I THE DAILY BEE--UMAIJA , FRIDAY , i.ECEMBER is. , 1883. _ _ n _ _ _ _ . - - - - - -a _ _ - - - - - - The 1Viik : nuil the Impure. . The mcrry littic mountnhi brook , "S t igbt1y danccs over the rocks nd soarkics in the sunshinc on its vav down to the river , is tire and g1etn. ! It is active ; tliercl'orc , it is iea1thy. It s vigorous ; therefore , it resists impurity. But thc sluggish where the current is nottr.ong enoughi to keep the water fu motion , is stagnant and foul. Dirt and rubbish arc throwti into it , and stay there. Impurities flild vile odors make i a breeder of disease and au object to be avoided. \\'hen ' thc blood is strong and rich mcL red , and vigorously ourscs its accustomed rounds throuFil arteries and veins , thcsystcni i icarty ad hicaithy I VIiei ; tIc blood is thin nd POOP and weak , iliILIrities and defilements creep into it , and it Irns no strength to cast them out. Then the system runs down. Brown's Iron flitters contains the only prclaration of iron which can cnnch the IJIOOI , auct make it pure , vigorous , and healthy. A dollar a bottle. at th nearest drwrcri&t's. o Health is WeaUh1 , , Iv an4.tLl _ Iit F. C. VET'sI Nirnv AN ! ) 11IuT TIDAT. MNT , ft gttarniitec1 inicift for J1U'rhi , Jzzl. nes9. ( onvuIioflR , fitM. ? ervonn N'urnlgln , ) Ienilacba. Nor VOIIR Prostrnt inn tnw4ll by tli. , ta , nfilcohol ttobcco Vnki4iiIiie , ? leitI 1)0- tflsj011 , oftoning o tile Ihiiiti rttiIflng In In. innity nnd knding in mIory , ( k'ny iuul .ktIi , 1rcmttnro Old Ago. Iinrrcitu. , Lo ) f 1)uwct In , either pot , Involuntary iiiK jorinnt. urFIltra caw.o.1 byuyer-oxortion t the Innn. , peIt. tibuo or nvor.indtilgonco. Inch box cnntnlna ( mo flOflthH treatm'nt. IAn ) , oXor iX boxci Ior.WKontb1mnht ) rt ± ! ) flhI1O1 roceiptof prico. 1V } GUAJLtiTEI MIX HON EP To cnro nny caso. With encli order rccoiciI byni for six boxi neccnnpniilcd with * 5.W , wo wilt iond thu vtrciIaor our written gunrnntt'u to r funti tlio money It tiio tn'ntmont.clocanotollcct Lcuro. Gunrantoci iwd nilyby C. F. GOOIflAN ) , Solo Apunt for Onutlift. Noi. ) DR , FELIX LE B/luff S PILEVENTIVE AND CUIL 201t EITHER SEX. Th remedy bclng Injected directly o the rest the tcwo , rcuIres no change of diet or nuicou3 , erurIl or polionou. , InNilcince to bo tskcn Intern. ii .Vhen 'isod Li proyentlvo 1w clther eox , II Ii tctpcnle to ooutret any jrIiroto disease ; but In the OMO of th eo areidy unfortuntoIy affllcod wo gun , . intro three boxoi to cure , or we will refund the iaonoy. PrIce by toall , poetge paid , 2 per box , ci three boxci for 5. ; wmmr GUMt ? EEU ibid by lt authorized egcnt& Dr.Felix Le Brun &Co noL1 pitormETolts. : O.F. Goodiuno , Drugglit , Bole Agent , for Omfth 1TISAFACT TIIATTIfOtIRANI)5 OP OtJfl HUSINFSS MEN GO TOTlllIlt Ot'F1Cl.S IN T111 MOttNlNfl AF'TiRAN IJNI : A.sv NlOIlT , OIL A LATE : lINNIIt , I"l'ELINU IULTj AN ) ) ALL OUT OF HOILfl3. TillS IS } N. TIItEIX IJNN1CCI45A1W , A RINaIA IOHl ) OPTIIAT SAIIKLINU ) FOAMINUSI'ECIFle , Tar- rants Seltzer , TAICIN B IFOlU - HIUAKPAWr , wir.t. 1MM EtIATILY 1)lStII. ALL ILlNut4 op . $ . , . * ( It'.NTLY 3w'rUIuf.yT13o1.tnr it UlCEN INTO II ? ? IJFJIY ACTION FWEIW El hUh. 0 fy. Tm ! . oit H/SLIt LW ALL IItUOUlSlt1l ' - CREA1ENQLISH REMEDY. - . Cures PflYSIOAL , ItvoUs ri bllhIy . ' UeuTAr. LOSS - . , , OFMANI.y vJaonsennntorr. ; haa , rio. , when all ether rome. . ; . ( Ilci fill. A cure Owaranteed. . - $1.&o a bottle , fargo bottle. four tlmoa the qunntltv , . nv ox. : * . prose to uy adjroei. Hold by nlldrugglste. ENGLISh MEDI. CAL INSTITUTE , I'roprtetore , 718 OlIro t3troct , 8t. ) LoutsMo. - T 1 have iold Sir Aitoy ! Coopore Vital Itostorative or yenri. lery customer ipeake hlhly of It. I Ubhoiltatlnglyendorrc It &i a remedy of tnio merit. 'IC. 1 ° . 0000MLZ , , Drug1it. Omabi Fob , 1 1t5 v184n&o.eodly PATENTS 4 MVNN & CO. , of the Scizrrrzo AUnUCAN con. 'rrauo ' htRkI. C0D1bti for the Unltud Stntcl , ( anada , ' IngIand ' , ranco , dermany , etc. ZI4nd 1100k , , bout l'etcnti eent free. Ttitrtv.anyen ycora' experionco. latCflti0bfthUgIMUN ( & CO.urunoticod the largert bartend rno5 wIdely . circulated cIontfiio paper. 1L ) a year. YeckIy. tpIendIU ongrayings and Intoroetlug Ifl. fOrmation. 8peclmencopy of the t4cIeiitIIIo Amer. ican tont4oe. Addreu MIJNN 1 CO. ScL5zrUjO AF.1UCMi O5tce. au llroadwey , ow ork. UxOGo WALE C mu YAUUm b(1U , C40. ; ltN ) , lao. _ . _ a ! roui m$04p. Hiini LOc Thu 240 J.ItIt. lb. FAflMCU'B ItLVLtY , . , $ j OOALE or. tiiJ. . , orlint htZE. loll K P.irr &IILg. TOOLS . r.tT lulnE , flOZ you LU.IIr mtiamI , pie .p 41) ) b livil gmmtt edt orrut. . Sb t V&n.ers .o. . I. . . m.4 M CInp .d J4b1. - Iflowpn' , . , , mI. . Viru. , OIIi ArtItIoi Twe.Uixu'o8. ' 1t Jti4Li I&ETUL. c Imported Beer 1N BOTTLES. Cuimbachier , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bavarja , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , DOMESTIC. Budweiser , . . . , . . . I , , . . .St ; . Louis Anhauser . . , . . . . . , . . . . , .St.Louj . Best's. . . . . . . . , . I $ . . . . ? aIi1waukoe. Sc1ihitz-Pi1ner . . . . , . . . Milwaukee , It.rur"B. . . . . . . . _ _ . . _ _ , , , , .Omaba. Are , Porter , Domestic and Rhino Wine. ED. MA.UItEIL , l2l4Farnam , J. P. WEBER & Co. , MANUFAOTRERS OF 4 BRACES ! volt TilE CORREOTIONOF Physical DeformitieH1 Hipaiid Spinal Discwiee , : Chub Feet , Slift Knees , t JJpw Legs , Knock ICitees , &c. I TRUSSES of the but m& M $ oo hind. Teuii.i repnirod , Cruthci uutdd 10 order. HxnnU jobi of ill kiudi &rmo in $ t1 , Irom3 p.nJ Wood. tltepbIrbg of all kind. . donoieet , cheap xud DruIoj4t. the lee. IJrMkafttnt4Valr 01 j. . - $03 $ outh TeQth $1 , , Omaha1 1s - - - - - j. _ SEIZED UPON BY DEATH. The Awini Scencs at Nolokfii , A "IniIy Nen" lteprcrienntlvo VlIts tire Itotiro oftite bepcrR nhi1 'lvh1. Iy IcRcrlIJcn the Had Sights Which I1 Thicro WIt tiesc1. i4peci&i to tIe , t'hcngo ! 1)1h1 N'e.e. ] ! 0NOI.ULU , NOV. 1.-You liavo hoard , ncrliniu , that the Sandwc1i lelaiulon are Lying away bocaueo of the ravages of lop. roBy. I have rocoutly spent. ton days at the leper 8ottlonront , where the victims in exile await their inevitable doom. And , 'tvliilo 1 am hOt prepared to indorse common rumor to the extent indicated in the opening soiitonco , I am tiroparod to toll lilucit which I believe will be of Intor. est about the ' 'mysterious blight. " One day last iriontli 1 called , upon the premier of the hawaiian kingdom ( liii oxcolloiicy , William Gibson ) and salil I should like porinissioii to go to Mohokat and have a weak with thto lepers. hut excellency had no objection ; uuo-nono in tim least , Very glad indeed to give too the necessary authority to land UOfl nuid , roombark from tim island , but , un fortunately , there was no method of coni- munication except by tim ? ovanimonl steamer which took 8UllI105 Once a month , and slue was laud up juit now. It Was too bad ; but the pass was of im value without the steamer. I said I had arranged - ranged to go lii a wiunlcboat with a Kana. ka crow , so the pass was nil that 1 required quirod , and ho said ho would ask tim king. Now the king , not loss titan lus chief officer , diRapproves of visitors Ink. big too great an interest in the lepers , and several days wore passed in waiting for thu permission t Issue. The interval I spent in studying the leper statistically , and frouui the government - ornmont point of view , and tiucac arc the facts gathered. The hawaiian kingdom has a leper ioPula ) ion of about two thousand ; of tiuoso less than otto half are in custody. There is ito pbyaiciau on the island who knows enough about leprosy to convince any other pliyaiciaui that the truth has been reached. There are no white lepers under restraint , and 1)roba- bly not more than fifty or sixty wluitca afflicted with the disease. The chief item of tim budget represents the stuns used for the segregation nuid support of tlis confirmed lepers. There is no cure ra- corded in tlio rallier meagro history of the disease unless we except tizatmiracu. bus purification when Miriani was iiindo wholo. But as the king's jolly and scoffing chamberlain , Cci. Jucl(1 , remarked - marked , that did not liappoti in the Sand. wicli islands. Pardon uno-tluo hlawaiiaui kingdom ; for since the tune of Ilanlcy Ift1tlC3' , 'anky .1 liii , 'I'Ito kiuug of the czuuniial Islauide , it is bId form to talk of the Sandwich islands , and an ofrouno not to be forgivoii Lo address an hawaiian as a Sandwich islander. In tim doctors' books you fluid leprosy lassol ainoiig the neuroses or akin dis. eases , and for its treatuneitt in its Inter ttages applications of mercurial ointment or proto.iodido and liberal doses of iodide of lOtaSSitluit are recommended. As a layman let urn criticise tue clasailicatiouu , ror if over there was a disoiuue that goes beneath the skiui , reaching out to every vital organ leprosy is that. affliction. The flesh slouguu wi ; tubercules form and drop away , sometimes being blown from their place of formation by the harsh winds of the trades which sweeps over Molokai at certain seasons. Tue bones rot away At some places , and crumble iuito dry tiust at thou. points 'of artioula. tion , thocolon.-of _ Limo y.\ blond , LImo tongue shrinks , tim teeth drop from their unresisting sockets , the senses deaden , the face falls into the neck and between the shoulders , and shortly afterward combs death. But the decay is of ovary organ , tlio heart and lungs succumbing last , sometimes thu brain 1uaviii almost disappeared. Leprosy , indeed , is the one ditcaso which attacks every portion of the human body , and not until it has faston. ad its fatal grasp 111)011 every organ does it close its labors of death and give its victims surcease of pain. Sometimes the leper is the sport of anesthesia for a pa. nod , but sooner or later conies the pain which Iciiowa no parallel , and at night at. tlio leper settle.nont I liavo ant for hours listening to the cries of anguish from a hundred 111)5 which no unedicino could still. And these cries are always hoard A. leper may for a day or more have an iii. Larval to paul , but among the 1,000 on Mololcal there are always the cry of a hundred or more to be heard. it is an old theory that luprosy is a sthgo of syphuillis , froni which white races are practically oxeuiu1t. I nun able to cite uiouuio of the authorities on this subject. Jouiathian 11 utchuiuiaon , of LouIlonbetiov. ad in a hereditary inuiuunity from syphil. lii , acting aounotluig in the same way that vaccine protoct.a from iiuuiatl pox , and reasnuied by analogy that a virgin race such as tim ITawaiiane , being exposed to the more conunon foruui , soon developed among themselves the loathsome condi- Lion of leprosy. A recent publication in ThioLancutroprosouititliatsyphuillis hiasbo- comb a much milder ( liscabo in Europe in the last. two conturios. Medical scuonco cannot kill , intL it can delay the action of both diseases by precisely the sauuiu treatniont. Leprosy was a well knowut disease in Engisuid up to the year IUOO. There wore twelve leper lurspitals in England - gland at. that time , tIm lest of which was closed In 1670. Syihiiliui Was brought to the Sandwich Islands by Capt. Cook's I nien ovoz one hundred years ago. Sixty years afterward leprosy appeared. Dr. Ilofluuian , who wa at one time physician to the leper sottlonient , reports that in 700 cases ho found nuitocodont. ayhuihlis in all but. six. There are any number of cases of leprosy apparent iii children whose parents aru syphiillitk , but i'ith no thint of hoprosy. But I nuui dritting Into winit , at best , must prove an uuisatlsfuwtory prosenta. Lion about a matter upon which doctors disagree , and the proofs by which I was convinced of the idontitiosof the two ills. oases are not arailablo for the types of title journal. \Vhen the holier is reported to the po. lice of auuy district an ollicor is aouit to fotahu luiuui or hnr to Uonoluluyhoro there Is s detention hospital put on the out. skirts of the city , and oui the bank of the beautiful bay. Then they am oxainluied by tluo doctor , who decides whether it is a case of leprosy or trot. Once declared a leper , thu tiousoui Is civilly dead , in. capable of suing in the courts or being sued , their Property to the uioit kiut , Deprived of coininunleatbin with tim world , except. on one occasion , wlueui their ( anullios may come to bid , thorn fare. well forever before they. are Inurriod away to Molakaf , never to return. 'rue run of tim disease is uuahly seven years , bit women who have borne children or are advauiccd in hio beyond a certain period Jive longer than others and stuirer uuioro pain , Boys succumb caller thiaui girl. and people of mixed blood , Chintse and ic4nak4 , or lCaunku mid white , fail : : i - - -i-- eoonest. Tim longest. period that a leper has lived , witoso case is known , is nine years. I was present. at. the death scene of a lad who lund been in tim settlement loss than two years. At the detention hospital there are nc commodations forabout one hundred and twenty. It. is filled about every two months. The establishment consists of a largo hInt of rouuid , say five acres , around which is a very high icket fetico witha ) tleoiu ditch outsklo of it. ' , Vithiiui af'the cottages or wards , thio females having one luart , time men the other , with a building for time superintendent's homo and disjensary and a cook hiouso or mess- rooni , Timero is little lmado except that made by Lime houses , no sward nor ruin- ning water. The construction of time houses is primativothmoir furniahuiuig Phalli ta tiio verge of discomfort , but they arc I cleaui. To time north rhos the grotesque forni of time l'umicii Bowl , the crater of an extinct. volcano , amid beneath IL are the green slopeanuid lower lands of the beau. tiful city. Swociuig around to time east. is Wikiki , with ita graceful forests of cocoa palmns , and in thmo front. the greeui sea splashes and roars over time coral reefs that. forimi tim harbor bar. In timis placoo leper unust. give up all imopo. Before his admission lmoro lie hind at least the oxpoo. tation of dying among frionds-frionds so loyal that they hid timelrafilictod relatives in time mountains , and bring thmeumi poi in jars and srater in calabaslida , atid try to make them comfortablo. But now in. stead of this loving kindness , there cOnies the harsh discipline of a govern- m nt institution. No wandering in the cool Aigeroba forest nor bathing in the loved surf , but simply a period of sutrur- lug and vaiting for death nuder circumstances - stances prescribed by a neccssaryifcruel , law , and front whose horrible provisions there is no escape. The hospital now be. ing full , a stoamimer comes to fet.cli to Mo. lokai those whose condition in tnost advanced - vanced , there to remain until death draws its chiarihibie veil ovur ayes that hunger for a land they can never see , and closes cars that. listen iii vain for voices that. can never s1ICak to theni. It was with such a Party that. I traveled finally to Molokai , his excellency hmnvium atiast ox- lmaustod his reasons for not. going. It has beau my lot. to witness many scenes iii which the imumnui heart. mains to have run time gamumut. of agony. I have lucard time vail outside of an Irish prison whiami limo black hag floating on the stalT 101(1 flint. the sentence of the law had bean given effect ; 1 have scan the .Jows in the cast. drivoui iii wimiter and at. umighit from their villages , and recently I hurried on to Sunderland in time to see an hun. dred crusliad bodies of children carried oumtof a great lmall. Everyfanmily of that city 1usd its dead little one , but none of these nor oIlier scenes that I have wit- nesmied approached in any way those which attended upon the separation of famnilics as these handful of lepers sailed away to their exile. Daughters reached out. their arumus to mothers viiouii they I aught not. embrace , wives hold up their I mouths for kisses which their husbands I could not. give , babes hold iii arnis of strangers laughed and cooed to their niothars , to whose brcakimig hearts they might. not be heldin ono last loving clasp. And sobs , such sobs , ala , , that comae from depths of hearts wrung with the nuisery of a hopeless conditioui. Presently the hues vcro cast. clii , the little. . steamer turned her head away amid steamed slowly toward the bar. 1 went imuto the little cabiui set apart for the captain amid closed the door , do- torniinod to hoar no nuoro amid see no more of such grief. The little port was open , when suddenly it. was darkened , and looking up I saw the dark but beau. Liful face of a woman whose young hius- band was om his way to Molokal. Slio hind. mmy uii out to intorceptjlie steamer , and being , s indeed are aI her race , as niuch at. lrnino in th. vatoras on land site lmad no difficulty iii accomplishing liar purpose. "Ah ! " site said , "you are not a doctor nor a constable , tell my husband to look over the side tomoand God vil1 bless you. " I wont. on dock. We voro steamnimug slowly , waiting for thio goveruimomit inspector - specter to complete his task before taking his own boat. for the slmoro. The lepers hind become quiet , or at. least compara. lively o , except for jualmi. A few is'ouuen were rockimmg on their hinumichios and mnoamiimug. A young half-white girl , whose sad story I will toil later on , had iltumug lmerself on the dock in a wild nbmmdomi. uncut. of grief , amid bohmimid the tmmmiokest.rick I found the luusband kneeling in pratyor. His face , mieriatud by tIm leprous sores , Yas lucid UI ) to thu sun ; the tears vcro atrcamiumg down his cheeks amid. disease- tmL features , softouiing them by the agony of muuuphication. ' ' \Villiamn , " aaitl I , "your wife is along. side ; go quietly to the place I shall poimit out. to you , and you will see liar. " 'I'lio zimnit amrang up , atmil for a muomnemit lie looked perfectly beautiful , such a joy as canio iii his face. Tlmemi lie turned amuti ran to thu llnCO ) iuidicatcul. [ taIf an hour afterward I saw him alone. We wore thou under it full head of steam , passumug Din- umioiid if cad. " \\'Juore is shieV' I asked. : ITo , loimitotl astermi , amid there , not. au oihtii of a malta away , we saw her swiuui- ming toward some fishing boata , her black , soft hair floating out. bohimid imer , liar flj.fl every now and again waving to us good-by. 'flue lolior sotthomnoiit is generally CiilIC(1 holokal , but tlutt , in fact , is the nammio of the islamid UliOli which it is placed. Kat. awao is tIme olhicimul nammuc of the town or village , It is situated at thtofoot. of a great ravimmo , through which , at. some tinie , a stream of lava lots poured. Out either side are great precupices reach- 11mg far tutu tim sea. At their bnaes time surf boats lmight somuotimumes breaking as high up thiejr brown , hard fronts as seventy feet. hero time muorthucast trade winds roil UI ) tim liens they gather imi a passage of 2,000 miles over au immiob. structeti ocaamm. But. the rocks stop themu , and sullenly they fall back agaimi whit a heavy muomiotomie and roar which is hover still. At this place am somuotimuies mcmi the Iteavicat. swells of amiy water iii the knowmi world , Omio moruiumg I stood out tim beach just out. of the ruim of time surf , when mu vessel Passed the head at distance of less thman a quarter of a untie. Sue was ju full-rigged ship of over one hundred touts. 'Whuemi she wont into the trough of tIm sun sim ilisappear. oil omitiroly. Yet alto wauo close 1 could distinguish the color amid cut. of limo sni. her's boards , mual hear the voices from time ship. .tll this ii very iuuternatimmg , but. it does muot go tuimunko a life at a leper sot- tlomnomit atait emujoyablo. hi front there is the always rolling billow , and out uitlmor side there raises their lofty brown heads the two culls which run backward in sharp itseouits , jill they meet over time mmn.rrow pass through which athuissiout to thu settljmutummt by mmmd is alomu. , 1)Qiiibla. it 15 US If nature hail immdu a prison. One hush could hold a thousand at busy oyer the bridio.pathi , nmtul omie guard is stutli- clout to rustraimi the thiousatuti lepers which are at liii. iuiaco. There is sauna stumitoil umuulergrnwtim , it ( ow imalmns and rice field. , a hopclou , vagrant sort of sugar plamutatiomi , a navrov , dusty road mmmdc trout the 1owdered lava wimich abounds , and twontyfivo or thirty houses macro lrimmtiro mncount.rumc. tioui and more umucomufortably fumrnishmed thman those we have just left at F ishmor- mali's toimit. at llommolulu. During the miigiit. tmo little steamer hind made pretty good speed. The captain , whose Iropor name was Cotlin-a rare , rrtzzlcd old .weciInetl of those Yankee wbnlung cap. tains of whom we road and kflow umamne and character iii IrcmiimoroCoopor s tales-sat up with mae tvor , pipes and pot amid told weird amid strange storIes about time l'aciiic nun ! the islands ho hind visited. lie WftS ft splendid , interesting , umublushi. ing old liar , and there was nomethming ollishi and alt.ogethier uncanny about. hut as ho sat. imp on the rail of tue plamik that served for a bridge and sucked lila old pipe , which wheezed alternately with time older but. not niore disreputable engine that throbbed bomieathm. After Limo sun hail. sot. caumio an afterglow wlmichistrotched umi over time zemuithi until time sky scented ablaze with all the gathered rod of nature turo , and the high snowy peak of UnIon- ham glistomieci in tito east. mum a diamnond. Presently there came a mimi squall , and when it cleared the stars came out amid tiio sea was calmer. On tim deck be. nautIli tin alept and moaned tIme lepers. With his leg twisted about. tIme rail of the bridge , his disreputable pipe wheezing , and his uuirestraimued tomigue reeling off' ' lies porches the captain. I doze in a wicler chair , amid listen amid dream and fail to womiderimmg what ministry of faith cami bring peace to tim troubled souls of thin cargo of afilicted , and so listening amid womiticring I faIl asleep soundly , and whmemi I awake Knlawao iii broad off our starlard bow amid the sumu is rising. 1'ituiun. IL VtoI Such Full. A drugtist holding imp a bottho of St. Jacobs Oil said : "IL holds more pain. cure than all thiorestof lily 81101) . " MAKING ANTIQUE GLiASS ItoamuitH Ilmust limo AnelcuutH OIiztiitcd . itccldcntnlly , l'roduocd 1uii 1)osoI ) . BOSTON , December 6.-it is claimed in Boston that time only antique glass produced has its origimi iii hint renowned - ed city. Elsawluoro it. is not. disputcdand time Antique Glass Company , of Soutli IJostomi , has succeeded in gaimmilug me- chmamilcaily , through studied efForts , ra- suIts quito similar to those obtained no- cidentnlly in nmmciont times. It is nevertheless - tholess generally understood that some of the Eumglish staimued glass mamiufactures have boon for sonm timno mminkimig corres- pomidimmg experiments. In the 1mw process small portions of thieznaterial , taken before its elements are fairly blended by boiling together , are whirled separatohy by time use of a stick into rondels of varying arrange- mneuits of color. The product. has the nppe.trance of beimmg cooled while in a state of fcrmemitatiamm , amid whomi full of bubble and stride it is time better liked by seine of the decoators. One of its varieties , which is fancifully spohoii of as the froth of ebullient glass solidified , is ami airy formation , Li 8)CCIlmiOmi of which imi white sWeIt with streaks of purple in changing tints ill dohicato amid beautiful , as may bu jun. agined of the precious mumrrhmine wares of atitiqimo celebrity. Time mmiatcrial in its sinmply fused , umicornmnimmgled state is usually whirled into the shape of a ch. cular plate , or oaionalIy that of an elongated pear. In conibimiation which rolled cathedral , opal amid other varieties of glass in use those forms of spurn glass are inLrjduck1ollctively in present ox- amnp1sot ) jlorker. . Itjs con- aide4iblyu , i pozzaia , wI . . like Mr. LaFarge , seek ofibets as far as possible - siblo without the aid of the brush , and of whose admired window in tlmo Chart- fling Memorial church at. Newport , the Parable of the Sowpr , the statement is made that. it contains not. half an ounce of stain. Mr. McPherson has adopted the miew production successfully in recent work of seine magnitude , two of which are wimidows for a church atOreatBarriuug- t.oui , i.resamited by Mrs. hopkins , of Sami Framicisco. One illustrates time calling of thmo disciples amid thto other the landinv of the pilgrims. Time latter has been for some time exhibited in thto Bcston mtiuscumn of fine arts. These windows arc cimielly of Emmmzlishm antique and rolled catimodral , with a sumiall quantity of opale- scout glass amid ami omilivening arrange. mmmmit. of sumi glass , althiougii 0111) ' in small quamitity , in connection with the border jewels , The figure pammels of each arc of double glass in time style of work called pailiting ; time depth of color , the clrect. of higlmt , amid the perspective ha- prossion derive mine apparemit advamutage from tIme adnilesiomi of the whirled glass witlm its lively quality. Amugostuira 1iltteru , time world romulwned nppotlzer amid hImiigomntlr ) , lmni'mirts a tlohlciou 1lit'or to all tlriimks amid cures dyspepsia , ihilirrIlILa. ( over ammil agIle. Try It , but beware of counterfeits. Ask your grocer or yomur tlrmmggIst for thu gonimluma Ammgostumrn , ummammuufac. Lured hmy Dr. .1. II. Slerert & Saute , - - - - Iaka It Merry , Buurlimigtomm I Imukojo. Amiti now as time holidays draw oui apace it behooves us to be about our Christ. mmutIs Preparations iii good carmmest , as doubtless we arc , for of course we arc all comitomuplatimig clinrumtiuig surprises for fuutlmer , umothier , sistorand brotlmerar.d all the dear ommes at houno , amid title is right. It is our duty to tie evorythimug iii our Iiuver ( to make htomiio lmnppybut our duty does imot amid lucre. There are hiommuoloas , friendless creatures in thioworhd to wimomu timis time of mnorry.ntaking is the saddest of tIme year , amid many 'WO not. all do somnettuimug t bring a gleani of sun- almiuie imito seine such life , to muako them forget for a season tIme desolation that surroummids thieumm , amid live over the happy days timnt have coumio to thema iii tIme past , but. lure gomto porimaps forever. There arc aged mothers amid fathmers whose cliii- dremi Imavo gone fromit them amid left their imoarts nail imomno desolute , ammil to thmemn Chirustnias , with tIme traimi of rocollectiouis that it brings , is a day to be dreaded ratimer timan hooked forward to with pleasuro. flut sonic trifle sent as a prosomit , testi. ties to the lovimg rouiuoinbrauico iii vlnchu tlmcy are lucid by somno friend , amid the old hearts thrill with joy amid nil tlmo world. mains brighter. Agaimu there are mutuutiberlees children mut timose joyous tiumies , whoa so many imearts bound with tue hiloasUro of anticipation , wimo oxloct Ito Presemita for tlmemmusolves , amid who know that they will mmot be able to make any to others. Amiti lucre is a broad Iiol4 for our labor of love ; for vu cmiii imarully realize witmit a Rulers trifle is needed. to make these little creatures iunppy , We are too vromio tojudgo thomn by our owit fastidious young 1)001)10 ) , whom indul. gomico hun. mmdc it ilillicult to please. limit the fuict it that every one of us has it in her iour to mmtake at least 0mm if imot muany of these immippy , without the Dulls ) ' of a ceut. 'Vo have tluimmgs hi oumr luossessiomi timit are valueless to us , l.ut hunt we koopwitim a vague fooling tlmat some ommo mna' vammt it sometime. But . - - - - - - - time sometime huts never come and we have them yet , and whmat for , but to ivo thom to somebody. And it. mumakea little ( lifleremuco which body receives thorn , so it is one of the mumammy umiprovided for. Then timero is another cLus that we amity make imappy if wo will , with little muoro effort than a thought. They are the imivalid poor , to wluom the dainty meal that you ziry chosc from your table and not muiis , would be a rare treat. , Or time poor family who have not time comn- forts of life , imow gladly wouldtimey re' ceive time rcmmmaumt ci time Chrlstmimas turkey. To be sure , this would preclude the possibility of the turkey lmasiu and. the turkey soup that follow as natural comicqumcmuccs of turkey roast , in all ecommomnical fantilies , but. this would not. be comusiderod much of a hardsitip , especially by the mimIc mmiomnbors of thin family , and how the ill. fed little folks in the poorer home will rehishm tIte good timings emily those who imavo offered thtemmi can appreciate. Then , iii one of these or in soummo other way , hot us each resolve to make a Merry Christmas for some ummmfortunatc for whom no one else will provide. Compare time dose and quammtity of ILood' ' Sarsaparlila amid you have commelusive Proof of its superior strcmmgthi amid cheapmmcss. Tryit. . Time Way They 140010 rtt It. The Buffa'.o Express is lImo ablest republican - publican journal in Vestormt New York. It is imi favor of tariff rofornm , and closes an article on the result. of the speakot's olectiomi as follows : "The mmcd of tarifF discussion as a means of educating public oplniomm is very great , amid if Mr. Carlisle's oloctidmi as speaker results in brimmging on such a dis- oussiomi it. will be a most salutary event. If Mr. Carlisle is time aincero man that. we suppose hmimn to be , his formnation of the committees will be straightforwardly directed - rected to the purpose of tariff rovisiomi. no can luardly do lcssforliis foremost. supporter , Col. Morrison of Ihiimtois , than to put. him at the head of time ways and mitoamms coimmnmittce , and with enough associates - sociates of imis own way of timinkimig to enable iuimmi to control time committee's action. There is no more earnest. tariff roformmier tlmamt Col. Morrison , and few more capable. If the house shiotmld fol- how his lCfll , bills for tanif reduction would 81)OCdily be passed , Wliet.hor the house did or did miot follow his lead , it could not. prevemit him , vero ho at the head of the ways and mpeamms committee , frommt bringing on tariff discussion. And that , after all , is the chief thing needed , amid about. all that can be accomplished so long as the senate is constituted as at - Lost Faith in 1'Jmystcians , \Vimy is it that So ninny porsomie use proprlo- tary medicines , or patent medicines , as they are comnmoumhy calhedi , Is it bocauno pejmlo ho o faith iii their phyi4cinmis ? 'SVehl , thu is mme dotmbt , frequently time caso. There are iii nmmmnerabho Imistances , where cures have boon effected by Scovmtm.'s Smms.tt'tmum I.LA or hlr.oou & 141S E1t Sviit'i' for all tlisoase of tie blood , when they hind boon given ever by their pIty. sicians. It is one of time beet remedies over otTtmred to thiOltmhhicarid as it leproparoil with thio greatest care , as a specific for certain dim. cases , it is mm woudcr that it should be umioro effectual titan hastily writtemi amid carelouly pre.arod ; PrescriPtions nmada by Incommipotont phmysiciamms. Take Scovur.ms Bm.oou ANn J4mvxmu Srutu& ' for all disorders ar1s1a front Impure blood , It Is endorsed by heading irofessiomual 100mm as troll as by cumainent ithmysicmamms amid othor. Try It , An Eniergemicy. From the Detroit Frco Press ; A few days ao a mini * ith a weak and htunmble expressmonand wearing asummur suit. of clothes , applied to one of the railroad - road passenjer agents for a .dasdhead r4. . - "Why do you want to goto Toledo ? " "To git married. " " 2thid you haven't any mrnoyl" "Not above " twenty-live cents , "Hadn't you better be worth your fare to Toledo before taking a wife on your hamicla to support.h" "You domi't understand the case , " protested the man , "I am going to marry a widow worthi at least $5,000 , and time first thing I shall do will be to remit you the price of the ticket. I'xmi poor and time widow knows it , but she marries me for hove. " He protested so long amid earnestly that lie was finally passed down the road. Two days elapsed , and titan a letter was received from him , saying - ing : "bayou bless you for your kinilneast Reached hero all right , amid married the widow accordhmmg to prograunme. It turns out that she ismi't worth a copper. In tltis emergency mnay I ask you to pass us both to Detroit , where I lmnvo hopes of striking a job ? " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Time glory at zimnamt us iimi strength. If you are weakeumed ilowum through excessive study , or by early Immdiscrctloim , Allen's Bralum Food will jiermumaumemitly restore all host vigor , amid stmuumgthicmm all tue nnmscles of Brain amid Body , $1 ; 6 for $ ii..Ahl tlrtwm'Ists A Scu'ap of Ills tory , i3ostori hlembi. Tim blow Now York has made about the centenmiial of her deliverance has do. ceived , very naturally , mnany people and papers. Here , for examuplo , is Tim Now Hawaii Palladium of Monday saying that "one hundred years ago to-day the last of the Bt'itislt troops sailed from our shores , amid the young republic was free fromit foreign enemies on its soil. " Not all. Down on time peninsula where Castino stands , in that part of what was MassachuuseUaatid Is miow Maine , British troops remained umitil the January follow. ing the Novemmubor whuomi Now York was evacuated , aumd when they departed they took with theta some of the respectable people who couldn't look for peace or prosperity iii a rebel dominated state , Now York had good. reason for celebrating her centennial , but the "young republic was free front foreign euiomioa on its soil" two umionths later , and. imot until thiemi , Next January the Maimie historical society will prubably see the event prop. orly observed , If you hit e a Hero Throat a Commb or Cohi. try U. if , 1)ourias & Sotis' Cal.shculn O.tighs I-'rm' , tlIe ) are 1itaitit t.j the tutu , IIfectly harmnIe , , intl uluI , uru' . .Iro iou. - limo Printer Again , EditorCoihogo Paper-"It is simply as- toumidimmg iiov , aggravating tlteso printers are , " Symtmpathmizing Friend-"What has hap. pouted. nowl" 4t\iuilo preparing time last miumber I sent time Primitera a slip from the New York Clipper on tiio baseball chmsmmipion. Biui1) ) , antI it Is not in the imuspur at all , " "Perhaps it was crowded out. , " J should miot mind that so very tnumchm. " "Vm'hmoro is time trouble then ? " "Well , it scorns that on the back of that slip was nut article on an educational topic , amid the blunderimi" " priuttora set. that UI ) nitd put it iii imtstca" the baaobaU matter. ' 'how stupid of timoni , It makes tito paper look perfectly ridiculous , " OHARLES SHIVEFUOK , Furniture ! : EwPc : : , . , Have just received a large quantity of new Aa1:3EIx : : : { , UI"I , AND AM OFFERING THEM AT VERY LOW PRICES PASNGEn1LEVATOfl CHASI SHIVERIC , . 1206,1208 ml 1210 FarnatuSt To A1 ] P1ooi. , , . OMA1JAm. NEll. 1 "BURLINGTON NOUTE" ( Chicago , Burlington & Quincy Railroad. ) , is I ? ' . ' , _ , rM , . . _ 'a m ( I . , .ci . - 3 . . . . 'im : , i'm.u _ , . - . - 01 . . - ' % : , ' 4 : : . i-t' ' - I 'I .m1 . ' _ \ , ' ; : \ . . . . 7:4 \ \ \ _ . . - Q. . 1 , _ . , , I. ' - . , . J.fr vet i' ; : 4arL4 ; ; , .J , - ' . . t . - - K . A.II , . _ _ S _ _ , _ ; _ , _ , , _ _ _ _ . _ A" _ _ \u - , -COIPIC EAST AND WEST. I COINC NORTH AVID SOUTH. Etc ant Day Coaches , Parlor Cars , with flelin 511d Train' of Elegant Day coaches and Pull- 101 ? Clair ? .iat. free ) , Smoking Cars , with toi mann I'niaco Sleeping Cars nrc run thfly to arid vo virig Cha ms Pullman Palace S ceping Cars and i from St. Louis , via Hannibal , Quimicv , Keokuk , ( ho ( amount C. ii. &i ( j. Dining Cars run daily to and j flm'rllngton , Cedar htaplds and Albert Lc to St from Chicago & ICanaas City , Chicago . Council u l'ani and Minneapolis : ParmorCarswith hiechintrt' , 1 Bluffs , Chicago & le lltolnes , Chicago St. .Jo. j Chairs to and from St. ' Louis amid i'eorfa and tzmi sepli , Atchboa . To eka. Only throuigl limo and from St Louis and Ottumwa. Only ear tween Chicago , Llnco1in & Denver. Througim carsj change of cars between St. LoUIs and hic : between Indlaimapoils .t Council Bluffs via Moines Iowa , Lincoln , Nebraska , and Deny..1 ' All conneeUon3 mnado in Union Inots. it ls Colorado. , t.nown . its tli greatTilEOUGlI CAlL NE. It is unlvermllyadmttixl to ho the , j Firmat Equipped Railroad In the World for all Clrmssoo Of Travel. P. .1. POTiER. 3d Vice.rres't and flon' ManmumerF.ICSVi'.L I.OWELtth57 , PiSS. A4t't. . ChIcok.l HENRY LEHMAI JOBBEItOF a11 PaDer afid Sliaoz. EALTER * [ PR/CE6 DUPLICA TED 1118 FARNAM STREET , . I OMAHA NEB. w -OF- ALARM CLOCKS ! A time ylio1esale and lictail Jewelry Store o EDHOLM&ERICKSON Holiday Goo s in in great abundance timid an Elegant line of Ladies' mid. Gents' Gold Watches and beautiful stock of Solid Silver Ware , Diamonds , Jewelry and Spectacles. We would call special. attention. to the best and most RELIABLE RAILROAD WATCH Ever placed on the Market , namely , the celebrated Quick Train , Comm bus , Ohio , Watch. t is superior to all others. VVbr iiici We have the Agency for the 'above renowned Piano , wliklt is second to liOfle. Also the Lindetnaim & Son's Pianos , amid have also the famous Hardntan Piano on sale. We mmlso carry full lines o best Organs and Sheet Music.Ve warrant oui goods the best in the market. Au inspection - tion will convince the most skeptical. OUR TWO STORES Are located as below : Jewelry Store , Corner 15th and Dodo , opposite Postoffice. Piano Wareroom and Music Parlor , Orounso's loclc , 16th street , near Capitol Avenue. Please call and inspect our goods at both of our stores. Pianos anti Orgaits sold Oil nionthily payments. EDHOLM & ERICKSON , THE JEWELERJ South-c ast Corner edge , and 16th , near Capitol Avenue , Omaha , Neb , cIit ! DEALER IN LumberSash , DoorsBlindsBuilding Paper LIME , CEMENT , HAIR , ETC. flhco and Yrd , 0r. 13th amid California Streets , . . OMAHA , NEIl LOUI3 BRADFORD , DEALER tIN Lumber. Sasli Boors BUilds , S1iiii1as , Lath ETC. ; LOW PRICES AND GOOD GRADES. Call and Get my Prices beoro buyintr elsewhere. Yards , corner 9th and ] ) outtlas. Also 7th and Dout1as. ; cq2r1e,3r : " 'rea , TIlE ONLY Chinese - and Japanese CuriOsity Shop IN Chlnescin4 .I& 'lace , , Tu s , Cblne.-u nt1 Jspnnue Tia Cups , The , larme tirleiyof i &imicy Good. , SUIt IliIIdkercIiICf4 , Faite 'uru 'Fris Oeniilnj I.e IiupotjnI , , , CliIn Water , Lily , A mite and tidIes. 'I contatl on hand Choice ' ' , L'orm.rr 'L'NU ' iOthud Lcauemuorth , O I C { Merchant H. PHILLIPS Tailor , ! - Farnam St. , Ncxt Door to Wabash Ticket ames , : of FINK SUITS A . I ) OVEItCOAIO. hicquutt. AIo an a lull Cftflhintlon line ni lit'Ii.ii of liii fir. Suitli . rtock . o SV4)OLr1mm ' ' , A . 'clahty rmad SUIJiUtiCLI to be 105115 iii tine g. cud 'l'I0ttrImgs. llummeatp intitt 113)05 ) and situ tia 14i ; tuimz.xr lvie. CALL AM ) SEE JE. . - - - - -