Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 11, 1883, Page 5, Image 5

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TIIE DAILY BEEOMAIIA , 'L'tTESDAiE(11 + 11EBEli , 11 , 1883.
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TRADE pOLIMRS ? NO' emIlN fuh1o1lar A
of Uattt 1 Slatromoncy i t t S , S. UrateA , Akwn ,
N. Y. , would y ny for n borlto of hr. Thomis' EeIc :
tflc 011 , the netliclnd Which curctt httn of bronebItl' ,
nut lileh hn + cured thouaaal + nfllde1 the wee
w'ny ,
N OT A CENI llnnldb Srntva Comity 3LNntenaibrdltor Ilanrld , itioom
silty , Ohio , gvc ; for the ( Loners of illy gctting ill . , t
his cats rfh helore he used Ur Thos , s' IcIccttle : Oil ,
Nox I e xould ghe n good deal for his rhancee were
lieslmllarlyntlilsted aithtlie daub intvllclne
00 I00 d 00 Amid , '
1 4 f f & 111111 01 tlallarA ate
tsnnted hr c"denvorlni to euro n deep senlcl rough
N Itli douhthd , lincertnhm ct'Inedlei Ur Thnma + ' Ue'
lectrleOileo119tiOceut nit ciTeclednnondcrtnteuro
for } ; Ii 1'trkli , Creek t'euter , N. V. , xho night
ntternight for four It ug yens , snt up In Lett ntid
coughed till the cIothing xna xet ullh poreIralton.
Tao tattled wcro dl ho mired ,
In conciuelun ( tint nr ,
TIIomaa i ; lechrlc 011
Is not only ncry vatuabie remedy for dleontcs of mho
none , theont and lungs , but n . 4cndld external ap
i 1ICatlnll for nceuinatls n , ucurnlgin , nehos pabnsnuti
xotttttla of emery so1L It h gunraoieel to du good ,
and In the et et of failure to tat Isfy , money x111 bo
rcimtt1 purchnser In dory histnnce.
All lruggsteeelllr.7houav ( Ecie trio Oil. O4
Tl lttMiIJiUltN &CO.M'f'rs , lluffnlo,1. V ,
l 1'.It50NA h ,
A , 111 Dunn , of St. Irani , is nt the IhI.
\V. A , Ililworth , of Iiastfugv , stays ub tit
'r , C.1Vebb , of Plattsutnutll , iv rogistetcii
at tic Millard ,
14 , A , Ilarmtsborbor , of Ashland , is among
these staying at thu iltillnrd.
T , itt , 1fnrltotto ; and .l R' . 1)eweew , of
Lhmcnlu , arc at the lllillard ,
J , Al , ] Iarris , of 1'lunt Creek , is .a Millard
F , 1' , Cook , J , F , Nolsol , , ladrew Brock
luau and ( lcoige reasoner , of Oakland , nro at
the llillnrd.
, I. C.1Vnt + an , of Nebraska City , stopt at
the 1'axtun.
District Judyo.L 11 , Broadyof Browns Uio
is stopping at the Paxton ,
Robert F. Kluko , of 1VLtst Point , is nnlung
the arrivals nt the l'axtuu.
John I ) , Scanlan , of iCoaruoy , it nt the
A. C , Cash , F. A , Pyle and F. C. i Inrtisuit ,
of l.incolu , are at the Paxton.
Chris lyattliowson , of Norfolk , is a Paxton
A. I : , Uaniols , of Sidney , fv at the I'ax
1V , lhwcke ( of Norfolk , is registmed at the
J , 1' , Martin , of 1Vaync , is stay'iug nt the
Paxton ,
John T , Urovoler , of \r13.110 , niliveti at the
Paxton yesterday ,
.1. ' 1' , Clarkooi , of Scfntyler , iv at the I'nx
Itcna'kabla I'rcalc of Nnturo Burn
' In a Georgia Village.
M.tutnos , Ga. , Nov 26.-A trango
malformation-a double hcadcd child
-about twenty-four hours old , was
exhibited by Mr. T. 1V. Jones , of this
county , who stated that a mulatto wo
mil , living ml his place , gave birth to
the monstrosity Wednesday. IIo was
passing her cabiii about the time the
birth was give ] , and his attention was attracted -
tracted by an unusual excitement among
the inmates of the cabin , who wore intensely -
tensely alarmed over the occurrence.
( ; oiug in to ascortaiil the cause of the oa-
citement , ho was ahowii the monstrosity
by a sister of the woman who had given
the unnatural birth , and told by liar that
it blcathod several times after birth. It
1ras placed in a small box and interred ,
but mfr. Jones thinking that this would
be n valuable eontributicu to medical
science , porauaded the another to lot hint
exhume and preserve it in alcohol. After
gaining her consent , he immediately disinterred -
interred the double-headed child , put it
in alcohol , and the following day brought
It to Madisolt.
It had a well-formed body with two
distinct and well developed heads , each
head havinv all the natural features ,
though the cars elongated moro than
imutau oars should be , but medical man
say that natural proportions are uncoil-
mon in such cases Each mouth has two
well do'oloped front tooth. The eyes
in each head were woll.fortned and the
heads wcro/ covered with a black , silky
growth , beginning at the top of the eyebrows -
brows and continuing down the shoulders
sides , arms , and legs. 'l'lio chest wad as
full developed as with u uiami 40 oars of
ago , all of the muscles and chest bones
showing up well , 1'hoarms , hands , logs ,
and foot were symntrical , but the strangest -
est feature about the formation is thud it
had two spinal columns , while the front
view showed only one body. 'Plc pla
contra was between the shoulders , and the
umbilical cord was attached to this , instead -
stead of the navel. It was of double
gander , with the undo sex predominant ,
and about twelve inchca in length. It is
a ) UZ210 to medical Ilion ' as it possesses
both human and auirnal'featurs. . The
woman that gave birth to the nnonsteosity
is n mulatto of unusual intelligence , mar.
rimed , and of good general health.
Cnhilorllesu St. Jn8epb.
Chicago News.
1'ho editor of the St. Joseph ( Mo. )
Gazette has lifted up his voice iii time
wilderness and weeps like Rachel over
her lost babes , all on account of a -
trader to time congressional spoakerahip.
\Ve fail to see how either free trade or a
high protective tariff is going to bother
St. Joseph olio way or time other , inns.
tmmch as St. Joseph does all her rovictunl
Kansas City , which' at last accounts -
counts had out bean coded to any for.
oign power. We fear the gifted editor ,
of the Gazette has a worm ,
- - - -
Tvonty-Four O'.louk ,
I'liiis klphin l'reos ,
Since time adoption of n atandmud time
in this country about four hwndred appli
catiomis have beoi filed in the patent ollico
for clock dials amid othordevices intended
to presout the twenty-four , hours in al
convenient manner and without unduly
crowding thu figures toether. Large
numbers of these a 1 ilicatlons have been
rejected upon evidence found in a must
old volume that Prince SoltYkoff once
posaCsecd a watch made in lltli upon time
dial of which appeared the hours ftoin
1 to 24 arranged ire two cemirelitrie sir
clc5 ,
Slx illled In n Ilalltiny by 'L'a n % ton.
San rrnudeco Chronlde ,
1Vesloy Moch gives the Saute Rcita
1)mnocrnt the following accent of n ro
nmarknblo boar hunt In nderson voile
DlehdOuuo count : "It. II , Itatvles pro. .
1osed that we take n boar limit on Monday -
day morning , 11'o nmado every preparation
time ovmling before amid niter a pearly
breakfast at 5 li elok mounted our lmorses
for time lulnt. 11'e were prorided with
IVimichostor rifles and three Nell-trained
boar dogs. After n rmin of about am hour
they cause to bay , 11'o llitclmod our horses
amid crawled through time brush to time
dogs. 'l'ho umidergrotvth was so thick flint
we could not see ton feet almond of us , but
5t last we fouhl time hear , n large brown
one , , erclmed ou time limb of a large pine
troI about a hundred feet from the 'round ,
[ Time brown boar whoa pushed y dogs
readily trees , ] 11'o took position amid
cohuneuced firing. Boars are very'ten-
aeiutms of life amid thus one proed no ox.
ceptiomi to time rule , as we each tired three
ihmios before lw foil , 1Vhen we reached
him he was lend ,
' ' 11'o Dow started backintmlding to cut
a meny' in fronmour horses amid to pack him
out , but we hind not ) roceed d 100 'nods
wht time dogs bocammo very excited and
connnonced arkin 6 imp l tree
Looking up , WO discovered two bears , a
browmi amid n black one , lying close to.
gotlier oil n largo limb.11ro took n po
sltlon with the undoratauding that I waste
to take time brown told 11Ir. Itawles the
black eau. Just as we gut ready to lire ,
i east ] ny ( town the tree and near the
grated , time brash having obstructed our
viou ,1 discovered a large bear hammging
to side of time tree , broadside toward ne.
? Ir. Rawles being farther roues , could
not see it plain anti told mime he would reserve -
serve his tire mind for me to go for hick , 1
11 x3 about forty feat frmmi him ) amid lired
twice , wlien ho tumbled , badly Wrouu
( lad ,
"No now tunccd our attumition to time
other two iu the tree. At thu first tire
they cmmuemiced bawling-tlw barking of
time dogs , time bawling of time bears mud
the rapid firing of our 1Viuchesterss node
it lively , l assure you , \Ve tired tiireo
shots apiece before they full. One of
then was ) rutty lively when he reached
toira firma , and it required two nnore
shots at a diatamnco of ton feet to kill him ;
the other rolled about lift ) feet dolvu the
hill and was ( lead whek we got to it , Time
( logs now took time trail of time wounded
one amid after a run of a quarter of a mile
brought it to ba ) ' . 1Vhei we cauw up ,
we fomtcl it iii ) a Iargentadrow tree , about
thirty feet from the ground. Ile looked
to muc to be as largo as n fmlr year ohl
bullock. Ito was badly wounded , but
still able to mnku am' ugly light. lie fell
at time first lire , and lodged in time forks
of time tree , but three or miiore slmots apiece
brought hint to the ground.
f t11'u again started for our horses , vary
muchm elated with our success , but had
not gmlo lure that another 100 yards
whmm time dogs started in full cry , going
this tiume iii time direction of our horses ,
1Vo supposed tlmat this time time ) ' lead
jnnmped n panther , 1'cy ! hind scarcely
gone a 100 yards before they hind trco(1
time gnuloVe now exaluimed our rides
std found that we both had emptied our
mlitgnziites. I found six catridges iii my
pockets , but they wore ton large for Mr.
Itavles' gun , \Vhe1 we eaue up with
the dogs we again found time ) ' had another
bear-this time a line black emu , 11Ir.
Itmvles being w itleut anunuimitiou , l had
all time flu ] to myself. If there is any-
timing that will make a man feel cut of
pltco it is to be in a boar Jiglmt without a
weapon to fight my tl. 1 fired two .
one of which passed through time heart ,
amid he was dead by the tiute lie struck
the ground , "
Nn I'1S'J'heee. (
De'roit ' I + rco Press.
A utiddie.aged minas with ono shoulder
am inch higher than time other and laving
the worst pair of bowlegs soon to pass
the city-hall since the corner stoae wain
laid , emmtecd a clothing store on Miclmi
gams avmuie yesterday forouoon iii search [
of a lit. After lie had tried On pnrte of
thirty or forty diflureimt suits he grow
souwwhat discouraged ail said :
"Do you think you can fit mime with nny
thing in stockl"
t'1Vell,1'11 keep trying , "
f'1 have already been here over two
1ours. Ileforo wastemg any more time
lot me say to you that ] f 1 had found a
fit I was lntondmg to ask yet to treat
ma , "
'Amid I wns intmldiug , " replied the
dealer , "to make you pay cash before
oven tying up time bmmdlo , "
"l'hpn we Imadn't better wnatu further
timime. "
' 1 timink mint. "
"Very well , sir. If there is anything
1(1081)15 , ) it is the dealer who emmsumea
my valuable time. h didn't taro to buy ,
anylmow , until tlmu doctors could jack up
my other shoulder amid tale a half-twist
on these legs. "
- . -
The Sllvm ( plostlon.
Courior''Jutrlm 1.
1Vashington spacial : Senator hill , of
Colorado , will miot reply to Senator Mer-
ri11's attack upon silver at once , but will
wait till aerie bill commies up for action ,
and he will probably have the first opportunity -
tunity in time debate upon the proposition
of Senator Garlnud to redeem time trade
dollar. lie will no doubt Lava
aometliln II „ interesting to say in opposition
tion to tlmat nnoaauro lie thimika time
proposition to redomn time trade dollar
would result in Ilooding time taint witim
them from Chine , where there are no loss
probably that $00,000,000 of them ,
l'hoy would niako fifteen per cent by
their oPeration , which would pay , hmnnd
sonoly or collecting and bringmg them
home from the four corners of the earth.
With rofermmce to the euspunsiolm of time
coinage of time standard dollar , ? Iir , Hill
thinks time bill would not even pass the
senate , but if it should it would certainly -
ly fail in time house , so ho does not ox.
poet such legislation to be enacted.
, ldvlce to time Ladles ,
St , Leulx l'ost.l ) Ispatch.
The foolish VirJjin , and likewise time
foolish matron , walteth uxmtil time day before -
fore ( Jhristmna to do her Chrlstnla8 ahop-
ping , but time prudent woman makoth her
purchases him time to take iu time uiatirmoo.
Hill Yym' $ lteslgnntIon.
In his letter to Procidont Arthur , re-
signimig time lostoliiee at Lnraumie city ,
IVyomiming , 13111 Ny'u wrote : 'Lockimig
over nmy atornny and eventful adminstra-
limy as postmaster here , I find nbumidnnt
cause for thanksgiving , At time tmmo I
entered npmm time duties of illy olllcu time
dupartnwnt was not yet on a paying
basis. 1t wa8 nut oven self.
sustaining. Since that thou , frith time
active cooperatioin of time chief execu
live and the heads of time dapartmnont , I
have been able to nmalce our postal sy's-
tan a paying ome , ail vim toll of that 1
nun how able to reduce the ttrifl'of uv
Crake sized letters from three "its to
two cents , * * * I can Dot close
this letter without thanking yourself nod
time heads of depnrtnlomits at 1Vaslmiugtomi
for your active , cheery 011(1 prompt Co.
operation III those natters. You ale do
as you ace fit , of canrso , about iucorpornt
ing this idea into your Tlmamkstiving
proclanalon ( , limit rcmst assured it would
not be ill tined ) or inopportuno. "
I'ttiimi' , I'ortmine anti P'nlly ,
Citl + mgo Ntvs' Ncu t oak Letter.
0u Tuesday aftm'uoml l stood looking
\Vmtshumgtcu s statue on time stops of the
sul ) trensury , whet astout , uedhunm.aizel
man brushed past , crossed the street , and ,
with a hslf comsuumud cigar twirling 1mm his
uunmtll , amid with his hmmds stuck tech in
ibis overcoat pockets , stood emi the lower
step amid looked up , I Ie was lookillJ , + at
time statue of a menu whose fnmiw md
scarcely ommtslmlla his owlm. It was GrammL
Amend howw brusque he walked , cold how
bright were his eyes , The ; , general is al
umost a ( lad ) ' VISaOP to 11'all street , nod
drops iii nt time outdo of ( trait t ,1'nrd , ,
brokers. lie owve $100 000 hn time fmrm
or omme.fuurth ; his son Ulysses owns nu- -
other quater , Verdinatd 1Vard owns an-
otfler , nod Jmnov U , Fish , time bmmkor , ] a
time silent i nrtner. Time gouoral is
diplmmmmat of the tire ) , nod so successful
11055 It bemm that time four ntmnbers can
easily live ou its profits , besides lmm'imig
$ s0,000 worth of securitica , to fall buck
On. Amid town , time general hits time Incomno
from the great ptlrau ) Wade up for him
some years ago. Time investntomit chosml
was 1Vnbnslm hoods , amid , wlmile it wasn'L
time best or awst judicious in time world ,
it br'mmgs ' hint in .12,500 , pcr year , cigar
imbue ) ' , at least. Taking ilia n ggregate
iheomime from humlsbrokerae , null bomidmm
Gou. Grnut has at least G100.OOO per
year withn which to keep time wolf fromiu time
door , mud he looks as if ho succeeded very
confortably. ) lntimate friends of the
gouoral declare Ihat he lmas forever abau
decd Politics.
Nat contemmt , tV itlI tlmeir rivalry iii life ,
Mr , 1'atderbill and 1mir. Gould seen determined -
termined to curry it beyond time gnat.
Each geltluumu is building a tooth of
great mnkuilicuuce. At 1Voodlawn Mr.
Gould ms muvcstimmJg $105,000 imi n phtcu
wherein lie shall rest secure from ) time
worry of 1Vall street , mud Dlr. Vaulerbilt
is putting nmt mmnount almost as large him a
mauaolemu at Shateim lslaud iii time center
of time old ceumotery , witlmimi a gmmsltnt of
time hone of his mother amid time eourtimmJ ,
ground of time conamondmv. Is it. oss'ble '
that becouiib fnu liar withn his burial.
place lessens time fear of lentil ?
: ioutunmlt to General Uodg , ' .
linrliugtuu Itmvkeyu ,
It is hoped time friuuda of I enenl
Dodge will at onto Proceed to take time
umiintory stops to secure a f'ttiug '
nwnt to nma'k time resting place of Ilur-
liugtuu's ( listimgnlsilel clt/.elm. 'l'imo fol-
low'imig suggestions are food time Des
Mohacs Leader ;
A good suggestion coumes froo.liur-
limigton , at' rapier two good suggest lolma
cenbimcd ( lime is n luumdaomw
umommueit for General A. C. 1)odge , time
result of contributions in grateful mont-
ory of Iowa's pionieel' stateslnumi amid
legislator ; time other a biography writtcd
by a life-time friemd , himself an old man ,
To both the Lender says aminmn. Regardless -
less of Politics ( tem. Dodge was emu of
time few iuen left us of our early pioeers ,
amid stood out pre enumimntly as a marked
mai. As our first senator , as minister
oxtraordhnnry to Spain , ho stands out
pru onmincutly in our state lmistory. It is
usual in other states to 1)mmor ) ; end
perpetuate the mwnery of such
a man. Lot the nmonumeit be
started mud time biograplmy also.
Let time rospeuses thereto be
prommpt , generous and hearty. 'limo
Leader proll'ers its oflorts amid its
ooluminms to lelp raise time fund and we
have no doubt time entire press of time
state will join in so doing. 'limo logisla.
turn will unl uestimlablY liberally aid time
matter if necessary ; but we do miot think
any official aid would be miceded. Lot
some of flenorutl Dodge's friends at Bur
lingtrnm discuss time matter and advise a
grateful state wlmat would be best , amid
let us do it. Now is m good tinme to for.
nminte a plm : , while time 1)001)105 hearts
are teile $ and old rccollectious arc
Itarba'i Virr ,
SL Iotmh Itcpubllcau.
The stale of Nubrasha , republicum
timmmglm it be , is taluug steps to infoeui
time comtry ! Hutt mt does not alree ; withm
'limo ltcpubllcami party eu time tnrlli. Smm
tor 11Inmmde non of that state has Presented
to time sonata a uwmmorml From its legisln
turo nskimJj for a removal of the duty on
barbed [ wmre. Barbed wire is an article
whose mamiufaeture , it is held , ought to
be oncouraived in this country--that 118 ,
iii time cast ; ammd hence a heavy protective
duty is iumlosed emi it. But this is oh , .
'essiwo to time farmers of time west onr
tiueuinrl time prairie re don of time vent ,
wimere there is no fencing limber timid
barbed wire is a necessity. They are
porfo.tly willimm for Penmsylvvania mamm-
kactururs to go Into wire nmaknmg , if they
desire to , but they do nut ace the justice
of taxing western farmers to sot doom up
hu the busineas. They reeiuvo no protec-
tioml ou a single crop they raise ; time gav-
ornnent extends imo favors to timemn ; amid
why should it tax thenm to build up in-
dmmstrlea in a state twelve hundred miles
distant is a gmiostion thmey cmmot answer.
Taxing Nebraska cattle raisers ou barbed
fencing wire and taxing southern cotton
planters on iron ties are rammk injustice ,
Fromn taosu souree5 wide llnce'tonrths of
limo disnusos of limo humlui ruse. 1'heso
symptoms lndlcatullmelre rhtoncn JdI $ o/
Appetite , Bowels 0 ( aw
.chefuylness ufter
cxerlluu of body vS 'all
of tooth , IrrllaLZety w
aplrlts , it ( rr"otff i Ito. cat
11)010dnLV rzler'.teiel''luiersi.tgptthe
Iteartr1Attetore ( eyes , , tlblycol- {
ored Ur : . ' . . OONN'19PA'1'1ON uumd do.
) nand thu use ofa remodytlmat acts dlreetly
an tie JJvtr , AsaJvcrlaedlehllt'J'U'fT'H
PiI.LHlumvenooquul. 'JYmuiraction ontlmo
IIdnoysundkumisnlso ) roueptroaaoYlmg ;
mull imnpuritlcu ' , . -
engere or limo s y'atom ; ' pro luoing appe.
lilt , mauud dlgeatimi , rrgulnr stools , a clomtr
eldlluedavigorouskody , 't'11Tf'$1'LI.N
ramso no nuasemi or u mhmihng nor 1liturere
with dully work nud my n ) lorfcct
Fuld everywhrn'dmc. OIIIro,4IMurniyht.N.Y.
r f
OIIAY ILsnr omt YvmuSmlmi9 : chungml 105
stnmiy to it tJmessY ) JILAneg Il.hiitle imp-
pilemilloll ol thte 1)t' ) : . hold ly lrunu mite ,
or acnt by oxprrs5 mm recolpt of r ) I.
Ofllro , 44 Murnty Uti eel , NeW York.
. .rMlt
( ltAY'S SP1CnchO ; Ml ILCINII.
Iun lixttxor. An
- Aennlnsl Wcnk
! @ t , nessSPcrnaterf 3
htra , ingvdancy ,
nail 0511 IllAeaere
that follow a + n
eegncuro of Self.
Abure ; aAlos4of ; 3,4
3lrmat , llnher
' t'r Itack , Dlmnee of i lon , 1'retnsiee Old Ago ,
: rimy oilier dlseneee lhnt wail to lnunlty or Cum
I ] mpuuri and n l'rrmniao OrMe ,
IlawAkxMndlertlrementato rrhmdmnmywhen
druggists from Nltotu the uledletno I , bought do not
rrMuf , but refer youi to thin umnufnehtrers , nnl , the
requirements ere arch that they ore seldom , ( / ers r
onmplkllalth , Srotholrsrlltengunrantco Atria
of one Ahtglo liaekago of liroy'a Spcdfc meth cclrlnee
oho nlo + t a eptlcal Id It tcnl teethe.
On account M elmntekltcre , w'o haso adopted the
11'rM h'cr ; Iho oily gennluo ,
t4rYi11'inrtlcuisteh ciil nmphlctNhtrh
shrn to ern,1 fro by tnshl to evey one , LrTho Si e'
dfcMellolnotoSoldbyalldnlgglsle stheepnck ;
ego , or .Ix lu'Ckagve for eS , or wmll to edit Ireo fly
mshl en the receipt of the money , by nddreesmF
TILE miA ' 3mEDiesmCO. , uuaalo , \ , V.
In Omaha by C , et' nintan. h. lPin&do 0
' Il m
tf' . F SOFT
ie warrnntcd to veer longer , nt
( Ill ! , ! fill s thin form armor , end gltu 1N91rr
difaellou than city nihcrCoa
oho marketer prlcu mold amm
u rrfuedrd , 'I pie llllue , l'Inoll. dl
1'Idrnlri beet phyelrmn w , nnvnn
penyl'ar6(41rnt. ( rltr , e.lutei nJrmlb.lugt
Darn d , Ci an A. voarmrn'lumtortint.
1111rllaclllld , Jh .I:1'll : . c ( ' .
Manntartnn'nl , .40 a 1Y:1laWumph at. ,
For ealu by
JNO , ll. F , L1:11MlNN.
CufeSrltY51CAL &Debl It
Oxx1TAL Lb3H
1r \ . OFMANIYVlUOltSlwnnntorr.
5 t' I iornetc.xhn all other critic.
t . . dloe full , t cure oklnm.teof.
+ „ r + 91.60 n bottle , largo lwttle , foul
\ , , tlau'Nthequautih , i5. Ih cx
, ' terse to say aldroes. Sold b } '
- till tlnlgglot. . CNULISII Mini
CAL iNSTITUTI,1 rem ritort , 715 011 10 Street , St.
LoulnMti. -
I'1 ' hsie sold Sir Aetloy Coupcr a Vltnl ltctornttve
or ) onre. } : scry custotuer spdake highly of 1L I
unheemtatiuglyoudozse It ne n remedy of true merit
"C. } ' . hoODltAN , nnlggiat ,
Omabe Feb. 1 1885 , v18 m&atwdly
7'IiAT'rnOUNANUa0l' OI'It IIUiINiSS MIN' ( .0
To'I'Illalt Irr1C1S : IN'I'III : MOIININU .11'rmIIAN
I'.it' : Nmuirr nit .1m mi imNSlill , mimId\t :
nU1,1 ANI ) AIJ. Corr um' so liTN. 'rImi u IS us.
TmiuLi' : 1'NN000ISsllll' : , l'Olt ,1SINll.1:1)t1$1i )
UI"I'IId7'SPllllilIN(11'OAIINtlsPL'rlrUi , Tar'-
raht's Seltzer A Iorlont , 'i'ARmN : UEI'Ollti
ill IIAKI'AN'I',11'I1.1 , 1iiMIhIiATln.Y : Iism'fl..U.L )
I'IIIJNOS : : el' II I..l1'INi:9S . : , mil Mlnl'l : 01\"rb\ : '
IIU'1'S1'ImILVTII1I'11151,1N1r(111'IlREN : I\TO
IIIsh'm'IIVAtTNN ) UVImtY : rlmulti nl'm'ill : it vs.
TI ) L l'dll MA l.l Ill' A1,1 hilt 'ooh'IS. '
$00.000 for $2.
tlmrgulkrylonUd Urnwink x111 take dace
4 In oho ) Iasunicllnl , 31ss"mdo'l'culplu Hull.
ii lug , hl l"nlostile , liy.
Thursday December 2711/i , 1883.
A Lnwttli Lottory& FnlrDrawinge.
chartered by the Igivlnh + ro of liy. , mid txteu duciar
rd Iegnl by the hlgheet i o rt In t e Male Iliad
ghcn to llmny Comity ht the ennt of 1100,1x)0 ) for the
prompt plq nteut of amt inters told.
t4YEvery ticket holler ldsown euperrleor , can call
n t the uumtiur oil hlv ticket x111 sea the corree pond.
log nnulbur on the tag pieced hl thu whel ii him
iuaecuru. Tltto draw mug , Hill occur on the Inst
rhurs lsy of every month. head the uiagulcccut
Deceilubor Scheme.
1 1'rlro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 5 ,000
1 Prize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ] o,0oo
1 1'riza , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,000
2 Prize , , Y2,6miearl ) , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 5,000
6 Prizes , JOuwoa + ii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,000
20 i'rizct , 60mearl , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000
] On Prins , 100 etch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IOoto
2001'rizcs , (0rath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000
Boo 1'rizrt , 20 cach , , , , , , , , , , , , . , ] oouo
1000 i'rlvcs , 10 each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1(1,000 (
0 Prlrce , 800 nacbApproilmatlon Prins , 2,700
1) I'rlres , 200 " " 1,600
0 191zrA , 100 eachh " " 000
, 1' , lzce. 9110,400
Whole Tloleots , $2 , half Tickets , $1 ,
27 Tickets , $50. 55 Tlc eotc , $100
Iteinit money or Manic Draft a Tatter , or eonti h
ex ucsw D ON'T 51N11 ilY mrK01sTEItmn LETTEII
' ' : , , Or.
tier. of w r mlII IIN' ; I and ty ' eipn'\N , ( 'all he 1 oft at our
oxelike. hut ( S55 all onirrs t" J. .1 , 1)OLIOLAH ,
LonhslllcEy , d eat tm llr&wlst3wun
Mcc. ICK'S
Patent Dried Fruit Lifter.
IN A I I 14
- ,
S'i'Ult1 ' : I CAN .tl'rnfll ) II
TI ) nil
45 A rArn at'
VIIbout LL.
1 .
1'IRttsnloutll Neb
, - - - -
1u1t1ADEIi Or TIIeaoeoml DltruI Axu luau 0ItAiIi
AND DUH00 sit JEiteaV Itch
( UYounIg stock for solo. Correspondence eollclted ,
. tux IVACON PALE , etc Slob , t&O.
1 Tun f5tne , Itrnut Ilea Inelutlr + l ,
2d9l1r PAp MC R'B SCALE 5
7lit I.fltiellulecllv ; " , { otI,2m , it.
$0UTIIat.IA'9 . , U'"e4limit mm.m raase.
FOR'-'J.'OOLS , &c ,
IIE.5T Itnuai IL41tx Itim 1.11.110 ii th iS , 110
'It lb. A nv.Inod lilt ar'ruume.810
FIry91r1 , W. I iar $ .I o,14 J.a. ,
Uluoere , .1,111. Vito. A Other Arttrlo.
Ar w0a2e i'limu's , bIIi iLLS415 A gErAm-
105 S. 11th S'reoL
Is pre'tired ' to make all kludy ut Hmull Caktiogs ,
Alit' pie a made for a Stoic ,
DR. H . WAN'N'ER 1 f h
lfnsleng been nchnoeledgo t and moro co at this day
Ulan any other. 'rho vast Geld of me11en1 sclenco le '
eser Increasing , and 1e Inueuernu , branches nro 1
brought nrnrer end nearer to perfection , nil
no ono man ate nny longer grs + p them al
Ifenco the nccredty for tllvlding the labor , And it is e.y
lnlo bcsond all deuht that dleoa + o , affecting the gon'
to urltiary algnne heel epeclnl etndy more than any.
hlug elm , If we amid understand and know how i
rent tlienr IIrnl erh' ,
Dll. 11 , SI'AUNfmt : It hilly aware that three are
manimuelclan + , epcielblo , cnplciihuxlll 'I '
rondruiII hinl for mnkiug thlselu + , of + es a epo.
daily , but held happy to know tlint with inoet pcr
( mu , of refnenlent and ltitelllgcnce amore enlighten.
ti s lew Is taken of the eubJett , soil that the plysle )
an who decotcs Iihn df to relesing ! the nilllctcd mid
athlgthem from unraothaldcath , Inalens a pill. I
nuthroplet and benefactor to hie taco than the cur. ,
gear or phyeltIan alto by dose apptlcatlon ctccle In )
nuy other hrnuch of him profeenion. Anti fortunate )
or Imuuadty , the Ilay isdnwrohtg hen the fnlvo pht. .
Alit hru' + hy that condemned tlto efcthuit of folly or
clinic , llko the lepers under tlm iJcslsll law , to die
uncnrod for hat passel Swat' ,
A Few Reasons
1Y'hy gent should try the celebratml DL hi. Wngnc'e 1
monho le of curt' :
1 , "be , II , w'agner is s unlural phyelclnn , " t
0 , S. Fowr.nn , { '
The Orcateet iAing I'hroioingis6 l
"Few ran excel you nt n doctor , " I
Inn. J , Sainte , I u
TheWorld'sOrrntcetl'li'titgnonilAL i ,
"Yon n
. L
edge of Illecase anti mnetmidnee , " +
Ds , J , SiAmlliWS ,
4 + "Thenmllletett full ready relief in Sonr pres.
( lire. " Da. J. Hnoue ,
h , "tic. IL Ivngner h ft regular gralnato iron „
liollcsuo llovpltal , Now York city ; hoe hail very cx. f .
trneit0 htwpllnl prnctmee , and is there ghlysi ; + led on
all I rNIeliee of his beloved tl'ieilce , especially on
chroulodlaan'a , "
lire , naowxxl.t. Ewrxe.
5. "hr. 11. w'agucrhas la uorta11ze1 hlnieclf b9
hi. woudetfaldlsrowr ) of .lento reuictIie for prl
iplo nud eevunl dlecaeceVlrglnla City Chronicle.
, , " Ihoucvtdv of un'olldt flock to see hint"-San
rntiicbm Chrouklo.
& " 1hu Ioclor'e long cxperknca as a + pcciallst
thotdd render hlui icry eucccseful.-Rocky Moan.
tain Nous ,
Plain Facts Plainly SpokeB.
At ate time n dlscuislon of the eeeret 'ice wren en.
tin dyavnided by the professlon , aid medical ii orksot
but n few yera ago aunld lmrdlr mentimm it.
Tadao Iho pignirlan ii of a dfffcrcntopinio ; Ile le
that It fs huts ' . . .
awnu duty'-.lii. Igrroablo though it.
mnyhe--to hnndlo this matter xlthout glosesand
eak pialuly nbout It nud Inlelllgeut y aromG. Situ !
guinrihheis will thank hlut for doliigiu , i
'rho rceuite nttcuding huh deslnlettta rice were for. 1 .
needy lint uudcrstood , or not prey cethnated ; null 1
no Importance belugnltaehrrl to n suhJcct which by °
lie naturudncshot. hi. Ito demo luestigntlouItuse
willingly ignore ! .
Tlue halilt h gtncmlly contmctel by time young
it hilo atteudlug school ; older contmnlune throt'Ii
their etamplc , uiSy be rcepan.lbio runt , or It may be
ne inirevl through nosh lent. 7'hu ccitcmolt onto cx
pcrtcucetl , liio PractIce ii iii bo repeated ngaln and
aminuntil ; at lnct the lmbt ! becomes unit nail cone
llcutnlnnti ncrrou , of
Illchoiie are usually llio prlnunry remull , of eelf abueo.
Allitlllg ale ltujttrha e effect. tllay Ito nlentioluell last , .
tulle deJecnuu or Irmnclbhity of temper alit general
dubilty ! , The hov treks scchreloi , situ rarely Jnlu9
In the sports of hv ( cnngcnnlume. If ho ho n ynnrlg
111511 ho ii ill bu little bland in cuey with tleothcr
caxaud h troubled with exert + lblg and mm03Iit
basllftilneis lm their prese11ce. htsclt lots drcatils ,
enti.nions mud oniplloue uu the face , etc. , are alee
promineut symptoms.
If the prndtcoisilolcnlly 'tersistediii ' , more scdous
dlsturhaucrs take pbtcc. iireat m alpltatidu of thin
heart , orephleptloeauudsons : , nro evperle"cel , and
the sumcrer uiay roll hdo n enmpluto state of idiocy Lu.
lore , unally , death reposes hied.
1'otill lhosucngayetihm thlt dageroue , , practice , I
would lny , drat of nil , etoI , It at oneemake ; every
pue.lbideffurttodosobutf ; you fall , If your lien ous
ey'steni Iv nirendv too much ebattered , nnti .
gnenlly , your alll poaer broltcu , take eomu hen t o
tunietonldyouluyour offort. llarhug freed ynurvelf
Reunite Habit , I aaldd further couuerl yo me go
tiro"gli a a'gular course of trenlueut , for It Is a great
tul.tnlsoto elr' ' , oxothatatyonenuay'forsoma time ,
hu t livery eu little , gh u hlntelf up to this fnscinatl"4
lilt dnngeronuxchteunrntaithotitamilerhlgtrout its )
itsilemse , + pmucesatsomufuture thue. 7'ho limnucr
of 3oun utetwhenu lucnutcL ! acd to 1111 the dumee
cnjolned by ii edlock ii nlanuhigly large , nud In mein
of suds cases title unforluualucoalilloim of things can
be traced le llto practice of self-abuse , which hart beet
abandonedcart ago. Iudcmi , afew uiontht' practice
oltitle habILIieunlclc ttoluduce.perumtorrlt i
later } ears , and l haw many of ouch caoes under treat
mctltat tbo prceent day. , ; ; 1
Young Men
Ivlmomay bo euffcring from the cffocteof youthful
follies "rludlscretloiwall ! doneclltomnll thenwelret
of this , the greatest boon over lald at the altar of euf
ferh.ghuniadty . , Dn. WAaxra will guarantee to for
felt Lti00Stir every case of eomtelweakness or luritnte
dleease o1 nay kind mid characlersNdch hounder.
takes tuned falisto cure.
Middle Aged Men.
There are 'maump at the ago of 30 to 160 aho are
troublivl with too Iraplcu6 evacuations of time byud
deg often ncrtnupanierlby aeilghteumrtlugor hi t p
lug seutalton , Lmlll a iiCakelittlg of the .yeteml Ifrn
ulauiner the pntknt cannotncen nt for. On exnudn
Ir.gthuurlnary'deponltsnropynudhmentwmim elicit bu
feuod , and eenietlnirs small Particles of nlbunren will
a'glcar ' , or the color alll bu of thln mnllideh hue , again
chiulgiugtiadnrknudtogddappearance. Thmroare
many rnrlq' men who ( l ( . of this imuimiwRy , ignorant of
the cinlsa , witicll la tii , , Fl'cl iii etago of eciihial
lies. . hr W.amllgimmuleuaporfeetcore hiallcases
anti a healthy restoration of the gnllto urlnary or-
Coneultatlon hco , Thorough examination nud em.
vice , $5.
All cnnunuulicaUons should be alJrosscd , Dr. henry
Hoary Wagner , I' , 0. 2t80 , Deuser , Colorado ,
Thu Young hlan'e 1'oekot Coui ianlon , by Dr. 11
Wagner , le worth Its weight him gold to young men.
I'ricu i,25. Sent by etah to nuyaddress. ,
Let Your Light Shine.
Dr , Wagner ha celebrated specialist , of Denver ,
Colo. , 8451Arlner street , 1telleses lu letting lhoworld
Ituov chat ho can du , and is doing for thousaim l of
Ills frllowmtcn , Ills treatment for lost maultoud is
u ro to si in hlun a nanuo ( lint , otcdty will blush. Ten
houeaal te.Uuiuulals from all over the United State.
room thosu ho hiss cm mil , i9 proof positive that hedcc9
Ore time waretcases of theosm dloaoa The ali11ctcd
ran rlmrouic and eaa al dlseaws M ( icry kind will
mid hlm theIr bust frimld. itcall ills advcrUscinentiu
all our city mailer. , alid call en him for ayvlce , as wu
know you will corroboratu us iii saying lee is the .nf
firer' , true trleud-Rocky Mouuralu Noes , ;
Relief to the Afflicted.
In medicines , a , In edence , the specialists are the
onus wlmoalway ti comes to the front alul necomilsh [ (
great result. 11m1 remark Is especially applicable tote
to Dr. II. N'agncr , of this city , lie stands at time top
of liMprofesalon , and the clime bo IIerforlmw for the
unfortunate would seem wonderful If not properly
wluwud hr the light of eclentiflo acs1ulrcmenta lie is
cldorsed by thu most onAueut of the unethical faculty.
Ills otilco at 845 Lamamnir etrcet , whuro ho will .pcedl.
Ily effect a cure for the suffering of either sex , Ito matter -
ter 1101 romplleateil their WIIlplahat. 1'0nlcroye
Chronic Complaints Require
Time for a Cure.
Pcrsone it s dletanco who wish tote treated by Dr.
WaRner ut-4 not feel backward buwuso of Inablllty
b alit him. II they will w to the doctor ho will
amul a list of questlona w nables hum to eeed
mulullclnce , counsel amd to thousilds ho has
cover soon , ilo has p hi every chty , town anti
staUom In Colorado xcllas allover the United
States. Hoc hie ad tills a 1vertI omeuL--Diu.
vcrTYlbune ,
Shall We Reform ?
Specific the theory
practice at pre.ent of elurated old ex'perlence '
hy.ldanr , add Ito ail large eommu"Ities they have
. , theyy direct their
aludlcsaud { eractice , Dr. WagncrIs a euccceaful ii.
luetratimn of this umollcni rchool of Slmdaltics , and hls
uoprticedented success I" the treatment of lurlrato
dleuuscs la as xouhrful as it Is uatteriug-Prot , J ,
Shouts ,
'l'ode pera" ° who need medical relief for ( honoet ,
delicatu of diseases w Ill lluti en acoompibhal and sue-
ceseful ' . it , hio yiCr6011 of UrYagnor , No.
54531Ar miler street , xha Is hlghlyrucolnmeimderi bytho
nucdlaQ profu.slol at hone aid aboilrtt-I'omeroy'd
IemocraL bigotry. aid lgnoiaiaemuust ghe way to
wisdom andthe ii ice phy.lclenbelIeveshiletting ) d ,
11 { ht shine for the glory of his Irliow idea , 1'rintes
Ink a tlw torch ho can best use to guile the weary
and tick one to the fountain of 1icaltll If thlsartlde
.hnuld be halrmneutat as a "TORCI l1dOll1" ' act up.
0lahhl to giddu aulfuting humnaultytoSIS Lnzltuer
etrectDenvurUdoraloltwill auewer thu Uurosa ; ,
or ihIch itltaawritten. Addro.s ° 45
1' , O. box 2380 , or cos at 513 Lariuter Street
Iknler , O 5o.
tv'n.tbewiumaaheadtd"TNuc ; sslmy , the