t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . n 1r1 T1 R T1 a e7 % ? Y V r / % 1 a. e THE DALY BIDE OMAHA SATURU tiYDECL x 31I R S , 1883. 1' . L OMAHA BEE1 Omaha Omoe , No. 010 } 'arrant Pt. Ct111wC11 Bluffs 0111co , No , Y I'esrl Street , Scar lirtmdwny , New fork ORIee , Roost C , Trihune lluildIiig. _ i nbllshod every lrl'rMng , except Sunday. The only Idondy mornleg daily. eele eT MAIl. ne Yeat , , . . . . . .ltAOoiThueltonthrts.o0 Ili ldonme. . , . . . . , 8.031 One Month. . . . . . . . . Lee Tux WRSLT an , teeLtlttlee areer UrMDAT. leewe tOCtrAID. One Tear.t2.0' ) Threaitorahe. . . , . . , ) le { Ix lionthL , . . . . . . . 1,00 OnoMont tt. . . , , . . . m , AmerloanIeweCompuySole Atontr , Newedeal' a to to the Cnt'ted Stake. Doaainroaoxrca ; A C r txnnkAtlone tntaling to Newe and 14Itarial matters should be eddi sed to the EDITOR or 'Fill Dxx. , tr5I1MS Larrsaa. AU Buelneti tottore An1 iamlttanoee eheedd to addrerdtoTheDeirueLMtlirn COrrAllr , OMAHA. Draft , , Choeke and rotoince t + rdore to be otado pey able to the ordet of the compusy. TBE BE BUBLISl1NG CO i PROPS/ 6 , aOSBWAr6a , Editor. ALL the great moral rolnnns start from Ohio. They have just organized a divorce reform league at Columbus. It is evident that reform in that direction ja ncedod in Ohio. Iris Excrustiuv , Air. Agoo , ie now governor of Nebraska , in the absence of ] Sir. Bawos .10 ought to distinguish liimsolf in sono way. Lot him emulate the axamplo of Giw. Hascall , and issue a prochlnlation cmntioning the legislature. If he call t do that , he can exercise executive tivo clomenoy , and attach his immortal name and the great scat of ntatc to a few ardons. GRrsltAU's report is a great deal bet thau lijs rocord.-1lcpnbllcan [ 1Vo sympathize with Pustinaster Oeii oral Gresham. With President Arthur ho fails to come up to the standard of republicanism publicanism that has boon act up by the oflicial organ of tin Union Paciflo. Will the Republican kindly enlighten the public as to what in the matter with Postinxstor Oouo& Grasham'i record ? Tnc Pcnnsylr.rnia loglslaturo has final. ] y adjourned. Absolutely nothing has been accomiplisleed in a six months' ses siun , excepting the passage of a salary grab , enabling members to draw ion dol. Jars a day. The average Pennsylvania lawmaker reminds us of Colonul Seller. . Ile is always iii favor of the old flag and * an appropriation. AuoNo the various proposed amend- mente to the national constitution , none cemmeuds itself bettor to popular approval - proval , regardless of party or previous cmphtio , thin the clause that coders upon the president the power to veto any single itemii in et appropri ition bill. Stupendous jobs are lug rolled through congress , at IIarlyevery session , through omnibus bills which the Prueidunt cats not veto without keeping congress in continuous 5085juu. Thu proposed asked. inert would citable the president to approve provo what was just 1111(1 economical in an appropriation bill and lee could pro. vent reckless waste by nimly refusing to sanction what ho doomed objectionable. i = 1 TnE national pusoy garden , of which ] dir. Luring in chief supervisor , with the title of cumini8niuuor of agricutturo , still continues its uxpertmiiomits iuraisimig sugar , although the culture of tea has been abandoned since the famous Lo Due was beheaded. Su far bir. Loring has no t been able to produce eugar from ser hut n or beets for less than ens dollar a puuind But that does not matter , so long as the great national pusoy garden can suppl y our cougressuon and senators with boti. quets irr lnid winter , and furnish the m cabbage seeds and garden sass at Uncle Sam's oxpunau for hone consumption it the spring title Tim democratic Plattamohth Jaurna calls the editorial of 1'JIE lira on Ciulisl "powerful nod sunsible. " Mr. Rose water's ehlursunent always conies froi the d ° tnocrattu journal.Rcpi'htioan , Sumutitnes it does , and very' often i does not. 1I0w about the New Yor Tinter , the leading republican pyier u the United Shatos , which also quote TIIE Bus , end has editorially cxpresan its gratilioaten over the election o Carlisle ? 'rte ttfites , In ita issue of th 4th , makes the following declarietiot "The republicans who nru eoutnunein tcainplligll for I88I , are makin fools of tienelveis. ' [ 'buy are Irvin 'wolf' too early , and they have cried much too otteu. " 1VIl0n the editor e Thu Times said that the nlarniiats wit are howling about Cdrlialo zero makin cools of tleulseilvuslm , must have had iii li I mind's eye the intullectu al colossus wh came fro nFrontunt ; to Oulnha to found new school of journalism and fotndu the republican party xlic Springfield Rcpubitlea effectual ly disposes of the howl which sumiie over zealopa rcpubliosue are trying to riis ovordbeuluctiuncf Carlisle. Mr. Buwle 15 a ISfasuchueuttu Yankee , withoutt particle of.ontimeu al sympathy for th south. ; Flu rnakca the following analysis Csrlialo , tlary say , it "soctiniial. " Ii ono seusait ii true-Imreprcaents all tit section. . IBwdidl lea in the caucu voeea flxim oiil j sixteen slates out of ihi r tyeiglit , lustULittle Inure tleau a thu s dr Garltsleswpportcumo from tWOmityfuu states outal ( thirty.t ight , lruw a lie north and south along the woatero buul t .dories of Ohio and d.labama , inil IL wi divjdo llrraostatcaiend Ieavesizttmrrtstate on the went. Jo ell those nimiutmwinaitato ' just half theUniolRairjnllgutfivais tes of which two were friuu Ternewtw , ant ono each from Calfurnia. Indispa sn Louisiana. Carlisle' had thirty ftntrvntu fromn the north , not counting iliiseocri , t o Itandall'e thirty-two ; coutltin { Missouri ' Cdrlislo luul fiirtyfivo nortlwru vetch 'I' call a roan thus chpaeii a sectional Vu idi dale is # Ilutninst trailxlisreat humbug A men who carries the untira void of 1Vta consul' Michigan , Ilhinoii , Iowa and Alis sourithirtytwo : Hi sill , cannot baoliurgo d lylth' 1outhlernjalll In ducency , i s .1 LAs A. A bill lien been introduced in the senate - ate to create a territorial govemmott for Alaskn , and there is very littlodoubtthat it will beeomo a law , I'resideut Arthur referred to this subject in his message , atnr recommmlded that congress create x governnent for Alaska. There can he no valid ubjectlun mate to ft. ' /t is now fifteen yearn since Seward ncgrititetcd the pwrchaso of Alaska front Russia for $7,000,000. That vaaL oxteut of territory line since its purchase beoii loft almost outiroly alone , as much so , in fact , as if it had beau ut Central Africa , had it boon a colony of England or Franco it would have had sonic sort of government long ngo. ngo.No civilized nation would have treated any portion of its territory with such gross neglect. Its boundaries have never been ofHclally defined , and all we know of its populatiol is of a very vague character. Its fact nil that in kuown concerning Alaska is mostly guess work , 'rho information concerning its resources has been obtained from adventurers , and no oxplora jolts of any kind have been made except in the extreme southern portions. The supposition is that it co1 tains about 360,000,000 acres. We are told by adventurers , minors , 'hunters , and whalenun that Alaska has gold , all vol. , copper , iron , and coal ; that it abounds in fur bearing animals , which are preyed upon to a large oxtentby a fur company ; that it has immense forests of valuable timber , nhd that it has extensive fisheries. Those resources of themselves should be sufficient grounds for a territorial - torial govenunent , under whose direction the territory could be surveyed and explored - plorod , and ita resources definitely ascor- tajned and developed. The main objuc time to a govurnnieiit has 1)0011 that the population comiaists principally of Indians , But had there been a government , there would have beat a white population in Alaska years ago. It is not reasonable to 8111)P030 that civilized people will migrate - grate in any great numbers to a country entirely without government and law , San Francisco is greatly interested in Alaska and demands tlrrt it be given a governmental organization. The trade that can be derived from that territory will no doubt Provo valuable to the City of the Golden Gate , The San Francisco Chronicle , in treating upon this subject , nays ; "To go no further than making it a jndical district would be a bid for signal tnihuto. There should at Iciest ho a governor to execute the laws , a Logiila- tutu to make thoui and otlicora to enforce them. If Alaska has nut euuugh civilized whites to till tfiese of ices , that let that country betacked to Vushingtuuterritory , jta nearest Arierican orgauizetl neighbor , with an allowance of rol + rusentation , and let the laws of 1Viishitlgtou territory gay - urn it amid the ollice s of Wasltingten execut0 and enforce those liwa. ' 1'Iiis much dune , pupnlietiuu is aura to fallacy , and thou lot the United Stitcs keep a naval vessel or two there std o5ttblish a few forts , with regular ollieurs and soldiers , on time coast amid on the Yukomi river , to protest these settlers in the busiursi of elevulgpiug thu minus , the forests , liiliorius nhd whateYcr agricultu rat or other rusourcus tlturo may be , 'l'his city cngltt to have a valuable trade Ahiska , aside from mietof the fur with l c nnay , , yu'ire tcg , nut would but for the gross negloet of eongrm'S4 TIIE primary election reifurm is a mat. tor of slow growth. Only 23,000 ropub Beaus were unrolled in Now York city undorJho new system of registration. This is loss that ono third of the republican - can vote in Now York at. the last prosi I doltial election. It other words , cne- third of the repuhlieaits of New York will choose delegates to time eonvemitiuna antl nmaku thu nontinatiuns , which the i party as a whole is uxpuctud to support , I As usuel , the ward bununur5 , who busk u polities a busjnesa , have upposud tie proposed rohr11n , which , if nuccussfu. ' 1 would take away their livelihood. Ac u cording to the Now Yutk h'vcninq Post cnmpimeinta are hoard from niliuy die Ii triete that voters who wished to olro ; 1 t wore pruvuntad by venous ktlula of ob k structions , and that in niainy lnattumcu s if tlwnameaof deuoerzets have bueu pus t upon the lists in cunxiderablo uumburs , s If the enrollment of donaeratn on tin d f republican rugistor has beets carried of to Huy great extent time whole scheme onE e nE rufurm will pro me failure timid u farce i/ / Nothing tutinito will be knoivn , however 6 until the di.trict asauciatious have boo g ruurgaulzud mend thu lirdt primaries undo itg their direetimn have bush held. Ifu TtiRenumtry prusd , which two yccersag I' was et wrought np over the so callu B hnuha riutry , id new beginliing to colt n pruhu..el to what extremes corporation a can go it furthering their own intoroal " r 'file ' reckless deli euuu of private propert rights maid pir.ttiemel seizure of pubhi thoruugidures by the UIltml Pacific rai l road furcea , masquerading under th elver of the lick lieu ; inspires th York Timer to uneke the following perk ° flout Iligtmit'les ; S "A mob of laborers armed with club a i11uathal 1Vhuru was lle slate militia e Wht'ro Worm , Gunvral Aluxiutdurand Ala . jar Adnnilu , ? IVhuru , Out wlene will e Utvtusmur Nalio + ? But thia case was dim e I ( uncut itlw time r.tilratd eutnpanie e w want the uuib. I Iu y wiiut to defy tin law , mad thure.foru tie civil mead nlilitr authulIneM Hitt atloit. Nii tntliury camp ! r Nu ruahing of extra trains ; nu dead Our ° tnau ; imu twi min the brewery. Wurkiu uleit mire nut as dangerous new us thu tII wore.u 1 A NATIONAL falllal.d congress Inadd U ; 1 largely of horny handed Barnacles ohm d cmiltiv.etu IMihtiea as the staple crop ha s 1 h0pq lu aesMIuu at L tuiavll0 , Thu mait I abject of this bugud fur0liiru cuagre5 A t. 011d ( flbd Lo pralllgtu thu cunufI55Io u r cf yrh uburu whu iliimihi l + t ii imelu saute puayy } Indus tutu cabluutofjce , Coo ny. N.t r IIFNO1iatN , ( II Illinciu , 11 said tee bo ready to reintroduce thl e . : intoratato colnorrxi bill , reported back at the last session of tlio house cmnmitto on commerce. That was iluo railroad xmtnitsionor bill originally drafted by Charles Francis Adams , ir. It is an ingenious schema to block legislation on inter statoeommerce under time pretext that the commission will investigate existing - isting abuses and in duo time intends to recommend seine remedy. It is a good bill to be laid undor'tlio table , OTIIEIII,1tNrYT11AN OU11S At the eleventh hour , when the French and'Chineso dogs of war have been tin- chained , Jolur Bull stops into the arena as mediator. British commercial interests - ests are seriously menaced , not only in China but in Victoria's whole Asiatic empire , In fact England has mono at stake in a warbetwoon Franco and China than the French , or for that matter , the Chinese. England is in no condition at present to dispatch the greater part of her navy to Chinese Craters to protect the interests of her citizens , at a me- mont whet her navy is needed near the Ited Sea mid on the coast of Africa. This explauia the undue activity of the Brit- isle cabinet in ofroring to negotiate an amicable settlement of the differences bOtwoon the French and Chinese , An a preliminary stop toward protect- jug British interests in China , the Ferry cabinet have boon notified b ytho British authorities that a blocado of tire Chinese ports ny French war vessels will not be toloratod. France is thus placed in a rather humiliating position at the out. set , for her helplessness has been published - lished to the world , and also is seriously crippled ju her contest with the middle kingdom. So long as China has reason to lend an assault upon her great connmor- ciul canters by an overwhelming naval force , there was always a chance that she might reconsider her declared intention of opposing the advance of the French in Totquin. But if , through the intorven Lion of European states , the war is to be strictly localized in the Song koi delta , Chimia has nothing to fear from France , whose forces are likely to be wasted away , as they were in Mexico , in an inglorious ani interminable atrugglo. 'Toro have been of late many indica Lions that British manufacturers amid merchants would not consent to be slut out fronn the Chinese market. merely to further the aggressive schemes of France in Further India , and it Cvaa not to be expected that their protests would be uuhoedod by a liberal ministry , which represents the industrial nu opposed to the landholding interests. lmi u 8peoelt made a few days ago the ISrarquia of IIartington nokmiowledgos that the British ministry has received an iIi- timatiMn that the German government Ia willing to join syith Englaud in protoct' ing their snbjoeta timid interests in China , in the event of h war between Franeeand the Aliddlo ILiugdou. That this nehune of joint action was already kmuwu it Paris , mud w'aa rightly construed as a threat which could not be disregarded , is clear fruu the statonemit made by Fcc miur Furry that it is his intention to confine the war to Tomquiu , Tltintneans , of course , that thu inetructlons previoun- ly sent to Adnniral Courbet , and anthler- izing lion to miuekuudonouitratiunagaimist Cautom i case the occupation of Bre- miiuh should bo resistud by regular Chi- 11080 truupa , have beoii counteruatided. Under such eireumatutees Fraaico may be forced to accept England's mediation as the easiest honorable wiy out of a elilenima. Any faint 1101)03 that the extent of El Mrtiull's victory had been exaggerated uuist disappear utider timeeodimmnatory accounts which have arrived at Cairo. El MOhdi's revolt has gone far enough to comt Inca the mimilitary and diploumtie mind of Europa that it cannot be putt dtwit by the hhudivu. 'l'imo brand of 1 also 1 rophut which huts been 'dated ' upon him at Cairo , Constino flu and Aloo- Aiuto t gnus for nothinb auuouu 6 thu3U0DUO B Ivitgea who eomimpoae(1 the army , mid that iruiy stamla it its little daugur front Lila khudiva se the army af'l'iuiour did from that of U ijauitto. El Alididi us , in fact , the Timieurof Africa , his troops are in them cuugeiial climate. Neither English , Fruneh our I'yptiaus ; cui follow theme , ' lle ° fail mil IChartoutu , which may huppun at tuiy tulle , will herald tlta adv.tucu of thw 300,0(10 ( Ethuupiau 8uvagos upon thu tumwus of the Lower Nile , a11d limo prubi ; I the establmehmitonit of a new ISrtitltauednn unyliro upou the ruins of lypt. The i long cuuitittuaiieu of the war by EI ATnhdt is out a quu3ticn of semi , but of fund , , urd he cati best supply his colitis- , viry , dupaitutent by a rapid shiftimig of his forces from pbtcoa scoured r and desolated to now 1101(18 The eumignrst of Ahysinja Cvaa easy by coin- 1 uisun with that will be required to get min merany of Eughshmiion or 'larks to the ° iiuudau through to single campaign. Thu d hiss of it cauiptjgn or ovom a single battl u r would ho fiital to any British ministry e that should undertatkn it , but tutu Fale u 1'ruphut uuay lose a dozen battles and ' still runmaiu in me emldition to wage Cvar , y fur lie has a territory to nunteuver in as o largo as thu Missjasjppj valley , more than half of it us fruitful Cis auy in Lime Crorld mind a population into ° sely bitter again , t u time Englishi , whmnili they believe to be the d iuepirers ef the lChedivo in the dustrue . Luau of the ehlvu trade and the whmult sale cmrtjee4tto ° 0f their cropa , cattle ml d uthur porsnulul properties for hues. Nov. s ? urthuleas , England will be litortliy force d to illterfdru with aim tinily. Public opus i'Ii , whtuh.rufusus to pernut Olndst mite o to evacuate Lower Egypt , to be consisten t with itself must mgt hint to action to m provoit the Invasion of that country by tlleeo terrible Etfeoptmis. And if it was wise pohIU ) it Englaud to decline the ai d 0f the Suttul agaiuat Arahi Boy's revolt , it would be the hcjght of folly to pornmj t the Sultan , with a thoroughly o pmippu d 4uualenu army , to secure a footin j at Khartoum , The antmnnary corlvietiol and sentence III O'Ddntcll created a profoundsauea I time in Irulaht. Thu gunurl impressiol oat titan thu jury would either disagree I or brngg jut it vunlict of acgpittal , O'Dun , nullactlunaolhavonutgivonupallhopu- utthlugh their utfurt to induce time jury to sigh a putltjon fur n reprieve tO the ormvml was tptsucevsaful 1'he uuajcrity refum t'if , raking time ground that they had iii u ved met time verdict after time moat caacful ixatainntion of thu uvjdoicu , anti thin thuy hid had tutu teciinlcatlities of time law fully utpininud to titom by the 1 presiding judge. Ono juror told Mr. Guy that his sympathies throughout time trial were entirely with the prisoner , but that when it came to rendering a verdict ou the absolute merits of the case as slewn by the evidence there was no getting away from a verdict of guilty. They insist that time sentimental view of the case was entirely ignored in time li .room and that al the members tre ted the killing as an ordinary case of murder. The culd take no cognizance of the eauseawliichu prompted O'Dounoll , and they were trot allowed to go away from the evidence. General Fryer and others of O'Donmiehis counsel are much chagrined. Among these whit have watched time carreor of Itlr. Goshen his recemit zip. pcintmont to time apoakealnup of time house of commons will seem slgmimftcauit , because they point to time oluvattoi o this export tactician to tlmo premiership. Mr Goshmt is a liberal , but his iuancial ideas have often cawed hun to differ with Gladstone , anti ho occupies a somewhat - what indopendout position , litany were disappointed that ho was not given a neat it the Oladatono cabinet , Like Disraeli , Mr. Osochun is of , Tcwiah descent , but his jndgoment is safer than that of time brilliant tory leader. Ho was a high rank man at Oxford timid rose to ttr ° mimienco first as a thorouh [ ; gouim b business mean. 11p entered politics and time house of eomnunona in 1803 , and was oven moro successful i.t the new field than in business , In two years ho en. bred the cabimiot as vice president of the board of trade , amid subsequently hecanio president of time poor law board and time first lord of the adnmiralty. Ile is bee t known in connection with endure nmat- torn. In 18711 lie represented the British i holders of Egyptian bonds , omd gained a good deal of local fame , amid provoke d sanmo disfavor by lijs nhrovdmicss iii reor ganizing the public debt of Egypt. Thus cunning and diplomacy were later mad ° use of in Conatantiuople , and it was upon his return to London , after eeeiug tim e castors crisis safely over , that many Eug ' lislinmon began to look upon limumi nut the coming premier. Ills integrity of pur pose wits always noticeabic , oven back n ' his university days whom le refused t ° graduate because lie would not take car Lain prescribed oaths. Ile camiot fail t ° hake a clover speaker , although time tech tmical kmiowledgo required for his positio n is usually mastered by men linvung im ° higher political mnbttion-aomethum g which eanmint be said of our epeakership. Tlno agitation over time wretched conei tion of time working classes of London continues. A deputation from Limo coi servattvo workingmen of London white of Lord Salisbury Wednesday to con gratulmtto him on his efforts to aumeliorat I to a conditiomi of time working classes and time thorough nieumer in which lee ha d exposed the wromiga to which they war f subjected by the gr spimig ewnors o rookeries it which they are compelled t ° dwell. One other striking and signifi cumt incident of the agitation occurred thu other day at a nmeetuug called by Mr. 'I'orreiiw , who ms one of its principal pro- motors. Ile roconimemded euligration as time beat remedy for time sores of Eas t Loudou life , but ht was cried or hissed down by his audiemmee , who said it was the laded proprietors amid eapitmtlists who ought to ohmigrate. Whom ht talked of time poor , they shouted to hint that there ought not to he auy poor. Fbmally , time opposition took possessiomi of time meotiug and passed resolutiouscondemnn iug euligrntioi and dennuiding the open. imig of public works by tie state , mid time colonization of Etiglnud itself , by which one orator explained that le meant thu nationalization of time laud as the solo remedy for pauperismn. Russia is quietly pushing liar con. quests through Coitral Asia it the three- Luau of India. Oreatilritiin holds India now u8 nakedly as it did I , century ago by the tenure of conquest. And whist leas happened in ludja id what has hap. peed wherever British conquesta have bean made. Timor , has been no pacifica- tiomi , no coalescence , mm real spread of English civilizaliomi , only an extension of Emigltsim markets amid of tlto area of Eug Belt taxation , If after six hundred years time Irish hatred of Englaud has ne t abated , it apito of a conumiunity of Ian. guago amid mum approach to a conlmunit y of law , what can be expected r f a coup try no much more re mete mid so touch i less iutelligiblu to Euglishuuun as British i India , which , moreover , few Emiglial i officials seem ever to have ttkeii ; any pains to miderstand. That Iutlia is netlike ' like Irulaud , in a cliromiic state at'msuuitim .red war" is because time natives of lndi a zero of a less turbuluut and explosive min tune than time natirea of Ireland. Imhucd , if Iudlu were populated by Irishneu , it would not rumain umtu r British rule for a week. But , beiu rg pupulittcd by a nmeok amid onterprisin g rat u , thura is min chance that time English m wiil be dislodged by imusurroetitn. Simic ° the y drove the Fruueh out of 1110 pout stilts their rule has been uuchadl ° nged But , unless tell sigut fni1 , it will within n few years bo efutlloiged by Russia 1Vliun the coufiiet conmea Russia will hat 0 tire great ndv'mitago that it hair advammc 0u overhand her conquests have been fob lowed by real paeiltcttions. Thu pee ; , of Cemitral Asia have beoii Itussilumizecl whercts the peoplu of India have un hems in the least Anglicized. Aud that ditl'uroucu will count for a great dual it favor of Ittmasia. Gonnremi politics are decidedly oomph cited , limo inpermal peilianiunt is di tided into tot parties ; Governmeu comnservatireisfreueousorvatlvesnatlouia liberals under Volk , progresakts , ultra nmotitiincs , Pules , social denlocrata , rad icais , and independents. An eleventh party-a spljt frpm tllo national hiberal -is now fornumlg itself under time leader ship of Itickot , of DAmitzig , They 01)1)0 Bjsuuarck's presoit policy , The extreme slowness with which con missions of inquiry in Ituasia do tliui work is a very serious obstacle to au Y unproveneut in that country. Suet commissions are not notorious for thoi i celerity in amiy country , but Ili Rue aln their pica is of tike elowea t deacription. Bight years ago tim ° Remsatau guvernnment appointed a coot iii 55 On to imu uiro iumo tie condition o the Itnssian village commuunilioa with time view of increasing , if possible , thci powers of aelf govurnment and of basiu thoreou eonmuthing reseubliuIg a patiuna reprosumitatiou. According to a rccn t ntuuber of Time Juunial de St. Peters burg , this cennlissionafter fallingaaluej at St. Petersburg for eight years , la y just awoke tci the necessity of appoint ulg sub co muiissiona jn order to con muncu the work assigned to it , An emigration lair is boimig preparoc in Gunutiuy. It is ohiefy intended t o put a stop to reduces uioi + ratton by jn atltutiug meaeurus that will prceumt oiti zone froam leaving the euuntly befor a they Iiave a ° nmplted with curtain puhii ° and private ubligittiuns , moro partieuherl Y auch as result front conunuual and fumil y ties amid the relations of survicrand wur cotdmcto , I SUBJECTS FOR STUDY , _ TRADE DOLLARS ? NOlandl.xfindommar. of l'nlteI Statemoney h chat S. S. Oraree , Akron , N. V. , voutd pay for bortlo of hr. Thomas' Edoc. Irk Oil , the medicine xhich cured him of bronchttfe , and xhkhtas cured thousand , aifieted the earns way , tyould 0.111 , Itolcombelitor NOT A CENT Seneca County Iterald , nloom stile , Ohmo , gm efor the ctacres of hI getting ill of hie catarrh btfore ho used Dr' Thomas' Cclectrle Oil , Now' a xmdd glue a goo11 deal for his chaneee Meta he ehntlarly ittlisted xtth the urns mcdiclna natl. elite. $ iJD I ) ! 00t $500 , eande And eomcllmcthou of domiere ro vented In endearing to cure a deeii-eeatoll rough xith doubtful , uneertsin come Ica Dr Thoma , ' F.e ledrle 011 code au centeand tifecteda xonderlul cure for 1 11 1' . rklns , Creek Center , N. V. , echo night aflernight for four long yearn , tat up to bud and coughed till the cltlhing tea set eclth Pere { Irntion. Tx o bottles were ill be used , ALLOW US TO Thomee' E lectrio Dr. Oil le hot only a serf , aluabie remedy for dIca'es of the nose , throat and lunge , but a splendid eaternrl ap pUcation for rheumatism , neuralgia , aches 1151115 and wounds of ercry sort , It Is guaranteed to do good , and In the oott of failure to eatiefy , money x 111 be returgal purchaeer in every Instance , All Druggists self Dr. Thomas } clectrlc Oil. OS TStt/3ni.IIUnN SCO „ lt'/'re / , Bultalo , N , Y. Too Many Tcxt-Books , New York Tribune. Time multiplicatiomi of textbooks is a growing evil fn our public-school system which should attract the careful attention of school olticersmid teachers everywhere. Within time past few years almost Ivory text book has been developed amid ex- pauded into a "series. " A child is given at S year. old a "primary" ariliimhetie. Next year he is promoted to a higher class and must be provided with rot "iii - I arithmmotic. A year or two later tlmis must give place to a now veil. nine bearing the imprint , "common- school , " Further on he drops this ahd secures u "grammnr acliool" or "acad. emie. " And before lira cmnmon school education ii s finished ho must add , per- hap , , a collegiate or university arithmetic to the list. hero are four or five books , costing iris parents-or the public , umderthefrcabook system-three , four or five dollars , which he must have it lie would keep lima place it time arithmetic - metic class. Its time grammar , geography and other classes the sanme syatelu lure. vajls. Time scholar , during his six or eight years' course , lie must provided with from four to six textbooks for each study pursued. But this system is not to be condomun ° d because of its cost , though that be burdensome. Cost much not be emusidered when uitelligemiee is at stake. Thu nlagllitudu of the evil is in this fact , that beyond a certain limit , the more books a scholar has to study , the less he learns. In other words , nuulorous text-books and substituted - frequent changes are - stituted fir persoual instruction by time teacher ; and inevitably withi bad results. * * * * Authors amid publishers Omi courage thin system ; for time immure books they sell , the more nmomioy they unake. Mumiy teachers amid school boards , nctimig as publishers' agents , encourage it for Liao salno reason , 'limo parents who buy the books , and tlio children whose search for knowledge is bewildered by a multiplicity of guidebooks , but paucity of guides , are the losers. If the nuonoy that is wasted every year on ivorso than useless text-books could be applied to liming more and moro competent amid moro earn. eat instructors , our school system would be mncreased in real usefulness a hundred percent. 1Tinco 1'lo , Some nminco pie ratiou of the muse 1'rmnpt , tnu thins pie oi 1y tc ue My pan in lio1 , a that I thereby May get my wife to make a pie. Two pounds of beef , ono pntmtl of suet ; Five pounds 51)1)105 , chopped , add to it ; Three pohads oh ruisius , currants two ; ' 1'hroo 1lmeters puihid of citron saw ; To tablespoonfuls pure of mace ; The Maine of ciummion youtunes ; Allepicu and clnvrs and salt once round ; One hagmonful of nutmeg , giuutid ; Of sugar brown five half-pounds true ; ] lrnwn sherry pure , min quart will do ; And one pint brmidy , best. Amid We have got our mincmaneat recipe , This all time winter sweetly keeps , If safe ismthum stouo fare it slea'is ' , And tied with double covers where There circulates a ebilliug air. But let it stand one ddy at least lioforoyou use it for time feaet , And if , in time , it gets tun dry , A little liquor you'll supply , Now we'll SuppOs0 tlm0 ides are done And stenndng hot and browmi'd each one , Aud wfitiethofragruutodors rise , Before you taste , you wall , if wine , Taku thorn , regardless of expense , Amid toss time pie sia o'er thu feueo. ] lacau5o whoever oats mince pie Will mint eligeathe will jest die. II , 0. lonez. naxuLeSUUU.a.uWxxg . I' THE GREATGERMAt CuIFuualllllglu u ' i i3 EMEDY t III : = i i t m q ! I' ' Venire s mud cum iii , aIiliiifi i , , lID , I itll lmtll,1 ' [ ' 1 SL II . I. ih lu.4lU iutd Neuralgia , Sciatica , LumhaQo , + Dtiillllltue j - - .a1tc ! l IT flax-- lmislatadl I IiCADACIIE , TODTHACIIf ; N SORE THRODT i ' vulNSVhu.its m a aK'ILl INY , a . iIftlsutunrairca , Soreness , Cuts , Bruises I I P 'eyini , Fluesfln'rlsy , lead tln xuiQ 5thlitN , Nlt.IIJIM , Audallotharbodilyache , i' ' i'llh ' Pill and palue , I FIFTY CENTS A OOTii.r. ' I f 1 ' , pj 'I ; I toWbynllDnigxleteant r uU ID W tlii ; liradrrx Direcl outs mu ii I ' i I luuguuxiw. IWiIIIY it Tha Charles A , Yogeler ( t I [ Li ! ! is . . , sa.Avtwttua.r t le tl _ _ ' x.uim. . + imd (7. 1 l CoaL r rl l C. E. MAYNE & CO. , 1509 farRam StreetI - - Omaha , Neb1 w110LESALE sliIP1'Ens AND DEALCns n Har d & Soft Coal --A N I- CONNELSVILLE COKE ! c' 1Vrito for Prices. CHARLES SHIVERICK , Furniture ! 9 Have just received a large quantity of new : R E AND AM OFFERING THEIR AT VERY LOW PRICES PASSENGER ELEVATOII CASI IVEICK1 1206 , 1208 mid 1210 Farnam St To .11 Floors. -OMAHA , NEB , S TEELE JOHNSON& CO. Wholesale Grocers ! i AND 300DE1t8 IN 1 FLOUR , SALTi SU GARS , CANNED GODI S. 'ND ALL GROCERS' ' SUPPLIES A FULL LINE OF TIIE BEST BRANDS OF Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco. AGENTS FOR BE//WOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & RAND POWDER CO EJtJE Booth's 'OvaI Brand AND FRESH FISH AT WHOLESALEI D. B. BEF11IER. Agentflmaha. J. A. WAKEFIELD , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEAiEIt IN LuMber , Lath , Slill1es ! , Pickets , SASH DOORS BLINDS , ItiOULDINGS LIMB , CEMENT PLASTER &C STATE AGENT Foil MILWAUKEE EMENT COMPANY Union Pacific Depot , - 1 j I : ! ! I1 ! , i3 aANUFAITU1ualt OF OF STRICTLY FIBST CLAESB Cairiaes , Bugi esRoad , aons 6 AND TWO WHEEL CARTS , ilia sad 1ar0 Ramey Street . end dos S. lath Street , - Uetrated caalotue fummehed free ov. n applicatian. -ADA , NAB ( SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others . WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO I ' Oil i It is the bust and , obua .o. food . fur stuck of any kind. Ono pound le equal to thrue pound , of earn lock fed withl Oru . mid . . Oil Ca a u. the mall aria wear , in.tuab o1 running down , wlU htcreaev In weigh sad be In gold mar.u..u a diUon ma the . . , , . . col , spring. d.iiryriont as well a others w i. Hsu it can tastily . 05..i its merits. m Try ht and Jades 1 r yourwlvee. Frio. wi.o.t ith.uu our iv' ter nu ' ' ehargu for eta a. A I Imti n'ea't I. 'ii P/lid AVP m Granite Ironware. FOR n13orLINa. BAIFIJG , SV DOILING , PRESERVING , vfTENr 3 ; TS LIGHT W1IOI ± HANDSOIIIB S011IE , DUBABLE. 0. . , . , . , The Best Ware Made for the ' tcIlonx 41.yova , IIlO Ma N u FACTORED ONLY BY TIIE 4r ST. LOUIS STAMPING C0MAPB YS Tr LOUIS , i1) ) tP v att HnvP hlil9alpq )1i ) ( Itp asflIrmrllHiff llpal . n I , MAX MEYER & CO , 1MJ'ORTEIlS OF HAVANA CIGARS I' ANU JOBBERS OF DIIMESTlO A I I p PItOPRIETOIIS IIF THE FOLLOWING CELEBRATED BRANDS : i Reina Victorias , Especiales , Roses in 7 Sizes from. $ fi to $120 per 1000 , AND TIIE FOLLOWING i I AlINO FIVE CENT CIGARS ; Combination , Grapes , Progress , Nebraska Wyoming and Brigands , WE DUPLICATE EASTERN PRICES SEND FOR PRICE ' ' LhS'1' AND SAMPLES , . , tr .1 , tG Q , e r $ y I