t ' * THE DAILV BEE OMAHA , THURSDAY , DECEMBER 20. ' 883. to O > . _ _ o . . . . - Yotm OIIOCEIIS ror. TIIK _ _ MAHA DRY HOP YEAST I J | WARRANTED NEVER TO FAIL. IJ , s = : Manufactured by the Omaha Dry Hop Toast Co 1Is 871S IH'UT STUEBT. OMAHA , NKH * ? tiB3i&BH u ttutjuauia-a isutaa , ' 1& & rf&i XJ fl ti&iSK * kW&i& f AND JOIJBEtlS OF DOMESTIC GIGMSTOBAGOOSHPESt , SMOKERS' ' ARTICLES PROPRIETORS OF THE FOLLOWING CELEBRATED BRANDS : Reina Victorias , Especiales , Roses in 7 Sizes from $6 to $120 per 1000. AND THE FOLLOWING LEADING FIVE CENT CIGARS : Combination , Grapes , Progress , Nebraska , Wyoming and Brigands , WE DUPLICATE EASTERN PRICES SEND FOR PRICE LIST AND SAMPLES. W"MI. SISTTIDIEK JU MANUFACTURER OF OF STKIOTOT FIRST-CLASSES mil AND TWO WHEEL CARTS. 1S1D and 1320 Hnracy Street and 403 S. 13th Street , f\TJT . A TT . A Citftlncne furnished froounon npplicatian v J.TXJXAJ.JXf JOBBER OF EASTER * { PRICED DUPLICATED , 1118 FAIINAM STREET , - OMAHA NEB. vv G. F. GOODMAN , OMAHA. NEBRASKA. J. A. WAKEFIELD , WHOLESALE AKD HCT/-TL 'DEALER ' IN l i SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOULDINGS , LIME , CEMENT , PLASTER , &G- STATE AGENT FOR MILWAUKEE 'CEMENT ' COMPANY. Union Pacific 'Depot , - Double and Single Acting Power and Hand m H j Enuino Trimmuajja , Killing Mnoianory , ? TJeltini , ' , Hoau , Bmss nnd Iron Filtinga * Stcain Packing nt wholoxale and re.ail. HALLADA'Y VIND-MILLS , CIIUIWJE .AND SCHOOL BELLS. Comer 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb. 110 ! ) and 1111 Dodge Street , OMAHA , NEB 0. M , LBIGHTON. U. f. CLARKE. LSIGHTON & CLARKE , . ( SUCCESSORS TO KE.NNARIJ BIIOS. & CO. ) Wholesale Druggists ! DEALERS IN Paints , Oils , Brushes , Class. OMAHA - - NEBRASKA. v OKAY'S SPKCIl'ir M TRADE MAniC TimORint KNo-ynADE MARK iKiillKMrnr An nnfilltiigmrofnf Suninal Weak- hito , Impotcncy , and all Il ca c8 that follow n a pcipicnco of Self- Al ufi ! a i TAKIfiO. 11 Buck , IlltniifM of Vhlnn , I'rcmnliiro Olil AKO , . tniu othrrillsiov.i'Stlntlonil to IliUlilt ) or Con : mptlni ! and A Prcnmtiitc ( lrftu\ UrvmiKofiUerM < omt'Hti ID rctmul mono ) , when JniirrfKH from whom tlio nioillotni'J' l 'tulit do not 'filmut / \ ufor > ou to the imiiuf&rturcM , nnil the roiuilritnciitaau' siirh tint the } niosfWoiin/ . eowpllwl with , toi thrlmrlltoiifiiiixrfXHtio A ttlal ol ono silicic packnco of OiAjV Specific will eoii\llico the i o t KUcptlcnl of it < t rcil i irrlt . On Account of count'eltcn , o li.vo do ] lol the Wrapper ; tlio only irohulnc1. tiTFull inrtl. Ur In OUT paniiiliict , nhlch we ilo Hire tn iimirr liv mill locicr ) clip. it < rriiflS | > o- clflcIMcilteinii n BOM bj nil ilmwHt i t { I per | ick- KC , "rfK pnckftji' for fXor ill bo Kent ( leo l > ) null on the ncclpt of the inoncj , by niMn-'Siin ; THU oiiAVMr.Diuixnuo. . imtr i < > . x. v III linmlin bv ( ' n r.lmin. ( tv mint Still A C'otiuiiutulcf. ST. l.oris Hccoiubur I'.l. A now post of the ( i. A , It. , to bo kiimm us Hansom post , No. 1Uv.is ! oruanij'.oil hero to night , aiul ( tonoralV. . 'I' . Sliprmnii wa oloctcil its conunaudiT. ( ionprnl William NVnvnor , \ ice uotiiiuauilor-in-cliiuf iiiul coiiiinandor of thin dop.irtniout , prcaidud , and was twisted by a number of promi nent ofliiora from ditloront , parts of the stnto. U VUUO.VI > XOl'KS. Tlio liters of tlio St. 1'niil and Northern 1'a- citubnili'O nl Mitineapolimuu coniiletctl | , anil thiMioii siiiieistriicturolllRimu lioilolhciod on tlio itriHinil. It ii tin ) intention to tinUli tlio btnicluro lij I'l-briiarj J. The Jlilwaukeo , ] .ako Slmro k Westcm rall * iy cainiiipi f"r Xovetnln'r ninonntcil to ' 'is 7'11 , against .v-7.s-"il8 fur tlio aoiio ioiulitijj jiuuitli in Ih.SL' , nn imieav ) of SA1,2"L' , or i-'ti jicr cant. Tlioro.ul ncartiliii ; for tliti Lxstvoclc in the inontli were S.tO.fMO , nijainst SL'.SiS for tlwtvc < . ' 'c ' In lb. > . ' . or an increase of .fTJJL' . The Indianapolis anil St. T.otiU rrtlhoail ciunpitiv nas "pent oxer a million dollars this ) uar in iinproMiic tht'ir line. At tliopro'unt tlmo four no\v Innlgci aio heiiitf linilt hy the ciiuipiiny , ono of which will cost , when com- [ ilutoil , yl"OJO. During tlio fourth week in Xovem'w ' the Northern I'acttii. iailro.nl earned 5lJi ? ! 1,11)0 ) , against Sl.V.I. I'.Kl ' for the eorn' poiuling jn'riod last ycnr.8 Trrtl' U7" f nn.Hvi-a Tlio" now 21-lnmr Hystoni has been mloplt'il by 0110 or two tailronds In tlhio. Tln > contract for building the Utah & North ern branch from its i > re-.ont terminus nt the Montana smelter t' < > the Atucnml.i & St. Law rence mines , has lictm nwanlcd to Cnplicr , McCuno itCo. , who lm\onlno rccei\ed tlio contract for the Stuait branch. After a long continued and ] > orMstont effort tha requisite niimhcr of .sgnntiirO4 ! loiiucsting tlio nibmi sioii to the people nf lnbiiiuo ) | the ] n-opofitiin to giant n 5 per cent tain aid of the Dubniuo | it North\\ostern railw.iy lias been obtained , aiul an election was ordered by tlio township trustoes.to take place Deccm her W. Tlicro is no doubt but that it will bo carried. If Mr. llolman's bill-plodding that rail roads must forfeit their unearned land grunts becomes a law , the Northern Pacific , It is ix = s"ited , will bo deprhod of about 35,005,000 attes , the portion through which no load bad been built prouous to July I , 187 ! ' . The common council of Kansas City , Kiis. , has granted a franchise to the Kaput Traniit cle\atcd railway company to build a road over certain streets of the city to connect with the Union depot. The work on the ICemaha & Salem branch of tlio IS. & M. railroad is completed nnd the hands engaged in track la\ing there , were transferred to Do Witt , wherothoy lay the iron for the road , a branch nf the IS. ft M. railroad. The Utah & Northern surveyors are at work on a line from Camas cicek into tlio National park \ia Henry's lake , aud no ono of the force has been at work in the Onllatin valloy. Teams were sent into the valley for the pur chase of oats and prouoiims , but no work lias been done. At present the engineers are nt work on the Upper Madison. The report that Utah & Northern survey ors were surveying their line through Jo/o ! man , Montana , to loach tlio Ma\oy mine bought by the Union Pacific , nnd that the road would ultimately bo constructed into tlio Miissclsholl country , is denied. Tbo Ma\oy mine w.is bought by Mr. Maxwell , a Pennsyl vania coal miner , ami the Union Pacific com pany is no way , directly or indirectly , con- ncctod with thu sale. On April Ifi , 1881 , tlio Pennsylvania rail- mail will celebrate its neini.centeniii.il uitli a ; > | > rn | > mte oeieninnies , The first train on tin road was run from Philadelphia to Co luinbia April Hi , ] 3J. The Atcluson , Topcka & Santa Vo railroad company bus begun work on its now hotel at ( itiayinns. There are now completed in Kentucky near ly 2,000 miles of railroads. The increase in tlio laht two or tluco years has been o\er fiOC niilrt. . Pajior car wheels are now to bo introduced on freight cars. An order has jnntbcongi\en for the construction of fifteen fruit cars , to bo run by the Atchison , Topeka & Santa Fo road , for California fruit business , that nre to bo supplied with these wheels. Tito movement ngainat Sunday trains is ginwintrAt tlio annual iiieeting'of thu llos ton & 'Maine road u motion was made thnt trainx no longer bo run on .Sunday , and it was referred to tlio directors. That uucb a isntior should be made Indicates a rapid grouthol vouliiiiont on thoNiibjcct. It ix currently reported that the appoint- moat of A. 1 < . Hopkins as receiver of the St .Joe A Western viitually tinows the road int the control of the IS. & Al. eomp.iiiy , and lo HIM near future It will be njicratoil in the im tercitt of tliat company. COIDIJETE TBEATMENT , $ ] . Anliwludobo of Banford's r.aUlcal euro in itantly r Uc\utho iiioktlolenl Hnee/lni ; or Hel iJuiriitlio lici'l as by maw . , siopn uatiry il H fhjm the Nme and Kiev , pro\cnt lilu > i the hc. l. Cures i undtfcieT. In ( l..ronlu Catarrh It ki nasal pi , ji os of foil IIIIUIH , rentorcn IK MiibCii tl mnell , tt tu and hcarJu uhen Ifuilei/ IIMH the Jiouil , throat .and hromhit tult of olfen 4v.e-jiatter , Bweeteii i.inl | iuriflo 'M < i breath , nUii ' mil urrenUifho proifn * , of Catarrh to Out Iwttlo ll.ullcal C.ire , onu bo ; Catarrhal Kul- turt ( Ml Haotord'u In lei r , all In oiu , > a ( kaL'c , of al dn jJirfM f r 41. .Atk HANtoRU'n lUiucAb Cl'UK. I'urifttiJjU'U.AHi Cnru ti , C'o. , Ilottv , * or tfte relief ' Ait a IJLI ut' tiraientlon , COUUAte ue1l'iitrAJT ; { IT ' , , X \ ' UI"iU " tlem , Nua . VOiTcT / ? ( , Hciat. v T I ' rv'Ica.CoJr.he. . C < JJ . w ak Hack , * i * f'Vt4/SK4' Ht ( > 'n-ia ' < anil limf'.j , HhootliiK V * * I'ftlri , Ni'inlineia , U jriorU. Fe- * 7.f- . . > naIoI'aJiiI'alnltotlun , UKpc , , . jVl ; i IJverCoinpltlnt . , . KUfmt . . & V * v r , Mali DK. EMILY PAGELSEN Diseases of [ < ; 1U DODf/K / STUKl'.V , , John D , Peabody , M. D , , PHYSICIAN & OFKICE I100VI3 , 8 ted ft 1W < a'ulu Strut. FROM FOREIGN LANDS. Sarali BcriiWl Objects to Called a "Ste Barmim , " So She Just Wnlks in and Slaps Her Friend's ' Fnco Soundly , - Friouds of the Wonion Ave Not to bo Outdone , and will Fight n Few Duels , Tlio Scandal IVMittscM to IIR , and lVrlm | s Illoml ) . OKMCKATi l-'OUUircx N1JWS. A S VTllIlf VI Ki W. I'AIIIS Docoinbor l ! . "Suah nuin , " u satirical biography of Sarah Hornhartlt by her former frioiul , Marie rolombioro , caused n ilttol botwocn friends of tlio women and n scandalous qunrrcl between the actress and author. Jjarah , incensed by being dojcubod as n "She Itanium , " asked the police to st'i/o the book. The police replied that she must seek redress in a civil tribunal. Saiah with her son proi-oedod Sunday to Colombioro'si evidence and struck her in the face with n riding whip. Colombian ) tied , pursued by S.ivah , who smashed everything in her way. Meanwhile the fiiondsof the two women indulged in a free light in another patt of the house. It is stated the atl'.iir will lead to si num ber of duels. AX KASY virroin. PAULS December J8 Sumo , - newspa pers publish rumors that A'lmiral Cour- bet has occupied Sontny without resist ance , thu Chinese evacuating the place upon the French advance. TIM : iT.UNciiXAUCIIISTS. . The anarchists who advottised a meet ing in front of the bourse have boon committed for trial. The proceedings against the anarchists indicted for mak ing explosives begins Friday. Till : l.ANllLOUII CONSPIP.Al'\ . CORK , December 1 ! ' . At the trial of the seven men charged with conspiracy to murder landlords in County Mayo , a policeman testified to finding rillcs in Old Castlo. County Mcath , marked with the initials of the Irish republican broth erhood ; also to ( hiding infernal inn chines. AN iN.suLTEii i'itr.simxT. : AIIUAM , December 1 ! * . The president of the Croatian diet , while closing the session to-day , was grossly insulted by the minority , suppoitcd by students in the gallery. ( lUAUIUXf ! tll.MISTO.Vi : . LONDON , DucemberlO. Gladstone was attended by a policeman while at prayers to-day m Ilixwarden church. LAND rilt.VTUS. VIENNA , December 10. Frequent skir tnishcs have occurred recently botwcoi Austrian troops and marauding bands. The former suH'ercd serious losses. It is feared ono company of Auslrians were surprised and massacred. THE t'UOW.N PKI.NTE IN HOME. llo.ME , December 10. The crowi prince and King llumbert were presoni at the grand loviow to-day. Twenty thousand men wore in the ranks. The weather was fine and largo crowds muni festcd their enthusiasm. The Capiton Fracassa , n newspaper. , assorts that the Gorman crown 'prince manifested great sympathy with the elevated language of the pope upon the question of religion and mcrality. The prince offered no reply. It is not be lieved negotiations were opened. La Liberia trusts the significance given the visit by Monitctir do Rome ( a organ ) will bo disavowed ii orlin. 11IB I'HOI'HKT MOYIMI. CONSTANTINOPLE , December 19. It is reported that ElMnhdi is moving in a westerly direction from Eloboid. TIIK IIYNAMITEHS. EniNiiuitaii , December 10. At the trial of McDermott and others for com plicity in the dynamite outrages in Glas gow , Dr. Duprc , advisor of the govern ment on chemical subjects , testified that the materials in the IK > X carried by Roasoy , arrcstedat Liverpool , worosimilar to those found in tlio box thnt exploded at the canal bridge over the liassil Park road , Glasgow. A policeman testified to finding in the houses of the prisoners HOV oral newspapers and documents showing sympathy with the hish agitation. Wil liam Larnier , who testified in Dublin against his lirothor-in-law , Poole , executed yesterday , explained the nature of the Fenian oath , and object of the Fo- ninn organization. The case for the prosecution cloned with Lamil's testi mony. The decimations of the prisonerr woio a general denial of the charges. IMimitolm K i , December JO. The farm ers' meeting opened this morning. Dole- KiitcB from all pails of the proving tub- mitted credentials , mid expressed the views of the meetings they represented. A coinmittce was appointed to draft a constitution and resolutions. Seine of the delegates advocate measures ifor the federal government to recognize ) the rights of Munititki , and urging , 'hi the event of the failure of this , a withdrawn ! of the province from the confederation. The introduction of politico into the movement is generally condemned. The fooling of the mooting wan evidently for all legitimate o I Forts to secure the redress of 4novanccs. ; The latter wore freely diacuKHed , and the evil etl'ectii of railway monopolies , duty on agricultural implo auonts , building miiiorial , lieceisary urti clou .of food and olothing , wore uniini inpuolyicondomiied , ( The commit too oul > mittud-i constitutioi : .and robolulioua at the imming session. Their discuuaon ovimnoncod and is itwv going on. The io-.i will continue rte morrow , after the resolution * xn emended will bo adopted. The name of the orguni/atinn is "Tho Manitoba and Northwestern Union. " A , III. , December lit. J tooth , convicted of burglary nt thin form of court , aiul Boutonccd to 0110 yiur in the lonituntury , wsw found dead m ifie coun ty jail at fitorflng. JIo hung himself vith a bed cord. A filil'Joci J'or Hemp. JoLiur , 111. , Da&embor 10. HYocalono , twenty-tlux-o years old , i ie of lu ) boarders of the Auburn house , enter ed the room of the Jjeadcook , Jane I Jay. cock , la * night , bound her head to pro- rent her ( creaming and ( lion outraged lor. When ho started to leave the room ho woman gave the alarm , when Froo- elf/it1 ran bark mid cut her t hi oat with n ki ifo and tied. { Ho was arrccted while liis hands were still covered with the blood of his victim. Ho nftuinnnlcoit fussed the dntd and declared ho wns intoxicated. The woman is uiicnn "luiu and in rxpeclod to die. The- assailant was taken t the jail amidlhrcali of lynching. TUAIH' DKlMlKSStON. STOITIN . TUP. VIII. V1L1S PiTr-'iifnc , Dpci'inbor 10.The West cm Nail association met this nioriuni ; . and after a session lasting till 2 o'clock this afternoon , decided to close down for a poiiod of six waoks , from Decembui VI ) till Fobruaiy ll. Tlio meeting was one of the largest over held , every mill in the west boitijs represented in poraon i by let I rr. The stcippano is for the \ ur pose of restricting production. Trade w.ia reported fair. StoiAa are light and ill nsiorted , The c.itd rate remains un changed. This action will throw out of employ ment several thousand men. The manu facturers hope by this suspension to im IHWO the trade. The employes are very leppondont. having already lost nearly four months this year by similar suspen sions. Th's afternoon ItOOO men of the National Tube woiks , McKeespnrt , were lotitied of a general reduction January irst. If the terms are not accepted thu vorks will close down indefinitely after hat date. The Mnnchcstor and Steel company's furnace suspended operations Saturday thiowing 1100 men out of em- thiynumt. ( i.ilvnni/cra of Oliver > V Ho- .icrt's wiie mill struck to-day , be cause non-union men were taken in ilaco of the strikers , who went out two weeks ago. The novelty iron works , \pollo , PH. , closed down a foilnight since on account of iv strike , resumed .o-day , the men accepting the reduction. I'l.osHD nIIIIT. : ; . Ci.ivp.i.\ND : , Ohio , nccombor 10. The I'hiterpriBo Miu'hino company , of ( Jonova , Dhio , aasignod to-day. Liabilities , 070- , 000 ; assets unatatcd. Soventy-livo men irp thrown out of employment. An etlbrt will be made to continue working the shops. Tr.i.x P. iifxitui.n MP.X ini.i : . MOVNT C'UIMIM. , PH. , December I1. ) . - Several collieries of Northumboiland county have suspended until the llith just. Twelve hundred employes aru now idle. Thiiteen inches of snow fell to day , stopping several collieries and im peding railroad travel. A sTIIIkC. Pn-rsni'iui , December 10. A stiiko will bo inaugurated in the third pool to morrow. About 1,500 men me expected to quit work. Tlu * 1'roiriiH Conn of Inquiry. ThoTrotoiiscourlof inquiry re-assembled to-day. Capt. l'o. ell , actin.i ; chief signal ollicor during the absence of Ila/.on , tes tified Lieut. Caziarie drew up what was known as "supplemental instructions" in cluding ordois for Garlington's conduct in the expedition , which witness thought had boon all settled by the chief signal otlicer. It contained Ca/.iaric's views and was not a compilation of the wishes of Hazon. The question of leaving stores at Littleton Island was not discussed in the presence of the witness. Lieutenant Ca/.aric testified that o copy of the "supplemental instructioim" was given the secretary of the navy and a second copy was prepared for General Hay.en. Witness stated emphatically that the memorandum was among the papers submitted to General Ilazcn for appioval. Adjourned. Tlic Crook Nation. MuHKonr.E , I. T. , December 18. The Creek council at Okmulgeo ordered a recount > count of the votes for principal chief , ant the count elected Spiecho chief by thirty- seven vote ? Ho was duly inaug urated yesterday and look the oath of ollico. The second chic ! who had heretofore refused to take the oath 011 account of a fraudulent count im der which Perryman was ch ( SL > : < was also sworn in. This gives the Crook nation two principal chiefs and adds another difliculty to the situation. A largo ma jority of both houses of the council favor Spicchu. Haltimoro'H Illn/r. HAi/minni : , Docoinbor 10. A fire this morning in the three warehouses of the lialtiinoro Warehouse company , 1'nion dock , brought out the entire lira depart mont. About 2,000 bales wore in the buildings. Shortly attor 11 the lire was got under control. Warehouse No. 1 was completely burned , also the third story of warehouses 2 and It. The south wall and gable of warehouse No. 1 fell , severely - ly injuring two truckmen , Ho Gives It Up. Nuw YOUK , December 10. A young man rushed into the natuiali/'ition bureau to-day , deposited a letter ad dressed to the judges of the com I of common pleas , and then disappeared. The letter , which was signed by .lohn Joseph Hyan , "citixon of thu Irish ic- public , " contained his naturali/.itir n papers , mid stated his wish that his name be erased from the American citi zenship roll , seeing how American citi- XOIIH are strung up unmercifully by Kng- land , while others languish in prisons. A I'ollc-bliinii 11 raced I'p. 1) . 1' Collinx , mciubor nl poliut , Hovcnth \vanl , Jlendlnj ; , I'd , , talks thix w < vy : " .Sulfur- oil Kovcroly frniri iliuiiiiintl.sin ; iKitliliig illilino liny K < ) i"l till I tried TlmtMiif J-rlirlrir Oil. It In a ploatuiru lo reoninnionil It. " HIKHV Hlldo VlutorioiiK. OODKN , ruh , December I'.l. The llorald'fl Paterson ( I'tali ; special says : Two men , Harrington and Itobinson , who loft here Monday on a shooting ox- [ ( edition wpro cauglit in a snow slide and instantly killed. Harrington's body was f HIM ! to-day. TUTTfi PILLS TORPID BOWELS , DISORDERED LIVER , and MALARIA. , , 1 rom those BOIII cos ui IHII tin i o-iourl Im of UiO illuoitscu of thn hiininn iiteo. 'I'houo ( ryinptoinu Indicate UiolroxliitonctT.fi : : v of Al > | ietlt , llnwrlu cintlve1 , Hick Ilenil- iir , rulliiem nftor rutliiiT ) nvtrnlou to icrlrni of lioily ur iiiliiil , Krui'lallnil of fonil , Irrllnlilllly of toni ! " > * \i\r\tM , A frollnp ; orliuvillK lirlitti'il iiuuiii duty , JMiiliifml'JiitterliiK at the nrnrtI > otu before ( lie eyr , lililily col ored Vrliie , CUNNTII'ATIOIVV mid ( Io > uuuid thu use of n rinnuily that nets directly wi HID Ilvtr. j\auJ.lvorineillcliioTUTT' J'lr I.Hlmvoiroo.iunl. Tholr action on the KldnuyHiiiiil.BIilnlaiilHO prompt ; removing nil immiltlf\i | throiiKli tbosoiliico < > KciiT > cuirtm r ( Ito Hyitcin , " ( uoduclng lfppe > tiUiiMiiml illKosuon , H'Kuliir tlooln , u oleur fUlinuiilu vltforouslKxIy. TUTT'N ' J'irrH aiiuio no niuibcji or Ijlplnif nor Interfere willi dully woilctjidnio u perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. boldcwruliere.une. OIUoo.JliliirrnyBt.H.Y. MAIK MI Wmttf ) iw ciiiingiiii in- ri/t'itly touur/jiiflr JILACK iiyiiHinb'lo up. iiJUu.Ion of thu On : . t-oM ) iy ji-ut'b'lt'iu , oruu1. ly - | iitn > ) iii receiptuf SI. t"v,4t Muim/BtnH't.Meiv J'oik. ffl.'K'JAl BfUBirULBfCHI'TB FRII. Cures Scrofula , Pimples nnd JPnco Gnibs , Blotches , Bolls , Tumors , Totter - tor , JTuinoi-s , Salt Ulioum , Scald Hond , Sores , Mercurial Diseases , Female TWonkncss nnd Irregularities. Dizziness , Loss of Appetite , Junudicc. Affections of the Liver , Indi gestion , Biliousness , Dyspep sia and General Debility. A coutir of lluilo k Itlwxt II ill illtry the --"l : k pii al IMI ! u it tlir i te\ \ Illoi < t Pulldcr on earth Stillliytnr.il me ili-ilft * llitrillons In eleven Unruairi 1 nn l fi.rv FOSTER , MILBURN & CO. , Prop't , Uuffalo , N.Y. Patent Dried Fruit Lifter , AS USEFUL NO DEALER JN \ IN GROCERY STOUK OAV MTOKD AS A 1'Atn OP in in : Witlioul , Ii. ' ' . . t'Ol'.MKltSCALKS. H. C. CLARK , SOLE PROPRIETOR , OMAHA , Nint. iirruitK AFTKII. 17ILV.C1WI VOLTAIC 11KI.T , nnil cllu r r.i.rrrnio II AIIIIANOKB. w will n-nil on llility ln ) ' Trlnl.TO Mivirmi : ( OUOI.U Mlinni Miirfrln ( nun Nl n\oi s IH.mi.lTV , 1 on \ ITAI m nnil Unix , illi < rflHi4 nr n Pi IOONAI * NATHKK riMiKIntfiom AIU'KKH nnil ( mi nl rrnM HIM cilr n Hi f nnil oem lililc ii'ttiirnlliui til lll-Al.Tll. Vuon nnil MAMIOOII ficp VOLTAIC BELT Cu. , ffiAHSHAii. ICE \\IIUMI lU'hlllc kittiii nnil | itrnmturo Irt'ay nrHeaii'ie H , t rtomof > uuth , i c. nre perleetly rmlnrtd to olnint lieMildi nni tlKfiniiiM iiiiiiilionil liy THE MA ROTO h BOLUS. | 'l < | | | | | > lh ilrntchu ; . Tliiilrentinet ; of NITMIIM llclilllly nnil I'livliMil De-caylH uniformly miecrprtful bi < rniiHn haMil nn ii'rur tltiiitnoMltfiiviv nni ! tlliTc1 ! ittvtliotNiind ab- Mtluto ilHttMiiiixhiii'u. Ht'nli1 ! ! TreAllnn fr o. MARSTON REMEDY CO. . 40 W.141h SI. . New York. JillIII.1,1 ol HiviMic-m- liir liniiuU' xniivll lor Uu run1 nr ili i iimi'imnM < f tln > ri M < 'nilhi' . > iyiui . jlii'ii- mi iiifaial.il ihout tlilH liiFlitiiiirnl , tliciin tuition * iiumn if hi.I U- I II 1C n V iKiimnllnir llil'iutili Ilii iniilii ir.- , n -Inn Hum ( > , 11011:1,1 , 'j < IMIII 111 ; i r.t tniilntinil I'll"Hli ' Iliililo I'-i'll ' rill- , lli > , ihr nil tt'j .lilt lit II. | It ( im III ' > r ll. IINfMH.Ii T , rim. * Alellra of early Imimiiloncc. coiiBlnj norvoiudnbll- ty , prumaturo drcay. uto. , ImvlnR trli'd In vain ever ; inuwn tTined ] * hnn dlfcovr n l u nlniplo moano nf self lure , which hu will rc-ml ritCl' In lilu follnw-nulTi'niri. _ Addremi.l If , UKKVPH < 1Cli lham it Nnir Vo-- DR , WHITTIER , 617 St. Charles St. , St , Louis , Mo. A KIX1ULAK OKAUUATnof two medical collcgei V. has been engaged longer In the treatment o UIIUONIf , NKItVOUS , HltlN AND 111.001) Diseases than other phjsiclan In Ht. l.oum , as city papers ehow and all old reblduntM know. Consultation frcoau Inxlled.Vhcn It lnlncomcnlcnt \lelttho ; lty treatment , meillcinoa can ho sent by mall or oxiirca everyuhero. CuralilomBuH guaranteed ; hero uou cxfttx it la frankly etAted. Call or write , _ Neri mil Prostration , Doblllt ) , Mental and I'lijllca , Jlereurial aml othur allectltno nf 'llirpat " " " mpiultleii and Illond Poison AlfectlGiii , Old Sorea and UIcrn , Im ) > cdl menu to inarrlngo , IthfiiinatTmn , 1'IU" . Hfieclal ot- tcntloHto uiieii from otcnvorked broln. KUHOlUAl UAHKH'ri'ecT\o upoclal attention. Jl b.i C8 urlsliii. from Iniprudenco , ICxceseen , li.dulgtncca. ' ) ( . , hcle ttiry > . \illtiiM.Miiii } ruculiitu ; who in j C3rXTI3D33. tinny\inouay not \\hy , uaiiMH , c < ni u < | ii < .iic ( * and cure. Malltil fur Co. puDtuuu ur tjlantj a. tcpt w dawlv DUFRENE & MEMELWHtf , jtiiti ; > iovii : ) 10 OMAHA NATIONAL HANI IIUIMHNI.JH' 3P33H.IEJC > 3Xr , .jCji "rarts of tno hiiiiian Imily inljrKcil , ilexelojieil mid btrviicthe-niil ete' , , Uan liilerentlmr mltfrtueiiitnt loii ( ; run in on paper. In reply t lninilrliii uIII ; that there la no in Idcnro of hinnhni ; about this. ( Jn the contrari the admtlNcrn are > ery hlKtilj cndnmcd. lutcrebt. : , iierbiinii inaj ( { " u-aluil elrciilurs Kl liif | allwrt | . . lara hi a lilruiMliu llrlo Medical ( Jo , . It , ' , , , llulfuln N Y. I'lnli-ilnKunlnL'lllafl - ImportedBeer : iN BOTTLES. Hrlnngcr , Uavaria. Oulmbachor , Jtovurm. Uolieininn , Uromeii. DOMKSTIC. Uudwcifior St. Louis AnhauBor St. LOUIE. L * ' ' Milwaukee. , . ? . ' . bclilitx-Pjlsner Milwnukeo. . . Omaha. , , Porter , Domestic nnd Hliino Wiuo. ED. MAUllBIt , AVESTEItN IKONXD BRASS 108S. 11 111 Street. THE NECESSITY FOR THE SPECIALIST , DE. H. WAGNER , lailoncr licpn nclsnnw Ictl 'cd and more 10 nt this ilay Minnj other. 11io > nflolilof mpilloil wlcnco In cr lncrcMlinr , unit Its nmucrmu brunches to oiinlit ticanr ntiJ nearer to perfection , and < no man ran any longer jrrasp them al lent o the ncco lt.v lor tilt Ming the Inbor. AnJ It Is run in. oml All ilnnU that ( ll < \ o , ftdoctltifr the Reno - ordnr \ ordain nee.l . special tiMy inoro than any c. If o o\iUl \ unilcrstanil and know how i cat thorn jirmirlv. 1)11. ) II. WAO\iit : Is fully awiro tint thrro nro i.inv pin -lmn , and some fcn IUo people , who will roinioiiin lilin for Inaklnu this clini of illscn ci a upc- laity , luitlieU hippy to know th.\t with most per- oiu nf rcniifiiient and Intrlllgcnco nmoro cnlighlcn- il \ liu > Is taken of the ill > Jci t , and that the | > hy IO' nnhii ( liMitcililiii ! cll to rcllovlnj. tha allllctcil and ft < Ing them fmmnono than il Atli , Isnolcsin phi- nthropl t and liciicfactnr to his race than the mir- emi nr phj Melon who hy rlo o niiillcatl | < ni excels In n ) other branch of hl profc ! on. And fortunately or humanity thcilay [ sdannliiguhcn the fftl o p'if. anthrciihy that condemned the Mctltna of folly or rime , Illio the lepers under the , Ju lth lav , to JIo nonrcd for has l < s.ilauay. A Few Reasons t'hy ) ou should try the celebrated Ir. II. Wagnoi'i icthods of mm1 : 1. "Ur. II. Wot'iicr la a natural phjultlin. " O. S. 1'owi.itn , "Fuw ran excel J on n < a iloctor. " I'll. J. SlMMB , The WorM'n Greatest I'hVFlojjnoriM. "Vou nrc wonderfully prollclcnt liijour knowl xlje ; of illnnou and incillclnva. " Dn. J. MATTIIRWB. 4. "The allllctcil find tcaily relief In jour pros- nco. " HH. J. SIMMH. B. "I'r. ' II. Wapicr Is irgiilir Bnuliiato Ironi llrtiio Hospital , Nuw York cttInsliadMry ; ox- inihc lunpluil prncllcc , nnil la thoroughly pn tcil on II hrnnehcs at Mi lulovuil sclonco , especially on lna. I 0. "Dr. \Vairncr hai I\unortnli7cil : himself by li nonitirftildlsrofvry of opcdllc rcmcdks lor pri > ate and v\unl ih i'n iH. " VlrKtnla City Chronlde. 7. " 1 limiiaiMs ol lnalldj Hoc ! ; to sea Mui. " San r > ncl co Chronicle. S. "Tha Doctor'1) long experience as spedilltt lioul 1 render him ury eucctwful. " lloch } Moun. aln Nc\\i. Plain Facts Plainly Spoken. At one time a di cu rfon of the secret \lco was en- Inl ) avoided h $ the profession , nnd medical works o * but n few jmrfaiio would Imnllv mention It. To ili % the phjuldan Is of n different opinion ; he la i ne that It In hli ilulj .IKi rccnlilo though It im beto luuullo thla matter without gloves anil nak pithily nliniit It ; nnil Intelligent parentu nuil nnlians will thank him fnr dolntrso. 'I he usuRi attending ; this destructive * Ice Mere/or- nurlj not umkrtitnoil , or not properly estimated ; anil m Importance htninttnche ! < l toaMihjcct which by Is nature dee < not finite close Investigation , It was lllin l ) ignored. The hiblt Ii | ; cnemlly contracted hy the iflunp vhllo attending tu.hnol ; older rompimonti through heir example , mij In responsible for It , or it may \ > o acqiilreil thrnn h nccldcnt. Thu excitement OMCO at * leilenced , thu piiictlco will IHI repented again and againuntil ntliHt the habit becomes linn and com pletely enflvvei the \Ictlni. Mental nnd nervous al 'llcllcins ' nru usually the primary results of nclf-nhuso. \niong the Injurious effect * may ho inentloncd laasU ' tiule , ilejectkui or Irrnsclblllty o'f temper nnd general lei illty. Thu hov necks seclusion , nnd rarely jolna n the sportn of lih companions. If ho ho a jounR imn lie will bo llttlo found In company with the other iex , and U trouliled with exceeding and annojln laKlifiilnciis In their presence. I.aschlon ? ilruanu , emlsilons and cmptlonti on the face , etc.ajoalao lironilnent aj mptoms. If the practice It ) \ latently persisted In , more serious dlsturlnncea tnKo place. Great palpitation of the icart , or epileptic convulsions , nro experienced , and the fmlTcri r limy fall Into a complete state of Idiocy be fore , Dually , iliatli rtlio\ him. To all those engaged In this ilangcroUB , practice , I \\ouldRay , first of nil , stop It at oneeuiako ; every poixlble ellott to ilu so ; but ( l J ou fall , It } our ncr0113 8)fctem U nlreadv too much shattered , and consequently quently , jour wlll-pii cr lirol.en , take some ncno tonic to aid j ou In j our effort. llaIng freed yourrclf from the habit , 1 would further counsel you to RO through a nwilar course of treatment , for It Is a Ktcnt mUtaKu tn Biippoio that any onu may , for some time , he tovery BOllttle , ( 'IvehlniRclf up to this fascinating but d tuberous cNcitcnu nt without suffering from ita o11 COIIM.MIUCIICCS at sonio future time. The nunincr of jounirinun who are Incapaclated to fill thodutlca enjoined hjci11ock Is alarmingly hrjfo , and In most nf such cnscs thla unfortunate condition of things c.ui ho traced to the practice of otlf abuse , which had been abandoned yrarH a o. Indceil , n few * months * practlco of thla habit Is sufltclcnt to Induce ] > crniatorrlura later 5 earn , and 1 hao many of such caeca uudcr treat m tut nt the priseut day. , .Vlt Young Men Who may ho suffering from the effects of jouthful follies orlndlscritlonawlll dnwell to avail themschns of thla , the greatest boon over laid at the altar of suf fering Immunity. DR. WAU.NPII w 111 Kunrantcu to for feit & 00 for w cry cnnu of temlnal eaknoss or prh ate ilKiaso of any kind and character which hquniki- takis to nnd falls to cure. Middle Aged Men , There are many at the ago.of 30 to 60 who are troubled with too lMiUent | o\acuatlona of the blad der , often accompanied by a slight smarting or bum * Ing pcnHathm , and a weakening of the sjstun In a manner the patient cannot account for. On examin ing the urinary deposita a rojiy bcdlmcnt 111 often ho lound , and Homethneannmll | uirtklc of albumen will appear , or the color will bo of thin milkleh hue , again changing to a dark and torpid appearance. Thcru are many meny men who die of this dllllciilty , Ignorant of the cuiiku , w hlih Is the fecond Btago of eenilnal-w cak- ness. Ir \\lltgimranleo a perfect euro In all casea and a healthy restoration of the gcnlto-urlnary or- Consultation free. Thorough examination and ad- tlcc , $5. All rommiinlcathma nhould bo addrcHsed , Dr. Henry Henry Wagner , I1. 0. WSa. Dcmcr , Colorado. The Young Maii'a rocket Comiianlon , by pr. n , \Vajfncr , In wortli Ita weight In gold tojouiiu mcuj 1'rlcu 1l'l'i : Hent hj mall to any address , jj Let Your Light Shine. Dr. Wagner , he celebrated iipcclallst , of Uuner Cole , , IIIII l.irlnier street , helle\es In letting thtworld know what ho uai do , and Ii doing ; for thousands ol Ma fellovMiien. Hlf tieatmcnt for lost inanhloil la n ro to win him a nr.mo that iioateilty will blest Ten , lunufiii.l lestlii'.onl ilj from all o\er the United Htatoat rom thcne ho Ins cured , la proof punitive that bodoeo. urc thu unrot cases of thew illse-iw ) . The a'lictci | ] < rmn cluonleand mxnal diseases of u\ery lihul will nd him their berth-lend. Ilcud hla adtertlsumentln nllcure'.tj ' paperyand call on him fur ailvlco , oane Uiuu 3011 will corroborate ualn Ka\Ing ha la the suf ' rcr' Una frii'iid. Hocliy llouuralu NOWB. | Belief to the Afflicted' In medicines , as In edcnco , the spocialiata nro tht * incs ulioalnnyi ( oineii to the front and atcoiniilWi jtro.it rijultH. 'Ilila remark In especially apnllcablu to to Ir. II. Wnpur , o tl.U . city , 'llo Btaiida nt the top of his profiWon , nnd thu curoa ho perfonna for the uiifoituimto would teem wondurful If not propotly \lewod In thelltfhtuf nilentillo nexmlreiiicntn. Ho Is cndurwil by thu most uinlneiit of the inedlcal faculty. IIU oltlco at 313 Laramlr etreot , where ho will Hiieedl. ly eiri.Ua c iiru for thu jutlerlnc of either BOX , no mat- Ur how roinpllcatca thilr complaint. 1'oiueroyt ' Ocinocrat. ' Chronic Complaints Require Time for a Cure , Persons at a il'stance who w lull to he treated by Pr , W Km < riired notfetl backward becauao of Inability to t lt him. If they will w tn the doctor lie will eeiul a Hut of qutstlonii w nublen him to send im'illclnts , comiBil and to thouiaiidi he has ia\er teen. Ho has ji In eury city , town and Btatlou In Colorado Hellas all over the United States. Sec his ad \U\n \ \ adiertlseuicut , lien- it Trlbuuc. Shall We Reform ? Specific remedies for all Jkeascs Is the theoiy ractiie at pretent of ixlucated and experleooe ihjBldans , and In all largo couiuiunltloa Uiey liato ihtlr ; BMJaltlc | ! , to exctl In which they direct their studkii and practice. Dr. Wagner Is a nuoooMul 11. utitratlon of thin luoilcrn school ofsiiodnlUca. uidhf * unpreiulcnted BUCCVM in the treatment of Prlvuto dlwjses In an wonderful at It U llattcrloir , Prof. J. SlnrniD. Ihoje | M.r oni who iiocj nudlcal relief for the most lollcatt of dUuubes wlllllnd on aceomplisliul anil sue. cea fuliihbliliiulii the iieruoii of Dr. Wajinor. No. S43 Larimer ntret.t , w ho U highly rccominoiidtxj bth nullcal profitsslon nt homo and aboard. Pomeroi ' IKinocrat. Iliuotryand liinonuicouiust glvo way to lUlom. and the \VMJ | ih lclaii bcllou-i III letting his l : lit Bliliio for the ylaiyul hln fellow men , l-rintcr1 ! ! uk * the torch ho can bestuku to guldo the wury aud tick one to the fountain of health If this mlcls hould bo luttrauiiiiUI as a "TOnciILIOin-bet . nn hill to jruldo BUtfirlin ; humanity teStS larluiei up. O.box