, . 1'I c i TIIE DA1LY BEE.--\EON UAY , DL t CLIITBER ii , s . . a I f : ' Musi c Hall ! ' . .7 . ' yl COUNCIL BLUFFS , a A M b IOWA. Proprietor of MUSill Unhand General Malinger foi the Celebrated I 1 ; Westerii Cottage Organ Co r ! I Of Mendota , Iii , , for \Vostern Iowa , Nurtllorn Ktulsas nod Missouri , Nebrailca , Southern Minnesota , and Dalcota Territory , and Dealor. in the Matchless E ! . 'WEBERD 1 i , LINDEMAN9 . . r AND HARDMU 1 ' : ' ; it -ALSO--- / r tt J3TTRDiwT t -AND- I t , l ft corIGE ! ORGANS ! , . . . y _ , f ' -ALL KINDS OFt - . t , t'JLJS1CAL t' MERCHANDISE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION , -SUCH AS- 9 . . . GUITARS , AdODEcNS i -A FULL LINE OF-- Music Boxes Best Dalian Strings , Music Books and Binders , Sheet Music Etc.Etc , Fine . . i j1 . 1t t 4II ' Garn.snToys. r1 , f , .t f L Ae n specialty in the P1ano'line , I would recommend nfiost hearth t1i - ' ' A , . ,1 - Y - . r Iiaiac r A flue tone , finely finished , first-class instrument in emery respect ; they are not tits chenpesL t'lnuosc blrt within the reach of all who really desire sonlothing that will last's lifetime. TRY TI1 I. They aeo fully warranted for SEVEN YEARS. 1 SHODDY PIANOSAND ORGANS fo largely advertised Lilco patent medicine , and like it , good for everything and nothing in particular , l DO NOT KEEP IN STOCK , I cannot afford to sell them , as I live too near home. But if desired , I am prepared - pared to furnish any of these cheap Pianos and Organs at pastern prices , save freight , provided I 2111 not held responsible. In connection with this I will state that my Organs contain G full octaves of Reeds , to one set , and do not call a single octave of reeds , afull sot , as advertised by shoddy makers and dealers. I sell Pianos and Organs on Monthly and Quarterly Payments ; also for cash , witli small extra discount Gelid for circulars. Address JJo MUELLER I , ( I 103 South Main Street ! Council B lug'ss Tows , I PIKE SMITH. Say F'ranclrro trim. "Corso that Iong legged sneak , " said oh ! 1'ont1Iollonagrizzlyweathee beaten mimior , "thcru is nlwnys a storm when. ever ho turns rap , " 1 oat tram a well. kmiost pioneer , w hosu opinion carried weiht 11114 Wmmt n letg way tvUli the rough , uul ready du „ fzcns of Coyote Flat. 't'he atibjret of this turcomplimeutat y rmtmnrk was a tall , slab sided fellow , with n hangdog countennnee , who hnd been the ineiiis of kicking up a big fuss in the camp by clnrgiug a poor devil of n ilfex ism with robbing sluices. Now , if there was mtytltiug that would stir up n nuiuer's bile it tens to rob his sluices. Such an nccusntion rna like a charge of ltnrse stealing "out W'est , " wltet they used to Imaue n follow trst and try tun nftor tvnrds. 1'Iiat sluices hnd been robbed on ( 'uyotu Flat there could be no question , and n Very bitter feeling existed to consequence. Several of the best claims led lately bent visited in the dead hour of eight , just before - fore the company intended to clout up , and the shucos robbed of every ounce and particle of'tlu , bright , shining dustwhich , was to reward the minors for their hard toil. Time nod again had the boys stood guard , but nil iii rant. The robbing still continued , Chico an Indian waa discover. ed in the sluices , imidustriatsly oxmmli , ing the riffles and scraping the boltonm of the boxes. Two aix shooters wore not enoughr to prevent his escape , but ho left a bloody trail behind hint. Again , it couple of nnnskcd robbers , found umidei' lilte eircumstaneae + mid ega6ed in the samio rascally work , returned the fire of the met on guard with such toed etleet as to ncarl ' kill one of then. No wonder the exasperated miiinors swore vrathfull against the guilty perpetrators. llettcu it was that everybody felt that attuutary justice would be dealt out to the villains in thu avant of their capture ; and now the whole Flat for a uilu or more , up anti duss n the creek , turned out on hearing of the arrest of tire greaser 1 edro , as the boys called thin prisoner. ' 'W'hat ' do you know about Pike Sniith , tvlio has made this charge against the llaxicmI1" naked several of the tuners , appealing to old 'I'oin. " 1Vhiat do I know about hint ? I know everything about him , and nighty little that's good , 1 can tell you , 11'u wine to Cahiforny together , iii the spring of ' 611 ; or , rather 1113' train pickecd the cuss up on the plains , afoot and aleme , whet three days out front the settlenmuts , lie's tire follow tlut undertook to wheel a wheelbarrow , with grub , and blankols and a rocker , from the Missouri river to Sacramento. Whet we overhauled him lie was badly used up and awfully scared about Indiana ; mid yet , afore we reached Salt Lake the peaky critter came mighty nigh getting us all scalped by the rcd levels. The infernal foolthrougli , down. right ntenmte4s and pure cussedness , bq- cause thorn was no reason for it in the I world , tveiL and shot a young chief who had Comb , to our camp for tobacco and tvhisky , 't'hat night it looked hike the , vltolo tribe had swooped down ou 9s , whooping and yelling as though the salver ' regions had broke loose. I can slul'I'my eyes now std see then dashing up co our camp on their shnggy little punts , blitz. ing away , right and loft , and them scampering - ering oil'withi the apeed of , he wind , 1Vell , to cut a long slurp shirt , ttvo of our best man were badly woxnded and the reds succeeded in ru iiiu off sonic of cur stock and leaving us ha sturvcd for the rest of our trip. As i , this was not bad enough , I'll be hiamigea if that skunk Smith didn't start to backbitUtt and swapping lies fromn one to the otlroN until the whole train was roaly to fight among themselves. The fact is , he made such a dog goned nuisance of himself , that we called a halt away out there in the desert , and held a council iof war to consider his case ; and right then and there , though it may not look Christian-like , we turned him adrift , drove Linn out' and loft him , wheelbarrow , rocker , grub and all , to hive or die , we didn't taro which. How ho got through God only lnews , for wo had a hard umiought time of it , but the dovel takes care of his own , and ho came out all right , "Tito next time I ran across Pf1co was down at Sonora , whore ho hind boor working all alone with that identical rookor , on tbo.creek below the t.W11 Mieohl'ef ' aJlod llilnju itpr otic , oiu more tS'1'hto whoIo country foi silos arnrindr was thrutvtt + tn atcitiful"Lit" uront over the myaterioustnttrdera Din IIeslop , tie ! county' treasurer. Flt crime hind been committed about 9 o'cloelc tt tii ht , in the treasurer'a office , near thin principal street , and under certain cir- cunistances of thin most shocking , cold- blooded atrocity. While time unfortunate official wan sitting at his desk , after the labors of time day , examining auntie papers cetneutcd with his duties , the assassin jacl atolet up behind his back , and dealt Jiirn several murderous blows with a amatchot , lie had thou doliberatelywasled mis blood stained hands , taken a largo ,1 , mount of gold , and silver coin frun time pafo and made good his escape. An old friend of thin treasure' , named 'J'htimaa cilirnoy , want to the office an hour or two Miter , and found lleslep lying dead on the floor , cut amid mmnglcd 1mm time nmanner do scribed. A scone of wild excitoniont followed The whole town was aroused ; , bulls wore rung , tires were lighted , and i parching parties formed to hint for time uilty perpetrators of the monstrous ( lend , mnong time must nctiv o loaders in this movotiemit was 11w nran'vrith thotrookor , Pike Smith , Ho displayed wonderful zeal mid energy , ransaolimi the 'T'r , ' tIco aiislt rter from ono end to the othoraiTl gavagoly oadaavoring to ittllaaro mho pasafol of the people against time Moxtcmisjg I remember the bloodthirsty wretch cwlly proposing to put a torch to time fandingoesordauco lmusosamid shoot thoinnuttia while rushing from the flames. Notwitlytnndhng the passion of time hour , Piko'slfandieh proposition was rejected with Mare. , nudt to hits dlsgppofntntont and dimbust , "Al aightlotg time cxoitonment contimi- uodifCaptaimm latrick , thin pustmastor , Major Ballthu gumismithy , l'otr. Molten , thoauctioueet' , , and tunny other wall ku tnt citizens , organized a uigilanco co umItt.o to aid iii hrimm tmmg the guilty tr puitishumont. 1Vitatussas woao called 1 ford tiiia tribunal , Jl'cCryboy ' , was ' and who hind anything to say , t nmmmg e Irst to press forward to gtvo his tent - t nuuy was rat ill luokingL idney chap l timed Griffith a stranger in thin athl hn had camimu up font $ au Frntmcisoomm Itart timno beforot .utd gotwork in a loom. bet and belumi gnu g to bin , JfesloI1M xJUI Ii to rear of tln treasurer's ' ofika. Th is mauarnsparticularly zealous iu famuliug the tlalno of podular imidignatioi. Ile profesrcd to bu harrflled at Limo atrocity of time act , mil loudly swore that liuwgiig was ton good for time wretch who had muarderedinsfriendamidbonofelor , 1Jo ought to hrm bunted ahivo ! "It was after midnight when Jriilitli loft time witless stand and retired with a thirsty crowd into the 'Long'1'ott'salocm , from which ltia voice could be heard aweawtg and thrcatoning vtngoamoo at a great rate , r ; owvthi1m 111 thu ulal'r ap 1 a poaranco struck several of tlm enntmittoo . Ttoro was anairof insutcer it y . about all ho said and did' he a l I ; m oared le be acting ; to be pinying n part. A am saltation took plncqwitli lfarslml Mchar laud amid big S.un 1'Icillips , time constable , imi which the suspicious eireumstances ngaiust lirhll'th ' were freely talked over. The result of this trocuedhmi g was a visit to the Place whuro time sus peeled witness boarded amid lodged , a humise almost direct. lv opposite lo timcounty treasurer's of ico. 1'it'o minutes ' in ( rillhth's room , brought to light ovfdeiee of time , cost daniiint amid conclnaivo character , lie. heath hms bed wore found clothes litermdly saturated with blood , wllilo in tlto closet tvita discovered nmnuoy to n considerable amount , liken iso bloodstained , Itoturmi fug to where limo cmuniiltco was hulling its session , Grilhitil ttas at once arrested and cltnt-god with thin crime. On being confronted tvitit time evidence of his guilt ho deliberately admitted without excite. nimit or alarm , tlmnt ho hnd brutally nntrdcrcd Joseph ilesiep for his mono' . As if to nieke assurance doubly sure , Limo inhtunnmm wretch voluntarily tvmtt before time vigilante jury ngaiu , amid confessed to all time particulars of thin rovolliug deed. In loss tlman half rat hour , time t'erdict of ticath wits protmcuuccd. Grltlitlt was smm temeed to be hmiged rat sunrise nuxtmurn fug , "I low the mien's spread is mint kuewt , although every man , tvommmtn and child iu Sonora acemavl to be up all that uv'mttful night. Be tlmia as ttmnny ( , lho town was alive withm penplo front nil Parts of time county before daylight. J mist as time flint rays of the smut tvore glinting the eastern hill tups time prisoner was teuoved to tllu Place of execution , n big tco with comm. , vutimit uvei'itaugiug lrnwhos , on the stage rand to Jamestown. Nuver lint 0l1CC did hu weaken. In going to the true in question they hnd to pass the scumiu of time mnrdur , tear w11tcbt was a big pile of luusbm' , It this Point some ate in thin crowd cried out ; 'Burn ( mint ! lot us bunt him l' hnumdintoly limo terrible cry wmis re eclmocd from a hunth cd throats , amid a rush madu for Crillitim , 'i'hmt his serves failed 11101 and ho begged to ho saved frmn time fury of time mob. Aftcrnn eart order was restorudand the crowd proceed. cd to time placu originally aulected for time lint act of thin tritgmly. tipon arriving at time spot n longropowasfotmid daugliug front a limb of the tree in question , ono and of tvlsicim nos speedily fastened around time neck of time cum loomed maim , mutd time other seized lmnld of by tIto strong Lands of fifty or a hundred stout art nniuc'a. At a givLil signal 'thu guilty wrutctm inns 1 jurkat into the nit- , std ebnwmm up till his head huost 'touchcd the lower bratchrs. In a low luimmlca the hamgimig was over t and the crowd rcturiied to tow t. llenlep's i murdbr led boon avenged , I'1 ' ko Smith'conttucml old Tout , "hasa ; way of turiming up whomiuvcr amid t wlerovcrthero is at excitenmemit era pros. pact of a big fuse , 1Vhlyovou time Chimin I men cottltbi't have a row anon them. 1 a h'es wlthouL , ifs taking a hauc iii it. 1'otm remember that alhtir at Rock Rm or i ilalcbbuloW Cimimieso Campimi'J'uolunme , whore five or six hundred of time imeathen pitchteti their tents for mt grand a battle. Like many moro of the boys , 1 t went down to see time fun , amid Pm r dunned it PIkoys ugly mug want t the first white face I sae after'arrivimi" ei n the ground. Tlmoro Ito wits , big asimfo , i and busy as usual , running from trait to tent among time pig tailcd warriors , am' if ho intended to boss the tvlmolu job , lie was mint time only white men who took a hand , however ; Both aides had scoured mmno bluxicami met to assist in gettimmg ready for the fray , and paid heavy sums for their services , "I toll you , boys , it was a strange sight to see time hostile bards of Chinamen marching and couutermarchingwitlm banners - ners flying and gongs beating loud mtough to aroute time country for miles around. For months they had boon making their prepratiois , and wham the eventful day arrived , over a tltousatd 'outside barba riamis , ' as the 'Johns' called us , were amused spectators of the steno. Every once fn a while a party of braves would march forum , plant their yellow standard in time oarthaud thoua beat a defiant chin ] . lunge to time enemy , ahoutimmg amid geatu- hating it the most riotous and furioua manger. Then , fn anawor to time clmal lengo , after rushing in and out of their tents hike a let of bees around a hive , making thu mosLhorrlblo nomsos amid tltreatotibg , geaturos,2aaothor ; ( squad ' } vunrd iookn xlaslt toward the standard , and blaze awiyriglirand left ; with q : L > , old piuakets nnd'popporboxes and then rgtrcat'in.uifltl'dlsordor , jaborfng { at ovGjami" { ' providing the outer aide didn't ' rut lrst , It was eeldonm that anybody - body got hmimre fn those dreadful charges , amid so time day tvoro am with altcrnatntg success amid defeat. "Ono of Limo Mougoliamm partisata ut- dertook to play the horn and was ntoro unfortulmto limn 'nest of his bruthreii. By dint of purcltasu aid much patmeit labor this daring warrior hnd constructed I amid prepared for himself a coniploto suit of armor , made of tin calls of very size mad description , whielm covered lent front head to foot , ' 'hus protected , amid ovid f ontly under the belief that he was bitllot proof , time celestial knight boldly advanc ed almte into time centre of the arena , planted iho hostile battle Aagti amdshouted his note of defiance , For a few niinutca time Opposing army regarded this mall. clad soldier with curiosity , net unmixed with awn , Thomi Pike , time rocker mimaa , was semi to busy hiinsuhf anong tlmmn amid a dozen or two marched out to give battle to the mysterious stranger , "Not until theyIof ; to close quartpra wan a shot fired , 11 to this montettthe timm clad Cltimianan viewed time approach of the dummy witii absolute iudiltaretce. Bang , bangs went VAo firoarnms , and down wmtt limo oelestial'dksmpion hoe ; ling with pain , Ifis friends rnado n rush to has do. fetco and carried off time body ( n trimnph ; but tlmu aocablanLn oirod thontaudard and born it t'a them r'oauq ) with shouta of victory. "Two .r tlmrou'killodamid .a half dozen wounded auuunud up time losuos min bothn sides of ibis gruatattlo of din rival Cki- nose faatkmmn , tfitrangoly enough , al. though the courts' wore "Ps" and tftu laws in Cull furor , mbody did amty- thing to ( trip time 'C miitunrun frmn krllrga each other , nor wosn tlmero ary arrustaor clmdictnemtx oftorthu filht ; wan over. " Old 'J'aurt recollections of time rocker maim wore c t shortkby a merutgo rwiuir. ht hha vreselco at a ntoetumg of thy homers , bra oonsider .hat was to ho demo with limo Musican , Pedro. Ou irriviug 1t Cranes' ' grocery a bigcrowd wmmc found iu frontof time loildmgg , amid a very ugly fouling already Jtuuitem ed itself agatmint time ecursud , flu was kuawmi to ho aim idle , slmiftleas , worthluas followwhe hung nroumd fwmdatgo amid ; anmbliug houses , amid did chores aid odd jabs for the nort of people whta lived in tinwu Institutwna eUthmou b h lm had never been accessed of attmlhmmgb before nor in fact of any other olfelscestill there eaistud Mitts debt but imc would play the thief if iw h of a good ohammeo , ' 1'tu ! teatinmemy agalct Jtium was trot m'my atrengl outsfdo of the' story of Pike hinmith , 1'tv'tl of the boys , cunning himno half durimk , late fn the niglmt , saw the prisoner crobsipg the creek imi time di. FURNITIREI -TIIR-- - - - C H E A P E S T PLACE IN OMAHA TO BUY Furniture . --IB AT- DEWEY & STONE'S They always have the largest and bust stock. NO STAIRS TO CLIMB ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOR TO THE DIFFERENT FLOORS. rectiat of mho plumidcrimig claims , 'i'hii time Alnv'icau did mint demiy , time tratl ! wing that lto lived ot'ur llercaullmd tc liens thusluices togotto hmiseabimi , Smmith , however , sold ( lint ltu wits on time tvatel t hnvimig dotcnnined to tplietly atad guard l alononnd , without miontieming time matter to amybody , and that after twulyoo'clock ho dfseovured souteotto in the nlulcesilint ; lie ahutmteil at time thief , and the intte r broke amid rna ; thtt : h o recogmiizod Pedro rat time titme , ldthoughl it was adnrk night , nmul shortly after tlayii gimt twit to his cabnm randarrested him. .1 thorough ) aeareh of time cabimi of time accused faild to reveal any of time alolomi gold dust , and morn than ono of tlm miners did nut lacu much relimlee um , time stateutmita of btuth , who was a lazy , disagreeable follow - low , null by to means popular with time boys , Novm tlieiean public feoliug ran high , and limo illoxicau could give min sat. isfactt'y nccount of kimsulf. According to his civil story km hnd helm glorioualy druulc all time day before , and didn't havu do fammitcst idea lion' or at what ( home ho gut house , Several of wihmosses recollect. mid suaingtheutfortuuatol'cdrohulplcssly drmuk as into as tot or eleven o'clock time .toning proviotms. All n0'wts to make mitt confess his guilt proved utuvniling. i'vem : a throat to hang ltiti if le didn't ' toll nil lie know about it , tvltile limey vmdd give hint a cimaico before Limo bow' f lie owned imp timid give time nanmcs of othe , y cmi + ned 111 tlto satme rnscnll btmsi Less , hnd no effect a em the yeti mid vrotcb. his only ro 1 was that ho know uotimin about i ; that to hadn't stolen ui thug imintseif , and didn't sAt Wlmc till genii through thin aluicca , At this ; 'uictimro thin tables wore turned n a very ootmploto and summary mummer , r1 party of nilmiors , under time direction ammd leadership of Tumii Iloldun , had paid visit to time old tumblcdow m shanty vheru Pike Snmitlt lived all alone , and nndo a search of the pronmises , 'J'hoir nllbrts were rewarded by thin discovery of largo quantity of gold dust stowed away n blast powder cam u amid hidden in amid about the place. Sonmoimw or other Smith got wind of what was going ot , and disappeared from time coup before lee could his flight was momma too soon , for the indiguatiou of time utinors lcnoty no bounda whmemi tlmoy learnt. ed that Pike Smith , who waited to hang the poor 1VIoxlcan , was Imhnaulf the tnnrl who had robbed their sluices. If they could have laid hands on hint , tlmero can be no question but that justice would have beau douo in a vary thorough and sumi mary mamimer , Judge Lynch seldom nude a mistake iii time good old dayd of oariy Califormtia life. home Children tutu "Fmmim" on a sumiumier day , they went to day , nowlithu rood to Pvaeau Jones 'Iseture ' ; tick enacted lhu tree , Vlo lookol so gay ; 'm'ile 1IOura vero.petit 01 kin and laughtor. ilia' mdght thiee young or cs ydlcd with pain , \.c. , Ulu funny IIck amid Victorma 'rho gripes , vcro of thagreul apple kind , ILL qulcklycured by CASTOIl1A. The llnatings Greamtery company Lima been lneorpondod. The capital is $10,1(11) , nil tn iron. 'limo company is plodgcd time milk of 1,300 vows to htart wdtll. _ t .Thin tilde js ref tim mtyfratO mtnroupon which t14V.titoxt flprloyomemitr't be tnlu and bytha fuse of l'ozzoiti's"Mot11cRbed Cnmploxion 1 owdcr ufxnugltness , smthiO wne * t and irritation ee be over ebm + i leaving the skin delicately white soft nail smouU. , This prepnrntinn n , n world widu ropmtnnon , i. ' nu fear im odbos entcrtaineduftimeresult. Nuldbyulldruggist'i Time North liald Frail nays L , li , I'utmam hay sold Ids farm , twomllesweat of town , comm. silt mg of See acres In the flay Stimto Cattle cotupmly fur tlm snug scum of 630 tier acre. Iicrsford'e Kehl ' roc Overworked Profeastetalalso. Pr. CnAs.1' , Mrrwmbl. , Camamdaigun , N , Y „ rays : " 1 ihfnlc it agreat restorer of brain force or nnrvouu mmegy , " m of thoconthgied use of mercury aid Iala4n far the treiteieet of hloodand Skis diseases-thuy nuscr cure , and Dcnriy alwals inaru ; or totoltynmhlthe general health , A WELL 1tNOWN DItUUOIST , My dnigstre"aylhuanttostll So lffi ttpeeltlc , It vie then put up In quart Iwlllus which .4d fu r Li.OOuach. 1 havu ucmi n Inut many carve cure : ill Ina tae , nod Yonru 0110 hail hied all sorts of treat meal. tlfact , lkayo namer knotulIt to tall whet take , , Icri3. Ibellnlar1geuaulltyof itznd fu ' aahtr sacN drat are dcpcntluLt em , blood Ialsoa u r tikbmmm ) or , it CUre. I'nil'LP.Y AYU n1Alrrmims Ox TITS Salt , one ntakua thu emnploxloa fair amid rosy , As to blO(1d.Nita , there me lie.uch word I fall , It Cairo casvtlinthave ( lungwithttoodother sntt of treat mitent , sill0llllont ally of thou rucurrlnq trouble tlumtgaaerallyfolluw mercurial amid other su Lnllei cures. T. L. M4SSINIIUItO,11acomi : , , Ga , nay TETTLR , For years I was aamkte l with Ur' 'letter of th mostnhttlnatu typo , Wo. trMcl Ity many of th besttfcy.lclana ; took t'uau ' De , mil muereur ' , ' , utas and aslcolcp hsich , Insl.ad of curing tht tettu crippblmeOil Ithtn.acralpdtonaud rfmoruatlan Thu Itdtur uuutlnuat to growv wrttru , anti the dchin nlmitust wadu ow crazy , In thin cwidltlon 1 was ii ducaodratab 8al1t'snpeciau aadthu retatlttsaa I atre.i.iiegasituaa ( , lm mm 'law ' utour thu1'encrwasmdirelyssctltlablCrculWi l'obunh ailouttd(1t'sYYtetuiliidI1vata well + iwn-attdd wily tot4wltt'.YY'n Jlla AIV ilku suhicrers sac taku It JA'lFd nUNIrtC1t1,1nusriliv : , n J 1 What a.Piryslcf tn Say , : , Cyiii ttiGalsXoxrpnCotar , , , 1havualtfglltIitnu dam/ghllerie 3'OJuilly 1 / , ' u year. old mGS ntcatll. Vhs 11aK.f0 o trnvblwloua tsu .loou liar bidI , tvltl , a'tI In 410 ( asu , vhlctt I Ili diitrm(1rlnl eJmekumlwz. It it Itturtuul It to be Yon rarwf Ocxewaat 0113 rutu Im reslitt + l'reryatnlib0ro all the dilrurvna trCatntellta , 1 i nxt'uud (1110 bolt of awl/Cs / Sptciee amid gayu It no Ii.r In uluali dos , tlmuu Bows a day , and lm a 1d vrhtallt' ' hail Itw.ali tartlo , o500 lhatylo wow ut relp well , 1 ao1 s ttdl IJraawi will , hty tfluat um ben Uiat I ahall nu rsdynw it In mp practlru , but I thall adDllubter I to any otlicr tlllldrvu amsl laku It a q'Ydf , Oertrtatltu on liluod and bUs , , Iscarcdai atlas t free to sppllcauts. TI/L / swirr SI'ECii'I ( ' CO. , llraWVr3Ati. ' aQa. 1 -WITii- Y , d . ' FALL $ r SRANITL t1Enl your work is done for all time to Hilo to come. . r WE CHALLENGE 1 $ ! The World tle ly , ' to Iproduce n ntoto durable material for street pavement than the Sioux Falls Granite , 1 FOIL ANY AMOUNT OF Paving Blocks -OR- - - , d a MACADAM ! filled promptly. Samples sent and a 4 a estimates given upon application , s WM.MoBAIN & CO , , Sioux Falls , Dakota. g Nebraska Cornice ' -AND- / 1 l M I K ltr' 4 ; bIANUFArP1aEt8 OF I GALVANIZED inuN CORNICES t : x ox ? moxVixt.cLc we , FINIALS , WINDOW CAPS , t ' TIN , IRON AND SLATE ROOF/MO , 'y 1 PATENT METALiC SitYLiOIIT , iron Fencin ! Cresttnlgs , Aalustradc , , Vorandaa , Ot lce and hank Italllmigs , wledwv amid cellar Guards , Eta N. W , colt , NIN"rl AND JONES SIS. my : , ! , QAISEit , Manager . ) r RED STAR LTrr ' Ilulgltum lloyaland U.S. IalI Si Catncrmr SAILING ' 'VF1tY SATUT i hmErtylEN ( DAY NEW YORK AND f , A TWREP r TIrelfhhmrfiO DUtayllnfyilo' - lfuiidandFrtencc Outtrnnl Strnaip , bra ; Prcpr E'xcurslou , FI3SO'rd Cabbi , ; , ' JJcorn Antwerp 3-e ; , Swoon froin 80o to 416' Excu ' , lxcurelaD 166 ; : ; ' , , rolou 8310 to 01.b. tirl'elerSrlght f : Sot , N. 1 , OCII. Agts. 65 Uroadwayr Ii- Ca'dwdl , liamidlloo R ( ' . : Co „ Los Jf. 16th Stir - Gmimidla , Agents Oq OlCnha I' ; Y. , Flolrat hr ; ) , j Rlwtall , mv&eeod , r ly llI SD A _ - . . . . _ 8 OF 7'I7 > ; , rs , , r I a J , T. Ooul Ab Mud'RDr'Vi ' r M. ' 4' . ± Az1Ct . 1401 Fr ; E3i.UZ-iisi 4 ha , Neb roam At < oct , OMtollto I'ax too hotel , Ira - ' Owa - - _ r , _ t , P tZ ,1 OSr tvi ECure lYi thou' e tied. his Y OorNo.lwillcoruar ycaxehm four ' 0. Ond III cure the days most obsthmau oe ICrs No , d Iongsta11dleg , wse u OulatterOI t ui ; Allan's Sofub/ , IlifCdlCl7lrfl Bo No , aauaeou doses of ' i uos U w uyhl to.l , thtt are n „ iubC U „ to' CoaLla { , c oft of fan , 1 auk/ / ll' a t thetuatingupf drug thoetommej Io b y into , or Isla rtes I , rthcr hex 10.4 iulars.eudff recur Cular tCrolpt , of Pilco r S C. . ALLANo0 um S Johabtreet , , V s , H AT ' ' WOOD , , ' Plattsnlonth D . t a - Neb t . fl EflEf d.R Nfl JE flS F Y IiiUf URAOq T I I ? i r. og oR n' 'o711 B stock JxaBkY RRD tw'Ix'S , I for eau. ! C orreq'audence ro'.let. ; IDC&tr ly - . .