Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 20, 1883, Page 8, Image 8

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Thursday Morning , Dee , 20i
Upeelnl Meet Injr of the StntoAlllnnci
A special mooting of thoFnrmers'SUt
Alliance will bo hold at Kearney , Neb ,
on Wednesday and Thursday , Jan. 1
nnd 17 , 1881. All alliances which liav
nt ixny time boon organized in this slat
arc earnestly requested to send .delegate
to this mooting , nnd nil anti-monopolist
of the sUto nro cordially invited to nt
tend. No pains will bo sparad to inaki
the mooting entertaining nnd instructive
A programme of proceedings will soon bi
Bent to all alliances , giving names o
spt..ikors , subjects and nil particulars
All ollicora of alliances nro requested t <
see that meetings are called and nrrango
mcnts mndo to solid delegate ; .
State papers , please copy.
P. H. llr.YNoi.ns ,
Pioa't State Alliance.
J. Btmiiows , Soc. ad interim.
Tlio "Weather.
For the upur | Mississippi and Mis
souri valleys : Warmer , nnd partly cloud ;
woithor , light local snows , southerly
winds and fnllintr b.iroinotcr.
Htmobaugli & Tnylor , Oirmhn , neil Hatful
U. S. Standard scale. Wrlto for prices , t
A Chriitma.1 Muilcalo will l > o Rivon n
: ilnnvncll Ilnll Ihli ovonliiR. A vcr
fine programnn of eleven numbers has bcci
IircpnrcJ foi the nccnulon.
The district court room \vn ? crowded yc
torclny aftcrn-nn , with n Inrju nuiuborof spec
tutors , to Htton to the nrgnincnt oftioncr.i
Cowin , } n the ciwo of 1'ollock \ , D.xvln.
Thcro was a Inrjo cniwil present nt th
BknUng rink on Capitol a > onuo Tuesday ti
witness the oxhlbitloii of rolling skating b ;
Prof. Will UnnlolR , and everyone , who wa
jirokont WO8 fully ropald for attending.
The 1'tmoralda nocialc'.tib ga\flavor ;
ploaiant' party TucndivY at Masonic hall
Tlioio were about forty1 couples proso-.l nni
u programmo of twenty duncoa was danced
Irvine's oreliestrn furnlshod the music.
In the U. S. court yesterday the jurj
went out lit the CMOS of Underwood , ot al. , vi
lidthwlclc. During the afternoon the cnio ol
Clinton vs. the Minioiiri 1'acific ralltvay , wai
being heard on a motion to dismiss appeal ,
-Tho ladles of the Christian church gav (
their Bocond annual dinner and nuppor nt the
1'axton ycstonlny noon nnd ovoninir. The
occasions were socially and financially micco8H <
ftilaiilouiant time being had and a handsome
sum realized.
The Denver train from the west yctitcrdaj
morning waa covered with snow nnd Ice nnd
looked ui if It had boon caught beneath an
nvalancho. Tim conductor Htatod that whor
ho loft North I'lutto the HIIOW waa three
inches dcoj ) and n heavy Rnow-gtorm wax rag1
ing. Wo will probably get It huio , Jual
think of It , boya aud glrlx , Blcighlng for Christ
mas. Yum ! Yum !
The following weather report waoiocolvei
at the U. V. hoadijtmrtora yontorday : Nortl
IMattc , cloudy and south wind , II dogroca
Sidney , cloudy and calm , 13 ! degrees ; Choy
anne , PIUIIO ; Knwlins , four inches of snow 01
Tuesday night , 20 degrocw ; Green lllvor
cloudy and west wind , ? -t degrees ; JCvnuaton
cntm and clnudy , H2 dogroea ; Ogdon. calm ant
cloudy , -14 degrees.
In the police court yesterday that Kami
old tramp , who has appeared eo many tlmoi
boforemarchcd , In and took bin place In the pri
onor'e dock. The vermin were crawling ovoi
him in droves , an d the odor from Ids porsor
would drlvo a polo cat out of night. Tin
judge sentenced him to sixty duyH lu the
county jail on broad and water , Tlilrtj
day under the Ice with a box of miap would
have been more appropriate.
. V -Mr. W. H. Stlllwoll , train dispatcher foi
the C. , St. P. , M. & O. railway , of St. James
Minn. , was manled at 3 o'clock yesterday
nftornoon to Miss Linda Molroy , at the rod
donee of the briilo'u parents in thin city. Mr ,
.Stlllwoll was formerly train dispatcher for tlu
St. Paul rood in Omaha. The vcddliif ? wet
attended by only n few friends and relatives ,
The nowly.married couple loft last night foi
St. James , Minn , , their future home.
Fred Mfi tfuimohl , representing the
'Cliurlos A. Vo/oUir Co. , of Baltimore , Mil. ,
is in the city diatrlLmttnr 8t Jacob's Chriiit'
mas gift t.i every homo In this city. It U the
"Second Annual St. Jacob's Oil Family C.d.
oiular and Boole of Health and Humor for the
Million. " It contains contributions from It ,
J. Buidotto , of the Burlington Hawkeye
-iiwoct aud Knox , of Tot : Siftliifn ; It. 1C ,
Muukittrlck , Josh Blllingu , Bill Nye and
otbcre. The little book also contains the con.
trllmtlinj of the eucccssfnl compolltora for the
c ; h prir.OH named In their public offer ol
April 21 , 1883 , "To Humorotw Writers.1' Hi
matter nnd rrmko-up it Is mora than , equal tc
it predecessor , nnd vastly Huporlor to ovary-
ithing of ( his character ! wiJ froui otlici
fioufcos in the past or present. If boasts o !
the beat special effort ) of America's great
funny men nnd delineators of coiqjo qrt , It
contents are pure In word nnd suggestion
Special additions are also In proa * for foi'shji
lauds , where , In 'twenty-Bit different conn
tries , St. Jacob's Oil has triumphantly goni
to the front as the conqueror of pain , as It ha
done in the United States.
Plant fine hardy roses ii
oliming and atundnrd. These hard ;
nursory-grown rosoa planted in bed
bloom the entire Summer. For Spriiij
planting address :
Omaha , Nob.
Captain John O. Fnray Hurt.
Captain John U Fumy had the inisfor
tune to moot with a severe acsidont yea
torday afternoon. Ho wan liolping i
build his now barn , and vrna carrying
heavy piece of timber , when ho elippo
and fell. Ho jumped about 18 footdovr ;
a atocp bank , carrying the timber wit !
him. It fell upon him , and ho waa sc
vorely bruised about tlio breast and on
of lib feet was somowliat injuro'd. II
also received a severe cut in the hand
Mr. Furay immediately wont down town
not to learn the extent of lib injuries
but on butiness , When tlio roportersav
him bo said ho could not toll just ho
badly ho was hurt , but bo was fooling toi
ribly htno and floro. It is to bo hopoi
that Air. Furny'a injuries will not ruaul
Wax Caudles and Candle Holders
and retail , ut Hex Jleyor '
From Montana Attcmpls to Ferfora' '
Jack Nnncnt ,
A Dist'lmi'JiccI Griiucry Clerk Wort
Ing tlic "Clian c Hnokcl" on
lilt I'ornicr Kmployt'i-s
One of these dnring nnd lawless dovili
such as wo read of in thoao yollo' '
covered books , entitled , "Ton Bucket
of Blood"or "Tho Homo of the Squaw , ]
arrived in Omaha Tuesday nnd proceed
cd to nmuBo hiinaolf in the true wester
Later in the evening ho "rounded in
, o the theatre Comiquo , on Twelft
street , and for two hours or more cor
ducted himself in n very objcctiotmtl
nnnncr. About half past one , nftc
Tnck Nugent thought ho had endure
enough of the fellow's impudence , h
ircd him bodily into the street , at tli
Limo giving liim n lap under the oar t
remind him the people in this vicinit ;
were still nlivo.
The follow had no more than roachci
the sidewalk before ho wont into hi
clothes nnd vrhinncd out n Colt's ' navy
44-cnlibro. nnd blazed away nt Ntigon
through the window. The bullet band' '
missed Jack's head , the mark for whicl
it rns intended.
Thoru were BIX persons in the snlooi
nt the time of the shooting , one police
man being among the t.umber , nnd tin
way they got through the back door wni
n caution to the eldest inhabitants , ovi1
dontly none of them having n desire tliiy
xny one should " aoothat thotr grave ii
kept green. "
Ullicor Armour , who was not on dutj
it the time , secured the follow nnd tool
liisgun from him , nfter which he turnei
liiia over to Olliccrs Douglas anc
Uinchoy , whn lodged him in jail.
After ho had boon placed behind tin
[ jars Nugent visited him nnd asked hin
[ f ho had intended to kill him. The fol
low replied that ho did and that ho wai
d d sorry that ho did not accomplish hii
A C'llOOKEK ( lllOCKKV ( JLllltK.
About two wcokt ago J. Ii. Spotmnn
n grocorynian on 'Ihirtoonth street , dis
charged ono of his < lorks , Martin Fran
zen by name.
Since that time Fran zen has been go
ng around amotif Mr. Spotman's cus
omors nnd obtaining small sums ol
nonoy , claiming that ho wanted it tc
make chnngo with other customers , nut
representing that ho was still in the employ <
ploy of Mr. Spotmnn.
Yesterday Mr. Spotman swore oul
a complaint against him for obtaining
money under false proton.scs , nnd ns soon
us arrested ho will have ajhoaring.
The prisoner , who gives bis name HE
Ibsoph Moran , was examined in palicc
court yesterday nftornoon , on n charge oi
hooting with intent to kill , lie was
n the sum of $500 to appear nt the Fob-
nary term of district court to answer ,
bailing to give ball lie wns committed ,
during the examination Nugent became
txcitcdnnd struck the prisoner. For this
ho court fined Nugent § 25.
Can any ono bring us n case of Kldnoy o ;
jlvcr Complaint Unit JClcctrio Bittern will no
euro ? Wo say thuy cannot , rat thousands o
canon already iiormuntly cured nnd who an
dixlly rccnmomllnt ; Kloctrto bittern , will prove
Brlght's DlHoaso , Dlabotis , Wonk Back , tirnii ;
iriimry complaint quickly cured. Kyory hot
, lo frunraiUced ,
For ale lit 50c. a bottle liy C. F. Coodtnai
Mr. J. S. Oamoron , who for no many year
represented the American Sowing Machlni
company in this city , was found by a Bui
nan yesterday , all smile * and feeling iinusu
ally hilarious over the success of his now on
.crprlso. IFo hits rocantly Rlvon up the lucra
ivo buhlnoss OH general Rtato agent , for tin
nanagoinont of Ho.spo'd music uUuo , willed
nulcr hln personal miporyliiion , has been thor
oughly renovated nnd repeatedly replenished
fo reports the "first hont" In U0S. ; Undo
hin now plan competitors in his line wit
'bracoiti''or ' | got distanced in the rnco fo
I. ovi Jenkins , onaof the prondnont fnitnen
f Madison county , In In the city.
Mrs. ] ; . Hnnoy and son Imvo gone to S.inti
Anne , Gal. , to spend the winter with .lmlc | <
nd MM. 1'ortcr.
Chns. Phillips , Inspector for the Coloradi
iool , h In the city.
1) . 11. QuinUml , traveling nqoiit of the
rnlon I'acilic , with liouiliimrtorH | lu Chicago
n In the city. Ho brought with him partj
if forty-five Seventh Day AdvontUtu , fron
iattlo Creole , Mich. , who are cu route to Sat
' 'rancltco , ,
Ncbrivskiuls In the city registered nt tin
'a\tim hotel ; 1) . 0. Howard , Kearney ; F
[ arrlsou nnd wifu , Blair ; Ii. Spelts , ln\h
Dityj A. 1' , Hawos nnd wife , Blairs T. Mars
and , Lincoln ; II. 11. Dorsoy , Wuhoo ; 0. K
3umnor , Hchuylor.
Ncbrasknm lu the city registered at tb
Mlllard hotoli T. K. Culvert , Lincoln ; K. M
' , Loilnny and wlfo , Dnwson county ; /
riiornmn , Ogulalln ; 0. J. l'holw | , Schuyloi
T. M. Juckniau , I.onUvllla ; J. F. Burns
Ahum oi th } V. W. Wolclwr , West I'olnt ,
Tims. Wolfe , an old Omaha printer um
ournalibt , and now a bunker at Duvld City
1 1n town ,
Gee , ] : , Brook * , of Bazilo Mills , U at th
J. hi , Boardnloy and wife , K. L , Iteod am
wife , U , W. ( ilbbon ud wlfo , of Woepln ,
Water , were at the Mlllard last ovonlng ,
L. W , llrnnor nnd wlfo , of lloomlnjtoiinr )
at the Mlllard.
John M. DI1U , of Scrlbuor , IK nt the l'a\
Oeo. M. Shipley and wlfo , of Wakoli lil
iiro ut the I'uitou.
W. G , Council , city attorney , lot t yoatordu
afternoon for n visit to Now York , Ko\ \
llatnpiiWro nnd Ycrinont. Ho will rotur
after tlia holidayH.
Wax Candles and Candla ffoldore
wholesale and retail , at Max Meyer t' '
Co. 'a ,
A IJniHBy iliuiil.
A fovv days since an oxcuraiou part
were going over the Oregon Short Lin
road in u special train , Laving with thei
a braM band to diaporeo iwoot muslo an
enliven the occasion , Just as the trui
WAS leaving American Forks , a party c
four cowboys rode up and drawing the :
revolvers , two of them covered the 0113
nccr and fireman , and mndo them hoi
the train , while the other two marchc
the band boys out upon the platform (
the depot nnd forced them to piny for
half hour , when they allowed them t
attain board the train nnd proceed upo
their journey.
Whether the cowboys wcro stuck o
the bi.iss band munic or whether the fort
going wns in punishment of the would-1
musicians is not definitely known , but i
has been said "that music has charms t
sooth the savauo breast , " nnd it is
moral certainly ( hnt the nvcrngo brai
band can sooth forever the breast of nn
human being ,
Wo will guarantee that that brass ban
will never again drive the citizens c
American Forks to suicide with what the
call music.
A Iitiwycr'n Opinion ol'Intcrcsl to All
.T. H. Tawnoy , Ksq , n lending attorney
Wlnona , Minn. , writes : "After using It la
inoro than tlirco yoarc , I take great ploasur
In stating that I regard Dr. King' * Now DIi
covcry for Consumption , M tlio best remedy I
tlio world for G'ourflu nnd Cold' , ft has novc
failed to euro tlio most novoro colds I li.iv
had , and invariably relieves the pain In th
Trial llotllos for thin sure euro for nllThron
anil l.ung Dlsoanos may bo had I'reo at 0. I' '
( toodinan'n Drug .Store. Largo tlzo , 91.00 ,
Two DurKlnrlcn In it NlRlil Ooodi
nnd Money Taken.
.Some time yesterday morning Mr
Fruohnuf's MOWS stand and store
at 1015 Fnrnnm street , wns entered bi
burglars nnd goods to the amount of § 20 (
tnkou. The robbery vrns not discovoroc
until nftor 7 o'clock in the morning
when the store wns opened. The goodi
remaining had boon scattered promis
ctiously over the store. It was fount
-hat entrance had been affected by break
ng the glass of a window in the rear o :
, ho building.
Mr. Goo. 1'arision occupies the oppositi
side of the store with Mr. Fruohauf. Hi
coops a stock of smoker's articles anc
jewelry. It is upon him that the grcatoi
mrt of the loss fnll . Ho lost nn ns
lortmont of gold pens , opera glasses
meerschaum pipes , cigar-holders nnd
Mrs. Richards , living next door , was
iwnkoncd about 1 o'clock by the loud
jirking of dogs. She got up , looked out ,
> jt saw no ono. It is supposed that the
robbery occurred at that time. The
matter wns reported to the police , but
ip to last evening no trnco had boon
'ound , either of the thieves , or of the
The other case of robbery occurred at n
lotel. A stranger from Kansas put up
it the Oormanin house , near the Union
'acific depot , Tuesday night. When he
awoke in the morning , ho found nil hie
uoney , § 70 , gone. Ilia room had boon
entered during the night. No clue has
rot been obtained as to who committed
.ho . burglary.
There can bo no doubt that there is an
jrganixed gang of thiovca in the city ,
several robberies have occurred within
the past week , nnd the thieves have
nado n successful eacapo. , It is to be
loped that some of the ofi'ondora will be
caught before there nro mnny more rope ,
.itions of the crime.
Wnx Candies and Candle Holders
wholesale and retail , at Max Meyer iS
The finest shrubs cultivated are visible
viz. : rhododondrums , hardy-hydrangea
calycanthus , variegated wcgoliaand althaa
spirea and dutzia cranatia shrubs. Thosi
fine goods nro all delivered at bloominj
ago , nnd come from the Bloornjngtoi
[ Phonix ) nursery , which contain six hundred
drod acres and fifteen green houses. Ii
purchasing for Spring planting address
E. H. EI.UOTT , Agent ,
Omaha , Nob.
A. Four-Story Structure Just Bcgui
Hoard ol Trade UOOMIH.
Dcapito the close of the season and tin
ipproach of winter , Omaha business moi
liavo the pluck to continue to inaki
building improvements. A few days agi
Messrs. Holhnan & Ilartman began ox
cnvating upon a lot on the west side o
Fourteenth street , between Douglas 'am
Dodgo. It is tlio intention of these gaii
.lemon to erect upon this lot a bricl
juililiug IxGO foot and four stories high
I'lio work will bo pushed ahead 13 fast ai
lossible , and if the weather permits tin
juililiug will bo completed nt the end o
sixty days.
The lirst lloor is to bo used by tin
jourd of trade. That is , the arrange
nonta have not yet boon completed , bu
, hp owners of the building have oilbrci
; his portion of it to the board , and tin
mutter is now awaiting the action of tin
) xccutivo committee. The rooms are tie <
io supplied with desks , telegraph instru
nents and nil necessary accommodations
The occupying of those rooms will bo tin
Initial step towards establishing a chain
! > or of commerce.
The other portions of the building an
wanted by jobbing houses. The uppo :
stories will be for oilicos.
It is certainly a great piece of enterprise
priso to begin BO Inrgo a building thin lati
tu the season , but tnoro is no doubt tlia
the gentlemen who have the matter ii
hand will carry it successfully through
Buoklou'd Arnica Salvo.
The groatoat meillciU wonclor of the woml
Warranted to spoodlly euro llurui , CuU , Ul
con ) . Halt Itlioum , Fever Bores. Cancora. 1'lloa
Chilblains , Corns , Totter , Chapped hands
uud all skin eruptloiu , guarauteou to euro Ii
every ImUnco , or inouoy refunded , 25 cent
a r , box
VoHtollleo OlntnKoa
In Nebraska and Iowa during week end
ing December 15 , 1883 , furnished b ;
Win , Van Vlook , of the poutoluco depart
inent :
Eatiiblished MoadvilloBrowncounty
Morritt I. Moadj postmaster ; Talbott
Knox county , Elizabeth E. Long , post
mistress ,
Discontinued OottagoGrovo , Richard
son county.
Postmasters Appointed At Cornell
Hitchcock county , lunao Underbill ; Sam
toga , Holt county , L. F. Pateo.
Postmasters Appointed Salix , Wood
bury county , P , W. Soutliwo'rth ; Sebaa
tapol , Polk county , G. Yun Ginkol ; Vai
Wort , Decatur county , W. II. Todd.
Discontinued Cunby , Adair county
Felix , Warren county ; Oarlock , Poca
hontiu county.
Tlio Ilonid of Trade Committee Hi
ports-Furl her Time Given.
The board of trade mot last evening I
hear the report of the market committe
and discuss other matters properly con
ing before the organization. Mr. 0. I
Goodman presided.
Mr. Gibson slated the object of tli
mooting to bo the hearing of 'committc
report upon market house , and to coi
sidcr the subject of relocation of boar
rooms , llcgarding the matter of relocr
tion of rooms , Mr. Gibson Bpoko of th
now building just commenced by Hoi !
man it Ilartman. This building was t
bo 41x00 feet , and the board had boo
offered the lower lloor , with room fo
olliccs , desks and other accommodations
The chair thought the relocation o
rooms was a matter that should proporl ,
come before the cxecutivo committee.
The report of the market house com
mittco was called for.
Mr. Falconer , of the committee , mad
the roport. lie said that the committe
liad boon looking around for a suitabl
location , llo read letters from Mr. A
J. Popploton , in which that gontlomai
positively declined to soil his lots at Fifteenth
toonth street and Capitol avenue Suita
bio lots could bo obtained on Davonpor
and Fourteenth , an Twelfth botwoot
Dodge and Capitol avenue , on Dodge bo
Lwocn Eleventh and Twelfth , and 01
L'ourlconth between Capitol avenue am
Davenport. Mr. Falconer thought negotiations
gotiations for lots ought to bo made bj
some ono who was empowered to pur
Mr. Haacall , being called upon , madi
a few remarks favoring the erection of i
market house.
Mr , Nicholas moved that the commit
; co bo given four weeks longer to con
iinuo the work and prepare another re
lort. Adopted.
Mr. Goodrich , being called upon , sait
; hnt ho was not in fnvor of a marko
louse. Ho believed that larger citioi
were abandoning the plan.
_ Mr. Hascall thought that some opposi
ion was necessary in order to keep tin
irojeet booming along.
Mr. Goodrich said ho was not oppoaiiif
ho building of a market house. He bo
iovcd that the people wanted it , ant
hought they ought to have it.
The board adjourned to moot foui
vooka from last evening , to hoar the
committee make another roport.
For fine ornamental trees , such as the
Jampprdowan , Weeping Elm , Cut Leal
iVoeping Birch , Wire's Cut Leaf Maple ,
lorso Chestnut , Mountain Ash , Judi ;
I'roo and many others of fine variety ,
Address , E. U. ELLIOTT , Omaha , Nob.
\gent for the Bloomington and Phoenij
Nursery. m&odlt-2l )
-Decision by the Supreme Court
Omaha National bank vs.Omahn. Ei
ror from Douglas. Allirmod. Opinioi
jy Maxwell , J.
The proper authorities of the city o
Omaha wcro duly authorized to issui
§ 100,000 , duo in 20 years , with intores
at G per cent , payable , annually , tin
Donds to bo sold at not loss than par
They issued bonds conforming in all respects
spocts to the authority except the inter
oat , which was 5 per cent. The bond
were Bold above par. Hold , that tin
rate of interest being within the author !
ty conferred , the bonds are valid.
Consistency a Jowcl.
To the IMIUr of Tlio Ueo.
SAHATOOA , December 19.
The charter members of the Youii |
People's lycetim mot last evening a
Lyceum hall to perfect their organizn
Tito mooting was called to order b ;
the secretary of the society , but on at
tempting to organize woro.prevented b ;
tlio interference of a majority present
who evidently como there for that express
press purpose , and who were uphold ii
their action by the school board , whi
stated that they would not allow the us *
of the hall for but ono literary sociot ;
[ which is contrary to a resolution passet
by the legal votora of the school distric
at an annual mooting , which allowed tin
use of the hall for nil public meetings o
a moral character ) , after which tin
i > oard ordered and enforced the build
ing cleared.
Is the action of the school board con
siatont after allowing the use of the hal
to a minstrel troupe of a low order ?
The society retreated in good order
and after findi..g refuge at the rosidonci
of Mr. llustin , elected the followini
oflicors : J. II. Conrad , president ; W
G. llustin , vico-pr'onident : D. II
Ohristeo , secretary ; Miss Ada Smith
treasurer. J. H. CONUAII , Pros.
Real Estate Transfers.
The following deeds -wore Clod fo
record in the county clerk's office Deccin
bor 10 , reported for THK BEK by Ames
oalostato agency :
Johanna H. Silver and llobort D. Silver
vor , her husband , to Byron Rood am
Low is S. Hood , w d , w " . ' . of lot 2 , blool
147 , Omaha , § 3,200.
John A. McShano and wife to Tliclian
Stobbina , w d , lot D , block 3 , sub-div o
John I. Uediok , 91,300.
Ooorgo II. Bogfis and wife and Lov
W. Hill , unmarried , to George Wilkins
w d , lots 17 and 18 , block 4 , Omalu
View , § 57b.
George II. Bopgs and wife and Lev
W. Hill , unmarried , to Samuel P. Knut
son and wife , w d , lots 1 and 2 , block 3
Arbor Place , 8500.
William F. Hoins and wife to Josonl
Barker , w d , block 7 , West Omaha add
to Omaha , § 1,1)50. )
Samuel K. Itogora to Martha UoRors
w d , lots 315 and 340 , block 22 , in Credit
it Forcior'a add. to Omaha , $3,500 ,
George P. Boinis and Julia B. Boinii
to Arthur 0. Wakloy , w d , lota 7 , 8 an <
I ) , block E , ill Low'a 1st add. to Omaha
§ 500.
500.Wtirrou Switzoratid wife toYillian
K , Clarke , w d , lots 23 , 25 and 2U , blool
8 , in llaiiscom place , § 3GOO. ,
Aug Pratt und wife to William E
Olarko , w d , lots 18 and 10 , block 12 , ii
Ilunscom place , § 2,000.
Aug Kountzo to The Public , plat o
block 0 , 10 , 11 and 12 , in Plaiuviow.
A Man Pitwn.
Vojtorday a Mr , Millspaugli
fa'hor of Dean MilUpaugh , nnd a gonth
man whoso hair has turned to silver b
the snow of many winters , was crosain
Douglan street , at the corner of Si.i
tccnth , n young nabob caino driving hi
t topper up Douglas street at a four rnir
tito gait , and drove against Mr. Mills
paiigh , knocking him to the pavemon
and bruUing him considerably. Th
young "Jehu" never slacked up to sc
what damage ho had done , but wont u
Sixteenth street a Ih ing. It is time thi :
SDino measure.1) ) are tttkon to impress upo
the minds of the reckless drivers thn
pedestrians have toino rights which eve
the "sports" nro obliged to respect.
Tlio ChristiiuiH Tide , and I
\vlll Ill-Ill to the Vailnus
ClasscH oi * Humanity.
What a world of joy nnd contentment
pcaco , love and happiness , or of ssrroi
and pain , discontent , misery and woo lie
wrapped up within the next two weeks
and every man , woman and child , in
difference what the ago or position ma ;
bo , looks forward with eager expectancy
and fond hopes. Tlio child of nixor scvoi
winters is the ono , of nil humanity , win
is the most enthusiastic nnd impatient
just now , but wo all were children once
and each ono has still a warm plnco ii
liis heart for the merry Christmas time
and the coming of Santa Clans is of vasl
importance. But each ono must have
Ilia or her individual experience nnd hit
peculiar joy or sorrow.
"Sorrow at Christmas time ? " Yea ; bul
even joy , and always poao , may come
with the sorrow. Into some homos there
will como thoniigel _ of death , and some
on 3 will begin the now j'car where 'tis
always Christmas timo. There will be
much sorrow for the lonely ones loft bo-
liind ; much joy for the ctornnl happi
ness of these gone boforo.
In many homos will bo feasting nnd
revelry , and all the good things thai
wealth and power can procure. Costlj
presents vrill bo given each other by the
Ulloront members of the family , all ol
tins world's goods , that the heart could
wish for will bo there , and many n man
poorer in pocket , will envy his noighbpi
xnd spoil his own happiness lie will
'oryeit that ho has anything to enjoy , by
.viahing . ho had more. But his more con
sented brother makes the most of what
10 has , gathers his wife and children
ibout him , envies no man , laughs nt the
norry prattle of his little ones , until the
louse is full of good cheer , and ho vows
; hat no man over had such a merry Christ
mas , and indeed there is often inoro real
enjoyment in the cottage than in the
> alaco.
There is another class to whom Christ-
nag will como. There is the homo oi
misery nnd woo. The homo where a
drunken father or , worse still , a drunken
mother 1ms no care for the starving chil-
Iron who know not oven the true mean-
ng of the work Christmas. There is the
ionic of struggling poverty. The home
where the heart is so loving and kind
and the hands so ready to'do , but the
strength so weak and the world so cold
and cruel. There are the boys and girls
who have no homo "street Arabs" we
call them. "Wo wonder do any ovei
stop to think these same little ra a-
mullins have hearts. Many ol
them are warm , loving hearts
too , which arn aometimea cruelly hurt bj
the careless jest or angry look. Even
the hardened ones were innocent little
babies once , and who can think of this
without a fooling of pity , if not genuine
interest nnd sympathy. What doe-
Christmas bring to these ? Often , verj
often , only additional curacs and pain
additional suIForing nnd want.
Is it right ? "Whoro there is alreadj
enough and to spare , more ia abundantly
supplied. The poor , needy and sullbriiif
are not once thought of , and Christ
mas time cornea and goes , and
they have seen no Santa Claua ,
Could not each one of us , who are more
favored by the goddess of fortune , con
tribute something to the enjoyment o
our unfortunate follow creature ? am
would wo not at the same time add mucl
to our own present and future happiness
Selfishness is not apt to bring happincs :
to us , and are wo not selfish when vri
have so much inoro than wo need and d <
not help our suffering brothers and ais
tors ? For wo are all members of om
family , all alikn susceptible of BuH'erinf
and happiness.
For trolis , verandas , plant the hardy
mirsory-grown double white , double purple
plo , nnd Mingle clematis. These h.irdj
A incs Htn the longest anil most oxccllon
bloomorn cultivated. For particulars ii
planting line shrubbery of nny class , ii
the spring , address E. H. ELLIOTT ,
Omaha , Neb.
TJtOLKN NKLSON On the Iflth hint , n
the retlclonca of tlio officiating clergyman
Itov. ( J. 1' . Stalling , Air. John K. Tlioloi
and Mian Ainilo 8. Nelson , both of Omaha
BAUTON M'NAMKU-At St. I'hllome
im'M cathedral , December 10 , Jlev. 1'atho ,
O'Connor olfiulntlng. Mr. Onw.ild J. Uartoi
nnd Mltu Snrtih ,1. MoNnmco , lioth of St
I.oulx ,
An elegant dinner wn * served to the guesta
The woddliiK party left for St. LouU lag
nt Banner's Bazaar.
Do not iniss going to A. B. Huber
manii'a jewelry store , where never nny
thing is misrepresented and the lowcs
Absolutely Pure.
ThU powder never rarlei. A marvel at purlt
itr ogh aud vi liuleaomeneu. Mora economical tlu
the odluary kluUn , and cannot bo K > U In coupetlUo
tththe mulUtudo ot low te t , ihort H < > Uht , alum o
iihu < ubato uoA-dcrx. Bold onlylu caul. Ko il llal
ii { I'oviUorOo-.lM ll 8Jr 9t No * York.
for Infants and Children.
nnd overcomes Flatulency , Constipsv-
tiou , Sour Stomach , Dinrrnaxi , nnd
Feveriehness. It insures health nnd
natural sleep , without morphine.
" Cnstorln Ii fo well adnptol to Children tliat
I recommend It ns superior to aiiyprvscriptlon
known lo ino. " II. A , Ancimu , 31.1) , ,
83 Vortlnml Avo. , Urooklyn , N. Y.
What Rlrei our Chllilrcn rosy tini-i.1. ,
What cures tliolr fevers , matcM them sl < > op j ,
'Tin Cantorln. J
b.ililoi fret nnd cry liy turns ,
What euros llielr colic , kills tlielr wormi ,
Hut Cuiliirla.
\Miat qnlcKIr ruroi Constipation ,
SourStonmcli , Colds , Indigestion ,
Hut Cfutnrliv.
Fnrowcll then to Morphlno Syrups ,
Castor Oil and Paregoric , and
CENTAUR LINItVlENT an absolute euro for Bhoumn-
tlsin , Sprains , ISurns , Gulls , &c. The most Powcrftil andPono-
tratlng raiu-rcliovliier n" l Healing llcmcdy IcnoAVii to man.
itively not bo Inserted
unless cald lu advance.
A Iho man to Intrcilucu n new urn
WANTED to ( armors , In Nebraska , Address
Edu&rds Manulictuilng Co. , Sterling , III.
4GU-ltnnd kl > lt
" \\7ANTKD HCH t worn In icstnurant , No. 41S
> > South Tenth street. 40MOI
Twenty ttmiu misons nnd twenty-five
WANTED , U. Mannnell cr , r.lo\cnth strict , ncai
I'ftrnam. 45U-20 *
"V\TANTii : > UoodnctUu woman to wall on tub'c
It and do clnmburH uork , bctivten 11 am
12 o'clock , wngol $1.00 per \vuek. Inunlro nl
012 Douglas .St. IH-tf
AXrANTKl ) A Koo.llrl ( for general hoii'u u < rk
T > Apply ODSnottli 17th St. 458.MII
WANTED A Rood ( 'lrl , llcrmin preferred , Vie
bt. , second liouso north of 1'arnain. 40/-20
\\rANTKD TMOKOOI ! press feeders , at once. In
M inilro at Siinucl Uceso'e , 1 Ith , lietwuen I'ar
iam nnd Douglas. 191-20
" \T7ANTED A steady , reliable ( 'lrl for u'uneri ]
house work , nt 11)11 ) Webster street. (1 oil
"ITfANTED Hey to woik la icstaurnnt , No. 41S
South 10th street. H2-10II
" \ \7ANTED AJtltl to do seiiernl ; house work , COI'
> > nor 20th ami Farnain street' . 4M1-2H *
"I17ANTKD A N > . 1 tabla waiter at Danlnum'i
V > ItustaurnntlUSDodsoSt. 459 tf
\-\7ANTED-A mPdlo ORol Bocht.foi house keeper
> > IiKulro | at Schrotcr und Bocht. 463-20
VAfANTED Immediately at tlio Metropolitan Ho-
IT tcl ono first class dining room ! > lrl , also one
kitchen girl. 4519
K81'uu ; < ! j paid to a capable Kill , miall family HO
chlldrun. Call Immediately utUIWEouth ] 0th St.
< 43-20 !
\\7ANTEO Ohl for housework. Imiulro 1207
l-'anamSt. 443-tf
A glr' for Rcsoral hou cworKSOlfll'nrt
WANTKD 4n-2 >
\\TAXTED-A gooltakjr at Siesjuth liith street.
\ > 423 10J FUED. 1'ETEllSON.
TATANTED A ( rood Uwnan slrl to do general
I ? roosevorK. ImmlroSOU 1'arkavenue.
127-20 SIUS.JNO. T. UBLti.
-\TTANTE1)-A girl for housework , 2115 California
T V btrect , bctnccn 21et and 2-M ttreut.
"VT/AXTEDA Unt-cliis grucory salesman ono \\ttli
a connection on the O. U. V. and part I ) . & M.
K. lloads picferrud , to a thoroughly competent man
of ( food character , n Ilbu al tnlaiy will ho pat' . Ap
) ly l'a\ton anildallsglier , Omnha. 412-20
"ITrANTED A Ili > t-cla63cook , washer and Ironcr ,
IT Inquire froji9to 11 o'clock a. in.
412-22 2315 Wehitur street.
Tl ANTUD A competent co k anditenernl house
Tl servant to | ? oti ) Fort Larmle Wyoming Mil :
sn clllccrs family. Hlyhuit W K > l > > dd. A'ply ; U
108 eouth 25th it. iSitf
\TtTANTED-A few agents Immediately , Omaha
TV Steve IlepalrWorks , 100 S , 14th St. 045-lm5
T ADIE8 OH YOUNC1 MEN In tity or country tc
_ L ; take nice , 1'jrht and pleasant work at their own
homes ; 8 ? to ? j a day easily and quiu ly made ; work
senthy mall ; no ciinasiin ; no stamp for lenly ,
Please address Itcliabte .Man'I'j ; Oo.Vhlla < lclohla 1'a
drawer TT. SIS tu thur-sat 1m
nTANTKD-iTj dyajfcnta to sell thu best * .elliii ! :
t f llnoof Laillo * ' and Chllilren'H itoodj uvcr ottered
Salojmidc maduln eicry house asuBentscai
show the Boixls. AciiU ( are inaKIng tlOO n month
Address , with htainp , "I. . U. M. Co.0 Stuth JIa >
St. , Chicago , III. yiS l
AA/'ANTED-Flrjtclasjdlrilnzriiiiiiiglrli , nt Jlot
> I ropolltan hotel. Apply at onco. 070 tt
\X7ANTED A Kdl hnute work , flll
> > 1'ieicu street. DeclS 6t
"XAfANTEU Twenty ktonemasoiiii and twenty llti
\T tcanij. W. Mannweller , ElcMiith ttrect , neai
b'ainavi. 450-20
WANTED Boy to worl : In restaurant , 413 S
Tenth hk i
. of ability uUhc a position u * house
keeper , or 'iy pi ition of tru-t , In liottl , tuntl
tutlon , or priMtto family. Ii tlicr. uj'lil.oxpurienrt'i \
and competent tu nil any one of tlio position" . Ail-
Ircts.Mra. S. 11. It. , care Dr. .McNnmara , Nebrnskt
City , Neb 403.20I
\\7ANTED-An experiencej book Keopir wanti s
TT let ot hooka tokeep uvcnhiii. Utut city rofcr
encos. Address " 11. 1C.1' IVio office. < 3H9 !
: > Tu loin the aunt of giocn to f.l < )0) oi
to purchase business property ul nllku amount
4ia-il ! N. J. BimmiAM , Attorney.
FOB RENT--BOU808 and Lots.
P Co.Kooni3. 477-20
OIl KENT Mcely turuUhed room , 1719 ( ! as
strert. 4JI-tf
RENT A fnrnUhed room ut 1017 J > odi ,
IrtOR 1 . 470-2. )
11KNT Furnished front room , sontliwoi
Foil IX cnportttndTviclflhbtruet .
I73-2.IJ .
SALE OH ItEHT-A milk and cream dairy
IpOH ' all ncceuurr iippllaiHin ( dolnt ; a uoi >
liuslnesa ) . Ap ] ly ut 2 7 South Fourteenth strftt.
' IlKNT Home of mu rooms. All oon\ciil
IriOl'v 1 . ApflylSW lUclflo itroet. IC.-Soj
IlKNT KurnUiod room and ilty board a
FOR reasonahle rate * M 1814 la\cuporl btrect.
KENT A Krite furnl oe < l mmth room will
FOIl . Addr A or call t Uua Howard bt.
T7 < OK li NF Hmall btlo'c ' homo 4 roomi and Lltch
_ L1 en 131U Oisj St. Inqid o ivt Show Caw Factiry
next door. Only small Uxlly nceil a ) ply. 450-10) )
TIOK Hia T On ( lapltol Hill , cottage vlx room
11ENT Furnished room and board at Ul
FOU wntditnot.
Iir.NT Fnrulshcd room 1910 Farium.
.011 KENT FuinUhud room 1010 Patnain ttuct
Oll nia T r.k-santfuiiiUtodrooni at 2JI.U Uo.1- ,
street. J15-SI'
f7\OU UENT-FurnUheJ room it II. Spieules furnl
1 } I nro ( ) IU Uo.glai bt. , uppaiiio MlllarO
Hotel. 353-10'
HENT To now store * , one a good pUeafoi
FOH grocery or clothing store an j thu other n veri
OcslraUti plM o lor arutturant , a'io roonu to rent
Cunulnuhani'i block 13th and J tl. oii. 3i3-lui
KENT FUe room c-ottn.-o , Ilirney utitet
FOIl 2Ut , 5 . CK. . Si AVNE i CO ,
419 H UU9
FOU HKNT-A nicely limited r. m , MiMi or
without hoanl. ( las , hot and c Id wa'er h th ,
ota Finest location In the city , nonhwcst cirner
18thnnd Farntm strccls. Sll-tf
FOH KIINT 5 room house , hare , fruit , aero
4 room house , 2 acre ! ,
14 room liotiso new. AMES ,
259-tf 1607 Farnani.
"I OIl JliNT-l : > artly f.irnlriicil basement , has 3
f room ) suitable for llht | housekeeping. 1'artlcj
icntln-'eamo cm got 2regular hoarders 1017 Chicago.
; UBtl
FOH EXUIIANUE-City residences , fanes and bus
Iness chalices. J.V. . LOUNSniMY ,
216-lm 1 Sth and Farna'ii.
IlKST Housoso\on rooms.
189-tf J. I'llU'1'3 HOB , 6th and Spruce street ) .
T7WI HUNT Furnished rooma on the northwest
-I ? cor. ISth and Capltolavenuo , formerly Crciirhton
House. I3j-tt
ONI ! furnished room for rent at $10. hrgo enough
for two occupauts , 19U Wohsterstreot. S4S-tf
Iir.NT-noon III Nohrasha Nationa
liulldinu. Host desirable olllcoa lu the city.
Sujiplled with hydraulic elevator and heated by
steam. Apply at Bank. 020-tf
POU LEASE Four cholco lots on 20th St. , long
tlmn.217 N IBthfit. J. T. . Marhle. 025-it
_ _
1 pOIl SAI.K Cholco lots , near Han > rom I'o'k and
Lake's aid. Call and too list at 1'iiul'cn .t Ci . 's
1.109 I'arnam street. teO-20
FOIl SAM : An o'.ij-ant rcadi'iice ; n hlock 154\ [
19/1 , i car St. Mary's auSIO.UOU. . I'aulscii &
I'o. , 15CO Fa'iiani street. 470-10
FOIISALU A lirjjo elegant IIOIKO , inojt hcautl-
fully located , near I'ark ntunuc. $8,5UO.
Paulson it Co. , 150'J ' l-.riiam street. 471-10
IpOllSALK-Coincr lot , 132vl83 , Pierce and 2Cd ,
1 wfi four' ) , 7,000. I'aulscu & Co. ,
1509 1'nrnam street. < 72-20
FOIl SALE Lot fiOxlUO , on JSth , hotuecu Jaelson
and Leuenuorth , with Kood house ami stable
$1,00(1. Paulscn \ Co. , 150'J 1'ariiain street. 473-20
F Oil SALi : Corner lot , 00eOlth j-o < l hou > c , on
13th street , . " ,1,509. Paulseii & Co. , ISin Kar-
nani street. 471-20
FOIl SALE I.iro ( iiumlifr of farms at rauUcn ii
Co. , 150J Fariiam street. 475-2U
FOIl SALU 1'or ttu days onlv. Corner lot en
Sherman avenue , KJJxlSO , with a 14 room house
and large liarn. SO.OOO. Piulscn & Co. , 150D Far-
nam street. 470.20
FOH SALUVo have for sale a (0-acro ( farm , one
mlle from fair grounds , e'-peclallv sulteil for
market ; ; ardeaing.VII1 ( ell all or halt of it at a
har0'aln. If. B IIIEV & CO.
Southwest corner 15th and 1'arcam stK.
T7 11 SALE Jersey cow , fresh In January , at a
Jj harsaln. Call at IRQ ) llowinl-tt. 452-241
Full SALE All Iinpro\od farm , It miles from
Omaha , and four acres In Okahomn Plat , at a
bargain. Inquire at Room 10 , Fieuzer Block.
4 . .OH
_ _ _
OK SALE Only first class hotel In a llxc towu of
? two railroads , Whitney House , Clrlswo'd , Ii.
4 17-1 mot
FOH SALE Thrco lota on Sherman a > cnuo , W.
front , (6\lGi > f.ct , at a bargain.
, - .
OU SALE Fo lota on Idle Wilde. Call and
F tee abstraction of title. John U. Willis' 111 ! . '
Dod' oSt. 403-1 mo . '
. : * iv
SAl.l'-A fresh mllcli ura. Inqulro at iitli l"
FOH Cullloiilia Btrcit. *
414-21 * niKEMAN ft PEN'NV.
SALE A rcitaimnt 20 north 10th St.
SOB-20 *
ell SALE SOUO acres land , Doone County , farms
tut\chaii20f r property.
350 20 Slir.lVEU 4 ISHLF/ ,
OU SALi : Lot ) noith Omaha , & 240on monthly '
| > a > nient < . SIIKIVEH& UhLl.
SV 1' A buslncii nuns rcmdenroS room ; i
blocks north ncttof Post Office , : i2JO.
R.-I\13 > ucallt. 0 hlocks N. W. of 1 > . O 8I.8CO
3J7-K JhC'AGUE , opposite 1' . O.
SALE Three lots in llanecnm v'ace. ' $ 'ii
each , u.ntldj p ' inents. McOAftUi , oppotite
1' . O. * y.O-tf
SALE An I teru t. In a producing Slhcr
J71OH property in ( , ' orado Ohjecc of sale , to
ralie worldn cip.tal for I r or dexofopmtnt , Anj
Inforuutlon or u'j trjct of. tlllu cheerfully sl > un.
Addict "A. H S. " JJIalr Ncli. , bo-c H3. 220 20J
SALE A wholesale no Ion f r podOSm waijoii
IriOIt 1 an.l fancy. C .I.CANAN&OO. 27D-tf
8.V1K liilliaid tali'o , J. il. Brunswick lUlko
FOIl ' . , carom btnnilard tliu , with cnos &o ,
coat $ JM. , will -ell for $100 c.ish or (125 and give
time , tank \ In gocil condition and h soVl for w.uu
nfuso. Itij bnrgaln Address I' . O. box 53 , Falrtlrld
Neh > > ka. USt 19
FOHSLB3Iy two story Iirli-Ic residence , 19th
und St. Mar8n > unue. Lanu bim , out-homo ,
water wor.8 , well arranged. Lot 50x2iK ) . IMeu
$7.000. Deal iartalii ! In Omaha. Call al M. Toft' *
" sopU'i nink. 27-t
' SALU 12 lota , ono block west of Park ave-
F'OH . l.ot COxlM. WIU sell thu whole tract
for 7,100 , If sold before January 1st , 1881 , Heal 01.
tatu owner * bid thU h.irjfaln , it jouiuil at People's
Bwik. i.78-tf
BALE Choice busliifas property , threa lots
FOIl . Saimders and Cliarks Mreit. It will pay \ou
to ejtlxata this oiler , fill at Ieople' llink.
8ALIJ ImprOMxl proiivrty , whluh will pay
IpOH buyer 20 pur cent on Dm Imestment. ItenU
for $1,920 \ > er v ear. All occupied by tlrst clmj tun.
unts. Will fell for jlu.500 , if sold soon. All or one.
half each , bal.mce , ono to Ihe yeara. 'Die aiiote in.
testment U worth tutistl ut'.oii. fall at the reoUu'j
Bank. 2SO tt
_ L T usub'citber ' is taklxi ; orders for spring Ini ,
iwrtatlon of the 1o\e , 1'rlccs inuehbclow ttitrio at
auction slea. Hefcrcnces to these supplied. John
McCulloch , 11L Tr in Und Say. Uiiik , Cniu o.
! ! OJ2lilt
FOIlHAt.i-0KOodttto\C'uomo : furniture and a
laru'o quantity of excellent \ \ lnucry cheap 18Uj
Callfrni Kt. 93Mmo
JIOK SALti A Uret elm eoonu baud top
J Call at 1319 Hartley street. Hit
OIl SALE Two portauio noi.en ) , 10 lone power
App'y at i ) . FITCPATRIC'K ,
218 South 15th Btreet.
SALE Ola nswEtupers in lar e aud [ mill
FOU at tlil offiou. . tf
MASQIIEItADE HALL , S.iHinJay , Jaimarj I Stv ,
1841 , ut I/ , Hirers , ouu and a half Uiilej wo l
of Hiusooui Park. 03-llt
VTOUCK-iUrtlii rnnzciiU noloi'ircr Inicyetn.
i > luaud him in uithorltv to irau ai-t any
eii in my imne. J. II. SPLIMAN . 40S-il {
/ i OOI ) Ublu board at 117 north 14th bctucc.t Can.
VJT ltola > cnuuBiid Dodce(3.75 rur wes .
_ 2IilaJ _
ALIST. S03 TeotL utrctt , bct tea I'araam and Jlir.
o y , will , nl& the aid of tnurdlaa iplrlti , oltiblnz
* oj out agl ae ol tb | mt aud prsieat , xnd tin
corUlu condlUoni In tlio future. Boon and shout
w\\ \ * otr. Perfect eitlilictlou i