- - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - _ _ - J4A 11' .13 LRmbui.t - :11 : ' THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. . . I _ - _ - _ _ - _ _ . . ; ' - - t 4NT.HIRTEENTll - _ OMAII& NEB. 1'IUDAY M)1NINU , 1)ECE1\IBER \ 7 ft83. NO _ 14G. - - - THE NATltmj KiiiioI ; C011S1111'iOllaI ' All1'Utli iiI Rcarill llitI'JC an tlio V Poc Propst Mr. OrooIn3 Wuts a Oanal , and M Nw Two Oouvontjoiis , iiu RTll Iecc1ItIofl4 VItlh'IlI , itt. 'fqttt OJI rtutilty rr Talk , I I N.thIi More. ' -flI PoIt'.r'.E1t1 I11II t'OX(4 ItES3. S1NATI. WAS1UNOTi , Decnibcr 6. - 1io fliutiwrials fliRt LUtitiolIM ) vrcMoIited in 'tho ' senate to.by were the following : By Mr. 1iidurun-1csolutjon of tim r ltgiltture , asking tlmt railroads which thu goverinnent lots. graitteti latids lie coiiipelled to take ouL ; latOlltS , so such lands nrny bu' txd or tevort to thu l)0ih. Also ztsliiig that thu duty bo rwnovcd front barbed wires 11 a1urgitig itnprovonioiit of thu 1\Iiwiouri \ ' By Mr. Slator-Potition of the chant. bor of conunercu of Oregon. praying thiitt tim land granted the Oregon ( Jtnitral rail. road , by act of May 4 , 1870 , bo forfeited and throwit opeii for settleinotit. The following bills were introduceth By SIr. C.unerou of Viscousiii'J'o ro 8toro to the market certain lands of the United States , iii Minnesota aiidWiscon sin , and authorize their sale subject to ? rellowage. . T11e80 are lands withdrawn from alu 'It 1880 and 1881 with the idea that they would be required for use in the con : truction and maintehanco of dams , rca- ervoira , etc. , proposed to be created in the improvement of the I1S1531IIfl river. ' They arc by the bill subject to private entry and sale at $1.t5 per acre. By Mr. Grooms-To provide for the construction , iii Maryland and Dilawarc , of a free Blflj ) canal , as a litoans of miii. try and naval defence , and for crnnnter- cml purposes , the etnal to connect the waterd of thu CI1e1)eako and Dtlawaro bays , to be 100 feet wide at the bottom , 2 ( ; foot below titcan low water , and 18 feet wide at low w.ttor , level with the iochh , ( iOU foot by ( ; O ; i cliunbcr : , and suflicwnLly deep to allow the passugo of vessels drawing 23 foot. The socrothry of war is authorized to make nccesury survcy , negotiate with owners of pro- Ierly along the line of the canal , and if sutifa3tory terms cunitot borcached then to coiidciiui the land. One tuihhion dol- Iar is apropriated for lUIOSCS of the bill. bill.The The following joint roo1utions wore Olrorcd : By Mr. BuUer-To provide for an amendment to the fifteenth iunom1nvnt. of the coiiscitntion inscit ug thicword 'nativity" no as to itiako the aLtielo i- " read : "The right of citizena of the 1. United States to vote ahall not ho deiiied ' or abridged by the United States or any state on account of nativity. race , color or proviouseondition of servitude. " * . IhyJ1z : Lahmn.Ibpoin AnWmt - meat to the constitutton gtvlng women the right of suffiago ; also proposing an E amendment to the constitution giving the president the right to veto soperato items of appropriation bills while approving - ing the rmaiitder , items objected to , however , may bicnmme law by an alllrma- ' _ tivo two tliirda vote of each house. " By tr. Morgn-Peoposiiig au amendment - ' , mont to the constitution by which the promident shall hiavo the power to disap. T prove any item of appropriation for rivers end hrts , while approving other items. By Mr , hill-Calling on thu secretary of the imitemior to furitish the senate cop. isa of l1p3r , on lilo in the interior do- parttnent , relating to the trandcr of the laul grant nl the Now Orleans , B.iton Rouge & \rIckshu.g Itailroul nIiIpat1y to the New Oriemms : Puciic JttiIrotd the ' 'B ick- company , ( thii i known bone r.1IIJtl gr.tut" ) . nIhlo resolution was laid over and ordered Irutel. ) A resolution , oWcrcd by r , ( II , to be referred forred to tim comnmnittoo on foreign rebi. tiona whoa alIoimtteLl , requests time president - dent to domnatid of the Spmish govern. meat repayment to citizens of the United States , of money paid by thom on ship- meat of atLIo front the United Statom to ' Cuba. _ _ _ _ 'CtP1TAb Norf $ . ) A NEW HCUaM1. \VAms1sToN , Decomnlmr 6.-John 0. Now hits ctlled a meeting of the ropub. licami tnd democratic congroitsiotial delegates - gates from indiana , in his rooms ip time treasury building on Saturday , to take znoasurcstaoeuro a meeting of both the ropubikan and democratic national CO 11- ventionu in hindianapohimi , Yc:7zo : mnH1maIo TO TIlL S'OltE. .It old member of the house said this ruornhlig that new men wore seeking p- - , - - - 1otioii .00 the ways and mnoami , tppro- priatious anti 1jndicinry comnnmitteemm , in fact , they wanted to ho connected with all Limo irnportant.oomniittcos. Jt isgcxm. orally conceded among democratic mnen- berms that. 74oI'ri&iLt will be given the chminnaut1d of tko ways and moans commtLtee &sd .htandll of the anpropria. aioiis. DemocraU mcmborH 4,0 not uianimoiily iavor Mirrison's oleet4on to time waya tud ineano , chairmanahq , the irotuid oroppofion ! i7ing , as oxproased by rotoctk'Imiatm , that imis appointmrut , closely followingCarliale13 election totbe speaLon1mip , WOULd preepithto alIistto : NO FIT ) FOR IRM. 'J'hte taretury of Lhe .Inorior lots r - jectod the appicttmon of tkemnayor of the city eot.tnCi of Leadviila to .e.iiter certain lands for .town site purpos , on thin ground.that We great tr portiwl is a1r4ady patented an plater claimna or M rtserved br hospital acil eomnutor' purposos. $ uth hiortion of the lands Jiawovur , as iam not already booms thBIT)504 ) ofumd can b' sogrcgated , will ho hold ii.j et to , utry bytise city. Tfl flWALL4 t..tt' IIIL ( . . . , r 'iiai bill ititrotloced by Senator Jeim..hI ? ! to nnt nd the hiooictead laws prowc1ii that ; rtctiimm 2,801 , xovised atatimt"e , amendi o read as follow. : "Nothing ill this chptur shmahi be so ctatrucd as to prevent QJty porton who uvalleti hini- self of the bt.oehits of motion 22S9 fioni paying the miUimUIll r gzaiitiii land so entered any time after tWt ) 3'cara . front ltte of entry , tIIlI before ! . ) ration of five year au'i ohit.tmnimig it pei2t thmorefor , it. ill other WI making clime proof of cnnihi'mco with thu homestead laws * p to the time of mimmikitig priof ; that. notice of intemitumu to niako final lmrof timt1cr time htimnestt ad nod preemnptiomm laws required by a t ' f L'darchl 1d , 187' ' ) , shah ImOt , be giveim , nor ahmsll the final proof tinder mmdi laws be IUa(1O tmntil twelve months after the tinmo whit'n theemmtry or tiling is recorded in the local humid ohilco , as vided by law , irrespective of limo date of sttlomnont cit time 1511(1 vrior to such vn try or hlhtmtg. that the llrt sectiomi of the act of May 1.1 , 1SO , providing for thuac- coptatico by local land offices oF rohimi- titiihmimtomits of nubile laud entries and to- e'itrks of laud , without action by the comumnissiommer geitural of the liitmti ohhico , be amid time salime is hereby repealed. TItI nIxtrA : % 'tTuILNS. Time tenth nmnmual reuimiotm of the National - tional associatiolt of veterans of the Mexican war began tn.dny , with a large atteIultuIcIy. General 1)envor , ( mf Ohio , president , of time association , called tim assumimbiy to order atiti introduced huull 11errick , who delivered an clo1ttoitt address of welcome , wimich was re- 8tOI1t1CI ) to by General Denver. 0 eneral liosecramis spoke hoiofuhhy of time Prosliects of securing ponsiolis for time vetormuom Various committees voro npOimmtMd ) , and the following ohhlcers OiCCtei for ( lie ensuing year : I'resident , ( oueraI Domirer ; first vice president , ( lumicral Mouseim ; aeciotary , A. N. Ken- nedy. itesolutiomis vero adopted recit. mug that survivors of the Mexican war never received the reward duo citizomi soldiers , and in the opinion of time comi- volition _ they should be placed impomi the peltsIon rolls iii equality with thio sot- vivors of tim war of 1812. _ - - - - CUIMIXAIi 1IlCO1tI ) . A flAt ) } 1tUM. G.tivmnroN , December ( L-Tho News' Iloust n says that James Iose , a wealthy carriage manufacturer , disappeared - peared Sunday. His wife and her slip- 1mozcd stepson toll the grand jury that Rose is Cornelius Krum , who , in Kings- lou , Now York , in 180 ( , eomnnittcd a heavy forgery , deserted a wife and two children , caine to Texas , made money amid married Mrs. Dagnitil. the corn- Iiainatlt. lie retimrned to Kingston in 1876 , after the chmrgo of forgery vmts outlawed , afl(1 promised to bring his first yifti to Texas , hut failing to do so , his SOIL fohiowed 1dm a few mnomitims ago tutU , threatening exposure , Bose shot time son six times. Time son showing signs of recovery - covory , was sent to Florida , Rose assur- ilig hint the second wife was omiiy a mistress - tress , tutU at the saute flute inducimig her to say shim dii time simootimig. The Imy is 110w imi 1ouatomi to compel rcparatun for his utoiher , but the fattier's whoreabmmts are umikiiown - AN ACQUITTAL O1lflI1tEI1. Sv. , Lomsis , Deconiber ( i.-Titis after- 110011 Juiii Noonan , iii thu court of crimmminai correotiomm , directed time jury iii tImocas' of the tae vs. Josepht 11. Melittyre , state cciii immpector , Ed. But- , her , and Police Commissioners Daniel \v. Caruth tutU Frank J. Lutz , for ccii- spiracy to obstruct the administration of justice and to control police afTair , to acquit tim defendants. They were in. dicted by the late grand jury on tosti. mneny taken during the recent invcstira tiofl.2U12.1ieQ..atk gambling scandals and have been on Tilr. . % rr1IIAVT TIIIIJICON DALLAS , Tex , 1).ic. 6.-Additional af fidavits against Loitnatoin , alleged to bm guilty of imimmmioth cotton swindles arc sworn out daily since his arrest Three more caine in to-day. TIlE "nazurra" 3I1J.T : (10. ChicAno , Dec. 6.-TIme Daily News Elkhart , hid. , special siya : Judge O.i borne of thmis distriet to-day instructe the granti jury to indict all deaiera fount soiling the Police Gazette and other pa pers of that class. rum : oA4 ( YAUGtIT ] Il. Pirrsntrito , December 6.-Fred Burke , a prisoner undergoimmg eleven yearn sea tonce at Riverside penitentiary , attempted od to osetimo to-itighit by drawiing througl a sewer , but before reachimmg the mouth was ovorcomno with gas , and when foumm was in an unconscious condition. it i thought ho will ( lie. A LUCIl SVANTEt ) NAN. IIoriNA , N. 'I' . , Dec. t.-Durimmg Oc tobr a imian rcjrae11tiIig iiinmseif LU Poit' dilco Inspector Stcdmnaim , aftuward as Inspector Ilcndermn'n , visited thmi postoflicos between Miles City am lItthI.ii3ii , swindling the ohiicmais amid lankL out of various aunts of mimommoy. 1iipee tor .Tarnison th.day caused his arrest a Missouia. Thu swhmdler's mmmc in S \v. Scott. 'l'hio autitoritics iiavo beer requested to hold hmimmi , attil after 11omi taita is thirouh with bun Ito is waute by Inspector Stuart. of Cimicigo , and alac 1)3' oflicers of Louisiana mitt ( liiiforide for like offenses. rims LACO51A MUtIittdt. ) C , N. 11. , iocemnbor fl.---Samnoim time murderer , was given a hoarimmg to day. 110 appeared nervous. In almswei to the 1uestion , " 8amon , are you guilt3 Or not guiiyV' hioanswctrod , "Utility , sit. ' lie was ordered to remain in jail tU March , when the case will be heard. 1k saiihiu confession was trite in every re spoof , amid he wa ready to suffer tin imndltyfor his crimnu. It is thought thaf the woghmt on his mind will entiroI break lilimi dowim amid cause death before March. lIe eata very little , but coot- phaifl8 Of ziothmiimg. There are no chances for a plea , , f insanity ti Ins entered in the tlefeuio. slow .KIit 1101101 O fthOAi'l. Cimle'Aoo , iDeCeflhlOr ti--Frodorick M. Kor1 comivictcd of embezzling sonic 34O. 000 fomim the .bamiking hmouao of Prcstnim , Kcan. & Coiui this aftnrnoomi takeii to I Juliet to sorvt. it aoimtouco ( if ten years. % rei. w&a captUvti at 1lma , l'ori , by one .ot Pimtherton' . detectives , brougim back 4 Mn.srica by way of the &udwich Islands anti San Frawiaco. On the trial his Iawyoms fliada3 a ithit nit thu ground that the -ourt had w jurisdiction civer tIi prisoner - oner as it ; was alleged ho vtus foroibiy bruuhit ( rout Peru tvimoiit legal prIocs. Icer's attormlo3s ) maVo pwdiimg iot.rn the euprwno coui a inotioim ( or a writ cie su. Ilursedeall , which .lcer hmaioves will release - lease him front the penittmtiary. - - Time Sloitv , ti. r. 1'tit , lccemnbor ii.-A special dispatch - patch frommi l'ierro , Iakota , sayt. a comi. eIIt1IU missornbicd there to-day t , devise plaits to 01)011 the Sioux roscrvati ii , jtnd :1 ccniimmmiLtowas iippoititvd to go to \Vuitingtou U ) secure the sjOOl1) ' oemmmng if this iarjo multi valnablo traet of 11111(1 , THE OLD WORLDS Still F1ckill to U1 itd11I' 1 ftc False Bill Viclorias ProFilot , Great Lo and Stifforiiig by Firc ill Brnsso1 atul Oonstau- tinoplo1 t4)rl3 Talk ttititmt l't'meO Bet tt cttn I'ranot , anti Cli Ion-Various : 'i ti ( er'4 ' ( ) l N0143. OENlLtitIa FOItlilIN t'V3. TilO Tti.K 4 1011 i'u.tt'i : . 1' titis , Ioeoiubur IL - ' [ ' 14t t.ihierto says that Emuglamul is takimig energetic IttUlti (0 briimg about a ti eaty botwecmi France amid Olmiun , amid adds that it htmu authorized immfornmtion which lemuls to the belief that petceftml negotiations lowe uuiado great Ilrer0s1 ill the last few days. It is probable , Ist Liberto states , thief time evelit which the govermiuiment cxlIccts as likely to CXC1C1sO the cimlilimber of deput. ties is nut so mmiii it a feat of aroma iii 'l'oit- (111th ( 05 Churn's adhesion to the basis of time treaty which hitta beomi suggested by Emiglnumd. 'I'iio ' Telegrapho says the Mar,1tuis of Timeng himts sent a note tI ) Primmie Minister Fort ) ' , askimig a sUspdnsiomi of war vrcp- nrationB lit ' 1wmquiii to Provemit a COnflict which aught compromise tue mmcgotia- tions. La Fmnce states timat Admiral Poyron has telegrapiied the profeets of the mann- tiutie departments timt , since a fresh die- patch of troops for Tonquin is not cx- pected , it will not b , ziccessnr' to continue - tinue any stops beguumi with sitip owners for time emnploymont of transports. Tlmoso statomnouits are miot continued. 0001) CLOTIIIS AT T.Al.T. LONDON , December 6.-The press as- sociatioii says the womnait who necoinpa- nied O'Donnell to time ( 'ape of Good ll0)0 , sailed to-day out the steamer Germania fromn Liverpool for New York witit a wehi dressed mmmi. WANTaI ) TO 8I11' tNt ) Misl' ( P1011 ? . 1lOM1 , Dcc. fl.--Signor Nicotera , for- utterly imliittster of tue interior , grossly imisultoti Somiur Lovita , secretary of time itmimmister of time interior , declaring ho would like tO spit in his faco. Seyoral deimuties interfered amid separated the nien. Senor Lovita subsequently ecuif a challenge to Signor Nicotcia to light a dueL 'l'lie latter hitis accepted the dud- loumgo and ii1u1uotnted his secoumd , . Tue trouble arose front the fact that certain natives of Calabnia , who had written a iaimipiiict insulting Signor Nicotora , ob- taimmed cmmmphoyimmomut tmmttlcr the govermi- intuit. Sigmi''r Nicotora's action is giumi- oraliy ceiustmrcd , escciahiy because it itithtorto has been regarded as probable that ho would again becommie mmiinister. A DISASTItOUS FII11. : Biw.ssuis , December fL-A lire , which broke putjit tue legislative chamber today - day , was utot got under control till 10 o'clock to-night. The chaniber of depu- . tics , with outlying buildings , is a mass of ruins. The ohhic.s of tue department ( If foreigtialtairalaudtho cd. : . 'ia' ° ° _ thAJlI,00I ! only alight damage. Sover.tl firemen were injured. It is re . ported that some gremiadiers were killed by falling walls. Tim senate cliambem , 1)tOP0t escaped tim flames. It ; is believed . the fire originated iii the cuio1a of tlm chamber of deputies , whmero there wss n sunburnor used for lighting time house. I The Ilammies , fanned by a draft from thc ventilating shaft , spread rapidly and wcm i grcatiyholpcd by a Btrolmg northeast wind. 1 The deputies tvoro in session at the tulle the lire broke out. Time famous library , containing nmnimy rare books and inmpur taut documnemits , was also destroyed. The arcimivos of the foreign dopartmnciti I were saved. - Till : IILAZu i lONMTANTINOI'JF. ; C0NSTANTIN0I'i.E , Deconiber (1.-Sb 1 huntined houses , the Greek church nmm L four aymmttgogues were destroyed by thit lire lucre. A storm prevailed at time timun S which added groatiy to the sufferings o : the hmoiiioless pelhe. TIlO nov11 oo 00 ? . ; TjINi)0N , December 6-Time boys ii . . sovaril collieries of South and Wemsi : ; Yorkshire have struck for an imicreutlo it 1 wages , tltnownmg ituauily 5,000 muon imiti outloreed idiemiuss. I . .SAJtA1L'it ulmonN ) tO .tu3tENT. L PAulo , 1)c. 6.I'ho tiibunal coat . inorcu has semiteimced Sarah Jiorumimard I and. } tushamtd jointly to py l2ii,00 ( . fnttiies to the gentlomnaut win , stood par I security to the utnumuger of the ( inmu1 ) theatre , London , Sanmiht Iternhtardt hiav. img brokeut her contract. urrmnLv .tNNIUILATJO ) . LONION , December 13.-A Khinrtouo , dispatch says the immudar of Sernaar telo . grajihis that a derviscit oumterel a bazani I. there Wedimesilay evening and pro p i1aimncd tim annihilation of hicks Pasima'g p army near El Oboid. The dorviechi I were on tim Koran that umol I 0110 Egyptian soidior was loft alive , . itt K irdorfan 5,000 hearers armed 3 themselves , live hundred having Item. irmciton rihlctitind declared forEl Mahiidi. , Time mudar asks for instructions. A Cairo corrcspouudemit says tim forogoin 15 the moat serious utows received since I the news of the destruction of ilicke i Pashia's anuumy. Seriuaar is the granary of Khartoum. The preodimigs at Serutnam may he rCIeIttCi at Khartoum or oven al Asuouan. . Tila C.YOU 8h111 flUlI.ny.115. ( isuow , 1)cccmmmber fi-'I'jmo crisis iii tim a4mip building trudo on thmo Clyde is grtuwiog macro ilitoilse. I'Im , cc hugo lines , imicludimug Denny , have notified their em jIYes flint wages will be reduced in Jnim. lmury , timid several other linus tiiI follow the example. 5. .consmnutcg ta I.oinx , Ice. (1'I'Jiu ( foreign office anmmouim.ceu tutt Englamid amid Spain vihi tones' imegotiatiomms to fommmi ii coirmunercial treaty Iiwcen the two cnummtrjes , TIlE nov(1IIIN OLLEITh. 11,1 Ills , Io. O.-'I'imo g'vurnmnouit ' himts lecided to c'iumtnriuce tIme diecuesjopt of the 'l'oimquiii credits totnrrow ( li&id It ) ) ( j.ttad ot IiIotmduy Timim budget coummuit tee hmims npprove'I time pmojeet for a cable frau : Jargon to Tomujuiui. I I11ll t'4 ilAc lJ1. I I ONO iCowa , Icc. Ii Tue govom'uiniunt refuses to withdraw or zmuodiIy its cisim regarding 'FOLIqUiII. It prefci war to , uurrcumdor of 11:0 provilico to Fraumce. Iargu bLios ( of troops are C'HtInhmnhIy uiassng hlo'ig Koiim for time Tont1uiuu bar- dor. me. iv. t' T nImAnTuM , CAIRO , Dociuhior 0.-'flmo luanic at Kitattotmuat is smtbsidiimg , it. bu imt. mimiw believed - lioved titat. hmihmdi ceutciumplates early nil. VitlmCO ( mimi iIolci'l. nuatt' as o1 ivAn , LoooN , 1)ecenmbor (1.-Tho St. Iamuei ( Liztit to , iii a timiuuticial nttioho , says , the numeouulirmued roimrt on time stock cx- chaumgo thmat war botweoui France nut ! Cimimin hiatt been dohnr'ed , caused excite- mnent au , ! a general decline in prices. The Pnimico ofValee was re-ehoctd grand umiastor of time grand lodge of Free- lunsomus of Emigland. * 1OI1V ( ( NI ) s.tNgu. Iood' nmmd Satike1 oPoileit mut Stepumoy to.dny , mit aim iron buuulthiiig in hmichu time Ineetimigs vero conduiclod mit ishimigtomi. The imui5eiomt at Vu'mudawurtht wtu highly successful. Ohio Crops aumit Stock. CoL0Inui $ , Ohio , December (1. - The forthmeonmimug eroiu numtt stock.report of time state board mmf agriculture for the Immolitim ( if 1)econmber , vihl give time fmliowium mer cent , acreage mid coudU ion ; \\'hmeat Imercomit amid condition , rye cud barley commditioui , fnrmmi aimimuala nun1 Percuuit ( If blooded or highm grade niuimmmais belong. ing to varioUS classes. The figures cue b1tsed on returns fromut about (100 town almip COniemtIOIldCimts.Vitont. . nones sown for harvest in 18i34. 262i,57U. ( being 97 vcrcemlt of that sown for 1883. Its commdition comuipared with last fail is 102. flyc-acroago compired with last fmtll .88 , condition .011 ; barivy.ncreago Bowls couiparcd wititiast fall .87 , coudi- tine .09 ; cattle-percent of shertltorn .6t , ilorforde .2 , Devomis .8 , polled nimus .1 , Jerseys .It ) , Ayrshircs .2 , ilolstoina .3 , potuitry.egg proiucer .51 , moat lbmd(1 cors .4t ) ; condition of farut nuuiummls coat- pared wititlast The Couch iliponltion. OJtLEAM. La.Doceinbor 0.'rite board of managers of the woridsimulustri ci and cotton centennial expositiumu adopted - ed the design vnoiosed by U. M. Jorgensen - son , architect , of Meridian , Miss , for the mnaiu building. It will be 11100 feet Iommg , and 000 wHo veilt ) 1,00O$98 8iUitnti feet of liner 5J)0C0 , including ntuio heull iii the centre , witim a seating capacity of 12,000 lorsomms. Thu desIgn also PtOVidOs for mnudmu othices , telegraph otl'mco , nuwspapei' departmncnt , fire department. police ius- pital , waiting rooms and life savimig l partitus. Ten plamt.s vcro olflurcd cud thnco prontituuims awarded. Tile buihlimmg tviil ho time largest. expositwmu building over erected , exccptoimo in .Lomidou , . itr 1862. - - Iesorat o Al tempt at Sn lehte. CINCINNATI , .0. , Decenmber 6.-A. 0 Ayers , iecmtt ticket agent of the Cummein- umati Northern railroad , arrested last night for embezzlement , tnalo a titlIst ( lesporato attempt tlmis niorumiumi in the commtral station liouso to commuilt suicide. lie cut. lila ivrimts , vitht brohemi ghassa ; sharpened load Pencil WOS timnust deepi nta his miock ; then Ito used a pocket corn in mutt ofli.rt to cut lila throat. He did this . at 2 o'clock and then lzuy in the utmost agony hoping for (1cati. Ho in a young 1115) ) 91 good ' . . . 1ln . critical , 7 - ' - - L A 1)Isjnitod - Ihteim _ _ Sottloti. CINCINNATI , Ohio , December 0.-Near I Anderson , md. , last evemming , John J. Johnston was shot by Coleman Iliswkiuta and dangerously woumuded After shoot- I irmg Hawkiuus ho roturmmed. hiomuio and shot I liimnseif , dying instantly. Both were troalthy farmners. Trouble arose from a I dispute about a ditch between time farina. Tue Dangers of'I'cneummetutH. Nw : Yoitmc , December 6.-Dminimig a lire iii a teuiemnont in the reaa of 05 Molt itt. , Bridget Murtha amid a immami named Siieoimami , old lelle. wore iiailifuii bunted. Mrs. Julia Mcratii was over- : conic by smoke and ummay dio. Two mcmi I leaped front the tImirl stony window. - - - - - - ) Barmmummi'i'w I Immuuutimig. f Naw Yomtmc , Docemuiber ( i.-ilanimum , Bailey tci : ilutchmimis in have received word froum their umgoumt imm Ilangooum , 1I1lPm , that hiatt conipleted the ptirclmttse if a gee- 1 nine wimite eloimimammt , recomitly cimptured iii t Shun nmmd time proucrty of a miohlutnamt of a timat cimuutt.my 'lime pr to be imaid is ) ooooo gold , and 50,0O0 have been Paid. - It 'l'.XmiH ttuium : P1I Ill. t 1)ur.Aj , Tex. , [ ) ecemnbor -Time miii ) last uiiglmt partially Ilatsied the rily I. building , which is rtumdured utimsafe. 'I'Imc p dammmago ainouimts to $ ,0O0. Thu datnmgc . . to sewers mmd v11'iommS ; torcs is over $10,000. Time Ilermuld's bnsenmexmt wat flooded , daniagiumg coneklorabio material. I "There's XiIiIIImIK In It. " L DAI.rA8 , 'VeX. , December 6.-Tue Miii . Iroui company consolidates wiiii I the Contiiiouital comnpnhiy time tirat. Tues- L day of Jhnumary. The eonmbimrntion represents - resents 5O00,000 worth ( f cattle. TiuInty.IigImtI4iVeI4 Lost , OIARJGEIITEIt , Maas. , 1)oc. Ih-Tlteuisim- ing schooner Sultan and fourteen nice , the Itutli Grover and. twelve mcii , and Limo Main ! F. J4oighiton and twelve men , I are lost. - _ - _ - 'J hc ( overmmr's , Mls4on , Cimiotto , Dcc 6.-Tue [ miter Ocean's : Lincoln , Neb , , special says : ( lovornor Vawes left for Washington today to attend - tend time meeting of the national rojub hican eorntmuitt.no to fix a piece fur holditmg thiti muoxt national colmvoimtiomL. (1.st. l I'or it Omit. TRENTON , N. .1 , , 1)cenmber 6.--'i'hiu Trenton Iron commujally cioee(1 ( time roiling immhll imtt night. 'J'wo Imunlred ama ! fifty hiamida thmrowmi out of eutuiioymnemmt. It is exjmected work will 1)0 restimimed Momiday at reduced svng s. - - - - t itiiti - , ) ( ) ' . 1)aitoANr.ii , : , Ark , , Decesmuber (1- irur , muilos frnim l.uuvilits to.lay the mmmii I imimi' WItS stojmjisl by nrntoii robbers , who took thin letter PUchi auzil ilisappored jim Limo woods. - . - , IJ.ljIC I ti I'I I Nt EI'CH. 'I'iio 1 lover silk ciimiitiifly ( If ] 'attirsomi , N' . .1. , has f.IIud. Lhabilltioi IO2tJO0 ; asset. , .1amnc It. lCcrmti leiilcs ( lout 110 II fhmuutu. cltsliy em1orras.J , 'fho Haloim' , Jimmi. , woolen tphil , whk'iu lmnii lean bile for two jJIlIIItt.d } , W5I5 bunsiol Wodmmaudayplgimt , Loss 455,00(1. _ . % l _ _ ON A BASIS. Fryt's ' Proiisc Rcu1Iioii of Rfpr- SdllttiO:1 : Ill Ilie NdIioilaI R. n - 1cll Collvchtion. The Effect of the Solicitie Oil tlio Several States 1111(1 Toi'- ritorios. 'l..imJc null 'roil lT ; Viu. , \VInnf mug , 'lt ( ) Is Iosimug , " Iy this I'imun tut Vr3I , LII' Mmuluio ? , \ \ tsmf INOTON , 1)ecemnber ti-'Fo reimui. . thy iii summie unensuro what is regarded an ft cry gr.tvo itijuuitico imu tito Prosumut ret- , reaoimtmttimumt of time republican iuiutiommiui convent mu , 'vimichi gives states aunt the- tr'mets nil over the coumutry ( hue sitmo m egnrdless of repimbhienui votes , wiucti iii solute dlstuicte in time smotitlu eveit time formuu ( If umommmimiatimug republican cahitliiates for couigress is itot ptirstn.d , Semimutor Frye a mumoumiber ( if time repubikaui iiat loon ! couti- mmiitteu , will hrposo ) at the uiext. muitetimug of tim comnmtitteo % , emu lecemnbttr l2tim , ii miew basis if represumitaitiomu , as follows : Emucit state ehtiuil be ontitltnl to f. or iluic- giutes its umow , cccii district to olin immatond iuf tws as unity , to tuime addil iomimul dei'11ato Ior oncli 10000 votes cast withumi mts immnuts itt 1880 for the ropumblicamu entail. ( tattls for pm ceitlemitial oloctots , nod to one addmtiommaI delegate tor5 it uiuajorty fate- ( toll of 10,000 votes. Time vote fur hires- ilemItial electors is takumi no the beet in- ttmcatmon of the real strength of the any ditriet bohmg less liable to lie mulhctod by local causes. The effect of titus proposition , if adopted , umpon tue states aniL convetmtion is shiowmi by the attutoxed table coumijiilcd by npplicattomi of the presideuitial vote to tim districts as then existing. Tim apphitatiomt of the satue rule to time presomit districts under time into nppontiouitneiit could not just now be made , owimi to the lmtckof miuces- sary and accurate informamutiomi , but tviil imot tmiatortttlly. change the relative atteuiRtht time several states , atiul tvill ouiy lmiereaao the total mimumuheraltip of tue cumivemitiolr ( about 80. romtrm1etn4 IST.tTrctt. , Old Now States 1tiiii. hails. Cattrornla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iii 1C Cloral , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 . C.'mmnectlcu' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 11.1 wre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ihilmmols. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 ( It lmnhiana. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 .11 IIIWII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 ICIimsul. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 1 ! Muhimo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 it Mmtechinsetts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2S 81 ) imchlgamm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; Mimmmmuut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 I It Scram. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( I I Now I Iainp.lmtre. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 11 Ntiw.Ioroy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1H Now York . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 81 ( Mile..7 _ * . .ffl Gm ogtiti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii t'onm,1vamuia , . . . , : . . . . . . . . . . 0 ithtedo island. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Veriiiottt. . . . . . . . . . . . .5 . . . . . . . . . .8 Wiecon4ri. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . ? Nehiraska . . . . ,1 . , IlutiTil ItlIN 8aTIa' - - - . - . . - . - . . Ohil Not Basis. Bitsi Alahunc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 I Arkurisall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fl 1 IllIralis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 ( : oorghi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 1 ICeimtueky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2I I I , oimlitma. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 1 I .tIitryittui. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I' ' ; MiIMIlIJi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 1 lIsslIuti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 1 NortilC.Iniimma. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 South ClIrhinu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 1 'i'ommutene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 I Virginia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 \Vest Virginia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 ? I ' , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L , ' ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Tocrnmtcrios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 1 Nuimnhem ( If doh'giittts ( III time JrcseImIt ) hits , 820 ; nuamhuur eu the jIrllpIIOtL basis 870. TImi l)1vume , itoformmus. Comun miIJi4 , Oiiio , ] ) ccommibtmr fl.-'I'ii diverse ituforiuu luagno wmts forimued to-da I ) uiVemttiOIi called by state conk remico ( if s&ivt rmtl l1rtcstammt cimurchmeil. i large iiummnhior imiuumImr , of mnimminler I presomit frommi dihI.rommt parts of tli statn3. iii time ovommiimg addresses sver dt'lmvurtnl by lilsimIli ) lioduil 1111(1 Dr. iioy aid Rev. S. W. Dike , secretary of tim hOW dmvrso reforimmiuimgume. TInimium VIueI's , ( lltIci'oNII3. CiilAoo. ; Jecember Ii. - Tolmimi . \\Tltuelcr , ( If this city , wimo hits alrcnd tImV.it , a imuimiber of alunbie bequests II tIme Episcopal chmtmrcim , imas deeded tin church a valuabto tract ( if laud imm till western divisioim of time city miii advaimce $200,000 toward the erection of mi. church jireiazmttory micitool. 'limo design will bi , miftur that ( If Oxford , time promai&momit fen tumres of time mmtrmicturo Iioirmg a cimnuel aim library ho 000tflhui 10,000 volumnea. - - - - A. IlttIo 's'nlcv lIt a ( huliy Timing. lns MOINI * $ , In , , December o.-'rlii stockiialdors of the Cedar Itapids , fowi Fails Northwestern raiiromtd , htavi voted to increase its capital stock frqu 0,00o,000 to $18,000,000 and dciloc to divide time road Into three divisions to bo known as Iowa , Mimmumosotaaimd Dir kota. 'rio addition pt the capital stoc is said to ho for time i'v" ° of oxtcmmdiim time road \Vortiuingt.onMimmruuuotat Fargo , lakotn. - - - Eapilniusako In Arkntmsmes. Sr. terms , December (1.- Seven simoekm ( If earthmfunko were felt yoetorda7 ni Uoutmomden : Springs , It niaiuln' . 1'iie Imisted .fQ iiocoiidmi , aumil nrnhco gIn mewart aiid crockery in time imummnts. ) 1411t(1O rockm 11'cIII loosemmd atmd foil limb time cuts of time Kaithas Oily , Sprimmgfiehcl & railrinul hear by. 'ihu muiiocis worn cc. cOimmIliImmiel ( by a loud miolse. 'I1lmo 'iuietmf jar of tiioeartim moored tmontimuvest tosoutim. wont. - .m ltliI Imi r' $ JIlNiItfl'jtI loll. hA Pmi1il1 , ltit'onuinr U - % Irs. Lourti itiall , who kiiied imor tw ) cimihiren i'ri. ( ILtP last , atmd ctmt Imer own throat , died this umuommimig , Situ oftemi uximrvt sot ! a a jiii to die anl rs'tmntul mmouri'slmumicnt. - - - Time 'Jhefts , or " 8upers. " Oii II AOl ) , I 1 $ . , liecuubut , II - 'IlIrec "supurlm" uiitiIloyod at time trammd opera lmouu lmase hut mm arrested , numsic cted ci ; iurluumm tiwftn repomteil by inimibcnmu Of - - - timent neal cmi ( )1)01a comnpatmies. Jewelry was fotund ill tiie'mr wlmich lisa SilmCO boon iihoimtilicd. I mm time roolmu of mimic time stupors arrested , tue imoilco fotnul lii- tremu Wmttcimes cmiii tthmer hiroperty of like nature , The Non limul I ' Ic , lIlt s' lituii mlt'ult 1lliiw.tuanu : , Doe. 6.-Tue committee ( 'II L'ieet II 0 I I uf it ittoitti In cult to I I . 0 VI tlmus of time i ow'mnil imniacatmet of lmulm if thi Imiet have reachird a decision to build a simitit. ma i"tI'CSt Ileum cemetery in spite m ( I Imo reqtioe of the C.ItlOIIC Coflitimit lee that immtf tint fimud be givemi for a lflOitl- nmciit iti t'mrvnlry cemetery. 'I'imu ronsoima muidgned mute that time tmbtcm iptinut lists uuhl mutated timid. ettbscnipt1onm would be for time lote't , hlomite , amid time coumnuuitico enimekier this ( utah it trtmet. iii their imamuls. 'I'imy ) offer , iiowevci' , to mullow any Cath , lic subscriber to withdraw the money givemu 1mm 1 ito uiex I , twouit' ilays. I ii Semite jtmanters the feoiimug in hitter , intl. the inn- jotity of cit'mzemms hunk ! fcuhimigmm of tue umt- umitmst kimithmicas. Time simaft viil cost i , . (100 , ama ! tUL ho luuut. Uf ill the sprimmg. A Fmug Sigmumil. TOmtltlt.T ( ) , lce'mtber 6---'l'Imere mioth. lug iii t Imo so.cailcd tlymmmummiito oxlosummm inst imighit. Somne lnys iuiae'd a fog sigmual ( Ilk time street mmuilwmt ) ' track. 'limo car P.mRsCtl over unit ! it exliodutI with great violemmee , r11110 shock threw time car from the rmuiie amid disalmied it. 'i'imreo or four liassemIgols were badly nirnkemm , No imeliottu tltuimmago done to nil ) ' one. _ _ - - - - - CR01 , ITATISTICS. Time llt'set thug Stiu of stgrlcuuil mmml Re- 'Co tht Edit 'r ci Tlis lIes. 1 seldom trouble yotmt- pages , but as I take up various P5IlOt I sue statistics given of the croius iii title state mmd also from variotun coutitien. 1 wish to asi. trhtat is time use of statistics on ernie ? Is it to give tim PeoPle a correct kmiowiedgo of ntmcii , or is it to so enlarge the actual crop timat grain spectiirrtomn ccii cut dowmi the price of what gritin is actunily worth to it lois priCe , Cl ) they can rob time pr. diucor to Pttt iii their wmt pockets ? I see by the rOlOrt of State Secretary Wiicuhir , gathered frotmu tim secretaries of counties , timid the average yield of corn iii Nebraska - braska this yemur Is .11. buelmelmu. ' [ 'lie coon- I ty lit wiiieii I live hind planted. Inst sprium .lti,000 acres of cormi. This , at that rate , gives our cumtty 1,845,000 buehicla of Corim. Ilitru we got. it ? Iuming time sea I SOI tVO imavo had titrctsBtonmns thnthmui : do. strtyci wheat , hats and corp , at least 50 1 P ° ccitt out 1.1w tori itory of tiieso utormmts , wlmicii iunotiiutn to soyoial thtousamni acres ' [ have c&'mtversed ' much with fnnmmmorn ci this jiuit ( _ Somtio say tim crop will gt 110am wimat ii did last year. " 25 bushels , ' 1 Sommio that "it vihl utot. avortigo as unucit. ' 7 O1tems that ' 'it. will go inure. " I buiiov l take tril , it. vilI average 25 to 30 busheim There are pieces that wilt go ( ii ) to S ; 7 bushels. I eaw4na9iiicagppipet aropou U from title cpuntyL1Iat'.tho witeatar , : i. wouta1isvorai 20 L1 , . .u.3IIttcr-itstlu' . vitO I Lhusber.w1ia - proportion of hieat , wnUiQb le1s1M vJ roiiiod , " 1 have thtroehedbut 'ori&'piec 13. of 9 acres timat averaged 20" rboiiovo 8 fair average 1 , tlm wheat Is 12 bushoim I ) Does it bemmefmt the farmer to ovor.est 8 mate the crops ? In no case , but it i damage every tinm , Viiat ruioim milmotmi 1 ho adopted iii avoragimig crops ? " 8a3 6 Commissioner r4onimig , ' 'iii cntitmmatiimg ti : ( I yield er acre , rcimiemnbor all acrea which lice boemi ctmitivated eveuu titomigit 1 returns iio mmlore timaut time cecil so.vn is I U be comisidored. Time eatititatiumg too imig r , a yitlii per acm is time besetting situ ll agricultural reporters. " Last year I n 2 report fromim a Limmoohmi muon , in aim Iii i flue PflPOt , savimmg ' "limemo mire tim'rmauuid ' 11 of acrea of orui arnumid i4imlcolmu flu it hay :8 : from 85 to 100 iu.uimels per nero. " Sue I , reports go to tim grain merchants , time will try to believe it , so to otmt dow i111C05 live to ten cents per bimehol. an time farmers every tune imavo h stifFer to S thmia over cstiimuatiotm. 'Jimu coi'im crop a V timtt state was pitt at 60 bunimele last year ICur mu thin year in , immimcht of it , soft iii tim ' iim'i.t pieces I lowe seeui or lmennti of ii II thin couuumty. Time ejumahily of corn will no I ) L'O over 85 vr cent ( If lust year's cnmii ( I Time average yield is ratimer ietter , except t ill time storni trucks. I , believe reporting of crops require mmmuclm mmmoro attidy mmmmd kimowletige I hami i generally giveul to it ; , amiti imoio time tim will coimie wlmon it will be bettor tinder lutol , an time world nil ! ho tue botto it iUrmOlittl thereby. SuttoN. V AoiioImA , Neb , Doe. 1 , 1883. LILu . . - - - Lu - - - - DORSEYS II , , Limituiguralsm aVar cmi Ills l'arl - 11cr , , lii time Cattle Btmshtteo.I. 8iecImI to tim Hi. I.cule lkjitmhIlcti SANTA Pu , N. M. Docomnbor 8-Soon tor 8. W. Deratty has taken forcible Pen Li SCsskfl of time buildings mimid m-amidmcrm ol the I'oio Blanco cattle S cormipamiy , placo(1 ) an armed force of mcii omm gtmard and do. i deposed Manager (3. M. Woolworth. Tin I rammchmos amid headquarters of time comnpnrm are located In Coifax county , N. M.1 : near time towim of Springer , Donsoy's t home. 'l'imo ranch is 00 miles long and f 40 iii width , Be also individually owmis ) imovoni smaller tr&oth. Manager Wool- worth's endeavor to include one of those iii Imie charge as property of thin company appear to be tim cause of time present dii- I I'mcuity.Voolworth ropreonta llotmJmto. % v. ilosior of l'emitmeylvaiiin , who htolda , 8125,000 worth of time cattle comuparmy's sLelcwlmiio Bouncy owns $105,000 worth , I timird of time capital stock , Ilosier , r t will be remuiotmibered , is tue Ponimsylvu. dma acumator wimo knows a great deal about : the star route matter , but who wan mmot jIaced ujIoui time stand iii time into triiul be. cause of his fniondsiuip and. immtimmiate mIImjutii'ttmuico with I 1(10. .Janiea (1. lilauio. \Voolwortim mmd his attorney , M.V , Iilia , arrived in Santa Iu tv-dmmy with tim iiitetitioim of askimmg 0tmJef-Jutico fix. toll for aim itmjtimiotiomi to iestrnium Doree ) from coittimmuimug 1mm of tin cattle comnpauy , but. imavu nut yet jlreseimt 041 themr bill. ' 1'iny allege that Sommatoi Dorsoy imi immeammo cimd is ( h-Lmiiciimg imard. I 'I'Ims nhmig tiust assm.to uimenago the demo cuatlu pt * ny I mm Ohio did ci I they CUWII to , Itammilill and yet C ) imiv grit o imini hut two out of Its thmlmit.oemm vqt , - - . . SNOW AND WIND. lluiti : lls u Uiir11e1c Epcridllcc " ill Ilic Storm Lute , , Eavoo Wrouglit With E1ootrio Wires of All Kiuds , -4- 1 Stret'ts iltookalicit ' .Vithu the 'uVreck- ,3ge amid Trauma lclnyeul. .1 % IISAS'I'ltOUS STORM. ti1NVfll ! sIr.AVSLY VintrEn. lr.xvimt : , Decotnimor (1.-A snow tuft ! ' wimmit mstonmmu visited thu section inst. night which iii disasttotma effects is wjtimcut r iiataiiol 11 % the lmietci'y of Colorado. Smiow coniumionced falllimg at noon amid coiitimituetIi all night , The weather was waritt nii'd itttitclmi'ti itself to telegm-nlit wires until they were two IncItes imu diameter , At four o'clock tlmis mitmuimig the wind blow aitnot. a gale tutU in about half an hour iater : ioo PlCnt 18 incim s in diameter uncle blown dowmi carrying a nutsa of tvii'03. I'ifteemitii , higlitceumtlt and Lnir. . I reutco streets and a dozen squares worn S blockaded. All trains were delayed uuitil title ot'ciiiilg. Outside commununicatioui 3 wan couimlutoly ctmt off. The teiepiiono COmiiIIaimiVS will probabiy lose $1fi,00. 'l'lio damage to railroad , tclegramlm , ciec- ' trio light amid district messenger conpa- : ideals heavy Strangely Ito loss of lit lit roportel amid few serious acidemmts. The 5 storm wan entirely local , - ( ongress 1511(1 Caitous. V.Sii1NIlTO , December (1.-him ( . thu itotiso Mr. Mc0otd took the oath of olilce. Atijotirmie'.l until ? tlomiday. Time ticimitseratia senators lick ! a coticun this nioriming , l'cmutlcton presiding , to arraumgo the party's inemnbere ofthu cola- imtittces. Somiio fooling was di playcd iii respect to time itabit of older nmomnborms sceunimig a tmiajority of the immiportanti places cmi time comumntmttectu to time echusion of time yotnmgor mmictnbere. Tito following coummmiittco was appeimited to arrange the miiiiiority imicIiulorshuip to the bct inter- cats of all mtmutl rcIort timtiir actioui at. the micit caucus : harris , Cockrchl , ( imirland , ilutier , George , 1torgtiit amid Omtil. 'l'iio executive order cominolidatimig in- ' 5 tonimal ioveimuo districts was revoked as uipimiiod \Vitiqotmsiii districts. hut tim actuate , 1'Ir' Ithumdersoui pre- eemmtod time uciulllutiImms of time Nubrneka legislature , aakimmg that imrumd gratmt roads be commmpuhled to take IIUt patents so that . tim lammits itmay ho taxt'ml ; also to rcunovt tim dut.3' on ban ed who , ant ! for the im- irot'ouiieiit ofthio Missouri river. 'I'lmcro is imutch oppoaitiinttunong old inommibura of thu imouro ogirimist tin , otibrts , ofimow inoumbermu to gobble up positions (111 itmipoetmuit cOIiilillttces. 1111r. Ittottisout mtrill got tue cimairnisitelup of time wa3s and. meamme aitd Mr. Ihindall die chairmnausiuj ) ' of the appropriations . cOinflmltLteO. s , ' , _ .5 . ) CURN AND POUTICS. ci . . - _ _ . . it , - r' , ' * D _ . . . . I.- A\ u. RoTz' W tiler Tetiu ' i'n . 0 .ALL1N4P ( -Oormhuekingwuelt under way and i is t iitcty v ° t There is not & . r quarter of a crop of sound cc.mu in thu [ U county. M I elmould iuave written to Tiiit Bins IC sOoiier , but I got so terribly brohemi UI ) on tim day of eloctiomi by the poiiticai cy- ( ) cloime whicli swept over our county Jute a ; ii political besoumu of destruction , which ) f lammdod so ninny of Limo boys anmmd the w dreary wastes around time Imead of Salt iCreek. . The repubiican beat has made a sotmie splendid races , and weathered souuuo 0 fearful aiea , bmmt tIme grtat amount of ii corruptiotm which simo Imas been loaded 3' with for nomnu years , line on rotted Jmor a tiUIiOi3 that the eycloumo and taupedo ( I which Gcoigo IV. hrowii ) cud Ida fritiimde r exploded right under liar aterim , loaded f with couicommtr.rtotl juoliticuil ( lyminuhite , was . - too mnmucia for her. Jus timiit'c ' of it ! live 0 out of Sevi a u her crew lust. Cimuidi- Ii dittos for thu different cutitmty ofhices , and I. iteeso mmd Titruuuy only were saved by . time skin ( If their toetlu , aithiotigh ii'rjn t Clunk was rutumning her nuder double reifod top nails , and imr hatches Em battemiol dwmi. how different it iwac S three yeats agoh 'I'imeut all wau calimi and a wo could sail her in an umiumflhid sea with . every sail aol witimotit cimangitig tim mU- 1' der , hike a ship in the trades on the bosom of time brOfld Pacific5 Our candi. date for treasurer , Colonel Untris , was. beaten by Sammi i3oimnan by 531 votes , amid .iaimiee 8. Armstrong got away with our intuit's scalp icr county judge by 78 , aumd .1. C. ( ircomi laid out two men for shertL - by 11(1 votes. Dr , D. 11. Lewis cleaned out our man , Dr. Brown , ItTh coroner by 237 votes , and J. 0. Lewis buried our macmm for comnmisaioner under a anorn bammk of 200 votes. II. F. Snider . imohialmed otmr maim for surveyor by 68 votes , - auid Reese only got 62 niajorit7 , and lie r ougimt to have got over (300. ( Tiffany only I got 140 , and ho ought to have got over . too. Our candidate for clerk was recog- I muizeti iii the wreck malt ! the mael8troun , by his red beard struggling for dear life , and was only saved by one vote. Anti I oW the ntmtios are going to L contest his might to live. Poor I Peters , that rod board lies often blazed before hi comrades in the I front ranks of the wsr , where tim battle was the hottest , hike the white plume of . Navarre.T tiieugimt the anti move. mont was dead , but this is the second timno it has fooled us by rising up hike time bird of fable , each time stronger amid. stronger. We ought to have won , as we had both county papers oit our side , be- nudes nearly all thu prominent mcml ; also iienniy all tim money , ciii ! m umey viih buy whtiiulcey. And i t , hind Limo Ilniiicilal ; iontiomi of the igumor&mmiiueeu on our aide , which incites time s'raiglmt voters. Ohl % yhmat mutust tvo nomninoimt inca delVe must hta'c aim issue to attract the voters , from time 1)e3tifCt0Uu nmttimmiommopoiy ' I moveimiomit or n'o will lose our viissosstmro. Vaviumg time bloody cliirt is played out. except anmomig tue flip Van SVimmldca , I tJE OP rita IJOY $ . . - _ - , . 05)1151 II uitlonal I'olleo lk'gmilnt iirmt , . Nuw Vomiw , Decemmitior 0- The tie. tiomitul to uuiiernmico society bias adopted : . resolutions asking congtcsa to aimiemurl t'uo ' constitution of tue United States , so " to iirolniiit the liquor titifilo cimturely I . . - - - - - . - . . - - . _ _ _ _