Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 07, 1883, Page 8, Image 8

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T H E D A I 1 V R Ti . . I ) , t i A i 1) T I A 1) : . , a r . _ _ - - - - - - -
DECEMBER 7. 18u.
( 11 THE , , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
C -
Moring , Dea , 7
$ picIt flccUtig ni ttieStnc tt1L
A nieoting of the FArmerB'
.Alllnuco wilt b held at 3cariicy , 1
on Wedneedny ntu Thurdy Jat
and iT , 1884. MI llIhUC9 v1iich
nt ftr.y (4tttO beau iii t1
are ( ar21PUy rcquetot ( to .scd i1u1e
to tliiti mootug , nhlti all fttgj.mofloflJ
of tlu stztto are cordinfl } iyited t
tefll. No pftlflB Wit ! lID UU2I tO II
the meeting oittertniniiig aid zntruc
A prograunne of 1iroceediIzg will aou
eiit to nil n1tiitiict , gi'ilIg HJ1mC
8peakon3 , .aUljecth nuti all particti
J11 otiCat4 of iIIIUtflCO8 flrO tCIJUatOL )
nro calkd nicI arra
, co thtt thoetings
ineiitt made to c1)ll delegittoc.
t StftLo p31)01S , LlCflSO copy.
- 1' . U. ? ) . ,
1'io't' Sttto AIIIRIIC
SI. IJUL2tn\vs. Sec. iul iHtriln.
T118 WcsttlIer.
For the uppur M1oIMSIjIp iud
g'ouri valleys , r.tifl mid anew , foltow
colder clearing wntIier , imrLliivc
winds , and rin 1tartisctcr. , Striii
ter in Iaa and Miuueotn , znovvi
wstward over the upper Lik.
-reate $ rarlcty t t.1o c Storn. 4
-T1u3 1JZU % At Idconw'i lirill wa
JLgaIfl lat. ovoidug wt.Ii au ttdidrlng , cro
-A ziumber f Clilnnmui pasRod Ui
hero on the Deacr trahi yeMterllay ,
ward bound.
-The funeral OLJAy ( b ittin will tabo
thu inornll2g sit 11. o'ctk , from
Mttl $ ChUItil Ifl tb3dLy.
-Tli EngUh I , UL1flrlfl } Stitiday
have In .jhoariia1 a cantata , ivhcIi
produced during the ) Io4Iay.
-Tho du8t bloweth not in doiil.
idllworH WatOl the oartb , filling the ci.
anil the good Iiou.awlfo rojolcoth.
e -1o ca.40 of Lho Sato ztUona1 box
Lincoln v. Win. oung , et al. nectildet
US. . cuur ycdtorday. It will go to Lb
tI ) inoriing.
-Thocily council viII 11(11(1
IxveninR. Tian cnndcratiiiti of o.tiuiati
troct work , a xxubxuittcd by LIiociLy cn
will bo tim iiriuciiial bubilieM of tins Tue
- Jolin WiIIitw : ; clutrgod with larcixi
brakin oion the nwnoy drawer at tim
ropolittn hoLd and tabing aomo caixh
from , wa tried iii tb3 tiJico court yostt
lb wai found gitflty , mid simteiic
31) tlTiyl iii tlio colixity juIl.
. - - -
A Life SzivingIrcient.
Mr. M. E. Allison , 1tutdiInoii ,
SMell iii Iif by xi sIini1o trial bottle ol
lCiiig'xx I\nW IIcovcry forconixutnl > LImi ,
cause ; ! ) ti.n to lirtictiro Ii largo buttlo that
iilcttily r'iroit lilixi st'lcn doctor. , cIiai
cliin.xtq toil evcrytiIxig else had fulled.
hut , 1)rUIiitiIi , Iioareiinx , iovcr3 cough
nil throat ititti iiiiig dlsu3 , it ix. guara
to cure. Tilid bottles frc ITt C , . F teed
drug Rtore. l4argo .lzu tI.UO.
- -
. Fro1i imported Cigars , oszi ini
lion , friii $0 ro to 3O.OO 1)ot' linxi
a Max Moytir & Co' . . dJ.1t1& (
: F. . E. Vhitg , of J'iattxinoutl , , hi
E. F.Viiy , iif rlix4)tIt , i tayiiig
v. ii. 1titnger1 ! ot } 'rexiixxiit , lu ut t1x
ton. .
, \v. 1) . lEttile ; , qI Blair , iii it
r1v1. .
\v. . \cbtor of ( untraI City , h
the 1'atuii arrivals.
'U. I1. Sackott , of Aihion , 1. roglstt
the Paxton.
.Tudgo 0. P. Mn'xoii , of Lincoln , Ii
J , ? iltirrity lalrchulil , the expert
Nortitwexiteni Ekctr1 Light coInpan
the city.
. .1.V. . Black niut wife , of Wtxoping
are at thu Millard.
T. Rogtxnuf Fort Calimun , 114
Frank Dining , of Tecittnub , Is at U
ton..v. . j. ] atu1' , Iii Linexin , I.i regi14ter.
It. j' . 1E6ttOfl , of WO4TtOI1 , li xi
riaL. I
S. 0. Thili , of flum Crek , Is 'at LI
A. .1. 1etkoul atiti wUe , of ] ioatrlve
tbe Millard.
Jolla ] 11l , tif Beatrice , 114 ristt'rei
Millard ,
Jr. D. Trelanti , of l'iattionoutii ,
? ilillard litat eveulng ,
B. H. Ovortoe , of Illrf4)llc , hi z Miii
14. IIUly and wife , of lln.41a , arts
fq , v. WelIi , of iiebtiylor1 lii aLayin
MillariL , ,
H. G. Suyleas of 1Srec3ailriJXo , Is
U. E. Corej , of Osildand , .tMys at
. i : Ituffuer anti wife , iii 1'ltstL
are at the Millard.
r. . J. tnitli of Evanston , Wynmi
yuaterday for home.
S. II. If. Obirk. ile2iuTitt ThaflA4Or
Union l'aclfic railway , Is in New Vt
is too ill to t1k about railrowl matter ,
lit A. McNaznttra , wholoaal , lhuor
rULuned Jwxa A ) u.lue trIp to Sc
S City , Odon and itbor wosLrn ioIx
I terda7 inomiag.
cL , titts ihdxtnlng caiculal
that It take 4OO ) znecbaiilc. and tn
; to , make the cltar14 , baking powdAx
I crackers , beer , whiaky , c. , fur 0nii
( lie L ' .ey cnthualuUo ostr Omaha'
& a munufactuniug eitr. Ito
I talking about ,
, -
AuAnswer Wanted.
) Van uyono bring u acisisoof 3d
liver complaint that Electric
, fete will not iedlly siuru ? W .y I
, t Rot , A tbou5audj o ( vatss alreadr hurl
J cured and wbo are daily reooiiir
c .iloetnjo ] iittexs will ir.ivo. ibigbt'4.
iilxdx4caj , tweak back , or any unluaryco
j4 .iuickly cured. 'Ihoy tiunify the bluoi
late th bowels itud act directly on
4'alN.d paru. Eva.7 lIitthx Ruarantots
fl Js jt tOa a bottb , by 0. F. (3
. . . . -
! *
Wiiiflc1 c1 ( llaiicoc Ill Ornha
tcray MUFllli11
liii - ( . ) lbn
4 lslt to ;
) l Iiibter 4iC ClI5t4IIDI , ( if ( tiiIi
, lp.I Moulo n Sliii , t Stny
In 'Eli ii C113.
Ycsturdny , a. .10 ii'c ocktwo IIII (
the river to
carts vuro IrIughL over
city anti were psilleti down on ( lie
sitlo of ( lit ) ( idiot. building and them
It. the tear carwns zioticcablo thu in
form of Chcnernl W. S. Hancock , ani
a BE ? reontcr wa on hand , ho join
ZitC1) bonided ( ho car iiiiil ) ! (
eniti. to the gcnerah , shii , in a very i
ITtIL manner , rcqiicstc' him to bo aci
Upon being naked thu number of vci
accompa1ling him thu general at
that thu anty was coinpoed of
hancock , Nia. I"oatcr , Mr. 1tuach1 ,
thirbur mid himself. They are travu
ill the dh cctoi 'a car of the W iibaah
Louis & I'acilic road , which they will
tlirugh to the coist with them.
Tue retinter ; ) veuturod to inqiliro
thie renainus for tHi' trip , vhicn M r. I
cock attted ; that. ho Iixt4 been iii very
blo Ijeitith for 40)1110 tinto and wats
feeling orIY , and that the ; ir
for health and ri
trip wits 0110 PurelY
General Hownrd met thxa party at.
transfer yesterday cud uceniupe
them to4liia city. IL hind botu tlic
tention ( lint thu 1iartyaiould ) taku.a t
around th.o city during their abort
hut ( 'eneral hancock declined to I
lila cal Oil account of not feeling wall
ziot canilig to risk thin cliaiiccu of a
Ullohl the wot.and xxlippery wxihIa.
'Jixo party left on thu noun train. ,
the Uflii1I 1'aoalic , for the I'ncitic ii
where they wilt oniaiii until wearyi
they will rotumn to thu east.
Tie ( Icueral tsL'ttcd to the reporter
ho had beezi ,4t.ationcd , in Califtirnia I
younger dayts and was anticipating i
iilouro lit reviving old.tiino acqu
lincea and aasociatiiiua.
fAL'INz1I : nowELT , ANI ) IAltTv.
gui tim othercarof this noted traii
quartered MncKonzio Ikiwell , nijuiel
ciistoinis for Canada , his tifu , two dii
tore , SQIi and two pervaitta. Thry iii
rattLe for lower C.tlifornia , whom
Bowull niid her two datightera will re
until apning , in ijepo of rcciiperatnij
health of Mrs. lowell.tI'bo rcimrtt
xroaehied Mr. Bowull nod elijoy
ple.iiaii clint with hiitii , lit whicl
stated that Ito was a printer by t :
having gene thiroxigit ( ho mill
"devil" UI ) , IIIIC1 was aiwayc glad Ic ;
with a nuwapaller Ilium , .
.EIii ; party atiso left by the tYmijon
tic at noon. Mr. 13W01l wilt ci
iniotIIittoly as l'urlittuient nssunibl.
17th of imoit month.
flUCICIOII'H Aruba Salvo.
The greatest medIcal wonder of the i
\Varmnnt.ed to vpooiiily cure Hurii. , Cut
Fovi Soro. Cancers
con. Salt Ithoumn ,
Chiiblainc , Conic ' 2otter , diuippexi
and all akin ontlptton. , fuarantaei to o
ovary lnxstaa o , or lflOflQ refunded , 2
ot lie ; _ _ _ _ _ _ _
! 111IO name ot Mxuc Meyer & Den.
watch , silverware , ot any piece of j
. ISo a
17 , iS a autliciont guarantee.
JIM left their atoro for the last 18
imlusa it ; waa exactly am. roliresulited
they arojuatly ciillcdtho "Titreimys
\yeatl' I
Tim Engilts' J.iitlioran Clmureli
proacliIn. Completion.
Thu now Exiglisli 1uthumnn cli
located at tim Corner of Ilariwy an :
tounth atruota , whmon comntilutod , w
0110 of thu moist inio8ilig church 1
logs in thu city of Onmiiiia. . It is
111)011 thu hut and zt'i the framnu of tlt
hiaa boon erected , It Iooiiis iii ) jrnmoi
3 A Bm voporter utot ir. Stol1in
lmator , ln.t evening and inquired
ii when tlio edilico would be complete
ready for occupancy , amid waxi iiifi
. that the colmgrtigution hioiietl Li ) ho x
I tim ba.omncmit ot tim building I
Iirct of Fobruiir3' , umid that the xiu
0 rooni would bu ready for usu by J
Time roof Ia how on , thu floor
boon hakland the finiahmimig won
Jo pushed right aloi'g.
a 'fimu contract price ix $30I00 for
ing thu church , which douc not ii
r thu furniture , which will irobablr
thieso tilluros to $40,000. Busidi
3. other furniture of thu church , thor
bo a 3fOO viiio organ.
All work ao far its paid for , ant it
it aired and intended that when tim
lug ia completed and funmiabeti
10 will ho entirely free front debt.
- - -
Itogunis' nod Woatonltulm'a
IC Knivoa auti Itazors at greatly ci
Iricois at Max Mayor & Co.'e. till
0 Jolimi b. Sullivan niiml Ills .ssI
t300ii to Vbdt Omaha.
Mr. South , thu agent of thu J
e ul1ivnn oombination , ycatorday
completed the arrangomona
It exhibition In binmthia. Time time
Thureaday evening , the 13th liii
I the vlaco Boyd'a opera hou.o. Thu
It nation iicludoa ten pugUlata and I
headed by 3olui Ii. Sullivan , thu
10 plon. Titosu able asa'iatant uro I
t Slatlo , Stove 'rior , Pete McOoy1
Otilispie , Frank Moran and othori
r , oxhibitionconeieteof five boxing am
10 Sullivan appeara twice. Thu pmog
xl. cIo5es with a glove itiatehi betwui
anti Slado.
' : .Ir. Sniltit eaym tide COIIIIUY lii
a great auccoaxi , Ill hiM imovor yet
it I ) ; i ball thriL found large one
t. accuizimodato aUwbo wanted to c
Lie order to give a chamico to the Ioca
that lie xiiay inutit ai hiogova up an
the country , Sullivazi puta up
which lie will preaunt to ally inn
will atand UI ) 1)oforo Ilium fur four x
r A citizen of Davenport thouit I.
Borne lunacy by a round with S
U t. ) the other evening , but waa iooii
polled to give It up as a bad joli.
ii ! These travelling iiparriug cihil
. are zsomnothiiit now in thu .portiii
: oIhibition8 uru butter thiaii
ar foh OYCci&1 reasons. In tit
IllaCO they arc uiorts pleasant to Lii
teatanta. A mxiii doOMI't get poun
omit of cnuntcnanco , nor does ho have
rlodgo the authorities. Glove coot
jis much better than genuine ut
lighting. Iii a prize.flght the inami
gutis wliiiped guta nothing , aimil the
1101 , whiumi time eX3iCiisCa ( if traitming
prePnrati1t are ileducted , doeaim't '
imitichi mnoro. lCntxking omit ivithi
ulnvea nicamn big recelilts aimil amino i
' ' exhihftioxis Suihi
'I'Iiu three given by
mit Mitilisnii Sxiiiro gartlen , Now Yl
tonIc iii i2OO ( ) . 'I'Iaim imuty be a valui
PitIler to iiyono thiiiikimig of udop
prIgilleuri an a iriifexssi.iim.
t3mihlivami is twentylivts ycannold , we
2it3 poomida , coil of five feet ten xii
half limeltun jim height. 1 i t in immanr
liti ban just ojiomitmi a umno ciiunii iii I
toim , at ii co.t. of : ioOOo. lb is no ,
bus woy Li , Citiiforimia , whioro Ito bins
gaged to bavu a glovulight with hits
xiiitngonist , Paddy Ityau. noimiutitno
wcen lauuary lii and Fubruary
Emighishi wivi amid Swedish an
inatebiexi , wholeanie and retail , at
Meyer , i. ; Co. 'a.
Tile Trial of the Br.iiiicr Stall-
Uoii 1IiUh1ar ibid.
t I.nrgo ( 'rottl I'IM"4011L to ' .VItmu'
'l'cat , st'IiItli i11K E1111111)
Sal INtiuI4ry.
At , ii o'clock ycaterday thu liru
larLIilcImt , unler thu atlunirvisiohi of (
Eiigiiiecr Butler , IIIadO a tent of
ilnurier atxindpipu , recently erectet
time , oimtlt 111(10 of the Millard hotel.
There wan no immense crowd of pi
congregated in thu atreuta below to
110118 thu worklmigs of thu lirat atand
orecteti in tlih , istato.
Promptly at. tim hour hauled thu
111(11 eaIi with a coil of hose emi
shoulder , ascended thu ladder
tachied to the iitnndpipu , s
loxida directly on to the
and opcrithoimn wuro coanimunced. I
was haid Irouz the hydrant at the cc
of Iouglan iiil Thirteenth atrouts
iiitso from ( lao corner of iouglaix
Vwebfthi atreeta ; both being connech
thu lottom of thu ntaud.pipo.
atrcamn was liret turned in front a liox
thu toji of tIm roof , with an inch a
quarter tiozzit , , and a airemumi
thrown 125 feet iti.iii. Two stri
wuro thou 1ut on
thu tri1i anti two from the third ate
thu building , all working strong.
much and a qilirtor jiozzlo wan them :
inched at time 11)3) and a streaut
throw a 100 foot. high.
'Vita wor.tilig of tim ataudpiiu
perfectly satis1ntory to the propri
of thu housu , the patentee , thu chief
giber and all parties wit's vitIitns (
It Iii a gruiid gotid thmimig for large bhi
amid imionu of ( hem ivill probably ho
iii ) at once iii thus city.
Time moat olcant .iowulry and Si
ware over imported to Omaha sol
vricen way bulow all competition , cm
foiint 'it ; Max lIro. , the lei
jowdora. tJO in
Aiii3. Orders.
, . itecruit Win. .1. WaUcer , umitisti
Fort Omaha , Nubraiha , is asisigni
the Fourth infantry.
A gumieral court martial is npou1t
nicet at Fort. Douglas. Utah , on the
tiny of December , 1883 , or as soon
after as practcablo , for the trial of
veto Thionia.i F. Whitu , compan
Sixth infantry , and such other pris
ann may be brought bolero it.
ciurAil , Thu OOUT
Major Edward ( . Itudi , Sixth i
Captain .1 emoiumah Ci. Schindel ,
CnptnimiVillimiiii II. ii. Crowell ,
1st Lieutenant Frederick "IV. Thii
I Sixth iufantiy.
Jet. [ jioutoiimiit : Itlehmrd W. Thom
Sixth iiifaimtr' .
let Lioutciiaitt Cliarhea Byrne ,
I infantry.
d Litiutomiiiil 'Vjlljaifl 1' . Bun :
I Sixth imiftuitry.
1st lictitcnaut StojiticuV. . C
. beck , adjutamit Sixth infantry , jnd1
vocal e.
3 A gi'i'atei number ofollictirti than
1 tiatimed can nut ho ussutimblod wi
inminifost injury to time cervico.
Itcuruitmi F'ritiiki Iticardi , ( tobort
I Iti1murta muid I itinry Moyer. emilist
Fort Dotighxu. , Utah , aru astiiied nc
ii I ivuly to companies B , A amid II , Six
- First I4iautomiant II. ( ixipnon.
. infantry , A. A. Q. M. Fort JtrJ
t.Yyo. . , wilt report in PC8Oii at
} mead.jminrtors on public busiiisa com
od with ( lie 4Ilarterimmmtstor'e depart
rL and on coiiipletiou thereof will rtija
t proper station.
limo travel directed is iicceasiry I
Public service.
A bomird of aurvoy to consist of
, Johmii V. hawkins , Commissary c
. sistonco , Major Albert S. Towar ,
partmoimt and First LieuteiiantGuy
and , Twelfth infantry , A. I ) . C
moot at the .luartorniaator's depot I
4. city , on Vodnesday the 5th inntant
r BOOfl thioreaftor as jmracticabbo , to ox
into , report upon and fix thu rots
I 3 bility for thu reported unsurviceabi
mt diLlon of a lot of clothing , camp an
id risen e'quipago received at that
I. from First Lieutenant llufua I' . I
Fourth Infantry , A. A. Q. M. , on I
I I of Nov. 8 , 188 : ; .
- -
rt It4ueut VCM.4rii I'atentN ,
: u The following Iatcrits were he
to Ieceniber 4th , to Nulrasha , , low
\Vyomuiiig inventors ;
:0 : VillIammi T. lltmmrowi. , a.' . of Lw
mu A. (3 Chultlnomi , ] .at flimbuque , co
wimo.barbliig nhltchiilie14 ; 113 IlOt , Archilt
1lrfluJil , In. , lx'ok.ra4.
'Ii ' \\'Illl.uii I , . Beach , Vi'ebbter CII
ii Ji.e3111mio ( [ . hiomue. , Sioux City , I
to irtiii htltkr ,
ii Friki1ek B. .ICuiii , Ilolirou , Nd
it c.i.i.lIi'g '
.tiiliii V. Iiii.xiu , , Omaha , Nab. , ii
I I fur ivuttiug Illilsir
o F , St.uvtr , Fairfield , Iii. , railwm
Lu jtiiiit.
I. , Ioliii Stuart , Traer , Its , e'Poratin
II ratti. .
\ Villiamn'aiice , iis.lgiur ; iii one
U F. V. ltoberte4m , hsissriiiy , Ntih. . , ile' ,
I liii ili g i lent , , I ilrIlt. oii .
Vn.tnk S. VrlcIi , Mount l'ioaeaiit , I
_ _ _ _
- -
I. Nti importation of diumuomids am :
it CIIy cheaper thmmi ever at Miic M
- .
Vast YdtC ! Stock of T
tcossrics ao Faocy lleIId8
110 otIs ,
\VliIolm lxiili'sVIt Ii IdcrR Aimil 1,4)1
fir limidleM CR11 Mci' itisil lhti 8 *
.1. A. F'iiler * . ( 'a 'H ,
A lle , : reporter yesterdiy atej
into the aiace shrug atone of .1. / . .
icr Co. , aucceanor to Kenmmnid lire
Co. , corner of Douglas and Fourte
streetim , and was itt once atruc with
beauty of ( lie laco. The entire a
has bcumm refitted. Time walls and cc
have been miowly palorcl anti decor
iii a most. boautifmil amid artistic lilac
the wood work hams 1)0011 varnished
opals the whom , its one of time hi
somest in the city. The show cases
filled .vith an elegatit and coriiIlcto
of dressing canes , work 1)0XC9 , p0
boots , 51(10 natchels , toilet cases , I
mirrors , odor case. , Ilohiemian cr
ware , l'anis , Vienna and .lnpaneso I
amid iii fact everything iii thu hin
fancy goods and druggists' sundries.
We walked back through the store
1(1 tIme rear room where we were ah
mum ahmimost endluss quauitity of fancy g
fur Limo holiday trade , which are
1)oing opened mind hut Iii shape for
grand 03)elting ) of thin palatial estab
iimlit , which occurs ,
SATUIIIIAY , ) ( * liilt 8 ,
amid at which tune will be 1i1acd i
exhibition mind for sale the largest
iiiot varied hue of fancy goods
shown in the city Omaha. Time iadii
particular are invited to call at
imlaco on Saturday iiext and. examiin.
In additiomi to Limits extensive lii
fancy goods , Mesmns. Fuller d Co.
also a complete stock of drugs , and
particular attention to tilling pros
tiona. Thu stock of paints , uils,1iiiin
supplies maid glass defies competition
they will nil bu sold at the very Ia
living figures
All lovers of rare sights will not ( a
be Preselit at this grand expotsitn.
( ahoy articles on Saturday , Docembe
itt time corner of 1)oimgius and Fourto
ivi : NTS.
Tile ! s1i11 Colitracis o Tbi
CoIllhlldicti ,
Somiie Iimteresting 1'xucms anti 11gm
Thu asphalt pavement contracts of
Barber Asphalt company for Limits
have al been completed iii good shini
Superiutcmmdcmit Grant , wlui made
etrorts to 11111511 time work Jail out b
winter closed in on us. lb has don
collont work , and bits enterprise an
orgy arc nhirociatod by Limo eitioi
Omaha , as well as by his employer ,
Barber , v1io recently gave him a
subatantini testimonial as a recogimiti
his vuluablo services. Mr. Craul
made a great many wurimi fnient
Oumba , arid they will be glad to
that ho roturuB hero early iii time s
to resume the work of suimriiitel
street paving. lie heaves for the em
a few days , and vill spend time whit
Omaha now has over two mull
street paveniont , all which , with Lb
coption of six blocks of stone pave
oil 'l'eiith street , is of aspimalL Th
a COimtimiUuUS pavement from the 1
lacilic depot to izard street on Sixte
by way of Ilarimoy or Douglan ati
Next year time entire bimsimiess portui
Omaha will be paved Manyof the
districts have already beemi paved
stone , amid the work is still in pros
Time imtving contractora have paid
great deal of lunacy , and have chip
a lurgo miumomlier of nmon. nmost of i
live iii Omaha. Seine idea of time
and expenditures of limo asphalt come
mmmxiv ho . .hitaimmcd train time followingi
THOflL of niateriala im3&l and exicndil
381 toni pulvcniiod stone ( itmst. . . .
18U5 mitmido tl. c.iicroto. . . . . . . . . . . 3
10fl23 blik iiydriiillu : ccmnoumt. . . . . .
IOU i 3 inlal feet [ iii rIm cimilil mig ]
2.23 1,000 iiiimniihx. 'I'i inbixul aN1ili)1t i3 ,
53.7U3 gul4 reiilcmica "II . . . . . . . . . . .1 ,
7f.81) ) yards biiik . . . . . . . . . . 8 ,
' 111.7fi yards tlver H4umsl. . . . . . . . . . .
Iul. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pay x'.ll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 ,
MieceIlm.ii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8161 ,
Cleettomi rit ( JIUtuss iiiist Huclali
Engine Coinpiuhmy No , 1.
On Tuesday evening the halt of c
commlpaily No. 1 was tilled with the
bore amid their friends , tim occasion
I tilt ) olectioim of officers , which result
the sehoctiomi of Chariots 0. Ilumit as
dent ; George A , Coulter , vice Ircsi
. D. W. 1amio , secretary ; Vi" . .1. 'V
. hotiso , treasurer ; A. J. liorold , form
. George Shioidg , first assistant form
i L. E. Cassiday , aecond assistant form
I Ileard , George Shields , and
I lierold , truistecia.
After time transaction of other him
: the company took a recess of one
. which was a1icnt lmt enjoying the rc
L zmiontts placed before thorn by the re
, mneiit comni'itteo. After recess 'the
, order and C
pany was called to ,
Shields and t ) , F. Beard sami a nium
latter accompany emi his muttar.
'm's'hiitohiouso thmmt atldrcsaed time con
ii muter which Charles Hunt sang
ml Mimie , " followed by Prof. Schinid
who entertained thu boymm on time
A. J. IIeroH salmg "Jnmnahia ( , " at
Hoard ) hIiye1I on the zither Mr. (
Shields then sang ' ' \Viurnior Bob
I E. .Caeiday got up and saul that
. " becautio to
, 1' warrior bold ,
. himself lie lmnti a Catmiter iii iii
I hand amid a Simield in bits loft , ant
sltlmnimghm ho hiul mm Beard , he was
r. a hiorold to hunt tip LImo L
\\' to uimiioUmico that.
U was still alive , after , which time com
I. adjourned.
- -
I. ilnuk 11iIi1tui"I - ) ( .
4) . A dimipatchi froimi Now York anni
in time safe arrival of our townsman ,
: . hiaiike. After au absence of imearly
months lie returni. ( ruin Geruim
, . eomnpaimy of a beautiful and accomimi
t : bride , the daughter of time lute 1mm
U Fishier , of Jiahlu , The ninny frici
the above mmmcd gentleman are glmu
hear them news , that Cimnrhey's iii
blessednera hmasaumd.lcnly come to an
and they niffer the imappy couple ti
best ciiiigrattmlationts upoli their arniva
limits city , siiero they riil imiako L
llcsirh1o Rstcnco Fropoily Thr
Upoll iho 1arkct ,
Aim I 'Iimrt mmmilly (4) Secure Lou.
ltcnsuitulilo Itates ,
'limo demand fur cheap residence
iii dirabio parts of tim city , aiim ) c
daily withilti reasoxmably distance of
street car hue in on the increase. In
tier to meet such demand , imi tiio ni
hart of time city , Mr. A. S. l'atnick
decided Li ) tulrer for sale twemity acre :
Smnmimders street. lie hmr.s the prop
iimapcI amid platted , and has ummume
l'atrick's additioji , I t is only a qua
of a mile front the present street car
mmmiiitis cmi Saunelera street , and Cap
Marsh tins prommiiseul to extommd time sti
car line to this addition early next spri
This property is very mulvaimtngeouisiy
cited , amid is iii every vcpect coimsitit
mnimohig ( lie lutist desivabie mu tue city.
will ho m-itrerm d at very' rensammablu ri
iumitl on lommg time. Imir. I'iitrick does
intetid ( xi go into time real ctstate busi ,
further tiiiin to hiammdlo this pnomerty
this isinter , anl for thu coimvcuiuzmce
timoso vitmiiimig to inmrchmaso he has ape
nil othico at No. : Jl8 South Ft.urtec
street , opoitito time Paxtumi lintel.
ofhice hours tvihl ho from I ) a. in. to 1
amid froimm i to 5 i. mn.
- - -
Real l'stimtu 'rrazmstIs.
Time following deeds vere tiled
record iii time county clerk's othice , I
( ; , reported for Titi : Bui : by Anion'
estate agency :
Charles F. Fisk , imimnmarniud , to .3
A. MuShiano , tv d , hot 3 , block 8 , Mc *
mack's add , el,421 70 100.
Ammdrow J. Simpson anti Mary
Siimmpson to Cliristiami linrtmmmmumm , w
ml 22 feet of s i of lot I , block 105 , 0
tin , $3,000.
Andrew J. Sinmpsomm amid ulary
Simpson to l'meycr ' Ilchlnmxum , w d , s
of a . of lot 1 , block 105 , 0immahma$3l
Iteninami Kruiso and wife to Sabina
Wtikelcr , 'V d , 11)18 11 aimi 12 , blot'k "
lxi Simirin's HeCilmd add. to Oiimahmi , SI , I
August Jcoummtzo and vifu and Lu
Kountze mind iwifu , Clinches B. Icon :
and wife aimil Ilorimman lcountze amid
to Thotiias 0. howell , w xl , vJ lots 2
8 , block 8 , iii Kouiitze & Iluth's add
Omnimhma , SiZO.
gOY4 I
: .
Absolutely Pur' '
Thiapowdor never varies. A marvel of
etrough and whoiuiomcnox. Stone cononiica
the otiir.ary kiiid.i , and cannot ho iicid In coiumt
wIthtiienuitlte at low ted , , hont xtight , nix
ihiephato Sold 0111) ' iii Cain. Iio'.I
Iie Pn'viAr 1i'ui tv.mi 4trct 1eW York.
t3rSpcctxlmi will l'osltivrly not be mac
unless ; tId tn ativamice.
TO LOA1-Monev.
0NLi' TO LoAN iii .uiiis of t0O , or tixo
1 long tnio ! t 01 cit : , cr aInuin ml ) '
Iattcr.n.i . & CIP. , 1401 marialTi St. 71
ONELoAFIoii . chitttcl security.
iv I stANF : 1.ii , itO'J FurnAlli St. OI.l
ONE ? TO LOAN-The 10cc , ' rates of tu
I DiiI' Loni. Agency , 15th & Duuilac. tm
" I ONEY TO LOAN-J. T. Bextty oxuc on c
iN ! property , 21t South 14th lit. se
: - gooti girl ton co hiiig at the
S yANTiu-A , i12U iiIti.ii lit.
, I StJg'104i anti recctuijiu f'u ,
\\TAN . a flue , Iiea1tiiyIiy , ioar. ci ag
tire 'U. Ime. ollice.
: - good lrl girl 112 iptIt St. . La
' \TAKnIu-A JIo..ani.
1 ANTEIA girl for gurit'i.i liOilOalrk ,
\ h4I4Chliagoi mni. K 1' . baI. . .
) - good co"k nail sccoiid girl.
WIANTEI-A St. .lrs , JeSt , J. 3loiirIi.
, A ca1.ablo girl forgt'.iri.h iiou.
' \rANnmn
2510 lIt. Mary i a'u.
I17ANTEI-A isitpi it tha ilrnoy St. itet.i
'WANTEi ) ( Ot niaiLrp i.207 Farrxain St. ,
. IIlAjyi ) A good ioiiliur ti 5. Ihhrshbe
14 iQthHe
1j7ANnu-A : r..Torcd boys. p.rtcrat Oruim
V V iirus. liQO Faniiamnl4u. S
1ITANVEl-To * Itera or , iiothcr smut da
S V tO lort Niobrars as cook axid mix , ,
' 16th Si 2
TAN1 iri-c.ot : ditmimig room girl t Care )
V S 1 1 Iii nix,4 I 'aseiliort. '
17tN ED-A man of emiienco to r'mi a c
y s paw mu wood.ddri&m "II. .5. . ii. '
' I.iiicoiu Keb ,
7A1Fll.t vcl.ViiencI , r3it , girl f in
S 1 1 Ito ork. , , , iltt CttiIiO will ft L 4'iUlIltlttIl
t 8 5itItmo.iur , ) 5:104 : itariivy St.
t F'imi : s.ii iiiYiiT1iXS'i , .tuiulmiNu t
t Citietig' . , Iii . s. siit aScot , 13 cani uw ilinal
sleinit' lur their mien ieIiaittcs. 'lie ) titimi
' btet io.'titts citr .1 ir , ia ) . CIruLro ( ire.
:1 : TANTii-T : . ' good ianvsar hr Co
1 i , ittioalodgu of tue ctIii m.'ot troIemiec
t mclii LI aiti 1 i.uasltt. Imock , CouiwIt liluffe I
XTASTII' A tow ageitti , Iinn'edlately ,
1 1 if'ne itrlairWori.s , lOt ) S. 14th 1,1. ill
1TAN'iEIi-IJUI fur gei.ueci iiuuv.vri. ,
5 5 5 Uou0ia , trcet. 7
I. 17ANTEl-Hale.xaaii torcieh county Iii
and c'eno ( hood , oitI ty u
It Sent ) taiiip. LA 1ii.Li A1I'U CO. , Cttin.I
II eee.imt .ud ,
I -A g.rntt C.rnutcteiit girl to ito
. V iioUt , . ork , .teady tmimii aunt ala
' , aic , . tt'ily to 5lr , A. W. U ake , iapiIlia
- -
_ _ _ - - - -
u - - -
. . \C\ . \ . .
I , . ' ' " '
for Infants and
Cnatorktirnmn.sU's 1)ltxest Ion
tumtTVieunmt's FlitLtilwicy , t.uiiaupi-
( ion , Son r Stommimmeli , Diavrhmcca , nimtl
Feverishness. IL limsurea health amiti
iitduratl sleep , without misorphilise.
ii Caqtonltt Is go selin.iipte.l . toClmil.lremm . that
I recomnmenli Itngsup'rior tonmiy pn.erJption
knowim l.a too. " 1. A. Aki'IlEit , M. IL ,
g7 Portland .ne , , lmrbokiyn , I' . Y.
CENTA U R LINIM ENT-nn hlSOhmltO cmiro for Rhoiuimin-
tlsut , Spraihisi , flmirimsGmthls , &e. Time imiost I'o'ci't'ttl ItUL1 1Ctt" ) "
tratiuig l'mtlii-relIo'iiig alicE healing Reinetly kiinit to muami.
_ _ _
- t _
, 1th ' rtcimcoe.Oi Itiniii let
' 1 young mnii : , umit'
inenditlOni. .itjdn , , mit 'ice ° C. II. .1 , " ikeoi
" . tNi ItiLiti : gi.i , Ii PUaOrItght li
1 1 work. Addice "M. 1 , . " the olflee. 2fl
' : I - l'.iitinn to PeW in fantilice , wifl
\TANTIi ? , Adtirc,4 "T. ii. " lieu ollicti.
.tttizstinii 1 a ) otieg moan ttm
I A N I 1i i-A
\7 Icr ) t.OSO or . e.lti iii a Primate fanil ) or
hair ) . AiliIre , . " % S. It. 1 ! ' tire ofllo. 23 *
7'ii ) fly avouxxr itiamiof qoxitti cptricn
,1Ipenplng , a , Ituatioii lii a drti. .ttrc , good
creItre4 l'al ! hO Itli ,10. Aiitirc' , "it. I , M. " rooii
Fetltmer'14 hiiOCL .jtoito I' . 0.
- . ) _ ' . esenine , iI % keep :
' \ of itook or do an otliir , Ork. AtIiirvS4
flee oilier. idi
' - ' furni.hc.i room or
1 \ mania , , uiiteiicutt to hu.iitei , by gentic
iiti ifu. A.Itirsa " 0. ii. " 1L09 [ Jug1a.St cit
TAN1'EL-IIo1i1e torn lay 7. aid girl 8 toot
I 1 .chool for the winter or longer .tddi. r
Y. C. lie , ollico.
volt ILENT--IloummoB and Lots.
lOlL itirFuriiiqheti : front no ma ) .ltt
I : and hoar , ! 5ti5 norttil7th. 2(11 (
' Oit iuNT-Nlcciy Iurnihei room , 1721 Duii
I' 4 216'tf
C it ILENTFoui chamber , coi' . t nicut for it. .
I , front xliii i etr eiitrance , harti and
ittr , Itattles ICal tug the city. 81(1 iiorth Uth it
) liotuc for rcntnii.i furniture for ,
pUJtNiSt1Ei br tnoird. . &ddtest , a/i. 11. '
N. lOch St. 216
_ _ _
OIL RENT-Two large mob , at No. 1121 n
F itht. 249
' OIL IIENI-5 room home , bare , fruit ,
4 room ho't.e. ' ! acree.
H room lx.tuse how. A1 l : 1t07 Panic
sORhNT-imnhi'e xmuiihcr mmlii i'ariianm St.
I tt inotiili. i'ly to Fre..i V. ( ( ray , 6Ilm
Douglas at. 264)
iuis'i'-us'itmi orwithout furniture. coni i
Foil for ltotie heej.Iig , for .utall f.iiiiily
liocigu Street
IIENT-Furnh.hed room anti day hoar
FOR ratea , at 1814 Caveoport , trcct ,
math and 19th. 921.
011 IlENr-FurxiIiioi r nin ioin Funiain at
II 082
iiENT-New hnu.e Sit room' , ctinstni
Foil . To a good ten lit ( or I& . a iii.x.
SST.4) A. F. nnruuu.ico. , Sa'iidcrs
OILIIENT-Furiiimhe'i roomtio , 1816 Doigu I
EXCIIAN(11-City relclcncetl , fart , aand
2 5.Imn 11th alit ! Furiti
OIL ILENT-Ricement rootnS4xti , N. W. n
F Tenth and Joiici Sta. Imiqulre of Sir , 1.
mialy S F corner lOtim anal 221
OIL I1E'T-.l1ouoo sc'en rooms.
F lSii.tI .1. i'ulmerd 1105 , 5th nI Spruce sti
son IIENT-nlirco ttirr1iicd room. for It
J kccitiitg , che..p. Call at iO9 Farmiam , ram
° ' ItENT-Yltii board , large front room
I bay window , gas and Itath r. out , at 1718 1
treet 191
'sOlt IENT--A milceitta it. . ! ! liii ) Iirtdgr t
quino on prcluI.4.
IIENT-S new ) loxme. 10 room , each ,
FOIL . hot ntIcII ssater &o. I heal. to (1ist
tenant , BOliS & III
I 18.11
iLELY lirai4eti , , room to let with or all
1. Iiiarti I61J JJ..igo at.
Oil ILSNT-Funrihed roon. on thu norti
F o.r. ISIli antI Cajtltolnvexuo , , ( orniorly Crel
lIuto. 11
NC furniehed room ( or rent at ln. iargoer
O for too . , 1911 % 'ebstertreet. ti
° ' ltlNT-Coonms in Nabrcsla Nationa
F UiiIldlu. iboot .lcsnitJo ( olllcc , lx ; the
.lilhIilCt1 aith iiy.lraulk eletttor and hteate
attain. ApIy at hiaik. 64
u'ua LKAsil-Four choice Iota omi2oth tim. ,
A ttwc,217 N , 10th St. J. t. Mambho. IT )
ILEN1'-ltcshtlcnco , anti storabulidlog. .
Fort ! ) 64 SOUEIL. Itoal hetato Agency.
ocat aide UUm trett , betwserm Fanuam aud Di
street. . 71
Ilon SALE.
* niiim liushch4 of gaul itotatotrtrat
_ t U5J5 , good citaitcu f.r . iedIers. Call at Vnm
luau' , grocery Store , 16th mid Ca. . . 2
_ _ houscholI geode , ne.anI
pIuhVATn8LnOf atreet , 27
II tLIL-My two story itrkk nealticutce ,
FOIL HI. ltary.avenue. large birui , rtiit4u
water won. , , iiiil arraxiged. ( ut ( utv ) .
87.1Cc , Bitt Ilargitim him Iuuabta. Call at 32.
Cuopl'i Ututk.
; ' 0R uiAU12 iut , Out'l it.ot'k west of L'.rh
liUl ) ear , l.oti ftOxitO. Will .ini . the .hah ,
. So , 67,101 , hI .ohd beforu J..nusry 1.1. 1884. II
tate owner , , iJid tiuh bargain , it cmi oil at I' .
OIL t4.1E.-Cholt'u hu.inrq , property , thr ,
F C' r. tt&ituidora enit Charle. Smrut. it ilhh i
I to hiietlgte this 06cr. call at I'v.ko flank
, j'j ' KAL1-htnhtrovoI itrOhertY , i.hhch st
the buyer 20 i'ur cciii. ox. the In' eatniemit.
- fur 1Oil per ) ear. All occuileti by thr.t cut
r nithi , S % Ili sell for iU,54)O ) , It auld tomi. All
, Itch ca.h , laIaiie , oh. t lIre years Thu. alt
seetnient 14 i.uxtb inrstlgat'oui. ( 'all at the I'
- Iiak. 2
1'mtht lithE-A itook , lieu. , actil , .tiitIoucry
, tock , tshhl hui'thu aletut Sou , a iu'd oi
r for aitium 'ihihi smimhI caplt.ti fur ifoniuthon.
4. xt the Ut e ollite.
t "oil s.t- . lca aiti fromit rttmn to one .
: . genthviaii 1710 Ilotijl.m. .44
t j flit S.U.E - A one sort , lt and lieu. . of 4
r , 4 llock of St. itmzuryi , ' .ve. Strict
l'jlce i LOU. 'Oils ahhl Ito iii thu iiirktt 4 da
- ii. U. iitiIt ; C. .
557.9 8. V. rerun 11th aitd FMrI
I 'OhI tiAi.mA steel. . of ioot a amtd htit at
. .1 gidn. .Adtlreas " .t. fle14 uCtoc. I
a T.'limi S'.l.I Thico let , foot chow comea I
1. Etiholui and Irlek.oo. : 2
; 'ott SALF-Ihet firm In Fa.ttri , NeWas
mull. . from Oi , olin. If , 11. I1tS CO. ,
7.corner Inti ati k'ainain.
ttAIF.-23--Fh'e room bouts , hIafI.act
ditltrn , well , eiseri , tb , itloc ; lce. El ,5t ( IE iIAYNP , httOO F.rl
4 'tjiOlt SALI'-lO-licu'eot 7 ro.'mi , I t I
1 1. Situ , m Suii iddhtion. 11 .8 0 , on bum hut. (1 8JAN1 CO , I.O ( i'ar
\Sliat gives our Clilkimon tony' cheeks ,
\Vltat cults'lr fc'ers , mmakn htieni sloop i
'TI. Cassorla.
\Vlipn baluf's trot ami cry liy turns ,
\Vieut cures Lh' ir colic , kills'lr worms ,
lint Cat.tnntn.
Wlirtt iimmlckhv cliroM Conmthpatlon ,
8mmr Stomach , Colds , Indlgcetfomi ,
hutCa.tnrla. _
) 'arrw.'ll then to MorphIne Synipa ,
Castor Oil arid I'aregorlc , and
iiIi Csutnrlal
- ' - - .
' 5011 .9ALr.- iou acre 1t , ' , most fair ixtiumnile ,
1 4 trio cli , lOO dews , , Lu ? rue I ii tiumit hhy
teiit. . C 1 IIAYNK& Cu ) , 15(11) hynttin ,
' and half acre , liroom cot.
'ToIL StlF-t9-Two a
I 4 Sauutder. or ct , n i.araliu , 12,100.
1.35.tI C h ) IAVNF & i : ' , I oim h'snutun.
ciu s t1.i 42-lloiu'u itt I r.'ts , , , lot (11x117 ,
I 1 sreli , cistern , etc. , lani.en't' adhit on. 8l.S00 , , air
tent , , . Ii I11V"i&Ci ) , Ito 1 } 'unaum
Oht i"'tli.-9luu Ihui'u.t rx.Ideitco hal , hum thai city , p
I very , heal. , oui 1 IIi I hun. ' . C 1 ° . Si.'t'iNC & C ' , IDXI Farnam.
OR s.i.I-u7-u guit little lixie , simi : liarmtey
I 'I .Inett , 82,25) , each , % ry rica , ,
198 U ( ' . h. 8iAV'.U & Ci , 1O9 Farimni.
. 1011 $ , tl.t-12-t fuw u'cgattt hoti nit if4niury , be.
I .4 tactin Silt ! . and 24th .titets.
1-I tt C. E. S1AVNS t 0. , 1109 l'tsnxiuu.
, oIL 'AL11-No. t-7.rooni houie , large barn
1 'I chtermi , uih , etc. Lot hoxiSi' , nesr centorof city ;
j2,000 , $ odotcnbalatico monthly payment. . C. 117. tt.4YNE .t CO. , 18(10 ( Fariutun. I
Oil itSNT-Tttr'o nien iou , . . , stiitalIo ( or light
F ltonsekcemInr. anti otto large room , fiurnitheti or
unfurmihibed , iiorthic4t cor. 1811 , and D.oenport atim. SIIILIVEIL & ULL , Opj . h'otoU1u.
OR Ski a-Tao aeconii.hantl top bnggleaand On ,
F phiaetou. hiiqulno 14U and 1411 Dodge street.
" ( OIL SALI-1S-Vcry iuicu & rooni vtttagt , lot
I mo4)1&S , ahade und fiub trc aitti ci kinds at
airmail fnii.t two oid onu.huahf blocka froni htreet car
line. .i,6O4) . Tennis ca3. C. J 9lAYNflt CO
110.11 1&u9 t'rmrnam.
Ott S tLC-Tho mo.t cam cnlt'rutiy Ruid olegtsiitiy
F arnaiugcti cottage in Oxuuu.lia. duit ilt.h'hed . , aecn
room. . rioct' , laliry , , cellar , itath rrnutm , gruit.'s ,
ei.tcnui , city water , o'u Thu inst location to the cIty.
I Street cars pru. tttt door. if YOU want a counpkt.
houute , i.uu tlllitot gutsuch a chinen again. tm,200.
Yen cacy tCflhii. C. I. fi/IYNI. Ic CO. . moi I'arnaui.
TOIL S ttc-n feet front ciii Sherman a'nuue , con.
I 1 lot , flue loon ion , cr ehcai , lD 0. Olte
I mimi ciii , , good i I ito out litlitce. C n 9IAVNE Ic CO. 1509 Farnam.
HAItI-A gouueral itoc' < . consItuuig of Dry
r 'I Co. , ) . aut.It.roccr e , ser en it Go ii hocothoui ,
len I a got.1 Wulh ad 'in r ut b.ithtlintr. . Ito. .
soil fat , ehllim.r , veer liaithi. AdJr. . , Tito. , IL itton ,
fox 213 , Niola , Iowa. 2:10.81 :
) OrT.l'li CA I 'rt. ' : AN f ) I..ttVhJtSLA1. lllttiEui.
J 'l' t. sub , alhr Is tatluut , ' tricr. for r.riig mm.
i.rtation if the itiue i'riccs inuclubeiow these at
aimcth ii ilefert mice , to t hi' at , r.luiile.l. , John
3hWui1och , III. Trustand Sai' . Lnk. tilcaga.
203 2iiit
OIL SALE-45-Tco tail lot , , 7 r on , houwebirn.
F 4 cl turn , aell. aiiruitltcn , etc , J,6lY1 ; 0n3 IhIrd
call. . . or will trade br fart , , altii1um t.c1ve , , dlos of
( ltiiahia. 0. E MA m N b CI )
Li' ? tt 1LoJ Fnrnni
Al.n-55-7 room liouiainri 1Iantort ; sIre t ,
F iii sIltti1h1 order , % er , nice i lace , 2,6.O , 0Q
.it.wn , balato on inttitliiy instaiiuciits
isa tf C. II. iIAYNI .tc CO. , 1tiP0 Farnam.
SALE-iT-Nice eetfte , ft nnOm , hrn , els.
1 'I tcrn etc , lot 80x150 , on Convent street , 83,000 ,
long ihn'e on ltart. 0. Fl MAYNS.t CO.
J7..1f ltstO F.rnam.
SAT.E 1 ; egarit residence lute ahthiim , few
T 4 biocl.aotetreetcart. SulOto : tO , S cr cant
dousi , nail 5 , ee cent iltontidi. 2o taller . .trret rail.
o'ati or baiuon lines to ojnlots , Ituit garil sit.ooalk
liii tlt Wa ) . LI It MA YNL .t CC ) ,
16(1 U 154.0 ,
° ' $ kLl'i-21-Fiec room linuS. , ( mull lot , barn ,
F .hniiltin'ty , etc. , 15th ate. cut. iou Ii ( ImaitO ,
92,110. C E h2AYNO& C , ) ,
170.11 18 U i'arnau , .
'Olh SALE-A nearly nra house of 5 roan , , antI
I 1 half 1t , . .n Iharletietreut , near hihitgu31,0000)l ; ) )
down ialaitnti iiitthuiy inente. AIdret.
136tf ohhi. : . h1.t , I lOON , City. : : , reldcrico lots In ( rand Vice au )
Pit . , , $170 to 32 . on miti.uithly . i a input. .
1711 Sf C , II : . 'fA9Nl A ( .0. , 180. ) taruiem.
) - ; ; inhIlnlehuah riTe , itibicV
4 ( ruin St. car line ; .crythtruraltlc rcIdcnro prop.
e't ) . suumuvtta : BELL.
S.tTE-6 good , toin.corne furuiitoro aix.i a
IF0II iim.ntlty of x.'eIlet a luuc stry cheali 1 ° O3
Calif. mis St. OeL.mno
Oil SAl.i140Lrgo htouiae , tao full lot. ,
F han , , . .il , isteru , ole. A et ii.iitI liunto ; 2d8u ;
gael time en paincuit. .
ISO tf Ii. l SlAt E A CO 1110 Farnanu.
nSAlJlL iumwMauttiIeuiU f.riita it. 11.
: new .4. CO. , 8. w. cache ; ir. n.e.C L't.niani ,
nor tt
-Ff1' :4dE - Iutiuiuiouui iuLli'f (
4 adthhin , Ihicali. Enin trr.t14
; . C. E' . E & CO. , 1 0 Fantm.
Ol 6\TC-A fey ( lee acre tots near the k'air
I 1 gr tumid , very chuap. 'Hi big thituc.
( ' : m5'tf Ii. S. ) IAYNE .1 ; CO. , it ® Farnana
, SALE-lan to 18) cordi if hard woid , n'iw
I 'I iteliug chopped on 'ittwu Farm" on CiuioIi. bt.
half mnhicacat of .SIIhItay tin 'gu. Will cluly ho .obJ
to one vurcher. aiiIis , Ageumt , Ith nix' ) D.niiulas
. . .
' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
f SALE - Farm xi mile , S. W. ci city. Intiuuro
iR . Meyer 63 N , i6thSt. 811.Jml
I . % OftcrfcraaJo at a
R.ltEOt1ANQ1iWo of lanti in a body. mviii _ . .
make a line atock ranch , tit miii. from Ccuuit ,
that of floono county , Teim. ' a'v.
(1 F DtVIS&CO , ,
. 160) I'arnaun , truet. ! _ _ _ , _ _
Oii HAL)4-Two hots N. W. corner of 2.17. amid
I Chleag lit , Iiiquhro of Et1iuo1i and Enichaoim.
S &LE-A few chialno lot. in Low&a adttltioc
Iun l'roal'ctt Ilcee , i7b to 8250 , inonthi ) iii.
.talhmneitt , . C , t. MAYNE & CO. . 114'O Farnam.
I _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _
01t SAI.t-A Shut thea .eoond b&ad top bIIgyy
Call at 181 1hn.v street. 97J
OR SALII-itoaldence and buainw , property 0 ,
F all parts of Omaha , and Farm Laud In all 1rt5
of the Mate. lIED1o1tn & SOBER ,
. _ _ ! . _ - 218 . - 8. 14th _ _ 81. _ _ bet. _ _ . _ _ _ . _ Yaruam _ . _ _ . _ _ _ - . _ _ and Douala.e. . , -
FelL SALE-Two portaoio , , 10 , ore pa'
Apply at f ci. FITZPATIIIcK ,
. _ 2 : ! ! 215 SnimU , 1Mhz Street.
SALE-At abarg&mna email ,
: F anti ( b' . tIre proof safe. inquire at thu otflce.
. I 'oit SALE-Ole , , in large sad amnafi
I uitantitte. at this ollica
L1B6ELLAth5O5. ( ;
A l'miuicii of key. near lt01t0SC.linate (
I j ittitru C. , % i'cst , rim C.riic il'otl , . , lime 0. , iaa
, ieeoi , an , ) recelu rertard. 272 $
' ' -A buc'.khiicol
S'nht4'EA . 11w a n. to iVii mbcibb1hi , -
lth nJ stuc'ruo.ui ate , all t utt.itm ) m . .r1 ,
- - 27m.l -N
. L o'r A gomi lion. a , tct cl arm. Fimi'er 5iii b.i
; .tiit.bly r,41 rded Ii mut'iriau to
_ iaU11 _ C. E. _ 8iAN : _ & eO. , ioa Farnam
; 1)OAhtJaiIdlodiduu l.loitr aeckr..tlteil.rry
- I ALIdT , 503 Tenth Street , t'ctwce Far.m anti Ila.
nay , aid , with the aid of guardIan nghrltx. ObtihIcg
I , : 10) OOC 1 glraca of lb pa.t and end the
I ceri.afm , tumidition. to thu futur , . Uot amid ehoes 3
I ordar. ltiif btifat1n guarant e.J
- -
- -