2 TEE DAILY fT ( ' , f , ' cMA ) t' ' A 1 RTIt A'V 'lflf. ' f er'1RnnT + " _ " " I" , ! ' t V THE DAILY B EE---COtTNCIL BLUFFS , FRIDAY DECEMBER 7 , 1883. TIE DAILY BE1 &L BL S. itV i I V JL . . Friday Mornlnr , Deo. 7. , $ UnSCttii'TIoN RATS : fly Carrier - - - - - - - 20 rentt per Creek 133' MuI - - - - $10.00 ; cr } 'car tOFFICE : No , 7 pearl Strcot , Ncar Broaaway , MINOR MENTION. Sco Joseph Ileiter'a fall goods. Additionnl local on eoventln page. Cheap ltailroa(1 Tickets at Bushnell' Tim Iiottnd Table lad a plcnsant Rcs aims last evening , Officer Cusick yesterday nrrcatecl and run in Dlilcs Miller for being drunk. The opera chairs for the now opera house are hero and will noon ho put in place , . , Icnvo to entry } 'kla secured by John A , Mpe lcordung to tMC1s ; both of ltockford , - The Council Nhaa , tr Aheecmnpanq's .engrloyce are to give nmtl er quadrille party this uvoning. Chief Temploton wont across the river yesterday to Reo the teating of n fire ca cape tntd stead-pipe , The Bluff City typographical union is , to give a bail on Christmas ov enhlig , and has engaged the BowInauband for music , A. Harris , of 1' nox township , has ob taincd a temporary injtunctinnrestraining the opening of n road through his land. hov. P , J , Mackay , rcct4r of St. Paul'a church , lectures this evening in Glenwood on "Dovolupment of Oolturo. " A trio of drunks , I'hullip Schackot , John Wagger end Wm , 1)ovoro ) , tvero yesterday taxed the usual mn runt in poth lice court. Tito tissue paper fo3tival , to be given by the ladies of the Episcopal' church , takes plnco at Dohany's next Tuesday , } Wednesday and Thursday. ' The necessity for paved streets tens very apparent agniu yesterday. Strong teams with light loads could hardly pull through the mud on Broadway. Every member should arrange to attend the mooting of the board of trade next Tuesday uvening , and business mien who are not nioutbere should become so. The oxaminntiou of Al Nixon , charged by Ed Grattan with obtainhng motoy un der false pretenses , was very hotly cun tested before Juatico Vaughn , Mr. Scars appearing for the prosotution and John Liudt defelidiug , William Barrett , charged with assaulting - n ing it. 1 , Brown , was yesterday discharged - charged by Juatico Abbott , but was nov , orlheless pnnf8hcd by being conpellcd to sit ou a jury and to listen to the evidence inn n dry civil suit. As will be neon by an attractive notice in another cohttnu , Smith eL' Toiler , who are at the front in merchant tailoring , give n very wise suggestion to those ssho coutomhlato giving Christmas prosouts. A' They gvo good advice on the subject. The funeral of the late Leonard Lent t zinger took place yesterday afternoon a Vi under the auspices of the Odd Follows , of whom there were about a hundred in line , with a band , . Mr , Bates , of the 1'rosbytedan church olliciatcd in the w cervico , and a largo number of friends sa showed their respect for the fallen and sympathy for the living by being present , th - The first injunction of Mrs Sarah Key against the city having boon dis ttolved by Judge Loofbourrow , a soc01Rl la temporary injunction has been granted to prevent the city from filling up to grade the street fa front of the Ilurdio barn. The first injunction was dissolved nn a technicality , ' Thu second will prob. ably hold until the case can be moro hlly ( hcurd , 1V , It , Voughau , who is ito v IIOtlIIgIlO la blo grand arch of the Ancient Order of 1)ruida , has iss tcd a dispensation for n now grove in Argos , 1100110 county , h which starts out with tine prospects. A ILO. grove is 50011 to be started at Dlis ! souri Valley , and the grove hero ecomato be in n flourishing conditlon. In fact , tlto Druids seen to ho increasingnut only in uunnbots , but in properity aid b strength. m 'rho engine which was intended t4. be i used for furnishing the electric light ' a ' proves n little weak , and another will probably have to be procured. Thu delay - lay is now caused by this , but n few days will probably determine thus fully , and 111 the meantime rthe niblia needs to I show 1rationco. It always takes more time than is expected to starting any such enterprise , there alwa3''ac hiudra.cos anti mishsp. is The young man , who under the name of Lloyd , was arrested for an attempt to t got a forged check cashed at the Citizens bank was brought before Judge Aylee worth yesterday aftemoon , for the pur a pose of having hue trial fixed. Tito ' i amount was placed at $500 and being unable - able to furnish it , ho was rout back to t jail. Ho will not probably have a Droll. t urinary exanunation , s.5 the grand jury is now in 50851011 , and witnesses In the ase have already been summoned before that t body. Thoyoungrnanorratburboysoaue to fallow the advice of the letter found f o : his person , warning hint to maintain his identity , and keep cloao.mouthod. Ile refuses to say much about the affair , 1tcnI IcHt ltu Transfers , The following dooiu wore filed for record cord in the recorder's olico , Decenbo r 0 , reported for the BYE by P. J , Mo. Mahon , real estate agent : F. Ii. Hancock to G Deiderictt , Iota 1 and 2 , block 1 , Hancock ; $175. Ifueaell Uilee to henry Sims , part 28 , 20 and 33 , 75 , 43 ; $575. R. H.1Voodrnauep to Ohio Knox , 10 t I' i ' 3 and part 4 , block 12 , Macedonia , $125 , George Parks to W. C , Janes , part lot 11 , block 11 , Bayliss' 1st addition ; $250 , R. M. Parka , administrator , to W. 0. P Jamee , part lot 11 , block 11 , Bayliss' le t tdditla : ; $250. Total sale , , $1,376 , , r , . = - - - WIDE AWAKE , , \ C'Ity of 11 o Tbonrvnud inhaUlnulte , total Water Worlcn mid ItrccL Cars , and Su III Crowlog , CxorrcsIa mmonia of TttE 11sC , Bnu OtI , Iowa , December 5-Fnr ta ste iii location , excellency iii conatrua lion , and beauty of surroutldings , lted flak nnay justly claim the title of " ( .em of the 1'rtlla } ' , " Ailuntcd , as it is , a little cast of the conlluouca of A Rtreaun called Rrd oak with the Nishunlwitanu river , fringed nit the cast , south nil west with henutiful w 0odlaud , ] t pt esetltn the np pcarnucu of a beautiful Picture eel iii nn clegent frame. It is built partly in thq valley and parll } ' nu n hill , ilia busiu0ss part of the town being in the valley , tvhilu rho nurro prcl01ltima rosidrncca Occupy the hills. N umbering nearly five iluotsaud inhnbi tau/s / , it is tar ahead e [ ninny towns of 110 (11)10 ( that number in public spirit , ou lcrpriso and everything that goes toinako up n town of unit and "gin tlucto , " 1t has lung Rinco laid Weida ifs village ew'addling cl othes , and 0asumed theca of a niatro pululnn cut , and tvenre theta with enau and grace. IL has a Rplmidid system of water svo'rke , that Rupplios the city with au ab undance of good and guru u'nier , which ha ve Loma in uperntiou ROmotlnug mnro Ihan throe years nod have paid for them. se lves uuuiy times over iii t1lo saving of property from the ravages of tire , 1 t possesses an excellent street car line , with cars running rat regular intervals , of which the town is very proud , being dint Hutch ahead nf all the surrounding towns of its size. Time town is compactly and substml tinily built. The business lots surround. ing the nquara are nearly all occupied by solid built business blocks. Three of th e principal streets lending from thie equate nro also impmvod by brick build , fags. All kinds of business and trade are tool } represented , but nano apparently ovordane , the all seem to be nd enjoying a good businuAe , The people nro kept posted iii the Wawa o [ the day by one daily and three we ekly nuwapnpurs-all presmuiing the oviduncen of strong vitality and umiergetic unmtnbommtt , three of then republican in politics and one anti-monopoly. Thu utonoyal interests of thin town and co yisjLnlroncare of and transacted by three national banks , all doing n gaud business. Eleven churches attest thtu deep and devotedly religious character of the pat , The cityis proud of her splendid schools graded course taught iii the ] nigh school. presided over by Miss Doan , aasietul by Hire 11'hib , mud three ward schools , Prof. Saylor eupuriut3ndin ; { and directing - ing the whole in a skilful and uliciont ( manner. Sixteen teachers nro employed tench the y oung ideas of eight hundred yo ungsters } lees to shoot and rho mn'ia blo reputation of the school shows the o0lcionoy of their labors. AIi of mho secret orders and societies ar e well represented , Odd Fellows , ' . 0.1V. , G. A. it. goat , end the differ- ou t bodice of the Masonic fraternity , who have this cocoon built for themselves very line and tntpo5mg brick tcmde. ( There is a wholesale grocery house doing n business of two : uudrd thou , eatid a year and largely increasing their trade oyory ecnami. Thera is also a holesale whisky house. Thorn are nine loons iii the taws , but the temperance people console thanaah oq somewhat b } ' e ft4t ! : tllnt gnoh uuu lots to 00ntributu night lunndred dollars enuually to the city's ' axohequur for their privileges. ( J , F , Fisher oractcd thin scasmu it very rge raid commodious building with all the modola ( ngihhthen for dressing , cur- trig end packing pork and bin energy and thrift is already largely niw ardod by nu nbundnuco of ducats. Four hotels boil and shelter the ntUugry and w enr } pilgt iuls that lodge within her gains , 'Putt physiuiame attwid to the physical nihneuta of flu pcopl0 rod euvaitcou wyers make it lively and interesting to than in their fugal contustn. Thu iniprmnemonts in the city this year ave out boon so great in nunnborn buf sauuwhnt better old nroru expensive in canstruotion. Thu lied OAk National ) ask Co , have erected alto of rho finest bank buildiuge iu this pert of the state nudindocd it will compare favorably with u0y in the shoo. ' 'bis iustitutron will e tort' strong financially and , under the anagement of the lieu. .Justus Clink its president it can aeurcoly fail b exert conunanding influence over the for. 'lance of rho town. Quito a largo number of tasty and substantial residences hnvo bean erected. Among the hoot are ll , B. Miller's , hr , llattott's , Mel , ltoborta' , and 1'uul Olatke , The town is situated on the main lone of the U. , B , R. Q , railroad which amen sendi a branch to Nebraska city south and to Ainewoth north whore it connects with the Chicago , hock Island & Pacific. There is also a line starting frmn some point on he bfilw0ukooCSt.1'aul to run south that wall pass through the town to tar , enacts at Kansas Ctty. The contractors re now vigorously puahing the aottetruc don of this road , and it will probably b o n operation b ire let of July , 18.1 which will give this seeds : of rho coati ry much bettor facilities for ttarueparts : , Such is a brief and inadequate sketch : u f ltod Oak , 01u of flu busiest and boa t owns ltr IetPA-thopooplo arc goofs ) and accomulodaling-possess an unShAkot ( aith in the plea verity and boom of the ' llace ( , and are willing fa 'o down in ihoi r inekols to makoit boom. Tlu : DAILY BEE has many friends an d patrata in the tasvu , and lw weekly i a doing a Bplotrthid work in the rural ie , triers in educating tlau people us to ihei r rights and how to secure thum. LoAriom , --r. . . _ BOTHERED BY BURGLARS , Another ] treldenco 1'h.lod Bnoooas fully by Thlcves. _ - It was discuvorod yesterday nurnin g that sotaotirmu during the [ rrut loua nigh t burglars had visited the } louse of Thou Starrin tlmo eastern part of time city Thu prowlers had gained an eniranc a through the front door , which , it i 5 thought , was loft unlocked by lhoao h i . * - the house when they retired to bed. The t hieves have secured an overcoat and dia mend pin , n bundle of bill ? , of the Non tinfoil , for which palter Dir. Starr works , and alao n railway pass over the North , w ester. The prmdug bills they left bo hind them , evidently m disgust , as they w ore scattered ntrr rho front porch , It somas surprising that burglars nail creaks will persist iii ) rouging about the city , Nhieui time nmynr huts alrcnuy issncd a proclamation , telling thorn to macro the city within tsveutpdo0r ] antra and it has now bluu Rovrrnltimestwaity , fuurhmurs. I f they do ant look out nunther pnxln ; nlatinn will bu fired at flies. Six tier ant city nod farm loans , S. 'IV I + 'etgutsou d Co , , 3II 1'enll tit , tuwY FOOLISHLY JEALOUS , t iI0n Iarvr'x Itlw Wlli'So SIsm.Iu . That Ito 'I'buuup n llcr , Yesterday afternoon .ittdtto Ayleswortlt suns called upon to ndjnat 1V , J , Mat. tluw a , a man who scums to be golfing a long vary wall in the world , financially and otherwise , except that lie is iulenscly jealous nod of n very uxcftnloho rmturo , so much an that. his acts have about broken up his hones. Iris wife complained of him , because yesterday lie thumped her and u' + mi raised n choir tat brain hcrtvith. She claimed flint ho ] old been very guar , rulnouw for about two weeks , and olio could slnnd it no morn , lie admitted that lie lord struck his wife ou mnro then one occasion of late , 0nd the only excuse hu could give was that ho did it uu th e spur o [ time momma , amid that he was very excitable , Ifutlt agreed in the atntommlt that about two years ago while living on their farm in Sac co unty , n pedlar canto to the luuau while ho wnsawny , and an his return his wife to ld him that the man was n hard ] oolc ing customer , and that oho was afraid ho would come back and d0 llum } } anal , Ifo wnnfed to kuuw of hue wife if 111o man had insulted her , but she calmnod hits down mud told hhe nn. About ton tveeke ago , however , is talking with him she owned rap that the puddler had iuaultul h er , and from that lima sunco the hua band line boon charging her with being u ntrue to him , and at theca became e" enraged by his foolish jealousy as to beat h er and abuse her. The neighbors and friends all give her the credit of being 0s true and loyal n wife as over man had. Ile acknowledged that lie had been wrong , mud oflbred to "forgive her , " and after receiving some grotty sharp advice from the court , mud making promaea to buhatro hiweclf , lie was let oil with a 410 tiny Just hurv lie expected bright uutttcea by brutally nsaaultiug his w ito h e did not fully explain , - - - lleatlty , that transitory hewer , can emily he held by uxiug I'ozzuiwi'x medicntod tvmplex au powder , TIIENEW DYEWORKS , F , it , lIurlburt hna opened , at No. 34 } 'earl street , a stcnul dying mud 1)'reuuh ) d ry cleaning works , flumes and tips , velvets silxe satins , gent's clothiu s , merchant's shelf worn goods , made ns ( s.9 flew. 1'PIRSONAI , . Mixxe. dimy and , Tomilo'l'enny , of ( 'none ! ! BlulEx , Inwu , were exnnplimmnted hatt evening Willi a eureundo , by the Cosby brothers' orchestra , lfot Springs ] ) d1y Nowx , \Irs , ( leorgo Ketline Is improving In health , J , J , Steadman , of The Creston llavotte , wax in time city yonturday , and was greeting mud holov greeted by time newspaper . Henry Douglas , roprusouting iI , Is. see 11 1811 on the rood , is rat humu for the holiday se ason. V. J , lhdlaglmer leaves now for Now York mud other eastern duos , mud dining his ab soncu expects to visit his bndhar ugh who a nadntt at } Vest Point , nnJ make a t'Init to C + tnnda , h O Al. ° nlclt , oinu of Asnc ax , svcll knusvn citlzcus , wax at lleclatolo'x yesterday. Dr. i , , 1Cadninnof Urx.stoluosisatBeclr lama' , . , \Ir. Ilicxe , uuu of Persia's bushuss uton , wns'fn Iho city yostunlay and made hondlputr tors ntlludttelo's. F . Starbuck , of ( ilanwusl , was at the 0g. d tyosturdup. H. L , dtewillinms is in tlru city on legal LuYlnicss , , fohm I' . Organ , rat Noola , was vislhlu at the P acific yesterday Ii.11 , Moorbond , nt \ lissourf'nliey , was hi the city yesterday mud diuod ut the 1'adfiu , , folui Steel , of Omaba , was intho city yes. tardny luukb.g . after the fnterexta of time North , 1 woxtent Llfe Insurance company , of which he h as rho ngeucy for suuthwextcru Iowa , j. I , , Alnrvy , of l'hladolphln { , was an Og den huuso guest yesterday B. A , 7' . Iinhuman , of Crextou , was ht the city yextenluy. B , lroaser ) , "f Stanberryfo , isittI time nlutfx yeetordny. D Shosdy , of Denver , was at the Ogden yosturday. T , L. I'almer , ono of the proprietors of the : tfanuing Netra , was among rho weleorne call. are ietTus ( Bra ollico yesterday , 11ev , j7 , Hwnlin , was in Atluutto Ye4orday and retnrued home last night. Mrs , DI. Carroll , fashuottablu dress. "siting. Cutting and fitting a specialty. No. 820 First avenue. SPECIAL _ NOTICES. No'ICF-8mcial utrertlsementa.rch as . Found , To Loan , For Hale , To itent , Want. , Uoarh erg , etc. , will la Inserted in this aulumu at the lea tate of TEN CENTS l9Jt TJNE for the ant Ineertlon utdYIYECEt41t11'EItLINEfareacheubeuqueuUn eortlon , Lease ulsertleemenla at out oUlce , No. 7 t'uarl Htroet , near Uroadwar WANTS , 1IAh iInenranl . YRL'111a W 1'alll.tla Onnc Illua a sad rxndy , Add iea , 11 , ( 'umI(1x11 , loafs 2 , Ihld F4nlam Ytnu1 , Uoiah4 lised Jr t11/ANTEII-Iser ] suyuiCunocillrluli.to tak ( Y ) T'uauxL Iellrcrrd ) by enrrlcrat only twenty cerit0 a ] reek. I3111ImA1m0AINAuyunuwudblga set of John .oar Enclo soil , , , eight solmue. , cangrta ter gat" b ) ' l'ilinl.t'TIIa llaa ninny , CAUINhrI'IIOTUS-,1.y use dowuatuse excel siorgxllcr ) ' , I + U 11.11. . erect , ( laueil U'4Ua ' limner and dumuiy ( .rc b th wsya to Ornnha cu . tuururs a , oiled of Yle.ud upward { , 11T"N rhlt-Kver ) bndy I , buy a ( 'lrbhu. , . pie . . cut worUs u.urr . tilun dlantnnu.-a p.ellc' 1t ' lhoMuluutijtu'it uranrn ounl-a"y - , 01 New lurk ( rho largwtanupm ) In the wrrld ( rats lower than i .ray other unuglm.v. M. F , IWlurr , ag.ut for went ma luwaCouucfl uhird , FOlt SALE AND RENT , T0 ItRfl'-A grswl room 80 by 16 fn L assn lh p .torso , Ixjng 1'tarl tdtrtL Apply at list a malt. RUERS : I O ur BpLCCh IR short , but to rho penal , ] lest Chicago discouutA every day in the year on RubberN'D N'D ARCTICS. Goods 1VAILItANTE1l as good as ANY in the market. ' } Troy are made by the NEW JERSEY RUBBER SHOE CO. \Vo have n big line of SPECIALS 011(1 an IMMENSE stock of regular and E XTRA WIDE Beats mum tihucs in all sizes , ready to ship Oil receipt of orders , TIIFF GC J , Or second quality Boots wo are introducing arc better than tunny so enlled lira quality , and wo give a large EXTIA discotntt on thorn. Ze T. LINDSEY & CO. , ' 12 Broadway , Counoil Fluffs , Iowa. THE FINEST CHRISTMAS PRESENT of the Season is One of Those Elegant Overcoats Made to Order b y mitt. c 11e r MERCHANT TAILORS. No. 7 and 9 Main Street Council Bluffs Iowa. MAYNE & PALMER f DEALERS IN Hard and Soft Coal , llULKAND BARREL LIME,1AC18YILLC AND I'ORTLANU CEMENT , M1Cm0AN PLASTER , HAIR AND SEWER ctrl : N o , 630 Broadway , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. 1DIR > QcTORyC10VNClYia ] BZ.TJI' , x. JOHN W BAIRD ATTORNEY AT LAW , IIANAOEIt OF 1'OTTAWATTAUIE COUN , , TY COLLECTION AOINCY. : UUlcu Comer Broadxnpnnd5falu street. JOHN BEND & CO GENERAL MERCHANDISE. , , 18 Matra street and 17 Pearl street , CRESTON HOUSE. Mn MOHN , hotel , 217 and 210 MaIn etrcct. DR. J , F , V ffiTE OFFICE , _ , Corner SfatandFifthiip _ etatrs. Residence , 000 Willow avenue. N , SC1URZ p , - omeeoserAmercanExpress. JUSTICE OF _ TILE ) PEACE , S S PQgGNER LIVERY AND FEED , , 1PIII contrpct for /unemla at nasonablo false , 22 Fourth street. J , M , Sr , JOHN & COaYCASH BUYERS , Wholesale try andimSt butter , 8hlptoue. eggs , pout. Um/t by return mcSl. 1491iropdwaf' . J gCOB g0 CH MERCHANT TAILOR , , Stack Complete. Suite mrule at rcasonablo _ prlcoa. No. S06 Main SLI S M ITH CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , , Corner 7th and Droalway _ _ , Plans and specifications furnished. , . SHERM N DEALER IN FINE HAitNESS. i have the variety that brlnkre puttronago. 124 Main order. JAMES FRANEY MERCHANT TAILOR. , Adlstlo Wurk and rcasnnablo charges. 872 Broadway. u : OWE & SONand FURNITURE STOVES , . / and Household $ uppnes. _ 1103 Broadway , LINDT & HART ATTORNEYS AT LAW , , James Bloak. I'ractlco In state and federal courts . SANIT Ri + UM And gonsorySt. bolo house , 421 1'igslcian. and 4 ° .7 Broadway. L Sovereign , T' . J. Mont , E DWIN J ABBOTT JUSTICE OP TBEPEACE , , _ , _ HotarvPublloaud0cncral Conrsyarar. 4Th Broadway. REVERE HOUSE SMITH & NORTON , , Broadway opposite Now Opera Hausa. Refitted aI. S1.t0 per day HAIR GOODS OF ALL hINDS. Sold a e ores rites IN TILE WEST , QUALITY CONSHEI1ED. At MRS. D. A. BINEDICT , 3371V. Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Il .im b ,1l ( OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. ) MONEY TO LOAN O REAL ESTATE ! Complete Abstracts of Title to all Lots anti Lands in the County , -IN- t ' Tnia Solar Camera Elllnr enlent for the trade at relisonablo rate. Orders ray luail promptly fillet l. C. D LUCCOCIi , 1dJ Broadway. Council Bluffs , GROS VEN4 R & GUNNit MANUFACTURERS OF cnvrs , 311 Upper Broadway , Council Bluffs ; Iowa , IF YOU WANT BOOTS , SHOES OR RUBBERS CALL ON , Corner Main and First Avenue , Council 13klfl , lie has r Them , PETER C. MILLER WIIOLESALE ANB ItTAH. WaII-Paer P and Winflow S hacks and PalnUn in all Its Branches ) FRESCOING IN MODERN STYLE , No.lhzt f9outla. Porirl I9t. tCouuoil $ luflw' r : t Our line of Stoves is the complete in ale cly and includes all time most Desirable Patterns and Latest Improvements ! IVo have laaunmorcr. the prices doss u as than m thV'will stand without breaking , Atld you are 111t'Ited l0 call still 50e IIUSY thick 1110 stoves i1C0111 COIIIpACla0I1 , PECML DRIVE ON A LOT OF HARD COAL STOVES , Nickel , aligntl } tarnished , at 0 reduction of $5,00 each , : rc7 I , wxtxc - 'xI 504 Broaawaand 10 and 12 hlnfn St „ Council Bluffs. Empkie Hardware ' t rr a aI I nwr ! i , ; .tI { ut" 9 and 111 S. Diniu Street , COl MOIL BLUFFS , . . I ) w-rl , T Etc blf r'c 1VIIOLISALE DEAi.E11S IN HATS , CAPE BUCK GLOVES , 3 f2 and 311 Broadway , COUNOTL BiUFFS , iO1V : , , HOUSES , LOTS AND LATD 17E3ou3at crud fgolcL Money Loaned , Abstracts F urn itcd - . y. 1VtolV1.Q PION No , 4 Pearl Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. MRS. D. A. BENEDILT f DEALEII IN Lathes' ' Furiii1llg ! Goo 1 NOTIONS , JE\VELItV , &C. 337 1V , tlrondwny , - - COUNCII , I3LUFl + S , IOWA Ms CALLACHER. .E I . . 6 b l .It/q New Store , Fresh Corals , Low Prices and Polite Attendants. . J ; ; - rFirst { Door east of Metropolitan Hotel , } L0 cE lii ui "Y' V Tr a . . T V I .B rani Vt . . .L D b BEUIITELE'S European HoteL The only only hotel rum on the European plot yin this city. New building , newly furnished amid all modern improvements , and is centrally located , PETER BECi TELEf PROPRIETOR , Nos , 336 and 338 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa , PAWNBROKERS SALE ® F Unredeemed Goods. GREAT EARCAUIS In diamonds suitable for ladies and gents , also in ladies' and gents' solid gold mud and shiver watches and chains , and a full line of sot and plait ] gold rings , 250 mat's and ! 10 boy's overcoats. All these articles moat ho sold. Dlaley leaf on ALL K INDS of personal property , D. GULDSTEI ' , 228 Middle Broadway , opposite ' city building , Council Blufla. I ! E . . 3 -IN- CHINA I , 1 t Table Cutlery , Flower Pots , Etc. , call on w. S. HOMER & Co. , - 23 Main St , , Council Bluffs , wily DON'I' YOU rlr s ) SIB of FITCH BROTHER'S ' CUSTOM SHIRTS ? Perfect Fitting , Uest and Cheapest. i'inn Limit ( 'olmars and Cuff-i. No. 715 Fourth Street , Counoil Bluff's , Iowa. LJAf 8 On City and Farm Property. . , .2 i & CO , , 39 Pearl Street , Council Iilull's Iowa. STEINHARDT & FREYHAN , Wholesale Liquor Dealers ! c 1117 Broadway , . - - COUNCITr ili.tThhS ; ifltt. R. VAUCHAFL Justice of the Peace. Omaha and Council Bluffs. ' Roam estate and collection agency , a Odd Fellow's luck , over 8asingaflank. faneY JACOB 6159. ! ) ; , f'.OADWELL , SIMS .t CAD WELL , Attorneys -at-Law , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA OAlce , Main Street Rooms 1 and Shugart A Me. Mahop'e Block , WUl practice la tltat. and alrnl court. - raos.Orrtcu , a. 1 ( . rtwar. OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS. Council BleSs IL Estallishea - - 1856 Beaters et Foreign suit Domestic Exchange and liomo t eeunce Make Your Contracts Now for Your Winter Supply of Missouri Hard Wood ! AND HAIR ) AND aOhT ccal -WIT"- P. OVERTON , 605 First Avenue , Council Bluffs , Iowa And secure the twat article and full measure atth , very lo. e.t puce , $ toso wood ddhred to any pat ? ! LLi- _ JOSEPH GAC HEO'AN a HARD WOOD AND --COAL- - - - Corner'Main stmt and Ef htb avenue , Coun BleS. . t rLoweet rates and preempt drUscry . WINTER RESORT. SILOAM MINERAL SPRINGS. Cure or l' Pay. We gttavantee the comet time following n.tned dia senses , or no pay : liheumati.m , $ cr iota , Ulcers , ( 'aanh ! , a I Itlood and .klndiseues , Dr pepwla , Lirer Ocmplalnt , Kidney and Iiladder Diseases , 000t , Ncn talgla and Asthma , Tbesa 8prhqu are the fasorito resort of the tired and debllintad , and are the vnsmmrELADIi8 UEATPIIIEND , Or141 hotel , livery and balbblg arcnmolatlon both winter and summer. loeatity hls , hly picturesque and healthy. Accessible by Watt sh rullaay , u Evona , er t' . , B. L Q . , at Albany. Correa drde"cw eolietted , ItEY. M. 51.'Illohim'BoN. Manager. Slloam Apringe , ( Iota , 1' , oUentry Co. , Ma R. Rice M. De or otltertumorsremovedwithout15 * C ANCERS 1 knit. or draw-leg of blood CBRONIC DISEASES of kind , a.p.clalty , Omer thlrtyyears practical erperienca OfpcoNo. 61'earl street , Council ! ilea. , tdrCone"Itatlon free.- COMMERCIAL , COUNCIL ULUyra MAIKIY : , Wheat-No. 2 spring , 70c ; No , 3 , GOc ; rejected jectod , 60c ; good demand , Corn-Dealers are paying 32c for old Goa and 25e for new. Oats-Ill good demand at 20e' I lay-i UUR It W her ton ; 5Uc per bale , ltya-40c ; light supply , Cain Meal-125 per 1Ot ) pounds , 1Vooci-Cuud supply ; prices at ytu dx , 3 OOt4 Coal-Delivered , hard , 11 fA per ton ; soft , 0 Oo ter Gm Ihitter 'Plenty an ! In fair demand at 23c : , creamery : i5 { , ltgga-jtaadyalo at 20a per dozen , Lard-Futrbatk u , wlwlesallpg at lie. I'oultry--Whin ; dealer. me paying Pot cldckoua 1I'c ; live , 2 50ser ; dozen , Vegetabloa-Potatoes , 50c ; onions , 40e nab Lagoa , 3f1 ( 40c per dozen ; applies , : i U0td3 51 ; pox. barrel ) hour-bity flour , l roj ao , Brooms-2 OOQ3 W liar doz. LIPS STOCK , Cattle-S O0 ( j3 [ A ; calves , 5 riod,7 .0. llog4-Local packorn have oomwencod buying ing now and there b u good demand for all gradej at 1 0004 25.