Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1883, Page 2, Image 2

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    - - - -
You Cniiiiot' mt' it in the
\Vhat an absurd idea it s to send
8 sick 1nan , with an niling stomach
a torpid 1i'cr , and impoverished
1)100(1 , to a bar-room to SwalloW
sonic stimulating stnfl' , aiuL call it
medicine I
An enormous nmotmt of mischief
isconstantly done by men who thus
trifle vthi themselves. Instead of
healing' their diseases , they make
tlicni worse. Instead of gainhig
trcmigthi they onl' acquire the dis.
graccftil hallt of tippling.
It is a point worth noting in connection -
nection with Brown's Iron J3i/frrs ,
that this valuable medicine is not
sold in bar-rooms , and vi11 not be.
It is not a drink. It is a remedy.
It is not IiiaCIC to tickle the palate of
01(1 tOC1S. It is made to heal this-
case. It is not mflalC to prolotc the
rOOd.fChhOWSh1il ) of a lot of bibuIou
r chlors standing around a bar anti
tskiig each other , ' \Vhat vihl you
akc ? " It is a true tonic ; an iron
medicine containinn the only orepa-
ration of iron whulci can safely and
beneficially be taken into the systeu
OWcITAL 1.085
: tANLY V1OO1tprmtorr
4 . Irns , ctc. , hen Ml othr rcmo
. . tile. fall. 4 cure qwarapifefcl.
? J . . , $ a bottI , large 1iotto , rout
tImc the quftntitv , Q1. liv ci
ireii to cn' dttrcRL 8oId bt
- . Rlldrugglstt. . Er.uun3iI 1Y1)f
CAT. INSTITUTS. 1'roprictor , 718 OlIve Street , St.
LouiiMo. -
"I hMo Bold Sir Aitley Coopor' Vita Retor&tnc
otycarL IVCt3' cuctomet ipck hIhIy ot it. I
unhocItsttngIycndorioItMremcdy ul true merit
"C. F. GooDMAN , Druggist.
mtha Fi 8.1 1883 i8.m&
" AN anN
" IIo.tettt'r'e Stom.
OTET" , .ch hitters hat , rc
, . $ U151A110 echeil the moct io
it I e' u
irom eminent by.
( lI(1MI , Miti haNionr
( ) Crt1I1.d te foremoct
rienk among ztthnd.
. . - rerd vro m' ' i I a t ! y
. . ,
- - . .
. , rcnio.Uu . It timi )
- - - . . i ot'Ic ' ni ten nitern.
; - - tIe I itleordereti
. 2 C'OfllitiOfli C ) ! t h n
. ntomeeli , liver and
: bc1c and .
- . , ft pro.
. entien of nialitrial
iIfoeac arc no Ioo
rennu ned.
STOMA For sate by nil
ITTS DnigIot4 no.1 Deal.
004 , to % 1Iom nIP1S
tot Ilotettet' Al.
, nan for 1884.
An excellent oppetizing tonic ci
. . . oxqnioitcflavornowicct1ovcr thc
- . . Whulo WOrld , CUCCO ) ) YCPCPOIO.
Ilarriicen. ) lres er ned A"ue and nit
dIordcrtoithti Jtgcotl.'o begano ,
f4 ; : A ( ow thono Impart a ( lelicl000
. fivorto ngaoeurcIiamnngnennd
. ± to all pummer drinka. ' .Iry It , but
.a - bewarculcountertelto. leek your
grocer or tirtiggiot rot the genuine
aettelo , inatiuractured by flit. .3 ,
1. ii. BIKIICILT .
vi. YiUrEBMlillSole ? ADent.
ooiToi. & prT1 O' to 3. W. Iliacor ,
Bron4waw. N. Y.
. -.IIDYE'ifl 1
I. Latin.
.Llt.EcrRo VOLTATO BET.Z irul other ILzctnzo
EJ APrUwcaw. Wn will .nd on 71iIrt Dsyo
rIaI. 1 ( ) lIEN , YOUKO Oil OL1 who ore iutTcthtR
from Nxavoua DzeILrtr , Lost ' , jurjyr , nn,1 thos. ,
WIIMaLOI ot n I'KRSONAL NITUIrO ft.2tjn front
ADUiiL and OTuiii CAVITg. SpNdy toilet and corn.
Viete rr.tornUnrt to hALT , , . Vrooi , and 8rareiroc.t ,
( ) ULkLtl1ra. Sentiat once forilluitratcdiampz,1o8
fros. Mdreoo
health is WeaIth't '
_ _ _ _ _ ; .
Ia 1. ( . Vr.ui'u Nr.nvr. AD
r'nN a gunranthod bnceitio for Ilystt'rkt , Iizzi. )
n-str. ConvulsionK , it.r , Nirvotis Neuralgiri ,
1Iadaeho , Norvoun Prod rut inn tetuNcri by I use
of tilt'oIoL or tobacco % Vzrkntuire.Ns , , Iitt'titttI 1)e.
prtstsiou. Hoftonitig o the herein reettit trr ; iii in
s4Irltty nut ! ic1uiing to misery , tiecity zirui dt'rrti , ,
l'remnturo Old Ago , IktrrCflhl'StI , LON lt ) ituwer
in either ccx. 1uvo1untn' Itsst rtti , t3LwrmIt. :
4)rrhrea onused Icy ovcr.eort1on or tire Iritu , teelt.
riInet , or ( rvor.Induigogreo. Euei ) bx ( Iruttliflo
one tnuirtirrt trentmttnt. i.cei , ho ; rr , six lIOXCj
for5.WhYxrtbymrIit ( projrnitlon receipt Ut Itrier. ) .
Onycitho. With encir onier nceiwetl IyuO
fur i.j bcixes accompanied with $ t.U ( , wu will
itond thu Irurchiruor our vritteu .usnirit' to re.
fund tire money if thu treetmont deco nut cifoct
tacuro. ( isHued ( urilb )
Tb remedy being Injected directly to the icat
lb. requires no Cilinhlo of diet or nsuio us ,
mcecun&i or polionoul * nedlc1iro to bu takcn Intern.
fy tJhcnUed ii I preventive liv either isa , It Is
Itoposainlo to contract any irtvlto drocabo ; but to the
t&so ci tiroco already untortuniteiy atflicterl s o gun , .
aDtco three boxai to cure or we will rotund the
money. l'rlce by tush ' i4 iUp 2 pot box , or
Ibeco bonca for 5.
; synrrrKN OUARMTKI13
hued by iii auUorlnod agents.
soul ltoanrouw.
C. F. Ooodrnsu , Druggist , Solo &ont , for Omahi
U.h in&owiy
. .
A tlctim ofcaelj lmprudenc , causing neryoue debit.
Ity. premature decay etc. , hiving tried In rain seers
ttuow remedi Itia deco.ere4 a rimpte mean. .1 sett
likb he will s.nd I11I'.E to his fsllow.suiierere.
J. IL ILEIV1S. 3Cbstbaua1L. 1ew Yor'i
Impoited Beer
Erlanger , . . . e . . 0 I I , Bavaria.
Oulmhaeher1 . . . , . I C , C . . .Buvarin.
Pilsner. . . . . . . . . S C .Bohiemian.
4 5 Kaiser. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tronien.
Budweiser. . . . . , . . . . . . . .St. Louis
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
lloqt's , . . . , . . . . I s I S C .rel.ilwauke ( ,
Schlitz-Pilsner , . Milwaukee
- C C I s ,
Ic ' , 5 . C , . . , .Oiualia ,
A , Porter , Doinestlo nun Rhine
Wine. 'ED. MAURER ,
l2HFttrlluu ! ,
'I '
( onb'nucd fronI'a.rjc I.
what can ho itroposed vhmichi will gii'o tn
the IMUIkS 8afogilrtrd ngaint loan in Ink.
ing and issuing circulating trntes ? 1 am
not in favor of anything bu the interest.
bearing obligatiouft of the United States
government. To go abroad for the so
citrities of other state is to go out of
our political and jiuhicinh jurisliction nail
subject ourselves to the hazards of their
intesUtie commotion , of the international
coiillkts , of lOssiblO hostility to this
country , amid of going before strange
tribunals as , , erhmafs ) an uiiiwolcomno
There are IropositiolIs , the vertebral
idea of which is the creation of a new
loris of public debt. 4 plansblu one is ,
for tIme griverninuist to oiler a now bond ,
of its OWII issue , at. a low rate of interest -
est , to ruli a long period , in exchange for
its four ior cents and four.nnd.a.hinhf
per ceiit.s , allowing such a rate of pro.
ln iunl upon the attor , but Iover than
that at pro8ont ruling , as would induce
the holders to surrender thteiti and take
the 210w ; and to inko this a security for
batik circulation. 1 doubt not that this
is feasible. In that way a holder of fours
or four.and-a.hnlfs COUIl capitahi.o the
premium allowed on his bond and draw
tistorest at the now rssto on that as vehl as
oil the principa1 , whereby there would ho
all inducement to oxchiatigo , rather thati
to hold , or , in the present difliculty of
desirable roitivestinunt , to soil. I am
parsuad id ( rout tIm oilicuel experience
f the last year , that capital is ready
and willing to take , at a low rate of n
terest , all tire United States bonds that
can reasonably be issued , provided they
be at long time of payment of principal.
Should this project be favorably considered
sidored , details can be furnished. Yet
I ant so adverse to recommending the
creation of another or a difreront public
debt , that. as great as are , in my judg.
moat , the advantages of the national
batik circulation in safety , in uniformity
of value everywhere , and in ; thior mat-
tars of ccnvenience and confidence , 1
look upon such project as a ( lCr7LiCr i c.
8W1. I rather recommend , and so 1 do ,
that the internal rovcnuo tax upoit circu
latiomi be takemi air , in whmle or in lLrt : ,
This is 1 par ccitt. per annum , and
nniouiit.s to about three niilhious nud a
quarter each year.
The maxiniulu ainotmt of circulation
issued tO Ii80 state banks , organized either
under the or freo.batiking
systoimis of the state of New York , was
$6O,7olr14 , itimd time amount of timire-
( leelilcil circulation iii 1875 vzts
87 , or 2.61 vet cent of the highest itums-
ount issued.tJ0 greatest amount of
circulation isotieti to 707 state banks , iii
twelve statcs , including the state of Now
york , was $114,671,346 ; time aituount
outstanding , $2lui,282 { ) , and the propbr-
Lion unredeemed , L4 per ccitt. The proportion -
portion of notes rodeenied ,
Is mniucit greater thauu that of stafe.bniuk
notes under the old systom. Of 40 an-
tionni banks which failed previous to
187 ( having a circulation of $ ( ,415,934 ,
the proportion umirodecined is 1.08 po
cent. ( if I 31 national banks in volu..tary
liquidation previous to 1870 , having a
circulation of $ ,84J,74O , the percentage
unredoomneel was 1,4t per cent ; of 38
banks that wont into liquiclatioui in 1870 ,
1871 , 1872 , having a circulation of
1)17,310 ) , the proportion unredornued was
1.50 POt ceiit. , and of time 71i immuka in
liquidation during the three following
vents , having a circulation of $7,823 , .
285 , the por.ceuitao was 3.60 vor cent. ,
while the proportion unrodoomnell in the
whole of the ititi banks above
named , having a circulation of
$18,587,3i5 ( , was 2.30 ' per cent.
That there is likely to be a contiiiuing
surplus in the trcasury over the ordinary
expenses of the govorumummont , so long as
the present revenue laws rcnmaiim , is scout
by those attentive to fiscal affairs. This
has called out propositions for the dis.
imosal of surplus public mnoIioys ; two of
which many be noticed. One us , that the
surplus be putrcolled out among the states
of the union. This , though it has bedn
ingeniously argued , has miot so approved
itself to the conuinon souse of the 1)001)10 ,
its now to call for elaborate atatemimemit of
roasoums why it should not bo adopted.
The public souse is shrewd enough to see ,
that a debtor owing a large sum , upon
inLorest which ho must pay at short iii
torvals , an(1 some of the principle of
which he nuty PY dr whenever lie pleases
and thtums save interest. would iiot bo
doomed a good malinger of afluuirs , if Ito
rihoulo give away , or Ionic on terms yield.
ing mme income and not likely to iimsuro
vuiictual rcpnyuuieuit , the utmeatia which
good luck or prudent conduct
hind 1)Ut iii his hands ; iutid
that it would be wiser for
tutu , with the cash ho had , to extinguish
no niucli as ho could of the debt ngaiiist
Itimuu. And the Uiiito.l States lutes such
macaims , and owes sticli debts. It ' owes
oVer a billion and a quarter of dollars ,
which is running upon interest. It has
the option to py over three millions of
time debt whenever it imlenses. It must
pay tim interest on time primucipal tiimputid ,
at short intervals. It is .iiot good souse ,
nor is it coummon prudence , to give awn ) '
or bait its macauto , instead of using theta
to 11Y the debts against it , while , be.
couso of its abundant pro ority , it is
easy to do so. Thieve is mucither direct or
consequential benefit to tiuitt l > ody.poltic ( ,
which is thu United States , in the course
that. is proposed. A surplus is in hand.
No way to use it so well , so directly timid
unerringly , as with it to pay oil aimut take
CL ) that debt. It mudimuits of tie doubt that
titus the Petlle ! of the Union are well
served , and their money so'paid as to ro-
dotimid to their lasting advauitngo.
( U43T0MI4.
'rite revenue frommi time cuatommms for
the liscat yea ommiling .Juitie
30th , 1882 , was $220,410.780.2ff ; that of
the last fiscal year was $214,706,41)ll.t)3 ) ) ;
it decrease of $5,701 , 233 82 ,
Charges of fraud tumid irregularity iii
thi1 , adnuinistratloim Of the law enacted to
carry out thu treaty with Iltuwiiii , so far
as comicerns the exemption of sugars
from duty , hiavlumg 1)0011 mntitlo bthi in
public bodies and. in the public 1itiiith , I
ahifloilited. a conminiasuon of thirei trust.
worthy versouus to fully investigate time
titatter. Their report , wlieh will be duly
traumoumuilted to congress , fimils to show
that such charges Imuivo temmy foumudistiomu ,
( Justoinhouse foes began with the act
of March 2 , 1709. It was thought that
the custoumus service woujd be practically
seif.sustainiimg , and that the burden of its
inaiimtaitittnco should fall on those who
had dealings with it , with imoiniumal sal.
cities ( lilly , in addition to the foes , 'I'hie
system has not boozu solf.supportiimg.
Tue aggregate amount of fees coteoted iii
abuut $ ( i0U,000 pr almimumn ; the cost. of
colhotiting the customs rovdnuu is over
(3,000,0OO. ( Those fees arc muuaulu nis of
sitiall antI. utuiloylmig exactions front ituu.
porters auid ship owners , diflicult to col-
bet , amid imtvolviumg anielt utmproiitable
clerical work iii accounts. Ilesides that ,
the sum of thmeuum , in instances , is so large
as to coinpetisatu thu otilcer beyond
T1e a'avittg of ilivU saharie i ibvi
ii- : . _ . _
otis. Au objcctkimablo feature of the
Proselit system is the tcmpt.ntiomm at small
POtth to obtain "additiotmal compensation
for storage" under time bonded warelmouso
systoam. Then , too , is the uncertainty of
the amnoumit of commipensatiomi. fly time
act ofdtmmmo 22 , 187.1 , colmgross recognized
till this , and gave fixed salaries to time
cihicers of leading posts , but loft others
There arc useless customn districts , aimil
miothmiuig but local prkt or interest will
disagree thuerafromn. Thmero are twenty-
two Potta of entry at. which not a dollar
of ( lutics hiss iroemi collected for years , at
dilrerent times. 'J'hiere are thirty-two
ports of entry imm which thin year's ' cohlec
tiomis from all our sources hmuevo not
equalled time year's expotises Time comm-
shithation , of ( histricts and dnmiiuiutiomm Of
orbs of entry are called for by souumd
1usiness commsiderntiotms , numd ummny be
accomplished without itmcroasing among.
gliumg or witimdrawimmg facilities for
doctmimientiimg vessels. : mtu'isuu. :
Froimi time various objects of tiuxuutioui
wider tim iuitorumal revenue laws , no ro-
imorted by the comninissioner of interumal
reu'etmtie , the receipts for the fiscal years
ended .Jutio : io , 1882 and 1883 , wore respectively -
spectively $116,523,278.72 , and $114-
t.i3,8t4,80. The increase of revenue
from spirits tiuring time last ilseal year
was . ' .1luIr,7.o2 : ; from fermented
liquors was $7lOtilJii.89 ; time decrease
from tobacco , 5,287,78t1.12 ; amid frouim
banks and batikera , $1,501.163.87 , The
total decrease of imitarimal revenue from
all sources UI ) to .luumo ti0 , 1883 , wan
$1 ,969,1128.80. These figures dilior sonic-
what from the ammiounta actually covered
into time treasury , as slmowim in the first
Part of this report. 'l'lme cost of collect-
log the imitermial revonun for time fiscal
year was $5,118,7I.88. : Thu estimated
cost for thmo same work for time currommt
year is $4tiOP,190. Time ltmantltX
spirits Produced amid deposited ma J.matml-
Icry wareiiotmses duriimg time iiscal year
emided , Jmme :10 : , 1883 , i less thmamm the
production of 1882 by : il,839,8VJ , and of
1881 by .13,714,812 gallomms.
ihi1iUhIN ) ( 0I TAXATION.
'I'hmo orml , United States botids whice
are miow payable at time pleasumre of thu a
goterimmncnt are time 8 per cents , hem.
$805,1i29,000 ; those which uiext becoumi
relooimmable are the $2i0,0O0OO0 of 4
iter ceimt.n , emi Soptemumber 1 , 189.1. Tb
$787,620,700 of 4 per cents and tb
$32,8f,0 of rofimimdiuig certilicxitca are re
deenmabie .July 1 , 11)07. )
The estimates for the fiscal year endimmg
.1mw 80 , 1881 , show a surplus revemmue of
$85,000,000 per aimimumn. This is enough
to pay all time 8 per cents in about three
amid ommo.imalf years , amid. before time clone
of the fiscal year emmdimmg , Jumiie 30 , 1887.
This surplus kept U ) for four succeeding
years , up to Septemimber 1 , 1891 , wouidbo
mmmoro thiami $850,000,000 , or $100,000,000
mmmore thmnut cimougim to pay all 1)onds thou
falling due. The saumie aumumual surplus
uimutil J uiy 1 , 11)07 ) , would mtmnount , with
time $100,000,000 loft after paying time 4A
lercemmtn , to about $ I,1(0,000,000 ( , w1uil
the wiioio amount of thu debt then re
deemable is loss than $710,000,000. Time
estimated surplus of $85,000,000 a year
would pay the whole aimioumit of the ium
toreat bearing debt in about 15 years.
Tim emily authority possessed by the
treasury departumiont whereby it can restore -
store to busiumoss the surplus thus accu-
mnuiatcd is that given to time secretary by
time act of March 8 , 1881 , by which he
may at any time apply the surplus money
in the treasury not otherwise appropriat.
ad , to time purchase or rodonmpUon
of tjmiited States bonds. This can now
be done to ether than the three par cents
9mily by the payment of a large anti in
creasing premium thereupon. And wlmoii
it is coumsidered. that nearly ouo.lmalf of
tito interest.boaring debt of time United
States is held by national banks , state
banks and trust compamiios , amid much
other of it by private trustees amid other
persons actimmg in fiduciary capacity , who
have no wish to surrender these securities -
ties , time dhlliculty of acting under time
provisiomm cited is manifest. Moreover ,
it cammnot 1)0 assuimmod that the ostimitated
surplus for time currciit and next
years umidor existing laws , will reimmain
at the same rate as succeeding
years. Tne increasing popumlatiomu amid
swelling busiumess of the country will add
to , rather than take fromi , time amount of
thu sutllUs aS mmow eatimmated , , while time
decrease of iumtercst aim the public debt ,
amid probably of the ammiount disbursed by
time pemmaion bureau , as mmrroara of pout-
Biomma are lmtid oil , should dimmmimmih ox
As a general priumcipie , the good. of time
PeoPle requires timat a 1ublie , debt should
bepaid as soomm as it many be without
greatly ommorous taxation , or disturbauce
of business immtcrcsts wimicit have beemm fostered -
tered , perhaps stimulated , by provisiolms
of law omice expedient. 'flmough of tIme
1)Ublio debt restimmg Ulmul its , it is to be
comisilorcd that time object for whuicim it
Was iii time ummaiit incurred , was the good
of commiimug genoratiouma , as well as of timat
which immcumrrcd it , amid thutut it is not uumm.
just to themmm that , roaIilmg ) a mumomusuro of
time bemietits it purchased , timey ahmouhi
boar thmoir share of time 1tmrdemi of pa
mmuiumt. But as or immtercst-bearing Pu -
lie debt is over ommo billion amid a quarter
of ( bunts ( $1,812.t.lOl.O in exact
figures , ) mmd about $2110,000,000 amid
about $740,000,000 of it beyond our
roach for pmtymmmeuit , for about mmmc years
amid sevcmmteoum yearir respectively , aumd
mmmay uiot be brought in by purchase , save
at heavy rates of vrommmiumn , eveum if it cmiii
by paying those rates , there is forced
Uper4 our attemitiomi time question , how
shall a imeutped. tip isumplwi. of Ptmblio mooney
io avoided ? Time discumssiomm of this ques.
tiomi iii forimmer reports of this departimmomit
admits of but ommo consistent answer fromim
it how ; time views therein oxinessed have
umut been given imp. There ought to be a
reduction of taxatiomm.
QU.ticANrIN5 OF r'4EAT4ATri.E. ,
TIme appropiatioums , ummdur which tub
tlelxuitmumommt has established regulations
for the cltUurammtimmu of itimported
tie , are limited ra their muse to limo lire.
veumtiomm of time disease knowmm its Imlutmrtl.
lmmlotumumommiut , or ltmimg hutgime , ( umtrammtimie
stafioums Imuivo been eatmtbiislmed for time
imorts of l'ortiammd , ? slu. , Boston , Qow
York city , amid litltimmiore. Suitable tic-
comnmnotlatioims jut 5110(18 nmmtl ynrily have
boemi provided for about 21tI fuji growui
cattle mit ; l'ortiimtl. 700 st Itoatmu , 450 at
New York , amid 550 at Ilaltirimord Time
imumportatioiis for time curroumt yemF lnwo
beau uuumch larger thmnui were qkpoctod
froumi time imaportatioums of foruumq' ) 'Cutrs ,
1Ioro tintum 1 , 100 imeal vuro mit pmmo tiiumtu
qunramutimmed at time port of Bojtomm , amid
time imnport.atiuius at llaltiimmoro I/tvo / becum
about P00 head , which the nmi
portattioums of time lroiioims six e4rs commi.
bimmeul. If. is believed that thr/itccoimmuumo. /
ilmitiommo at time ports umammued nm sufiiciommt
for ammy ( lemnamul that is liky to occur
durimmg time next year. It is Jteemmied es
scumthul to the protection of qtr herds tumid
hooks froumu infection with tiIm "foot amid
mmioutim' ' disease , that atmtirity be comm.
. ferred upomi tue dopartmmmemf. to emiforco a
qimaramitinu agmuimust shoe1 swimmu omit. !
goata niso ; liii this disease Js as liable to
ho comuimumumdeatoil by tluwmIum uuoat.cattlo ,
'l'hmero is no law atmthtrobri the quaritmi.
tii1mij ! of ammy animals vx pt neat cattle ,
- -
In onocasa , at least , time foot and motmth
disease was brougimt in , but , time quanta.
tine system detecting it , Its spread was
effectually lmrovontel.
It is believed that time kimowlodgo that
Out govcrrmunemmt is enforcing a rigid qtmar.
antmime , to prevent limo iIimlOrtatiofl of
coumtagiomms dmcnsos from abroad , is already
exercising a salutary effect upon ( iroat
Britabum. I'orsovoraace iii it , us likely to
immdumco Oreat lirtahm to rosebud her order
for immediate shaimgiuter of cattle export-
oil thither from the United $ mates , which
us a ) mbndratmco to our exporters.
'limo admmjmmistratjoui of time ' 'act to rag.
mutate imimifgratiomm , " approved Aumgtmst 8 ,
1882 , with time geimeral stmpervisiolm of
which thus department is t.Iunrged , lots
biemt attolmlcd with a reasommabie measure
of success. 'I'Jmorearo cettaiui restrictive
features of the law whieii hinder time full
acconmplislmmeutt of Its lmmrpoae. ) Soune of
tlmese wore mmotcd iii my hast report , ac-
comnpauiiod i ) rccomummimouitiattomms of levis-
lation for their reimuoval. Time experience
of tumothmor year has commfirmed time views
thou expressed. Time fuumd created by
thu act is derived froimm a tax on album
lassemugem's , collected at the Port at which
timey laud from vessel. Time law makes
no provision for sick amid disabled imminii-
grants , except at the port at tyhuich they
mna3 humid. An immmmnmgraumt arriving at
New York , amid ticketed to Aliany , But-
falo , Chicago , or ammy other mnterior city ,
reaclmimg his destination smck and without
Dictums , falls upon the local autimoritics
for care. They have mme recourse upomm
time hmead money collected at time port of
arrival , l'imo oversight amid care of time
govcrnmnommt should , for a timne , be over
time imnmnigrnnt after lie iunn left time place
of landing , and reqiprocal action and use
of funds to that amid should be imad by
time olirr,8 ) at various ports.
TIme ioliectiomis amid disbursements of
the immimnigrant fmnmil from the dat of time
passage of time imummnigrammt act ( August 8 ,
1882 , ) to time close of time last fiscal year
are as follows : Receipts , as shown by mmet
deposits , $231 ,281.iiO ; exponditmmron ,
$170,010.10. Of time receipts. $178,440 hO
wore coliocted at New ork , amid $162-
288.71 vere expended at that port. in
addition to lime expemiditures frouui time
immmiigraumt fund made at Now York by
time couuummissiomiers of imunigration. seine-
what more timamu $ hO,000 was received by
them from time state of Nosy York and
expended for like purposes. It will thus
be naomi that thmoreceipts of imead money
itt New York imavo uiot alone boemi atmhli.
ciont to defray tIme expenses incidental
to time admimmitrntion of the local afihirs
of inmmigration timero. It is for congress
to commsider whetimor , if the expenditures
have beemi wisely made , there should not
be a heavier capitatmouu tax authorized.
Time total unmmnbor of immigraumts arriving
in time United States during time year
eimdcd June 80 , 1883 , was 603,822 , being
a decrease of 185,670 , as compared with
the prccediumg year.
Tili IACIFIO itAtLitoAib.
Dililculties and differences have arisen
iuotwoen this department mind time Pacific
railroads , in time adnfmmmistration of the
hutwa for the reiniburaumomit of the United
States , fcr mumoneyn directly or indirectly
paid by it for their use or bopefit. Liti.
gation baum cuisued , amid time courts have
adjudicated upon tim issues made. The
cases are : The Ummited States vs. Union
Pacific railroad company , 91 U. S. Rep. ,
01 ; hfniomi l'acific railroad vs the United
Staten , itl Ct. Olainms Rep. , 2i13. They
tvill show time poimits of difference , amid
tiiat the judgoments were adverse to the
claims made iii behalf of time Uuiited
States. See , also , the sinkiuig fund
cases , 99 U. S. Rep. , 700 ; Ummioti Pacific
raiboad vs. United States , 104 U. S. ,
(362 ( ; Central Branch Union Pacific railroad -
road vB.ijnmted States , 1 ( Ct. Claims ,
360 ; Pacific railroad cases , 16 Ct. Clainma ,
359. The report of the first comptroller
of the treasury for this year , beginning
at page 8 , presents an elaborate statement -
mont of the existing relations of the gov.
crnmont and these corporatiomme , amid to
that report I crave leave to refer. In the
meantime it unit become apparent that
time sinking fund provided for by the act
of May 7 , 1878 , will be inadequate to
meet time objects of that statute. Moreover -
over , mouieys invested by this depart.
mimont to be added to timat fund may uiot
be invested to time satisfaction of all interested -
torested , and lying idle , they yield no in-
collie , to time harm of all comicormied.
The treasury hiOll5 bonds in trust as
follows :
1. Var t'iie Pacific railroads sInk.
11mg mmdc-
( a ) Utmiomu l'acilic railroad
comnpmumy..8 1150,100 , 00
( li ) Centric Pacific llailroal
couulutny. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,379,800 00
2. 1diac , trust lurid. . . . . . . . . . . . 1,808.016 83
\Ihecehinmuiooms , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 690,000 00
It also.imolds emit for time Paditic rail-
rontissinking fmnmds :
For the lmmimn ! Pacific..81,13 , 1.8I9 79
For tile Cemmtrai ' . . . . . . . . . . . , & 95
These sums have uiot beemi invested , as
time departnment iias lacked time commcemmt of
time railroad coumipanies to time ptmrciiauo
( mf time scmmrities proposed iiy mt. Safe
securities have boemi so higim iii mmmarket
value tint time conipammies svcro averse to
time Purchase. 'l'lmo whole subject of tnt
advisable method by which the govern-
umment mmmmuy fiumally amid assuredly obtain
hmayumteuit of time debt it holds against time
corporati.ui needs the attention ef con.
It is plain tlmat there is a mmeed of con-
gressiommud iaterventiomm , and of iegisla-
tiomi to iaco time roiatiomus ( ii tim con-
tractimig parties iii a coumilitioum to benefit
them till. Time United States commmmmmis.
siomuer of railroads , iui his report for
1882 , ummade accurate stutomnommts upon
this subject , and suggoitions of logicla.
tmon which , iii timoir gemmeral scope , comu-
mmmcmiii tlienmsolves to time jimdgmeumt of this
depnrtmmment , amid , as timia deprtmuueumt is
iimformmmed , are acceptable to those cor-
poratmons. it ins ummiderstoomi by
tim departumemit that the commi.
uummssmmor will , ut his report
for this year , remiew his rccommi'umommdatiouus ,
auia im will stmbnmit ii bill for time coumsid
emutiomu of comugreac , desigmmed to remumovo
( lhlli3memmCeM aunt difhicuities , to end litiga.
gallon amid ollii'iitl eunbarrassuumemit. , amid to
Ptmt time lCCUmiitIrY roiatioums of tIme parties
aim a ba9mc satisfactory to all , A drnumgimt
of the bill hints boon left at this dearL-
mmiemmt. ' .l'lme general aim of it is , to hmqui.
date time ammmoummt of time debt owing by
time COrlKmntioims , so as to k ow wimuit
Shut , ItaYumble iii ml 1oriod , time length of
wimielu ma to 1.'o fixed , vihl fully my time
Uimmtetl States both priimcilal amid iumtor
emit ; amid to detormmuimmo what. aummiuni Imy-
nueumts will miecomimpiisit timmut cud. Time
umTnmmgeumiout of ihio details will , be laIn-
cute. It us imot approimummuled , lmowover ,
hut timat there will be aim agneczueumt upomi
thetut wimomi commgvess aimall act umpomi it , if
it sees fit to act. 'l'imis dopartuumomut ear-
mme8ti' asks time attention of comtunoss to
titus mmmmlortammt subj ct.
l.Ilb Fttmc * 'ntls''snkiimiim ,
( loud Words.
Tue recnntion of timel'anis ouvnien wear
a cimarachmr of Arcadbami simplicity or of
nckleas dohuumcimer' . 'l'hmo guimugettos out
smile I'nnus amid thu dammcimmg.saloomic witimim ,
: the Places wimere time 'eumm ouvrjers
t I
- -
and omivriorcs enter time downward Path of
moral ruin ,
0mm fetes , and especially during that of
time ropumbhic , wimicim , though miommmiimahly
confined to time fotmrteemmtim of , Tiiiy , con.
tilmues for several Stmndmtys afterwards ,
timero is mimumeim dancing anl all time orili.
umary nimmusemmients of a fair.
The peculiarity in l'nrbs is timat the
dancimmg.bootli and time grea.y hole immvade
inammy of time maui Liuoroumgimfnres ; not
only on time great day itself but cmi tim
following $ tmnia3' elaumciimg comlimemucca iii
time streets at sumimsot , nod is kept imp tmntil
tim following mormmiimg.
Time salle do damuse in time evemmig , amid
billiards or cards dmmring time ( lay. fonmu
time occumpatioum ( , f tOO flmamyyotliuL' inecima.
mimes aim Smmmmday.
Time first ( lay of time week is , however ,
as we iuave said , ommly a hmoiidmuy once a
umiommth for time muunjonity of workuneim. On
the aftennoomi of nay.Stmuiday the"otm.
vreir" takes lila fmummily outside tiue barrier
for a walk immto time coummtry. Timey imare
a aimuple dimmmuer at omio of time nummiorous
restauraumta in time mmeigimborlmood , amid
wauidor iii time woods pitucking time wild
flowers , or timid a ltmiet umook where otmo
of the marty roads alommd. These happy
aftcrmmooums fill time workuimaui's heart with
joy , mmd lie begins to recall his cimildhuood
aimd to talk of hula oh ! hiommie in sonic us.
taut province , lie taken his "alluimiette
do eamumpagmmo" , is joyously excited , but
nothmimmg mnoro ; time whole funnily return by
train or tram-car , lademm with lilacs or
wild-flowers , amid arc safe iii bed by
eleven o'clock.
Saturday oveimiimg is time favorite time
for tIme theatre. Time ouvnior prefers time
dnitmna , amid if time smme in puttimetic , is
easily mmioved to tears.
On Sunday afternoomi a few visit , the
Louvre , time Luxembourg , amid time S'alqn ,
amid other picture galleries whmemm open.
They are observed to pass time mmudo sub.
jects cimaractonistic of French art s ith
indifference , and to lix their attommtioum
mostly on historical scemmes , or pictures
which tommch time feelings ; a scemie from
time Iumqtmiaition , a uumotimer woepiumg over
her children , or aim inundation , or a
To judge from time wily the ourniers
gather rotund bookatahls , amid tine avidity
with wiuicim the youuug amnoumg titemmi may
be seen devouring a book while waiting
for the tram reading must be a real enjoy.
mnent to time umiore intelligemmt. I have
seen a young fellow in a blouse readimug a
book as lie sat astride on time back of a
hoary cart-horse. A friommd , a lady who
has made fniemmds with nut ouvrier fondly
at Belleville , fluids timeimi uiot 0111) ' to pos-
Sean a good library but to be wail ac-
quaiuited with French literature. When
a worknmami is a reader his taste will be
good. .IIe trill despise mioveha , especially
of time vicious order ; his favorite books
are imistorios of the revolution , such as
Laniartimme's "Chirondina ; " Louis Blanc's
"Dix Aus ; " "Histoiro de Deux Deceun.
bra , " etc. ; aumd for classics. Voltaire ,
Rousseau , amid perhaps Corneille.
Ho Jonies ills Vifo's Cimarges anti
Accuses Her oI Uncimasulty.
\Vaelmmungtoti Special to Chicago laily News.
. Maj. ickcrsoui , late of the army. in
filing an answer to the charges of his
wife in liar application for a divorce ,
makes a general denial arid countem- .
cimarges. He , imm the springof 187wimilo
living in Omaha , unexpectedly returned
to his Imouso on'o night about luaU-past 10
or 11 o'clock , and mmoticed thmmt , although
the front parlor was lighted , there did
net seem to bo any came there. Starting
to go upstairs , he saw through
the doorway opening into the front
parlor a geittlemumarm dart quickly front time
mooumlighted back parlor into time front ,
and , pmcking up a book , seated himself
abruptly by time drop-light. Directly
afterward Mrs. Nickerson came from the
moonlighted room to the'front , aumd then
I alma passed into the hall where she saw
tue defendant , who iroceeded up.stairs
to his room without speaking to her.
' [ 'lie gentleman immediately left , time
house , and in the interview that folio wed
between husband and wife ammo attemnted
to uatify herself by saying that she was
teaching time gemmtlemamm to waltz. This
occurremice gave rise to such unpleasant
relations tlmat alma took her little daughter
and went to Cmuiiformmia , where she re-
mamained until August , 1883 , when the
defendant took her to Fort Vancouver ,
sy. T. 1mm Mareim , 1879 , they came to
this city , and ium time fall of that year lie
separated from her , until time July fol.
Ho domuies that lie has lived with liar
5111cc the fall of .1879. A year after his
arrival iii timi city a disagrecumient arose
between theumi. iii coumseqtmeumce of which
alma said alto would leave him forever mind
go to ( lermammy , taking time tmittle daugim-
ten , wimommu she would ouuport amid educate
for mu ummomutitly comiipomisaliumm of umot less
than $1,000 } Io oIhired to do time best
hue could for hat- , amid wished to servo out
his termmt of duty without. any publicity
being givemm to time fact of their soparmu-
tirnu. Upomu that Mrs. .Niukeraon gave
out that she was goimig abroad for liar
health amid to edumcato liar daughter , a
stateummeumb to whuicim the mmmajor assented.
Jim time wimmter of 1881-82 hue says lie de.
torumimmed to supply for a divorce on time
ground of desertion , omm of time reasons
proumijtizg imimim to this being thumt lie had
received a latter froumi au old servnmmt ir1
giving information that conufirmuied thu
titatemiment that her marriage withuhuimnhtad
becmm one of convenience , amid timnit six.
momitims before time mmmmumleige sue hind been
'devotedl y attached to a mmmarried muon.
k dJpitcpLfc FIts ,
' * tRvu4J Spanm , P mu I I I a g
Slchuucss , Comivut'
atom , St. Vitus Daeo , Alepholism ,
Opmii Eating , SeunlnrmVVeakmiees , jut.
potemney , Srplmhlls , Ccrofula , and all
Nervous afld Blood Diseases.
e1-To Clergymen , Lawyete , LiteraryMen ,
Merebmitita , 1ttmmlmerc ; , Lmdles : amid nil whose
scdemmtarv emnmi'loymneut ezmumees Ntrvomms l'ros.
trutltnm , Irreguminritits of time blood , stecuacli ,
liowele or ildtmcjs , or will ) require a mmerve
toumle mmtpetlze. or etltmumtlcuitSanurilaee .1'm'ei'
ifte li lmmvu.luubhc.
prbnlt.themwt. CflJXiREAT )
womiilerful .1. igor-
mint tinmit ever iustahui-
ed mu simikhmig system. .
1.5O , at lnmggists. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
TheDR.S.A.RICIM08D ) , s ' ,
. , PCt.ri , St. joseph. Mr. . _ . _ _ ,
'tr Mflf. trcum.sui nmn Vjp
( ioX No. I wIll care anY case lit four tisys or less ? o
i wili cure tIte tuoat ouiethunitu acu inc unnttrot , bibs
Ioun stnudirng. ,
Al/an's Soluble Med/cat d Elougies
io tinuscetus doses ol ulvtsr , cojiahia , 0 , oh of san.
ia.i % t ( , that u- - . . .iiu to Prsinuo ; dwie4'oIn b3
itstulnc I'ii ' , iatlni.if the stunuIi. tries I,5 ( '
'oit t.y cli s ruzgtsts , tie inched or , rec'IIL of m'r1
i'ir turther PiirtlCuttrl Senit ) for circular.
P.O. Imoi muss.
, C. ALLAH 00 , ,
3 Je'-4 tmti , 'ea
Furniture !
Have just received a large quantity of
To ,11 ' 1oo I 1206 , 1208 mmd 1210 Fonimamn St
a . .
vv M : - : Iq--rD 1 : I ,
ft , . -
Caiiiaaes , BuesRoad ! , aou
, main and 1320 Uniney Street and 403 5. 13th Street , - . - 11W
utrated Catalogue furnished true uponapplicatian. . 17L
Double and Single Acting Power and Hand
Engine Trimmimigs , Mining Machinery , ' Belting , Hose , Brass and Iron Fitting&
Steam Packimig at wholesale and reail. HALLADAY W1.ND.MILLS , OHURC
Corner 10th Farnain St. , Omaha Neb.
. ,
I Y . .
Keg and Bottled Ber ' - '
. . I ,
i. . 44 - 1 " " This Excellent Beer speaks Ice itself. . ,
u , "I , ' 1
f Promptly Shipped.
cfc-Lr rLI1-t 343.
Solo Ageumt for Omaha andthe West.
Cor. 0th Street and Capitol Avenue
LuMber , Lath , Shll1es ! , Pickets ,
Union Pacific Depot , -
- - - - I.- IESTI
rartiumar attention lven to to airtu ItatILOtii guaranteed'
1:1 , . . ' ?
llhiios Ciros ! aii ru. ! 'OllS
- . ily Ilepoeltory Ii coctsntly flhleil with a eelectteck. , Ihsi WoLmanenl gunuazmtetel.
Office aiwl Factory , t W. Cone 16th and Capilol Ai'enue , Q'na/ '
. ; : E3 : c : c& i 1. I =
: ASIC oun UmtOCiiItS volt Tita
Maniifacturod by the Omaha Dry 1op Yeast Co
Lowest Prices Now Offered on Jrtist'a Materials
"iVindsor it Newton's Tube Colors , yen dozen , ilOc ; Fume Sibla Brushes frotmi
tOo imp ; Fume Bristol Brushes , from 7o up ; ilound and Oral I'Itujues , fromim 20c up ;
talettes , : ; 5e ; Cups , IOu ; Japaned 'liii Artist's Boxes , $1..0 ; llamas Phmujues , 45c Up ;
Panels. lOc.Woodemm ; Plaque , Ii'io ; Desigmma to Decorate , from Ic euchm up ; Gold amid
Silver Paint , Oils , Varnisimes , frouti 20o upward ; Cammvas The per yard ; Strotcimer ,
25o up. . A. IIOSPE. Jr. , South Side Dodge Street.
n ti H. PHILLIPS , '
H L Merchnt Tailor !
MJ I 1O4 Farumnm St. , Next ioor to Wabash T1cet Otlice , "
IteciUemt. an ttamxilrattoi , of Iii lice stecim 0. iveotm zs. A spcclahtymradim
ci IhE sum ro A mi ovtSCoA'us. : a fun mme et 14sln1bs suhtir s and Tocscri , g.
g'if'tttceU ' t , 1 e ZCtIU ! in the late t it tt aLti sub 11:0 : 14 , ; lIme ii ge. CALl. > [ ' 8t