.CAN DAILY BBL + ° ODiAII. , li\'D11DGCEI13L R : i , ] 888 q 1 ' J I , l W iO ale wand. E&etl ail. ' _ r CO UNCIL BLUFFS , o IOWA. r Proprietor of Musia hail and General Manager for'the Celebrated r 1 I 1 . K'.T Of ndotaIllfor , Western Iowa , No thern Kansas and Missouri , NobrMks , Sonthoru Miunesota , and ' DakotTerritory , and Dealer in the Matohlcsa I i . . LINDEMAN , . , . AND HARD1VIAN I Pian s -ALSO-- ETTPJD.ETT . ' . . -AND- o . . , :9 STE Iflsr ' . COTTAGE OEGANS fALL f . ' -ALL KINDS OF- ' . MUSICAL MERCHANDISE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION , -SUCH AS- 9 GUITARS , AOOORDEONS ! -A FULL LINE OF- Musis Boxes Best Italian Strings , Music Books and Binders , Sheet Music , Etc. , Etc. I Fine Coeds , * , 'z- Kinds Toys1 Al w specialty in the Piano line , I would recommend most heartily the Ilardmaii iairn ! A fine tone , finely finished , first-class instrument in every respect ; they are not the cheapest I'inuo5 , but within tllo reach of all wllo really desire something that will last a lifetime , TItY 'T'L EDL They arc fully warranted for SEVEN YEARS. 0 SHODDY PLANOS AND ORGANS , so largely advertised like patent medicine , and like it , , good for everything and nothing in particular , T DO , t , NOT KEEP IN STOCK , Icannot afford to sell tllelu , as I live too soar home. But if desired , I am prepared - pared to furnish any of these cheap pianos and Organs at eastern prices , save freight 1 provided I am not held responsiblo. In connection with this I will state that my Organs ( ontajn 5 full octaves of Reeds , to one sot , aud (10 not call a single octave of rends , afull set , as advertised by shoddy makers and dealers , I sell Pianos and Organs on hfontllly and Quarterly Payments ; also for cash , with small extra discount , 6cnd for circulars. Address AddressMUELLER , No. _ 03 _ South s.Mai n _ Street1 Council Bluffs , Iowa , COUNCIL. BLUFFS , ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS , NOTES 1'1tOM NI : OiI 1 , The Ittr'nlnu of n L arnn Ituuse- OtherGIennings ml' Now s , NEohA , la „ November 80.11r. . P , Ryan , of the { urn of O'Connor if ltynn , was called hone by telegram yesterday , his father , an old resident ofV'iscou. . sin , being very low with lover and not uxpectetl to live , ' 1'ho farm house of I Ir : , Jackson , two miles from hero , burned to the ground this morning. The family were eating lug lVcAkfast vv'hei the roof began to fall in. They were nil panic struck and fled from the house , leaving it to the mercy of the dames. Thorn was nothing anved bttnn : organ , n dresser anti n sowing machine. It was insured for $300 fm the lows aud Nebraska Insurance com nn Fed Nu ont , the traveling agent of tin : 1ht : , us in town ta day looking after its imterosts bore. The Ttilwauko tiny car came through hero disbursing funds to its employes this morning. In consequence the boys are all happy' A comlpnny has just boon formed hereto to prospect for cost iii this vicinity. Seine of the best citizens we have are taking told of the Matter. Neph , the Indian , has been for some time trying to open an account with the Police court hero , anti will succeed in gutting police court nmttora vsatved if ho tries to gut into another house without first asking admission , ' More anon. VuT. The l'IIIf1I0 Vurwe. City Auditor Burke has prepared the following report of the amount of wnr- rants issued by the city council during November , and aldo tho'total amount for the present council : NOV. Total. Ncwbnlld'gnndgroundx.$2aOI 33 $9,218 72 Pollco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62087 11183 70 Gnv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 760 7t11 3,973 , tI i'rbdhlg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lI 05 dt10 ol Park. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 85 1 mlgmont . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,121 15 City ouginoer. 1IS 83 1,011 19 Fire department , . . , , . . . ( :99 : 43 , S35 tS Streets and alloys. . . . . . . . 8S7 31 ,252 25 Sidewalk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 25 1,749 01 Soworago. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 12 4,9011 81 Cmmornl fund Prover. . . . . 825 21 5,278 27 Cotdonuiatton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,905 75 Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6i09 ( 17 $52,127 08 I'iat90NA1. , .1.1),111 ] [ moUttm , the grand clmncollor of the 1:11ights of Pythias of this state , cold who is well known and popular among the mom. hers of that order as well as olsewhcre , was given a largo and brilliant reception the other evening by the three lodges of hurt Madison. Col. Cohrmn returned Saturday from his stock ranch near Little Sioux. ] [ o recohtly sold$10000 ; worth of stockand still Lns alargo amount. ] 1. E. Montgomery , arrived hero Saturday from ' 1'oxas , where ho is interested in oxtmt sivo railroad huilding , A. B.Vest , general agent of the C , B , & Q , , has roturtod from a two weeks western trip. trip..Mrs. .Mrs. D , W , Crab , of T person , Iowa , who sae bean on a visit to a sister in Denver , ro Burned hero Saturday , and stopped over Siut day with Mr. Jahn Fitzgerald and faintly. S. A. Dow , of Dow City , was in the city yesterday , on route fir Denver on a two weeks' trip. \V. 11. Merritt , . ) r , , of Des Moines , put in his Sunday at the Ogden. 1st.Vulpin , 000 of Dubiiquo's commercial travollors Sundayod at the 1'neltic. J. 11. Boyingtou , a Chicago tourist , is at the Pacific. L A , Divine , who rapresonts the "Buck. 'S'o , " stalled on friends at the footsie yesterday day , W , C. Phelps , of Sandwich , III. , was tut Ogden house Sunday guest. J. C Myerd and DV. . Burrows , both of OOs Dluinos , and both prominent hs insurance circles , arrived at the Ogdm1 yesterday , C. R. Chandler , of St , Louis , was at the Ogden yesterday , 1) , 11. Solomiditlta itLorioyof tlto\Vabasly was na the Ogden yesterday , 0 , \ \ . Valentino , of 1)es Moines , who is a spicy talker on spices spout Sunday at the Pacific , Beal Estate Transfers , The following deeun were filed for record - cord in the recorder's chlico , Docenlbor 1 , reported for the BEa by P , J. McMahon - Mahon , real estate agent ; Aim B , Darnoll to David Burkuy'ne 27 , 77 , 'J8 ; $ ,1,200. , \V , II , Brown to V , .Jonninge , lots .1 , 4 , 5 and 0 , block I' , Curtis tC ltainsoy's add ; $1,600 , N , A , lCirkendall to William Wray , 1(1Ia 1l and 14 , block 18 , hums' add ; $720. 11.0,11ico to Willard Mott , of utl , , ci uuj,10 , 70 , 42 ; $2,400 , , 11. 0 , Rico to Daniel Doyle , part nwj nw.l , : ; 0 , 76 , .11 ; $100. Euoeh Joy to A 13 , Walker , lot 4 , block 11 , Riddle's sub ; $800. A , B , Walker to Mary ii. Swami , lot 4 , block 11 , Riddle's sub ; $1,000 , Catharina Ubrig to M , J , Kelley , part lot 3 , block 11 , .f ncksun'a add ; $100 , Total sales , $9J-0 , ro - - - - -----7111 i Time EIeclrlu LluJAtw' 'Flie wires are boiu ' tfeLChmcd and everything mmado road or the starting of the electric light J this week. About twenty-five busiucaa'houses hnvu been connected by wire , and will noon be in a blaze of glory , There are about eighty ordered , but only twenty-five can be started uP on one circuit , and ( mother dynamo must arrive before another circuit - cuit can be started. In the mcftuttmu those who have ordered lights trust have t > aticnco. Mrraughllma certainly deserves - serves credit for personally pushing the enterprise thus far along , and there is no doubt but that he will hurry the rest of the syshnn to completion. Soule of the churches public halls and society India are to be urmislmed with the light soon , i'osttuaAtor Armour is talking of hsvim r onu or more there , 'Photo is talk of su plying ono or Moro for limo park aid Some of the council are couaidurimg the advhsibility of placing lights um time tops of such bulldiuga lls time ltloomer school building , Broadway church , and time court house , to see how Immuch of a blaze can be thus thrown ell the streets , Suumu of . d the morclmnts talk of joining in hanging lights in the middle of the street between their houses , aud , in fact , all sorts of Plans are being enthusiastically talked over , C0u111:1t01A1i. COUNCIL IILUYYS stdnxxr. Wheat-NO , 2 spring , 70e ; Nu , 3 , OOe ; ro looted , boo : g.xnl detmuul. Cnru-Daalors aro'tying ; 32c for old corn amid 25c for now , Ont.s-Iim Fad dotnnnd at 20c ] Iay-Kill )0(600 Par tins ; fdb par balo.I _ _ _ Ughtsupply R o-Iic ( , - - 11oa1 25 Per 100 younds , R'tw)1l-Utxxl supply ; Pnccea at yanl. + , fi 00 6 0k ( 0kCunt1)oltvcred , hard , ii 50 per ton ; soft , (1 ( Ikl per ton' ButterPloutyaud In fair demand at 2c ; creamery : ms. Eggs --heady sale at 20c Par dozen , 1anl--hatrbnuk's , whole.g at ] lr Poultry hirer dMlenN ate ltayhng for chkkotls Ills ; livo2 50 per dozen , Vegetables-l'utatuOS , SOc ; amiluns , 10c ; calm. Images , : mo tOe tier lurch ; apples , 3 00@3 GO per barrel Flour-JIty I1nnr,160 60J)3 l0 , Brolmis-2 003 00 per doz. 1.1ra Htocic. Cnttlo-3 ( )1@13 50 ; cnlvos , t , 00(07 flit. hugs -local Psekers havn ( 'ummiloneul buy. lug now' red there i + n gaud dmunnd for all grades at I eo@ 12f1 , A Case Not lloynuI llalp. 1)r. M. 11 , lliosdale , Kennwee , ill , advises utOf nremarkable cure of eunsnmiiptlon. Ito says : "A calghbour's wife ins attacked with violent limo diaeaso , 511(1 pruunuueol lmeyom l help from Quick Consumption. As n last resort - sort th i faintly nfx pornllndod to try 1)B.\VAI. 1IA1.1'S 1tAI.SA1l hint 'I'11 I. I/UNOS , TO the natonislunant of all , Imy the tltno she had used one halt dozen bottles she was about the humnlo Buhlg her ow'a work. I saw her at her worst and hind no ilea she could roeuvor , " Art Arltunn Volcano. Time Tucson Citizen publishes the fol. lowing : It has long been known that a little butte , rising about tlm centre of the Santa Cruz valley , souse nhmmlilus sunLit of 'Tucson ' , hits a crater. Inmnedintuly after the earthquakes of last fall in Calm- forum , dill'orout people , smnu Minors amid farmers vvho live fu the vicinity of this particular butte , for which there 8001118 to be no 'mmune , observed amoko arising from its sums mit , A party of boys out hunting reported hearing strange IlOteee emitted from the saute butte and they were afraid to go near it. A majority of Limo residents in the vicin ity generally discredited these etatu mounts. Still no onu felt possessed of enoughm curiosity to satisfy himself. Last Thursday a prospuctor said that when coning front the Omaga copper cutup ho certainly saw smolII arising front time top of this butte. Two gentled men who want rout hunting to Arivaci , 501110 tlrreo weeks ago , wandered off ran their road , and onnglmt Camped n time base of this volcanic butte. They ] ward strange , rumbling sounds in the night , as if water was boiling , or some lmard blasting was being dote far beneath t11u earths surface. g They did not explore time hill , not knowing of time existence of any crater there. Thcso dilfurolt rotors determined time Citizen reporter Ito ox. alumina time butte personally for ! Himself , and see if thmero was a crater , and if there was anything extraordinary' about it. Accordingly last Sunday , in cour panywith S. 0.Overshinor , editor of The Calico Print and C , II. Tully , asnrnll party loft Tuscan to investigate the al. le6red volcano. J The drive from Tucson up tie Santn Cruz valley through largo groves of mtftl9u quite and black willow , and fields of ley , presented n7 fresh aud' ' "line " rural nspeots as 0110 could see in"any " agiictllu rat country. No particular road was fol. lowed. At last Limo volcanic butte hove in sight , amid after a refreshing lunches at its base , and time investigation of sotto ruins sear by , time ascent of time butte was begun on its western side , which appeared - od to be time time easiest of access..Anold Indian trail hod up over several wolf do- flucd ledges , till the auunnmit was reached. here the character of the rock changed to a pumice stoma or lava , a va iuty that is always found wlmero volcanic action line occurred. Time mill rises about three hundred foot above the plain , and is all alone. 1)cscemdimig an the eastern 501)0 ] a complo of rods to time northeast there were found two craters. The first one reacted is Limo smaller of Itho two. Itsdeptlm isBoulo tar feet by about twenty in diameter. Time rocks around time riot comtainod sonic war npth.Vhem time thernmouuter was uu1J 1 iI5m drtfi them time mercury measured 128 , 1 ahremloit. On time opposite side Iy shibht'iasuu of steam could ho dutcctdH. ' A few pale verde trees and soumu grease wood bushes adorn time butte , but otliorwiso it is barr011. Around lle hill on ail sides there were min otlmgr ] ndmcationa of volcanic action. After 1vlltcluulg time 6great living curiosty of tlmo'Santa Cruz vnlio for hum ] lour the party returned to ' 1'ucsi. , Ile Jtot Ills Illutluh , t 1'hiladelphk ( Call. "Yes , sir , " said time western coal , lov. Ingly caressing his lung hair tutd fueling of his hill poeket to see 1f his lmudkur chief wits still there , " 1 have had some pretty livehy times ; have beemm a pros [ ee tor , miner , govcr mnomt scout , cowboy , t1lgo driver , meld trapper , 1111(1 amused umysolf gunning for Indiana ltutd greasers on my own account , " "Been handled pretty rough aonlu timmesh" ventured n late faded enstorn aunt 011 crutches aud within onu urns in a sling , 4Itough I" replied tine westerner , scorn- fully. " 't'hat , ( upends OIL when you c11ii rough : 1 have boon ciiawed by grizzlies , scalped by Indilums , nearly burned at time stake sTidt amid knifed dozctls o f ( saes , blow'nfalu once or twice , and eu ono ecca eionrfehl ulta a quartz umill amid was run oh ah'througil ' before it could ho stepped. I don't ' comlaider such little oxllerluuce5 auytluing , but perhaps you ought call them rough , " 'Not nt nil ; more incidents , ROt worth imleltiouliag. "Oh , indeed ! l'erlmps you know what a rough life in , tlmamT emeered time western 1111111. 1111111."Y05 , 1 do , " "And wiuit might ho your busi mesa ? " grinned time lndiam lighter , iron ically , "I , " replied tlmu Palo. faced emu , "Imvu for time last ten years been a book ngeumt Pur omit me to Hhow you time lust great pull. licatiun , only twolltytwo voltu roes , onu gantly illustrated , lmudaonmely bound , sold only nn subee iption at $5,7G a voluume , frith 6 pcr cunt oil for- " But time westerner had fainted , ST. LOUIS PAPER V1AHEllOllB , Graham Paper Co. , 217 nud 210 North ] tale 5t. , St. Lout. , w11oLg8u.I : InALNI1Y : n NEWS. POg , tO AL EI S y I WRA I'PINI KNvt:1A)1'ls , CAIw _ 110A119 AND PRINTERS' STOCK , tdrCwhyt1d or Raga sod I'ou ; , StockSCIMUWud. FU.RNITURE o P -THE-CHEAPEST PLACE IN OMAHA TO BIIY Furniture - AT - .yq y ' Di. STONE'S . i i V . They always have the largest and best stock. NO STAIRS TO CLIMB ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOR TO THE DIFFERENT FLOORS. The wool the tonnShol f2ud" lu connection wlthiii. S H 0 RI corplrito name ( ) f ft gkatrosd , collie ) snuldosol ustwhit I I N E llo-n rcqulrcdLythotml Hhurtl.luq ; , Qulck rllug Tim cob , mil the best of mmomntnola timtsMI of which ire fam tehed by the greatest rallaaylln America. C HICAGO f M ILVYAUgEE And St. Paul. It omene and oprrab's over /tOO mllomof road a Northern : : : : sots , 1Yiscousln , Mtnurxotn , Iowaind Dakota ; cold ash is msln Iltmes , branches and aulnoo done reach all thu grant business centres of thr Nurlhswstnnd FarS'ost , it osturnlly answere thl description of.Short this , aud ( nest llouto betwooo (9ikagoMilwoukeoSL l'auland Mlnnenpolls. Chkagulllhianktx , , In eromso aud Wlnons. ChlcagoMllwmtkoeAtwntornnnd FAlondalo Cldcago , Jlilwaukuo , Eamm Clnlro nod Htlllwator' Chleago , M1htaukeo , IYanmu aud Manill. Chlcage , Milwaukee , Ilsnver Ilanm nail Oshkosh. Chlcago,1111nnukee , w'aukcshn aud Octmomowoa Chleago , Id flu ukec , MadlsSt and Prairie du Cldon Chlcnr o , MOn mitre , On ntonun amt raidhanl6 Chiengo , hdalt , JS senile aud M1uorall'olnt. Chleago , nil III , Itl.ckatrd Std Iluhugna Chicago , Cilidon , hock Inland cord Cedar haply : ( chrcago , Council illnlf. aud Omaha. Cldcags , Hlnmix City , Sioux Fnllt.hd Yankton Clueagu , JllhrnuLeo , Mltcltell pgll Clmutharlaln. Rock Island , Ihtbuquu , St. ) 'a tl and Mlunua jout Datenpurt , Cdumr , s6 Paul nd Mlnneapolj tt ihdlmasSleepers anlltmo IluestDlningOars In acrid are nutouthonralnhues CHIOpCO MILWAUKEE tit ST. PAUL RpILWAY 01111 uvory'attcuttuu Is pahl to psesuugere by courts on , em1dtlj sW the congauy. J 'i S. Hl IWI1RIi.L , A. V , iI. OAnrENTFR , p Ocn7 MnnagoU ( len'1 I'M , , . Agent J. T.CLAllli , ono U.IiBAFFOItD , Ocu'I Smi9t Asst Oon'I Pmts. Ag't 0 0 Mtrcnry Ilan protmIce h moors misery and msdo inure ctlpileathan wor. pestllncunut laiius combined. 11 1 ou have amt' blood diseases or akin humor , It , le your duty to y waclf aml pu.tsrlty In take the oulyregetahlu Guru , wfilch le sit Ill. Hpcclfe. StsIICspo Ifchas relieved mime of MaIarIAh ] door : I'uOmtafter hail beenctmfnedtothu house fir iii u nnnlhs aim ) hail becn dosed wsth hum elms , calmuol mind otherpnlronoua.lntgbuntll I uaa III dosrMlr- SwltFe speelllo is time ruumaly lot this khld of hluod poison. 0. M , CLAltli li , Agent H4tlthlrn Lllo hlsarnnce Cu. , Atlanta , Oa , , Inm o 'ap'ron ' LADIES , Uinta .infll a I' - hpvro117em1 using for n nvndh or two Iii ntl 1motmto" haul , HN1fl'a puc111O ( H. U. ii. ) the grunter Portion of otllt hanng bsun consumed by the Commode pormou of my famfy , cord wllh t' a hap1dest results. It acted Ilke a ohann on uty wIfew Ito Isd hron In had hunlllr for a long tlms and for whuut 1 hsvo pill hmtdrodl of dollars ( or doctore mud nmedlcluus. It Iupsn to hulldherimp from tlto first dues. Auothor ISnnlo momuteruf toy fntelly took It wltlt equally.alislactn- myroktllts. 11 le certalllly nme bcBt toitla for delicate ladle. that Ihate over urcd , undlhave blot them all. 1 ha ) u ue doubt that want of exorcelso , close conllnemeutlu pusrly ton lllated tutllveY , sewer gas pokun sad nurlatlal puk mn often pr/xluco. mlckttesx auung , our elves , dauallterd and slsters , onu 1 ba- Iluw SwIft's Hpucnlo Is thu remedy for all this sort of Flood poisonlng , 1' , 1. JONCH , J , 1' . tlultown , ( ta. Treatment of Cancor. For taonty years I have suarrel trout n canon or lhu silo of ley neck near .ho mhuulder and evhau.ted the whole ndnluguo of rumelles ( ( : : Lout acv surf The emrcer growing worm all time l6u , time whole up. mil art of toy holy bccauie xllff and lull of psht. 1 hail virtual S. lost tlto use of both onus , n y general health hail Irnken down amid I saw It was only a hues , : mm of tlumottlieu llife ltsolfwoaW hudtstrtlud , Inthlscotullllatr 1 ( uimitenccd the time of Hw11t'x Hpoclna , ' 1'huClot bottlurelluted11wofthoxlleness In limo mleek , thu .uconml gate coo perfect usu of my arms , andlfeel strongaudtell lu.verynay , Icon a poor men lint I ts ould limit take P , ono for the good I have PaherlolmCl , I with Hssfl's Hlsllli1. I bellmU It % s Ill force omit all time polsuu aud cnru mc w' . It. ItolliHUN,1)arlshuro , ( Is , Our truatlxu min Illanll mil Sk6 , Diseases walled frt m to applmeauts. ' 1'III Sw'IFI' Sl'ICII'1m1 CO. Druwcr3 , Alan' . ( Is , Nebraska , Cornice - ! MANUFAGTI1ltlatM CF GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES norllnor V iltidow , FI iJALS WINDQW QAPS. TIN , IRON AND SLATE ROOFING , r l'ATINT : InTA1.10 aaYLIOifT , Iron Fencing ! Creetlni's,11aluxtradea , Verandas , Olllcoand Rank ltalllogm , Wlnduw and CollarOtarde , Y.la N. W , 0011 , NIN"I ( AND JONEII 5TH. WM. OAISIOi. Manama , J , P. WEB R & CO. , - , IMANUFAC'J'UItERSOF BRACES ! I F0n 7' IUihroanE"r1ONOF Physical leforluitie $ . lliplllld SPi11al ' UiSCIISI'Sr _ _ _ _ _ _ Club Feet , Stilldl > NCes,1 ' haste LegH , hnoclkllees ( , Sc , TRUSSES of the bust make kept min bull , Tnisscerupdrol , , Crut has made to order , HDmll Julie of all klmuh douo In Steil , Iron ail SS'oo 1 , aufllel alrlog of all fluds d nu treat , cheap anti ruuqt , , 1 first rrcmluul gltcn our work at limo No "asks Htatu I'alr of mssa. 803 South Tenth SI „ Omaha , fi I N , tl II. . . , .to Ilan tull.to llon. , nrn , . or oml ur r a.e u. nl , uuurnm , bit , gd,11 , 1 , m , , i.lmr dr.lnJ , to t..I ( . I erw ' dumr I'rI"'rll au I. , rrn.lal , .oA , .ru. mN , oue'A , wtIi. . "r.o.uh m , Alrluu. Vudo"d I , IuaW" , mualdn..Iltupte.r T4 UnrltolxpeI.ur' Tb ulo futfln'.tiNerv"u.IlrLllII ' . . . , . . . umumlr.ur.rdnibt'I'll 1 sl.tltn'1'llh 111111's. ' Nre. t not I. . . re.r.mrd u ( t.lu r. mw l.a I. fill .nd jar. ( ( 'c Wuuloo L S , . I , I' ( Ito otnnly , lluraal , rod ft .mm. 1 tins'r. , . pbydohr air , I Ii ill".1'P' ' 0 II gr . .m rl. . N. . Tw ) ' ' { ° a OI3UAGO SOdlL.1 GQ J Tlla meant , % I'lfE , ele , U I , .S . .A4" brtu. I un or awn InnI'I 'Aw 240th. FaHMCII'U tUOALE ' 56 Tlmo infu 11srcuv. ; . , , sue llrlnllI.Irrx. uIrrrdf . FOBt E" , TOOLS , &c , NSi I/iCI am iix : (1111 ( : : tilt gUllk , 110 ijtw ! I.r'i111,111ItllOf'raul..It.IU t rffr/.r IIO0. , d fries Imutoe udd Jdl . . Illuumr , I"'nx , S lru. n limiter AruelOm AILU11151'I ' ait1LY , nUOLaasU. A 1L UU. . I .6.1 ! l -1ViTII- SIOUX t . FALLS l r s + ' of a/1 / 1 GRANITEI . 'And ' your work is done for all time to tune to come. It WE CHALLENGE e The World l ! to produce a more durable material for street pwe11lent than the Sioux Falls Granite , . i I BQR ANY 4 10UcT of Pav1u Blocks t t -OR- i MACADAM ! filled IronlIIt13 Samples sent and 1 , estiaultes given upon application. WMMa13AIN & CO. , Sioux Falls , Dakota ; i S. H , ATWOOD , Neb , d Plattslllout11 - - - - amtAnxn UI' nloaocomnutrn AND 111(111 OaA1189 , < NERE f 0DD AN D JENSEV CAME ! ' AND Detoc OR Jaaaa4 stn swiss , ' tlfvoung stock for ea'e , Corrospaudemi u se9ctttd , tnckps ly UFRENE & MENDELSSONN , RCHITEPTS Imported Beer oIN BOil'TLliS. ' eurIanger , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bavaria. Cullnbacher. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bavaria. Pllsner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bohelnlml . . . . . . . . . : . . . . , . . . . f DOMESTIC. 1 4 Bndwoiser. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .St. Louis Anhariser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .St. Louis. ] lost'tie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lllillvaultee. SclllitPilsner . . . . . . . . Milwaukee , lfrulh's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Onlalla. Ale , Porter , Do'uestic ' 11110 Rhino tiVune. ' ED. MAUREII , 1'21 d I'hrmnl , i ICETOOLS , OF EVERYDESCRIPTION I have aecuru.l time agency of Wm. T. oed & Co. , To sell their toots. They uru making the beat Ice ' 1'onld , cold are rho uldust Finn In lhu Unlted States. Auy lea Couq a"y tttshingta Lily tool. x111 revolve lhupruaptest atteutlon by addrux.lug F. N' . u.UMvI , 1St ? Shortnart Ateuue , Outaha , Neb , / , . ' ' 0SVANHUN Aroa.SClfll'1'OI1JE G. SVANSO N & CO. , Tailors ! 1116 F. rnaS , bet. 11th and 12th btreot OMAIIA , NaahA hA 00LD MEDAL , PARISI 1878 , BAKER'S Ooo : R'arntntcd ablol11fely pus' . Curaa , frunt tt blch limo ( Keys. o. elllma.bcenrcruustd , ItlmaOree flutes fhr etrenglh i t Cocoa ndacd whlt fitnrch.lrruwruotor Sugar , lull mind l ( Iicn furu fir Moro ccoumnl. V\ \ cal , It I. ddleluu.p uourl.llh4 , itrcugthcrtlmigesolly dlge.tcd , mud 1 ud/Olrnbly adapted for lavullds us t , well us fur per.unn health. Sold by aroecrs orognhere. I L BAXER & CO l Dordcstcr d Mass : 1