Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 24, 1883, Page 7, Image 9

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    Palace Music Hall !
e > t
Proprietor of Musio Hall and General Manager for the Celebrated
Western Cottage Organ Go ,
Of Mendota , 111 , , for Western Iowa , Northern Kansas and Missouri , Nohr.wk , Southern Minnesota , and
Dakota Territory , and Dealer in the Matchless
; Music Boxes , Best Italian Strings , Music Books and Binders ,
Sheet Music , Etc. , Etc.
[ Also a Fine Stock of Fancy Goods.
All Kinds of Games and Toys.
A * a ftpecialty i& the Piano line , I would recommend most heartily the
rftne tone , finely finished , first-class instrument in every respect ; they are not the cheapest PIUUOB , 'knt
within the reach of all who really desire something that will lost a lifetime. TRY THEM.
They are fully warranted for SEVEN YEARS.
largely advertised like patent medicine , nd like it , good for everything and nothing in particular , 1 BO
FOT KEEP IN STOCK. I cannot afford to sell them , as I live too near home. But if desired , I am pre-
'pared ' to furnish any of thesft'cheap Pianos and Organs at eastern prices , save freight , provided I am not held
Responsible. In connection with this I will state that my Organs contain 5 full octaves of Reeds , to one net ,
fond do not call a single octavo of repds , a full set , as advertised hy shoddy makers and dealers.
I sell Pianos and Organs on Monthly and Quarterly Payments ; also for cash , with email extra discount ,
end for circulars. Address
BTo. 103 South ' Main Street , Council s Bluflfe , Iowa-
The Mysterious Diront CnttlttK At
A Tow days ngo it uns announced in
Tin : BKB thnt Joseph PachU , Jr. , oldest
son of Joseph Pachtn , n well to do Bo-
liomian fanner , in Milford township ,
Crawford county , had been found lying
dead on his farm , with his throat cut.
Further details inako it n matter in doubt
as to whether it was a caao of suicide or
mUrder. Tito last scon of him alive was
when ho loft the house shortly after
noon , enying ho was going over to see
aomo of his neighbors. Not returning
that evening , search' was made , but it
was not until the next day about noon
that his body was found in the field beside -
side n atrawatack aomo distance from the
There was a small gash in his throat ,
and aovovaj cuts on each aide of his nock ,
but very alight ones. His own pocket
knife was under him , between the should-
era , and his handkcrchsof , torn in two
pieces , and two knots tied in one piece ,
was found bcsido him. It wus bloody ,
as were alee his hands.
If o was about U3 years of age , and had
a wife and two little children. There
acorns no possible reason to lead him to
suicide , as his relationships wcro picas-
iint and his circumstances and prospects
Hood. On the other hand , there was
nothing found indicating that any one
had assaulted him , and his body bore no
other marks of violence than those stated ,
The coroner's jury eimply found that ho
came to his death from strangulation
caused by an incision in the throat , mndo
l\y knife in the hands of an unknown
No Bafcr remedy can bo had for Coughs
nrnl Gelds , or any trouble of tlin Thront , tluti
"liroien't /Ironchial 2Vodi . " 1'rico 15 ! conts.
Solil only in loxti.
llnuk From Idaho.
James Criglor , or "Pan Handle Jim , "
ns his old railroad acquaintances call him ,
fonnorly night yardmaster at the transfer -
for , but now of Caldwell , Idaho , occupy
ing the position of yardmaster , arrived
in Omaha , on a two weeks visit to his
family , on Saturday. Ho reports Cald
well atf n very fine town with many en
terprising business houses and a news
paper , "Tho Tribune , " edited by W. J.
Cuddy , formerly of Omaha , who is ex
pected to arrive cither to-day or to-mor
row. Ho further reports that Charles
Taylor , brother of the Union Pacific
railway auditor , is making many friends
in his position as station agont. Charlie
was in W. H. Burn's oilico at the trans
fer up to about sis months ago , as was
also Dick Howell , who loft with him as
chief clerk. Howcll had an offer of a
better position by Humphrey & Gwin in
their general merchandise store at Cald
well , BO ho left the Union Pacific.
Frank Dunnigan returned ulso and
will take his family to Caldwell after
spending New Year's in Omaha. Frank
wont west with the rest of the boys from
the transfer. '
_ John Mitchell , Portland , Oregon , wai
sick a-bod for two years. St. Jacobs Oi
cured him.
Help for the Home.
Amid the joys and delights of hoHdaj
time there should bo a practical romein
branoo of those to whom Chriatmai
brings po such bountifulncss , and those
who have no homo hearth near which t (
hang up the stocking , with the assurance
of its being filled. Among the practica
methods of helping such is that bj
which a homo for the homeless lias boot
established hero. The citizens have
generally contributed , but it is a grcai
work , and iU needs are groat. But i
sliorl time ago a poor boy , sick , aero
filthy and friondlea , was brought in. Hii
life was despaircd'of. Ho was , indeed , i
pitiable object. Washed , with clear
clothes , with needed delicacies , and tender
dor care , ho has been almost restored t (
health , his lifo given back to him , one
now ho RIVPS promise of growing upto bt
a useful imoinbor of society and to bo abh
u > Jiolp himself. Such is but om
instance. The work is everybody's work ,
. nd all should take an interest in it , and
at this joyful season of the year gladnost
should especially give aomo expression ol
sympatny and aid. Just now thcro is i
npccial need for cash , as there are aboul
§ 150 in bills that must bo mot. Those
contributing $10 bocdmo moiubern of the
association , and $50 makes a life mum
boi- . There are many hero who could ,
without fooling it , spend five , ton ,
twenty or more dollars , and those wh'
cannot do this should hand in or send it
smaller amounts. Everybody should con
tribute something , as it is aver } body'i
Head's Sarsaparilla gives an appetite ,
and imparts now Ufa and energy to all t3n
functions of the body. Try a bottle &nc
realize it.
Elegant albums , latest dosigna , al
Bushnoll & liracketfs.
TOeUiomed Homo.
Miss Noally Stevens , in whoso brtlliaul
career as a pisnUto the people of Council
liluifs have taken an especial interest , returned
turned to her homo in this city Siuurdaj
accompanied by lier parents Mr. and if rs ,
8. 6. Stevens , aud 'her sister , Hiss Carrie ,
She has boon abroad for about five years ,
and the succea * which 1ms attended hci
musical development , has/been / so wonder
ful tliat the press boa already pretty fullj
informed her many friends of the detail !
nf it. She oxpccta BOOH aUor the holi
days to return to New York where she
will mtha her dobui in concert with
Theodore Tinman' orciicstra an the IGtli
of next month , HJF friondo and ad
mirers hero arc very anxious not only tc
hear her , but also to give some expres
sion of their gladness at tier first Buccesa
and itopo for greater in the future , and a
testimonial concert will doubtless bo ten
dered her during her stay here.
Public fipeakernAnil bniKf r flinl II. II. TouU ) < i&
font * Ocum COOK" Drop * a tutu reined/ for
Highway Itublicry on llroa'dwuy ,
On Broadway yesterday afternoon
when the stroH car xvas crowded with
pcdeatriuns , a stranger accosted a finely
dressed gentleman and offered to buy the
clothes off In back ft proposition tlio
; entloman would not nccopt. The
fllrangcr began to take them by forcn , but
was informed ho could obtain just as
stylish and well fitting clothe * by calling
on Smith A Teller , 7 and 0 south Main
street , the loading merchant tailors.
Kino books at Bushnoll & Brackott's.
A Orcnt Sacrifice.
11. B. Palmer , of the firm of Mayno &
[ 'almor , dealers in hard and soft coal ,
las arrived in the city with his slock in
rado , books , blank book , stationery of
all kinds , pictures , vases , curtains and
oys , wh ch must bo sold immcdiatly at
cost. This is a sacrifice Mr. Palmer is
: ompcllcd to make BO ho can attend to
ils interest in the coal business. It will
tny you to call and sco his Ohriatmni
ncsentu at his store , the east ono in the
low opera houso.
Youthful Greek Tries to I'IISH it
Poruoil Notv. ,
A young man , almost a boy , and a
irotly good male for the young follow
ust convicted here for forgery , u now
ying in jail at Olonwood under a Hko
charge. It appears that ho wont into
Phase's bank at Emerson and asked the
cashier if the bank over Itcught notes ,
and on receiving an alllrmative answer ,
) ro9ontod n note for § 25 purporting to bo
signed by John Jones and John llocka-
'ollow , tlio latter a farmer living near
Emerson. The cashier recognizing that
t was a forgery , hold the note while ho
sent the young follow out to ge't someone
ono to identify him. The follow being a
stringer , of course could lind 116 friend ,
ind instead of returning to the bank , at
tempted to take a freight train , when ho
was arrested. Ho claims that ho worked
For llockafpllow , and that the amount
was duo him for work done two years
ago , but Mr. llockafellow assorts that tlio
fallow noror.worked for him and in fact
ho never saw him before.
oftliu iilbitfloi Court.
The jury aftrr listening to the evidence -
donco in the case of A. Campbellcharged
with assault with intent to kill , returned
a verdict finding him guilty of simple as
Smith , the man who grabbed the watch
at Mrs. Davis' store , was found guilty of
grand larceny on Saturday. Ho was also
found guilty of petit larceny , on the
charge of stealing thrco butl'ulo robes
from George Weenor't livery stable.
John Wilson , the follow captured by
the ladies in J. L. Farman's house , was
also tried and convicted.
and J. W. MeClurg , father and
non from Allegheny , 1'a , , arrhcd Saturday
ovonlng for a month's xtay , to attend to their
interests In the MeClurg cracker company.
Mis.i Blanche Oliver is taking a rent from
musical etudlcB in Chicago , and spending the
holiday Feaaon at her homo here.
1'rof. Brooks , of Tabor college , has returned -
od from another eastern trip , ThA time he
gathered for the college $3,300 in now gltta
and 85,000 in old plodgca.
Col. Cochran is with hU Council Blulfe
friends again.
Georga Morgan , formerly with Steward
Bros. , arrived here yesterday , Ho has boon
Buffering greatly of late from n number ol
abscosBOb , but U now getting about In pretty
good condition again.
Miss Pusio Keating haa returned home
from South Bond , where she has been attend.
ing Notre Daino.
Mies darn Behbington ha taken a respite
from lior studies at Knoxville , to spend the
holidays at the homo of her parents , Mr. am !
Mm. iJeorgo Behblngtou , of thU city.
a P. Whitney , of the U. P. freight depot
has gene to Keokuk to lee liia friends aui
relatives ,
Mies Honu , the county Buperintendont o
Lincoln county , and Miss Jennie Dillon , prin
cipol of a North 1'lotto school , are here on i
visit to Miss Dillon's ulster , Mrs. N. P. Olds
wlfoof the Bgont t the TJ. P. ISroadwa ;
llev.-Q W. Itlchoy , for eovoral years ) > asto
of the Baptist church at Bedford , Iowa , 1m
been eecurod an pastor of the church at Mai
A. W. Cowles and wife , of thla dty , to
guthcr with J. P. Beach and wife , of Ham
burg , have gone to Sioux City for a hoKduj
family reunion , with Mrs. Hewitt , the mothej
of Mrs. Cowloa and Mn. Beach , and whom
two other daughter ! , Mm. , T. H. Kolth nm :
Mrs. K. Wettervelt , live in Sioux City , whcr <
their luubandi are engaged in Imnineud to
It. Money and wife , of St. Joe , uro In tin
city for a f ow daya "toy , the gueit of Mr. am
Mrs. 0. U. Taylor.
Col. 12. V. Hooker , general western tocl
agent of the Hock Island , Is at the Ogdou.
Whoat-No. U spring , 70c ; No. 3 , COcj te
jected , COo ; good demand.
Corn l calora nro paying 8Co for old con
and 25o for n w.
Oats In good demand at 20ol
Hay--4 OOfflO 00 per ton } Wo j > cr bfcle.
Bye JOe ; light supply.
Cam Meal 1 20 per 100 pound * .
Wood Good Bujijily ; jtrica * at yiuxU , 6 00
COO.Coal Delivered , hard , 11 50 per ton ; ift
C00jor ± on1
liutter 1'lenty and In fair demand at 20o
creamery , B5c.
Kggs Iteady calo at Sfto \ > or dozen.
Lurd X'alrbauk'u , whole alliig at lie.
I'oul try Finn ) dealera are paying foi
chicken * IGc ; live , 2 M i > cr dozen ,
Vegetabloj l'otutoe , COc ; onloni , 40a ; call
ba ert , 040o per doum ; njijilea , rcuJy 1 <
at M@S ) Mtlor iirlmu htnck.
jrjour City Hour , 1 00@3 40.
Brooms i ! 00@3 00 per doz ,
C ttlo-S 00@S CO ; calves , fi 00@7 IX ) .
HoKg Local tiackcrH are buying now am.
there un good aonmnd for all gradoM in car
load loU ut 4 00 4 Dfl. _
AVc n ar < l the Klur of Kiniilro Taltoi
KH Way.
fit. Louli OJobo-Dewocrat.
The Now York papers are lowing thoii
Not ono of thein contained in ib
undnv morning ieiua a line to show
that O'Donnell had boon executed. People
ple nowadays have to ncalo thajni lit >
lleglmnicB , cross the bounding prairiet
niul rnicli tlie banka of the tonmin
sippi before they .encounter i Cum-
clusa nowspopor.
The Nonpareil in republishing tbt
above should have given ita leadere tlw
further infurmotion that TJIB ] ! ii : : w as thu
only paper on that Monday morning
which gave the people in this part of the
the news of O'Donnell'g execution.
-IS -
They always have the largest and best stock.
The Sioux City board of trade has in
ormation of a gentlemen who is disposed
o put 375,000 into a hotel in that city.
The Manchester Barb Wire company
ocatcd at Manchester , and having n cap
tal of $100,000 , aho filed their ntticlo
f incorporation.
The now capital is not to bo opened to
ho public until after the inauguration ,
vhicn will probably take placa Jan. 17th.
ly that time both senate and ropresonta-
ivo hnll will bo completed , and several
committee rooms. The. governor's room
s awaiting the action of the contractors
or the marble work , who have yet to do-
Ivor a piece of about two foot of wain-
ECoUing and four sides of the apartment.
N. J. Schoup , deputy county auditor
of Dubmmo , has resigned. Ho is said to
10 the first county ollicial Duhu < | uo has
iad for yeiim who has resigned a public
oilico to ungngo in private business.
The recent dincovorics of coal in the
vioinity of Peterson , Clay county , have
occasioned a great excitement there , and
in almost fabulous investment in coal
lands and mining property. Wednesday
ho auditor of the state received for re
cord articles of incorporation for six
nining companies at that place , with an
aggregate capital of 81,088,000. The or
ganizations are as follows : llichoman
Coal & Mining company , of Peterson ,
capital stock ? 1 < J2,000 ; Kiclmor Coal
& Mining company , of Peterson , capital
stock § 221,000 ; Peterson Coal & Mining
company , of Peterson , canilalstock $100-
000 ; Jones Coal & Alining company , of
Peterson , capital stock $ lCOOOOj G. F.
Strait Coal A Mining company , of Peter
son , capital atock § 102,000 ; Fairbanks
Goal A ; Minhtg company , of Peterson ,
capital stock , § 1(50,000. (
I/jxwycr's / Opinion oTlntercHt to
.T. 1L Tawnoy , Esq. , a loading attorney ol
Wtnoun , Mhm. , wrltoa : "After iieliiR it for
tnoro than throe yonru , I take urcnt iiloaauro
in Btating that I regard lr. Klu 'ii Now Dla-
covory fur Coiiauuiptlon , on the bent remedy In
tUa world for Coughs and ColiLn. It him iiovor
fulled to euro the most sen era colds I liao
hod , anil invariably rollovca the pain 111 the
Trial DottloB ( or this uiiro euro for all Thrnnl
niul Luni ; Diseases may bo had I'Veo ut O. F.
Goodnmu'H Drug Storn. Largo nlzo , 81.00.
The OrK u Grlndor'H 1'rollt.
Doeton Courier.
You sympathetic Indies who Bond nick
els and silver pieces by a servant to the
poor organ grinder who stands at your
door , or who throw down to him from
an upper window pennies wrapped in
thick writing paper , may like to know-
how- much a man goto in the course of
the day , and what ho docs with his
money. For the latter , ho does not
spend more than a seventh part of it.
lie puts it in a bag and then in a long ,
low chest in his room , to save till he hae
enough to go back to oouthorn Italy and
live at case. More often he joins every
night a soloet club of fellow-countrymen ,
who stack up their organs at the end oi
the room , and gamble , gamble the pen
nies away in long and delicious excite
ment. How much , think you , does ho
earn ? More than a carpenter , or a brick
layer , or a policeman , or a postman , _ era
a salesman in a store who wears gloves
and a silk : hat. Ho averages # 4 a day ,
Ho labors systematically , and has his
regular boat and his varied art to extract
the penny from persons of each claws _ ho
playa before. An ho expressed it him
self in a moment of rare uxpaiiMVuncsn.
ho ' 'plays on 200 blocks every day , and
it's n poor block that doea not give
two cents.
"u making tlio iwKurtuui tliat I'm.wni H .Mixl
Icntoil Complexion Powder IK ciithuly fin
from Injurious ur deadly poi nmui do It up
on the authority of u tlunmiKh ehrmleal tumly
HH , it In ono ( if thu oidi ut fiu'u powdcrx In the
American market , ami IK moil In
tif Homo of our inapt prominent mudical men
who lia\n pcruoniUly ackuowlcdgiul to tin
proprietor tliat thov nut ulily cxuinlder It liann
ItHrt , but ratccmod It highly bonvliilul In every
rtwjiui.t , nut only for thu UKU of ladles mid thll
( Iron , but for thu "loiJ of acutlon" blmself
Sold by nil
klleicury hu producccl more initery and midoinorii
( diiltHthaii | r , ] > fntlUiim nii.l fuinlne i-onililnoi
If jouliaveaiiy liloudill cA iii r Mn liumur , It U
jour duty'to y uiiclf unit ponterltv lu talu tlio
only VKi'iabla euro , which Utiwlit'x Hiu'dllo.
Hw4fi' H | > Iflo has rUloMol luu of JUlirul lilaoi !
nuii after Imd livin riuilT cittnthn home for Iho
imiilli * mid had been itoed with liluu inati , lAlomcI
and otliir i > "l onou < drutfa until I nan In Uenpatr
Hwlft'n ripeclllo U tlio remedy for thla kind of blood
0.1I.OI.AIIKK. Agent
fmutbern Ufa Iniuranca Co. , Atlanta , Ua.
I bab > enititg \ for a month or two In mr home.
hold , Bwlffl fipeclflo ( H. H. U. ) the greater portion nf
of It tiatiiiK lutn onnuuuied by the female | > ortioii lit
my family , and ulth t'e happiest rttulu. It acted
IILv a clitrin on iny wlfo.who 1ml bmi In bad health
for a loux tluiu , and for whom 1 hatu paid hundred *
nf doling for uocturu and uiedlclneu. It i ewi to
build her up from the tint doru. Another female ul iny fai lly tnok I' Ith equally ttttUfactu-
r ) rtnulU. It liccrtalnly llielu.t tonlo far dillcatti
ladle * that I limmnoru-ul , andl Imo tiluil them
nil. I ) iar no dwiU that want of cicrtche , clone
coiiflnement In | ) 'iiljcnlllated tioutuj , nuwor k'm
pohon and malailal | < ol on oltcn producer ilckiumi
aiwjnir our \t1ven. ( UuKhtcr * and datem. aiu 11 e-
Tiivu KwlfI'M Bpcafio Ii tbo remedy for all thli aort ol
Lluod | tel onlux. V. ll JONra , J , I * .
' Qultiiianaa.
ii Trontmont of Cancer.
Kortvtunty i ir Ilia\omiffi're < l from n cancer or
thu ldu of my nu.k nrar Jut nhouldernnd cihauttwl
thowholocuUtlotrua of remcdlmlthoiit any rrlkf.
The cancer arowlntc uorneall tliellu.u , tbo whole up-
nrpartof myhodi l * ! amu iff and full of iialu , I
md virtual y Irut the u o of both arm , u y micrnl
healthliivl liruktn dounandl xavi It vtud onlj a
fue'l | n of time when Jifu lt > ell would budtbtroje'l. '
Inthwcondition i umiiLviicscd tliouu \ of Hunt *
bvinc. | 'I ha lint bottle rullcted mouf tiunlllTukk >
In thu nook , the necouti gatu mop rfvct u e of my
aruiHand 1 feel ttiona ami ucll In ivi-ry May , 1 nm
a iioor man but I w nuld not t-iko i3nn for the ioo > l
f hat x | > urluiciii with SvtrltKHpwJllo. I believe It
wJll loicu out nil thu ) iol > uii iind euro tne ,
W , II. IIOIIIUO.V , Uuttbburv , Ua.
rcatUo on Itlnnd ami Rkln nheaw * mailed ( rr
tu sivnVxinW , TIlK BWIKP Sl'KUICl J CO ,
1 , Atl&ntt Ca.
Anil your work is rtono for all time
to time to come.
The World
to produce n more durable material
for street pavement than the
Sioux Falls Granite.
filled promptly. Samples sent and
estimates given upon application.
Sioux Falls , Dakota.
Western Cornice-Moris ,
1H1 Douglas St Omkhk , Neb.
Galvanized Iron Cornices
mcr Windows , FJhtals , Tin , Iron nd Olio
, Bpeclit'g ( utont Motalllo BkyllKht , Patent
l HaUljut n .r and llrackot Bhclvlof. ( I am
lie Kcncral BKunt ( or the bovo line of Roodi. Iron
, Crc.itlriKU , Baluitrado ] , Veronilan , Iron Bank
lmii ; i Window Ullnils , Cellar Quards : also general
tint for I'flniwnJi Hill otont Iniildo llllnil.
,000 nharc * of the Union CounollilateU Kiliur
MlnliiK Coujinny , nf C'ouncll Ululh , Iowa. Forlur-
tlur jiarticubr. , aiiplj to
d' i'O-l&w cow-Zw llror-n'ii I'ark , Utah ,
Graham Paper Co. ,
217 and 219 North Main St. , Bt Louis.
. . . . . _ . _
- .a. B.F = A--U - .jj4 aim oi the
nan body cjilaivcd , cercloi ) > ed ud atreugthenea ,
etc. , U on lntere tlnir advertisement lone run In our
* * > , ' rei'ly ' to liiqulrlu va ttUl ay that there 1 *
no m d nee of humbug about this. On the contrary.
the luh ertlM n are \ cry highly endorsed , intcrcotal
leaclrcuHrii clilny al'imrtlt
lluff Ma N y. IT
fell all medicine * aihcrtlsedtil tUli paixir. lla > * aba
aOueHnqotp rfuaitrypoek4kuUe , toilet
RUd choice IU\ ant cigar *
I'reacrlptloui o Lijiouudedatal boon.
IVeot ; } eai p < kcllcat experience.
tf , - , ,