. ; , LV I&tnb.1 , , . , I THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. . THIRTEETII YEAR. OMABA , NEB. MONDAY MORNING , 1)ECEMBER 3 1883. NO. 142. i r IN AND OUTOF WALL STREET. t A Lie1y Skch ! ofiho Shcai 1 Lambs iii tii Past Two Yor. : - : The ffords of Outhide Sioou1ators ' Scamper froni tha Street to Rural Region8. p 'fl3 Brokor' Method of Stealthily - ' ily Reaching the Bank Roll . r Oustomors. , tflUC7 lflrt Cheap anti ( Itittiii tIi. t Specli1 IIIatch to ' ' : . Nr.w Yon , Docobor 3.-lUggolo's revicwo1VnIl street iii tlils morning's . , . , . . - ' Sun k as follows : Though ' \Vall street i ; ' atLrs ronnun distressingly dull frommi a ' 1 business point of view , they prcseiit con. 4. , sidorabo interest front a philosophical standpoint. Two years have worked wonders. Iii 1881. every miman , woman and child had stocks and cried for iiioro. To.day nobody wantm them , and those who have them soiling out as fast as . they can. The Sun foresaw itnhlandpre. . dicted ( UI U(1IiCUt that such vould iilii- t imiately be the case ; but lii 1881 nobody could say m word agtinst tim speculative ; craze without being proclaimed a mont. k ber of tiLe "syndicate of liars. " Since then it has hiecti itnply demonstrated on whose side the lyitig was. TUE t.At41JITi ' of the inibociles was terrific , hut it is al. t , i most over now for there is scarcely any c left to kill. The few fools that are still , \ willing to risk their money in spcoulativo 4 purchiaaes of stocks are rich ana their S losses do not all ct the community at " large. It is quite immaterial whether they squander their money in stocks , in riotous extravagance or iii shoddy oston- tation. Time important 1)Oiflt is the thirifty mass have given up speculation and have learned enough through Kad experience to keep away front the stock itiarket till the whi1o lUSiIICSS of the management of railroad and other joint stock corpora. tions is put upon a moro equitiblo basis. It is to be hoped that the opening of congress to.day will provoto be IrRu PI1Sr HT11 in that directior. . In any case , great stress is ] aid by all well-wishers ot the country 111)011 the forthcoming session of . . congress. The recent spurt.s in the - ' lrices of some stocks were nothing more than a supreme eflbrt on the part of the manijralatirs to dispose ofthoir holdings before congress had time toshowitshtand. "They play this cheap money racket .c tnd the Vinderbilt booni"saida shrewd old. grumbler , 'for no other purpose than 1 * ' to sell Out as much as they canand , ddti't youforget it. " Vandorbilt.can well af- V ford to give them alittlo lift after having $ sold-out them 20 6 .k ; - on some or points , ' w. higher. Ho cannot make anything by i. letting things to pot all at once , so ho . , backs them a little. Butthio style of . _ _ . men they had to piok iup to do the ( work , shows the desperate .eonditiou they .are n. Fancy Eutchinson being _ _ _ _ intrusted with the manipulation of any- thing. The election of Carlisle for _ _ _ _ sleaker of the houseof representatives S has been anticipated by WalL street men _ _ _ for soiiio tinie. Tim big sparks of the apeoulatve wii do notihke hiini.at all , and ( 1- . tub general impression among stock _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ brokers is that his election will , oxorcim a disturbing influence qpu the market. ; j Whether this be seer not there can be ' - - - - - - - - no luestion thiathe will have an ample field to work on if ho takes up only a few 4)f the questions which are now of . vital importance to the future of the stock and bond busi- . I of our corporate imistitutiomis. The lack of bnimicss and time unforced idleness which overwhelm stock brokers , I liav3 developed a half literary , half critical spirit in some of thorn. Thu majority of them who , a few years ago , hind not time , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to eat a sandwich in business hours , now spend inomt of their time in playing chess _ _ _ or checkers iii the "long room" o the , , stock echiango , or discussing thio near approach of 'thin Ohritmass and the in- I - roadsit wil make on , ' IL)5III ) J51J.nTEI ; I'UIISRS. but there are a few who , like a love-sick . youth , rushing imito lOUtrY azid indicting , .a sonnet to his mistress' eye.brow , rush into the iiiost prosaic of rose by writing daily circulanito their customers. As a 4- rule they write excellent gosd sense and . - . ammo of their otfusiona sro worthy of a bettor fate than generally awaits such I ophoinral ofibrt.s. There can ho lithe doubt that those cireulars are powerful iustrumonts in 'the hmanits of able Wall Mroot men whenrtho customer sits dowzi in dtho .morning to liLa coffee and " roll , his noiviaper on one imide and his , letters on the other. A sea1odenvo1ope.wiLli a br hor'e circular ii uve to attract his attentiqa before ho wadea .throuhi tIme many amad variegated crinies .iitl frauds of the day to the money article. Thu addroLeIi the envelope - velope amsy ho printt' , but the peraonal obligation is .all time amne. 1lmere is a pleasant aehfish eohimmg about the whole affair-aioehimig ot be.ng in some way ' preferred before the ordinary bnyers. Of . course those cirotiLira do not give half as ' full or complete particulars as thee press . does , hut rr.oIr1nE ro.rimr riniii , and are apt ih' act on them. Gie of these circulars is eepociahly worth notic- 'c lug. It is that of eiohaim H. Davis t Co. Jt discusses much larger hmutiohIs than I. t.ho mere ups and downs of Vahl strtot. , Time following remarks , which wero.niwio P in the last. lettar , tro ir.11 wo.rthi repro. \ ' dtmtion , and are aiexposiriom rif some af r4 the reaons why i.ivm stors hold aloof , fronz Wall troot : 'wfmt Pt'tectiOIl have tock holders ? The lcgialatiwo has careluily guarded deposits in savings banks. It ; has made hiwi orrn- in' . ' Uie investment of frost fuls , ft regulates the bui'iimess ) t fire and hitu insurance ( onlllauies , it provides for the rights of . hohdrs ( if bonds , but tockholdors heft to the narcies of a controlling inter. est. 'Fiio znmms or the cheque which owns or can secure QXie8 for a controlling interest can mauag.Y almost any railroad with entire disregard i1 the righti of thin minority. 'l'iio majority of those who buy iiivctments are mnimiority atockhold. ers anl practicaihy have no rights which the majority is bound to rcspcct. Of course cases can be cited iii which minor. ity stockhiohdera hiavo MAIN r.kmnn nmimmm onouxn , but , scarcely any stick stockholders thmimik of mnakimig a fuss , vien the management slaughiters time stock through a lease for the net earnings of the road , to be managed - aged by the lessee company , the out. scdcr grumhmlos , but sokiomu resists. Tboro has hiceti hatuly a Sow llnmnphiiro decision requiriim a road to be operated in its owim interest mnstcadof thio interest of another company , which bath secured control. If this decision is mimaimitnimied and becomes a precedent it will.be . omie step towards the restoration of confidence by the protectiomi of investors. if stock brckera would only talk in this open way to their customers much good mnighit b - done. " Tim ordinary newspaper reader thinks every writer has sommio ax to grind , PohltL cal , . social or vIuit miot , hut his heart is ' 01)011 to the semni-conlideutmal literary etrorts of his friend and broker. The strongest evidence of the insincerity of time Preselit bull mnovemnomit is thmat nobody - body wishes or dares to comime 01)0111) ' for. ward as a leader. All the big men of thu stock eehmamigo remain mimider shelter. Formerly , when a genuine bull mimarket was started , everybody vhmo was ammy- body CAMP : TO T1LI } 'JIONT , nnl carried with him whmitover following ho hind. To-day you don't timid nimy pro. mninont moms willing to take a stand. Everybody asks : "who is doing all this" and nobody scorns o ho able to answer the questiomi. Sonic say it is .1. It. Keene , other that it is Hutchinson , others miamno somebody else , but time only evident and sure timing is that whoever tim man or men are they prefer to hide themselves and this iii Wail street is an infallible proof that they hare not ; come to stay and want to skip as soomi as opportunity ircsonts itself. A sincere and solid bull wants all thmo following ho can get , lie takes all his friends into the movement amid if imeod be e'oim guarantees thmemngainst any loss. lb 13 to be seemi overywhicra as active as a recruiting sergoammt.'hilo time present manipmmlatora produce rather the impres- sioli of trapors , the season is lrohitions to them. MONniI1U ( nIm.tP and there is a big additional lot of it coining out with timt bcgimmning of the now year front called in bomids , interest and dividends duo the pot hunters , arc already trying to take advantage of all this and are immarking stocks U in time hopes of putting them some 10 to 12 points higher b5' the time time reinvesting - ing seeking funds come out , but the birds have been there before and are getting shy Last night's Wimmdsor lintel gossip had it that time New Yoric Central is going to issue aim additional mortgage of $20,000,000. flora is one more good chance for reinvestment. KEARNEYINMOURNING. ftc Bcath alt ! Borial of Juc arnue1 L , SaYiG. A Brief Sketch of His LIfl , . Special Dispatch to Tiis.Biii KEA1uEY , Nob. , 1)ecemnber 2.-Time funeral of the late Hon. Samuel L. Say- idge , this afternoon , was attended by over 2,000 iooplo , , imiany pronminemit citi- Zeus being proBeimt. litmt the Ummion Pacific - cific and Burlington & Missomri railways brought in many pcoplofromsmmrrouudiug towns. The Kcarne' bar , fire depart- . meat ammd Masotmic frturnity attemmdod en masse , and took part iii the procession. The services vore conducted by the Kmiighmts Templar , Elder Lemomm deliver. tag time funersi sermon. Time floral decorations which were presented by time executive amid the Knights ΒΆ l'emnplar of Omaha were very beautiful amid appro- Priiite _ lion. Saimmuel L. Savidgu was lormm , No- reniber 24 , 1841 ; , at .Clinton , Olmio , wemit to Minnesota in ! 858 with his brothmer'rs famimily , graduated with honors fronm Cor- miell college , Mt. Vernomi , Iowa , in 1871 , immediately caine to Kearney , and entered - terod UpOfl time Iracioe of time law , with. out friummds and witimout money ; yet ho rapidly soquired a lucrative law lraetico , and soomm took rank nmnommg the forumuotit law3onm of Nebraska. Early in 1874 ho married Miss S. E. Ecu man , a former clasemnateat Mt. Vernon , wlmo with two bright.chiildremi survive to mourn aim irreparable loss. W'lmen time state was redistricted , about one year mmgo , lmo was appointed judge of this dis. trict by Governor Dawes , and was em- phmatically endorsed itt-time late electioim. Judge avidgo svan first taken ill while Imolding court at Plum Creekomm time lPLh ult. , amid was obliged to ndjourim and ye- turn to isis hmomimo on time following day. Ills comnphaimmt ist Orat wags iimtimsmnmation of the bowels , soon followed by gastric - tric and then typhmoid fever. . Despite time strenaoimim efforts of the ablest physicians he grew worse , and all hope of lila recovery -abandoned on time ovomming of the 29th m1t. , on which evening lie called ins family around imimmi and bade tlmomn mmmi &ffoctionato fareyell amid cahmhyiussed awayat.t.ticlookthmufol lowing Immoriming retaining jerfeot con- seiousness to time last. ! Fho deceased was a zimember of the it ) ' Morris lodge. No. 4fi , A. P. . & A. M. . , tEearnoy Royal . 'trch Obaptur No. 41 , lIlt. Ilebron Comniammdor , 1. P. , No. 1 , LImU was an attendant of t1 Notho- dimmleiurchi ! , iii which church laTh father amid tsothicr are mimimmistors , His death causes.a deep glooni over the entire coin- mummify. Ihtishimsa houses are draped iii mourning , flags are flying at half mast , and the deepest mnoa.mriming . is expressed on every idu. I Itesolutiommi of condolence amid sympathy were passed by thin 1earzmoy bar. Iii the death of Mr. Savidge this district - trict loses an upright , honorable amid coim- aentious judge. Though with but a few months experiorico on the bench , lie lied amply proven that ides po.4ition was meri4ed. his family inomwzs tIme loss of aim indulgent father awl mitrtionato hmims. hand. Kearney grieves over tize removal of cue ot 1mev lnghLesL amid purest lights , one of 3r ablest jurists , onu of her staunchest friends amid oni .f : it..ure's nobl zneu , O'DONNELL'S ' DOOM. Tlio 1ayer of Cary Caliictc cntoiicc to loath. Ho Meets His Pate with a Ourso and a Silout , "To Hell with the British Orown , " I'Iie , IImdgcH Charge to liii' .lury amnI Their ) ) eIhIeraiommR. , o'mmNmLL : mtmmrImvE'4 : sINTi'i : : , : op mnTmi. : Lonox , 1)oceiimbor 2.-\Vhmeim \ conimsel completed the arguiitemmt.s iii time ( . ) 'Donmmeil ' case ym'sterday afternoon , .ludgo Demmimmami immimmiediatchy charged time jury sayimmg that. time evidence was cumim- pact , the question was simmiphyVas time kithuig mione iii iehf ( lefemice ? " Time jury niimst decide time ctse regardless of what they mimny hmate road in time mmewspapers which lie thought partially resimimsiblo for time simootimig of Carey omm accoumit of thieir morbid amid scmmsntiommnt paragraphs comlcermiing hmitim. Time judge in time ye- viowimig time evidcmmce said lie faimmid tIme witmmesses agreed ivitim cccii other that imp to time mmiomncmmt of the simootimig. O'Dommmiehl amid C.rey scomimeil to be friendly. As to ( ) 'Doxmmmnll's words to Mrs. Carey nuder time circumstammees time Jtmde thought tIme jury shmoulil adopt time versmomi iflost favorable to time prisommer. It was plain thmat ( ) 'Dommmiol did not say : 'II am sorry , but I bid to do it. Ho attacked - tacked inc first" . Time boy Carey , who was astute , over sharp , deeply intercsti.t in time resultammd likely to stretch time tuithm , contradicted hiimmseif amid otimer witnesses. hum state- memits should be narrowly watchcd amid wore not to be relied nit unless corrob. orated. Time absence of the wonuni called , but not proven to be Mrs. O'Domi- nell , wits of 1.jreat sigmmificammce mimid opemi to the commuemit of counsel , especially as she came froimm time Cape with omm of time witimessos. O'Donnell's threat to shoot Carey was of time greatest immmportnmico iii view of the fact that lie killed Carey time mmext day. iteferrimig to time testimony of Cubitt the judge said time givimmg of time portrait and sketches of Carey to O'Dommnoll was a dangerous procebdimig amid omme hikely to make imimu thiimk time killing of such an infamous peromm mme crimmie , bmmt time fommn- dations of society would be sapped if it was supposed the life of au infamnomis person mtiigiit 1w excusably taken. O'Donnell's statemneiit that ho snatched time pistol fronm Carey's imammd , if true , would not justify his acquittal or a verdict - dict of nmansiamighmter , for O'Dommell was then no lommgcr in danger of his life , and imad no excuse for simooting Carey three times. Judge Dennrnmt next defined time terms murder and nuimislaugimtor , and said if the jury were satisfied self.dcfenso had been proveit they should acquit the pris- onor. If they thought that time prisoner Buffered a real provocation they should timid for manslaUllter. . 1f , howevOr they wore convimiced time deed was imot comnmitted in self-defense or under grave provoctiomm , they ntust pronounce him guilty of wilful murder. Upon the completion of the judge's charge the jury at 7 p. in. retired to do- liberate. At ; this time O'Donnell stood up in the dock and looked about with great composure. Time jmmry first returned to ask if a man had a deadly weapomm in his hand , and aimothmer tii'ughit he was about to use it against himmi and shot the former , would it be manslaughter or murder ? Time jimdgo replied that it would be neither. But , lie asked , wimon was time ovideimco of any act done by Carey wimich immduced O'Donnell to thimmk Carey nmemumt to shoot hint ? Wimemm the jury Imad retired Mr. Sulli. van expressed a doubt as to whmetimer time judge had not given a wrong direction to time minds of the jury by his ( ( uestiOmi. Judge Tenmcmi asked Mr. Sullivan if ho co.ild suggest where suchi evidence was. was.Yhmemi time jury rtmtmmrmied a second timmmo they asked time jimdgc time mneammimmg of ' aforotimoughmt. ' Time judge carefully defined tim law of murder bearing upon that point as sip- plied to thmo Prcsemmt case , quotimig author. ities in suplort of imimi defimmitioim and ap. phicatioim. Time jury ngmtiim retired and roturmied in fommr miminutes with ii verdict of wilful mmmmmrdor. ' \Vhmemt .Judge Domimnami asked O'Domumehl if he hmad , ammytldmig to say why sentcmmce of death simommld hot be passed emi lminm , lie made mme reply. Time judge ihmemi passed semmteimce of deatim in time usual form. Time prisoner now wanted to speak but time judge , Imowever , ordered his rnnovah. The police seized Imimmi whom : O'hionimehl held up his rigimt hand with lingers extended - tended cud shouted : "Three cheers for old Ireland I" "Good bio lJmiited Slates ! " "To imell with thmo liritisim amid timeflritisli crowni" Time risommer , shmoutimmg , curs. iugamid strugghiimg was forcibly removed by 4bo police amid time mnost fearful con. fuoion ammd ahamhmiimg of doors. This cc- tkmii byilloimmmellcaused : ( timogreatect ex- citomneimt and surpriHe , its ho had ore- , viously gaimmed time imymnputimy ( 'C time aim- dionoc by his good behavior. .ouNammAl , I.Jtyolt. Genoril tIryr sails from Liverpooh for New 'York iii the Cermammie on the ( ithm inst. Time lord mayor of Dmmbhimm has in- vitAmd iunerahl'ryor to a public dinner. ( leocral Uogcr A. Pryor slates that lie imad n'solved to apply for a hmearingia the case of-O'1iommmieiI , amid force aim cxplidt refusal to hiss niphicatcomm , , but the other commimsel iii time case , iii wilting. their opinion that-time appeat-aimco of aim Amen- calm lawyer , sent by Irishm.Ammcricaiw , would be fatal to time prisoner. 'l'lauy further stated timat if time mipphicistiomi wa made they ynuld surreimdor their briefs. General I''yor limmaulj consulted O'lomm- ) smell , who decided to dude by time ojntiitiii of Russell and tmiIhivaim. OOMSlEWH 4SN TJI LeNnoN , J)4mcemimbor 2.-Time Observer , rcforriimg to time trial ansi commdumimmiatiun of O'Donnell , says : " } o excejitioim van be lakoti 1' , time immode of time trial , time ability of time defesiim , or 1111(111mg of time jury. No other result ceuhl have becis expected. . Soicloum has ii more i-ighteom's judgment. ) weim mmised. : " ( Jim Icabhlig the dock last iiight O'Jomi. mmcli , guarded by ii streuig escord , walked with a firm unhesitating ski , to time cell for comidomnmied prisoners. flu was iii- tensely tmxoifrd but maintained : m idref - _ - - - --r- defiance auth coimthmcd to rimmatimomnize England cmiii the English leoimIo cml laws. 0mm roar-i ; ng his cell , O'Ioimimell , by a stromig iJkrt , gained his habitual comnpotit LI.trim0 ( 'atimohio chmaplaiit of time priaomm 500mm visited the lmrisomior amid renmained e1oe'til with imliim a timmo. lila visit hail a sootimimmg eiflcL cmi time prisommer. After a refreshming mmigimt's shooi. O'Doimnehl ido ii hearty breakfast amid couiversed frcei with time wartleima ihmiring Stmmmday. lie OxlmrCRSCL ito stir- lirms at time verdict , altimougim lie Comm. tossed the jury's imesihition inspired hmimmm with imopo Ito might tmsciqro the ext route flumally of time imiw. He highly praiseil Mr. Ittmssoil's able dofemmce. lie still mimaimitains lie is imimiocemit of the mmumrder. All day Smmmmday O'lommnohl dmsplaycd ox- treimmu itmilifroronce amid bore a jaummty air. lie does mint seemmi tu despair of a respite. lie Buys friemmils outside will uimove imeavomi amid earth to obtain his release. Fatimor Fleming visited time Prisommur Sunday amid romimautmed a bug timimo. He says O'Donimoll is iii good spirits amid prelarcl for time worst. Time brother of O'Dommneil will visit lmimmi ? , Iomi- day. lespito rumors to time contrary , tint lrisoumer vilL ) robabiy rcmmmatmm at Newgate , wimera ho will be hanged vroba- bly Iccommibor l7tlm. Anipho hrccetmtiomi has bcomm taken to lroveimt rosette. Two warthuims remmmain vit.ht O'Donnell imight amid day , ammd are answerable br time safe keepiumg of his PeraOmI. Time result of O'Dommmiell's trial wits eagemly awaited hy Irish circles iii Lou- dmum , where i was gomiorahly expected time verdict would be nmanshaugimter. Some league brammoimes hmumv resolved to form conimmmitteea to muommiorializo Sir Vormuomi llarcourt , home secrelay. to commumntmtethmo seimtemmce It is t.hougltt lmrobablo timat attommipta will be nuadoto bring pressure to bear upon time United States govern- meat to immtorveno for a conmmmmutatiomi of thmo semmtemmce florribiy Mimtiliitcd. Special 1)ispatch to Ton lim'.uc. Fnc31or , XCI ) . , December 2.-A l.ook agent named Jurgcn Voss jumped from a passemiger traimi juatwest of Fremmmont this morning. flis head , was severed from time body , both hamids cut off , and. time body imorribly mutilated. Three traimms are said to have lassed over him. ( A1'lTA1iNOTEi4. run i'ummtici numir. WAsuIxayo , Decenmber 2.-Time do. crease of time public debt during Novomn- bor was i,72iG7O ; decrease since Jimmie lO. S.tI800,146 ; ; cash in treasury , $364 , . 766r13 ; gold certificates , $85,932,920 ; ilver certificates , $1.O1,782,811 ; certifm- cates of deposit , $14,465,009 ; refnndimmg certificates , $318,450 ; legal temidor notes , 8346,681,0W ; fractional currency , $099- 030,331. SITnA" hOAr Accmnn-rs. Gemmeral Dumont , supervising inspector of steam vessels. reports the accideimtn for time year mis 84 , lives lost 28.1 , paasemmgers carried 475,000,000 , of whmch number one iii 1,750,000 perished. . INNOCINT AN fmUIttEsn $ PONCE1' Ex-Senator Spence mind counsel are engaged itt tiio flutticm of repUoe t interrogatories ot comimisel for time govern- ment. pencor will aver tlmat ho was not hiding , but.travolling UOfl important private business. That at time time lie was subpwnaed lie had comno east in connection with inmportamit busimiess matter in Nevada and when ho came to \Vashsngtoui In answer to the aubpena ho romnained two weeks , occupying a room at time Arlington , near Colonel Bliss , and the lattorrefusod to see him. Ho will assert that knew imothiing that would be of value as evidence regarding the case iii connection with whmich Imo was subpienad ammdtlmatWmn. K Cimandlor Oh his ( Spencer's ) behalf made a state. nient to this effect to Bliss before Spen. cer left Washington. Sjmcmmcer will say the statement that ho lied seen Dorsoy pay mnomioy to Brady is false and that imo mmover to his recollection saw timomn to-- getimer. lie will say that time star route investigation was gotten up at imis instigation - gation amid upomi time request ( It Postmnas- ter-Cemmeral James lie 5consentcd to re maui \Vasimimigtomm at his OWH OXpeimse and witimout coiipemmaatiomm during its lmrgress , upomi conditiumm that ho slmould not ho kowii jim time ummatter. lie will assert that Imo received time prmuiiso botlm of President Garfield cmiii l'oatmastor- ( i.eneral Jamumes that his connection tli time investigatiomi sliomuki miot be kimowmi. TimE rmnar wuK or eoN(111E58. .Judging from precedents , little will be donoby time 48th congress time first week of _ time session further timami organize , ro- ceire time PrOsilenL's message , amid allbm-d ami opportuumity for immroductiomm of time usually large nmnimber of hiiilmi amid resolu. tions for future actioum. IL is uncertaizm whether the message will be sent in to-morrow , or on 'l'ucaday , thougim time probabilities strongly favor Tuesday. Time mnomborsimip.of the smmumato committees will doubtless bo.arraimged tmrougim ) caucus iwmtrunmemmtality. , before the expiration of a week , but time appoimmtunemit of time house commmnmittees wilt require much nmoro time , A TALK % W51I T111 Hi'UAKF.It , ( overnor Anderson , general immanagor of The Ciimcimmimati News-.Journal , 'who lies boon hero several days working for Carlisle , lied a bug interview to.mmigimt with Carlisle , who is lmis porsommal friend and -neighbor. 'Carlisle very briefly expressed - pressed imis views .as to time policy wimich should be pursued by time majority. lie said lie recogniaed the fact that it was time IriflOiPlO of which lie was time representative - sentativo that lied elected him speaker and it was something to ho thankful for , Time deummocnittie jmay at lwit realized time principle ufibctiiig tkoiumterests of a grout majority or time peopie was vasthy inane imnpoz'taut to party amid country timaum the SucceM of ammy mamm , ilo interpreted time utoctioim to immuaii , from thin tinme fortim , the dmnocratio party to go to time people with aim aggressive mmd definite policy amid adhere to It 'because it was right amid mlservcd t'i wimi. I In immid time coimmimmit. 'OOS mviii hio organized wthi a view solely to fitness of ismembemim Ion the vaniou. IuijeetS of iegislatioim wbichi trill couim- macmid time att.crmtionof eftuugmese , timid without - out undue mugard to their relations to hum in th ( . recent CdmtteBt , Ti.uii.lhimo1 'i'oi mmml 84m11HuI , CIIJSSAO ( , , ieceiimber 2.-'l'hmo Daily News' Sjmniigum1d svecial says : A slob. gatiomi of citizens ( mmmi thu , moutlwrn pot'- tb , ? Of hihtimois waited orm tiovurnor I lamimiltoim 3'eBto4-Iay' arid requested hmismm to call a s1ccial SCBSItMI of the legitlutmiro IA ) make apjmrujmiatmon for rebuilding Limo Southern I ihimmois imonimmat school , reevmUy bunimud at Carbomidabu. - - - - - - - - - - - - A POFULAR VICTORY. . The Eloclioti of Car1iso to ftc pcak- - ei'shiji of ftc ilonso of lloiic- soiltativos. The Ringloss lCOtltUOkiall Captures - turos the Gavel on the First Ballot , Bloated Monopolists alld Pigiron Protectionists Sent to the Roar , , viI lie m tie A elite mmmiii l'rngreMsl % , ( , l- eumment mm 'l'ziki' ( 'ommi mimamimi , 'L'hLI St'ItItlItSlLll' . TuIm immMuiLtTme : : OAt't18 ( ) mmmlAN17.TuIi. WAKIImNIITON , 1)cceummber 2.-Time calm- cue of dmmiocratic comugresammiemm imelci. last. mmiglmt to miommiinato mm cammdidlttu forspeaker amid otimen'ohhieera of time imoimse was called to cider by ( lummoral losocramms. Mr. ( lotides , of Ohio , was minnie ehmairimmitim ; Willis , of Kcumtucky , amid Dibble , of South Carolina , secretaries ; Qaldivell , of Teimmmcssec , atid Stocklagmir , of I midiamma , toilers. Carlisle. 'ltammdnhl amid Cox nbsemitcd timemusolves frommi time caucus , and occupied time romnmns of time comniimittoe emi mqmpropri. ations , committee omm ways amid mmmuaums , and comnmmmittee cmi foreigmm aulhirs , respoc. tivoly . , as hoadqtmarters. oi'ENmNl i'imi : umAi.I. . Time roll call disclosed tIme prcsemmco of 184 mmmeniborn , cmiii as 5(1(01 mum it wits commi- pieted , Mr. Dorseimeimumer , of New York , otiirod a resolution providiimg that time votes in time ceumhims for mmouiminatimmg caumdi. dates for time apeabsersimiji be viva race. The yeas amid umays were deimmanded. amid the result was ammmmoummccd an 101 for time rcsoltmtiomm ammd 80 against it. Mr Nichols , of Georgia , olrured an amnommdmmiemmt iii time umaturo of a substitute , providimig that all votes ho by bailot. . Time roll was called eu time ammiemmdmmmemit , and it wi S rejecteel-75 to 113. Doraimeimmier's rosohmmtioit wits adopted without dubato. NMiNATIii pANmII.Tis. Time iiommuimmntiomm of cimmmdidates for speaker was next declared iii order whiumi Mr. Morrison , of lilincia imammied Job111 G. Carlisio , of Kentucky. Ex-Govenmmor Curtain , if l'cmmimsylvaumimm , umomnimutted Samnuol .T. ltammdmCll of that state , amid General Slocummm , of New York , lmresent. cml the umamime of Sanmmmel S Ccx , of tim-i cmnpiro state. The roll call by states fol- towed and its J.roress was watched witim koeum interest. Frequomit mmmessagos reporting - porting footings of private tally ints from time to time were dispatched to time re- .pectiio : caimdhIate' hoadqmmartors. It soon became evidentttmnt C.tt'hIs1ohad won time contest. eAumr.isrn mits 24 MAJomurv. itt time conclmmsiomm of tIme roll call time apparemmt standing of time vote was : Carlisle - lisle , Itamudahl 52 , Cex 31 , but. the official count showed time exact figures to be irhishe 106 , Randall 112 , Cox 80. Ton VOTu. States Camhisie llammdahi. Ccx. Alabamima..8 4 1 Arknmmas.,6 .1 (5 CalifornIa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (5 Conimccticmmt'.0 8 0 Dainwmiro..1 5) (5 ( Florimla..I (5 ( 0 ( oorgia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 1 0 111110)15..7 5) 1 Iuiiiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 . 1 1 rows..1 ( I I Kentucky . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H ( I 0 Lomikimmna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -I I (5 Maryland . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C ) I II Mnssaelmiisott . . . . . . . . . .I . (5 ( ! iilclilgami . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p 0 0 Miisistijpl . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ( I 0 \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( I Ncvadit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I ( I (5 ( Now .Icrsoy..0 8 0 Now York..5) 7 13 North Cnmohiimm , . . . . . . . . .4 2 (5 ( Ohio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 5' l'oimiiylvammIa.I ( Ii (5 Smith Carolina . . . . . . . . .1 ' . 'roimimesee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 1 'I'tmxns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0 Ii 0 Virginia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 3 55 \Vct Virgiida. . . . . . . . . . : t 0 \'Iommmhim..S (1 ( 0 'I'otai. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 ' 12 31. \Vlieim time mostmlt imttd lioust nmmmiouumced Covernor Curtimm moved that. Carlisle's iiomiiiimatioim be immadi iiumaumimiiotiwhmicitw immmnediet.cly , dommo. 'l'imo elicitappoimmted ltaimdahl , Ccx amid. Curtin : i'm a coiimimmitteo to notiiy Carlisle of his solectiomm by time caucus. Carlisle's eimtrammce with time coiumimiiUoe svmui grcetel with long coumlism- ued cheers. oi'yixg op rimi imVcis8V111. : ANill hAm. Mr. Carhislo was escorted to time speak- or's chair numd addressed time camcus as folloWs : Air. Cfusiraumn am. ( ( iomksiua ( o/U.c ( % , , , : l'mnmr coixmiislt.toti lies just forimumhly umottlieti ems sf icy ummmmninmou. umoumminathon to the ohilcu , of vpoaker of time iicmmse of reprosoimtatlvas of the F'orty.elghitit coligress amid I mini here to thammi y.ni vtiry briefly an very eanmiestly for the cemmfidoncs ropoMed In mime. if timi. hail been a more ersnmisl conto4 between inc amid the climtingimimimod gentlemen whose miammmi. wta'o moentloimoci iii cimnctiom with this ntmm.l. tmaS4on , I .iiiotmhil have hail little hoi.e of , , mie. case , I'iioy are all gemtlonmumm of great & , hiity bug emperlence and undoubted Integrity , aim. ! I aiure them mmml their frlcmmds that timi. . ctnm I tebt clo.oi. , ILS far as I aim. concommeii , siitiioiit tteihIhmte.t , , clmaiige of time friendly porsonmi reiaticimis imeritoforo oxlstlimg between mmii. ( inutlomen , I trust 3'lli mimisy noter have rem- 5dm to regret time act'oui of this even- 1mg , miii whmcn time labors of time Forty.eighmtim cohigress are closoti , you unity ho able to eon- gritUilate your.elvoii , Nci immaterial hiitomost if your party or voulitry hits boon iojurioim.Iy ut. 104:101.1 1i , ' timti miii miii imustrsitlumm sf thom olhlce for wiikti you have iioiiii minted mime- I ii ( mmcl I 10' a slim further iiuiii vemmt.mmru to tixiir.us u oflm- ( icient hoi'ms ' timat ovii-y , iiubstarmtial interest willie io me1vimmccd smumd prolnotoil by the united of- flirts of I-lie iircsitihmig ithicer nini Situ siomiw. cratic iumijonity on limo tlmr. Such a result will irusurt mm viotory in time great eoimtciti yit to coimme amid guimruntuo a bug ilium iii demimo. crittlim eieculim'es , with immmest , iummomreieiI , eamistitutionul a'Iiiiinh.tratlomm of iubblc aflmdr.s. But you Imive yet iiimcIm . , thmor ishior I.e tier. form , mmimil again timmmumkiiig yinm fur what you him' . o already iloime , I simmihi say nu moore. JSSNJtI.f. J'LIIMY.S 11 * iINV.5 ssuvi'ommr , Time caucus was next ndtlrusaed by Mr. ituimdahi , Who smaid : I' . majority , , l time tloxiiocriitI mupresoitta. tts'sis of the Yorty.elghmtlm congress Stave team , lit to cheslgimuth the distimigimlibel gentlumuman ( ream Kentucky fur the uxaltol pesltiomm ci sjio.kr. lti adnituhstration shah hmsvo imi Ilium , fleI , hmnmmorsmbio MmOlburt. To ummy fricumds , , f thiS miiilir113P , wimo immity be .lIsi'ioimmtoil ' at this result I louder ummy gratitude for their simhihiort , ithicim tiii itetimitcil 1)3' ) noble , disimi. t.qroteiI frien.hhmhi , lasetl , aim Limo highest rtui- slileratins , if duty , a 9moy tebfovoI to botim their izmrty cmiii eoummtry. I how to time dcci. piimm of thio nmnjority of my colleague. . The duty . I iimIked mmpom mmmc by lim3 coniti Lmmonts % .ihi lie performmmcil tutu earmmemt ; Mni , for their Iiterest , for the trimmmni.im of lily pnrt' cmiii foal ) iriiiority if iumy commmitry. I f iii tim tutors there ho any mvrvhco I can retider that will tiumil , t.o these eu , ! . , It. viil l , i'nrtoruimeil with , a chmeerfuiess , , tlm.mt mu , other citizen can otiol. [ Aiiiiiammiio _ ] ( 'OX ( 'mmn : tvmsmnmit Ash ) mimS'ItEliN. 'I'Imo ' floor was next takoim by Mr. Cox , vimo said : ' 'I temuler mmmy nckuiowboireimmeuit.s to tim geum. t.lemimumm tt iiii have givumm moo their onmikiemmee , himil csrnciaiiy time shxteomm frommi Niwv York , amid I litre tti ay I aiim reiiovoil of the in- i.oii.Ilihil ty t'imicii iiiigimt. have tahleum mijon. icy frail sumouhilons. I n'nmIatimhzo with time gon- ticimmami fmoumt Komitucky who Iii to boar time Inirmiemni , , f time great titilco of .iieaker. lii so far as I ccii qhiit. iilimm iii cii ) ' tray , lie vlhl huh mmiii u-ondy as a , coailJimtor to time ihistin. gmmm.lmrti gommtieimiamu frommi l'eIumm.3ivsmmmIa. 'Pu further i'mmr ' hlartY t1niwumih ; largely mul.oum . Its itetloui im iou tuiiczti iumtwtimms. 'lluiy stmm. uiect tiinmmoulves with liberties amid life , with trade , vit1t comumummorco , witim ummagmmanimitio.a , nmhlIe life amid vith time grammar of time reich- lie.Vhmiio thmnmiking those whim stmpiorteil mao during the bug siege , I comifoss t , , feeling smmiott , , lint iv'aiieii , by bolmig aim mimy ( cut fem the last two \iechca. 'J'imo m-nsmult of 1SI ib'iiommiuii umhllli the widumii with wlmicim we ecerciso time i1mtii , at this cnuignws. W'itiiomt tvin forecast aim I iliscrout imoasuio we will ho iii thin fit- tur , as we lias o In time Imast , .hlrolect , liuttuim ciii doubly iiusc'nmmtittoii. lImit I hmoiio for hotter - ter timmuigs , amid I simahl nimmicavor I mi my imuummbio tvay to un .iummetimiim towards ( crumb mig iegh.ia' them , , im a imigimer situ jitmri'r toume. I leimicimihor , I 5iS I depeimihs 01,0mm our vmstloumm amid , hicrc t.loui _ ( Aphmumse.J TI I u : ( 'Lu 11h14u1 I 1. miuididntcs for time clerksimip irene then placed jim mioflummafiomi , time win VOCO mmietlmod being still ptmrsmmod , siumsi voteil for as follows : Firt roll call : , limiimm ii. Clark , of Missotmri , 91 ; , l. 0. D Atkins , of Temumiesaco , tl : ; 'Wimi. Martimi , of Dole- ware , 5 ; total , lOS. No choice. Sccomul ballet : Clarke , 9ls ; Atlcimms , 92 ; Imtrtiim , i. Clarke titus received time nommmimmntioum. Time miomniuiatiomi ft.r miergoammt.nt.armmms was commiorreti upoim .liio. P. Loedommm , of Ohmio , by accinumatiomi. ' [ 'lie next roll call , for doorkeeper , resulted iii time choice of ,1. \Vimmtersmmmitim , of Texas. Thmo folbowimug was [ ho vote : mVimiter- simiitlm , 95 ; 0.V Field of Cioorghm , 62 ; Coit , of Comimmocticut , 20. TI ii : ccn.ummm ( nuHmNmss. : Six : nominatiomis vcro mimetic for post- minister , cmiii thimning time roil call it hccammme amparent tlmat Lycurgue Dalton , of Imidi- cmiii , pronommt smmperimmtemmdomit of time docti. mmicmit roomim of thio mmemmmttc , imad a majority , amimi without amimmommmmcimmg time veto , time iionmiimatioii 'trite mcdii mummammimmious , Roy. .J. S. Linday5 laator of time Protestamit Espicopal chum-cu , ( If ( korge. towim , I ) . C. , vas mmmmammimmiously miommiiumatud for cimmmplaimm. On mumotiomm of ( leneral Sloctmmmm. of New York , seconded by ( ? etmumal itaseeraums , it was imnauummmously resolved that fommrtoemi crippled anddisrtbled union soldiers uiow borne on time soldiers' roil as ummder doorkeepers - keepers of time house of ropresomitativesbe rutain d ; said roll to ho subject , hmow- oyer , to dismissal for. goOd amid. simificiemit cause. .TJio cau9usm5 at 1280 ( . in , jadjotjrxmed simio die. . ' , nimi : imr.m'wmuox OAUCUII. WMIIIINOTOf , 1)econmbor 2.-Time re- inmblicami CaUCUS for mmomumimiatimmg otlicers of time imommse was orgaumized yesterday of- ternoomi by time selection of Mr. Cammnoim , of llhiimois , as chairman. Time roil of members was called , amid thu ( mrgammiza- tion bcimmg perfected , General ICeifer amid all tlmo old olhicers of time hmoimsu , witim tim e oxceptiomi Of time lOstmmiaster ) , wlmo was imot a citmiditiato , were rm.mmomnimmated , utmoim S divisiomi vote ofli to 15. Deputy Postmaster MeNumir was umonmimmuteil post- immaster , Fiftuomm votes iii opimsifiomm to Keifur vro cast for itohirisoim of Masse. . chmtmsotts. I - ! i. I1 1 ( IL % I'I I X ( ) 'I' i'S. " t'oiimlImuy : , I'i i3hIi : formimeil him I'ittsbii'g to transport iii motmthi imd ivust. Ex.Jaynr A. Oabcoy hail has roioreil his cemitmectiomi with t1m Now \rk , 'l'rutim cmiii st-il I gii to Joniioim mumil ractico hub Covingtumm , ICy. , cclbrat.ctl , time iimomiiiiiatiomm ut 'mriislo Witii speeches , mimigimig of hells , a cammumoim smbimttm , iboiviiig stoani m'1ihtios , etc. .Iiimiius I loyd , , .f . ( iunijmIimsvii Ic , slmut imis soum fatahiy Saturday. 'l'ho boy wits at PlaY mmtl rtiusteil wimoit J103'tl attomimpteil to drug hmimmm into the im'nmsu. t1rs. Cimamles It _ Nortimaimi , of hartford , C , mmn. , belt $100,00 ( ) to Trimmity cohicto , anti time hartford hospital , itiiii 25,0)0 ( ) to religious I rglmflizlmtl(1im14. Atisma Schimmoiler , , mm drimnhcnum loafer ii St. Limiuu , brained his ivifo with a wagon solca maid iuliicto.i ciauigoromms woummuhts cmi his ilaughm- tor's lwa.i . , tictumnlity milgmt. ) Mrs. Nary A. Miller lies bcoim mefusoil am steamr.iwat iimastni-'s hicone by the inmpomvisiiig iimauiectom' oil accouzit of her set. rims case tviil io roferrnl ti , time secretary of time treas. mmry. mmry.Slimen Slimen the usinilotv glues ivorkers strike iii l'ittshurg iv'r 100,045) ) buies of glass ) ICti boemi imni.urt.oi and time iixmportmitiomms will , It is thougimt , reruclm mm uimiliimm boxes batons timc strike is over. Charles Ii , Ilemmnlu , ti'tuasuror of ] Ioston iii 18g0 , was fount ! to he a defaulter to tutu tuimic * 8tJ ( OO , imt mmeitimcr ito nor iiuii bonhsnaeii , could be hioiil liable for a large pert of this , and a settioiimommt hues been ollocted for 850,000 , Lewis 0. Siimit.im , sexton of time cimurchm in East Boston where 11ev , 'mV' ' . 11. Cmulworth1 time pastor , roppod .iead on ThmammkglvImmj day , died Ia a .Imnhimum nmnimnur him the church 3atur.iay while Cudwortim's body was lyin thcre Carrie I4walim , mm well known actress , coma. macneed suit fordivoret , in hit. Louis Saturday 0mm the ground of ilosertioum. v. B. Tuall , proi'ideut of the Terre hiamut. i ; Somitimwostermm railroad comopaiy , died at lmtdiariapoius Suuim4lmiy , muter a few day's' illimes. . .Tiiineii Iyail , lahioror , living \Veststroet , N. Y , , was attacked by thai-so uumknowmm mnemi who caine tim his imkmms last imight amid beat iaimim'im the presence of imi wife. Lyahl's in- juilos itiil mhabiy irv. . , fatal. Ni , arreit.s , jtmm euglimo cmi time t'avaimimsim & ttcmmtfamimery rail way ox liitl this mimorimimmg , kihimmg ( a ummami macmood Allen. 'lime eimgimiuer was fetidly scaldoil , cmii time ilrommman seriously Irijumed. Alexmumulor I I , Adzmmmms , iirusidummt of the lo. troit , Sat'iugd bank , iiieil suilticimly milton maUi. hag tim i&i mmsuaii imealtim , i3ttimrilamy niglmt , aged 70. Semmmttor .Aimthumi ) comitinuies to lnmiirom'e , ljiit it will he seine timimo before lao will bo ui'ie ' to leave Now York city. Mi's. Mary ( lay AIillir , ir.irietrecs of ( limyt , ' hotel , l'haiieduipimla. I. . dciii , augeil 7' . She wais wom tim cetera1 uaalitimun. , - - Cnilohtiuil 11114 $ Imm1I. Cii ItiAllo , iocuimmbor 2.-'I'imu lmiiy News' i'oimliao ( Ills , ) s1meciai says Larry llraidshiaw , him a tlrtuiikumm row last nighmt wRit oimipioy'es of time Chicago & Altoim railway was hit. on tlmt , beau and died I this mmmornimmg. .Jolium ( 'ox , ii secticim bosi , imas becim arrested , THE BOILINC BIGOTS. The OFallO1llOll of ilistor Brutally As- SallE Frotostauls all Catholics Alike. Tile Removal of Rossmoro Liable to Upset the British Constitution - - stitution , The Marquis of Ripen Unani illoflaly Hated by the Eu- ropetuis of India , Time l'ripliet , vith all Ills False , Still IivetI Iii Egypt , GIN'IItAhi lItIlN NFiWS. TIll : umuANnu r.uumIrrmoN. : : Dwmm.mx , December -Orange bodies commtmmmuo to pass rcsolmmtioums strongly comm. mlemmuumiumg time suapomilmiomi of Lord .Rosi- ; mimore. Public mmmeetimmgs wilt be hold mum variotme parts of time comimmty of Ulster , to resolUtloims of a like tommor. At. Newry l'rotcst.ants emi tIme way to church wore assaulted. Four comupammies of iii- fauitry , with 20 rounds of ammmmnminitioumper mitsui , wore Posted1 about [ cmvii , which time police are also patrollimmg. A body of lammccrs are at promuoumt occupy- ilmg time sqimaru , amid time commrmtnbmmlary forces are statiomicd at the court house amid oilier lloimmts. There was a large at- temtdaumco at the Catholic church wimero Rev. McGartomm , rnferrimmg to time meotimmg whmicim 'it-na prohibited , said : "Such acts oum time part of time govornmmmemmt are ommoughm to niche rebels of thmeim : all , amid if imersisted in would drive time imcovhe to rebelhinmi. " He declared time mneotimmgs would be hold despite time govcrnnient. or Orauugemumomm , amid characterized time proimibitiomi of time mncetimig as a direct. in- suit. to time Catimohis. Duriimg time attack time Protestamits two pohicemumemi were iii- jmmred by atommes. NO SERIOUS TltOUiit.fl AT uWutV. Nnwnr , Dccomnbor 2-Timoro lies beau mm serious trotmimlo to-day its tIme towim has boon occupied by a military force. Time local league hemmed greemi llmtcarla auimmouncing that the mucetimig called for to-day haul beemi postponed by order of time Dtmbhimi uxcctmt'mve. Mobs intro been runmmimmg about time strecots cheer'mimg ammil iimllowImmg all day amid ser. oral persomis wore imijtmrcd by zitommes thmmowmm Ntmmmmbcrs of arrests Jave boon mmmdc amid the excitemnoimt is unabated. Lalevi : MATTEuL $ . Dunim , Docemmmber 8.-At. a mettimmg of Irish farmmmers , a priest presiding , rcso- itmtions ycro adopted miskimig time natiommal I league to start. a fund for time payment of Irish mmiemmmbors of imairhiammient , condemn. imig eimmigratioii amid pledgimmg those hires. ( tilt to forbid iummmting over their laud. while lammdlordismu exists. At a mneetimig of untiOnmtlfsts at. Londomnlorry it was rim. solved to hold an out door denmonstra. ' . tJni on the 18th inst. . on hiichmdatooc. , ' urs tii''athiv'imriiti - ' - - boys ahmutting time gates of Derry. - . _ , ' ' . ' . PLs1 : i'umom'iir.'r imnmoitTms. CAnto , Decommiber 2.-Two mcmi vlmo left Eloboid betweemi time 16th and 19th of Novemmibor , arrived at Kimartount yes. terday. 'i'hmey saw the false propimet , ElMahdi , mnarcim omit. to ummoot the Egyp- tiamia before time recemit. battle , and after- vards saw lmimn return to Ehobeid with gnus , rifles , iargo stares of amnmummiticim amid trains of cammmels belommging to the Egyptians wimicim lied beomi abaumdonod iii emitruncimod positions owimmg lo the scarcity of water. Thmey report. thmatthmo Eyptiamm anny lies boomi completely anmuhmilateil after two days Imarti lighting. Ni ) ) r- ommors were brought immto Eloboid. It is reported timat aim uprising occurred in Darfour and Strattin bay. Time gov- unumor of time lrovimmco , a. native of Austria - tria , Imas 1)00mm attackeI amid womimitied. If , is mtlo relmort.ed that. there lies becit a risimmg of lledouimms 1mm time vicimmity of Kasola iii Numbia Till. : INI'IA VIlimtOY. l.iONION , Decomumber 2.-A Calcutta dh- patcim says : Time Marquis of itipomu , Viceroy of Imidia , retmmrimed Saturday amid. was welcomed by cmi inimncmmae crowd of mmativcs. Time bammimers of Limo natives imi- acnibed , " ( od Bless tiie.Viccroy , " wore destroyed by the Europeans. A mmmci ) 'if 200 assembled at time governmmmomit. ' house amid imisiiel time marquis amid his wife whoim they drove up to time gate. At time buum. i1mmot Friday 200 Eumrojmeans wore liresent I Time toast , "Time Viceroy , " was received in e'mlommco , Only tweumt.y.four Europeamis tihotl up. NorzTimis extreme unpopularity oh ? time mnrtrquis with time Europciiii residcmmta I occasiommed because lie strongly re- commmmnommd time imomo ovornnmemmt to give native judges jurisdmction over Euro- ; puana , as well tum.mrntivcs , Tilool's ' , TO Thu i'itomr OAIUQ , Docommiber 2-Col. Sartorii.s starts for Sunklimi Monday witim 750 gen- du-arinea , 200 Imioro follow Tuesday ; 800 I cavalry sitast. for time seine jilaco durimig I time week. ( iobsmmr Pashma has been an- I , timmzud to unroll :1,000 : black troopmc Time juoatiomm of their transportation ofrers time greatest. difficulties. OJImIMAN INTIIIaSTH IN ChINA. rANrON , , December 2.-Time Marquis of Hartimmgtomm , secretary of state for ynr , iii at Accriimgton stated thmat time : Brmtmh governmneumt imad received en iii- timatmon from time ( krjmmaum government. of its wihilngmmessto co.operate with Eng. land to pm'ot.ect timeir subjects amid immter- eats in Chmmima iii time event of ivan botwceim Chmimma and France , nxh.LoItimt : iSAI' . Julius Paper , Austrian-Arctic exIlorer , it dead , agol 41. 'rita miss' sc SQUADIIeN. , 'himr'rt' , Decomimbor 2.-A telegram fnamm lioimmbay sayj , Adimuiral Hewitt. rill stait for EgyjmtMonday to take conmimmamid of time Eimgiisim squadron , coxmcomitrating cmi time Ited sca. rum : ii.tN or CmtOiIA. l'ts'rsm ] ) ocuimmber : 2.-Coummt ileder- vary is gazetted us 1)511. of CycLic iii iacu of govormmor t'ii itamnburg , mmmilitary conm- mmmammder , wimo lots c.aipletoiy restored order iii thu disatrocted districts. - - - - - 'l'hii , hineoumiat Crlmmmo. L.t(1)NIt , N. 11 , Deottimiber'rim. . . , motive for killing i1rms. Ford remabims a ' mmmymteiy. hamomm immis coimfessed mmothmimmg amid i'vrietn ' Iii hits imimmocenco. Mrs. Ituduly continues inq'moviiig. To-day she sitlil shim iuuv Samnoms striho hemJuts. . . ' lammd , with a hatchet , . - -