ii i i 1 I ( , T IIL DAILY - - COlJ CIL I3LUFIt S 1 U L SDAV 11BLR 11 , 1883. ' i iE DAILY BEE. C0UNCTLRLUFis. Tuesday Morning , Dec1 11 , sUBsCR11T10ti i.STiS : Uy C.rlar - - - - - - - 20 cente per v rnk By MI QlaOD y er Year _ - : - - --10FFICS ; No. 7 Pearl Btreot , Near Broadway , MINOR MENTION , See .losoph lteiter's fall goods. Cheap Itaflroad Tickols at Buslmell's , Casady & Oreutt will sell you carpota cheap , The Ilound Pablo moots this evening at Dr. Montgomery's residence. Board of trade meeting this evening. Iel the b11Sf10S8 mien turn out in full force License to marry was yesterday given B , S. Leader and inoma Plank , bout of Oakland. The council moots to.morrw oroning again , Will they take some action cii the fire alarm ? Rico's Surprise party arrived at the Ogden yesterday , and showed up at Dc heny's last night. IL Williams was yesterday fined for raising a row over a heard bill at Lower's hotel , ho couldn't pay thu fine and wcntto jail. The electric lamps have hoou hung up , and now all is ready to start up as soon as the globes arrive , mid they arc ox pccted or any train. A telegram was received from Loveland ycatorday stating thst liorao thiovea had , on Sunday , stolen a team , wagon mid ltarnoss of W. F , Jenkins , of that place , The Second street bridge is in bad con dition , amid there is a bad gas leak there. The boys coining from school amuse themselves by striking matches and sot. ting lire to rho leaking gas , Shugart , SVaito 1C Wies are preparing to put up another largo agricultural ma clrinery warehouse , on Lower Maui street. It is to ho GI by 100 feet , built of wood , covered with iron , and will ho completed this winter. Time annual meeting of the Western Iowa Horticultural society , is to be hold at Malvern , Ia. , December 12 , 13 and 14 1883. Copies of the programtno can be had on application to Gcorge Van llouter , secretary , Lenox , Ia. 'Time charges of lewdness preferred agaimmt "Texas , " amid another colored man amid a woman , wore yesterday dis- 1ntBsod , it seeming to have grown out of jealously , or sonwthiug of the sort , and the fuss having been settled out of court , 1Slr. E. P. Nichols , formerly connected with W. II. Marble in the grocery busi- I1055 , has returned from Kansas , bringing - ing with hie : a wife. On Saturday oven. fnl' they hold a reception at his father's residance. The Rescue fire team got frisky whflo ' hitched to the wagon yesterday on upper Broadway. One horse got a leg over the t I J wagon tongue , and thou bout rmr. Be. fore they could bo stopped the nochyoko ( and sonic parts of the harness wore ' ' broken. 'Thera was a row at Limo Junction + afternoon noon which led to the arrest of Joe t lfohnan , who gave $10 for his appear- ance in court this morning , 1olnran [ t i , claims another follow throw a chair at him , and he had to defend himself. The other follow was notto , be found. Y Thu Ilerofin family , living in llazol 1)ell township , are having trouble , To M old mar has couplafnod of the sons for assaulting and battering kin : , amid there a acme much bad blood , Justice Abbott had theta befcro him yesterday , and pat then under boids to appear again o : Thursday , when lie will try to adjust fannly matters for tlonn , 4 THE NEW DYEWOItKS , F. It. Ifurlburt has olonod , at No , 81 Pearl street , a steam dying mid French dry cluaniug works. Planes and tips , velvets silks , satins , gent's cluthfu ' ' nwrchniit's shlf worn goods , all made asp good as meow , ' Kcal Latato Transfers , II I I The following dco.i ; were filed for ro 4 cord in the recorder's otlico , December 10 , reported for the BEE by 1' . J. Mc- Make : : , real estate agent ; Nancy Stead to Iliranr V. Stead , part 19. 29 and 30 , 75 , I3-$3,000 , flans Yoga to Jurgon ltiof , part w- , viol , not , 1J , 7o , 33-$1,00 , - ! lams Schoeuuig to Frederick Floor , r "J , so } and 1)e. } ' su , , 29 , 74 , 42-$3,400. S. O , llarlow to , B. Nelson , part lot 11 , block 30 , Avoca-$25 , t Lovell Swisher et al. to Addison Coclit ran , noJ , iic } , 4 , 70 , 4 t-$25 , Macedonia Town Co , to Ohio Knopf , lot 4 amid part of 5 , block 'J , Macedonia -$100 , L , P. Judson toV. . Siedentopf , lots I I 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 and 24 , block 55 , railroad add-$200 , 1' . Judson toY. . Sledontopf , lot 14 , y block 15 , Iloward a ndd-.0. D. II.Vatson to IL S , 'Watson , part ao } , noJ , 12 , 75 , 40-$175 , Ucorgo B. Chuck to M. 11.1'rico , lot 4 , block 18 , Bryant& Clark's add-$150 , 't'otal sales , $7,090 , 1'EIISONAD i Chris. Miller , will is will : tbo I.arimnor horse Dubuiiuo , made his first visit to Council Bluffs yesterday , and was the guest of tire Ogden , Fremont Benjamin , Avuca'e attonioy , war , ; at the Pacific yesterday and attendhig court. 'floe 1)lstrlct Coimmi. The jury in the case of Covonwoig & Nclioontger vs , Thomas Moisten , of No. r ola , yesterday returned a verdict for the i I plaintiffs. A number of defaults mid ulollons were entered yesterday , and there being no eases ready for trial adjournment was taken until lids mornm ' 1'ho trial of the crunhwl case will probably commerce next Monday , Sir per cent city and farm loa s. S , W Foguuon d Co. , 39 Pearl Kt. RrwiC 4 n UNCLE SAM'S ' HOUSE , Thu Ncv Snpcriutcadcnt Arriocs and lnterricws the Citizens , ( ; Onll I'IYaiecros For n Shur Imislend ol'a lli'lek llulldlug. There has boom : much delay in the beginning - ginning of work Cu the now government building hero , 'Pilo location has already been fixed o : 1)11(1 tine ground pnrcilased , leaving about $85,000 of tlmo appropria tiomleft to go into the building itself. The citizens have lead the hope of gutting nn additional appropriation this winter , as the importance of time city doniands more of a building than that amount will provide. Part of the delay has bean coused by this feeling here , many of the citizens not wishing the plans prfectcd until they could ascertain whether they could not get mnoro money and a large building. The plans are nil domie now , however , nail time uowly appointed superiutendont , Mr. King , arrived here Sunday. lie said that Supervising architect Boll desirea to tiara a steno building erected hero instead of a brick ono , but time plains are for a vary handsome tllreo story and basement brick building , trimmed with : stone , blr. King's elmiof abject f i visiting Council Blu/l's / at this time was to learn the fooling of the citi- zees hero , and by interviewing a goodly number of them before ho left ho found the sontiuiont to be unanimous in favor of n stone building , provided it could be built as large as time one proposed of brick and stono. Thu apociicntions provide - vide for the very best quality of brick and flue stone trimmings , and it is thought that a atomic building - ing at least veneered with stone , as , moat of the so-called stole buildings arc , could be built about n cheaply , 'T'hen what Mr. Icing says , it Boons that tlio ( lopartmet atYaslifng ton favor n totter buildfn ( , for Council Bluffs than the one Provided for fu the present ap pro priatiomi. . 'l'imo location of Blufl'al the large amount of mail miccossarily hamidlod hero time imn ortanco of the city , amid time considerations point clearly to time fact that time ovornment building hero shall be fully ce1ual , ml not superior to nn7 in Iowa or Nebraska. Everything ms to readiness for work to cornmouco at onto on time foundation , amid the plans can be changed somewhat after the work has commenced , so that it is said there will ho no delay but tle work will begin fmmediatoly. Mrs , M , Carroll , fashionable dress. nlakincutting and fitting a specialty. Apprentices wanted , No. 7211 First avemmue , up stairs , - ABSURDITIES OF SOIENOE , TLr Founibulon Laltl for 'I'tvo Moro ILetllrl'N to Feller. The Baptist church Sunday night was crowded , ovary scat being taken. The audience , as op the previous Sumiday evenings , coitainod many who do not usually attend clpurclt , but wlio soon to linvo become so interested in this series of lectures that they attend quite regularly - larly , mid give very careful and thought. fun attontioL Time discourse way a par. titularly intoreating one , and giver in a popular , ploasim g manner. On this occasion - sion Rev. .1. G. Lemon cho6o as his titanic "The Absurdities of Science , " and as a starting point , rather than a text , chose tiomeais i:27 "God " : : created mnu , etc. etc.Thu Thu speaker propounded time question "From Whence are \Vet"-a ? question whose great import was only equalled by that other query : " \Vliithur tend we.l" . - TIme anawer to emu is time answer to time other. if inn cones from niattar time : to natter muat lee return , but if there is an inunetorial somotiag it nest cone from : : Cod amid return to God. So leaches the bible , but aonio nay that blind matter is time niotor of all. The nlamt who , in view of Limo great nchiuvenantaof science , ridicules soiunco , is a fool , but yet inn : : should distinguish between scientifically deuonatrated truths , mud more conjeoturos of scientific Ilium : . ! n times past ignorance amid priostcrnft but not true roligiot , opposed - posed science , amid persecuted it , and now su ) erlicial thinkers sponlc as thought true . was opposed to science. Time truth of scieico lmiaily attracted mitten : tiomi ami won ' ) opularlty , amid then time saino rabble wlme c p osod it mach n g ad of it and 1persoodcd t hose tuba aunply wanted science to prove assertions befcro accepting thw11L Thu speaker appealed especially to time Y 0111:6 awn to beware of joining this o changing , ignorant rabble , " Accept the truth , but accoIt nothing simply because it comes backed by lmi , ' h soumidup i , g uan1 es. If demnonstratod truth compels us to ac. keowledgo that we are , in absolute 801:50 of tlmo word , brothers of time clod , lot us , with dowllcast eyes and dosparing hearts follow whore truth lends time way. But , we will not seek , against evidence amul reason , to force ourselves to accept stick n doctrino. Boar in niiud hint awn of great infnds and atbaiumunta may be weak in sound particulars , and that such men many adraneu absurd theories , merely to satisfy the pride of intellect , or time desire - sire to tarn man from time beaten maths of their fathers into now ways blaze out b l ' thomsolvcs , IIo classed Darwin , lluxle' , Tyndall anti others as of this class , with Boucher and other lesser lights followimmu fn time wake. When Boucher declared himself an ape , ho made the nest senslblo duclar atoom : of his life , ' 1'Iio epeakor then sought to justify hfnmelf for speahin lightly of a theory backed by mcu of sch : earniim and. abmhty' , loavhl aside rho b sound. Phrases 11i the say man fa but mtothor form of mmwtter , that time bile secreted by time liver is of time saino osaeice as time thought secreted by the brain , lie thou quoted from : : tlmesa writers to subata : tiato this , lint zone niigit say that lnrn of sewnco mover used ridicule. 'Tine apcakor that quoted frmn 'ryndall , whou lie cells those wu diflur tram him stupid clowna , brawlers , etc. lie quoted from : : others to tle same effect and thou made time sharp point that such mimeo showed 1passion amid prejudice , ratlwr tl : am Auto roason. 'l'tieso so-called scientific Blon claimed that most seiedists agreed with : the uvolutio : doctrine. They also claimed that lifo has origiuatod from Bom.livleg matter , Tlme speaker had only time to show up time falsity of time first claim , leaving the second to be handled in next Sunday evenings discourse , Ito proved by quoting from these scientists then- selves that scientisls did not ngreo with the tircuryof evolution. Tyndall himself - self acid-"Our foes nru to save extant those of our own hnlmSehUld , " ad acknowledges - knowledges that some of the minds of hi horcultureareo n ) oscd loevolutiou. lie showed beitimi names frmn I'Iato dotrn to A as'iiz , that all history the realest believed in od amid decent circular man were mama. A letter was late ) snit omit to the leadfn icieiitista of th U two comititleilta co ld time responses received and pnblislied that 1)o : of science were not opposed to the idea of God amid revelation , but that true mimemi of aciomco instead of parading their beliefs weroquietly working out time secret mysteries of nature for scientific purposes , amid not to bolster imp some strange theory. There were a few great minds , with a lariio following of smaller ones , who were trymg to mnko out that lucre was a cot. filet between reiigior and science. There ivas no such comlfict. Dr. Draper has giver a misnomer to his book , "Conflict of Science and Iioligion , " Dr , Moss says ; "To { dace such a cap. : ion on his title page and then proceed to mlbstituto Itoan Oatholician for rani io : is neither lmomiorable nor honest , " Dr. Elan charges l'rof , lluxloy with : being ignorant of physiology ; Prof. Ben ] with ignorance of biology. Prof.'r'ail. also criticises kin : as a scientist. So by time highest authority Tyndall , Huxley and those of their class arc not fn time mim jority , and not to be followed an certain leaders. high : authorities say they arc quacks , and they are raising a tempest in a teapot , at which little folks stand amid wondor. Carlisle said : "Von have not convinced mao that nian sprung from mom- keys , but have convinced mo that you lave made monkeys of those you have convinced. " A majority of the scientific non were not favoring evolution , mind having pro. netted clearly time evidence of this limo siioaker pressed hero the question , "Do you want , in time face of evidence to nmako yourself time child of a worm ? It so , that Poe's poem , 'Time Conqueror Worm' is literally truo. " In closing Imo repeated this with almost dranntic effect on time nudiolco , Next Sunday night ho will handle time second claim of time socialists that the life istlio outeonmo of time non-living mat. tor , amid will give still anotlmor lecture after - tor that , time subject having developed beyond - yond the scope of over two discourses. - --Spritual si ii. Itev , A , K. Bates , of the Presbyterian church , ha(1 a house full Sunday evening to hear what lee had to aay on time above subject. Ho handled it mainly fromn a scriptural standpoint , quoting passage after passage to substatiato his views. IIo believed iii spiritunliaum , but not in the generally accepted souse. IIo thought that good angels came from heaven to luau , sometimes , but only in o'edienco to God's mmimdato , and on special - ial missions. ' ' : o bad spirits wore chained in the world of darkness , and of them , Satamm alone was able to rove time world like a devouring beast. Satan might possibly assume the form of some departed ono , amid thus decievo and mislead - lead mot , but the bad spirits themselves will not como back to earth : , and good ones canto only by God's dircctcommand , Time speaker also gave some interest. fag thoughts emi time "hell" of time Bible , and showed how time word was so frequently - quontly misinterpreted. By it was often meant time place of departed spirits amid not necessarily a place of torment. Mr. Bates is rapidly gaining a hold of the public and many timid delight in hearing - ing him handle some of these topics. BANQUET OF THE BAR , To Be Tondarod to Judge ltcod at ate Early latc. 'I'bo mmmilbors of time bar mot yesterday inornfng at time court house for time pur pose of deciding upon appropriate action iii regard to Judge Hoed , who is soon to atop frmn time district court bunch to time supremino court , IlanV , F. Sapp was chosen chairiuamm of time mooting , amid Col. Iceatloy secretary. Col. Dailey stated the object of the gathering , and our emotion of John 'V. Baldwin a cominuitteo of save : pvere chose : to nmko arraugo- moats for giving Judge Bead a bamiquut , 1 ho following comnmittoo was appointed : .I N , Baldwin , I ) . S , Damloy , .1. If , Ioatlay , Joseph Lynmau , Marshall lcoYr N 111 , 1'uso1'1 C , It Scott. ,1 coumntitteo of thieo were also ap pointed to gather up historical data amid nicidelts of time bar , said couuitteo con- aistimig of D , W. Price , B. 1V. Hight , and D , 0. Bloomer. As Judge Rood has to go to Des Mofucs o : Friday amid Saturday to attend - tend n eonsuitaLon of judges of time supreme promo bole : , time bar decided nut to have court adjourned , but to select eo of their numibor to act as judge pro ton. On motio : of John bind : , Major Lyman was chosen for that position , atd for two dates at least this week will be a district court judge. Diphtheria is prevalent. Use Dr. JelVrmes' ( Council B111fF1) ) proveatioo and cure , or buy a cofiin. "You pay your mooy : and take your choice , " _ SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE.-SpeoIM advartlacamnte , each ae Lo.t , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Itont , Wade , n.ard. hut , etc , , will be bueodoal In fhb column at the low rata of TiN CENTS PER LINE for limo Ilrst fneortlou and FIVE OENTS 1'EI1 LINE tor esob aulsoquent In. eortlon. Lcaw advurUsomont. al ourotaoe , No. r 1'osrl street , near Bnmdx.y WANTS. Ili IrlNOAN-Oun ! maker ail rei.atvr , No , . 1008. Mdn 9L , Council in11S. , lox . , VANTID-Inhulancu , : ( fouurll rluIT. and wnnty. Addruei D. C.unIbull , reel ( ( f , ISUS Varian envt , Omaha. Iuer ] at ' [ A1' ANTBU-EturybtwyumCouncillilnaato take VV TII11i5L 1)eltvv"d ) tyartlor&t only twcuty cant. a wuuk. 1311 IIAtoAmNAnyunewantinga sat mil John. Mos. Envy clolwrml. , eight ronuuaw , anbvt w bar. gahl by ralllug at rue. Ilaa otlleu C AIIINFT I'lIOTOS-E3 by thu dozen at t11u ozcal .lorgancry , 100 Main attcut , Cuuucll Imlumi. , Dluuvr , and duuuny tarn b.th w.y. to Omaha cue. luau' : mm ordei of eIO and upxar.le , 1TAN'FFU-kreryhody : to buy a tfutetumu pre. it ) nrth morn tlau dbmnouu.-a hoaot In mho Mutual Lifu luwrauco cum any , uI Nuw I or , ( the largvatannpsny In lhu word ( rata Ioxcr than any otitur uougwny. Ii , ltobrcr , aguot for ) ot 1(111 lox a , Council 1fluer , FOR BALE AND RENT , fr 0 VENT-A good room , 110 by 10 tot , over the aallca l prtuelouladag l'ud slrott. Applyy at liar Mien 1 Iri , Dt I P13YSICIAN S , SURGEON' ' 272 Diddle Broadway , Council llutra , ABIJAH. Benders of Titx Ile } : cony wonder wily we headed this ndvertisement BS above , "We Can't Tell a Lie. " 'I'Itorefore soy to yt a that our object waste nil reel your attention to the fact that our stock of Sliiipers , OVERSHOES AND WADER , For fall afld winter wear , is the largest 1111(1 ( best we have ever hail. Ml bought FOIL ( JA Si ! front nlanufacturers1ircct. ; All work warranted - ed not to rip. Prices as lowas the lowest , Z. T. LINDSEY & CO , 412 Broadway , Council BhlfT , r I Otis A , Vest Side of St unre , Clnrinda , THE FINEST CHRISTMAS PRESENT of the Season is One of Those Elegant Overcoats Made to Order b mitIi c , ° Teller MERCIIA.NT TAILORS. No. 7 and 0 Main Street , Council B1uff s , Iowa. MAYNE & P A.LMER 7 DEALEItS IN Hard and Soft Coal , BULKAND BAR1IF . LIME , LOUISVILLE AND PolTLAND CEMENT , SIICIIIOAN PLASTER , IIAm AND BEwKIL I'IPF. No , 538 Broadway , - - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. IRZC7TORY , f 0IINC1Ib1 BLaIIFFr , x. . . JOHN W BAIRD ATTORNEY AT LAW , MANAOEIt OF POT1'AWATTAMiE COUN TY COLLECTION AOE\CY. Ot5cc center 1)roadaaynnd 3laln atrcct. JOHN BENO & CO GENE ettr andt11 lstro „ is Main ct i'os t. M . V A OHl 7 CRESTON 110USE. 1511'-I _ _ lYJ l , Aotcl , 517 and 219 brain street. D R , d , F , WHITE , . , . Corner Stain and Fifth up statrs. Residcnco , Soli Willow avenue. N SCH URZ JUSTICE. OF T11E i'EACI , . , Otnco over American Express. _ S S LIVERY AND FEED. , V Y .Lli , SYRm contract for funcmb _ at rcasonablo rates. _ :2 Fourth stroot. - - - J , 1VI , Sr m ITOHN iJJ COC.CASH BUYERS , tVholoealobtdtoreggelmul. try and fruit. Ship to us. Draft by return mall. 149 Broadway. bf ERCI r ANT TAILOR , Ii ACOB _ OCH , Stock Complete. Suits made at reasonable prices. No. 805 Ifaln St.l G F S T CONTItACTOR AND D JiLDEIt , IH , , , Corner 7th and Broadway. 1'laus and epoclfuatlons furnLsbcd. TA 1 iry' ; DEALEit IN FINE IARNESS. Y1' , yV . SHERMAN , I have the variety that brings patronage. 124 Main stroot. LAMES FRANEY , Artistic Work and MEIt01iANT reasonable TAILOR. charge. . 872 Broadway. HOVE tM SONf FURNITURE STOVES , and household Supplies. So9 Broadway. LINDT ATTORNEYS AT LAW , iHART Jame8 Block , Pmctico In etnto and toderal courts. SANITARIUM And bate house , 421 and 423 Broadway' . I. . Sovereign , Prop. P. J. Mont. gomory , it ! . U. Physician. - - JUSTICE OF TimE PEACE , EDVVIN T ABBOTT , Notary Public and Ocnoml Conveyancer. 416 Broadway. REVERE HOUSE , Broadway opposite New 5311TII Opera & Mourn. NORTON , Refitted 51. 81.60 per day HAIR GOOD OF ALL KINDS. Sold a e owes races IN TILE WEST , QUALITY CONSIDEIIED. At MRS. D. A , BENEDICT , - - 837V , Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. irbt ru1 ( OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. ) rl l REAL ESTATE ! Complete Abstracts of Title to all IotN and LR11ds in the County. PREMIUM PORTBAITS -IN- CryOll f Jlli IEffl1 1fl'1O1 f Solar Camera Enlar oment for the trade at reasonable rates. Orders Dy mail promptly fille. C. D. LUCCOCIC , 143 Broadway. Council Bluffs , GROSVENOR & GUNN MANUFACTURERS OF : B IL C C ILL S. 311 Upper Broadway , Council Bluffs ; Iowa IF YOU WANT BOOTS , SHOES OR RUBBERS CALL ON S Corner 11ttin mud First Avenue , Council Blufs , ire has Thom. PETER C. MILLER , wIIOLEHALEAND RI.TAIL WalI-Pa p ei and WInduw Shadesand Painting in all Its Branches , FRESCOING IN MODERN STYLE , No.hil Eic azth X'ot 1 Igt. Clowazsloil fluffs : . . ii : * ara. 3 Our line of Stoves is the iiioss complutu in oe city amid includes all thu most Desirable Pa + terns and Eato3t Improvements I \Vu have lmuunurtx. time prices down as thin as tlwy will strand without breaking , and you mire inyitud to call and see low thick time stoves mire iu eoulpurisot , PECIAL DRIVE ON A LOT OF HARD COAL STOVES , Nickel , : slightly tarnished , at a reduction of $5.00 oJCh , IDIn't7OTa * O ] R.XC t XX'PI 504 Broaawaj and 10 and 12 Main St „ Council Bluffs. 1 ' . n , Empide Hardware . CXTIYOIL l31 ! ZrE . , rs " I : t I I . , Mr'iV . 1 t 3 r ; # 109 and 111 S , lIniu Street , - ttr 1 COI NCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. : N Ee : 9 WIIOLESALB DEAIIsltS IN HATSCAPS , ! 342 mid 344 Broadway , - . . COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. HOUSES , LOTS AND LANDS ISousht mind Hold. ' Money Loaned , Abstracts 'urn ished x. J. MoMA.aON " No. 4 Pearl Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , , MRS. D. Ae EENEDICT f 1 DEALER IN Ladies' Furilisijiug I NOTIONS , JEWELRY , &C. 337 lV. Broadway , - - COUNCI , BLUFFS , IOWA M. CALLACHER. c i t ® c .8. 6. . _ . A..U q New Store , Fresh Ooode , Low 1'rlccs and Polite Attendants. 3u y { First Door east of Metropolitan Hotel , t LOtcoennrmloi PVAY. J dJ Iu c : I : El il rB.iLA s BECIITELE'S 1 HoteL The only only hotel run om the Europeamr plan ; fn this city. New huilding , newly furnislredaml all modern inpprovements , mid is centrally located , PETER EEC TEL E PROPRIETOR Nos. 336 and 338 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa. PAWNBROKERS SALE Unredeemed Goods. CREAT BARGAINS In diamonds suitable for ladies and gents , also in ladies' amid gents' solid gold and and silver watches and chains , and a full line of act and plain gold rings , 250 men's mid 90 boy's overcoats. All these articles must be sold. Money lout on ALL BINDS of personal property. D. GOLDSTEIN , 228 Middle Broadway , opposite city building. Council Bluffs , : . L XT -IN- WARE 1 ! , f Table Cutlery , Flower Pots , Etc. , call on t w. S. HOMER & CO. , - 23 Main St. , Council Bluffs , wily DON'T YOU CmT5)imm : : of FITCH BROTHER'S ' CUSTOM SHIRTS ? Perfect Fitting , Bent and Cheapest , Fine Linen Collars and Cull 4 No. 715 Fourth Street Council Bluff's , Iowa. OEfT LAN& On City and Farm Property. . S N & OO. 39 Pearl Street , Council Bluflk , Iowa. 4 STEINHARDT & FREYHAN m Wholesale Liquor Dealers 0 . a :117 : Brodwny , - - COUNCIL BI.U1'TS ' : w. R. VAUGHAN , Justice of the Peace. Omaha and Council Bluffs. Real estate and colmootloaagcnoy , n Odd Fellow's look , over Savtnga Rank. 1an817 JACOB 61315 , E. 1'.CADtYELL , SIMS do CADWELL , Attorneys -at-Law , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA Office , Iraht Street Rooms 1 and ahugart do Mo- Ilallon'e Block , WBI pccttoa lu State sod ude..l courts . nmos.Orncaa , a. a , ruesr. OFFICER & PUSSY BANKERS , Council Ulutla Ia. Establishea - - 1856 Dcalcr. ri Forelgn and Domcellu Eachaugo and llomu Feruncs Make Your Contracts Now for Your Whiter uppiy of Missouri hard Wood I AND IIAItDANDSOkT ca1 -WIT"- P. OV t'RTON , 505 First Avenue , - Council Illufs , Iowa , And eceuro the beet article and full measure atthu scrylo..eetprlre , Stove wood delUeredtoanypar of tlornv _ _ _ JOSEPH GACxIIE0AN. HARD WOOD AND ---COAL- - - - - Corner Main street aid Eighth acnue , Coun . tafLowest mites aed prompt delivery WINTER RESORT. SILOA i MINERAL SPRINGS. Core ox No hazy. R'0 guarantee the. pupa of limo /olloxing / narnul dis -cases , onto Imy ; llhemnalism , Scrofula , Ulcers , ( 'mare ) , a 1 lllood andekln di.eares , Dvpelwla , Liter Complaint , Kidney and lltaddcr Dtscases , Uout , Neo ralglaandAathtna , TltesiHpringaarc ilia fasorllo resort of the tired at.1 dehllirntad , and are the FEEBLE LAill s , : asT FIIIEND , i aced hotel , livery anti bathing accuntodatton Loth F ) Inter and summer , Locality highly plctureequu and healthy , Acculblo by SVabieh rallaa , at Evuna , or C. , B. & q , at Albany. Correa 01111emu solicited , IIEV , bl 3t. rlmo31l'SON. , , 91105(11 Springe , Nora , P , 0.mrutryACo , Mo , Re Rice Mr D a CANCERS or other tumors removed without the 1 knife or draw Ing of blood , CHRONIC DISEASES of kind. a specialty. l Urer thirty years practical experience , Onlce No , I l'carl street , Council Bluae , XarConaultatlon free. _ - COMMERCIAl , , COUNCIL ULUPrH miAitKEP. Wheat-Nu. 2 spring , We ; No. 3 , 00c ; re. lotted , 50c ; good demand. Corn-Dealers are paying 3ro for old corn amid 25c for new. Oats-In good domnamtd at 20a' l lay-I 000 00 iter ton ; 5Dc her balo. Rye-tOe ; liglmtsupply , Corn Bfenl-125 par 100 mounds , Woou-Good supply ; prices at yards , 5 04 ® 000 , Coal-Delivered , hard , 11 t.O per tom ; soft , ' O 00 per ten' ' Butter- Plenty ad In fair demand at 20u ; creamery , 3fa. 1ggs-Ready ? Sale at 20e inter dozen. LardFuirbank's , wholesallog at llc. PoultryFinn ; dealers are paying for chickens 10u ; live , 2 to per doroti , Yegutahlos-1'utat"a , ( IOC ; onions , 40c1 cab. bagte , 3olg IOo per dozen ; apples , 3 OUCa 3 50 V ° r barrel , I Flour-City Bou,1 GOC3 40 , ) Jrooma-l OO@a 3 00 nor doz. LIVE STOCK. ' Cattle-3 00@3 50 ; calves , 5 0007 50 , r Yogi-Local packOr have co mueuced huv fug now and there Is a good demnand for all grades at 4 35@4 50.