- - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - _ , TilE DAILY flEi-nic&ii ATTTT.flAT1W1ir.'U The NebraskaNatjonal Bank by OMAItA , EI3. 6'It1p : , ' . . . t'at3lta.1 ' . ( $21fl urp1n5 Fluid , Nor. 1 , 2A83 J6OO DIR1CToI : ; , \ U , Y , YA17.q , k\lb\\ for tnny ye&ri CMbter of \ , h fl NatIoni IMnk of Omh. \ A , . 'IOUZATAN , Vt. I'rItent ! , of BoIoD. v. v. w v 4tIt.1E Co. ioit : s. cott.ts i. ii cot.i.t. M. wOOLWoTII ) , CounoI1ot ? tttorcey it LII' I. S. REID , uf flyrm fleod Co. rhiq opni for 27 , 1SS2 tiri DJlc ) : ( ) AND TOCIIIOI.WflS Ie &mong thu loitllng buLnu tnn of Omaha. md It hURtflO hi lflIUCtOt wLth oct&l & rfczioe to the bo't iiI IncrrxjIn COLUxjrI rcccho 'wrnpt t.ttuntlon fitrofle * nd ctrgo towi otitalnbIo heto or eIc here. INTIllsT ! : illowed on time deposlte upon fee , . able , , term atiti flIfl aOltt $ of bnk $ Mlii Ienker lOltiIUN IXGItNoi. : , Uoriinnt flonde e . COut Mid City It.cunLee bought and Counoil E1uff Loan an Tut Company. flrt Mortio Ton NeotItrI Coinmerciel Per ml all Uool ecUrItIee dealt In. 89 Peer ) Street , etil 5O } 'Iret evcnuo , Coitridi IlitilTe. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FINANCE AND COMMERCE , F1NANCLAL Nv Youic. December 7. Moncy-Eay at vor ccitt. , cloeeil at per cent. n 1rInie 1pdr-5G per cent , 1l1aT ) WUe-Dul ( at 4.81 ; demand , " : : - . 4.8I. 'l:4 GoveriinciiteStrong and higher for I. r Stocke-Market opened Irregular. Shortly after openIng the atroct wni floolocl with ntutor and &ccordIng & to the torics crculatcd nlmot every railway 1)001 In tim country wa on the ) ) oiiit of ( llerutiun. ) Simultauoouely with theco absurd ntories a bhorp attack sva made on the market intler which Pricee fell off @ 2 par coot. After in11dy i etcadlor tone provatled and pr'ice rallied ® 1 POt cent. , the lattcr fur Chicago , Burlington & Quincy which eold n to 1t3. In the last half hoot the iiiark.t wae irregulax , but in the Infttu firm. VilIatd were strong In closing doa1Ing , and the market clood irregular but firmer , The Po3t eay : ' 'The report that the Northwestern lmte been selling it treasury Or S stock oflicially dctttel.Vo understand the $ Northern PLniIiC lma receIved cash for $15cash 000,000 tmf second mortgage bonds taken by the ymidieato of bmker , and 11m3 that amnoumit in iti troaury now. " coc1M)3 3'a . 1OC ' : . : : : . ' : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Pacific G' of ' 95 127 8tOcK .tND I3ONDS , American E1lICi . Burl. , Cotlar itaplile & Northern 82 85 Control l'ttcific . S Chicago & tUton . l32 do ( It ) pfd . 115 Oh ) . , Burl , & Quincy. . . . . 22 S Erie . do pu1 S Fort. Waymnm & Clthgo , 133 Ifatiulbal & St. .Joee1ili . 88 do do do fd . -8S 11 Inois Central . 132 Intl. , 111)0111. t ( otoru . 122 Kans. t Texs . 124k a Lake Shomo & Michigan So . 100. Michigan Coutrnl . Minmleanoli4 & St. 1mtie 10 do do do vfd . . . , . . . . 80 ? tllssoarl Pacific . 97. orthotmt I'iecitic . do do pfd . . . . . . . . . . Nortltwotcrn . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119k 2 do pfd . 143 New Voric Central . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , 11C ; c'S' ) (10 do 1)fd . OS S Peon5 , Toe4ur t Fvaneville . . . . . . . . . Rock Icland 110k .A5' St. Pabtl & Milwmmnkoo . 97 do do do ) ) fd . 118 St. I'AuI Minim. & dam1tt4ba . . . . , . , , 100 t. Paul & Omnaha , 33 5- tb rIo 1fd . ! .11'oxae Padfie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2l Uulon i'aciio [ 83 \ S Waba.Im , St. l. & l'acilie . . . . . . . . . . . 21 ' do do 'II ) ) ) uIl . . . . . . . . . Wo.tern Union Telegraph . . . . . . . . . . . 7Sj S ± Adkod ) ; . O11UN tN'icUVtStONS. to .5 : . CHICAGO , i : Cnrc.&r.o , Decomubor -Flour - Market S S ' very 'toll ' fl(1 unchamiged ; couniwn to choice j S . sprillir . 'Io'tt , , G'c ; .limto'ota , 3Th4C ( .S hiker : , t(5c , patnt.s , 07c ; winter vlioat S d ! flour 8outhorii and Mleiuiiri , 4@5c , Micim. . to igau.Vheat . . * \ VheatRegular , modertoly active , opened we.dk. iiiIvumcetl decliiieil amid TS fimmally c1uod o lower tiddO cioing flgnros I r yt'str'itliy ; lkcuim.br , tic ) : .Jaimtmnry , 0rco : ) r ) ( c ; lebriit y , 9(97c ; May , 1 (3@l ( o : ; \Yliitr wlat , ( fitict nimil 1)riCCS 11IIC1),0)gOUI ) , ) . . : , , ii ig wheat in 11)11(1 L'rtU deinatid ; No. CICd ! at 0QJ ; % 0 , 8 iold faimly at 814i 4 eLmrri-Tva.iitig Jcsi active ( dliii market lo excited ; there w.o a Iirgmm spectilativo Ijiines I ) ) ttiizisacted at Irmegnhr and cli.iioahle mric' I aml feel i ug vnmLm'r ; iii arlut opened titisetlm'ml dccli net I a trit ! . , 11 ictuLted , tutu ii mially ralliot then daelImoil ij1o amid closed c losvci tiLin closmitg yostorildy ; ? : , 9 bIg ) ' miced roigel 5 ; : 'T57gC. ) ( at 50c ; mu Jecteil , ( t't17c ; Ieemiilcr , bi@.Uc ( ; .1mm Uary , 57j.c ; i'obnisry , 56 i 5jc ; 'lay ) pOfle ( I ' nnottlod at tmci(3 ( , sItI mit 50c , tlwii a t 59.C , thou at 5tIti.0 : ) , dl ) ) to 59G0c , tel 1 I ) vk to ' ' ) 'vitid low trades at 5)c ) mu clood at 50c bid. ; ' ( - - . . . ; under good demand pricFi , alvancod to @ 1o ovur tlitm axtremiju aimd , over clo4ttg ttiotstiimn of yuster.ittv ; Ni' . 2 j ' ca.li , :3I : wIlc : ; Iocornber , $ lZJ32c ; Yaii 'I r ! 3be. ltHry , 3.(32o ( ; February , 32c ; May , : ii ; j " "p . Jyo-Murkot dull and weaker ; No. 2 cash I ha e flatloy-1xtromiy 'liii ! ; market much over . S stocked ; No. 2 cash , &ic , Timnothv-Firumor ; prime , 1 231 23 ; corn molt , 1 19. CG 3tul1irrn ( ; trdiig roetrictod ; No. I ea 1 39 ; January 1 49. ! Muss l'orkFairly uctivo and feeling unset . Ba tIed ; upeutal t4tOuIy atid ligimtly higher , imui t tm1)Ii roo'jmlif and coo ! I ste.e.Iy ; ca.L I tote , 12 85J13 ( 00 for old ; 13 70@13 75 li' ' r liit nov1)ecornbr ; ) , 12 80(12 ( 85 ; Jaunary , 13 62J ( [ 3 03 ; February , 13 80ci3 826 ; MareI , 13 t)7I ) I 00 ; 'sta ) . I I 32@1 I 35. ho hero -J'aLJy , acivm ; tmric.mm irregular ; lust . ( ) I < ot Ofletl $ lowr utmil ( uniter on ilecijuod ii ; ( qllSe , later it rallieti 5Ci7c , but ftll back at tint cImie ; c.umlm , 8 ISgz8 57 : 1)ecomuher , 84 ? Iaimuary , 8 52S35 ; Vuhimiiry , 8 fi7H 70 : rft March , 8 &Ia ( , fl2 ; May 0 O2'9 05. bo hulk Mots-SlinImlmr ) ( , tm ou. limug clear , a if ) iiimrt rIlR , 7 10 ; .sltmrt clear , 7 : is. IIn litittar-DuII awl weak ; ( ilmcy extra cream Ca cry , 81a 3ric ; clmolcu , 30c433u ; fair t ) guom ) , 2 aSc ; raucy ditirles , 26d29c good to cliolcu 15@2)c ) ; Comlililmi roll 4 1irt : j s. : Jmomtm 'I'ruh , gooJ ( citmica full crm'stml eliot ) ha dare , 9(12 ( ; fit ) ! crtmamn fnt ) , 12'fl3. gno part mLirti bedarii ! end limits ; lnri I Ca sttmn , 2lc. fIi 1C14Firm , ) nt ' 2223c ; PICkI1' ! , l8422c. JIj104Uocbomucl. . TAILow 1Emiehmimged. I .i I Wliieky- 15. mO lis . ON ( ' . .r.mWheat .r.m - - Brgtilitr higher ; 1)c , . vernhsr , ; Jsnu&.iy , ; Yt.bcai ijt (97c ( ; May , I 0CIf7'JI ' 01 ea1e , 925,000 hii I , I 4)i ) Corn -lrrn hut lower ; Iocernher , & .c tI Jeuury , MIZ7c ; Februr7 , & 05G 3ey , ta1I59c ; saJee 1,150,000 liii. 5' Oat. .Stritii'.r : limw'.rnh.r. $2i2 ( .lsn uary , 32Ac ; l'ehruary , 32c May , 3A.q364 ( ; ; paei. ? 100O'IO bu. T I'ork-Stius'Iy ' ; lrcerrtber , 13 t7 : , Tantuus ' 13 fl2 ; IC r0iry , 13 ' 5 ; ! ta , 14 3.4l4 3 ; iele , 175O bartok Iaril.Ste.s'iy ; liecoinber , 8 .10 blil.Tanumry ; S 8 AT. : Fitlirticty , S 7OMy ; , O02 ; ealo. ; by 4,250 , tercc. ) ch -c-- . - - - - - - -5- 'S'5 I . . . S II T1IA 'TOIVCL P . . lyift. 1) mbcr 7-Corn - Firm ; hIgh ' mIo ; @ ; NO. o ats - FIrm ; ' .O. 2 vhito , . , . .5. Whioky-Firmn at $1 lt' Cr. Louis. S r. Touis , 1)ecornbor 7.-\V1ieat-1'er an , ) slow ; No , 2 rod , O0c'l OO for ca.I' O0 I.0to , for 1)ecemnbcr ) ; $1 ( I1(1 ( 0) ) for . ) at iitaryt03 ; for February ; o. 3 rtd , 93 C orn-Utteettleil ; erich lower ; olitiolie high. or ) 4Sj.tSc ! Emit CMII ; 4S@ISt } , for Io. cen ibor ; ItIc forJanuary ; 40jc49c fur Fob ma ry , O ats-Hotter at 03lc casl ; 20 bid Jsn. * Iztr y. Jt ve-5 I@5Ic. B arley-Soc. lt utt.or-Uiichaugcd. l : t'g4 25' . F lat Seitl $1 8 ? . li lly - Fitmim ; )0iditiO ) , $0 ti010 50 tImothy , $10Ci O0@Ifl 00. Ci rti MoaI-2 25. C i.otsn 1)ontm.'hratVlrmu ) and alow at f )0c ) fOr leceiiibor ; I 01 for , ! ilIIitary ; 1 ( I3 uIr Fuliruary I Ot liltt ( or March ; 1 00. } for ? tlay. ( 'm irmi-ltaer at ISo for Docouiber 48i ! 1So for .lttiitiary ; lOla bid for February ; 58c forOm May. Om mti-Notliing done run ! a shade lower. OINCINNkTI. OI CINAT ? , 1)ccornbor 7.-Wheet-1)ull ; No. 2 red , I 05 for cash. ( in rn-Sr'arco atit ! lirIU O , 2 , & 7c. Oa t.s-Virm at 73o. R ye-Quiet at G0c. . l'tL irk-Qulet amitl firm at 14 25@1t 0. L ard-limlI aiim ! nomulimal at S 40. Ilt ilk 1oats-Qiiiot atiti umiclutur-od \V liielcy-Stoady and unchangotl. MILWAUKlu. M 1)ecenibor . ILWAUK1H , 7-Wheat-Strong. at . 'Jlo ' for cash ; OSc for January ; 1 03 for May . Co rn-Dull ; No , 2 at Sic. Oa ts-ltigbnr ; No. 2 , 31c. R ye-Quiet aiim ! atoatly : No. 2 , SSc , B : irley-lFlrm ; No. 2 , fi2c for cash , TOLllIO. To weno , 1)ecenibor 7.-\Vhoat-Dull and a shad e lower ; No , 2 rod cash , 1 02@1 01. Cm ) rIl-Eat0r No. 2 , cath nail 1)ocembor , SOc. S SOc.Oa Oa ta-1)ull nut ! nominal. NI\V OIiLEAB. N Ew OnLEANA , December 7.-Corn-Dry whit e , ecatco at SSc. C Oa ts-higher with light supply ; choice , 'lOc , Co rn Ieat-Firmmm ama ! In niotlorato tlomuantl at 2Po 352 'I 0. Po rk-Higher antI scarce 'at 13 75. L aril-Firum ; tierce , relinemi , 8 7@8 87 3 Ih ilk meati--Imi fair tiommiand atiti unsettlod. \V . $ t.imky-Yirm and unchanged ; western r'eetl fied , 1 051 20. lALTlJOi B ALTI MOnE , 1)occimnber 7.-Wheat-\Vost ! ) etcady anti inactive ; No. 2 wiutorrod cash , $1 0 7@1 07. C ornMmirlcet for \\TMtOrn higher ; mixed , cash , 61@G2c. O -2mllarket timill and lower ; woitern 2 whit e , ' 1042c ; mixed , 8Sj30c. ltB yo-.Qimiot at 67@fiSc. B nttcrEay ; western tiackod , 10@2Ic ; crea mery , 25@35e. E ggs-Steady at 30c W hisky-Steady at 1 18@1 18. $ LIVEIII'oOL. L tvnroou,1)eceiiibot 7.-I3roadatuffa-lslnr ket steady. \V lmoat-Winter , Se 0d0 id ; spring , 8s C d. C orn-Se Cd. KANHAS flIrT. K MSAS GIrT. Decemnoor 0.-Wheat-Market wea ker ; St2c bid for cash ; S4@j8l.lc for .Tanu ary ; 02c0.4c for Fehruary. C orn-Steady ; 'lIAc ) hid for cash ; 'lOc for Dec ember ; ' 14e 1)1(1 for May. O at-Steady at 23c. NEW YOflIC. N w YORK 1)ecemnbcr 7.-Wheat-Cash , hlL atln higher ; o1itt us opened @e hotter , but later declined closing steady ; jutkits gra ded rem ) , mJ10@I 1tlo. ; 3 rod , 1 O31 OI ; No. 2 rod , 1 1l(41. 12. . C orn-Cash No. 3 fully 3c lmnvor ; others a $ slia do better : o1stioiis opened I@c higher , but dec line ) g@jc , closing mmtealy with a slight relb cov ory ; uiugrtded , 48@61c ; No. 3 , file ; No. , 0 5c. ( O ats-Shade lower ; mixotl western , 3328c ; whI te , 3S4ic. ; E ggs-\Vostern freli quiet auuil steady. I' ork-i'mtarket moderately active ; now mess , 14 2 5@14 50. L msrd\\reak , prinlo steam , 8 hO. $ l iittor-im1arfut quiet and firm for choice at 10@ 37c. IIVF STOCK. CHICAGO. O ; rte.too , December 7.-The Drovors'J'our. nal rOortK ) tide afternoon as follows : $ i logi-Mumuket strong : uid plicos unchaned ; 1)aC kiig. ? 4 40j ) I 83 ; p ickimug and milmipping , $ 40OC 05 55 ; light , 4 85@1 8 ; skijm , 2 40cj1 10. C attle - Brik atuti lirumi ; exerts ; , C 50fit7 00 ; goo d to choice sIiippimm , 5C0t0'I0 ; comunion m edium , 4 25iC5 50 ; otto cir of fammcy were sol d nt S 05 ; iimferor to fair cows , 2 00@3 00 ; umme ilitiun to gout ) , 3 0g14 20 ; tocker , 8 00@ 0 0 ; feeders , 3 7@1 50 ; l'cxaus , 4 00J5 10. S imceim-Bot steady ; general unarket (11111 ; juf erior to fair , 2 002t 00 pecvt ; 100(1100) good ! , 2 25@3 00 ; choice to extra , 'I O0 © .154 ) 6 UT. LOUIS LIVE I3TOCK. S r. 1oums , Deconmljor 7.-Cattle-Supply aii a)1 ) nod iemmiinil ! : light : prices stoamly ; ox. iIm t' , l t0'0 mO ; heavy , ) ) ) , S fQq5 90 ; ligh t , .1 75i5 25 ; gioI hotelier steers , 4 00 2 4l 7 : ; mixuil lots , 8 00J1 2 ; atncker and feeS dets. 3 00a I 25 ; I'uxnums , 8 25@ I 25. 2 S imeep--Qiuloc ; fair tit fauiey 11dt1vci , 3 2 © 2 5 ; 't'exau , 2 25:8 : 50. I logs - I .ow ittuil vuakor ; light , .1 65@ I 75 ; 5 ac kiug , ' 1 5@5 00 ; butcheis' to extra , 5 00 85. g.tsA.9 CITY LIVI HrOCK , 1 CAcsAs Cmrr , Jocenubcr 7.-ThoDaily In. S dk ator rOports : ( 'iittlu5mLrhct ! firmer and a shade higher ; 2 mia ti'es,5OIIc0 ( ( tO ; t'ickor ' and feeders , 3 71 t I 50 ; cows , 8 9@4 03. gr 1 1mg4-\Iuirkot opened lOc higher ; closed lo ai we aker at 4 oS@s 0. Sheep - Markutmitoadynatlvcs ; , 3 00G3 60 , , TItAVL'lO. 14x noun AIJ ) OIIAIH , OnIcAao , lccornber 7.-lieceIpte and ship. me ats of flour etiil grain for the past 21 hourt r4 ve boon 58 follows : 1 ReceIpts. BhIp'ts , , ur 1'lm , ur , bbls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . iwo iooo ) wh V 1iuat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 78,000 16,00 , ( rn , bus1ole. . . . . . . . . . . . 150,000 50,00 ( ? do ts , Iimshels. . . . . . . . . . . . 101,000 . 49.04X , ke Iy o , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ti,05 ( rley , bushols. . . . . . . . . . 113,000 20,00 { 2 NEw Yomm , 1)ocemnbcr 7-Itoceipte and tI 1imuemmtsof flour cud grain fur the vast 2 1 houri I ) v boon nit followsl in . Ileceipta RhIp'ts , . do ' heat , bushels. . . . . . . . 20,000 rn , bushels , . , . , , . . . , , 81.0)0 C0,00 ( ! @ a t.4 , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 41,000 I Y Livil HIQOK , CIucAao , necomner ! 7.-Iteceipta and ship. . ch ) ntb of live stock for tima past. 2) ) hours lmav I ch ch on as follows : Iti'CCi3)tS , BhIp'ts , S th g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,000 S ttle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fil)0 ) , , fl5 Im nop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000 , . , , , S S W KAN'3A8 ' Ciry , 1)ocernbcr 7.1teooI b antI I a ht 1iuiueiit of live stock to : ' the ) ) Rt . . I lioun I wh ve been miii followet Ki ltoceIpt' . ShIo'ts ' ni ttle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 020 mg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.500 . . . , , : i Ii .uji. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800 . . . la , ST. Lowe , Iecemruber 7.-Jtoculpt.s mmd ship UntS of live stock fur the past 21 hours hurt I A on as tollowst unl Receipts , Shlii'ts . lb etUu. . . . . . . 70 ) lIi. tsp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , 4fl0 ) do oj5 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 4,00 ; ) : io : : y' : _ : _ : _ : . _ 14 14mi OMAhA 1 MUtJTIL mi pp ' , VliokHaie I'rlocs , id erIcx or 'L'iz OMAILit BEE. I'rhla ) ' EveiIim , 1)ecemnber 7. sa 'Flie fel1owu ! imrlcs re cliargeil rotalleri t S ' jobbere , wh'lottalert 'stud oounrnlsslqn flier ' ants , with the eccepUozu of crein , which L C .10 V qn oted at the ti ) ! 1.110 OIOTtOrS. an d other local buyer Ornh. \ Vui--Czshu t\i. 2 , 7LC ) Nt. 8 , ( "SC " , B.uu.r-Casi ) No , 2 h ' - No , 8 3'.40. ' C Ofl-N ( ' . 2 , lIe. O At-No , 2 , tk lityc Stouk , l Arh'eR-QnIot at 4 001 10. 1" AT COWS- tk)8 3 : , . h fots-f00@ . . ' SO. S iiKmcm'-Flrun ts 3 OO3 So , C ALviS-l'nr ) qnlity 1 t4)5 OOpootbutct. ; ) ore' stock , C 00. Flour anti MIllislufime , W iTriI WILLtt-Boit quutiity , pst.oittt ' 2t 3 50. S EC'ONI ) QCAL1rT75O3 ! 5. S t'itii'o % VIIIAT'-lle.mt qtuusIU' , 1)stent , B 2S 3 to. ; S EooI ) QCAT.rrT-2 5C'3 35 , II IIAN-tiSO PT cwt. C iiot'rcu ' - ' 100 Itue , sr.e. C ot MEAIr-1 OO(1 ( 10 r ewI S CRICENING-60@700 per cw GonersI 1'I'tIflCfl. ll trrrEIt - Vancy creamery 33@8e ; tnt ) stor age creamery , 25Cj27c ; cfuIce ilairy , 2(1 ( © 21 c ; best country , aitlltl packed , 1201J111o ; best country , roll1 14"@lSe " : inferior gradlos 10@ 14c. Receipts are imituell , amid tlio ( teuduatidi good . E flos-Markot alvancItIg ; to.day at 27@A 28c. AdvIse ltbsrat comialguttitouts. A ri'm.Ks-Faticy Ionatlmauts , I 5OS 00 ; fanc y lIeu 0Mb , $3 ( ; O5 ! I 00 ; fancy Tonnt , $3 O O@3 SO ; fancy Wiltowtwig , $3 25@3 75. Doum uinul gomal. Cm mumaim-Now York Strth full cream , late Sept emmubor umniko , lIe ; Now York Stat' fit ) ) crea m , 10 hoop lots , 13c ; do full cieauuu , SO 11009 10t5 , 131cS'iectmsin ; , full creaun , In lox , lIe ; Voting Amuoncuut , strictly ( till eroani , lie ; futil cream , 12c ; liii ) croani 10 hoop lots , 11e. fit ) ! cream flats , 12c ; ( till creant limits , 11c ; fanc y brick eltce.so , 100 lb casom , 15c ; lAin. burg er 1'Jc ; geituitto old 5jvjs , tOo , I' OTATOC13-lkccIpts ) Riflall amid Prices gOO ( l. Couisignmmiomuts of strlctlyl choice , larg o aizetl , straight ltatos are sollimig froni 33 to 3Sc ; uiminml cars 80 to 320 anti ligh t domain ) ; peachutlowit , 85 to 40o. ( S wEmrr I'orAToot-Choico yellow , 2@3C. oC NIONS-No deimumid ; mimarkot ovorhtmuckoul. C AIIIIAOE-Market for choice stock $5 000iJ 00 imor Inundrumi. lemnaiid good. B EANS--liluOl ltCl0t1 nutvios , $2 SO2 75. han d picked ImletittImulit , 1 752 00. Re eeip ts large ; demnmoul good. G. &tiu-l'rnirio chickens , per doz , , $3 00 to 25 ; mimic ) ) , SI. 25 to I SO ; umilpe , $1 50 to 1 75 ; duc ks , 'itil1arl , POt tloz , 2 0O(2 ( SO ; tuixoti , ( $1 ! O tO 2 00 ; door saddles , 11to 12c ; car. Cc cites , 8 to t4e ; auutelnpe.sadmtloa , 11 to 12e ; c.'tr case , 0 to lOc. 1)emmul good.Vould advise libe ral coutsigmunouits , lie carob ) that your guui : o collies to muarket in utica condItion. F itKstt OvsTicms-Solects , 45c ; standartle , 40e : mediums , 'JOe. C Rumy-ISe. ' P oUL'rItr-Livo chickens , rer doz , 1 vr , 00 ; full tlrestmodcluiclomum , per II , . , 8ilOo ( ) ; tur' key s , pe lb. , 146J16c ; thicks , 10@12 ; geese , 125j 14c. L uumoNs-Extra fancy hat lemons , $8 00 ; fanc y \Ies'iuut : Icuuious , ler box , $7 25 ; 5 box lots , Messina lemons , $7 00 ; 10 box lots mb. , 7 5 ; Malaga lemons , fnncy , $5 00 ; do S box 9. lots , $1 50. O BANGES-Lotiisianas per bid , $9 00 : tin. , box , 3 00 ; steimi cut , Tntmutlcas , iorbbl , 810 00 ; ier box , ti 00 : Florida , per bo' , $5 25. 1 ! AAAH-ChtOIC0 , her bunch , 3 0O4 00. C ntsnnImEs-Boll : audi bugles ; $10 0O@ 0 0 ; boil auud cherry , $9 5Ocj10 50. Above quo tathumis for choice. D ATIe-lIlack Arabian , per lb. , 8@Oc ; qua rter crates , jOe. at F ias-25 lb. kegs , per 11) . , 12c ; 10 lb. box , nye r , per lb. , 1Cc ; rna11tova1s per lb. , lSc. 22 C ocoANum-Extra fine , per 100 , 8 00. C imacit-Pitro sweet cider , 22 gal keg , $6 0 ; 11. & 1. clarilied , tO al keg , $1 75 ; Itt. & 1' . 22 clar ified , 82 gal keg , S 00. 1 ius VEI'r , I'ItIl'E , R'rc.-l'igs feet , 115 lb kits , $1 10 ; pigs 40 lb qr bbl , $2 25 pigs feet , l b half bbl , SI 00 ; tripe , 15 lb Idts , Si 15 ; trip e , 40 lb qr bbl , $2 25 ; tripe , 80 lb half bhl , 0 0 ; iigs tongues , 15 lb ldts , $2 50 ; pigs toui gues , 10 lb qr bbl $6 00. Lambs' tongues , l b kits , $2 65 ; 40 ii , qr bbl , $6 25. M mcE MEAT-Atmnors's , ISIb buckets bu ckets 25c ) tc ) ; 371b buckets ( bucket 40c ) , tie. ; lOOlb kegs , Pc ; half barrels , 8c. A ssonTKI.1IiIt.Y-2.lb stanejars. 12 In case , per do ; $2 25 ; tumnimber , pr tioz , $1. 05 ; sch ooner , Ier dozen , $3 10 ; 1-lb tin cans , 4 doz . in case , $1 40 ; 2-lb tin onus , 2 ioz iii case , 50. B ULK , TELT.IES-Currant , 30-lb wood italic , Per Ib , 8c ; strawberry , 30-lb wood hails 11cr , 8c ; raspberry , 30-lb wood imiln per lb. 8c ; blackberry 30.lb wood 1)nhlH pr lb , 8c ; craA apple , 30-lh Wood i'als ' ) POt lit , 8c. A i't'I.i BurrEn-35.lb s'oodomi iiails , per 11 , , ; . 5.lb wooden hails , 6 lii case , per case , 50 1 'EAcH flerrEn-2a.lb wootben lauIs LOt lii , $11 00 ; 5.lb wooden 1)ai ) , C iii casu , per case , Ce 25. 1 'Iur.axnvKs-rn ( 20-lb ooien pails-R..sp' ) ber ry , lSc ; strawberry , quince , lIe ; Peach , lie ; cherry , lic ; tomatoes , lie ; pluto , lIe ; asi ortod , 5-lb voodou buckets , 6 in case her cas e , $1 7(3 ( ; assorted , 2.lb timi cans , 2 doz in cas e , ior case , .93 25. NmcmuudAsKs Co3nt lloruv-1-lb frauuiei , 2 1.lb Ij. cas es , ier II , , lSc , : J IAY-BalOd , 8 OO@lO 00 ItOr toim ; Iii bulk , O O@6 so POt ton. Ti. Grocers Lint. CARMEn Goone-Oysters ( Standard ) , perand col cas e , 3 7O@8 90 ; strawberries , 2 lii , 1)Ot COSO , 1 0 ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 30 ; Bartlett Per case , 2 tO ; whortlobt'rries , POt Cml.t0 , 8 0 ; eg Illume , 2 11. , tier ease , 2 'JO ; green gag es , 2 ib , per case 2 90 ; mb choice , 3 Ib , per cas e , ' 1 50 ; tutmie appO5 ( , 2 lb , ier case , I 80@ cou r o , 1 lot'i-Sisab , 1 inch and larger , 1Oc , inch , c ; & inch 1lc , bu ( JArILE3-loXes , 40 Ins , ICe , We ; 8s , The ; xes 40 his , 10 oz. , Cs , 15c. M.VrcIIES-Por caddie , 35c ; round , cases , 5 5 ; square cases , I 70. SUGAIom-l'owdcred , be ; cut loaf , be ; anulated , Oo ; confectioners' A , 8c ; Stand. d extra C , 7jc ; oitra (3 , 7e ; medium yei 7 w , The : dark yellow , 70. li Cot'FEr.s-Onllnary gra4ies , 12@ii2e ; fair 13 l3c ; good , lie ; Prima , 15JlSc ; cholco @lic ; fancy groomi and ycllowlC@l0c ; oh 1. vorumment Java , 20@26c ; Levorl lug's roasted. c , ; Arbuctde's roasted , 1810 ; McLaughlin's to x.x roaJstei , 18c ; lmltatkrn , Java , 1O Ox ex Ricii-Lou1sltsn . Prime to choice , 7c ; fair c. Vsttmna , Gc. 1ittli-N 1 mackerel , hiidf bris , , 8 00 ; No.S mackerel , clt.s , 1. 15 ; ( smithy mackerel , ball S Is. , C 00 ; famIly mackerel kits , OSc ; No. 1 ite fomh , half uris , , 7 00 ; &o. I lcW , 1 05. Symttr-Staudard Corn. , 35c , bole ; htamiard , 4 gallon kegs 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon gs,160 , , Cr 8mM-In Th papers , 3 0 per case ; keg'per lb , c , ha I'ICKLIUI-Modlum , In barrels , 7 00 ; do 2 half barrels , 4 00 ; small , In liarrele , 8 00 ; 110 14e half barrels , 4 75 ; ghmorkuie ) In barrels , 9 00 ; No In half lIiXrOlit , 5 00. or. ' 1'F.Ai4-GuiipOwdOr , good , 45@jSSc ; choice CO No 75c ; good Ilt1l'131)al ) , 40Eic ; choice , C0@05c ; oung Ilyson , good , 36@50c ; choIce c@t 00 ; .ratazm natural leaf , 35c ; , Ja'nn ' oice , C0(7lc ( ; olong , good , 354Oc ; Oolong , nu oico , 4ocJ.cr Bouchion , good , 35IOc ; nu oice , 354 rt , , (4I WOOIZVAltK-TWn hoop halls , 1 85 ; cal ree htooji pails 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 1) ) 00 ; PIe hip waimliboariL , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 00' k11 oilbuckets 3 85. I set BOAI'S-Kirk's Haven Imperial , 3 45 ; KIrk's iiu tlnet , 3 CO ; KIrk' standard , 8 75 ; Rirk' hio ite litissian , 5 25 ; KIrk's otutocs , 2 15 ; rk's l'rairio Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40c ; lUrk's IfOc agnollu , tb , , . I ' ' l'oTAslF-i'onnsylvania cans , 4 case In case 3 5 ; 1ublttts ! , halt 2do. Incase , 1 9OAnchmn' ; II , 2 ilar , In case , 1 50 , OAunv-Vreimch toixoil , In $0 lii. pulls , 18c ; merican truettl , In 30 II , jiaIl , 1 Ic ; ilrilllaiit eal xed , in 30 II , jialls , 13c ; Nobiy unlxed , In 'JO 1J ( ImitIlS , 13c ; UonmpetiUon nilxed , lii $0 1) ) , . ild , l2c ; 1scul.lur Uuk , 30 11 , iuti ! 12u ; ubbo refined , 0 lb pall , , ] 3c ; Crystal rnxed lb pails 1&c ; Old Time mixed , 30 lb mmalls c ; Tip 'rip , mixed , 30 lb pails , ISo ; } 'Ilm't , xed 80 lb lualts , 11o ; P1IJt , stick , 30 lb lB ile , hc ; Tip Top. stick , 80 lb pails , 12c. wa VINEQAit-New Yurkapile jOe ; Ohio tsp. 260 e lIfe. tiAVr-Dray loads , per bid , I 80 ; A511t4n , 1st cks , 3 so ; blil daIry 60 , Se , S 30. STAIICH-t'oarl , 4c ; Silver akis , Oc ; Coni cru tarch , Oc ; Excelsior ( floss flc ; Corn , 8c. do Hi'ior.it-l'eipor , 17c ; at1llcO , The ; cloves pa ; castIts iSe. eac T , r-Amtiean S 40 ; ( lrecnwkh , 3 40' W estern , 2 ii ; ; N0rtIi Stttr 2 00 ; LewIs' lye 4 0 5 : Jewohl lys' , I 75 thi 1 . ; A fe ; Alu1u1 tait .L ¼ ii ic ; Atlanta A , Sc ; iiont PV e , ] ! ii ckoyo' 4'i , , c C.tl'nt. V' , flc ; Cimitto. Great 1's1I I , 8c hoosier mou lgo 4 , ; , 6c ; I lo nect'itlt1t , 'c ; Itoliati I I nail , Sc ; Indian Sta ntiaril A Sc ; , umuiamm orchard1 .i. n' , , 7e ; l.a vromtce i'l , , 6c ; SL" " ! liter , , c ; l'oquot A , S'c ; Utica ( . , 5c ; 't ,1ttisett Il , 7c ; do A ' 8o tb 1 48 , 12e , 'F' IN hbitov CormNs-4IIeulial , 4. 1 7c , Alli gator 3. ) , $ ' Argyle 1.4 , 7'c ; , Atiuititic I l , , c ; fliulgor ht.sto \ . .i. i , tue ; ) tu.'Ongt.oui 0 4 -I , 'c ; Bttcktmyo S 4.1 , Ole ; lmmiliisn Org.'utril A4t 08 , 8c ; ijeomuIa (1 39 , 'te ; I.eliigh I 1.4 , 114c ; l'epperell N 30 7e ; di (1 ( 32 , ile ; tlt3 Ii , 8 % 7'c ito 1 89 tc l'ocas . , ; , ; 0 4. I , 7c ; Wa mnnmtta i-'i , 13o lI LsAvurtm OVTONs-AI2mir's"c'-'lim 1. 4-4 Oc ; htluickst.ontt ati , ) muiieiIitl ie ; ml' , , ti ) maI lioa cmeti ) 4.4 Oc ; Gaunt. 1.4 , Sc Fidality 4.1 0e ; 1ruult n time 1.i'om , it4e ; t eattibria 4.4 i. do'intor Twiat , lOc ; Gnat Veils Q , Pc Imit ( iaiu Ilomi shrunk 14. 12c : 1mttsIalo , , tOo ii c.t tnbrlc 87 , 12o ; New York Mi1l , 1'J c l'eq uiot A , lOc ; l't'ppcrel , N ( ' TwIIls , 121I c l'tC Ahl1t4V1 4.4 , O3e ; : 5-1 , 8. ; Utica lie : Wautiatutta 0 X l'2c I ) ucsat ( Co1rct7-U\iirny ! \ i' tiuiwmi , ite ; tb 0 , il nib 1 le ; do X _ ' . strlpesauti pi.il ! , 12 1-2c ; do X Xk brown anti drab , tripes titI tulalds 12 1. 2c ; Arllngt4tui fancy , 100 ; Hntttswlck brow n , 8 l.2c ; Chariot inucy , . 12 14'o ; tin ox. tin b eavy , 20c ; l"nll Iflvor briu'vu , tritra ) tea'y , 11 1- 2c ; Imliatin A browsu , 1a ; Ncutcet A brnv ri , 1'c , Tm entNas-Arnctckeag A 0 A 32 , hOc ; tIn XX blue 32 18 i.2c ; Arnnveuunn , O'l2c ; Glare mon t 1311 I. , L 2c ; Comiettoga , ntt5'a 17 l.2c lfaim tilt.rn 11 1.2c Lowkton ' ) , ; A30 , lSc ; I'n ; nelm ltis ' 1-1 , 2o ; Outtejn , cuor oxtr. i.1 . Fear l iUer 32 , 16 l.4c ; I 'htuaun . } X Hoe ctt'ip o , 12cShotucket. . 5 , 10 ] .2c ; tin Sti , 12c ; ; Yeom an's i100 29 , 00. Ly m-Auumoskoa , blue aI brownltI 1.2e Atub , nver DI ) blue , lb l.2c ; Amhlttgttuu bln * 4 Scot ch , 18 l-2c' Concord OtO ) , lItts , numi brow mu , 12 1-ac ; do Ai'iA ' , tin da 13 12' do It Xx t dti tin , It 1.2o ; hittyitimikar's ititin semi ) IrnW Ii tI 1.2c Mystic Itlvor 1)lstrlpo , l8l2c ; l'oar l ilIs'or , btuo istumb lurtiwsu , lOc ; UucaciIib blue miii brown , 14 1.2c. OA tnmuce-fl.erumarti 5c ; Eullystino Iltiltug , imi cli double face , 8&e ; ( 'isruier A glazed ) , fic ; Mauu lustt.au glove fitilalt , 5c ; Newport ut' . gl azed1 5c ; Poiuot tie , Sc ; Lockwooil kii1 fitsisl u , Cc. Co llecT lL.N-Ainory , Auulrnccogglti catto oti , 8o Clareiolon 6'c : Coumostogga sat- a tocui s , 7c ; ailowell , Sc ; Italian Orcltartl , 7o ; Narr agansett , itniwovud , 8c ; Popperill sat- teen , 9o ; ltnckport. , 60. I's uNm-Albotui , Cc ; Ainoncan , Cc ; Arnido , I flc ; Ilorvtok , 4c ; Coclit'oo , C Coiuestiia , 1)au kirk , Ce ; 1)uuineil , 6@7c ; itldysWue , 6 ; Glou cester , Cc ; hlnrnmny , S'tc ; Knicknrlmckor , hc ; Morriunac D , 7c ; Mystic , ; ) iraguo , ) ; S otutlultrlde ; ; , Cc ; do Gimughiamus , ic ; ZtLnrI. bore , 5c ; Oriental , Sic. I GI NOHAIe-Arnoakoag 9c ; Argyle , 8c ; Atla ntic , Sc ; Cnmbcrlnutl , 7c ; llighlauuti , 7c ; Ken ilwarth , fte ; Phuutkitt , 9c : Sussex , 8c. Co noAnsta-Abborvillo , l3c ; Agate , 21)c ) ; Ame rican , lie ; Artician , 20o ; Cairo 1) 1111(1 'r 1'3e ; CIarioui 1) tuul 'F , 17c ; iJecan Co. strip es 1) isnit T , Itic' Keystone I3c ; Nami' tucl : ot , 19c Nnmi1tareif , iCc ; Ocenui D toid 'I' , l3e ; llnyL 10c ; Sussex , 12c ; ' ( 'iogs. . , Visclot- tmott sliirting cuiecks , 12c ; tIn Nauikin 12e Yor k , plain NanIlit , 12c : tin checks , stripe. , vial fancy , 12c ; do 8 oz , 20c. Sl itcKrsms-AmidroHc9gimi 10.4 27c ; di , . ) , 23c ' do 3 4 , 32c : Lomutinental C 42. lie ; 0. Frui t of' the Looni 1O'i ; 27c ; Now York ma Ibm . 8Sc ; do 78 , 'JOe ; do 55 , 22c ; l'enubrokn 10-4 , 25c ; Pequot 10-1 , 2Sc ; di ii , 1tc : tb 49 , ; l'oppeaehl ( hi , 29c ; (10 (7 , 2k' ; do 7 , 18c ; Utic a 013 , 3Cc ; t1t 53 , 22o ; tb ' 18 , lTc. I Luitut tCI. lii. WI tOLIOIALE , \\r o qtmoto lumber laths : siiul shilsigios , on oars O inalii at the following prices : : .To iwr Aflt ) SCANTL1NG-iG It , unit nuder 0 0 ; 18 It , 23 50. Ti iusmEns-l6 feet auth iitiiier , 22 00. TI eunKn ANI > , Toisr-18 ft , 23 50 ; 20 ft , 23 50 ; ; ft , 20 50 ; 21 ft , 26 50. 1" EscIro-No. 1 , 4 and C in. , 24 00 ; No. 2 , 220 0. SH EETING-NO. 1 (2d ( eomnmois boards ) , 20 00 ; . 2 , 1800. LI ME-l'or barrel , 1 25 ; bulk imer bushel' 8Sc ; corn ent , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa piastcr bbl , 2 50 ; hair ho. Soc ; Tarred felt , tlOO lbs , 3 50 ; straw boar d , 3 50. % l'alnts , Oiia and marmsIshios. O its-1lO ° carbon , ier gallon , lie ; 1500 : dli1t , ior gallon , lr4c ; 175 ° beaiThght , tier gallon , 2Oc ; i&O ° water white , l9c ; bin seed , raw , ; pr gnllou50 ; limisued , bothmat , per gali ouu , 58c Lard , winter str'tl , liar gallon , SOc : No. 1 , 70cNo. ; 2 , 10c ; castor , XXX , POt gal , .1 50 ; Nt , . 3 , 1 :30 : ; sweet , ) ier gallon SSc : sper m \vl ! . , imer gallon , 1 00 ; fish , \ . Ii. , gisUon , iuuitsfootextrii : , per gallon , ( tOe ; No. 1 , 75c ; luLrlcating , zero , par gallon , 3Oc ; tiuitn lner , iSo ; giltlcmi maclime , No. 1 , per galExi , 35c ; No. 2 , 25c ; sperm , signal , per gallon , ; ttirpont'mno , ) er.gahlon , soc ; naptlin 71 ° , gallon , iCe. C. 1' AINTI4 IN Osr-Wh1to lead , Omaha P. P. ; white lead , St , Louis , Immure , (1c ( ; Itlarseilles en 1 to Ii lb cane , 200 ; Freitelm zinc , green seal , 12c ; Frmicii zinc , red scsI , tic ; Fromicli zinc , iii varmuisli asmit , 20c : ltomtcli zinc , in oil mutst , 15c ; raw amid burnt umnler , I Ilm eauie , lOc ; raw anti Itirmit Sianmia , lOc ; vauudylco brovuu ; rofimiod latnpblaek , 12c ; coach blue ) : , ittimi ' ry black , 1e ; ; droi luhsclc , ICc ; l'ruissiats e , BOo ; ultramnarimia blue , lSc ; cluroism greout . sr. & D. , ISo ; blimid amid shutter greomi , L rx & . & 1) . , ICc ; l'uu'im green , lt3c ; imidlun ted , ; V'euuat.iamu rail. 'Jc ; 'l'uscuui rtiil , 22c ; , Auuiori- Vermuilihmist I. & I' . , tSc ; chrome yellow . it ! . , 0. & I ) . 0. , 18e ; yellow ocluro , tc ; leiu ocltro , ICc , patent dryer , Sc ; grmslnut g ors. light. otk : , dark oak , walnut , cii. " .nut (2' ( and ash , iSo. It % ! Prv L'ltIntH. \ YhsIto loot ) , Sc ; Frotucim zInc , IOu ; Paris ? i ; iting , 2c ; siiittii giltlors , If.c ; whlttmtg l. n'I 1.c ; lutuut1ibitvk : , ( .ermuuustojvui , lie ; iphiack , ortli lihry , I tIe ; I 'ruialaim bltuo , SSc ; rzinmr'ttmo , ISe ; vaulyk , brnwsm , 8c ; tuttilor , 0. rnt , 'Ic ; uttiher. raw , Ic ; sioummia , burnt , Ic ; II. to uutta , raw , 'Ic ; l'aiis green , gotsutliiu , 25c ; Ii. 1'u is green , COImiIfllfli , 20c ; cliroimia groalt , NY. , 2Oc ; eluromno green IC. , 12c ; vormiullhioui , Rug. , 70c ; vermnllllon , jutiericauu , ISo ; liudinus roil , bOo ; rose pink , lie ; Votiotlais roil , Cokusoss , 2c ; Vemietlutti red , American , 1c ; roil lead , c ; chirommie yellow , gesuulne , 20e ; chirolno yol , w , IC. , i2c ; ocliro , rimehollo 3c ; ochre , Frwielt , ; ochre , Aunericati , 2c'i'iittir'ii ; , ridnoral , 2c ; Ieiikhi liruwmu , 2c ; Spatilss brown , 2c ; r inco's unlmmeral , : ic. A VAjibsNstlai-ltsrrels , per gallon : Porn ) . S re , extra , l 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , $1 coach , trO , $1 .10' COdicil ' Nt , , 1 , $1 20 ; 1)tiinar , tra , $1 7t ; Jmtpan , 7'Oc ; tumiibalttumn , extra , 85c ; on S $3 SO ; hard oil fluids , $1 SO. hon , TobttcCo , I 'Lua TosmtccoClimax , tiOc ; Bullion 5Oc rsoslioo , 500- Star tiOc ; Ruddy , 4Ce ; liar. 's , 'fIle ; BIacc ! , 384Oe. 1 tINE ( iIJT-COlsitilifl , 20@30c ; good , 45 ( ; Itoso Leaf , 71k ; Proniluin , 65e ; Diamond own , t'Sc ; Sweet Hixtoen , 4Th. SmloKlua-O. H. , 2Ie ; Moorschamm , 28c ; Dot. m , 8 or. , tiSe ; Ihirluans , 4 or. , Sic ; lurbamr o r. , SSc ; Seal of North CarolIna , 8 oz , , SSc : tI of North Carolina , 4 oz , , 57c ; Heal uf rth CarolIna , 2 or. , ( 'Abe ; ( I. K 1)isrhstuu ) , ' 1 . , 28c ; 0. K Jiu. ISOc ; Uncle D t ) , Vs 25c ; To' : i : . _ _ _ hit1 Inatlstir. solo BBc to 42c ; hemlock to 35c ; fit o kb , soc t I 00 ; runner i5c to 860 ; n ii call , nr to I 20 ; lioiriloclc upper , 2ic : tiut 2Cc ; oak tipper1 21c ; alligator , 'I 00 to 5 SO ; auto. f ku ) , 32@85 ; ( , relhoXt klil , 2 tiO tj ) 2 715 ; oak , 860 to I 00 : oak calf , I 20 t 1 30 ; lrtmchi u ho , , 1 10 to 1 55 : Frexueli calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rus , the s , S t10 th 7 TA ) ; linlmu s , I ) 00 to 10 50 ; toIl S ptn lun igit , 1) ) 04) ) to 10 50 ; Ii. 1 , . ? tiricct , , , , $ Oc to ; ilut bble 0. 1) . ? tltiroe.co , Lr ; sltnon , 2 so to 3 ( hO , I I AIINH.'llt-N ( , . 1 star oak , 12c ; Na 2 di , , ; No. 1 Ohult , oiik IfSc ; Nit , ' 4 do , 5c ; No Mllsvutikoo 37c ; o 2 do 31c F Il Dull itmuil voak ; gri'i'n butchoiii , Cc ; greet I toil , 7j7'c ; dry flint , l2S)13c ) ; dry salt p ( ,11e ; damusagoil lililee , two.tlmlrdis price. TAI.LOW-4"C , h JhjLLiw L'LTt-2SCC1 00. to ndI Wool , ' I Marine nnwuhsd , light 14@16c ; heavy , 'len @lSci xnodlurn tinwaMbed , light , 1f3Q2Oe ; . shed1 choIce , 82c ; fair , 30c ; tub and wuhod , K.A ; hurry , blwk : mtti ctittAMI woo ) , 2(5th60 ( 'oss. ' Ifoavy J1ardvaro List. Irnim , rates , 2 ( .0 ; plow sto'il special cast , 7ct ? cIble , lie ; iiocial Or ( loriuutem , ) k cast tool , l542O ; witgoml si'ikes , itot , 2 2513 00 ; hubs I sot , 1 25 ; follimoit uiuwoil dry , 1 40 ; tonguuo.t1 h1 7O8Sc ; azlus oachu , 75c ; square umuts pi .U - -a - ' - - Tb , 7iflic ; wushj , 8t8c rivets , Pr II , , lie ; call cliittr ear lii , 2c ; tutitlletltlo , Sc Irou t n'oilgns , ( ki crowlt , : , harrow teeth Ic ; eprltug tonI , 7OiSc ; S 25 i i ; ; IQls'e iitulo'Iuoc. , C 2h. I iAItTtfliVtnr.n car lots , 4o 1nrflO(1 , AIL $ - lintee , 10 to CO $10 , S tint " .SIumit , I 85 ; buck htit , 2 10' .irInt'tI io vth't kc'gs 43 .10 tb , , lislF , ; , kegs , 'IS ; di' . , qua rter kt'gs , I 8S ; blitstittg , kegs , 8 33 ; fuse , Per 100 toot. , fiOc. l , EAI-Bar , I ( " 3. C oAL CtitiuIxrlautl ) tlackcmlth , 10 OO ? tor. tic run llotslutmg ! , , I 0 00 ; 'VItItobreast Itlimul , t , (40 ( ; \VIiIt.elronst , tout , S 00 : Itwa lutn , , fl ttttr a uiut , S 00 ; lock SIiriltji 7 ( ) ; , 'tuttlmra. cite , 11 2I@.11 ( ' 0 ; Catiomu City , I 4)0 ) , ier tomi I.Iiiuinss. A tAOlIDT1-1S ? ) ) rmmor , 2 23 1r ts'In gallon o.'tt , ' : i Cuslittiruila spirits , 158 proof , I 2t' per ino , f allouu ; trliiie rertiteil ajililts , 187 jri'f , I 2'i pc.r pniof gailnum ; re-iliatilletI v1ibmkIec , I tO ; 1 50 ; Ihuso blouitloi , I t'O@2 ( jO ; Knit. timelc y btiuwtt'tia , 2 0O@7 ( Xl ; Keutitucky am ) 1''iu iiylvtttiIi ryon , 2 ( Xkdi 00. It ttANI)5 Os-litIj'Ort.Cml , 6 O0J16 00 ; titiltiOsthO I IO ( i5i ( hO. U 1Ns-1mrtcd , 4 t'Oii0O ' ; domestic , I (0 ( 3 1 k ) . h -Tinpurteil , 4 tiOti 1)0 ) ; Now Englatni , 2 00 5i I 00 ; dotestie , I 5O3 SO , l Acl ANt ) .frtl'rz.ii ihtANfiT-1 7t.J4 00. CI iAtt'Alni'-.huiuIsirtoll per ems's' , 28 OO@ 4 (10 ; Aunorlcatu , per ease , 12C0 ( J10 00. IINVt'2li. 'tAlIllr. -l O Tt.I ) ? itIATsI . 'iNfl mA16'-iIlttluT % , . lIe' lircst tlast. t'aeouu ' , 1S@'ilrio : , ' mddti' , 0 40it ) cca1t citlos , $ @ ? J ; Imuti , lOhhtlc. Ui tttIN Fittiii' l"uomncE-l'e4.st.ocs , ' ) ® its.i p its" 1X ( ) sittiuiia ; isitatotis , Wt't , per 100 5)0tiit iM , . 2 bO(8 1K ) ; , , , sit lCO ottds ; , 31 t ) @ 00 ; turnips , iic 100 II , , CcjSOoi ( ) ( n ) orati i cabbage , tout' , h'r 1hO , T'cti tX live clikmken. , tilt ) , 'r iltit , Si OO 25 ; Iiirttiria clicketi ) T .ltiz , 3 rgg fruslu.per , Ioz , :2@tst : : ; butter , fidr tttal. ) ' C rOuittutt7 , finest per lb 85j3tb ; croremunry , good , iiar lb1. 28@i'Jic ; Kuiasac situl Nirnskus t1:11r3 : ' , per lb37dt ISo ; ctiokimg , t2@lSe ; clirciso , fish c m-onto , I'tr ll , I Chh I ic ; uililtItlil bhil , ( ) eaitti , rit , l OKt1J5 SO ; grqict. Ptr lh , TIO ( ) e ; CaliernIe pears , Pr lb. 76jlPo ; itote itta litton , fltra , ler liox , 7 Oil Q8 ( t O ; ( mruitt'tq , $12 ( Xa1I ) 00 ; ColorsiIit xhea t , par 14.41) lb. $1 fl@t ) 88 : Ihmour , C'l. orob , o , pot 100 lb $2 Ot2 2.5 ; thour , : ituujt , 9 ? J C18 00 ; flour , Kuiiimtiit : , hal 100 lb. 2 7h ( (10 ( ; thur , , U rtuiaIa : , tier lK lii , $2 OOQ)2 ) 4 : flour , rye , jeit' 104) Ib , 2 tiOii9 70 ; flour , buck- ; whea t , or imlil , $11 t4)tjh12 ) tiO ts'rui utmoal , tet' 1OI l ist , $1 C5@1 Sri ; corn , liar 100 us , si 27@ 30 ; cormi chip , , 'r 1R ( ) his $1 84)(11 $3 ; utaji tiati , par 100 lbi , t 3h11 iS ; tots , Nuiiraeka , tuuixe tl , 1or 100 Il , , 81 'JO6l 'IOmatsNeliraskut , whit e , iiiir lOt ) liii' . $1 'J5S1 45 ; tints , ( oboritiin , i5 : 1 00 I1s , $1 2Shu1 85 ; harley per 100 lIts , 1 rio ( l Th'i ; un1xatlcliti , , liar 1O4I lime , $1 ' 10 ; bran , tier tin. , SIT OO(1li ( ! ) 00 ; hay , looe , ar t emi $12 oohl ; 00 ; lialoil mmoctnl , Liott.uiu , , 10 O Ol2 00 ; btbotl : itiiliuiil , $1 I 0O@1 7 00 ; clove r , Per toit , $21) ) 00 ; straw , her tout , $8 00 1) ) 00. Railway Time Table. LOCAL TItMNS-rnuDwDIwshoNj U. I' . it It. , tIAlN LINK. LeAve. SutatyL Pe.eO % a Herus.t.l2U ) , p ci Attaitlo , Hsiireasl:25 : s ur V.jct uri , fii"'st ' 8:00 : ii In S'etct ttiuiIreM. ) 3'20t in . Isl imil PaM . . .4t'lp : tu , (1 ' , , , I'asi , liio : ala LInco ln Ex . . . . .12O : p in Linotlmi Ex . . . . .12:55 : p Ut DUiIIIY TItaINS-111UD01 DIVISION , Lesi a Onuttit : 7:111. : 8iO. : 11:15) : , utttio : , I I :00 : ii : aim , . 12 511 ; a 0 , .iOO , 3:00 : , 4 .1)0 , 5:1)0 : , 0:00 : , 10 : Ia l. lit. 0mm 4ttii tlua : 7:5(1 : , 11:0 : 5 laiD a. mit ; 2:00 : , 4m : ) , 6:00 : , 10:11' : ' 1' . . Arrii a sit trasler Ie1iit inluuimtit later ; lIrtna imay t fe1ot , Cimituicil ItittiTs , 80 tutltiutes latir. I.e ai a Ctiuiicil IttiSe , , ltrtoilit ny iiepiit , 8:00. : flt10 , 1t" : ) . I Ik s.ii , , : 2 ' ' . . ; ' iiit 2 : ' ' . snii 4"i : , 5imfl:40 : : , - 10:40 iun On Sutudaat3:0O : : , le:0O : a. in. ; 12 mum ; 800. , 6:00 , 6:4' : ' ) , Iulu : it. itt. At I tt U 1 isiusfer tlii1ut , , I . huh- tttec l ater , lv auo Coutmidil IOiuiTs Tra'rsfcr , ie1mnt : R:25 : , ii25 ; , . 1o2b , tI5 : a. liu.12 ; tnI:2a ; : , 2:25SS : : , 4:20 : , l.i : , ( ' :20 : , 7vb , 10r.r. : ' . Ii , . Arritu ( Iious'n ) " tttiiitcc , , lit ) nr LI&vi otuuts. LnAVJI COUNCIL. tiLVlPC. Vce . No. 2. . . .7:55 : a rn I'ai's. No. 0. . . 7:2a ft , No. . . . . . . . . I ) mut " No. 15..1iILl : mu Sn I , No. 4..sooi : : tO .No 0 , . . , 1lut is in : " . . . . . .teuui " ji. h . . . .7:15 p in I' 'J , . , . . . . . . . . ut , " No. 1 , . . . 7 85 Ut 'I 1No. to. , . . O0 : cmiii S 0. , IS. & Hi. I' . Li. IL-U. P fl11'OT 0511 & lTx..7&O : a mu l'aciflo . . . . . . . . . . a at ttia ntiol'x..3:10 : t iii Mail , ICx . . . . . . . . .10 p mum 'AI SASII , ifl' . LOUIS & l'AC.hi"IO-t' . p , DHI'OT. Jmnri lt . . . . . . . . .7:10 a to Omahe..11:20 : a in 'I 51:50 : ji in " . . . . . . . . . l:2O : p 0) 0. , 13 & Q It. IL-U 'P. DEI'OT. te.t % ' . . . . . . . . . . . .3rO a in % lxtuc . . . . . . . . . . .4 , a in Itxp reso. . . . . . . . 82,0 1) in I Mat. . . . . . . . . . . .7:10 : ' in IL , Ii I Si I' , IL iL-U. P. DEPOT. Exp ress . , . . . . . . . 7tO : a in . . . . . . . . . . . . : s mu S hell . . . . . . . . . . .11:10 : p to Exireas..7:10 : p mit (3. lid N. W. ft. IL-U. I ThEI'OT. IaIl ' . . . . . . . . . . . .1tO me un Expreui . . . . . .c:46 : a m Exp ' . . . . . . . . . : p in Mat P , . . . . . . 7iu : Pin U. C. & P. II. It.-U. I' . IflCt'Ot. hell ' . . . . . . . . . . . .6:15 : a sit . . . . . . . . . . is flu Exi teM..000 I , hO . . . . . . . . . . . . . : p in MISSOUItI I'ACIgIO-U. I' . DKI'OT Fxp roea . . .7:00 : a in ) . . . . . . . . . : , sit . , ST. I'AUL , ti. 0. II. it.-IiI'OT N. Ib'TII HI' No. 2' . . . . . . . . 7:10 : a nu No. 1' . . . . . . . . . . 5fiu am No. 4' . . . . . . IOOp : in No ' . . . . . . . . . . e ii IIO UX Clii' & I'ACIFIO-IIH'OT N. 11th Ctrcct , ca vo Oniaht , for Valcuutino vie 1st. lets ) Itsue fo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ii iii tri be frumn Valetitlmin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I'Ji : ) sum 111 H. & 11. IN N11)IIASKA. Join er Ixprees. . .8:15 : mu AtlantIc . . . . . CCop : in - i'acl flc Expruimut'.d:6 : ; ' nu. IcuuvrExiressD:4O : is lit K . C. , sr ot & C. II. 11. 11.-U. & . rnD'OT. &itsit . . . . . . . . . . . . .895 a in ; . . . . . . : a mu . ro's. . . . . . . . . 7:20 : ii in % faII . . . . . . . . . . SulnuIayS atocptod Opening antI ClonIng of Matle. hour ! . omits. OWCL : 5.0) . .1fl. em. p.m. .4 ' & N.V. . , C. , it. I , & I' . , C. It. & Q. , ia. i'aul 5 Sioti ( 'Ity.hIOO : 0:15) : t:1U : 3It ; , Si.ks.1.S 0. & I' . ii , Itta OtN : 1:40 : S'aL , asii EIircui1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . : ui 14:15 : VaI , asti local . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oi' : ( iO : . u. , Hi. .Ioi , . C. . . . . . . . . . 9O0 ; 11:15) : ) 1:40 CO ; iIit , iitiri iaciItc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:34) : 5I'J , St. . I' . M. t 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 7"20 Usit oui t'artttc ' , tmverlruit. , . . . . . 8:00 : 11:35 : Util oit I'aeilr , , ileni cr Ix . . . . 4 : CI 7:50 : & iteIulillcait Vusituy , . . . . ( i 1' ! . Kxprcss . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 : 1:40 . & SI , for I'tattsituiutlu , , , H. U tituil , Astilani auud Lluicolui. I I :00 : dO C ities open tunLa3s iruto 12:00 : In. to 1:00 : p. in. ( I. H. COLI'F/tflT I'.tnuaeP' FOR SAL1. iiuj' voiv X1'J'X'WEs xx tutu I7arcanco ( / for Prmtiaq OfflccsH'il ( W e have for lc several 1usrrclm of is fir I Lwe qua lIty of t Imitlig ink. Iklng nut , ! , , for U' C tk'tl suueller or s1usuLrprts.ee theut v.a ama now tisitig , All a will 5th tIle aatiie iii Si coiitit 1r iiiiiniI fr.ie umi kmiO ril cars at Omaha Will Kt.srentcim It to gIn , good st tsfact.Lor 0mm ssuuiutttirlijiut ' . : : c 'I. JISEASES OF 'l'IIE _ E YE & EABJ "S T. ARMSTRONG , M. D. , c'ti1iit t&xict .1'tzist 1 401 Varnsru Hzoet ) , opposite I'aetoti lute ) , Oins Net , , * , -"t'amts of the nati tiiuil3 a milargt'tt , atrvtIptst uriI . ri'ugthuitii. . . , IN 50 Irutortitltig 5.41 ertictIjuitit lotig rtuui iii iitt Ct Iii reply to litiuirlcn , iu sIll say Clint ihu'rc I. uviu1sie.u of littumibuug atiiiit tiite. Oiittiaicotitrary usdbertti.er5 are tery highly atiil'ri.t'tt. ' Jiulceatui 4uli lucy gut dm51011 dreuluuirs giving cit jitrtlcu a by tedutresslj Erlu tltIic.tI Cii. , . 0. tax 51 flslo N Y , - t'rilu'Io lu cii tug Otac In I I 3 OM , SOHItMANN M D. IrnUiA1t OV.IIMAN omeopathio Phyioian. sI'ECIALI.M'P OF VOMIN , CIIIJ.0111N & UIIIUNIO ) 1)ICIASKS. ) ( ours-At iu'tuiicu ) , No. 1443 H. 10th Btruet , III ) a. In , eriil sit r 3 I . iii. 1 Iurs At 0111Cm , , Ui' , 1 F 105 it. 11th St. , Ilocmn 7 train 10 5. in. , to 3 ; , . in. , IL-TIueTspo Worm itI liv rsmuai'J , without ger , In ( line of ( reams 2 to S hours. .XEI.LIYM. D. C. & vl1MoN , 11. P. ) tttiieno. ) , Recid.nw , 1101) H. ihili Street 2117 1iauen ttRt ICIfljljYVllSO , S hvaioian and. Suoon. OFFICH : Ol'tl Operu Ilouso , Ointtha , Nob' -5- - S - - -5--- - - 5- " - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Double 1Q : Single - , . ting Powop and Ilant-J S LP UMPS , STA PUMPS , Es ig'iiio Priinnilngs , Misting 'ac1iinory , ' hulling , hose , flr and Irnn Pbmfintys S Stun tiu Pecking sit n'liolesalo am ) . rolnil. HALL DAY WIND.1'ULLS , OJIUROII AN D SOIlOOL BELIIS , fJorncr 10th Fanam : St. , Omaha Neb , I-Is IIr , , t,1IUFiWflJIIt or flNi llh ! Cfl1O $ lli Sllhi I. Ily Itepoeltory I. isiettanfly filled with sasce.tetot'k. fleet SVorktnaturhlp zeramuoe' , Olfi co and Factory S. IV. Corner 18Th and Capitol Aieetuc , O'nnu" C , M. LE1OIflON , S H. P. C1.A1lKE , LEIGHTON & CLARKE , ( ( SUCCLSSOlt8 TO KFARD 131105. & CO. ) S W holesale Druggists I -DEkLERS IN- Paints , Oils , brushes , Clas p MA , UA , - - - - - - - NEI3RASKA. . P. I1TI-3xIaD : , MANUFACTUIIUII OF' al vaiiied IrooCornics1 tk1indo CapsFiriiaIs . . Sksllglit..atn Thlrt-rentli Street ' : Neb -5 : " ! i ! ( 1 Ieating alid 1ECTIO lN Baking ' j' ' - - lift oiily atla'used by . : TEOAE I -I Stoves and Ranges , 1t1iI LF1E wilE UVE llOUh1 ' 1 - S Foi r . 'o by S --T- , S MILTONRORS&SONSI C. F. GOODMAN , S Wholesale Druggist I MtD DEALER IN Nob'5 Oils Yarilislies flll 'Villaow Glass OMAHA , NEBRASKA. HEHRV LEHMAFN .5 JOBBEROF a11 Pallor flll 1llO Sliae8 EASTEJIA' PR/CES DUPLICATED S S 8 FARNAM S'l'ItEET , . I' 5i OMAHA NEB. URLINGTONNOUTE" ( Chicago . , Burlington & Quincy Railroad. ) - ! ! " k\ : : 9 a L. . . . : ; ' < ' - . S 1 S t : ; .5 . J.If Z . coulo EAST AND WEST. CtIF4C NoRTI AND SOUTH. J3 ' ' hay Concluctu , T'arlor Cars , svlUi , Itecihi , . E3olIil TraIns of Eleguint ia Coaches amid Pull- ' Ctuatrt ( oats , frciu ) , Hsisokin' . Coat wilts it' ' muon l'tslacui Sleeptut , : ; Cars urn , run daily , to and , itig Ciunirti . t'ullmnttti . , . I'.slacu i41eejitmm Cara and from St Louts . via hianullial qulncv ieolclik famuioilt : (1. II. t Q. Ilituing Cars nm daily to unit iti'rilngton. Ctxlar flnjiii . anti , Abort Lea to St rea l CliIcao & KanSIttt ( 'ity , Cietgo . . ( outicii . l'utuI and ! tliruneapclLs. l'ztrlcrCatswitil liecifruLo' Ls , Ciiaago & lott Moiruamit Ctiic.igo. . St. , Jo' . Chairs to antI from St . LouIs and Peoria . an4t i , AtebLois , Tonclut Only t.brimimgim lint Dii. and Irons St Louis i.nil Ottuinwa. . . , Only 0 . : eIi ( "ik'ia'o , Int'oia Iemivor 'I'iirmiUT'hl cars change of cars betwi'Cn 131. l.oubi asuil . I. ) % CEtt , Inla,31 . , iiIa , & , Coutiehl Illuffs via . 1'ioria . MoIneN _ , iowa , Liitcolu , NebraskA , and Vu.uivC cuii . & . ' . .11 4 . uisdi iii Union IR'mt.iti. . it us ( 'cA ratlo . . Wfl .15 C..j 1rc.it'l'IUOUUlt CAll liNE. It s uulveruiiu.tlyadmnIl lid to be the . 5. Fmoost Equlppod . , RMirond In , tt"i , World . bra ) ) OInsso . of . Travel. . " . 3 POTIKIl Tsl Vli'ei.P'rt'h ' fli ) 1itn" Muurngi .8)I'V ) ti IJ1'"t ! ' 1 p P. * &v % Ch1cak.l : i : cLL S e' -Dr = SK ' (0011 ( IIIOUHIW FOIl iiii : i DRY HOP YEAST I WA11JtANTL'D NEVEIt TO FAIL. jMTanufaeturod by the Omaha . . Dry . Hop Yeast Jo 2718 P11111 IITJIF.ET. OM/ullA. fll14 ivr. HELLIVIAN & Wholesale Clothiers ! I 7301 AND 1303 . FARNAM STREE ? CO/I. / 13 TIi , AhA , ' S NEBRASK . _ : E cwrJrEL ? , DEAI4EItS IN 'll' a'1 Lock Oornp'y , ElitE AND BURGLAR PROOP AFBS , VAULTS , LUCKS , &c , . . . -1. 0 3 0 : 'r13.n.m t rccut , - S E . : 5-