- - - _ _ _ _ _ % _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T THE DAiLY BEL-OMA1IA , MCiNDfl . _ D1OEM2j 3 , 1 3 - - , ,4Rea1 Estate , . B A 9 0 A . I N , SIN . -IN-- . City , Suburban and Farm Property. , We have alPine Tract near Oonterof Oitj Whic is a p Bargain. . . SPECIAL. ! .UO-Fufl lot wIth 6 room house on 15th St. , etwecn Center and Ior. Good cellar , bar , , , coal hotue , cistern , .ldcwalk , , 8hrubbCry , etc. Oroatl3irgaln. $3&O-1orntlfiil lot with 4 room houo , good t'cIlr , large closctg , etc. Sightly location. its $1SOO-Lot 91x132 , with 7 room cottage Oti Sher. , , ! IahI avenucletwoon Sherman and Clark elreut. Good property. 120 $ ' . ,3OO-Two beautiful lot. In McCorrnlck'e addi. tltflI , On F'aniani , , treet. u9 , aO.-lleeo l'laco , L'ark avenue , lull lot. tiew twti.story Ioueo , 7 roonis , good cellar and coal 'hed , city water , troci aiid all Lmprovonient. liaraln. . : ! l 1OCaeh-Lot 3il3S on 11th St , In Koutzo , , 4th addItion. liouce 4 large rooms , lot beauti. fully located anl l really worth much more. lte.iion for .olliiig , must have money. 1r2 $1,250-Each tlrco beautiful ote in Romeo 1'lace , l'ark avenue on oaey terms. fl4 $ l,3JO-llalf lot on Saunder , street. Good house 4 roontm , good cloocts , pantry , etable. well , cl. turn porch fret amid rear. Price $1,300 , two. thlrtis cash , This Is a largan. ( Must be .old by the Oth or will Ito wltbdcawn fromealo. . Improved I'roperty. . , -12 room house , ocr. 13th and California .treete , 6 C108et8 , ceUar , city water , outboumes , eta , $9,7Oo-i room houea on N. 13th etroct , closete , cellar , cLtcrn , well , etc. lISDEORD & Sooeft. $31000-Good ek room house on Davenport , bet , 23l and 24th , two story o osets , pantry cellar , cistern , well , ult anJ ehrubbery , ataLie and out.houses. 31OO-FuIi Izo lot on MeCandlish place , clth two frame cottages , one 5 room , poe S coon' . For sale or exch.onge. $2,100-Good two and a half acre lot with flve room cottage , brIck cellar , well , fruittree , , etc. One of the beet three ory brick buemess ho orm Farnam atreet. Terms prwatc. $3iOO-Now 7 room house on N. 18th etreet. A. modern improvements. Oood location. Cheap 1 $3,300-Now two story house Queen Ann tylo. All modern bnrovomcnts , city water , lot IQOx C 100. ( . S ' I Two full Iota St. Mary' . avenue and 20th , wIth S houses. Will be flrst clase business property. Terms eaey. 4,75O-Lot66xil6 , wltltwo house. . Cheap. 2SOO-Two house. In Nelson a additIon , on Con. tor street. Outcousee , cistern , fruit treee , eta. lJu.sincae house and lot or , Douglas BtrOet , bet. utn and 15th. Term , easy. New S room liousoonChlcago. bet. 2ithand 25th. All Improvement. . Two now house , , one elx and ocher 8 rooms. Flrst.clase and modern improvement. . Terms Easy . , 36 S2,700-Lot 100X182 , ColLege Street , P.edlck'g _ a' . I eubdlvlslon , new 5 room hoUse. Well Improved. P. 13 e2,500-Lot 50x150 , Convent etreot , 6 room cot. r tage , large basement .uitabie for rooms. barn etc. f2,3OOroom house Thornell's addition , barn , well. deLco , ROOd Improvements , too cash , * 1,500 on bug time. f4,200-1 room house on Davenport , bet. 16th and 17th. Lot 1Thx500 on Sherman , large houo , barn an other Improvements. Lot without improve. ment I. worth the money we ask bit. To new house. and two full olco lot. on Park avenue. hot and cold water , and a modern first class Improvenments. lfouso would cost what we ask for whole. Extra good bargain. $2,600-Lot 82x150 car. 17th and Center , house 4 rooms , barn , sater , trees. outbuildings. tOOO-Fivo room house , lBto hot. California L Webster. Nice proiurty. Ternis easy. $1,500-Lot 0 , Iulock S. ShInn' 2d addition. One 511(1 ( a half story house. Tunmiq easy. 62 3OOO-Oooil 7 room house onShermn.'en. Modern Inlprovemnents , stable , well , cistern. A bargaIn , 63 66000-Full lot , otis 8 room 011(1 one 5 room house , imew , 5 blocks from the opera house. Very cheap. tf $ t.bOS3)iOflIItl lot on Dodge , ricer 15th. Chen 53 , OOO-1.aryo house and small cottage. Esce location full "ITO I ° t Davenport near 19th. t $4,600-Lot OOxlOO. IOOi 6 room house , modern mprOvoment5. near hmisines , on Sherman eve. pi $ lroo-'Fwo lots , 126x140 , with house stable etc. Barker's euh.dividor , . 55 1tJOO-Lot and a half , good house , ltcdlck'e sub. divisIon , ( corner. ) 06 Lot wtth 7 room house , Chimgo bet. 13th and 14th. C . 01 1tOOLot and 5 room house , hlorbach' , addi. lion , wail , cistern , etc. Everything In good ro. pair. pair.5ofrtanj4roohouso,1asrd , her. 1Cthnd 17th Unimproved Property S SAUl BYflRDFORDSOUER. NJ. 2 $ lQOO-Lot 60si27 , IndIana and lMvlston , 8 ST ® each-Two lots SfxlSS earl , , on 11th. Cheap , and 2 lots 66x132 each on 10th. 11 p260 each-i lots In Yates & Rood' . addition 23 87,200-12 full size lots , ilanecom Place , one block west of I'ark avenue. $ s5o each-Two lots on l'ack avenue. BargaIns. Business lots ou Dodge , between 11th and 12th. St $400-Lot In ShIms's additIon. on Seward street. 33 S3,000-Full lot , 1toed'.1t addition , on 25th and Chicago. 4 $ t 000-Six good lots In Ilanecom Place. Bar gaIns. 64 3,0O0-Lot 50x120 , on Farnam , near0th. Vo thee1 , . 50 Fouracres InWeet Omaha , 60 $550-Lot In Iseacs & Soldcn' addItion. 69 $1,500-FIne lot ltethlick's addition. Park aye , 84 6400-52 feet of Lhock , z , Slminne additIon. Fine view. 88 $ i,200-Lot44x50on 16th. BusIness property worth twIce time lirico asked. 94 $3,500-Full size graded lot on ChIcago , bet. 13th and 14th. OS $800-Oood lot , high location , south 10th. lOi ) $8,000-33x132 on 10th , bet. Heresy and 110w. aid. 103 $750 each-Two extra good lot in ZIlansoom , addItIon. Coodhigh location. Bargains in Farms & Lands No. 10 27 per acre-ISO acre improved farm , near Crea. ton , Iowa , 10 acres woodland , 45 acres corn , 25 acres Timothy and Clover. IS 4,0O0-4O acres S 4 of a mIle west of Ft. Omaha two houses , two barng , granary , corn crib , two wells , .00 bearIng fruit trees , 300 grape vinee. will sell or exchange. 14 $7,000-Sooacres , halt mile N. W. Elkhmorn , 140 acres In cultIvatIon , balance pasture , Four room house , stable , etc. Terms easy. Si 2960-Ito acres good land , 4 1. mIles from Bur. lington , CotTon county , Kansas. Will exchange for Omaha Property. Cl 39,400-240 acres adjoining city of Wlhber , Saline county. All Under fence nd well Improved. ThIs property Ischeap at hO,000. 66 $20 per acro-400 acres , 3 miles from Waterloo , Douglas county. Part in cultIvation balance meadow , all good land. Will sell or Wili arrange ithcattlo man for co.partnership , or will coo tract to feed 800 or 400 head of cattle. 70 to 82-10 000 acres In Msrrick county. Good till able iand , and whil ho sold train 6 to 9 per acre. 89 67 per acre-WIll buy ISO acres In Cedar Co. 96 215. per acro-320 acres 2 miles from hamburg loire. 97 815. per arcs-Improved nearLogan Iowa. 104 Seysral hundred acres In Coming Co. Nob. 105 SIx thousand acres In Stanton Co. Nob. 107 $10'per acro-2200 acres timbered land in Ray Co.Mo. three smnallfarme ontnls land , balance good cottonwood timber , whIch will more than pay far investment. For sale or oxehango Omaha property. SPECIAL. 108 $2,2)0-LOt ) 211x220 , cur. . .11 and I3ev.w St. , south Omaha , macor Hascahl s Park , brick house , lourrooms , well , cistern , stable , cellar. All in good conaltion andnearly new. 9 25 per acro-400 acres In Washinirtn county , 6 miles south of Blair , on line of C. hL I' . hi. & 0. railroad. Station at curlier of this land Good stream running water , 100 acres In cultIvatIon , 60 acres grass , 180 acres tImber-oak , hIckory , walnut aml elm. Small houeo , good fruit arid abundance of grapes. is partly fenced. One of tIme best farms In thu county. If purchaser wishes , wIll sell homestead adJ'InIn good herd of cattle. tCahi and examine other property not Istod. BEDPORD & SOUER , . St . Ut bet , arnam and iougias - . . . . KRKWOOD1 ! . . . . ' "r" Lots 111 this athiltion are selling rapithy , anti prices will be agair : . ) I1 fl few days. These are witlrnttt a fIoult the IhlOSt desirabit tots it Ornitlia , ahiti will certaiiily double in price before spriug. All whc I itavel sceii tlieiii arc vo11 1)1eted aud priiouflco Ulehn c1iep. : BEDFORD & SOUER , . fieI Estate Agency , L' ILxE : : I : , : .14th Street , bet , F.rnam and Douglas , S . ' B - - - ; ; - . - . - - - . . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - FANDIF. 'a f yonare suffering from veer health lot languishing on a bed of sIckness , 'aeke hoer , If ou are slni1mly ailing , 'or It you feil sak anI thlspltitd , s1th. 'outcicarhy knowing shy , lieu Bitters 'will surely cure you. " ! i Sdii ' ° " ioIlitivr % , an I 9v tstvd , OUr 'edt ' ith your 1tOrI rrttitk , Cir a MoLIii , WArn dI 'a'Ith rare anil siork , i'ra 111cr , ut busliross or Iatorrr iekeiied bythio straiii of 3Iiir everyday ihutlc , or nuin of letters , tollIng river your mnUimighit work , Ilop Bittei allh y streiigtiirn b ° " , llf you arc emillerlng 'from oser.catliig or 'heinklrig , any Indrecre. 'thin or rhis.slpstlon , or 'see 3 ruIng and gro log tOO tact , as Is , .tten the caes. ' "Or If you are In the orkehnp , , on the farirm , at liii desk , etahori' , , knd feel 'that your e stein ieetls , cleantig , , ton. lug or stlnuIat ng , without Intoxicating , . you arc old , llood thin titl Impure , 'pulse feehilo , tiers o unsteady , faculties aatiiiir , , Itoh hitters 14 , hat tim , , neetl to , to gim ii you new life , healthm atirl . " It you are costis o or iI septie , or suiherlog front airy other of the Irilismer. ou diseasci of tiio stonsacir or boweI , It Is your ins ii feult If on remain lii. " It you are msaetiig , ai ay ith any focus of lctthiiey thIease , stos ) teniimtimig deaths this moment , oust turn for a cure to Ibis hitters. lfyou are sick sstth that terrible sickness Norvossness , 3015 ssbll furl a 'Ilahisi In ( .hilead' In Ilop flitters. : ' n ) emI ( itO C frequenter , or a resident of a miasmatic riretrlct , liacekaile ) our Bystein against this scourge of all corns. tries-malarIa , epidemic bilious auil Irtornnittent , los ere-Iy thu USC of hop Bitter , It yoi ha'o ronghr , pImply , or sahIisi skin , trail breath , hop ltitter'r seill glse 3'oiI fair skIn , rIch blood , the sweetest lreath , and health. 500 vIll ob hall for is mso tIpsy will not cure or help. That poor , betl.ridrlcnr , iniatid nit , , , sister , mother' Qr daughter , cun ho made the pietniru of health a tow tottle of hop Hitters costIng but atriiio , Saratoga NotcH. Miss Ada Smith was the rocpioiiL of a * , Icasatit , surprise at her 1101110 011 Slier. 111511 avenue , Thaiiksg'iring eve. A coiiipaiiy of about. titirLy , includitig quite a nuniber froinc your city , invaded alid took possession. Au enjoyAble tiio was tim resuli , the boot'muslo was in titton. dance , dancing formed the prhicipa flfllUlOlllOflt , iid the usual lunch wits CII joyed. Tue festivities continuing until the wee 5111511 hours. rirho s.v. . A. S. itistead of the S.V , G. S. , as your conl1)ositor'wouhl Ilavo 1110 I say , itict Thanksgiving iiiglii for their first gohenreal. Saratogi was largely represented at Boyd's Thursday e1iing , on the account of the presentation of "Tue 1)udn. " AmOlig the siumbor were Mrs. , JIUIICS II. ltyhlor , Mrs. C. D. Bruwster , Mrs. 1d- I Will Patrick , Mrs. K. F. Klught , Mr. 0. 1 \v. JOIISIOy , with Miss Cant F. ICisight. Mr. S. 11. Browster with Miss Alice Rustill , Mr. WililaIn .1. Jatisloy with Miss Jennie l'ntrick , Messrs. James H. Conrad 1111(1 E. L. Patrick. * .Genoral 0. 0. lloward wiil address the Ullioli Sunday school to.lllorrow u 8 p. In. All are cordia1y 1IIS'Zted lo attend. Colonel Dtvid Willard and wife , who I have been spotstUng a few days at nitd near Saratoga , left thia'inorniug for Ror. luau , Nob. , to spend the sabbath. Cooioo. L't1tSONAIj. Mutt. B. , Bhengliasni , representing the Micui'r. gan Stove comniian , of Cliiciwo , is at the l'ax. tori. tori.j j A. Buckstatl and wife , of Lincoln , nero visitinj. a few days at D. ( I. IIull'is. Mr. George \Vnrd , clerk in the tiansporta. tion deparmomit , ( lolsot eitmartorrnaster's office , has returned from Washington with his bride , . 'iv. , H. Sumner , of Schoylor , is at the Mu. lard. 4 5 Miles Zcntmoyor , of Schuyler , arrived at time Millard yesterday. A. 0. McCartloy , of Superior , is a Millard . arrival ThomniasV. . Lowrey , of Lincoln , Is at.tho Isl'illard. MadamoUnnio1Iauk retiti company arrived I yesterday front St. , Josoph. ' [ 'hey leave this morning for Lincolir. They return Tmnesdicy , I meirti vii1 glyc a concert hero Tuesday ovening. I Sam Levy , of Salt 1.uko City. arrived Iii Omahinyosterday , on his way liwno ( ruins a business trip through tire emit. Mr. Levy irs abe of tim leading business irremi ( if the calnital of Utah , and on'o of tIre inninbor vhro nitiblrrt ( i ( by. Murray's views In rogant to thin Mor' 111011 p oblennn. lEe otayerl over one day for the purpose of 'isiting hr'rH old friend Frit.scher , tIm cigar manufacturer , with whom ho worked in Onmnalna Comic term yeats ngo. Lilliun Spencer nod comnjiany are at tile Millard. Fred C. forger , nnsanmagcr of the Sal Snrmithi liusseil conniany , iii at the 'ehIiiard. \neyor U. ij : . Mieorr , of Lincolir , Is in the city amid iir at tIre l'iX toil. TIIO Trliiiniphnnt Iisrtry , The baby army is coming thick nitid fast , and nnnon tile advance guards is a 12 1)OthIld boy at the 1ouso of P. Swan , a IllaClililiSt it. the OIflplOy of the U. P. . Biloiss , aliti a lad only ollopound lighten' net ; the residence of It. 0. linewold , this Sixteonthatroct inerohant , Both mothers amid children are getting along nicely , Tile grant crop of N'uhraska has boon s'ory abuiidniiit , and the baby CFOI ) prom. ibes to be equally as good. rbo eamirplea thus far received nero large itniti bright , and the ( mid hearts of their parents arer looking forward to a bright. future for Llmcau wolcoimmu gihimilts. Another Oalthp Comnspan , Articica of incorporation of lloyd Brothers Lanri and Live Stock COIflIaIIY ( ) have been lion in tine office of thu county clerk. 'l'lhU principal place of transacting its busimnees is to be Omiiahia , and the goit. oral nature of the business to ho tramis. noted is tine raising of cattle , the Plir. chase nun sale of live stock , IlIad other business incidcmlt thereto. 'J'hio amount ( If authorized capital cLock is fixcii at $500,000 in shares of iOO ouch , which shall 1)0 paid as follows : 'fliirty.thireo PUP cemit at the tilqo ( If aIlbecliptirrmn amul thu remainder at such time as the board of ( lirectors may call for the same. Tine time of comumomncelneIlt of this organizatiomi is the 6th day of November , 1883 , and ts terlninatiIn shah be the tithi day of No. VOII1bOP , 1900 'l'lmo highest amnoiimit. of judubtedmices tA ) which tilts COIIIpLLIIy ins nihiowtid to irUisjoct itself nit. any onu limo shall ho $100,000 , Thu oui'mcorn by wilohIn the atheird of the conp t'y ' will be iinmtit- aged are to be a president , vicu.presidoilt , secrct.sry anti tru.irsurcr , Five dirccti.ra are to 1)0 C1IOSCII antiunily , wile elect the PreeiileImt and 1CO.lmrCHidcl1t Ironi among their nulnber , amid ntpjmoint. a secretary. 'l'lno prctidomtt money also ibid the otilce of treasurer , 'I'hiu lucorporators miru btIIlC $ l. htoyrl , SiIIOUUI lloyd , .101111 t1. lloyd , 11011144 .1 , " . flOi1 and A , G , Iluehtamutmo , A NEW DEAL , NI ) Moro Itahiroati l'aasoq 5'c ot ( ho Missouri 1tver , . - I Colnlslssiomlor 1)anlols , ot the Colorzuh L'dol nssoc'iaion , alIllotIlIcOs that p1secial arrangelnenta for certain c1ssc of i' songer btltinoas to amid from Colorado ) Oihlt,8 has'o booms jointly rngrcecl upon5 aiitl all rules , regulatloins , 511(1 nspcc'mal rates heretofore in force have been Cdli. celeti. 1"rolfl niid after lcC. 1 , 1883 , orders for tickets at special rates west. lOthhld , and rcqll'bstd for simmtiiar tickets east.bound , Inay be hllado upohl hslanks furillellod by the COlIhlIlIlSioller , nitl by such representatives of thin litie luollibors of tins association , oil ot' east of tine Mis. SCIlPi river , as are authorized to iniriko ricii orders attil requests. Colnunorciat tickets * siay be issued as follows : For actual shippers resitlont ill Colorado and resgularly ollgaged in silip. pimlg freight. between tim Missouri river attd Denver 811(1 l'uoblo , wino have jaid for such freight diirimtg the last. tdx iirecediimg their aPPlication ItsIt less titan $1OOO for traveling salesluomi einllo.yoi by ahiti roprescmtting whole. sale houses and lflamlufmtCttmrers locateil in Colora.Io whose btmimicss requires them tO travel lotwooii the ? stisotiri river timid Demivor , Colorado Springs alit ! Pueblo ; to slupera resident at Missouri river P0111tfi or iii the east , and their fravolkig salesmen ivhiuii traveling on btisfmteaa for their liotteos. One hiundrt'il aIlti lift3' imoumida of biuggago only will be chocked free oii comnmuercial tieket.i be- twen Deliver , Colorado Snritmgs , or Pueblo flIlti tine Missouri river , and botweoni tine abovo.nrntned lnlinltM and tine julictioii points in ICamnans or Nebraska. All excess over 150 P01i11la small be charged at the rate of $ i.t1iS per 100 I 110U11d5 , Tim connmnsercial rate botweenm Colorado points and Itlissouri river poilits will be $1.UO. Title rate will also apply thjOm1 comlnnorcial tickets between Cobra- ilo 1lOillth and the junnctioii poilnt.8 ill No. hraskn amid Kansas. Thu msgreer ! conn- mercial rate of $2 25 lr 100 pintinds foi I LIXCOSS bagago between lsol 1)O1IIt.5 ohtiill apply only UIOfl such baggego as is bluecked through. Ordoro for hrnlf rates nitay be issued as rollovs : Forrailway onipioyos nitd InlOlI1. bore of their families ) roerly ) cerillicil evhoso 1)OSLt'lOlS ) do tiot entitle tinenni to Isassos ; in cases rcquirin charitable ccii siderationn , where tue trip is necessary itid the subject worthy ; for ciergyinien ills. ! othiore engaged 801013' jfl mniniatorinel r nelissionary work , and for their fnnnni' lies atid servants ; for iiiemnibers of the Pr intit eiigaged in any otiner business , umid for Correslondents presemititig cro I iontiale , travelling solely in thee iii- Lorost and service of pub. lie journals ; by the terne "inninbors of Lieu press" iii moaiit editor , assisinlIet cdi. or , publisher , business nuanager and regularly employed reporters. I I alf- rates will also bo given to iIllInolimtto ramilics of editors , lubhisliers , aniti binsi- iiess Inallagors of reputable jourmnals ill Knissas , Nebraska , and Colorado , but. riot ; to thee families of oUeer members Lice press. Ihuif-fare tickets will also be 1 issued for arney and nnavnl oliicers , sol. I Hers , surgeons , hospital stewards , annul. thers enlisted or sworme into the war iopartmont service. Orders for' theatrical rates may be issued as follow' : Between the Missouri river and Denver , Colorado Springs , or I Pueblo , for any company or three or elope persons recognized as regular mom- bore of thee profession traveiimei together I on 0110 ticket. Two hundred potnmnds of baggage will be checked free for cache flolnber oftJno troopo. Animneals ( oxcnpt. lug dogs with theatrical parties ) will ho ± arged for at regular full extra-baggage rate. No passes will be issued oni thecat.I I rical rate between Denver , Colorado 1)rinn , or I'uebio and Missouri river points will be $ II. From and after December 1 , 1883 , Igontli will not be permitted to sell at loss than thrill rates any tickets botw&sn 1ointa covered by title association except uloIt the comnlmllissionur'ns order , obtained previous to the sub of tine ticket. Whicro Iiaif.rate is nmmncd betwcenn Deievor , Ccl. 1 oranlo Springs , or Pueblo tumid rIissouri river prnt , it. will be understood to mean $11.25. All tickets , or orders for tickets , ofany I kimnd or character sold iii Colorado insist be o thee issue by the lines members of this association , Should amy other line sell tickets orordera forticketa at. variance with this rule , tine comnimnsinssioner will order that the sale of tickets iii Colorado I by tine lines iii this aensociatiome over such olreml(1iml line ho suspended until restored by urateiinoina consent. - - iteni Ertato Tramnsferns , The following deeds were filed for pocord in the counnty clerk's oflico No- veneber 29 , reported for Tizs BEE by Amos' real estate agency : George 11 , flogge rued Low \VIliIi to Frederick C ; , Leisellrilng , w d , lots 1 and 2 in Oimnaba View , $600. Alfred Ilobiur and wife to ijermnain Teckenacheer , w d , lot. 155 in Floremeco , $175. , loitme I. Itedick and wife to B.Keihieer , w d , lot 10 nmnd south 2f feet of lot 11 , llOCk 3 , ime aubnlivisiomn ( If .J liii I. Ited- ick's , $1,500. \Yilliarn 11. TIlPIlOr toTleo Public , dedication - ication , west 23 feeL of lot t ) lie liLal1'd ( addition , ton' street. Nicleolas lttmier , guardian , to tine ; ) Lil ) lie , dedicatiohn to thee public for street , a strip of land : ii : feet wide of tine cast of lot 22 iii sea 0 , 15 , 18. Chins. 0. hansel mud Iteubemn Allen to ( lie ptlbl'tc , iv : ij : fcnV'hf lot. it ; (1 ( , 15 , 18 , for street , donliestion , Calvimn If. l"rttdemlck amid Jlellomn A. Frederick to thee 1)IIbIiC ) , iv 8 feet. lot It ) ill 500 0 , lii , 13 , dedication. Peter Clark mimed wife to tile Omaha Iluit itzulss'euy cominpamly , w d , lot. 1 and InaPt. of Jot. 4 , iii block 28 , Ommnaiut , $600. Frammcmns B , hayes and wife to SaImnImel S. Curtis , 'i c , 1)art of s ( If InV.f of see 33 , tp in , 13 , 810,000 , Jot111 MI. IcIlilmn amid wife ninti Normnsamn A. lCUlnhl , ummtnarricd , to SahtitIei S. Cur. tins , q o , ; art ( if Ii ( If ICW.j of sec 83 , t1) 16 , range 13 , $ .l0J. Sarah , J. 1)oncckomi aind Augustus , her iIUSlaled , to Zmlntrtma ) F. Schrotor , w lots 7 alIll 8 , block 1 , Pomeecken's add to Vnuhnut hilt , $ ujOO. it F'eev Quremsi loins. COIhlhty 'ominissioiier Cerhiss dwiiree t.r ) ask a. few ( juestiomne , for which we cleicriully make roommi , l'o the Editor of Tine lice , 1 i'oIIIiI like to ask a few v1uonstiohnns ; how lQmlg are the P051111 0 ( II time city ( if Ormnndinu going to cinintiinuo to simniargo anl(1 bimn'y ill R cemetery which isili , se'tbilh the znext tom years , be iii the center of thee cityl flew bug Li Lht eouiety of Dugla. - - - - - - going to bury PS1IPOIS 011 tleo oo farm ? Is tine cit3' of Onnaina going to pave nn(1 allow lOtfllattOmit. imnproveiniontts to be made cit its best theorotmghfares with a grade that is obnoxious swemi to iu fnunn. or that wuits to tunirkot ini jmiII and lea ) ' in the city ? Itespeetfuhty yours , 51 , M , eOl4t.lSi , Til l' lSlltAli1a1 I'lXP , ' , Spencer nil I Ito tlu'i'rt hlOIIiil I Tfl.NfgItt , it aflords the great pleasure to chnrotClO tliti Ajspenrahnco of sis able an artiste as Miss Spencer , rleo Will appear here to. hhiglnt , inipportod 1' lIe r own coitipai' . Silo will hsreseInt the Creole , iii ' 'Articlo , 47. ' \\o clip the fhlowiing ( wilich is mu geme. tlillo notice ) fromnt Tine lt'S i'stoints State ltcgimster Of Sattirday last , where Ma pcmecor appeared to an ou'orIlosviini and entilusin.stie atidioiice : ' ' : tiis ; Lilliant Sisoucer allearod ) as Corn , the Creole , at tine Oralul Opera lnotnso butt Iligint , to tine onjo3'titciet of all Wilt ) heard 11Cr. MienS Spencer , as aim einiotiomnzd actress , displays remnnarkalnlu JIWer , amnil exhulits , already ineucin nbilit3 lIe iner line of ue'ork , Sine onetered very thoroughly into tine spirit of tine P3s5'nln. ate Creole , amnd displayed a lnigln situtlity of itratnenutie talent , 11cr liortineyni esf scormn , hatrail aInti l'nory ainger was very I'mieit inedeed , muted site ainous'etl ( mat. she cotnid. 1)0 ) full of passion witinout rnintiing. Time support was gotsil , and thee iinterest was lenailetliiheot thnroIlgInotit , " ItAIIdtOAl ) MstPTlltH , A sliSV I.INH l'mto.IErrlD : , C'A I.VESTON , Tex. , lecctnlmer -Tine Chttif of Colorado Santa Fo roati will ssk tine conning eomngress for a railway , toIegrnpin nlnd teleplnoino right. of way IlInlinghn Indinin territory , beg'uenitig at. a POiInt west. of tine eastern losnledary of hook county , Texas , i'tIid eiidiim vest of Ooll'eyvihlo , Kansas. ( Jsice will entrodlico Lhe nesensinro inc tue senlath , coingrese to reserve - servo tine right. to re'gtnlate charges , the rOad to IlitY $50 1)CP lIlilOti tribes owing Itennil , also after 100 indIes Itto koInnploto to lii ) ' $1,000 anmunally to thidliUrotnry of ino imntorior , 100 smiles to I cotnlletcd iinsido f three years or thu grttfltiIto be orfoitods This vihl nuake a lineitoeSt. . Liotnis via tine St. Louis Snume } 'ranciapo neilu'niy , amid be withinn 50 mneiice tf r qOll tectione witin thee Atcinisorm , Toptlkmuit1 3amntn Fe road , lltnrlilngtole Qt.liinoy ; ii Jhicago & Altoni nied otlncre. ' I' I ( m1tIltEl5 ! UFr ei.timo. l 'I ' Sr. Louhim , December 2-It 'is n' ' essertod that. tine ) aesemger , agents ( ) , f astorie limes nut their nneeotinng heat Fruluy' ( itlo1sted resolutionis roqinoeting tine conne- meitsioneor to order tickets of tine Lake rie & Western road "nir sale" aind 1 'ecoesennoneded that thee snuimno act'nomn be taken in conneection ivitle one or two Itinor lineestnnemmecmn tinicnnoes'n. F'iltK ltiC01t1) . rent I3lmt'F.CH Inn ( InIemng-ty hives host. . ChicAno , Doconmeber 2.-"Tleo lire iii 1'arwei1 blIck which was ragisng last. eve clIng vnts contl'nieed to Nos. 168 qd 170. 1 Iarkot. street , tine three lower Itoors of n yheicle were occupied by Metzler 'lhdtie. I srs , neotione dealers , amid thee four upili'r bore by Beak & liucieer , ftnrriors. Tine 'J netter firma cnmsploya mnearly two hnueidrcd I 'ir1s , all but about eeveiety-flvu of wlnone 1usd gone bonnie whom tine lire was die- overed. Thioso remnna'emning in tue buildIng - Ing became vaiic etgickonm , amed. two of diem , Kittlo H'nllgato mined Friunces Fair- eveatinor dropped from a lifthe story win- low and wore imnstantly killed. Met.- dor's loss is eatimInated at fronon $50000 to 75,000 ; insuramlco $40,000 ; Beak 1t. [ lucinor's loss will aproxihinato $50,000 to 75,000. Loans on building $10,000 ; ftelly nsurcd. Winile tine wleolo departmnomet was at I work at tine Farwell block tire ant alarmni was turmned inc fronre The Evemiimng , Jourmeal llicu. Three stories of this building were thoroughly burned out. , and the cnn- Lire structure coiniplutely water-soaked. I'Ino workimmg outlit.of tine paIor , with tin. , I lOssiblo oxceptioln of tine presses , is tntter. 5 I destroyed. Tine Jotnrmnal buildilmg was Ii hue four-story stomno atrnncttnro , erected I to replace tine fflu ) destroyed inn tine great ire , amnd was takemn of by tine paper iii April , 1878. 'J'hne .J. 11. .Jolli'oy I I'rimeting commnpluly , 0110 of tine largest sinew irimntii1g eestablioinmnnomnta he tine I oumntry , occuiiod a vtirtioll of tine build. lug and suffered almost a total loss , which Es ( istilnnlited will approximneato fully $80 , . 100 , innsun'mtmeee $81,000. 'l'iIo , Iourlmltl building was ( laillugeti to tine extent of 86,00 , imnaurud for $10,500. Tine jour- 1191's miewni.paper lots is $50,000 , imisuranco 82.1,500.rhine presses are iii ' good come. ditiomn , amid tine pi1ser will be issued to' iniorrow aftormnooll mis tisunel. 'l'Iic ( liasts Men , Pirrsrnuiw , Ieiceminhier -Since tine imlauguratnoin ( If Lieu witelow glass strike , over 100,000 iOxOil of glass have been iinnported to thus city. Five years ago thee amnmnual foreigmn nnnnport.atiomn was re ( luced frommi 1,000,000 to $00,000 boxes , IIUL tine late strikes mayo roviyed iminportationne , remnd i. ma annimorteil tiney will ngaimn reacin 1,000,000. Blowers 1111(1 mmnaintmfacturore view Units fiect witin favor. 'I'hno blowers tony tine mnamnufactnmrers camnmeo airord to see ins- irortmutiomn imncrelthe mund their furmnacemi cold , while tine tIflnlllOyCrts assert tinat imn- prrtmutiina hflUlst. pj to tine strikers their atmsertiohi Unit it. is hotter Lii imlnport tinmimn to produce at thno pro , oint cost. of 1srsidnnctiomn. 'Vine strike is three mmnometieno sld , witin prosPects of a fiOt.ttelIIelet 1)0 ) bi iglntor tluun us'heme tine lockout wits lieneto. ginrateni. 'l'ino cointorcinco comnnmmnnttcca will imneet. ngluiln mnext. 'l'uoaday. 'l'i Iilcmn'H tIininsrnitmii , , Nuw Voita , 'Iecommnbcr 2'I'ihoVorid primnte all interview witin am intilm2aLu Iriemed ( if S nnuel , J , 'J'iiduii , itn winicin it. mis stated tinat. tine latter rcnnnoiloierl imia (1 rainnanercy ; ) lurk res'nielncu etjfllcilihiy ( oh' mm artistic ptilhio imnatitutlinmi . Uinier hint will tue building amnd ispieridid library creili.'ctioii will be heft. in trust. to tue city for a pnlbiio library. 'i'lnc truistoecs are to he Iloinry Vzitt.orsoin , of Iioimiisvmllo , 'emil ilatsti'mt ttlariile and JOlmln Iligelow , ( if New York , 'l'lIu property 1111(1 criintomntis are ettiIIuLtCd to be worth $1,000,000 I 'I'hnQ widtiwinneiet will bit ahllpiU to isupj > ort tue imenstittitiomn. 1mnIniinmt liullmimiH. I I iino , lhsceineiior 2.-flow. Cronby rcconmnmnieiednn to congress , tiiroiigin the Secretary of tire Imltorior , iinmmncdniito cut- fillif ( iOWI1 of mill lmnihiamn resuryntiomne , now covurimig two.Ihftiit of tine area of Mom- tamna , to tine mtctnmmil wiemnts of 18,000 Ime. shame , tinrowimig tIne mInds OUIl to sr'ttle. imiemit. lie urges relief of tIne Black feet , Nsertin l'iegiimnis , Atseimieboines mund ( rsmi- vuintrci.s ; also that seieools edniciitilmg tine EmIdilimlis ill agricultural pursuits be tmstub. liehiud , - _ - _ _ _ _ - _ - r- , . Foou , 1 Wlioso Coiii,1oxIoii , 1)elrnys ) Sf11110 IlUIlhillIht IhIg IhllJeI'fec- vhoso iUul'l'Ot' telLs tiohl , you that you are itmnimed , Sallow itiiil tilsilgitreti In COlll11C hlahice , or Iiin'e El'llptloils , Uodiiess , llOliglIllCSS or 1111- 'IQISOlhlO 1111(8 ( of Coiitp1o- f0hIW SliYhlSo Ilagan's Mag. itolla : Hl)1 : it , b4 it il1t'uih , 1lflrIIlh'S niiil ( lellglttl'ul lIntel ? , ll'- ) ( I ( lllO'lllg the most iiittui'iil nitil 0111 l'ithl'tllg ( I Illis , I lie iii'I 111C1 silly It' IvilielL OhSO'Vel' ( Ut ) ) ! ' ! tletet'f itiitl 1VI1I'Il ( 'Ill , ( iO0ht leeolltes ) iCI'lllallflhlt If the ? tIniio1iit Jiflilit is jiulielously 1150(1. ( - 4tkittA'/V Qt'111T , cu ! Tinat'osnlt1 S4s1 it tlrin Criuxy 'ithe lniy nnnnl oelosrHmneHs to I aioktilIsmI , Tine setesatiomn of' time day mstheso-cailoil ' 'Crazy Qte'mlt" ( sf tine V. 0. L. A , , now oil exinibitione at O'lotnmulnoo & lowmeoy's. Thee yottg hubs of thee aminsociatiome do- u'mstul this nnoalls ) of raising souno nneomney for timuir librnury. 'rino sitult. Is colenposed of forty-hninee blocka , ottoli twelve ineciecs aqtnaro. Tine3' lire ) of silk , satile arni velvet , proftnsoi3' annl artistically decorated witln various styles of necedlo vork nened hamnd pa'nmnting. Eacle block is thee gift of sonnto member of thno nasocinetiuni , annd every eIl'ort inas boeie numb by tine doicoma to make tineir block tine ieanndsomuest inc tine ijiult. Tine ressnlt is aonnnotlninng P011113' nseagnii'nceiet. It icas boom styled "Crazy Quilt , " because meo set pnuttormn Inns boeni followed , ltnt ) onnu cain mice at mi ghameco tinat. tinere inn "innetinod 'Inn it-s iciadnices. " Each sitinaro is a plc- ttnrq in itself , 1111(1 the artistic comnnbimna. Lonn of tineso sqUares mat lroducol a womn. LerfIlly ll'iIliItIet. amid oll'uctivo winohe. Ltj vas nstmggosttul to tine ladies 1St tine ) ' cmiii it ane "art.1' qunilt , dc'ttmse tine great ( hslay of telennt mt tinat ii'eetiome it. lead called oint , hut. 1.1103' nnnod- Uy 4ecided to keep tine old fashioneed I Itt\.1 \ ) , ' 1'iney voro meat. even inedinced to iatp. oit , by tine brihhiamit. yotnnng nflale se'ieq nnggcrrted tinnit tine ) ' cnsll it. ' 'a raimebow with slehiritimu triinnmimna. " To nntonetiome 1 till tue hneatetifuni blocks would call fortoo sPlice , and uro nennnst. be conitontl with I saying tinat tine nnosL % striking nrca lnamnti , ) rceenItimng me spray of hiilios , donne inc oil lIlt black slttihi , hiy l'diaa O'Leary , of New i York ; a might. sconce , otchied on ( liii gold tnitime , by ? ihiisns E. Sextoin ; 11cM Ilowers , I noodle work on untie pinnk brocatohleMme. II. DdheVflIn ; calla lillies , ( ionIc ime oil , one black satimn , Mrs. M. Egane ; Ilower p3'ce , tetlimeo stitch nn rnyiul bheo sntinm , 1"Ire. wmurtzinnder ; ' 'lullaby , ' ' etciemg ole ruby istimi , llliB8 11ary Qunhnhn ; thee "bride a block , " of bridal Iiowora , one hneliot.rope satnnn , Isirs. J. .1. ( ) 'Conieor ; [ ) OhIies ) amid tolur flowers , cnn white saUim , Mrs. , Jamsies Croighton ; rncliiann ated tulips ome pinch brocade , ? slrn' . btdIoO'Brieen. Hint. the nnost. ineterest- Lnlg lilock1ite thee quilt annd the one ineost leOllO are desirous eif is what. 15 eahlcd tIne 'mneonogrannl block. " 'l'heit truly remarkable piece of neeedle work was executed-amid executed is exactly tine word for this oceasiome-by the young geiitlennome sit thee asaocimitiomm. Theogroumnd work is of mupcarhot plush amnd tine decora homis are thee zuonogrinns : of tine domiors worked by tinenimielves. Thee cireot is to nay tine least. startling , amnd theo truly' s'stieotic gazer inn nlnmeost sinro to ask if blnms is mat tronnetining enntirehy leow ile Dhelinose decoative art , 'I'Ine artists are Mosermi. McCarthy , Shelby , Downney , Ar- sold , ( irilhini , Connolly , MeNamneara , hic- LmrmahnolnVaimgin , iticknuby , O'Brient and Blair. 'l'llo squares are embroidered Logethner witln goideme crewel. Tine entire juilt inn bordered iii ( lid gold and black iatin. Tine quilt is to be disposed of by lottery. Tine cinaineems are to ho sold at. InC dollar entcii , Line himilit.leimlg four menu- irc& 'l'inoy came 1)0 ProctIred fromni tine ladies of tine library , amnd at. tine stores of l'slcCartiy Bnnrke , O'Doinainoo & low. Iney , IiileinIlnamn's , Batumniei"s , annd other CItthUliC ) buaimncmishionnrsce2 A Floater Foinind , Mmm.svAvmuIt , Decennebur -'l'lnu 1 ody of licmnry L. ElnicIe , % Vlnlletale ciotiiilel. nnercinamnt , wino dismippeaec'd minysturennnsly nm Octolior 81 , nice found to day Ilnatimng 'nil thee hike , nnearhy opposite tine Nortin. westermi depot. Tine iruiy , wan badly do- C(1I111)Seil ( ) ) , but was identified by a watch amnd ; msers. CATARR H Sanford's Radical Cure I ' Tine Great llalsatrIo , , , pf i'itchn Bezel , Ainierleomn : I'ins' , ( ! nInoiiist , rlr , liarigolti , ( 'lover Ilirseitin' , Itc. : , I'rtr tine lrnnineIiato relief mind hIerlnCIILJt 011(1 , of ever forrnn nif l'atnirrii , Ironni ft cirnpilo I Icnol I. iii ( iT mimi. 01174 II ) tine l.ose ( if $ jnruli , 'i'ustL' , mmii I IienririgCuwlu , , ilroinclnltl' , ainI lincijileint ( . ' . ibeilef lii lie inilinirtus iii all ) ' cmiii us try t'eu. Notiniig , like It. ( Iratetnil finigraint , stlscilusolinu. ( tore lwgiinrs trinn first , , ; , ainib is rei it , rnoilcaI , irm1a1nerIt , and moser tailing. ( lito little Itnulicel Cure , onto lmnxCnetaerhal Huh cut inI 14unforI's , I iii taler , emil lii ( rile reekago , formnsing a eirniluti trenetmineunt , iii mu iIrtigieis fur b. Ask for $ anifnrh's Itadical Cure. I'ottvr liring runnb Chemical Cu. , liostoli. , or the relief arid pree'errtlnnn , C OLLIN' . tire INno'i'AN'm' IT 18 Al'IL.IED , _ , itheunsetlemni , Neinralgia , Hcint. 0)TA ) \ \ V IC j lea , ( .iouglns , Coide , iVeak hack , Stnniiacln amid lIne' ciii , i4bnootliitm : " ' & ' h'aiin , , flnniinlmiess , Ilyirteria , Fe. . , : ' _ _ ' _ _ nude b'aius , l'eiinitatiniri , 1)apvp. . _ 5 r I "aeia , Liver ( iornnplalnt , lillilirus } . _ , _ _ Manacle and eiiliiumirlce , use . . _ , /I , # , \ CoLLINS' h'LAHTEIL $ ( itO ELEC. /t : LCTP.I CV R I U ImA'l'lEiW COIIJIINED p ' ' ' s wl" Is I'orrus Plaster ) emil laugh S 1- .vvwh.p. IiD'st T rEruns. 4CUiI , r1lEUTIIO voortuo Inr.LT. tint ! otI'r Ei.Ecvinmfl I 4 Ali'i.IWii , . Cl's , wIll i'iniI on 'I ltirty Ins ) e' Trial , TI ) OIi , 'flVtl ( ( III 01.1' ' . wIno ate iiufT'rling from tn.insinIs ltViIii.ITY , i.nsr ' , 'irsuTy. end thosu rlI'raui , ( it a 1'stsnJI , NA1Iinx ? rrsnltlng frojo Amnur.s ciii ( ) Tln.h ( ' 41555. h3iiic'ily relict nun coin mine rtstniriil'ii I in I I i'oirii. Vlaois uinnil 1iaiiioD 1Ipuatticrin. licuniiatonieotorlllu.irtetodPawpinet free , Address AddressBELT CU.'ASIIALL , IcIL - THE NECESSITY FOR THE SPECIALIST , . ' DE , H. WAGNER , btaqlongbecn aetnowledgeil utnit snore so at this , ! ay then RIIy other , The vast flohnl of medical science Is ever Increasing , anti Itt illmmerotms Jiranche are brought nearer ami nearer to perfection , and no mis man ClO any longer grasp them nil Ilenre tine necessity for silvinhing tine labor. And it Is trmno beynnil tell donhd that di.ease , ailertlng the pen. tOllrinar3'organs need si'ecial sunny more than any. lung ebe , if es o es rinilil unlorstsnid antI knots' how rest them unwed , ' . III ! . it. W.thmfltit : I fully aware that thcro mire nlars' l'h3slelan. , ant come ccnsitle , Ireohilo , 5,11 , , will COiiilcmini , bins for inaklsig tlni class of nllscaee a spe. clatty , hunt Inoishepiy to tunic that ccliii mccl met. comic net reflhnennient nun liitibgene , a m.ne enhlqhten. , (11 sire , ' k liken nt the simhjoet , auid that the hihhClC' an wln , il'uotes hilmelf to nbes ! ing Ilno alihicteni ant as lug tunis from wwsr , , tire , , tle.'itli , Is mis ie a PhI' ainttiropl.t nun tesnefa.ctor to his rove tush time cur. genIi or eh.vslciani wiltS try cIq niuiniilcatinrni excels in sly ritlier hiraincli of liii erofesso , , . dunn tinrtnmnatel ( in InlilniMiity , tue , i % % IS , lssning eshun tine false lib anthrophy I hat c.nnicinn inol till , S ItInsrs of foil ) ' OC crime , like the Joiners urniler the JewI.h law' , to die tnnc'areni for In rascniaaay. A Pow Reasons iViny yomn chomnhil try the celebrated Dr. lb. Wsyaex's nirthorle of cnire 1. "br ) , It. Wagner Is a natnnnal iihylcln , " 0. 8. } 'owtiuie , i'hin , flreatcst T.tviiig l'hnreiiologlet , , , i ow c'ari tern 3 Oil as a doctor , " hhi. J. Smug , , Thst i'odiI's Greatest l'1n3-sli'ginorilisL . , " ( Ml nero wniinicnfiiii' lirnitcictit In3onir krioef cdgo of nliseaso nenul unnomicinies. " . Ba. .7. StArruiliws. 4. "The afltictcil fluril rinidy relief In , yonmr prce. Circe. " lie. J. Smmiss. 5. "lIt. 11. iVagner Is a rrgnlar gnnenliiato irons fleileruno lIoiiiltai , New York city ; has hail very ox- teiiei o inni'nliiial linnictiec , Mill Ii I horosiglnly iiosted on all bmnirhc' , iii his beicreil scienre , especially en ciiroiiih ullce.sses. " has. lIeowmsi.t. & Ewixe. 6. "Dr. II. Vnigner hiss immnortallzeni lninsclf , b his woinik'rfiul , iieeoevry rib specific triutehics for pr vote antI secinal tilct'asus.-'irginIu city ChronIcle. 7. "Thimnsannhq of Iiinititl flock to see Hmn.-San rrinniciscn emnnnirkle , 8. 'Tlno loetor'e long oxpenlonnee a , a specialist. hiehl reintler hhnn ' , cry succcnnntfiml.-htocky Mourn. taiil NeCU. Plain. Facts Plainly Spoken. At nine ( line it iliscinesion rib the ccret sloe was en. tirely aoiilenl by the prnfinliini , aisrl nnniicai works of but ix trw 3 tuniS ago seomnini lueriiy mncmntlon It. To.ha' ' tine 111,3 , ciciani is if a , illcronnt opinmon ho Is aesaru tinatli. Is hl , , , iinty-.llsagrecaiile though IS inlay t)0i0 hnntndlo thIs mustIer es Itiiont glss i's ninit ieak lheill3' , iehititnt It neisti listeiligenit ironIs out ! gsnanitianns % e ill thank hums tnir doinig so. Vise nmunhls ntteiiitiing this dectninctis o e ice were for. nneniy lint sniiin'riiod , , nit husk llrOiiCrlY cstininnete.I ; uuirt iris irniiiirtannco lwliigatt.'eclnel to a niutiject uhich by Its iratnint , , hiw' suit Ins Ito close line estigatloni , It eva. willlnngly Iginorerl. 'line habit Is geiscrahly cointniectent by this young C , hue attennihiig , nst'inmnl , : nuder consinanninnnrs through their cxnJllhllo'unay lie roiioinsililo tnr It , or It may hn aenmniiretl tlsriiighs accinicint. 'l'ho , oxcitcirneint ( nice cx. iwnin'rncel , the linactico ci iii ho esiieateI apalin runt 4 egitini , unitil at last the hntilt , hecomines flrm arl , cons. irletelY einsla'c the s ktlis. 1Iit'mital aisil nervous at liictlnnnis ore unctnuhiy thu jniinnar' results of self.ahnmnso. Amnninnng tire linjninlons effects mmnay ito inienitloinob lasal. tulle , deject u.n 'or Irms. Ilniiity rib teiniirr nun geineral iiciriiity , Tine lov , ceel.s nrcriiiMiiin , nun rarely insure iii the n'iinnti of hfs connnaininimns. I I ho ho is 'isung flair ho cc ill hit , little fniillnil iii ciiflpauiy scithi thu oIlier sex niinil Is I rninhtlel ci Itl eac'ceihiin nenul aminnying biesinfuninni's. , Iii their Ineseince. Lascis IonIc nireams. . rimilesleir. nmnnl cruiitliin , em thu face , etc. , are also Proiiniiiemnt 5) Iiilitimnis. It tine lractmi'o Is % loteintly persisteil In , muons serious. I , listurhiannees into Ithaca. Great 1talliIttiii of the scant , or eltileintlo coisetriolonni , , nine uxpenleniced , and Line snnlTt'rer may fali Into a cmniilete state of IdIocy ho- lore , Ihiati ) ' , death , relIevers minis. Tn ) all those enigagerl Iii this ilangeroits , practice , I wonnirl say , first of neil , , rtlr it net nine ; make every mnisitle eili.rt to do so ; honk if you fail , it your nervous systnsms Is neirenuly ton ninuch shiattereil , emil cornee- riineintiy , your edilitnin or lirokeni , take stone iser' a tonIc to miii ynisi in our ellrirt. bIasing freed yourself froinu tine insult , m would further counncei you to go ninroingli a rt'gunlar cnsnin'o of treatnincint , for it Is a great iinistako to eiipiioenn thnat ash' one inns ) ' , for coins time , lie I every nro little , pu nhtstrnnnrolf mm , tm thnie tasclnnatirinr hint nianugeronis exelteuneint witlnonit ismillarhip from Its mvii connsciniieiin'c , netsoiinefnitimno , tlnnno , The hummer 0t ) oumnng mmmcli echo are Inicaistelateil to fill the ( iutles emijoninenl by wedlock is imlarnulnigly large , amid un moss nit , uucli i'nscis this mnmnfortumnato cinnditloni of things can tie trnerenl t , the inractlco of ieif'nebuso , which hatl ineen ahnanmdonne'tl 'eare ago. lmnnlemi , me few nsoimtlnni' IractIc' of ( his hnttift Is sitiicknit to Induce n'pernsatorrhirnei later yearns , ainnl I move manly of such cases Undur treat mnelitnet the Pm'eeirt Young Mei , , IViso may ho suffering from , , the effects of youthful follies or imndleeretiomrs cc ill lo si oIl to avail thepsaolvo of tine , tine greoti.'st boon , ever laid at the altar of suf' feeling hmnimnannlty. IHi. iYAoNmmK % e'lll guarantee to for- hilt 60O for every eerie of usemninmel weakimess or private disease of airy kind and tharactcrwlaith hewider. . Lakes toauid feilto cure. MiddleAged Men , Timers nero mnneny at tine ago of SO to 00 who are troubled wIth tixi freqmnent ovacuatlnnire of tine bled. tier , Often aocsimpannioil In ) ' a slight snsartling or burn. brig cnrstitIinmn , ann a wcakerninng iii tIne system Ins a iilniinlrer tine ltatiemnt canninot ntcciunnt fur , Orn oxansin. h.p tine urimimery tieniisits ii ropy , tetllnncnmt wIll often be bomnmid , nlminl mninnmetlnnnes simmahi particles of mehinumnmen wIil ' S alnlirar , or tine crihnr ci ill ho of thIn msnllkleh hue , ngaims 4 cinaunginig to me niark annil tnirlrirl apmearance. There nra nmnanry nnemmy mneni ehio die in ? tin' ' . rlIlIlc'snlty , igmnormemit of tine caIne , elnicin ii thu accomnnb stage of , rennlinal'week- niece , lr. V. illl guaranitro a Ierfcct circe Iii all cases amid a tnraitlmy restorationi of the genlto.Urinary or- gall , . Conneniltatboni free. Thnnroingh examinatIon amId ad. vice , 65. ' ( ItII c'rnnnnninlcatlons shinuhil tie adilrcsaenl , Dr. henry uniFy Wnguicr , 1 . ( I. 23t.9 , l'enser , Otnloroulo. Tire ToilIng Stan's l'ocket Comnnpamilinmn , by Dr. II iVagniur , is wontIn I s unniglnt Iii gold to boiling macn. b'ricu $1,211. Sort y mall to onry netiniress. a ' Let Your Light Shine , Dr. wagirer inn , celehirniterl specialIst , of Demiver , Coin. , 813 i.arfmmner street , liehicees 1mm letting thees'oriiL know 5' . inst Ito 'amm , Io , annii Is dining finn tinuusamidnu of iminsfellowinneni. hii , trratmnnent , fnnr lost nmamnirool Ia U ro to wimi Iniin a Iran , , , , that iniiterlty cclii Ideas. Tuns lniuiiairil tcstImnmnnnlali , fromn a I ocer tIne united Statri toni tlnosu lie lies cnuoI , Is iirnif itusitis U tlnat tnotioes Uru tire % urnrst casen , of these diseases. Tine netiiicterl roln cbrriinlo ounri nicemial nIist'sen , nit ucery kiiiil wIll liii him their best trieninl. hieail Iris anlvertiscinnentlnu all our city mailers , nrnnb call on , him for anl Ice , as we klmos'orn cc'iII corroliuratu ii. 1mm sayinng ) ne Ins thu suf ( erer'S true friend.- Rocky hlnnummrahnn News.l ' Relief to the Afflicted. in minoilicint's , at , iii sciomnec , the Biieciahlsts ore the circe WiiiIitIWaH e'eirets , to tine front amrd ncctmnlntlsh great riffluits , 'h'inl iutnian'k is especially apphlcahnlo tote to ir , I ! . Wagner , of this cIty , lie stamnds at the top of ) r'iprofcssl , nnm , mid the cnmren , ins berfisrunts for the tmnnbcrtunatu , would Seoul cvonderfni , lb not inrorerly S ices a I lii tin , ligirt of eelcmrtlilo acniuircrneit , lie Is cmndonniurl hi ) ' tine rsnrt , tinlniiiL'iit of tine medical faculty , his olIico at 311 1.eraneir street , where Ire cc ill elneedi' iiy elfecta cure for tire , icnlerbung of either sex , no mat. Icr mow eonnnplicutud their comuinbaint.-I'omeroyS Dzrrocrat , QlrQnic Oomplaints Require I Time for a Cure. Pcrcoriat ! t iiitanrco , who wish tolrn treated by Dr. % Ypgmrer'rrctsl nut feel iiackwarti bemuse of Inrabilitv to Isit IniutN l tine ) ' will sy to tine doctor ins cviii czrd a list of i1ucatbozi. w inditer , him to .cinl innerilcimnens , counsel alit to tinousamrd ire less helen BCOiI. lie use hn unecr'y CII ) ' , towii and , tntioni iii Colorado well as aulocer the United iitnitos. flee tile it 1 a.dc crtiserncnL-Den.- ver Thbune. Shall We Reform ? SiecUlo remnelie , for alldnnieases is the theory practice itt Ireo'mlt 01 ctinncnetcd remit exiierncnoe. rninyicisn. , amid Ini all large ooumnsunltbens they mace ( heir , iucinnitic5 , to excel in , echnich they direct their etinilies and iracticu. Pr. Wugnrer mi it successful II. iustratioli ( if this mnsorlrin school of irirecialties. and his , nmmiirut'eniemmtud siiccetis in tire treatment of private. lirwatses Is as wonidcrfui as It is itattortmig.-Prof. J. ; Iwrnns who iretsi irnedical relief for the moat ielicatu of diseases wiliftirel an accoinipiiehneti rend curs- t'esaftI ) milr'icliii Iii the lursoir of Pr , V'a"mscr. No. 513 l.antnier street , cu inn i ir'gniy ' ) recoinririomnaoni by tire mineriieol iIufessIorn at hruinnu rord retutnartL-l'omroy'e Vemnsnicrnit pigutry amid Igmrrnrmurcu unmet gIco way to wisdom hn1l tno wIse lrhyeicialr believes In , buttimrg hIs. iigint , lrtmnti tbrtino glory of Iris fvlhnnv mien , l'rbmnter'e link , tine tcnrcinineipps hit'st use to gtnlito thor cieary urn dcli vine to the foumrt,4 of health if thu antbcI .iennulil lie bmnctrumflhiital iSA ii "TORCiiLIt.UT" set up. 011 trill til pinkie rpt5creig ipnnamnity to StS Laoinwr wlrest , l'vnivcr ' , Co'drattolR Wrfl auction the purpoo for wtnici it was writteri , Aririresis DR. fl15RYnWAONER , p. o , box zstm : , or catlell et litreet ' " ti1o. "henver , . trncJdlthe oolumn headQtJ.tThs tecossiiy e ttn * LttaU nI't.it ' li c . , -I , r