- - - - _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -T : - - - - - - ' : - I 1 1WfliJtheflOMAHA : DAILY BEE. . - - - - I r _ rEAR. - - - * OMAHA - - , NEB. T1UItSDAY [ -T MOItN1NG DECIt13E1 u 1883. - NO. - , I RWNQ THE HO'p. I Ploilty of ( iriiilii Scii1e Mill I 1lioii thc Sson Opdlls , Uh , Internal Rovonuc , Prohibi- \ tioii arni Other Kernels in the Grist1 Provisions of the Principal Bills Introluoocl. ( Yesterday. ) Ir. Hoar ntil I1l I'UtIt Ofl-StlLt1fl he flallit ) H u-I : o ott tIe Fetti , , 1a'okn. 1tonib. IIea.1I'a TIiI FORIY.131G11 I it CON ( ItLS9. \VAMItIXIITN ( , 1).ccuibor -Mr. . hoar irescutcd i j iii rceotutioti of thu 1egi. laturo of oposing cvii- vict IalWt on iub1h ) works of tht Ijoited SLato3. . ' -1 ' Mr. Blair prounted a joint rcaotution of the legislituro of Now hlain1iire ; , OjOSiflg ittrtiiur I4Hd grni&t to rai1road nuti atiy r.iicwal of foroitod : land grants. The following bills and resoLutions were introduced : By Mr. Butler-To repeal tim inthrnnl revenue laws now in force and abohih internal - ternal revenue. By Mr. Culloni-To reorgaiiiui ( ho legislative power of Utah. By Mr. Logan-For granting public lands to soldiers and silirs of the late , ' war. ) By Mr. Cockrofl-For the appointment . of a special COflLtfliSaiOfl to visit the principal - cipal countries of Central and South An cr1 a for the lU1IOse of collecting iii- forniutloit looking to the cxteiiaioii of American trade m.d cornmerco and to : : . ttrengthen friendly and mutually advantageous - , tagoous relations between the United States and other iiatioualitics. By Mr. BIar-4 joint ro.olution pro. posing a constitutional auieiidincnt regarding - ; garding aicholic liquurs. It prohibits . , ( lie inatiufacturo or tale of distilled at coholic intoxicating Iiquor.s , except for medicinal , inech.mteal , chemical and acicntitic purposes or use in the arts , in ; t any of the states , and iInlurtation of such liquors excott for 1)urLoes ) named , 011(1 lrovtdes that huutd. the amnoridmuctit not be ratitiet ny thrcefourt1is of tin , states before the lust of December , 18)O ) , ' the prohibition it ropOes shall take ef1oct as au act of congress at the expiration - tion of temi years. t A resolution by M , . Lgami was agreed to , calling upon the secretary of war for I _ inforniatioti as to mite iteces-dty for an immediate appropriati 'ii for thu comnpia , tion of work ( ill the It ick Island arsenal lJ ? tlr. .forrill then r.aU a prepared address - dress on coinage , givim1z hi well kiiown tjId / VIOWS upon the silver question at great , , length. I Mr Mornan offorol a resolution which 4 : was areei t. , instructing the co'nmitte ' n" on Indian afL-iirs to inquire into the ex tuuioiIcy ) Ut . . ; . .flharyuCac1emy west of the Misiasipi river for training : isud educating Indian youths and men ii I to the proper ago as soldiers , and to ad- ts mit them when qualified into the regular w ' army. f ' Mr. Hoar introduced a bill concerning i\ fedora ! elections. It irovidus for the use of a pitenod ballot box and counting do- , I vic and requires all the ballotting and untin to be done iii open meeting , which shall tiot be adjourned until all tlic ' billet ; arc counted nut ! the result public 1 ty proclaimed by the oflicer in charge , which olllcor shall be a United .State rnsrsital or supervisor , who shall be tin I _ .cutodiami of ( lie b ixs nit a represomita iivo ; of the attorney general. who ahali t-A have primary charge of tuid the rapinsi. i , bility for the boxes . A inessig. c as received from th - president , and the senate went. itito ox. I cutivo Besticn , and 81)011 sifter ad- journed. 'rho Virginia cotebtod election case ol Garrison vs. Mi , o , wa refutred to tin I comiidttco ( mu elections , witemi ajmjmimmtcd , with instructions to report lie Ical con ditAona involved slieroimi. it , vms ordered that when the houc I iidjirnrmi to , uorruaji b to mo rron ! . day.Mr. Mr. .Tencs aubmitted time customarj resolutions nun Hoeing the death o Thomas EL hlormtdiii , of Alabama , nut &n respoet to tue imnimliory of the deccase the house adjoumned , the understatidiut being thatno buineasaIiaIl be trau&tetoL to-morrow. ( i.uq ru NOVF4. uonL I ) linL'L'IILICAN.cAUusy..s. ( \TJJ4JJINflhGN , 1)occmbor 5-Sonator Malurno and ttiddlobergor received invi tationa to thto.cauous of republican soon . .t , tore storday tiumiiar to those sent ro t publicans. ttnator Mahione , apt akini . , of Ida attitude tuward the republicam party , Laid he bad no objection to a. toiding4ho republican caucus and ahiouh have attndBd that yesterday had he ro caivod ( Lie invitation in season. Iii would not , 1owo.ver , attend as a mombo of the c&uus sior vote upon tm proposition before it. Ho heic that tlmirty.gkt republican onator being a majoiit.y of the senate , 'had i mcmght to its control. ! o had no candi 4atos for senate oflinas , and would no , . & .tomnpt to itilluetico .noininations. Iii h&-.l strong preerruces , but should on teLt himself with voting in tcccordnnci wjt.h his preteremict'i. Shouid ho attemo rcpbiieami caucuea , it. WtuId ho aiiiimmli ( or c. sifereitcu. lie both vail lila o , iistoi was hiWCi by Semlut.p liISIlIierger. { I LaoAm'8 IJOLINTY k AWl ) m Senitor Logan's boucfl'y land bill in troduced to.cluy , provide ( lint "uverj . pcraon out.oziug the aerrice nt the coun. ! try clurimig tZtu Into war. uther in tlmm army orimavy , imit1 itomn.ritbi3' dir.ohurgec , . _ hurufrmmmmi , foraimy It3 ) lull of 'n ice iea p1 tLtaii one 3'enr , aball ho , itiLItt.i ii I acr8 of the mmmd. either f.r hint , t ' - soI * . ( or heirs , fr service betweezj orn ' arid two ycars 12 ( ) mcres , and over twc 3oara ervicU idO acros. ° M'ECI.tL The 1)r44idttlt ) will uaJo the Miasis. ipli river imIihIrovomuemils , th4i flomtmmvpmti : smial amid other P"1'1' ' ° w.mrL ti.to imilhijicot of pecimil znos5gei to congrOS. fleler- en2g to these auhjcts waa omnit1o ( froum I g1 With A VOW to i _ - - - - - lug 'hen moro its dotnil iii suptorneiitah cointutiti CattOflB Ct't.tOtM t"IV.11 1111.1. . Thu bill introduced by Senator Cullom to reorgatuse the legislative Pa'cr of the territory ( lt Utah Itrositles that the icgislcttivo ponor be vested in a govur. nor and Legislative coon il coitiposeti of 9 toommihera tO be nP11i11ted by the iresidoiit. 1110 )11N ( i : It1:111IVTM. : : Thu deputy comnuhissiotIor of internal revenue says ( Ito internal taxes already colIect4 for the Proictit tisc.il year are at the rak of $ ltiOOOOOO vet' ntimitiimt. lie estimates that the collections of the year will aniount to $180,000,000. 'I'Iiis otimato includes $ d,000,000 and $7,000- 001) to be CllCCtOL US 81)Ccial taxes iii pril amid lTay , but ( hoes not include the iticroase anticipated ( ruin apiri ta forced outby law , Tim COLOl LtE Senator Sherman presented in the aetiuto tm.dny a 1ctjtUfl front , J . 'tV. N iles , colored , of Arkansas , settimmg f.rtli that alleged umilttv ftit combinations t'rovomlt hint nud his colored associates from exercising the rglit to umko entries of public lands , chmirging cruel treatment. oil the iart of white citizens of Arkansas titid asking relief. ANotitiOt IIOIJNTV rANi ) HILL. Senator Plumb introduced a bill viding that every iton-comiunissiomiod tlhi&cr , lrWtte in' other parson discharged - charged from time aruty during the war of the roboilion , yit1iiii 2 years from date of onhistuioiit7 on account of disability incurred in hue or military daty shall receive a warrant t , 100 acres of land. ( JUTTINII IOWN EXPNSM. The secretary of the treasury has submitted - mitted to congress estimates for appro. priations for ( lie fiscal year oiulin Juno 80 , 1855. ' 11 amount estimated to be required for all expenses of ( lie govern- meat ; is $283,125,10i1 , which is 2ti,323. i82 loss thaus the aggregate approprin- thuiis of the present fiscal year , and $57,154,8.'t7 less ( luau ( ho sum catted for iii the catitnateseubmoitted host. year. Thu appropriations for the i.roseuit liscal year , including deficiencies mid inicolhuieous. are $305,418 587 , the estimmites on which those npropriatioIiS were based calling for $34' ' I. 8m ' ,162 Time estimates submitted - ted to-day are divided as follows : Civil otablislunent. . $2,0.I5,6fl3 ; foreign iii _ tercours , $ Jfi6 ' , ( .lil } ; in I tary es'ablish- nv'mut . .1 ( , ,15 ; tiaval oiuibishiuieiit ! , 22,747,757 ; indian almairt' , $8 .llG,8IO ; lu11titI5. 40,000,00U ; ituLmite vorks , $ [ 7,700,214 ; postil service , $235S , 1.12 ; mniscehlamicous , 2o,293,95 ( ; ; porniamiont cimiiiual appropriations , t15,147O37 ( 'lie estinuates iii : tll the above cases ox- ccitt IeiiSiofls , foroigmi intercourse and lermaieut annual apropriutions were for larger sunis timini those appropriated for the preseuit fiscal year. 'rho otiniates for rivers and barbara are as follows : E.amninations and arir- veys , south pass of the Mississippi river , $ t7.iO0 ; gauging water of time lower Mis. sissipli and its tributaries , i,0O0 ; gang- . lug waters of the Columbia river$3,000 ; 3OOO ; imuprovimig rivers and harbors ( tu be expended in such works as may bc authorized by congrs ) , $8,000,000. ; . - . , A d A Man SceIc L'acy for Ills Emmianel. patect Slnvcmt. Sv. LOLIS , December 5.-The Globe. Democrat to-morrow will state that prom. mont parties in Texas will soon bring a suit in tlio court of clainia at Washington to recover the value of slaves eiiianci vatcl during the bite war. The action d . tvili be based chietly on certain clauses ii : the state constitution , which were ap. proved and endorsed by congreaF : . tlio time of annexation anti which it is claimed made the government of tin tjmmitcd States liable br slave lroperty , 'I'iio plniIItitl in time ease was a atron1. and very pronounced union imuam dnriim LIlo war and the proposed action is on I dorset ! and will be 1uhitt1 by some ci the boat iawycrsinTexas. . oIttt1IN..I4 : ItECOLII ) . A CIlAJE 01' V1MJ0 IN NITr's : UaoxrowN , I'a. , 1)cccmnbcr li-Tin I meriting seasioti of time court was omitirel ( CaIiud [ iii the oxainitiation of jurort - siiiiiimioiietl to servo in the Nutt trial , 't'lme jmumel mitubracos eighty jumrore ; fifty I Imave bean exaunned amid but one secured - out of that. nuniber. 'fhie attorney 1cm the prisoner at4tted this mourning that p they would base limo defence emitiroly emi f time theory of emotional imma.mnity. ' 1'iioj I have miumomnomiod a large miumber of wit. 1 mmcsses to prove tim lris000r had been peculiar fruits imifacicy and that. lie wa I itubued with an ummcctiirolaiile demuiro ft take life. l'hio ' trial promises to ho loci dmnan out amid exciting. At thu alternoomi session of time court Limo lt10l of jurors was exhausted anti only three sworn. Iii despair the couu S eel for Nutt moved for a change of venue. . This was granted mind tim case ordered - to be certified to the courts of Allegheny . county. Tim intention is to secure at : speedy a ta-irsh as poaihlo and it it i thought arrangements can be made t41 . begin imi two or three weeks. 'nit I change is considered by .Nutt and friermdt . as greatly in his favor. ] f possible tht I , ( lint tlus killing of Dukes wa r , justiliablo is more pronound in Pittim. burg than in Lafayette. At Nult's hiotno , I Dukes has IILIIV friends , especially a amuotig a curtain clas.m of politicians. Jr I Allegheny county no political foelin - baa entered time cnmo amid a verdict ol t acquittal is confidemmtly predicted. . S tOtANTT ) " 4AcItII'guE. " ; ] JalcNmcrAriI.r. , Mass. , Decemmiber 5.- 1 Time trial of 1"c-eemnan , the I'ecassott V fanatic , for the murder of his littlt daughter Edith , opened to-day. Tin story of thu sacrticu and limo : ehigioui frommay tf the father were retold by tin vi ( hess CA. p It.mI4ry A Imoimi It. I1ALr. , lccimubor 5.-It is ascer i fahmmed titmit time skeletons of the soldieri I fi.mmnd in Dickey coumity , 1)akottm , A tiimitj i.igo are those or soldiers billed in m ) tight with Jmmdiams , during Suhly4d ttXpoIi ; Lion , : Li&d mmuzny'ateryisccmmzmccted with it , CL'uIk's ( luint I lIIIJI1P4 ToMmiwromin , A. 'I' . , 1)ceimm1er 5.-A Mexan cdujer , train FrdIlterus lutTiveil ti1 niriroimig with Ilea's to 'limo Ijitapi I th4t. a hand of Ajiacimes , probably ( i''r oniItwH , wmotli Crook loft at Sonora iii the sieigimlmrimood , .f Frontor , hind attnck-et and Iia'fly woummdcd two Amen' eatus , 1. V. Scott .pt 'I Itomuit.tt , who . - - also left hero eight ilsy a ag. ' . 'l'huo two lmILn mntmtttt smmch a gahlmu amimi lesj'crate light hi. their live i thiut 'h's I mitlmam ' lied. " stmr.enn and as5itii ml' . .itA ( llajlttClmUtl for ttmo wnmiumth.'d macmi. 'L'imero is great oci''miuottt ' nu1timI and Crook's jddmCy' of harboring the womnemi amid chihiremi 'mtL 1i'9vmng the I'mghititmg btmoks to snake saids is ntroglycomid'tmmtied. Til I MBl&'tN Li tNt ) UILtNT. % It imemitlt'tI itlil I tmipll&'atlitir Clmmmfl't'e ( 'Imlicot I null I I oily mu mm Urn I , DmNvmt : , lecemnber 5.1mm time United States cirotmit nosmrt this muormmimmg the United States flied an toummiemideti bill iii time ItIexic.mi lamni gramit stilt. I t sets forth that limo original 1e'ticamt mmmd gramit. vmts 97,000 acres , that ims lmht or 1870 a survey vmuu mmmdc mid time onigitmal boundaries were fraudumleuitly enlarged 81) hS to immCltmdO a mniliiomm amid a half acres imi New Mexic , amid usearly tlmreo Imumudrod thousamul in Coiornlo. Objec- tom was mnatle amid iii 1877 tlmo case was decided. imy time simpremmie court by whiiehm those ummicresteci tlmoimghmt they hind suubstamiliated timeim' chaimmu amud a title was granted tiiemmi oil application. Stmhnequietmtly imi- vcstigmtt'momms poimmtcd stiommgly to the be. lief timat the land loul beets fratmdtmleumtiy obtaumied auth the 1)resemlt situ is brought imy time govormuuemmt to vacate time title. 'I'iie mmew bill gives specified details of thu history ot ( Ito frauds alleged to have been practice I iii procuring time title amid imumphicates ex.lJmiitetl States Sommators CImalhio amid Clmilcott of ( 'oloramlo , iuuiti .ltulgo holly , de.oased , of New Mexico. 'l'Iie old bill comiceded 1iOO,000 acres , hmemsee the new bill. - - - GENFItAtj 1't ) r EIS NEWS. 'rmtn cmt.tum tni % mcArIoN MONTmn.tL , 1)ecemnhor -Thmere is great oxcitemnomut over time tlight of Thos. Craig , president of the Exchange bank , and the feeiimit has turmued completely front the great defaulter to time directora who allowed himmi to escape , amid souse of whotn are alherd to 1)0 at least privyto his dohitmqtmenctes. Time uommditiomm of time batik is considered far below that repro- seated by the atatemnomit of yesterday , amid muon of good jmudgniomst comisidor that witimout doubt. wliemm the deficiemscvis laid imp there vii1 still be a deficiency of 25 or : ht ) lOV cent t vurds liquuclatumig time hut. bjiitic to deposilora amid other creditors , l'hmo lrcsihcmmt vemmt treat by time ( iramid 1'iuimk mitilmrny 1oimdsy imiglmt. Adnmis- siomis have boeti muado thut George \V Omaig , secretary amid treasurer of time Montreal 14liSIl and ? mfortgago comnpaumv. amid a brother of tIme nbscommdiug iresi. dommt , huts been tampering with the Itmnds of that. institution , but to what amount is not known. A ( iitnAP CossTtNT1Nom'x.o , lecemmiber 5.'Vito Ilhiskmemii qimai'ter , imilmutbitated by Tumrhc and .Jewa , has beosi on fire all day. Hunduoda of houses have been destroyed , and snuck distress prevails. vita nvm : om'VAR IN ( 'IIINt lloxn 1cowDecember 5.-Admiral d Pong Zu Liii at Canton notititd all for- cigmiers that. war with France is im- minout , and i intuiiiing'aU avaitublu liuul and sba forcesforprotection .6f Canton. Tim adnuiral holds France answerable for - procipitatimig war and warns imoumtral powers to observe treaty stipulations and rules of international law. SIIUT UP Ott 1t5SiON BnmtLIN , December 5-The supreme church council has summuoned Dr. Stoeck- L or , court chaplain , to either abandon the atsti.Semetic agitation or resign. A FICIITINCi EDmTOmt. Phillips , editor of Time Voll's eituiig , m and mumetmiber of time Reiehist.ag , challenged 'tVagner , another member of time Reichstag - ; stag , its consequence of time latter speak. ing oll'enaively of time liberal press. ; lie a180 cimahlenged [ h' Stoecker for the nmuo reason , but the latter dcchimictl : om time groumid that. Imo is a nimnister. iNiLmSmI i'mtna4 ox mima sinmsAom. LosnoN , Decettmbor 5-'i'ho 'l'imncs thinks l'resideut , Artimimr's mntussatzo sotmn- whmist colorless , and sees a tribute to time lniilm vote time iaimguago used iii regard S to putmuper emttigm'amits. p 'J'he press generally express disap I pommmtmnemmt that die preimdemit did nut roe omnend tedmictiomma ims tIme tarifi' tlmia stus siomm All , however , refer to time picture I iii time message of time presemit great 1trs. perity of the EJimitod States. .SPLR ton ss ONTVItIO. ST. C'rmrImdINum : , oiit.Dcomnher S - . 'l'iie 't\Tcli immd coummty council resolved to I mmmeimmorahizo time Omitarie legislature to I grant womnami suffrage. m TItYINO 'no tAVE O'DONNIJL , 14)NIHItN , Decermiber ti.--O'Donnohl's so. hicitonmstutmdoavonimig I.e induce time j mirymou to sign a memorial to the home secretary I asking imini to comummnuto time death suit. (01100 of O1)ommimehh. ) Some jurynten are willimig to sign the paper , but it. is ox- [ poctctl Limo majority will decline. THE LOsr atA.JOIt. LoNDON , Dcceimsber --Major Secluon- dorf , with hicks Puahma , timid who wrote the letter to Time Vienna I'rosae depict. I ing time tmufreriimg of time expedition just I prior ( .0 the battle with El Mahdm , is I supposed to lie the English oflicor lying m woundtxl at Birkutt. ' - - - - Hiti , , of 1IIrOtIgIIlireIH. LANCAd'rEmt , 0. , Decomnbor 5.-time , sale of thsoroughmbreds belonging to time ostimtti of time late Joimu Holier , vas time most. conilmiote success , timeie hieing a very large number of biddem-um. 'l'weimty'four amiimals sold for $27,525 being au civor- . utgoof 81.117. liuuported Icvrlo Daily was bou2imt by .Johmn Mackimy'of Cahifor. 3 oils for 8,300. lie ai4o itought Bomiimio Kate for 2,000 , Lady Middlotomifor 2 , . S Ll00 Nehlmis Peyton for $700 , the Cimeat- ) mit colt Weaimhing , by lcyrlo fl.miiy for $485 , Mr. Il. ( I. Miller of J'iekawny county paid $1,025 for _ thmo imported stallion , Clmmimmsiioim , . \v . H , } 'earmmiimg , of New 'ork , hnmmgitt k limo iimi1mortuil hurrah , foaled iii lg2 ( ; , for I $1,500 ; Iora , browmi mmmaro , foi ' 50 ; i 'tVaueuhta , filly , $1 .800 ; l"ammmmiu Ptuyton , . filly , il80. 11db of Lancaster , lilly' , was bought by .romnm flylamid , fiw time l'rtiak. 1105 * stumble , for $1 , t25 , 1'lr. l.oimtlomi , of Cammadn , ltmgiit Lloyd ILtly , us cult. by Clyde Jiiy , amid a etmeatimmit colt by Vm'ar. dance , ha * ' 2fl0oeumcim. - N'onlmom'ms I'emellIi , IIdmII4IM. Nr.w Voiim , Lecumuijer ) b-T1n North. I ensi Pacific ramlwtmy company apuilied to , this stock exelmammo ( ii list ' 2,70dQ0 tinit uiurtgagu bnimdmm , THE NATIOH'S INTERIOR. The Malo1iic1It ol the Iiltds aii thd ll1llflS 01 Ciiliztioii. The Upward Tdudolloy of the Poll- hlioil Roll atid the Milliolls Paid Out , Tin'ovk iitt lie I'at.i'mit 0111cc-AU' , Ir , . I n .Iaska , l't C , 1't e. I t is believed that it is quite lssiblu , ttitim a wise aimd jtmdiciotms treatmmnumt of the I mitlimum titmeStiomm , to ; srevemmt the no- ctmrrommce of imttstilitit's between time hmidiams auth lila wimite imoiglitiors that Ima'u mimarked mucarly every' year of our history. 'I'm' I muhitum cami no ho igur hide inmustuif in time uuistmIess of time nuoummitnins or us time sohi. lode of the wilderimeas. Commtncthmuis cumin botvcemi time settler must ! the Indian ut nil Iarts Of time coummitry. Cmvlimnttiomm ammtl savagery can mint ( lt'ull together ; the 1mm- thiumit Cmiii utot muaimmtaimi hmimnsch ( mmi mm sulvage or semmmi.cit'ilixccl state iii comnpetitiomi vi0i his white mioigimbor , mituti lie imitist adopt thmo ' 'vimite lIlmum's ' wa't's"or be swe1t atv.my by time vices of savage life , intemmamiled by contact with civilization. llumuammitv re- % tilts itt time idea of iiis destructiomi , yet it is far better tbmitbe should dlsaopeutr from tim face of time earth than that he should ronmain in his sa'a1o state to contammmimmuito and curse those wmth whiomit lie mmiuat mice- essarily Cotuto in contact in the future. 'l'hie dcstruictioii of gaumso in time country' renders it ini1iosiblo for tIme indians to ontinuo to sumiport. himself by thmo fruits of the chiasoand ho'must support himself by tabor or be supported by the gorermi- mmiont. If supported by tIme goverumumicmmt , he siil be a pauper amid a vagabond , an expense to time satiomi , and a curse to the peohlo among whom Imo mnaydweli. his evil inhitmenee will be felt far beyond the the mieighborhood in whichi lie mmmay live , lie has no cmi na out thmi. govormimnumit for stmpport beyond time tinto wimemi iso imas mmcquirccl the ability to auppsrt iiimusulf 1 C time governtnemmt baa lturcImased Imis mmmd he aimouid be Paid for it accordimig to time comitr.tct , having. however , duo regard to his ilmic ros. It ( ho symstemmm. of nmmmmnities irovt.icd , Ion in mimiumy treaties will kce1i hiimim a sav.tge pauper , ) aymuioiits simoumid 1 e mmiuido Lu Iimmm iii such a way its to save immmmt fm'omn such a state. ho will not culvammce if time gverimmmmemit stmppliea all his wnmmts and deimunmids imotimimig froumi him ; amid smo greater injury cami be done imimum timamm to ipp1y his wammts mmd allots' hint to hive iii idlemiess. If allowed to comitimmuo imi idle- 11058 , lie will comititmuc imi vice nod a cry. lie mmnist be taught to labor amid came for imimmiself , by' hmorsuuLMiumm if possible , by' counpulitomi if mme.ess try. Time gover- memmt should provide schools fur his cliii. dress , u'hiumu they simould ho taug't Lime Emigi isim lauiguago , and all kiids , of uefuI labor , amid time attendammec of nil clmiidremi of sciool ago should be required. if ho cimooses to ho a farmer , Ito should. receive suitable assistammco iii ( ho first instance , with the ummdorstanding that such assis- tancois ommly temporary and must soomm , O13ftO , if ht. i as lie wouhd . , - furumished stocic suuthbitito-ii0 waumta , anti immatructed to care fur thommm , and timen loft to hiii own exertions Time mammual limbos schools should instruct time male children in labor ott time farmim and imm the simeps , and the females in household aiflaira. Jim my former report I recomumnanded the disarming of time lmidiansmimmd I renew that rcconimmmuudatiomi. if we subsist time Indian , ho imas no use for firo.armns , ammh it is not oconomny to allow him to retaimm his arms for time purpose of aupplyimmg hminisclf with game , far better to give a auiflicienumy of food , amid reqmmiro him to ro maui oim Imis rcservatiomm. If time I , idiuui is disarmed lie will cease to 1e aim object of terror to isis mvimite neighbor , amid time fremidly relations timat ought to exist be- ts'ecii the i'hmito settler timid isis Iimdinmi mmeighmbur u'ilh mmot he waimtimmg. It is mmmi- safe to trust aim Indiami with a guimi ; time I , very posscaaioim of it immcitus 1mm busmm a do. sire to use it. 'J'he mmmi mrmmmecl Imidmimi i its I safe iii ally coummtiy as timu mm mmanmzmed wimii e mmmumii ; it. is time PoaSCSSiOmm ( if imis wcimjmoii ammd the limmowlodge timat lie nitty be temmmpt. ed to use it timuit creates hostilIty towtcm'tls iiiiim cmi time P irt of time suttiom' . Disanmim imimim amid lUL Iiiui umider time jmrotcctiomm , t time litmm' , amid imis person tout proiemty will be as safe as ( lint. of his mmhmmte mieigimlior. His tunisia oug'it miot to be commtiacatui ; fur every rifle give hmmmmm aim ox of twice Its value to tiLl his field , COWS , simoup , ( Ii' horses , as Imo ummumy imeed. lii mny ( cruiser report I urged time uoces sity ( ml putting at icatt omme-half of thu cimmhdromm of acimool ago imm mnammumml labor aclmools , amid koepimig timummm timero umumlil they shoimld be sulhieieimtiy immstructod imm time industrial arts to u.port themselves. I t has beuim deumuustm-atod duritig ( lie last year timat oven mmmom'o tunis timat prnmriilJmm of time childremi caim be put in immutimual. labor scimooia , if suitable appropr'matiomms are matte for that purpose. Accomuuimtla. Lion should be provided for at least tout thousand clmildromm imm additiosm to those . slow in macmat-labor scimools , wimicim would , secure to about ono.imaif of time cimildron of school age time advantages of at least mm partial education , while under preseimt PProPriatioiss only about ono-fourtim have asmy' school nclvammtagos at all , timroe.fourthmq growimmg up iii ignorance nod vice. vice.A A largo smummubor of reservations are situated within time arid regloims , where agt'icultur , cast not be carried otm witimimut irrigation. In sonmo instaiicen time coat. of coimstructing ditcimos is very great , amid it calm not he ( lithe by time hmmdiamma without manterial assistnimco omm time Part cit time g'mvenimmnummt. It is folly to attempt. to fmmrmmm such reservatiomma without jmrovmeitiit for mum ndcqtmiito supply of water. I there. fore recoummmmmeimd timat aim apiroprintiomm be made for time purpose of coimats uwtimig ditches osm ssuchm reservatuilH as caim be farimmed ommiy by irrigation. It. is ( iUmtC certuimm that its guimmie be. collies immure dmilieult t , .ibtaiim , time I : mdi- ails will increase their .icprcdatiotmms , ospe. cituhly those vimui cure ammiluritig time Jnmmgs of hmiimmger. it would be dillicult to so- sstniummm white mmscmi mmntier like circummm. stommees , amid it is mnucim immure dulhlcum t to iOtruuiui imidiummis , vimo hate very i.moau idea5 coilconisilig time rigittis oF titimors. 'Vito ommly rommiedy is to keep tiiummm oim timumi' remuurm'atmoms , amid thmi emumtiot ; be doimo mmmi less timoy aim , sim11miitd wimim suitable bout , oithmer by time govermmmimcsmt or thruimgim thmuir own exertiunmu , amid whemiuver thmt'y have iii treaties witim time govorimmmmuiit. rim. served limo right to himisit elf of time reser- vatjun , such treaty iiouild ho HidlitiIdd , - - - - - -V ntl iii ceimsiieratiuuml of stmchi liioliileatiom , they shomild be smmiiihied with imu-k , mmimd stock , cattle or agricultural iimphemmicumts , or bothm. ( ) mmci great dith'mcmmhty in la't'iiimmr. t'it I vu- chialis mm their reservation amid time wimites lull' is time ummmcentnimmty of time bomimdauy ; limmes. 'I'Iie uxtetior of all time ri'scrrn- t iuIiS aim otmi ti b so t veycd and hiitti lily miuark ed , an t hint ii ci t ii e r I mid inns imor Wiiit'S SOUhd have diltictmhly 1mm uiutermmiitm imig timu boundaries timemeof , and I rccnimm. mmimul a stmitaiio nhtltmiPmiimtiomm for this huu l ' ° SO. It is tlitiicmilt t mmuako time peclo , emitter- stnmmtl that time oxcctmtis'e dt'paitiimc'mmt. of time gtiverummueimt. eami Hot declare a gm-nut fuirfcietl ( iimemt time corporuit iomm for tv imoso ltncjL , , it. svas mmmdc has failed to eomuiy , un tim t ho Coiid i t louts t lmeretf. , leti t ioi m zinc lrcsemmtcd to time uxoctmtive uhetumnuitl- mug this forfeittmro iii grants for miommciummt- iiiiuico witim time eoi.dttiomis thereof. I mm- thiviultial claimimaumts thechiro timemmisolm'ea ommt- raged bm'caummvo time comnmnimusinimor of time gemmeniml lmull 0111cc ret muses to nhlomv lii iugvv "ml time edit sections el limumul witlmimm time umim- forfeited u-ni lroncl grammts. 'L'ime govermm mitt'imt is derided flA t lie goormmtmiemit Of time ricim toni opnusod to time Itmvr , becatise time executtivo dulmruutmmmeumt of time go'crmimmiemmt .ltes not. do wimat timim courts lmino repeat. t'dly' declared could be doumo oimly by time legislative braitcim of time govenimmumemit. - timimi is , declare a forfeit minim of a guammt. ' [ 'Ito report. if time commmmmiissiomiei' of iiemm- siomis AllOWs thmiit at. time close of time bout fiscal 3-cat' there uvere 303,0r $ ltCm15iimUm'8 , classitied as follows : . 'tnumi ) ' lmmvaliils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1(58,018 ( \ nitty tm ltht , s , untumor chihireim , imimti tie. i.ui1eitt reluItlC4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7l :57.1 : Navy Invaihis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ItiS Navy vltiws , , , miii our ciii ! d ron , mmd dt. pemiuicumt rrdntlt es. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I , tI)7 ) ) Svmrtlvuis (11 time War of IStj . . . . . . . . . \Vid.'wv , of times lum 'ervod 1mm time is mr of iIl2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21,330 Timero were ndtlul to time Jemlsiomm m'ohi cltmrimig time year ( ho imnines of 88,102 now pommsiomiera , auth 71)0 ) whose mmatnes had btiutm lmovioumslY clrmppetl fromn time Imemisiomu roll were restored , immaking time total ntmnm- her added to time roll duniimg timeyear 18- ' .158 , beimmg aim mixcess ovem' time ntmmnber added time pmum'ious year of 10,0-15. 1)mmr. immg time year 20,11(57 liemlsioliors were dropped front the m'olis for vanioums causes , leavimig a imet immcruuoue over time rolls of 17ttmil. 'l'lme imumnber of pursuits dropped fm'ommm time rmlls immciuidcd time imanmes of timosc Whit ) have beeim carried on time rolls after death until timmal mtettietmiomit. mmmiii pay'mmmemit. of time ammioummt duo mmcii imeimsion- ems. 'J'hme average aummuat value cml eimclm Peimsiout at time closuof thmeyusmnis $100 18 , mimmi the nugreuate vaimmo of all imummalommA is $ :12,245,192 : 13 , aim iimcreaso over time valtme fur time (5reVmti5 year of $2,150 I- , (11.10 ( 81. 'l'hio total mummiouimt. palil .imt fir lmtuimi1)imS dtmrimsg time year wits $00,004 , ( JOlt 23. TIme excess tom time anmmual 'mmfmme of pem'momms is immuuiumly for arrears of mmcmi- s'momms covering time nilovamico ot time cmliii. ' [ 'lie total miuiiminsr of chmiimia tiled for disabilities 1imcmtrred while imm tIme ser- m'iceammmouimts to 41)h721 ) ( , of which 245 , 210 have lmeemm allowed ; and. by widows umm aceotmist of deaths chargeable to time service :312,020 : , of which 200,7111 Imave been atlwed. Time total imummilmer ol cininis tiled s'mmico 1801. is 880,137 , ci wlm'mch nuumiber 510O88hmavo , becmmmmilowed , During time samnepwioti there lmas beet ' tc1for'anisioun , wIth cnt ot m1sbutae i.emit , to , un o1U21,07207.t30. , Time secretary refers in i.1.rong terms L time system of swizmdiimig by pretomidou peimsion agents , amid says of the excussiv ititreat paid by jiommsionars for mmionoy : Payrnvsmts are made to poimsiolmers 0110 in three nmoimtiis. Veiy immammy poimsioner are wholly dependent on the aummotitit no ceived broom time govoiiiiumit fir timoii support. Ttmo aimmoummt lmmd is geimonimhly so amnail timat it is oxhaimusted before tlmc mmext pay duty , mmd time puuinioumor resorts to time mnoiiey lommder to secure a simmhl bait , at. exorbitamit rates , to be ; taid at time mmext pay day. Iii most cases time imi ( crest oxumctotl is fromn five to twommty ceimt per mmioimtim. Conreas hmavimmg Itro. Imibited time mute of certificates as security , ( or mmiommoy I tinim ed , tue i e mmiler imums mmu so' curity , amid mmmakvs timuit time excuisu for ox- tom-timig such comisciemicoless immtercst fm'omm , time imeedy borrower , if time ime 4mmior tvmms alluwud to pledge lmi I certificate for time luiYimmemmt ) tii : smiumil loummivi , lie wouid dommbtluss be aide to gtt sucim loans at better rates ; but time i mmi irovitlummt iummd imeedy would iii sommmc mmmstmmimccs lit ) robbed of time remit value of ttmei I' 1)0i151t)11. 'i'Iiu govo iii im mcmi I , for time lrutuetiomm of time pesusiommer , hmaviimg tie. Imii(1 to hmiitm time opamrtummity of usimig hilt certificate as mm me cum 'mtv for time immommu ) ' hue umiumy smooth to cuum'ry imimmm to time micat dumy , oimgimt to , ( or time p iymmmemme itt Lime mmiuimey as it becommmes duo emicim mmiommtim , mm'iiemmevor it calm he domme iii , without gr.at immcommvemmiemmcu mind hiss to time govern miiuimt. I thiiuik time ag. nmm simimuild be al' towed by law IA ) adm amice mit time cmiii of each , ismnimthi time ammmotlmmt time 1eIiniHiur iii entitled to mmmoimtim. By mom doing time I 1emmsiolmer witl be relieved broom time mme ceassity of subrmiittimmg to sticim extort-iou- ate rates of the patesut 1)111cc time uveciotary saya Time work of time office is largely iii ar. rears , growing omit of time iumsuflieieimt force timid rapidly immcreasimmg bumeisuese in time oflico Limo comimmiasiommer timid all his nssirmt.ammta have made coimimnomudable of. forts to keep up thus work of time othice , and time fmmec thmumt time work is iii arrears cammumot be attributed to aimy hitch of etTort . on timeir iart. Ami the fees exacted of immveimtors mmot emily pay all ( hue expoiiso of time ; matermt olhice , but furnish a surplus for time treasury , if does suet appear to be ummreaaomiablo omm Liii , part of inmeim invent- era to demnummmd timat their work shmouhd be ProlmmhitlY dommo by commipotemit. macsm. It. is is great imardmuhuip 0mm time iimvent.orwimo hmas 1iaid time huh coat of deturmmmimuitmg all qimes. Lions coiicvnimimmg hula npmiication , to be I told thoU. forwumimt of imthiejcmmt. force lie rmicmst wait , mvookmm , amuti perhmumou immoimths , ( III. time result Limuit ougimt to ho declared iii nit mmuuuy tliy8 , 'I'lmo counmumisajuut ci rccoiiumumoui dim miii iii- crease iii time uumiarieum : of eamummmmmuerd : timti amusistummmt exmmmmmmmmers. I 1. imumum iioomm fovmiutl very difl'ucult tim keep nuummuy of time bust uxmlimimiiumss cmmmd nssistammt eiumnmimmumrs mit thin it miary puuimh. ( if 4hiska : 'l'Imo tieptrtmmient of ti immtcnior coumiel mint , in time mihstummco of iogisiatiouu , afford lime uttitioImers Limo relief mmuuglmt. 'I'imu re' pined ( hisecuvury of very nicim sumiuies cii time Ynktuii river imill doumisthess attract. a large liinulmit iomm ( lucre tmmmotiier year. tumid if timoru isumot ii mutable goveriummmumut immuithiur property imor iieraiual nigimts will be so. ajmcetod , Several uuutuilmiisimmmmeimts for Limo caimnimig ( If fishm summel time immaimimiactmira of iimmmmbur imuivu Ieomi estabiislmt d imu difhliresit tin , tim of tint territory , ammd it its belmoveil timst ( hue lisimorious and. forests will soomi iii. ract a hinge nimmumbur of jmemaiou , ovomm if time . goht fouls muimtimmlcl mic.t prove prouimmct. .o. ' [ 'lie total imaliumluttioum of the territory ( if _ 1askim is lint. ( cur frommm tiuirty timommiamd. , of timms uitimmmlwr nbtttit timem tiuommsummmd are Aieut.q , vimo ate not bashmu hums , if timey lure molt of the imigimest order of clvii attiuvi. ileforu time ccssiomm isy' ittmsiit gouiel mucimoel u nero moumititaimmod lummong themmi , bumt simmet' tin cessiiti tlmo cluouils have lc'emt , li cntmtimitmed. - - Stmi ittos' Immgmtll. . ' t'i'mumlmm , 11111 , W.smi NOt'O , leccmmmler ---Time bj immti'oulticed imy ilr , lmugnils to remmiove ocr t4iImm iimmuit4tlomms of time arrears of iwulsiummi whmicim have beomi , or tony imem'eafter be , guitmited 1mm coiiscqmit'muco of tiemithm occum'- ring front a cause wlmich erigimiatcul 1mm tIme , service aimuco Mimrchm , 1801 , or imm commso- ( Itmemico of woummmds or immjtmries received , or disease comitractoet simmea timmit date , shall unto front time dentim or etiscimuirge of time I meirsohm omm wimose ( ) CCflmuitmt it tumnu beemm or ma hereafter grnumted , if time disability cc- corned imnior to discimnrge , amid if imucim ihisabihity ocumrm'ed after eliscimuurgo , timemi fu'ommm time date of time nctmmuml ulisnb'mlity , or frommi time terunhumathmmm of time rigimL uf time party' imavimmg a prior ( it l ) to sticim ' , niud imi comusiuler m. tiomi of nil claimmis for 1ieumuviuuims imm coimse- qumenco of the ileattim frommi or for uhisatsiti. (3' reatmitimig fm'oimm diseases commtracteti its time duervicu dmmrimmg time imto civil war. Time puroum Oil im'imose rtccoumimt auuiti luemmsiomt is cialmisod simmill be coimeimmoively cia'mmmmetl , shalt ho coumclush'oi' lmrestmmmmvd to be mmouumd mummut fro mrmmm disease itt time elate of eimterimmg times service. " - - It \ ' I II i'iu me in I orlumg. Lo'tuuvtiu , lecemumbor 5 - ' [ 'lie fanumm- ems' coimgress of the Ummtted States comt vommed to.day , sixty delegates being pres. eat , ruiresummtimug Kentucky , ' 1'emmmiess , Sommthm Corel imma , \irgimm'ma , hitissisruippi , Colorado and lumdhamma. Oilier elohegatemu arc expected to arrive t.i-miigiut. Time imrcshlemmt of time comigress , Major Thmemuaa .1. Utmeleun , of IuI'ississ'mppi , opommoel time comigress with nit address of aoumm lemmgthm , sottimug forth time desnimmmdmv amid wuimmts of agrictmlttmnituu , amid especially tmrgimmg time mmpoimmtmimcuit ) of time otmmnmmmiseioners of ng- rmeulttmrnl aim a mmmemnlmer of time presitlommt's cabinet. A t , LImo commciimaiomm of time pres'm- demmt's adulress , commimmuittees wore apimoimit. od for vmmniolms tiut'mos , mud time rommgreims adjoimrmied. it. ss'ihl hmo iii aessiomm three duty's. . - - - t4elmolmtrslml imu " . . III umi gum go. Cmuuetuo , Deceumuber -TIme t timmasmeint troublom of time Ohiemge uim'mvoraity took mm smuw lenin to-day. 'l'imu Ummiwm Ihmttmni lmfe I imsuratucu ccvvmmpammy of lt.ta'uvmo. lm'luiuu , ii ummoutgnge Oit time Property fom' $150,000 , wimichm is liable to forocloummmro Suiumu years ago , jim comusideratinim of $1000 eachm , time ttmuiorsity issued mm large mmmmmn- her of leniotmm1L sclmuuiarsimiims. uemmty of timesu sehm.luurslmms are r.'presemmtud imm mime 1,111 filed jim time fudum'al court. today , sLAkuluL' thimit they be mmmatlu mm lien on tIme immstittutiumm timid clitimmis imrmur t that of time mmmmrtgago amid thmimt tIme imuitlors of time latter be restrained front frcclosimug 0mm Lime surface it. appears to be a friendly : stilt aim regards tue multiversity. - - - r f IilCkIiCI4 tim Yule ( oiIege. Naw LIATIINC0NN , ] ) econilior 5.- I TIme prevaleimce of typhmoid and mnaarin iU05t tIme 1 im puiziiiitIue facumlt' " ' 3ljpm'r ! o 'tivui' tisat theseworagand dribngo fmt ' Li erfcct , amidca..mmot accouumt for tim ussr 0 aunt ihhmiess at this time , Time reports a death are exaggerated. But two ate a domita have died of typhoid fever ; on 8 contracted time disease abroad dmmrimsg vs - cation. Timero are mm nimimiber of student r mnoro or less iii of immaiarial fever , but iii p great niarni is foiL , It Is tlmougimt ilma I whmeim cold wontimer sets iu time causes mvii I disappear. - _ A P1 mm migu' 11114 Ii it-tv- . ' CiivistNn : : , 0. , 1)ocomimber 5. - - ilaforu light this mnormmimig time lIeu Limits locoimso. tive , bnckimmg to time flab' , piummgod timrougi 8mm ( ) JClt ) draw itmto time river , amid % mmmuu Chow , time emigilmeer , vas drnviuod inc \Vhm i timmas aim , t lue I'm icimiummi , j mm mumpuel to time ihek coil escaped. 'l'imu imce'mdcimt iii sup vcaeel to imave Ia'csm cauuwcl by time ommgi mm cur mmot oicrm' i u mg tim is sigm miii I 1gb tim cii time bridge , smwmmmmg to let mm atcammm hnim'g I ass , 'the II i'emmm mum ivums ui I j mmg tIm e eimgi tie. . Cluomu' leaves a ( mummify' . l'Iu lmas beemm imi L time comuspaimy'mv etmiuIoytweimty yeama. Jm'amwlig , I Ian Ni.IIH l'lrrliL'Itl , 1)i'ccmmihier r. - 'I'ImeVest' cr11 N am 1 ml suuiOiutt iOt m mui ct to-ti uty' , amid , after a ( Sestiuum ) , a renoitmtiomm , lmastoul mit tlni lust uuueotiimg , ordering a gi' i mum's I simmciisiorm I If umni h mmmii is fo r five it eoicmu , frommi t hue ti2ud , immst , , was rot c'mmud. od , 'Ph m is act ii in I i hrotmg ii I ; ala nit by a . muimimibom' of mmiutmmimsmctummci'm i'ofus'muig to mtimimt ( iwsm , , sum they did mmot. cmmmsielor Sims. . luelisiomu itt this t.iimme ndvisalie , Discus. aiuimm of time imhje'cL was heated. Time I troule is rolortecl fair , witim stocks still I low nut ! ill immusoited , . - - - - - ( ilmimoumi' jtmei' Nams' Yomur , 1)ecoumiiier 5--t'lmanlevm P. ( iiimmmour recently brougimt suit for $300 , . 000 damages against Carl Schmmmra in time mmumprommie comurt. iii timiuu city. Oilmmmuur wat forimmerly a pi'acticiiig lawyer iii 'tVaahming. ton nmmd nihegos thmat whmcsm Scimura was see' rotary of time iuutarior in 188 ( ) , he mimmuli' ciously amid by exercise of arbitrary au themnity , hind plaiimtifl disbarred asset pro. iuibited front practicing iii any of time do. partmnenta of the interior , whmoro ( lilmnous tuhht'ges hmo had cm vractim'o of $150,000 mu year. Time suit was removed t.o'ulny to I the Uumitotl $ tatcmu court. It Tt'n.'ihIu , Jxplosloa. Cuiwxoo , Iecumsiber 5-Between U amid 10 o'clock to-night two fortilizliig , , taimks jim ( luck hires' . remmdonmng estabhishi. muemit. at. time stock yards exploded , wreck. , immg time emitire limmihduiig , a one-story atruc. ture , 30x I0 feet. 'l'huurn were fourteumi mmmen amid two boys iii time place at time timumo , amid it is timoughut. mmomsmo of titommi I are ium'umeel imm time ruimmms. 'I'iue folioms'ius are kmiowmm to be aor'moimsly hurt nmmd out em' two mviii probanly die. P. IColusky , f.mrommmmmm : ; 1rsmimk Stulisi , Timemumums Comm. store , ilemury i'rimmumuiimg. 'l'hur ye nuci uunmmucd Lamutird , Kniusu amid helium , anti two boys are less clan ( orousiy iuurt Tin elmmimiat'o to promcuty mit lotwnesi , $ I,00 ( aumd $5,000. , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' Time Fine Ittcord , SAN YJtA NVIut'0 , 1)ece'miber ' -Finc was ehia'vuruel ' times snoniuiimg in the huh of time Itnitishm four umiummutcu' , Lord huvon isimire , humt'ly cmrnivccL 'rime Comm suited olmietly' of coal , Ij..ss tiiikiiown , AwslI'A ; , ( lii , , Icemui'or ' fi-'rhmrcc , negro uimthlm'tsim micra hmmrmme ci to duatim it Ce ummibma etiumuty. 'i'hue i'nroimts ' wemmt t cimurcim , bmumvimmg loc'.eed time cimildiemi i.r tiucir cabiui , DILLY , DO YOU HEAR ? The Vil1iiIia bois11urdaiiIs \ Ha billie i ) dilalor to Ro ian , The Governor Gives Some Good Advice on the Danville Riot Matter. The Pehinsylvania Shiggards have Grown Tired Enough to iiit. Time illimtvi l'rimlmtlic lOiliNiN ( l olumg Iii F'OL' ' 1'imrummsciv , I I' I lie 01 hum' l'ar. tics Iumm't tIuulIy.Cmnmdhtt ) Timeimi. : talmoumt , t'dcetI to itesigim , 11 iCttIONI ) , V , Decousibor 5.-'rhmo gummenimi mmssummmbiy moot nt linen. lioth hiuuumses elect ed demimocratic officers. icy. erimor Camnernim's mimessago deals mnaimmly witim state attmirs , amid smymu aim invostign. tioti iiitiid , be imnl imm relatiumm to time D.iimvihie rmotVitmmesses aiuoimtd be al- luum'eut to testify' , aimotmid be mmmdc to tea- tiC3' , auth time triutim aimotmiti Ito made aim. ; mnreimt , so timat time comimmimonwealtim ct Virgiumia could bo placed before tim tvonld. as ( mime of time states mm'imicit tries etisno , 1mm ) matter wimo sammy be crinmiumals. A resolu- thom was introduced iii time sommatu calling tmpoim Semmator Maimone to resigmm. Time lreammmbio comisisum of a Shari ) arraignnmeut of , the semmator. . - itetter I.mne Tlmamm Never. ' lIAltItmMmtUut(1 , December 5.-Time senate nuid hmoumio imutvo passed a resolution to ad. jomurmm sine die to-mumorrow , - Time l'molmllultiomi Ca'aze , B iotM ( LNiiO , I II. , 1)ocemnber 5.-'l'ho ihhimmoimu state tmimiomi tomumperaumco comuvon- tiomi mvim'mch Imas been 1mm sossioum in timimu city for time last two da1s , vracticaly ! closed this afterimoon , I'tmo scssiomi of time convumiti'mt wits albres'iatcd by tim. ' r temupuratuce ultiomi voting to coumsolidato uvithm time mini hmmmal proimibitiomm amid home iroteCtiut mnrLy , l'mttmchi ' interest has been oxcltcd by timis aetiomi. 'l'lio step mvmma m'igorousiy op.osed by niaumy of time deiv'guttes iwutme claimmmimmg that time quems- tiumi was smriuug umiuxpectodly amid wit-it- omit mmot'mce , Time IilmKiLioii m'itH itmul by : tr. Slmulelomm cit Chmimmipaigum amid Rev. Strovor of Oreemitield. U. C Cimiistinn of ( Jluicngc , clmamnp'momiuul the uimuivemmmuuit itmmd after debatimmg time qimestiumi all duty it mvmts , at. mm late hour , carmied by mm mote of 74 to 18. 'l'imu commvemutiomm recommmumemided immmmmtediato vmrty orgammizatioim throughout time state , ammd suggest tlmim time mmatiomtal prhmibmtuomm commveimtiumm lie hmeld after thmo repubhicamm asset dcmmmocrmmtie couveimtiomis , mmd fuutlmcr , suggest Louiavilie , Chicago or Buffalo as time possible place. Mary B. iluiggart , of Immdimnmpolia , lee- tured tu.mmight to a large audience lit tlmo opermi Imouno , uuumder the auspices of ho - convention . . . ) - _ I Afora $ , short session in , the niorni g , i' " I , wimwentiomi.wm ' a , -e . - * . d' . , . ' _ ' _ , L - , - ; _ _ _ , . , _ _ J . : . . - m- Sxs.r Lun-Cmrr , . Utahi.Tieconmborti.-- . - if Time News , a l'ulorummomi ' organ , iii a leader , 1- says tim prosieleumt's mimessago will be Lu iutiilcd by time imirohimmg clergy withm picas- . ure amid will receive a large anmoumit of mm popular aujport. It IS umot shmowim in S wimat. way time destruction of our t local governiumemmt ms'otmid afflict the 1 qmiestiOii of poly'gasmmy. Plural mmunrriages of tIme Mornmouus are not r000g- imized by terrritorial laws , could not ho dissolved by the coniusiusiommers eiect , 3 : mnmumies or other earthly Imsiver. Timoy are - ecclctitatical , pempetmuuti , eternal , Until u j'irsmmnmms becommme reoreant to thme'mr faith m witim high imoumvemm those ummm'momms ms'iil ho rec.ugmmized by thmo Almmmigimty iittimig who I estabiisimcel thmcmui for time benefit - of Ills immupie ammd time fuiiuesmu of Ills - giory' , 'limo hiresielent's roimmarics osm ULmh I auth molygzmsimy (10 imot. add force to lila t mnossiugu , are imo credit to his statoanian- shui1 , , mire a sop to bigots mud a breath teL t lie haute of imoimuimur Puissisu , I t is doubt. . fuil if it will imavo lum'actical bcaniumg on comlgmd135 , amid ctuntidmmiy will create no commmmmmotiun immimosig Limo God-fcarimmg PC0PiO of Ijtmuim , 'limo atomic juumniial thmrows a Semi ) to time einmmmiicu'mmttt ummiul hopes timoy mviii u1efaL time mmmwmsure 1mm time hmouuse. - - SIimmply a Cimi imchietee. NEw Y itg , Iecommmber 5-General Muumuiger Clark , of time Umuion Pacific rail- read , amid Mr. Cable , of ( lie Bock Islamud. road , clumsy thmutt tiuuir roads ' ' tacitly smgreed" with time Milwaukee & St. Paul routti to witiudraw from time Iowa pool. 'l'imey say thmeir visit to New York at this timiio was litirohy omie of gemmor.ml buss'mmioss , asmci tiucy had miot ctrnmo to mneet Mr. Mer- mlii , of time St. I'aul road , or aigmm any agreement of time natumj iumdicated. Bonmg Imuro time same time is simply a coinci- t deuce. J : - Catarrh At this oaeom oS the year everybody has a cald lad some very bad ones , fly frequosit expo.muzostlu , mouiijraneiiI ttiq OOM , boconuc very aen.itlve , and ' catarrim and bzSueiuru are ept4mnIc , RcHoS may be obtalaed by the uo uf IIood' Ssri.aprWs , Yor man , years in suocosslon bogiumitmug so t& , ck I ibm , S runmcmniior wheim , I hid time c&tsrrh In 0)7 hoatL Itcoosistod of a oommUumu&l itow trout my odc. Ringing and Bursting Fvoises In may head. Bnsnttluuei the Smearing to may lett ear WM IiOSCtOd. Fimu ) elii. gO about this se.aon of 0,0 ycst , I begsm. to 040 iiood' SarsiprlIls. I wss hetpu ) rtjht swsy , but I oomUgmed , to use It urntmi I 101 % my niysoH cured-Mrs , Ellzim it. Caulfield , Lowell , YmIaia , Jeromno jirownell merchant sad extensive inlfler b VIi.iors , Ontario 000lit ) , N , Y. , wItes , : "i ti.ve uied IIo.d'i. HaraaIlls for my Cstarrim , imed IIhsm. Iniped coii1doi Ilood'ut a&vul.amilia one of thttbec4 : renie4lts los blood dIsease to be ottalued , 100 Doses One Do//ar , "I bavo been trouilod wIth thmt itotretrmg coin I laliut , catuirri , , Mid hinu beem. imilmig 1Iood' 5ar.a anus , Mid ItIIU it 1)110 of IlIC btt rcinedIc I hat' , , I taken. lily troibt ! has l.tttcd tnm yaa. smut I umevcr could get 511) relIef utIi I couaeuced to usu ) hood's Harsaismiilm.-amtlu tililild , Chicago , lIt Daye , from Caiarrh piwumde timmgm thU timunumuit ant extent at thu 5crotn. mou.4 mifuctlon , , thique.tt."nabiy ins' y death train I oii.Uuiitloii Calm Cu tracol to natuttod catarrh. I Tb. to hi ii , blentOlitres , prostraluti Seth . ipemi. . , the ey.i Weep , uho hot , dlJlehluL'a , ouploutly imid time tuvum1 acamas to , i'llt ' , ' tim ucii Hoot's taramartt1a corrects the aim. t.am'rti t'y ums direct sotlu , tim tikchartrig thu potion Iromim thu 1,10.4 tIirou1i tisttiru's great outlets , so ) that ) ieatthy , 1,0011(1 iiioU , rctdi tb mewtnmse Stud Lv AtbQteaolflU. ' m S hocus Sarsapari/la ' I tioki by itrimg1st , gm ; six for tm , l'rci.sro4 t0' ( I , 1. itoOli & ce , .potianarirsLcwvIt Mmns. : It . li ,