Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 14, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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    . THE D11ILY 8EE---U\Z21I311. FltilAl' , nLCcniBflR1i , 1883. i
' 11E CMAUA 13EE
pnrnhn Omce , iottl 1Frirnttnt 9t.
Council iilufi tt9nleo'No. Y ! 'earl
Street , Near ltronlhtay ,
{ New York Offce , ltnom'th Tdlbuue
uLtlehed every it rnfng , execpt' Bundxy. T e
moll Monday morning dally.
ne Teat , . . . . . .1taootThrtefontb..t.k.OO
.1I Monmu. . . . . . . , s.OJ 1 Ono Month. . , . . . . . . Lee
, Tax UESLT $11 , rvrtltrtRD ItraftT WXVYaRDAY.
- - ,
- - -
- - - - , .
- Tsar TOStrMD.
One Tear . . . . . . , . , .e. e. Months. , . . . : . ) fO
alx Month ( . . . . 1.D0 nexantft , . , .
Aetertcan Kewi Company , solol Agent ? Nawedesl
It , In the Unlto l8tetee.
coftasarosDNNcs ;
A Communlclllona relating to Naas and r4ltorlel
motion ehoud ) be addroased to the Ew oft e1 Thu
AU fudncae Letter , and Remlttanca should be
addrerodtoTUftHRa ronuuNO OorrANT , OXAt1A.
Dr tte , Chooke and 1'ottolNe nrdara to be made pay.
Able to the ardor of the inn < * any.
E. R0aff9PATER , IIdtto.
Coxate cv ahonld.make Claus Sprockles
take his claws off thoeugnr consumers of
ihofnited Statca.
Now Utat'Chicago has l eon selected by
the nalional'eannnittoo , the Logan boom
' begfn to taho ebnpc.
11'tnN Mu Doldredgo gets his bindo
sharponed'it vvi11 cut as deep n gaah in
ralcoad rates as hia'fntlIer In law' $ bowie
St : . A9'0t V.t Wvcic is ntill intluisitlvo.
1fo { rallta to know how much it coats
Undo 'Sam for spacial and nssiatanL at.
torncys and detectives. Are you t1Iero ,
.Mr. Blisa ?
-SI : &trot SAUIN has boot made chair-
inarof the republican national committee
inplaco of the Into Gov. Jowoll. Mr.
'Sabin comes from good fighting stock. It
.walrtho Sabinee who made Rome howl.
Tat : Ohio was Ti by al 1111
noia sucker. lie didn't get away with
'the ' national convention menagerie thin
ttimo , but lie's liable , na lie did twice be.
fora , to spring a dark horse and .cnpturo
'throe ptcsidgntial baggage.
' 0'HAn.t , ( colored ) , of , North Carolina ,
+ made himself hoard in the national republican -
; publican conunittoo by urging harmony
among the colored votonu and white re
publcats of the south , g O'lara is the
first Irish republican of the colorcd.por-
.suasion , , and does tholhmerald Isle
.TunRcpubftcatt poraiata in discussing
every subject with "Itosowator. " TIm
BEE deals with public4 questions as a
journal , and discusses them with Thu
Rcpubficnpl as a cotomporary. If Prod.
Nye wants to debate anything with Iteso-
tvater lot hint hire a hall.
'Tnu carpet-bag gentry who represent
tllo.ropublican party of the south for rev-
'onuo only don't want the sectional line
drawniii the national convention. Most
of those political warts will be on hand
, again at Chicago , as they wero.four years
ngo.aelltng their delegate Uclceta for five
i dollars.apiece.
Tiii ; effects of dime novel literature
i has again been demonstrated. , This time
i at 3lilwaukoe , whore , foul lads , each
,1 about 13 years of ago , formed a Bulralo
Bill combination and astablishad a p1-
rates' don. One of thorn confesses that
, dloy .lnavo within n month smarted
eeuontoen fires in the Fourth.ward.
Nw Yoltic made a povcrfulplea , , for
the .Saratoga hotels. Senator Wood-
'Pull Miller , insisted that 16ro v York was
entitled to a , national eo wentian. and
that Saratoga , was just the , hold
it. Mrr Judson not Nod Ilumtliuo , said
that Saratoga would not om11S carry J'tew
i York , but furnish the means , to carry. all
M the.doubtful states. Mr. Julson prob.
ablytiliad in view a gotaraldolugo of
! (1hIN.Indiaua mud New Joraoy with con.
- " ' -"f
! gregswater frnnn the Saratoga .aprjnge ,
1z.i . rather refreshing to road the sage
utterances of railroad subordinates in
thr'so parts regarding the true iflvardueas
of thoetrjpartitoppoh , when we 'finiow
enough to know" that they know no
more about the itlais of the , railroad
kitnga'than the mossegore ; at ltoudmluar
tore. fl'ilo met whotloviso theao pools
aro.asclos4uoutltodnscuoyster 3 , oxoapt.
ing.when thpy want something published ,
as a + blind cover their real schemes.
TnIIprpppsoc abolitiou of polygunmy by
constitutionaj afnondniett Trill naturally
load totthe qurnUon hys far the nation
Is to go in ro yulptjng the rriago rater -
r tions of tits citizpls. ; At proJent thorn is
not only ; gneatlcivpraity in ? io divorce
i laws of 'the variglpa states , ln t also in
the laws , rolatjng to lnteaUnnarrlag0 ,
What is srimtnal jn , ono state Is legal in
another , Who S ningtiold Rcyublfcan
t comments nn the su 4 ct at considerable
length. Its , positionaumnted upia that
1 the whole relatiomdlipot time federal gov
: ernment to .ojr social rctattons ahoud : ba
il considered bufgpa fhe psiygany ( mn nd
moat to the motutitution $ adopted. If
a it is found adviaablo to seem ro unifornuty
j ' of the laws of mnawiago a t1 divorce , vt
i , should be Incorporated in time gam
amondmnont. ¶ i hQ o Mwould by a strop
popular opposition toAj aulendlponttraits.
Yti Y ' toning to congress .AL togislattun tin1ion
{ f marriage and diroe cq. rIt will , hmwovor ,
1 t liouwo necessary , ' " ! ro Spr'i I stand
Iklltddlcau , to prgvAdotbat , tine states
S { ' zany legislate for tLo protection of the
'i rnarria8orelt.tion , butdom1gcets innY 'es ' f .
tablisln mtifonn lawMN xogurding tl o
status of n nicd andffservad potions
r t "among the atworal state ; " wtt'Ji terns
1 similar to those used (11 ( tte dea xiption
f , of the federal power over lw interstate
i commerce and bae'cruptcivs. Congroae ,
in oilier wordal sic 4 o no further in fu.
taderenpo with"stato tpyereiguty lltau
preacriboigouega4aWJ' ) ' preventhig the
I clashing'of'etttar b ; . km the
momagp relation ,
Till : C'ilil iSid ci.oun.
Now that the French chamber of dep.
utics has rated the tlppropriation for conducting -
ducting the war Iti Tonquifl , Fiance has
taken her position and served formal
notice upon China that alma will not ro-
cede. 7f war is to be averted China
must either back down or the diplomacy
of other nations must devise the way for
an"honornble adjustment of the differ.
dices. Diplomacy is proverbially led.
ions in its methods , but diplomacy in
this case will have the approbation of all
nations which have commercial relations
with China. It is not astonishing that
England has felt called upon to offer her
friendly services toward healing time
broach between the French and Chinese
governments. The commercial fntor-
course of China is mainly with the
United Kingdom and time British colon.
Los. It was English diplomacy and English -
lish armies that firatopened China to the
world , and time queon's government has
reaped the chief benefit from time treaties
whigh throw open the twenty-two ports
to commerce. In 1872 ttto total exports
from China to Great Britain nmounted
to more than $7G,000,000 , and time fm-
ports from England into China to nearly
half that sum , while , time imports
to all countries in 1881 footed
up h total of. $ JG,000,000.
A tvnr with Franco would meat the
immediate closing of all the treaty ports ,
and n general warfare against every class
of time foreign devils , by which nano nil
Europenns are indiscriminately desigimt
od in time Flowery lCingdon. It in a
knowledge of time difficulty of preventing
other intorngttional complications in case
of the outbreak of hostilities between
Franco and China , which has made tire
Tonquin dispute and its possible ending
of such general importance. For Chinas
military and naval equipment is by no
muana to ha despised. Time gocrnmiiciit
uxponds $71,000,000 , a year in time sup.
port of the army which is well equipped
and drilled and furnished with time boat
ordonanco which Krupp miianufnctnres.
The standing military force of China
consists of two great divisions , the first
formed by the more immediate subjects
of time ruling dynasty , the Tartar , and
time second by the Chinese amid other
subject races. Time Tartar forces are
used chic0y as a constabulary in the va
rious departments of time empire. The
ipuraly Cimino army is distinct front this
force , and is mainly composed of natives
of China distributed among time provin.
ces and amoimting in all to over a mfl
Ifou man. It is estimated that by calling
out time 'Manclmt constabulary , all of
which are drilled and equipped as
soldiera , 2,000,000 troops could be put in
the fluid by Liao govornmeut.
The Chinese navy contains in all about
sixtyy vessels of various kinds , armed with
300guns. , Since , 1870 the govornniont
has boon calling upon European ship
yards for the boat class of veamols of do-
fanso. , Free 1877 to 18711 twelve gumi
boats of 1,450 tons displacentomit wore
manufactured for China in England , and
since that time four heavy ram cruisers
have baon.ndded to tllo ] iat. Corrnan
ofllcara have taught.seanauahip and gun.
nary to Chinese sailors , amid iii case of
the outbreak of war the navy would be
well able to mnko a stubborn defense of
Chimiaso.seaport and time Chinese coast.
These aree facts which Franro is now
conaideripg. . ( rood for territory and
colonial extension'in.Asin has raised the
spectre of , . another foreign war. 'm'ho
Framich people with all their wonderful
recuperative energy have not sufficiently
recovered front time affects of the crime of
1870 to applaud another conflict , with
glory alone as the aim , . amid with debt
and loss of human llfom the curtain re-
Tics Omahaboard of trade ought to be
roorgauzod on general principles. Time
time him passed when it was a necessityy to
coifor membership proimuiscuotmaly on
clerics , lawyers , . doctors , army officers ,
peanut vendors , and mean witimolmt sly
visibhi occupatiom , Omaha isbecomiuga
mercantile ceitbr , amid nterchanta , manufacturers -
facturers , grain demure , pork pnckors ,
cattle coon and Ibankera are
numerous enough to make a beard of
trade that would auuparq favorably with
the boards of trade of other cities. It is
wasting precious tnmo and , lowuring Liao
dignity of the board tp be haraased and
embarrassed by harangues from cranks
mud blatlierakites who have got into the
Iboard of traatjo hi give thautsolvoa airs ,
fight windmills , amid votdlatd thuir aCuh.
fliers' schemes. 'rime Omaha club was a
little too aristocratic and oxpoiafve for
buaincas , but we do need u board of trade
amid ehamber of commerce whore business
ntcm , pay moot for business purpoaol.
Ourtn t is bouna to be a great city , but
theroLeone big mistake whioh site his
made , it id that is her illiberal disposition
towards , tbo agricultural implonmout in-
thrusts , infer old fogy real estate zatl
lionairos have asked such extravagant
prices for their property that the great
implpmott concerns were al coat uotu.
polled tl locate at Couuoil Bluff' , . AI-
ready nearly tutggplltfoua of dollars have
been expended in groatwarelmousos across
time river that might havu been secured
} gcr Omalw , land oho pursued a iuoro lib.
oral policy. This briuigs us to the ques
lion as to what abe tropoaea to do In the
futtiCo towards uitcourr'.ging her manufac-
turiug intoreat , which iethe backbone of
every , wiand coiautercial.gettor.
Oun 'oltomnporarica ' are klioping stop
with the lnusichtka the old ivo7amt at time
canto-considerbly behind tiu . Tun
Ilpn published full particulars ah > cit time
Oipthia Union clock yards in its Mday
morning issue. Tto ) Chicago papers ceq
non Asd pn timid itnpnrtant olltorpruu en
Wo4noadaygGnaiug ; , mod 'ltr Bag pub.
lhbod their eolitments as talographod by
thttAleociaied Preu Wp'Hd ! µ lay after.
noon , On Thursday morning the snoopy
1lcpu6lfcnn awoke from its trance and
gave a rehash of the matter as a piece of
fresh news.
! A'OUJArfo.1' OP JJwlftllr GA7'E3.
A few years ago every 'man ' who demanded -
manded that railroad freight rates be
regulated by law was called a crank
Now the country is full of'cranka. From
Maine to Colorado and from Texas to
Oreggn the people' domancl , with no on-
certain voice , that the nation and state
shall regulate railroad rtes. Colorado
now lifts up its voice against railroad
discriminations. The illenver YlWbtme ,
in boimalf of the people of Colorado ,
nays :
There is no longer any question in time
mind of any person but that Limo next
state legislature should pass some dofin-
its and decisive bill oral the subject of
freight rates. hitherto the argument
against this ling been that such legisla
tion would interfere with the conatruc-
tion of now lines , bat tins no longer has
any value. The pooploof Colorado have
suffered long enough because of this po
sition , and now they want
Santo real relief. Wo sliould not advise
that this relief come in tire shape of
legislation forbidding pooling , because
the uniformity aecured bY a pooling arrangement -
rangement is rather a protection than an
injury to merchants , but there should be
a definite method of reducing rates per.
fectod. Wlmotimor this can bu secured b'
a railwa commission orb other menus
ronaina to ho soon. Le islation e i time
subject should be careful and intelligent ,
and ho aq just totlmo railroads as to the
shippers. Thera is plenty of Limo to
discuss the question , however , and it is
worthy the discussion. Time anoint of
money aid by Colorado to railroads is
enormous-doblo fn proportion to time
po pnlatfot that thatIl paid b } ' nmiY other
state fm time Union. "
Colorado many be satisfied with a com-
fliissiot to right } tor 'wrongs , but time
people of Nebraska want maxinnmi rates
fixed by laws to restrain time robbers , amid
they ought not to 'be compelled to wait
until time next legislature either. If time
governor of Nebraska had the rennotest
desire to fulfill time pledges which were
made during the lastyoar's campaign in
bohnlf of hits party lie would convene time
legislature this winter and call
upon it to pass a Ibill that will afford
the people permanent rehiof from extur-
tiotato rates. We imavo no doubt that
time legislature would do this if it was re-
called. Santo of time most pliant tools of
the monopolies have dropped out ,
either by romioval from the state
or by promotion to federal
oflicss. Their successors are fresh fromn
time people and they would hardly dare
to disobey their will. Others have been
at hone long enough to know what tire
people do wait , There is no capitol job ,
no reform school bill , and no .Itearman
claim to be put through in a special sca
siou. It would be a plain straight-for.
ward matte to formulate and pass a good
railroad bill.
JUaT at present the American hog is a
live subject. The French natieml as-
aonnbly has opened the ports of 1'ranco
to the Americas porker , 'The ' president
has made time hog trse object of deep
soliciLudo in his message , and congress
has taken hint up nsapersecuted martyr.
Notice has now boon served ondtis worst
enemy , Bismarck , by time American coi
gross that it reaemts the iumsult offered to
the American hog by time Prussian diet-
tor , and will hereafter retaliate iii kind
by excluding from our ports limburger
choose , souorkrout , sausages , amid other
unwholesome products with Avhielt Germany
many has afflicted America in the past.
It is hard to foretell the result. It may be
bloodshed and war. Time American hog
must foul proud and exclaim with time
patriot , "T'is sweet for otto's country to
Itev. DE UAIIT , of St. Andrew's Episcopal -
copal church , Newburg , N. Y. interfered
in a diflfcnlty in which a man struck his
wife , "You must not strike a wonmai in
may presence , " said time gentlemnau , whore.
upon time mss lauded a blow et the clor
ietl clmook Time clergyman , instead of
turning time other chock to hls neaailamt ,
imauled ofrand returned the blow , "with
time force and skill learned at college , "
ns ho himself explainoti to his pnrishiou
era , who called on ] rim to resign. Tlm s
is another uvideico of time value of phys
ical training in our colleges , amid time day
is not far distant whet such exponomita
of time manly art as .Profossor Jolut L.
Sullivan and "Baby" Barnes will be in
demand to fill time pulpit , as vvoll as cole
logiato professorships cf physical education -
tion ,
A rmutu.ll. monopoly organ congratu-
dates thu Ontalma llepublictGL that 'hay
fug made lots of motoy out of time im va-
paper business , ft is going to build a new
office , one of which they will all feel
proud , and which will ho a credit to time
city. " The money with which the .Rc-
pltGffwut intonda to erect its building
wag made out of its Union Pacific job.
printing office , it couldn't build a Union
Pacific railroad suction ) mouse with time
'money it has made out of its nuwspaper
NorwzrusvANUmNcl time reduction of cute
third in time price of postage stamps ,
the Omaha peat office sold stamps in No.
valuber,1883 , to amt amount almost equal
to that sold tmi November , 1882. This
shows a healthy tncroase of business-
nearly 33 per cont.
UNR of time Arabian stallions , present.
oil by time khcdivo of Egypt to Caporal
Grant , kicked a moan amid upset $28 worth
of utilk , amid ho sues time general for
e10,000. Time owner of time horse is mmov
doing all time kicking.
Cutoeno had tiio longest , iolo , In-
disitapolia , with lion Ifarrisou , John l' .
Now n'id time United Status trca'imr'y , was
no ; natch for Chicago hotel rtlmtors ,
c , ,
sioit7sltal'irrD coldrll'IAXs ,
The action of time national republican
committee in tabling every proposition
that looked to the abolition of the rotten
boroughs in the south and the sipper.
tiotment of presentation on the basis of
republican votes cannot fail to be very
damaging to time party fit the future. 'I'he
change wns'demaided by earnest ropub
licana in every section of the country.
The presort ropresentntion is unrepubli-
can because it has for its basis the old
states rights and state sovereignty doe.
trifles , whrich are time eole heritage of time
daniocracy. In referring this nmuch
needed reform to the national convoi-
tiet rho committee has exhibited a lack
of courage as as well as au utter disro-
gatd of time consequences that may spring
from its action. ' 1'horo is little doubt that
this issue will be brought before the
national convention , and it is almost certain -
tain to prove a firebrand which will
arouse time passions of factioial leaders
to time highest pitch. The debate before
the committee between Logan , Frye ,
Chandler and others , as reported to time
preen , is but'tho ' forerunner of what no
may expect in Chicago.
Tin : somata has made an excellent
choice in electing Gen. : tnsoi G. Mc.
Cook , of Now York , as secretary , ( ion.
McCook was ono of time brave veterans
who roneored gallant service during the
war. Ho cones from the famous fighting -
ing McCook family , and withal has a
great deal of legislative experience ,
which is imvaluablo iii the position to
which ho has been elected , Mr. Gorhnuu
will mtow retire gracefully to the editorial
sanctum of Frank IIatton's Washington
WAIIINOTON is a modest city. She
asks 'time governmment for only $3,625-
373,47 for time coming year. Congresn
will probably cut down the estimate 47
11'IiON you find a man opposed to the
postal telegraph the chances are ninety.
nine out of a possible lunmdrad that ho is
connected in some way with mine mo
nopoly ,
A SAND TONR quarry has beet discovered -
od in Butler county. Has time Union
Pacific salted a quarry out there ?
- O'Dunnoll.
Chicago iIira1ii.
The fooling among Irishmen and Irish.
Americans concerning the conviction and
semitomcing of O'Doutell , time slayer of
Carey time infamous , is deep seated aid
wisely difrused-
And must O'nonncli dlel
And must O'nonuoil dial
Then ten 1110100 lrBluncn
w'ili know the reusoti , ) Iy.
Andthio inquiry willbe made by many
ethers thnn Irshmem. Granted that in
the abstract O'Donnell was a niurderur ,
lifa victim avas so little entitled to be
ranked in the category of Inca , while
many millions of people saw that ho
must be brought tobar , they had a secret
'tope that ho would not be condemned to
( lie a folon's death. All mankind do.
spices the wretch who will imiatigate
crime forxtli\o \ iwrposo of condemning lira
dupes to the gallows , and , whether
well or ill founded , there is widespread
belief that Carey did something nmoro
horrible. In the greed of gain ho bore
false witness against the innocent men ,
whose blood was on his head. When the
foaling was abroad that this scoundrel
was not fit to live , mo keen animosity
could be felt- towards time man who put
him out of the way. Technically , he
was a murderer ; popularly , lie was an
avenger. His lawyers endeavored to
show that , in time fatal encounter between
hint and Carey , O'Dommoll acted in self-
defense. The court and jury was against
them , and time day of O'Donnell's death
on time scafibid is fixed for tlmo 17th.
Meantime , the Irish iii America are
doing what they can to induce time American -
ican go ormmoit to interpose its offices
to time extent of asking a respite until imi-
l uiry cat be made into the allegation of
Donnell s Amoricamm citizenship. A
largo cenmittcd couiPossed for Limo most
Part of consroesmnot Messrs. Finert } !
Collins , amid Foram being of time number
-called apou the ! president last SaturdaY -
daY , amid asked that he instruct time
Amorfcun minister at the court of St.
Jaumes to see what could be dome. This
time president conacntod to do. It is
notewurthy that at time very hour when
Mr. .lrthur was receiving this delegation
iii time \Yhito House Minister Lowell , in
London was declaring that ho had ro-
coivcd no inatruc ions ( rout hubs govori-
mcmit which would authorise hint to take
any official stops whatever 1n the O'Dos-
mol case. By this tinmo , however , time
atato do partnout \Yasiriltgtom lies
connmunicatod witit hint , and if Arthur
is itot false to promises time
republic will bo found asking of time
Britiahj'1overminieit the desired respite.
In atrietioss of law the fact , if such it
bo , that O'Doutoll is at Amoricam citi-
roll , would not impair the full jurisdio
tion of the lirittisit court. An Eui hiah-
main mn be tried for murder in Clucaggo
if ftis offeso was committed ] mere. An
Aumericami ntny be arraingod fora crimito in
London. 'l'imo law of the place governs.
lint the gravamen of time con laint in
this inatanae bs that O'Donnell being a
citizen of the republic , has not hind a fair
triac , and that ha has a right to ask of
time republic that this almall be scoured for
ltim , As time outcome of Anmoricat rep-
resontatlou it is possible that a now trial
will be granted O'Donnoli , but wherein
the result will be dif'orant it is
difficult to distort , if time
forums of British law are followed , amid nil
tliu showing of fairness given anyprisoner
arraigned n ion a capital cita go is secured
this risoner the .
for , United 5tatos can
n ot but profess l itself satisfied with tlto
finding of the jury , thou lt it again boa
conictiom. ' ! 'hat Presiaent Arthur will
do in mhie case nllthat diplomacy warrants
is altogether probable , but that his actfot
will save O'Deumell's life can hardly be
Their own lair favors the ) lrttisht Time
onmotions of a loge number of English
apoakiui people prouipt time whim that a
delay will yet save from death a pam the
scafiuld the slayer of Limo miserable utia
eroaut wlmosu cold blooded betrayal of his
kind earned hint the reprobation of eve
treacher time
man who despises the amid
greed that gold and inmtu aftY with
Rnt9hlout anti Aholilton.
New yolk Etar.
Every east with an ounce of brains iii
life crautal cavity knows that our present
f rjff' was created to moot a war outer.
. _ _ ti ,
gone , that it is honeicombed with frauds
and loaded down with excessive rates
and that it tends to periodically dis. .
arrange induatry by promoting over-
producting and fostennuT monopolies.
This was admitted oven by the last republican -
publican congress which undertook an
ostensible revision of the tariff , but made
no material change in it beyond drspoil
lag the woolgrowers of time country at
one swoop , 11'hmonovor nuythiug in the
shape of tariff revision is proposed there
are certain specially favored interests and
monopolies that immediately raise time
shibboleth of "Frco Trade , " and dilate
ohm time existence of wicked plots to "ro-
deco time free American worlanati to the
level of European pauper labor , " There
is , howeverl an essential difference between -
tween revision Stud abolition , as thorn is
between extracting an ulcerated tooth
and cutting off the patient's head.
Tariff reformers propose to reduce taxation -
ation without inflicting serious damage
on any worthy enterprise. They prefer
to cltoa con time cost of clothing and food
rather than of whisky and tobaco. There
noel be mio fear that they will do nmi-
thing to im overishAmoican labor or injure -
juro American capitol legitimately in-
Stick to limo Farm.
61..Ioc Gazette.
There is a growing tendency among
country boys to abandon rural life and
seek hatppbmesa and prosperity and success
iii time city. Boys , stick to time old farm.
Don't take this atop. It will be fatal. It
is as sure to blast your hopes and nspira-
Lions as night is to succeed day. You
may grow weary following time blow or
time reaper , but no one of the varied pursuits -
suits of the city is any loss wearisome.
And they are fur less healthful. Time
hurry and confinomemit mid turmoil of
city life soon sap the strength amid vigor
have brou git with you , mid thou nature -
ture fights against your miw habits and
On the farm nature appears in her hove.
Mast phases. The breezes are purer and
balmier , the sot is briglitor , the moon is
more effulgent aid the grass is greouor
than in the city , gray aid cold and heart.
loss in time pursuit of wealth. The farmer
is the proud owner of his own home and
fireside and tills his own soil. If energetic
and industrious , ho need owe no mini in
time wide world a cent. With ruddy
cheek , and surrounded by lowing herds
and fields of waving grass and grain , ho
realizes that ho is a man , in time broadest
amid fullest souse which time term implies.
Independent of want and innocent of
creditors , lie sees life in its happiest
phases and approximates its ideal utaul-
hood. What is there iii the life of such
a mat to drive his son to Limo city ? What
Geld presents such grand opportunities
for success ? Surely not that of law , or mime-
dicine , or commerce , for those are already
crowded to overflowing.
Contrast this contettmont , this health
and vigor , this quiet , this indupendonce ,
with the hurry and confusion , toil aid
turmoil , taro and vextation , lant'uor and
weariness which go to make up the existence -
once of every mini who casts his fortunes
with the city. Ho may conduct a flourishing -
ishing ; business and be flushed with success -
cess today and disapointed aid brokenhearted -
hearted tomorrow. Feverish and fretful ,
overwhelmed by disaster , driven to dis
traction by enterprising creditors , lie
may weather the storm , and ho may seek
to end life's fitful fever with the deadly
revolver or in the dreamyendless sleepof ;
the narcotic When time crashcomos what
would he not have given for thin peaceful ,
quiet , independent life out time farm ?
Nor is the picture overdrawn. Such
a result , however ovorwimel-
ming and unexpected it may
be , is iii no way improbable to men
who embark in business untrained. And
there is another phase of city life which
renders it still more dangerous ground
for the confiding , unsophisticated lad
front the country. Not conteut with its
worry and its weariness , thio city has its
fascinating vices and allurenonta , which
time "tender foot" hill "first shun , then
endure , thoui embrace. the spell is
octasy , but it means rniu and sorroww and
Boys , stick to time farm , and whom you
got tired of work for no stipulated sum ,
make arrangements with father or
mother , at the case may be , to share the
proceeds. But pin your faith to the farm ,
and if you are industrious it will enable
you to realize your boyish expectations
of wealth and influence. 'l'ime ' city more
often menus debt , disease , despondency
and death.
+ 'cv ' G 1 'KA Rf .
t P y
r ;
? y
_ _ _ -
ems . : E : IixT.
Rhoumalism , 1Veuraigia , Sciatica ,
Lumbago , Backache , Headache , Toothache ,
Noto'flllu nisi Y , . i . , i ltltrirulasa ,
AMU ALL , ( I1IIEII IWIILY t'.Ots AAU lints.
sitb , Ue.ienewr , br , . rlaCeaU. wtna
Ulreem Is. It Iauluag6 ;
„ S rcnr vl m.Rx n , v'l'WIsh. ' . . . ' . . us. .0,11.1. .
C. Er MATNE & CO. ,
1509 fanam ! Street , - - Omaha , Nebl
Hard & Soft Coal
- - -
1Yrite for Prices ,
the warranted to weal' longer , iii
form nrrtr , and rice la ttel
atI.ructlon than anyuuter'unl
luuIII lull iUV In the uurIet or prlco pall sill
fefnndtd , fholadun.mru"ul
t'hlaFa'a tet physidane , aceout
lour arm , , ( ' A. ' you , ; hat urnh.utfotthew. Mrtren Jeaa 1'wtag (
( ( IISeIIr.n. JokEell CC.
1l&nnatbnn.eud.l.nt.mdup 5LihkgV ,
gar sate ray
S TEFL E , JO HN'S 0N& Co. ,
Wholesale Grocers !
Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco ,
Booth's 'Oval' Brand
1) . B. BEEMER. AgontOmaha.
: L _ , cc
Hall's e and o Comp'y
SAFES , VAULTS , LO CKS , , &c a
Sialz.rsirxm Ettrc'oot. Q i tsb.
F R d /
wd ! _ taT' : IIl lk'Ih'
a , BueRoad , I
Isla and 1320Ilsnioy Street and 908 8. 18th Street , j--- tj N $
uMtrated Catalneuo tumtehrd tree noon annlfcttian. !
Lowest Prices Now Offered on Artist's Materials !
1W i , oil's Tube Colors , per dozen , OOc ; Fine Sable Brushes from
Oc up ; Fine Bristol Brushes , from 7c up ; Round and Oval Plaques , front 20c up ;
1 nlettes , 35c ; Cups , lOc ; Japaned 7m Artists Boxes , $1.50 ; Brass Plaques , 45c up ;
Sanehs , lOc ; Wooden Plaque , iSc ; Designs to Decorate , front lc each up ; Gold and
Pilver Paint , Oils , Varuishcs , from 20c upward ; Canvas 75e per yard ; Stretchers ,
25c up. A. HOSPE. Jr. . South Side Dodge Street ,
j.fy Repoettory is constantly filed wfth a.seiectlstoekk i Bret Worklnaneblp guaranteed.
Office and Factory S W Corner 18th and Ca17lot Avenue , Qm an'
Established in 1 $
- _ _ -r r _ 1
tt } 1 sin It it
, e9a I I , t ,
, . . .
niillclr. I'dIJ ' ] ; ' 1Piilll4IiI .nu. l { t rr , + I JII l. , . , , L I " ,
- - ; 1409 and 1411 Dodge Street ,
x wF 7r , 1 " OMAHA - - - - - NEB.
Reina Victorias Especial es , Roses in ? Sizes from $6 -
to $120 per 1000.
Combination , Grapes , Progress , Nebraska , Wyoming and
, ' ' n's A 1 1 N
tsar , - .
' -1 _ _ J p.
a'a r
; a U
47 ' Y
A „ W O
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" WYCKO f DiCF i ? .
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