7iir inirY 11isn2vRRnnX , DiC1RiBEIt 8 , is3. 'p iVan Brunt Thomps on. & Co COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - - - - - IOWA. W1IOLESALE DEAhERS IN ALL rINDS OP . AGRICULTURAL MPLEMENTS TIf18 IS A 'UT OP TUB N. 0. THOMPSON Single. Which has been through n good innn 1' ti ILy aJa , t ) , , , . . . .w , ttsons , anti has always given entire 1 1 sfnctiol. It is 0110 of Lit J first % 1 stalk cutter3 ever put on the market , o < ' ( i a nd today there is none suptrlor. The , am : : ; r , . , v rarer k 4 ouble FEi Stalk Cutter al i , . , r y F + i as well liuntvn as this , rVo lvoulu . , f request ( lenlers to place their orders , + r , _ with us earl ' as the demand for stitllr . ' ' ' cutters will be larger tluutever before. = - AMONG OUR 000Ds ARE TIlE FOLLOWING : a r NGThompson's ores ! Reapers , Cultivators , . Mowers Hay Rakes , arrows , a e er , Stalk OuttOr , New Tongueless Cultivator. THIS IS A CUT OF Ti11 % N. T o nPSO r k\ r + y I R b. T I3IILTIYAT 011 , , „ . : : -t a 1Vhic11 gave sucht uuivcrs , d sensor. We offer you thi3 Cultivator / h egoboundureslill'conftdeutth.titisiearer . , - , , . w * = - - = v1perfectiol than any similar cultivator of ' , z , . : . , . her 1)l tkcs. rim record which it ha- , ' ' - all tC 111 the 1)ast bears 1111 out in the above WE HAVE ALSO A PULL LINE OF She11er i , 1 9 r1 ' &Ug , &Oi . . m. e WACOfI , PLANTEFI 9 x i r , 1 81 ' o -ALL SOLD BY- . 'Thompson o To our former patrons ar t1 to tlrote who iusiy iii the future , he our patrons , we wit sny to8t Wo ale again pernnth d to oiler you the r N. Cx T1MP3OI n . Hay Rake ' . . ' or the coming year. The snece ss of this Maine i8 so well lolowu that conr- vieut ( ' ( I t lln9 llitlller ° + + ' ' ' ' , 1S , . . p y u a . wheels than ( nay other and for lair ugrf . _ { - - - . r s' _ ' r . stalky , as well aq hay , it cannot be. . * a + .r- beat , . WE + ' AitL PROUD TO SS TIIAT WE HAVE TH'E FINEST ASSO11TMENT ) Carriages , Buggies , Phaetons and Spring Wagons , To be found in the West , ct c rresponding law pricer. You should Investigate this before buy'ng ' elsewhere I Did you ewer see one of iltefo in , .ehiues work P Its the funilt9Rt f it you ever saw. It is the i N. C. THOMPSON . . ta : . , Hay Tedder ' . . - fi. old will do inore workturninon hay ikon r _ _ r " - - t Y ( ' 11 l'1011cat do il the &iU113 t1111U. , r Wu-dest'ro y ( ur trade , aad n itturu wevill furn ii you with oed goods , I 4 VAN BRUNT , CO. , N08,1O ,12 and 11 Fourth Street , ( . ) uncil f 1nfhi' ' , Io't a , f . 1 ' COUNCIL BLUFFS ( ADDITIONAL LOOAL NEWS. SoM fl IIINO all' ' S1IiNANUOAII , IndlgnntInn nt ixornllant freight OhnrgeI ou Cowl'Vnod , SIIEN.1NUOA11 , Docamber ( L-Tho roll of thu skating rink is as the roar of thu distant cataract. Thu farmerB' nlllanco of this place has resolved to asBlst thu coltipuiy which la lighting 1Vashbtlrn , boon tC Co. , on the barb wire iesuu. I is proposed to contest thu collection o1 thu benne granted to the 11 , .C S , rail. road by Shunaudoah , on the ground of not.COmplinnco with thu epecificationa according to which the mnchino a1n.q were to ho built , A Dakota colony of Slimtanduahitua lane beomi organizud. Taw papora have been signed by a largo miuutber of prominent citizoua. .T , 1Villiams , Geo. Cottrill , and 0 , llarriBos hnvu been appointed to go in behalf of taw company , spy out and locate laud. Thu plan iB to Bucuru fur the colony a whulu county. Ihu h trdwaro firm of Norton tC Cot. roll has dissolved partIIoralup and Lem Norton nov goes it alone. Liu is young , but if hu ha as cahitioua and foroauuing us thu old nun , liia father , ho will do , 'Paw 1Vnbuth ratlroad baa added $1 lu the freight on a cod of w"ud , 'I'hta ie a burden to the poor man. And yet the puu1)10 wonder what a ui be done uhout tt Can it bu that we the peoplu have forgotteii that wo are the king of this country , or have svo abdicated n favor of , ruat curpurattoua ? If the principle that thu ihtercnla of thu ninny aru paa.uount t ) the intureata of thu few hoc cm roet + 1)o , why shiould it not hu 01)P110(1 to the nuuuaguoout mud aduliutalruton of rail. road euinpanita ? 1Vlto will 1uBwer thin , hurter catechism ? We hear that we are to ho favored by a ( an10ert from the Omaha Oleo club , mui are rehably informed it will be a treat. N 1Vnilney , tic railway nun ( ruin ltlantiu City , line bent prowling arouud hero , 811(1 801110 are anxlOUB to know ( 'hut it may beau. Dr. J G , Itsa has returned ( ruin Da. kota , and now ie to duvoto hlluBeif to hiB practice. 0. Six per coat city end f8rut loan. , S , W Ferguaaoi iS Co. , 3i ) Puarl St , nw& TlbO Y. M. C. 4. Gospel meeting at Y. M. C. A. roona No 12 north liluiu atroot Sunday at 1 io , n. lt'guular monthly buainoBa meeting of thu l' . M C , A. as their rootme Monday evuuittg at 8 o'clock. A. full atteudmucu is requested. C 0 , Frrcu , secretary. .min. . Diphtheria iB provalunt. Uae Dr. Jalfriea ( Council Bhdfs ) prove uhso 1111(1 euro , or buy a cofiu. "You pay your usouuy and take your choice. " 111(1"3U , liettveulr AtltitL By Mete Ir4rl. Neer doubt a l nsiciah's word when he aays he au't play. Tun cliancue to 0110.1113 can'tL h i literature it his but a 8tcp from the aubliuio to the ridieuluua. Lt muaie it ia hot a IIair'8 breadth ( ruin delight to tor. tore. Some people who play the piano csn not nuduratand why others who don't pllIy are ao much more popular with their nogltbura. Alwaya do your practicing in the early nnnstlug what thu uoieu will be partially drowned by the yells of the ulilkmoi , uewaboys and huck8tera. Many pioea are sold of installments , and many nioru would be were it not for the dificulty of gutting pianos wur ranted not to wear out until they are paid for. Many promleing muaimale have beam madu pernmit11ently deaf by the 11(1184) (1f their practice , A light touch , withla lib. ural use of the auftpedal , is the oily pru we11tiy0. Everything depanda upon practice , and nut leas than tell hours a day should be given to it. Du nut go to a great city to learn nnl 1)c , blovo out into thu 11siddlu of Lt priiriu. A piIn ( ) that lies been uaed eeventcu11 yearn in 011 Imisue Asylum in Phihudcl plhta woe chopped up for 11rowood Ii ii other day , and atncu then so many of the inuatea lev , gut cell that the nmuogers will either hnvu to buy nnuthur old piumiu or 01118" the inatitutfue , AN EXTltncItulNAttY CASE. AUioIN'PsxAe , Fub. Seth,1BSO To Mr , .J. V. Graham , 1)ruggI.t : hear air -illy cu n www nn acute form of brria Idtis , and was of 010 eud a half year h durotinl , I rah yvid tl11 , beat l11n.licul uk I + as.ihle,1)111. fade + rapidly , Ui th the d , et.rs ) said I would distlut Nly cane wr iuuunhlu , 'flirawa npan lily own rt'soartc. , i gut a t. + ttiu of 1)It IVii , IIALL'H ttAI.kAI yet I'IIIE I.VNOH and tt six hl + lllr. frlt a decided roiief lu three ii $ ya oho cough t a hnu8t dlsnppenred. NOW nlllt my ch'ua , + s of life Inn gun + l for ii aiiV yours , 1 o + p eeatlv recumoimnl tiiu ubuvu to every .uf tore { of I + uig or tlrrout dieron , (1. ( G , LATIIItOP , Ill KI.It.5 PAIN PANACIs,1 e1)espnln hi 51au and IJuu.t. Nor use externally and lu tertully ) , _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - rt I'rOHprou8 Nuwwpupur. Yansas City Journal. ' 1'huro afro few papers in thu west that. ahoy a grunter degree of prosperity thaw Ter Olutr Bin. On the lat moat , it publ 'ahud a duublo shout , cuntuinimig ii complutu history of uhu Uuiun Pucilic ratruad. It wee the twentieth u1111iver Nary of thu brenking ground for that nugltty onturpriaa , which hoe dune a + . muchtrdevelop theenultrywest. of thr hUss(10rt river. LI addition l'IIE IIEE cave a six euhmnn interview with ( lu + n gu Iraieia Train , III New Yolk , who wua ( Ire priu u mover in bin Idtng the Union I'withe ' 1'Iii BEE has 1)0011 built tip by th0 ouurgy nod utility of its propretur meld nouiugiug editir , Air. E , It + eewater. who for ueverul yuara did neurly all thu editorial work to itN colucnn4 , flu now hue too paper h1 thorough and cougdete running order , having recently reorglut uzrd tie editorial stall ; bar Allred 5urolanmi , who wan for .ovuu years 1111 I'un Br. , in.d Ihu n left to serve thie0 ycros iiu Tie Itepublinn , now goeH hick II'I'ua lhn ua uea0matu tdttor , lie Ia aut aeconphabed and hiirll wnrkil + g jnnrnul jot , auul will bu u decided uddirbul to Ilia ; Jhpi r Wu regurd'l'nc Ihi i 114 1)1111 of thhu etu.t ( miterpritmtlg papur8 ui the Miuaanri rulhoy , 16 l1)t strughrd thorough and avra8uu many rlllieu11iue , uud wO Ulu ; lad tuur'il tt raw ou lt.olld basil , 'Uy AI(1thor 11"8 barn iiidii ) ' ' 111 J'urde d' i'tou4 Pilfrrl hu ( a liver uhd louts . ciunN ' remedy th. eh vi ry rtfle n. I. . Aiiiawutkli , 41 Vanee tiheck , lbIlsu. ( apulis , mud f , mY. _ . LOSTIN THE MOUtVrAIhS , 4n 1'ranchoo call. Eleven yoare ago the I'acilo coast , and the entire world fur that matter , were electrified by astounding intellig neo that diamou l liulda of inexllauehhle qumutity and perfect quality had beotr diacovere(1 ill (1110 of the territories. Vague rtunora followed ono auotlwr in regatta is their location and purity 0f the atones. Sonic avid that they were in Arizona , othura in Colorado , whiilu aonu maititaiuied dust they certainly were clear the Ilttrru minoa fu New ltexic ( ; but wheruver they litre , thu too crevlulous public ryas cuufideut that they oxiatud aoutowliuro , aril o'ery (1110 waited with fuveriah nnxioty thue(1lu time of the Iiuelty uxcd prcbleei. At heat thu papora wet o inforteod Hotta lot iii the diahiitla hind been received in Son Fran ciaco , cud nftur undurgoihl a thorough test by experienced lapidarea , Imd been promiomiuced "gema of purat water. " l'hitt was the torch that tired the publio excitement buyoud control , Ali how ivemidured why they were not diacovured buforu. Thoaeo11da tlockud to sou thwut nod as day after day tau papura conttued coltunna duvnlud to the aub jest , pouplu wuru driven nlnruat frantic to hind the locution of tine now Gel. condo , About this thou it was rumored that an expedition was Oimig to be acnl to the to work and hold them ; and that they were to be incorporated , nod the stock sold to the public , an that ell eotilth have an opportunity to become rich in a short thou. A llnrpundin ; suns the prune mover of too athur , and the Bank of Cal ° ifurnia , the troacsurer of thin now cud wonderful company. But the story of the uethud of awiudliug p11rauudby thu rogue. La wull kmiown to all Ctdifortuaur. It is Duly of the expedition that wawa led in acarel of tie duttuuuda that thia article shall treat. TILL' tilA 1oNi ) iIUNThiR. One day , n abort time after the excitee ntoit brolto out , n crowd of pohnpe twenty not-ono of wlium wait the writer -wero aasoutblud in 1Larpeuding'e ollice , 1)t the curlier of Cnhfuruia tuul Sahaooe atruuta Thuy repreeuntuI nil party of the Union , svoro of Vltriots prufuaaum , aid Such tl and phyaical dtlluroncea were uarkud. There W8e the old 'ttHr ) , ready so go to the utld of thu world , if nuuoaaary , ill Search of now diacuveriua 'I'heru uvere also young nleIt full of ndvvntnru-the future brit ht and elnerful-ready fur anything lit the Bhnpo of uxcitunlunt. Ahao a fen profeeaional ouu , aeveral mechanics , and ono or two hrokun duwn "spnrte , " 011 who11t hortuno lied not neuled lit ao long a time that they mvmv "willing to out their life on any chauicu , to rend it or be rid cu't. " IVhut brought this etrautgo , iiicongruuu8 hutsa to. getherl 1Vhat object cold they possibly have in couhnol ? It woe tie acerut ox- leditnil ) After awhtle , EIarpending joined the partymnd read the contract. It wua that ho sveiald furnish fuuda to pay all uxpun HOE ; of the couq.uhiy ; that they ivere to travel iii any part of tliu United Statua or torrito iea that ho wished them to do ; that they ware to uu11u for gold , Silver Imd precious atouea , locate mater righta , ute. , fur a period of four month. ; that all diaeoverica were to be divided between ltiui mid the COepitny , Every ( tau eigtsud it , old all wore told to be at thu Oatkhutd bout the next noruiug at eight o'clock , lliku Gray was 1ppo11ttod captain , After ull the prcliniuariua wore ar ranged thu fnoi eagerly udi.eu.eod , the pruapocta of the uxpudit1on. 1Vhilo no apecutl Inuittiou wua made of .1)y particu our location of prteiau. atone. , .till all had an intuitive knowledge that ore point was the "Diamond Fiulda , " and tliut ito crtay was huccarary , as it might leak out before the ubjeet was uttaiuud , thus depriving phut of the full beuutit lit the wondurluh discovery. In the crowd was a inau by the none of Joh0s , will was to pilot ua to thd. uur known lieiid. Ihu kept a nyeteri4)ua ) silence , but oo aeioually deigned to war ono 11f the many quOStiOns propuuud- mid , with some vague answer about untold w'ultith hiddmt away iii one of the tartn tunics , whore lucu before ho had buen with a crowd of a tlazumi Inuu , cud bud tired gold and prt'ciou. atouea in abund- , nlcc ; how the lluhhilna , jeahiua of their treasures , lull murdered all but hhuh ; and hu would old by saying : "AiI that you noun have to do is to light Intheisa for awhile , and to the survtvers of the expo diton 1tnutuuBO wealth will accrue , " raid then iaid that in liftouu days we would ba (1n the Erouiid. 'l'hat night every luau of the party wait buton holt.d constantly by 1 + 0(11110 who were ituxious to know what wait going on. ' 'IVhere are you going ? 11'Iiar do you atnrtl" etc. were heard 0t all sides. In apitu of our elfurts , our aeetiug wash kuoun. 811(1 tie air wua till. Oil with suyateri"ua rumors of tie object of our urgaliizetiau. TILE NTAItT. Thu next morning-it was in Septum. her , 1872-thou company were promptly all hand , and bade ad hi u to Sun 1 + 'raucfia , with the exultant hupo , that iii a few uloutlti the itlrvivorri would return 8a Monte Cri.ba Wu boarded the overland train at Oakluud wharf , and were whirled through C.tldurmiia , Nevada , ou intoChuy. (11110 , whore we awilched oaf and want to Druver. Umi our 8rnvitl at thilt city , we were ctu iuuud by Oruy to keuy quiet and hnvu as lit Lie to Buy to the people as pns eiblo. We created eomiaidurable excite. Ilieiit ailioliut the miativea , will.aw twenty ill r tugu luolcing 111011 oh uNCur together on the plutfOrot , looking lifter piles of log gage , cea0a of aaddlea , iiurneaM , etc. , turd litat and moat olninulla of gull , boxes (1f Winchester ritiuet 'IVhat does It nlulln ? ' ails tutkeid 031 all aidca , and the irrepres aiblu ruporturiul fly buzzed me'u.nigly ' with the vain hepu that ho could eceist the right trail. W0 all atuppud at the 1111110 hotel , and after supper , nlrolled itraulid in twos and threes to ace th0 Bighta. Sertirul inquisitive natives after vainly trying all kinds of ways to Iliaku ua give an aoc(1umit of curatilvea , undertook to flee if Colorado whiskey would nut eaueu n. to unhowm ; but algal they ruck. 0ucd without their host. They made the attempt it everul , who for years had tackled Barbary Coast Iightlang , and in a short thine thu Uemivaritw bit the duet , Nu wore nut anu(1yed further. The next unrning wo wore off bright and early nn thur narrow gauge road for Pu hlo , IVu parsed through the grinl eat scenery in Colorado. On thrtiugh wild can(1ua , acrosa pretty valleys , , l part thu 1 yrunid neck. , until Pike's I ( ak roared its avow egged euumiiit lu front of us , About 4 p , in , no reached 1'u0blu-uur joutmioy a end by rail. Wu caoiP'1 near the depnt , and nmdo prupurrttiuu5 fur securing hnreen and paclc uwles'I'IIomipxtdaywewent tutu luau , picked out what stock wo wluhed , and brought t heui to cue i , 1Vu atno ullgawed uiOl tw'n yloiiGnie as < urs , Thu first cut froru Puuhlo we were twitted to 8 tollfic thunder storm It numiud iii torrents uu our unprot'ctcl Lead. , uud gctvu time uninitiated anidea uf what wa. in store fur theme , TII1S DIAMOND JIUNTEIt $ YOLLO WOO , The next night there was eun.idorablu ox cl ( matt in atop , A potty of much lit aded by Jomioy , nlint "Apache blots , " welo fullowimig , and camped ncrass the rev lie frauu nit "iVhat is t ) b0 (1(11104" a ked ain11u "Shall we allow thoeo 111(11 to fellow eat or skull we etampedu their stook , or failing iii that , shall we take forciblu potecseton of it , amid scud thiem back about ? 11'u cantbot permit them to track lie iii Hutt way. " After consider. able bulk , we hued nn imiturviow with them , its winch they auid that they Would not attempt to inttrlere in any way with our oxpedttiou ; that they would like to go nluug , 811(1 Wetdd n)1. make nuy Inca. tiluu (1u hula that we in lgbt hav'o cLimu to ; beaules taut , as we vuro gotug thnotight cut 1ml uau country , they ( light be of service to us , Under these eoudi- lie11e , au purmititted thuut to follow , About ( hut tlnhU WU mioticud that Gray nod Jones wuru studying the map very closely. IVe lied now bccu cut frum I'uutiloover it u , "k. amid Jouus uvaaakud every (1a ) ' svlu'iI our journey would uud. ' ' 1'rutty aouu , " hue would say , " , J oat across the next rnlgu of niutntaius , l will shrew you where icy party waa iaaaa creel , while they wuru taking out a thou. haul dollars a day to thu uuo. " 'l'lwn ho would sty , " 1t l don't luuv'u what l say , you ulu de what you ehuasu with lie , 'that clinched it , aunt iupatiuucu for the tune being waa act aside. On wu tolled , day after day , runt still no ouL 1Vu wuru now folluwtnq the San thuut river , w0 would cruaa coil rucroas it , crud coetiuuu on our weItriauow way. Our protiatolis began failing , 1Vu svera put ( imi half rntfuuH , and still no aign of Jones nunulhtlmi , the bl0ect of our journey , 1Vu fortunately cane across a thick of wild tot keya , mud out rillea wuru eoou pht'tug on them , anti we suaurud seven or eight. 'lint night chid the next they we feiiated IVe continued of our way hero dia huurteuod tut the close of ' every day's j air- 11(1) ' . IVO eroased mud rucrossed uuouu talus and vulteys. Our stock weru well. nigh exhuusedund 1owniutolmign11nug thin nun could daily bu heard , Ono night about this tine , just after we had nadu uauhpt1IU tnuuscattercd through thucuunt ilk atutelm of guutu. IVe were itluust fa11uialwd for foul. Sooh a abut sins heard. ' 1'ltmt n shout , curd in a body svo ruahod to the point , where we found oui of otir eonradea atutdiug river a beer that le led killed. A cry of delight went up from every ouu , 1VU soon brought bun to camp , null out about preparing him for aupper. INDIANS. Up to that time we had not eoou any Induuis , tuul in our anxiety about the nucceue of our trip , cud the altars rations , had ceased to give a thought about them , but while we were all nri and the lire , euttiug up thu bear , the cry ruts reject ? "ludmiulel Indiausl" In a Ille111CIIt ( Very 111101 grabbed his idle , uud pruplircd for what , ( light follow ; hut. we wuru Scott lta- sured Of their puoceful intentions , by one of them couuimig up to thu fire and stating 111 S1m uiheh that he was n Navajo , curd u friend to thu whites. 1Vhtett lie saw the helr wuluud killed , lee because very migry , inn ? ihetlnlndet ? why we haul killed nu air itual reverenced by time Nnvajoa for gate. rutioua back , as ouu of thuirgada. By this tilmle the canip was full of theutnud they wtme excitedly diecubeitig the imllair , cx umiumg the skin , uud guying uvideneea of their dmeplcasure. 'Through tire interpreter , we assured tiiuu that we meant uo sacrilege , that we were without fund , cud it was nut ugaluet ou creed to kill bears , mud wound up by giving theut Bone trilling prevent , amii pruuoauig to go to time euup next day. rhoy thou loft , turd we ate our auppcr tit ptwcu ; and to thu tired , hungry , worn uot prueiectrs , that boar was a delicious nnrael. 1Vu afterwards ascertained that the Navajos believe iii the tra.uligrmtioi of time souls , curd iii that bear wee ropre aented ore of their lepnrtdbrevea. They think also that wild turkeys are possess. mid with souls of their docuased wo 111011 , curd nuthing could make them harem them. The next day wo wont to their eamip amid pruclred none coin , and cuntmnuud Uhi uur weary journey Cue night , after we had boon out a moth , we found that we were ahmiost ill time iden teal eliet where we da(1 been soum lif toms day's before. .Vu luld ueeu travo1 hug mtrotud in a circle without any dull- uuu obj0ctivu pointl Jouos waC culled to account. LOBr. IIo 8dmittad that ho had bcuu turotru (1fl' the trail , and hind lost at great dual of time , but said that hu now knew his road uud after we erosaod the desert just before - fore us , amid the raugo of hreumitrliua , wlmasu liltlu lion could jllat be discovered mubovu time horizomi , we would thou ho , without fail , at our journuy's end. TIw ntixt inrntig atdnyhrmtk we were iii the soddle , amid started acrosa the desert with our tire ( ! , wor11 out stock. Muss emit ? his crowd lied left us in disgust. Slowly we toiled along , time hoofs smirking Hilo tie soft , lunsa sod to the fetlock at oveiy stop. All day lung we traveled , and miiglit faumid us still iii the di aert , Our cautermi8 , vere dry , the stock bud had uo ' ' eud limed idea wiutet'alike nuol'llillg , we no how fur wo lice ? to travel before wutur awld b0 fond. The conminamid wee scut. Lured for ten ( tiles-all following nut old array ( , with the lope of finding water. A nuruber of the pack uuimals had gown nut , cud as fast nom they did so , their paths were roumoved mid thrown dawn , and time psor brutes would follow , an muuml like , mil Our wake , SS'u lied cemsud to think of dianiauds or gold , tauter was what we cried fur. On we toiled- a very nun for hinm8oll-somne frightuud lit the terrible future ; others trying t0 put on a bold front , but all disgusted. At lust oe hulf of the crowd stopped about midnight , throw the pmeks oil thin pour auimals , cud waited to sue what time morrow ( might bring forth ; for se eru1 mot ou strong horses were ahead cued nmiglmt find water , That night of tort riWe umixiety liaseud , mad at surriso time next iuornuug tie cry was raised I ' ' [ lure comes a luau from Ile fromitl" So it proved , 1Vutur had been fumtd in a hole tot ntilea beyond at 3 a. mil , , amid tlmey lied sent a loud of filled eanteuas i > iek. Wu pulled time follow off time uud dlu 1(8(1 drank the nectar that hu lied brought us. We pushed forward , and at houu reached the water holo. ENlunliOm roe A WEEK IN A CANON , hero wo resb'd that day-newt back fur time broken down stock ail ntuved on the next day , and tuuched time rmmuummtniits. 1Vt tortured u citnomi lint Jouea acid 110 knew. 1Vo travelled slowly all day. The sides of thu canon gruw steeper and t.tlier , until 1)t night they wuru ierpou dicmm ur , and at least 2,000 feet luglm. 'Thou was grass ail water theugll , and we hoped for the beet. The next day wait u repetition of time prucedioe ouu. IVulceptuu , hoping to fhod aim outlut , but 110110 prt1ecutu 1. 1Vu could not go back , fur wu lied followed so umimy "arms" of time dmumunl , that it was next to ituposeiblu to thud the oxet place of entrunco , 1Vu now ro4hzed that we were lust in till un- k11uw rl , wild cauomi , , Vo would follow what suumued to be an outlet , when to our helror uud disgust , it would abruptly omit ? where purpoudhe , ular walls , tieusands of feet high , stared ua iii the face. Theu we would retrace our steps nod try anotmer with the sums result , till despair edit ed upon all of 119Ve wore over a week in this canon , ( no day we saw sumo qucct figures sctatchcd ant a rook , 'I'hty no- Pt eamlted hhreesmcn anth Lird8i and 111011 pushing horas up a nu + uutain. Oho Uf the 1loxicahs rnid that he mtlvrstood it to bo an Indfal sign that there ova a piacu t ) gut out of the canon by pulling up the horses with ropes. Cheorul by tike shiqht sign , we kept on , amid the walls began to get Inure bru mete Our hearts beat svldly. Soon we reached nu other Imidiau sign , and it poimiled to nu nro of thu can li en the left , IVe fol. Iowud it , and iii nn hour reached one oft time walls that couhl he scaled. Ili a mo miuint a Inriat was pasaetl amuud the rung ) of an animal-four or live omen caught hold of tam two cede , while two pushed buhinL In this way wo released ontselva from the living tnlb , where we lied hems for over n vecek. Ely night we were nil of the top of the nea8 , cud breathed freely ouco here. Wu saw the remnant of n Navajo camp and went to it , whore we found 51)1110 corn , which wo ate ravenously. TILE ItOUNTAiN IN 'rim OIHVANCO. Gray thou called Jones before the nlen , tuid aakud ltim where the uountahn was le led been so long hunting , lie pointed to a ntountl11 in plain vie x of us , mad said that was it. Gray doturmined to sold all the hrokuu down stock , the pack miiulee eud baggage to Fort Daliauee , cud push on to the nouubuin wuh n few of taw beet parses , thlomutnboed by any baggage whatever. Thu company hero divided , Grity going to the mouuttein with seven or eight col , whilu the rest started fur Fort Dulhmteu with a Navajo guilu. 1Vumtur lied set in , mud suowcoy- time ground , ' 'le 11iau wore illy pru1)mtred far it , amid sullbred greatly. IVe found time Navajo guide a very shrewd ono , like the bileuee of 11is race , amid le cim aya nlanagud to Intro tma ecunp every nmglht near ouu of their villages , so that they could otl'ur us a sheep for one of time broken dosvu stock , 01 eoursu , wemind at first refuse it , but , as they wuru fiuet giving out , le undo it a peiut to take ua nut of oar way , over tiltIllntmlillIla ) roads , deterllllnillg lion re aholltl miot get hut ) ti'ort Dehlanee with a siuglu hued , if he could prevent it ; end lie would have succeeded hind ne not dma- covered hie Ilttle gave chic dlsclumrged Lin at ouco , cud struck out on our own account , nttl , ten [ hays after our separa- thin front Gray , reaclod fort Defiaueo hat a fearful snow store , broken down with fatigue mod exposure and semi- starvation. A rousing tire greeted us , + eud , after a hearty supper , Gray's party , Hutt hod reached thure lime d ty ahead o ! tin , told the that they hiul diacovured notlmug-Hutt the whole nltuir was a fraud and a swindle , mid butt we were time dupes of seine gigantic swindling scheme , JONES' TSItIL. Jones lead kept up the ruse oven to time host stup. 1VIwn his trt clehery wan 11uulifest , one of time party , c prom11ient phyhicinu of Slut Fraumecu , c0ukcd his rifle , mod turniugto time crowd said : "Mien vu have been dUcmvud. I will kill Jones , , i [ ' 011 Bu the word. " Julies ens white with fear. He train- t bled torhis life , but the majority favored pure hen u11t eeasttres ; ao lie was dis luuuutjd tuiel Ordured to quit caump at ouco. tau did nut wait fur taw second bidding lint left iuumicdiatehy , cud arrived - rived in civilization h11 advuueu of thio party. At Fort Dofimtcu thuparty broke up. The utmi oueo voy niuclt iimceleed aguumat Gray. 'Piny bhunud hie to a great extent Smuu of the party were aeilt to hurt 1Vingato , where Colonel Price , Ilse conuucndbig officer , received th0ns kindly amid sent tliou iii wagons to 6atta FO , ( rout which point they nado their way back the best way they could. Otlmeru went direct from DuhuncO through Atizhta ; to California , two of the poor fellows - lows dying from exposure. One becunto deranged but death kindly relieved hint of his troubles. Several remained in the territorhee and it ens a long tune be i fore the Majority returned , On our arrival in California , the whole truth wan nicertaiued ; nod for a deep scheme of villniuOtls ewindliug , this eur- pasacd iheht all. The dlanonds that Ilarpondiag pretended were discovered a. . in his dmiuuomida fields lied beell buugllt ' > ill London menthe before and pbtnted in 1Vyomimif , 'l 'hu ' iustigitore knew that they were watched , ao cniceived the idea of sundimig out a secret expedition iii an opposilo direction front their salted fields , so tlmat all busybodies would fellow - low it and leave them alone to "pros- pect" their ' 'salted" fields safely , and Iloat the stock eu the public. 'Their in- strnetoos were to lose tie iii time San Juan desert , mud adjaccmit country , for several nwutLs , far away fromt civnliza tion , so thmt we would have mull imiquiai tivo prospectors Iloundurimig after us on n wild goose 0111(50. What becanu of Jonas is unknown. ; ray i8 now living iii Touibstoto , Ari- zoo , -TIIL MILD POWER REB- , , UtlfatlYS OMEOPATULC SPECDlf ICS. iii uin 3) ) yt ur.-Each number urn u pnclal pre- rrrlpttuu or lit omiucnt pnys'cisu.lit / , only Simple , h stna.dYureliedclue.furtliop only rnT r'nlaclrlr. NQ. , eeaaa , t'uICu. I , R wcr. , ( ' .n + geillonlunamatlon. „ , ,2M1 2. % Vormi , Wino Fever , Worn , comic. , , 2p : i. ( : ylntCnhc.nr'rcrtlnogorinaata ,2a , , 1 , tlleRhea of ( hlldren or Adult. . . . , , . 25 M1 , tvsculnrt ) , Orlpiug. Ilmlllou ( ; ulie , , , i11M1 Ii. C1mul.ra ttorbll. . tenntlog , , . , . . . 2a 7. ( 'ougb.Cai(1.lirunchntl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .YM1 H , xeural.li TuothaclY Iaceucha. . . . , .25 e. Ilea tachr. , back Ileadacbes , arraign ,25 lo , hy.pupda. blbinui btmuuchi. . . . . . ,211 1 I Hit + , re..rd or ii mil 1'erlua.'M1 12. } S f itte. , too l'roruaa l erIod. , . . . „ . 2a I r. ( IruU . Cough , italcult , Dru.thbig..c. .2a 14. Nult tlhellui , EryYltwhauErunttun. , .2M1 I5 , Ithcumaits n , llbrmmaattci'alu. , . . , ,2 1i. Lrvorni Age , , chlliNuvegAguri .a 17 , ' 1)c. , lilieUornleeduii . . , , , . . . . , a lb. , U4tarrlneutoorchrnnmeluauenrai , e 211. lvurooptn ( .nalm , , , a0 r 21. General neblllty. l'bydcal W..aa..uiM1I Yr. IIduey I1l.ei.a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' .M1O 24. rtvnu. Irblllty. . . . ' 1.(10 40. U.lh.ry % Vr.kno.,1vv'ttiug the bid .50 i J2. nt.oucoftiio heart'al Ration. 1.00 Boot o7 druggl.t. or sent by the L'a.e Or ilu- vle Vial , trn. of rharge on receipt of price. I Send fur fir'lunmnhrey.rhook Illicit. , , .1. ' tot pagentauto IIImt.iredlntuinginI'll N Addre.'i 11 inn I r o m eti u hl Alyd tcluo Co. . 109 Fultou Blreel. New York. 1 + ra' IfON AND SLATE KOOYJNO. I C. SPECUTf PROP , " 1111 Doub1a ( lit. emrite , itob , uANUFMYrlnt81t oat Galvaffzea Iron Cornices Llrnonner Wlndowi , ytxitat. Tlu Iron .ndSiato ( tooting sperht' . patuut Uetafito ehcl'Ilght , PatY.t adJU.tel ttatelict liar red arae1ot Sh.lutug. I im , ha gnurrai agent for taw abuvo line of good. . Iron ouclug , Croiinga , Diluatre4e , Vumndaa , Iron Kruk alnntta , Wbiduw Dmnd. , culler Ouardr suite general t eat tor t'oereondt loll ateut lnaldo Dhud. I : I