Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 11, 1883, Page 8, Image 8

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' Tuesday Mornillg , DCO 11 ,
Specint Mcetitig of I tie Sttto I1Inue
A spocini meeting of the Fariucrs'Stn
i11inflcl3 will bo held at Kearney , Neb
\\'odflc8da3' anti Thurdity , Jnu. I
and 17 , 1SSL All al1ance ! which 1ia
nt any tirno been organized iitthis
: tire oarlU'5tly roqtiotcd to send do1egat
4 to Lhis meeting , and all nuti.rnOflOIOIt8l
cordially iiidtod to a
of tlio itAtto pro
twul. No pains will bo parad to iiia1
the meeting ontcrLi11il1g niul itistrtiCtlVl
will soon 1
A programmo of 1)roccediI1a
aent to all aIIistnce , kIlg ) IlaUOS )
peakor3 , tibjoct flOti all paricu1nn
Alt officers of alliances are requested t
sco that inooting nra called atitJ. arrmg
1fleflLs made to OIIt1 do1ogato.
State papers , pleMo copy.
- P. 13. ItI'NOLTM ,
I'ios' ' Sthto Alliance.
J. Bnto ) % % ' , Sec. ad intorin. )
The Woather.
For the upper MissiRippi and Mi
souri valleys , slightly warmer atitl fa
- woatltor northwcLor1y winds preccdc
upper MiBsiSIjpI valley followed i
northern lorti0tI by tailing tomperttur
-T. C. l3runner , the grocer , le very ill
Iil lioiiio. 1 lo is In great Riliforing , and thei
are foarM that ho vill tiot rccoor.
- TheVoiiicn' . . Cliri.Uan A111 a4ocIatk
'will moot In their roon In the city hail litilli
ing , corner Sixteenth atiil Farnaiti , at 2:30th :
-Tue U. 1' . vllI not iiicot the cut rate
the ] ) onvor 1li { ) Grande to 2.i cents froni ti
2\tisour1 river to Salt. Lake , hut 1ia ( lroppc
to JO cents.
-Two nian were arrestel Saturday ovonlii
for dninkeniies , and tWo inoro were tak
hi yesterday. Their cases comboforo the i
lice court this morning.
-flxcurston trlns from neighboring towi
vIlI 1)0 TIIfl to Omaha next Thursday ovenln
the occaion of the alllicaralico of the .11)101 1
ulIivati C4)tUIiflatlOfl. )
. while the fire bc
-AlOtIt 10:30 : la.t iiight ,
was IOiig repaired or ndjiisteti. ty uninto
tional t.aIs yero giveti , causing mauyporsoi
to think It was an alarm. Thro io.s no fir
nor was any alarm intended. The taps wo
occaskited by tILO handling of the boll.
. _ _ _ : A young man vns anosted last night at
house near Capitol avenue anti Sixteeni
itreet for trying to get Into a room occupk
by a woman. lie wwi In a drunken con1lttoi
anti scomeil uiiablo to give an acconut
hlinsoll. Ho was taken to the city jail.
4 Col. it. :1. : ' . Clowry nml ? . [ . C. Bristol ,
Chicago , general uiicrinteiidont and goner
fUJOrlfltOflhlC1t of conxtructlon for tlto ccntr
. : divifilon of the \Voterzi Unioii Telogrni
company , ropcctIvoly , loft for the oat ye
- torday morning in the special car sPI1ck.
-There will be continued mootingH held
the Baptist clwrcli , corner of Fiftocetith ni
1)avenport streets , 00 Tno8clnyVodnestla ,
Titunolay a in.l lfridny evenings at 7:30 : o'cloc ,
All these who desire to be Christians , a
cordially Invited to attend ,
--An ecilng ciIo)1 for such as cannot ii
g tend the day schuols will be opened ti
evening , the 11th , on Paclfic Htreot , liotwo
Thirtootitli and Fourteenth stroots. TI
school will be under the control of the bon
: of education and will ho free to all ,
' -0110 week ago Sunday mime titiscreal
? entered through the roar window of lCiuipox
hail , ani ojoning the front tloor rolled out
barrel of whisky , which had iiovor oren hoc
sampled by the prepr1otr. 'rIoy rolled
F1 into a wagon and hauled Itawny , and nothh
has boeii hoarti of it luce.
. ; -Two no' stattona on the B. & N. a
OIeflel ) today. They are OIL the 1Cuiie
cut.olT , in lYhelL)4 county. One is lIoldretl1
twontysovon miles woit of KelleMaw , Albc
Cuy , agent. The other hi lIoldrcdgo , for
nlle8 west ( if ICenosaw , Tlminiui A. Lu
f -Jut before iniduight , Mr. Murphy , t
block watchman , nrrotcd and ilaccd In ja1
iitanwhoin ho saw prowling around F'rai
flaingo'i talloilog establihmont , with the a
dent Intention of braalchig iii. 'rho bib
had been lurking around the alloy Boino tI
and was iiispectitig tue shutterH when the o
cor took him lii.
-It Is announced that , taking elfect yi
' terday , the rates on salt In carload , , to Fi
mont , from Toledo , Detroit , CiiIcar , ,
] ou1 , Iait St. Louis and MI.sIBsipl
lolrits iiortli of St. Louts , will be five cai
ir 100 pounds higher than the rates to U :
; , I'JInt named In the tariff , doted .luno
. -Sunday afternoon while some lit
were playing the bank of the zh'cr tii
iuoartlied a lot of hartiess which had be
wrapped in a light overcoat , lahl Lu a iwle V.
cover with manure. The iiarnex. wa * brou
' 1 to the police hoftltiuarters yort.orday mIrflhI
where It now nVaItJ3 mi owner , There
t,00 set of haznea and four brlclIo , one
whIch I. P. trainIng bridle ,
t' -Tue reapiiearonco of to1 fimith litis
V.nd hb. company In "Edgowood Folks" dr
L a good..lzod audience at the oposa house I
oveiilng , AIr , lux.oiI , a a coiiodlaii , , Ii
lost none of his old.tlino vivacity , Ills son
' 'wore received with great npplaiso , ' 'Id
woucl Folks" Is a mixture of song and drai
C wl In the hands of So ) Smith lLiiaoii ii
, COlfllally has z1oor fa1iod to draw well
: r give satisfaction ,
-Mr. l. A , Cw.o ) ' , an ntt.oruoy from 1' '
t nap Illinois1 ii. In the city attondlugcourt ,
was overheard by a Bsz reporter yeston
j I Lolling aioiat a belt railroad In ) ia
. lEo eald tlwt varties opposing the schema
z caUbC'l paintings to be made which reiiresi
, 0(1 ( the city of l'eorla with a hue of miii
: . encircling it , and the engines upon this
were knocking , right end left , 'ellvery v
ous , baby barmiagos an all kinds of volili
I as well w. people on foot , and over the ei ,
i scene , vRii QlIt8trOtchC4 wings , eleven Ii
&ud frked tall , vas an bnnionso Picture u
t Satanic zcajcsty. Such a likoaobs inigh
a1)1)zopziato hero hi Omaim.
.rThe roller rink last evening was cro
wlU Omaha ladies to witness the two y
: ldienomonals frozit Iowa Mias Nellie Fii
p1 Fort Dodge , and Master Jiortia Ilils.
t les MolneL After the u3ual sliding of
; vIsitors , .1r , Daniels , the genlaiznanagcr ,
theleil for oil the floor , Intro.Iuclng the
; tori. The exhibition coiinnencod , anti
lug frojA the a2plause , which was inemlte
all their movements , from the firweasyst
to the most diflicijit inoveuiont , Miss ] 4
and Master Bertie surprised and vleased
: large audience Itb their graceful nod ole
istyle , The young iooiilo leave to day oi
C , , It. I. & F , zailcoad fur Dais Moines , .
they will give two exljlbltions ,
- -
-1 -
Justice s ii ¶ 8S Varionsly Uc11 U
The Sutti of' llnlIIesM lotie In ti
IctlcraI , lktrlct atol I'o.
lice ( , isr ( .
I. 8 , ci it' flT.
The case of ICeoler va. Laurn.tor , a si
illvol'iIIg the title to a business lot
Lincolii , Wa ; on trial to court and ju
in the I. . S. circuit court yestortln
tcssrs.Voolworth and hull , of Oinali
and Mr. Stearns , of Lincoln , appear
the 1)latfltifi. ? Iossra. Donno , Jud
Mason and Juelgu Wakely are counsel I
the defonso. The case s on trial i
ilay ycatortlay , and will lrobnlly occu
another day before it 18 finished.
A motion line been filed by the plaint
to sot asidi , the pocial findings of t
jury in the case of the State Natior
batik of Lincoln vs. Young. It will co
before the court at tim , January term.
IvrIz1Ur towt , ' .
Yesterday WM tijo opening day of t
continuation of tim Octolier toriti of U
Douglan county district court. A ju
wa , inipniicllod in thu of Foattier
The Omaha & Southwestern Itailro
company. The case will come hofc
.Judgo Neville 'l'iio remainder
the day was occupk'd with miacolltnioo
business This term of court will h
probably two wooks.
John Shannon , charged with ansat
and battery , was found guilty. lie
sentenced to pay a line of $25 and
imprisoned ton days in the county jn
with hard labor , lie flied an appc
bond itt the sum of $200.
The case ofVillirun I'rlimick , who
charged with vagrancy , was continu
until Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Four cases for disturbance of the pea
were before Judge floneko ycsterdn
Two of them vero fined $3 each al
costs , one $3 and trimmings and the otli
0110 WftS continued. One case of iiito :
cation was alan continued.
Two "vag& ' PUt Iii an appearance ai
one WM discharged aflI the ease of tether
other wna discontinued ,
l3olio Sanford iiiado complaint again
Ed. Ourtis for assault and battery. lie
had a bad eve and a couple of her fm
tooth had gone the way of nil the earl
and aim looked as if somebody liiul r
liar through a threshing machum. F
Wi1 have an oportunity to explain w
ho bMtisod Belle in such a maniior.
Complaint was filed against Itasni
Rasmussen and. Fred Sclin.ll for keo1i
open their saloons oii Sunday.
Peter l.asinussen { was charged wi
keeping a liulsanco. Continued Un
Complaint was made against Pot
Morritfor discharging firearms within
city limits. Continued.
Peter K. Ii. Cole iniu.lo compini
against Mollie Jones for assault and b
tory. Continued.
A BieHaing to all Maniclini.
In these times viioit our Newspapers
flooded With patent niolIclno atlvertisemar
it , IN gratifying tO kUOW what to procure U
sri ! ! coratitily cure you. If you are Buuii
ilOOtl out iji order , Liver Iiiiutivo , orgenerl
debilitated , there is uitldng in the world t
will ciiro OU HO citiIcIly as Electric Ilitti
They are a bieiisiiig to all iiuinkiml , anil can
foul for only lifty cents a bottle of C. 1" . ( in
Flist M , E. Church.
The ontemtaiuinent at the First 111.
church Fridayovoning was a very pleaa
atlide , The programme consisted of
cal aiid instrumental muaic , and ol
A pleasing feature wa the vocal wa
by a quartette from the Omaha fileo cli
'I'hoy alsc , gave other atilections , and an
zui the Clue club boys always do.
Tim gains of the musical 1)art of I
program , however , wore the solos by 1\
Jay Northrup and Mr. J. L. Siiii
! I'lieso gentlemen are so wull.knowu LI
any couuneiith upon their singing is i
necessary. Sullico it to say that they iv
both in splendid voice , : iiitl the tie ) mi
niulience was enchanted. Both recch
Miss Gertie Clark pleased and cai
viitcd her heniora by liar select roadiu
"Archio Dctin" was especially well ii
tiered. iIisa Clark icapoinled very gm
fully to an encore.
Mrs. .1. A , Rollins iilao gave annie
bet readings. fliia Itidy is a dialectici
and eiocutionizt of a high order-au a
ist ,
Her Scothh and Irish dialects ate p
feet and she underahuids tlwrougl
hOW to command , an audience , mid I
auditors last evening wept or laugh
seemingly as she willed ,
She responded. to an enthusiastic
core ,
Altogether so pleasitig and success
lul entertainment , is seldom givoli , ii
the ladies and gentlemen who lilanaf
thio affair ate deserving of much credit
Exciteil lTIiitsislliIs.
All over the laiitt nie gollig Into ecstasy t
Pr , lCIiig's Now 1)ldcovery for Consiiiiipt
'rliolr unlookoti fur recovery by the tin
use of this great life Having remedy , cai
them to go nearly ilid lii Its praise. ]
guaraiitoud LI ) .oiiiLivoly core Severe Cnii1
Colds , Astliiiia , Hay Favor , lirniehltlsllnii ,
lies , . , Lit ofUfCd , or aily affection
the a brent atiti Luiivs.
JOlili Chluasiiiiii Iiist Co.
Yes , John must go , and ho has b
going for some time , Nearly ovary mc
jag a half a carload or more of Ohinai
are attached to the Denver train e
and , wondering where they were gc
L LU such large numbers , a lln OlO
approached one of tim
. passeiigors and asked hiiiit , liuto lie
' bound. " 0oiiig Now YorkPho zuts
I ed ; anti uiioii Rakilig htiiii if ito was
S to wash in Now York , 1w looked alt
S insulted and said , ' 'No , inc no was
0 lilO tciideo store , " From his gibbe
we were enabled to glean that the oi
il party , a carload in all , yero frQni
Fmaiicisco , and that they were on
way to Now York to work in ton aLt
p and , in all probability , but a few
f will pass before these same
0 will take the places now oecujiied 1) ) '
g moat fastidious dry goods clerks ,
I. - -
. Yt.iing Iliginvaynien ,
U A case of juvenile hi'ightway robboi
0 reported. About noon yesterday a I
U j years , whose hoinu is iioar tiii
Paul d01)Ot , had 'J given ) iizii b
10 mother , with which 1w was to buy a
0 of boots , On hjs way up town hi
met by two otherboyts , Lloyd Sum
cliii John \Vaybrghit , who threw hi
tiOWfl atitl took the iiioiieyftom hum , ' 1
alfitir was reported to the police. Soar
was timilo and $1.f ) of ( lie money fotin
% Vaybrght was arrested cud as flow
jail. The other boy will probably ho i
rented today. Waybright is one of t
crowd of young vandals vlm recotil
paititeil obscene language anti ucttti
Uloli fences arid houses on Webst
stt cot.
- -
A Yoitu Lady lli3appcrs.
Fmiiitl flor a Ising Soarrit.
Quito an excitement was started ye
terday aftoriiooii in police atid dotecU
circles. At about three o'clock a we
known grnitleinan of this city , whic
name we withuiold at his r&quost , cat
rushitig into police headquarters and
au excited niannor told his story. 1.
daughter , a refined and . educated you
lady , had loft the house at eleven o'cto
and not returned since. The parezi
after calling on several of her frion
without finding any trace of their daugi
tor , resolved to employ the police ,
Several oiico oflicors , after recoivi
the description of the you
lady started out. After inquiring at ti
depot if any lady answering this ucacri
tionhad loft town , anti ascertaining t
fact that none of the passengers resei
1)10(1 the lady in question , the soarchi w
COUtitliled in town and proved fruiUc
for several hours. Already some of t
ofliccr commenced to beliuvotliat a Ma
Churchill case was on their hatida. CI
after clue was taketi up and after a wh
given up in despair. At last one of t
otlicors iiappoiictl to drop into the stc
( If the leading jewelers , Max Meyer
lImo , , having concluded that if the g
had left town with a lover , the aai
might have taketi her to t
finest jewelry store in town to
her uneasiness by prcseiitiiig her with :
hue diaiiiond bracelet. Tue first pars
50011 ffl tim store was the young Ia
looked for ito long. She was takete ii
hack to her aillicted parotita wlioso j (
when aceiiu her , can iiot ho doseribi
Questioned as to the reason of her disi
ahie professed sorrow that a
should have unkiiovingly frightened 1
1)aront.a so much. "liut"sho said , "y
vill have to blame Max Mayor t B
for it. 1 happend to drop into th
store and , admiring the beautiful disp
of diamonds , watches , ear rings , chiii
and thousand other thiiiga , 1 kept wi
daring how they could allord to sell I
finest goods at the cheapest frices.
flavor noticed how the time was lly
and if the policoinaii would iiot In
lipokon to me , t suppose I would
standing tiioro yet. "
New designs , never before publish
\Vill vlcaso any person. Sent free
receipt of 2c stamp to every render
the OoAIIA Ban. Address Samuel C
tar , 35 Park l)1aC0 , New York , mC&i
Further Actioti to I ) Tlii UPOfl
Proposed Mark House.
The regular December meeting of
board of trade was hold at Llio roonis
evening. About twoiity members w
present. Mi. Goodman 1)residod.
Mr. Nicholas ofierod a resolution
ectiiig the secretary of the board to in
a report showing mercantile atatistici
the city for the past year ; also that
PrOlaro a report of the building opt
tiona of the y ar , mid prosotit it at
annual meeting. Lost.
Mr. Nidiolas also ollorod a resotut
that the board do not longer burn
rooms and fool for a secretary , but the
ho be required to list stocks and perfc
oIlier duties usually 1)erforiucd by soc
lanes of boards of trade. Lost.
Mm , Nicholas olfiived a resolution
charge ollico anti desk rent of all pers
doing other than board busjii in
board rooms , Lost.
Mr. Falconer objected tliiit the dul
contemplated ly the resolutions ivol
require lnor time thaii the salary w
ranted , and would necessitate a Oilier
system of organization of ( ho board.
Secretary ( mann said he was wilE
to Iorfoiln ¶ liiy tLtil all duties his oft
called for , if till ) board desired , r
would fix his salary accordingly.
The report of the market house cc
inittee was called for.
Mr. Hitseull reported ( lie commit
thought ( lint if four lots ozi lower Capi
avenue were secured the market hioi
could be erected upon them. Tb
would ho no legal opposition to t
plan , and the city would got the boo
of a wide street. No legislation woi
be necessary. Mr. Ilascati believed ti
the city should own the market house.
Mr. Falconer made a few rrniiiir
concurring with Mr. Ilascall.
clan. Estabrook tliofliit the city ou
to change the name of Unpitol avenue
Market street. Part of it ought to
used for standing ground. whore Ii
wood , etc. , could ho offered for a
r lie would give the city $500 to built
: market house in front of his PrOPerLY
Capitol avenue.
Mr. liascall still favored the purcil
I of lots on Capitol avenue. Ho wan
Jofrorson scuare reserved s a pul
Mr. Falcoiior nmvod that a coinmi
t of thirco be almintod to ascertain
. coat and location of suitable hots f
market house and to report at a ape
I meeting one week froni to.morrow o
, lug , Carried.
The president appointed as comuii
r MOSSES. N , Falcuner , 0. F. Driscoll ,
' \Vintlhoim.
L I GWI. Estabrook gave notice , that
a city council had appoitited a
' - muster ,
Tiio president thanked Mr. ha'
it. atid other citizens not members of
; board for * LiI the interest they luul ta
It j Lids ittattor of a market house.
0 The board adjourtioti to nicotVeuI
U day ovunilig , December 1) ) .
r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
SI DiEl ) .
13 Ol.Altl At 14nt City , Neliaska. Iloco
1t , 1883 , Margarut , Glare , 'iu of , Jav. C
ir the above tilace ; also , ituothemof Mr
Olaic , of this cIty ,
'I'Iio remaIns arrived hero yesterday
o'clock i' . iii , , slid mere convoyed to Holy
is ulchro cemetery ,
of IIOIIAN-In tItle city , ieceinhor I ) ,
, L o'clock a. in. , Jatitcis lioh&u , aged 37
0. Funeral today itt 1) o'clock ii. iii , , trw
ha roittonce , 12th ltruot near Cldcago.
iir Cliles WTaushoyieaves ft
as hoinule Centerville , Custer county
u braska , vhiero h. an extensive atuvk rum
A Mati shot Ill the 11onth Throni
" Close Call fir .1. it. Jtoliliisctti Sat ii
day fgIit-CIa'ciiitisuiitcs ( of'
tiii 4ttbuli ,
It svasii'L loaded , of course it wasn't ;
loaded revolver or gun was itover y
accidentally discharged with serious e
facts. It is always the empty gun Lb
lays titoti low.
Saturday ovdnutig , it is reported , tb
a fellow by the nanio of .J0hiii 1o
insoll entered a saloon nc
the race track , and boit
aomowhat intoxicated , began to Ilourit
a revolver around in quite an ititoreath
manner. 'rite bartetider objected to li
careless way of handling the gull , am
was told by ltobiiison iiat the guiti wi
iiot loaded , and at the same tinio I
handed the weapon to tim bartotidor I
examine. After looking the ravolvt
over the bartender attempted to hand
back to its owner wheti it. was accidonta
iy discharged and the ball entered lb
insoll's mouth , knocking out four tool
and passing through the aide of his ncc
The above is all that we have bet
enabled to learn of the matter , althiout
reports have been circulated to the cue
that Itobinson has died from the alice
of his injuries , but if such is the case ti
coroner has not boon notified as I
doubtless would be was there any tru
in the report.
A LUIiL imEi'oii.
Sizice writiiig the above we have lear
ed from a reliable source the followiii
Saturday evening , between the hours
1) ) and 10 o'clock , .1. A. Ibobinson enter
the saloon above referred to and call
for a bottleof whisky , which was put i
and , in order to got it into his pocket
was obliged to take out his rovolv
which was a Smith & \Vesson , thirty.t
calibro. AndrcwIIirt was staiiding 1
his aide and took the revolver from Ii
hand and looked into it snppocing it
be oiiity , playfully snapped it at Itobi
son with the above result.
Dr. Mercer was called and Send
extracted the ball , which was lodged
the back part of the neck to the right
the spinal column. Dr. Mercer repot
the man as doing nicely and says tl
ho will .ecover.
The shootiiig waspurely accidental a
was the result of carolossness.
flucklon's Arnica Salvo ,
The greatest medical wonder of the wox
Warranted to speedily clime Burn , Cuts , 1
cars , Salt Rheum , Fever Sores Cancers , i'll
Chilblains , Corns Totter , di1p0i luni
and all sldn oruptons , guaranteed to cure
every instance , or money refunded. 25 co
Or box
- -
TiioAssoclatlon Gives a Jtaiiiuet. ni
has a Good Time ,
The Nebraska State Stonograpluc
association gave its fourth annual bu
quot and reunion at the Millard lie
Saturday evening , The occasion wa
very pleasant one. The bill of fare v
one of the best of the season , and va
credit to the Millard management.
Among those present , around the tab
vere noticed , J. , T. Points , G. W. B
den , .1. T , Bell , M. J. Croovay , Jaii
I Wilsomi , C. C. Valentine , J. L. 115
ards , A. East , J. B. Ilaynes , C.
. Woodninim , ir. T. hudson , W. C. We
I 1y Clma. A. Potter , Cluas. II. Pick
. R. II. Vinton , C. B , Sheppard , B.
t Wakeley , H. C. Stripe , E. J. Mart
Jas. 'I' . Mullen , Al. Sorensen , of T
Bnu ; S. F. Woodbridge , of The hem
\v. II , Kciit , of The Republican ; F.
MacDotiagh , of The Watchman , and at
, oral others ; and a limier looking sot
follows rarely meet around the festi
and social board.
After the feast , the president , l'i
Points , made sonic remarks upon I
advancement of the association a
oll'cmod some suggestions for
future guidance. Mr. George Boyd
read a itacr On "our banquet. " P.
Dcli made sonie rennirks in batmalf of t
international associatioit. Time ineitib. .
present , in response ti ) the call of
presidentinnde short nun pointed cpeocl
eitibodyimit inaiiy valuable ideas 8)1(1 31
gcstioiis. Macloiingli , the poet , turn
the machine loose oii 'Thu Woeful Fu
Amos Tate , " a Iialieiniati who tried
learn tim almort.liniid ait. Ii.
Stripe , secretary , imiado the annual i
Port. It ; showed the nssoeatiioii to be
good financial , social and professiom
staiidhig. It has had mutiny valuable
iuisitions , and has not lost zuuiy mncmbu
by death , All the inemu'Lora of the nsa
ciation are employed at good salaries.
Ihie and rciiunierativo field is open
yotilig Inca and ivonien in nc1uiriiig
knowledge of aluort.liand.
A resolution of thanks was passed co :
mending Mr. Shears tumid the maiin
mont of the Millard for their hearty
fort and assistniice iii inalcing the be
quet a success.
4. I'ollceninu Braced Cf ) .
B. l. CollIns , mnumuboc of polIce , sevoi
I % nrd , BeadIng , Pa. , tLllcs this svay : ' 'Sutl
od severely Cmiii rheumatism ; nothing did
any good till 1 tried T/toin.ts' . Felcctric Oil.
h a itloasuro to recommend it , "
itsiiiyrilers ,
Recruit George L. Learning , enflal
at Fort D , A. Russell , \Vyo. , is assigi
) to COiflpV.1i A , 0th infantry.
' .l'lio following itaiiied recruits onlial
. at Forts DouglasUtalu and Omaha , Ne
are assigimed as follows : Cord Jomisen
0 oiiaiy 11 , Otlu iiifantry ; Edward Fe
3. child to the 4th infantry.
Leave of absence for one month ,
a . take ofiect whteti lila sorviceit can
spumed by his host commander , and.
I permission to apply to headquarters
vision of the Missouri for an oxtomis
: of oiio timomithi , is granted First Luout
ant George Palniur , 0th infantry.
compliance with telegraphic nisti
( ions froni headquarters division of
Missouri , of the 7th instant , CapI
Charles A. 11. McCauley , assistant qi
temniastor , will proceed without dola
r Chicago , Ills. , and report to time ci
, quartermaster of time division.
Iii Time tr.uvel dirtactod is necessaty for
1 public service.
. I'rivruto John 0 , Evans , company
) Nititli ilifantry , meow on dut' as lioa
st'ward 3d class at Fort Sidney , h' .
I will proceed to Vomit Omaha , Ncl , ,
; report to time coin'naimdnmg ' olhieom time
for duty its lioeital steward 2d class ,
arrival of Ilmivate Bvaims at Foi t Our
mis Ilospital Steward Max Arendt1 U. S.
10. will be relieved from duimy at that
and orduroti. to report to the cotuuutt
I. .
officer Fort louglas , Utah , for duty , n
lieing Hospital Steward 11. II. Vo
Falkonatoin , U. S. A. , who , Ofl being n
hieveti , will comply with paragraph I
special orders No. 267 , hioxudquartors C
the Army , November21 , 1883 ,
The Johbiii Trao of Uiilha ill 1
Far VIcst ,
As iteporfeil by a Coitiiiiurclnl 'I'rai
'icr , amid One Too , VItu l ( tiow ,
of' W'lnt ) Ito Si'caks.
A few evening's since , as a han ropoi
ter was lounging in the ofFice of time P.Ii
lard hotel , in hopes of catching on to
stray itetie vhiicli , porcliaimce , might L
floating around in time atmosphere of thim
i.haco , his eye lit (11)011 time inatily fort
atid genial countenance of .John Beattl
Jr. .Jolmim is a commercial traveler k
lined , .loiios i Co. , and hii lioadquai
tora are at Ogden , Utah , where he ri
mains about eleven months out of a ycaI
lie makes aemiatmnual trips to this cit
to replenish hii sanqie cases , talk bus
floss , and renew old and pleasant assoc
ations. it was oio of these little trij
he was upon wheat assailed by Tim Bu
reporter amid asked for a few points i
regard to time jobbing trade of Oniaha I
time far vost.
Mr. hlcatty informimod us that thmroum
Utahi , Colorado , and Wyoming it is Sn
Francisco , Chicago and Omaha drmunme
for it , and tlmttiie Onmalnu mete are go
ting their full share of the trade and am
constantly increasing time size of their o
lIe stated flint a nuimibor of our large ;
wholesale houses are sending inca itit
this territory with abundant success , an
lie accounts for the increase of time Onmi
ha trade iii the ivcst , larticularly i
Utah , by the way iii which ti
newspapers of this city have looke
upon the Mormon question , and fro
the fec that they have almost left it ci
iy abut. hence time Morimiomis are feeiii
very pleasant towards time press of tb
city amid comsequenUy towards it citizoi
iii getmoral , and its comunmercial travele
iii particular. lIe says it is no troult
for an Omaha conmniercial maim to se
goods to a Mormon merchant , amid al
says that they are very pleasant imioti
sell goods to ,
In speaking of time trade this fall am
winter , as compared with that of last so
so ! ) , Mr. hieatty informed us that it iv
equally as good and if anything a tril
bettor thamm at that tiame.
lii spealdimg of the dilierent branch
of tmado iii this city , Mr. Beattysaid tim
one of tIme great imeeds is a large whm@1
sale clothiiimg house located hero to su
ply time western trade , and 1)rcdicted tit
a very short time would elapse before U
establishment of such a house iii tI :
Mr. Beatty reported business muon
general iii that section of time country
feeling very hopeful amid buyimmg iar
bills of goods. .
A Pout' Nights Engygonuent
Time famous Bostomi Ideal opera coi
pamuy will play an engagement of fo
miights in Omnaim , beginning ( 'Ii P.ioiiday
next week. They will opomi in Fatinib
which will be followed by "Time Mi
keteers , Girofle.Girolla , amid FraDiavol
The Ideals lmavo never appeared in On
ha in time last two operas. in the thii
act of Fm Diavola , Mr. Whitmmoy will i
troduce his great bass aolo , "Time itt
bors , " by Henry Bishop.
The leading people who will appear
Omaha during this enragenient at
Marie Stone , Geraidimmo Ulnmar , Math iii
Phiillils , Lizzie Burton , Toni Ical
FTerndorm Morseil , Myron W. W'imitmmo
11. 0. Barimabco , 'mV. ' 11. McDonald at
George Frothiiuthamiu ,
The conmpaiuy PlaYed last week iii
I'aul to a business of $ fl,8i0,50 , t
biggest eiiguugcmnciuit over known imu tIm
¶ 'iio sale of aitnt3 will boitm next Fridt
iumornulug at I ) tm'clotitz.
A rumor was current upon thin . .trcctsy
tonlay nfforiioomu thief. a yotnig lady in Sot
Om.ahn hitil coinuiuitted simicio ! by cutting I
tltrotit with a jazor. Time muumimor was aft
ttauni Iottrrci to li tvltltotmt foitiutiattoti.
Absolutely Pure.
ThIs powder namer vrtos. A marvel of iur
strongh stud , hoIcsometiei , , More uonoiulcat t
the oaiiiary kli.ds . , stud cannot be , oW in compotll
t stththe inuititudo of low teit , aluort weight , alua
t 1.hoiphMo iowders. ioId only In can. . Itoyal Ii
'I.e Voder Co. , lOd Wftii Street New York.
. jgpociala will Posittyoly not be inserl
unless iatU in ativance.
TO LOAN-Money.
ONi. to luau on tied Estito $ ccurlty. 13
r 1.01) 01102. , SIT at , i3th Si. 2061
3 - ' rONEY 10 LO.N Iii siini .1 $ SOO , or more
III iomme tinie t 61 I'ur ccitt par annum by it
l'atteraon , ittio. , mcci t&rnsui bt. 704'in
I 1ONEY Tm ) LOAN-i. T. lioatty can. ou ciii
I iU rroterty. SiS Soot ! , 14th ift. sept
' ONgYTOLOAMThD1owu $ rfttos of jmut
I' 1)1 fliniIs' LQa.iu Alou0y , Utu & Douglas.
, )1BL WAIfThP.
% rAPrrv.u11dy ) iouw keeping cook pLeb
IC flrt cIas3 it I' ' fvr fumsilds 001 * Ttii I
g r.tti
. 2' ' , . .
Infants anti Children
Without Morplthmn or Narecutine
I Winut gimos our Children mcy diodes ,
L What cures their fevers , mnakos tiucimu sloop :
'TI CiorIa.
When 1iable fret , and cry by turns ,
. \Srhat cures their colic , kills their worms
3. . , hut Cm.torjru. ,
'What quIckly cilmos ConVtIpzmtfoh , ,
I Sour Stomach , Colds , Indlgc'stion a
, mmlii Cnstolt
Faroweli then to Morphine Symu'ps ,
Castor Oil and l'nregorlc , anil
! ! ! ' Crtutorf.
Centaur Llnlmont.-Anab
solute euro for RhonnLatlsni
Sprains , Bmiriis , Galls , &o , , anti a
instantaneous Paln.rdllevor.
- girl to sow smut heIi in a uiuali fal
' \ fly , nnn.l treatmnclit nnJ lair tnges. Mrs , J.
t'tty 2220 Dough's St , , oar 23rd between intact , ,
) _ girl to ito getiemal housework. A
S ply at 21)0 ) Callforiln street.
- for cook Atuf general luotiso wom
V \TANTED-fllrI St. 322.i
'VA"rEi- , ' linker , wacs4tO 3cr iteek , ear ,
a maeii nti itilliants. ama-ti ;
_ first c1& cliaiubermahl anti , IliuI
S yANTEnA at the City hotel , 10th cmi liar , , .
B , LYON , fornuerly of Stcaiucr "Yomg , I
t. PtuIIiC , " V.11(1 later County ( tierk Iii 1V3uini
'rcrrItor , Ii iwitucetcil to conutleate , , with adi
tise , . Any IIO kea , it , . file nhi.Ires4 ii Ill Ol)1tO ) l > ii
.atIlcs ly , infetiIng " .l l. ii. , " care Iio 383 ,
V. I' . 0. lcc9.ltin&
yANT1I-t'rcss : fcutlcr at Itces' l'rltitluj , 0111 ,
sy 2185.iAthst' : moo.ii
MIES Olt YOUNU 1EN tr city or country
L take nice. light atitiptca.aut , work at their ci
borneo ; $ ? to.ia day aiIy anti qtiiciy niade ; ira
cet , by mali ; mu , cammcaatig , ; , . siap for , op
1'lcc aIdrcs , $ tan't ( o. , i'iiliuIolrtIa ) I'
draiver TT. in
) - t boy about 15 yeart alit Mi
S yANTEi-Saia , to work. 1liiUiru at S.3tU
IIEES' .rltmtlu , ollice , timS S. litluetreet. 308.t
" - . .33agct ti ) cll the lesL trIll
S Ilmicot Ladles' and CIiIlde'smetois , uer oiler. .
S1ctiado uiiade itt every l.oue . as last a. ateemits
uhow tin g'i.'il. ' . . are , , ial.i.g . $100 ii in , ) , ,
Ail,3rc. , , tittli atRium' , " 0. . U. M. Cu. , " U Scull. M
St.Chicago , III. 335' !
utic , , to icarmi book.kecplt
a t'.ii , flail gonl ltiiatfon soon as coilipetci
Call at 1836 Douglas tLect , oier Slgcr , , Machi
eticc. ! aom.ioi
_ e tie , Metrapolitan lintel one fit
S cla8i ( ltZIg ) , , room girl. Nonootluericei , apj
- good Ocriuan cook. Apply at
I \rArEn-A 11th at1 , , Ifarey , St. 288.10
- . good anti rcpcctabie family
' \TAN1ElJ-.t , , lealtylioy ) , ta a years of ago.
Ito a "C. S. " lieu oilier. 274
TANTE'-Goe'I ilitilmig room girl at Carey hot
S , 11th antI Davenport. 282.t
T Chicago , Ill. , waitageit , tocamiia Omnalua ii
vicinity for tlicir new sj.vliaitlc't . They cml , , , tit
best mutemits clear $7 icr day. Civ.ilare free.
_ few agents 1 imumeedlately , Omi
I Store Itei.alrWorki , 109 S. 14th St. 945.1n
T'NTA gooti ciml'etcIt girl to .10 geruc
5 ; \T'NT iiork , steady ecciployccient amid g
Wages. Ap'iy to Mat , A. W. Clarke , i'apiilion.N
tTANTEI-i'osltloii as hook keeper or correep
S y dent s Itic firma needing ucai cimly part of
day. Address "A. " lice ollice. 121-if
' ' ' situation to do p1
'tTtii''ED-i1y a girl-A
, ceolcig and care id chuldrci. , Address , A.
care M. Grmheck , 0th and t'lerco streets. Ocna
TAN1'1A situatfoic by a young man In mc
' \ busIness house. Wholesale irefsrred. I
sonc cxpcrlcccco In the clothIng husliccis. Spu
tiormnan acid English. Salary no object. Aitdr
A. M. , flee oilier. 807-Itt
1TANTED-A , ltuatlon to taku care of horses
! 1 do ivork about the imiuso. 4tdlres " 1' . II. "
.1)1cc. ) 100.10
\TANIF0 - It a yotug , iwumof some C.IccrIvncc
Yf dlspcislg , , , it sliuttlon In a thug store , good
ereneco Ca , , hu given. ddllret5 ' 'it. I. 33. " room , ,
Frczer' , illock 01li0t3lte I' . 0. 230-It
1ATANfED-InP10Y,1icIt ercnlnizs , iiiIl keciP a
, v of hookeordoanyotlier work. Adirea.
lIce otlice. 121 I
, , , ,
tpeiil d total Intl for practicic eat , I earn suneth
of lntertt lvadlresslcg , , "lrtcgs' care of Occialial
) - ° buy for c.i1m a genii ecconi Ii
V \ idaho. Address "XV. " 910 Montana St. Onc ;
Neb 333-1
I TANTEl-1'alor , hal too , , ,' hec , 11cr
'I nrc lIttle used. liiittlrti at 71)6 % VC1JtCI St.
FOIL RtNT--flousoa and Lots ,
- ' I1ENT-Firnlseil ) teem 1010 Farlinici str
I- 082 iI
IinN'r-oiio lirnlslicl , rooc , , , I cc , , loll
Felt unfaru 1Ie.l at e'1 ! ? . pjly at SI !
loll , . 131011
1OIt lilNi'--'Iture , inn ly fitted Icacoes , all Ii , I
class coitlitlon , corner ltitl , amnl lLoiitr.itrc .
One wIth tune rooms one wIth eight rees , amid
a lth ueici , rooni , . AIm ivlth ccllare , coal houses
eloset complete , ale ga' , sewcrngo accil satcr. I
inancut tecait , , preferred , ai.l , ii'lioro parties are
knowci rel.rccices , required. Inquire at ILEII
co.'at , 1112 llcuriacy street. 30i-
IIEST-Twa handomcly furmlsltocl , roe
JOmt , " suItable I r tue or four gentlen
flati ) reoni conveiclenco , , 1723) Capltalimvenuo.
30-i1 !
Oil RENTflcislnvs .Itlco - Good boat
F Large front rain , on eeoc&d Ilior , , % lilIy
Farcialcu etrcet , IllS-I
RENT-A nIcely furnluhocl room , 'ai'li '
FoIl bonn ! . IIaC , lint nail ccli i.n'er ii ,
eta , Finest Icciitloii In tie cIty , icoriliweut cal
itthand Farnim streets. fli.
1 "OR IIE1.'T-I'irtly I Iril4lic.I , hajenuont , ha
j'4 ronhi , ' i.cItabIu hit light liocisukvtpltiic. l'i , ,
rtitiiii LUIIU ViOl get 2rrgtclar hoarder , 1617 ChIn
, IIENT-5 recta Iiouc , barn , fruIt ,
I I grouhid ,
4 room horse , 2 acres.
14 coccI ) Itoilto now. AilIS ,
250-ti 1507 larican
iOliBNTlio.e , , ini1'cr tOll It'arnaiiu St.
per , iionuh , Apply to k'reil Vi. Gray , 0th
louglas St. _
'moli IIENT-Furmilehed rooni amid dy hoard
reasocishlo ratei , rut 1814 Davenport . street , I
18th and 10th. 92i.1 (
fiOlt ENCIIANIE-L'ity rrsldcnec , ( arnie anti I
.1. . iice.e cluuceue , JV. . LOUI'S1IUIt ,
235-ito 15th acitl Famna'c
-iou 1titNi-ilueiicrmt , iOohii 21i6tJ , N. W. ( Or
i Tenth suit Joties St. . l-niiubrc : of lire. 'V. if
uedy S It corner 10th slut Jackson , 221 U
Trifle IIF1NT-Ilouce coucH roonc. ,
U mS' .3 , I'Illt1'8 1105 , 8th and Spruce , trc
. -iou ltncr-4t iilco uric half 1119 Dedgi
4 itulro ci , 1iniu11lse. 131
NT-3 new lioUioS , to roe , earl , , le
F glc , hot and calif water &c. I acup to first c
tehaist , IIOGtIS & UJLI
1tolt I1IfNT-Furnlehed rooms on the norths
.I _ cot. 1Mb sail Caliltolalenur , formerly Vrt'lgt ;
blouse. 183.
NIt : furnlohcd room for rent at t0. fargo coot
for two occnhiaOte , 1314 Wsbsterstreat , 849.
IIENT-itooius In Nebraska Nitioea 1k
Felt , Moet .icelraile oitiee In the c
supplied wIth h > cIraulIc elevator and heated
steam. Apply at flauk. 628
_ .
w- - - -
wI.uoit LASt-Four choice iou on 20th St. . I
L tImetf N , 16th 81 , , L. Matbie. G2-
storabulldlagl. BED'
1011 nnNT-ne'ql.Ienres ccl
ii FORD SOUEIt , llcsI Estate Agency. OI3t5
cut side 14th street , between Farnsm and 130c1g183
streets. 792-s
tt SALi-iloaa.ilnr lcouo , A Iargan. ! ' ! ' 1
I to IL Sttuciwellcr , 11th near Faram , , 320m2
agriud , ceuifliaccThr
, i till It , perfect order. May lie sceim at A. .3.
SilciI.tiiI'5 ( 'arclsgu factory. 812.111
'Oli MAIE-l.otii , .lilartor ) , cIe siiith of I ' I' itc.
I 1)01 , itrafld i trw caine of the mibceat Iota Ii , the
$175 to f3t ) ) . oIl , no.thI , . ptynintg. ,
C. li. 8IAYNS&&tO. , it.ot Fartia , . . .
SAIE-62---FnIi lot Ii 1ooIml cottage , CIStCthl
1 tiell , fruit , 'ee. , corncirlot , on 111th St. near the
dejiot$2.000. Sniall Iiftyh1cent , Iowm , nail lialanco ohh
ca.y teris. C. if. MAYNi : .t CO. , lioO larmiani.
iOIt HA1E-Two sprmnglcg cows , A1'lib' sit cor.
I 2.itIu acitI CalIfornIa ,
; Mill SALI'-Pciy quiet In buggy or saddle , good
for famIly time. J. Ii , L'owlo at N. It. i'alcoiers. ,
Poit ixiIfi'laO : : uprIght litno tOt aIe
Clirall , Or mIll oicliamgo for , .thier ldroiitrtY. , tl' .
) 'Iyitt 1615 Dodge St 285-13
) htlATE 8LE--Ot IioucbcoIti goods , mutant' new ,
I InquIre 1814t'cbtcr strect , 25.i0I
iiii .s tLE-My two story lirlck rcsltcncc , 13
nnl St. Ilary's cii cone , Large bari , out.luocm'
water wore , , istll arraigctl. , tot fOx200. L'r
97,500 , llet Ilargaicu In Ocnihn. Call at 81. . . Tot
i'ColilO'S flank , , 577-t
iOitSALti--m2 Iota , one block wet of l'urk cue-
I flue care , lot , lt0'iifc0. V3ll sell lice whole tract
for $7,100 , If sold litton , .Ianuary let , 1584. heat cc'
tate owners hid thIs bargal , , , If you cii I at J'opIo's
Beak. ' ,8 1 ?
iomt SALE-CloIa , hulnco property , thrc lot.
cor. Saitcitlers cmii Charles itircat. It tilil sey you
to liii ettigate this 03cr. Call at I'eojIe's l1ak ,
: i011 SALE - Itnpmoi cit property , ii hlch i.III pa
L the 1iiter 20 Per cent emi the tti'ostiient. , lieiit9
for 81,020 per % oar. All occupIed by lint claw. tell'
ants. % ill sell for $10,500 , It sold coo , , . . MI or miccu.
half ca-h , Idalanec , one to live years. The ioo li. , '
% cstiiictit is worth Iuvstlgatloi. Call at the t'colilo'S
Hank. 28otf
OR SAT.1-A 1,00k , , heirs , aitl , statloiccr utore
F stock , iilII lcirIce about i3O0 , a goist olieiflZ
fat a Ilium ii itl siciall capital for Imitorinatboim , apply
at the lice 0111cc. 270.12
SALli- . one acre lot auil house Of 4 roonn
Poll 4 blocks of St. . Mary's Ave. Stuet car hue
t'rlco $3 700. TIil will he ii , the ticarket 4 ilays only.
1 ! . fi. 111EV CO. ,
257.1) ) S. W. corner 11th acid Famnamn.
Olt SALE-Thco ten foot show cases. 1miulru ,
F Jtdlolnu nl Erickson , 264.11
SALE-Five acre lots , hear faIr groumids ,
JiOlt o , cl , , $100 dow , , , balance I , , monthly pay.
, ncictq. C E MA\'Nli& CO ,
1& 1501) Faran , ,
; ioit SA1.I : - 42-3totio of I. room , , lot fOa,132 ,
u-eli , clstcrmcctc , , l'arkcr'c acldltlo , , , cilS00 , easy
terms. C B iltYSl & CO.
157-ti 1509 i'arnam
0l1 SATm-'rho flmest , resIdence lots In the cIty ,
I very cheap , oci long timimo.
ira-ti C E 3IAYNE & CD , 1503 Fnram ,
iOIi SAL--No. ! 1-7-root , , Icousc , large barci
I cistor , , , isell , etc. Lot 50i5O , near centorot cIty ;
$2,300 , $100 down , balance monthly iaymcnts.
144tf C. if. MAYNE CO. , 1501) } 'arnacn.
iOI1 SAIE-I3-Vcry , , leo 6-room , , cottage , lot
I i00tlmS , shade cud fruit treon Call all klcl of
, iinail fruIt two ai,1 one.liiiIt blocks franc 'trect car
line. 2tJS ) . . Tcrnus easy ( - if MAYSE $ CO ,
150-ti 1500 Farnam. S
! 4.tLn-'rlce cinit , convcnletly , , and elegantly
Foil ( c.itt.ago I , , Omaha. flumislmeti , scion
rooms , closet , , maitryt , cellar , bath rOof , , gratca ,
ckteri , , cit3 ivatcr , etc 1tio ICStiOC.it1Oi lii tlo city.
Streetcars pass the ilnor. Ii you want a Conl'letc
honio , you willaut get such a chance agalci. 3,20O. ,
\'crC easy terms. C. if. IIAYNE & CO. ,
240-ti 1509 Farnam.
SALm-53 feet front on Shermian aienuo , LOT
Foil lot , flume location , i cry cIoaji , lO 0. One-
thIrd cash , good time aim balance.
230-ti C if MAYNF & CO. 1500 Fariam.
I T' e sub'crlbcr Is takIng order , for slmtii'i liii.
pontatloi of the clIme. i'riec uitclulelow tidlOc at
auction sales. Itcicrences to those supplied. Job , ,
Mcculloch , Ill. Trustand say , flank , Chicago.
203 2cut . -
Olt SAL.E-45-Two full lots , 7 r on , houtc , barci ,
F clutoru , iclI , shrubbery , etc. 3,60o ; one third
cash , or tilli trade for farm ii itlilim toelve icilles Of
Omaha. C. if. MAYN1 & CO. 1500 Farcuiii
houseomi Daicnport strost ,
F , , l sllehlllid order , very imice miace , $2OuO , 100
doi , , , , balance on nionthly istallneitc. , ,
183-tI C. Ii. Mt\7-F1 .t CO. , 1509 Farnamu.
01t SALE-IT-Nice cot'ago , 5 rooms , liar , , , c1-
I - toni , etc. lot 50x150 , on Convent street , 93,000 ,
long tlcao ( in Part. C. E , MAYNE& CO.
ITS-ti 151.0 Farnaun.
° n .SAI.i-21-IIve room Imotmac , ( till tot , barn ,
F shaibbery , etc. , 15th strect , smith Omaha ,
2,16O. C if SfAYNE& Co.
lTo-tf ' 15C'J Fariiacci
° ' SALE-A , , enrly new liou-to of 5 minus ciccil
I halt lot , on Cliarle , street , , ccar KIic , , $1,000 ; 900
.loiv , , , balance , iontliIy lavIietS. , AtJlre'e , ,
iso-ti ( ItO. ii. ltATlilitJN , Cit ) . , hcahleiico Iot. to ( Irniil , iew ad.
poll , 9175 to 32.S och miiitlily payccecits. C. 1. MAYNE Ic LU. , 1600 larxiam.
iOlt SALE-Lot , inhllmebmglm plane . ) , .u . blork . I
froth St. car hue ; i cry ilesirable reiclent'e IIrOP'
oTt ) . SilitlYEit8 MEld. ,
OIl S.Lfl-0 good tovcq , some furniture aiI a
F large quantIty of ecelleiit % liio iery cheap 1838
Califerula Si. 031.imco ,
SAI,1i-.I0-l.arge 7.roon lioise , two full Iot ,
Foe , tioll , cIstern , etc. A SIlchlJIct homne ; 92,010 ;
goo'l Umco Cli Iiam cncnts ,
Iso-ti c. I. iitYNlt & CO. , lidO Farnaii.
OIt SAIIi-lloiucs acid I Os cmiii ( arias IL 13.
111EV , Se CO. , S. 'tV. ceruer , iSta and Farnami , .
019 ti
S.tlC-51-'l'ni , hilcu lots Ic , Eotccctz .2 iititli'
pItt Itlo , , , cheap. Easy lemmas ,
181-ti C , E , 3iYl & CO.,15i-mt'armiani.
SAI.E-A few five acre lots , iear the Fair
FOR , very cheap. on locZ tImer.
805-ti C Ii. 3i.YNIi CO. , 1500 Farmcatii
SALE-mOO to 150 cords of hard ivuod , now
Foil dbsIpllcii ) 01) ' ' 1,10)0 i"arnf' Oii Cicnlmig St. ,
halt mIle iroct of Military brIdge.Slli loll ) he 501)1
to one liuirchaser. IlifOllS , Agent , Iitlm and Douglas
581,11-Farm 3 , cmllec 5 , W. of city. lr.quro ,
VOlt Sire.loycr 623 N. 15th St. Bmi.1cui ,
iOlt SItl.S-Two lOts N. W. corer , of 25t1 , aol
ChIcago St. inquIre of Edholin acid ErIckson , I
iOlt SALI-A few choice lot. In Lowe's altlitlo , ,
] ammtl i'roc1wtt 1113Cr , $75 to $260 , nuoultici ) lii.
stallmnente. C. 11. 8lA1'XIt .t CO. , - ' ' . f4
182-ti 1501) ) Farna , , , ,
'IjiOlt SALE-A first class second moo top OU.tKj
.1. Call at 1310 Ilarney strcet. 7ti
OR RAflt-lloeldcnco cid , liueinee property In
F p.11 parta of Omaha , and Facun Lands In all harts
of the State. IIEDFOIID Si SOUER ,
703-tI 213 3. 14th St. bet. Farnamn arcil iouglae.
OIt SALE-Two portcuoio Doicrs , 10 lores power
F Ahipl3at D. FI'l'Zi'A'i'ltiCK ,
668-if 218 South 15th Street ,
tion SALE-At abergalo , a eunall ibocler , flahnunu
.1. and Ca' , fire proof .afo InquIre at thu otlIco.
1Oli SALE-Ole newspapers mu Urge ard sniall
. 1 . uantltIee at this nffls. 0
OST-Ilumich keys bttnce , , ' , ietht's ree'auruit ' , ,
L acil ( or. 12th aumil Ilcirmcc' , Finder p ea.e Ieau
at lieu chIco 'J.l-lOl
I 3 OAI1D acid botlglrig 91.03 i'cr iicek at the Iferney
St. Itestauramt 842-mo'
Los-I- , ' redlrlhcetter l"il ) , n film a llttlo t liTi
0ti breast , 8 mucouithe nb , hail ni , cicctc ii hen P.4 4
a beathcr sitar' ; lImo dollars reward fur lila returci to
C. Oskalni. . 2215 Welister it. 329-121
TIIAVE-Fromi thu resIdent-c ci S II. Jomics 2207
I iVehetem- , one snnll Ida ) Iillacm , lomlY , lie-
card paId lormctirn of bob , fsa..20
) EIISONAIIf this meets the eye of tlCOIlOI-1
] SNELIU1IOVE , iron , llrookl)3I , Ii' , 'u' , isIll fiu ' .
ltdl'lrbS ' JOhN 1. EI'SEI1Y , lieu oltice ,
AlE ? ( :1'flc.l cu , ' . hIli a ftc r whIte $11015 ,
T Ow'icr , COIm hiu caine by caIIImm' at I ) . H. lLa3 - P
dem , ' duilm3 north cml 2ttli St. , eiuul 103 lug cliarce.
T O3'FA goll lcor4o iatch ctsr , , , . ilmmdcr sIll be
J..4suitatily rwarile4 11 returned to
ito-tI c , E. IIAVNI-i & CO. , 1503 l'armmanm
At.LST 803 Tenth atruot , bctWt'fli Yernam and liar.
nor , isill , with the aId of gucaliamu .plrlti , ottalaln4
&nm omue I % acc of lb past atd preeccal , and the
curtcn t'endltlon. II , the futuri- . Boots and lmc
maiO O1U5V , lcrtu-ct satisfactIon gucrautcoti ,