, OMAHA. DAILY BEE FR'IDAY ' , .DICEMB . + R 7 , 1853 i Ire e ii e Sale ! = or- TAND DRY GOODS ! Harkness gyros. COUNCIL BLUFF , IQDlf4/A. . J"U'ST RECEIVED A ccioicE assoRlMLni or RUSSIAN WROULARS New Markets , C1cftk s < Ic1maii Latest Style for $75.00 , priced elsewhere $125.00. " 50.00 , 75.00. 6.00 , .9.00. :9.Q IJc n. s we will offer at $2.50 each , sold elsc vhere for $4.00. PETSK 'Carpets at 18e , worth 30c per yard. Ingrain carpets at 450 , worth 60c I t ' Tapestry Brussels at 60e , worth 90e. Best quality Body Brussels at $1.15 I ' vPOrtla $1.40. 1,000 yardsllCanton Matting , at 2Oe ' worth 30e , less than can be importe today. E Ingrain Carpets at 22e , worth 33 . OUR NEBRASKA CUSTOMERS SPILL FIND IT TO THEIR INTEREST TO EARLY EgAEINE ] THESE GOODS Our Skilled Workmen will Make and Lag 'Czrp3t $ in Ontiha , 'at the zme Price a s in Oouncil Aluffa. OUR STOCK 7S COMPLETE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF , , , Dross Goods , C1oakiiis , P1ulies , Velvets , &c R ANDorr ; rc n AT PRICES THAT WILL DEFY COMPETITION. Omaha and Nebraska customers pnreh isinn tilts of $10 tin a upwm ds , will receive bride transportation both ways. Iowa customers ill save tl oir transportation by calling at ARKNJS BaoTmIR , 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. I COUNCIL BLUFFS , ADl)1TIUNAi. LOCAL NE\VS , IOWA AND IOWANS. J oseph Cook aces Muscaliuc A Stcw flld DS [ MC111C $ lS III1 SCl1 OVA lluitgry 1enry LnwrH Ills ( Ilrl , s + hu Ix l'nken Iluuu + to Iii' SpLLIIke1-.t. 1''urluruSua ' nrloci. Ing Situ. ( OVert1Or Slturlnnu is back front his onstoru trip , , luhn 11'ethera wn9 ktllcd at Stbuln Jnuetiou 1londay eight u hil0 cuupli g ctu's. ctu's.Tho The Julien llo so artesian well , In 6feet. , produces ss ittur nt n depth of GU ; feet. Coloitol 1V A , 1'nyk ir , n fnrulur eusi dent of Dcs nluiuus , luu buuu te ulcutul mayor of Attatin , Thu proposition to build a $ id1,000tr court house at Crecnliold was duicnted by Ulu uluebrce of Adair county the other day-lilii ( far , 1,481 agnineL Joseph Cook , in his lecture at Musca tiuu , said gtnt suns ono was trying ie distort kiln by uhirpiug , mug the nhtsen tine people haYei t gut over heiug rand a bout 1t } 'et. 'l'ho rosiguntimtof 3udgoRecd as jutlgu o [ lima district court of the Thirtvelth judlcinl district , luu buuu forrarded to l.uvunwr Sleruwtt iu ardor Hutt the sec cusaur to Judge trued wiy ho appointed mid prulutrcd t0 ussunuu the nltties of his ullicu et Jaitwtry 1 , Dua 111oittes people nto unw in doubt whether they saw Lillian Spomeur. 'l'imey ' nru nppruhouaivu that it was n aubslitutu w h0 flppoarud as "Corn , thu Creulu , ' in which overt they declare it sees "n berm raced and untrnsoous ; iwpositiou. " 1411. lhlll 15 sick in Cluvulluld , 0 , 7'ho Burlington ( iarette says ( Ito elltil'o cost of the tenter works of that place was probably caved the city on thuuecnsinu of lima "Govurwtr'a Corner" Jiro of Inet Suit. day night , 1VEUuut the wntur works ft is inure than lilwly that time tint block ri buildings from 1'ulluy to J011'urenn , on Jliaill , would 1u vo beers swept ont of ox- istancc A youiu : mnu cf morning Sul hod his feelings sorely lncuratud by the a mJuul of arise Fataq' Sullivan , of 11'apcllo. F anny , engduyud in n Cedar ltgtida hu tot , atroud ; to utuot her lover at Culum bus Juuctimt. st hem they would gel spliced and than proceed t0 moruiug Sun. Ilttt Fanny foiled to crone to limn , and oh tulegruphing the yuuug now learned that his girl hod loft Cedar RIpi(18 1110 eretl111g before with another nice . Thu word " " ymwg mini. "gush" din not begin to express rho feelings of the young erne of 111urniug Sou. Snuday evening , says the [ , elms S + nttiucl , henry mid Cure hd + { nrds , cousins , canto to this city friii their h ome in Sioux county , soma twelve miles n orthwest. of Lunltra. 'l'imey ' stopped at the American huuro am ! took supnrutn r ooms. Attar n lung consultation they C(1111UtlL' ( to : tb811dn11 single 1)1C8aL1111L'e and rot sail boldly out oil the sea et mat. rilnony. It was midnight uhmt Clerk 11'ulliver was ar0usud from sloop au(1 im plured to issue the legal doctulwltts mice- ossary iu each uudurtakius. ! ' 1'hnt vigi hunt official , lwwover , fooling that nth wa s net right , notwithstanding attempted ex . pia attons far tire unseemly haste , do elined to ixene the Iiccnco. and yotnt g Eletry returned to thchotel amid disclose d his failure to his sweetheart , who ilnpa tiuutly awaited his couling , retiring t' m bed to 810211 off , if possible , the disap pointmeut , leaving orders to be d early , It was barely light when he or dared n horse and buggy front Cudwohl , with the intention of hurr yiug elf t 0 Mntcus , but after duo deliiorution h u concluded to have brcakfnst before start- i ng. Lret runaway antplea gat hungry. I'OOd is quite its nueossury to young lov v as it is to old folks , 't'his surrender td taw gross demands 0f appetite defeats ( 1 the plausof the lovers. Thu destroyer o f their lugeS was nigh , in the porsou o ft Thoens Edwards , lather of the girl , I [ e hind arrived in the city close on thout stops but failed to find the runaways of I the saute night , but was up at nu early hour ' 1'uosdny worming mug ra : : hnd Uu Ameicau housejustas the girl had Scut ed herself in the buggy for further Ilght Era the eager lover could btku n place h } her 51(10 , n cry of ' 'Stnp that buggy' startled the fair occuptiut. Before th u young ratan could jmup into the vehicle the father had reached its side amid suizot j the arm of his daughter , amid vuhetnontl Y hogged her to ruturn llonto with hint [ bury seized the other arm and vie d with the parent in appeals to her love Pho urgent pondiug ! of her 5uthu r linally prevailed timid carried of I thu rather unwilling girl , ] curio V the young mnu ab uling on the ) sidewalk its a mein Iamnl J toly subdued if not ton utterly utter , ' 1'Itu buggy wa n returned to the barn , nod the dmconso late youth look iho horse o which hi s fair ono had rode to town with him , and 1 started to retrace his way homeward , leading the riderless steed. 'J'ho ' would hp bride was a inure child in rapearutcu , tad returned home t0 be xa , ked au ( 1 it is hoped , lectured nit thu dntifnhios e of littlela to their 1)aruts. After c t while when the youthful couple reach matlueryears , thurumay ho no reaenl for thont not to gut tlnirried at home wit : the eonsettof the old fauns. If p'tini osHaro Tliroul , u Cough , nr Cold , tr y mm. ii.1)mtta.N&Snr ) + N'tap.IGflo t'nn ttI)1O ) ii the ) ' nrulraN . iit to thu ts.te , pu.tuctly Itnnnlu. + , an I will surely. Guru sou , - _ _ OONOERNING ORESTON. 1City Eturtlon , a Jtunnway , and at n itiIct tlult0Upthe News Loner , C1.rroxpudance . of 'rim it ltitic , CIILYTON , Iowa , flee. G , = 1'o day hn " heel one of moro than usual intone t especially in the Socoud ward , .Sun : t , time ago Mr , 0. I' . , lhenrtott sent in lti a rwmignnlion its Conllcihnau , on account n I removal from the city to Missouri , con sequonlly there was a special olectin t ailtod in time Second ward for to dny ' , which was hold. Thu two gentlonu n contesting for the honors wore Mr. Jule' McCutfrey au I , ) lr , W , A , Spurrier , Mr , McOdlimy i x Our tvnrlli ) chief of I1w tire dupltrtulett and having uzporiunce ens councihnau it n C'IIGi ' 1P , 111x1Icoin litisHltiri'rof , ' Cm Htkeon' ' f ty , will umhioatly qualify hint for tht + ho wrubl0 pueitrou Ito hits hues cnllel upon to till , A1r , % V. A , Shinier is a lawyer of iho first class , mid of the lira ) of 1stl0u fi Spurrier , and for that renaat wo nru incliucd to think would ha1.0 mode the hotter of time two. There ssvro 31)4 votes cast , of which vecnlrmy rcuiuved L'UGnnd Spurriur,183 , m aking n utnjurity tit Ltvar of 11r , Mc Cltll'my of only 18 , not 6riug so very , cwmpluuculary considering that at taro la st uleetiau the whole city and Union county tondo a luau + crntic clcnu sweep. A runaway of n two'ltorsu teitt caused tw u little buys h ) out badly inlet today , because the jdtlu misehiots will60nln nt s in 501110 plncn whore they itught nut to b0 , ulimiug about the wagon while time oleo a oru iudonding , cnusmtt tlu + hones to start , trod , before they cnnld Ito shtp ped , w uro thron u uudur the s + is4ou with all rho couteuts. Uuh of the boys was injured about limo hand severely. 1)r. Nnucu thinks that the little .ludurenn bo y will recover in n short time , 'l'aw ' other Ii ltlu fallen. , whose enure we sure uu , + blu to learn , only received n few br uises and n great big surprise , Lut boys will ho boys , utu , 11'0 clip this front the Creston Iaily .Idvurlieur ; A yuuug uuw by limo anew of Stith nlnlouuy tt aa arrested on cauln plater of ll + j. 11'0ods , the railroad sour pony's dotoctiv0 , fur raising his chuck tr oth $ aLi U to $ ; { U 6U , flu was taken be fore nlnyer''nylorautl nskml n cuntin unuce , tYhicll was granted , ho being i.lncud uudur ii heavy boil , 11'1STtnta. Santo of the cures by SL Jacob's Oil , era glower b0yuud belie ( ' . MUSIC AND , MIRTH. Thq , fro Hct'ping loon Itnpldw Cerra pundoncn 'if ' 1'nc Itcr , Coax Us1'mts , Dcc. b-Coon lbipida glories in rho possession ni n brass bmul and nu autatetr drnuuttic Il99eC1Ilil111L 'Chu band , under the eilieient iitslructwa tit ,1lttjar lluntingtmy is uttkiug : the nights hideous with 911'Cetatrllllta of inn. aIC , The A. 1) A , is waiting anti watching in solemn siloucu hl raise up against limo IIiIS11811CCti1111ublic ; w'huu they sot not. Time tlnadrillo club is Ilourisbitig curd rho nuwngera of Ute culler skating rink ar e tilled wit Ii limn laucbtWe aulbltioit to produce anoisiur place thou .taw baud practice moo , , Su counting ill iho usual quota of parties , balls , usu. , Coon 'Down dues not lack nuwsmnette ilna uvur 01 ii ) of our most popular society y0ullg men for n couple of numUre , Mfr , A , L. Stough , cashier of the City ban : ( , fa go ing to Ohio for time holidays and n pru luugcd visit , nlmu : A uN. Ilnxl's Sarsa tarilln is an extract of iho beat ruittedivs of taw vOgaGtblu Icingdum kronen as Alh'rulivu8 , nod ] Jlmnl 1'ttri tiara , J'oullty ltalwlitg , It would be gnito difficult to find n pa per , published within the lust fury yenta , w ithout euciug aumuUling either prncticnl o r theoretical lwrtniniug to this brnuvh offers fors economy. Sonic of the instructions , if followed gut to the luttuc , might loud m ] end iho amateur catray ; still each fail- mi tes , protilcd by , have done mom , pur Im ps , to uutku successful bmedurs u [ nay kind of stock , than all other means coin. 1) 1110(1. It would be extremely difficult , iii mitt ordinary notsspnper article , to give ell limo directions necessary to tire success- fug raising of poultry. In conunumcing flue business , think the matter over sroll before making any out. Iny for stock or lizt rua. It is n vary cosy matter , in exporitncuting with pnnlfry , as with may other enterprise , to fool away a good lout of wonuy iii "out- ti ts" out needed at the begiuui g , each as uxpuueivo h0n houecs , costly patented tppotufnl0niehigh pricedpr0tnwut birds , flu , , all of which are of little worth to time n ovice , until ho knows teem uzpcrimtcu how to turn these showy adjuncts to pro. lit , ' 1'hurufaro , our advice to beginners is in wliaider wall what they mute about to utubark in ; read snow gaud , reliable journal or hook , giving n theoretical un dursluudiag at lvalt ; about the hogiuniug of ( Jae IttlaweeH 1L lit a good hnsiilexs , a phu9xatlt ecClt- pntian , ml iulorestiug rural work , to on- qulu iii , if well felt0wud , nod properly appreciated nod ulnnngcd ; othurw iau not .1e to time boat birds to try , Chia is ono of t he hardest quealinns to miswur ; but , iii nay event , start with but 1)110 . Thu novice should nu"or nttangtt to breed nuru , thou ouu Itiud. If lie ineistin trying two or tlu vu kinds ft only goes to nhuw that lie knows two or throe times less tluut hut lhiule ho does , nod , at the eel of n yam' or two , ho will bo disgusted with the business and soma Duo will Intro au opportunity to purchase testa , c heap , Mud they will be nuithuronu thing uen the other , that will amount to tummy- t hing. Begin with eua sort , titan-no uuiltur shut that sort is , so lrntg ne it Huite the faucy-breed thaw fu their purity , tabu g oed core of fxth ell and 'arm' and Yen will 1)0 likely at the mint of t1n + liras year to know mwitgh nbont raising pool. try to ndvnntngu , 19hmt you mire prated try n accord variety' , if you choose , mild when you nru thoroughly inturestel you will ho content with a single varioly l0 look nRer. Thu great error with the nuynrity is , they attempt at iho outset to du too much ; thus they pay lee dearly for the uxpuriuncu Again , time gueatiuu . .f nwubura is an importmlt eua , tend du pultde largely upon the nuwuut of apace that calm by devoted to their ncvunmudn ) tines , Nutror have more tlwn from forty b ) fifty , at most , under ono rout-nod , bettor , loss that ever thirty in into bulid ing , uuluss it bu n large one. Phoy can out live mug remain healthy if crowded hgulhur ) iii gruatl itumburs , 'l'ime ullluviu ruin their hod fus gunurates dis0nso , lice or lovers , lJpon limited premises n dozer nr twenty may bu kept cnmfulnihly , but the day you crowd fifty b , ono lnuHlred f owls or chiclta iuio one house , you will lied Hutt they will begin to full off in hiving , limo birds will gut sick , vurwiu well cnngmgntn in lyrinde about their rousts , in ! hair nests , and apart Ilu'ir bodies ; then farewell to year poultry kLD11111g fah pnllt , ' 1'uo ninny in omit' bnusu ; dint t attempt it , You will lose year tiniu , your nuuoy , your fowls and your patience , ' 1'hia iii trite. 'I'huymuet bu kulIt in small IeGI , on nay , lure 'in limn farulllilorlittlu nnd xuIxu utt9lEromatl' 1 o ther community. ! n amnui xiou , we would urge all to get good , puru'brml stuck. Brgln with ( Jill' art at first , feed Mud } wil0ru'guhnrly amid judicinuely ; house : hum rodent in wnnl0r tad cool iii xunnu + r , keep t u m hvu fruw : vuruliuandt70mwillbubutlftfl + + trouhlu n rculizing n lumdaoate Iirnlt fruw a fun owls. J , 11 , h1HIIELL , GRANS ( JO. , 1j ) , - - - - Cigar cases , uuwrrclunun pipes , and rgtlr holders vary cheap at blurt Ab'ypr tL Co.'s , UuuCu F UR N IT UR E ---TII E-- - - - - - CHEAPEST PLACE IN OMAHA TO BUY Firn it IS AT DEWEY & TON'S j They always have the largest and best stock , NO STAIRS TO CLIMB ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOR TO THE DIFFERENT FLOORS , TBURLINGT fl 1 ) H 1 ( Chicago , Durllngton . . Qulnoy Rallrond , ) r1. , rrar . , , 1. .m J 3 ih a o . .4. ' - \ _ , ' r i . c y y. 1 Q f . 'r r . ' at t a a I + ti cut M , „ ' - COINC EAST AND WEST. COINC NORTH ADD SOUTH , tirImot : Day Conches , l'arlnr Cars , with Ib'cli'I Solid Ttaln9 of lilegnnt no , Coaches and Pull Imig Ohnlrx + . + ata free ; , tluuklng Carr , n Ith Na man I'nlncn Slecping Cars u + , + rime dolly to and ; ; al9tllmnn Palace Hh'ephiGCars nimd from lit hauls , st.t 1Lutn4wl , pulncs , Acokuk , tlwfanuntrC , II , .C Q.Ululntl'nntrundaily tomind llprlingtonCahtr Ihtpldsari.l Alhcrtlxh to St Rnm l'hlcngo.C iinnxIS ; City , ChicngeL l'ouncll 1'nul and Allunrnpnllt , 1 aelarCars whim ln cllula t IlhiRxChlsign .l Itcx aohus , Chlrn ; , o , Ak Jo Chnlr , to and from 3i TAUIs and 1'owrlnmtdC ? weph , Atohi nn R 7b + rkn Only through Ilno hu and from 8t Louln aunt Ottumwa Onlp oC : i , trrrcuChicago , ] .tnrn\nfi \ nearer Throe hears chance of cars between At LcttJH Mud U. „ Ihl htl'ell IhIII11IIaIN11ISfi Laun. Ii UIuRx rln barln Dloiuea , lawn , Llaccln , Nebraska , and UWtVC.I All cmms'llnna umdn In l oleo Ih'Int It is Caluralln l kuownnalhugmntTllltltUUIICAItLNI : , ItuuulvctaIllxodtnltbdtoholbo , I Flnnrt Equlppod Railroad In the World for ti1h Clnssos of Travel T.JI'OTl'ER,9.lYIGrI'ros'tandAon'tDlartnmx , . ' 4k1tCb'VA1LIt NfthL'isn ttacAp'GChiGtke.l ; .S. 2e D ln weft : g ) for U , T Sic C P P ec Z tC 0 e la a ONE OF TILE UES is PIIYSICIANB , I hn + e I cetnish + g Hx ifl'x H , ms IIc lu my rractke for quln nLaiglhn ' , uud Ira'1IlydlttllebeNleolllLlrlannll usn blood purhlermul twde. It lx Gdln'ly u'pulahla bullg cnnx/rud , ; of lh ualrartx mil cools x hlcli grow In + hlx NCC IaIII rI , nrg i. I mill fnllllllar N1 I It. till. tore coon limo thou the f rnudn was ahtalnal frmn limo buttons. It tx n ( Ii tnlu and nlu rruedv for all kluds of Idnoil pnlxnn and .kin humor , gout Imi limo huuJrrd mil ouu Ire 111dc11 1 hole IINd Itllllll6L'l'll It uwrl , there box tit , .i Lren n tnlluru to cure. I barn uucdbl + xxl rotor ht ruxrmine , ( w tun T r ( slim It , nltt'r f hid mu.t s'gnully ' lolled by the most ap.ro + cit Inut + odm tf lrnntu.eflt xlthunucnry laid Im ldl lu cp / + nitrlum. 'I'hu.n cases hose been cruel ntreltaun uv x , mnlhu + u uccr halnn v u'turn ' of limo dbenad fn thrmxcltue , nth , thole children , FliluA.9IoMKIt : , lit. I ) . , i'crry , iloushro eo. , OR. "It la Ilw bust belling rcmix dy In my ttotenod all clns.rx of Ix'nplu buy It. It 6nx brronw n houxrhuld remedy ulUi uusy of our text cltvensn W.tLTl It A.TAYLOA , Atln ht , On , ' 'I Full Hnilt'x S eeImlo-nften n gdwx hi ten dasxnt u'Inll , and ho all c x xes. Homo ui At l ado's best pew plc nru It rt'gulnr } ' as n tmdu and nbrrnrhr. Josiah IiIl.1ll ) Ii1n , Allamitn , On. Our tnit ke on Illood and.Akht Illtcu.ct 11151101 fen , to nppllcuuls. TINSw'11TAI'ECIIIO ; CO. , Oraner a , Angela , ( is. Thau.eof w loon"Shot l.lno" In connectlun xlth tht curmrato ; flaunt via greatroad , const'y1 an Idea of u.t what rcqulrod by the trnrcling 'mb ' Ito-it Short iAuu , Quick 71mi mid time beet of accoxunoda 0 ( tons-all of xhlch are luru lxhal by the greatest tallwny lit Anicrla. C HIOAGO MILWAUKEE And St. Paul. It nwne and operalee over 1t00 , miles of road n Northrm Illlnole , sYlrrat.lu , Sluutu.otn , Iowa mind Itakott ; mid aNl tx mule Iluce , hrm'uhoa ' and cuunea dons rack all the great bushiess centres of the Nortlnvcstnnd I'nrtVrxt , It naturallymixware Ihr dascrlptlnu of Htmrt Lluo , Dud Bcxt I tate Ixawcon Chicago , Alllsaukuu , fit. Paul and Mhmonpulls , ChlcnguSills mtkro , T.n ( : russu and'Vhinnn. ChlcngoA111waukutAher.locnaud IIlmidala : CLlago , Alllxaukuo , I'au Claire and Hllllxater Cldagn , Afllxaukt , , n'au.au and ilerrlll , Chicago , Mllwsukoe , hen + cr 1)aur mid Oshkoah , thleagil : , Alilwa + ikeo , + { 'artkenli1 aild ecololnowoa , Chlago , Alilxmtkeu , Mudlsou and l'ralrludu Chloe Chlago , Mtlxaukcu , Oxntnnia and Falrlhault Chicago , liulolt , JouuxvPlu amid Athtcral l'olnt. Chlago , KlgIn , Rockford amid Duhaquo. Chltagn , Cllmiton , Ilock I.lmtd and Cutlar lutplda Chicago , Councll iilueI and ( hnaho , CLlago , Shies City , Hlona Fullmm mid Ymiktou Chlagu , Alllwmtkru , Alitchcil undClisirthcrlatn. hock Isimid , Unhuquu , Ht. Taal and Apnoea'utlli ' Itavergxxt , Colmar , lit. l'nul mid Mlnucapolis. 1'ullnimr Alecpnre mid the Fhrt'tt IInhwCars ) In x orld are rim on I6u mnht llu.w of the C H I CAC M'LWAUKEE ' dt ST PAUL UAIILWA ant uttry atlt'utluu la psh W ; 'aaNauged ' y worts eua unployroa of limo cumpsny , A. H. blElllllTi. , A. Y , If. OAltl'ISNTIta , Oc'Iilanaget. Ilon'I I'axe Agcmil J , TCLAItIt , OhOIhIIKAFFOItn , OGi'I Huli t. A.a't U.r.1 I'a.x. Aq't Cornice-Moiks IRON ANU BT.A' i It00FIN(1. C , SPEOHT1 PROP , * 1111)ouglae SI. Oatalia , Net , UANUYACrUIW.R or Oalvanlrea iron Cornices LTDormer wlndowa , Finials Tin , Iron ad Agate ouling Hpcald'a ; stunt Iletaillo Bkyllght , I'atwl wllnat.1 Itatchut liar and Ilnckut Bhultlng , 1 am ho qmtnrol agent fur rho above Ilea tit goads. Iruu eucing , L'rustlugs , llalustratloa , Yenudas , Iron Ibnk nlungr , Window IAuula , Cellar Guard. ; also ganoral o ut Inc 1'nrrwn lull atanE nNldx Illlnd trntd. A POSITIVEUtituwithout tuber la , 7a Uur Ixr No , t x111 Guu ally a.t lu four Jaya or le.a No. xlllcurelie modoluttlnatocasauouutlurof how ong.tauding. Allan's Soluble Medicated Bougies jo nan.oonx down M uhuba , copabla , or ell of . .u' gal N'Ix1 , lLnt urn" .stn to prndutxl dygrep.la by lu.huylng theuutth'grnf ' flu + .tnmmlt , 1'rloe 91AU cold by ull , ruggl.tx , or tuulla ) on rucelpt al Price Fnr bother pmtlculat + w'nJ for clteular. p u , Ilex Iray J. C. ALLAN CO , CORE AJ Julmout'ut , htw > twk. , - tOli -14ITn- SIOIIX . FALLS GR&NLTE & M And your work iH douc for all tinlo to tinge to coiuie. II , WE CHALLENGE The World to produce a more durable material i'or Street p1Y'nient thaN the Sioux I"al1S Granite. V Olt ANY AMO1T14T Oil Paving -UR- I filled peoulptly , SnnlpleH Sent and dStinlateH given Neon flpplicaticn. WM.McIJAiNr & CO. , Sioux F IlsDakota. Nebraska Cornice -AND- - - I I oits 5l , NUFACT + Ullat8 OP GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES' T o : aazor Wiudo'vvrel , FINIALS , WINDOW CAPS , TIN , IRON AND SLATE ROOF/NO , 1'AT1NT M6FALIO SNYLIOfIT , Iron Fencin ! Crostlnm . , Unlti.trades , Verandas , Otflcoand Dank i Itallings , IYlndow and Cellartluarde , Eta N , W. COIL , ) IN ' ( AND JONES 8TH. wit , OAIBKII , Manager. I RED STAR LINE. I 1)elghut Ttoynl and (1. H. titan f + lenulcrsi , i SAILING EVERY SATURDAY IIKTWEKN ' NEW YORK AND ANTWREP , x ? YmeJU iar' , ( brawny , ltalyuandandFrance. ! Outxu t Strvro'r , QU ' tr.nn . , , ; I'repdd Ant.crp20 ; r E o.lou.vtrl. , . ' ; ld CaLln. 155 ; Kwuralon , 1W ; SaDun mar. 31)0 to gA ; ; Krcuttluu * 1W to * 125. gil'Puter Wright & Sons , OGi , Agta , to Uroadx ay , ' I ra ilat'll , llamllton & Co. , Omsba ; P , r Flalinam a tut , rct N. ltltlt btreot , ouaha ; U. U blmlally Caalls.Agcutr , in&ooat'ly } I - , l , - - /