' _ ' ' . . ) - - - ; J f-t4 i - - - - - -U a . & s hJ * 4 - - I ; I I / I . TIlE DAILY BEE.dOMATIA , ' 1'TEtllS1)\Y. \ DEC1Uf2ii 13 , 18&n ' , ) . . . - . . . - - - - - - - ----n-------- - - - - - - - - = ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The Nebraska National Bank OF OMAIrA , NEB. rai up ( 'Mtta1 . . . $25fl,000 \ flurplu3 Fuua , Nov. 1 , 1888 JG5OO _ - ' . . tIItICTOI $ . U , V. 'YATESProsItctit , for insiy yra ChIer of he FIrSt NattonI flank of Omabs. A , E. TOUZALIN0 VIe Pr3sIdcnt , o ! floeton. w , V. MOItst : , ofV. . V. } JOftS ) Co. JOhN S. COLt.INS , of a. it COLLINS. t. WOOLWOP.T1I , CounoIIor & Attorney it t.&w. L. S. UEED , of I3yron Reed Co. ThIs Bank opnod for buIncAprtI 27 , 1882 TIlE IIRE&1XOItS AND STOCIUIOL1Et18 re &mong the IodlnR bustnee men of Ornahi , md It busInos Ic conducted wIth epooIet reference to the beet md IncrcrsIng tntcrosthofIthmorcnttfopfttrone. COLLCTiONS reculve IromPt sttcntlon and ohargee Iowcst obtaInbIe hero or eleowhere. INTI1EST rOlowed on tIme dcpott upon f&or. able term and upon accounte of banls and bftnkera. FOIUIUN F.XCILANflI , Government Honda and Count Rrnl CIty SocuttIoe bouRht and eold. CouncU Bluffs Loan and. Tut Company. Firet Iortao Loans NeotItod. Commercial Paper anil all ( loOt1 Soctiritios dealt in. 8 l'earl street , ntl tOd First onue , Counc1l Diofle. , FIHAHCE AND COMMERCE. F1NANOIAL Nzw Yoluc , Docoinbor 12. Money-Easy nt 2@2J per cent. , closed of. fcrod at 2 pci' cant. I. ( . Prima 1'Airnr-56 per cent. Exchange BUl-Voak nt 4.Slj ; domnnd 4.84. Govornmont.-Stronc. State Soctirito-Qttet. ! Stocka-No' and ( lovololInonts in conncc - . ton with the stock market this forenoon were nil bearish , and tim rc8ult waa a further gnu. oral docitne of 1cr cent. Au nd'AncoIn . urico set ut nbnt 11 oclock , and continued until the close of business , and as compared with last night's closing price are .I@li tier ccitt higher , except Missouri Pacific , North. era l'aciflc inoferrod and Wabash , which am par cant lower. The governing coimnit. , toe of the stock exchange to.day listed the fol. lowing securities : Four million1 si'c hundred and eighteen thousand dollars of Erie third inortgago bonds extended to March 1 , 181)3 ) , ' at 4 per coiitanrl $3,782,000 general first mort. 4' gage 6 tier cent bonds ; Northern Pacific , ? ; 1izOOOooo ; n per emit convertible dehenturo L bonds ; Central railroad of Now Jersey , SZ , re 000,000 first mortgage 6 per cent bonds ; . Southern Pacific Railroad company , Now Mexico , 81,000,000 ; Milwaukee & St. Paul , : - Chicago & Pacific western division 5 per cent bonds ; $1,300,000 hastings & Dakota Tpor cent bonds ; $ O7'OOO Chicago k Northwestern i sinking fund 5s of 18W. I S's. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101. 4'sCoupons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114k 4f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123k : : Pacific C's of ' 95. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127. : , STOCKS AD DONDS. . . . . American Eqress. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 BurL , Cedar Rapids & Northern 80 . Central l'acific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - Chicago & Alton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 . do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 ChL , Burl. & Quincy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Erie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2'J do pfd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .t80 Port Wayne & Chicago. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 , Hannibal & St. Joseph. . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 . . do do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . iS8. d- Illinois Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 r md. , Bloom. & iostemn. . . . . . . . . . . . 121 s Kansas & Texas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123k J Lake Shomo & Michigan So. . . . . . . . . . 100 Michigan Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 A Minneapolis & St. Louis. . . . . . . . . . . . 20 I do- do do pfd. . . . . . . . I0 I MissouriPacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nrthern l'acifio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 ! 4 do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1 rrtbwestorn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 h do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 . & - ow York Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 . ' . Onlo & Mississippi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 ' , .t do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08 . ' , . . i cons , Decatur . . . . . . . . ' r Jlslaud. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118) ) . F I Paul & Milwaukoo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06 do do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . llVi Paul Miun. & Manitoba. . . . . . . . 100 . Paul & Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06 Texas Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Union Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79i Wabash , St. L. & Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . 201 do do do pfd. . . . . . . . . 3:3 : Western Union Telegraph. . . . . . . . . . , 78 fAsked GRUN AND PROVISIONS. ODICAGO. CRICAGO , December 12. - Flour - Dull and urgloctod ; spring whoattlour , 3 5013J5 00 ; common ti ) choice Minnesota , $3 b0J1 25 ; winter wheat flour , t 751j5 65. \Vlieat-liegular , active and unsettled. Marlcot opened weaker , rallied after. wards declined 11I:1I ? , and closnd . ' l.wer than yesterdny' IJecember , 901c ! ; January , 07.lc ; February , t)8c ) ; May , $1 ® 05k ; winter wheat , small lcinand , No. 2 red , $1 00 ; No. 3 red , ii2c ; rejected , ( lie ; spring wheat fair deunand ; No.2 closed at 'JOlc ; No. 3 cloed at S2c. Corn. . Active , iinottlod and irregular ; mo ' port of the agricultural department at'ash. . ington shiiws the corn crop a few million bushels short , limevious repiirt3 , iiruhahly helped weaken tim mumarkot. Market opened at about closing Iigure yeterilay , mIlieu tiioii declined 11il1c fluctuated , and fiuially c1oed higher for uuoar deliveries , and loprer for May than yeLortIay'a close Au comn pared with yesterday , regular Imoarul uricci wore : No. 2 high uuuixed siilul at 60G0c ; rejected , 47c ; Decenuber , G0fi3G0c ; January , C,07@Glc ; February , ri'J51ig ; , ; May G2 , ® J 62c. , Oats-Severe break in the market. Market . declinoul il to as couuipamed with yesterday's , . close , and 1j02c compared with yesterday's outbide prices. Cash , No. 2 , white ( which I yore sanme In iirlce ) ranged from 313Ic , I cloeod ixialulir Deconuhior 31c ; January , .34c ; ' February. 'J1 ; May , 38g. ltyo-Unchanged , Barley-Del. No. 2 about 2o lower cash , 63c ; very choice , OSfijCOc ; No. 3 In store , 13 © 13e. ' 1imotliy-Steady anti firm ; 1,1gb grade . hiroughit at 81 2101 20 ; ordinary lots , 1 18@ ' 122. 122.Flax Soodlrirmn , offering PrettY mnuehi all . tiken ; No. 1 sold at $1 8tJHuIan ; seed , 4I.40 @ 1 41 ; seller , s'oar , 1.1 37. . t Mess l'ork--Offerlngs boo and demand no- tivo. Market oiuouued weak at i5@200 liwer , ( Iluctuatod back and forth and chiseul , .tendy ; cash , 132@13 60 for old ; ii 10j14 25 for now ; December , 13 2513 50 ; January , 14 12 @ 14 15 ; February , 1 1 37 Il I 41) ; May , 14 0O14 03 , Lard - Vu cuiker and vrtce ruled 151J20c lower , anti closed t.uno ; cash , 8 65@8 70 ; 1)ecomnbor. samno January , 8 75cJ8 72 ; Fob. oat. ) , , 8 87@8 Oat May , 1) : ® 25. Bulk 3leati-Shoulders , 6 25 ; long clear , 7 30 ; short ribs , 4 73 abort clear , 7 75. Butter-Quiet amid oasyfancycroamerles ; , 33 @ 135c ; choice , so asc : ; fuuicy' dairies , 26@20c ; choice , 21@24c ; common rolls to choice , 13 ® I 18o. , rJ Eggs-Strictly fresh 27c ; pickled , 1G@22c. _ Chuoeso-St.oadr choice full croani cheddare J 12@12 ! . ; choice fuI cronmn flats , ; ' 1 hart skim clioululars antI 1iat. , Jililes . Fair , liuiuiry Jrlces aurt unchanged. \V1uIsky--Firmn Lit I l. . ON OtI.LVlmeattegular hdgher ; I Doconubei , t)7c ) ; Jauuaiy , t)7c ) , ; 1'elimuary , I U8c ; May 1 05 ; e1es , 720,000 bu. Cormi-tk higher ; 1)ocember , GOjc ; .Taiu. Liar ) ' , Glc ; 1'cbruary , C0c ; May , 69 ; sales , ' 1,0-15,000 tin. ) Oat.- @ hihier ; Tmuiuary , 3Ic ; Febru . ary , 33c ; May , 39c ; sates , 210,000 Un. I Pork-5J 1r. higher ; January ; ii lT p February , 14 47k ; Ma , 15 05 ; sates , 12OX , I I barrels. 1' J.usril-ltauugoil ( mu , 7o higher , to l2u 8 , lower ; Ieeemnber cloerl 13 52January , 8 S2J 'ii. , February , 8 03 ; May , 1) 80 ; ales , 10,500 tierces , I'F.OntA rnoO1Q8. PIOIIIA , December Comn-Nmuuinal ; high unl'icd , tt:6 ) ! : ( ) ; No. 2 nuixeil , 58@5t'c. ' Oats- Irregular atul onsiot ; No. 2 whIte , 3 ! t3lic. \Vhleky--Firiuu at $1 1' . Sr. LOOtS t'ftOIUC ) . St. Lou.us , 1)ocounbor 12.-W'hieat.-Openeul highior .uud ilechiiuodt O. 2 rod , $1 0l for cashit $1 00 blil for 1)eouiuber : $1 0.0i ! ) 1 ( )31 ) , for , Tnnumnry Si 10@ I 12 for May , citis log fushlo lrices ; No. 3 roil , 92@1)2.c. Comn-1.owor .tS5J4tc ) lu cash ; I8ThlS7c ( for lacomher : 4i@51c forJauuary ; 55156c for ? ilay , closing Inside PriI'es. Oats-Lower stud slow : 32c for cah ; 8Jc for .Tanuary ; SGjo for May. llyo-530. 13arhoy-4)c. ) Butter-Easier : dairy , 21@ 2c ; creamery , ] ggs-Easier at 2U3J23C. Fhaxeocd-S1 37. I lay-Easter ; lumairlo , $1) ) 00@lO O ; timothy , sli 0OJfl5 ( 00. Corn Mea1-2 30 CloalNil BOAfth-\Vlueat-Q11i0t 1 0O bId for leconuluor ; 1 02 fur 1ntuiuury 1 0i bid for February I 00 for March ; 1 10 for Corn-Quiet ; 4Sgc bid for Ieciimbor ; 41)lo for , Tantmary ; SIc for February ; 5ic for May. Onts-Nothuiuug ( lomb. NRW ORLEANS. NEWORLEANS , December 1 2.-Corn-Scarce and firm ; white nuud yellow OOo. Corn 3leal-lligher and scarce at 2 50. Pork-.llighor aunt scarce at 14 Laril-Ilighier ; tierce , refined , 8 8T. ; keg Wluisky-Stoaoly and umichuamigod ; western rectified , 1 05@1 20. TOItiO. TOLRIi0 , 1)oeounber 12.-\Vhcat-1.nil and a shade lower ; No. 2 red cash 1 03. Corn-Dull and lower ; No. 2 cash amid Do. comber , . 56u. Oats-Dull ; No. 2 cash end 1 ) ecoinbor 3 Ic. CINCINNATI. CINCI NATI , Decoiuiber 12-Wheat- ii fair douujauud ; No. 2 red winter , I 01@1 03. Corn-1)uit ) , eak and lower ; ohol , fiSc. Oats-irregular at 3lj30c. ( flyo-Duhl at 6O@filc. Pork-lull , and nouuuinal at I I 75il5 00. Lard-heavy at 8 60. Bulk Meats-1)oliI nun unchanged. Whisky-Actio and liriiu at 1 13. 511 3111.WAUKRE , 1)ecoinber 11.-Wheat-Market unsettled and generally lower ; cash , POe ; , lan. nary , 1)6c ; May , 1 03. Corn-iulh ; No. 2 , SSc. Oat.s-Weaker ; No.2 , 3Ijc. llyo-Easier ; No. 2 SOc. Barley-Lower ; No. 2 , 62c. NEW TOnIC. NEW Yonuc December -Whoat-Cesh , firmer and PtiOIbs Olened ic hewer , afterwards - wards rcactol . @c ; haterdocluned S5i11e cho. Ing heavy ; ungraded red , 92c@1 itj : ; No. 3 rod 1 0101 03) ; No. 2 red,1 121@1 15. d nm-Cash , j1Ic lower and options open- ed\@c lower afterwards. reacted Ic , later fell back l@lc , chosliug reak ; ungraded , 41) ) ® fl.'c ; No. 2 , 67.6&jc. Oats-.1Ic lower ; mixed western , 37@40c ; whuito 42.43c. Eggs\\Teatern fresh dull and weak at 2 $ @ 30c. 30c.PorkMarket Pork-Market dtihl auud easier. Lard-Lower ; iirlmo steam , 1) 03@1I 17. Bnttcr-1)ulI and lower at 'J42c. DALTInORE. - BALTIMORE , December 12.WhoatWost- em in active and irre ular , closiiigdnlh ; No 2 winter rod cashi 07 a 1 07g. Corn-WesternQulctaml uauuiormixod ; cash , 62G2c. Oate-Iligluer and firm ; western white , 42 @ 4-ic ; mixed , 4013J42c. Rye-Quint at 66@6Sc. Buttor-Vestoru packed , lower at 222c ; creamery , 25@35c. Egs-Frosh lower at 20@30c. Whisky-Steady at 1 181 i8. LIVERrOOL. LivEnrooL , December 12.Broadstufs - Steady and firm. Wheat-Winter , 8s 6d@0S id ; sprung , Ss © 8s Cd. Comn-fis 7d. KANSAS 0 ITT. ItANSAS Oitr , Decemnoer 12.-Whent-Stea- dy ; S1 bid for cash ; 4V ? for February. 1)2c bid for May. Corn-Quiet ; 42c for cash ; 13@4'c for February ; 47c bid fur May. Oat-Dtull amid nominal at 23c bid. LIVE STOCK. CIIICAGO. CincAno , December 12.-The Drovers' Jour. nal reportathis afternoon as follows : hogs-Market show , prices about steady , and quality excellent ; paching , 4 755 35 ; lunching auth shuipOiug , S 35@6 00 ; light , 4 71i@5 30 ; sklii , 3 00TJ1 50. Cattle-Market dull aruil lOSijiSe lower ; Christmas beeves , 7 00@8 00 ; export , 6 251 7 00 ; good to choice shilpIling , 5 75@6 10 ; corn- mon to mediunu , 4 005 50 ; inferIor to fair cows , 2 205J3 00 ; medium to ) good , 3 25 ® 4 00 ; stockers , 3 00@ I 00 ; feeders , 3 ti0cI ; 50 ; Texans , 4 0O@5 00. Slueei-Marketstmoiug ; inferior to fair 2 25 @ 3 50 ; mnodlumn to oed , 3 & 061J.I 25 ; chofee to extra , 4 25@5 25 ; 'loxas sheep , 2 00@I 00. KANSAS CITY LIVE STOOL KANSAS CITY , December 12.-The Daily Indicator - dicator reports : Cattle-Weaker and a haolo lower ; mmativos , 1 00@5 00 ; stoclcors amid feeder , 3 60Jl 40 ; cows , 3 25@I 00. I logs-Market opened steady , but dccli nod lOc , ciosliw weak at 5 0051j5 50. Slump-Market rpuiot and niucluamugoul. ST. LOUIS LIVE STOCK. ST. LOUIS , December 12.-Cattle-Mar. ket higher and active ; Christmas beeves , 8 00 @ 8 50 ; exporters , 6 256 75 ; good to choice s1uipuing , S W@6 25 ; unedium to fair , 5 00t3J 5 50 ; butchers' steers , 4 25@J5 00 ; cows and hociforim , 3 0cJI 50 ; Texans , 3 251 50. Sheep-Steady and ojiulot ; comunouu to mnodinumi , 2 2515J3 00 ; fair to good , 3 25@3 75 ; 1)vitnO , 3 SOSiJI 00 ; extra , 4 25@I So. - _ - TJttFFIC. YLOUU AND GRAIN. Ouzo&oo,1)ecombor 12.-Receipts and ship. monte of flour and grain for tIme past 2 I hour have been as follows : Receipts. . ShIp'ts. Flour , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' , 2IOCO \Vhueat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 200,000 23,000 Corn , btuihuels. . . . . . . . . . . . . 216,000 75,000 Oats , bushuohe. . . . . . . . . . . 133,000 148,006 Itye , bu.shuols. . . . . . . . . . . . 14,000 2,000 Barley , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 03,000 ' 17,000 Nsw YORK , December 12.-ReceIpts and shipunentsof flour and grain for the past 24 hours have been as follows : Receijuts Shmip'ts Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 7,500 00,000 Corn , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 20.000 21,000 Oats , bushols. . . . . . . . . . . . 37,00' ) 17 LIVE STOCK. CJIICAG0 , Decounber 19.-Receipts and ship. mouts of hive stock for the past 21 hours have been as follows : Jt006IIts. Shlip'tS. hogs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,300 Cattlo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 0,801) Shoep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,800 , ] N'sAB CITY , December 12.1toceIpts and shipments of hive stock for the vast .fl hours have boon as follows : Receipts. Shlp'ts. Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,800 hogs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,100 Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 525 ST. L0UISlThcounher 12-Receipts and .hlp- monte of live stock for the past 21 hours have boon as follows : ltecelpts. Shdp't. . Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,400 20 Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,200 _ OMAUi. ? IIUt1CF1'S. WhsoleHnlo Priceep , OrricE or TILE OuAuA BET. Vei1uuosday Evening , 1)oceunbor 12. The fOhlOWiIug prIces are charged retailer . by jobbers , wholesalers and couuumnissioru mar cluants , with the exception of graIn , which : l I quoted at thin PrlCe.i furnished by the elevatori ) and other local buyers : ) GraiN , ; \VuKAT-Carh No. 2 , 80o No. 8 , GSa. BARLEY-Cash No. 52c. I1TE-CMhi l'so. 335 ! Co-No. 2 , 41o OATh-No. 2 , 4c , . lilvo Stock , YAT STEERS-Quint at 4 005J I Z0 , FAT Cows-3 0O@3 3) . lloes-.Ii)0@4 So. SIIEEF-FIrbn sit 3 003 50. CARVER-Fair quality 4 5O5 00 ; good.butchu- era' stock , 6 00. Flour nuiel ? .tlhistnfts. % 'tNTERVIIEATliOst quality , pateuutat i23f ? $ t0. Sr.coNn QCAuTT-2 75t3 23. SrnINn Wna&-13ost quality , patent , 323@3CI0. Sacom QUALITT-2 50cj3 35. ] IIIAN-55c Po cwt. CIoi'rr.Iu FEED-Per 100 lbs. 83c. CoRN MEAt-1 001 10 l'r cwV3 SCIIEENINQ-6OTOc Per OW General ProlutCO , ThFI'rER - Fancy creamery 33@3)c ; cohol storage creamery , 25@27c ; choice dairy , 20 @ 21c ; boat country , south packed , 1'2lfic ; best country , roll , ltilSc ; inferior grades l0@1.ic. Ilecelpts are immnahl , moon the oloinand good. Eons-Market firm ; sales to.olay at liT ® @ 2c. Advho libsral couusigiumuients. AI'rI.u3-Fuomucy , Iotunthanq , $4 S05 00 ; fancy Ben 1)avls , 83 ( 'P055 ! 00 ; fancy , Jonet , $3 00@3 50 ; fancy Wlhlowtwlg , $3 25@3 75. Deunand gthiit. CnEr.uun-New York State full cream , hate September make , 14c ; Now York Stat.i full cream , 10 hoop lot.i , 13c ; ito [ till cream , 50 huoxplot.s , 131cVIscon.lmi ; , full cream , in box , lie ; Young Amuiericas , strictly full cream , 14c ; full cream , llic ; lull cream 10 hoop lots , 11o. full cmoaui : hats , 1lic ; full creani ( late , 11c ; fancy brick cheese , 100 lb cases , 15.c ; Liuui. burger 13c ; gouuuino old Swiss , ilk. 1'OTATOICS-lieCOi pta sinaI ! acid prices good. Comusigmunonts of strictly I choice , large izooh , straight potatoes are solhimu ( rein 33 to $ Sc ; inhiod cars 80 to 32o an lIght demand ; poachthilovs. 35 to 40e. . Swuu-r l'oTAToES-Cholco yellow , 4Sc. ONIONS-No demand ; uuuarket overstockool OAIII1AUE-Market for chmolco stock $3 CO ® 6 00 Or hundred. Donamul : good. BEANS-Ilalud 1)iCkod navies , 2 25@li 50 hand picked mediums , 1 7u5@2 00. Ito. ceiiits large ; demand good. GAME-Prairie chuickouus , per doz. , $3 00 to : ; 25 ; iitintl 81 25 to 1 50 ; snIpe , $1 SO to 1 75 ; iliicic , 3tailattl , er ( bC , 2 OO@2 150 ; mixed , SI. SO to 2 00 ; deer saddles , 11 to 12.c ; car cass , S totc , ) ; auutelopo satloilos , 11 to ilic ; car- cars , 9 to tOe. Dounauud good. Would advise liberal consignuients. lIe careful that your game couuies tO ) market in mulce condition. 1"iuesiI Ovsrxinu-Solects , 45c ; standards , 40c ; mediums , 30c. Cxtxiov-ISc. P0ULTBT-Livo chickens , per doz , 1 7@ 2 00 ; full olrossoul ehdckons , or lb. , 8lOc ; tar- keys , ler lb. , 14lOe ; ducks , 1012 ; goose , 1261314c. LEiIONS-Extra fancy bar lemon. , $8 00 ; fauucy Messina lemons , per box , $7 25 ; 5 box lots , Messina lemons , $7 00 ; 10 box lots do. , $6 75 ; Mal.a leunons , fancy , $5 00 ; do 5 box lots , $4 50. OnANomnu-Lonisianas liar bbl , SO 00 : do. , box. 5 00 ; stein cut .Tan.aicas , 1 ° " bbl , 1O 00 ; v ° box , $6 00 : l'iorhia , liar box , 5 25. BANANAS-Choice per bunch , $3 0O4 00. CRANBEInIIES-Bell and btu lea ; $10 OO ® 12 00 ; boll and cherry , $0 50 a 11) 50. Above quotations for choice. DATES-Black Arabian , per lb. , 8@Cc ; quarter crates , lOc. Fios-25 lb. kegs , per lb. , 12c ; 10 lb. box , ayer , ior lb. , lOc ; sunall'svals per lb. , ISo. CocoANum-Extma fine , per 100 , 8 00. CXDEIO-1'Iuro sweet cider , 22 gal keg , $6 00 ; To ! . & P. clarified , 16 gal keg , $4 75 ; I clarified , 32 gal keg , 8 00. 1100 ; i"xrr , riuiix , ETc.-Pigs foot , 15 lb kits , 81 15 pigs 40 lb qr bbl , $2 25- pigs feet , 80 lb half Lbl , $1 00 ; tripe , 15 lb idts , 81 15 ; tripe , 40 lb q bbl , $2 25 ; tripe , 80 lb half bid , $4 00 ; pigs tongues , 15 lb kits , $2 50 ; igs tongues , 40 lb qr bbl $6 00. Lambs' tongues , is lii kits , 82 05 ; 40 lb qr bbl , $6 25. MINCE MEAT-Atmoro's , 181b buckets ( lmckets 25c ) tic ; 371b buckets ( bucket 4Cc ) , tic. ; lOOlb kegs , Cc : half barrels , 8c. ASSORTEIJELLT-2.lb atonojars 12 In case , per doz , $2 25 ; tumbler , per oz , SI. 05 ; schooner , per dozen , $3 10 ; 1-lb tin cauus , 4 doz. in case , $1 40 ; 2-lb tIuc cans , 2 doz in case , 84 50. BULK JELLIES-Currant 30-lb wood - , - pails , per lb , 8c ; strawberry , 30-lb wood pails per lb , 8c ; raspberry , 30-lb wood pails per lb , 8c ; blackberry 30-lb wood pails oar ib , 8c ; crab apple , 30-hi wood Pails per lb , 8c. APPLE BUTrER-35.lb woorlon ; uails , pr Ib , 8c ; 4 1-lb. wooden pails , C In case , per case , $3 50 1'EAcfl Burrgn-2n-lh wooden 1)aIls per lb , $11 OOfS-lb wooden pal4d , 6 In case , per case , $4 25. PIEsERvxri-In ( 20-lb wooden pails-lsp. ) barry , 15c ; strawberry , quince , lie ; peach , 14c ; cherry , 14c ; tomatoes , 14c plum , 14c ; assorted , fi-ib wooden buckets , 6 lii c.se Cr c.so , $4 75 ; assorted , 2-lb tin cans , 2 tiox in case , ior case , $6 50. NEBRASKA Coinu IIoNay-2-lb frames , 2.1-lb cases , per lb , 18o. hAY-Baled , 8 0010 00 Per ton ; in bulk , 600@0 50 per ton. Grocers List. CANNED Goons-Oysters ( Standard ) , per case , 3 703 90 ; strawberrIes , 2 II , , ver case , 2 10 ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 00 ; Bartlett IOflre PCr case , 2 40 ; wluortleborrles , case , 2 80 ; egg hlUm , 2 Ib , per case , 2 1)0 ; green gages , 2 ib , per c.'uio , 2 00 ; an choice , 3 Ii' , ier case , 4 50 ; ioluio apples , 2 Ib , lor Cfl5O 4 SO ® 5 50. 1tor-Slsa1 , inch and larger , lOjc , fi Inch , 10c ; inch , JAN1)LEb3-BoXes , 40 Ibs , ide , 15c ; 8s , lSc ; boxes 40 ibs , 16 oz. , Cs , 15o. MATCHES-Per caddie , 35c ; round , cases , 2 55 ; square cases , 1 70. SUGAIIS-l'owelored , bc ; cut loaf , 1Cc ; granulated Pa ; confectioners' A , 8c ; Stnnd- ard extra b , 7c ; extra 0 , 7cc ; medium ye1- low , 7c ; dark yellow , To , Covvzas-Ordinary grades , 12l2c ; fair 13 ® 13c ; good , 110 ; 1)riinO , 1515c ; choice 1617c ; fancy green and yollowTh@1fic ; oUt government Java , 20@26o ; Levorimug's rcuasted , 11'c ; Arbuckle's roasted , 18c ; Mcl4aoughuhin's xxxx roasted , 18.c ; imitation Java , 16 QlBlc. : Ition-Louuisinna 1)1IflO to cholco , 7o ; fair Oto ; i'atmna , 6fr. ! Fxsi-Nn. 1 mackerel , half bria. , 8 00 ; No. 1. mackerel , dts I 15 ; faintly mackerel , half brIe. , 6 00 ; fanuify mackerel kits , USc ; No. 1 white fish , half brIe. , 7 00 ; o. 1 kits 1 05. STilur-Stanilard Corn. , SSc , bob , ; taiidard do , 4 gallon kegs 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon kegs , 1.110. SODA-In lb i'per , S 30 per case ; kog'per lb , 21c. Picicax-ModIum , In barrels , 7 00 ; do In half barrel. , 4 00 ; small , In barrels , 8 00 ; do in halfbarrols , 4 75 ; ghoerkias'in barrels , U 00 ; do In half barrels , 5 IX ) . 'J'EAS-Gunpowdor , good , 4555c ; choice CO (37r ; good Imperial , 4043c ; choIce , 60CSc ; Young Ilyson , good , 3OZOc $ ; ' choice , ( ISc1 00 ; taIaii natural leaf 35c ; Japan , choice , 60Ttc ; olouug , good , 31@lOc ; Onlouug , choIce , 40@ti5a ; l3ouduong , good , 35c7440c ; choice , 33lSc. WoonENvAne-Two hoop pall. , 1 85 ; three hoop pails 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 1) ) 00 ; PIn- noer wwuliboars , , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 1)0 ) ; Wollbuckots 3 85. 130AP5-tlrk'au Savon Imperial , 8 45 ; KIrk's eatluot , 3 (10 ; Kirk's standard , 3 75 ; Kirk's whIte Russian , 5 25 ; KIrk's eutoca , 2 15 ; Kirk's Prairie Queen , (1.00 ( cakes , ) ( Oc ; Kirk's magnolla , dox. FOTAu4II-i'cnn.ylvania cans , 4 case , In case , 3 35 ; liabhltts Inll 2 dos. In case , 1 90 ; Anchor bail , 2 dci. . in case , 150. OANnT-1reIbch inled , In 30 lb. pails. lRc ; American unixed. In 30 lb pall. , 14u ' Brilliant nuixeil in 34) lb pails , lSc ; Nobny unl'xeol , iii 30 lb pall. 13c tjoumnutitlon : mnlxcti , in 31) ) lii iualls , ; ¶ Excelsiur stick , 30 lb paII. 12c ; double refined , 130 lb 1oolts , lSo ; Cryatud nulxod , SO lb pails , ISo ; Oh ! Liumin IIOIXOO , So lb pails , lie ; 'lip 'I'op , untrod , 8) ) ) lb IielI , 1c ; Flirt , mixed , 30 lii i'ails , 112c ; ltlIt , stick , 30 IL units , 11c ; 'r11 , ' ' 1' , metick , 30 lb tuaths 12o. YZNreAR-Now orknjijilo iGe ; dhdo np iilo , 13c. C SALT-Dray loads , 1r bUl , I 80 ; .Asluton , I : sacks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy 60 , Cs , 13 30. STAncut-Poarl , 4o ; SIlver Gloss , Uc ; Con C Starhu , Cc ; Excelsior Gloss 7)c ) ; Cow , Sc. S Ilicnii-1'opper , lTc ; ahiiuIe , iSo ; cloves Sccarsia ISe. iTE-AIner1Can S 40 ; GreenwIch , 3 40 Western , 2 75 ; 1'Iorthu Star , 2 00 ; LuwIs'lyo 4 65 ; Jowell lye , 2 75. - - ' . - - Dry Oo'its. llr.owN CorroNs-AtIselbc A 86c : atPPlO ton X , Tc ; Atlanta A. $ . ' : 3oot FF Buckeye liiiI..I , Tc ; Cabot W , 7lc ; Chltte. % fljc GmoatFalls E 8c l1ooirderfle nauugo 4 ; , ; IloiuoL 1JioItfu , Sc ; Iuumilan I 'ead ' A , Sc ; Imuiisuu Standard A Sc ; Inillan Orchard , d. w. , 7cc ; Lawrence Go : Mystic lIver , 7c ; roqumot A , 8c ; Utica 0 , 5cVachusett ; li , (10 .1 ' So III ) } 48 , 12C. 'PINE ) inowN CorroNa-Ahtenilsio .1.1 7c , Alligator 3.1 , & ; Argyle .1.4 , 7c'-i Atlantic 1419 , Glej Iladga : State . 4-4Gtc : lienuington 0 4.1 , 6'c ; liuckoyn S 4. 1 , CAc ; Imuilan , Orchard .1A 9.8 , 81c ; Laconla 0 3' ) , Sc : 1ehlgh F 4.4 0c ; l'opperoil N 30 , Vc ; ito I ) 32 , 7c ; tin li 8:1 : , 7c ; tin .h $0 , 8c ; Pocas C 4.4 , 72c ; \Vamnautth .1-I , 13g. ilt.r.ACII El ) ConoNo-Amlmoscoggin Ti 4.4 Oc ; Itlackst.ouue AA imperial 8c ; ohm tin Ki4 blonehool 4.4 Oc ; Cabot. 4.4 , 8'o ; Fliloitty 4-I (1.c ( ; Fruit o the T.nonu , tl.c } ; do canibria 4-I lt. . : do Water TwIst , 1Oc ; Great Pall. Q , tIc Imulimi hiond siununk l.4. ilic : Loutsilale , hOc 0 cambric 37 , 12.o : ow York MIII. , lliO l'cqiuot A , iOe 1'h1Perei , N (1 Twill , , 12c l'oCaiiOIitfl.a 4.-f , tc : l'oca.'et 5. . ! , $ ; Utica lie ; \Vatnautta 0 X N , i2tc iucas ( Colorcd-Albauuy ) 1 brown , Sc ; do 0 , drol , I ic ; (10 X.st.i tpt'i.i am1 piahis , 12 1.2e ; do X.Xk brn ui anti drab , etmipes amid pIaIh. , 12 1.2c ; Arlington fano.'y , itle ; Brunswick brewui , 8 12c ; Chariot fancy , 12 1.20 ; do cx- tra heavy , 2Cc ; Fail ] ilverbnwuu , extra heavy , 11 1.2c ; ItalIans A brown , ISo ; Nopouuset A limown , iSo , TIomclNoa-Arnoskoag AC A$2 , ICc ; rio XX blue 32 iS 1.2c ; Armwnmuse , U i.2c ; Clare inot 113 I. - [ lie ; Couuost.oga , extra , 17 i.2o Ilatniltom J , ill-2c ; Lewlaton ASO , ISa ; l'i.'bu ; nehuahia 4.4 , liCe ; Oiuueja , suqier extra .1.4 , 2. ' ; l'earl lilvor 32 , 16 1-Ic ; l'ntnamn XX blue stripe , 12c Shotucket 3 , 10 1.2c ; tb 88 , 12c ; Yeoman' . lilno 20 , Do. DENIbIS-Ainoskoag , huluto and brown,1 6 1.2c ; Andover DI ) blue , lii 1'2c ; Arlington N blue Scotch , 18 1-b ; Concord 000 , Ilmmo nuil brown , 12 1.2c ; do A.AA , tb do 13 1.2 ; ( Ii ) XX to do do , 14 1.2c ; hiaymnakci's blue and brown I ) 1-2c Mystic liiverbDstrlmio , lfil.2c ; Pearl .liivor , luo amid brown , iCe ; Uncasvlllo , bUrn anti brown , 14 i.2c. O.iuuumucs-Bsriuard rc ; Eddystomue lining , 24 inch dub1o face , 8.c ; Gamier A glazed , &c ; IiEaniunttnn ginvofiuuisli , Sic ; Newport do. t'c : do glazed , 5c ; Poquot do , Sc ; Lockwoou khtl finishu , Go. Cons JEANS-Ainory , Andruscoggin sattoon , 8c ; Churomudon ( icc ; Conestagga sat. teens , , .c ; lfallovroll , Sc ; louisa Orchuarti , 7c Narragansett , improved , 8c ; Popperill eat. teen , 9c ; lltnckport , Go. PioismAhlen.i , Go' Auuiorican , Gc ; Arnldo , (3c ( ; ] iorwick , 4e ? ; CocLon , a 'Conostoga , 6e ; Unukirk , Cc ; Dunnoll , G7c ; Jiidystommo , Gc ; Gloucester , 6e' Hannony , Sc ; Knickerbocker , Gc ; Morrimac b Vol MystIc , 5c ; Siwarucs , Cc ; Southbridge , Ccl do Giuughuatne , Tc ; u1nr1. bore , 5c ; Oriental , 8c ( llNauIsams-Amnoskong , 9c ; Argyle , Sc ; Atlantic , Sc ; Cumberlauti , Vje ; Ilighianol , 7'c ; Konllworth , 0e ; Pluukstt , tJc ; Sussex , Sc. CorroNAlurs-Abbervilio , 13c ; Agate , 2Oc American , ho ; Arttsian , 2Cc ; talro 1) and T 13.c ; Clarion D amid T , 17c ; 1)ecan Co. stripes 1) carl T , 16c Keystone fl3c ; Nau tucket lOc Nonpareif , 1Cc ; Ocean 1) and 'r , 13c ; oyal , 1flc ; Sussex , 120 ; 'rioga , Wachu- aott shuirting chocks , 12c ; ( ho Nuuukin 12ce Yoric , lmlaln Nankin , 12c ; do chocks , stripes rno1 fancy , 12c ; do S oz , 20c. SIIxictINas-Andrescugin 10.4 27c ; tic 0 4 , 23cdo 3-4 , 82c : Contluudutat C 'IlL lIc ; Fruit id the Loom 10-1 ; 27c ; Now York in his 98. 35c ; do 78 , : o ; dim 58 , 22c ; Pembroke 10-4 , 25c ; l'oquot 10-4 , 28c ; do 74 , 100 : do 4t ) , lOc ; Poppenell 06 , 20c ; (10 67 , 21c ; tin 7 , 1s ; Utica 96 , 3Cc ; do 58 , 22c ; do 48 , iTo. Lurn ncr. WhOLESALE. .Vo quote lumber lath anti shingleson oars at Omaha at tiuo folioving Prices : JOIST toNI ) SorLINo-16 ft. and under 2200 ; I8ft , 2350. 'i'IbIUERS-iG foot and tinder , 22 Ofh TInnER ANI ) Jousr-18 ft , 23 50 ; 20 ft , 23 50 ; 22 ft , 26 50 ; 21 it , 26 50. FENCING-No. 1 , 4 and 6 in. , 24 00 ; No. 2 , 22 00. ShEETING-NO. 1 (2d ( 'common boards ) , 20 00 ; No , 2 , 18 00. Lmnn-Per barrel , 1 25bnik ; P ° ' bushel' 85c ; cement , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa plaster bbl , 2 50 ; haIr Per ho. 5O ; Tarred felt , 1100 tU. , 3 50 ; straw board , 350. Palnts.Ohls and Varnishes. Ocs-110 ° carbon , per gallon , 14c ; 160 ° headlight , per gallon , i5c ; 175 ° headlight , par gallon , 20c ; 1506 water white , 10c ; un seed , raw , ; pr gallon,55c ; linseed , boiled , uer gallon , fiScLaril , winter str'd , per allmu , bOc : No. 1 , 70cNo ; 2 , COo ; castor , X , her gal. Ion , 1 50 ; No. 3 , 1 30 ; sweet , per gallon ' 85c ; sperm ' .V.13. , per gallon , 1 60 ; fish W' . B. , Pergallon , 65c iueatsfootextra , per gailon , DOe ; No. 1 , 7Cc ; lujuricatluug , zero , per gallon , DOc ; summer , 15c ; golden machine , No. 1 , per gal. lou , 35c ; No. , liSa ; Sponfl , signal , per gallon , BOo ; turpcntiiuo , her gallon , 11Cc ; naptha 74 ° , par gallon , lGc PAINTS IN Oa-.Whito load. Omaha P. P. Cc ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , CIa ; Marseilles green 1 to S lb cane , 21k ; French zinc green coal , 12c ; French zinc. roil seal , lIc ; L'renchi zinc , in varnish mist , 2Cc : Fiouich zinc. in oil aast , iSo ; raw and lurnt umber , 1 lb camus , 1Cc ; raw and burnt Sienna , hOc ; vandyke brown ISo ; rofiuted lamnpblack , ilic ; coach black , nut ! Ivory black , 1Cc ; drOl ) black , ICc ; l'musslaui blue , BOo ; ultramarine blue , iSo ; chronic greeui 14. rr. . D. ICic ; blind and shuutt.er green , Ii ir. & 1) . , ilk ; l'ads green , 18c IndIan red , iSo ; Venetian roth , Dc ; Tuscan rod , 22c ; Amen- can Vcrrnillun , r. & B , , 18c ; chrome yellow L. IL , 0. & i ) . 0. , 18c ; yellow ochore , tic ; golden ocitro , ICc , patent dr3'.r , Sc ; grahiming clloflt. light oak , dark oak , walnut , chug' that and ash , iSa. liry L'uIutH. White load , 8c ; French zinc , iCc ; Paris whiting , 2.c ; whiting gliders , ic ! ; whiting con'l : 1.3c ; hiuiuphhuclc , Ciermnarutown , lie ; laumupblack , ordlnnry , lOc ; Prussian blue , liSa ; ultramarine , lSc ; vautlyko , browui , Sc ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umnbr. raw , 'Ic ; sienna , burnt , 'Ic ; sienna , raw , 'Ic ; l'anIs green , gonulno 25c ; Paris green , comnumuon 20c ; chrome green , kY. , 2Cc ; chrome groeuu iL , 12c ; venunlllloim , Emig. , 70c ; ycnmnilhloum , American , 18c ; Iritlian roil , 1Cc ; rose pink , lie ; Venetian roti , Coiwsotis , 2c ; VenetIan roil , American 1c red bail , 7c ; chrome yellow , genuIne , lOe ! ; curomno yel. low , IC. , i2cochumo , rocholho Scochuro ; , French , 21c ; ochire , American , 2cVinter' niineral , 2o ; lehuighu brown1 2c ; Spanish brown , 2c ; l'nlnco's nuliuerai , Jo. VAiuNnuImus-lamrols vor gallon : Fumul. turn , extra , $110 ; fnrumtune ! , No. 1 , 81 coach , extra , $1 .10 coach , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Daunar , extra , $1 75 ; Japan , 7Cc ; aephuahtumn , extra , Slic ; shellac , $3 tiO ; hoard oil fiutislu , 81 50. TOIaCCOs. P.UG TonaccoClimax , 50c BullIon liCe ; Thrsoshtoe , 50cr Star , 5Cc ; Rutdy , 45c ; her. soy's , 'ISo' Black , : l8c4Oc. FINS trr-ComnmOui , liO3Oc ; good , 45 ® CCC ; BOse Loaf , 7Cc ; l'rouuuiumn , ( ISo ; Diamond Crown , 55c ; Sweet Sixteen , 47c. SMOKING-O. S. , 21c ; Meorschuaum , 28c ; Dam. haul , 8 oz. , liSc ; 1)iuhamn , 4 ox , Sic ; Jurhamr 2 ox. , 5S Seal of North Carolina , 8 oz. , bSc Seal ( , f lTorthu Carolina 4 nz. , tile ; Seal of North Carolina , 2 ox. , (1lc ( ) ; 0 , 1L 1)unhmamn , 4 oz. , 28c ; 0 , K 1)nV fOc ; Uncle Ned , 's 25c ; 'rr 1 Leather. solo SSc 1. ' ) 42c' houuulock . . . , , . , &u to Slic ; 110Db Si kit , , fOe to I 00 ; nunmuer GSa to 80o ; nema o calf , Slia to I 20 ; hiounlock tipper , 23C to life ; oak um qer lila ; allIgator 4 00 to 5 50 ; calf kid , 32 ' 1 5 ; drolsen kltl , 2 fO to 2 75 ; oak kip , 80o to 1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French lilt ) , 1 10 to 1 55 ; Frouuchu call , 1 211 to 2 00 ; rus sets , S 50 to ) 7 110 ; liuulmIgs , 6 00 to 10 50 ; top. i1uug5 , 1) 00 to 10 tO ; B , hi Morocco , SOc to bc ; pebble O I ) . Morocco , Slic ; slinomu 2 50 to 300. llAIIt4Ei4S-NO. I star oak , 4'Jc ; No 2.tlo , SOc ; No. 1. OhIo oak SSo ; No. 2 do , 35c ; No. 1 MilwAukco 37c ; ilo 2 do 31t' hides , Dull anti weak : groan butchers , tic ; green salted , 7.7c ; dry flint , 1213o ; dry salt , 1OSis1Ic ; damaged hidai , two.thuirds price , 'rALWw-OC. SilliEr PICLTh-250l 00. \'ooh , Monlnn unwashed , ligUt l4lijIGe ; heavy 18Ilic ; nunillimmn iiitiviethel , light , 1S@20C wtijulioii , clinton , 142c ; fair , : soc ; tub : iuuoi washed 28c ; butry , blw'.k andcottod wool , 2tio oss hardware List , Iron , rates , 2 ( ' 0 ; 1110W eteel specluil cast , 7o I crucible , 8c ; shcIUl or ( lonmnami , ( ho' cast tiK , do , l5(2O ( ; wagon M1)k05 , sot , Ii 251iI 00 ; hub l ° r set , 1 25 ; felInes suiwuol dry , I 40 ; tongues each , 7085c ; axles u.iclu , 75c ; square mints 1)0 ) i lb , TlijhIc ; washers or lb 8q1Sc ; rivets , v ° Ib , lie ; coil cluulo , per Il , , 4@12e ; manileablo , 8 troll wedges , Ga ; cmowbsmu1 Ge ; harrow totti .4 I 4c ; sin1ng tool , 78c ; Burden's hmorsohoos , S 2 i harden's mnuiloshuocs 6 2. ' , BARREl ) Wng-n ram lot.s , 4o lert10. N5II.-1nt { , 10 to GO , 4 (0. ( SIIE1--Shuot , I 83 ; buick abut , 2 1O .ntcntat i'Owult ? , ki.gi , (1 ( 40 ; do. , hiatt kegs , .18 ; ito. , quarter kegs , 1 88 ; blastIng , cgs , 3 33 ; fuse , Pcr 100 feet , flOe , 1EAI1-flr , I (13. ( CoAt.-Camtierhanti hlnckstiuit. 10 00 : Mor. ni maui llhimu.burg , 10 ( \Vliltoliu'esai ; littup , S 00 ; WluItetuewt mumit , S 00 : Iowa hitnp , S 00 ; Iowa mutt , S IA ) : hock Spring , 7' O Anthma. cite , ii 231l tO Ciunomi City , 7 liar ton Lkiunrs , ALeO1IOL-1S8 gosf , 2 23 trnr i tao gallon e.xlma California sirlts , 15.8 lin'F , 1. 211 pr 1nuf gallon ; tiiplo , etiiui.'il spirits , 187 eonf , 1 23 Ior prornf gaitomi ; re-ilistilicti u'hueIdos ( , I CO ® ! 110 ; flute bicrslei , I 1.'Ojt2 tiC ; Keuu- tutcky lxiumrbn , 2 00fl87 00 ; Kentucky rsuul l'cimsylvnnia rye. , 2 O)7 00. IIRANI1IES-huilpOrtOd , (1 OOl6 00 ; domcstlc I .If4 00. ( Imna-hmnportoti , 4 t'Of , 00 ; iloniostlc , I 40 @ 3 ( ) O. Ruts-Imnpottcul , 4 bO(1 ( Xi : owEmuglauud , 2 OOfljI 00 ; donuowtic , I 50C.3 ( ' 0. l'i'.AcI ) AND Ai'l'I.i IIIIMIIT-l 754 00. CIIAIrAaNr.iu-Imuuportosi ' per case , 28 CO ® at 00 ; Amnericauipor case , ill rL@16 00 , JENVEIt MiuIlu'T. 'iCcuuzo MATsI .tNI,1i.iur-hl.iu1s , lTc : huroakfnstboscon , 111@15c ! : m'tnokto ) ioIc , t ) ( JlOc ; saltpiues , SO1tc ) ; lani , 10fl1tc. UILEKN F'IttirT ANI)1'IIOIIUCP.-l'ltstoos , SO ® 750 iior 1(10 lueumuls ; imotatc.s , , sweet. , im : 100 Pt111tiM , 2 b3 00 ; 01110115 , liar 100 isunls , s1 5O12 (10 ; tuuui1is , P1O'lb ( ) , 6Otc : Cid omatlo cuibbagis , new , 1cr 1001 Sf'c il ) 00 lIve chIckens , old , per uho , , $1 OOi .4 ,2) , ; litrairlo ehuickemis tine , 8' 7' ® I ( XI oggt , fresh , vet iii ) ? , 32@PSc ; butter , fair tituni. Ity creamery , Ibiost P ° ltu , 8536crennuory , goool , iou II , , 28G'JIo ; Kansas nut1 Nebraska unity , POV It , , STtrl)45c ) ; coinkliug , 12I ; ) iSo ; ehtasse , full cream , or hIs , lti5SlTc ; apples ior bid , eastermi , SI OOjS SO ; grapes , liar lb , 7lOc ; Califonimla pears , ler lh T@boc ; 3lossimuu heinous1 oxtma , lOt titlE 7 00 38 00 ; ornuuges $12 0 ( ) 513 ( Xi ; Otilummathu ivhuoat , 100 II , , Si POlijl ) 38 : hour , CitI. ornilo , or 100 lb , $2 00Q2 25 ; hour , lumotiumut , $2 'JO3 ' 00 ; flour , ICausas , 'r ' 101) ht , $2 3 00 ; hour , ( imnhuamn iiar 100 II , , 82 (10 ( a 2 110 ; flour , rye , her lOt ) lb $2 ro@li 70 ; flour , utelt- wheat , per bid $ lt&12 ) SO ; corn muuonIher 100 his , $1 65G1 85 ; norn , var 100 lbs , SI 2711j I 0 ; corn chia ; , , per 11)0 ) Ibs , $1 8Ol. 38 ; now oats , uuer 100 lbs $1 311D1. .15 ; tints , Nubmaska uuuixod , iion 1(10 ( if , , iiiojil IOuat.s ; , Nebraska , white , per 100 lie , , $1 : lSlifJl .111 ; outt&s , Colnrrnht'1 per 100 Ibs , $1 251 35 ; barley , per 100 lbs , ti-i ! l01 75 ; uuiixotl cluit , l'cr 1X ) Ibs , $1' ' 88 ® I 40 ; bmaut , , er ton , $17 1)051111) ) ) 00 ; hay , , loitso , . per touu $12 OOiO 00 ; baled. octmuI , btuttsmiu , $10 ( ) Ofihl2 00 ; baled upland , $14 0O1T O0 ; clover , per toui , $20 00 ; straw , iuer ton , $8 00 @ 1)00. ) Railway Time Table. LOCAL TI1AINS-nRInoliDI VISIONJ UP.R ILIMN LINK. LIArS. .i am v's. ct2o ExltC9&1205 p in Atlantlo Rxproai7:25 : a iv iyostorn Exorns , 8:00 : ) \'ustormuExpmsss. . 8:20p : m 0. YsaudI'ass . . . .4aop : in 0. IlanI I'aitg. 11:40am Liucoin Ex..12:80 in Lincoln Es..12:85 : p nu DUMMY 'TRjsINS-IiltIDO II DIVISION. Lesse'0nuaha : 7:10 , 8:00,0:00 : : , 10:00.11:00 : : ci nu,1C mu ; . 1:00 , 5:00 : , 3:00 : , 4:00 : , 8:00 : , 0:00 : , 10:10 : t' . a , . Out Situ , . Jays : 7:10 : , 0:0 : 11:00) : a. In ; : ce , 4:00 : , 0:00 : , . 10:10 : t. ID. Amrlue attramusfcrdepot2o mnlutuutcitlotur ; flpa4. way depotCouuinll 111,01 , , . 10 muIuuto , later. Leuti Coattail Dliii ! , , liroadwa ) tleot ; , hOO , 11:00 : , lOEbO , 11:00 : ani. : 12 nu.lOO ; : , 2:00 : , S:0O.4OO,5:0OOlO : : : 10:50 : p. Iii On Sunilny. : 8:00 : , 10:00 a. nu. ; 12 am ; 3:00 : , , 6:00 , 0:40 : , 10:10 : p. in. Arrive Transfer ulultot , lonuluu' utes later. Leaye Council 111cr. Transfer tiepot : 8:25,025 ; , 1e25,2l:25 : a.uuLli ; uuii:25 ; , 2:253P3 : : , 4:25 , 5:25 : , 0:25 : , 7:05 , 10:55 : p. mu , . Arrive Omiuahua 20 utlnutes later. LNAVX OMAhA. LNAVI4 COUSCIt. IILUYFS. pa. . No , 2. , , .7:55 : a m Pans. No. 9. . . . 7:25 a in , , No. 10-------.45 1) iii No. 15..h1:46 : am , , No. 4..50'p m " No 3. . .11:20 : am "I No. B..8:50am : ' No.II , . _ . 7'.1S p.uuui , , N , , . 0------0:15 : a nu _ " No. I. . . . . 1 85 p in . , No. 50. , . 0:50 : a iii 0. , 1.1. & St. 1' . K , IL-U. P D1.I'OT , tr&tl& Er..7:50am : i'aelfloDx..9:13am : &tIantle Kx..5:50 : p an Mall & Es..7:10 : p in WAIIASII , S'r. LOUIS & PACIFIC-V. P. DEPOT. Omaha..50 a in I Omuaha..11:20 : a in 'I U5Opmn % " . . . . . . . . . 5:20pm : a. , B & Q It. IL-.h3. P DEPOT. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . : a in I Express..9:45 : am Expiesa..8:50 : I ) m f ' . . . . . . . . . . . p un ' C. , U. II & 1' . It , it-U. I' . DhiI'OT. Express..7:50 : a in Mall..D:5 : am . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) UI I Express..T:10'p : in C. 8t N. IV , a. IL-U. P. DEPOT. ifill . . . . . . . . . . . .7:80 : us in Exprosa..9:45 : a mu Ezpror . . . . . . . . . . .fO ) in MalI . . . . . . . . . . .10 ; ' mu S. C. & I' , It. 11.-Il. P D1CPOZ. UMl . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 a in . . . . . . . . . . , . . m Espriss---------0:00 : p in ' . . . . . . . . . . . : p m MISSOURI 1'ACIFIO-U. I' . DEPOT Express . . . .7:00 : a in Express..e:46 : pun 0. , ST. PAUL , 8 ! . & 0. Il. IL-DE1'OT N. 15Th ST No. ' . . . . . . . . . . : a in No. 1 . . . . . . . . . . 5:30 : p in No. d. _ _ _ . , , . . 1OOp : mu No ' . . . . . . . . . . : a.m SIOUX CITY & I'ACIFIC.-DKPOT N. intl Street. Leave Omaha for Valcntlno via St. l'aul Llno to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : Arrive ( rota . . . . . . . . . . . : p mu 13. & M. IN NEIIIIASICA. Donvcr Expross..8:15 : a in Atlauutlo. . . . . . 6:80p : mu l'aclflc Expross',6:35 : I ) mu. DonvorRxprosa0:40 : am K. C. , sr. on & V. Ii , It. IL-I ) . & . DEI'OT. MAli-------------8:25 : a mu I . . . . . . . . & mu Express..7:20 : p in I Mall. . . . . . . . . , .050 p u SUntIa'e excepted. Opening anti Cloning of Matte. Reels. OI'iiS. 01.035. flub. p.n a.m. p.ni C & N C.lt , L&l' . , C. II , 4 : Q. , ht. l'aul & Sioux Clty.11OO : 11:00 : 5:40 : 3:15 : 0. , IL&S.l'ji. C. & 1' . iii Joan 0:00 : 5O : Waljn0u tvrcss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:30 : 8:15 : Wabash local. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 909 5:40 : K. C ) . , St. .loo 3i C. . . . . . . . . . 9:00 : 9O0 : 5:40 : 0:50 : Missouri l'aclfc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 734J 5:40 : ( AI3L.1'3l.&U. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:00 : 7:20 : Union l'aclUo , ovurlamtl. ( . . . . . 8:00 : 11:35 : Iiuuion l'ucIIIc , Hemuver Ex. . . 4:00 : 730 0. & ltcpulillcauu % 'ailoy. 1:30 : 11:35 : 11.3mM. Rapross. . . . . . . . . . . . 7:03 : 7:40 : Li. & II , for 1'1ttsuiouitlu , 8. IIeuud , Aslilamid auiiLitcoln.1100 40 OSico open Suniay. from 12:00 : in. to 1:00 p. in C. it. COUTANT Poetuuaa"t , -1. n 4.i I I .11,1 0 i Ii , , , 0 , ui.inuiy 'h ' / ' % I : : " i'i ' : ' : , ' ? E . , , . , it . uI i itliltit. tuti ) uifoiiauIui , siihti.t.s Jti.uv't ) ( ' EI.trIo PaIt I , II" ii' , . 't i.n. , .t. .4,1. , . . . , 'ii of the Isuiutuan Itisly enlarged , tloroloptuit amid strengthened , etc. , I. sum iut.crostlmuui atlvertusuuucuit long run In our Iii reply to luiquirlea we n'lli say Iltat there is I Ito cylileruce of tuunubu shout this. Out thu contrary , the advertisers are vury hlghul' enlorsotI. Intortistel itcrsme lofty got isealeti clrculars gluing all jatlcti , lame by addreutslnA Erie mural ( Jo. , , 0 box 51 lJutftIo N L-'L'oludo ( Evening IIIaO I. nil-U T , LOUIS PAPER AREHOHB. Graham Paper Co. , 211 and 210 North MaIn St. , St. Louli. WlIOIYMALl IEALEIPI IN } PAPERSio { F.NVELOI'E8 , ( YA1II ) I3OAIID AND PRINTERS' STOCK j4TCasli taid or Ituige auu4 i'ape tltockScMctalndu - FOR SALE. Lx3JTxIrL'13 xxx : ' A Rare t'hanco for pnniin , , Offlco We hays for ialu miesoral barrehi of a Sri quality of ; rluitlu.g luik , Iluiuig iuiatlu for us on anualler or eiowrr ; rctocd than oo arc how usIng wit will sell the eauuio lit 51 CeOtS tor tree oi b3at'i ears at Ouuislia. l't III , uarsuituo it to ivu goo L , maimf ) uvtlom on suuualhcr amid iuteuliiiui : 'rUseuC. ; TIlI' DEE iUUUSIIINO CO K.A KIl1.LEYM. U. C. A WILSON , 51,1 ltestleitco. Itoeldomice , : 1109 8. IltIt Street tIll laxeuaontS iCEll4bIiY & WIbSOt , I. Phvsioian and. Suooon r OFFICE : I Boyd's Oporfi llottse1 Omnhn5 Nd 1 j w'iE. stoija : - : ! aH 1 , M SIANVFAcYrUIIEI OF OF SUR7TLY YIIIST'0M851 ( ' Carriag , BllgieRoad aen I AND TWO WliEEL CARTS. U 13th Street , , 'I TOMAHA NEB Anheiser"i3usch ; BREYIING ASSOCIATIO N I * - . - . \f : CELEBIIATED U cIII\ It Keg and Bottled Beer , . . I i Th'is Excellent Beeropenks icr itaolt. Iaii j1j2 : ? Promptly Shipped. ALL.OUII GOODJIEM.ADB TO THESTANDARD , , : E Eii rL1 L3Jat F. S.CHLIEF , See Agent for Omaha andthie Wct. Cor. 0th Street anti' Capitol Avenue' M. HELLMAN & 00 , . Wholesale Olothiersl 1301 AND' 1303 FARNAM 3TREE1 COI' ? . 13Th , . OMAHA , - : ' NEBRASE 0. M , LE1GUTON FL. T. CLARKE. LEXMITON' & CLARKE , . . . fSUCCESSORS ( TO' ItENNARD BItOK. & CO. ) Wholesale Druggists I -DEALERS . IN- i. - Jo I sr -A. Paints , Oils . , Brushes , Class OMAhA , - - - . . - - - NEBRASKA. PEIPECTIOT . . , - - Reating and Baking , Ii' only attained by using K StovesandRanges , ITt1 UOOR Foir.'oby MILTON ROWRS & SON8 ) ; j ! OMAHA- C. F. GOODMAN , Wholesale Druggist I . . - 1 * IA.ND DEALER IN Pa.tiits Oils Yaruislies aild illdU ifiass OMAHA , NEBRASKA. cti . Lowest Prices Now Offered on .Artist' Materials Windsor Nuwtoii's Tube Colors , per dozen , DOe ; Fine Sable Brushes ui'un ' 1Cc up ; Finn Bristol Brushes , from 7c up ; Round amuti Oval Plaques , from OOo ut ; .L'nlottos , 35e ; CIII ) . , 1Cc ; Jnpnned 'liii ' Artist's Boxes , $1.50 ; Ihiuss Phnques , 45c up ; Pamuols , lOc ; Woodeit Plaquc , iSo ; Dosigius to Decorate , froumu to each up ; Golil amid Silver Pitint : , Oils , yaijujshies , front 2Cc upward ; Canvas 75uu'puur yard ; Stretchers , 25o up. A. .IIOSPE. Jr. , South SidoDodgo Street , J , 0. PRESCOT' ! ' ) N. P. OIJRTICE. J , 0. PRESCOTT & CO. , ' ' . . . . 'W'b.cm'1oz.1a .a.cl XLat&i1 PIANOS & ORGANS ! Music , Musical Instruments of all Descriptions. OIIEAPET MJ ] IOT RELIABLE llOUF . . , . Xxi. tb.c 13tnto. CALL AND EXANINE OUR STOCK OJ SEND FOR PRICES. . No. Fnrnnm 3tr00t - - - - OrAUA. - : E3 : . DAIErr : , 51ANUFAtTI'V1U' ( OF YlN Buio Crie itild Srill ROllS I tTy Itoattesj' Ii eunstanUy Shieti wit ) , aecleotjiteck. hIoa WcrkunantdP itanteo4. 01/icy am ! Factory S. W. Co'ner 16Th ° and Capitol Avenue , Omal' . - - - - - - 2 : X cLTI3cDIjiJD , SIANUS'AOTUlSEII 05' . rooCoroics1 ido Cas3Fiials ) ' . Sloyilgbts&8 ' mIztsentbtt8t ) 'Nib $ i . _ , . . ' , , ? - ' -5-rr.-- - * , , _ . - ' - - i ( , . , t 7p 'T