TTTT ? HATT.V RF OM ATTA. SATURDAY r G THE DAILY BEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS , SATURDAY DECEMBER 15 , 1883. i-HE DAILY BEE. BLUFFS. Saturday Mornine : , Deo. 16. Br Carrier SO cent * ptr wtck By Mai - J10.00 per Year oncB : No. 7 Pearl Street , Near Broadway. MINOE MENTION. Holiday goods at Seaman's , The tissue festival continues. See Joseph Roller's fall goods. The city council moots to-night. Cheap Railroad Tickets nt BushnoH'B. Christmas cards nnd toys at Seaman's. The electric light will probably bo turned on by Monday night The Royal Arcanum had the closing social of its eorius last evening. . The Rceorvo lloao company has de cided to give it * annual masquerade ball January 7. The Presbyterians hold their social last evening at the residence of Mrs. nonry Swan. Leave to wed was yesterday given to 0. Gust Man3on and Anna Anderson , both of Macedonia. Sneak thieves relieved John Nichol son's saloon of the presence of two over coats and an undorcoat. Sullivan nnd Slndo stopped nt the Transfer , a short distance out of the city , for hotel nccommodations while hero. Reckless & Kennedy , of the paper mill , seem to bo in still further trouble. George F. Wright yesterday took out nn attachment on a claim of $263. The old soldier. } of Tabor have decided to organize n post of the 0. A. II. , nnd have fixed upon .Saturday evening of next week ns the date for making the formal plant. The Episcopalian ladies realized over $1,000 from the fair and festival. Dr. Macrae won the silk hnt. Miss Uonniovo Baldwin the dollj and Mrs. D. J. Rock well the crazy quilt. The Bluff City Typsgrnphical union expect a largo and merry gathering at its second annual ball , to bo hold Tuesday evening December 25. The Bavarian band is to furnish music. Second Spiritual society moots every Sunday nt 2:30 : and 7:30 : p. m. in Dorol & Wright's block , north Main street , up stairs. "Tho light of reason is the aim of the soul through nature to God. " The non arrival of the now furnnturo is now given ns the reason for cot mov ing into the now city building. Cannot furniture bo had in Council Bluffs , which will answer the purpose without sending elsewhere. ' "Ohl think of the friends over there. " Spiritual circle to-morrowSunday ( ) after noon nnd evening nt 2 p m. nnd 7:30 : p. m. in Spiritual hall , two doors south of the postofllco. Entrance on Main and Broad streets. The blackboard in Porogoy , ATMooro's ia being used again for marmot reports , Mr. S. T. French getting telegraph re turns from Chicago every half-hour , and putting them up there for the public benefit. Mrs. Nina Hutton , yesterday , com menced divorce proceeding against her husband , Thomas H. Hutton , claiming release from him bocauao of'his cruelty and drunkenness , and especially because ho _ drove her out of the house at the point of a loaded revolver. Fred Ford , while slaughtering hogs ir Hazel Doll township , was bitten in the hand by a hog while resisting death. Although the wound is not a sorioua one of itself , it is feared that there may be Bomo ill effects follow from blood poiaon ing , nnd every effort possible is boinf made to prevent any sad consequence. There is much anxiety to know whn the grand jury will do with Dr. Croai for shooting Dr. McKuno. There nn whispers that no indictment will b < found , but that is preposterous. Tin difficulty seems to bo that there nro sonu .of the jury who are kicking ngainst finding -ing any indictment for murder , dosirin ] BOIHO lessor degree , but that some sort o an indictment will bo found is n fora gene conclusion. "Micky" Hock wns on a wild drunl Thursday night , nnd Deputy Marslw White attempted to arrest him. Mick showed fight nnd White finding ho ha more than hii hands full forgot his doiu ocratio prejudices nnd wllpd some 9 ! \ \ \ 'colored folks io his assistance. The ; helped him valiantly , and throwing Mick down dragged him by the heels , until h was submissive enough to agree to wal along like a gentleman. M Two boys , Louis ScliicVatanz and Joh Bottlaon , wore boftro Judge Ayloswort yesterday morninj on the charge ( thumping another boy named DanWobl bocausa ho "luttlol" lomothing abet them. After hearing the evidence th judge sentenced the boyt to three day each in jail , nnd then hold back tit committment , the understanding boin that the boys would not bo locked up : they behaved themselves iu the futun Mayor Bowman announces that ho lit received n letter from Markdalo , count of Gray , province of Ontario , from a attorney named I. B , McMillan , d mauding in behalf of a client name Edward Morris , that the city shall pi $35,000 for negligence on the part of tl oflicials in letting escape the murderer i a brother of the man Morris. Thoi eeeins no one who has any remoinbrani of any such occurrence , and the conch eion seems to be that it "is the work i Boino crank , or a feoblu , effort to mam facturo a sensation for the alcupy she of which the mayor finds hiuwelf tl editor by force of financial circumstance Horaforrt'o Acfd I'lioBpliutc , For Overworked Professional Men , Dr. CJIAS. T. MiTcnKtL , Canaudaigu N. Y. , toys ; "I think it ngreat reston of rrain force or nervous energy , " V THE TIES OP KIN. They Cnuso Two Brothers to Meet Alter a Hopnrntlou ol Twenty- Klglit VcntB. J. A. Ballon , of this city , ia now enjoying - joying n visit from liis brother , S. J. DixHon , whom lie lias not aeon fur twon. tyoight years , and whoso whereabouts ho has not known for fourteen years. During these many years ho has mot with many tips nnd downs , but one "down" was particularly unfortunate , it being while ho was yardmaster at St. Louis , for the Wnbash railway. IIo thcro mot with nn accident by which ho lost both legs. This was two years ago , and now lie is halo and hearty , nnd weighs 201 pounds in his shirt sleeves , without any legs. A sister , Mrs. Harriet Nelson , living nt Blair , Neb. , is hero , too , on n visit. She has not scon the crippled brother for twenty years. Another brother , Thomas II. Dnlton , is expected to arrive hero every day , nnd ho , too , has not soon his other brothers for ten years. There are in the family thirteen still living out"of a family of twenty-one , and in the grand father's family there were twenty-seven children. Considering such numbers in n family it is not to bo wondered at that meetings nro rare , and family reunions far between. A ClcrRytnait'H Testimony. W. K. Glfford , Piwtor M. K. Church , Hath- well , Out. , WM fur two years n oulforor with Dyvpopnin In Its worst form , until M ho states "llfo bocnino nn actual burden. " Three Ixit- tlos of llunloci llliKxl llittert cured him , nml ho toll/i u.i In n recent letter that ho considers It the host fvnlly moillclno now before the coun try for ( lyxpepslA and liver complaint. Six per cent city and farm loans. S. W Forgusson & Co. , 30 Pearl St. mw& PERSONAL. Governor Sherman and wife arrived nt the Ogden yesterday , nnd , In company with Hon. llonry W. Kothort nnd wife , of Kookuk , vis ited the institution of the deaf and dumb. Will .T. Trotton , of Avoci , was among these who visited the Bluffs ycstordny. K. Locke , of Oshkosh , Wls. , registered nt the Pixelfio house yesterday. Sheriff Jones , of Donlson , wni in the city yesterday. 0. E. Davis , of Pekin , 111. , in at the Pacific. W. G. Pnlmantor , of Rochester , N. Y. , ar rived yesterday at the Pacific. 8 , A. Smith , of Cheyenne , was nt the Ogden - don yesterday. W. Itolton , of Now York , arrived at the Ogden yesterday. 0. Butz , of St. Louis , rcglaterod at the Ogden don , II , II. I logo , of Chicago , was herd yostor- dny. dny.J. J. W. Bird Wns called out of town yester day on Icgnl business. 0. J. Best , of The Herald , has boon called to Ilarlnn for a 'few days , Clarence lli'.i ' y , of Showndon's gallery , is now an oh-bo-ioyful father. W. L. Andrews , of the Ncola Iteportor , waa In the city yesterday. Ho , with II , T. Irwiu , nro now the proprietors of that paper , Mr. Mullano having disposed of his Interest In the paper. I' . IT. Ford , of Sioux City , Is making n brief visit to old friends in tliia city , and look- tnf/ntter nome busincsx mattnrs nn well. Ijost Faith In 1'liS'slclans. Why Is It that BO many persons use proprie tary medicines , or patent medicines , as they are commonly called ? In it bocnUHO people lese faith In-their nhyHtclnns ? Well , tills ig no doubt , frequently the case. There are in numerable hiHtancoH , where cures have boon uJTectod by Scoviu.'n SAimAi'AWLi.A or Bwon & LIVKH SYMIF for nHdlsoauoa of the blood , when they had boon given over by their phy- hlclanB. It is ono of the boat remedies ovei offered to the publicmid nH it ispropnrod with the greatest care , an a Bpocifia for certain dls. ooso-s , it IB no wonder that It should bo marc effectual than hastily written and carolossl ) prepared proscriptions iniulo by incompotenl physicians. Take BCOVILL'H BI.OOII AND LIVEI Bviiur for nil dlsordorH nrlting from iuipuri blood. It la endorsed by loading profesilonn men OB well ax by eminent physiciaiu am others. Try it. Mrs. M. Carroll , fnsliioiinblo dress making , cutting and fitting a specialty Apprentices wanted. No. 720 Fira avenue , up stairs. IJoforo the Unr. Judge Reed having gona to Dos Moino Mayor Lymaii servos on the bench , b ; request of the bar , for n day or two Yesterday there was little done , oxcop the arraignment of some prisoners against whom indictments had booi found. Among these wore Jack 0. Will iiims. the young man captured by th women , while going through J. S. For man'H , house. lie pleaded not guilty , am the court appointed A. T. Fliokingor n his attorney. Douglas McCarthy , lai cony of clothing from Forman's store J. M. Smith , larceny of buffulo robot Paul Blockort , assault on n mutoj W. I < Kosson , larceny. All these pleaded no guilty , and wore sent back to jail t uvrait trial. The criminal cases will b put on trial next week probably. , Urown'H Bronchial Troolica for Qoucrl nnd Colds : " I do not BOB how it is ponaiu ! for a puhllq man to bo himself In winter will out tills admirable aid , " fev. Jl , AT , Vcien 1'otiuntt , MIM. ' ( I llf China and glass reception , 23 Mai f street Oomo and sco us please , W. S. IIOMER & CO. t JlolpiDK the Homo , 8 The publication of the report of tl 3 finances of the Homo of the Friohdles ahowing the treasury ( o bo overdraw § 7.7C , has mot with a gouoroua rcspons showing that there is a practical inhere felt here in ita BUCCCBB. Yesterday can two cash contributions of $10 cac nnd II , 0 , Gary gave $5 more , makii 625 , Of couno this dons not moot t the wanta , but it is a help , There a bills yet to bo paid , amounting to $11 for which caili is greatly needed , TJicy also was received yesterday froi Mrs , II. A. Stoddard a carpet and clot ing. Old clothes are greatly needed , i tlioro are in the house those who c ; woik them over themselves , and th make themselves comfortable. Anyoi having such contrllmtiona can bo roliuvi from the trouble by sending them tl o Homo or , by dropping a post to Kov. J ? OLoben , wlio will sue th they are called for. Mrs. E , L. SliUR&rt yesterday sent I ! Homo two bushels of potatoes and ono turnips , These are acceptable , indoc and as the collar ia now iu drat class , co dition to receive a eioro for future well as present need , it should bo filled with these necessaries. It is desired that these who can would give orders for grocorie , iDv < fituProvia- ions , if they have ijpti\-p \ \ nnKS to givo. Most of tlijkJJJJJnbxMiQ1 ! ot al * kinds so far liavojbctn ve nfitary1 , and it is desired to continue ; j * Hov , Mr. Le mon hoa not the time personally to so licit. A note dropped at the postofllco is n prompt and auro way for any ono de siring to contribute to make the same known. Throw Awny HI * Crutches. "Suffered from ihomnntlsm BO hftdlyhnd to lisa cnitchos , but throw them nuny nftor ap plying Thontiit" J.clcctric Oil to my limbs. I now feel taller than I hnvo for years. " 1. L. Glbbi , 390 Klk St. Buffnlo , N. Y. Ladies' and gent's clothing cleaned , dyed nnd repaired nturlburt | ( 84 P ! nrl street. TV lint IH Ijifo't To-morrow"ovening Ilov. J. J. Lemon will deliver another of his scries of Sun day evening lectures at the Baptist church , nnd will continue the subject upon which ho entered last Sunday even ing , "Tho Absurdities of Science. " Ho will give some further fresh facia and thoughts on evolution , handle aomo of the luathotie actions nnd try to throw moro light on the query na to the origin of life. These who delight in acicntifio facts presented in n popular and clear manner , ahould hear thia aorina of dis cussions , and these who have not time to road up the various scientific theories , or the needed books , will find that they can thus gain in brief time , and in an entertaining manner , much information. Young men especially , who want to got nt nil the facts before jumping to conclusions , should attend. Go to Hurlburt'a fancy steam dyeing nnd French dry cleaning works at 34 Pearl street. Real Katnto Transfers. The following doedj vroro filed for record - , cord in the recorder's office , December 14 , reported for the BEE by P. J. Mo- Mnhon , real cstato agent : W. S. Mayno to Henry Myor , part BO } , no | , 25 , 7B. 44-91,200. J. W. Davia ot al. to 0. Mandolkow , part 9j 77 , 39 8287. Christian Straub to Frederick N. Din gle , lot 0 , block 23 , Beer's sub $225. Toomar QnfFoy to Turono Gaflby , part no | , nei,18 , 77 , 38. $500. J. D. Edmundson , et al. to E. E. Hart , aei , 23 nnd wA , ewj , 24 , 75 , 38 $2,400. 0. 0. Mcrrinm to Thomas GaiToy , part noK 18 , 77 , 38-$758.33. Henry G. Fisher to Gcorgo Boichart , lot 12 , block 0 , Underwood $100. Total sales , $5,470. U. II. Djutflis & Sans' Capsicum Coiuli Drops ar rnanufncturcilliy themselves , and nro the result of over forty j cars experience In compounding cough tnodlclnes. The Town of Sontny. The following interesting details have boon received from Anamito sources con- coming Sontny , the place now menaced by Admiral Courbot. The town is on the right bank of the Hod river , the citadel being about half n milo from the river. The intervening space is occupied by n number of hamlets , containing r.ltogothor about eighteen thousand inhabitants. On leaving the river the traveler finds a road which traverses these villages. Ho first encounters the ramparts of earthworks. Then the road turns , curving around the fortress until the visitor arrives nt thp north gate of tJio citadel. The wall < Jf earthworks is separated from the regular ramparts by a bank or causeway about fourteen hundred foot wide , on which other hamlets have beau built. Between the encircling road and the citadel can bo soon eight barracks , where the Anamito troops are in garrison. The citadel has the form of a quadril ateral , each ono of its aides being about two thousand feet long. It is built of bricks and masonry , with bastions in the middle of each aido. It is a fortress on the Cormontaigno plane , and was erected toward the close of the last century by French engineers. < It has four gates cor responding to the four points of the com pass , the principal ones being the south gate , looking to the lied river , and the north gate , facing the interior of the country. In the center of the citadel is a pagoda , to the loft is the house of the governor general , at the right that of the mandarin who dispenses justice , nnd at each angle is n military post. Between these nro the ndministrativo burreaux , the prison and the rico magazincH. The most populous of the villages surrounding the citadel nro these akuntcd botwccr it and the river. The French troops now in Toiiijuin expect an easy conquest oj the place. Mrs. liangtry , And other famous women have won n roputa lion for fnctnl beauty. A line complexior makes ono hnnclsomo , oven though the face ii not of perfect mould , Jlunlock Jllowt Jlittcrt nc directly upon the circulation , and BO give thi skin n clearness nnd smootlmessotherwisa uu nttul nablo. Fashion lournala toll us trnnulucont cAt'n eyes are stylish jowuls. Iut wo nro not toll Whether they are to bo worn on the Wood-shoe roof or at the other end of n boot-jack route Diptherla ia prevalent. Use Dr. Jeff ries' ( Council Blull's ) preventive am cure , or buy a coffin. "You pay you : money and take your choice. SPECIAL NOTICES NOTIOK. Social ad\ertl > ement > , > uch M Ixwl Found , To Loon , For Bale , To Kent , Wants , Board lug , etc. , will ba liucrtod In this column at the lei rate ol TEN CENTS 1'KH LINE ( or tha first Initrtloi Mid F1VF. CENTS I'lill LINE tor each tubwquent In crtlon. Loava adi ertlwmenta at our office , No , 1'oarl Struct , near Uroadwav 1 " WANTS , li , DUNOAN Gun maker and repairer , Nc 100 a. Haiti St. , Counell llluITi , lu a. VITANTKI ) Insurance RgiliU tucaniau Count IT I'ltlfn and uuuiity , Addrvj < 1) . Caimihcl room 2,13US Furnain itriet , Omaha. Dtc-o 31 ANTK.D K ery boo ; m Council IllufTs to tab " " - - Uclltcrcd by carrier at only twent conu a week. * IQ UAUOAIN-Anjuneuantlnua tot u ( Join Jj iiom DICJcloiiotlla. iltfhtolumcs. . can Kit a ba : 0 fc-aln by railing at'llu ll olHco fAlllNin \ * riIOTOS-M by the dozen at the exec O dor gallery , 100 Iduln n'riet , Council llliilf Jlnner , anddununy ( are both va > < to Omaha cu toiuuraoil ordcra ul 110 and upward * . \VAKTEIi-Kvtrjbodytobuy Chrlitimn | > ro tut worth morfc than damonua ! | iolloy I the Mutual IJu ( Imuitmo comiiuny , ol New Yotl ( tholani tci > niiaiiy | In the orlil { ratca lo cr tha any other comnany. M. K , Uolutr , aguat ( or uiu cm louaCouucU Uluff * . FOH BALE AND KENT , % t rpo UKNT A fc'ood ronnj , Si ) by IK Itot , oter tl J | Kitultlc , lacing l't rl utrcit. Ai > i > ly at III olllc * . 10 Dfi. Mrs , HJ , Hilton , H , D , , i. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON U 232 Middle Broadway , Council Bluff * . ABU AH. Renders of THE BEE nmy wonder why wo licndcd this advertisement as nhove. "We Can't Tell a Lie. " Therefore soy to you that our object wns to ntlrnct your nitoution to the fnct thnt our stock o Boots , Shoos , Slippers , OVERSHOES AND WADERS , For fnll nnd winter wear , is the largest nnd best wo have ever hnd. All bought FOR CASH from manufacturcrsldirect. All work warrant ed not to rip. Prices ns low as the lowest. Z. T. LINDSEY & CO , 412 Broadway , Council Bluflfd , ) Trmr \ Wcsf.Sido of Square. Clarinda. \ 1UVVA- THE FINEST CHRISTMAS PRESENT of the Season is One of Those Elegant Overcoats Made to Order by MERCHANT TAILORS. No. 7 and 9 Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. MAYNE & PALMER. DEALERS IN Hard and Soft Goal , BULKAND BARREL IJIIE , LOUISVILLE AND PORTLAND CEMENT , incmaAN PLASTER , HAIR AND SEWER PIPE. NO , B39 Broadway , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. 3OmiI3OlJLIOH.15 ? " , OO'O'3\rOHj ft-f't i ii'F j TA , . . TnTTTT W "R ATRT1 ATTOUNEY AT LAW. MANAGER OF POTTAVVATTAMIK COUN- UUJJJLX . JjtLLJaLTY , COLLECTION AGENCY. Ofllco comer Broadway and Main street. TflTTW UPATnr fn * GENERAL MERCHANDISE. /r UUiULN JJJjlMU 05 VJU , | 18 Main street and 17 Pearl street TV/T A " 7 TWI nTTM CRESTON HOUSE. IVI nV IVlUHiXj IJotol , 217 end 210 Main street. "HP T "P W H FTP OFFICE , .LM.UI U J. i IT JJJLXJJ ) Corner Main and Fifth up-atalra. Residence , 009 Willow avenge. NS n PTTTR " 7 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE , PUJjLUJLli lt Ofllco en or American ExprcBg. SO TAT A flAT'P'n LIVERY AND FEED , t & YYjHJl.NJ.lXl | Will contract tor tmiorali at reasonable rates. 22 Fourth street. J. M. ST. JOHN" & GO..OASH BUYERS , " S ffipffS Pratt by return mall. Hfl Broadway. . 1 A nfTR irnPTI MERCHANT TAILOR , UXlUUD JXUUH ) Stock OompleU. Bulta made at reasonable prloen. No. 805 Main Btl &P QIWTTTT coNTUAcron AND BUILDER , i X. QIVJXXJJ. . Corner 7th and Broadu ay. Plans and spedacatlona tamlahcd. A MPQ PT3 A "MPV MERCHANT TAILOR. I 2JJ.VI.JIlO . XJlXJlNJIlXi Artlatlo Work and roaaonable chargoa. . .872 Broadway. TTn'WP Xr SsinAT FURNITURE STOVES , . HUVVJLl OS .OUiNt and Household Surpllca. 8o3 Broadway. T 'I ' Kl \T' Jff TT A Trn ATVOHNMvn &Aw. / w * . . . ' JLlJ.1V X/JL OS tl rMtiX ; Jameaniock. Practlco In state and federal court * 3 A TvTTT A TJITTTW And tatn house > * 21 and * 2S Broadway. L. Boverelffn , Prop. P. J. Mont- I.U . . . OB-lN 11 B-Pi JYL Komory , M. D. Physician. PTl WYNT T ' A "RPOTT JUSTICE OF THE PEACE , DUVVJ.l'l U JllJJjUXXt Notary Publlo and General Conveyancer. tB Broadway. "DPTTF'RP TTnTTQP SMITH & NORTON , JX l V XJIX Jj HU U Qjj | Broadway opposite Now Opera IIoiuo. Ronttcd $1,11.60 per day HAIR GOODS OF LL KINDS. old at the Lowest Prices f IN THE WEST , QUALITY CONSIDERED. At MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , - - 337 W. Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. ( OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. ) I REAL ESTATE ! Complete Abstracts of Title to all Lots and Lauds in the County. ' r w -IOST- CrayoD , Ma 1 M later Colors , Solar Camera Enlargement for Uio trade at reasonable rates. Orders oy mail promptly filled. C. D. LUCCOCK , 143 Broadway. Council Bluffa. GROSVENOR & GUNN , MANDFAOTUIIERS OF IB IR , O QIMI 311 Upper Broadway , Council Bluffs ; Iowa. . PETER C. MILLER , WHOLESALK AND RETAIL -Paper and Window Shadesand Painting In all its Blanches , FRESCOING IN MODERN STYLE , 3XTo.Ila So .ttx aPotw-L St. - CJo-uiaaoiX :3Blix : S X PER GENT OPTION LliANS. On City and Farm Property. S. W. FERGTJSSOM & GO. , 80 Ponrl Struct. Council Hluifa Iowa. " 3E1 ? O Our line of Stoves is the mos. , coiuplolo in no city and includca nil tlio most Desirable Posterns and Latest- Improvements \Vo have haminorcu tlio prices down as thin fta they will stand without breaking and you are invited to call nnd see how thick the stoves are iu comparison. PECIAL DRIVE ON A LOT OF HARD COAL STOVES , Nickel , oliuhtly tarnished , at a reduction of $5.00 oich. 504 Broaawa'anil 10 and 12 Mam St , , Council Bluffs. Empkie Hardware 109 nnil 111 S. Main Street , ifp3 COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. WHOLESALB IN 42 nnd 344 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Sold. Money Loaned , Abstracts . Furnished * " ' * ° : ra : > : Kr No. 4 Pearl Street , 3VE.avrf KrCOUNCIL BLUFFS. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , DEALER IN J NOTIONS , JEWELRY , &C. 337 W. Broadway , - - COUNC BLUFFS. IOWA M. GALLAGHER. O O E3 Mow Store , Fresh Goods , Low Prices and Polite Attendants. { First Door east of Metropolitan Hotel , } iF"O" . SBCEI SBCEIBEOHTELE'S BEOHTELE'S The only only hotel run on the European plan Jin this city. Now building , newly furnished nnd nil modern improvements , and is centrally located. PETER BECI3 TELE , PROPRIETOR , Nos. 336 and 338 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa. IN IMA , PLATED fiEE , GLASS IARE , LAIPS , Table Cutlery , Flower P6ts , Etc. , call on W. S. HOMER & CO. , - 23 Main St. , Council Bluffe. WHY DON'T YOU OI7TS3ME OF FSTGH BROTHEB'S ' OUSTQM SHIRTS ? P w iiFittlu'tt.JJatandClicao ' ? t , Fine Llnea.CollaraandCiin - 715 Fourth Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. PAWMBEOKEES SALE O31 Unredeemed Goods. / B & Bp J& 1 a | GREAT In diamonds suitable for ladies and gouts , also in Indies' nnd gents' solid gold and and silver watches and chains , and a full line of set and plain gold rings , 250 men's and 90 boy's overcoats. All these articles must bo sold. Money lent on ALL KINDS of personal property. D. GOLDSTEIN , 228 Middle Broadway , opposite city building. Council Blufta. STEINHART & FREYHAN , Wholesale Liquor 01' COUNCIL BU'rTS , WIL THEIU I1US NES3 TO Omaha , ETe'b. , January 1st , 1834 , HAVING ShCUUED WEST & FRITCIIKK'S OIb STAND , JXTo , ISO W. R. VAUCHAN. Justice of the Peace. Omaha and Council Bluffs. Real estate ami colloctlou agency , n Odd Foliow'a lock , over Saving * Hank. janRji- JACOU SIMS. E. I' . OADWKLU SIMS& CADWELL , Attorneys-atLaw , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA Ollico , Stain btriel , Itooms 1 anil bliugark it Mo- llahon'o lilock , Will practice Iu B'ate ' auti nJw l courU TM03. orricu , u. u. H-H T. OFFICER & PUSEY BACKERS. Council liluffj . . U. Estab/isheo - - 1856 Ii Ur ii rurclfii and Domestic F.xchnnga ami llon.e t Mivko Your Contracts Now for Your Winter Supply of Missouri Hard Wood ! AND 1IAUU AND SOFT CJ o ail WITH P. OVBETON , 505 First Avenue , Council Bluila , Iowa , And secure tlio l > t t article and full mcauure at the very lo.-cbt I'llif. tto\o wood dclhcrcd to any | > ar ot tlio cltr JOSEPH GAGHEGAN. HARD WOOD AND -COAL Corner l ! ln etrcct aud Eighth lucnuo , Coun luOf. . jiTLowctt ritce ord | > rain | > t delhcrjr S WINTER RESORT. SILOAM MINERAL SPRINGS. oxDKTo Wo j.'tii'auttt the tine of the follnuini , ' nmiail tlU- Koaso.orna imj : KliiuniitUin , ScrcfuU , UUeru , Catarrh , a 1 Illoocl andrklnilUcaies , lVil ) > ei ii , l.Her C'nniiUInt ] , lit Incy and Dl.iddtr Dlst'ists. Ciout , Neil- rolsla and Aftlnna , llicsi Hjirlngtiaio thu ( avorlto resort ol tha tlrul an. ) ik hlcntaU'niiil ! ! arotho 1'EKULK I.ADUM Bl ST HUCNU , Oco < l hotel , 111 fry and bathing accoinodatlon bn'.Ii v , Inter and Binmmr. Locality highly i > icturu juo and healthy , Aicctslhlit byVab bh ialluaat Even , ort ! . , B. & i ; , at Albany. ' Commmidenco solicited , 1115V , M M'JHOM'aON. Slloam Springs , ( loia , 1' . 0.Uiutr } Co. , lio. or other tumors removed without the kniruor droning ot bluo.1. CHRONIC DISEASES U > vr thirty j cars | iraUlul cxjicricnce. Ollico Xe. fi 1'carl strict , Council U jnrConsultation frm. COUNCIL DLUtra 1IAIIKKT. Wheat No. li Bprlng , 70o ; No. 3 , COc ; re jected , COc ; good duniuud. Corn Uenlera nio [ ia > hiR 2o ( ! for old cum and 25o for nuw. Oata In KOOI ! dtmtinil ut 20o liny J 00(20 ( 00 per ton ; f 0o i > er balu. Ityo lOo ; liglit Mipjily. Com Meal 1 'J5 ] Mr ! 100 pounds. \ Vooiltiood supply ; piicea nt yards , 5 00@ 000. 000.Coal Coal Delivered , hard , 11 60 l > cr ton : soft. OOOporton- Uutter 1'lenty anil In fair demand at 20c ; cremnory , Il'c. KgKd Iteady sale At 20a jier dozen. J.nrd l < ' : ilrj.iik'n ) ) , whohwallnK ut lie. 1'oultryTitin ; dealcia aiu p.iying for chickoim lllc ; live , - f < 0 per iloion. Vcgctahloj Potatoes , 50c ; unloiu , Ocj cub. bagta , SOJilOo per dozen ; applon , S OOCgia 6 [ > or barrel Flour-City flour , 1 CCKga 40. IJrooma 2 00@3 00 jior dor. uvu STOCK. Cattlo-3 00f,3 60 ; tahea , 6 00@7 60. Ho s Local pickers have commenced buy * Ing nuw and tlioro is a good demand for fell grade * in car-load Mi M i f > 0@-J 80.