S3 UAJfUFACTUiirai OP OF HTUIOTLT Finsr-oLAssa , B , \ ] L UMj AND TWO WHEEL CARTS. , NEB RICOARDS & CLARKE , W. A. CLARKE , Proprietors. Superintendent u. P. BAIL-WAY , 17TH & 16TII STREETS MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS | EN Engines , Boilers WATER WHEELS , EOJLLER MILLS , : ill and Grain Elevator Machinery MILL FURNISHINGS OF ALL KINDS , INCLUDING THE Celebrated 'Anchor ' Brand Dufour Bolting iCloth1. , .STEAM PUBIPS , STEAME\VATER AND GAS PIPE. . BEASS GOODS AND PIPE FITTINGS , ARCHITECTURAL AND BRIDGE IRON. ยง Wo are prepared to furnish plans and estimates , and will contract for the erection o Flouring Mills and Grain Elevators , or for changing Flourin" Mills , from Stone to the Roller system. Kg7 Especinl attcntiou given to furnishing Power Plants for any pur pose and estimates made f or eamo. General machinery repairs attended to promptly. A < s , & CLABKEf Qm a , Neb. " CO 3E3COHIJLSK ( voun OUOOKIIS rou TUB . _ , , . "ro DRY HOP YEAST 1 WARRANTED NEVER TO FAIL. 1 , 5 Manufactured by the Omaha Dry Hop Yeast Go 1- S71B ntlllT STKEET. OMAHA. NEI1 DEALERS IN Hall's Safe and Lock Comp'y FIEE AITD BUEGLAH PROOF JSPEOIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others , WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO Our Ground Oil Cake. . and Jud.o fur ) ouiaolvM..Irtw * U mortta. Try t ; Jjy UKHKKD OIL COUPANV Ornah * _ &od'inc4 * MANUFACTURKK OF WKB Biiies Ca f vif , R po llory U ooosfJuiUy tiled with . u > lWx.l B rt WorknundJp Office and Factory S , W. Corner Wth and Capitol Avenue , Qmaf Cares Rheumatism , Lutn bago , Lama Back , Spraiasaad Bruises , Asihwa , Cattjrh , Coughs , Colds , Sere Throat * Diphtheria , Burns , Frost Bites , Tooth , Ear , and Headache - ache , and All pains and nchos. Ttie belt Intemil ml titenul trractlf In the woil.1. Kretjr tattle truMtmrol. SntJ 1-jr medicine iltilen emjwliett. Diicctlont In clflit Uncutcts. rtlc 30 ccnli n J fun. FOSTER , MILGURN & CO. , Prop'rf , , N. v. , u. s. A. IMPROVED SOFT ELASTIC SECTION WMTruitcd to venr longer , tit io form urntrr , nnd trlro lieltci tlsfftrtlon than nny other Corn Htlsfftrtlon , nr | irl o pntil M 1 t'rmidfd . The Inilom mcnti ol Uhlrftiro'ii ' t physicians , acvuiu t-nch Pcirct. I'rlci'i llr t Kntrrn .Irtin , 1'o nss trcnnlil , SI. Ml \onrmprflmntforthriu. . itoTiiRoiiii.n. .iosii'ii : A cr. . . Manufiu'tuixr * , 1:101 : ItanJuit'U St. , Cklcngc. For rale by .TNO. II. F. LEHJIANN. Thou < oof the term " Rhoi Lino" In connection \\lth th corporate nnuic of a KrcatroaJ : coinc.va an Idea of lift wlmt required liy the tra\OliiKpub llc-a Short Wno , Quick 1lrci and the licst of ntcommcxli tlona all of hlcli are fum shod by the groatcit rallwaj' In America. ( JHICAGOILWAIIKEE , | And St..Paul. It owns and operates over 4,500 miles of road n Sorthcra Illinois , Wisconsin , Minnesota , IOWA and Dakota ; and aol ts main lines , branches and conncc. Jens reach all the great bunlness centres of the Northwest ami Kar West , It naturally answers the description of Short Line , and Best Itouto between Chicago , Milwaukee , St. Paul ami Minneapolis. Chicago , Milwaukee , La Crosse and Winona. r Chicago , Milwaukee , Aberdeen and Ellendala Chicago , Milwaukee , Eau Clalro and Stlllwatcr Chicago , Milwaukee , Wausau and Merrill. Chicago , Milwaukee , Denver Dam and Oshkoeh. Chicago , Milwaukee , Waukoslm and Oconomowoa. Chicago , Milwaukee , Madison and I'rairlodu Ch.len. Chicago , Mlln-aukce , Onatonuaand.Falrlbault. Chicago , Belolt Jancstl'lo ' and Mineral Point. Chicago , Elgin , Hoekford and Dubuquo. Chicago , Clinton , Rock Island and Cedar Rapldt. Chicago , Council Bluffs and Omaha. Chicago , Sioux City , Sioux Kalis and Tankton Chicago , Milwaukee , Mitchell and Chamberlain. Rock Island , Dubuque , St. 1'anl and Mlnncapolif. Davenport , Calmar , St. Paul and Minneapolis. Pullman Sleeper" and the Finest Dining Cars In world are run on the mainlines of theCHICACO MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY and every attention Is paid to passengers by court * ous employes of the company. a A MERRILL , A. V. II. CARPENTER , Oen'l Manager. Gcn'l Pass. Agent J. T. CLARK , GEO U. HEAFKORD , Gen'l Sup't. . \Vlio9O lLVt cxltm > tl < * i2 unit prcmaturo lucuy nrncau BodbyoKVooci * . rrrorauf youth , etc. . are perfectly rcslorud ( < i i-oliii t liriillli and vlttiirantt innnliooil l > y THE MARSTON BOLUS. niprliiR. Tli ( lri > atmiinf , rvuniillclillltyanaiMivl < 'ulufiiyl | * Tinifonnly ucctrraful l > < M-anfO bnKcil on pnrtoct , and ab- rnluliilharoiivlinrH. rirtlod Tmttlmi free. MARSTON JIEMEDYCO.,40 W.KlhSL , New York. S. H. ATWOOD , Plattsmouth Neb , - - - - tUKlDKROF TI10KODUIIBRKD AM ) IIIOII ORADK HEfiEFORB UNO JERSEY CATTLE lYouiig Block for Hale.ftCorreepoodonco solicited. " me&w.ly DISEASES OP THE EYE & EAR J , T. ARMSTRONG , M. D.\ \ OoixXlett x .xxd 14n < K rn m Street , opposite Psxtao Hotel , Cms ha , Neb , A * /\fiTlfi'll'I' ' > "IIIUureu'ltho"tmBd > A. Jr VTMAAA V K 'dn ' . l-atonted Oo- Jtobcrl ' . , 70. One box No. 1 will euro any case In four days or UBS No. S will euro tha iniwt ottlnaU > case no matter of bow lone sUndliiLT. Allan's Soluble Medicated Bougies No uauscous doses of lubcbsf copabla , or oil ol son- dalwiod , that ar n .uln to produce dyspepsU by des tr ylnir the c-atln suf the ttomoth. Prlo * II.M Hold by all dni iliits , it mailed txi receipt of price rtlitr JAMES Mo7 Y , Practical Horse 8ho < ? r Utkes specialty of I oldsters and tendorf 00 % ho Hbopt , Dodge street betuota 1Kb aid Ilth , Ifouw * * ItKIilOlOUH. l.oxlnpton Avcnuo , N wr York , churcli , M fifty ycivrt old. The AtUcntlsUliftvoIn tlio Unllod SUtoit ISit critirclio * , wltli 91,709 coiiimunlcnnU , The Prcsliytorlatis will croct n clwrcli for lloliomUn inombors bf the dcnoiiilnntlon In Is'ow Vork City. KrAstunirtilnfr line ndiled to liU Rift to the ] ! i > l cop l cathoclrnl In Albany , Now York , to that it amounts to $80,000. The four proat lllblo noclctlci of Orcat Itrltnln niul American Iftst ju.w Issued llKSy , J8I copies of the Scriptures. i'ho Unltnrlani conncctod with thfl church at Clinton , Mot * . , Imvo tiuaiilinously votott Ui UJQ water Instead of wluo at the commun ion services. The Friends London Uko nn active In terested lit the Moody nnd Swkey meeting * , Iho names of ootno of thorn being on their ten- tral nnd local cotnmlttoos. A Trench rural prioat'B salary nvornjto * ? .MO of which half coinca from the ntnto and hnlf from the commune. 1 lo l > a > no rent nnd goU 301110 prcsonta of food Rcncrnlly. There nro now % itISQ\ \ members of lantl ! t cluirchos in Swotlen , of whom 1,6411 were bap. tlzcd thin yonr. Moro than ' . ' 00 of the SwcdIMi Baptist clmrcho.4 need mooting houto.1. A new Lutheran cor.srcKntlou , tmdcr the rare ot the LTOIICM ! synod , 1ms boon organlrtid In I'hlliuUilpliln , 1'n. . nnd the Uov. , T. ft.Yll - llntnt , of llaeorntmvn , Rtd. , hn.i ncrrptcd the iiastornto. The church will bo known M the Memorial I.uthcrnn church , Tha Itov , Anna Oliver hna won the mitt ! > ronght ngnlnst her by the Hov. IMward Tones to recover S8CO , which ho claimed to tiavo loaned to the Willottghhy Avonno Mcth- dist church , Brooklyn , of which she wa > < pas- MSho maintained that the money WUH n gift to the church Another reformer has rlson in the Itomnn 3atholo ! church , Abbo llocn , honorary c.num of ono of the ] 'roncli cathedrals , nnd who Is low in America , having traveled much in Konan - nan Catliollo countries , has como to deplore .ho ovidencoa hoixt \ mot with of abuses nnd stiporstltloim in the church. Ho delivered a octnro in 1'aris notno time ngo , in which ho joldly attacked thcHo'Mmscti nnd snporHtltinns nnd antiouncod that ho Intended to present n nomorial to 1'opo Leo XIII. , whom ho rd- rards M n very enlightened and liberal penA - A lecture on the growth uf the K .I < cop.il church in America xaya it was uot until 1S15 ; .luit the church struck root nnd bcc.imo an natltution. Jnnt jirlor to this , an iniiortant | ivout In the history of the church transpired , n the consecration ot four bishops , all remark- xblo men Dr. Donuo to Now .lercoy , lr. TUiith to Kentucky ( iti first diocesan Bishop ) , Dr. Mcllvnlii to Ohio , and lr , Hopkins to Vcnnont nacli stamping his oxvii mind mwn , ho American church , and each having done nuch to change the character of the Kplscopal church in America. An interesting circumstance attending the nstnllatlon of the Ulght Itov. William llonry Kliler as Archbishop of Cincinnati on Tlntrs- lay last was the reunion of himself nnd his fix jrothcrs , who had not before all mot together for half a coiitury. The oldest of tliono broth ers is Tilr. iTosopu Ki ICldor , of. Chicago , and iho others , bostdos the Archbishop , are 1'rancls W. , of Ualtlmoro ; IJasll T. , of jManhattan , Kau , ; John C. , of ! Baton Kongo , La. , and Thomas S. and Charles 1) . , of Now Orleans. Dno nistor Is living , nnd resides , at the ngo of 32 , nt Kmmlttsburg , Md. She hoH bocn , n Sia- , cr of Charity for moro than 02 yearH. llrr \go nnd infirmities did uot penult her lo at tend the reunion. IWOl'S. . Top boots cavern multitude- bhlrti. A brjck iu tlio hod la worth two in the hat. Santa Claua Is very busy stocking up , but Lho good old follow never complain. If 1'ranco nud China keep on arguing the matter both will bo out of breath before the lighting begins. There is ono good thing about leap year , nnd that la that leap year joken can only ba used once in four yoars. With n policeman clubs nro trumps , with n 1'olack spades , with n young lady hearts , al though many of our modern girls prefer dia monds. It is Bald nu Arizona judge resigned from ; ho bench to becoma n liotol waiter. The indlclal ermine may natisfy n man's vanity , jut it does not nhvaya fill the void crontcd by , lie want of three square meals a day. The Indiana who sell hay to the govern- nont "out woafhavo been dotncted placing argo rocks , in the bales. That como ! of teaching the Indians to read , so they van study the doily papers and become posted Iu .hotrickaof the whites. Peck's Sun. A young man in central Illinois lost six ounces of brain last week and still lives. Drain in n drug on the market in this Rtato. Chicago" News. Not wholly n drug , wo Im- tgino , but badly adulterated. [ Philadelphia Call. Call.Tho The Chinese are badly In need of gnnboato and it is possible that if wo move quickly wo may bo ablb to tnule our navy for a couple of gonnint ) antique vases , which will hold water If they won't -Philadelphia Call. A young woman who did not possess n cnowlodgo of the "standard" time wrnta him nho wished him to call nt 21 o'clock. Ho was nn expert in multiplication and dropped around about 4 o'clock In the morning. The dog known all nbout the trousers' lug and what It environed. Kvansvillo Argus. Baby's Appeal. 'What ' makes I cry and folks ay Iio naught ) ? " : HUHJ stomach ache , anil sour In my moufTy ; Jimee too , cant sleep , and worms bltue to belly ; Te\cr , " zo say , foci like I was Jelly , luesyour babies cry , Dick and Victoria , When mania's gone , and don't have CaBtorla. "You're rl ht , they fairly yell. " There , Umlv Cy ; Com In Frank Imvo Castoria , ho don't cry. WHEN NOT TO MA fill Y. Thirty-two JnyH in tlio Year tlmt Are Unfavorable CoiilractK. Boston Olobo. "I dreamed lust night my brother lytw dead , " said ono of two shon-girla tripping down Winter street. ' 'Tlmt's a sign thoro'a going to bo a marriage riago in the family , " uaid lior oojup.iniou. Did you cry ? " "Did I ? My goodness ! I ahould think so , Who wouldn't ? " "Tlien you ought to have counted th ( tcnra , and just as many tears as you shct it's just BO many days before you will bo married. "Why , how funnyl Did you ever try it ? " "Whut n question , foolish ! 1 ain't ' married , am 11 But them I cried Iota and lota , and 1 couldn't count 'em , and'a just aa well , for 'sposo it had como on a Friday. That's an awful unlucky day. " " 0i } , don't talk about luck. There's my cousin in Salem , she was married on Hun- day they say that's the best of all ani what luck did it bring her ? A miserable husband , a divorce case , isn't much for luck. " Overhearing all of which the Glebe statistician was reminded of a clipping stored in his archives with the old play- bilh and the articles cut put to save thai will never bo wanted until the next day after they are burned. According to the clipping , which will bo read with micros in view of the approaching leap year am a prospective matrimonial boom , then ) are thirty-two days in the year on which it is unlucky tomarry , upon the authority ol a manuscript dated in the fifteenth cen tury. These days are January 1 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 7 , 10 , 1C ; February 0 , 7 , 18 ; March 1. 0. 8 ; April 0 , 11 ; May D , 0 , 7 ; Juno 7 , lf ; July , C , 10 ; August 1C , 10 ; Hept- ember 0 , 7 ; October U ; November 1C , IU , and December 1C , 10 , 17. Consequently quently January is the worst month and October the best month in the yciw for marriage , Tlio record show , however , that in Boston , and in fact throughout Now England , November ia the banner month for matrimony , October holding second place in nuptial favor , For this 'mnkcpmng ' day is mainly responsible , t has noon consecrated to man-mqo festi vals for mnny _ Ronurations. Fakt day is mother favniito day for connubial von- tures. and with a largo proportion of our population Raster Sunday is regarded as an auspicious occasion for the welding of nftjrimonial fetters. Thousands of cent- ilcsjmvo wodclcd Now Year's week , mwitting thb risk they ran above sot 'orth ; and it ia hardly to bo oxpoelcd thnt the publication of this list will in- ireaso the number of happy families or cstcn the regular lontf roll of divorce gviits uion | the dockets of the courts. The Merry , Merry OlirlHlnins' Tlino Tlio j irons Holiday Bonxon brings to mind ho elegant RlfUiirojontou In the city of Now IrlcAtKi on Novotnlior 1.1th , by the 102(1 llrand Monthly Distribution ot The Louisiana Ktato Uottory , under the solo care and nmnuRoincnt ofOnntrali ( } . T. lloixurocfanl , of Liv , . and Tubnl A. Knrly , lit Ar . , wlion over S''tM.OOO wcro ( cnttertxl hroadcoKt. The unina thiiiB will take i > l co ntfnln Tttoiday , January lr > . 1881 , tlio ( nil particular ! ) of which can bo hrul 'roin M. A. Dattiihln , Now Orleans , I. a. Ticket No. ( M.589 tlrow the f-75,00' ' > , sold In Oftlw at 81 each > -otio hold by Mr. M , A. Sncerdoto , No. CO St. Louis St. , Now Orlonns ; another by Air , N. II. 1'liahw , clfrk In the City 'iVcasntor'B nlllco at Now ) rlpiuis , ] , a.j thoothorH docllno publication , No. OT > ,718 tlrow the cntittal second 815.00o ! ! also sold In fifths atl | caehono collected through : Jank of Atadlson. nt Jackson. Tonn. ; another byn party In Maiden , W. Va. .Tho third capital iiriio $10,000 wns won by No.KJ.'JOO : sold in liftht al o. two of which were collcctctl > y the N. O. National Monk. The fourth cnpltnl mlrcs , of 50,000 each , were won by tickets Not. M.8U8 and M,701 > , sold In fifths also , to Kohort AloTondor , collected througli lyisrs. lx > ckwooil k Co. , San Antonio , Texan : D. C. J''nnt ' , Madison , O. 11 , , Vn. , collected tlirotiRh St ; > to Hank , lllchniond , Vn. , and BO 111 to tie | end of the intcrminnulo chapter , uiioni ; the many other participants In the . 'nctolcan stream of wenlth , A GIANT KhKCTlUO THICK. Thu ClirlHtinnH Trco Jliirvol that will FUsh KctlVhlto niul llltio In Huston. Tin foreign exhibition in Boston will loxt week have the most gorgeously jghtod Christmas tree over known. The ights will bo oloctriu , the tree -15 feet ngh and weighing two tons , It will ba .ot . up an the baud stand and will rovolvu > y an unsoun power , Hashing in succosmon 2125 red , white and blue lamps. Mr. lohuson , a member of the Edison firm at Seventeenth st. and Avcnuo B , is making ho machinery for the revolving apparatus and circuit closers , by which the lights lauh from red to white , from white to > luo , back to rod , and no on indelinitoly. L'ho big true will bo equipped in the oamo nanner ns Mr. Johnson'd Ciiristinan rco uf last year , except on a much larger scale. The butt of the two-ton treu will bo litod in an iron socket at the head of a grooved upright shaft which extends be- icath the platform. A largo wooden whcol encircles the shaft , nnd receives a belt from a smaller whcol , which in turn connects with a still smaller wheel , until it roaches the motive power , an electric motor used to run a sowing ma chine , wliich sots a wheel whizzingaround many hundred times before tlio biggest wheel has made ono revolution. The grooves in the upright shaft are the out- Dlls of the various colored lamps. 'I'ho tree will bo Hashing with sovonty-fivo red lights until the circuit for thono lamps has boon broken by the conductors round which the shaft revolves being thrown from their metal track nnd sink ing the non-conducting .wood , when in stantly tlio white light conductors pick up the broken thread and the tree turns whito. So quickly ia this done that the uninitiated believe that the right lights turn into white onoa an impossibility , ae the color is duo to the globes. This method of automatic variation of colotod lights is an invention of Mr. Johnson , which ho patented , thinking that the idea may bo used in the future 'or scenic olTects. The fourth story of * iis factory is a room out of fairy-land. Gloss globes of all collars are intermixed with boquots of artificial. flowers , while 'lass moulded into lilies , umbrellas and ill sorts of fantastic shapes are thrown in to n blaze of colors by the pressure of a knob in the wall wliich imparts the elec tric current. The big Boston Christmas tree will bo in position early this week , and will be the feature of the fair with its 1,200 candle power of alternating shades. It will bo handsomely trimmed nud equip ped , und as it majestically revolves \.itli its flashing lights it will present n , novel and beautiful appearance from all sides. Mr. Johnson will go to Boston to BOO the ell'ect of his masterpiece. Ho will also erect a tree in his house in Twelfth street , similar to his 'last year's tree , which attracted hundreds of visitors. 1'crllH ol' thu Sen. WIAHTON , Out. , December 21. Word is received Irom Mointonlm Island thai the schooner 8. D. Uungorford , oi Buffalo , was wrecked and the crow ol six built a tent on the island and lived there 10 ( Iftje. Tobormaroy was finally reached by means of an old fishing boat. Itching and Burning ! Itching and Burning ! . r SaltRhcum wIC.i IU agonizing Itching E , and burning , Instantly relieved by a warm luUI with Cutlcura Hoan ; and a tlnglu appllcatlnn of Cut ! cura , tlio great HklnC'iiro. This repented dally , wltl twour thnodOHOii of C'utlcura Kcsoliont , the ti w Illond Puilller , Diuretic and Aperient , to keep the blood cool , thupersplratlon pure and unlrrltatlug thoboweUi'pen , tholhuraud IdilnejH actho , wll speedily euro Kctema , IVttor , Ringworm , PxorltHls Uchcn I'rurltuD , Hculd Head , Dandruff , and every upeclcs uf Itching , Henley and Plini ly Ilnmorn of thu Hcilp and Bkln , when the best phrilclans und al known remedies fall. Itching Humors , llakcr's Ilarhcr'1 Orocer's and WAshprw oman'H Itch IU hliig Piles and Delicate Itching Humors , pvciilla to both sexes , whIUi are particularly distrusting a tlil > ca on , are Iribtuntly relieved and pie < llly UM purmcntly cured by thu uhoto treatment. Now I thu time , whoi the pore < are oiwn and thu iicriplru tluii abundant , to cleanse the blood of lmiurltieiuiid | thu skin of torturing and disfiguring humor * . Thousands of Letters In our posnewlon repeat ( his story : I liaie l > ecn a terrible sufferer fur years wltn Illocxl and Ukln Ifu mors ; have been obliged to nhuii public places b ; riaiwm of my clliflgurtng humors ; have had thom \ phytlclans ; liatotptnt hundiedsof dollars and got no real relief until I used the C'utlcura llemcdlo ) , whlcl ha e cured uic , and lelt uiy skin and blood an pur u a child' * . Cuticura Remedies Arv the greatest medicines on earth. J. VI AMIKH , Newark , 0 , \ 'Die half has not been told ui to tlalrcurallvv iiow tt . U. A , WJI.I.UMB , Pruvldencv. Tliey cure In ctcry cusu. If. W. UUUCHWAY , U. I ) . , Tranklln , N , II , My friend * Know huw 1 milTcred from Halt llhcuro until cured by Iliviu. MKK. A. R. Iliiowx. Maldun. Cured mo of Hcrofuloiu llinniir ol thirteen ) oar durntlon. J.i : . ItluiAltbtox , u. II. , New OrlfaiiK. Scratched the Blood. I certify that I only' uneil them about six 'i'tk untlll wasentlrt-Iy well , but before I poinmcncwl tit Ing Ihoui , my fuw , lma t und liack weroamo > .t u solid Kcab , uml I oftvii wrati'hed tne blood from my body , I aniniiw LiiMiilywi'll , and think your Cut ! cum ilnuudl' ) aru the bvntfnr nklu dliuAHca that our brougfit beloju tlie publlo , f. II. ro.Ca Mo , Indian Tor , by nil UriiKgUw. Price : Uutlcura , 60cU nt , II ; Boapt& cts. PunxnDufu AiuCma Kit Co. , Ilutton Stnic QUAY'S Sl EOII-'IO MAntt TimORMT F o-TRADE MARK tun KIMSDT. An tinWIInft cure for Stmliml Wokk- Mill all . . . . . . . . that follow at it Mqil < lnco of Self' Allll'fl ! Mloisel . ' .YaRETAKIHfl.MKv3t'ud"rainAFTER TAKING , th Pack , Dlmncfs of Vl-lon , I'remtturo Old Age , ' amny other illKaiM thnt lend to Insanity or Con. : tnptlon nnd a Pren'iitiiro Oravo. DKWARK of ndvertluomcnts to refund money , when HrRi ( t from \thom the mcdlcJno Is Itonght ilo not i\ind , liut refer j on to the in mit ctiirtr , and tin equipments are inch thnt they am trUom , ( f etvr. oniplled with , goo their written punn-nte * A trial of ono flnclo ivickdRo of ( IrA ) Kpedfio will convlnot ho nioit skeptical of IU Mai merit * . On arcoiini ot countoxoltcrs , wo hMO adopted thi Wnpiwr ; the only genuine. ilTKxill i < ArtlciiUrs In oirr | * mihlet | , w hleh wo do- ilro to fend frco hy null to every one. t iTTho SpIn clflotMeillclnoissoldby at 41 | < crpnck- URO , or MX pAckixRos lor W , or mil bo wnt Irco liy null on the receipt of the money , liy nddrtwinR TUB OKAY SIK 1 1C1.NUCO. , JutitfAlo. N. Y In Oma M 0 n r lm n. IvlPm.t Patent Dried Fruit Lifter , AS USEFOIi NO DEALER IN A JN GROCERY Groceries STOKE CAN Arroun TO 1111 A - r-Atn op Without H. COUNTER EGAU& H.C.CLARK , SOLE PROPRIETOR , OMAHA , NKII. 1lil fin.T or tor I * nimio i < t for t Iio rim * nf flpr nti or Uu inMiomtl. 1 liort > l no inlntnkii nOoiit thl * Inttitimrnt , tlm ron. lliMlinis Mrcniil of Kl.KO- Til 10 IT Y m-mii-ntlnn llinniitli Hit * mm * mil. , KMl.lB IhiMH t llMlthJ 4illun llu nnt iNinlniim Ilili llh I.Urtll , ! lu-'tl ' .iilvrrtl-i-il In rinv nil llu IjOinlii-niliittiiM ItlKfor > liiUMt : > | Tlno inn-KiiH\ | oitiiutloii.niMivjiRCJlirvfU' * * . , r. , - - . , , DUFRENE & ia-nr.Movr.1) 10 OMAHA NATIONAL BANK IIUILUINU.P ; 3E 2I3I = .J3C I > ar * .3j-"Part8 of the liuman body citlargod , dovclopcil and strengthened , etc. , Is nn Interesting advertisement long run in oin l > apcr. In reply to Inquiries wo will tay that there | > no evidence of humbug about this. On thocontrary , the advcrtlwro are very highly endorsed. Interested persons may got coaled circulars giving allartlc . ' lars by nddrcwln Erlo " - " - - " - . , .0 lluffi ale N Y.-ITolodo Evening Blacl Western Cornice- ' UION AND SLATE HOOFING. C. SPECET , PBOE Omalia , Neb. Galvanized Iron Cornices CVDonnot Windows , Flntals. Tin , Iron mid Slatt Roofing. Bpc.cht's patent Mctalllo Skylight , Patent adjusted Ratchet Bar and Bracket Shelving. I air ho general agent for tha above line of goods. Iron onclng , Urosttngs. lUlustrndeo , Verandas , Iron Bank alitngs , Window Blinds , Collar Guards : nlsu genera ent ( nr PnoraonA Kill > if.mit Inililn nllnd. WITH m m And your work ia done for : ill time to time to como. WE CHALLENGE The to produce a more durable inntoria for Btreet pivomout than the Sioux Falls Qrnuito. AKy AMOUNT OF -OR MACADAM filled proniptly. Samples soul nnil eHtiniiitoH given upon upplicntion. WM.MoBAIN&CO. , . Sioux Falls , Diikotn. liH'ftly llflinril T5 tbottacuffgrluirfrom tb < Nv AR Wu V U U U Auocts of youtliiul vrrofft Wwm FM F W 99 s a < jpal wvakucu. early uu' ctr. lokt manhood , vto. , I will wed you particulars uf i i liurilu and cortMu wiians of wlf euro , { roa of cUtruo Viuil joursdUrt to C. C. liwuu , tuxjuye , COKH , THE NECESSITY FOR THE SPECIALIST , DR , H , WAGNER , ns long boon acknowledged and mor no at this day inn liny other , The vant field of medical science laver vor Inrrciwltifr , and IU mimorouo branches am rfiuslit nearer and nearer to perfection , ana a ona nun can any longer niun them al cnco the necowlty for dividing the Inbor. And U la rue boynnil all ilonbt that ilbeano , nffeetlnK the gen o-iirlii.iry orpins nce < l upcclal study moro than any hln > elNU wo would understand and know howe o l them property. DIU II. WAUNRIl I * fully aware that thnre are iMiy phyMclani , and wmo tctitllilo people , who will niilcinn him fortwklng this class of dlicoecs o epo- ally , Vmtholshsopy to know that with most per * orm of refinement and Intelligent * n , nuiro cnllghtcnM i * , lowliUkcn < .f the subject , and that the physio- MI < AhndoiotcsVilm < iotf to rollovlntf the amictcd and vlnfftlicm fromvoreottmtiilmtli , linnlctsa phi- .nthmpM And benefactor to his race linn the nir ron nr physician who by clo. ' application excels In ny oilier branch of his profowlon. And fortunately or htiniMilty,4ho day liilatrnlngwhen thofnlso phi- nthrophy that condemned the victims of folly of crime , ) lko the lepers tinder the JJewUh lav , to dlo nrArod for hai pawed nv. A Few Reasons iTiy you honld try the celebrated Dr. IT. icibotU of euro : 1. "Dr. II. Wagner Is a natural phjulchn. " O. a. FOWLM , The Greatest I.klnj * Phrenologist. "Kow can excel you as n doctor. " DR. J. BIUMS , Tlio World's Greatest rhj nloRnoinlst . "You are wonderfully proficient In jour know ! djro of illttcoM and medicines. " In.J. MATrnwrH. 4. "Tlio aflllctcd find ready relief In jour proe- nco. " DR. Jf. SINUS. B. "Dr. II. Wagner Is a regular ( trailualo Irom tllevuo IlonpltAl , Now York city ; has had very ox- IIMVO hot-plLM practice , and Is thoroughly posted ou II branches of his bclotctl science , especially on hroidodlscn > cs. " . Dm. DrowxtLL & fcwiso. fl. "Dr. II. Wagner lias Immortalized himself by \\oiiilcitulillsco\cry f specifics remedies for prl nlo will Boxual ilhconos. " VlrRlnla City Chronicle. 7. . "Thou < iuids of Invalids flock to sea him. " San rranclsra Chronlrlix , 8. "Tlvo Doctor's long oxpcrlenco as n BpcoWlst tionld render him my successful. " Uoclty Moun tain Now s. Plain Facts Plainly Spoken. M cnotlmo a ill cus ! on ol thopccrct vlco ma en. rilya\oliliHl by the profcMlon , and mcdlad works o' tit n fo\v } cars ago \ \ ould hanlly mention It. To-day the JiliJ slclan In of a different opinion ; ho la are tliat U U his duty < lKagrcealilo though It lay boto liandlo this matter without globes and peak plainly nhout It : and Intelligent parenta and [ iinrilianslll thank him for doing BO , Thoroimlls attending this ilcstmctho > lcc were for merly not undcretood , or not properly estimated ; and 10 Importance liclngattached toamibject which by U nature docs not ImlU ) closu lincstlgatloultwaa llllngly Ignored. Ilia habit Is generally contracted by the younp wlilla attcnillng nchool ; older companions througii heir example , may bi rci < i > on llila ( or It , or It may bo cimlr < xl through accident , The excitement once ex- crlcncod , the prartlco will bo repeated agala and gain , until at last the habit becomes firm and com- lutoly eiiBlavcs the \lctlm. Mental and nervous at Ictlons are usually the primary rceulU of ( clt-abuso. Kmong the Injurious effects may bo mentioned lasal- tide , dejection or Irrasclblllty of temper and genera ] oblllty , The boy socks seclusion , and rarely jolna i the eports of his companions. If ho bo a young uui ho 111 Ixi llttla found In company with the other ox. and Is troubled with exceeding and annoying ' lauifulnras In their presence. Lascivious dreams , missions and eruptions ou the face , etc. , are alio iromliient symptoms. If the practice is vloIcnUy persisted In , moro lerloua lltturbancos take place. Great , palpitation of the icart , or cpllcptlo convulsions , are experienced , and ho sufferer may tall Into a complete state of Idiocy bo- ore , Iln.illy , death relieves him. To all tliono engaged In this dangerous , practice , I would ray , first of all , stop It at once ; make every lostlblo effort to do no ; but if you fall , If your norous system Is already too much shattered , and consequently quently , your will-power broken , take some ncrvo onto to old you In your effort. Having freed yourself roni the habit , I would further counsel you to go through n regular courno of treatment , for It IB a great nlatako to suptioso that any ono may , for eomo time , bo t ot cry so little , glvo himself up to this fascinating jut dangerous oxcltenicnt without suffering from its ovll consequences at sonio future time. The nuuiDor of young men who are Incapadutcd to fill tlio duties enjoined by w cdlock Is alarmingly largo , and In most ) ul such cases this unfortunate condition of things can be traced to the practice of Belt-abuse , which luu been abandoned years ago. Indeed , a tow months' practlcn of this liabft Is sufficient to Induce spermatorrhoea , 3 later yoara.and I have many of such coeoi under treat , mrnt At the present daf.VM Young Met Who may bo suffering from the effects of youthful follies or Indiscretions nil ] do well to avail ' theiiuclroa of thlfl , the greatest boon over laid at the altar of suf [ orlnit humanity. Diu WAONKU will guarantee to for feit $600 for eory coso of Bomlnal weakness or prlvato dlncixflo of any kind and character .which he under- Ukus to and fails to euro. Middle Aged Men. There ore many at the age of 30 to 00 who are troubled with too frequent evacuations of the blad der , often ocixrupanlod by a slight smarting or burn ing BOnimtlon , and a weakening of the sjstem In n manner tlio patient cannot uccouut for. On examin ing thu urinary deposits a ropy sediment will often bo found , and imiuctlnics uiiall particles of albumen will appear , or the color will bo of thin mllklsh hue , again changing to a dark and torpid appearance. There are many meny men who die of this dlillculty , Ignorant ol the came , w hlch Is thu second stage oi Bcuimal-wcak- IIOHS. Dr.V. . will guarantee a perfect euro In all casoa and a healthy mtoratioil of the goulto-urinary or gans. Consultation free. Thorough examination and ad- tleo , fJ. All communications should bo addressed , Ir. Henry lU-nry Wagner , P. 0. 2380. Demi r , Colorado. The Young Man's Pocket Companion , by Dr. II i Wagner , Is worth Iti weight In gold to young men ] $15. Heut by mall to any addrcss. | Let Your Light Shine. Dr. Wnnier. ho celebrated epcclallst. of Denver Colo. , illli lordlier street , believes In letting the world know what ho can do , and In doing for thousands of his fcllowmcn. Ills treatment for lout manhood la u ro tn w In him n naino that posterity will bless. Tori hoiif-md tcitimonlals from all over fm ! United Stated r ni tho.u. ho lus cured , Is yroof poxltlvo that ho does uio the worst coses uf theuo dlecoHes. The atlllctcd roiri rhronla and uoxual dlboascs of every Kind will lid him their bout friend. Head his odrcrtlecmcntln all on ; city pojicrs , and call on him for advice , as wo know you will corroborate us In Aaylng ho U the But uirer'u true friend.- Rocky Vounralu Now s. ; ' Relief to the Afflicted. In irnidlcinrs , ui In science , the imclaUsU are the ones whualuuytconieatotlia front and accomnllsh greet re ult4. 'Jlili remark U ojpccially applicable tote to Dr. II , Wagner , of this city , Ho stands at the top of hlsprofwudoii , and the cures ho performs ( or tha unfortunate would DOUII wonderful If not properly Uoiiedln the light of sdentlilo ocmilroments. Ho to onil rhcil by the moat eminent of the medical faculty. Ills otllco at 813 Laraudr street , where ho will upoedl. lly effect a euro for the miflcrliiu' of either sex , no mat ter how complicated their complaint. I'omuoy.e ' Democrat. Chronic Complaints Require Time for a Cure. . .fl . Persons at a distance who wish lobe treated by Dr. Wagner need not feel backward because of Inability to visit him. II they will w to the doctor lie will tend a list of questions w nables him to tend medicines , counsel and to thousands he hoa never keen. He has n In every dty , town and tatlou In Colorado well as all over the United Statae. Bee bis ad ibis tulvertleeiacut. Dee * vcr Tribune. Shall Wo Reform ? Specific remedies for all diseases Is the theory practice at present of educated and pxiwrlenca physicians , and In all large communities they hava their specialties , to excel ( n which they direct tbeU studies and practice. Dr. Wagner is a successful il lustration ol tlds modern school ol specialties , uidhlj unprecedented success lit the treatment of private diseases I * 09 wonderful as It U Haltering. Prof , J. fllmms. Thote persons who need medical relief ( or the moet delicate ol diseases willtlnd on accomplished 004 sue cessful physlclau In the person of Dr. Wagner , No , SIS Larimer street , who Is highly recommended by the medical profestlon at home and aboard. Poineroy't Democrat. Bigotry Mid Ignorance must ghe way to wisdom , and thu wlto pi ) > iilclan lelloi t In letting hid light shine lor ( be glory of Ids fellow meu. 1'iUiUr' * Ink | the torch be can best use lo guide the weary tud slcX. One to the foun tain of health If ihla article * Ihould be Uistnimental as a "TOUC1IUOI1T" set up. ou a hill to guide sudcrlug humanity toSI3 Lorlmef street , Dempr , Colorado.It ' wlli answer ' " tha purpose or.wblchKwMwritten. Addrew ' Tj DR. BBNKY WAQNER , > ' P , O , tq $180 , oc call t BJ3 Larimer ptioet. , ' Doiivtr , Ujla. iVIl dtbeoolama | ; btadod "Tho Kix bdty tb