- , _ - _ jJ _ _ - . . - : _ % VIint will It ; ( TO ? lirowit's Irot. Bittcra ? Good for : what ? \VclI , what it has doie. 71 , wi/li dyscbsia. It has curcd SOIflC ofth' worst csc. . TIcn c1ii//cc and fcz' Who wants to shake with cold ninl burn vith heat , when a bottle or two of 1rown's Iroti I3ittcrs vi1I drive the ; otlI cc of the nischiefnway ? . flow abozil rlicunafism P It curcct Mr. l3rashcnr , of Baltimore , and hundrcds of others. ' Those drcadfnl zcrvozsr zil'/cs. 1Ir. flerlin , of\nshington , the vc11- known Patent tttorncy , was entirely ieiie'cd by Brown's lroii flitters. p. 7'/ic a//men/s of1w kidii's.- 13ron's Iron flitters curcd Mr. Mon. t.gue ) of Chrstiansburg , Va. . niid an army ofother sufFerers. Dcbiliau1 languor. The Rev. .J' JInrshallVcst , Ellicott City , I\Id. , Is one of the many clergymen rc- stored l ) ) Brown's Iroti Bitters. p. And as with vertigo , malarlii , liver COU1Ilaiflt , and IIcalacle ) , l3rown's lro flitters is the Great Family MCliCifle. 2 UMPHREY H OME0PAT'jjR ' Y V E1LsPECI11CS Ton Trn cung o u. rna.ss oi' IlOflSESCAT11E IOGS. 1IUW , nfl" I 'p bL1I. I rot ) TWENTY YEAR.9 ITuimjlircy tI.unro. uiiitiU' ) ctrrIflnrY pt.eIlIea litro Icifl IIMMI 1)1 % 'nrnerJu pinck flrreIcr L.Ivtry ? lntln nrni 'fiirrutc1 IInre UnIIrond. tnniiriirIiirrr. , Irn g IlIVpo.IrnrneI C4)ft lIti Compnnh' " nn.I , lcflnRrrIr. . Will oiIicr.i hauurni btOVk $ Rh .crtecI Mee'C& IInntphre' % etrrlnnry Mnniinl , ( ) pp. . teflt rrit , by Iliftil On revtp of prce. rIeCfll' irPntnphIet iieflt Ire onflppllcfltlOfl EIUM1'IIIt1VH I IL.CO. 109 FuLton blrect. 1cw Yur. NERVOUS DEBILITY IIIIflhlfltV ( " Vital SWeMcn itnd Proi. H U ivirnn I tratlon from ovcrork or ndticrctOfl. fl flDATU P q rtoItAhlf .uidpromptly U LUJ 8 U U. ! U CUred II. Dren In ne 20 ycftr , . I -Is the 111011 flUCM. fulromedllcflOWfl. 1'reeIIpcrv a , or. Viftilitli lisrge vial ot powder for $ . pien poIIrrpf on ro c.elo $ of irkS. IIiitiptjrria' . Ilnmro. Mr.I. ( o , 1UtJhCatiOgUoftuG.3 1U.J hutton bt..N. Y. , l- OZICAGQ O.A.LE CO TIE'l flAUU % t..CALIC , * 0) . a1li. fLU. _ A Tu. $44) . IIruiI JIo II'IIIIf'lI , 2401b. FAIMF.fl' SCALE , . rhe I.Iitln D IecUv. . f 07. . tU.IS lb. p.1. . Io , ( JulY11 I7E4. lIpI.1 IHU K LIST EILZ. F0RaEs , TOOLS , &c. ET IOIW I1UJIC 11111 L.Iif t1)flIL , ID . 4 , , Iii. I nnd kit orTool. . $10 rat. , , . U , . limt I4 . . , . d.m odd Jet. . Ios.ore. IIv14. VIrft4 .1. ( ) tht.r Arttel e T UJflL.T IUtUi. UlIOLtML k 1UTh.IL. IT TB A FACT .Jjl.f 111 ) I'4AN1).M OI Out flU5INF.S4 . ' ( U ) I ) TIIY.IR OFFICEH I ( T111 MORNIN ( Ai-rIiAN : UNUASY NIfiIIT , OR A 1ATU IINNEIL FIILINu ; IULT. ) ANt ) AI.1. OUT OI 80111 $ . TIIW IS 1N rIItE1 ; IJNNIreFsAILY : , ( ) A HINJI.U I)051 01 THAT SPAI(1UNQ ( FOAMINU si'ieiiic. : Tar- rant's So1tr A riont , TAKEN BEFOIU IIIEAIUAST ( IUJs )111)IATIhV I)18111. Al. ! . FEEIINflS cJr nviis , luMovI : : U flirt S111111Y T1tzoAth1F : . ANI ) QUWItUN INlO IUAl.TlIY AYFIOJ n'IILY : IIIIItK OP TlII ! V $ . TL lOR SALE Y ALL II1tUCOISTS. Hallih is Wea'th ' ! t Ixt ) 1. C. Vi3TI4 NIlLvI Al1) BnAI ! T1iT. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . b IT : , ft Iutrnntot ipociia ! for Ilt'rIn1)zzi. ( . - CoflvutlIonH , Ilt $ . urvot Ntirnlgia , - - Ile1o1tLetuNorvon rrtrouon vntisd by ' . ! tp Itco , 1aWyho1 ortobacco Vnkfulhotoi , MOuU71M- . pref8IolI , Hortening o ? hit , Jlrgzjn rtultiiigi in .oinity iind Icading to XfliPC ) ' , (1CIIY 8flt Itzitli , 11UHIflIVO ( O.l Ag , . . Jl.IrTCflfl'V , J4eNI If IVCV UI ( , tlIr , MOX , luvolunthry ziiit ! 3permnt- orrliti CttlROL b ovor.ozortiou of the 1.rntn tel f. abltf4o or ( bver.inltIgoIlco. ! Enelt box CfltLtiIOl no InmtIH t2OItflhIflt. $ ILXJ a boxt > r tiix boxcI , forAUrontbyinuil ! propaftiOn fl.VOIlOt PrICO WE GIIAHATEE MI UOXEM 'To CUlO any cato. With enoli ordnr rt'coivNl for iix IXXOi ICCOflflflll wtIt 5.U ( , WO 'will iOIl thu purcliator our written Iu8rftlt4 % O to ro. ( utici the money if ( ho trvntmonttlooti iiotffet ciilo ( iiiirontti ho.iiod onlby DR. FELIX LE BIWN'S GG I PflEVBNTIVB AND CUUL ? OR EITHER SEX. Th rcmecly being Injected directly to the at 111 l&8O , rcquIrci no chftngv of diet or OMIICOUI inorcunti or poIrniou. inodIcinu to bo taken Intern ly .Viien 'ilot ! U procnUvo by elthcr iux , It Ii Impostinlu to oontract liny PrIvita diaooi.o ; hut. Iii lh o5e of three aireidy unfortunatelyttIIcodo guar. intro three boxol to cure , or wu will return ! thi mnoy. ? rlco by mall , po.it.ago p&ld , V2 per bozoi three boxci for 5. ; wlu'rrENLauAnAr'rIlUJ stood by ill iuthovIeod&gcnti. Dr.Felix Le Brim &Co SOLIC Pl1OPlUITOl18. C. F. Coodmw , DruggIst , Solo Agent , for Omau N.h. iu&owly J. P. WEBER & CO. , MANUFAOTURERS OF I BRACES ! FOR TIII COItItEOTIONOF Physical Deforniitieii. ilipand Sphial Diaeas ° H , : Club F'ee , Still Kiieea , 'I . . Bow JiegH , Knock ICileeR , &c. . TRUSSES Of thobo.tinako Kept on liltit ! . Trilite , rlI.A1r04 rutlic , io&iIe to order. Hin.1l Job. of all kinO done In Sled1 Iron anti Wood. tJtqIrng iii &iI ktnd 1 no nrot , clicap end irowpt. Y1r4 rennluin gIeu our ok et thu No omk IJt3te Eel : tnt Ibt3. 803 South Toni/s Sf , , Omaha. Imported Beex : LN BOTTLES. .Erlungor , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . ! SavarlIa Cuimbacher , . . . . . . , . . . . . .BavnrifI PliRner. . . . . . . . . . C , .Bolieiniuu i : iuer. . . . . . . . . . . . . # C . .Bronien DOMESTIC. 13tidwoser , . . . . . . , . . . . . .St. Loitii Anhauer . . . . . . . . . . . .Bt.JiOhl3 IlesL'a. . . . . . . , . I i .tilvnulce SchEitz-Pilsnr . . . . . . . . Mzlwuukec ICrug' . . . . a . . I . . . . . . . . I .Ofll8hIl : Ale1 Porter , Donestio nun Ithin , While. ' ED. MAUILEIt , F . 1214 F'flrlIftlfl. HENRY VILIARD'S LOVE. Rornllhi Career of a MilIioiiairc cw Yorkoi'1 II.s Ito Ani1iIetI Paniti unit ltftiiio ittint % , IL IcnutIf.iI Iinsnnii ( 1elIt-rIit % leiiiiry , ( if Ills l1i'wI Sw'otIitart. Oi a brglit , freely Iliorning lab iii the flLll of 1853 a ntoiit Uorinan youth hastily titade his exit from the little uIlicrsiLy of Mtitiicli , Bavaria. lie were the convou tiotini tight.tittiiig suit of the Oorinansttt dent. . A cloth carpot.bag coit.aincd , his sveaithi with the exception ofa few florins ill his pocket and a stout walking stick in his hand. Ileinrich I I ilgard was a bright yonth , nit schiolarhiad passed through the elenientary school of Zwoibruckon , the towii of his nativity , and thto severni cflmsea of the Latin schoolnud fluiahly had shoot a year at the French school at l'falzbourg , itt Lorraine. Ito turliIillatCI hilt pursilit. of hnowlodgu by taking ' 'French leavo" of thu utilvoraity of ItttIUiCh. School life hind growii inoiioto I1OUS. lb liadontored upon it at six years of ago , and twelve years 1attr had con eluded to seelc his fortuito. The youthi tramped to the hoino of his father , who then OCCUpiC(1 a judicial beitchi in the town of Zweibrucken.Vith a fair show of iiicekiiess and contrition the son his teIlCI to the anticinatod censtiro alid tllo1 cooly proposed that his father should settle uoii hiiti a small frtuiic with whichi ho desired to speculate in AIIICCICRfl cities. The result of this in. torviov was that a few days later Ilelit. rich Ihilgard left the parental roof with BUfhiCielit funds to carry hiini across tl , . ocean to a sottloinetit in a reunite corner of Illinois where an uncle had preceded hint a year before tuid was ciignged in farinilig. llciiiricli , it is said , hind left inelnind a beautiful Fretichi niaiden , whose ac qunilitatico ho had xiiado while attendIng college in Lorraine , and his step in entering - toring upon the world lititi boeii induced by an tunbitioti to become worthy of her hand. On November h , 1853 , the intrepid young iiian landed in Castle Garden. 'thu grandeur of the metropolis dazed ltiiii. ritetead of going at. once to Illinois , ho decided to try his fortune here. A year of tnisfortuiies ( Old ill-luck , however , served to alter life mind considerably. \Vith a sinking heart lie sought his relit. Lives in the towitshtip of Buhleville , St. Olair county , illinois , and there remained as a farm asist.ant for several years. During thu long winter oveningit lion- 17 , as lie had now become knownamused hiiniself by corrcspondiiig for ( h' rnian pators at his old home. At last Ito secured a little iiioiiey for his articles in a German paper in St. Lottie. This was the turning point in the cii- rcer of the ambitious youth. lie noon increrued his knowledge of the Etuz- lieu language by dilligont study , and sonin after settlc(1 iii St. Louis , where he oh taitiud employment. Then ho interested - ed himself iii the irogress of the rapidly ilicreasilig vest.iri , citieaan(1 wrote slowing - ing accotitits to The New York Tribiiio , and Herald. Iii 1838 Ito was engaged to report the Politil canpaigli between Lincolin and Douglas for the New York Press. Ho rapidly rose iii jourtiahiatic circles and thou for the liret tinie the name of Iloniy Villard , a , ioin.de- PIUIIIU , became known to thu people of Now York. Under this iiatiio Ito won many laurelarVhmon war was declared between the north and south in 1861 lie was on- 2aged by 'I'iio New York humid as a war corresponcitt. . Al tho.tret . attai. upon Ohitriestoim Ito iir4a on idiniraL ' ! ) upomit'e fla.ship , ftiid was the only correslondont ) in the engage- rnuitt. us success in reporting the bat- tb earned for him a three-weeks leave of absence , and on coming north he found ' himself a hero. lie mmmado time acquaint- ' alice of William Lloyd Garrison , mid wan t1iken to that gentleimian's homime in lIon. : ton , nimd introduced to thoOarrinonhouse. hold hero timid ad- as a strong anti-slavery - vocate. Here the young titan saw Mien Fanny ( larrisoim , a beautiful young lady Who WftB about CilmIlotiiig ) her education jim Boston soinimmary. Site was COflBid. crud one ( if tIme belles of Boston society1 Wft3 patriotic , bright and , though qliit young , thorauglily understood time cauae which led to thu break between the imorthi and south. Itir. Viilard panned iimnny hours iii oonversatnii with time enthusi antic inaidoim before lie again started fin the front. 11cr vivacious munnimer mid winning ways had driven front his mmmciii ory the early resolutions ititide lnmli.ro Iii sought his fortune oh this side of hit : Atlaiitic , and the itmodeet desire for a lit : tie cute iii sunny France with the damk eyed girl 'iii , had flint iiipired hint with time toiider notitimnontmn of love , na 1mi wife. Never in all his travels iii Euroi. or in niiy portion of time wont. and south- for by this tiun ) Villard had neon much of the world-had Ito come iii contimet with a soul 'whelm had so thoroughly charnieI him. Ho ruturmued to time south fully determnitiud to keep her fore. . imiot in his memory.'hioii , later ott , ummaimirial fever contracted in the southern I forced hiimii again torottirmm muortli , he was mmssiBte(1 back to health b' time tender sympatiues and chmceriiig statics of thtti beautiful Boston girl. Thtcim hue do- charod his love both to time daughter timid parelits , amid a little later Ito led her to time altar. Simcu his marriage , liIr.'il. . lard's life him beeim one of ummiusual sue. cuss. To.day time alice tiir limit mutihi tious emnigrmumt youth mummy ho found cur- rouimdutl by a lovely family of cimildrcii iii a grand old mmmansion bordered by tarkt timiti lawns ott time bamiks om'oriookimug the I hudson , mmuar New York. 'rite beautiful young eastermi guI is just as cimarmimig at ever , while her lifo in ( lovoted to time cart amid education of the lovely daumhtorn and mioblu comma growing uparound Imur. JtOmfOiil'H ttoiiI 1'Iso4pImftto ; For Wakefulness. Dr. p , OLOTIIIEII , Buffalo , N. Y. says : t ttrseribed it for a Catimolk priest wimo wits a imard student , for waku fulmiess , extronmo nervousness , etc. lEt . reports gi'eat benefit. " 'rrmivolliig on a "I sunlione you travel on a free liMS 7' ' was the ( ltiuetiolm put to a miowspaper nmam : recently while riding on a train. S . ' Oh , yen , I travel on a free ps , ' . . u.as the reply , , I' 'l'tme railroads extend a great inamu . courtesies to you Imowapaierieople , domm timeyl' 'I IC Yes , indeed. A little ' cotmrhsy was ccitt to the duct , Only a dmiy or twm ago. After it had assumed a Iccal himbi tatitimi amid a uummti. it iipieared , in tiut ' shave of a 820(1 ( imotico of time road. " ' 4 You got ; iimmd for that , of cotuttol" . ' 'I Oim , yes ; I get a fruo I nut IUW goimig Out to time end of thu road ommi . I. . hack to reduce the anioumit mm little , mmiii I. thou my vartmuer viIl tithit his turmm. ii the coumso if a few mouths vo imoito ti C get the amount down so tituit vo wou' have to charge over half of it toprofit. and loss. No , siree , it doeeii't cost a news- Phe malt Very much to ride omm a rail. road traimi-not over five dollars a mnilo. " . - - - Jriiietl a iIlj. Itennilt. 'Ii IM mnngical jialo killIng aunt hishfng ; r- iort1o. half of a fifty cent bott1 cmmrod me of rimeumntlmii anil mm cimlil that lund Iettlotl In lily back. lool an well at I oter dlii In my 111mm. Otto .1. loebimry iirniirlot.or llrAlai't ( ill ! 4Yei , , I hullanil , iIIcli. , , ioo.tkliig for Jr. T/wma' I ( ( ( dric Oil - - M IflCI tOI40 ( ( St'tI M t I tY. Tin' Signiti Setvli o lIelott fir the iIoiitli ( if ,4cIiihJem. Time meteorological summary for time mouth of Novomuibor , just incited by Ollicer l'iihlock , of Oimmaiia station , coui- t..iimms the following interesting statistics : 'l'ime iiioalm baroummotor was .10. 128 ; miucami temperature , 89. ; raimmfall , ( it. highest barometer , 10.78t ) elm the 11th ; lowest hiarotutetor , 2t.6t' ) on the 5tim ; mnommthmly raulgo of barometer , 1.1(12. ( highest temperature , 65.J ( on time 8tlm ; lowest tomnporaturo , ' 7.0 ott the ifithm ; greatest daily range of temperature , -t2.U oil time 25th ; least daily rauugo of temperature - turo , 12.3 on the 22l ; menu daily range of tomnlerature ) , 23.3. ? tteamm daily dew PoiIlt , 29:1 : ; macalt dai'y humidity , 08. 1 ; prevailing direction of time wind , 8outh ; total mumovemnemit of wind , Oo7 miles ; highest velocity of wind amid direction , 86 , mmorth , 2ithi. Nuniber of foggy days , 0 ; umumber of clear days , 20 ; imumumber of fair days , 9 ; miumnuber of cloudy days. 1. Nummuber of days cii which mill or smiow fell , 4 ; depth of unmneitod snow on grumnl at end of mouth , 0 ; elates of au rome , 0 ; dates of solar halos , 0 ; dates of lummar Imalos , ( ; . Dates of frout , 1 , Ii , 9 , 21 , 24. UOMIAIIATI VS M SAN TiiM1P.tLTLitI ! . . . 1871..O.7 1877. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . 1871..2.1 . ; 1881 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1871 ; .1. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COMiAiLATiVi m itncll ITATI0NH. 1871 . . . . . . .4.22 Imichme 1877..1.TIfl incheM 1872..0.87 iiiciiei , 1878..0.29 Inchu , 1878..0.19 incimes 1879..t.2. ' Inches 1871 . . . . . . .1.0 inchici 1840..0.70 Inichin , 18Th..0.13 Immclmoi 1881..1.29 Inches 1871.1.17 ; iuche4 18& . . . . . . .2.0 inches _ _ - - - ln not be deeived ak for and t.ko only Ii. H floiii. , , ' , mod 5oq flaI.lcum Couzh IJrop for Uough , Cold , , en.I SIre Thro4. . Ii. S. and Trod , , ) l&rk on every Drop. . - - - 'IIn .1 imry "mVciit "JInmimnycraIo. " Vneshlnigton Star. A Pretty good story is told upon time authority of one of tIme poctoflicu depart. iuiumit. inspectors vito wits sent to ortim Carolina ti ) attomid to tIm l)0S cution of a luau who had rifled time United States immitils.Vhmilo time immspoctor was nwaitimmg for lila case to lie called be eat 1mm thu eourt.roomn. A jimmy filed into time court. room , amid time inspector obsrved , that it was conmiioscd of sevemi white nimd live col- tired mnemm "Guimtieiimmm of time jury have you agreed upon a vurdicti" iLSICd time clerk mit timat sulemmi mnammimer which per. tsiitB to court clerks. " 'tVo mmmii air , ' ro mipotuded mum old gray-imeaded negro luau , wimo lund becim foremnaim of time jury , either nitit of cpom't. or because of his simiLe head. Itlmat is time verdict ? " ttked time clerk. ' ' " smitti time colored foremmittim 'Wity , Judge , , lookiimg UI ) to the court , "do jury aiim gone dimimmmmycratic.m C' ! have Iteemi itflllctoil witim an AlTec. tiomi of time 'l'Imroat froom chIldhood , ciueiI by diliiltlmerla , mmiii have tisod varIous memnedieii , limit Imao hover found anytimimig uqiuni to HutoWN'ii limmoNcimmAt. 'I'itocii.-1tcv. ( I. M. 1. lThnnpfim , J'itctun , Ky. Sold only in boxes' flow .Jftilicio 1'OJ ) time timestion , Cinchmnati Enquleor. Whmeit a young mmmii has boon "scotch. ott" with ami alrmtond-eyed beatify hue ties a bramicim of time"cehastra alatus" , or species of mmmistiotoo , to time door of her house , which , if allowed to wilt amid die , unpIn's timat ho is rejected , bitt if it bo tmikemt in ' amid doimo for , no also is time young nmnn. To give proof of her sincerity in time I Prulmuies time young lnIy at once blackens . her toutim. After a mtmarrimmgo has been L agreed upomm , tlmo friemids of time contract- ilig parties mmmeut amid sottlu time questitin of dowe'ryamid appoint a day for time immout- ; ing of time lovers timid tIme day for time wed. ding. I _ Throw itwa $8a ( , . . I 'l'roilioL , m'Itfm niitiiiiiii for tigiit years. Not ,1miito tWo h'ittlos of 9'honmaa' clcclric ( Id ctmroil moo CiiiiIlettily ) , zilmor smnmmilmg , over L suto : tylthunit time II1litcst benefit. " 'Ilils I Witlit it tiglist 'I'rimliiiur. ml 'I'yrosrn , I'it. , says. 'J hit litimiti t'acsliloiif. ( .ThICZIgO TIinc' ( mind. ) 'l'imo ideal prcsklcimt-thmo presidommt of limo fmmtmmre mmmoct satisfactory to the couim- L try-is mmot time persommilge svhmii , lmkc , Jef. fersoim , .Jackaoii amid A. Joiimmaomm , is ' 'atm . issime in imimmutnull" hiitweuim inoliticimmims who apilmitid liimmm timid 1nditicimitms who curse imimim as time chief of a fmmctiomi , but thu jiumsonago in ivlmnnm , time commutry ruccigimizes it cligimificil 1nliticil , blank , reflectmrig mm' ' ' pmimtismimm color at miii. tEr. Arthitmr , far Lietter tlmamm iitmy presidomut thu coimmitry limes until iii ii long time , has filled timis political colorless character of the ideal presluemit , timid intro is time secret of Limo good opimiioim , lie ham tVlmI front leOPlo of mill pmirty cih.urs , iii spite of the milumost tummiv.rcsl pre'jtmdice amid ( listrtmst which were rmtnimmst imimim at his cmi tramicu mm momm time of lice. .eN EX'l'lt.OLtIltltY (1.tSI. AuSTIN , 'rExAc , Fob. 20th , 1880 'r Mr. T. V. ( ] raimamu , IrmmgRhit : ikar Sir-lily cape WD $ uti acute uIIU1 Of lirumiehmltls , mimmil s.impi of simmit nimini it half year'o il urnitinimi , I f1mmIIilniyI'l ' time best imnoilleati aId innsslble. hut fail. I r.m lilly , tuutl I tim ii. said I woimhil ( IlU-timlit tiny case tis iiicmmritlilu , I Tiinwmi mmpomm immy owim rtislmrco , , 1 a ls > ttI I of lIL \I. iIAt.'M 1t/.iSAt } ft T111 I.tJKi , $ I mimmil lii six hours felt ii ( IOCIIe4i relIef. I ii thrut lithe the cough iilmiii at ( I liiiiioinit'iI. r'iiv : timlil toy clmmimmct'n iii lIfe are good for iim.immv year , I earneotl s recouimnnontl thu mibomo to every suE furor of itimig or thmoat. thisotuin. C , . ( L IjATihitOl' . ' 1IAKIlt's : iil' 1'ANACiA cures palm , Iii ? itini mmmiii lciuit. ! For use externally mmmiii jim teimmally , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - I'ostifhIti , ( 'limimigi's lEn Nebraska dimrimmg time week wmdimug Do ceimibor 1 , 1883 , ftirmmieimed bymmi. . Viii I Vieck , of time poatoflico departmemmt : : cImlt.sicA. ' Entabhjalued-Dimatimu , link commnty1 % 'mmm. luetimi , 1' . t. ; l'ooria , Knox coumi. P tI'I J alum P. Limmtlsmiy , 1' . li ( . L Vist imiasters in j)1)iiitl't ( - ltivorview1 Bumtl.tlo county , Thmomumns lii. Davis ; Rock. ' illiy , Simerimummim county , .Iininm 11. 14'nzier ) Smmowilsktm. Koarmicy cotmmmty , Clara B rne South Auburmm , Nuimiahimi county , .1 , 'i\'imm. I Anmmetnomig. JoW'.t. l'nstmimnsturs lIIjiimtt'Ll-Oi3dO ) ) ! , Jmmspui m ottmity , \'nm. Streeter ; I luttuim , Volt I county , .1 neimilt Frnzii'v ; I inouene , } 'mo. 1 nion county , N. ii. iiihihims ( , ; leiwiuiqtmii , 1 \'iIii llmireim commimty , I I. 1il. Sirr'al ; ) thmitma , Tmmm.mmi coummty , ( I. 0. hjaskiume. t W31. VAN \'LSCK VALUABLE TJMEKEEPEHS. The Pnb1 ! aii Private Clocks of Fhi1ac1phia , Soin. . ( hal. Iim sot , 'nmy a Fractitnmil I'itif. of' a ScCoiuiI in 'I'cimfy- ioimr IIoimrn4-Tli ( Stub Ilomnie ( 'luck , I hIIi.loIj.lila llceort ! , tc. 1. \Vithiin a radimme of two squares of Timiril mmmiiiValimut streets timuro is a mmumiiher of valuable clocks , time owners of which pride timemneelves on the accuracy of tlmuir timnokoepurs Timis rivalry is a subject of mimuchm good.naturetl cotmitimumit ammuommi time busimiess mmmcii imm tlimtt vicimmity , aimmi imas led to time keopiimg of daily records of time tinmo of each chock. Many days elapse without some of thommi varyimmg a fraction- ni vart of a secommd. Others migaimi , ott no. tommtmt of their hocation mmcar timestrcetsuf- fur front time vihimatiomms 0 Iwalls during time passage of heavily loaded teatime , whmicim result iii a sliglmt variatioim from time true time. Every day at mmoomm Lint time of each clock is takemi and commiparisons mmmdc timorefrommi. Iii time aecomid story of time \Vestermi ( miami rtbelegraphm bumildimmg , at tito south. east cormmor of Tlmird amid Chestnut streets , is Limo big clock wimich furmminimcs timmmo by electrical commmmcctions to amuumnberof little clocks about town , imicludimmg timomo of tine Cimestimimt. street jowolurs , Third street brokers nimd a score of time largest imidus. trial estabhishmmmemmta in Philadelpimia. It is claimued to be worth $500 , mmd is one of tim mnost valuable private clocks iii the city. I i immca.setl iii heavy mualmogammy mmd ttmtds about mmummo feet high amid is two foot wide. It is said that front Fob. Wary 21 to May 2 , of the present yoarit did imot vary half a necommd. Its pendim. lum beats secommde , ammd every timmmo it swings forward and backward it opens and closes a circuit of who five immiles iii letmgtim , mind time tick of time necomid is rePeated Peated on every cccommd sounder with which it is commmmected. Its mmtcchanmntmi is 14 time finest mmmake , and it indicates olmo- teimtli of a second. Dr. Samiuuel M. Plimsim , time superimmtondent of time coin- pammyt * adjusts and regulates the clock by decmeasiiig and immcroaaimmg the weight of the pendulummm. if it should be omme sec mmd fast to.day the woiglmt. of a pcmmmmy piece added to time of the pendulumim would emmrmblo time clock to dispommse with time ad- dititmmmal second in time course ci twcmmty. four hours. Riggs Brcitlmer , at. Walmmttt amid Dock streets , imav a most accurate regulator , time thus of which is takeim as tIme stand. ard by mill soafarimmg immeim to regulate thick citronoimmetorn. Though ifi years old , it imas rumm for four mmmonthms at a flume wilim- out ; varying mimore timimmm mm second or two. It is valimed at $ t00 , aumd is of a sinmple tmiovctuimmt , nil its umacape htili's beimmg jew- tiled. t5 cummt piece jlaced Uloli time pemmdimltmmmm would umiake it run two eccomids elniw jim a day. Time pemmduluiim hunts a mimer curial comtmpensatmzmg cup attacimed to it to oli'ct aiuy turmnoil cimamiges. tVhmoit tIme rod xpamids through imeat it will immcroase imm leimgtim , but the mimercory in time cup rises to a height no that time contra of gravity is immade to coummterbalammce time uXjnttIitiiOfl of time rod.Vhten time rod becomimen chilled timrougim cold and comi- tracts time immercury correspomidimmgly do- accimdn Time state house clock is time fimmest tower clock iii thin locality. Mr. Harpur , thu watch-maker , says thmnt it ziever vii- rica imiore timmi two or three accomids in a mmmoimtim. Its pommdulumn is 14 feet long timid is provided with a zimmo and aim atmi- iliauy mnomcuruul conmpommsating apparatus. 'rite dials uJttmo cloI ar& 11 foot iii di- . ummctor..te ! bmil at the oimd of thmopeii. dultmmmi voha flOC ) 1)OUImdti aud time rod itself 300 lucre. It requires two hours twice a week to wind time clock imp , which is domme by nmcamis of tin 80-poimmid fly wimeel immeteadof a crank. It is a couimter. ltirt of time celebrated \Vestimmiustcr clock , amid cost the city about 4i,000. Amiotlmer celebrated tower clock is that owned by time Ummion Immsurammco conipammy , at time southwest cormmer or Third amid Walimut streets. Every day , itt noon , a timmmo h.mll is dropped dowmm a staff omm time toj , of this building. Time dropping of timis ball servos sea captains to adjust timuir cimrommommmeterc. A very pretty comm. trivaimce , tlesigmmed by Mr. 1tumitmll , regu- iatt's time drtmpmimmg of time ball exactly at 12 o'clock mmoomm. Time clock works ate buumeatlm time roof , directly under time ox jmosed skeletomi thai. 'l'lmo mmmecimaimismmm is in ) perlo"t that its variation iii oimly otto SCCfll iii two eha3s. 'l'Itu ball is held iii phmteo by a rope , which is released by ii trigger opor.utud by electricity. Time dcc- trie cimrmcmmt starts time ball iii its fall upomm time oxjinatioui of time last secoimd prcceiimmg time imoomi hour. 'limo ball weighs sixty-live pmuimes , ammul to prevent it fromim dtccoiidimmg tot ) rapidly time rope hooks omm to a tlmirty-potmmmd bag of shot 58 sulOmi an time ball Imas fallen eight feet. Viaim it has ( lescelmded sixtecim feet itim other bag of the sammmo weiglmt is caughit up , amid muhnrtiy afterward mi thud bug , which btimige time hull to a state of rest. 1mm thu citmimtiimg roomim of this coimipany timero is a chuck alued at $1500. It comm t1iimms forty.nimiu remit agate jewels amid line mm Swisi immovemmmommt. Mr. Russell says that. it does mmot vary mmiore timmut two see- nude iii five weeks , amid its ( mwnema are willing to back it ngaimmst tiny timmuepiccc Itm tiwmm. Omme of time most ctmrbnms lookimig clockn iii Piiiladelpimia 15 that wimichi is auspemmded jim tue corridor of time i4oimduumm , Liverpool & ( ] libe , insurammcu Cotlmptimy's ) buildiimmzoii , \Vamlmmut street , below Fuumtim. , 'flmere art tWo mmmmmiim dub , emmeim thmirty.four iimclmes ir diamimoter , uliImm which Phtilmidelpimimi timumi iii immdicatvd Tim eacim face timem e are immm beilti cal thmirtemimm smimmillor dimilswimicim alto a the timmmo at its mmnimmy dilIerent soaporti through. tmt time world , 'L'liu COlmlhnliCatC ( mmiuelmtmtcry immnkes time clock very valun' ble. ble.Mr. . liiirjmur line mmmi astronommikal clod imm life store , ott Cimtmitmmut street , mibovu F'tiurtii , silmicim ime claitmis will rumm fem oigiittemm mmmmmmmtims whim emily six se oimdi varimitintim frmumm , its rate. At time Bri.mmd Street statiomm time l'emmn cylvummia rilroad line a clock valued a $1,000 It in Ii cotimmterpart of tim regulator later owimeti by itigge & lIre , , amid me mmcc m to tiimmo all time wittohmea of time olmgineeri ammd commductors , lii time trcasurcrs uuilicu of time 1'Iiil mdulphiimm & ltuadimmg rmiilaiatl buildiimg , Fourth aiim ! Villimug's alley , thmere is ml clock wimiclm beats ommu aunt omme half secomudmi. It is limit jeweled , amid wie itmade twommty years ago. ' Aniitbuir valuable clock is that owmmoc by time DolawaroMutual Safety Immsuiammcm I commmmmtmmy , lit time aoutliuiast corimer 0 ; 'L'hmird mmmiiiVmmlmmut streets. Its recor . for accuracy is one of time beet. ltomldlimg's ' ; ; i5 Salvo , Iwstf.immmily salve It tint would , nmmd otcuhtemmt for et.mblu niss. 2.s.it : 1)nnnls ICmmvmn'h , l4immiehy , Frni Us New Yrk Tnibine. But rmmto , frunmm hiostomi to time Stuid tintts Iemnmis Koarimey was saluted at. time niupi iii Simcv.immwimtu , Oal. , 'Y a frienit witi - - S "hello " Time imooditmmn states. maim responded with a imaiidshake , amid aaid "You're limo first mmmmmmu thmat has rim- cogmuk'.etl mosnco Heft Ifostoim. " Simaky1 scrawimy , Omsumasorm porsomme find a friemmtl mu ! , 'wnarilwz Xrm'inc. ' $1.60 of drugista. II .S'tuaar/unm ( . .tVcrrinc cumrcd limo of gommoral debility mmmmtl ypp" , rmtcs Michael OtJoimimor , Galeaburg , Ill. Get at your drurgist's. : I lilt arm' splrmit miii. San Praicl.ca , ( 'hroiitnlo. If a recent dispatch in to be believed , ( icimenal Shoridiamm eimtors upon imis mmcmv oflico with cxtraordimmary ideas of 1mm duties and persommal digmmity. it is alleged that lie is itmupaticmmt of time aumtimority of time secretary of war amid desires timat his commmmmmnimd of time unity simmill be ummade commmpiete , if miot alimmost sulmrelimo. I f time war doimrtnmemmt does not of itself comm- soul to timis adjustnmommt of lmovers , thmeim time general will appeal to colmgrcas to Imave time Jhnits of imiru atmtlmority lixeti by legislative ummactnmotmL lit time first place we do miot credit time general , with oimtertaimmimig such s'iews ; at [ east , in their emmtirnty. Such oxpressiomme of o1milmion many imavo beomi mmmade by immcau. tious miuemmibcrs of his staff , but we can hardly believe by lmimmisolf. Nothing calm be imiore absurd titan to claimmi treater authority amid mmmoro respect because tIme goimcral draws doimblo time salary of a mmmemmmbor of time cabinet. Timat. is a childish reasomm , colored with time fool- immgs of class ( hstimmctioui tlmmct line so pervaded time graduates of West Poimit. But if it is true that General Sheridan emmtcrt.aumms these semitimimonts , timuim lie fails to coumiproimemmd Amnerkaui institutions amid is uumworthmy of the iiigim Imlaco to wimich Ito lies lumen raised by the favor of time PeoPle. lIe is the necommd mmmihitary ofilcor iii time imatioimnl arnuy , time prcsideimt beimmg time commtmnammdcr-in.cimief. Time secretary of war is mmmi executive officer ommly imi time etimmee that lie is tIme solo representative of time presidemit ut mmmilitary matters , mind wimemi time hatter does imot see fit to utter. fore is time real head of time army. To give time gemmeral absolmito Power dtmriumg a timmie of peace would be to mnako imimmi in depemmdeimt. of his coniimmammder.imt.cliief amid create aim immiporiumu in imporio , a timing not alomme forcigmm to republican immmutittm- tiotme , but rejmugmmmuit to time spirit of all civilizect govcrmunmemmt.s. 'Phmu chief civil olilcer , v1mo is necessarily time chief mmmiii. tary ohilcer , is in Ammmcrica usually a civitiami iii his ammtecedemmts , but mmut milwmiys. There is Ito mmltormmativc but to mmmako Imimmm time nupremno executive iii military an vell as civil mat- tern , amid in Imis abmemico or nomm.actiomm that stmpreimmacy devolves on his secretary for the departmnemit of war. Time mmatiomi Uses the army as a immaji mines a sword ; it is his weaimit niud lie mmuver pcrmmmita it to escape his commtrol. Tlmis republic waumts for ami army imeitimer Pretoriami gunrcl , Strelit , Jammissaries nor Mammiolukes , but Iatriotic soldiers , always nimmendabie to civil commmmaimd anti civil diacipiimmc. Timero mimay be dfLiretmces of oppimmiomm between time general of time armies mmd time chief reprcsemmtatives of time civil power , but tituro mimay also be arid often are differ- mmccc botwccmm a gemmeral timid his simbordi. mutton. 'I'hc-se are hunmaim , arid when timey occur time diflinmuities arisimig froumm timomn mntmat be obviated according to time meitimmition. 'I'Iie civil authorit icc of nation mmcvcr have and miever will allow time military poivur to pass absolutely immto time hands of the general of time mmatiomi's armies. Any nhproacii to it has invariably been disastrous. An Eimglisii armmmy imm time Ii old 1(001)5 itself iii as clone relations as possible - ble to the British parlimnont. Its general may plan a campaign , but it must bo up. proved by the government. Ho is granted - ed ncceastry liberty , but is closely watch- ed. Jim time France-German war the civil authorities of Gornmaimy accompanied their arimmy to time field. Withommt Bismmmnrck's approval of Von Moltko's piano notiming was done , the chancellor , being time representative of tito ermmperor. Titeso itmstaimccs are miot exceptions ; timey are time rule , and if time rule is followed by all the great mmationsof the world in timmme of war , immucli mimore is it followed iii pipimmg times of peace like those which how prevail in Aimmurica. There is no need now , if there ever was , of our givimig ommr general extra pomvera , timid to ask thmemmi is to show that time ofi'mcer waittilig timeni is a narrow- mmmimtded mimartimmot , ovorscmmaitive regardimmg lime oflicu timid his imercommal position. 'I'ite trimmmbles timat Geimeral Simerimmamm had with Secretary Bulkmmmmp have boemm forci- lily dr-.iggcd immto time discussiomm. Gcmmcral Simerimmami mine at time timmme mm officer of ox jmoriemmce , but testy numd impatient of superior authority. ltelknap representeti ( 'irmmmmt , a mtmihitary president ivimo imad beemm Shcrnmami's supuritir fur sonic years. Time sittmtitioim oh tim coimimtry was timomt ( lifler. omit ; time issues of tim war were still un- , sutticd amid time armmmy was iargerammd mmmore I gemmerally occmmimieml. But we immivo yet to learn timat time immmblic woifare stificted in aumy regard because time advice of General Simermmmarm , Jmommem.t amid patriotic officer as ito was , failed at all timmmen to he followed. Time relatiomme of time general of our unities mimmd tue secretary of war are a point of frictioim , arid no relmmmtimt It rests with time two patriotic gemmtlemmmomm , most immter. I cstcl to redmmco that frictiomm to its muimmi- I mmmtmmmm , btmt to gratmt time gemmeral vomvers iiuyotmtl time commtrol of time secretary of war iii immmpoasibl , ammd if time qucstioim is ever referred to commgrcss-wlmiclm we do imot aimticipate-it will be so decided , and I smith time leciaioii mviil be coupled a noL - L buke smimicim Shoridaim will long rommmummm- her. I ! 1 IS up4rAmLmNo , II 4 - AM ) INI'.tl.LIilf.P. mn cultiNim EVERFRILS. : ijihlept1c P4 - ' Spa3m , 1 millIng SIehimmess , Commvul sloan , B t V I ttms I ) nmmce , Alcoimollimmi , Op..im Eating , Semnbniml ' , Scuktiesii , liii. potency , SyphIlIs , Scroftmlm : , and nil ) Norvou8 anti Blood Disonses. n 7To Ch-rgynmcmm , I.mwvers , LltcraryMcn , u Merelmamuts , flammhcrs , 1.nmnhles timid mill whose sedemmtmmn emmmploymmment causes Ntnotme Pros- trmitlotm , Irregmilarltlos of time blood1 stoomacim , bowtls or kldmmffs , or wino requIre mm mmervo I ; Ionic nppetlze'oi ctIumulemmt.iaiaritsmm , .Aer- nine l Iimvalumthie. Tliou8ftn(18 ITHEJ6REA1 wommtlerlul 1 igor- ) ant that ever stmstattm ' ed a strikIng ssttmmu. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , $1.50 , at DruggIsts. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; 'iet'.rS ' St. 'osesh. Mn - _ _ _ : , r O" 'nc urcimsr , n ( uImI , ( ltr M. R. RISDONI Oli'1I11llrIllOO ' Ao1 S rhino ! As.emrenoo Co. , c4 noimdoo , Cesti kes.U. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wcstchc.ter , N Y. . V4)II. . . . . . . . . . . . . OOOOOO. ( Thin kiorchaitni , of Nsark , N. J. , cai.ltil mThooo.t ( itrard 11w. lIiIIt1i4m'lnI ' , CspItcJ . . . . . . m,2OoOOOu I , FiremnultS lund. 0U1)lti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Or'm'Em-V.nom ( 10. CiUiiit5tIOflt Dank lieU : Ii , tiij. tiIIbOU5 NC lit - - - -k-- _ _ _ _ - I CHARLES SHIVERICK , Furniture . ! : EPPcY1 , /7 ' ! Have just received a large quantity oi new L.1VIi R AND AM OFFERING THEM AT VERY LOW PRICES PL&SSNGER CFIASJ SFIIVERICK A 11 ' 1 1200 , 1208 mmd 1210 Fanmmammt St T . . 0 .oors. OMAUA , NED. ' ItIC11ARDS & CLARKE , W. A. CLARKE , Proprietors. Superintendent. Omaha Iron Works' . U. P. RA.I'WAY. flTH & 18TH STREETS /drdzb ! : i1 - - . - _ . _ _ i - . . 1 .f .r , . . \ . . . . . II . . - &gJ C MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS LEN Steam Engines , Boilers WATER WHEELS , ROLLER MILLS , Mill and Drain Elevator Machinery MILL FEJItNISIIINUS OF ALL KINDS , rNULUDING TUE Celebrated 'Anchor ' Brand Dufour Bolting Cloth STEAM PrMPS , STEAM , WATER AND GAS PiPE. BEASS GOODS AND PIPE FITTINGS , ARCHITECTURAL AND BRIDiE ( IRON. 1 . 0 A -4 , I- - I-I \ wAL JA d WT0 are ) reparel ( to furnish iiiins ; nlud estitmitte , and will cofract for the erection of Flouring iililIs muid ( irminm ; Elevators , or for changing FlourPig Tilihls , froumi Stone to the Roller sysli iii. PEspeeiul attention given to 1urnislmiimg Power Plants for any 1)050 , 11:11(1 : ( estinmutu's tnide : for same . General nmaciuinery repairs nLLemmed to Promltiv. t'tddress - RICHARDS & CLARKE. Omaha , Neb. Double and Single Acting Powei' and I/and PUMPS , STEAM PUMPS , Emmgino Trinmmnimigs , Mining macliiimocy , Boltimmg , IIca , Brass arid Iron Fitthmige Steammi Packimmg at wholesale and. reinil. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , OILUJUJH AND SCHOOL BELLS. Corner 10th Parnam St. , Omaha Neb. J. A. WAKEFIELD , . ! WIIOLtSALR AND ltWtAtL DIALX.it IN Lu1ier , Lath , Shlnales , Pickgt9 ll , DOORJ BbINP , MOllLBINU , LINE , CEMEHT PLSTEP &C. STATE AGENT FOR MILWAUKEE OEMEN'r CIMPANL Union Pacific Depot , - J. H. CIBSON , CAIIR1ABE Afl AifflACTORY COitNiI TWKLPTI AND IIOWMIJ. ) 7ts'l. . _ _ . . .xxLs - S. - IIATE' : rerticiger &ttcnt1o lisa to ma eltin thtP , vuennteed ! - _ _ _ _ , . ; : i : c , L1 e pr - . . ASK YOUR ( IItOC.PN'.5 FOIt T11 OMAHA DRY HOP YEAST _ ; WAItItANTIfJ ) NEVER TO FAIL 1anufauturod by the Omaha Dry Hop Yeast Co m1l bU1IT lTrlmElir , omhtuA : , NEll . - - - ' - - - - - -