Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 07, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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    2 TI3L DAILY [ 3LGU it1111111ritIUAY , DL/Li1fI3RR. / i7 lAR3.
4 xRr n.nIY BEE. .G1AIIA , FItIUAY , DEC1:1 + R1,1 7183.
tlntnha Omcc , No. 9(0 Farnant St.
Connell tOlllee , Nu. 'r roar !
Street , Near llnnilw ay.
New York Office , ltootn Ou Tribune
13ulhllor. ;
: ubn + hnl errry nrrnlnr , exoopt dunday. The
lot ) *
ease viv RAIL
ne Tear . . , . . . , $1000t'IhreoMonlhe ,
lii tona. . , . . . . . 6.O ) One Mouth1,00
sae weextT ea , rreLnffD erZT WIDNWDAT.
One Tear..P2,0o Thrca Itonthe.I 60
Ili llonlhe . . . , . . , , 1,00 I One Month . . . . . , . . 20
American Now Company , Sole , Agcntr Hewwloal
IF' to trio Uultel Statee.
tenRaroxoxeta :
A Oommunlatlnne reLnting to Howe and FAltortal
5uttele should bo addressed to the Eoioh or Tne
U , ' .
ecetNRM Lanese.
Ml Uutnoa + t tteri and Ilelnntanace should Le
addre + 9ed to Tria nee Puet euin o Coxreay , DYAhIA.
Dratt + , Check + and I' to fco ordore to be medo pey
able to the order of the coiiIp nyt
B , ROSBWATBR , Bdttr.
'Coe thermometer still rofuaes to regu
late itself according to the aa'eOhl.
. TllElr8I thing we knowMr , lloldredgo
will have a knockdown argument with
Iris fathorantlnw , if lho railroad war bo
tweetn the Union Pacilo and the h , tC
M , opens up in dead earno5t.
Turiu was alt earthquake in Arkansas
on Wednosday. Ita olrect vat visible
among the decanters and glaesot iii tlla
corner groceries , Some of the old topore
wore coneidorably shocked , and thought
that the day of "Jubilo" had cone.
Hilt. NASIIY'a bad epolling hoe at last
brought its reward. Ilii non has been
appointed to a coneiuleluiji in England.
There is much rejoicing at tlxo Coufedrit
x Roads , and 100011 cornjuico is being
absorbed ! hero into the political ayatont.
Wllt N Jay Could got possession of thu
St Louie Go00,000 bridge the bueimiess
111011 of that city concluded that they
needed another bridge , which would not
be under the control of any Ohio nat.
The project lore uoty tnkeii definite ehnpo.
Senator Voat , of Missouri , has futroduced
into the senate a bill authorizing the
atruetion of a second railroad bridge over .
the AliaaiSSi11pi.
Tee St. I'Aul Pioneer 1'ress aaya that
thu work of the surveyor general of Miii
" ti is not appreciated by the peoplu ,
1'11 ' , , , . . . .t Jt eurprieed at tlus if the work
ill Mlnnoeota lwae done like tlge aurveya
Coder Buss Cumginghain in Nebraska
when the survoyora , who are sworn to
place a charred stake at every quarto'
aection , used to plant charred matches
instead of the regulation oak stakes.
Tire gl"witlg euneots of the past week
or two , rvliieh have attracted so much at
tentiel , have not boon coufidod to any
partieular section of the United States.
An caeturn pspor says that it is eua
prctod that the rod light was caused by
k51' immcnao open nir cetvonliuu of reformed
: formed inobriatuli in the west-their
'noses having glowed with an intensity
wt. ' which proved the deep 6incority oftheir ,
' , ' conversion. Omaha was ropreeontol in
1 the convention by a largo delegation ,
Mit. LAtRD'shonlo organ has discovered
clearly in the views expressed in Tun
Ban et the oloetion of Carltalo as speaker
the first stop towards its going over body
l and breocltcs into the democratic camp.
Timr. BEE is not alone among papers that
+ 3mro republican on national ieauue , that
rseo Iii Carlisle's election , a ton luary to.
s wards rOrOiuo reform and the defeat of
jobbery and monopoly. We would coin
mend bur. Laird'i organ , the Uatingx
Ga2ctfc , to its namesake nit Davenport ,
Iowa , edited an l owned by Edward Itte
sell , a lifo long republican , and thu pres.
ern poahnnster. Ilea paper comments on
{ Jarlislo'e elect ! on as follows ;
A' 'hero was a great deal more In the
long and b.ttor cotto3t winch hate just.
o'usud than a inure scraniblo for oflice.
There was something like a national issue
fu it , and certainly a nattniuil interest
la' < been taheu in it. The princithal eui- :
Ididatoa renree0uted two forges in the
country. Mr. Itaidall wan supported by
the ulnnopultats ASV. C.Irlislu , bsiug
without assistance free such iothtuncos
.and having a record of opposition to
thoin , was considered the representative
in this campaign , at least , of the people
whom the monopolies rob. There , to
great reason for satisfaction in hue oleo-
tfon. "
If Junt Laird'a organ voices the upitl
In of the congroeiman front the Second
Nebraska district , Mr. Russell has gone
over to the enemy , and his head will ho
struck o'f just soon as Frank Ilatton can
roao'l for it.
RAILtc0ADdiscriminationsoontitluo wills
unabated vigor , and while rho people
complain the railroad nmgnatOA keep up
-choir old whine about being let nlopo.
The latest complaint canes froi the
smelters of Colorado ooncorning uujuet
discrimination inn the matter of freight
rates to the Missouri river. They are
compelled to pay $10 front Denver , and
$22 free Leadvillo to Omaha , while the
charge from Salt Lake to Omaha ,
a haul of 800 miles longer , it only $ L
Thu same discringbtation operates against
litho Denver merchants , owing to the cut
m rates from $3 per hondrod to 60 cents
madoby t e railroads in favor of Salt
Lake. This is all paused by the fight be.
, , twoen the Union pacific and Denver a
Ito Grande roads , What they lose on
the cut to Salt Lake they are trying t o
make up en freights froths intormoduut e
paints , 1)OLWCOll which and the Mls
souri river , rates are maintained
Notwithstanding such arbitrary moth
odet the railroad companies want to b
lot alone. They have shown in thin i n
stance , as they have tints and again , lh
they always stand redly to indulgoincu t
throat competition at the ezpone
of the public , rime railrOa
need reelricth'o legislation t
prevent thorn from 'rubbing eaelt oUt
r5 much U the public Hoods it to pr
r0 . itself from being plundered ,
An analysis of the o0icial returns of
the election show that the nnti rnnnopi
have abandoned their organizstion in cov
oral cooties , Ex Guvernr ltutlor , 0111
of limo candidates on the amiti i ono !
ticket for regent , had no votes in hurt ,
Case , Cedar , Ctteymmo , Cherry , Dakota ,
DIXU11 , Dodge , ILuntlton , Keith , Afadi
stn , Pierce , lied Willow , Sarpy , Stanton ,
% Vnhiugtol and Wayne counties , and
ally n few scattering votes in Cutnhw ,
Greoloy , Itolt , Nuckolls , I'latlo , ] tick
Irisnn 1111(1 Seward counties ,
J. F. Merritt. the other camididnto of
the anti muuops not ondoracd by the
democrats , had no votes iii the cuunttes
in which flutter received none , except
Keith , in which he had seven , and had
11(1110 fu the counties 0f Brown , ( Iroeley ,
Iitchcock , L' + up , Phelps , Itichurdsou
and York. This of cause in the resuh
of there being no antl monop ticket
printed for tltesu cntlntiea , or it was bn
cause there were no agti monop votes
there ,
'through carelessness or by inattention
the name of Amos Dean , the anti monh'p
who was em breed by tire ( lenoernul , wus
left off in nano couuttes and Afurritt sub.
etituted , and lie Intl several thousand be'
hind D. It , Daniels , who tvas the dome
orat endorsed by the auti ageiops and
who received the full coalition vote
ovorywbero. The result then , taking
the highest vole cast for a straight ru
publican regent , that for .1 , T Mlallalivu ,
anti the highest cast for a coalition can.
dumb , that for Daniels , is total rcpub
licvx vote fi6,9G1 , coalition 11,1)98. Ite
pubitcan majority over all , 1'1,003. 11e
publialu gaftl over majority of ' 82 , abuJt
Neither the vote for judge of the au
promo court tide year or that for treasu
rer last year is a test of party strength ,
as personal comisideraf 1)1114 entered largul )
in those cotteatn But comparing these
votes , the republican gauit is about 0,000.
Thu mixture of the tickets , no two hay.
fug been printed alike in the several
countiuc , ntitkes it very difficult to say
just how the votes for time cualiliou can.
dilates should h0 divided. Tim veto fat
Woolworth , perhaps , comes the nearest
being a straight , arty yutu cast by the
democrats , and boat was 81,007. 't'his
would leave the mmti monopoly strength u
little under 11,000. Compared with the
veto for governor last ynnr , then , the
do"nocrata " have gained 2,500 , the rcpub
bane have gained 13,5011 , and time mlti
tnonope have lust 0,000 , the vote for
Dawns , republican , having bren 43't05 ,
for Morton , democrat , 28,61i2. alts fat
lugersill , anti monop , 10,091.-clalc
iOnl'11a1 ,
With all ; duo deference to thu gmmiu ( .
which our omiablo contemporary at the
state capital displays in handling ofiiebtl
returns , wo bog leave to dilfur with its
COiiclusione. Figures do not often lie ,
hutthoy are liable to be very deeaptivr
when they are ingeuously misapplied.
It is true as Limo Journal states that no
votes wore given to mmti monopoly can
dilates for regent in nineteen counties ,
but that does nut prove that the anti
monopolists have abandoned their organ
ization iii Ohle third of time state. Aninl ;
the counties quoted , several have beet.
recently urganizod , others , like Dakota
Sarpy , Durl , 1Vushinglou , Pierce
aid Cliej'enno hnvo never had at
ntmti uioropoly organization. Theru w'as
u scattering vote given lust year in tlmosl
uountles to Ingersoll , Sturdevant .ndd
Tumor on scratched republican tickets
This year the only contest was over en
promo judge , hence time republican candidates
didatos for resents ware not scratched
In several counties that lied'anti. ' .
monopoly liokots in the field this year
the regents , for some reason , wore omit.
tod. This is notable true of Ifantiltol
county , whore the anti monopolista have
elected their county ticket this year' , but
gave no votes for Butlcv or Merritt.
These unmissinne , and the fact that no
anti-monopoly tickets were to be had ii ,
many counties where thorn are hunIrods
of mttt motopoliets , make any caloulatiul
based strictly on the vote pulled for ru
gents doeoptivo amid unreliable. .
But even if the veto inputi for regtnttr
was accoptabin as a fair basis , the so
called analysis mndu by the .Iournai is a
dollleioil amid a snare. Let us collc0lla
that 1Voolwortit palled the full denim
eratie etreimgth , 31,097 , mud the vote of
blerritt the full adi utrnopoly strmigtk
10,511 , , mil we have alt ageregmtaof ; 17 ,
038 votes against Mallalieu , higlmost re
pnblicmhi , 50,061 , whiieh heaves a denim r0
publican uiljurity of 9 , 123 , 1115105(1 of
14,003 Its Uro JOUrnal trios to figure. TI
lake Dmiul's vote of 11,009 115 time cons
binod dauocratio and auti nmoaopol )
etrongtli is a preposterous decop
tion. Even the vote of Butter
tor , who ' ran over 3,00 (
behind Merritt whet added to that of
1Vuolwortlm , who roeoived oily time , mienoui
pure democratic support , ngregttur
4t,20P , or an excess of 2,971 votes ovut
It Is a notorJ'us : fact , which tie Jour.
tint deliberately eoneualt , that nearly
0,000 votes were cast for Amiws on multi
ntauupoly 4iokets which would havu 1'1011
given to D.umiula mud bferriit , ' 1'hesu
vutos have been raeuedud by the return
ing jtoarJ as "scatterhig " Why title
was do11e we oannot coupruimohd. Thu
puhllaliod u0icia ( returns show that'wliile
only 95 votes were "eeatterimig" 'ou supreme
promo judge , tltero were 4282 ! scatter
fag of regents for 1oitg term and
2,51)3 on ( regent for short tornt
Time republicans and democrats hind
tickets in every county and Imo candid
Roder ! will claim that time republicans
scattered more lhsa from 50 to 100 voles.
It must therefore be conceded that fully
0,000 of the scattering votes belong
rightfully to the oppositlolm , Inas
much as Merritt was only voted for by
time attl monopolifte ito should by rights
have received the 2302 scattering vote 5
, on short term regents , That would have
. made Ills totalvoto100Vl ( , Add this to tl m 0
a vole of 1Vuolwurth 31,097 and we have
. aim aggregate antt tnonop and dons 1
niI cratlo vole tmt60,1GO. Allowing Mallaliu
vote of b0,0U1 as time slrai ht ropublium
q strunglh and the ropubltcatt ntsjority , u s
de estimated by time late eloethom , is 0,801 ,
o This is u fait nnalyeis of time official to
or turns 011 regente and it varies but a trill
0 from the conclusions reached in nu
analysis of the roturtls for supreme judht I
Those rotnrae gave Savage 47,703 , whir 0
Woolworth amid Merritt together are
raditcd with 47,538. Savage rn
: eived about 2,000 straight republican
votes , but ho lust fully that many douw
aratio votes throughh personal enoulim
amid railroad influence. Reece ran be.
hind nfallnlieu 4tir6 voles , rvimich indi
cafes a republican majority of between
7,000 and 8,000 agaiuet (11,000 ( him tin
'set ' judicial election , hut why did the
Jotrrua ( make no alluslun in its analysis
O thu iucreaeo in this year's vote ovi m
5st ycam 1 That increase of over 11,001
awed Itecso from defeat and accdoxts
argely for time republican gains of tht
late election ,
Time now conmors , who cast their first
rate , wore mostly located in the frontiom
counties , where no anti muunpoly ticke' ,
were to be hsd , and they voted straigh
republican tickets. had there been or
tiizcd ngitntion , and n campaign in
volving the auti ntomopoly iasuee , di'ter '
cut returns would have cone in , IL Ina
he policy for monopoly organic with a rc
publicaml tetdemy to dupe Limo party h }
decuptivo figures , but shrewd poliltcIartr
will not b0 mislead into counting thoun
chickens before they are hatched by relying
lying on a sure ropublicot majority on
Iscal issues in Nebraska.
SnNAron VAN % VvcK has at last intro.
duccd a bill to make railroads take out
{ Patents and pay hues on their lands ,
1Vhv did not Senator Van 1V ck work
ror Valentine's bill on the eamu auh'eet
introduced 1d the house a year a6o-
[ IICIUGlican , „
Thorn nro none su blind as those win
will not coo , Senator Van Wyck intro.
duccd a bill to place Pacilic railroad
lands upon the tax list a few weeks aft.
ho first entered the sonata , 'I hu rail
roads were exempted from taxation be-
calico their lauda were not patontablr
until certain survey fees were 1110(1 , and
by refusing to pay these fees except on
lands they had actually sold the }
escaped taxation. The senator proposed
nit life ball to waive the right of the gov
orumont to exact the survey fees arid require
quire time land department to iseut
patents for the lands that had been
tctunlly enrned. Valentino throw a sop
t0 his constituents just before time last
congress adjourned , whet ho know that
the bill which ho introduced would ; b.
pigcon holed in time congmilteo tvith hun
dreda of other bills which could not hl
renotled ,
It ; is a piece of ilnpudunon t"
lek Senator Van 1Vek why he
lid not take up Vnlontumio bill , I" "
would be a grant deal more portidunt i.
, ak why dtdli t Vulcntimie put through
x111 Wyck's bill fur the relief of the set
tiers on time St , Joe ( C Ienvr lands ,
[ 'hut 6111 hnd passed the sounto amid gel
into the hruso in anmplo tinge to bosom
t law , had it I'een called up by Yale ,
Iii. 1Vhy can't Valentine's eix dullnt
clerk explain why his patron saint fhtlco (
to do his duty towards the settlers wh ,
have einco beeli compromised by Jiu
Laird into paying ICnevalA , , the laud
slark , three dollars amid n half an acre '
Tns governor has appointed lion. N. G ,
Flamer , or Keardey , Co time vxciulcy 01
Che henclm of the Tenth district , made byw
'he death ( A Judge Savage. Time ms w
judge is nn able lawyer , and a str(1ns' '
naa It is onouf time best. nppointuteute
'lie governor has made. Evuu 'Imo : Ba
calm yardly olmaiut tluut title nppohunuer )
was ttladu at the diebttnon of the roil
node , as Judge Ilaumer was one of th ,
enders of the nit i uulnnpddiet mevumenr
(1util it dorceimdud to its irrusent pimmu-
Crc1c Thtion.
Thu auli utomiopoly nioremoit is nm
Ilie saute place ts.dny upon which llir
( Unger found it wlwn ho stunepod thu
third dhtrict last year. There bus boc
nn lnworimig of time flag among sincere
ituti-nonepoliatc Ehncu that nmeanrablt
campaign and tltero cats be no honorabh
sbandotlnwut of tire contest until tht
axtrageous uxacliuime to which the 1)00111.
If this sbdu are uubjuetud by railroad ,
nro prohibited by law ; untl railroad
aropurty is nuitlu to bens. its juet proper
suu of the burden. of taxation , 1111(1
wholesale bribery off publio oflieialr
vtth 11115505 is ngado' a 1)01151 til'mne
tlr. Ilumer , turned ltis.baek mot the miti
ngOhlopoly movonunt as soon as it failed
I(1 furnish the motive pewor ho needed
u his scratlblu for otlfuc , Thu deeceit
fnnu time hight plane was made by hiuu
lull , and cult by former assn.
elates , with whoa ho hnd fought agninet
Iegaljxud highway robbery amid political
pirucy ,
1'nm tnere.i u Ir vial n e and hi cmnomespocte
. , ' ' .
.tlumnt - Ny'u.
The ulesiagu is an ueptetendhg , , bud diguf
4nll 51111 aile btattl papeq which cuutafuc s. .
nmu'h tkit , utter reading , odu b surprieu4 t +
cee that It l so slmr-Murmrt IIulstuadl
'riuu docuutunt to' ' cougrese contains
anmh uviduncu thumb tlut precidvmit thinks
( nr hhnueelf. Ilxs opiuiuus and rrcuul
mrndatiu us nn idgnurtant qucietiuus ut
policy are eften wholly dltlereut fruu 1
tllnsu winch Imo trauel0lti ht time meI urt b
If Imis enbiuet u0lcursCharles A. Daum
I'resulvnt Arthur's nun nut luesengu 1mm
that chnrsclOr of plain old good
senpo witch all h ( . state paporo liar e
lxurmme , nod , while we do not nppruvo 0 f
all ills roeonumiendatioLS , and , tmlead '
diesutlt strongly from seno of the mod
important of then , we cannot too high ! y
pral5o the spirit of the ducmnenL-Nn w
York llurald ,
Tnsitu is now a vac utoy on the low
district bench , caused by time resignatio
of Judge ltoed , will nit the last olueii(1
was prtinotud to the supreme court. IL
eldwra upon time dlsehargu of Ills dutlu
in his now position III January ieLt , I
I is curruutly reported that OuveruorShu
Luau prulmmes to appoiut time low lprrtIl
, of the guvernnr of .Iay lhnuld'a provilm
of 1Vyauliug. 't'his is said to be in confu
u mhty with a bnrgnin mndu luting t
I' cantpaigu lIetwuun time atlornuy of L )
, Chicngc , Burlington to Quincy railru
11x(1 limo political managers that placed
ledge Iteed on the track. Such .
merits often miscarry , htmL it looks vor3
much 5s if time railroad interest over iii
Iowa was supreme oven ill matters of time
supreme court ,
The tesolutiutl of Senator Morgan , of
Uabamna , instructing the committee ou Iii.
disn af5airsto inquire into the expediency
of creating a military academy for time odu.
cation. and training of Indian youtitx
Ind matt ns soldiers , is an important atep
'nwarls the solution of the Indian
probleam. The idea is to make Ills ludians
to a great oxtontauxiliaries of the regular
army , Time Indian is naturally ambitious ,
m mmiiu3natyinstanccshohasproved himself
.1 splendid soldier. He is bravo , fear.
loss , quick to learn and proud of his uiti
form. Wherever coufidenco has been
reposed in hint , as n scout or guudo , le
hoe proved trustworthy. With military
training ho would become a good officer ,
mild prove himself invaluable as an organizer
ganizor and commander of Indian troops ,
rime latural hnbits of tlmo Indian have
always led hunt to time chase and 011 the
war path. Now that to a white aottkr
hag driven away time game , the young
Indian will take to time utmifond and mili
tary Pursuits , Upon the Sioux reservation ,
mt Pnmo Ridge agency , timere is a large
and cottpleto organization of Indian po
lice , who perform their duties as faitldul
ly and rfiieieutly as any white amt could
d , . Saiator Morgad'a ' rosolutiet suggests
that the Induct military academy be in.
cated somewhere west of time Mississippi
river. No better location for such mm in
stitutiet could bo found thmt Omaha , It
is centrally situated , and is the militnr }
headquarters of the Platte , thus offering
superior advantages for such n achool.
TIIR next issue of "Time Popular Sciemice
biontlly" will contain an elaborate at-
dube Iii " 'rite Ciassie3 in Goritany , "
givinw a crueling anewer to President
Porter and uthors who lave appealed to
.110 celebrated "Burlin Report" against
Charios Francis Adams on time Greek
Iuestion , The article is by Prof. E J.
[ mimes , of time Udiversily of Penmisyl
vania , who has recently returned from
rormmxy , where hie , carefully investi
; clod the whole subject. Ile shows that
! t has been greatly misunderstood bore ,
mud that time idfcreices drawn from Ger-
ntau experience of classical and scientiiir
Itudies are of mint the slightest value fol
the dead langsulgu party in this country.
STATF6 JOr'lNai.
But Clued In anxious to be graded a city of
the secehd class.
Time resale of rho Otoe reservation bogies un
IOth of this nuuth.
An ofinrt is brtrg made to secure the octal-
lisliuoht in I''reuwut ' of a uornlul college mad
ulallllee e'.hioo ! .
Thu saloon keepers of Llncobm have begun a
urosaedo ug deist t ml o dtuit stores. 'rlmu cudu ( It
vhekc must go.
The wolf Imitators of Plattemouth ware su
molly seored that they abnnloucd the cliii , ,
utee it couuuouc + d.
Llan + inRe couttruti , , . a. , . mnaalf that nut of a
pupulatinn of'5OIS ; ) oily ummu family requires
.ei istsnc ) fre11u time cotmty.
hits Sprinwc his Jrrt di covered that the
Ii , iig fru11u which the town takes its came.
, uswss mdiclual prulwrtiec.
'Pilo equattera on rho nt.eto lands at Lincolu
hnvo hoes untitled to wove , Of 300 lots ,
early two tldidc are rooupied.
A marl was found Bond in Molt county lied
meek witirl + is toad ! drowned In Dry Creek.
.1.11 OagIt ) lug was ills ) fbulid host by.
Two I.dy ovmngelicts , Miss Tamimslsy and
I11c llull. + way are denting out hft , handed
hlnwe to nib and sstanielu at Feir ieht.
lime reform achnul at Kearney Is ov'erflow-
ingwith blcnrrigibles , and no more will be
eeoived uutl : the now aiklitiou ii completed.
'rime hotel project fu North Baud hlul heed
tbendoned , mud in pluco of it a largo publlu
tie11 will be ore' trd , for t'iieh time fuundatimu
are now being l.ld.
'rime Nnrfollr st.huol board will pay $50 fer
lofuuutinu Da t ) w ho In wDc that bnke into
0h lsched , building the "timer eight and lot nil
the vector out o6 time bulbar.
I'etiti"uc are circnlutfng for aignaturee $ ti
Elutt'11uiuilm unit s iciliity , caking the govs ta.r
u , cI1,11Iltltu tllu boiitl'llce "f put n , it II ) ) is LYiL.
tauetd : to die an tlto 3latof tilt. ! 1100th.
1)r. llluck of i'lattsmnuth fs
) Coorge , , nur-
lug ii uunster o.bunc'a ' which givrs ovuly
nruwi.u of btryiug with him till wiuter , It
rxtnuds clear uruund hiu leek and hue nhdetud
lime beaiu.
' ( Uhlmro hmthwrsindictud for thoamlr
ter of Arustrcugat Yurk , it few wreks ego ,
hsvu iswu runmbel bld1 , tJnugh frluuda utturwi
nbold , of $100/Joe , 'Thu tile ! eoleul.olf hl
Ortuinl nntlcoha.been glvon by the B. S
} l , uothoritioc , Of' ' the opuuing ta day of u
mew atathnl Brae ! ! w31w north of } , Ineuln , on
ills , \ do N „ ) kariug the churacteriatlc namu
"f 1 nturald.
I'lsttsmiumtltda on the eve of a battle to r.-
ndnthecuunt. seetutCa's. Apetittnuhba
(5110 ( plobu11Gt1 to the WIIIl11XIUJaIC with .400
) uhec , utuchsd , usklug fur a slpcisl etecttuu
fur ro lucatiuu.
On Sunday Detlnf Stegolmrn , lvcg ( ( near
Cibnrr , while out hnuthg with , a party ( f
hmundc , atttnupted to psi ( n 5hnt gca nut of
the hludou'I ( f the wagon , lhid lust bls inn
iii the uxpvtiinent
'rho Nebrsiku City vorlc Iflcking establltlu
mulmt new ( lkpl sec of 1,010 bead ldrbugs , or
day taut a prowlueut citlx'sm of tlmid tuwu hire
11,5,18 , , u pr"iticIti"n ! ) , kiugto. tha.bldldlug of
tuuthvr clutllur rstibihuout ) limas
Tbn B iltidn CnnSty J ( arms ! , a Lrr duo d (
' . ' 11 n 11ot I1 Oetler1 euhult
I , r , e 11ipsrrd with slth r "IJIto 'rout'
Cnbini' or ButTul ( lull's."IVlltt'A'eeL"
'rice daati + Warrant 01,001) , 3i { , hurt be nn Al
In the humuh of rihui1llluutasu wbo is thus " "
b ) din ctod to a xrcil'.e Ilaittisutjaa court Itu A >
y.ird at ( braid I.IurtlbotwlrW thu hours ut Ili
"cluck h"unl 111)113 y. mu. ( s , lfmkl y , time : A 9
' duy of Docentber tav11.
'Thin popular thl ag lit Tlaeuln eocboty 11011015
thu 1mathtoo ball or bail nnitineu. 1 hut c m
titu.ar0 pnllotl down s:2 p. III. , tlxi , lo w
liuhitud a11d th duurry nxakers wldrl sad , tlr
ebu In time unary and time glwo ul gas , tetl ,
80115 suit n wieru 2 u. ul.
Thu IdncI,1 $ mulry t ) Aic rhea to rom uk
Iiruathetbsdy : "NuLforuuoluut.eatwo , ) ! h t
we say. Hutt nil traruhug Inca Ira.pumlau tw
gentlxutnm.w 'l'hle is rather haul u1ouinaer
cliff miett isg euts , hum.lhen ttub"yrnltver ) X110 w
'II , ' , . iii ur truth to lderfeie. wtthia a
order ,
Thn atimr hrlr + at the late Mlr , FIelshms n
tm who erax kUkd came time rile. at 1,041 MVIII
n by f a'llug ( rote. his wagon whU + it i. . mdluu , l 1
he eats hatxicited , ; , huv.i turd Lllo t shiabmur ,
o pAlrnmin n MW1,5qulust.1uhl > ( ) YSeokopt , 1' . Ii
us nit + c u eti wit at that t lsro , tIand ! teary Lvht
t'.41 0011 hrrdu , to itahlnusv , mils hnndbulun ,
t m'w er IAwage ( lu the bl'1) f $ ett , 0.
r Mr. Thma ( lIIun Ise wluu lot the past tl
yeats ltw I ueu arctimuM at Wleurr , a
er w itlt awlttitta nerhh'vt la. t Wruk , lle a
W tnmt tcd W crnc time em.u I hair the d.'talt
truly III an euglns , whs. , the pilot xtrauk hit '
r' knnckhmg hhu 1btN5 , lie loft urum la lug arro
hu the pull. Ovrr 4e ills wha'ls pierd , e'n
I'Ietaly ' muelhtg it , ulloi'e the rllstw tin W
Iu 11.11 ! Indeed i1td lhJuled shit time head at
ad 5heuidtre ,
Row PfOSidCU1 Ll o 1Ii' ' Message lYBs
RCCEIYCd Ill Olllalla ,
Comments on Emancipation bj
Demooratjo organs )
Au Irutcrnstlig ( 'lumpier Iflnlorictu
ii rya
TIIE PItRt.Ilm ) T'S ] tt : + + r
Front ale ineha , Nebraeklal , ( now Omella Ilerald )
Dertut , t 11th , IStS.I
We are iudobted to the liberality of K
Creighton , Etq , , superintmldctlt of the
f 9tcilic telegraph company , for a copy of
time presidotlt's message , which we gave
our readers last week in full. It was
taken off the hues by Mr , K Itosowater ,
between time hours of 0 p , m , of Wednesday
day and 5:80 : n , nn , of Thursday morning ,
'he muussago was taken by Mr. H. , amid
5.118 altogether about tbo best telegraphic
copy that ever come itlto our odxce.
\Yu have no (118111 sitio11 to maku nuy
rmngont unnn the niessago , further thou
to say that , as s more matter of composi
ttuu , we uuunwur it. far superior to any
similar document yet issued by Mr. Lin-
cnlu , which , of .nurse , isii t saying imtch
in its favor. We leave our readers free
+ o form their own opiniona as to
its nlerita or demerits , Mr. Lin
cuhi's "pruclauatiel. " something for
whichh ie is getting celebrated will fall
stillborn uIton time south. It requires
not simple allegiauco to time constitution ,
the laws , and returning fealty to the un
eel , but requires nn oath to fully obey ,
and carry out tire provisiemsof time emniml-
cipation proclauationwhicim 111r. Lincoln
himself ouco declared would be as inef
factual-as it has since become-as "the
1,0110'S bull agaitxat time comet , " 1Vo have
heard conservative republicans ( about
urectiot times ) declare upon the stump ,
amid through their papers , that time south
ought , and might , conic back into the
union if they would lay down their arnie
and return to loyalty mmd allegiance due
from the states and time peuplu to time
general goverutnent Time president has
rendered auelm action otl their part entirely -
tirely superlluous and unnecessary. IIe
has plat.dy told tlrotn that sometliiug
also , and somotlting Moro would be re
quited , llut the ! , the world muveal
[ From tlleNewYurkWorld , Doc. 2 , 1803.J
Mlt. LiNCULV' $ 01iA FOLLY.
I' The greatest folly of my life was the
issuing of the emtncipation ; proebmna
tine , " Such were time words of 1'resi-
dent Lincoln to Wendell Phillips last
January , according to time testimony of
time latter in a speech he nalo last week
nil the Alusic Hall , in New Haven. Be.
fora time iesuiugof that domdnent Presi
deut Li11cld gave it as his opinion that
it woulc be , f no moro olrect than Limo
"pnpu's bull agaitist the comet ; ' and nf-
Let lie had given it to the world he re-
trltel itlls the "greareat folly of Imis
bib , " amid did not scrupte so to inform
"flu of Ilse nlothuflu'mtutl lenders of the
6uuttical facti(1na who had forced him in-
so the objl'ctiunltl ngeasure. Pre idcnt
Lincoln hums niadu many notable remarks
since ho line bel'n in oflice , but ammo that
Is likely to attract so much atter.ion as
the above. .
EFrommiTIteOmaha Nebraskan , Dhe 163 , ]
vu ii 1711AHIIr'ATto i 1'm100LIx'A'r:3N.
'Yo suu tLet'ited'Un t ilia uigLtal tropy of
time president's ordnncipation praciama-
tirn hiss been awarded to T. B. Lbyan ,
Esq. , for time aunt of throe thousand dul
hia. This is thu sanmo figure that the
proprietors of Trio Chicago Titmice bid for
the document. If they got it they intended -
tended to have the paper'nicoly framed ,
amid suspend : t in their' ollico with the
fnlluwing instxiption neatly ungravod iii
.ilt : "Timm Ibl'lf6 BULL' Ao.iintrrr TIIE
Conn. " The. iusuriptiun would have
been apprnptinto , signiticant and truthful -
ful , accordin ; to Ihs illustrious author's
own admiesiosl before he issued ft :
Political gdontry ; is at a prarnim ba Ne-
iraekll. , ou lull lie soon , front the.tlbrwhlg
lint of billy st.peliutendenta of cchl4 elected
at the lust el'ution ; Iawo n cuunV. .JenldU
( huuus ; Itc.ta cauty1 „ uiina \Vbithre" ;
Frrntier ( ( laity. Mrs. . A. 1 , . Novae' ; Htstttn
auuty , , It. MArgul , ; lieh : crusty ,
, tlis.1. 151. Leech ; 11ucul11 county , ML s.
lfuwm ; Nesaha ; amnty , lllru. I''rt } tichieh , '
cecund ter , ; l'11tlpe euunty , Mthts Ergcio
tiuith ; I' 1k cuwt Miss ; drumno ) lc
T11o "to' I bont't" oungrtigh is already hiving -
ing its ufliat The ( latvtwttti Texas , : raw. ,
( drum ) au ) is llr"nnl.tie " pua1) I + toho dsdny-
rtl iii thin Oltlm t ( i ake a xt.lWart Iwlmday.
Vfiginfn 6 to he nli , lu the hreaatwurk of the
btslwu , t attitck ' 1'/i. / , gnvenlon of time state in
u'x ocbed to aurvo tut a ( iit's pavr , and thu 0)111
nuVOalth.iciulukul f"ri ncridue to l m iI4iu
Iieaperatial imrti re'Dtioitnl uu.llIA , + 5. F..very
tldug p tuts iii tltim dtnctlori. A bloody xhir' .
cuuryaifyis ( III tlva tapisund nme ptmldmu shout d
ha ruudtu Sea it lrticeud with Ita desueruto
gamut , if thageAu"ur of 1mghda calls for
( oilers laid timecratest will ho iuauguratrxL"
I t.waa,1Wwr TIIE GREAT GERMAt ,
I : ! 1'l. ) '
1tnLt1 f M E D Y
; = ;
llo Ii 1
, I Ijjll i lmutlrr4undcurra
L'3i ' '
it e'I 6 'I'ISL
Ifld Cjh
Neural la
I' ' Sitisstica , Lumhalo ,
I .hI JIJL111rI1
Ii' ' iPLtDr' CilF TooTJd0EIE ;
I ( .wall' ' tyUIN Nl' . law . . . , . . . .at + f +
EZwnhwlhi Sortness.Cal , ® ruhei ,
li . ' ,
' i'uorlol ie ,
4 gm
' 1L'iOWn. , ' istuta % . r4Luna ,
II , . 'udxi"tnrglI1Ii aelea
7fr T It , ' , .ud Mills ,
I 'c hj I : a ,1' I FIFTY CEUTI A EOTTIL
< ' 1 jt f Ytj ' WbdytAnml , ehst.end
1 Fyl1 Ihvtlrrti i lII C1lux In II
I IiunIng1 ; y
4K'iti , ThechattmiAVoider 't
a t.toC1 , Ira5)
" '
" c. . MAYN & CO. ,
e L 09 f steam S .leetI - - Qmaha Ne6
w' : k glllt'PRItH ANt ) UFAidIIS : 19
w 1) )
na Hard & Soft
h +
--AND- .
1 iWrite for Prices ,
Wholesale Grocers !
AND Jotrnalts r q
Cigars and Manufaetiured Tobacco.
Booths OvaF ? Q
. i
1) . B , BEEMEB. ,1 t'e'nt flmnhn , t
N i I 1 1 4'
1 u ( t r
Reina Victorias , Especiales , . Roses in 7 Sizes from' $
to $120 ,13r 1000.
Combination , Grapes , Pro ress . Nebras a , Wyon iiga > riL
Brlgan s ,
OI [ ( Y , / / IIi
0 l
, . , p i.L..4S . . ; : h. M
. h
v.17 {
II NUt'AYrUItE1t of of srnitmv F1nS1tCLASSit
Carriagas , BuaicsR.aff'\Vaaons , \
1a117 and 152 flames Street and 403 s. 13th Street , ti . o
. N E '
uusedCata'nouefnrntahedfreeunnnapm'llcatIn : , id ' , a
Luffluler ; Lalli , Sh a f F e , ,
Unfcvl Pacific Depot , -
Merch2iit ai or' .
Iti . 3604 rarnam tit „ NertDoor to Wabsh Ticket Ol1ce. ;
xondrntl' et t tt t1r k , \U.i l Nt , A s'Llt soda
Imequmts an t ' n e + fo ( o ; ( (
cbkIA1SLIusA.DOtELC0A'I1 : . Altuafull ln.cI1'pfu'.tshultl . + } auul9miuhg + , Ilg3ruient
' , . . ' .
LYaredeedtolunr 'ofuQelatrtrtlhsimdiillllol.rrtIiinrIi e. CAILAAIh1'R61t :
? llvsiciElll Ullrea
OIRcec or er to Omaha Vatlonol hank.
spcclal attention given to $ + ca ea of the moat
and Itmgs. Oalro flours D ( a lm a , ma. ; 2 to & .I d 7 '
S D. m. Ian 8 ara
Lowest Prices Nov , Offered on Artist's Materials. ?
Winda44r(4 NOwlmllte Tu bo Colors , per dozen , 90o ; Fine Bible Brushes from
i0c 1111 ; Tiny Bi istol Braahu'e , front 7o up ; Round and Uvnl Plaques , from 20c up ;
1'naatmes , Si' ; Cups , IOv.i ilhaur(17 ut Altst'a ISUl.CY , $1.501 ( trans I'lstpheS , 45e apl
, ; W'oi lea flat ) ue , Ifc ; Designs to Dt'ematu , front lo 'itch up ; fluid and
Silver I amt , Oils , Vitt'nir ties , from 208 upward , Canvas 76e per yard ; Stretchers ,
'tic up. A. HOSI'i. Ir Soutit Side Dad e Street.
c : I L7r1ce 57-
'rill ONLY
Chinese , and Japanese Curiosity Shop
ChlnrreandJapanucT. , ChlmwandJo mnusuTem'ii cTherem + IneItapoltedCtb. ' Water Lily. A
roar tarutY of mauu ) ( idnut , silk liwnikercldete , tans. Tutu ' 1114 6tId eo itaumy un land , CttolO
lulls uiatC , udk. IClltitl FS YLNO Cuivr llthatid Ltamtllwblth.
( ( - Iu.
Ltvm bar Sash Doors Blinds Rulldui Paper
LIME , CEMEN'l + fIAII11 ETC , " , '
I flico and Yrd , Car. 13th and California Streets , ' OMAHA , ? IE
- r
J. H.
OonsEll Tg10.rfll AND IIOWAItU CIitPr.7F.
I On : r.A.uA , . - - - r- is -3 '
' Parlleruarattaattoa Ir.storosirta U.tlmlttrluuantct l