! I 1I11' .UA1 Y L + 1'f f Ill .It U1 .Y , 11 , 1'14 1111 L1t ? , is. _ _ k XMAS. IS IIeie ,1aiii - - 1 MUELLER , ON MAIN ST , THE HEAVIEST SANTA CLAUS A9 USUAL , \YCL'II ' 171 C 13iG7B3'I' 13iG7B3'I'i i I1' ' $ how 011 Earth arr HIS STORE , . BARNUM NOWHERE ESPECIAL OPENING , BUT ibp0n Day and. fight. Having sold over $15,000 worth of Toyss at wholesale , I still 1 r pr Ye the largest stock in the city , which I now propose to close out at TTJH 0 LE S A L E = R I CE S. Presents from the finest to the cheapest variety without end. ITT MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS You will find everything from a Piano and Music Box down to Band Organ. , . . U 0M6 AN1 SEE And bring your Children with you and make them happy. MY CL Are attentive and the handsomest in town , and I will see to it , that you get what you want. t' ' , .T ZVIZJ LL R 103 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. _ 1u11'al , About 000 toes of hay have boon shipped from iho hay press At Itolfo the past month , 'I'Ino "lonn lugion of 1loncr" had b,080 members ul 1ft'l lodges , Dccembet Cnjt , Olis Cottle , one of the pionenra of Clinton , is Bond , nt tire ago of lit yeah. The list artesian well At the , Julien house , Ilubuque , is 880 foot deep nnt1 lows 400 gnllons a minute , The Register says that morn coal is handled in hock Palley than in nny other town in Sioux county , Bliss Maude Clinkonbatrl , of IIarrisou county , vns found Bond in bed h st Saturday morning , Iler death is n mystery , 1'1c Atlantic Messenger is told dint not less than $30,000 worth of fruit trees anti vines will be shipped front that point this year. Belle Morgeu and 1lrinnie 1Vndo , the girls who recently mysteriously disap. ) eared from Burlington , arc in Ottuinwn , 1lolla Drinnie with as a domestic , and relatives , In Creston a tramp entered the house of n Mr. Voulgtwist n few days age and demanded errs. l oiugtwist to give Lunt 801110 clothing , threatening to kill Isar zaul her ehiihlren if she refused to comply - ply with his demands. Ile got the cloth. fug. I'ho tollowing 'Iateits were grntlted to citivOns of Iowa bearing data 1)ccomber 1 , 188t : : Win. L , Iteah Webster Pity , tace fastener ; A. It. Ityrkitt , Fairfield , hook rest ; J , n [ , llolmes , Sioux ( 'it ) , aad irou holder ; 1Vm. L , Linder , Bar. lingtom , device for attaching neckties ; S. F. Stever , Fairfield , railway rail joint ; Jolui Stewart , 'I'rner , evaporating appnr. nuts ; S. I' . 1Vulch , Mt Pleasant , exca- vatiug machine. ? Mary Uirks , a ( ; ernlntl girl 0111) five Iveelts it this country , was charged ( lie other day with stealing n pocketbook. She protested her iuuoccnce , weeping bitterly , and when she was left to herself - self she want to the barb intent upon suicide , 1Vhieli nn officer was brought t0 arrest her she was found in tire net of ad' justing n cloth to her pock that siwnnight hang herself. Site was taken to jail at 1)avenport. The shernf believes her in- nocent. - - - - Z13 ltelhnr Ilasbeen uatng your JfovlueL 1llasd IJflfrrs us a liter remedy , nail finds them very' eflieacious , " Chins. L Ainsworth. 1l lranco Block , lidian apnlis , ltd SPCehncnsof Itailroati Uohhcry. North ) Platte Tclegrapls. The following hotter from a Nobrashau appears in the Chicago Tribune : I have just had a case of railroad extortion , showing the necessity of snlno government control of the bl11inu Pacific. I shipped n lot of wool front I.odga Polo , Neb. , about 300 miles nest of Omnlut , to Boston this season tea a coirinls.ion house. In my returns a day or tn o BIOCO I found the freight charged to ono nt over throe cents a pnnud. Suppnsutg it a mistake , I wrote thoin , nsldup n correction. To 1ny surprise they smut tno a railroad receipt shownsg ; it to he correct , and that freight Irma Nebraska to Boston was gneater than from Saul I'ra cisco,1111(1 , freight fromlr San Francis' co tar BoatOlt cons greater than front Australia t" Boston via the same route , nit wool , thus making wool shipped from Australia to Bos tot have considerably lass freight cbm'ges lip. on it than mtno fioni Nebraska , giving the Australia wool-grower an advantage anger our Nebraska wool grnwe s fn our Bostau nta kct. It is impossible for words to do this snbjcct jastico. S. The above communication donioustrates : very forcibly the necessity of having the railroads controlled by law. From Lodg e Pole to Bostoi is only a little oer half the distance that it is front Sati Francisco to Boston , yet tire railroads exact mor for transportation over the shorter than they do for the longer distance. And yet the rates on through business emus t to vary profitable when the companies who now control it can allord to subsi dim trio Northern Pacific railroad at d the Pacific Mail Steamship companies t o to the extent of fr 1,000,000 a year for r0 framing to compote for this business. It is conceded that rates on through n business is profitable. Is it not downright - right robboryJto extort a still groatou rate for half the distance , cud that half the part that is most cheaply operated ? It is represented to prospective land buyers and settlers or the ( ' . P , land s that it is to their'advaltage to settle or i the railroad lands in Nobraakn , becaus e the facilities for getting their produce t o the world's markets are so superior , hut , when the poor settler after reading the e glowing prospects hold out to hint settles eI I on those lands , ho finds , as did tire write r of tire above communication , that lie i s not permitted to enjoy any of the bee . fits of his nearness to nmrkets , that tli great railroad companies , by oxorbitaru t rates , have robbed him of these benefits ruin that practically the woolgrower it 1Vostoru Nebraska is farther away Iron the Boston market than his brother wool grower in Australia. Nohrtslcn has in its criminal cede a la making it a felony punishable with inn prisonnont in the penitontimy to rob o steal to the extent of $3fi Shall it b said that thicsogroator rubbers are beyun d and above law. Do ant 1s , deretred ; ask tor and take ooh H. 1 Doughtsn and Suns' Rapsicr"n Couch Iroa ; ( or Couxli ColdsaodHose Tlnuats R 11and Trade Mark is cu cry' nmup , _ - The Origin or CIirlsiuniu ( , Oen'Yw ' , ( 'ants , In Itsrpcr' . Magarlue for Rix.ui her , Christians looks ant at uu front the die shadow of tine groves of the Druids win know not Christ , and it is dear to tires who now roliomlco the name of Christian The ( lhiristntas to , which 1I lerrick exhort ) his unurrie , merria boynto : bring with noise to the firing , is but the SICtlrli Yule log burning on the English hearth , au the blaviug holiday toualtles of Saturn shine again in the illuminated Christie churches. ] t is tire pagan ntislotoo urn dor which tire Christian youth Itissos Lb Christiana maid , it is tine holly of tin , old Itoman Saturnalia which decorate Bracobride I Intl on Clnristnns eve , 'I'll ' hugo sinokfug barons of beef , tire Ilowin occufH of ale , are but the survivals of tin tremendous eating and drinking of tin Scandinavian Walhalla , The Christian and ante-Uhristiun feel jug blwtd in the happy season , and tin Christan observance mingles at ever point with the pagan rite. It is not oas to say whore the pagauisut ands and tin Christianity begins. 'rho carol aid Lb wassail , the prayers mid tits Baines , tin generous hospitality , hobhy.lnorso an the lord of niisrule , Maid Maria au Santa Claus , are u curious medley of tl old rind tirenow. An tine religious through of all aljos and countries , whor it reach a roriann elevation , Ilows ions an expre 81011 which makes tine scriptures of tin most divergent aations haruionioug , tin history of this happy festival is cvfdei of the eominorr humanity of the oarlf and hater racesanrd ; tie stran"erhr Jir OC , bridge mall , musing by tie glowiighenrtl on Ciu'i8zuas ( evu , ai ho wntahe8 tin romping I'evsiliy beneath the glistcnin bermes , and llttens to 11w nails earollin - : : ----j ouaido in tire moonlight , or as he is wakened on Christmas utorning by tire hushed patter of cluildron's feet in the passage , and the shy music of childron's voices at his dnor , clay well seem to hear a Inure celestial strain , and to catch n lecher meaning in the words , "Before , tbrnhant cons , I au. " 1IIOlv'n'H Broach Iat 'I'roohes for Coughs amd Colds : ' ' 1 d0 not see iron' It h j o uilrlo for n public man to be hlnisolf In whiter with' nut this admirable aid.-hug. IL it , Icerne , l'orueern , Jloss , WASHINGTON GOSSIP , C1111C11 fro111 0111' EXCV IIgcs , A Imichl' " 'tVypnpcrDAtrb I saw young , lehn 11cLeans , who owns The Cinc11nnntt Isnquirer anti ? busses one. half of tire Ohio democracy in 1Villord's hotel tire other night. It was just be. fora the election of streaker , anti 111cLean anti Joe ] ticke ) ' + a sporting gentleman of St. Louis , were talking about tire pros. Iacts , hickey waded McLoau to bet , 11ICl.eall refused an'n lie knew' uethin g about the cutest. . niti as not , interested in it. Rickey reported that. i\tchomr was afraid , ail nrado tire assertion that 'I'Ine Cincinnati Inquirer was easily blulled. McLean replied that ire was never afraid to bet on an event thing , mud if hickey was really bound to het lie would give Linn n clnanco. 11'ith that he pulled out n silver dollar , laid it on the counter and co'ored it with his lizard , ' 'Nor Joe' ' ' hickey , " said he , "i'Ii Intel you for tih00. If you are ao anxious to bet , there is your chance , " Iticiacy lucked n little funny fit ( Iris , but finally replied 'all ri glt ' haired n quarter oqt of his ) oeltot aid laid it on tine seater beside the laud of Jolui MCLeau , 11rcLetut then asked , "is the utouoy to be paid in cash or drafts ? " "Drafts or New 'York" said itiekey. Ile flea continued , still keeping his hand over his coin , " 1Vc11 , are ) roe matching fie , or tan 1 unntchir.6g gel ? " 'I ant matching ou'1 " replied ' Mickey. " .111 right , ' ' stu l ] Ilel.enu . and Inc rcurov his hard , Tire tail of Itickoy's gtunrtor lay side by side wits the head of McLean's dollar , mid AleLeal lvot Iris bet , ilickoy took a draft front his uroltot , lilnnded it ever to 11IcLeans and tare two wont oft' agethier. This is a good instance of McLean's luck , lie is one of tire most fortunate fellows Irving , mud everything he torches scouts to turn into cash. Less than ter years age he took clinr a of Tire Cineiu- anti Euquirc , when rt was but little known outside of Cincinnati , and had about nix thousand circulation. Now it gees over tire whole country , hras nolrrly ciglrty thousand circulation , mud could not be bought for less thou a million and n 111af. John 1cLenu owns every dollar of it , and Ire has besides n let of real estate in Cincinnati turd other property , which puts Lieu high up iii the rank of million ( . sires. I I e runs Tire Enquirer on buaiuosa principles , pays cash for eveytling , mud every Saturday night is out of debt. Ile was iii Europe HtidyirrgUerman whoa iris father wrote him to cone home and go into tire office. ire did so , connnoue11g at directing envelopes , and lie has siuco then served ino'oryposition on tire paper. Even nov ho watches everything about tire oficti closely. I b reads every line in the paper , and usually goes over it with al amanuensis at his aide , to who11t ho issues instructions as le goes nlonrg. He watches tie local columns closely , and when ho sees a goodiocal item writes it out hintaolf , as ire also often does tire introduction to airy pronincnt local turo in tire paper. lie is well liked by his employes , and they look our lain ratiror as a friend than as a task mastor. I Joh11 McLoarl is now 36 years old. IIc weighs 180 gourds and is the pictuiro of health , lie iris a big , round ] rand , slightly bald , a bright , black eye , and fat , rosy cheeks , his hair is block and Lis niustacho of n reddish brown. Ito f's well educated , talks French and ( ; ernltun , aid converses well. Ho is unmarried , and if he says iii 1Vasillugtorl this sea' ' son , as I understand he will , ire will be 0110 of tine beat of nratrintomal catches , I'ouiCre"H Nou' "Brick" I'euoroy is expected in IVasir ingtot this week. Ho will conno with his peekats filled with legislation for hit tunnel , 'Pine principal hill is for grarb of laud 0n boar auPB of iris tunnel s ( wide as will berofit tie congauy which proposes to work these tracts for mncra to pay expenses. ' 'hie application evil , eonploto grants across the divide toy the Pacific terminus of tire tunnel , 11r. I om Croy hill ho a conspicuous figure ant tint lobby during tire winter , ( It'acrill Ucnrer fir 11'neDingUin. ( ; enreral Duuvcr , tire 11uunr often whoa i the city of Den'or is married , presided it 11 asinugtoi at tine meeting of the ] 1oxi can Vetertun association , I le is n Inwyol in this city , his hone being ju Otrio. v whore ho lived when appointed governor r of Kansas teritory , of which .lralknhot county was tloi a part. I hro asnocnation 0 is agitating congress for a pension bill General ] ) onver cxpresHod himself as be ing proud of his namesake , and doclurct I it iris wish that tsotno day it aright oxpoei , onto a charge of heart and give an monies I donrocratie majority. ( 'olmrado'H New 8elntnr. Senator Bov'ou sits fit the side of Sea i tor 11In11dernon , of Nebruskn , who occu 0 pic8 tire desk filled last session by Sons c tor Tabor. Tim now Colorado Senate , attracts conisidurabie curious ntto11tiou + especially from the crack poker player n at tire capital , wino in sosu way or othe . have got it into their trends that. Mr d Rowel , who only knows tut ace of club i is not a stack of shurglcs , is ronnrkabl' ' export at the genre. Thus far he in . proven himself a close nttelldanlt , an 0 already lie is inn full swing for legislativ 0 glory. Sonrator hill occupies his old sea s to tine loft of Senator Merrill of Von 0 taunt. g 0 .1 GltEAT MF 1)ICSfr 11'UIi1C CON MANHOOD . lxhnu.ttd : VItallt , Nerroiu and n'hy'.lean UCbnnlt 1'rcmaturo ncclhr iii Man , Irrorsof 1'cmh , anu tli 0 mltold mdscrlo. rusplting trout Indiecretloii or e' ' I , ceases , A book for user ) ' man , young , usldils aget and old , it rontnhs , 12. . preserlptlui , for all acid y afrdchruolcilwaae , cacti otis lt ichIslnraluahli 0 Su found bytho Author , whose expenunte for 1 year I ench a.prulwbly nuvcr hefuruell to the la U of ally paslrlau , b0U u'- ' hound In tcauth 0 Yrcue s unrslln , cntbos.tHrc ems , ( .111 gill guaruu/cc / d to l u a liner work , lit uvery ecn.e-"urlcankml , 11 Crary and prolussloat-than any other work Bond I d Ub country for 02Ju , or tlm muiuy ulll Lit ruhwdr w inutor'lnstaueo. Isaooly ( Qlti ) by wail , paw fit laid , lllustratite aaus lc r cost. . Hcud triw , col meJalawardedthoauthor by flu Natso"al bicdk ea Aswts'latlon , to the oltiecrs of wbk h bit retersi. g. ' ( Isis buoklonld hu rend bV iho young for lust Iloin , and 1 y' the anllctud for relict. ! t will boast 10 all. danion i.ancet. 0 'use ru la ISO snenher 01 aus4ut ) ' to wbum Ills hoc Ce cold not bo useful , whether ) outsarcnt ; , guamllai Inetrudororl'lergr'nnas. Argonaut. el' Addre Y line Tubed ) bf"Ib'dl lnstltutu , or Inr , l' ' I. if.i'arkcrNo.4IhifiuthStreetItoe4nMass.tuI may ho cws oitol on all dl.w.es resiring aklll a , h c.irriemo. Chronloandubntluatodnvasu.tlwtha , U fatlltd ( lie skUi of all uthtr plq's clan a epeclalty. tOrch tratcd intres- EAL g pitlnout n" anRui'u 01 lallurr , TN ELE bg ) nGrSw .lr t F UK NIT U RE CHEAPEST P LAOPs IN OMAHA TO BUY Furniture , . -is em- DEWEY & STON'E'S They always have the largest and best stock. NO STAIRS TO CLIMB ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOR TO THE DIFFERENT FLOORS. of the routllsued use Id onetnry nod latnoh for the trrstnneutof Illootlmtd Skln illraases-they ncrem cut , and nenlty nlw'ayr Injure or tutnlll'rufn thu general health , A WELL XNOWN DRUOCIBT , bll' drug st rre'van the art to sell SuI/Cs / Specific , It war the" put up ht ipi n t hot tler wNrn sold for ; , , txlewl , . I have seen n ; , rent ntanr cnres cured by ilr a'eand.o uo ttho hall I , led all 'sorts et treatment - ment , in tartnin tolid cm knuttal It to fall wisan ( skein pro letl ) . I Nell n naryrognn"tll'of It , nod for all dnrenrcs that arc dcpeidtnt on loud poison er sllu huutor. IL curt' ' rlwl'i.N 1\U 11.01(111'S 0T111 1HIx , mid usakrs the eoulplednn fair mud rnrr , .1s for lilntsltaint , Ilieruls nosueh word no fall , It curer enresthat lmtuluugwltlnteoduther sorts of treat. meld , and without qty of lhosu recu'rlug troubles that gencmllrfnllow' mercurial and ether snamlled curet. , 1' , 1. aIIssnNlihltu : , bunco" , ( Is , DRY TETTEIt. I'or years I wits nfllkted wllh orb' 'l'etter of the urost obsllnalo type , ll'se Ieatcd by many of the lied ii lcinns ; tarok of uorctirt' , pmtadt mrd arsenic , plhlel , , ndead ul curl" tire rater , crippled tile up'stairn nernl palsnnastl rltcnumthut. 'Ilne Totter cuntlnurd t"grott' It orve , nod tine denting alnwrtl umdu uws crazy. In this cuntilllml u war ink timed to take Stunt's Hpeetlle' situ IIo re-stilt ten' as astoSildthag its it was g ) Ii , n Sow Ilicnnts the Totter tear tit lrcly a ell , the Merenl inl 1'nlsuulug all out of mv'syslemtuut I oar a well utnn-tuud duo only tit , suIft's 'SI'eine. All II ho snlfrrcrslnould take it. JAMls IIINNINU , I.ouisrllte , Icy , What a Fliyslclau Says. Cr rue es 1111,05 , Mutuov Co. , Jilts. , d , ltdt L'3 , i\san. n Ilmwnbtlglltlittle daughter ulto will inn ( we years old nett m"nth , Slo Inns Iret'n tt"nblednearly Cu er slue her hirth with a skin dircarc , uhiclt 1 first ( Ikaguosr l clurkeuqux , lint Icier fcuul IL to ho sense sett of ecrcva ; at niy rate h t httrl stublsunly turntuntllaerenttieauncnts. I procnre inuu i boltlo of ia9nb , Hpeetfc ash gfit u it to hur iii small doses thrl'n thlle4 a tiny , aai lii n short itliluntnd thu satls. fin-tint , ht scu trust alto nor e"tire1y well , I ran so well pleased with its effect nn her that 1 slid slut. only nu It In nut prnctlcc , but I shale situ mister it to 1113' other eltildreu and take it myseiL W , h liunxar , bL n. Ourtrcnlisc ci lilooi suit Skin Diseases inallal 1cc to nppllumts. run : sWIFT sl'ECII'lc Co. , trnwor 9 , Atlanta ( In. 'rho asset rho term"Sher Liao" In connection u Ith the S I I 0 R11 cnnveyennldrnof corporto Sistine of a nstuhat great road , requlrodhy thotrnvullugpub' Ile-s Short Lluo , Qnlclc iyml and the beet of noconunoda s thous-all of uhleh are turn. Iibed by the greatest railway In America , C HICAGOf MILWAUKEE And St Paul. It oi'us and operate over 4rOO mllceof road h Northern Illinois , SViconsln , bftunuaota , loseaand Dakota ; and asl to umhs Iluce , branches and conned tlene reach all tire great husitsess centres of tht Northwest and Far West , It naturally ausuore tte descriptlou of short Line , sad Ilest flouts lotweea ChicagoMllwnukcc,8t.1'nuland bllnnapolis. Chicagobliln aikee , IA Crosoe soul Whsoia , Chicago , MlluankeeAbonfoennuU Rlimadala Chicago , Jllhvnnkce , Eau Cialro and Stillwater' : Chicago , Miheaukco'iVansau and blcrrlll. Chicag" , Milwaukee , ? leaver bans and Oebkoeh. Chicago , Mlhvaukco , IVankesha and Oeoromowoo. Chicago , Sr llwnukoo , Madison mad 1'mirfodu CIslen Chicago , Milwaukee , On nt"mia and Falrihanlt. Chicago , lrolnit , Jaitcss lilt and bi nucrnl l'ohit. Chicago , Ei''in , lbiekfunl annul Duhnguo. Chicago , Cif stoi , ltoch Isleul and Cede Itapk e. Chicago , Council muffs and Omaha , Chlage , Hlcux City , Hlnnx fails and Yankton t Chicago. btlest'aukeebfltchcllandChamberlalu. Rock lolalii , Dubnilua , SL Paul and bliraiiea ells , Davenport , tans ar , St. l'aul mind Minneapolis. I Pnlrmnn Sleepers anti tlo FIncet DlningCmr in world oulhurnainllnesofthoCHICACO r MILWAUKEE do ST. PAUL RAILWAY I mud curry altentinu is paid to passengers by courts I ous cuploy'ca of the compauy. S. d , DEltltItT , A , V. 1L CMu nNTER , ( lcu'I Mauagcr , Ocn'I Pass. Agent. I J. T. CI.AIIK , CEO ll. nhAFFOiID , Ucu'I Suli t. Asa t Uen'I Pass. Ag't _ 1 Carol ce-Yorks I IRON AND SLATE itOOFINO. I CY SP ECRT1 TROP. 1 1111 Douglas St. Ontahs , Neb. l MANUFACTUREIt OF t Galvanrzea Iron Cornices t > rformcr Wlndowe , Flntals Tin , iron amt Slat fooling dpecht's patent Motailio Skyllght , Paten . annul liracknt Shelrlug , i a lie gcinmal agent fur the aunts Ilia of goods. iron oncing , Creetings , Ilahsstmdus , Yorandas , iron , Ilan k r alsings , Window Rends , Oailar Ouanls' also goner. out for 1'eorsandc 11111 intent hseide Rheti. I A regular graduate Ii I 1' DAI , IIENDBRSON edlcina Over elatoa SO0andOOSWs'anduttoSt. . praCtlco-twelve l KANSAS CITY , MO. Cblcago , a V ClronicNorsoudaridPrI , otodl.etaseu a Asthma Epllopsy , Uhemnatlem Plle e 1 Tye SSlonn , Urinary and Skin Dle eases , Seudual Weakness ( night losses I 0 Sexual iebilltylossnfeexual ( power t etc. Cures guarauteud or money refunded , Charge 1 w. Thousands of saes cued , No Injurlous mad s-lnesfurnlahedeveirto patient. atadistance. Co sultatlon free and couSdadlal-all or vtritu' ago am : experience ao important. A ISOOit for both sexes _ llustratod-and circular. of other tlahltra soot .cafe with two a cent stamps. FREE MUSEUM , L ; med od w L DISI i\S19 Opt' rrrll EYE & EAR e es J , T. ARMSTRONG , 1W. D.U n ! Oosxlibet acid A uribl U 1404 Faniao Stre t , opposite I'axtou Hotel , Om d ha , Nob. cL a ( ' Uur m t A POSITIVE . ' ( , 7d Ore o box No. iwlllcnruauy asehitour dny.orloss N o It 2 tvlll cure the intuit obstinate ( ass uo matter of ho long etandlug , k a , Allan's SOIibIo Medicattid Bougie , . No nauseous ulosee of udwhe , oopahla , or oil of sal in dal wuotl , that are n.tb , to pruduce ie usla ii dcatroyhng tine cuatingiut the stomaAs. Price $ L 'ii Sold by ell druggists , or mailed at receipt of limit ais 1'er bother particulars putd for circular. y' I'.n. Irux 1uae. , - J. C. ALLAN AOCUR E S9 Juha dnert , New ) 'Lek , ,1 - i ' ' ' -11' 1'1'II- i' ' : ioiix 1 a FALLS I I GRANITEI i dull your work is done far all time . t0 (11110 t0 collie. WE CHALLENGE The World I # i to produce a more duritble n aterial Igor street pavontout than the Sioux ( falls Granite. I ! I l'on ANY AMOUNT OF Pavi.lla.Olt -Olt- - - ; ' MACADAM ! s filled promptly' . Samples sent and y estimates given upon application. , I' WM.I1foBAIN & CO. ' Sioux Falls , Dakota. 1 + Nebraska Cornice -AND- O1hllllhiollt O1S MANUFACTTJItIItS oil' GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES 1' ] 7orma . VPialdow , , i FINIALS , IVINDOIV CAPS , i TIN , IRON AND SLATE ROOF/NO , ; PATENT b1ETALIO BRYL1011T , Iron Fencing ! Crestlnqe , Uahietrades , Yerandas , Oalco and flank Itallllags , Window and CcaarGuards , Eta. N. W. COI ( , NINTiI AND JONES STS. SVbf , CAIBEIt , Manager. RED STAR LINE. Itnighnl IG + yaland i1.HllaiIStt'nmrers3 ' SA IIdN ( ; EVERY SATURDAY M IRST vEIN NEW YORK AND ANTWREP , d I rIie111starlt'dnuglvdhl1o11.oadiudFSvoire i aeutwnru fileernui , 2l I'repald fronhntwogs'J0 ; t , ; Excursion , i1Lto ; 20 Uahin , e55 ; Exuoelor , ( (100 ; 1) Saoon troau EGO to 67i ; Excursion ,11U to $126. , I adrl9lcr Wright k Soul , Or , , , Agts , 55llroaduny N , Y. Cnu'ducll , llaudltorit Co. , Onutha I' , E , Fludman A Co , , 209 N. 10th Street , Omalla ; 1) , E Rlmball , i OusahuAgcnte. rn&oeod.ly , DR. WHITTLER , 617 St. Charles St. , St , Louis , Mo A REGULARORADUATEoftwomedical colleges liha.heels an aged longer hl the treatmeut of OIIItONlU , NEILOUtl , SKIN AND ULOOD Dleeaeee than other ph'slclarbiSt.Loutea.city paperehow and all old residents know , Con.Wtatlou fecoan d hreltou , when it lsinwnvenlout to visit tins ray I treatunent , medicines an ho Bout I , , mall or expree everywhere. Curaldoase.guuraiteedwberedou ; exlets it Is frankly stated. Call or write , Nervous Prostration Dubllity , Mental and rhyala t WoaknossMercrlxd auf ether ' Throat , I 1000 ( aid Blood l'oaon ( ug , SkisASectlons , Old Sores yaud Ulcers , Lnpedl. lncnte to marriage , Ithcumatbm , Pllru. Spc al at. tamtlonto cases front hobs , SUltOlOAL ruwlvu spec attentT ll seaeoe arising /r'oin / , : _ , lndulgcnces - - ; a ruce wino may c tixDIu , msrqwloiaynot. o.Wiry , au.ee , eonsuquencuC and cure. Mailed for 25o ; o. le postaso or.tarone. . eept 2a dawiV w O N wy . . . . .a. . . . y All tl , . . iio from Iaiiwrtaoil , rlnrsat M ntttrtea.a/are , , .at. uuarrrrvl. I. . rylrlted , rapk1117 dr.mtd.nd . uu..lr 1. . rerrunu Inrv'Iutlr. i'rut.rp ' , t.u ae unl.anly andt gran. hF muti quad.iiaout eam.oh audt.ad , rudordd ayducrurl , . . , . ' . "Tae erA hU aiuLnr. and tin. pied The Y.Ueul 11'1.515 rnu . C LetIran.g Nrrvnu. lhn.ilIH , l hr lrul mrruv. A.a. 'S ' .arrrudnlt1'1111MA1t1'IAlirrl.l't + , Ares 6uM'Ic.lraela.ardutTn.i.uatunmoa..lu11..d wholly per. r1 Y.iahnna. s + , . Ir. Ottabr thddr. , , Ii & &ct. Eu0 In , n nrer . a ; ; ' -Ira as e s1P.TiiTUN IIn11Fir 't/l , 40 w , Ill at. , Kew Yale i . , i / ) F 611 . - r t C iv r