Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 11, 1883, Page 2, Image 2

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    _ _ -
, -
Tito Doctor's MIstaIe.
One of the old mistakes of the
profession was to thnk that there
were no other wiys of curing dis.
case cxccpt those whcli bat ! been
handed down from former times.
It is not to be ( ICfliCd that the
Doctors have done great things for
the world. But when it comes right
down to the real curing of disease ,
it must be admitted that Brown's
Iron Bitters has done enough to
earn the generous gratitude of this
. whole present generation , including
the medical profcssion. There arc
no mysteries oi secrcl.s about the
compounding of Brown's Iron Bit.
tel-s. This prcprnUon ofiron is the
only prcparntioii which vi11 not jfl.
nrc teeth or stomach. In this it is
Leyond comparison better than the
other prcparatio15 , which arc mis
chicvous and injurious. v- ' - '
tYoti need not fear a inistahe in
trying , Drown's Iron Bitters. Youi
diii gist has it. It ivcs vigor to
tliecb1c , and new life to the dys.
peptc. Children take it , not only
with safety , but with great advan.
t.Lge. _ ! _ _
Tli romod bctn tnjecte4 directly to the ecit
the no , rtuIro no chengo of .Itot or nMIqeoU ! ,
mercurial or poonoue modioltice tobo titoti Intern.
Iv .Vhcn iecd , U provcnttvn bt either eoN , Its
ImposItIe to contract any prlveto .Ieoe ; but In the .
ee of those MreMIy untortunsteIy efflictoti wo guer.
&nte tbreo boxes to cure , or wITI refund the
money. I'rIee by mMI , postage paid , $2 per box , or
three bold br 3.
isued by . .lI .uthorlzed agente.
SOLE PJtOi'iliiTOflS.
C. F. Goodman , Druggist , Solo Agent , tot Onah. ,
feIi nl&o w1'
Health is Wthi
; v aw
, , .
_ .L .
iJ i. ( . \VIT lj NV.RVE ANI ) 1IIt.IN ¶ :
i : r , ii giinttttL , FtucjfjO for 3Iptqrin , .Iizzj. )
IlS. ( , , uv"tsicn , Fj t. ( 'IlK Nti rstlgin ,
I I uItcIu. Nervon5 PrJ,4t IIt ieRI CI1h ( (1 by I k' ' , ieo
or nicoliol or tobaccu. Vzk.fiI , riei' , JTl 181 Io.
) , , tuftoniig of thu Brain ri.etilting In in
Lflt3 x&iitI 1iuiIjiig t ( , * iry , ( ICCOY ( tUCI ckit Ii ,
t'ronitiiri , Old Ag1 , Jtarrnuiee , Iuwor
in iI lior , , ix. Ins'olnnlnry I rinil
orrlurn ( . % $ Q ( ( Iyover-.xi.rI i'n Df I 111) brniti tIf. ,
nhuio . , r i .ver.iu1uIgoico. Iitu1i box ( 'IItZIiiR
1)11(1 niiiI , I tI4 I nnt rni'iit . n bux , or rdx Ixo
fur teiiL by irinit i > ( fl ttCOIIt of vrico.
' 11) Cl1r ( tm ) CZLW.Vitlt tach ilnier re'coived hyite
for .ix ) ) pxH uecoupuII it'tI vit1 * wo will
P8I(1 I III ) 3 ( . ) ilr Wilt 1411 gunnuitco tO 10.
fttiii thu itun.y if llo triInoit doer iiutolfcct
acilli , . ( IIIIrlL7ILH ( ihtIIt(1 , ri1'by
C. P. oOOD1AN , sole Agent for Omaha , Ne14
J. P. WEBER & Co. ,
.J ,1 _
' , $ Physical Deformities1
hip mid Spinal Diseas"s ,
Club Feet , Still Knees ,
J3nw Legs , Knock Knees , &c.
Of tha 1)cht 1flIo ICOt on Inti. Truseos ropa1roi ,
Oruthes nude to order. Kutall jobs of all kind.
doiio In Steel , Iron atiti Wouil.
r 4 t ifitepaIring of nil kIiile .icno neat , client )
. FIrSt vreniutie iei our work at thu No.
urompt. State Fair of 1S.Si.
803 Soul/s Tent ! , Sf , , Omaha.
OLD MEDAL. FUU5 , 1870 ,
Bro8kll1t [ Coo ,
\Vnrrnnted eIaotulelii p.r
_ J COCOO , from svIiicl tim tree , .
.Q OIl has boii , I lflOVl. It lifle U1rc8
1gT n \ tImes lie eiIjt/ ( , of Cocon eiilx 'I
' i5thrcl , , irrowrout ol. Sugar ,
I intt le fur puoro econoini.
cal. I t I. dolleloije , eiourlelilng ,
.1tl ' J srtug1linlngcafly tilgietd , and
ittimlrably ni1zqIeil ( or Iuvaitd u ,
\ vcIl , ( or In licalil , .
foul by ( irocereveryihrre.
t 1g , BAK.R & COia BordllestorL as
_ _
Ixhaeiste1 : 'Vitallt7 , Nrrvou .itd 1h bical iblllty ,
rretnturu 3)cc1lo Iii Ma'i , Vrore of Voidli , and U , ,
untold , nIeebue reeultlng trout Itidiserotion , or vt
w teiiCL A book fur very mat , . young , mlddlo agud
ar.i old. II ioitaIri 12. . I're.criptiiiie for all acut ,
and chruiiic dl.eace , caihi'no ot , ehlcI , I. lnaluabio
I 140 found by thu Author , ehoe uxpersonce fur 2
. I scars I , such uI.rohably neur before , ( oIl to thy lo
" 1 any i1t)5ln. 300 IgOe , bound In buautlfe
Vrenwi inu.ellu , esnlosaed co erg , 1,111 gIlt geiarntoe
to be a liner work , In uery lit
crary and Irolenloal.-tlare : , any other work auld I ,
this country for I2..O , or the easoncy e Ill I.e etfiantiut
: lnore' lnst&uco. Voice only $ t.W by nasH , lIot
. Illlletratlbe UI'1O venta. Ihid neiw. ( itl.
ajiodsi awardti the author by thu hticiniI Modlon
Aitociation , to the othceie of % tbb4 ; ho rrfer. .
Ibis book should he read Iiy tIle young for
tins , end by the tllIctod for relIef. It will taufl
alL-London i.sncct.
! Ibere is no member of o1ety to e hum thi.i bool
eiu not be usutul , hvthcr ) outl , , P.cut ' guartitan
Inetruotoror clergvwan.-Arioiaut.
Addeta. . the Foabody Medical Institute , or 1)r. W
II. Parker , Ni' . 4 iJutftnch htrout , lioclo , , Ma. , . . wh ,
may ke conaultod on efl dloae. rc'uIritig skill an
uzperfene. Cbrontosnilobitinatcdi.euoetlit ) , s
Iaflhtd the skill of all otlttr clan
a ipoctalty. Huch treated suteve , I full
,1thout gall ciestanco of failure.
m&vLw.3y THYSELF. n
A Rare CIanco for Printing Office
We lias for silo .eera ! barrels of & flzi
elUfltY Cf Ink. Ikthg made for w
up smaller yr ekwvr tbu we ar now Uainl
oee will svIl U..o enee at &S oenU pot loUIad frey o
board care M Oinab& . Y1l it to give guy
s&tl.facUoo oil panailvr . and wedlra pruaso. .
.j1I Uii iMJiUSUiNO 001
° tk0lt
A POSITI1TE ke. Patntud0 ,
tu&a&d7O. On
box ito. I will card env cal to tour dieur lou Nc
2 wUI cure the uw.t ojDth1aL4 , cuv gao anaug of lao'
long standing.
' , Allan's Soluble Medicat6d Raugic
Mo nauioue dosue of ubvbs , ooc.sbla , or oU of ear
4lwuod , t.hataa.n-.s1iit.e prudcwu cIswpccl& L
doietoyln the cuatleigeof the stomncjt. l'rios l.f.
Hold by uS or ucauoci on receipt of priu
or , Sujthur ri c14LJ4 or via cular.
I U. lior tM.
J , o : ALLAN 00 , CURE1
JIj blrict , tW
-a _ . -
Sovreins Tossc Crs P1ye
for llcayy Stakc.
. ' Story Hroteglt , Out Icy lice Troitlile
flclveetl DIr. ltko acid % tr. Solo.
, , , un-'tr. Uol.I.tmeH Treat-
lileiLt by an Ainerleate.
icw Vork Sun.
Thy arrest of Ilonry .1. flice , Jeiii
Mneo'A iiaanngor , on a charge or ltWiltL. )
hug llobcr Solomon , a fellow paseetigor
Oil tlio S'orvia , Otit of ticatly $3,000 at
cards , led to thu revelation at. JolFcrson
Market yesterday of oII1o roinarkablo
ai1Iblmg oporatioiia on the etoatner during -
ing the voyage from Liverpool.
'J'ho paaaontorfi comilainod Oil
that Itico , Solomon , and a mini iiame
Barnc5 , who wa dOWIl oil the paceongor
list M 'qrr Cioldetoii , " introduccd gaul.
lling galilee amost ununediatolyaftor the
venaol loft rivorool ; , and uutaillt1tllIOI the
play almost couietatItly clay and night in
the iuulcing room. About twenty other
paeseuigOra * joluied in the play. They
Ivure cetoppod at night only by thu cbs.
hug of the isunoking room an hour before
initlitigliLV'ord weuit about anoiug the
passeuigors after a tune that the gaines
wore iiot entirely square , but it was not altar the pockets of thu twenty had
boon lightened of several thousand dol-
bars that. this ueuspicioul began to gaul
The garnlbing was first hegiunbyinatch.
hug sovereigns for small atake. 'Vito
wagers rapidly juicrenecci iii amount until
tlio gamblers got to flipping silver for as
inticit as 60 at a time. Then , it is said ,
thu twenty found it ahnost ini1aossibbo
to match the coins throwit by the oUt.
era.Vhoii the coin Ilippitug became
monotonous , cards were introduced with
tutu saummo result of losses to the twenty.
After a tune tIme twenty dropped outof
the game. , utitci loft 111cc , Solonmon 1111(1
Barnes playing.
As the vessel neared Quarantine a
yiung passenger who canto from India
lost ttI betting that Baruies or ( bold.
stout could not do a certain trick that
several of the passongerM ccaid timoyhuew
was an old trick , desiczned mneroly to
cheat the unwary. 'cnIo1ig the know-
lug ones was a young \mnoricali , l'iio
had just returned from the Oxford uni-
veraity. [ Jo told [ Ito young mnutui front
India that ho had bceum fleeced , alulMaid
ma would got. his mnouiey back for hint.
Twenty others instantly voluutoorod to
aasist In this tmntlorLiking. Thoywnited
until 11:80 : o'clock on Sundayandwout
in a body to ( oldston's rooiim and stood
outsiube while the young American went
in. C.boldstout was ankop , butt the visitor
hiook hint until lie was awoke and cried :
' 1f you don't give Uint young mmmii his
money back I will chuck you ovorbonrd.
There arc twcnt7 .aasongors waiting out-
aide to help tue.
( boldsteii took time muonoy front his
pocket , handed it over , and his uuwel.
collie visitor wont to the young mnati front
India and ( loltvorcd it to hiiiim. Titan ho
went back with his comnardes to ( bold-
stein's room , dragged Itiuua out of his
liuuik , and , as one of than paseuigers said ,
' ' 1t101)1)Cd than tlcck t'ithi hiluum. " It had
been rainium heavily , and Goldstein got
time full conlit of the dirty weather. The
proceeding made such an uproar on deck
that officers came ruimuiin up to discover
the cause. Tue officers said that [ his mci-
dent gave thorn time lirst hint that ropro.
Itensihlo work had boon going ott eu
board. Time incident of ilico's arrest
neryod only toinercaso the indignation of
the passengors. They scowled at iolo.
1)1011 aS ho ran dowut a.for 111cc as Ito was
loa'iiiq tlI.3P.aso1. null ! uu.lo b rtlior
warm tor Ittuit when ho caine back yesterday -
day aftcanoon to get the luggage ho had
loft behind.
Rico was takout before Justice I'attcr-
son yesterday by Police ( Japtaiui MoDon.
itoh of the Prince street station. The
justice said ho hind no jurisdiction in the
matter , as the o1lnao occurred on time
high eons. Capt. McDonnell suggested
that a complaint might be ittado ly , trick
and device into the country. Lawyer
Stacom , who represented Rice , said his
client , was willint. to returit the mooney he
had won froumi Solomoim. _ Tiio justice tolti
Capt. l'ilcDoumnelt to go into the exanti.
itation rooni and endeavor to otict a act.
tiomout. itico said ho would give Solo-
111011 $2,780 if Solomon iaid the lawyer's
foe. Mr. Stacom said that his fee would
1)0 $ ,10. Solomon said that ho hind lost
altogether $2.ltO , bitt would be sittimitied
* itlt 2,78O. Thin was 'ivout to htimut by
Capt. IcDouiumehl , custodian of the funds.
'rime lawyer received lila foe.
Solomon begged Capt. .I'.Icloutnoll to
[ LCCIII1)1UIY ) hiiit to the Sorvia to got his
baggage. lEo said htofeared toga alone.
'rite iiiatnuit lie got to the to1) of the gang.
1)iahlk lie vuts aurrouutdod by passjulgors ,
who naked hmuuui if Ito mid got. his money
back. Ills alliriiiativo reitly greatly in-
conseil sonic of thorn. "V'oil , " cried cite ,
' 'if I hind wout your tnomioy 1 would have
5Wtulul ashore at Quarantine before I
would allow you to got it back. You lost
it at your own gautte. "
'I'iwut a dozen passeligeis told Capt.
] ' , IcDonnoil that Solomon hind gambled nil
thin tmnmo , ituid tliuit lie nuiti hilco utmiti
Barnes had a great deal of mttouo
froimi time other asactigors. Otmo iimttui
' they raid , lost $1,500 ; two Englislunon
brotimera , lost i.iOO each ; autotitor asvoim
I gor collie aishoro poumuibeas ; mutothor losi
a nil his lulonoy aitil rattled his watcit at iivc
ehmilhluiga a citanco to get more mnono
with wlmicht to gamble. lie playnd ngaiu
I and vout back all his nionoy and enough
. to got back his watch.
'rite captain of the steamer said that
. Solomon bust Itia mooney In nuiteiiiumt
with Rico and Barnes. 'l'hto ciiiof otlicci
of thto Sorvia said last night that ho conk
. not remember any umamnos of peengon
t who had lost. They played a gauuie o
' cards ho did not undoratautd. Sounobod3
I told. Iiiitt the gautmo was poker , but t.
. not know positively. 'i'ho oflicers vor
: ; rarely kutow what was going on in thu
'I autokuuig room. It was vartof their dut ;
I , to tuluid their ornt business , and titeb
I did it.
. r'ly 'tlitlii'r
I Iai . hocit uiMhiti your Jlio-.1.L lilo. . ( Jifticra we
Ih.ot i'emuody , ammil iiimtie titomu very ullleaclotmcc.
( : ttas. L. Alumswortht. Ii Vance Block , Indian
spoils , md
S -
it A 1'ctftetly Natural 1tnsiuldnuiee.
Froict the Coutler ,
¶ A few days ajo Miss Joituin Ilazon , o
, i Atigola towitahtmp , was aesiig a sccotd
itaud picture dealer's store in IlutVal
- whiomt she noticed auitont sonic niti Paint
I. jugs a i > icturo that was a strikitig hikeitor
, of Itorsoif. Looking at thin rolloction o
. hioroif iii the t'indow and titen upon tin
w utiti jititiuig , thin recouumIilauco was wout
dorful. The yotin Iadywlio is only abc
9 teen years old , roturittud Itouno to .Autgohi
I. full of her discovery , iutieting that eoiiuc
V Olin had coum ) aiItting her liioturo sin
Ztrrallfilig her as a Iright ( [ lao girl of tin
painting was dressed lit the style of thu
itet century. ) Incited by curiocity soon
I of tlio fnnily went to ButIuho and iiiaoi
sooiiiit the picture wore as amazed as Miss
.Jeuiiito. Their bewilderment vas incrpas-
ed by deciphering the niuno of .Jonnio on
[ lie back of Limo painting. IL also bore
thin flame of the artist. "itichiardaon ,
l'hulntloijimia. , " ' [ ito paintiuig was bought
for 3.5O , and was seuit to the young
lady's grandmother iii Erie1 rru. Dr. M.
.J. Clark , who recognixeci it as the portrait -
trait of liar grauidniothor , .lennio hiuza-
both McMfcimael , aim intrepId l'hiladoi.
phuia girl , whoso adventures during the
revolutionary period tyoro toldat hundreds
of uircsibcs by thto grandfathers and giand.
utiothors of thmo ; ireaontgonoratioim.
: i uti I angl 1.1 ,
jumi1 other fainouce WomflOim have won it rulattdt-
ttorm for facial loauity. A him comiloxlon ,
uumakos , , uio hiruulioino , even thmughi , tin face Is
not.of PerlOct inuilb. , , JturvlrL. 1JleMlIIlffCrz act
directly uuioui tie ) circuulatioii , anti so KIo the
skiii a cbcarncn auuul innootimtmesseecthorwlto
At ict I leltill ( fl Gout Comet Pouuutl atmil
Iept a ScurctTWYcLtkSIy a
Teui-'ciir-oIuI . iloy.
lIcti C1otil Nob. , Argue.
A fauitily from Missouri , whose names
we repress by their request , caine to this
county a few weeks ago and settled a few
miles south of itod Cloud , just across time
ICatisas line. Since their arrival , one
mnoutiber of the fatuity , a boy twelve years
of age , was takeut seriously ill , and for
several days was not expected to recover-
Last week ho disclosed the fact that two
years ago he nccidonUy discovered at
their Missouri home a kuttbo containing
twenty-mime large gold pieces and a .juan-
tity of silver aumil old rotten notes. Ho
had kept his ( liacovory a secret , returning -
ing the kettle to its hiding imiace. lie-
lieviuig tue boy to be delirious , time
rents at first placed no coimfidoncu in his
story , but they are itow satisfied of its
truth , as they can recall a another of cir-
ciinistaumcca teimdtng to streimgtheim Itan
statements. It scents time lany , with his
unusual forcsighmtwas hoarding the treasure -
uro up for future use amid could not itch ! )
casting out vague hints thtat lie know
whore ho could got all tlto mooney vnuitod
when ituwas a ntan , lmiitta to which no
inortnumco , wttl ; attached at the tinte , but
which now confirm the boy's story. The
illneami has taken a favorable tutu and Jima
recovery is only a mnattor of time , when
his father will roturim with him to l'etit.
souri aumd uncartit time buried treasure.
'l'he story is certainly a curious outo , but
time Argus vouches for its truLitfulness ,
and hopes before long to report. its happy
terutinatioli , and give our readtirs tito
itnumles ( if tiio lucky iumunigranta front
A slight cohiIt neglected , often nttawkM time
lunge. BItO\VN'M lhtloNcli 141. TJI0CIIEM give
slice anti luumumiodioto relief. , S'ulct vin1i cii tc''cs.
l'rico ' cents.
Itieli Soutlicrim Seimutori.
I.Torcait of Alabanma has an inconmu of
$8,000 po anmtUmmm.
Pugh of A habatumn nmakes about $7,000a
( iorlauid of Arkauiaas is worth about
Walker , Garland's colleague , is worthi
Lamar of Mississippi has real estate worth
about $25,000 , which brings hint about
$8,000 a year.
Senator George him accumulated $40-
harris of TCIInOSFcOO is worth $60,000.
Senator Jacksout is estimated at $100 ,
000 , lI hiatt a law practice worth $10 , .
000 yearly.
Jones of FIrida has real tate vortii
$10,000 , and legal 'busiimess $ dooo annu-
Brown of Georgia is ommo of the richest
1)1011 south of Mason and Dixon's line.
lb is worth $ ( J,000,000.
Gibson of Louisiana , $1,500,000.
Jonas of Loitisinna , $80,000. His law
practice is worth $20,000 nutituahly.
Maxey of Texas has lands , stocks and
bonds w'rth $100,000.
Coke of the aatmto state is worth $25 , .
Coekrell of Missouri is worth $60,000.
yost , thin other Missouri senator , ict
svortit $8,000 a year.
\\7atle lIamnptoit hiut a Pieselit iumeomno
of $8,000.
taltouto of Virginia is worth nimywimore
froni $500.000 to $1,000,000.
Cnummdon ( , \Vest Virginia is very rich.
lie s rated as twice a mmtillionaiio.
Tito Kentucky senators are both woil
ofl heck is worth $250,000.
"iVilhiaumts is rated $50,000 1)010w liii
PL'iimCOSlOtouttatosphaiuilOlle ) every.
hotly imecda .S' ( ? If(111(17i .AVCrL'iW. 01
druggists $1.50.
( Jol. 11.Valters , U. S. District Attor
imoy , Icansita City , said : , Siniur1ut
.Nerelnc curo'l lily lCCO of spasms. '
Druggists ut all atatoskeop it.
Ituit , . on PIlcos I'enk.
Corrceiolc.lcmmcv iluffIo Ctiurcr.
Time ollicor in chiamgo of thtosignnl ( ) stt
tioim , Sorgcantlioyington of ( brammdllavon ,
' ltlichmigatm explained to us the methods ol
time sigmia service. 1 should judge froim
wimat Ito said that time duties of au othicci
statioumeti oil Pike's Peak are about am
trying as at aumy Jluico , 'I'ho ligJmtmtiu
, I playiiig ott rock ittid torrents of mum aimt
abet nimd aitow in sprilig and fall1 oftei
atrikimm time atatioim , tearing the ntatrti
I iiioutta in pieces situ 1eavumtg time Person
ill chtargo stunned ammd lmlf dead with tin
simok , time comtthiiomnomit by snow and icu
: whiter witlmettt food or lire for daym
togetlter , time exceedingly higit altitude
I time how degree of temperature tin
I year round all cottributo toreimdor itammy
timing bitt a desirable sittmntiomm. lie als
' told us the particulars of time rats destroy
I , iutg time little dmuigltter of hmis inodocossor
Sergeant O'Kiof.
it iOOifl thtat the sorgeamtt'a wife cainu
, lii ) Oil time oa1c to visit itEm , bmliigiimg with
her thto baby amtd sonic fresh moat , Timej
itad built a soimmuwimat hot fire iii tin
mont , aiid , as time sun cautmu out amtd. I
grow warmuor , they opened thin doors sin
, p. windows. 'I'ime rats , attracted by tin
. ' amitoll of tito mmioat , value into tim house
a ( ow at first. These time sergoaitt hub ,
amid titrow out. 'l'lio ) ' kept coimming fasto
amid ( astor and growing immoro amid loon
furious , uuitiithte whole unoumitaiui scouimou
alive witit titoimi. Tue sorvoaiit aimd 1mm
I yifo Bpramtg ittaido of a large helix sin
. turned. on tim full force of time battery
) Time rats that Htnmck time coil moro kihlot
- by tim current aumd rolled back. Thosi
t that juummpod. over , time sergeant anti hi
f tilfu killed with clubs. 'I'ltis coimtinuot
I for a couple of limits , numd then , as then
. seemed ito prospect of its tenimmimiatitmg ii
. that way , Ito rushed out and closed tin
I doors amid windows , autti alter being ton
I ribly scratched and bittomi , lie auccuode
I iii Jiihlimig those reuimmtining Iii time room
I Thin Jaby had bocim lying on the bed amid
I lIt thto taxcitemnent tlmoy hiatt forgotten al
I about her , \\'Jmoum timings were again qulo
I and they turmied to look for lion , the
found nothing loft limit bier bones. There
were several apecimeims of this vermin
sittimig round on [ lie rocks , but they have
i)000 shot at so inucit by the thurits that
they are oxceedimigly shy now and harder
to ) mit. that a weasel or pr.tinio dor. They
are brown iiittcad of gray , about three
times as ; large as an ordinary banim rat ,
aimtl have all their points except the file
( toughs , ColtI , , aisltorc.Throat ) told rcallIy to 13.
if. ioigIaq Sois' , Cepelcunt Cough 1)Toi.i.
T1t1 FINCI-rtTrIttS.
Their Iteitsotis Jt .Vngltig 'eVita
igaIuant I lie Cmtttbe I ( iugc. , ,
From time Cickago 'l'ribunc.
( LtrvnsroN , Tex. , December 5.-One
of tito ' 'Jave-
of time principal ntombors -
him , " aim organizatiout timat. irns recently
mimado its appearance in Southwest Texas ,
itas revealed somno of time motives uictuat-
hug time feimcu.cuttimmg imm a struggle timat
is shaking Texas to time commter. Said ho :
"We are like uninitowa in a p001 of
huingry trout. Semite big atockmnan buys
all the lamid. around on nil aides , Itia cat.
tie graze on our laimda and ours on his.
'iVimen lie mimakes itia 'rounmhimmg' our cattle
are dnivoit oil to seine distant poimit on
his large ranch with hits. Our calves are
separated front their mothers. amid iii thmo
coumfusiomi are bramided with his brand ,
and are driven oil with his cattle.
' 'But if the land was not inclosed
wouldn't this same timing happoim ? "
"No , not to the same oxtuiit as it does
miotv. Wlten [ ito raugo was free overy.
body's cattle ran at large , and ito oime
thought of 'rounding up' and driving oil
every cow jut sigimt. "
' 'Don't you titink if a maim owmms land
lie has a right to fence it if ian wammta to ? "
"No , sir2 mm man him a right to fommco
you or iimcloae time grass and water.
lIe didn't plnimt time grass or have any-
timing to do withi making it grow. Neither
did ho crento time springs and rivers.
( bed made thioumi free , amid before these
laud sharks and cattle kings put fences
aroummd tiicnt they were free. i'hio grass
is just as good amid vul1 fatten his cattle
just as fast without a fence aroumid it as
within. "
"But what is tito use of owimimm land
if yotm can't do as you picaso with it 1"
"You can do as you please with it. If
you want to cultivate it put up your
fence , plow up your land and plant it.
Wo won't bother you. What you work
for anti plant is yours , but grass is free ,
and mto man has a rigbt to claim ivimat
does not belong to himu. "
"Haven't thom pasture mmmcmi offered to
do ahimmost anything you ask ? "
"Yes , they oiler us overytiming ; but
what we want mmd what we are going to
have is a free range. We are determined
to imavo our rigimt , amid if it causes blood
shmctl we can't help it. IVo must aimtl
will have a free range. Thmero are not
enough moon in time regular army of tlto
United States to guard the hues of wire
pasture fences in Texas. "
Why lIe Dotvumcat ?
'rrmio , yott zoo iii a mumiserablo conditloui-yoti
are weak , iahlti , mtnd imersous. You cannot
sleet ) at imigitt , nor enjoy yotmr wakimmg Iiimurme
yet , why lose Imeamt ( bet at thin tirtiggist's am
bottle of IJsIlocL , itlood ) iiftca.a. Ttmoy vll1 r0
etaro to imoalth anti peace of miimd.
SItcIt 01 Snutma Crtmz.
Cor. Sin Francisco Chroimicic.
Santa Cruz is naturally ommo of time love.
host towns on tito coast. It has a splomi
did bench , beautiful drives and otitem
attracUotis , but for mine reason it cami
mmt cofll1)etO as a summmicr resort with
places less gemmerously endowed. Porhaapa
time secret of its lamigmmor is lack of enter
prl Oil ] Of its itIZOflS. TJte
are1 coimstanCty giving videmaco of thu
iistlessimess of titeir dispositloim. A recommi
oxaumiple of this tendency is thieir failure
to properly appreciate the value of a good
local daily paper. Suchia otto-Time Surf
-was started early in time present year
and conducted with ability during time
summer season. It looks at nresemmt as if
there were not omiougim go.ahmcadativenoss
iii Sammta Cruz to support it through time
wimmter , amid unless a moro liberal spirits
show" by tlto morchtaiits thin enterprise
ivill probably be abandoned. Such a stop
will reflect injuriously upon time towmm.
Titero is imotiting calculated to give strait-
gent so good au opimmioi of a place as a
1i'oly itoimie daily paper , and wimemi thin
citizomms lose sigimt of time fmact they immako
a grand mistake. The city dailies ito
doubt satisfy time desire for mmows of pco.
PlO hying in towims within easy distance
of time mmmetropolis , bitt timey do not advertise
tise time towmm , 'i'imnt is thto chief pitrosu
of a local daily , amid time towns that givea
a liberal support to their hmoimte papem
goimerally reap ii big profit from their in
I vcstiuieitt.
i. Gtotl limycstiimouit.
flue of our imrommtinetmt busiimess mom
said tua tIme other day : ' 'Iii the sprilm
my wife got all rumi dowia and could ito
; oat aimytiming ; passiumg your store 1 saiv i
Piio of hood's Sarsaparilla in the window
amid I got a bottle. After site hind takem
it a iveek alto hind a rousimmg appetite , sin
titl ( lien everything. Shin took three bet
tics , aini it was time best three doihars
over iuivested. " 0. I. UoOi & Co. , Low
cli Mass.
, _ _ _ _ _
' -
A Itt'iIalIo Cariler.
L Detroit late l'rcss.
A bimsinoss oman near tue foot of W'ood
I vard avemmue hind three or four iniportan
letters to mail oime day about four week
I ago , nimd mis mum acquaintaimco was going ui
t . Griaword stroothto naked ltiuit to drop then
itmto tue postollico.
'l'ito nmissioim was cheerfully accepted
, iiit1 yesterday tim tmcciuaimitanco hiappoziec
lit at time ottice ugmmin for timolirattinmo aiiicu
5 that date.
p "Say , lieu , " began tliodealer , "do yom
) over forget aimyUmimmgl"
"Noverl" was thin proiult reily.
"Do you reimiemimber tIme letters I gavu
you to mail cite day last mnoimthth"
' ' "
' 'Aiii OU mimailed timoimmi"
) "I did , "
, "Please fotl lit your left imaimd coat
I tail pocket mmd BOO if they ate ito
timer , , . "
t ' 'I'll loch , but I voimientbor Poatimit
1 those letters as pliimly itS I rotitomn
S ber- " a
lie felt sonmotliiiig anti hogan to itaul tm
1 mimi out canto for letters , crumbled sin
r soiled and wormi ,
mm thought so. "
' ' \'elh , by gosim ! "
"Amid time nmoimoy I gave you to bu :
4 Staimilis ! "
"Bless mno-bles mime-did I over ! Say
I i 111141 timat coat nit that dim ) ' to go to a itt
0 mionci , amid I'll ho itmtiiged if I didm't , for
got to go to timmit , tool"
.Iubal I'.mmrl ,
a Communal Jubal Early isa typicnlVirgin
11th. ' 'flu is , " says time Sumi'isVashmingtou
1 correspoimdent , ' 'lrawmm up into a hart
. kimot witim rlmeiumitatisiim , mutti line a face ilk
1 a hickory smut , Ills voice is pilelmed eu i
I very high key , end Ito is a compound o
shmrowdncsa and smucasni lit equal jarts
lie was strotigly o1'jtosud to 8CCC8MO3 Ill
the beginning of time var , nlthmouhi he
iought valiantly witeit figimting was mnevit-
able him time Virgiumia convmittiomi , In
1861 lie attacked time coimduct of South
Carolina bitterly , After time war hind
actually beguim ho had iii imis brigade a
Soutim Carolina rogimoimt. It was oh-
served thmat old .Jubal was always sure to
got titat regiment jim time most ticklisim
ilftco when tIme brigade was uiulor lire.
During oume of thin battles aronuid Itichm.
inond , Early's brigade was ordered to
time froitt , aiul , as usual , Early made time
South Carolina fellows head time commit ,
squeaking out at time top of his voice as
lie rode lii ) to timoni. 'Yea , I'll send you
to . time front , amid I'll hoop yell timero , too.
\.ott got us Iiit ( ) thus lix , mmcl , dantit you ,
you've got to got us out. "
1)intmer Up . 'eluloulg I lie CIomicl ,
Wiiiri : MouNrtmsa , N. fl.-A.T. Bar-
roim , of time reimowmmcd Twiim iIouumtain
house aumd Falamt Ilomiac , ivimo cuimpboys
one imuimdred mad fifty horses , accords his
preference to St. Jacobs Oil over all otit-
or nmedmcines , as a cumro for 11am in luau
or beast.
- _ _ -
A Little Noigimbouly Clint Over lime
itzitkyard Fence.
'm'oimiers Statcenma , , . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
"I ace Mrs. Shoddy is goiumg put ott
colors again , " said Mrs. Crimsomibeak to
her imoigimbor , Mrs. Yeaatwhiho timey ivore
hmatmgiuig out their washing in time back-
I yard last Momtday mnorniumg.
"It camm't be,1' exclaimed Mrs Yeast ,
droppimmg time ciotiies-piit front betwoemm
imor teeth.
' 'But it is so , " replied 11.Irs. . O.mnoviutg
I nearer time 't rcservatiomm.
"how long has her husband been
dead ? " caine fromum time other side of time
"Omtiy three months itoxt Saturday. "
"It ut ntpossible that thmimt Shioddy wo.
ntamm would commto out in colors so soon.
But how did you hear it ? "
" \Volh , I mmmcl her in Daub's store last
week , mutd site was buying some of lalS
face paimmt , ammd , would you believe it ,
Mrs. Yeast , it was time smtmo color that
'Oti Imavo been usiumg ! "
The fact that Mrs. Yeast was imitable to
climb time fence saved Mrs. Crinmoitbeak
fromma total ammumiimilation.
IIem'sfortt Add Plmo4p11111C.
A Good Thing.
Dr. Adauua Miller , Chicago , Ill. , says :
"I have recomnmended Ilorsford's Acid
Pliospimato to my patiemits , amid have received -
coived very favorable reports. it is one
of the very few really valuabio propara-
tioums mtow offered to time afilicted. Iii a
practice of thirty-five years.I imavo foumtd
a few good things , amid this is one of
timcnm. "
The Latest iii Telegraphy-Tue Syui.
cIminiiim , ) Iimltlpio TcIegrzm : !
and 'm.Vlaat iii Expect-
rd 01 It.
Special t. , tmm Ciutciutmtati Commutcrcial.Gauzette.
Nnis Ynimic , December 7.-Prof. E. .1.
Iloustoim , of the Franklin institute of
Phiihadelphia , while ium Now York a few
days ago , said that lie believed to time
fullest extent in the practicability of time
. synchroumotms nmultipbo telegraph system ,
whicim is now attracting time attention of
electricians hero.
"I behioro , " said [ Profcsor flouatomm ,
. "we are in the era of a revolution in
r tohgrnphty as imturvoIouIm , if 1)OsRible , as
I that which frodhccd tIme tolegraplmme sys-
thin. Mr. Delaney , the inventor of tIme
systouim , is the first practically to
obtain a symmchroimiamn so absolute -
lute , botweeum distant rotating cyiin-
dora , as to secure their rota-
tiomi for weeks at a time ivitimout a i'aria-
tion between time two 1-600 of a second.
To timoso mamimiliar with telegraphy , this
menus aim almost unlimnited possibiiity.
Otto of ntore evident applications of time
primicipie is time division of an ordinary
telegraph wire iumto a numnbor ot electric
circuits , each of which is entirely mdc-
poimdoutt of thin others. "
"To what extent has time divisioum of
the circuits bocum ascertained ? "
' 'Its practical limit would be tliiIimiit
I to assert. About , a year ago four circuits
adapted to the Morse syte in , were perfected -
fectod rover a single wire ; later twelve
circuits were obtaiumoti. None rccouttiy
m seveumty.two distinct cumd separate circuits
I imavo been operated cmi time saummo line , that
. is ott one wiio leadnmg froimi a centril of-
. lice jut New York to cue iii Pimiiadelphia.
I\hany \ have soventy.tivo bramacimes comi
utected with as nmauiy subscribers iii this ,
atrortlimig each subscriber tin absolutely
i private commmmuumcationwitii oito of the soy-
a onty two braimcii offices in Phiiladelpimia.
Title is a total of 114 in all. "
' ' \Vimo is thus inventor ? "
"His minute is I'atrick B. Dolaumey. lie
' 1 a mmmii of about titirty.flvo , ma Now
1 Yorker , of Irish deaceuit. lIe begami life
. as a telegraph oporathr , like Edsou. A
[ DammoPaul , LaCourtookthto first stopimoro
- ut Now York in 1878. I lesecured a patoumt ,
which Ito showed to time Western tlniomm
colmipummy , but it wits not tloughit by the
commmpany to 1)0 of value. Deiammoy lots
carried out time idea ivitore LuiCour imad
- dropped it , and imas beau engaged on time
t work for three years. I coumfess time
a priumciple 01)0118 to me iauggestion of iii-
mimost iiiI'mimito possibilities. It reumdera
I time near practicability of telegraph.
lug sound alumiost certain , and I see
no reason why the tramisfer of objects ,
pimotographmically , by telegraph , ummay
umot be realized timnougim this systemmm.
Tue patents arc all uumdcr thin control of
2 tue Stammdard Electric Manufacuniuig
comilpammy. It is time 1urpso to ostablisim
smmhordimmate offices timrougim the cities of
time country for iumtercommtmuumication ott a
plan similar to timat of time telepimoumo ox-
Lhmaumgos. 'Time ' ayuicimronous system
immakes private wires 1)oasibbo to bmisiimess
units tvithi advamitages thiat the teioplmono
. caii riot Provide. "
hEVEflFULs. , EpSlept1c 1"tts
I L Sjawim , Fulling
Sickutces , Commvul.
floutS , St. Vitus Dance , Alcohmollenm ,
OpI.muim Eating , SemInal \'eutkumessJun' _
V moteumcy , Syphilis , Scrofula , and all
Nervous and Eilood DIscaos.
e-To : Cbergyummen , LmiwyersLlteraryMen ,
- Mercimatite , Iiatukera , lamitilea nod all whose
. rcdeimtarv .umijt'.oyuuiemmt ( mitiCOS NLrYomi.3 . Pros-
tratloim , lrregulunlticmc of time blood stoimmawlu ,
bowels or kidumcyt' , or imimo require a mierve
tommie cippctlzeroi btlmuuhemmtSancirittin Ker-
clue it Immvaluabhc.
. jtGREAT )
i woumdcrfui 1 igor-
1 mint timat over suustimin-
S ed mi slukitug systcuum.
I lru0giotzu , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
. flflOtj5. St. Joseph. Mci.
I teatuummoutati nU circular. cone stamp. (18) (
Furnitur' '
Have just received a large quantity of
I 1206 , 1208 nd 1210 FarmiamSt
To All ' 1oor. NED.
Keg and ottIed 3eer
F 1 This Excellent Beer speaks mt itacli.
; :14 : I
a ' . . . . . STATE OTt TIlE ENTIRE WEST ,
, I.9SM0. Ia Promptly Shipped.
f cttL : r cr-LL
Solo Agent for Omaha amtdtitoYet. .
Cor. 9th Street and Capitol Avezmuo'
LuMber , Lalli , Sliifl1es , Pickets ,
Union Pacific Depot , -
Growers of Live Stock and Others.
Our Cround Oil Cakel
It i the bet and cheapest food for stock of any ( kind. One pound is cquai to thrce pounds of corn
tock fcd with Ground Oil Cake In the nhi and Winter , inetead of running down , will lmacreas In weigh I
and be In good immarkotablu condition in time spring. DaIrymen , as well as others , who use it can toetify
its . nierita. . Try it and judo for yourseivoe.i'rtco 825.00 nor ton no charge for sacks. Address WO0DMAN LINSED OIL COMPANY Omsha
Granite Ironware. 4.
/ z4 : : ; .
I . Tue Best Wai'e Made foi' the I.fltc1ieu
\ : ' sill iouis STAMPING COMPANY , ST. LOUIS
For a1 liv 811 tov , lldar , aii HollofllnIishillff Tha1og.
- r-- - - C-
Particular attcntion hen to re airin Batispctcn rtiaranteod
Double and Single Acting Power and Hand
Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinory,1 Bolting , Hose , Brass and Iron Fittingal
Steam Packiuig at wholesale and rolnil. HALLADAY WiND-MILLS , CHURCH
Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
. ( Chicago , Burlington & Quincy Railroad. )
; - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ iz _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s'TA- . .vuI . r
1 - Waud
. ,
l m. e
1 . . .
0 i. - j
4 t . -r 'J' , , 9.
g \ 454 '
\ \ ' _ _ . : . lb I
' -
- _ a--
_ , , , . , " ' . ; o
_ at C
_ , , ,
_ _ _ _
F.leant Day Coaches , Parlor Cars. with Ite'hin . Solid Trains of Elcgant Pay Coaches and Pull
lag eLmira ( uati frec ) , Smoking Cars , with lie. nmarm l'alaco Sleeping ( -jars are run daily to and
volving Chairs I'uilman Palace Sleeping Cars and front St linde , via Hannibal ,
thu tauujmms ( j. ii..t Q. Dining Cars run dailyto and 1li'rhlngton. Cedar ] tapltis and 'Aiiert Qulncv Lea Keokiak to it
from ChIcago & Kimimsas Cay , Chicago , Council i'aiil and Minneapolis ; Parlor Curs with ,
Uluffs ' Chmlcago & Des Moiae Chicago ' St. Jo Chairs 10 anti fmn Louis and l'corlaanttt3l
sepia , 'AIclmLoa Topeka. Only tbrough't line be and ( toni St Louis anti Ottumwmm Only
taveen Chicago , Llnco.n & Denser. Through cams change of cars between St Louis antI DI
butween IndianapolIs & Council flluIfl , via Ieona Moines : :
Iowa , Lincoln1 Nebraska , .
MI counecUon imuado In Union lonols. It ma Colorado , and De'cvc.j
known its thu greatTZlitOIJQJl CAll 1JNE.
It as UnlvcrgaUyadmtt gel to be the
Finnet Equipped Railroad in the World for all Clitasos of Travel
T , J. FOT1ER. 3d Vlce.t'ros't and ( Iont Macinter , itcsvy4 r.OWItLT , elSa , Pass , Ag'e. Chlcar. ,
ATti11 Paper au 1llO Shades.
1118 FARNAM s'rREF.T ,