I i $ 4. - THE nAiLy BEE-"OMAIIATIIURSD kY , r)1UEi'r3M ( , , 1853 , TIlE Osnttha once , Nn,1)1(3 Vnrnnnt St. ttit'oll 1linlT + Olllee , Nu. 7 Patrl Eatrert , Snnr Urtnuln'ay. Nnvv Tnrk UOIce , ] toout tf. Trlbuno Building. ubllrhrl every ruining , eZeept Sunday. The ely Monday morntrg dally. RRM + PT MALI. ce rest. . . . . . . . 8IO. ( , Three 'tnnthLte , + tl AlzMonthe. . . . . , . . & WICno Month „ . . till wCaRLr RRt , PURMRIIRD RVRRT RtD ( ? DAT. TRRMi PO5TrAID. Coo , . . . , . . . . . , x Three Months , . . . . . .P 50 ' alt Months . . . . . . , . Lee I One Month . 20 Ameriavn tiows t nmpsny , Solo Agent ? . New edo'I sa In the Unite ] Staten WR0.R5r0RDRVCR A Communlatlnnf rct.ulnq to News sad I'alltnrlal mfttete Ihotild be ad tres + oJ to the RDITDR or TII YIL RUflsRSI tsrreRe AU Ru + Incf + betters and llamltttneel eh0uld M addreucd to TIIR Iut I'UPttelll"e Ci MFART , OMAIIA Drops , Chocks and I'o + tn tko ur Iera to be .ue4o pay able to the order or the company. TIIB BBB BUBLISIIING CO. PROPS , S. RHgntrd . Pdttor Tint city wants another detootivo at $100 per month. Whnro is Ilazuu ? IIA9N'T rho city about ouough hydrants by this time , in view of thu faot that its hydrant rental already anuumts to about $26,000 a year ? AN Omaha roviva1IMt the other even ing preached a sermon 01)011 thin subject of "The Old lIen. " Ile ought to bu able to hatch out sotnething iutorostiug. Tin : first notes of military service ro ferns come from the secretary of war , who proposes ill his aumiu II report to dispose of two thousand mules , whidb arc on iittod for tlto war SOOT ! ! CAIto1JNA , Drat in nullification and Beceasion , is now the first state to make war on the negro. She is nlroady at werk to secure the repeal of the civil rights bill passed by the stale legislAture in 1870 under the rocnnst ueticm regime. South Carolina is a little lee previous in this matter. Congress may pass a bill that sill bo con ditutuotial. Car , . FILANK .JAMes , the Missouri hum , is new within r0aelt of hburty , Isla bail being fixed at only $3,000. I'ussibly 00100 of his friends will halt sonic ex gross train for his bunofL Perhaps it . + nm'd h. + cheaper fur the exprusa comp.t- ArlUa L..lvatco the money tvLthuut exposing - posing tliei. tnessengors to aoedlesa dun. goys. Tus miomshiii s of S mth and Nort Caloliua will rujoiCo that they have uu liouator Butler a eau after their own heart. Mr. Butler has Como forward to their relief with n 6111 to ropual all inter sin ! rovonuu tax laws and make tvhtsky as free as the mountain dew. It is a good antidote for the prohibition amend. menu introduced by lhu cold water Rona- tor front Now ILunpslliro. ' n i an unhappyeityundor - . ' c'ttsr itclu is dcolum. a 17 ,6a , r n.a..nn Jn lie a dthntal fraud and chtully useful as a nuisance. The now ohartur gave to the city eighteen counculmon , who tIxud their own salaries at Goo lntis drod dollars a year. In this connection the Tribune says the city of Denver needs a conniitteo of taxpaying citizens to look after its interests , and until it has this , local atflird will be at the isierey of any ono who nuros to "work" the council. Thu "proxies" of tltu 1)001)10 are evidently lining their pockoh , as usual. r The St. Joe Gnzcllc is in an awful di. lomtna. It claims to ho the loading duuto cratie organ in northwest Misdouri , and its cdnt Ir wont to Wushiugtoii on a nissionl to anti + t ltandnll into thu upuakors chair. IIa reached tlm tuttiuunl capital inure thus a week ego , and at oleo entered into thu work of lug ruhhing for Randall , with a fair prospect , if successful - cessful , of buing put ou the pension roll as a commuttou clerk at six dollars per day. Incidentally Ito wits also to bueoni pousatod with railroad patromiagu for his vapor as a reward for his good work. Su confident was ho of Ituldult's uloetiun that Ito Bunt bumbastio B1)UOtal dispatches to theOaetcrout day to tiny , ropirdlesA of exIteuso , prcdictiug Carllslu's dufuat , And now all is gloom trod wretchocln'BR , and gnash'nq ' of teeth and ttvlrir1 ; of hair and profanity in thlo hnzclto tfllto. To relieve thu disaster Editor Edwards tole. graphs ( rout the seat of war thu fullowhig laconic dispatch : WAuiNOTONjD. C. , Ddcombor 3. To the Oatettet All thu excitement over the epenkur Bliip btmnglu is Over. Thu talk of the capital toaright is the Mpeoel5 uuadu by Carlisle , when he took the chair , if Itaudull had made it uu 0uo would have been surpruad , but cenuiiig from C.trlislu , it fl s a Itttlu runLRrkublu. flu took bold ground agutust Utu tariff agitation , and gave the denuicruts t" olenrly ummderMbud that as far as he was C llCsrLed itotliiug in the Shape 'f ttrilf aitattnn wend bu pornittud. Thu irtu tsndurs nro iudg [ Matt at tIsta pnsittoll whil(1 Utu cosurva itvo toot feel rultuvud , If hu perAuvrrue fn this work purhaps ho may ho 151)10 to keep the house Iannuwhtro in decent bounds , ulhvrwisu uverytllislg is l Rt. .I. N. I. . Managing Editor Elwards substitute at honro supplulllolta the duspatchi aItl I an editorial that fully doacrihos the bereavement reavoment which uflticts the Gazcfe ( of lice. The following is an txtraol "Though hard times have been uxperi enced this year , thu worst is yet to Conte end a panic befuro the close of the preaj dential campaign need not crate sus prise. This Is a dismal vuuw , but It i not overdrawn. Its ulruct , too , trill b adverse to the dotnnzralto party , feon through the auleke of this last e.s'n paign , thu ehaneof are ulquCatnmmsbly [ t favor of the enemy. Sul it is not to late to repair bone d the injury that h beoit sr aught. It ? a lementablu tip . ocoadel for r. p I r' should have come u coin , but 111110 'Ito uiisohitf is dotu must ho ro n0dk f ; ' JDJrvNDS' : t'osrlL TEV.eaRAJ'Jf. Senator Edmunds has introduced a bill to establish oxporintonlnl postal ( ele- graph lines , in compotihet with the cx- hthig telegraph system , 1 + 'uur truck lines of postal telegraph are to bo built connecting the national capital with the urincipal cities of the tiorlhwost , tvet , BUllthlweAL sinl southern parta of the tnlion. Tltaso lines are to booperated to dertho control of aboardof Norco cabinet olliccrs. To lit ) for the construction of such lines and llio right of way Sena. tor ldaminIdt proI.osos to appropriate $ ioooooD. 't'his is n very crude and ill digested scheme to establish a instal telegraph. There is no moru use for three eibinet ntlicors to control the postal telegraph than thev would ho for thret cabimiOL ollicors to ontnl the post ofliec , Dur into ( ho war one head coutrollod the mili Lary tolographt system wills great eflleiel ey , Three heads would have caused a conflict fatal to its suceu3 $ . If we are to have a postal telegraph , tlto poshnastcr guneral is cOmputuut to menage it. through telegraph BUpOrllltOUlltitltS jtiet as ho maluages the railway service through Superb tdmdOnt Thuutpsel Senator lsdmmtiuuds pruposos to make postal telegraphy a costly experiment , when the country donimida that the control of the entire telegraph be taken away from private corporations and made part of the instal service. Thu primary object of his BCiIomo scums to ho toalford + dditional facilities for communication I between 1Vashingten and the principal cities of the uiitun , Thu existing tube- graph Rysten affords ample facility at- rondy for such uturcnurse , but it is the sinellur towns turd villages , which now enjoy postal facilities , that lack proper lologrgih connections aid prompt ser- vita. Thu telegraph contprinies construct their lines mainly with a view of seeur tug the business of the large cities. They maintain ti1GCOB only where thu income exceeds tire outlay , but the postal - al telegraph could make nearly - ly every postofl1co a telegraph office without much additional expense. ' 'ho village postmuatcr could operate thu telegraph. There would 1)0 no add itio zl rent or any expense beyond thu trilling outlay for telegraph iustrneenteand bat. tory. At present all the sumall stations depend of the railroad talegrnph lines , and those are almost consttutiy in use for railroad business. As a cousequoncu time po0plu at estations are virtually without - out telegraph facilities. Sauator Ed. nltitidme'sclwmo would not butter their condition. The propoutimmi to operate telegraph lines by the gnvcrnmemt in competition with privalo lulugniph lines would work injnstieo , and if carried ou with a v iuw of simply paying actual expenses - penses would ho emiutvnluut to the con tfscatiou of private property , which is C0n trary to the spirit of ourgovurmincnt. It would be impossible foruxisting telegraph O0mpanius t0 moot tine Vaulted States in competition for through business , with , t. + : r-tv , .t 'AAterl it U1ita thp' states whore congress has no jurisdiction. They would operate their lines at a lessen on the parallel linus ostabltslted by the govormnonL and mike up ( ho lots by exacting higher rates than they now ehago between points whemo the postal tolugr.u h would not competu. It is , moreover , unreasonable for a great guy. orumont like ours to force itself into competition with a privmito telegraphs cenpany , boausu its rosourees cannot pnsstbly be equal to those of thu United States , If we are to have a 1)05tl telegraph , it should be for ( Ito pur msu of establishing uniforms anti cheap rates , with increased facilities amid a reliable service. It is self uvidemit that tlio only rational , prnc tidal amid duferdblu way of estibltsllimg tie postal lelugraplu is to tlku time tine. graph husiness ant of the ! lands of pri- v'iltu corporations by ptu chnsing their lines , There it money enough In the treasury to do this. 'I'bis was ( hue way Englund eattblisiuat huor postal tel. ugr.iplt sinl gavu to tie penplu of Croat llritnun butter facilities , amid mono elltcictit survieu 'ut reduced rates , Any solm11e that attempts to ox perimeut in building cnmpoting tuh'grtph , lint's is cur. tin to prove n costly failure , Ticro w ill be so much pressure brlught upon the ) ostnla3ter gouut' it to keep the rates up situ alt"rd 110 repel , amid there will be tue most imigeninus schuumos foisted upon the Cdtitlct oflicers , who know absolutely nothtmmg about tulegraph nmuagument , to make the ruutiiug of the uxpurimental liuu so costly aud'inellicimit ' that frmdly it would have t0 be nbanduued , 11r..1ny Could would then' step in , relieve thu gnvurnmetit of its wiuRo ulnpitant by ing time lines for old wire and fuitce iota and make hta tnmtep6ly of the telegraph atromi or diet it unw is , by holding up to time penplu the abortive off..rt. to compute even by the government. S1 ATOn BGAIn , of Now llampahiru , hiss iutrt dueed an nmondmeht td time con- stitutinmi to pruhihit the tnutiufneturo of lquor ( ill the Unitrd States. Mr. Blai ru bas n heavy contract out hta hands if h u propesle to pass his nuiendunemit through the h0tiso with its two.thirds douecrati u umjurity , But ovet if they should ac ; coumodatu hint lie would bavu to wuuit a . good many years before ho could imd mice , the legislatures of thirty status to concu r . in a proldbitory comistitutiunal ancld . uncut. a _ 0 SOML New York sports offer to but * $1,001 that Sullivan cnmwt knock down I as ox with four blows of his bare fiat , n and Sullivan claims ho wan du it at thl 0 first plow , 'this lucks as if Sullb an i s ns cnusiuurablo on the 14 w. flu assurtr .t that ho once Icmi udind ti'wu , a horse 0 Omiiaha Rports are willing to but that thin ) It can pu ducu a nndu ( lint will knock Sulli sat out on the fret round , JA , lrr'ooxrno TJIJ ) J'JIFSDCNT 'l'imos elf slyledleading republicanorgan of this city is disgruntled over I'renhlo t ArUlurA messago. The cminont stales- nlnii at the lmad of that roadorless concern - corn takes oxcoptiotls to limo whole mimes- sage in general , and to nearly uverythming the IrcAidumitaay'A in particular. Accords log to the Rrpuld1Carl time mnessago"sill [ sty'lu hardly conparablo to his prowioas utrorts , because it is werbnsr , nod tit Benne respects nlmost mileouimmgless , " As n tnnt- tor of fact , the previouA dressage of Presi tieut Autiuir was fully oue fnurllu longer. Thu jimpled amid diejoinled mess wbtclm the Jtrpubfieun pnhas tiff as time prcdu dent's umessagu timay ho inuamuiugless in mammy p0111(3 , limit the document as printed by reputable newspapers roads as smootlt ly as if it hind beout written by Seward or Evarts , The editor of the 1kpuhlirnn indulges in a gratuitous fling at the presidemii by ref a sarcastic ndluiuou to his enjoyment of angling. Ito nays : "Booting ( lie habits of time man , the few people who trill rend time message will nut wonder that ho chooses the subject of fish amid iuhories for tun opetiug and presummiably moat important topic. The finances and other practical matters are nmdu to wait tuttil the subject of trout and trout propagation ii exhausted. " I'residcnt Arthur's fondness for trout Angling hardly flrmiislioa an excuse for such stupid amid pointless wit. Tutu president very properly opens his me sage with with a general ruviuw of our foreign relations , as he obtains it through the dupartnout of state. Thu subject of fielterica is a matter of vast import imi our dealings with Great Britain and her American colonies , The New England states and ( hue PAcilie coast will not slicer at the prosidott for giving this subject prcccdenca. The organist of the 1lniou Pacific railroad - road , with whom true republicanism and thu public welfare are secondary , ap- pens very ouch disgusted over thin presidant's recommendations on ( h0 railroad - road issue. Ile Bhuows the cloven-hoof in the following continent : "Lm the matter of railroad legtslaUon the proe1dent is ailIhignous to nnythlug but a do- llghtful extent. It would have pnrhnbly boeu butter had lee not touched this subject , about which ho scouts to know nothing Ill particular , mid rencur"ing which ho 1111 + min upii1tu11. Starting with the ttsrortiun that there are rtllroad abmsua , he vaguely Alludes to a cur. tuht Iii bility of the stntrs to correct them. 1VhcIrer thin sttios should or could go further , or % tltether the federal govw'ommit should ur could take itp the it' , rh at time p dmmt of Bolt reached by the states , lie utterly fails to lull- eat" . The suhitinu of the nil Ini.rd problem is etitlently to Ieci ivn min taslsnumcu from 14csi duAt Amtlwr , either in Iho way of iii tulligeut discusslum I.r . of ri cuunnuudati"a to a cuugress whielm itself is all 11t sun. " Now let us quote what the president did say mu the subject of railway abuses : Complaints have lately beets frequent and urgent that certain corporations , controlling ill whole or in part the fdcili Lies for the inter-state carragoof pursues and merch.umdieu upon the grunt railroads of the country , hat's resorted in their darlings with the public to diverse mea- urns , ummlust and oppresshu imp their char- acter. In settle nlstaeea thio state courts bavu attacked and suppressed these exit. but in utliure tlmoy bavo bcon'unublo to udlirrd adequate protection because of tlue jurisdictional himmlitations which are ins- p ) scd upon then by the federal eoustitu- Sian. 'ho question , how- far the uatiotal gnvernuuelt many lawfully interfere in the premuises , and what , if any , supervision or eonrul it ought to exercise , is one which merits your careful consideration. 1Vhulo we cannot fail to recognize the importulco of the vast railway systems of time country , std their great and bene ticinl intlumieems uImen the development of our material wealth , we should , ou the other hand , rouleutber that no imidivid tort n ? ' .l nu corporation ought to ho invested - vested with absolute power over the interest of other citizens or class of citizens - zens , Thu right of the railway corporations to duumnd a protitablu return upon their iuvcstneds nud a reasounble freduuu in their regulations must ho recognized , but U scums only just , so fur as its cnu stituttonal authority will permit , thnr crlrJrrss 8/10711(1 prolce ( the pe0pa rut 1i'rgit in llici' inler strttc ! rcrj/ie gyainsl ( netsofi0ji1A/ac "hic/ilimnshatfJorcrIi. lint tl 3 arcpoucrlcss to prcrcnl. Now , is tbero nuythiug munbuguous or Inoanimigletuu in this presuntatiou of thu ruulwny prubleni Is it mint. clear cmuoimgh that the uresidemt has a definite opinion oil this quostiomi , and that optniot is clearly expressed whet le says that abuses exist in iho nether of trausporta- lion over ( lie trunk humus , which rapuire a ruucdy through legislation ? Is thnto amiytlting "duliglmtfuliy ambiguous" in the prestdert'a conelusions , that "con gross should protect the people at large in tlfuir , interstate talliu asinst acts o f injustieo which Ulu state govonnneut s are powerluas to prevent ? " \Viiat immure should thtu presiduut sny ? is ho expects d to draw up a bill to regulate intoratat e com morco and aubmit it with his mss sage ? Is it necessary for hum to iuforu s c(1ugress whuro their jurisdiction ovum railroads bogies and whom that of tin Btatui ceases ? IVas ho expected to im elude in hits message a recommtinuudslie of railroad lases to ho passed by time state a fur their local tratllcl Time conuneut of the Relubllcan tim tutu renni11der of the mussuge is in keep ing with its armors about time fisheries an d time railway Monopolies' Cnnting four a paper that prudes itself on beimig the ex 1)0110111 of sinunn pure rupublicanisnt , tlli lumpoemung of a republican prosiduut is to say thu least , ill decidedly bad taste TJnc JNDr4N J'lWILG1.M. General Crook is known to be one o ( lie moat successful Indian fighters , and a a pacificator be has never load alt equal All time Indtuua wren ho huts eve whipped bavu the utnust contidencu ii hint as a nrnn of huts word amid as a was counsellor , amid tvhuruvor ire is know ilnloig the Indiuums Ito is feared nu respected. In his auuuul report of tin dupartnent of Arizona , of wluclt bin j thin cnuunaudur , ha outurs into a discu s stmt of ( lie snlutiou of thu [ udian prol ' loot , His sulesttons , whuielt are tin results of navy years uxperucucu anus Ale l0diau , vuhl uo doubt be rogardC as Vary v'aluablo in tlm solution of the Indian question , Ile suggests nothing that is not sensible , practical , and con. dsteit , General Crook says that there are certain poutts which arise at once in all dadimigs with ( lie lndians , amid ono of time most ditlicult for tllmu to undcrstarnl is tlm distiuetion between time government , that is limn supreme nutliotity , nod the iudividua ) or agent representing this authlority. They recognize at onto the power which is suflicieit to control and punish or protect them , and respect time individual holdlmig this power-but the abstract idea that this lean merely repro. seats limo government , nod that his promises , or acliols or recontinondatimis are liable to bu disallowed by higher authority , they cauuot understand. we really tin longer Iuave a frontier ; and an immouso amount of capital is invested and cattle raisers , prospectors and farmers swarm where , comparatively , a few years ago rho foot of white then never trod. These now interests must be protected. In the settlomnnnt of this question , bay - big out , entirely , the normal aspect , Cietoral Crook says there is simply two methods , either the Indians utuat be exterminated - terminated , or they must ho treated with justice. In almost ovary Indian war the prime cause thorofor has beet , either the failure of the govornmeiit to make good its pleuges , or the wrongs perpetrated upon thria by unscrupulous , whites , This cmditou [ of affairs can no longer continuo. The lmtdinu bias now sufliient It11owledgu of the needs of the country to force ass to deal justly with him , and if ho is not so doaft with ho will go upon ( ho war path , 'l'imo Indians no longer are inferior to the whites ill cquipiucnts rand miiunitions of tvar , and , in his own country , and with llia own nuodo of warfare faro , Ito is more that the equal of the white titan , General Crook maintains that , with all the interests at stake , we cannot af ford to tight them , and it follows , iuas- Ouucls as we are culpable , as a nation , for the existing condition of affairs , that we must satisfy then ( lint hereafter they shall be treated with justice , and protected from the inroads - roads of wlmito mar , Ifs suggests that the reservation system o0crs at present the easiest wayto secure this end. They should bo taught time methods of agriculture - ture , anti stiniulated to industry by a nfarkot for their crops. The Indian should own laud in severalty under a patent , so that it cauuot be taken from him , and when lie realizes that ho iii in- dupetdent , there will be no further need of the tribal organization. Time next atop , as suggested by Geeral Crook , would be to give the Indian the ballot , which will make him the white man's equal politically , and enable the two to hutve a community of interests , General Crook is opposed to the disarmament - armament of the Indians as the first atop in slue solution of the Indian problem. Thoy' wnnt ftleirf arias' tirr prot.oti.ei a while at least , and if disarmed they can easily procure new guns and auununition. it would seem then that General Crook concludes that disarmament would only be advisable whets the Iudiamis become cetvimicod that arms are uo longer needed , and then they would naturally disarm themselves. A'1'UG" JNTIIE JUG , A 1Vould ] te hunk ItcliUrr Captarred at Orl1 , Neb. Cnrrospoadence of Tint Bar , MAUIBON , Neb , , Ikcember .L-1t. is runuurud around that Frank Wilson , alias Itarry Clayton , and tiard , intended to rob the bank at Madison. "Tug" IVilenn , as lie vas called , canto hereto Madisonaunw tiulo about the Bret of July and left time brat week in October. While here h0 sous times acted SuspiciOua , butt u0 lhotmglmt was tikes of it until lie was cap. turgid at Ord. 't'hey had nrramged to rob the bank at 4 o'clock p , mil. , ail the deposits - posits were being put in time vault , [ Lu , living here for three mouths , was well acquainted with time place , 'l'hu do. toctivus and utlucora cmnu here , tnkiug a roan in one of ale hot0la. Calling time laudlord ho asked , showiughimisonupie- lures of 11'ihsou nand time won0ui with taint , "Cali you identify thonil „ "Yes ; I cnu , " "Well , whuro are they ? " " 1 du not kuuw , but 1 can find.out. A gentluuunt rucemvdd a letter frout lmim a weak or two ago , " " 11'tdl , you see if you cnu lu d out. " 'J'he humdluid then called plc gcutile- Oman mod asked him 1f be bud tlm mold rust nf'l'ug IVdson Ile deeilted that 1mu did out know where hu uus , "I thud receive a letter from him , " said lie , but 1 lust thu letter , nud I honestly du not know his addressn 'l'imo ' hlimdloid tht'u retuned to tin" r0nnl vvboro time ultic + t a welu mid told t tlemlu shut tie man lead said , adutag ; "I guess Ie 'don't knot , or lie would tell . ' seers , htiwuver , Hutt hue nddross I ItA i kmuwribueuuisu time tfkuma avclhuukd ale umsil going nut f umim Madison Ulu text uurnumg ( std fuuud the letter that hunt been wnlton to 1Vml- son iuforuing luimi Hutt time elli ' curs t crc on his track , lu this way they e fuuud where 1Vilson was , and went to OrI , where Iw was arrested. A large , tile ) lean I f horses w'ero ' nearly poisonud hero , 'I'lie owner foil them nr puils , aid iusunnJ tvmy happeiied f to sue suuething in the fuednud suspect. 0d it. 'I'akfug it to thu chrmmuist , it was 5 fouled to be l'nmis grecu , nud three timues . a Isrgu dose. I'hd on ncr thuimks it was r tau much , and that the Itorsu would imp cat thu food , RerowTin : , i U IlnOdR Fat'xnpnt tlln n Is dosignud to uncut the vwants of those d nho nucd it uedictne to build , then up , u give tlcm ao apputitu , pultfy ( hide blond 3 std oil up time tuutehtutir'f their bodies , Nu other aticlu ta1'es hold of time mu' stem until hits exactly the spot like l laid t Sarsaparilla , It works Ilke magic , reach 0 ing uv'ury' peat of timehuuullubody' througl g the blocal , , giyiug to all twtewed liltt tut' d uuegy' , $1 u bottle ; six fur Sri , i ! i Cures Rheumatism , Lum- bngoLaraolaclr , Sprains and Bruises , Asthma , Catf.rrh , Coughs , Colds , Sere Throat , Diphtheria , Burns , Frost Bite ; , Tooth , Ear , and Hoar ! echo , and ail pains and achos. The test Internal And enerml remedy In the world , nrerrbottle gunntee1. Soil l.ymedkme deataeelaywhere mectloneInelghtlanruuer , rrlce to cents and f.ca. FOSTER , MILOUHO 8 CO. , Prop'r/ , nurr ALO , rm. y. u , s , A. S1'AT1 .IOTrINGS. Ilutnboldt is illumnlnatod with gay. Threshing still contnntes ht Ferias county. Nebraska City fools tls need of better tine protection. Orleans is assured of a crotuuery and cheese factory eumubiued , North Ilend voted to bond thu town C lOOOO , worth for fire apparatus. A cheese factoiv is one of the prosleetlvo iogirnveu.euts of Ilnurlmldt. Time now Masonic luill of Lincoln will be thrown open to the public this week. Foss k lfitcltell the Lincoln pork packers still endeavor to kill 100 hugs ( Iaily. Freeport , lll. Ctadtalists , with n roll of SOOOem ) , ate about to start a bank tit Bloom- ( ugttnm. The Clay County f ierald says dial corn in that rogbn will average mifnetycight bushels to tine acre. T bl , ( 'attonwlro , fell from n train ill Northi Platte , binuday , is locuvoring front rho inju lies rectived. There has 1)0015 cunsdCrable [ layimmg on of hauls throughout time state since the standard time was i0augurated. T. J , l'otterson , a prominent citizen of 111 + iug City , died suddenly of bemumrlingo of time l mgs last 'I'uesduy , 'rho sheriff of Yunktii swooped down on n iiox o tidal at Battle Croak last week and lugged trio off to the embryo stuto. The Ibltne fur the Fuendless ( lu Lincoln is hi 1meed Ilf RtilIjIlies. ' 1 lie S5,000 anpropriatetl uy the legislature hat gone into buiiduss. ; 'I'ho''Onmaha'fheatric11l ( 'uugrauy"is sail. lug thuongll the state with n great tlourib of trumpets , Ouudu i tni ht feel proud of tlieut if they were Arquntitumm [ es. Aloxamihfa needs an opera house , n build. lug nsoeiatuui , wattr wurks and tine npplna tus , Imd time wide awaku teen w ith tnouuy to invest in uimummactories , Mr. I'humer , living ab tut nine miles northwest - west of bliudeu , has keen burned out of huuso ouch huome by a prnitic tiro. Three hursoasvero 1)uruod with thuather property. 'file new branch of time B .L M , from Odell to 1Vashitigsun 14miP ms , ii heimug e.tmatrmict'II rapdly ; atll'.iLit , tie cnmuiuitoucc of favor ible weather vihi ho coruplet0d ultead of contract tiume. 155mhoo fs builllng high hopes out Elio po'e i hility..f t to C tic t ; . a'nl N .rcriwartern coin. ice down that vvay ( tout Fretrnnd , thus coumr pulling the 11 , & bl , ill selt deftame to build north from ilshlmuul , 'limo Fehld City Journal calls loudly for an uffectivu tire pr''teotiuA , 'rho presPnt fucili- ties are buckets , nmsclo aml wells. The ladies are to Auld a festival to raise funds to pur- ehusu a tire ongiue. Time Enterpuiso , (1f Aiitngton , Washington county , is the Cutest newspaper venture fu the .lain , . ' 1'hs.tuibli i.ors . puioiw a red-hot Pa 1'ter. A few copies lit every' ltou'o ant para. Iyzu ' stoves and coal bills mit cite Rtvoimp. The engineers of the S mix City k Pacific have located the line for niuoty miles. The getreral direction us west , the terminus of the Ineatod line nu Autelopo creek , . being uoarly due wont of Yuleuttite. A yonthRd couple w lin ) mad peon tnarrird by a nthmisterof the 1)nnkmtrd f.th [ fuuud their it u nits kicking vigorint.ly , and TIe Ueatrfex Democrat soy's J ustico IJttlrjuhn ammllod the cuntiact stud sent theta home to time arms of their roslwetivo mmmmuuty , A tow days ago the B. k bf , passenger from the west collided witlu a wlmgu15 a few miles hnynud Ilastiugs. The driver wits ridliug In time buttoue of the wagon when the eui limo struck time hind wliotis aunt savttevad them mud time box iii splinters over tin" pruimla. 'fume driver was fund uncunscinue when the trout stepped nud picked limit ui. 11o woe taken to Itistiligs ilmmd irmufe as cimGlCtable as riblu ill the statfun , tihurtly aRor ho o ; cued his n , us for tin" 1irt thine , sO"i d at surnnumd- lug objects tuid slmnutrd , " I'hut's the uutnber of thRcar that stnick me + " lie was sent h/line Iii a ca FAinn Jlmtinr t''t iuiif 1rnn , ClNc1NNA1'1 , O11. . C , hull , of the Cln'lslinn .Slrnirlrlrrl , (111(1 of the nmost aiduly trod reltgiuus pupore , states Hutt niter luavimmg visited mmeamly every state cud territory in time Lutuu he is lure- pmitrd to endorau St. .hmc"bs Oil as a ( ( Oil derfu1 puin'relicwiuq mold hedlog remedy. Ile cites n'murkahiu cures. l'elloy lime , a lntrlingteln , Li , , nrtldteet , utTris L , ( mubh the do.lgm , supunutou.i . thin urostructloui , nud umuulgu sugar corks (1 ( hufor ) 11 dlt1mb i f prrdit's''tor and ubome 10 per rout min cag iud luvi'stetq the buildlng of which In Beatrice Is boiog agituttd , , A ' = 'fFtE GREAT ' 6t CURES Alteumalistn , flcuraigia , Sciatica , Lumbago , Umcetehe. Headache , Tootmiaehe , r..rTheol.Snrit'mM ; . ' . i"n n + , A.d. , 1're. Illlr. Asn uu , um s0 ksn.s , rugs ism uams. , , , ti hr mnmrt.t.ssua lM + ma.n + r ) coon. runt Cwm , 6otU. nmroii.to it I. . + , I'II titLKB , t. t OUKI .tat 9I. , , , A. CoaI C. E. M rYTarE & CO. , 1509 f arnam Sheet 1 - - OmahaI Neb , wIOI.ESALE SIIIPi'KRs AND IKALKIts IN Hard &SoTt Coal I --AND- - - - CONNELSVILLE COKE I r Write for l'riet , , HI ifl CON , Real . , r ' . , , ) a , I : r } 1 ? E r 5 . 1 .nY Y 1 arc t r rJ 15th and 'arnam Streete. - r , - Omaha 1 Neb. timid a few of our BEST and most DE IItABLE G.1INS , all of which will undoubtedly be sold within a few ha as they are exceptionally low an t selected from our large list as being unequaled bargains , both for speculators and for tlloso desiring a home. OIIAIILI CITY YItOPEItTV. No , 3i-Itosidenco , property , 4 blocks from street car line , near Ilanscom Turk , house of l1 rooms , lot 00x300. $2,000 cash , balance long timo. $3,000 , INu. 47-Warehouse , BBxOO , on U. P I1. It , side track. Best lo catmor in ( ho city. $16,000. No. 914 iota on S. 10th street , E.tsy terms. Etch , $300. No. 102-Elouso amid lot. House , 5 manna amid b.isontcuL Lot , 60 x140 , S.10tln street , near Charles , $800 down , bdluuco in 2 years , $1 400. No. 84-6 lots , l6x132 ; each , S 10th at. Must be sold altogether , $4,000. No. 77-3 houses , 2 brick and 1 frame , on lot 00x13 : , S. 11th at. , $4,000 cash , balance lon , timo. $7,250. No. 101-Ono acre lot , with house of 4 rooms , near Hans. corn I'turk. Easy terns. $3,700. No , 'l0-Ouo micro lot amid house , 4 rooms , 4 blocks , S. St. Mary's avenue strcot car lino. Very cheap. $3600. ; Lilermd terms , No. 11-3 houses and lots , 60x140 , S : 10th Bt , , N of railroad. This is the hest hargltiu for an investor ever ' 'tiered ' in thin city. $7,600. No , 110-:1 good lu + asu of 5 roams , with baaentemit mud other good improvenmeuts. Iuot , 50x160. 1''l uit and ( uvergruen trees 0 yours old. Nice residence property. E nsy terms. $3 200. No. 10-New house and bare. Lot , 132x148 , Titus is a vary desirable - sirable residence property , itnd is offered at a low price. 1ViiI exchange - change for frut property , $1,600. No. frl-d lots in Lows 2 1 mutditiomi , very cheap and on easy terms. No , 12-10Onr'res of iniprovcd hard ill Ilitchcock county , Nebraska , ran ing iu price from $3,60 to $1) per acre. Nn. 176(1) ( uterus of gund ftrmi laud in Dawson County. 1Vill ox- chnuge for city property. $3 GO per acre , No 21)-Au ) SO-acre farm near 1Vnhmumi , M'isl uri , Atchison county. $27 00 per micro. FARM LANDS. No. 110-Farm of 184 Lures , 2H smiles from Beltovue , its Sarpy county , 2 houses , bars stud oilier first class immiproveneuta , well watered , mid has soveril aorea of tinubur land. $4 + ) per acre , k cash ; balance long tine at 8 per cunt intereat. This is nn extra hllrguin. NO. 22-The best farms in Nebraska , 7 miles froltl Ouutlsn , cuutaino 150 acres , 2 mouses , wails , cistermis , hares amid ail other fitt class [ m prnvemnetts. AIBu orchard matured amid bearing. Will exeluulge for city pro ; arty. No. 107-Soveral valuable and low-priced tracks of l md'in Madison county. ' ° 10 ttrms ; within from 9't' 19 miler n [ rniLo.1. anti " $ pitieno of ha- provrcl lmsnds , near 'Tahiti Itock , Nebraska , all c''nvuuiemtly near market , and in many insnmces ollcrad at great bargains. Particulars' cnu be obtained by writing ( u us , or by calling at our office. [ n addition to the above we have for sale hnudrcds of residence lots in all ! ruts of the city , and reside ice nud business property. Also'a nuulber of vabtable firms amid ticussuds of acres of maim' proved lands in ail parts of the state. In addition to our Itual Estate business proper wo rent houses mud' faros , pay taxes , and lean mo oy on first class real eetato'county. . ' ILwing an agent in nearly every town ill the state , laud buyers who wish to intake investmauts in Nebraska will fiud.cur fauihities for ftiruutshtmg dennripti"mus mitud locatinn of lauds , and auy imif''rmmuation of tliia character inure Ratisfuct''ry than can ho u.btuin0d ; elsewhere. COiLitE-l'ONDENCE SOLiClTED : II' . Bi Ill1)Y cir CO . [ teal Estate Agents , auushwuat corner 16th and Farnaut streets , Omtaha , Nuh , STEEPLE JOHNSON& CO. , Wholesale a : . AND JOIIPElt , IN FLOUR , SALT. . SUGglS , CANNED GOOI I ND ( tL GROCERS' ' SUPPLIES A FULL LINE OF TILE BEST IItti.NDS CF Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco. A'"FNTS FAR RFNIVRQA NAILS AND LAFLiN & RAND POWDER CD' .is. .iL t , . .d"i.1f1 ' I , ) 3 AND LESALE. f1 , B BFI + 'R1Flt. AB0mt.haahs. ) s ' 9 /7 - - r ' ' f4a 4 / r r i : , , J , ImANUFAIruJKLnt OF OF STltlJl'L4 PIIWTCLASS Carriaes , BllgiesRoaE1 , AND TWO WHEEL CARTS , 1810 sod 1320lluary Stnet at'n 10.1 H. 18th Street , -OMAHA Nl",1 ' . . . , . . aetratirl Cslam..nw h"nbtnm a. n , eec kutlsn g UANUFAUIUIIEIT OF FINK Cg1TiEtE j b f OllS. tny Brpt Itory Isasmtaawy sr oil with a seltcthstcs'k. Sleet winauwnehlp guaranteed. Office and Factory S + W Corner 16th and Capitol AYaniw , Qrah - - - - - - - - - - -