Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1883, Page 3, Image 3

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I - . . 1E DAILY BEEmM IA , MONDAY , DECEflEli , 1883 3 . ; .j
- - - ' - - - -
ho1ras'e National 6an/ /
Up Capital - - $250 00
1DIUB Fund , Nov. 1 , 1B83
. '
I.c YATIS , Vrnient , to , Cahler of
the ) 'lrit at1onil flank of
I I A. . UZAUN , YIco1'o'ett tf Boeton.
\ c. v. toisi , of W. V. tre Co.
1Ns. COtL1N , U. ii t. J , s. contn.
, .t. WOOt.WtVr1T , Oo ne.for nd Attouey it
t. S. ID , of JyOn Id & Co.
Thte Ii.tik openeti for titelnse April 27 , 1S82.
he dkvctor nd etockholders re among the Io&d
f : b11no8 of Om&h * , vnd Ith bugno le ooniucte
, . fth epecieI rotereneo to the best nt Increutn lo
- t torct of It mcrntUo 1troii.
, I Coltoction , tcce1o pomt illentlon md chirgee
1cvcst obtMnehe ! here or cIee here.
Interest allowed on ttmo ttepoelte upon farorble
crme am ] upon aooounte ci bnke niI bnkcre.
e'orulgn Echngo , Oovernment U nds , &itt tCount ,
ni1 City feeur1tte bnmzht nntl 1101(1
Counoil 1uffs Loai and.
Trust Cornpan.y.
FIrtt Mortao LVIfl ? CtIttCl. $ ( Commercial
Iaper 011(1 all ( boll Sccurltk ilealt Ill. 89 l'carl
etreet , MIII bo Fleet etitlo , L'tIIIIICII IllUfTe.
NEw YORK. 1)cceinbor 1.
Mnoy-1a.y ) at 2(3 per cent ; Cl000li at 2
per cont.
I'rlino Pfll)0N5@G 1)Or cent.
1xchtne B1lIs-.filot ittul eteady at .i,82 ;
domnnl , I.84.
(1 ovcrnmentsStrong. .
'rho change In the trnnIe1atro ) of the et.ock
'Op .
4 , . , . .t market InoIltuJIlolt yesterday matte
, , wa muro
' n1Paroiit The iiiatkct opened gon.
orally to lj per cent htgicr ) , tlio latter for
! ( ) ek Islanti , niid cmtiIluo(1 ( Rtrung and ted.
vancing ni to I u'cloclc fur all sLock9. TIior
wall scarcely a halt or reaction tti the gradual
hardening of ierioe throughout tim aftoritoon.
, As a redo the Icieleost rice of tim day for all
stocke wore made from 2 to 3 o'clock. At
2:30 : the following not advances for tho.elay
wore sltowIiig Miclilgan Central 2A per Cent ,
Now York Central g , Nm tltveetorit I ,
forrod 2 , Ocecaha , Burlington & Qicincy 1 ? ,
lock lelated 1Vctorn Union j , St. l'aul
: , ] ) onvor . ' , ] aieeas , ! . : Texaa and Central
l'acifi .j. At tIm close the market was firm
and Irico nearly to time lLlglIeet poliet
tOttCltOl. They wore , in general , also the
letgleost of tim week , and to 2 per ccitt
above Frklaye closing sales.
3's. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Oo
4'eCoupoiue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * 11.1
4e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Pacific 6's of ' 95. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 127.
srocIs ME ) EONS.
American Express. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Burl. , Cedar Rapids & Northern 83
Central Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chicago & Alton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I33
do do pid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
. ChL , Burl. & Quincy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Erlo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.t do pie1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Port Wayne &Choago. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Hannibal & St. JO501)1 ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
do do do lfd. . . . . . . . . . . + 88
Illinois Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
md. , Blecoin. & festcrn. . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Kansas & Texas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i2ia
Lake Shore & Michigan So. . . . . . . . . . 1O2
Michigan Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i)3
Minneapolis & St. Louis. . . . . . . . . . . . 19
( It ) do do pfd. . . . . . . . 39.
MIssouri Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Northern l'acific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
: do do PfI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
:7 Northwestern. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127'
% I do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148.
- . . . Now York Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118k
Ohio & 1is.sissippl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'JO
Peoria. Decatur & Evansville. . . . . . . . 17
Bock Island. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Bt. Paul & Milwaukee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . oP.
do do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . 118.
St. raul Mian. & Mnnitobte. . . . . . . . lOOt'
St. Paul & Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3O
do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . O8
Texas Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 3
k Union Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
- ; : ' Wabash , St. L. & Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . 22
( / ' ' ' do do 'In nfd. . . . . . . . . 3L
Western Union Telegraph. . . . . . . . . . . 7t I
'teeq\ j .tjitercst fAsked
CIllcAoo , Dococitbur 1.FluterMarket
chill iced ucichatiged ; conunon t choicospring
. wheat , 35c ; Minnesota , 3ftc ; bakers ,
4@5i ! ; t3@7c ; winter vhozet flour
Southern and MIssouri , 4@5c , Michigan ,
% 'tieat-Act1veaiuI unsettled ; ripened shade
lcuver but alv.uIccl ticitler gooti leinamul c ;
reacted under liberal receipt , but elecHiteel 1.'tc '
f . tuiti closed Ic lower tlttue Yrklay. 1)icoenber
closed at fl@9 ; seller the , ( & @ ;
.Jnnuary cluei1 u 'J7c bid ; February , 93gc ;
May , 1 Oii.Viietcr wheat ilimfot ; No. 2 reel
, , alcahle at 49cI ) OO ; rejected red dull and
ieffcred et 71c : srriug chill ; No. 2 sold at
tPT ; No. 3. 8lS3.
Ceru Fairly active and weaker ; jrlces tie.
clineti c frimmi OUtIiIe ( lriCe cloct1 .jc lOWer
( or 1 feceneber amid ic over for .Jauuary ; Do.
comber dOled at i1c ; seller the year , 54' ;
.4 .Fantiary , 5l1c ; February , Slgc ; May , 57c ;
rejeeteel , 47Cg'l7c. C
Oats-Weak and heavy for mqiecuiative do. I
immamid ; pricaM declined U@c as comnIarodwitli
yosterday'e close ; No. 2 itito rallied to 31@
33c ; rejected , 28@3Oe for whIte ; 1)ecenibor ,
3O@3Oc ; the year , 3O3Ogc ; January tie.
dried frmie 31e to 3O'c , and cluetI at $ Oc ;
ltyo-Vtoak amid oa&der ; laclimmetl c ; N. 2
cash , 58c : Dertunber , S8@S5.Ic ; .1 anuary
closed at S8jc ; May ,
Barley-Dull and weaker ; No. 2 fl7o , cs.e1 ]
at OSc ; o. : , in store , 44jc ; 1)ec enler anid
at ( iSe ; .January closed at 6Gc.
Pork1.Tnsottled and weak ; opened at a do-
chime of 1OUe ; rallied and recedeil again 1
25@34h Mud chsod cash lots , 12 5O (
. - t.o. . ( l 'JO 141r 4dd 13 ! iO@13 75 for imew ; 1)ecomu. )
f - her , 12 ! O@i9 72j ; , lanuary. El : l7@J18 fl7 ;
May. 14 4lO@14
Lard-Act4ve , ( ) itCHIIP4 liberal amid jlrk
Irregular wii a geueral elteeino ] of 2025a per
100 Ibs ; cio.od dciii : cwi ) Jots , 8 22I8 2.5 :
DecemxeIserduod at H 2OQ$22Jameueery ; , 32j
@ 8 : f ; February 8 45@B 47k.
Bulk Mottee-CIosod at .5 75 ; shoulders ,
; t'O ' : l'nier clear , G 4O ; elmrt ribs , 7 10 ; short
clear , C 85 ,
Cheese-Market steady sntl Iii fair ilemmemid
eeiid emncltnged ; cIeoIot full oreammi clitahilars
12@l2Ac ; cliolco full cream flats I2j@1aIc
good heart skle , cheddar , , and fats 7@Sc ; heard
skims 2G4.
Ilidos-St.eady ; green ealt ocred , light and
heavy , 8c ; green salt , lamnaed , fle ; green
calt calf , lie : city saltuti , lic ; dry call , ltec.
Tallow-No. 1 , fjc ; Nit. 2 , lic ; cnko , 7 ° .
Timiceetleytmrket 'lull ' nieti weak ; vrbno
seed , I 23Cq1 2i ; choice , 1 2fla I 28 ; comnimeicti
t.9 faIr , 1 2Oil 22 ,
Nw Yon , 1)ccouiber 1-Wheat-Cash ,
C Io % Cr ; It1eimts ocmio4 e lower ,
roietei1 c5u 14cr , lecinetI closIng
it hade aboru lmuddee figures' eimigrzedo1 red ,
J&d4l il ; No. : i rod , I. ( u4@I 4J5. ; No. 2
reel steamimer , cash , , 1 03 ; No , 2 red , 1. 1l4J
I 1' & .
Corn-Cash , I c ImiwIier , ClIitIg weak ;
4 ptIuns mipeiteel ' c c lui'er , adbamecte1 4'gi
; , ti , ilecllniul c1'e , clobilig weak ; umegraded ,
4.o@5e ( ; ; Io. . 2 , n@fse : ,
- r/ I Oats-Steolymnlxotlwestern ; , : k8c ; wldte ,
} gg-\'estormi fresh , eeiet and steily.
I l'ork-laier ; iice meees , II 00
C Lztril-\eak ; irlutee teaImi , 8 fi7. .
Iliettor Quiet amid flew.
KAN4H lflTY ,
1CAsLs OxDr. Iecemrwr ) L-\Vhiat-
t Weak ; 82.t,83 for hHi@h.o ; for .January ;
$ To fur F'eirnry ) ,
r Oats-ieeet and lirimi ; wostormmwItfte , 30
k 41c ; mnlxteil , 3Tc3)c. ) C
Corn-Lower flOe ! ivetikorWIchIi1 fur cash ;
a'1f'J'c ' for 1)ecemnber ; 4Oc fur 3lmey.
latai-NuuiIzmahIy ) ) ilgleer ut 23e huh UUCI
.c iked ,
T.ivmeroor.3)ecemher 1.r.Broadat'aTTe-flrmu.
\Vhoat-Wintoe , 8e Cd1ts W ; epring ,
Ssase el.
( ) orn7d. .
i3tTlmoar. , I ) ecombor 1.-\\Thexet-WosL.
ermi itboict atstely ; No , 2 wInter reel , cash ,
1 O't O $ .
Corn-\Voetern , dull ; inixeti , .Taniinry , 6i
Oat.s-flriii anti nctIe.
Rye-Steady ret O. ' OSc.
Butter-lirmu : western packoti , ' 1O3
creamery 25OiJ33I.
Ergs-iirmn at 2)61J30c. ( )
\ \ hisky-Steady nu(1 1lei0t at. I 18J1 IS.
Nw OnuAsM. Uccemnber 1-Corn-lie fair
themnanmi ; white , ti5fle : 'yellow , 5& ,
Oats-1n.aior amid Ilillet at 3Sv.
Corn Meai-Firime tet 2 40.
l'orkFirmer anti scarce at 13 ) .
Lard-higher ; tlorco , refined , S 87 ; keg ,
hulk MOAtMflgueee'an.l mcarce.
\'hisky-Steatly ; western e-ictlfied , 1 05
® l 20.
Tourno , 1)ecemnbor ) 1-\lioat-Qeekt anti
steady ; No. 2 reel caste1 I Ol@1 00.
Corn-Market lirmu ; No. 2 cash 5c.
Oatii-Qtelet ; No. 2 cash ntni 1)ocemnbee ,
CINC1NATT , 1)ecomnber 1.-\Vleeat-Mailcet
firm ; 1 05 for cash anti flecemmiber ,
Corn-Scarce tool nominal.
Oats-Stonily at $2@33c.
ityo-Vlrni at OO.m.G1c.
Whisky-Firm at 1 13 ,
t1LvAvKEE , 1)ecomnbor ) -Whoat-Actlvo I ,
weak amid lower : thlc for December ; tP7.c for
January ; 1 05 for Stay.
Cormt-.1.ower : No , 2 at 53c.
Oats-Negloctctt ; No. 2 , 32c.
Bye --Easier ; io. 2 , SOc.
Ileirloy-SIaricet cthe , weak anti lrnvor ; o.
2 , f2c.
z'Jomi1A FIOlUCX : ,
PEORIA , ] ) ecomnbor 1.-Corn-Irregular ;
lilghe inixied , 51 .0ib2c ; No. 2 mIxed , 5l@j5le ,
Oats-Vinci ; 'o. 2 whIte 31@3I'c.
ilvo-Firmn and Inactive ; mccci' , 5O5flc ,
Whisky-Firm ; $1 111.
- -
. cliIcAuo.
ClucAno , December 1.-The Drovers'jour.
iai reportatlils afternoon a follows :
Ilogs-Starkot eiow and weak , and vriccs
100 tower ; packing. .1 30@l 80 ; packIng amid
ahtippitig , 4 85@5 60 ; light , 4 30.1 $ O ; skills ,
2 506J1 10. Market closeti with 10,000 mm.
sold ,
Cattle-Market weak amid lOc lower ; ex
p ° , 6 1O@6 ( iS ; gout ! to choice shIp.
S 4O@ ( 00 ; conunon to medium ,
4 00@5 30 ; Inferior to fair cows , 2 25@3 00 ;
titedlumn to good , 3 3O3 'JO ; stockers , weak ;
3 OO@ 3 7L ; feeders , 3 S01 85 ; grass Texans ,
lOc lower , 4 00@4 tiO.
Sheep-Market slcatiy mcmi strong ; Inferior
to fair , 2 tiO@3 O leorcivL ; inediuni togood ,
3 75@ I 00 ; choice to extra , 4 O05 00.
Sr. Louis , December 1-Cattio-Srarkot
fl1Ply too light to imiatco a imiarket , with only
local demand ; prices iimiclmangetl : exports , 0 00
( JO4O ; medium to fair , 4 7Z@5 25 ; btitcliers'
steers , .1 O0@.I V ; stockers anti feeders , 3 50
@ 4 25 ; Texnn , 3 25@1 15.
Sheep-Market steady ; fair to fancy , 3 25
@ 4 25 ; 'raxtiis : , 2 25@3 50.
KANSAS CITY , 1)cceinbcr 1.-ThoDaily In.
dicator reports :
Cattie-WTeakor and ashado lower ; natives
r , 75stockers ; anti feotlers,3 74 50 ; cows , 2 7t
@ 3 G5Colorado ; half breeds ; 3 t0@1.t 50 ; Tox.
as steers , 3 2ii@l3 90.
Ilogs-Srnrket weaker amid lower at 1 5O@
; oo.
Sheep-Market steaiy for good natives ,
rtt 3 25.
OmnoAno , 1)econber 1.-ReceIpts and ship.
inento of flour and grain for the past 24 hours
have boon as follows :
ROCalltR. Ship'ts.
Flour , bbts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112,500 122.000
Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 857,000 16,000
crn , bushels..1,011,000 1,038,000
Dats , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 865,000 791,000
Rye , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . . 134,000 22,000
Barley , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
NEw YoRK , December 1.-ReceIpts and
hipmontsof flour and grain for the i)5t 21 hours
Leave boon as follows :
Receipts hip'ts.
Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 84,000 26,000
Dorn , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 9,00O 70,000
Data , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 76,000 300
KANSAS Ciry , 1)ocomber 1.-Receipts and
ehipmnenth of grain for the past 24 hours leave
been as follows
Receipts. WtIp'ts.
Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 42,000 84,0OO
Gorn , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . dO00 13,000
CrucAao , locmiber ) : 1.-Ilocoipta anti ship.
ents Of live stock for the pat 24 hours liavo
een as follows :
Receipts. SIei1i'ts ,
[ Togs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Q ( ) . . .
: littlc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 000 . . . .
iheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OO . . . ,
Sr. Louis. 1)oceneber 1.-Receipts and ship.
flouts of live stock for the iast 21 hours have
meeri as followe :
Rocaipta. SleIp'ts.
attlo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25(1 ( 500
1I0el ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,10 ( ) . . .
Logs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . .
KANSAS Cir , 1)ecemher 1.-Receipts anti
ehipmnents of live stock for the Itast 21 hours
cave been as follows :
Receipts. Ship'ts.
att1o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 900 . . . .
flogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? ,000 . . . .
, heep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . .
- -
- -
Wholesale PrtceH ,
Saturday FveiiIng , Iecamber 1.
The foltvlug urlces are charged retailer.
by jobbers , wlaolosalcrs anti commission mnor
hanW , with the'e oejmtlonof crain , which s
1uot.ed at the lt1Cas furnished by the elevators
and other local buyers :
WHEAT-Cluele No. 2 , SIc ; No. 8 , 05c.
ilAunicy-Cashe No. 2 51w.
RYE-Caste No. 3 31Jc.
Coit-No. 2 , 37c.
Oat's-No. 2 , 28c.
Live Stock ,
FAr STKEItS-QCIIOt et 4 OO@4 75.
FA1 Covs-3 OOcJ3J5 ,
hoes-I OO4 110.
SliKIP-FirZfl itt 3 fi03 rIO ,
CALVKS-F&ir ijuality 4 tO@5 , OO goedbutch.
ore' stock , 6 00.
Flour ajeti MAllstuffs.
Wmsrr.a WilirAr-Bost qualIty , patentrmet
3 25j3 tea.
Sixoxi ) QUALITT-2 w@a2.5 ,
S1'ICINQ WuEAv-Bost qualIty , Prnt ,
3 25@3 (10. (
Scosn QuAI.ITr-2 rM3 $ .
) lIt&N-55e I CWt.
Cmioi'i'en FEEI-1r 100 lbs. B5c.
Coin Mi-1 0O@1 10 or cwt
C1LEENIO-O017O(3 ler cw
General I'i'ttiimco. )
liurrEn - Fancy creazncry fs35e ; cold
torajo creatnery , 25@27c ; choice daIry. 1
(2lc ; best nauntry , solid 1)acked , 12aji5c ;
best country , rlI , , 1 l@lGe ; infeirlor grades ,
1O@l Ic. Jttmc4eIptS continue large meiet juallty
poor. Nodemianet : for nmiyt.Utmg extejt strictly
fancy butter ,
Etos-Sarket ; ailvaiecIit , ; .ales to-day at
27a2Oc , .Ail' . ( M ) liberal eomocgmtimeemets ,
A ii'I.E-Fedmlcy ,1e.meatiiamis4 MJl.ji ( 00 ;
fancy lIeu 1)avIH , .93 I 00 ; faitey , lenet ,
: i ( sJa,3 110 ; ( snc'll1owtw1g ' , 25 75 ,
1hrmiamieI good ,
CmtKw.eS-Now York State ( mall create , , ledse
Septoimtheer make , lie ; New York Stat' , full
creatme 10 1deC01) lots , 13c ; lt , full criao.m . , 50
IC' ) ' ) ! ) 0ts , I34c ; do Auguet imake , 13u ; do 10
houii Iot , % uyeust umiake , 12cdo ; 50 hoop lots ,
12c'laeonsln ; , full vroaen , 2 in box , 14c ;
Young Amnertcr.a srctiy ( full cream , l3c ;
full creAm , 12c ; luei cream 10 hacioje 1(11.5 , 1 1 c.
full creammi flats , l2c : full crealie flats , 1Ic ;
fancy inick cheese , 100 lii eases , 15c ; Lien.
burger 18c ; geueultee ulil Sw1s , I'Jc. '
1'oTAos-flecoIpts small meted prices
geol , ( ouu1gmuunent.s of strictly choIce ,
Iai'go 517Cd , straight PotAtoes are selling
from $3 to 3o inInih cars 30 to 32e motel
light tieniand ; peachilows , 5 to 1c. (
Swiai' l'ODATOK.'i-ChtiicO yellow , 243C.
Oltn.ts-lleceipt.s larger ; cheoiLte Lirgo reel
'eVetheorafeeld ' selling at. 40 to SOc. No domamed.
OAIIIIAOK-MnrkeL for choice stock 5 0tJ ®
( I OOpor Ii untlroel. lemneu't
13r.Ms ilniul Picked ci. ' , ' 2 SOJ 2
liatul ticked tocetleuns , S(2 ( 00. 1o.
cItts large : eloniand good ,
( , LIg-1'ratrIo chickens , ; ier tioz. $3 50 to
3 7rI : quail , 50 to I 75 ; eeil : , .I o to I 711 ;
chucks , SIellard : , l'er do ; 2 ( )0@2 ) rIOi mixed ,
$1 50 to ' 00 ; deer saddles , 1I to 12c ; car'
eMs , 8 IA , 9C nnteiopo saddles , t I to 1c ; cur'
cass , 1) ) It ) lOC. Irnmeetnei rooti.'tuiel eceivise
liberal conslgmemncuets. Ito careful ttett your
gatmmo cuuuies to niarkut In nice thuedliteumi ,
Pmersit : OYwrElts-Solect.s , 45c ; tetnutlartis ,
lOc : mueiimiues ; , 8tc.
Potiiiit-Ltvo chickens , vor do ; I 7511J )
2 00 ; full dressed vhickeiie , per lb. , fld8e ; tmer.
keys , ior lb. , lt@ltic ; ducks , 1OCjlt ; geese ,
l25jI4c ,
14xseos-xtra fancy bar lemons , I3 00 ;
fancy Stesiuma Ieieeoues , POt l)4ic , $7 25 ; 11 box
lots , Stessina loneomea , 7 00 ; 10 ln' lots cite , ,
6 711 ; Slmdaga lemons. finecy , 5 (10 ; do 5 box
lotS , I 50 ,
OitAmiKs-14niIsiaeeas 11cr bbl. 0 00 : thu. ,
box. $5 0(1 ( ; stout cut , laumaica , , lerbbl , $1000 ;
leer box , SO 00.
1i.tNtA5-Cleoco ! per iUnClI ) , $3 ( ) Oi4 00.
CItAmuilIImlis- : 1101 ! noel bugles ; $10 UOJ
12 t)0 ) ; bolt nice ! cherry , St ) 11051i0 110. Above
rluutationM for chinlco.
1)tTIs--liIack : Arabian , iior lb. , 8@Pc ;
quarter crates , iOe.
Fmes-25 IL , . kegs , tier lb. , 12c ; 10 lb. box ,
ayer , lb. , Ifle ; simmahlovmmls ! P ° ' lie. , ISe ,
CocotrrsE.tra flute , per 100 , 8 00.
CtiKlt-l'mlro sweet cider , 22 gal keg , $6 00 ;
Si. & P. claritiei , ii ; gut keg , $4 711 ; 2e1. P.
clarified , 32 gal keg , $8 00 ?
1'iat Vre'T : , fume' : : , ETC.-l'lgs foot , 111 lb
kits , $1 111 : pigs 40 lb qr 1,1,1 , $2 25 ; igs foot ,
so lb half bbl , $1 00 : ripe , 15 lb kits , Si 111 ;
tempo , .10 lb , r bid , $11 25 ; tripe , 80 lb half bid ,
l 00 ; pigs thugeles , 15 lii kits , $2 50 ; pigs
tengnoee , , .10 lb nr bid $6 00. Lambs' tongues ,
is lb kits , $2 ( I. , ; 40 lb jr bbl , $6 25.
Mcxci : SIEAT-Atmmielro's , lSlb iniclicta
( buckets 25c ) ( le ; 37th buckets ( Inicket 'tOe ) ,
9c. : lOOlb kegs , 9c : half barrels , $ , c.
AssomtTEmJxr.Ly-2.hI ) sthnejars : 12 in case ,
ver ttoz , $2 2.5 ; tunlltor , jeer ito ; $1 95'
schooner , iter (107.01 % , $3 10 ; tin cauis ,
doi. . in case , $1. ; ti' 'ans , 2 dtZ In case ,
$2 10.
] iuuc , Tictttrs-Cetrrauit , 30.b ] vo&i pails ,
per Ib , $ c ; strawberry , 30-lb womi tahl par
Ib , 8c ; raspberry , wooti hails per lie ,
8c ; blackberry wood pails per lb , 8c ;
crab apple , 30.lh wood pails per Ib , 8c.
A'I'LK woolen ialls , Ib ,
$8 00 ; wooden lIahls , 6 iii case , leer case ,
$3 leO.
PEAch ) vooeiou pails per lb ,
$11 00 ; wootlen pai. , 6 in case , leer case ,
$1 25.
rIeEsKmtvEa-rn wooden . .
- ( )
berry , l11 00 ; strawlorry , , quince , $14 00 ;
hteacli , $11 00 ; cherry. $14 00 ; toinatoe.s , $11 00 ;
1)1:1 : : ) ) , $11 00 ; assorted , wooden tuckets , ,
6 iii case , icr case , S I 75 ; assorted , tin
calls , 2 luz in case , ior case , $3 25.
NEnnAsIA Omen frtune8 ,
c.vteei , pe Ib , 18c.
, hAY-Baled , 8 O0@lO 00 [ mc tome ; in hulk ,
6 OO@6 130 per tomi.
Grocerms List.
ONEn Goons-Oysters ( tnndard ) , Per
case , 3 7O $ 90 ; straivberrios , 2 Ib , P ° ' case ,
2 10 ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 90 ; Bartlett.
teoars , CaSe , 2 .10 ; whortloberriotm , per case
2 80 ; egg tltlms ) , 2 lii , ler case , 2 0 ; green
gages , 2 tb , per case , 2 00 ; do choice , 3 lb. per
casO , 4 50 ; ldino 0111)105 , 2 Ib , cr Case , 4 80 ©
5 50.
ROPE-Sisal , j ani larger , 10c , lath ,
1O.c ; inch , 11c.
CASLEem-Boxofi , 40 Ibs , lOs , irIc ; lSc ;
boxes 40 ibe , 16 ox. , Ga , irIc ,
MATclIE-1'er caddie , 315c ; round , cases ,
2 55 ; square cases , 1 70.
SuoAlus-Powdered , lOc ; cut loaf , bc ;
granulated. tie : confectioners' A , Sc ; Stand.
ard extra C , 7ic ; extra C , 7gc ; modluin yol.
low , 7c ; dark yellow , 7c.
CoIEEs-Ortlinary grades , 12@12c ; fair 13
@ 13c ; good , 11c ; prime , J5l11c ; choice
1617c ; fmencygreon andyollow,16@ICc ; oid
government Java , 20@26c ; Levering's roasted.
14&c ; Arbeickie's roasted , 18c ; McLaughlin's
xxxx roasted , 18.c ; Incitation Java , 16
@ :18&c. :
RICE-Louisiana prmo to choice , Ic ; fair
6c ; Patina , 6c.
Futie-Nu. 1 mnaclcerol , half brie. , 8 00 ; No.
1 mackerel , .dts , 1 15 ; family mackerel , half
bels. , 6 00 ; fatuity , naekerel , kits , OSc ; No. 1
white lisle , half brIe. , 7 00 ; No. I kits 1 05.
Svinn'-Standard Coin. , 35c , hula ; § tandard I
do , ft gallon kegs 1 85 ; Stacidard do , 4 gallon
kegs , 1 60.
Somat-In lbpapers , 3 30 lorcwo ; kog'per lb.
1'ICKLE.q-Modiuim , lii barrels , 7 00 ; do
In half barrels , 1 00 ; sinai ] , iii barrels , 8 00 ; (10
in half barrels , 4 75 ; glterhlns in barrels , 1) 00 ;
do in heal ! barrels , 5 ( JO.
TEA3-Cunlhowder , good , 45@55e ; choice 60
(75c ( ; good Imeeteerial , 40@43c ; choice , 6Oj65c ( ;
Young Ilyson , good , 36@5OC , choice ,
65cJl ( 00 ; , laieaii. natural leaf , 35c ; .Tnpren ,
choice , 6O(6j75c ( ; Ooloug , guted , 3540c ; Outong ,
citoico , 40@115e ; Sonchimg , good , 3@i0c ;
choice , 35@'lSc ,
Wooius\vAmemi-Two : 11001) paIls , 1 85 ;
three letol , ) tUi 2 10. Ttibo , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Pioneer
neer waslthoarIs , , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 90 ;
Weilbuckets 385.
SOArO'-Xirk'H Savon Imperial , 3 45 ; Klrk'
satimeot , 3 (10 ( ; Kirk's standard , 3 711 ; Kirk's
white Jtutesian , 11 25 ; Krk' eutoca , 2 111 ;
Kirk's l'rairie Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 4Qe ; Kirk'
I)114ilitlia , .loi. .
l'oTAsmr-Pesmnsylvanlm cans , 4 case , in case ,
3 35 ; Bmihiiltts lflell 2 dez. In case , 1 00 ; Anc3wr
ball , 2 , loz. In case , 1 leO.
OtinvFrench mixed , lie 30 lb. pails. IRe ;
Aiiericaei : , mmixo,1. , lit $0 Ils ieteii , 1 ic ; Brilliant
mixed , in 30 Iii ii.iils , 13c ; Nobuy ummixeil , iii 30
lb ; nhls , lSc ; Cumripetitlon mixed , ice 30 lb
iails , 12&c ; Jxcehdor stick , 30 lb ieails , 12c ;
ttouio ! refitted , $0 lb pails , 13c ; Crystal mucixad ,
:30 : ib pails , irIc ; Old Them mmdxcii , 31) ) lb inl1 ,
lie ; Tip Tel , , mixed , 30 , lb eails , 13c ; 1lirt ,
nilxoil , 30 lIe pails , 11c ; Flirt , tetick , 30 lb
lualle , 11c ; 'r1 Toi , , stick , 30 lb ieails , 12o.
VINEUAU-New Yorkapplo lOc ; Ohio ap
ide. 1c.
bAmiF-Dray loads , ver bid , 1 80 ; Athtou , In
sacks , 3 50 ; ljIil dairy 60 , us , a 30.
STAIIcII-Pearh , .fj ; Silver Gloss , Oc ; Cone
Starde , tIc ; lxoe1sIor ( ilos flc ; Ct iii , Sc.
Sriceei-l'epper , 17c ; alisjiCO , I Sc ; do'ioe
Sc : ctsIa , itic.
LyK-Auuierkan 3 40 ; Gr&nwich , B 40 ;
Western , 2 71i ; orth Star , 2 ( 0 ; LowI' lye ,
4 Gre ; Je'ec'eli lye , 2711
flrc Goode.
BuowoCoioNee-At1anteo A 8c ; Aprelo
ton XX , ic ; Atlanta A , Sc ; itoot FF Ic ( ,
Buckeye Lii , 4.4 , 7c ; Cabeet W , 7c ; a1eitt.
nmengo A 6c ; ( Jeeat Falls B 8c ; hoosier , 6c ;
Iliuttest kidtlu , Sc ; Imuehian head A , Sc ; Imeullan
Standertl A Sc ; Ieeullmm Orchard , ci , w , , 7c ;
J4awroaoo Lf4 , 6t.e ; Mystio Iliver , 7c ; l'oqumot
A , 8c ; Utica ( , 5c ; Wawleusott hJ , 7c ; do
A , 8o do B 48 , t2c.
FINS liteowN ( vroNs-Mlendalo 4.4 7a ,
Alligatser f-4 , 3c' Argyle 4.4 , 7c ; A.tfmumtio
1414 , 61c Badger (4tato ( . 4-4 , 6c ; Boiertlngtoi
C .l.1,6jc ; Buckeye h 4.4,6c ; ImimilanflItchmird
AA 9.8 , J4aeoemla 0 39 , ( he ; Ielilgh fl 4.1
0e ; PepcreIl N 80 , 7c ; lo 0 32 , 7c ; 1o it
34 , . 7c ; do J 39 , $ c ; 1'OCI4tkCet 0 4-4 , 7e ;
\'amnsutta 4-4. 13o. ,
BLEACH El ) Covrorni-Androscogglm , 14 4.4 ,
9c ; Blackatomee AA imperial H ; dm , do Imall
bloeaelied .4.4 9. ; Cabot 4.4 , 8f FidelIty ' 1.4
9c ; Fruit o tAio Loom , 9c ; do camrebrlu 4.'l
l2- uhoVmtht. . 'rwlst , 1bc ; Great Falls Q , Do
Ineian slirwik 4.4 , 12c ; Luneolulo , llJc
I ) cauebrio3T , l2 ; Now York Milbe , 12 e
I'equuot A , lOc ; I'eppcrel , ! G Tw Ills ,
l'ecaheentas .1.4 , ftt.c : 1'ocwset 5.4 , g ; UtIca
tic ; Wammusumtta 0 X X , 12
1)CCKH ( Cuelire4)-Albaiy ) ] ' brown , Ho ; do
C , drab I Ic ; dX stripes tueti plaids , 12 1.2e ;
tI XXk brown amid drab , sts-ipes and plaluls ,
12 i.2e ; Arllmtgtomu fancy , I'Io ; ] 1ruuseIck
iirowm , , 8 1.2c ; Chariot fancy , 12 l.2c ; tti ox.
trabeary , 20c ; Fail htlverbrnwuoxtralsuevy ,
11 t.2e ; Imuliacue A brown , 13c ; Nopouat A
brown , 1Tc' ,
TlCgroa-AmnoskeJ ( AC A3'2 lOc ; do XX
bluti 32 ' 18 I.2c ; Arroweeremimi , ii 12c ; ( jl&r.s
tmtuuit 1'l , I 2c ; Comiestuga , extra. 17 1.2o
hfaimelltiem , 1) , 1 1 I.2c ; Lowist're , A30 , IrM : ; ! m'mui ;
meehahie 4.4 , 20c ; Ometega , scalier extra 4.4 , 2. ;
I'earl Itivor 32 , 16 1.4c ; Putnamn XX blue
"tripe , 12c : Sitotsicket 5 , 10 1'2c ; do S:3 : : , 12c ;
Ynommean's blue 2' ) , Dc.
JENIamH-Alsleeskoag , blue and hrewmi,16 1.2c ;
Aesehner 1)Pbiiw , U' l.2c ; Arllmmgtou N blue
Scokh , 18 I2c : Concord 000 , imbue nnel
ierovu , 12 1.2c' tin AAA , tin do 13 1.2 ; thu
Xx tie dci do , 14 1.2c ; Ilayinaker's blue ntl
brown ' . ) 1.2c ; Myetic ilis'crlluetu-ipo , 101'2c ;
l'oarl Itiver , blue mtntl brown , ICc ; Uuoasvllle ,
blue aunt , , , 14 l.2c.
CAIumilIIcs-ltmtriiarui ? lc ; Etitlystone lining ,
24 mdi double face , 8&chrnor ; A glazed , t'c ;
Staceleattami glove fluelalu , 5c' 'eovlsert thu. tic'
tin glazed , t1c ; l'oquot do , c ; i.ockwood kiuf
finish , Ge ,
COIISET , TEANf3-Amory , Aitdrorc'ogglme
satteomu , 8e : Clareeieloe ( ic : Coicostogga sat.
tocuis , .e ; liallowell , Re ; Inuliace Orcleaai , 7c ;
Narragansett , imuproved , 8c ; l'epperill sat.
teems , tc ) ; Ilockluert , C" ,
1'ietrs-Allemes. ; .Amcnc.'en , 6c ; Aridulo ,
flc ; 1ions'ic. , tc ; u.echutsot.O 'Cseuinstogms , fle'
1)ankirk , Duonchi , ® ; illl : ) CtlIO , tic ;
( lloiect'esuer , ? C I larmnon' , 5c ; heukkerbocker ,
(1c ( : Slernlmnnc 1) , 7c ; Svstic ? , t'c ; Sleriuiio.s ,
( Ic ; SoietlebrLlge , C' ; do ( iingleamnel , 7c ; Marl.
br' , to : Oriemetal ,
( I lquAeuN-Ateitsicuui.g , 9c : Argyle , Sc ;
4\tlautie , tie ; Cuetuelece laui , 73c ; I iiglelaeel , 7c ;
Kemehlivertlu , 9e ; Plsumiktt , tlc : Stetse , $ c.
Corroy.ier.sAbbt'rvihlo , $ ; Agate , 20e ;
.Atnericrne , lie ; Artlsieue , 20c : Cairo 1) aiuel 'I' ,
13o ; Clam-Iom 1) noel T , l7c ; loeaue C , ' .
etripos 1) aced T , ifle' Keystone , l3c ; Nan'
tuckot IDc' I\oeelearelf , lOc : ticeaut I ) and T ,
13c ; ioyief , 1lic ; Stessc , 12c ; , \Vaeleu.
sott shirtluig cheeks , 12c ; cm meiekii : l2c
Y'ork , lilahie Ninehin , 12c : thu chocks , stripes
vtitl fancy , 12c ; tlo.8 o , 20c.
SlnKTtuH-Auutrnscoggime 10.4 27c ; do
9. , , 23c ; tin 3 4 , 32c : Comittneuetrd o 42. lIe ;
l'nelt of tluo I .oocui 10.1 ; 27c ; ? ew York ice Its
p , $ Sc ; dee 7 , 80c : tin 5 $ , 2'2c ; l'timiilko
10.4 , 2tec ; l'tsjuot 10.1 , 2Se : do , 1 , itic : the 't' , ,
ide ; l'epeo.wli ( ' 0 , 2tc ) ; tin ( IT , 2lc : thu 7 , 1c ;
Utica ted , &ie ; do ( ' 8 , 22c ; tin 48 , 17c.
Pains.OIla need Varielatees ,
Oit.s-1IO ° carbon , icr gallon , lic ; 150 °
hoatitight , or gahluen , i5e ; 1711 ° headlight ,
tier galIlee ) , 20fe , ; 1te0 vester white , 11Ie ; lime
seed , rav , ; yr gallomiSSc ; linseed , boiled , eor
gaitten , 118e I , arel , wimeter etr'd , her gallieme , hOc :
No. 1 , TOcNo. ; 2 , GOc ; castor , XXX , per gel :
lune , I hO : No. 8 , 1 30' sweet , ieer gaileeme $ Sc
slecreitV,11 , , leer gdleue : , 1 60 ; lisle , \ \ ; . B , ,
ieoriailon , ( ' 5e' ueoat.sfteotoxtra , nor gallon , tOc ) ;
No. 1 , 75c ; luiericatimig , rort , leer g4sllome , $ Oc ;
Metluelor , lfit : ; gehldn ieeachelieo , No. 1 , ler guI.
Ieeie , 85c ; No. 2 , 25c ; aleoruee , signal , gallon ,
60c ; turpouettmio , leer gallon , flOe ; mealetlia 74 0 ,
lear galloi , jOe.
PAU'Tl l Oii-\Vltito load , Omaha 1' . P.
Ce ; vleito load , St. Louis pure , flic ; Steu'seillos
groome 1 to 1 , Il , cane , 2Jc ( ; French zinc green
tonI , 12c : French zinc , red seal , lie ; f"romeci )
rine , ime varmeisle east , 20c : French zimec. in oil
tveat , ifIc ; raw moeei burnt umber , 1 lb catus , toe ;
raw anti burmit Sicmieea , lee ; vueceilyko brosrie
l3t : ; refined laueeiublaclc , 12c ; coach black , need
Ivory black , lOc ; drop black , jOe ; l'russiaet
ilUO , 30crn uitraeeuerino bleeo , iSo ; chronic green
r4. zr. & 1) , lOc : lelind aicti shuetter green , Ii
M. & 1) . , free ; ianie green , iRe ; Imedimsee rotl ,
iSo ; Voceetian roth , Dc ; 'J'uscan retl , 2'2c ; Amen'
cat : Voniieilliueme I. & P. , 18c ; chrome yellow
r1. sr. , 0. & 1) . 0. , 180 ; yellow ochre , tIc ;
Roltln ocluro , lOc , vatont dryer , Sc ; gratnimeg
colors. light oak , dank oak , walnut , chin' tout
mend asic , ISo.
\VhIto load , Sc ; French zimic , lOc ; Paris
whettiug , 2c ; whitimeg gilders , 1'c ; whiiUmfg
XeI'l 14c ; hauietiblack , Gorinaietow'n , 14c ;
laneplelack , ordtn.vy , , 100 ; Prussian bleco , rISe ;
ultnaieaniceo , lSc ; vacudyko , brown , 8c ; umieber ,
bunet , 'Ic ; ninteon , raw 4c ; sienna , leurut , .le ;
sioeena , raw , 4c ; l'aria green , gomielileo , 25c ;
Paris greome , coinleemee 20c ; chrome greece , N.Y. ,
20c ; cleromuio reoee 12e ; vonmnilllnue , Emeg. ,
70c ; verniiillon , .Ainonicaei , 18c ; Icuhian roth ,
bc ; rose pink , lIe ; Venetian reel , Cokuetose ,
2c ; Venetian rod , Aieioricaie , 1c' reel loati ,
7Jc ; cleroeno yellow , gomeutno , 20e ; chrome ye1.
low , K. , 12c ; ocIen , reechollo ' 2c ; ochre , French ,
2ijc ; ochero , Aiuenicae , 20Vlmeten's mineral ,
2e ; lehigh brown , 2c ; Spanish browmi , 4c ;
Princo's mnimieral , $ c ,
VA:1NIStss-Barrela : : : per gallon : ] einiet.
tune , extra , $1 10 ; feeriiltero , No. 1 , 81 ; roach ,
oxtia , $1 40 ; coach , No. 1 , 81. 20 ; Danuer ,
extra , Si 75 ; .Iateare , 70c ; nsjehaltum , extra , 85c ;
shellac , $3 SO ; harti oil fimeisle , $1 SO.
Tobaccos ,
Pzu TonAcco.Climax , SOc ; Bullion flOe ;
Ilorsosiene , fl' Star flOe ; Ruddy , 45c ; 11cr.
soy's , 48c ; B1acc , 38J4Oc.
PINE Ctrr-Cteimnon , 2030c ; good , 45 ®
flOe ; Rose Loaf , We ; l'rcxnieim , USc ; Diamond
Onwn , rISe ; Sweet Sixteen , 47c.
SecoKno-O. S. , 21c ; Meerschaum , 28c ; Dur'
ham , 8 ox. , rISc ; Durham , 4 oz. , 57c ; Durhmur
2 oz. , uSe : Seal of North Carolina , 8 ox. , rISe
Seal of North Carolina , 4 oz. . te7c ; Seal of
North Carolina , 2 ox. , 60c ; 0. K Durham , 4
O7. . 28c ; 0. K Dum' ' 0lc ; Uncle
Nod , 's 25c ; To'
solo , 38c to 42c ; homlocic b .Rc to Sflc ;
ItCH , I ) kit ) , BOo to 1 00 ; runner GSa to 80c ;
acm o call , 85c to 1 20 ; hemlock imppor , 23c
to 26c ; oak utiteor 24c ; nlligathr , 4 00 to 5 110 ;
calf kiti , 32@35 : dncison kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak
klp , 80c to I 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to I 30 ; French
Idl ) , 1 10 to 1 55 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rue.
cots , S SO tee 7 110 ; liielnge , 6 00 to 10 50 ; top.
Icings , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B. r. Morcee , 30c to 8t ;
pebble 0. I ) . Morocco , 3.Sc ; simon , 2 50 to 3 00.
I1AmIrses-No. 1 star teak , 42c ; No 2 do ,
IDe ; No. 1 Ohio oak , 380 ; No , 2 do , 35c ; No.
1 MIlwaukee 37c : No. 2 do 3-Ic ,
Lum her.
\Ve quote lumber lath amid s1eingleaon oars
at Omaha at the fuhiowleg : lerices :
, Tomsr ANt ) SOANTLINu-16 ft. and under
2200 ; 18 It , 23 so.
TiemleElus-lO feet anui metier , 2200.
TielnEme Asm ) .Tosi'-18 : It , 23 50 ; 20 It , 23 110 ;
22 ft , 26 leO ; 21 It , 26110.
FENCING-No. 1 , 4 anui 6 in. , 24 00 ; No , 2 ,
S11EETUG-NO. 1 (2dcommoie ( boards ) , 20 00
No.2,1800. '
IdME-l'or barrel , 1 25 ; milk per bushel' 85c ;
comotet , bbl , 2 25 ; leewee tiaster bhl , 2 50 ; haIr
icer ho. flOe ; Tarrel felt , 100 fb5 , 3 50 ; etnuew
board , 3110 ,
S , II tiles.
Dccli ameil weak : groan beitcltoreu , Oc ; groan
salted , 77.e ; ( Iry hint , 12@13c ; dry salt. ,
1O311c ; tiatneigod hides , twe-tiiirde l'rice ,
SimilE : ' PicLm-211c@l CO.
Woe , I.
Merino unwashed , light 14@lGo ; ' heavy ,
l3@lr ; inodlenn iimewasied , light , 18t2c ( ) ;
washed , chioIc , 32c ; fair , 3OC tub aul wasliod ,
28c ; hurry , blark anti cottoel wool , 2@Co tesH ,
Heavy hardware List.
Iron , rates , 2 leO ; jilow st.ei specIal cast , 7c'
crucible , Sc ; lileecial ( en ( joesmuan , ( ii : east tool
do , 1S20 ; wagon tetsekeet , set , 2 2115i8 00 ; heeile
l'r set , 1 211 ; felInes sawed iry , 1 40 ; tongues ,
each , 70@85c ; axle cache , The' itqtearo meeetet iier
lii , 7l1c ( ; washenne or Ib , 8@I8c ; rivets , per
lIe , lie ; coil chair , iier It , , 6l2c ; cicalleable , So
Iromi wedges , Ge ; cnewbaeei , Ge : harrow tootle
4c ; sprIng tnel , 7@8e ; 11uenden's1tonsehees , 5 25
, Burden's touleshoos 625 ,
IIAIIIJEI ) Wilix-Iti car Lti , 41c tenItOO.
NAIui-Itates , 10 to ( WI
.Simor-Shetet , 1 85 ; buck eliot , 2 [ 0 ; uHontal
l'owmler , kegs , 6 40 ; Io. , Ialf kogi 11 48 ; (1(1. ,
ciuaor kegs , 1 88 ; blasting , kegs , 3 35 ; fuse ,
leer 100 feet , hOc.
IEAm-Bar , 1 65 ,
CoAri-Cuiuheerjaiul ielaci irnlth , 114 00 : l1or.
ne rumi Bltieslieeng , 10 (10 ( ; Vhitobreet lecuop ,
I \VIite1irast ; cemit , 11 00 ; low leetnie , (1 ( 00 ;
Iowa meimt , 5 ( Xl ; Rock SCniIeg , 7 00 ; Aeethra.
cite , 11 25@l1 50 ; Canoma ( 'ity , 7 00 , 4'or ton ,
'Aoouor-lR8 Ieref , 2 25 tweet' wino gallon
ertrme Cueliferia , , alCirits , 113 proof , I 25 per
) , ) guellomi ; triple rollmieul sjIrts , 187 proof ,
1 23 per iirtI geehlmen ; rte.tlstiIietud ( wimieldea ,
1 00l 110 ; hue itlenulod , i 11ij2 ) ( & ( I Komm.
titciy Ixeurijomee , , 2 OOi7 ( 00 ; Kentucfcy and
1'eeceesylvsuciie yes , 2 0Oa7 (10 ,
BLLNnntS-1iecportcd , 6 0O1G 00 ; domestio
I 40q1 00.
GmNCI-Imtep'ert.ed , 4 bJM 00 ; thurruostle , I 40
® 300 ,
IlUue-IiaiK.rtsi4 , 4 TeO0 00 ; Now EnglMedl ,
ii tlO@40 ; iomnosUc , 1 llO&3 (0.
PEACH .Al ? ) Ac'e'r.i : BIIANJCY-1 711t1 00.
jr case , 2. OO@
lii 00 ; Amnuilcare , pee' ca-se , 12 t@16 00 ,
1)L'lN'Fh IA1tKFI' ,
Ccntgni SIKA're ineaAiIo-1 Iiuus , ' l7 : ;
breakfast bacou , I5aI1Tc ; emliukoel sldoe , 1 #
a1lIc ; ralt subs , 8a'Jc ; lStdI , 1O@11c ,
Gluv.N : Ynuj'r ANI ) I'hIemeucy.-J'utaDes , tI)1J )
7tic 1(10 ( iumueiL ; mnitatoes , ewoet , pter 100
I seiiiis , , , 2 1'0i3 ( Xi ; geuieue , , ier I ( Xl iseuiuutls ,
l 11J)2 ( JO ; teirnilis , per 100 lie , GOOc ; Col
iraelei cal1ipje , now , leer 100d & 'cf1 00
live chickens , old , per dox , $4 OO (
4 25 ; hierainlo chickens l'er dna , $3 75@IOO
0gb. : . , froshe , tr the ? , 82dI3Sc ; 1utter , fair qual.
ity creamery , finest Pn III , 3553d : eneateecry ,
gOOd , leer It , , 2SC3iC ! Kmeuesas antI Neluraska
dairy , vor lb. 376mlt'c : etsekiueg , 1'2albeeletisso ; ,
Itch cnoaeei , Per lii , l6j1117c ; nlelelc.i l ° llel ,
cesteriu , 1t 00diS SO ; grapes , or lb.
7iSlOc ; Cahiltermein l1ars , Per II' , ie10c ;
2Ctcssitea lomnomes , e'ttra , leer ie&e. 7 00
Sf8 00 ; urameges , I2 ( ) ( il8 ) ( JO ; ( ulormethe
.vheat , Icon 1X ( ) lie , 81 ( ) ( a'l 38 : hour , Col'
tirades , her 100 lie , 2 0O@2 25 ; lleeur , l'atouet. ,
$2 tNJt8 00 ; lIeier , Kmsuisns , l'er 100 lie , 82
3 00 ; titeur , ( irahiani , jeer 1X ( ) lie , $2 ( ) O@2 SO ;
Ilour , rye , teen 100 Ii , h2 t'Oet9 70 ; hour , lusick
irleetet. , i'er lelul , $11 &Xu)12 ) ( ' 0 ; conIc tuet'aI. rer
100 lbs. $1 05JI)1 ) $ e ; corn , seer 100 lluq , $1 2e (
I 'O ; curie dccci , , tor 10' ' ) lIes , $1 8OJJ1 83 ; mcciv
oats , feor 100 lice , $1 8511(1 (5 ( : teats , Nebraska ,
Ilei'eI , l'r 100 II , , $1 3m)1 40oats ; , Noleraska ,
v1uito , leer Ion ) his , $1 : tS@1 'IS ; , eaLq , Chuerauio ,
per 100 Ileet , $1 25lf)1 ) 85 ; lerloy , lsr 100 ilu's ,
i t'Odll. 75 : euebeui vluue , leer 100 lIes , $1 li@
I 40 ; iuraee , letir tome , $1 . 0ltI ) ( ) O ; hay , htssts ,
i'er tome , $12 0Olflhil 00 ; heatol ecoieel teeetteeie , ,
$10 ( XOji'2 ) 00 : baled ieieiirmeel , $1 I ( JO5ji7 (1(1 ( ( ;
clover , ier lAdle , $2 ( ) 00 ; straw , leer teen , $8 01)
@ 900.
Railway Time Table.
II. P. 1 % It. , MAIN tiN.
T--yc ,
I'aclflo I.Itrs.12 : % 1 , 10 Atlaeetio Il.rt's,7cf1 : Is II'
S'estern Ila"n'se Saeo pen % 'e.tertaprcss. 8:2db : ma
0 , Islemed I'aets . . .4SO : tue II , Islaecil laset , I 1:40 : a mu
ttnoime i : . . . . .12:30 : e tie Lincoln . . . . . I2:5 : P tO
teeno fluualua , : 7:10 , 8:00,5:00 : : , lO : ( , 11:00 : ci ; eu.,1' iii.
I : t'O , 2Ot : ) , : eet : 4 00 , S(5) : , ( iOO ; , lOlo : ' . lee. ( lee Scum- ,
tiays : 7:10 : , tO I I :0th : us cue ; 2:00 : , 4th' : , flsi : , IOlO ce
ml , . Artli ii set tran.fer Ie'ieot 2' ' ) meeliteetes later ; liriat1
ii eey tle1eot , Ciitemtei ( lileefle , $0 ieelueiet te lat Cr.
Less o Couemmcli limits , llreesila a' uirpot , SOO , 5:00 : ,
10:00 : , 1 1 :00 : site. ; I : : ice. ; I :0c. : 2:00 : , 3.tX ) , 4Ot : ) , b:0O : , 6:10 : ,
10:40 : i' . In Ome Sueceiayet10 : : , C0Os : ) ut lee. ; 12 euc. 8teo : ,
tO0 : , I : It ) , 10:40 : i' . cue. rrIs'e 'Irateeler tiollot , 10 muelu
cites lAter.
itaio l'ouumrll , iliurlet Transfer , ie1eot : 8:2f : , , ti2 ; ,
l0,1l:2A : : a. uee.l ; uuel:2 ; : , , $ : , 4:25 : , t:25 : , 0u1 ,
7:05 : , 1Otce : e. cue. Anti u Oucealea ielieuts , later.
L5AVs OMAICA. L11AVmI oeusret.
t'ss No , 2 , , ,7:15 : 11 in I'.ee , NO. P. . . 7Ib : a ice
'S Nec. 10 , . , .t .45 iii ' No. III. . . .11:15 : a lee
'I No. 4..8:50j1 : lee " No S. , . .uIu3 me ice
: ' Nec. . . . . . . . . . . f ' ' c : , r't . . . . ; i : ' . 1' ueu
I , Ne. . . . . . : , us I , , I S No. 1. , . . 7 115 P Iii
S. N" . to. . . OtOuiumei :
C. , If. & St. P. It. et.-U. I' DKPOT.
tiati & 11.7:50 : a cue l&rIfto ' . . . . . . . me in
ttlauctioEx..11:50 : II tO Mstt & . . . . . . . : ie en
WABASIT , ST. LOUIS u I'AUFIO-t' ( . 1' . III'OT ) ,
Omnahe..7tO : a tie . . . . . . . . : a In
I , . .bo ) , ' ' . . . . . . . . . c:20 : I' 10
0. , II & Q it. 11.-U I' . 1)EL'OT.
' . . . . . . . . . . . . : a en . . . . . . . . . : s. tie
Kaprees..3:5o : I' lee . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; i ) m
C. , IL Ii I' . It. 11.-U. P. DEPOT ,
Eaproe . . . . . . . . .7:60 : a mu . . . . . . . . . . . . : me tee
) . . . . . . . . . . . . : te ice . . . . . . . . . . . . tO
C. & N. V , It. IL-U , I' ) Et'OT.
i1&ti . . . . . . . . . . . .1rO : a tee . . . . . . . . . . . 11 in
. . . . . . . . . . . . ie tee MaIi . . . . . . . .7:10 : mn
S. 0. & I' . II. 11.-U. I' , Dk'l'Ol.
' . . . . . . . . . . . . : a en . . . . . . . . . . a en
' . . . . . . . . . ie tie ' . . . . . . . . . . . : ' en
Kapreefi . . .7tx : ) e tie I . . . . . . . . . : p en
C. , ST. PAUI , M. t 0. II. IL-DEI'OT N. I,1'hI ST
No. 2' . . . . . . . . . 7:30 : a tee No , . . . . . . . . . . . . fRO p en
No. , 4 .00 p en No ' . . . . . . . . . .1 1 :45 : a tic
mIOUX CITY & l'ACIFIC-IMCI'OT N. 15th Streut.
eave Omlealea for VuOcotimuc iIa St. l'aut 1leuo
to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ,
trrIro frotie Velemetimee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 te tie
11. & . IN NEIUIA.SEA.
) enver 1prees. , .8:15 : a etc Atltuetlc . . . ' . . : SOp in
I'aclflo Expneete'.flLI : P tiC. Dcmeser laIeroM'O:40 : a tO
It. C. , E JOE & C , Ii , It. lt.-D. & M. DKI'OT.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . : a tie Eaheress . . . . , . : OO us en
ilapross..7:20 : ii etc Mail. . . . . . . . . . . . tu mu
Sunelmiys CxeC1etetI.
= OpenIng anti Closing or flaiL.
ROUTL . , ornN. . . , . . ; 1Cot3I.
aid. ieIue. 11.1cc. 1,1cc.
0' St N. V. , ii , ii. : . . I' , , c. ii.
& Q. . St. L'acel & Sioux City.1IOO : 5:00 : 5:40 : 5:1t :
C.M&SI'.S. C. & 1' . It , iowa 11:00 : b:40 :
Wabash Ealeresil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:30 : 8:15 :
Waleaelu local. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OO : 5:40 :
K. C. , St. .loo & C. . . . . . . . . . 0:00 : 5:00 : 5:40 : 0:50 :
Mibe4oeirI I'etclllo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:80 : 8:40 :
ii. , St. 1. M. .t 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:00 : 7:20 :
Unlom , 1'adlic , ovorlamei. . . . . . 8:00 : 11:55 :
Umeiome l'aclflc , Dce'cr Ex , . . 4:00 : 7:210 :
0. & itelenltllcan 'aliuy , . 1:210 : 11:35 :
11. 8 Si. Express. . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 : 7:40 :
Ii. & II. for 1'Iattsnueutlc , S.
Iletiti , Athtmeeeel amid Llmucolm.1100 , 40
OtlIoo open llunaays troun 2UU : flu. to 100 p. tic.
a. K. cOIFFANT Poetutut"
1estefn Coroice-Vorks
1111 Douglas St. Ounahic , Neb.
Calvanizea Iron Cornices
jflormer Windows , Finlali , Time , Iron sent Slate
R..jllng , SIt'e ) Ilatinut 1tetaIIIo SkIlgtet , l'atemet
setijusted Itatehet lIar emil lirmeeket SIiel InK. I am
Iuo general aecceut for the aleene line , ef geoIls. Iron
emiccueme , Crtcstimigui , iialutstraiee , Veramidas , Irate hlamek
altimuge , WlnIow Iluimmis , Collar ( lutarels ; alete gomioral
'cot for i'etcrin I III I atet. , I , uliI , lull iii.
A Raro.C/anco , for Printing Offices
We ) Iaio for sale scceraI loerreli of a Slr't
qucailty ( if IrluetihE lmk. , Deluig emeetlo for ti.u
( Cit smicailor or eiowLr IerLet tieaeu iii ) are mecs tmsimtg ,
we cr111 soil ( Ieee siiueo itt l cemette tr % frito , mu
'noaril tiers at Oimtalia. Will cmareemuteo It te glee good
stlstactlem , oIl eiuealler otul mimelIcu tel lercoot's.
IISEASES O1 ' 1'I11'
J , T. ARMSTRONG , M. D. , .nztcl : 4LLzri
1404 Farnumia Street , OpldObltM I'eeat.or , hOtel , 0mue
1ta Nd , ,
/Xj-"i'art5 Of ttto
1cunuu , IsIy cmilarccI , , les CIOICtI amid ittremgthemiel , ,
etc. , Is sri Iutero4Imee , ailsertusecueuet , iog , nmm , lit our
I m , reJihs ii , ItCI11 ' 5 ( C V. Ill MY that tiru , I.
mid ) VVIICIIC,4) of ) ummmeehieg aleemt this. ( lii ( lie nonetrary
the winrtleture are s'ry hIghly mueieerwI , Ireteret.eI
tiny got soaloil cIrcuilare gielmig all hartlctl
lees by melllre.eluc , ErIe Mo.Ikst C" . , , O4leox 51
hiuffalo N Y-t'l'olceho Escnlng Iliac mmm&1.IL &
Oli' ' ! I11SflfliCO AOlll
htEI'1tIiIKNTt3 :
I'husrtx Aesuranoc Co. , ot JMndomi , CMII
Aasol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15,381,804.00
Wustclicetor , N Y. . Capital. . . . . . . . . . . ,000,000.teo
'Iteullerclisitts , of Newark , N.J. , Ca1i1tI 1,275,000.00
ClJrrd FIre , hbiIadelIhIla , Cal1t4 . , . , , , 1Wo,000.O5
Flnemncm , ' . Fund , CapItal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,239OhS,00 ,
OFF1f-ftooit ; ; , 15 , Omusha National Macuk imulld
imuir. 'tSi4ltbomjo No 1178.
1t01JhAlt ( IKILMAN
Iomeoathio Phyipian.
ffoear-At itetiIoneu , No. 1413 5 , lOtt Street , till
ho a. rut. , amid afk r 3 I' ' , III , I tuer - % t oUlce , No. 103
iiiti lila 14. 1tl St. . ftoiuti 7 freieu hO me. mu. , to :1 : I' . III
N. -'Ittu ' 1 aIde % ' , 'orl , , is lii ho remiunul , ci ftluoeit
ulUigur , liu tIuutu ( if fruee 2 to 3 hours.
Cairiago & Wagon Maker
Jobbtn of all Kinds Promptly Attended To
t'tewiezieI eeMeod leered ltugdes smui ito i" a )
a haul 0110 , I' , MULIHJON
I cei : jitit cmi U Lvateneot ,
a , M , LEIGhTON. ' II. T. CL&1t1U.
isuccissois : : TO 1F.NNARD 111105. & CO. )
Wholesale Drugis1s !
Paints , Oils , Brushes , Class
OMAhA , - - - - - - - NE13ItASIA.
" ' 1
( Chlcngo , Uurllnton & . Qulnoy Pnllroad. )
- .
Zr ! ' . .qI p , . . . . < \ \ \ '
oAt _
( , _ ' r ; : ; - . . _ . _ _ vt. ! ' e ,
. 1' \ - I- _
1i& : _ _ q ; 6c :
l1egant flay Coaclue , Parlor Cars , with lleclln Scud TraIns of ilegamet Ia ! t'oncea ) acid ViOl
log ( 'leetirs ( ctiatq fru'o ) , i4tietekimeg CON , W itle fle Icean I'meitee Skcliimig ( 'art CCr.4 reliC .10113' to nied
S iii'Imug ClinIc's , I'uellneaue l'alco Sl'elehmee2 Cans aid rrotee St LouIs , In hlanmetteel , Qcluect : , Keokuk
( let , famuenets C. I. . ' ( IC. DIning CAre ; relic dolly to auct hlt'rlliegtouc , Ct'tiar hieephts ucued Albert l'a to St
( u-eeuuu CIiIeeto .t City , Ciule'ngo . ' CouncIl l'eeuti amid 5iInieea1coll 1'anlorCarswicic lh.echhmiit
limiTs , Chicago .t lec Motmonu. ( lelcago. it. Jo ChaIrs ice nuet frolic St IonIc ne1 l'eorta andt.
sijele , Auehk'tete .t 1'tcceka , Only through Ituete lee nmeet ( noun St lottIe and Ottunewo. . Only ez
twi'emu ( 'lelettEn , ldneon . Pt'mercr. 'Ilerodtgle ears ciunmigo of cares between 1t LottIe antI 1 : :
hitntt'ue lieullmemumeieolhe , t Coeunecfi Illuffet via Leonca Molnc iowa , Limicola , Nebraska , anti Du'cvC ,
All ctetcmet'ctlotect ceenl , , lit tluelome Pt' iota. IL Is Coiterado.
ketown as tlete greatThIfl000I I CAlL LINE. It. Is tmtvcnsafly adml8xI to be tine
Fhnntit Equipped Rnllrond In the World for all CUtfTsoa of Travol. p
P. .1. l'o'rrElt. st VIcn.Vres't . .tnd ( lent Mann.ger. IKIWtVAl1 LOWIIL.T. _ , . i , l'ausjs. % x' . tlteecasrs. .
- - - 0
Np , , INfIIcxt1D , .
CaIvoiid IioDCorDcs1 Niodo CapsFiiaIs1 ;
8lcylIglc&o Thtrcntlu Street : Neb
' Ueating : aking ;
thu Only ntt4inod by weing
Stoves and Ranges ,
I1fllI1E \ lllE UE IIUOS
1r01 " 'a by
Whole ale Druggist I
Palilts Oils Yarilislies luid ¶ illdO ifiass
.I0BBEI1oF : :
a11 Faber audViuffo \ Sliae$1 $ : ( , I
Growers of Live Stock and Others.
Our CroLrnd Oil Cak
it is thee Feet aitel cheapest foest for etoclc of any kiucel , One puttnd I. eqemuel to three poumuds of euro
Lock' ftt wIth Orocuutl Oil Cake lii tluo Fall anti VImitor , Inustuad of ruimumaluig down , 'et Ill tncroaioe Iii stchi )
flint lo lii got.1 mnanlot.allo comulltinu iii tleo serltmg. 1)alryincn , as well a' etheors , isho use It can teettly
ite , imeurfts. Try It atud Judge for yuursoIveaI'nl00 $2'.OO leer touc ; mb cleargo . for /tetdrese '
o4.ood.uco W000MAN LINHh2I3. ) OIL CO5I1'ANII' Ouuclea
Wholesale Clothiers !
' 7301 AND 1303 FS4RNAM STREE73 COR. 13Th ,
A conthfnafon ( of Pro-
Otii1d ufiroi , J'rruriaia
JIarI .L'Aoajelwr'ua4im.
It jalrita1iI fore. .Foi'
JebilH1i , Loa , of 4ppo-
tfc , 2'rosfratlune of Itfal
) 'ouera 44 4 , incIlLeeu&su-
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ file ,
1uv. A. flOI3BS Writers- : I1EV.3.L.TOWNBfl , I
After p. thoroun ht trial .
IRON TONIC , I tao ploasuru I1l. says
in metatthmn that I ilaVo boon I conoiderit
ureatL , benefited by its JAIl OD moat excoUont a'emedy for
. . . . .1nistern and iIub the debilitated vital forco.
AlSO. tin f3puakera will ibid it _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ II
of the irroattest vaiuo
where m , Tonicis nocee.
agry , I recommend it
us it roliablu remedial . 2I1
ugoot , Oaseuelci Un.
doUbter. nutritive and
1CStOnietiVO .Lei&U1e , ) , 'y. ProPerties , ( At. 4 , 1M2 , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
: E PI d
Hall's Safe and Lock Comp'y ]
LOQO Cmsb .
1 *
, r
S p , r'