, THE DAILY BEE---OMAIIA , MONIAY. ) ! 17 , lS83 ' - - - _ _ _ _ TheNebraskaNationa1 Bank . : ' OF OMAhA , NEll , &IA Up CpttaI . . . $2flOOO tup1us Fund , Nov. 1 , 1683 1G.OO . ninicrons. : IT , W. YATF.S , Preshtenl , for miny yetre C&thter of he F1rt National 8uk of Ornha. A , E. TOUZALIN , Vfoa Pestilent , of togton. v. V. UORS } , of W. V. ! ORSE & Co. .oIt S. COLLINS , of U. II COT.LINS. 1. ! . YOOLVOtTU , Councllor & Attorn y &t Liw. L. B. REFD , of flyron Ilooti & Co. Thl flank opencd for btasIne April 27 , 1982 TII IflItEc1oR AND STOCKILOLDRS ) ire imotiR the Icadin bunci ! men of Omthi , md It businos , I condutcl with cpoc1a reforcnco to the best inttIncreuIng Intcrcsthofltem rcantllo pitrone. COLLECTIONS receive ronipt attention md ebirgos lowest obtalniblo here or cIohere. INTEItEST iIowott on time tkpogfte upon favor. ab'e ' torini mi1 upon accounte of bnke mu banker. . FOItETON EXCIIANG } , Oovcrninont I3oude and County and City Securitlo. bought anti eOId. Council 1uff Loan an I Trut Comrnny. , Firet 1tortga Lon Ncttfatett Cornincrcli Ppcr iiiI afl Uout SoctirlUe. 4et In. 82 1enrI Ctrcct , nn1 O6 FIr8t McflUI , Councti Hint ! , . FINANCE AND COMMERCE. FINANCIAL : Nw Yontc , December 15. Mony-Eay at 2@2. vor cent. , closing * ) uforcd at 2 per cent. Prime I1)or-5@G per cent. Ezchahge. Btts-Wealr at 4Sl ; domond , 4.84. Covcrttnicnt.--Strong. ul : lt.silwny l1onds-Losver. The vakost stocki on the market dnrliig the forenoon vcro Northern PAcific , nil of which vote ( rota to l per ccitt lower. TI o Granger stocks nvo1veii In the Omaha po1 I troubles \vero generally to per cent lower , \Eisouri l'nctfic boittg 1 per ccitt lower , nts.l the Vanderbilt iecinltk all weaker. , Canadian ] citic epcciaily was weak. In the last O minutes of liusitiess there were ' iOIflO vio1iit litictuations , and a snddcn at. tack was tiiado on NorIiern Pacific. In a few minutes Northern laeil1c preferred ro1 I down Per cent to 50 , but recovered to & 1 oregon TraiiconLinental sold rlown ; Per edit to 32. , and the rot of the itiarkot va aho depressed slightly in ytnpntliy with Nortlict l.ciflc , niiil Union 1'eiiic ( lcclinod : l& per ccitt to Tl ) . The other declinc8 were I small. - COU1'ONS k 1 - I' . 1ol l'aCoupons 114 ' 4 , 124 1'.ific G'a of ' 95. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 STOCKS AND 10NDS. American Expros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 ihirl. , Cedar Rapids & Northern 81 O3ntral 1acific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( i5 Chfcago&Aiton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 . Chi. , Burl. & Quincy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Erie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 do iifd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fort Wnyno & Chhago. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 hannibal & Sb. J080p11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8S do do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . 88 Ililuok Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 nd. , Bloom. & iestcrii. . . . . . . . . . . . 120. iCausas Texut. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123f ko Shore & Michigan So. . . . . . . . . . , .Mlelilgaii Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 4 ; . . It000aiOliS ( St. Loui , . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 . - . do do do pfd. . . . . . . . 87 - iLI33OtlriPaCifiC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Njrtltern 1'LLcific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do do pid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 1 NrthVOthrfl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 . do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 _ 8W York Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 r Oaio & :1iesisi1)p1. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L. : ' do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OS 2eoria..Dec.tur EvawvilIo. . . . . . . . 15 flock Island. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1181 Paul & Milwankoo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . O7 do do do 1)fl. . . . . . . . . . . 116 . Paul Minn. & Manitoba. . . . . . . . 99 Paul & Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 do (10 1)fd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texas Pacifii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20. . . ' .1 lTni n raciflo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Waha3h , St. L. & Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . 10 do do do Pfd. . . . . . . . . 31. . , o.ern Uuion Telegraph. . . . . . . . . . . 78 + Aslerl. . Ex.1)ividcnd. GItUN ANI ) LIOVtiONS. OUICAUO. CHTcoo , December 15. - Flour - Dull ; eIriug wheat flour , S3 605 00 ; common to clautee Miiiticsota , $3 0@ I 25 ; winter vhcat flour , i1 75@.5 fl5. \Vheat-ltcgLilar steaily atiti firm ; irIces fluctuated within a raugo of c , anti closed .16 ! ic higher than yesterday ; 1)ccembor , 97c ; .fanunry. OS9Sc ; February , p9.1 @ 90c ; - May , l C6.j61 o ( ; ; winter svlicat , No. 2 red , t)7c@)1 ) tb ; eprilig wheat closed at Corn -Unsettled : advanced c oti after then declined © for 'ar1oiie I future4 , and fiuially clozel c lower for Decoin. c . her , 'c lower for .Joiiuary und Febuary , and . . . . lover for May than the cloo yesterday ; , cash , 57qS : [ Meninber , e ; January , 6S 5Sc ; May , ; o@6oc. . Oats -.UoclfneI shortly after opening ; mod erato reactiozi followoJ , unit closed e liolow yesrerday'H market : cash , $3e ; 1)eccmbcr , , 83c ; .January , 33@3ic ; May , 37j3Sc. ltyo-liojectod , tSo cash. Bailay-Jiitll ; cash , Tiiiiothty - Easy at 1 2Ot9 00. Plax Seed--Flint am ! @lc higher ; No. 1 , lit store , 1. .15@1 42. , . Mes Poric--Fairly actsvo anti irregular ; iiiarket ojiotied 5 ( JlOc higher ; advanced 56J , bc ; receded , and rallle(1 lf200 , and closed , steady ; cash , 13 62@l3 7ti for old ; li 25 © I 14 38 for new. . . Larl-Markot firinerandadvanced 1015c ; - . cash , S 8O(8 85 ; December , 8 808 S ; , Jan 00 ; April , 9 25f.O 27 ; Iisy , Btih1 zroat-shOnldcrd , 6 2 ; long clear , 7 35 ; short ribs , 7 45 ; shortelear , 7 7o. I Butter-Quiet ; fancy creaIneriei , ' 33@35c : choice , 30a)38c ) ; fancy da1rici , 26 20c ; good . , to choice , l52Oc ; common rolle , h3@18c. ' 1gs-Fres1i , 26c. . ' \VhiIky-1 15. i NEW YOU ! ! , Nzw You ! December 15.-Wheat-Cash ; 1@o stronger ; 1111(1 hIgher ; options opened @liotter , afterwards bat the ndvaiico nun declIned a trifle , thou reacted ( cc , closing stealy ; iiiigradol red , 91e(1 20 ; No. 3 red , 1 03 ; No. 2 toil , 1 13@1 3' ' : . Corn Cash .e lower ; options openel j@1.c hiljdier , theu tiechined cloittg steady I with a iecovory of e ; ungraded 48@6Ic ; No. 2 , Gi6 O5c. , Oatsclosvcr ; mixed western , 39@41c ; vhite , 10tz'iIc. 1gg.-Uzithianged. l'ork-Narket firtit. Lard-11rtnwetcrn ; steams cash , U 13 © 915. llutter-1)uhl and weak at 9.@tlc. - . BALTIIonE. , B<IMO8 , December 15.-Whieat-Wat cm higher anI cIohig quiet ; No. 2 winter ro(1 cash , 1 071 OT. . Corn -\'estorn Inactive and uoinlnally low. cr mixed cash , , 60i2c ( , ) ats-Iuhi ; votcrn white , 40@42c ; mixed , Sa3Uc 1tye'-Qimlt. at. 66ii3c. . Butter - DLIII ; vtn.tormi vaeked , 10@23c ; creamery , 2Ca3c. : Etg ( uiot at 20@30c. . Whiakyteady at 1 18J1 1S. L1v:1tIoot L1vEIuoOL , 1)ecenibr 15.Breadit'.it ! - No , iuotations. Wheat-Winter , 8 6d0s hI ; epring , 8s ® 8s 13th. Corn-Quiet at 53 6d. C1CINAT1 , . CJiCIATI , 1)ecotnlier 15. - -Wheat- gooti domnand ; market lirizi ; No. 2 mad , I 0@ 1 O5 cash , i . . 1' ' . . : ! : I ( 'orit Stea ly ; 53c fvr 1OW. Ot Ea'ler at 33@3lc. . llyo-.Qniet tul fIrm a ( iO6jiV. Barley -lfrtii at C0@Ok. Pork-Quiovnt 14 2@l I 50. Lard-hi gooti demimanti at S 5OS fl2. hulk Moats-Quiet ruol finn. Whiiky-Actioand finn at 1. 33. IM8.tM ( LTT. ICANtAM Cir. lccemnocr 15. - Whoat- larlet lower ; S I e hid foi cahm ; S I o 1OL , lait. uay ; OSc nkcl fur May. Umrnlotvr : :3'Zo : for each ; S39c for 1)ecetnhier ; 39t3fto fr , Taiisiary. Oat-Stroiiger at 2c. 1tit.w.tvKin. MIr.wAvgr.mt , 1)ecomnhmor l5.-Vhoat-Mnrket quiet : t)6) ) ) ea1i ; OTc .Tanuary ; tc ) February. nyc otmilitahly uticlianged , Barmy-Weak ; No. 2. 61'c. TO I.E ito , 'roI.EIo , iecettibcr 15.Vhieat - 1)mtll ; No. 2 toil cash 1 IJ3jl ! 0I. . Corn-1)uhi nitil drooping ; No. 2 , cash , , 1 ) c. comber amid , Iainta y , ti3c. Oat-Qniet ; No. 2 cash and lcotnltcr , 3 Ic. KW ORLEANS. EV ORLEANS , 1)ec-eniber l- oats - Easier anti i1ttiot at. 43@ I3c. Pork-I tighter nut ! very , carco at 11 75. Lard-Tiorco , refitted , firmer at S 87 , Bulk Meats -higher. W'imiskv-Stoatly 1111(1 unchanged. Corn Meal-Scarce anti fhtin at 2 50. . .ST. 1.OtiS rt9iLcE. ; Sr. T.otis , 1)ecctnber l5.-Whieat-l'nsot. tied ; o. 2 roth , l 00j1 02 For cash ; Si 02 for .Tnuuary ; I 11 for May. CornLower : IT'47go for 1ainmary ; Hc fr February ; 83c for \1a3' . O.it-J4ovcr ; 80A6j'3Oc for cash ; : ; o for ] ) ocottiber ; 30 , for January ; 8CA@3t fur May. May.llyot8c. . 13arloy-5080c. Jlutter-l.'tichiaitgetl. 1gg21c. . . hay-Firm ; prairie , $ l06Jtl ; timothy , $11 © 1. 1lran-63Glc. Corn Meal-$2 30 LiLVE STOCK. cIIIOAUO. CnlcAoo , 1)ocombor 11.-Thto Drovora'Jour. rial roportstlits afternoon a. follow , : hogs-Steady vrico ; gorti itactting , .1 0 © 5 20 ; acking and shipping , S 8065 70 ; highi , 1 2065 25 ; sidi , : ; ou I 00. Cattle -2tarkot 4rottg ; export , 13 50t1V 50 ; gooti tO ehiOCQ shipping , 5 7 ( 6 ID ; cointitolt to modiummi , .1 25@5 (0 ; Inferior to fnir co's , 2 25@8 00 ; niethiutu to guoth , 8 24 stock. en' , : 25@.I 0 ; fedci , 8 7@l 50. ICHVU ? ) Sheeit-Stcatly ; itifemiurto fsir , 1 0061J3 50 , vcr cvt. ; niethitun to good , 2 25c4 50 ; choie to extra , 4 T5@S 00. KANSAS CITY LIVJI .TOCI ! . KANSAS CITY , December 15.-Tho Daily In. dicator reports : Cattle-Offerings light but market firm ; native teors , t ) 10 ; stockers amid fcetIor , 8 754 I0 ; cows , 3 25@4 llngs-5arlcct jtetieti So higher , closed with the Watlvtnce Iot at 5 10jb 50 ; mainly 5 2S6S 8 : . ShieeirIarlot steady and fairly active ; natives , 2 tIO © 3 3. ST. LOUIS LIVE STOCIt , Si. Loths , 1)ecctnbor 15.-Cattle- market uving to small receipts ; feeling steady firni atiti good. Ctittlo ouItl conutintid fish vricos if hero. Sheep-No sittpiy , lit ) tnarlcet. TRAFFIC. TLOUII ANI ) CnroAaoDocotnbor 15.-Receipts and ship. moats of flour and grain for the past 24 hour have been as follows : Receipts. Ship'ts. Flour , iThis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,000 16,000 Wheat , bu3hels. . . . . . . . . . 138,000 50,000 Corn , biiltels. . . . . . . . . . . . 112,000 111,000 Oat , , ljushol . . . . . . . . . . . . 101,000 : iooo Rye , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . . 16,000 1,000 Barley , bu.sliels. . . . . . . . . . 49,000 .15,000 NEW You ! , December 15.-ltecopts and shfpmcntsof flour and grain for the fnsst 24 hours have boon as follows : ReceIpts Ship'ts. Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 20,000 155,000 Cant , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 24,000 (17,000 Oats , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 33,000 10 K'NsAs CITY , December 15.-Receipts and shipments of gruin for the , iast 24 hours have boots as follows Receipts. ShIp'ts. Wheat , bn.shiols. . . . . . . . . . 27,000 21,000 Corn , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 47,000 .11,000 LIVE STOCK. CnIcAao , December 15.-Receipts and ship. monte of live stock for the Past 21 hours have boon as follows : ReceiptS. Shlp'ts. Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,000 . . . . Hogs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,000 . . . . Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400 . . . . H.&NAB CITY , December 15.-Itoceipt. and shipments of Ii ye stock for the last 2 1 hours have been as follows : Receipts. Ship'ts. Cattlo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310 . . . . hogs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,400 . . . . Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310 . . . . Sr. Louia,1)ecomber 14.-Itecciptsnid shIp itiotib ; of live stock for the past 21 hours have been as follows : Receipts Shiip'ts. Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 000 Jtos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,900 1,400 Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 O1LtflA MSUtKETS. Wholesale l'rbccs. OFFIcE Of Titu OIIAIIAIIFF. Saturday Evonhnglieccmber 15 , The following jricei are charged retailers by jobber , , wholesalora and commissIon inor. chants , with the OXCOItiOII of crain , which ii quoted at the prices furnished by the elevators and other local buyers : Orstiri. Wnz.&T-Cash No. 2 , SOc ; No. 3 , 05o , BAItLEm-Cwsh No , 52c. ItYN-Casli No. 335@IOc. Cour-No. 2 , 41c Oiis-No. 2 , 45c. Ltvo Stock. FAT STEEss-Quiet at 1 00c4 CO. FAT ovta-3 003 35. Hoos-4 00@4 CO. SIIEEI'-llrIn at 3 00@3 50. CALVES-Fair quality .1 CO5 00 ; good.butch era' stock , 6 00. I'1lotu' arid Millntuffs , VI.'TEn WILEItT-iOSt ' - quality , patent'at , 3 $ © 3 113. 3ECONi ) QUALITT.-2 7St3 25. SI'RINO WIIEAr-l3ost quality , patent , 32Sf36O. SICONI ) QCAuTY-2 50cJ3 33. ] IIIAN-55O lr cut. C1Iot'1'Et FEEI-1'Cr 100 lbs. 85c. Cou MEAL-i O0fl 10 lr , ewt SCitEIG-O575U pr ow , ' General l'i'oslucc. BUTER - Fancy creamery S3@3o ; cold storage creamery , t5@27c ? ; choice dairy , 20 ( j21c ; best country , sollil packed , 12cT15e ; best country , roll , ( © o ; inferior gratles l0@14c. lleCehpti4 are , miall , and the doziusmi good. 1noH-Markat firm ; sa'les to.day at 27@ (28c. Advise liberal ceimlgmitnotit.s. Avi'i.u.-Fazicy , Ionathans , 3t 506)5 O0 fasiuy Bun 1)avls , $3 60(4-l 00 ; fancy , lottot , 83 OO3 50 ; fancy \Villowtwig , i3 25J ( 75. 1)otnautl good. OIrEisE-Now York State full cream , hate Solithinber make , 14c ; New York 131at'i ( till cream , 10 IIOOI , hots , l3c ; do full creani , ( tO htoo1lotts , lOichViscon.in , full cream , In bor , lie ; Young Ameticas , atrlctly full cm'uam , I Ic ; full cream , 12u ; full cicatti 10 hoop lots , lljc. ( till cream flats , 12c ; ( till cream flats , h1e ; faitcy brick chicaso , 100 lb eases , l5c ; I.iui. bttrger 13c ; rotiulno old SwIss , lOc. I orAioi.'s-llccehpts ethahl and mice. good. Consignments of strIctly choice large sIzed , straight 1motato are sehilu from 33 to 38c ; inivetl ears 30 to 82e an light demand ; heachIblov , , 5 tt ) 40c. SWEI1 L'OTATO4-Chiofoe yellow , l@5c. ONiU8-No demand ; itiarket overstocked. CAimnaE-Market for choIce etock 5 0O © 600 pr huntiroti , Demand good. 13rNS lInittl i'L'kotl n.wtnq , 2tt2 CO Itamid Picked mculmn. , $1 75 ( ' ! 00. lIe. oeiptM large ; tiemnmul ooIl. ( iAMti-l'rt'tlrlo ehilchen. , tloz. $ l 00 to 8 5 ; quail $1 25 to I ( ' 0 ; islio , tl uO to I 75 ; ( hickS , Malhiu'tI , 9r do , , 2 OO@ t'0 mixed , 1 (10 ( to 2 00 ; deer satlthio , 11 to ; car c.'s.qq , 5 to tic ; antelope satllt , , I I to 12i. ' ; car cans , 9 to be. lemantl gooti'tnshil ntlvl.o liberal enimsigmitnouLt. lIe careful that. 3fl game COIIIOq tt ttsnrlet in utco coutiltioti. PtEsit ; UvsTEIts-Selects , 4Sc sHintlarti. , 40c : tiseihitims , $ Oc. CELSItYISo. : . Povirity-1.hvo chicken , ttor iloz , 1 2 OOfull ; ( lrc.sseIlehilckons , Per lb. , 8@llOc ; tstr. keys1 ItOr lb. , 1 Iltic ; tiucks , 1Oc1'2 ; goose , 12@lIc. 1jEMoN8-1tra fancy bar lemons , $ 00 ; faticyEosslna lostiotis , tier lrnx , 7 25 ; 5 box lots , \lossina letntin , $7 00 ; 10 box lots do. , $0 75 : Malaga lontutis , fancy , $5 00 ; do S box lot. , $1 110. OitAtns-LouIsismias : : to bId , $9 00 : do. , bo'c. $5 00 ; toiit cut. , lnnaicns , iterbhti , $10 00 ; Per lii ) ' ! , (3 ( 00 : Fli'rhln ' , Iter bo' , $5 25 , 19.N.s.ti-Chuico P ° bunch , l O0@4 00. CIt.tNIuiItltIEs-Boil anti ho 'los ; $10 0O6 12 00 ; boil antI cherry , 'J ' 110 a 10 110. Above i1ittntliiiis for choice. lTK-Ilaclc Arabian , per lb. , 8@Oc ; quarter crates , lOc. Pina-25 lb. kegs , Itar lb. , 12c ; 10 lb. box , nyer , l'or lb. , 1Cc ; somali sval , Per lb. , ISo. Coco.Num-Extra tine , Per 100 , 8 00. Ciinm-l'tmro votcl,1or , 2 gal ke , $600 ; M. & 1' . clariFied , 16 al keg , 4 75I ; , & P. ciarhfiod , 82 gal keg , tS 00. Firms Fisr : , fiul'R , ETC.-Pfgs foot , 15 lb kits , 81 111' 10 lb qr 1)1)1 $2 25 ligR ) foot SO lb half Iitl , & 00 : trIpe , 15 lb dts , $1. 15' trilmo , 40 lii qr bid , 82 25 ; trlpo , 80 lii half bid , SI 00 ; mlgs tongues , 111 lb kits , $2 50 ; pigs tongtie _ , 40 lb cij bid (1 ( 00. l4attib't' toisguos , is ii , kits , 2 G.i ; 10 lb qr bbl , 6 25. Miser : ME.tT-Atiiinre's , ISIb bttckots ( buckets OSc ) Oc : STlb buckets ( bucket 40c ) , Oc , ; lOOlb kegs , Dc ; half barrels , 8c. .AMSOIITh'i ) .1 Ertv-2.lb stone jars 12 In cao , Per tloz , S2 25 ; tutnlslor , per sb ; $1 03 ; schooner , per dozeti , $3 10 ; 1.lb tin cats. , 4 doz. in case , $1 ' 10 ; 2.lb tin cams. , 2 doz In case , $1 50. BULl ! .TEtttit-Cnrratit , 30.lb w'ootl pails , Per lii , 8c ; strawberry , 30.ib wood pails ier lb , S.c ; raspberry , $ O.hIm wooti ahls p' hi ) 8c ; blackberry 80.lb wood Pails per lb , She ; crab 01)1)10 , 3O.hb wood ai1s 1 ° " Ib , 8c. .AI'I'LE ] lUVTEit--35.ht 'OtiOtt lb - - ) % % ) ( pails , ior , Sc ; I 5.lb wooden pail , , 6 In case , per case , si so 1'i'cmt I1UTTER-20.hi ) svooden Pails PCV Ib , $11 00 ; 5.lb wootlou 1)a'miJ , (1 lii case , iter case , S. ! 25. 1'ltiSEiI'r.S-Ii 20.lb wootlen . * % - ( ) pails-llnsp. ) berry , iSo ; strawberry , quince , 11c ; u080li , 11c ; cherry , 14c ; tomatoes , lie' 1)15)5)5 ) , lIe ; assorted , 5.lb wooden buckets , (1 in ease iter case , $1 75 ; assorted , 2.lb tin cstts , 2 ciox in case , per case , 6 110. NctsmtAMi.t CoumilIoNnv-2.lb frames , 2I.lb cases , Per lii , lSc. IEAY-llitiOtl , S 00@1O 00 Cr tots ; Iii bulk , 6j100 50 cr ton. Groccr8 List. CtEn Goons-Oysters ( Standard ) , per case , 3 7061J3 90 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 10 ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 00 ; Bartlett pears , Ier ca.so , 2 40 ; w'uiortloberrics , iier case , 3 10 ; egg jltims , 2 hb , ier case , 2 00 ; greets gages , 2 ib , l)0T CaSe , 2 00 ; phmie apples , 2 lb per case , 4 80@5 110. ROPE-Sisal , inch antI larger , lOc , inch , 1Oc ; z inch , lie. CANILES-11OXCS , 40 lbtt , lOs'lSc ; Ss , iSo ; boxes .10 11)5 , 16 ox , , (1 ( , lSc. MATcHES-Per eatidio , 35c ; round , cases , 2 55 ; square cases , 1 70. ScaAlts-l'e'wdcroll , 0c ; cut loaf , 9c ; granulated , Si" : confectioners' A , 8c ; Stand. ard extra 0 , 7c ; extra C , 7Ac ; modiumis yellow - low , 7c ; jark yellow , ( ic. CoiyEis-Ordinnry grmies , 12@12c ; fair 13 @I3c ; good , lie ; prime , l5c1hic ; cliolco 16@17c ; fancygrecu amitlyolhow,1ii6j16c ; old government , Tav , 20@26e ; Levering's roasted. 14c Arbucklo' , roasted , 17.c ; McLaughshiit's xxkx roasted , iSle ; itultation .Tava , 16 @ :18c : RIcE-Louisiana ilnulo to choice , 7c ; fair 6&c & ; l'atina , 6.c. Fiait-N 1 mackerel , half brl& , S 00 ; No. 1 mackerel , .its , 1 , 15 ; faintly mackerel , half bris. , 6 00 ; family mackerel kits , 'J5c ; No. 1 white flli , half bris. , 7 00 ; No. 1 kits 1 03. Sviwr-Staudard Corn. , 3 Ic , bole ; tandari1 do , .1 gallon kegs 1 85 ; Standard do , .1 gallon keg , 1 50. SoDA-In Tb papers , 3 30 per case ; keg par Ib , 2c. PIcKLIlS-ModiUm , in barrels , 7 00 ; do In half barrels , .1 00 ; small , in barrels , 8 00 ; do In half barrels , 4 tO ; gIterkina , in barrels , 9 00 ; do in half barrels , 5 00. TF.ta-Gunpowdor , grwsd , 45@55c ; choice 60 ® 75c ; good Imperial , 4O0I43c ; choice , 60@65c ; Young Ilyson , good , 36@150c ; choice , CSc1 00 ; Japan natural leaf , 35c ; , Tnpan , choice , 6O@71c ; oloug , good , 3540c ; Oolong , choice , 40@.Se ; Souchong , 'good , 3540c ; choice , 35 © 15c. W0OnENWAUE-Two hoop pails , 1 85 ; three hoop pails 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 0 00 ; Plo- floor vashiboartb , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 00 ; Wohibuclcots 3 85. S0AF8-Klrk's Savon Imperial , S ' 15 ; KIrk's satinot , 3 60 ; Kirk's standard , 3 75 ; Kirk's white Russian , 5 25 ; Kirk's oiitoca , 2 15 ; Kirk's l'rairie Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40c ; KIrk' , magnolia , doz. 1OTASUPOiIflIty1vania cans , 4 case , in ease , 3 35 ; 13abbitt ball 2 , loz , incase , 1 0OAnthior ; ball , 2 doz. in case , 1 110. CANnY-French tisixod , in 30 lb. halls , ISc ; Anierican mtxotl. in $0 lb jahis , lie ; Brilliant mIxed in 30 lb paIls , lSc ; Nobby mnixetl , In 80 lb pails , 13c' ( Juint > ot.ithini inixctl , in 30 lb pails , 12c ; Excelsior ttick , 30 lb itails , 12c ; ( loUlilo rnfiuiod , 30 lb pails , lSc ; Crystal nixed , 30 lb paIls , lSc ; Old Time , irtixed , 30 lb pails , lie ; T.p Top , mnlxcii , 80 lb vail. , l3c ; Flirt , mIxed , 20 lb jjails , 111c ; Flirt , tlck , 30 lb imahls , 11c ; Tip Top , stick , 30 lb pails 12c. VINEGArS-Now Yorkapple lOc ; dhlo np 1)10 , 13c , SALT-Dray loads , per bbl , 180 ; Ashiton , In sacks , 3 ti0 ; li1iht daIry 60 , 11 , 3 30. SrAItciI-Pearl , 4c ; SIlver Gloss , tIc ; Corn Starch , 1k ; Excelsior Gloss , 7c ; Corn , 8c. Si'xeFis-J'opper , lVe ; allspice , iSo ; cloves Sc ; cassla 15c. LYE-American 3 40 ; Greenwich , S 40 ; \Vestern , 2 75 ; ? orthi Star , 2 00 ; Lewis'lye 4 65 ; Jewoll lye , 2 75. Thu use of the ( cnn " Sties Ltio' hi connection with the S H 0 Rtm15 corporate mono ofa great road , COflO.YC tOt Wee of ust ithat required Ity the travctIt jtub. lie-a Short I.ttic , Quick Tune I I N E and the bett of accoimnoda. 0 tloiia-alI of which are turn. Ished by the greatest ratlwy Lu Amcrlca , C UIOAGO , MILWAUKEE And St. Paul. It owns and operatee 05Cr dfOO miles of road a Northern IllinoIs , Wf.coumln , Minnesota , Iowa and Dakota ; anti ast ts main hors , branches and conner. tions reach all tim great buotije , , centros of ftc Niitlnvost and Far SVest , It itatuisHy aussurs Ii. dcacriptlon of Short T.Iito , anti liret Itouto hetwcen ChIcagO , tlIIwu1.ce , St. Paul and ) itnnenluI1s. ChicagotttIsvatiIico , La Crose atiti Winoni. Chic.tgo , Milwatikce , 4bcrdcmi atid Elicotlalo Chicago , IIlwau1ee , Eat ) Claire and litlliwater Ch1cao , iiIwaukco , Waussu and Merrill. Chk3)r ) , Milwaukee , Beater Haiti anti ObhkOBh , Chleago Mliwsukeo , % 'aukosha attil OconoiuowC. CnIcajo , I'lilwatikee , ia4Isoii and i'rairludu Chico. ci ) icagQ , tliltvaukec , Owatoflita ROd IaIrlbau1t. asteago , lielott JtiticsSIlio attil Mineral Point. Clcajo , 1:1gb : , , Itockford nitti Pulttque. ( JskagOCiInton , Rock lalanti etid Cedar Itapid. . -iicao ; , CotiinU I3tufls nntl Oskago , Stour CIty , Sioux l'alls end YmnI.ton tjtcago , MIiwUkCo , litch Ii md CimmnOwejalu. Itack Lsl3tnl , uHibUCIU , , , St. l'atil ciii ? dinneapolll flavelillort , Calinar , fit , i'aul anti Minneapolis. l'ullnrnn Sleepers aol tli'j Finest DliilnE Care in world are run on the mainlines otLIio CHIOAC3 MILWAUKEE s ST. PAUL tAILWAY atici urry attettiz& is IaiU tu a.bengers by courts oul CiiiiiIOl Cd of tim Compel ) ) . 13. ri. ? .1EItItI.t. A. V. It. OAitIENTEI1 , ( ; eim'i Mamtser , ( lemmI l'ass. Ageni J , T. ci.Aiiii , 050 ii. lIiAFF0lsD , Getii Hupt. Ast Uoo'i l'asi , Ag't SMITH & SPAFARD I IDrtii-t. 13. W , CORNI9t 11th AN ! ) IIOWAIII ) cli all ioll.citics aIsertlse.i itt liii * i&er. lies's also a Site limb ol Imerfuitmery 1cket kmmIte , toilet 105ps1 and choice Ifavamis cigar. . l'rocrlptiomta c mim.oundcd at at hour. . Taoist ) years ; iiaetical espericuco. Health is WealiM lIut I ; . ( ' . \ t iT'S NEIa'mi ANSI llIttN 'Iriti. e ix t' , a sistsrstitest siteilie fur lbstcrn , , lic4i. ) iWqs , ( 'miii ulsiott , Fits , Iervuimi , , , igia , I fentiac'lo , ervit ) t't' oat ati hut iimit'l I o ' Itt' ti. ) of mileithul or t timnec.t lVmmkpruimft'ss , ) h'tm , liii I ) o. pr'sshnm , 8uftonint i' ' this I irniii rt'.tmit tug I n in south' amiti haul mmg I it tnitry , mh'en' anti thitmi it , l'remtiaturti Dlii Agt' , hiarretttt'ss , J.tns of Iii oitlter sex. 1 mmvlmtntziry 1 smii mmtt Sisrmnnt orritiert etuiseti 1)3' mtvm'r..o.trt mitts itt I Ito inimmi. it'll- nbmtsn or mmyer.Immtltiigt'itco. Jaelm box eutil nini , 1110 ltuttt it's I rent lutist , $1 .151 ii I itix , or six , ' furi.tsomit. ( by mimisit , reituitItmit it'ct'ipt. of Itrito. 'c ( l't1ttNTl'1 MIX U4)'P'1 T , euro atmy case. 'ith inehi mnier imot'iv'tI byti. for six ) ) OXt'S ncettiitiitiiNl with io south limo Iflrcltner our vrtI I ems tinrminteu to ro. tumid t ito booty If thin I nat 011,111 titc mut oIled Rcurc' . ( immnrntttoes lismied unh'hy C. 1' . IlO0it.t' ) , Soli . % o'tmmt for ( ) tmtalta , cl , . . OiFi XLh BRlv's ; r1lVNTtV1 AND CURE. OR EITHER SEX. Ti ) remedy being injected directly to the cat ihe tease , requires no chamigo of diet or mtatlseoui , ocrcuriml or POt5mOlt8 ) medicInes to be taken Ititorn ; 'Y . "ltcn tied its a PrOVoittrO bY either set , it Ii tnpOstitO to contract tin ) ' ltrhvato diqeaso ; Ittit In thc : * .so of timoec already unfortunately afflicted we gmmnr mntoo three boie to ctsre. or we ttll rofumiti tit. money. I'rieo bi' mail , postage ; aId , $2 i'er liox , a , ihteo boxr for 5. ; wmtrr. OIIAIIANTEES Issol by all muthorired aiemiti. Dr.Felix L Brun&Co SOLE i'IIoPnIETORa : c.i' : . Gootlnian , Drttggist , Solo Agout , for Omnalts Neb. Iu&o wly - [ N BoTTLEs. 1r1iingcr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11tvnrit ; ; Oulinbutcher. . . . . . IJavitria. Pilsner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Johiuiiitii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DOMESTIC. . Bud'eisei' . . . . . St. Louis Anhtiiiscr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .St. 1oui Best's. . . . . . . . . . . t . . . . i\1 \ ii 'nukee. Snlilitz-Pilsiicr . . . . . . . .Milwuukce. . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ale , Porter , 1)ouiestic uiui Itililif \Vine. ED. MAUILER , . I 214 Farimnimi. ItY : 'isss : , FARMER'S FRIEND. .5L ! * ERTEL'13 m4t 1AY PRESSES 4 _ _ * _ , : car than 6miy itorl SC 4cit' { . _ warrammtti or no eats s Sendfor Illustrated dr . : cular CEO. ERTEL & CO. , Quincy , III. N. IL-Mr. Petlcrlch : The Icononiy is still ready cttlo tint chaltetigu' ititIm $500 00 to ( ho winner. Just say when amid where , and we itlil go for the ,0oiis. 0. 1 ! . lIlY 11 waov $ at me WeakrvousMon VItoio ito in ii ty m lmi list I in anti tmemtiattIro decoy nmocauseti1w etcaoe. irioretif ) ommili , etc. cr0 terfcctiy rcstortfit ( it i,1mst Item , I I I. .tmmtl vIirmomitt mmmnmlitl hy TH E M A RSTO N im : LU 6. 1o , Onmmmmich drmit'clng. Ttats I rcmitmmicnt of.Nem omis IeIiIty , tmttt i'imvt.tmmi 1eeov Is unhormimiy tmccecsftmI ltt'enmtim fa.t , ( tn tt-ritct. mliii iit.I . , , , om' LI uti iii iet't pm'I ImtIs nmitt imb- , .oitito t lmtti'miglmmmt'.s. $ t'ntt'd 'IrtaIt'n ( [ rep. MARSTON REMEDYCO.,46W.l4tImSt. , UewYork 4 GItEA'L' 111 I1)lC2r , Woltic o MAOOI ! Ixhammstetl Vitality , Nerves , . nmt1 itiysieal Itbility , l.'rematuro Icclimmo ) iii Mcmi. Erommof Youth , amid the utitolel mulierics rtstiltiiig frotti itdIscrettmm : or ox. cesseim. A book for orery motto , Noting , mnbidlim sgcd , and old. It commtalns iti trrocrlitIinIs for all acute and chrtmttc tiisc&to , cacti otto of which is IttyaIualjIu So founti by the 4 % ttthor , she eaprremtco : for 2 lear , is Itticli asrobabiy never before ( cli to thu 10 of any int ciciami , : ioo hound iii bomsttifu French mnulln , miiboqspdcot'ors , ( till gilt gtmtrantoed to Ito a firmer work , iii ovcr sense- mittchotiicai , lit. erury amid trofessitmal-ttan ) A1t3 other work i old iii ttttt count , y toe 52.0 , or time initmicy w Ill Ito rcftindctl Itt every Imistitocu , ides only I.ba by mmmii , Itost. itaid , illuetratito HaInpIn 5 cemit. Scud now. Goll mmicdai nwardcd ( ito attthor Ity the National Melical AmociatIomm , to the otlicors ot siikit lie refers. 'Iltis book ehotmil ito rcatl by the 3Oltif ! ) for tntrmio- ( iou , and by thu mitittetni for relief. It n ill Icmmcttt ali.-Iummdomm lincct. Thorn Is tin member of seemLy to tlioin liii. linolt % tlll imot ito ueetmmi , whether youth , inremi t , guardian , Imtstrmntoror oergvmmman.-mgomstit. ! .ttlt1tcs time I'o1totiy Metitcal lutittmlo , or Mr. V. ' . If , Parker , Nit. 4 liuitlitcim St reef , 1iototm Mast. , % t ho may 10 consulted on all dIsease retimIrlmtg tmkiii anti osierlenco. Cironia situ olsttmiatedisoasus that liii c 1aitled tit skill of s.li other ril3m.Ij , ciamis a specialty. Such treatul eucotss. I I 14 [ liii ) wititotit tilt litbtamlCo of failure. mn&c&w.ly DR. WIIIER , 617 St. Charles St. , SI , Louis , Mo. A llF8JtJIAit OI1ADUA'I'iof two medical collegee I . . lies lecmm cmigaie1 longer In Uio treatment of CIlItONIC , NE1IS'OUS , SKIN AN ! ) 111,001) Jlseaece thutsi oIlier itloeldaim itt St. 1.oui , , as city laier chow anti all old resubmits know. Conultatiomm Srcoan Inmituti.'hcm' It Is Imieoimvonlent to visit the city tresttrcut , medicines c. . be sent by imiali or OX1mrOa evcrynhcro. Curablocases guaranteeuh1CrC UOti exists it Is fratkly stated , Call or writo. Nervous l'rtstratiom , , Debility , Mental and l'hysica YoimkrttmsMetcuriai , smut other ailectiomia of ' .ilmrot I , ' fng , Skim. Oil Hocus mmiii Ulcer , lumped ! mnemitfi to mtrr1gu.Ifimmmaat1ii'iiuv. Speclil at. ! i ht's ' frommi overworked br1bUjUAL A8IS : iTvo special attention , li.easos ) arisIng from I fltltrmitlciVe , lsctite , lmtiuigemicei. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t7xxl : . mnarryw1tomnayno ( why , caimsee , conscquomtces and cure. Maliod for 21c ; ) oetago or etamits. cot i6 tIaw1v nfl iiininini regular graduate Is 3J11 , hull VLiJIUUi1 medicine , Gte , Ixtec OOant6OiWymntuttofit ! , year. ' irctico-tueIv. it KAKSAH CITY , MO , Chicago. Authoriecti by the elate to trea J. . . ) , Chronic , Nervousrott i'ivato mIIea.eb , , ct. ' ) Athmnm , EitlIeps3' , Ithetimmiatlmom PIle. , ) ! LV'41i , ' . ) tTalu Worm , IJrluiary an' ! Skin flIm 41 eascsSemuinaiwoalimneenlgi9iopscsl , ( ) LzZlS / , Sextial Doliiilty6otw mif.eximaipter ) etc. Cur.s guarr.mteoti or , non.ly refundtil. Giargot h w 'Ihoucarids of casoc cured , No Imijurlotis mull cimm lurimlshcd even to Itatleitta at a dlstammco. Con buitati mm Irte timiti cmitllitIlcall or ; vriltr utge and uxpulisnee ire Important. A 11001 ! for both eeoc. ilustratod-ammd circular. of other thIngs cnt aoatci stitit two 3 cant atetri. vitss uimIu9 ; ! mnr'.l o.I.i IJUF/EME ? & MEFY DEL Cl/N , ARCHITECTS : ritE'.ios'i : , 'I o OSIA hA NATIONAl. HANK lWIt.l1lNU..if THE NECESSITY FOR THE SPECIALIST , DR , H. WAGNER , ltaslmgbcen ackneoieicezi rinti more so at thi. ti luau city other. 'lbs sa't fleid if tit'die'at sciemmo is 0 % Cr iumcrcslm , , anti Its mn.rrntmq lirinilme , are iititmlt , mmearer , , , imesrit to i'erfcctinn , Ml I no , tmto titan eIm univ loa , , gra'.m thetmi iii liemeo the miecesslty for tlm liIm , ttr later , .mmti II Ii tnio l'ttytti1 itil iiomr4 that tllens , aflretimig t ho gen to'ttimm.ry % orisim mmcii i'ciftl str.y more thai soy Ititig e1o , If t o a otmh ) tmmttierstami,1 , , im.i , kmiov how reat theta Imropr1' . 1)11. \vuNiis : ii fully a'var. ( list titers ore msmy i'h 5101 * , ) , , mttt t,00)O .emIhtlo tpltt , i hit ii Ill c'ommulemnmm hilmim ftm Itiakitig liii. clas of tllseae a site' duty , hitit Ito is htmitl' ) ' to ktmnw that otth ittost per qmt ( if teflutetittit cmii intehligummee a Immure emsilIilcn. , I i few is taken , tf tIt sutltjeit , ammi thtaS tito 1113 sic. molt it im dovotci hiumseif to rt'liui iimi tIi mtttictei ! anti as hug theni frimmi 0 , 'rso tinti ilecitli , is no less a ftittittttiti4 mtti Iomtefctur , to It ! ' , race thin time itir gCOiI or h'imlieiAfl otito I'i , clo'u altitilcatimI eiceh in ally ittier hmratiii itt his ltrofe'smomm. , imi fnrtitmtmtelv or htmmitaitlty , the day i tisto mmimig n this ttile itlmt mitthro1h t flat rtmii'mitimetl thu i lctimtti of' ' foiiy ot crlmmte , lilt , flit , icier , titthr the Juttiii las' , to die tttmoitol for has itassetiatoat. A Few Reasons S'Ii3' 3011 ittottli try tito celebrated la ) Ii. Vagmmer'e tmtotbois of ctiret 1. "Pr. It. Vagmmcr Is a imattiral Ith , Irlmm. " 0. 5. Fen ton , 'ihie Greatest t.ioimmg I'itmemmologlsL 'Fen can oeoi yost as a doctor. " liii. .1. Stint , , . 'lbsl'oril'tt Greatest. i'it slt'zmiomttlst. . , ct oti are ot ttmiterftml ) irtflcIcmmL lit ) o'ttr kimowi edge of dI.easo muttl itmetiiclmmos. " lie. J. ) inmimns. 4. "Tue miflUcted fimiti roily relief iii i our jroe cmico. " lbs. i. SiMims. f , . "Dr. 11. ' 'nrmter I , ft regular gratttmsto teens Hloimto ! lloepitah , New York cIty ; has ht ocry cx. temt.liu ht"i'liai Itriclice , mtth is Iimorosmgltlv lout' ! eu nil tramucites of his lclovott , cioneu , especially out chtrommio tllscase , . ' ins. ) limtowsmiit. & Ewuxo. 0. ' ' Dr. ii. lies IVagiter inmiiorbitizeI : htIttttl f I' iti iioimtierfttl mliscoivry of ei't'oiflo reuttodis for it iatu amiti , etmah .itst'aso's.-Virgimmi.o City Cttrnicio. 7. ' 'l'hmtniaiutl , of ititalitis Oock to pee iImti.-Smt Fr.smmcl'eo Ciiromiicle. S. "Tue Itor' , lomig caperlcmico its C ii'ceiallI iltotill rentlct hilumi i cry CttCOeSsItil.-ltOCk ) ' Mouum. Laiti Plain Facts Plainly Spoken , At coo time a tllctmssiomm t'f the secret o ice ion , en tirely nvtdle.l 10' time ItT0fttItt1 , emit muetlieni works itt bitt a few 3 car , ego itottli it.inilo' mneittloti It. 'i.ilay limo ilt slelami is cf a tiltlerent olimlion ; ho im cit art , that it is his tlttty-lltagi ct'ttlti thottit It oily loto hammIlo tImi mitatter it ilIttut glut us anti 9tiak ilaittit mibotit it atiti immtclliieitt hstrtmmto mtttd itmar.hiamis hli thiamti Idmit for tioing . .o. his ie.tmlts nttemttllitg titI , Itstiimctivc 't ice otero for. 1oct13 mutt ttmttleistttol , itt ittt lrolcrb ostlmtiatet ; amid ml ) lmttportaiico leittg atteehet to a , ttmltject it ItIch by Its miatimmO tlocs mtot limo Ito dose in usttgatiomm , It. ittos ii tllingI3 iutt'rtl , 'Fite imaltit Is generally cntracttl 1w the young to hitlo ettemiltmi belitsi ; oilier commiraumiomi. through their eamnplo , itiay lu tc.itoimolbio for it , or it may Ito nitittlicil tiir.tuglm iwdlemtt. Thu eeitentemitottcu cx' iriemtcel , the ImUuo it Ill ito molested agalmi and amdmm , until at ist ( Ito huohit lecommics flrmn mind cote ItletehY emi1ai es ilto letini. Meittal emil imeriotte ef illctlomt , are tmsttitli tue itrimnar rusuhti , of , clf.altuo. Ammtommg the Imtjtim iotii uthcts may be tuemitlomieti havtl. ttide , ilejcctiomt or irrascililllty of teniler amid gritted debIlity. The hot' , cel , , eccimistoim , mttl rarely joins lit the sport , of htf commq'amiiomis. I f lie ho us ) ottmig 111am ) ho ivill ho little fotimmil itt commtpammy it Itli the other .ex cmii it troulleti it iti eaoetllmig emil nmtmto ittg lashItiIness iii theIr itreseumco. l.asclo hum , droanis , cmntsIons ammi ertiptloiis cii ( lie face , eta , are also liroililmiemit , ymnptomntt. If tue ltmcticu Is i lohently periliteti imm , mitoro serion , tlisttirbamtces take la' . Ureat lt.slltltatlomi of time heart , or c1ttle1ttlc coin tmltomis , am eperlcmic"ti , mtd the uITorcy mitsy fail litto a cnmn1leto state of idiocy ho. fore , ttimail1' , dootli relIeves itimmi. To cli titoso eimgatoi iii tltiit damigerots , practice , I ii tiulil cay , Ilrst. of all , 'l' Lt at once ; uncle ci tt0iIi0 clttrt to tb so ; ltttt if you foIl , if yttur utcrvoti 3 itemn is 'alreail3' too utuch , 'liattcreti , cmii eomm.p. qimeuitty , ) ( ( mr it itl.hoil or liroleim , talu somnu tin sc tonic to alit no Itt your ttttirt. iiailimg frectl yottrmtell frtnn the lmallt , I is otmkl further coumitci pu to go tttrotigh to regular ctttireo of trcatmitemit , for It is a great mnlstalco ttt siioso ; . that 0113' 0110 uttay , for caine time , lie t ci cry so little , iris o iilmmt&elf tilt tO this fiutcimmattti but dammgorotmt , ecitemmicmmt is'ithmotmt smiilortmmg trota its ci II COtmbO3tmCimtCS at , tommio ttittmt U timitmi. 'lime mtummmt'cr of yougi omen is Ito are ltmcapaclatct to liii thu titmtiot unjolmmnt hi3 wedlock is mslarmmmtmmgly limrgu , ammil lim most of stmclm cases timI mmmmfortmmmmatu commiitttttm of thlmmgs can be traceti to time PcaCtiCO tf tteIf.alttme , iilmictm hiatt htoen elemntlomtel years ago. imidvi-ti , a low mnmthi5' , Practice of 11th. habIt is suulieiemmt to lmmduce BitermimatOrrhmuat later ycarsammd I lmai u immammy of iuch cases ummdcr treat tncmmt at time ltrosetmt day. , .181 Young Mei % Vlio tnay Ito suffering from ( Ito effccL of youthful follies or Indlscrctioms is iii b tveli to avail thotuselic , of this , time greatest loomm ever laid at time altar of ituf. ferimig lmummiammity , 1)11. IVAUNmImO will gmmaramiteo to for. feit $500 for every case of iemmmiimrtt svctkmics or iirIte disease of mommy iitmii nmttl character is imiclm ho under. taku , tonmid failsto cure. Middle Aged Men , I Timers are mimnumy mit time togs of 50 to 00 svho are tro.hlecl it itim too frcitut'mlI ' uractmatioims of UmO blat ! dir , often accummclummkd ity a .liglmt imnatting nm lmru. lug eemieatlomm , coil a wenkcmmimli ! of the sy.tcmmm lit a nattIer time 1ttlt'mtt c.ummmot mtccomimit fir , ( 'ml examulmi. lr.g time imrimmai y slcitCtCltd a rqty mteIitmmcmmt itill often be tommmm.i , emil , tmnettmtmos tntttli ian lclt of nlljtmimmcmt islIl a 'I ' rear , tiC I lie cttlor it ill Ito of tlmlmm mmmllkielm line , again cimamigimig to a dark aim ! toriihl npJcarmimcu. There are that ) ) ' mtmemty nmcmm ivito dim' , d flits tiililcimmty , Imoramt : of ( Ito cuso , sslmlchm itt time , ec.tmmtl stage of tcmmtimmnl.otcak. lies , . Pr.V. . still gmmarammteu a 1erfcct dire 1mm nIl cases mmd a hmealtimy restomatiomi of tIme gemtito.imrimmary or- gamms. Cotmiultatlomm free , Thorough oaxommmlmtatiotm amid at . 'lcc , 5. ' All connmmsunictttloims ehouli le nltlrceqcIIr. I'icrmry IIcmry Wmigmmttr , I' . 0. 2859 , flcmmver , Cttiormodo , Time Young Mail's l'clet Cummmpamtiomm , by lIt. 11 iVagmmer , iii ivortim its weight in gtid to oummg morn i'mico ? i,25 , Hunt by immail to msmi address. Let Your Light Shine. Hr. Vamcr Ito cololmrabl poclniist of iomivcr , Cob. , $13 liirtmtmer itreet , Icllcics time world knmrtw irimat us camm tin , ami i iltImmg fttr tltsueammds of his foltsvumtcmm ! , I I is trcatmmmemtt tar lost immamthtooil is it to ti inst Imimu a miStime that 1csterltY it iii lIttlt , . Toni hmoim'aiml tottimtmomtials frpmmm all os or time Utmiteti States rum ) ) timroe ito lies cmmrcd , Is 1tttslttt o that Ito does tare time isoret tast's of timico diseases. 'lime afflIcted rmmmm clmrmmilc emil eoual dioceses of every klmmti sill ! mid lmlmmi timeir best Ii loimi. heal iml uulyertlsemienmt mm all our cIty Idlers , amid cmli omm lilni fttr muli ice , as we kmmtiw you is ill corroltorate mm , in sa lmm ! lie iii the sut tercr'U true frlemmd.- Rocky Moumm nalmi Newel Relief to the Afflicted , hi medkimmcs , e Pm pelonce , ( ho speclalisis sro the one. ii iii , aba ) . coimmes to time ( rout mtmmd at'conmpliim great reemilts. 'ilmis remmiarit hi especially apiiic.tiJne tote to 1)r ) , If , Wmv'mwr , of tim ! , cIty. iltm .tmumtbt at time top of uita1tmotessroii , ammd time curee ho Ierft.rtmmS for the umifortuimato siotmiti mcciii ssommtlerttmi it hot lrOlterlY S lotted 1mm tIme light if ttclcmttllla actimmlremmmtmmts. lie it emtIortted by time inmost enimimmemit of the nmeIicmth faculty. imht oftice at 313 I.aramtilr .treet , shore ime sill sitectU. ily ufTet a cure for ( lie mmmfleristg of chimer ccx , no mmmat. tr 110W coimmIlIcated their ctmmlbiaImmt.POmuCrOys flmmmocat , Chronic Complaints Require 2ime for a Cure. i'rommsnt a tlisttinmcu who situ tobo treated by Pr , Wmtgimcr mmcc ! umot foci Immickit mirmi because of Inability Li ) llt imimu. If they stIll w to thu iloetor lie siuii scot ! a hit of , ittestl.tmttt W umallot imlmmi t , end mmmetlicimie , coummiul mitt to timousantd ho im imuset aeom , lie 1mM i' in every cIty , town nut station ui Colorado well its aliuier time ( limited States. Soc his miti 1hjii alicrltitummmemmt.-flou. ocr 'Iribtitie , Shall We Reform ? Sieelflo rtrnolks for mill iiisesses I , thu timeory ractke nit lreictmt of ialimratetl amid cijenienos mmiiysictmommi , s.im.i hum all large comnmumummitles they liar. ( lair , ltccb.ltlt , to cdtLl I'm ' stimicli they tlireot timeim stutiemimml Practice , Pr , % Vmigimvr Id it eticeciotful il. iustratiOii of timid mnodtrmi school of jtoeimtitIts. and his UmilrCCiltmitttd ittixess 1mm ( lie trvtutirmmt if jvlsate di.emutui Is a siomidurfUi aS It l uiatterimig.rot. . .1 bImmmmmi , pursomm. sitto , metslummcdieal relief for tlm macel delloatu of tliet'at tm I 5 % lii ilmmml ami mtrcanmjilslt4 atmil cue. tosful iltySict4Ii In tito ircomm of Pr. Witgmtom , ins , a-IS l.nmrlmmier stret I , iijmti Is lightly ruoommmmnvumtlcd bythe tmmeilioal itroleesloti at liottie toil itlstorti.l'timmmero'I Iemmtt.crmit lulgistry mittul I.'mtoramive uutttt 1 I ,5 stay to witlomi ) aim ! time so I.e Ihtl.Ietamt htiiov iii letting hits lightt hiItmtm for thu gioryif tie fellow 1,10mm. I'rimmter' , Imik e lime Itireli lie cam , test moo to idlu tii ii ear ) ' and sick clue to time ftummt.'tlmi of healtl , If this rtIci. ) ittull lu lmi.trUmumCittdi 01 Ii .t'l'QitChlIij1i'j" ( bet U. elm' a 1.111 5" guIde uIferittg lmummmamilty (0513 1.arimno , stitot , heuser , Color.ultm , IL still amicoer ( lie h1urPe newblch It toes ttrittetm , Atldros.i DR. IIENItY WAUNER , P. 0 , box 11380 , or call at 513 Lanimnur bttoet1 Lumivor , 0310. t.ite.dtbcolumnu : headed " 11w Nocceslty Ut , I ptaU - - - , - - - - - - CF1ALESSHIVEiflCK F urn'iture ! Have just received a large quantity of - new newR : R , TTIrr , AND AM OFFEItING THEM AT VERY LOW PRICES PASENaEn' LVATOR CHASI SHIVERICKI To . .U P1oor. I 1200 - , 1208 OMAhA iid 1210 , NEll. FarnarnSt II. . ii-r ) JANUFACTSJ1UtIS OF FIN ! lllliOS Crrios ffli Snll Oll $ , , . , My I'PStt0ry Is constantly Sliel with aelcctstook.1 ( lest Workmanship guaranteed Office and Factory S. IV. Corner 16th and Capitol Avwiue , Omab \A ( M S : N---D w R L _ _ _ ! MANUPACTUIIRIt OF OF STISIcYFLY Fliu3T.CLt3S i'riae , BueRoa ! , aaOllS AND TWO WHEEL CARTS. 'itrittl ( tmtsleeimp 18115 auth ftmrimlsfmntl 1320 Irazmie3' free tittomi Strrct appllcatiisn. nut ! 405 5. 11th Street ' ' --OlV1.I..EIJ. . , a. ii. LE1GflTON. H. P. CLz'iJtKE. ' LiIIGHTON & CLARKE , . . ( ( SUCCISSOflS TO I1ENNAIIU P1105. & CO. ) 1 Wholesale Orists1 -DEALERS IN- I Paints , Oils , Brushes , CIass . . OMMIA , - - - - - - - NEBRASKA. P11CTIO1T' IN Heating and BakIng liii only attained by using OTER OAK Stoves and Ranges , : 1lTt1IBE / II1E OYE lllU Fet r 'a by , MILTON ROGERS & SONS ' - . OMAHA. C. F. GOOD1VAN , Wholesale Druggist I . . . . . . ecinni xa-- - - - - - . lAND DEALER IN Piits Oils Varnishes au 1iViudO ifiass OMAHA , NEBIIAS1(4. J. A. WAKEFIELD , . . wlioLls.ktt : ANI ) IthTAIL DEALER IN LuMber , Laili , Shiug1e , Ptcets , ASll , BOOR BLINBS1 1UUbBI11 LI1B1 CBMET , PLASTER , &C. . STATE AGENT FOlt MiLWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY. ' ! ! ! ! ! ! Pacific Depot , . - Double and $ iiglo ; Acting Power and Hand iIJMPS , STEAM PUMPS , , , , Brass and. Iron FiLtiiigs Engine Trimmings , Miuiing Machinery Bolting Hose . , , Steam Packing at wholesale and roiait HALLADAY WLND.MJLLS CJLUIWH AND SCHOOli BELLS. Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Nab. rm iIID , MANUFAOTUIUII ( OF aIvaoiied IrooCornices1 Yido CasfiiaIs1 , MIvllitlt's ' &o Thirteenth Strot --aE-Mi 11MANN. J OBBEhtO ? a11 Paper 1111ff illfto Sliaae EASTE/Ili PRlCE OZIPLICA Li1 1118 FARNAM STREET , . I N OMAHA NED. 5 -.u . , q &nesv.1y