dCifa per cw.-
General protluco.
HOTTER Fancy creamery. 33@.T. > c ; cold
storage creamery , 25@27o : cholco dairy , 20
@ 21c ; best country , solid packed , 12@15c ;
boat country , roll , iri@18c : Inferior ( rrailo * .
10@1 ic. Rocoiiitt are small , nnd the demand
Kooa Market firm ; sales to-day nt 27i
© 2Sc. Adtitellbtral conslRinnonts ,
Arn.KS Vnncy Jonathans , SI 5005 00 ;
fancy Ron la\ia , S3 C0(3)4 ( ) 00 : fancy Jenot ,
S3 00@3 Wl ; fancy Wlllowtwlg , 93 25@3 7fi.
Uomand KIKH ! ,
Ciin E Now York Stnto full cream , late
September m ko , 14c ; Now York State full
cronm , 10 hoop lot ? , 18Jc ; do full cream , 50
hoop lot < i , 13jc ; Wisconsin , full cream , in box ,
14c ; Yoflng Amuricaa , strictly full cream , 14o ;
full cream , l'2c ; full cream 10 hoop lots , lljc-
full cream Ilatn , 12jc ; full cream flats , lljc ;
fancy hilck cheese , 100 11) cases , 15Jo ; Li
burger 13Jc ; genuine old Swiss , lOc.
I'OTATOKS Receipts small and prices
good. Cnuslgnmonti of strictly I cholco ,
largo ! , straight potatoes are selling
from S3 to 3&s ; inland cars .10 to 32o aud
llgbt demand ; poachblows , 35to40c.
5JSWKKT I'OTATOKS Cholco yellow , 4j@Gc.
ONIO.NS No demand ; market overstocked.
CAIIIIAOE Mnrkct for cholco stock $5 00 ®
C 00 per hundred. Demand good.
BKANS Hand picked navlos , $2 25@2 50
hand picked mediums , $175@200. Re *
cclpts largo ; demand good.
GA.MK Prairie chickens , per doz. , ? 3 00 to
3 25 : quail. SI 23 to 1 50 ; snipe , 6160 to 1 75 ;
ducks , Mallard , per doz , 2 00@2 50 ; mixed ,
SI 50 to 2 00 ; doer saddles , 11J to 12Jo ; car
cass , 8 to Oc ; nntelopo saddles , 11 to 12c ; car
cass , OJ to lOc. Demand good. Would advise
liberal consignments. Bo careful that your
game comes to market In nice condition.
FRESH OTSTEIIS Selects , 45c ; standards ,
40cj mediums , SOc.
PouLTlit Live chickens , per doz , 175@
2 00 ; full dressed chickens , per lb,10@12c ; tur
keys , per lb. , 15@17c ; ducks , 10@12 ; goose ,
LSMOKS Extra fancy bar lemons , $3 00 ;
fancy Messina lemons , per box , $7 25 ; 5 box
lots , Mesflinn lemons , $7 00 ; 10 box lots do. ,
$6 75 ; Malaga lemons , fancy , $5 00 ; do D box
lots , $4 50.
ORANGES Loulslanas per bbl , SO 00 : do. ,
box , $5 00 ; stem cut Jan.atcaa , per bbl , $10 00 ;
per box , SO 00 : Florida , per bo5 , 25
BANANAS Choice , per bunch , 83 00@4 00.
CRANDKBUIKB Boll and bugles ; § 1000 ®
12 00 ; boll and cherry , § 9 5010 50. Above
quotations for choice.
DATES Black Arabian , per lb. , 8@9c ;
quarter crates , lOc.
Fias 25 lb. kegs , per lb. , 12Jc ; 10 lb. box ,
ayer , per lb. , ICc ; smaU'nvals per lb. , IBc.
COCOANUTS Extra line , per 100 , 8 00.
CIDKR Pure nwoot cider , 22 gal keg , SO 00 ;
M. & P. clarified , 10 gal keg , 81 75 ; M. & P.
clarified , 32 gal keg , S8 00.
PinsFEDT , TnirE , ETC. Pigs foot , 15 lb
kits , SI 15 : pigs -10 lb qr bbl , S2 25 ; pigs feet ,
80 lb half bbl , SI 00 ; tripe , 15 lb kits , SI 15 ;
tripe , 40 lb qr bbl , 82 25 ; trfpo , 80 lb half bbl ,
§ 4 00 ; pigs tongues , 15 lb kits , S2 50 ; pigs
tongues , 40 lb qr bbl , SO 00. Lambs' tonjrnos ,
15 lb kite , 82 C5 ; 40 lb qr bbl , ? G 25.
MINOR MEAT Atmore's , 181b buckets
( buckets 25c ) 9c ; 371b buckets ( bucket 40c ) ,
Oc. : lOOlb kcp , Oc ; half barrels , SJc.
ASSORTED JELLT 1Mb stone jars ; 12 In cane ,
per doz , $2 25 ; tumbler , per doz , $1 05 ;
schooner , per dozen , 83 10 ; 1-lb tin cans , 4
doz. in case , $1 40 ; 2-lb tin cans , 2 doz in case ,
BtrtK JELLIES Corrant , 30-lb wood palls ,
nor lb , Sic ; strawberry , 30-lb wood pails per
lb , Sic ; raspberry , 30-lb wood patls per lb ,
8ic ; blackborryi SO-lb wood pails per lb ) 8Jo ;
crab apple ; 30-lb wood palls par.lb84c. .
ArrtK BCTTEB 35-lb wooden palls , per lb ,
8c ; 5-lb. ' wooden palls , 6 in case , per case ,
PEACH BUTTER 2o-lb wooden palls per lb ,
$11 00 ; 5-lb wooden pallj , 6 In case , per case ,
PRESERVES ( In 20-lb wooden pails ) Rasp
berry , 15c ; strawberry , quince , 14c ; peach ,
14c ; cherry , 14c ; tomatoes , 14c ; plum , Me ;
assorted , 5-lb wooden buckets , G In case , per
case , $4 75 ; assorted , 2-lb tin cans , 2 doz in
case , per case , 86 50.
NEBRASKA COMD lIoxcT 2-lb frames , 2Mb
cases , per lb , 18c.
HAY Baled , 8 00@10 00 per ton ; In bulk ,
6.00@6 60 per ton.
Grocers lilac.
CANNED GOODS Oysters ( Standard ) , per
case , 8 70@3 90 ; strawberries , 2 11) , per auto ,
2 10 ; raspberries , 2 lb , per cane , 2 00 ; Bartlett
pears , per case , 2 40 ; wnortloberrles , per cane ,
310 ; egg plums , 2 lt > , per case , 2 90 ; green
gages , 2 lb , per case , 2 90 ; pine apples , 2 lb
per case , 4 80@5 50.
ROPE Sisal i inch and larger , lOc , § luoh ,
lOJc ; i Inch , lie.
CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , 16s , 15c ; 8s , IGc ;
boxes 40 Ibs , 10 oz. , 6s , 15c.
MATCHES Per caddie , 35c ; round , cases ,
2 55 ; square cases , 1 70.
SOQARS Powdered , flic ; cut loaf , 9Jc ;
granulated , 8Jo ; confectioners' A , 83o ; Stand' '
ord extra 0 , 7fitr ; extra C , 7 c ; medium yellow
low , 7c ; dark yellow , GJo.
COFVEES Ordinary grades , 12@12 Jc ; fair 13
@ 13ic ; good , 14c ; priuto , 15@15lc ; cholco.
10@17c ; fancy green andyolIow,10@lGcold ;
government Java , 202Cc ; Lovoring's roasted.
14fc ; Arbucklo's roasted , L c ; McLaugbllnV
roasted , IS c ; uiitatlon Java , 1CJ
KICK Louisiana pnmo .to cholco , 7c ; fair
GJc ; Patma , 6c.
FISH No. 1 mackerel , half brls. , 8 00 ; No.
1 mackerel , < dts. 1 1C ; family mackerel , half
brls. , G 00 ; family mackerel , kits , 95c ; No , 1
white fish , half brls. , 7 00 ; No. 1 kits , 1 0r .
STROP Standard Com. , 34c , hols ; Standard
do , 44 gallon kegs 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon
koTS lf/0
SODA In lb papeVs , 3 SO per case ; keg per lb ,
PICKLES Medium , In barrels , 7 00 ; do
In half barrels , 4 00 ; small , lu barrels , 8 00 ; do
In half barrels , 4 50 ; cherkliuii In barrels , 0 00 ;
do In IiiH barrels , 5 00.
TEAS Gunpowder , good , 4Sffl55c ; cholco CO
O75c ; good Imperial , 40@18c ; choice , CO@G5c ;
Youn ? Ilyson , good , 8C@50c ; cholco ,
65o@l 00 ; Japan , natural leaf , 35c ; Japan ,
choice , G075c ; Oolong , good , 55 ) * 0c ; Oolong ,
choice , 4 ( @ 55c ; Souchong , ( rood , 85@40c ;
choicei 35gK5c. (
WOODEKWAKE Two hoop pjJls , 185 ;
three hoop pails. 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Pioneer
neer washtxjsrds , 185 ; Double Grovm 200 ;
WollbuckeU 8 85.
BOAFS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 3 45 ; Kirk's
satinet , 3 CO ; Kirk's standard , S 76 ; Kirk's
white Russian , 625 ; Kirk's outoca , 21fi ;
Kirk's IValrie Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40o ; Kirk's
magnolia , doz.
POTASH Pemuiylvanla cans , 4 caao , In cane ,
8 35 ; Babbltt,8 ball 2 doz. In case , 1 90 ; Anchor
biJl , 2 doz. in case , 1 50.
CANDY French mixed , In SO lb. palls , 18s ;
American mixed. In 30 lb jiallc , Me ; Brilllivnt
iniced. in 30 lb nails , 13c ; Nobby mixed , in 80
lb palls , 13o : Competition mixed , in SO lb
pallt , 12Jc ; Excelrior stick , 30 lb pall * . 12o ;
douUa reliuod , SO lb ri&Us , 13o ; Crystal raixod ,
30 lb polls , 16c ; Old Tinu ) . mixed , 30 lb i ) JU ,
14c ; Tin Top , mixed , 30 lb palls , 13c ; llirt ,
mixed , 30 lb paila , II Jo ; Flirt , stick , 30 lb
paila , Uic ; Tip Top. stia , 80 lb palls , 12c.
VINDSAB NowVorkapjita ICc ; Ohio ap
ple , ISc.
SALT Dray load * , per bbl , I 80 ; Anhton , in
cks , 3 GO ; bits dairy M. 6 , S 30.
STARCH Pearl , 4Jcj Silver Gloss , Oc ; Com
Starch , Oc ; KicnWor ( Hoos. 7c ; Corn , Re.
BncES Pepper , 17c ; lUplco , 15c ; clovoa
Cot cansia 16c.
LITE American , 3 40 ; OronnwIcJi , 8 40 ;
Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 00 ; fowls' lye
4 65 ; Jewell ly , 2 75
Drr Goods.
BBOWK COTTOKS Atlantic A , 8ic : Apple ]
ton XX , 7c > AtlonU A , 8c ; Boo t YV , fjo ,
Buckeye T.ft , 4-4 , 7c : C bet W , 7Jc : Chltto-
nango A. OJc : GreatFalls 15. 8 Jo ; Hoosier , GJc ;
Honest Width , 8c ; Indian Head A , 8c ; Indian
Standard A Sc : Indian Orchard , d. w. , 7Jc ;
Lawrence LL , GJc : Myotlo River , 7jc ; Po < iunt
A , 8fc ; UtlcA O , fljc ; Wnohusott li , 7c ; do
A , 8jo do Ji 48,12)0. )
FINR BROWS CorroN1 ? Allondalo 4-4. 7Jc ,
Alligator 3-1 , Be : Argyle 4-4 , 7c ; AUantio
LTj , GJc : Badgoi State X 4-4 , GJc ; Bonnlngton
0 4-1 , ( ijc : Buckeye S 4-1 , Cic : Indian Orchard
AA 9-8 , Sjc ; Laconla O SO , 8Jc : l.olilgh 15 4-4.
Jc ; Pcppcrell N 30 , 7c ; do O 82 , 71c ; do R
J , 7Jc ; do 12 83 , 8jc ; Pocas O 4-4 , 7jc ;
Wamsutta4-J. 13o ,
BLEACHED COTTONS Androssopdn L 4-4.
OJe ; Blnckntono AA linpciial 8j'c : do do half
blcachdl . Oc ; Cabot 4-4 , 8o Fidelity 4-4
OJc ; Xrultol the Loom , Olc : An cambrlo 4-4
12 } : do Water T vist , lOJc : Vivlls Q , Oc
Indian Head shrunk -J-4. r.'o : LonMlale , lOc
o cambrlo 37,12c : Now York Mllln , 12io
Pcquot A , 10c ; Popporcl , N O Twills , 12Jo
VocahnntM 4-4 , 9Jc : 1'ocasiot 5-4 , 8 ! ? ; Utica
lie ; Wninsutta O X X , 12Jc
DOCKS ( Colored ) Albany E. brown , 8c ; do
C , drab , lie ; do XX RtrijKW and plidds , 12 l-2c ;
do XXX hrnwn and drab , stripes' and plnlda ,
12 l-2c ; Arlington fancy , lite ; Brnnswick
brown , 8 l-2c ; Chariot fancy , 12 l-2c ; do extra -
tra heavy , 20c ; Full lllvorbrowii , extra heavy ,
11 l-2c ; Indiana A brown , ISc ; NoiMiiwot A
brown , 15o
TlCKlNOS Amoskoag AC A82,10c ; do XX
blue 32. 18 l > 2c ; Arrowanna , 0 l2c ; Clare
mont 11B. I 2c ; Contwtoga , extra , 17 l-2o
Hamilton D.lll-l'c ; Ixswlston A 0,15c ; \ ' < n ;
nohaha 4-1 , 20c ; Oinegn , super extra 4-4 , 2t. ;
Pearl River 32 , 10 1-lc ; Putnam XX blue
stripe , 12o : Shotuckot S , 10 l-2c ; do S3 , 12c ;
Yeoman's blue 29 , Oc.
DENIMS Amonkcag , blue audbrownlG1.2c ;
Andover DD blue , 15 l-2c ; Arlington X blue
Scotch , 18 l-2c ; Concord OOO , blue nnd
bro\vn , 12 l-2c ; do AAA , do do 131-2 ; do
XX to do do , 14 l-2c ; Haymnkor'n blue and
brown , 0 l-2c ; Mystic UhorDDntrlpo , 101-2cj
Pearl Rl\or , blue nnd brown , IGc ; Uucosvlllo ,
blue and brown , 14 l-2c.
OAJIHUICS Bwniuxl 51cj Eddystono lining ,
24 Inch double face , 8jc ; Oarnor A glazed , 5Jc ;
Manhattan glovefinien , 5Jc ; Now > ort do.,5Jc :
do glazoil , f > jc ; 1'oitiot do , 5c ; Lockwooa kid
finish , Go ,
CORSET JEANS Amory. Amlroscoggln
Balloon , 8jc ; Clarendon GJc ; Conoatogga eat-
teens , 74c ; Hallowoll , 8c ; Indian Orchanl , 7Jc ;
Narragansott , improved , 8&o & ; Popi > orill Bat-
teen , "Jic ; Rockport , Be.
PRINTS Aliens , Cc ; American , GJc ; Arnldo ,
GJc ; Berwick , 4Jc ; Cocliuoo , OJ jConoxtoga , GJc ;
Danklrk , Gc : Dunnoll , GJ@7c ; Eddyotono , Gfo ;
bore , 5c ; Oriental , 8Jc ,
GINOHAMS Amoskoag , 9Jc ; Argyle , 8c ;
Atlantic , 8c ; Cumbcrlnud , 7io ; Highland , 7Jc ;
Konllworth , 9Jc : IMtnikstt , 9Jc ; Sussex , 80.
COTTONADES Abbervlllo , 13Jo ; Acato , 20c ;
American , lie : Artlslan , 20c ; Cairo D aud T
ISJc ; Clarion D nnd T , 17Jc ; Decnn Co.
Btripos D and T , IGc : Keystone ISJo ; Nan"
tucket. 19c : Nonpareil , IGc ; Ocean D and T ,
ISJc ; Royal , IGJc ; Sussex , 12c ; Tiogu , Wachu-
eett ( din-ting chocks , 12Jc ; do Nankin 12Jcs
York , plain Nankin , 12Jc ; do chocks , stripes
nd fancy , 12Jc ; do 8 oz , 20c.
SllEETlNas Androsooggin 10-4 , 27jc ; do
9-4 , 23c : do 3-4 , 32c : ContlncnUl C 42. lie ;
Fruit of the Loom 10-4 ; 27Jc ; Now York m 11s
98. 3oc ; do 78 , SOc ; do 58 , 22Jc ; Pembroke
10-4 , 25c ; Pomiot 10-4 , 28Jc : do 74,19c ; do 49 ,
IGc ; Veppeaoll UG , 9o ; do 67 , 21c ; do " 7 , 18c ;
Utica ! > G , SGc ; do 68 , 22Jtf ; do 48,17c.
Wo quote lumber , lath and shingles' ours
at Omaha at the followiiiR pricoH :
.loiST AND SCANTLINQ 10 ft , and under
22 00 ; 18 ft , 23 CO.
TIMBKBS lli feet and under , 22 00.
TIHBKR AND JOIST 18 ft , 23 50 ; 20 ft , 23 50 ;
22 ft , 2(5 ( 50 ; 24 ft , 20 50.
FENCING No. 1 , 4 and G in. , 2100 ; No. 2 ,
SHEETINO No. 1 (2d ( common boards ) , 20 00 ;
No. 2,18 00.
LIME Per barrel , 125 ; bulk per bushel' 35c ;
cement , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa plaster , bbl , 2 50 ; hair
per bu. 50c ; Tarred felt , (100 ( its , 3 50 ; straw
board , 3 60.
Paints.Oils and Varnishes.
OILS 110 ° carlx , ' 150 °
> n , per gallon-1'fc ;
headlight , per gallon. 14Jc ; 176 ° headlight ,
per gallon , 14Jc ; 150 ° water white , 18c ; lln
seed , raw , ; pr gallon,65c ; linseed , boiled , per
gallon , 680 Lara , winter utr'd , per gallon , 80o :
No. 1 , 70cNo. ; 2 , COc ; castor , XXX. per gal
Ion , 1 50 ; No. 3,130 ; sweet , per gallon , 100
sperm W.B. , per gallon , 1 60 ; fish , W , B. ,
pergaUon. 65c ; neatsfoot extra , per gallon , OOo ;
No. 1 , 75c ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , SOc ;
summer , 15e ; golden machine , No. 1 , per
Ion , 35c ; No. 2 , 25c ; sperm , signal , per gallon ,
SOc ; turpentine , per gallon , 48c ; naptha 74 ° ,
per gallon , IGc.
PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha P. P.
Gc ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , Cic ; Marseilles
green 1 to 5 lb cans , 20c ; French zinc , green
seal , 12c : French zinc , red seal , lie ; French
zinc , in varnish asst , 20c : French zinc , in oil
asst , 15c ; raw and burnt umber , 1 lb cans , lOc ;
raw and burnt Sienna , lOc ; Vandyke brown.
ISc ; refined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , and
ivory black , ICc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussian
blue , SOc ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome green
l UU T OilUllUUil , A. U a . , J.OV , blliUlUO VU11UW
L. M. , O. & D. O. , 18c ; yellow ochre , Oc ;
golden ochre , IGc , patent dryer , 8c ; graining
colors , light oak , dork oak , walnut , chi * taut
and ash 15c.
UrT PnlnrH.
Wliite lead , 8c ; French zinc , lOc ; Paris
whiting , 2Jc ; whiting gilders , lc ; whiting
com'l lie ; lampblack , Gorman town , 14c ;
lampblack , ordhutry , lOc ; Prussian blue , 55c ;
ultramarine , 18c ; vaudyko , bro\vn , Sc ; umber ,
burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; sienna , burnt , 4c ;
sienna , raw , 4c ; Paris green , genuine , 25c ;
Paris preen , common , 20cchrotnoeroen , N.Y. ,
20c ; chrome green , K. , 12c ; vcrmillion , Eng. ,
70c ; vormillloh , American , 18c ; Indian red ,
lOc ; rose pink , Me ; Venetian red , Cokusosit ,
2jc | ; Venetian red , American , IJc : rod lead ,
7jc ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chroma yel
low , K , , 12c ; ochre , rochello.Sc ; ochre , French ,
2c ; ocliro , American , 2c ; Winter's mineral ,
2Jc ; lehigh brown , 2ic ; Spanish brown , 2Jc ;
Prince's mineral , Sc.
YARNISHES Barrels' , per gallon : Furni
ture , extra , SI 10 ; furniture , No , 1 , SI : coach ,
extra , 81 40 : coacli. No. 1 , 81 20 ; Damar ,
extra , $1 75 ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltum , extra , 85c ;
shellac , $3 CO ; hard oil finish , 81 50.
PLDO TOBACCO -Climax , SOc : Bullion 50c ;
Horscehoe. 60c ; Star. 50c ; Ruddy , 45c ; Her-
sey's , 48c ; Bluck , S8@40c.
FINB Cur Common , 20@30c ; good , 45 ®
GOc ; Itoao Loaf , 70c ; Premium , C5c ; Diamond
Croivn , 55c ; Sweet Sixteen , 47c.
SMOKINO O. S. , 21c ; Meorechaum , 28c ; Dur
ham , 8 oz. , Me ; Durham , 4 oz , , 57c ; Durhair
2 oz. , 55c : Seal of North Carolina , 8 oz , , 65c
Seal of North Carolina , 4 oz. . 67c ; Seal of
Nwth Carolina , 2 oCOc ; O. KJ Durham , 4
oz. , 28c ; O. K Dui" . HWc ; Uncle
Nod , i's 25c ; To- ' , * f Wo.
lionthrr ,
sola , 38o to 42c ; hemlock . . .t.8c to S5c ;
iiflii o kin , SOo to 1 00 ; runner GSo to 80c ;
nem o calf , 85o to 1 20 ; hemlock upper , 23o
to 2Gc ; oak uprtnr. 24c ; alligator , 4 00 to 5 50 ;
calf kid , 32@3T > : Grolsen kid , 2 50 to 2 76 ; oak
kip , SOo to 100 ; oak calf , 120 to 1 SO ; French
kip , 110 to 1155 ; French calf , 125 to 2 00 ; rus-
et , G 60 to 7 60 ; linings , 0 00 to 10 60 ; top.
pin , 9 00 to 10 60 ; B. L. Morocco , SOo to 35c ;
pebble O. D. Morocco , 35c ; slrnon. 2 60 to 3 00 ,
IIARNEHS No. 1 star oak , 4c ; No 2 do.
39c : No , 1 Ohio oak , 38c ; No , 2 do , 85c ; No.
1 Milwaukee 37c ; No 2 do Sir
Dull and weak ; gronn btitchori , Co ; grea
salted , 74@7Jc ; dry flint , 12@13c ; dry salt ,
lOfallc ; daiunged hides , two-Uilrds price.
BUUEP PKLTU 25c@l 00 ,
Merino nnwashe < l , light. 14@10c ; bcnvy ,
13@lTx. ; medium unwoahod , light , 18@20ej
woshvl , choice , 32c ; fair , SOc ; tub and wanhed ,
28c ; tAirry , Llaok and cotUx ) wool , 2@Go 'tw ' ,
HoavT Ifardwnro li\Bt. \
Iron , rrttc , 2 60 ; plow steel special cant , 7c *
eruclblu , Be ; sjK > cliJ or German , Cc : cast too ;
do , 16@20 ; wagon upokos , set , 2 ii&3 00 ; hubs
per set , J 25 ; fclloej sawed dry , 1 40 ; tongued ,
each , 70@8Tic ; fcxlcs each , 75c ; s < | uut ] nuts ] > er
lb , 7@llc ; Wi hern nr lb , S@18c ; rivets , ir
lb , lie ; cell cUoiov per lbl12c ! ; mollexblo , 80
Iron vrodgon , Cc : crowbor/i / , Cc ; harrow teeth
4c ; siiring toe ! , 7@8c ; JlurdenV horualiooi , 5 00
Uurden'i inulenhoe * G 00.
BIBBED WIRE In Bear loU , 4\o perTlOO ,
s , 10 to CO , S 00.
SilOT-Shot , 1 85 ; buck Miot , 2 10 ; oriental
powder , kegs , G 40) ) do. , half keg * , 3 48 ; do. ,
quarter keen , 1 88 ; blasting , kegs , 8 So ; fuse ,
l > or 100 foot 50c.
LEAD Bar , 1C5.
CoAtr-Cumbcrland blftclwinlth. 10 00 : Mi > r-
rls run Rhwnburg , 1000 ; WhltebroMt lump ,
fi 00 ; WhltobrCMt ntit , 5 00 ; Iowa lump , fi 00 ;
Iowa nut , 5 00 : Rock Spring , 7 00 ; Anlhrft.
cite , 11 25@ll SO ) Canon City , 7,00 , lr ton
AtPOltOL183 proof , 2 25 per wlno gallon
extra California spirits , 18 jiroof , I 26 per
tire * i gallon ; tilplo refined spirits , 1S7 : > roof ,
li''l JH3r proof gallon ; ro-dlftlllpd whloklos
1 001 fiO ; line blended , I M2 50) ) Ken-
tncky Iwurboni , 200@700) ) Kentucky and
Ponnsjlvntdft rye " , 2 00@7 00.
BRANDIRH Inuiortod , G 00@1COO ; domo-UIo
1 404 W.
( lisa Imported , 4 50G 00 ; domoUlc , 1 40
@ 300.
RUMS Imimrtod , 4 50@G 00) ) Now England ,
2 00@4 00) ) domestic , 1 60@3 60.
CiiAMPAHNEa Iinirartotl per ca. o , 2800 ®
34 00 ; Aincrirnn. ixjr caso. la rofflll ) 00.
1) KN
Conn ) MEATS AND JMRD llnnw , * 17c :
bronkfast bacon , 16@151c : nmokod nidoi , Oi
iHc ) ; cnlt xldex , 8J@9c ; Innl , 10llc.
( JiiKKN FRUIT AxnPnonuoE Potatoes ,
76c per 100 txnmds ; twtattxM , sweet , poi 10J
iHv.mds , 2 / > 0@3 00 ; onions , l > or 100 inxinds ,
§ 1 50@2 00) ) turnips , i > cr 100 lb , CO@SOcj Col
nrndo cabbage , now , per 100 ,
live chickens , old , i > or doz ,
good , jmr lb , 28o34c ( ! ; ivnuniia uu
dairy , per lb , 3"M45c ; cooking , 1215cchc ; so ,
full cru.nn , per lb , lG@17c ; npplca per bbl ,
eastern , S4 00@-r > 60 ; grapes , per lb ,
7(2 ( > 10c ; California pears , per lb , 710c ;
Monsiiia lemons , extra , per box , $700
@ 8 00 ; ( irnngos , 912 00 ! < i)13 ) 00 ; Colorado
, \hoat , per 100 lb , 8130@138 ; flour , Col-
orntlo. per 100 lb , S2 002 25 ; Hour , patent ,
S2 POffiS 00 ; Hour , Kansas ; per 100 lb , $2 70 ®
: 00 ; flour , ( irahnm , tier 100 lb , S2 002 fH ) ;
Hour , rye , jwr 100 lb , 52 502 70 ; Hour , buck
wheat , per I W , $11 60@12 50 ; corn meal , per
100 Ibs , SI G5@l 85 ; corn , per 100 Ibi , SI 27 ®
130 ; corn chop , i > or 100 Ibn. § 1 30@1 33 ; now
oats , ior 100 ) b , SI 35@l 45 : oats , Nebraska ,
mtved , per 100 lb , § 130@1 40joatsNebraska ,
white , per 100 Ibs , 51 351 45 ; oats , Colorado ,
per 100 Ibs , § 1 25@1 35) ) barley , iicrlOOllw ,
Si 50@1 75 ; mixed chop , per 100 Ibs , 8133 ®
1 40) ) bran , per ton , 817 00@19 00 ; hay , loose ,
per ton , $12 00 ® 1C 00 ; baled second bottom ,
aUOOO@1200 ; baled upland , 514 00@17 00 ;
clover , per ton , 520 00 ; straw , per ton , S8 00
@ 900.
Remaining In the Omaha postoH'ico unclnlmed
for the week ending Doc. 22,1883 :
G Hursh 0 II Farror
O S Hzmdlan Mrs Schubert
F N Warner Mias L Gyger
( i .Tones A Fnntnow
Railway Time Table.
U. P. n K , , MAIN LINK.
tuv . AMUTK.
raelflo Kxrtrcm,12:05 : p m AUantlo Kxprcwl
Wcstein Kxt > rM Sf pm Western KxprevuSSOp m
0. Island raw . , , .4SOp : in " UUtuI I'm , J1UO a m
Lincoln ix.15JOpm : Lincoln Ex.,1:55prn :
Leave Omaha ! 7:10,8:00,0:00 : : : , 10:00,11:00 : a : m.,12 m ;
l.CO , S-00 , 3.00 , 4'00 , 6 00 , 8.00,10:10 : u. in. On Hun-
days : 7:10,0:0 : lloo : . m ; 2-00,4:00,0.00 : , 10:10 : p.
to. Arrho at tranfur depot 0 InlmitniUtcr ; Ilroad'
ay depot , ( 'omicll llhiiT * . 30 minute * later.
Lcavo Council HlnfT , Urmdwa1 depot , 8:00 : , B.OO ,
10:00 : , llooa.m. : ; li m ; tMo , 2.00aTO.4CO,8ooe:40 : : : ,
10:4011. : m On Sunday * : 8:00 : , lo.ofl a , in. ; i : m ; 3 CM ,
( MO , 6:40,10:40 : : p , m. Attlv o Trafitter depot , 10 min
utes later.
I/c \o Council niufl * Tranftpr depot : 8:25 : , 0I3 ; ,
10.25,11:15 : ; ml'.2.\ ; 2iSS,1 : : , 4:2 : % 6:25,05 : : ,
7C6 : , 10Mp. : ni , Arrl\o Omaha 0 mlnutmlMrr ,
UUVS 01111 * . LKAY * 001'NClti IILUm.
P M No. 2 , . , .7:65 : am _ . . . . . 7:76ara :
No. 10 645pm ! " No.lS.H:4.iam :
" No. t S.Nim " No S.llS3aru :
1" No.8 8:60 : am " No.5t. ; . ,7:1A : p m
" NX 8 6:15 : a in , y i No. 1 , . , . 7 M p ui
" No. 60 . . .Ou'iOain I
0 , , M. & St. I1.11. U.-U. P DKPOT.
UallA Kt 7:60am : | l'.v.Klnix : 0lSam :
UUntlcKi..8Wpm : | MallAKx 7:10pin :
Oni\h , , , , . . , , , ,7SOaui : I Omab * . . .11:50am :
" 8Mpm : | " 6:20 : pm
0. , II ft Q , . - P. DKl'OT.
Uall * . , , . . .7:60am : IKxiirws 0:45am :
Kspre < a S:60 : p in | ilull' 7:10 : pm
C. , ! U 1 ft P. 11. It U. P. 1 > KPOT.
Cuprcfi * 7:60auiMall : | 0:45 : am
Uall. . , , J:60pm : | KxproM 7:10pm :
0. k N.V. . , II.-U. \KPOT. .
Ukll * . , , 7Mam : I Kiprrai , , .9:46am :
Kxprw 3Wpm : | Mall * . .7:10pin :
8 , 0. & P. II. It U. P. DKPOl.
ltall > , . .a:15amKn : | > roaa ! > . a m
Kipress O.Wpm | Mall * 7:10pm :
Kiprers . . ,7:00am : | KxprcM , . ,8:45pm :
0. , ST. PAUL , M. S 0. K. U. DKl'OT N. 1&T11 8T
No , S' . , , 7SOam : I No , 1 * , , fcSOpru
K.\4 % 1:00 : p m | No S' 11:45 : a in
sioux crrv & PACIHC-DKPOT N. ifitu street.
Ci3\o Omaha lor Yaliutlno via St. Paul Llnti
la Illalr , . . ,70 : tu
irih o from Valentino. 6SO : p m
n. & M. IN NK11IIASKA.
> in\er Kxpro5i..8lSftm : ] Atlantlo. , , . . . 8SOpm :
PAclflo Kxprcaa,0:3& : p m. | Detncr Kxprom't O it m
K. 0. , dr. JOK & O. II. II. K-I1. tDKt'OT. .
ifall 8:25 : a m I KxprcM , , 8:00 : m
Kxpreos 7:20Dm : iMall 0DOlin :
'Sundays exoeptcd , .
Oponlns and ciocintt of MB.UU ,
Roirn. 01 as. cLoam.
a.m. p.m. a.m. pan ,
fAN. W..C..11. . * P.C. II.
& ( } . ,8t. Paul ft Sioux Olty.llJCO 0:00 : 6:40 : 3:1 : !
a , XI.AS.P.H. C. A P. mlo a O.'OO 5:40 :
Wabaih xprc s . - . 12:30 : 11:16 :
Waliasli loial O.'OO 6W :
K. C. , St. Joe A 0. U:00 : 0.00 6:40 : fl:60 :
MlMourl Pacino. . . . , , . , , , , . . , 7:30 : 6:40 :
C.StP. Jt. to 6:00 : 7SO :
Union Paclllc , ovcrhnd 8:00 : llSi :
Union I'acinc , Denver Kx. , . . 4:00 : 7:80
0. A lUpuhllcan Valley. . . 1:30 : 11:35 :
B. & II. Express 7:00 : 7:10 :
a A M. lor Plattamouth , 8.
Office open Uutidays trom 12:00 : m. to 1 WO p. m.
a K. OOUTANT rofltmait .
Lr.cTiio vnr.TAta nni.T. na otiicr IUPTMO :
riAVCKVo " 111 Komi < m Thirty Iinys *
Trial , TO M1.N\UUMI OltOMi. who lira miffvrlnR
from NKHVOIIB Dciiaiir , l.nir VITAUTT. ni"l tliono
dlFfttsoo of n VKIKONAI , NATimK rnoiltliiK from
AHUKEB nn.l OTiiru Oil KCI. hjirnly rvllof nml cum
plcte tvrtnrnllon to HKAI.TII , Vinon nnd MANiioon
( lOAlllNiKMi. UcndatoiicofcrllluiitratcdraiiivUlot
frro. Address
\Vliobu < l lilllly. wxluuimliiu ami iiromatura
tlccny nrorausuduvcicuitttuji , orioriof soul 11,010. .
ara perfectly rr lar < l to ml > n t lirnllli nnu
vlzornni nmnliamt ) > r THE MARBTON
DQLUB. r > nMnm t.hdniirclii | } . Tlil tre tmiint
l > icrviin Itvlilllty nml 1'lijnU'iil Ilccuy IH
uniformly ittuviMful bruittinn Ltiinil on porlroi ,
UIIKI > < | > , new mill tllrcPt mclbniK nna RU-
ttqluio ( hnrnititliiipiin. Hcnlitd Trrnttno Irva.
MARSTON REMEDY CO. , 40W.I41hSt , NewYork.
llatUrot Appllcatlonjol Honrj Kaufman n ( or IJquor
M < vn o.
Natlo * Is licreby ( 'ltcn that Honrv Kaudiianii illil
upon the 21st day oDcu ( A. 1 > . ISeU , fllu lil appli
cation to tlio nuij or nnd rlly cuiuu-ll n ( Onmlia for
llci'nsii toncll limit , i > plrltiicU4 anillnoiiH lliuon | at
No. 131 < loiilaHhtrcut ) , Thlrtl ward , Omuliii , Nub. ,
from the 11th day nf Jan , , 1884 , to the lltli ilav of
April , 1884. ) If thcru lie no uhjurtuin , rvinon-
Ftrancuor protest filed within t\u > from Doc.
Jltli , A. 1 > . ItsSS , the Nulil llmixu lll lie runteil.
IIKMIY KAlXMAMi , Apl > llcnit.
Thu Omaha Ilvo nu\\iiiuxr | | ulll iiuMUh thonbotu
notion onrucaeli u-k for ttto ucckunt the oxjiciiiio
of the applicant , Tlio city of Uiimha In not to I *
cham'd Ihureultli.
607-2t-lcw k .1 , .1.1 0. , TK\Vr.TT , CUy Clorl ,
Mutter nf Ajipllcitlou of Michael l > nry for Liquor M-
Notice U huruliy ( then thatMlrlaMl Ixar ; } ' < H'I 'MXHI '
thu 22ndJay nf Dee. A. I ) . 1883 , lllu Ills application
to the major and clt > council of Oiuahu fur IUVIHO to
wll malt , vplrltnouH nndlnoun lliUnr | ut No. 1I2J1
Clilcat-obtrei't , I'lfUiiird , Onulm , Nch. , from the
lltli day of Jan. ISSi , to the lltlidny of April Ih-Sl.
If llitro 1 > no objection , rcnionstrnnco r iirotiht
Illod Hlthln twit wickn from Den JJ A. I ) . ls\'ttlio
Bald licoimo will ba ( 'rnntrd.
MIIIMKI. I.yuu , Appllnmt.
Tlio Oinnha lira ncu > pnHT | will publlsli tlionluno
notlcu once oaihvek fur tuo ui'tksut tlio vxiiunro
nf the niillcant. ] | Tlio city of Omaha N not to bo
( .hurKoil thcrcuith. J , J , U C. JKUKTT ,
filD-Stlow CltvOrk ,
llattirol Application of Mary Oder , for Liquor
Notice Is lirrohy ( { heii tliat Mary Oiler did
Ux > n tlio 14th day uf Don. , A. D. IS * ! , lllu lar
application to the Hoard ol County Commliuloiicrii < f
Uoiiirlns Comity. Nuhra ka , for IJranHo to sell Unit ,
HplriluinuaiiU Vlnoiw Liquors at Valley HlaMon In
PUlte Valle > I'ircliict , llouK'ax County , Ncbraiika ,
from the 70th day of Due. , 1883 , to tlio20tli day uf
March 1831.
If thare bu no objection , romonBtronni or protest
fllud within two wuokH from Dec. 14th A D1SU ,
the sold Hcvimu will bo Krontwl.
MA11Y OHTKIt. ApiJIcint.
The Omaha lice M w [ ianor will puhluh ibnabnve
notlouoncd each week for two weeks at thu uxpcni *
of thuaiipllcant. llio c ) untyof DouHlat Is not to bo
chaixe < I therewith JOHN IJAUMKIt ,
4t4-tlewk ! County Clerk
Matter of Application of John U'Comioll for
Liquor LiceiiNC ,
Notice U hereby ) ; ltcn that John O'Cnnnell did U | n
the I' th day of Jloo. IS-M , Illo liU application to tha
Mayor and City Council of Omaha , for llcenib to Mil
mult , BplrtnouH and vlnoun llquoin. nt No , 113
10th direct , 3d u ard , Omaha Neb. from the lifltli day
of Dec. 1883 to the iOtli diiy of March 1M4.
If there lie no objection , rcmimiitranco or proteit
filed ulttiln twnweekn from Dec. mil A. D. 1B43 ,
the bald llctnuo will be grontud
JOllH u'CONKKLL , Applicant.
The Oniatm Ike IHHH | | H.T will pnblUh the ftbota
notice once each week fur two Hueloi at tha cipenne
of thu applicant. Tlie City of Omaha l not to bo
charged therewltu. J. J. U C. JliWIHT
611-Wlew City Clerk.
Matter otAppllcatIon of 11. f , Hadwii for I.Uuor |
Notlcu li hereby Riven that B. F. Uadsen did
upon the 19th day Don. A. D. 1WO , ( IIo liliappll-
cation to the inai or and city council of Omaha , for
lloiiivo to neil malt , npirltuoiu and ilnoin llquoH at
No. 1121 loutli rtlxth htnot , Flnt vturd , Omaha ,
NtU , from thu llth day of January , Ib84 , to thu
lltli day of April , , lS8f.
If thenU > no olijertloii , rcinonktrancd or pnitest
IlltxIwUhlntwuwevkii Irom Doc , 10th , A. D. 18S.1 ,
Fl. V , ilADSCN. Applicant.
The Oma'u ncoTowBjiiijitr tvlll tmbllih the above
jiot'cu ' OIICB each cek lor two wttus at thoexpeimo
of thoai.ll'.4it. | | ] 'lliu city uf Ouiuha I * net to \ > a
charged thereulth ,
J. J. L. 0 , JRWaTT , City Clerk ,
MatUrof Application of HeimruJ 4 , Comjiany or
1.1'pjor IJceiuw.
Notice Ulicri'iyil\oii ! that Ilelrarod t Co. . did
upon the IDth da } of Dec. A.I ) 1883 , file their appli
cation to tli nu > or and ilty round ) of Omaha , lor
IkeiibO to wll null , tiilrltoun mid > lnou llimort ut
Nox. tat to DOS , H. 18th utreet , Hewnd ward ,
Oiaalia , Neb. , from the llth day of Jan. 188J , to thu
lltli day of April , 188,1. If there be no objec
tion , remonstrance or proteit filed within tuouiekd
from Utc. Mli , A. J' . 1 S3 , the nld lIceiiM ) lll bo
granted. HEIJIItOI ) & CO. , ApJlront ) .
Tliu Omaha flee newspaper ttlll puWUh tha abotu
notice oncutodi Heekfor two wtekunt the f | nn i
of the ppllcant. Tlia city of Omaha It not to bu
chatiitd tneroHlth ,
Ii9 Zt-Uwlc J. J , fc C , JF.WLTF , CltV Clejk.
. . .
Redick's ' Block 1509 Famam St. ,
The Nicest Lots in the City ! * ;
For the Least IWlloney !
On the Longest time !
Nearest to the Centre of the City ,
Only n few blocks from street cni-s , ou tliu lhio the bolt rnilwny. Very
desirable residence property , § 200 to 8300.
30 Elegant Lots in Grand view
Just soutli o the railroad. Splendid property , 8175 to JJJ5JOO. Month
ly payments.
27 Fine Lots in Prospect Place.
8175 to100. 5 per cent down mill 5 per cent per month. Great
chimuu for speculation.
11 Beautiful Lots in Lowe's Addition ,
Sl75toJOO. ! Longtime.
Eight Very Nice Lots In Boy's Addition ,
SI 50 each. Will he worth m ire < hnn double the price in six months.
Easy i erms.
12 Fine Lots Just West of Saunders Street ,
North of Prtnclc'sfiO ! ) to $500. Properly in that neighborhood is fast
increasing in value. Street cars will pass these lots enrly in tno spring.
Wo have a few choice lots in the following additions , ranging all the >
iv fwim 8.100 f.n 1 .Odd nnnli Tqnni'.a & Knlilnn'a 'W A Ilnr1V > lr'o
ness lots on Dndgo , Farnam , Ilurnoy and Jackson streets.
Wo.havo the finest market garden pieces to be had around Omaha. .
FoiTr , tivo aud ten acre tracts on 16th street , uortltof the fair grounds. ,
$400 to 1,000 each , on monthly payments. ' -5 \
Five acres in Tuttlo's sub-division , cheap , \ '
One acre in Giso's addition J.1,5J50. R
A few iiico acre corners in west Omaha , at less than half the1' priceV1 | f
asked for adjoining land , - - ; * MK
Two lots , containinp IjV acres each , in Barker's allotment , south' * ! ?
Omaha $700 nnd 81,000. Easy terms.
Three acres , south lath street , SJ,000. Will divide.
Houses and Lots
In nil imrls of Uio city. Wo luwo HOIIIO great bargains in residence
1 Story and a half homo with beaumont
nnd 7 rooms , lot 50xlfiO , largo barn
and cthor improvement ! , within four
blockn of now court house. § 2,300 ;
$500 down ; balance in monthly puy-
monta ,
, ' ! Cottage of I ) rooms , collar , closets ,
etc. , city water , elegant homo.
10 Largo house on Webster struct , rents
for S-'Ifi.OO jfor month. § 3,500.
1511(11 ( street , five blocks south of rail
road , four rooms. $1,1100.
.1 ! ) 2 { ncros , house , barn , fruit , etc. ,
Soutli IMth streut. § : t,200.
20 Niuo cottngo' four rooms , barn ,
etc , Parker's addition. 31,400.
21 Five rooms , barn , fruit , etc. , South
ir.thstrcot. § 2,150.
28 Five roornn , well , cistern , etc. , nice
nlaco , Ifurbach's addition. 81,500.
ISO Seven room house , full lot , North
Omaha. 81,500 ; on monthly pay
, ' 33 Lot , CGxl85 , four room house , barn ,
eto. , South Omaha. 1,000.
40 2 ? > acre lot , five room cottage , fruit ,
etc. , North Omalm. $2,100.
41 Five room house , barn , fruit , etc. ,
near St. Mary's avenue. $3,800.
Gall and See Other Property on our List.
Farms and Lands
Wild Luuds ! n nil parts oi ! tlio State. FaniiB in Nebraska , Iowa and
Kansas , '
3,000 acres , 10 miles from Omaha , B8
improved , baiunco good hay land.
100 ncres , 1ft miles from Omaha , 100
acres cultivated , 40 ncros timber ,
with running water , 20 acres mea
dow and orchard , 150 bwiring
apple trees , small fruit , eta. , yoiul
buildings. 028 00 pur acre.
320'acrcs , near Clark's Station , ou thu
U. P , railroad , 120 acres cultivated.
$5,500 ; will trade for Omaha property -
orty ,
120 acres in Chase county , Kaunas.
$1,500 ; will exchange for Omalm
40 acres , 3 miles from Omaha , fruit ,
etc. $100 per aero ,
42 Five rooms , iroll , cistoru , etc. ,
Parker's addition. $1,800 ; long
43 Very nice little place on Harnoy
street , near 21st. § 2,250 ; very
45 Seven room house , two full lots ,
etc. , near llunscom Placo. $3,000 ;
will trade for farm within twelve
miles of Omaha. '
48 Nice five room cottage , lot 100x148 ,
barn , all kinds of fruit , 2 blocks
south on St. Mary's avenue. § 2COO ;
long time on part.
4 ! ) Seven rooms , two full lots , North
Omaha. $2,1)50 ) ; onsy terms.
51 1J story house , seven rooms , very
neat place , desirably located.
82,000 , ; ? 500 down , balance to auifc
62 Fioo rooms , collar , well , cistern ,
fruit , etc. , Fifth street , very cheap.
$2,000 ; Hinull payment down , bal
ance long time.
07 Two acres , one in grapes and one in
fruit trees , South 10th street.
$3,500 ; easy terms.
08 Six rooms , nice location , Soutli
Omaha. $2,500 ; terms easy.
! ) Five rooms , full lot , South lOtli.
street. $1,200.
100 acres , 1 mile from Osceola , Neb , ,
80 ticrea cultivated , balance in hay
land. $30.00 per aero ; will ex
change for Omaha property.
240 ncres , near Silver Crook , Nob. ,
100 acres cultivated , 80 acres in
pasture , all fenced , $25,00 per
aero ; will exchange for Omaha
property ,
2WJ iicvos in Shelby county , Iowa , 100
aero * cultivated , balance timber.
and pasture , all under fence , running - '
ning water , 150 bearing apple trees '
and all kinds of small fruit , $25.00
per aero ; will take nice two or
throe acre piece of improved
Omaha suburban property in part
If yon witnt anything in tlio Real Estuto line , call aud SPG us. Wo ,
will show you around and try to suit you. llgusod , { Stores , and Jlooina
j'or rent.
C. E. MAYNE & CO. ,
1609 Farnam Street.