Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1883, Page 8, Image 8

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Mouday Morning , Dec. 3.
For tim upper 1Ijsssi1)1il Mul 1tiMouri
'cnUoy , gelurfttIy fair wot1ior ; wiiid
flto3tly south to west ; rising temperature
mul fatling barometer.
SiCdftl Meeting ortltestaoitlIInhlcO.
A Bpociat ineoUng of the Fariiicr'SLLt0
Alliance will bo hehi at Kearney , Neb , ,
\Vetnoeday and T1iurday , lan , 1 (
and 17 , 1881. All alliances which have
at any time boon organized in thia eLate
are earnestly rC(1uCStCd ( to send delegates
tA ) this tirnoting , anti all nnti.monopohsLa
of the eLate are cordially invited to at-
tend. No pains will be aparad to iiiako
tito moot'tng ontertaitiing and instructive ,
A programme of procoediuga will soon be
sent to all alliances , giving names of
S speakers , subjecLa atul all particulars.
: Alt ofticora of alliances are roqiiostod to
see that meetings arc called and arrange.
Inont8 inado La send dologates.
. State PalCrs ) , pleMo COT ) ) ' .
1' , It. 1tEyoI.l)4 ) ,
Ptos't State Alliance.
.1 , 1juRftow4 , Sec. ad interim.
I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
-Onamoro block finish thlH wInter by
t the paving gang.
-Itoroafter , children In Lrrns will iut be
zidmlttecl to iiiatlneos at tli ojrra bonie.
-1 Kuro aitl call \Voodlnldgo Bi4. ,
Boyd's opera Ii ) U5Q llock , for Stcck's ilanos
; znd organs.
-\Vero It not for the mall and epro's mat.
ter , passenger traIns mIght be abandoned icr
a few weeka.
-On the llflli lost. , the U. 1' . raIlway will
01)011 ) Fullerton etatkn , lourteon lnilN west
from Genoa , Nanco county.
-The nevet member of the ( ) mal.aSporti.
men's club Is a chan'plon. ills tiatno Is
t l'otty , and liowcighs ton 11tinds. ,
-Miss Lillian Spencer and her entire com
pany , who appear at the opori house liis
evening , ra rogtsterod at the Millard ,
-flIo crazy IIIIL % vroented to the U. C. ] .
A. , Is on cxhtbttlon In O'lonahoo ) & 1)ownoy'n
show wkdow. It Is a beauty ; look at it.
-Suit ha bcon Instltutcd by .1tl 1) .
. ) ) flO4 against the city of Omaha , br tlai.inges
resulting from a change of grade In front of
block9 lot2OI.
-It IN OXlOCtOd that the line oF watcrwork
being CXtCfldel to FortOinaha will ho finisboil
by Tuesday. The coiipany lia lost a forfeit
< f 18 per ( lay .dnco . November 15.
-At the next meeting of tim school bosid a
. i.rlnciial will be cleeLed for the Ntlt school ,
; in Place of Mr. lhrunor , who onter. tlpn his
( lutieN M county superintendent in January ,
-Tiio suit of Mrs.I'alnteroi the Occidental
hotel vs. thio Union l'acifio railway coniiany ,
for S30,000 ln7nngo , received in a colhhiwi I
on that road tMt Iarch , will come up for trial L
In the U. S. court this week ,
.1 ' . edition
-Coplos ( Saturday'3 sixtoon.iagn '
containing 25 coluiians on the location of tin I
Union Pacific railway Docoinber 2 , 186J , wiLl 1
peoches , dispatches , , n.l icituni from proini .
flout llo men , can be bad at this olfiec.
-Omaha and Lincoln friends sent many
haidsoine funeral offerings for .Judgo Savldgo'.i I
funeral. Among thorn was a broken column
from Laud ComtnIsioner Kendall , and e
boantiful wreath jroiu Iiovernur Dawes aiid
other state offlcere.
-Tnoro 'will be meeting of the 1)ougla. .
4 county horticultural society , at H o'clock thu I
evening , at 1)onahue's , on Sixteenth street.
TiLls scooting Is for the ieual election ot otti
core for the euuing year , All Inetnlers nrc I
requested to ho present.
-Mr. Henry Meyer , of the uiru of Moyci
& Jtaa1)ka , alter having IwIti out for 37 years
hiw. coiiin to the cmclusloi , at which nil wiec
11100 arrive , that it Ii no gcsnl for man Lii b ,
alone , and toni detenninud ore sunny zuontlu ,
to take intt hilipself a wife. Thohiaipy bricli
that 1. to be is Miss ] traniht.
-Thtove4 entered thin house of Joe Swc.i . .
son , fireman for the U. I' . , No. 3i ) Norti 1
Thirteenth street , Friday , carried off .Jne' 4
watch alIl a s.iudi . sum of money , rby n .
tored by raising a window , and .Toe was uai. , . I
the wiser until tItle mori.lig , ,
-A large ) W elk w as hanging in the dot , : r
( If Mlilard & 1'eck idace Saturday , attract
utl niuch attention , it wan klhlrnl near Cozar.
station , on the U. P. roail , and weighed eve r
400 poiuuls. A large iiticnber cf deer 5.11(1 an .
tMlOlU % Ycre aIio to bo seen cii.on the Insitle.
-Another new tiithitln hiM been added t I )
Omaha. It Is locatel scear the ( orb and I S
called llarkalow'i stib&hlvIslc.n. It contains tei II
ht , which are now lacett on tle market b V
( lee. V1. Atom , who tiled the iai.ors Icc th S
coimty clerks office Saturday , norplng ,
-Letters received front Julius Meyers , wIt ii
1c now in 1'ATlI conducting the exlihitlon t
the bend of twenty Omaha indians , state this it
lie Is greatly esijoyh.ig hi. stay. IIo I unik r
contract Li , take chaige of tltoi3e Indians an d
Isavo thorn echibitel for the French goveri I.
-A horse iii beln4 ml le up for Mn. . . ICc's
chiec , the lady whose husbind WM 11)011(1 I t
the well on Wodnosdly morning heist. TI , ;
wou1au Is in very needy circusnst&iious , In 5,4
two urnftll children , and I. now In very del i
' , cato condition. Suche worthy object hioti1 l
meet WILlS the Lou'
' orahl charitable lerson
Subscriptions maybe left at the torc of 0 ,
Goodrich , on ] "asrnaln street , and thsy will I be
Iellvored to the lady In questIon ,
IThe I 'avIng force worked yesterday and
getting 1ong linely. , Fifteenth itroot liii : :
i&rney to louglas will Ito finished to.ds 0.
The block 1 front of the nost.ohhlco will not lie
finished this eeison. it Is expected thizit a Ii
the paving work will dose hr.
( ranL , the cnntract'n , wIll return to Win Iii.
Ington about the 12th Iti.t. flu will be in
Omnh again in the bjulng , awl will resin na
jmybig work , wiLls the entire season befi irs
him , jicore vigorously tItan over.
-The accident reported on the B. 1.
; .t ivenIng , was a slight one , with nebo ( I y
! urt. On. of the sleeping 'srs carrying t ho
company twin heaver , jumpe4l the track at
hLIerton , anti was ao damaged that It lied to
be loft. behind. 'rhe party were crowded In to
another car , an,1 , 'iffore4 only thu Inconvei ul.
'incu of being crowded until they reach ed
F. W. Jecdof Beatrice , is &t the 1'&ztsj n.
v. ] ) . .tt2ithoay , MIsi Mary Anthony , Jr In.
, .i. 1.sudoo and % ifeT ItIchi.rsI Suiirlc and J.
ST. MlInLy , of Ioner , were 4 the I'axt on
t vaing.
% : , i . -
T li Lcctnrc by the Irish
, I : _
H o ( Ilvew tL OIear.I'r'ReflhIitlOfl r hio
QncaIoIis 'ltnhhy Coccrnlng ,
3115 ; Country.
4 large crowd , densely filling Masonic
he ll , was lresont Saturday' uciiing to
lis toti to "The Defense ( ifIroland , " a Icc'
lu re , by Mr. Thomas Iironnnn , tim young
ox .sccrotary of the Irish national land
le ague.
Mr. ironnau is a young man , not. yet.
th irty years of ago , but in his patriotism
ho has the energy of a , veteran. his vig.
or ous incliner will impress any audience.
Al together his address was a very ab.
so rbing one.
On the etego wore noticed around the
Or ator of the evening , l'rosidcnt .1. B.
Ri ley , of the Irish national league ; Col.
1ti clktrd 0'S. Iturke , C. B , a veteran
lr isl patri ; F. M. MacDonagh , of the
O maha Watchman ; lion. M. A. liarti.
ga n , state c1c1ity of the national league ;
li on. 1' . F. Murphy , member of the
N ebraska legislature , atici hairznan of
th e meeting.
Mr Brennan w.a iniruduced by Alder.
lu au Murphy , anti received wills rounds
of applause. Ito spoke for about an hour
no d a half ,
Mr. Broiiiian said that tIm struggle in
Ir eland was a dual ocie-for the right to
li ve in the laud of their birth and enjoy
th o fruits of their labor , and for the God.
gi ven right of liberty. Tispro was one
th ing winch he could confidently affirm ,
th at the Irish ( It homo would hover outer
in to any compromise with thio Eiighisli
gow vernment. or Irish landlordieni. They
w ould never sell their birthright for a
m ce of pottage in the form of a land
bi ll , Thicy had made up their minds
th at land1odiem is the curse of the
co untry andthat landlordiam must go.
F urther also that disunion was a ourso
at id that no apostle of disunion would
atfi nd footing on 1rili1ehores. Ho dopro.
ce ted that Ireland , wiiichwne easily cap.
eb b of producing , and did produce twice
en ough to supply the wants of iier popu.
la tion should aioar before tIm oIU as
a beggar. This stab of affairs athe
re sult of her shtvory , whichi is about
ov er. Tho.days of meek submisajoic to
ty rants , the speaker said , have .gono
fo rever.
Ireland , said the speaker , is in aetivo
re bellion against laildiordism , and in panw
hi ve robehlioii agaitint English rule. It
is asic to say that it would be in active
re bellion against. English rule if it had
tI he means. lie referred to the spirit of
I reland , illustrating by aayiiig that whore
a n Irish traitor was to be lUnishod ) an
I rishman was to be found oven pit thu
b urning sands ofAfrica to do it.
The eondition of allaire in Ireland wan
il lisLratod by reference to the fact that
a ll Irishuiian could be imprisoned for
t welve iiioiitha without even a trhil7 and
t o tlcocaso of Iattlio w'
w ay who wan arrested byw coIanion
p oliceman in thio midat of an tudre
a nd taken away to prison nlthcligh ,
w an afterward found that his prosecutors
h ad not a leg to stand on. lie spoke
a lso of the proprietor of tim Kerry SonK
t iiiel , llarrington , who caine bourn to his
o llico to find that it had boon rifled be.
c ause it was "suspected" that documonLa
o f a noditious character might be found
t here , ilespoke of Lord Spencer , who
g ets 1flOOOO a year from the poverty. b
s tricken Irish , for presiding over a mock
c ourt at. Dublin. and who has the power
t o levy money fines upon the people.
The speaker thou passed to the subject
o f the vork to ho clone iii IrttIaUd. lie
s aid that there needs to ho lees of flauntth
l ug the green , of Fit. l'atrick's day pa.
r aden , and "Lisa foment people in thio
w orld" oratory , and more deep thought ,
e arcicet conviction and education. Educe.
t ioi ! isiust be the ctroundwork of the land
l caue roforizi , and organization , not agi.
t ation , the battlo.cry.
The plan of the league , ho said , wan to f
g ive the licOplo a literary , political and
tl echnical ethicatioti , The Political educe.
l ion they would give by political moot.
i ngs , the literary education by reading
r oems and libraries in connection with
t htt leagues , and the techuica cducatioii
b y technical education. Thoidea was to
p revent. aimy more travesties upon rovolti.
h ot , . The contest must ho kept uis ,
h owever , and titers would never bopeaco
i ii Ireland with InhidIordsmt , until.thio a
I rish could say "peaco to its ashes. " m
; Up. a
If you nrc stITerimi , ithi low cud tIorosseil a
mi jiirht.s , loi.s of IiIlOtitO , giinoral iloblilty , this. I
t , rlerel , blood , weak constittitiom , , headache , or
a ny dieiuto of a hiiiieiis miattiro , by till utcaim
h 1ruro a bottlu of EIeeLrIe ifltt.ors , You g
will hit surprised to see thin multI Imnprtwcinent
t hat W Iii ftllow ; you will be iitsjiiretl wiLls now
l ife ; stromigtlz nitit activity will return ; iitii ,
anti udsery % fl cease , tutu htoiteeforth you ilh
njoice In tIm in the iriils. , of Electric hiittern.
Sohil at fifty coasts a bottle b 0. F. GistiI.
men l
Hc.iiip to I.e . Pooimi'ct to IiHastcr- .
EtenNLve Fir. , , . Yithlms
On Wuek.
it really seems M if the fates hail du .
cided that Sixteenth street must go b ,
lire , Only IMI Monday niht Win. thin .
tleman's grocery storu was devoured b V
fire , and Friday night thu duinomi agaii Is
zti&do a visitand almost swept the Bal
combo block away , The sconce of tb 0
two firea are only two blocks apart , an ii
the question now arises , wiichi part e f
Sixteenth street goes next ?
A Bio' reporter visited this ecelie c , f
Friday's conflagration Saturday aiid auc I.
cueded in lhmiding a number of the partie Ps
who were damaged by the seine , end oh )
Lalciod from theta the amount of thici IC
damages and insurance ,
IIr. Bahctmubo stated , that he coiiei I.
crud his building damnogod to the oxtoi : It
of 2,5OO. antI that lie lied 2OOO mac I.
rance on the seine.
Mr. 11iioy , the upholsterer , estiniatti U 1
his loss at tOO , insurance l5OO. Mi r ,
Tarpy , tIme plumber , estimates lila loses it
with no iueuraiwe ,
AIr. Molum , flue rostauraict nian , vlac is
his daningee at e300 ; no insurance ,
Time families living up stairs host mox 0
or less of their household dfi'ecte , an t
much of the clothing carried froisi tim
burning building wan stolen by 11w gnu g
of thieves who nako it a Iioint to take I I )
every fire , and right lucre is whore a fir ' 0
pohico force is needed to assist people I a
rctaiirin whm4 they are fortunate enoug Ii
to savoiii firm ) of lire.
A tiroroughi exauninatiour of the bullc I.
. .
fltfl .z.r
- -
- -
in g wire made by Mr. Ilelcombo and
Cde hief Engineer Butler , and they boLts
de cided that the fire originated from
sp arks Irons a forgo which was located in
thA o rear of the plumbing est.abhahnnent.
A hole was first burnt down through thro
flo or , and tIters up and out through the
si ding.
The theory of an incendiary is cxplod
ed , as most such theories are in duo
co urse of time , and it is considered just
a good etraighit lire ,
Th o Company Prcpriiig to Illcrosc
Giioiy ( of the Works.
rl io lisly' Teat. or the ( ; nnkoll l'unusp
HntIMIhelor7-NiW l'ui'ohmascn
8 mItt I'imrthi.r Invent-
Mr. ii. D , Cook , of Toledo , Ohio , conda
sui ting engineer of the city watorwork ,
whi r ) has beers hero for tIm vast few clays
on hueitids connected wills the duty tent
of the new hump , has closed Iris work and
sta rted for home. lie line all the ligurea
musa de upon tire teat , but will : uiot submit
a f ormal report to the watceworks coinIsr
pa ny for a few days , As hman been
alr eady stated in throne columns , the test
wa s entirely satisfactory.
In the making of thin test , Mr. Cook
wa n assisted by Frank J. Suuuithi , superto
int etideiit of Lao city watorworhs at St.
io aophi , Mo. ; Frank holly , manager of
th e holly waterworka , Lockport , N. Y. ;
C. J. Iiiltlreth , secretary of the holly
torworks N. ' ' . '
wa , Lockport , l'onding
thi s itiurchmaso of a new low.prcssur pump ,
th ere wore in the city , in the interest , of
th e company they represented , Edwin
Ite yuiolds , of Milwaukco J. it. Williamna ,
of Chicago ; 0. it , Broadhuent , of New
Yo rk. Those gentlemen , and those inof
ter eated in the dirty teat , have started
for their respective homes.
Among other business done by the city
wii torworka was the purcirano of a low.
pr essure engine for pumping water from
th e river to thso settling basins. Ten bids
wo re received , The pump selected is
fro m the mnanufactory of B. P. Allis &
Co . , of Milwaukee , represented by Ed-
wi n Reynolds. This PUIflP is ton feet
w 1e , thirty-six feet long and eighteen
fe et high. It line two immense flyto
w heels , sixteen fuel in diameter. It lies
a capacity of pumping 10,000,000 gallons
in twenty-four hours. It iii guaranteed
o performed a duty equal to raising 80-
00 0otI loUiida of water omso foot high
wi th cccii 100 poutids of coal consumed. t
It vi1l weighs about sixty-five toiss , and
in to be sot up and ready for use by
r arcIm i5 , lust.
Last. months the watorworke company
bo ught of the Knowles stenuus pump
wo rks , Now York , through 0 It. Broad.
be nt , general agent , a r,000,000 gallon
co mpound condensing duplex pumping
en gine , which is to be art auxiliary to be
is u4 in case of accident to tim Gaskoll
pi mup paths last .laly. , TimEs in prolably
th e lmnesf.pump over turned out by the
K nowles cipany.
By the use , qj these new puuumps the
ca pacity of thu cjty wnturworks will be
m ade 20,000,000 gilJoIua per day. Ten
th ousand gallons of water can be daily
pu mped into and out of the settling
asins. This is greatly almond of the
ci ty's demnausde , as time present. daily con-
au mption is slow 2,000,000 gahlons
These heavy iuivestummenta by the waterre
w orks company show that it in preparing
to accommodate the future Omaha an well
th e resomit , and that it is not at , all
pa rsimonious in nicking those Preparli.
ti ons. m
A tireat Iftncovery.
That Is laIly britigliig Joy to tue hinuno.c of
th otisamiths by savhmig mnauur of their , ht'itr oiii
R.1 aim early grave. 'iruly Is Ir. ICing's
t cv lisiovery for CIusummnhtliI ) ( CoigIis , C
tC Slds , Asthma , lirosichitis , I lay 1 ever , Jots
of \'oieo , ' 4'Irhchiiig In thou ' 1lirott , l'aiii in Side
na il Chest , ! ( tr'hiuy thlsezow of the 'l'lroat , ittiti
L timiit , a lQi1itLVU cure. ( iimaraiitootl. Trial
B tittio : free at ( l'Gtmthiiisn'e ] ) rug Store ,
L actic site $ IX )
CnniiJIitl , ItIIni
On Wednesday the 2ths iuust. , at ii a
flu . , in St. Pltilomenzi'a catcdral , Ninth
nd hlarney streets , thu mmuarriago core.
olly b tween Mr. Frank X Semionx ,
clerk in the Ii. & M. it. hioadcjuartorj ,
nd Miss Maggie O hloldemi , formerly of
owa , but late of Omaha , as duly aol.
eu nizod. Thiubridu , attired iii a beautiful
arnet silk dress , trimmed wills lace ,
lo aning on the right nt-ni of Mr. Patrick
D ouglas , time grooinauurnn , led the bridal
p arty. Miss ElIcit Welsh , the brides-
m aid , in a frito brown silk trimmed with
ace , followed wills the groomum. The
g entlemen voro dress auits ituw , } 'athot ,
J oaumisen the ofliciating clergyman , be.
f ore a large assemblage of their friends ,
P _ erformed ttus ceremony , at thu conclu
a molt of which ho exhorted theirs to tiic
pe ractice of virtue and charity towardi
e ach other as the ouii ) euro road to hap
1 ) iuiOMs. Thu bridal party , wore timer 1
drivers to their home , a cosylittlu cot .
t agis on Castollar stretL , wheretiwy won 3
c alled on by their numerous frifnsdsii I
t he afternoon anti evening. , L
.Aniong the numerous presomita iechivoc I
by the bride wore a handsome rockiuf ;
chair from the bridesmaid and a beauti .
ful parlor lamp from the groQnmemams , so
of silver knives end forks from B. .1. c
A. J. Carniab ; silver butter dials iron ii
Miss Mary Welsh ; set of silver halve B
cmiii forks from Mr. Nicholas Tremizor aui ci
mother ; a handsome clock irons Mis
Iianuiah Donein ; chins tea set froims tIja s
Hannah and Mr. Ilughi Domiobno ; set e f
glassware frouis Mrs. Joao1ihm Steabelle I ;
sot of knives and
forks amid numnorou a
oUter articles fromus Mrs. F. A , Schucidem . ;
liuso gilt frame oil painting ( remit Illim Is
Annie Cassidy ; sot of umaphina irons Mit 5
Mary Mom-an ; set of table litters from mm
Mm-s. P. E. Metcalf , of Los Amugelom m ,
Cal , ; bed spread from Miss Lixzio Quin
lan ; handsome table cover front Nit 15
Lotte Lewis ,
QUlTi 4 % .
At the time tormuinatious of the 'Creole 'I
in "Article 47 , " week before last in Ch I.
U ZiotOd lhiynieian rtdtlrossod ill 0
inanageumeut , and in comn)1imumoutting tim 0
poforiruanco said : "Tire mused and deat Im
scone of Miss Spencer's rendition c ) f
'Corn' were PalitfUllY realistic. " Mu ' 5
Spencer niiruari at tIe Opera house t ( ) .
- I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - -
Ci ty OMei1s all Fronilleill CIIizcEs
of lleiicr Visit Omaha.
A .IlI7 I'itrty En.1o'Iiug Thsenielvc
Ott I TrIg l'Ieisntmro acid
A party of over fifty 1)001,10 ) , including
th e city nilicials arid some proimimnont.
ci tizens of 1)onvor , arrived in Omaha ,
ov er the B , & M. , froni lisa mountain
m etropolis , about 7 o'clock last evening.
T hey camothrough from Denver in live
sp ecial cars They arrived hero some-
iv irat. Into on account of an acekont at
it ivorton , one of the sleeping-ears jump.
in g tIle track at that jlaco. , Fortunately
thin e accident. was a slight. euro , use one beg -
in g injured. The car wan somuiewhiat
da maged amid wits loft at Itivorteus.
It is 14) be regretted that. the visitors
ar rived at the depot. lucre without. a show
of a reception. Neither the city oftCti
da Is nor time B. & M , oflicirihs wore
tim ers to receive theni , IL is understood
th at a imsomber of our city council was
Isr osomit at time time of their arrival , bmmt
bei ng officially alone. and of a modest
d'ts pommitioui , lie said amid did nothing
flo werer , Limo parts unado themussolves
co mfortable. Many of them ensue up
to wn and saw time city as voll as they
cou ld without the aid of thmo electric
lig ht. Sonic of thoums attended church
ser vices.
Thu pry coumsista of J B. Browms ,
pre sident of the Denver city council , ned
muin yor pro tern ; Vim. A Smnitlu , chief of
pol ic ; 'Vita. it. fleetly , city auditor ; Cites.
F. Lemier , city clerk ; Gee. D. WaLaon ,
F. N. Davis , Jno. H. Allen , C. Govo ,
L. A. Watkins , aldornien ; J. S. Littell ,
ofTo the eusgiuseoring department ; Win.
To ovey , street commtssiouier , with two
nss istaiits ; Frank W. cams , of limo Don-
vo r Times. Several members of the board
of healths , amid time wives anti dasughtors
of the ofhicials , arc accounpausying the
pa rty.
Tiose PeoPle are hero merely on a
vis it. Their visit lies no oflicial nignifi.
ca ncc Owing to the latousoss of their
ar rival , they did not got to see much of
th e city last evening , nuid , consequently ,
at time timuio Tim Bet : reporter visited .
th em , they lied urn opinion to express of
O maiua , Althsotughi the promnimiumit visi-
to rn ire miot hero iii any official capacity , U
it is their intention to look about the
cit y with open oyen , nndtiioy will doubt.
les s isiako a close inspection of the im-
pr ovenionts now tinder way.
The party will rcnsain iii Omaha to-
da y. They will probably go from hero
( Kansas City. Returning they wilt
st op tgaiui iii Omaha. a -
Oul. Jensen Orr , on behalf of the U. P.
un anmmgomnont , tendered timont the courtes. "
los of the road , which they have no-
co ptcd5 anti they will rotriris to Denver
vi a the U. P.
These people report a very ploasamil 1
tri p , barring the accident to the sleeping-
ca r , by which , fortunately , no one was
hu rt. Some of thomhave visited Omaha
be fore. General sqeprise is expressed at
th e number of towns along the line in
N ebraska , and at the undoubted evidence
of prosperity throughout the whole
sta te.
It is 1,0 be 1101)011 that our city conneil
wi ll spare no dflbrt in the entertainment
the Colorado visitors , anti that nothing 1
wi ll be loft undeuse to make their short
sta y amnong us as pleasant an possible.
it Is to be regretted that they were not
re ceived as they should have been , bmmt
anm iond can be at least partially made by 1
m aking them weicomoto.drsy. Lot tiieni
ro t-ira without having to make comnpiaiat 1
of neglect during their brief stay iui the Se
etropolis of Nebraska :
flncklen'as Arnica Sal we.
The greatest medical wonder of the wotid. ,
W arranted to speedily cure Burns , Cuts UI.
co re Salt Rhiouzn , Fever Soresh Cancers 1Iies ,
hifblains , Corns Totter , Chapped iands ,
an d all skin oruptons , guaranteed to cure In !
ev ery Instance , or macnay refunded. 25 conth
or box
T liiclsatcHt List of I'cm'mlts to Iarry "
Issued Iy .Juidgo ( 'lmnthivick ,
l'etor Erickeomi and Carrie Peterson. , ,
itudulpli Fries and Amumslio Altouidorf.
jells Nelson and Anna Larsen.
ltichart3. Eiiasomi and Ida Petersen ,
Cites. W. Dowel amid Leafy Itosteui.
Frank X. Lonicmmx and Maggie 0.
H oldout ,
Owens W. Muliarkay audi Jauru Mc.
l icugim.
Ed. I'cck and Frankie D. Burtoum.
Edward Doumairoo and Mary hiogmimu. .
Henry J. Birch and Bertha D. Schluurd
Nickolaus Potom-sous and Prunlino
B racker.
Roland Gibbs and Emnihy J. Stowors.
Fred. ltolfs amid Mary Bargatadl.
ltobert A. Jack amid b'ahhio H. Ford.
Chauncoy Slates and Nancy ( loodmemi.
Charles Bi-andea and Anna W.It-ioboi. ( .
Nib 0. Wilson and Jane C. iloward ,
Every first class house in tine wont liar I
Erdasan's lime union mache cigars foralo ,
Erdman has struck a bonanza on liii I
Key Yost , time beat Havana cigar mmmdc. 1
Erdmnaui is branded ems the hid of 'ovcr , .
b ox. Take use other.
Tire Deluge hose company No. 4 , ol r -
South Ommiahe , will give their "first nui
m nual" bli at Croumiso's } mahl. Tuesday
January 1884 ( Now Year's urighmt. ' . S
Arm oxcollomt programumure has booms select
ed amid mnusio will be furumishmed by Irs'imre
This is a usewcompamsy , organized by an
composed of yopng urea fronut South I
Omnaim , who will do all in their v.or t. )
save nuid 10311) saVe Omaha property fromi
deatriuctjo . by fire anti willing to rondo : r
uasistaumco whmeusevor called upoum ra
i their first entertainment , and we there
fore rmrost respectfully ask the citizens o
Omnahia to atauid by aral hmelp tine youmml
fire laddlea.
* -
- -
Yoiiihitiil Deviltry.
Friday msight about 7 o'clock , as Jo 0
Gormunur , a track driver , mounted his bo : 0L
ninth was about to drive off Ito fortunatch V
discovered that liii reins wore smnbuckloi VLI
fro'n limo horaea'ridles , and at tlmu , earn C
tinmu spied a led making tracks uis tim 0
street. Jots gave chase and eucceode l
'iii overimauling time youuq scapegracewhm 0
was Lakers to time city jail , where , upo Is
gOing through his pockoLa. nine ivom I
harness rings were found. In polic 0
court Saturdmsymou-ning it was found tire t
so von of tiso rings had been stolen from
.l ohmi F. Anderson and twofrom German.
Th e lad pleaded guilty te the charge , and
as ho was cinder ifi years of itge ho was
re manded to tire county jail to await hie
ac tiomr of the district judge , who will
p robably give 1dm a little time in the ro
pfo rm school.
-ounnohimnzd.lfondhy . blest ,
\Vithm mnay , , lovers to caress ,
Tim hid that you will love the best
\3h1 be tIm Stack 1'Iano
\ , ) ln woiiltl not marry till yotr'ti told
'limo world Its solid wortim In gold ,
how young it miiiuloy.iir whiems yomm'ro old ,
Thu far-fanroil Stock l'iauio.
Thecourts wotuh.lnoor divorce tim'o bride
Of liar , tile better hail anti Pritlo
% Vhiiio 501150 antI jiilmneuit dlii iccido
To take the Stock 1'lano.
Tiiees utover was 1mm all those amuries ,
Citickarinig , Steinway \ % char , llahiie ,
In niakitug no'r the kihI cmiii isimis
F'OUtrd iii the Stock l'iamio ,
its gentle touch its niystlo lyre ,
I Li. utitisic sings lromn tronibling wire ,
Anti lingers miever cromnfi or tire ,
They play the Stock i'itsmuo.
Shoriti John iCcy , of Valontirmo , Is In ( Iso
cit y.
S. It. liranu , , uomrcsomitlmig'atcrunan &
Cti . , ngont.s for the intcrriso tilke , Now
Yo rk , iii In thu city , anti sLaying at' the l'ax-
te n ,
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never sries. A marvel at purity ,
.tr ongh and wholesomeness. More ticonoilcat than
the odinary kinds , .ritt cannot bosoki in competition
wit litho multitude of low test , short werght , amun or
p slihato powders. Sold only In cans. Royal bak
Powder Cc , , 100 W&iI Street New York.
-SpecIaIa will Positively not be Insortoil
un less iuald in aUvanco.
' TAN''ED-A young iady ot nice apearah1ce ,
S siio rat , uma' orgati anti sing nkciy , to insist Ii
con cert . , and contention wori : Addrss tnunodmateiy ,
"mm , floSt , Sand'vilie , Warren Co. , Iowa. . 141-i
\ \TANTED-A woman at Duckey. mnt'at market to
cook ant di , gcntrai house work. Good pay
giv en , corner Maeori and iCti , St. 14-31
rANTEi-Two goat eanvascrs to ! Coiorado.
I 1 Knoiedgu ol the scriol book trade mccessary , -
roe D 6 and 7 Evealtt's buock , Coutcit halts Iowa.F
I i 0.0
U 7ANTED-A first rias cotleetor for in.tatlnicnt
S I hioua , atary nud ex.eies , to one she i'an fur.
nlh h security. Ajdres - 'S. B. " Bee olmiro. 112.31 . _
7AN'rgu-A good girl fr generah . hOusework.
y s . &pI1yat1&OJacksonSt. 1186-hi
iS 7MTED-A few .gezts Immediately , Omaha
S S Store itepairiv rks , 101) 5. 14th St. 045-mu
7Ai'TFD-Setcrnm traeiin salesmen who are
S I thoroughly acquainted wttti the ciothing 1tisiF
flL9 5. Oii5 ut experienced nun neet npply Ad.
dre .s ttith nefcrenee. 1. wIim : & CO. ,
n Ib-i St. J3sephMo.
TAN'rEn-omrm for general housework , at 1020 -
5' y ) ) ougtas street. 745-ti
TANTED-Saicman for each county In the U.
y , . $5 and expelisos. Oeod sold by sample.
SeO nd stami. LA DELLF MO CO , , Chiciigo , 111. 'T
O ar-lIt ot ,
7ANTD-Onogood giriascook is a bordlng
V I house , and twogood ( girls to wait en tibia
Ste ady wfrk ant good stages. Aimu at 1(102 Stilt
tr ct5. corner of lzad , , SOS Si
\7ANTED-Iiono fora boy7 , a'didrh a to attend
I ihooh icr tie iiiter or loiger. dds. . , . 0. I'
v _ c.v. " Itos .utflco.
S TOC'K OF (10003 WANTED-I ttoult like to tiy
a stock ofgentral nioremanmmc , at mt i Dry
00 (51 , a it cIotmmi , lie ( icocerlcs , flry G.odt and
ho ots and Shoes. I wait ti. , uy cheap icr ca,1 , I
wa nt to mr abiut Wlcents liii 1mi dumnar. AitIrot , _ _
"O nuaiia ito' , No. 1)0. ) " 072-3t $
ITAN1 ED-To exchange citypeuperty for Douglas
V S County or Nebraska Lands. MCOAOUE , oppo.
it o PotS , flhico. 1l57.1
U TANTED-To exchange , , dchrabio city resmde no
l v for broil , vaster. . Icbratka. Am'iry toJ , iv
LO UNSUUItY , lisatestutu agent , 15th and Fariam , I
a , ANTID-Stiit of thee rowrs , furnished for
V ? light housekeemmnr Address , statieg ter.s .
. 1 , " Utut oltirte U
Felt RElT--Bonae5 ana Lots.
r iolt ttiT-houseset !
.U 1i' ' .1. t'IIit'i'S lion , 5mm , and SpTu'o streets.
7itii ) RENT-Six roont house , 21st and heaven.
1 _ worm ti streets. Inquire at I 10 Iougias trect. :
Fort umir-Thruu furnished ioons for house.
koetIn ( , cht'a1 , . ( ait .5 1500 } 'arnam , room 14.
109.11 ,
JOtt 1tF.4T-itand.ome1y tttrit.hett rooms , 5135.
.1 . thu street. : ie.halt block from I'arnan , 194-li
Dmt1tENT.-.Wlth board. large front room with
h..y 'sitidow , gas and hattt room , at 1fl8 Dodge 2
st reet' 197.71 r
1 'lumiItiNT-A cottage wmth four roots ceilir ,
hart sit soil witer 4. er iitonth. hiiqu5iio '
, 5 No , t22 .outh lOut St. .
. \oli RENT-Un.s1 room s1thboart to tt.o getiu.
air. . , , 3225 , moth ti. eunice hlarney St. 186.11
J'oIt mmmsr-A : ilce new hismi limo m.n.mgr St. In.
' .iuIre . on irrmi. . 154-if
1Ouc , i114T-leur slianihers con'.entet , for house.
I keentar , trotS ni.t leer utitrance , lint and soil
w ater , Parties teat I.iig the city. Wlirbe I"casted the 5th
Iflhiordh ilthi4trei
? OIt RENT-Corner store 11th ant iJ.slms , in
lillire at Iiuber.uan's Jewemrv store , 102-li
F'01t ItINft1OO4 room for lather sho5 or otter
sniams itaint. , 412 5. 13th St. kcjwts , , liarney
cd Ijosaril 117.31
; 'olt miir : S now 20 rooms vali , bath , ,
ga. lot an.IcoIl aater e. I neal to fl'.t cmasa
t epsair , - nioutus & Il1bL
5)8-11 )
IcpbYiinmhfrnon : 14) let altti or lri.
board ItJm$1).dgohL 223-0
ir1 utmNT : Two unfurnid ) , mciii. .t&ablu ftr
I Rena , keup'ng at 2t. 02u north 1411 , St. heusen ,
Cassandclileago , ioi.mj
IIEN't'-Furnlhetl oomisIthou' board. 5 iln-
.I _ Utn % saik front tie l'vst Oftk'ei , at U 1)n
& lioo an4 Dossiey irtrdoor to thu i'ost ( ) Lfttv
iOlt IIEST .Furlshedrstoissforgcntlt-tnii . ; Ad
dmts. "J. ( , ' cire 1k. . otltce. _
; iort ittt-.1'-htou.e itStO S. 23rd 51. . wIth .ts
Utrhieii sash caller , 820. per month.
tggi-s tcTn cSiiaKuO2niT and starny di - s 1
isomi ENTl'nIihtd moons ant day bean ] ii
rcaestateie raVe % , at 1814 Pateoport street , bet.
mtll sad 19th. 921.31
ic _ _ -
\ '
1i _ _
for Infants and Children.
CnMtoriapronloteM iig'sflour VhnLglnes our Children rosy cheek. ,
a nd .ircounies 1"latuk'ncy , t.omnstipa- What cures their totem , mnakea thoni ntec'm :
'fl. ,
ti on Sour Stomumncim
, , Diarrhnwa , nnI
F everisimmiens. it insures health antiVhiaL 1iet heittlos fret anti cry by turns ,
\VhiaL emit-es their voile , kilLs their worms ,
is utural tilcep , without Inuorpluiric , 11,15 Castorl , . ,
- What quickly cum-evi Constipation ,
I , Sour Stomach , Colds , Indigestion ,
Cestorit Is so . -
weilndapte.l to CImildm-n that ,
I reconuitenil Itnasunui-ior
k nown 54) iIiO. " I. A. Akemigri , 31 D. , - , then to Morphine. . flynspa , '
20 Portland Ave. , Ildoklyn , N. Y. castor 011 amid Paregoric , and unmi CastoriRt
- - - - - _ _ _
CENTAUR LINIMNT-zmii nbsolmmto cure for Jenuin.
tt isun , Sprains , flurirs , Grills , &c. Thmo.misost Powerful autlicnc.
t rntltrg l'rslmr-rellovlirg iutl Ilenhimig lcmrmeoly khiovu3 tma.n.
- '
1 .ion I1ENT-'urnlshed fnns 'on the northwest
IhI cor. 18th nn1Capltolacnue , formerly eremghton
hI oue. 139-ti
O ttirihsheit ritoin lit rent at eno. hinge etiongh
for two oc-cupaits , \Vobeterstrect 8 IS-tI
; emi nm iT-Two urnlshoh roots wIth , or 's ithont
boa'l , , N. I : , corner .d 23rd aol 1)avcigont. )
8n it
I ' ° " teN 1-.iceiy Iunittwd moo , i904 l-'nrnain
St. , ICOO.Ii
F Oil h1iNT-Booms in Nehrala , Natlona track
ululidtng. Siost desirable 0111cc. lii the city.
Su ppltmed ti'ltli hyitraulic eicitt.or aiti heated by
ste am. Amhv at Heck.
-T _ eli LEASF-Four tholco lots on 20th St. , long
I : ' . tire,217 , N. lath $ t .J. C. Martlo. 525-it
Flu 011 IIENT-Now store In Toit' , block on 11aun-
ders street. Good location for grocery store ,
lu bber shop etc. inquire at l'eopies Batik , Dodge
St . - 201tt
r ioii IIENT-ltcetdenoca anti storobulidinga. neD-
_ U FORD & sounot , Ream Estate Agency. Offlos
e t side 14th Btreet , bct.en Farnam antI Douglas
str eets. 7924
Post SALE.
F 011 SAt1-45-Tao fuht lots , 7roiii liouaoh > arn ,
cittemn , te1i. shrubbery , etC. 3CcX3 ; one thIrd
cas h or will trade for farm lthiiii tecIve titles of
om aha. C. E , MA'iNE&CO. ,
287-ti 1503 Ferns , ,
F 011 SALE-55-7.r'om bonnet , Davenpert street ,
ui spltnhil order , ery tilt-ti 115cc , 2doo , 'roo
do wn , hatancu on monthly tatalttnnts. ,
1 53-if C. E SIA\'Ni .2 CO. , 15Cr ) Faritaitu.I
- 'oil , SALE-3-Eiegant cottage , 6 roomc , closci , ,
i.antr3 cellar , cistern , city water , ete , foil lot ,
10t h .trcet . LenYonwileth eli 1iaoii , $2,800 ,
ol e third reel , . C. F. . MAYNE & Co.
145-it 1600 Fanijaut.
T' tO1ISALE-4-Taocorner lots on lower lotige
1 : ' atreet. C. E. MAYNE Ic CO. ,
145-if 1505 Famine
F oil SALE-i-Seei , room house , barn , clbtern ,
ahumutbery , etn , Sherman MUILI , 3,20O , taIf
c.s h. C. E. MAINE & CO. ,
147 ( 1tQti i'artaus.
F OR SAIE-ti-New honie , , ecn rootna. liii lot ,
ISth street , lear Bauiuan'sbrs'ncrv , ° : IOOO.
p. i : . MAYNE itu CO. ,
mis-ti 1503 Carla , , ,
F SALE-7-Extra niodeottage , , , oierii , seven
rooms , nicely liiiproeil , ci , halt lot , 15th .trcrt ,
5 , 2OO. ( , . C. MAYNE k CO. ,
149-ti 1509 Fartiam.
iORsAtE-8-Farn , Sooacre' , tn allIeS from
ii Omaha , 88 acres improved , balance good hay
lan d , 93,500 , one third cash. C. ii 8IAYNE .t CO
172-tf 1500 Farnamu.
-F oIl SALE-P-Four nice lots lii htarkera sub
.1l Isbn , cheap C. C. MAYNE Ic CO. ,
173-tI 1509 Farnam ,
1 r ioIt HAT.E-1G-Uouoc , 9 rooms , lam and other
L. tmnprmeitciits , cheap , mr.s' , metier for $35.09
pe r mOnth. i'rtce 53 500. C. E. MAYNE & CO.
174-If 1509 Fainain ,
1 .to1t SALE-IS-Cottage , 5 rooms , closctt , lantry.
1. cellar , eto , lot lOOxlS2 , one block from street
ca r line , $ t,80u. C. E MAYNE & CO ,
175-ti 1509 Fnrnam.
F elt SAL1-i5-l'or room house , five blocks
, outh of raIlroad , on Slims street , lot 353a135 , nice
115 cc 81,309. C. 1 ; . SttYNE , t C ( ) ,
fl'O-tf It. 9 l-'arnan , .
-i ; 'ent iIALE-17-Nre , cot'age , 5 room , , barn , nit-
I. ten , . ate , lotSoxito , on Copiseit .treet jrcuo : ,
lon g tIme on marL C. E. 3IAYNi (0 ,
178-it 15L0 F.rnam.
5Ol1 SALE-IS-Two ml
a onc-quarteracecs , 1-roohil
I houe with basement aid cellar , shale trees ,
lar ge orchard , alt kinds of fruit , 1st , , stre. , , .outh
Om aha , fS,200. C E. MAYNE & CO ,
167-tI , 131)9 Famnam ,
1012 SALE-20-Nico 4-roui , cittagn , hail lot ,
i'm , nell , cistern s-i other r mccii. ,
Sa unders street , $ m,4u0. . m 1i.tYi Pi CO ,
lOd-tf ItOul l-.iram.
' bOIlSALEegant retidence lots wtthi , , few
block. oi etreet cars , $150 to $ M.(1 ( , b er cent
do tymi ad 5 pet tct monthy. No Amer s1resut rail.
sa ysor balloon iino to nurtots , but goi iiluwalkt
all Cu way. C E MYNE&C0 ,
109 if 150'J Fir.m , ,
1 :1011 5A1E-2I-Fttu room house , ftiii lot , barn ,
L .hrubbery , etc. , 15th street , south O'naha ,
,150. C E HAYNE& CO.
. i5i9 Faniaii.
p o1t5ALE-i2.-S1x Front hinge , 2 story , cltset ,
paitry , cellar , cuter : , , teii , statue , uIittl9Ilte-t ,
, utts , etc. 1).isanptrt trnet , i3ioO U } :3fAvNl : : . to , 1509 larnam ,
SA1E-23-i75e5th ) feet , She'rniv , ate u , ,
. good louie , barn , and ouher ipmoieiiiuias ,
86 ,100 C iMAY2.i.c : : CO.
I0i-tf 1209 Faram. ,
.i iou SALI-25-New : 8-room li'j"se , ele.pint m'aee ' ,
.5. . ChIcago strest , $5,000. (3 ESIAYNE at Cu ,
102-ti 150) Fatnum.
1 -.olt SAI.E-27-220z220 feet , south Omaha , eod
I i lions. , % seil , cistern , baru , , etc. , cerytiiig , in
go od repair , t-A200. C C ItAYNE & Co.
nom-tt : 15011 Fermion ,
Felt E-2S-Fio no. , , , hoiu- , lierbach's ad-
ditlon , well , cistern , etc. . tilew i1s" . . 01,509.
los-ti CE3iYNll , ibOOFirnain.
T iolt SALE--SO-house of 7 rooms , lot 60x124 ,
U Bhlr's2nt addition , 81,5' . ) , in lout time.
105-tt C EMAYNE&CO , 1500 Fires , , , ,
I 1)hI SAhE-32-Fsrm of 150 acres , is itillee from
. Omaha , good louse , 100 acn-suidercuitlsatlon ,
) acres in niesdow and orchard , 40 acres timber ,
, , nnliig water , Ito teamhg apple trees , aim Linus ( I
ntail frults 024 ncr acre. U C tAYNl .k CO.
106 * 1 1609 Farnam
'I _ ? ott BAl1t-13-StuiI hoi.ebarn and other un.
.1 . pmncuienti.lot OSemsS , jrovertient , , addItion ,
. C Y.MAYI'iEkCO ,
12011 1509 Farnamn.
Foil S.tLE--34-Thnu , , lce , iew cottages on tulilo's ,
on H , nihic ay,1ots. 01,14-si
ad , , - C i : 31A14E 41 ; Co1
111-tI 1809 Fsriau , .
Foil I4ALE-57-l'art ci lot icar , corner iii Jackson ,
end 10th street , ( I i : MAINE ii CO ,
152-If 1109 Yarnamn
I tOll sAl. } : . 38-Acre lot in tIss ; ? . . addition , near
. iiaUttmei btrteltQ. ) Ii Ei1AINIG I CO.
mia U isle Iariian.
Tiomt ; SAt.It-Fte acre It ; . , acer fair grousls , , ,
I _ 7tO , $100 doa , , , baii'u , , ill , nonthiy ia.
i tents. C i1MAYNIC& CO ,
151-ti iC.09 Farnam ,
i'Oht SALE -4O---'l'soand a hail acre" 1. room cot.
Li tage , l'iauudrs , strict , a bargat , , 01Uo.
itt-ti I.I t SIAVNS .t CO , IWJ Faruam.
i'on : ; s.ttI : .11-Flie room house , nell , liar , , , cis'
1 tern , fruit , at otlr , Iniproicineitj , lot ISeISS ,
.eat atto , Uwot , , .trctf5bt ) .
ltd-ti LI E IIAYNE , 1509 1-'arnam.
1 'c4.l.l. ; ' ; : 42-1101.0 of ci rooms , lot f0x18 ,
gi wei' ' , ci.ierute. , , larker's , sitdIt ci , . $1,800 , sa.y :
eruw. C it4Yti&CO , 1609 Femuau ,
- I-- - - -
I1'ott 8Alt-47-Iot on tu.iiiuts part of lisrney
1 _ strett. 44xi32 , 011.220. U E SIAYNE & CO ,
15-tt 189 Esiniu.
i'omi ; BALE-4S-Ver' fibS t-rout , cottage , lot
I bOguS , shalt , at&t ftUiitrc an.t iii kind , ci
tall iru r , two and ens-hart llocki trot , shirt cam
1,1. . turin. easy. C t : ) iAYV. & CU ,
l20-if 15113 Earna.ui.
_ _ _
I'oit itAmlThe : Onest realdince lots In the cIty
. 5 cry dwell , Oil long time.
100-U C IC IIAYNE & 00 , 1509 Farimue
J 'I lOit S.tu-13--llegamt : : little place , 2113 Itancy
atm-at , 02,250 mcii , icry cumulI.
188-tf . : i : . MAY E A C ) , 11(9 Fathan.
- - -
: SAS.E-52-A tow elegant lots -
ioit on lfarmty , hi.
teecu 20th ai1 2111 , i.trects.
UI tf C , E SIAYNE & CO. , 1109 rare.
tm F1011 sALm-F. : 1-7-noon , lions , , large br , , , ss,4
cIMteri , , stell , etc. Lpt 50x110 , near ctlits.rol clt %
$ 2,300 , $500 dotin , lmahiico monthly paynemts. ,
141-tf C. 1 5iYSE& C . , IUO Fanam , ,
Foil SAtE-Two beautiful acre lot' on California
street. Acre lots In ltlmnebaugh's amidltion and
' ttrooklto" , on mioitiii3 la-Inclit , ; 21 nmii a ace , ,
t racts 3 ttillca tcut , $100 i've acre ; no 'nl , lmahcut
ta e'iiimremt , down to jiarties who w mmn lipro , n
a roous , , east froit , Utorgia avc'iue , hear street Sn
h ot easy tcflnm , . Sll1t1VF1 .ci
192-3 opp. l'ostomllt-e.
I 4 Oit SALE-A , , eerly new house of 5 rooms and
half lot , 0 , ' Chines atreot , near Rig , , , $ iGou ; 0.o
il on n , tulane. , , nontliiy u mont. . Ahiress ,
136.1 ? ( i1t : , . ii. JtATItISDN , City.
F 011 SALE-Fine residence lots In Orinmi \1i
, hittwn , $175 to $325 on monthly laynents.
179-tf C. E. MAYNE & Co. , itou Faniam.
I F 011 SALE-Lute in liineb tugh lilacs , OflC
Ie from St. line
car ; very desIrable resimlence .
e rty. SUmtIVElk BE jrop.
I out SALD-itu acre lots , $100 an acre' , $25. down ,
009-ti AMES , Fe nan St.
Foil SALE-Oiie hundred acre lots , $100 an acre
$25. doao AMES , Faria , , St.
-I ' \TANTED-A situation as copyist ur typc-write-
Address , p.r. it. , cos N. 14th street , l4O-4
I .4 0tt SALE-lttjacrelot , , $500 an am-re $25. doitn.
080-ti Atti's , FariaiSt. , , ,
I SALE-A good re1lahi , sorrel , foully horse ,
sIght years old. neigh , . 1,500 pouts , go..d tray-
ci er and lii gonilcondition , Can be botght fer $125
c ash. A. J. MANnIL : ,
325 llroadnay , Council lilutims.
ole SALE-leo acre lots , $109 an scm $25
nm : ti AIIES , Faram , St.
Felt SALE-One-liundreit acre lots$100 an acre ,
25. own- ASIES , Farnati St.
I F"0mt SALE-At abargalu , f1rt elate retaurunt In
good location , good romusoli for iseilig. Admirwe
" 11 , 5. " 100 0naha , 1' . 0. 5 OSS.18
I F'011 ' SALI-6 good uttove. , some furniture nm,1 , a
largeqiantity of eael1eni wino tory s-heap mROn
C aliferla , St. - tdi liio
I Olt SALE-Cheall , good counter. Inquire alp.
F , L3 005 Cigar Store , 207 S Itt ? , St. iIS-tt
F 011 SALE-1'lainvlcw lot , $215. to $50. shown , ba.l.
amico $10. a uionth Au s , Fsriun , it.
lIuy lots Is i'lnimnlew the beti and cheapest mro'
e rty in Oiahe. 11,34-u
- S
Foil SALII-49-Lnrgo 7-room house , two fill lots ,
barn , well , cistern , etc. A spieJid , bottle ; 2,05ti ;
g oed tune Ott ii A ) monta.
180-ti MAYNE & CO. , U09 Faneire ,
F OR StLE-Lot. in Plainvtew on Sauiders St. ,
witIt etrtet carsand citywater already tiere.
AMES , 1507 Faram. ,
Cheapest and bet 1'Iaiuvlow lots , niouthiy na-
in ents , $25. to $50. down. Plulntiew. 1105-f
SALK-TIebeot and chcacsi lot. u , Ont4i.o
1 on Saumlers , iii $25 to $50. own aid niouthly
p ay'rents. /
I'lmiint nw sell ' faster than any property eter of-
fe rmi , tccalt.e it Ii. good property at low tirineS mud
s acy ma1lceii AMES. Fanmaimi Sr
F Ott S lE-A well ostablithud confectionery
store , auto a lot of household fuinituro eIther Ii.
g etbs.-r or meparato. Inquire 107 north 16th St
' ° 't ' SALE-lloues andlol. and farms IL IL
I mimns' & Co. , S. W. corner lfmtn and Farnanu.
i ron mt.tti-t : , . . aiii furniture of boarhinglioute
cheap Addrees"B. Ii" beootflce. 840-li
tOlt 553.11 011 EXCIIANUE-Cood livery ban ,
I it'll located. ' J iv. LOUSlmUfiY ,
$93-tf 15hand Fmirain.
' 1
( ) i3AiE-51-Two nice Intl. . in loiintz It Ittiths
FiR , cheap Easy terms.
:181-ti c. n. MAYNE Sr CO. . 1509 Fiomnaui
$ tLU-A few fire acre lots near thu Fair
Foil , , , vcrchea. oh long than
su-tt Cl3 tAYNE & CO. , 1509 Farnamn
SALE-lOi ) to ISu cords ef hart ssad , now
being chopped on "Lowe } 'arm" on Cuilug St. ,
h alf mlii , v eti ot Military brtmlgn WIlt oily I.e sold
t o ore rmur.ser. LIEMIS , Ageiat , hilt and 1)ougles
_ _ _ _ t _
- - - - - - - -
HALF : - Farm : t tulle , S.S' . of city. Iniilre
Foul III'S. 8151cr 0z9 N. 1111' lIt. 1111.1011
' ° 't ' SALE-td-Tiireo-acre lots ii 0k&imiia , on
F' 1:111 : , street , cheu ) . l.m , ' tories
lS5tf S E. ItAYNE , & CO. SO9 Farnammi.
AIlS CRANCE-We dYer for sale at a bargain
tao thousand acres of land In a body. Will
m ain , a fIne stock ranch , SI-c nile. from County
S cat of Boone county. Turin. easy.
0 F. DAVIS CO. ,
717-ti m&cs Farnun street.
Oil SALE-Yarns In eastern Nebrks. .1. iV ,
F LOUNSBURY , Itcal Estate Agent , 15th altO Far.
n .m. 691-U
011 HALlS-Two Iota N. W. nomner of 28th and
F ChIcago St. Inquire of Edlolm and Erickson.
011 S.tLE-A few eboice lots In lowe'S additIon
F and l'rospect llaOc , $575 to $2'mO , , uonthiy in-
, thhlmnent. . C. S. tItYNE&L'O. ,
152-tI 1500 Farnain.
SALK-A Srt class second band top b71y.
c&ll at 1510 Ilamey street. 9
OR BALlt-lioaIdunOo and bualrtces property l
F l arta of Oms , and Yann nds n all parts
of the tat. . IIEDFQItD& HOUER ,
p793-ti 211 S. 14th St. bet. Farnam and Douglas.
SALlt-4'wo portaoie ot.erI,1O .aorse cowel
F ily at I P. Fl PAThIdK ,
eea-tf 218 South 15th Street.
HALE-At abargaina small tIo.leri1&hwiii
F &n& Co's fire proof safe. Inquire at 1515 offIce.
OR BALE-Old news ) mularge iiit
F au.ntttiei It tIll. .lorI If
riwo geitlemc , , , con Itas gore ! daily tojirit 1225.
, 211th SI , eunice liaracy.
L OST-A gill horse match ci arm. t'Iider all ) it ,
suitably ritsariled ii , eturot , is
150-ti (3. E IIAYNE 4. ( Xi. , 15119 Fiiriarn
hIhlvAttm- Lila It Si. iui.s.s
. 5.O ( ) four months oIl , , , i , a htto Its haIr
Oit chest , s lute leather colt sr esigtml atit grCf , s lit ,
red , trayett front 1714 Inuglas stiet , On 'lhusds A
htelur , , , iiot iceive reused.
105.1 :15 : JOIIN I ) . P1AJIQIY. : ,
_ _
I ) T UP. flTll3stEt-A red anl whIte cow hjiii
_ _ 4 b can.'nldTmatl wa-a crotmrl. iiewsri uthi Lu'
uifcre.1 It returned to ill ) , nil il'itltaia. , m'rui :
hOVE. lIst-mt
l'i'-A reel helter , o's"rr can have itt
_ seine kg irmivtuic prwit ) ' intl ps tng euiwnM.
J. J , L&rso&i 24th anit LI , t . it , it. trsclc.
I OARi ) sid , lodrlng Ilie ier week at the itsilel
it. ihelaurat , ; .
iAiij : kUEHL ,
AL.lttT. 503 Tenth street , between Farnim suit liar
nor , will , wIth the aid ci guardian spiriW. obtalniiag
an ) one a gti.-ace 01 lb p-eat and presnt , 'ad th
rrtatu condition. In the future. Ducts pod
cia Ic order , l'eaicct .atWacttct , gn&rsated.
- - -