( ; TiII : DAILY BEE---COL'NCIL BLUFFS , 'MONDAY DECEMBER 3 , 1883. j [ TrYE DAILY BEE. _ - - - - _ y COUNCIL BLUFFS. Monday Mornin , Dee , 3. ; , SUBSCRIPTION MTFS : II C.rrler - - - - - - - 20 cents per work IIy ilal - - . . 810.00 pet Yor -joeelas-- : No , 7 Pearl Street , Near Broadway , MINOR MENTION , Sco JOSCpit lloiter's fall goods. Additional local of seventh page , Cheap Itailrond Tickets at ljushticll's , Tliodistrict court opens today. JudgS heed presidhig. Six per cant city and fnnn loans , S. W Fergusson d : Co , , 30 Pearl SL n w& The latest improvemeitt , Every " \Vhito" has an automatic bobbin winder , 110 Main street. St. Patrick's Benevolent society yester day attended in n body the funeral of Mr , Edward Wicklimn. Officer Leonard Saturday night arrested - ed an unknown woman for bong drunk , and lodged her in the county jail , Rev , J. ' . Armstrong has so far recov ered from hie injuries as to again be able to occupy Clio Broadway Methodist pul pit , ' The city council moots in regular scs lion this evening , and some interesting and important matters are to be consid ered. Leave to marry was on Saturday gives to Frank D Fnirloy , of this city , and Miss Erlostina Breuckmmnu of Denver. Thin fellow Fisher , arrested for steal ing a till and $40 , and who has already csdaped twice , was ro arrested in Avoca Saturday. The funeral services of Mrs , homer Caughey were hold Saturday , 1lov. Mr. Lemon ofliciating and many frionth being present , . Marcus Hart , from Pleasant township , . was on Saturday adjudged insane , and was last evening taken to the Mt. Plena , ant asylum. Mrs , ill , Carroll , fashionable dress. making. Cutting and fitting a specialty. Apprentices wanted , No , 72(1 ( First avenue - nue , up stairs. Council BIufFs lodge , 1\ro. 40 , Ii : ; of I' . , moots this evening , and it is ospoc- inlly desired that all members should bo in attendance and promptly. Ed Warner has boon arrested as the one who stole a pair of boots from Forman - man ( C Bros. ' store a wpok or two ago. He is to have a hearing today. Tlmo funeral of Mr. Edward Wickham yesterday was one of Limo most largely attended in months , there lloing ever a hundred carriages in the procession. Now jury chairs have boon pro , vided for'tho coming term of the district court , and the old coot room has boon subjected to some improvement , and the leaks in the roof stopped , Wtllhann Barrett was arrested Saturday on an old lnfornu Lion filed before Justice Abbott in August , charging him with 1 asasultingA. K. Brown. . Barrett gave i bonds for his appearance next Wodues- day , The waterworks folk are bothered' f much by the lowering of the river , i which wont down a foot in twentyfour hours , but despite one hindrance after anotljnr they expect to turn on water by thin 16th j .1. T ; fidhhleh is buy tunkitmg various i btiillling LIIt1)roVoIfeltta ot1 Broadway. y He has lately utovod n portion of mho old lfopkins machine shop to the corner of llroadwa g and Tenth and is to fit it l Up for a store , Prof. Clyde's stereopticon entertain. mont yesterday evening , like its predecessor cessor , was a success , and as one of the best in that line , l'rof. Clyde is per , i sonally a gentleman , and his entertain. mrnta are certainly fine , Rev. M Crittendon , of Sioux City , preached in tim Congregational church here yesterday in exchange with Rev , hlr. Ilamlimi , who has boot spending a few days hero visiting Mr , Keith , Mr , , Ford and other friends and parishioners , L , 11 , Nelson , who was recently nr rested of the charge of embezzleniont , preferred against him by Deere , Wells (1. ( Jo , , of this city , had his preliminrry ox nmination in Blair , Nebraska , Saturday , and was bound over in the sum of $2,500. Time board of trade meets this ovening. It is to be regretted that the board and city council manage to moet'ahnoat al. ways on the sane ovening. A change would accommodate many and insure larger attendances at the oard of trade meetings. Loring , who was arrested for stealini g clothing , has been bound over to th ° grand jury in the sum of $300 , and again in jai ! . Ibis atto rcpt to camp ° while on hi , , way to his examination be . fore Juatico Abbott , indicated } fiat' ' h , ° was afraid of the result , and wan n.bti I break for hint. ' ' , I f 1 Yesterday afternoon death ended tin sufferings of Mrs , Elizabeth Willard widow of Robert Willard , and a sister o I Mrs. George Marshal , Some tiau ag ale had a paralytic stroke , and since the the worst as been feared , amid is not t cono. She was a voryestiumablo women 1 i and bad many friends bore , who will b . pained to learn that she is no more. t I Jomiu Hilbraat , the woman who r u Gently shot Mrs. Garlowski , and wh claims to be Garlowekt s first and oil : i true wife , has boon in jail simico tIm blood affair , and has boon closely oxa u0. . fined b Y time counisaiomera of in 1 anlt' They have finally pronouncedthoivnma t insane , and yesterday aho lJs to vn t Ili time asylum at Mt. P1ea.ptL J Lot's see. Didlj k ad ajr Bowimma r issue a proclaaatitlll ; lj jiBlii ' all crop and conlideuco 'nierlut'o'todto the city I 1 twcnty.four hoitra' alidan 'n struciing th police to arrest all wllo ; failed to skip Is i , . , 4 m ' It seems as if those twentyfour hfi lib were the longest twentyfour hours over known , The mayor's watch must have slopped , for the city Is full otellows whom one would naturally suppose wore the ones meant , C. A. lhoyl , of Boomer township , has caused the police n good deal of extra work by his forgetfulness. Tic missed Ins overcoat , and concluding that it had been stolen from llia wagon , had the ollicors go the rounds of all the secmul hand stores. The coat was fouml at last , just where ho had loft it , hanging ou a nail , harry Birkinlimie , the engineer of time water works , has hall to wrestle of into with fresh perplexities owing to time sudden drop of time Missouri neccesitat ing a further lowering of his conduit. The river wont down one foot in twenty- four hour , Iirobably caused by an ice gorge near Sioux City , The figures for difIerelt ears for the last day of Novoin ber arc : 1873s 2 feet 10 ; 1876 , 2 foot 1 ; 1878 , 5 feet 1 , and 1883 , 2 feet 11. An alarm of fire was scut in by lobo- phone Saturday morning about 1 o'clock , caused by n blaze iii a small dry lbuso near Stewart's packing house. It was quickly auprosse(1 ) by the departnlout. had an attempt been utado to send in the , alarm by time box , it would have failed to reach time engine houses , as the box was out of order and a more serious loss might have followed. It ha high time the present alarm systenn was Bono away with altogether. Thu managers of the Homo of the Frioulloss report among recent donors : Mrs. F. 0. Clark , six pounds of honey ; „ A Friommd , " ome'ham , side of bacomi , four dressed chickens ; Mrs. Prof , l'aigo , $1.25 ; Mrs , Eliza A. Johnson , ono feather bed. Time number of citizens visiting the lento shows nn increasing interest , there being' ' on Saturday thir teen. It is needless to any all are wol coma. ' 1'lio improve emita are still going on. The painters are putting au the second coat , the lot has boon tilled up , adding to time healthfuhmcss as well as thin appearmoo of time house , and other ciiangot are beimgmado as Pastas finances will pcrmnit. Time death of Mr. Edward Wickham , though not altogether unexpected , still seemed a great shock to his riemids amid the community iii which he 'was so well mown , as ho hind bcol cnntined to hie bed but a week. The fimeral services were held at time Catholic church yeater. ' day afternoon and wore largely attended , Mr. Wicklmam was born in Ireland , in 1883 , old when twenty years of ago , came to this country and settled in this city whore he has since resided. With his two brothers , James and O. P , Wick- ham , ho has boon engaged in the con structuei of some of Council Bluffs boat buildings the last being tire Cathnolic church , Thcro is comsidorablo fun going on quietly about time ntahi street cars , on their trips to time evening trauma. One hotel has worked iii its colored reproaorn- tativo as conductor of the car , and another hotel has omo or two coloredpor tore of the car , and time struggle for pat , ronago is funny omough. It is growing to be rather annoying to the passenge'rd , + however , and the street car mana bdiilellt should shut down on time atraiu gblil&'nt and let the hotel runners take aopiio other field in winch to show their rWairy 'With ' a colored Conductor representing ono hotel - tel and a colored porter another halal the civil rights decision does not seem to have affected the street car ma ages not , -George Snowder , and Charles Crow. ford , two Omaha young men , were arrested - rested Saturday by Ofiicors Cresick mind ' Brooks for disturbing the peace. ' [ 'lie young mon wore quarrolifng near the transfer , and tlq ( ollicora marched thorn clear Bl 1 to the aalebooto A11(1 ( loGlicd them in. Soon after that , the prisomiera found time old lido hm time floor , and crowlcd throur'hm it into the baseuott , . amid then walked out tlo front dgpr , which was unlocked. Ooly a ( lay ortwo before a still more important prisoner escaped time very same way , ltspene , as if time least that could be dulu was to keep tlmat front dour locllcd Almost every week 'some prisomton eacapes this way , Justice Vaughan has a mixed case before - fore him. It is claimed tlmat Al Nixon stole a lior a from E. Saultdoia and sold it to Alfred Cotton , nvhmo in turn sold it to E , lb. Decker , 1)eckurhas had Plot- ton arrested for obtaining money from limn for the horse under false preteisoa , and Getton has given bonds to appear this morning at 10 o'clock , flatten in turn has sworn to an information chagg lag Nixon with obtaining money front hini for time horse under false protunsos. Saunders hna alto flied an ntiornnation agatnstNixon for stealing the horse , and has also charged Decker with larceny , the horse being found by Co1istablo Skinner in the lossesion and Decker rofusium g to give hinru 1 , Wlmile the snarl is beimiggive Skinner holds the horse , u TEE NEW DYEWORKS , . J , nfurlburt has opened , at No , 34 I Puarl'strcet , a steam dying and Fremmek velvets works , l'lumos and tips , silks , satins gent's clothing , inerchant'e shlf worn goods , all made good as new , I'lukoil Up by L'ulk'o , ° Chief Field , of time police force , reports f the total arrests for November as 82 , the dllferent olrenaos being as follows : ° I'uuk , , . , , . . .nn , . , , nn. . . . . . . . l'Q n ltsmrbbigthe'ear ' u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Y Vagrancy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Assault amid battery , , , , , , . , . , , , , , , , , j a Iusano , . 1 1.areony , . . hmtiatoa of hotm.cw of Irrt ttttitlulm. . . . . . . . .9 0 3talictou sdeclttef „ . . , , . . , , , , . . , . . , , : ianberzlenent. , , , . . . . 1 0 Asxauhwltlbttenttokill „ , , , , , , , , , , 1 Sailing liquorwthoutllcomisa. ( . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 y ( iianhllmg . . . . . . .n , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a 0 Crtminallibel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s' n Front lifly to ono hundred dollars nma y ° be saved 0n seal aacques by purclmasium g of Metcalf Bros , 342 and ale Broadway Ii Council Blutl'd , This 'fmnn does n0 ka charge thu recent advance of lift ) pea cent in seal goodsthoy guaranteoqu dit y a and u4o npthiug but genuine Londe e dyed Alaska sealekius. ' 1'o uutstlr i without addhlhomal cost. A BIQODY BURGIAR. lie Eaters Jndgo Jamcs' ' Honso and Shoots at II s DanghICF , In IIi9 Esmpo Ito Takes wlili Illn , . : Ruch Jewelry. At an early hour yesterday morning , between one mid two o'clock , a burglar made a auccossfltl entry into the real- deuce of Jauge , lames , mt Third avenue , and after securing about $800 worth of jewelry from Mrs , , lames' room , was prowling about Limo house , whoa her daughter , Htiss Kate Larinter James , the well-known vocalist , was aroused from her sleep , mid opening the door of her room , discovered the burglar , crawling along on his hands amid klieea on the parlor floor. As silo opened time door ho fired'a revolver aitlmerat her or to frighten ling mid as she shut time doer , ( ho follow hurried out of the front door , She at once throw up her window , fu time to 1100 iuitn stop older a largo tree , near time sidewalk , slip on his shoes , which h0 hind left therd on entering the house , and run away , 'Phe ball which lee fired struck a chair in Llmo parlor in alinost a straight line between - twoen Miss Janes and the burglar. After passing through time velvet upholstery - story of the chair time ball lodged iii time casement of a door. On the afteruoei before a moan called at the house claiming [ lint .Judge mimics hind sent him to fix the pump iii time kitchen , which needed some repairs. lie hind a hammer mid a wrench , and after fussing with time pump said that it needed some new rubber or loather , mid started off to get some , and did not re- turn. It afterwards appeared that time fellow was not sent tl 1 ere at all and it eouuts plain nowtbat , the pump- repairer and tmo ) , burglar were ono amid the mine person , and that the pretext of fximg , time piunp was for time purpso of gettjlg At thine arrangement of thin house. Opm yrimidow of Mrs. James' room was Ipox ; , gped that by standing in a littio recoas Ou ; h0 outaideof time Iiousethe burglancduldptmep in and ace just whore aimemplaccd hmer lewolryamid having thus all'tlto'faotII ' in his possession , it only ro- mainodftorl , him to enter old hot ) him , eel ( It is exPActed that ho also had an d { yo on Miss lames' diamonds , but her tvakeuiug prevented a visit to her room. e th q bliicorshave apretty good descrip- tioin ( if , lee follow there is mono prospect foi iii 1'apture. . . . , - - 1'1tAC'PICAia 1'IET1 , A Cburoh 1)edicatcll I roe from Ucbl , -Ot tier 1)oingN at t'oon ' itnplds. CooN 1tAPtus , In. , November 80-Time ontortainnient given on Thanksgiving evening by time Masonic fraternity was a success in every respect. Thorn is a great deal of small litigation - tion in our juattdo's courts at thus time growing onto ? limo difioulty of making collections. r ° ThigmPresbyteriams dedicated their now chule'tt on last Sunday. Thmero were resent Rev. Ewing , of Parsons College , Fairfield ; Rev , McElhaiy , of Chicago , and Rev. Bailey , state missionary , of Carroll , as wall as the dastor of the church. Tim dedicatory sermon was delivered by Dr. Ewing , mid was am extremely - tremely lnu and scholarly address. Time now building is a moat and connmodious structure and the congregation out of debt. $100 more that was necessary was raised to lay all claims. Mllu 0.K 1lftnmlot. On Saturday evening Miln appeared again at Dohaimy's ball , this tiimio in ham. lot , lbe almowOc1 A marked iinjmiovnmenl' over bass saaaoln , amid in some of time lines was really grand , calling forth utuch imp- i 1auso. That a nian could so quickly change from time pulpit to time stage end gain any sort of success is a surprisinj ; fact. Mihk has not only won success-hi fact , leaped into popularity-but slows that , though far from perfect , lie is deatiued to 1 o great in Ida chosen eharac tore. lie still has time natural fault of overacting , but seomia to be ronledyiug this very fast , and iii Ilnulet , as pro , aentod by hun , thmero are passages in wlmichho , comes very close to those who have studied and played the cimraetorfor years , whore h ° lens spout momitlia. Miss Guurusoy , as Ophelia , wet Boom merited applause. Sue is amotimer pho nouunal actor. Although she has prepared herself by years of time toast thorough culture ) hero and abroad , and imas for soy- oral years dehighttd nudionces with nor rcadnmgs and inn Iersouatiouii , this is bur lirat season el ttm stage , aamid to take time part of loading lad iiach a company and iii such ) Jn s wised oven her ad. mirin friends to'ivm er but , thouh oho has touch to gain ut she certainly has ( got , above time lower run a already , and is destined to roach time tag , SPECIAL NOTICES. - , - .deurtt.omenta , each as Loet , Found , To Loan , Fur Sale , To [ tent , Wante , Board , big , eta , wlll to lu.etied In this column at the low rata of TEN CENTS PEIt L1NK for the Iltet Inevrtlon and FIVE CENTS 1'KR rdNE for each vub.equent In. .ertlon. Lease admsirtleemont. at our omlco , No. 7 t'earl Street , nee liroadwav WANTS , ' 1 f ANTN1n-A good smart , energotln man to take a b.ll Intsn.t In a ar.t clan , and good pa } Ing buslne.s. Only a nnall amount of mono } rnulred ; , Addrys I. O. ton' . real estate elam , Isenalnlalrry't , Connell Dluds ' 1) ) ANNKU-Thrye nom. , unhnrobhed , or .mall 11 huu.e , hear Inca onlW , , by guttleuan amid xlfu , Address II , firs onhv , ANTED-Escry body mu Council Itlude to take W'nnlias DIlverr t by carder only txvnty eonla a week. 7)0 ; IIAIIUAINAnyohu xadlt.ga yt of Jnlhu l ) .us. Inr : ) dete'Iia , eight 10lpilml's , earrgr't a ber- gate by rrdling at Ills lieu otlieu AIIINET l'iIOTtS-Mu by the dotmt at the Axeyh Cdorgallery , 110 Malt. r tevt , Couhcll Blulls Dinner , and dumnn' fare both way. to Omaha sus. tuners uu . u/ Ole mul upxards. 1 lANTEI/-Imrryb..ly : to buy' . l'hrlshnt. ' pn end worth muure than dlunouu.-u potle 2 It ' the Mutual Ute hnuruue con any , nl New lark ( ti. . largv.toomnpaiiy Iu lira world ( ruts. lower than auyolhvr.wmpauv , n. F.Itolucr.gvat for wed clntowaCouuclllnud. . ' FOR SALB AND KBNT , U IIENT-A goal romp , 11o by la tout , omvr th IT f..tumlor , fadng Pratt .trot. Appq' at Ba N nabs _ n : r iuimm ltll-rawtayrarhag I.et'e4 r ulorre 'r , ) sal n hitu. black usn'.nr siul a [ .alt hid , tit e . kathti , .trap oil neck , ll. Dl. lllttltt'N , Corner Peal aid hroadaa- . ROE EII Our speech is short , but to time point , Hest Chicago discounts every day fu the year on Robber Boots Shoes , AND ARCTICS. Goods WAItIIANTED as good as ANY in limo market. They a o made by time NEW JERSEY RUBBER SHOE CO Wo have a big line of SPECIALS and an IMMENSE stock of regular and EXTRA WIDE Boots and Shoes in all sizes , ready to ship ou receipt of orders , cc 7 Or second quality Boots wo are introducing are better than umny so-called firs quality , and we give a largo LU'RA ' discount of then. Z , T. LINDSEY & CO. 412 Broad.waY > Counoil Bluff Iowa. MAYNE & PALMER DEALatS IN Hard and Soft Coal , HULK AND BARBEL LIME , LOUISVILLE AND PORTLAND OEnENT , DI1CIIlOAN PLASr nNAr AND SEWE1i Pn'E No , 63D Broadway , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , SMITH & TOLLER , u ! I . 4 , I' ' s ' II a O W O rxi H ti p 1. r C , s O r MerchantTaiors..r 7 and 9 Main Street , axRacJTORY , CIOUNCJIL LVFF15 , IA. ATTORNEY AT LA * . MANAOEIt OF PoTrAwArrAnmE ! COUN JOHN W , BAIRD TY COLLECTION AGENCY. Office corner Broadway and Slain etrcot. JOHN BEND & COs , tBMain cotandl7Tl'earIDstoet C1tESTON HOUSE. MAg MORN , Ilotcl , 217 and Ole DIa1n street DR , J s F , WHITE , Corner itoln and Fifth up stalre OFFICE , Residence , , 60e lylllow anomie. JUSTICE OF TILE PEACE , N SOII Z , Omrn Deer American Express. S S. WAGNER , Wlll contract far funerals LIVERY at AND caombla rates , 22 Fourth street. i Wholcsalo butter eggs , pout- JOHN & COCASH BUYERS „ , tryand fruit. Ship tons. Draft by return mall. 116 Broadway. JACOB KOCH , Atock Complete. , Butte made att rcasonablo TAILOR prices. , No. Boy DTnln 8th G F S MITH CONTRACTOit AND BUILDER , a Corner 7th and Broadway. Plans and specifications furnished. DEALER IN FINE nARNESS. W , W . SHERMAN 1 have the variety that brings patronage. 121 Main etroat. J AM E S FRANEY MERCHANT TAILOR , , , Artletto { York and reasonable charges. 872 Broadway. HOWE & SONS and household Supplies FURNITURE STOVES , a Broadway. ATTORNEYS AT LAZY , LINDT & HART , James Block. 1'ractlco hi state and federal courts. SANITARIUM A mho , u so , 21 andn23 Broadway. I. . Sovorofgn , Prop. P. J. Mont , ' JUSTICE TILE PEACE , EDWIN J , ABBOTT , Notary Public and General Comoyancer. 416 Broadway. SMITII A NORTON , REVERE HOUSE , Broadway opposite New Opera ltouso. Refitted $1.81.60 per day HAIR GOODS. q Or ALL KINDS. Sold at e Lowest Prices IN TILE NEST , QUALITY CONSIDERED. At MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , - 337 W , Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. p9 ( OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. ) TOLOAN ESTATE ! Complete Abstracts of Title to nil Lots and Lands in the County. PREMIUM POJTWTS -xN- : I a ator Colors , Cnulern Eulnr enlent for the trade at reasonable rates. Orders Dy mail promptly fillet , D. 143 Bma . Council Bluffs. GROSVENO . R & GUNN. MANUFACTURERS OF 81W QMS , 311 Upper Broadway , Council Bluffs ; Iowa IF YOU WANT BOOTS , SHOES OR RUBBERS CALL ON 7 i Corner Mni11 and First Avenue , Council Bhtfls. lie hits Them PETER C , MILLER WIfOLESALE AND RETAIL Wall-Pa P er and Win dew Shadesand Painting all Its Branches , FRESCOING IN MODERN STYLE , No.113 J5touth X'ani 1 Ht. 7ounoi1 lufGas ax c r 1 1 Our line of Stoves is the Bmoss coi1 Mete in tie city amid include all the most Desirable Pa + terns and Latest Improvements 1Vo have lutuunertw time prices down as thin us tlmy will stand without breaking and you two invited to call Illid soh how thick thlu stoves mire iii colmipinrisoil. PECIAL DRIVE ON A LOT OF HARD COAL STOVES , NNiehel , alightly tarnished , at a reduction of $5.00 each. I :1T'c OL + wRTGxxP , ' r 504 Broaawaj and 10 and 12 Main Ste , Council Bluffs. n . . rr Em kae Isar dwaxe rlrn . .1r , 1 WI30L I51AL 1 Hardware , f I . ' t . a ; ' i 100 and 111 S , Main Street , ' , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , r rIt : $ c ,1f ] ® 9 1VIIOLESALE IEAL11lS IN HATS , CAPS BUCK GLOVES , 342 and 344 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , If1WA , HOUSES , LOTS AND LANDS IBought and Fold. Money Loaned , Abstracts F urn i ' d P. .X. MOMASON No. 4 Pearl Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. SIX PER CENT OPTION LJANS On City and Farm Property. I YO. , , , I 39 Pearl 'Street , Council Bluffs. Iowa. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT DEALER IN Lathes' Purfilsijifla Goods I NOTIONS , JEWELRY &C. 1 3.37 w. I3rondway , - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA M. GALLA HER. Now Store , Fresh Cords , Low Prices and ! 'oath Attdndante , TRY { First Door east of Metropolitan Hotel , } LONEttOROAnVAY cennyn nl n. . , STEINHARDT & FREYHAN , Wholesale Liquor Dealers ! 317 Broadway , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS : 0 BEUIITELE'S European HOteL The only only hotel run on the European plan in this city. Now building , newly furnishedand nil modern improvements , and is centrally located , PETER BEC ! TELE PROPRIETOR , Nos. 336 and 338 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa. PAWNBROKERS SALE OF V0. r edeemed Goods. GREAT BARGAINS In diamonds suitable for ladies and gents , also in ladies' and gents' solid gold and and silver watches and chains , and tt full line of set and plain gold rings , 250 men's and 00 boy's overcoats. All these articles must be sold. Money but emi ALL KINDS of personal property. D. GULDSTEIN , 228 Middle Broadwayl opposite city building. Council Bluffs. a.dr :161 : . ® .6-dl- .JlL. 1 AIN -IN- - - LAI i l f Table Cutlery , Flower Pots , Etc. , call on w. S. HOMER & CO. , - 23 Main St , , Council Bluffs. 9 y , YOU UEl' S 1nt : fn' FITCH BROTHER'S ' CUSTOM SHIRTS ? Perfect Fltth g , lust anal Cltcapest. 1'leu Llnet. ( 'ollars and Culls , T1'o. 715 Fourth Street , Counoil Bluffs , Iowa. W. R VAUCHAN. Justice of the Peace. Omaha and Council Bluffs , Real estate and eollectlon agency , n Odd Fellow's look , over Savior. Dank. janSll- JACOB SIMS. E , P , CADWELL. SIMS it CADWELL , Attorneys it-Law , COUNCIL IILUFFS , IOWA ° meo , Stilt. Street , Roons 1 and Shugart I ife- Mahon's hock , tYSI prw tloo h , State and vd..tl courts ruoe. orytcaa , a , mt , resat , OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS. Council Bluf s IL Establishes - - 1856 Dealers ml Foreign and Domestic Exchange and Rohe synuee synueePILES. . tnxt PUos and Falling of the Rectum for radical and permanent rare , h , from two to weeks Operatlons Painless. Diseases of the Rectum a Specialty , DR , A. J. COOK , il'dau item Coui ei Ilit.d. , oxa - Make Your Contracts Now for Your Winter t upply of Missouri Hard' ' Wood ! ANU 11AIIDAND BOIT ! ca1 -WITU- P. OVERTON , 505 First Avenue , Council Bluff , Iowa , Ant secure the beat article amid full measure atth , mer } loreat mica State rood dctered to uny liar of the city R , Rice M. D. or other tumors removed sIthoulthe C ANCERSI knife or drawing of blood. CHRONIC 111SBASESofkindsasectaity. , User thirty year. practical experience , Oa1ce No. 6 I'earl street , Council liluffs , t 'Consultatlontree. JOSEPH GAGIIEa 1. . HARD WOOD . AND --COAL- - - - Corner Main strcrtanti Eighth a enco , Corn Bluffs. tsrLoxest rates and prompt delivery DR. WHITTIER f , 617 St. Charles Sf. , Sf , Louis , Mo , A IIEOULAR ° RADUATEuftwo medleSiconere. , 11hasboom engeged longer in the treatment of CIIIION10 , NERVOUS , SKIN AND BLOOD Dlsesws than other physlctan In Bt , Louis , as city ; apere slew and ail old residents know , Consultation free an hrvitnl. When 1t Is Inconvenient to sisit the , dty treat nient , mo.llcbes , can ho sent by mull or ex'Des everywhere. . ; exists tt is frankly stated , Call or xrlte , Nervous Proetratlon , Debility , Mental and l'hysia Weakness Throsit . , lmpuuitics and Klund Tolson ing , Skle Adoctlons Old Sorss and Wmrs Irn1W meat. to n.arlageT . iheuumti.ni , piles Spe , al ao Ientlonto case. front overworked . HUItOICAI , CABEy _ receive .puclal attention , nisuaes ari.iug Iron , Imprudence , Excesses , lodulgencos S00 pagrstha halo' MARRIAGE.tdr mm yll told , it any recvlptn' xhouuy Cdi CTIT T. . mseT ) , ' . may not. xhycause.ausuyueucedanti cure. Mailwlforitc ; o.tago or staihm.t w'nt 4A daaI nit regumar gr..muaty me. EUbONA I Oscr sixteen OoeandSodWyandotte St. ' - t0 KANSAS CITY , MO. Chicago. Authorlrol by the stet , to tees. Chronic , Nervouaand Private dioceses , Asthma , Epilepsy , Rheumatism Piles , Tape Worm , Urinary and silo Dim' ! ease. , Seminal Weakness ( night losses Buxual Debiiltylos of texual lexur , eta 'nice. guaranteed or mousy refoaded. Charge , kw , Thousands of ase. cured. No injurious medl' dues furnished even to { wtlenls at a distance. Con. sultatlon ire , and confidential-c&U or wvttu' age and experience are Important. ADOOKforhotlrsoxe.- llustratod-and circulars of other thing. sent sualsl nut. , . two a cent stamps. F1tEE MUS&UM ly mad od w I