Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 01, 1883, Image 12

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' -p A A . A. L 1. . J 4.LE4 1. J.'LJ . & 2 L ) .L A. t ) iA U Z3. 1. , LJ.i ! 'JJii ill 1) J.Jfl I LOOt ) .
3 , - . . - . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- -
poworfttI locomottvo3 , The magniticont
dircotor' car , COflBttUCtCl by the Ptt
burg , Fort \Vayirn Chicago flukoad
conqatiy fnr this road , wa pIftcctL In tlio
. rcftr , atiti ( lt3VOtetl to rncmbor of cone
grc , Mid OthOr ditiiiguis1te guot.8 ,
: who felt dcirou of making i critical ox
: nliIlfttion of the road rind ad3acont
country , whidi they now vited for tbo
fir3t titno. rIio noxL cr forw&rd wa
the celebrated iovcmincnt , or 1incon
car the private property of Mr. Dnraitt ,
; ' 1ttd tbcrcfor do ted IrL1IcIIlly ) to
Jii own pci-annal frcttds and their fin
ilics. In front of this were cour line
onger coaches , ptlt UI ) the )
.car thops at. Otr.Ita. These were (1U
voted to the cxctirsioints gencrally.
Quo of which , however , wa oocuyied
Iinost cx1tist'e1y by the Etidiorti ciub.
* ext cania the moss , or cookiiigar , con.
5trttCtCt a150 't thu FoLVnyiic shops ,
t11(1 dc5igtica us a tondot. or companion
'to the t1irticbor'i car. In front of t1ii
.wa a mail , or oxpresn car , conveiiieiitly
: Iittud U ) a a rcfrchinoiit saloon. And
in front. of nil , or next to thu unglue , was
thu baggage niitl upjily car. TIio oil.
gilies wore profusely decked with flags ,
aitti approprmto inottoca ; atitittic wliolo
outtit prostntcd a moat impOsing appcar.
alice , as it left the Missouri Valley , and
, teanicd away toward the Rocky Moun
taiiis ,
ALL OX ilOLlti ) .
A large number of iiwitcd guests from
OiiitIia and vicinity accoIn1)aniod thu
sturn excuraioiiists. Thu following is
the compete hat of
UNiiN Actvic :
Dkectors ati1 Offlccr ni the U. P. flaflroad
Ciiiii1itiy. _ 1)rcctrn-ThiIlM , 0. Durait , ,
q3w York , vc.presIitont ; E. Cook , Iowai ;
.Sidnoy IiiIini , New Ynric : 0. A. 1.atnbar.i ,
M aMac1n1ett4 ; John 1)iilt , 1a'sac1tiiseLt ;
lion. C. 'r. Sherinau , Ohio , government di.
Government Conm1R1onoronoral ! , ( J. it.
.MiI1)iana ) , , \VasiIngu ) ; ( nora1 S. It.
Curth , Iowa ; lion.V. . M. Wblto , Contiocti.
cut.Chief Inginnor-an. G. M. Dod a , Iowa.
ColiMititi og Euiinccr- . Siiau oytnour ,
. New York.
jni4atit Superintendent and ( enora1
Frdght and Ticket Ageiit.'V. . Snyder.
- Att1LCIe II. \l. lIuxje , 10 cliarg.i of toain
boatM : Ii. V. Bunker , N. A. ( Joatner , iii
charge ( f sirciiiI traiti.
ci. v. Frost , nirchaaing agont.
Mnj. L. S. Bent , hurnetizor.
( ; enorL1 and ] ) aniol Casement , iii
charge of track.
J. Carbutt , pIIotograIicr ; Mr. Iloiti ,
asistaut photographer.
Great \Vcsterii Light Cuard Band of
Chicago-A. .J. Vaas , leader.
ltosotibiatt.'a band of St. Joseph-H.
ltosotibiatt , loader.
ion 11 F Wade , U S lion .1 W Patterson ,
senator. J S sonathr.
iliiii M Volker. lion W Lawrence.
1lII .1 B Alloy and Miss ] Intra Alloy.
wife. I ton It B Iticklanl. ,
lion I P Roger. 110,1 , it Ii IIaya.
lion B I Iioyer and lion S I Ancona.
1,110. Iloii .1 IIi'anitiar and
Te ( rand Lockwoo,1. , wifo.
Ilcairy B hCkWOol. ( IirI o Arhlo , Eng
: i t'lillon B.rrett , land.
' secrotry : French Ic. Narqtils Clianibrini.
gathiiii. Mr ioid Ztrs , J T tc.
] 1b.s A \TihhIani. i . Cobb.
II iiracoVilhiaiiiis. . Win i.oghton. !
] 1r , .1 1 1 $ iIiipsolI. MiK4 .Iiiiijo Simpson.
NIM'I ( Iraff , .1 T Tuttle , M I ) .
.T E Sherman. TdiMs M II Sherman.
Rev ir ( I F Wiswchl B I ) Stewart.
anti wifu. Miss Ii It Stewart.
.1 it IiilF. ) 11111.14 D121r.
Mi huh. Ruv I 11 'l'uttho , 1) D ,
Ccl h I ) I'ay1iir. awl wife.
MIMI K to Oliloy. S .1 Juncs , surgeon , U
Ccii .J I I B tes. S N.
linnAmigmistims Schehl. 11evV It Brown.
.Johmn ( Mr and Mrs George
Mr.o Gen 'I' i'i 1).ivls. Francis 'rraiim anti
? ihi , S.dhie Clark. imiiiul.
Mrs .1 S 1'oUiimiii. Mi M. S Dodo.
. r Mr aunt Mrs \V IL lion Thomas I ? l'hmn- ,
Ilailbitchme. knitt.
lEnin G ii Sentor. ( ] A I3nnidict.
Cot The limnhmiick. Ezra Ii Baker.
Mi4M E It B.mker. Misi Bimrboo.
Ir V 1'lumnmer. Isaac S \ atermnaji.
Mr and MrsJ Ii Coni. 11 M Smith.
nehly. Cot \Vihhimmin Osborzm.
f Mrs It A Park. Mrs A P Clark.
Capt St Albo. .i It Walls.
II M Kinsley. Ir ninth Mrs S ia
.1 A Gihilen. Sprague.
B T Vatkii's. 'lin hilton.
.Jooilt Melill. Col A. W John1500.
John 1'ott. .1 II Bowoi.
:11 : M MclIei.ry. T W Fabons.
Mr and Men W 11 C F AtkinHoil.
; I'ainiter. .losIaii linstiligS.
1 ? II Hall. 0 II Iiizeltlno.
; 6 fl 1' htazeltlno. l'erry ii Smnltl , .Tr.
t ; CIII B II , Iank. irli1IVaiLDovel1r.
. It 1) hIcks. B Belly.
.v G Menilenhall. Mr atmil Mrs I ) 'N
v : Cuorgo I illbomirmio. lihlnmrmio.
Nrnind MrsItharrjmg. ! Ira P Howell.
1 S Lathrop. A N Allen , M 1) .
: i'v Ihinisdalo. Mrs S Seymour.
J M Ssymimonr. Franklin \Vhilto. .
3.'hoinas If Cuthiohl. S I' ILnhiios. ,
Luther Kinmntzo. . .JV Miller.
' , Vihllan , 14 Woods. Major lenning.
t 3tr Vintor. ( Japt , Tohmn B Turner ,
'N II Ferry. Perry 11 Smith.
( icorga 14 limnlap. B B 'I'ahcott.
Col .J IL hIOWU. .r1i111 0 ( iiilt.
INane U howe. lohin V Ayor.
George lmt Piihhinaii. hhlraniVhmoelcr. .
Charhe IL hfngood. Itobt P LIncoln.
Norman \Vihhiams. .101111 1t ltountreo.
- lion IL B CurtIs. hIenrr L Curtis.
Ir . .1t Buckingliam. Chiaa P Sheraton , , Jr.
Ir It I ) hicks. S Lathirop.
111155 hattie V La. A ' , hmiton.
thrill ) . Mr 011(1 Mrs J \
C I ? , tkInimn , llahchm.
Rev V' It hlrovmm. T It Muntgomory.
Ii Ij Ilmirinman. ( inorgo It SmIth , 1
GoimI MO'Brion and M , Omaha.
t lady. Dr Alexander , muodi
St A I ) ] Ialcombo anti ccl director.
lmnhy. Major Ibird
George L Miller. I hi 'l'aylor.
1i 1t MoIonaugh. .Iudgo 0 BaldwIn.
It C Nutt , comi , and Mrs ( IOu Iodgo 11111
is Jy. daughter.
Miss .EmmhIa M Dodge. M in Ii lit htuxto.
Mrs ( I 'W Fr st. Miss 0 1t Frost.
Miiis A .1 Shmaw. Mrs I ) T Casement.
f . John1 Jones.
lion It. Sammntlerim , governor of Nebraska.
lion .1 M Timayr cud lady , and lion 2'
Tiptoe U S senators-elect.
hJouVihIinmn Kellogg , chief justice of No
- - braska.
Major General Ithllhlp St ( teorgo Cooke ( corn
immandlug departnment of time Platte ) Al1 (
y stall.
lion A S Paddock auth lady , secretary of No
31aor Cushing , chief comnmniaary of th
5oh J IC Miznor , ( Itort McPhmersomm ) , lady an
Llout Yates , Second cavalry , U S A.
Liout A S A.lamm , Socoud cavalry1 U H A.
t , C J Jenkles , In ubarge ltahtway Fionoen
l'rtntlag Establ1himnent.
J Slmeimhierd , iliieiiimtO11AIOflt United Statel
Express conmImaIy.
"Giles , " editor Bugle , Council hiluffs Iowa ,
V r Burke , cditer I'iuuparehl , CouncIl llluhTs
t Iowa.
OFE i'Oia Tit Jt ) .or T1IACK.
The excursion train left Omaha shortl3
before noon , running at a slow rate o
speed so as to afford the iicuraioniata m
good Olportufljty of aeoing ttiu ooumitry
Thu train reached Columbus soon aftw
Iark , and wai halted in front of a brihhi
iitly ilhumuimiated etlcaznjInout cover
ing several acres , a short distanct
uortli of the station bnitdimmg8 , and so ar
ramiged as to affordcomforlable acoomoda.
( ions for all who wished to leave the cars I
, anti enjoy th novelty of a night's sleep
in _ caiiip. A spleiidid $ Upp05 was sOlVed
C iii a large tent , hiic1t all greatly en.
, joyed.
During the evening a large number of
Pawmmeo Indians gave a war dance imear
the clacahmmImment , and the ezitortaimunont
: proved verx novel and interesting to
112511y Pf limo visitors. Before daylight ,
- ; ; morning , the IiuUans itmued the
exctirsiotiists by a soenado whoops and
yells , which caused considerable excite.
iflelit' itiitt fear RROfl the iiioro timid
01105 , but When informed that it. was a
joke originated by Mr. 1)uraiit , Ocnera
hedge and Seezolary l'addock , of the Elk.
horn climb , their fear wore allayed and
amid they ressimed their slumbers.
After ls'eakfast was scrveI , the train
prncccdosi. westward , atiiio little distance ,
and then halted iii front of the indlami
ciicamnptiiotit , where the excursicimists
witnccscd a sham Indiati fight. .
After tIm battle , Mr. Iuraut. distii.
biik.d several hmutidred dollars worth ( If
of preacmmts amnoimg the Imidians and their
\S'hcn this most interesting exhibition
of savage life and customs Was cirded ,
( ho excursion trahim Rtartel figaili on its
westward course. passing successively the
embryo towns of Silver Creek , 140110
Tree , Or.imd Island , Wood Itiver ,
ICeariie3' , Elm Creek , Phtiimm Creek , nimd
\Yihhow Island. Soomi after which , anti
at aliotit. 8 P it. arrived at. time tormni.
immttioii of time second day's journey , a
distance of 271) ) nillos west of Omaha.
AT CAM ! ' NO. 2.
Hero , as at Columbus , emi time proviolls
evening , a largo anti brilliantly ihlunlimm.
ated encarnmmnutmt ; had 1)0011 prepared for
time reception of the guests.
A military encampument hind also boomi
established during the previous ( lay by
Colonel iIizrier , in comnmnand of Fort.
Mcl'Iierson on tue opposite mude of thu
Platte , so near time excImrmumnista' camimim
as to preclude any fear from time roanmimig
1)almds of Immtlinima , which were said to in
feat timis portimmn of Limo coummtry.
Comnfortmtblo qtmartors were tin mediately
assigned to each one of time party , nimd
very aooii thereafter an elegant supper
was served
Whiemi time excursion party loft. Now
York , it was understood that it would
overtake tue western cud of time Ummiomm
Pacific rmiilroad track , at or about time
0110 hundredth mneridiami of lmmmgittmde ,
some tWO imuimdred amid fort.y.noven miles
vest. of Onmaima , mmml that. thou amid there
time great colouration would come oIl' .
per invitation and programme. But
timoro timoy mmow voro mtmoro timamm thirty
mimilca west of time 0mb lmummdrcdtii nmorid-
inmm , and no omit.l of track yet visible
Ogltllo following mnornimmg , time fanmous
Elkimorn cltmb , immarchmeti in a lxmtly dowmm
to time Platte river and took their mnatu.
t.immal wmudi.
Breakfast. was then hind , after which
an arnusimmg programnmmo of oxorcisci wan
remmdored , and a series of resolutions
yero jmanett. At. eleven o'clock the train
Pulled outfor tue end of thu track some
eight or ten mullen distant. Several
hmourmi were sPoilt hero in watching time
track laying under time direction of Gomi.
oral Casemajimt amiti Dammici Casomnemit.
UpOn rottmrnimmg to camp the oxctmrniomi-
isto found an elegant dinner awaitimmg
thorn. Time camp wan at that titno named
Platte City
Iii tim evening a fine display of fireworks -
works was given from time stand in the
center of tim camp , immidor time directbmim
of 'Webster Snyder and Silas Soynmotmr.
At. a later hour a commcort twdc vlaco at.
Bunker lmailfohiowcdimyaicctimreomi imhire-
nology hmy"1'rofesor" Vuhhs , who ammmtms
bigly illustrated his stmbjet by referrimmg
to the head of George Frammcis Traimi.
IlostmyAni ) flOUNI ) .
At ten o'clock iioxt mnorlmimmg time traimm
started oh its return trij to Ommiihma ,
whore it arrived at temm o'clock iii tile
uvoimiimg. Ott time foi Iowiimg mnormmimmg
qimito a number of time oxctmrsiomiists
heft for the cast , goimig by stage
amid Lime Chicago & Northwestern rail-
road. 'fime rest of time plrty loft Ommmaima
OIL the following Sumitlay by tim stoamimer
Domivcr for St. Joe. Upon reaching Ciii-
cage , a meeting of time oxcimrsfonista was
hieki in time opera ImoUso , the mtssommmbly
being increased . by the attendance of a
large numlior of Chicago's Jroimlillclmt.
citizens. Thio asnotmmbly was called to
order by Mayor Rico , who delivered aim
address , after which tue mneotiimg adopted
a series of rosohtittomis. Speeches were
timOll made by Eon. C. A. Lamnbard , of
Boston ; liomi. B. F. Wade , of Ohio ; J.
0. Doro , the president of the Chicago
board of trade ; Col. .T. II. lowe , sohici.
tor of the Chicago Nortliweaterim ; Lord
Airlio , of Eimgiaud ; tlomm. S. S. llmyos ,
of Chicago ; ilomi. B. liT. l3oyor , of Peim.
rylvania ; the mmmarquis of Chiainbrumm , of
1"raimco ; Senator Patteranu , of New
Ilammmpshire ; Ccli. .T. 11. Simpson , amid
The followimmg was the
t4peecit 0 ! huh. it. P.VntIo at Clii.
Mr. Mayor , Ladles soil Gontiomnon :
I feel ommtiroly ilmadwiumite to express t
this assemmmllage time feeliimgs which I en-
tortaimi 1)1)011 time subject. under coimsider-
aticmm. 1 have looked over the mimap f
the wimolu cmmimtry for a good limany years ,
mmd at nmm early Period of immy study of time
geography of otir country and its history
I was iimmprcssutl deeply with time imim
portamicu of tlmts locatmoim , Chicago , nimd
about thirty-two years ago 1 visited thus
r city , or time site where time city 11(1w
stands , for itt timat. Imerioti thert ) syas no
city hiero-timeru were a few rmmdo build-
, iimgs , amid somnu gentlummiemi , attracted by
time location mmd hmroslmoctivo imnportanco
. of tIme place , immtorested in its future
building up , amid , like myself , behiuvimmg
it ; imiight grow immto a great city. I attended -
tended , 1 recollect. , a court imero at. timat.
I time , but there wore hardly aimy immimabi.
tammta amid very little to do iii time court.
I cannot tlescriim time contlitiomi of timia
jIhacO attimattimno. I have beemi over time
city to-daymumd endeavored to recollect. time
sites whmore time itilIortammt traimsactitmiin
r were , ovuii wimero time court house , stotmd ;
but I aiim cimtiroiy imnablo now to feral mimmy
- definite 01)imliOhl wlmoro time place was ,
. amid so of all time rest of the city. We
I have alt heard of the wommdorful nmmd
nrnnrimmg growth of tide city ; of time great ,
. bold enterprise of ithiumimubitamita-tiie
whole country is deeply immipressed witlm
I those sentiments , but , sir , it ( alcoa Limo
I PresoimLation of time reality before us to
enable us to undom-atauid time full power of
your operatiomis hero. [ Applaumse. ] I
imave boon ammiazod to-day , as I Ift58U(1
r thmrougii your thiorouhmfaros tnd viewed
I the wonderful progress timat has boomi
mnade in that short period , I buiievo that
, to-day yotm comistituto a city , tlmird in
, poiiit of pOlUIatiOl ) , 1111(1 first , I iminy say ,
lii point of emitorpriso , Upon timis comuti-
nent.-apmlnusul-ammd ; I doubt whether
P yOU yourselves umidem-atamid time full hun.
r portamuco of time IoaitiOIl nmm this conti.
I neat. wmich you occupy. I aimi sure , sir ,
' until I passed through this excursion , 1
had rosily imo conception of time iiiipoit.
. aimce of thmts point , Chicago , ammd , wimat is
. still Immure iumportamit , of the vastimesa aimd
I ricimumess of time great country that lies
, voat of you , amid which is bound to mi'
. tribute iii the future so umucim to build up
time second , if not Limo first , city ummm
this comitinemit. [ Atllaurul I immtvim al.
ways been a atremmuotma advocate for a
railway commitmmuruicatiomm betwueim time At.
iantic and Pacific oceamma. 1 iowa hover
doubted that it was a IJhittcl as vell as
a comnimicrcial necessity , Without which i
do zmt boiiovo timat our great and ghori.
ous republic could tie ampiiflcd ammd
grow toiLs full dimomisiona. 1 have a ! ways
becim willing , an a memnbcr of time national
Icgislustiim-c , to (10 ahtmmlst. itimything thmat
would encourage ourenterprisitig limerl to
etmgmuge in thus groat. cltterprmso-si great ,
muir , thsA time mnirmds of our most cinirago.
Otis citihtlmsts were aimmiost apahied at.
its magimitude ; and its imnlmrtalmco was
still meator timati its imiagmmmtude. lint I
imavo ieen over time groutml , aiitl an I
1)5550(1 over it , sir , looking out of time car
WttilWR atmd emitlesa-ormug to vmew every
acre of the ground we Iasc(1 of the mmnst
fertile chmarmuckr I have over seemi , I iiave
realized tiiat there was nothing in time
east. timid. at all compares witii it. Its
capabilities exceed the mmnrigimmatlon of
aimy miman , atid we can hardly arrive by
oumr znmagimmatnims to time imlmlortammco of
timts great Ittil fertile country , wimemm it
siiull : be covered witit a dense ammd enter.
rising ItmlHmiatiohm , amid all timoso furtmlo
acres ctiltivated , evemi as time land in iiow
cultivated jim time Easterti States , amid the
whole of its agricultural wealth is to find
its outlet through thus roat city. [ Ap-
Imlaimsol Amni thmat , sir , is emily time coum
mnommcemimcnt of it. . its agricultural wealth
and proumctiorma are notimimmg compared
to the miminoral wealth Iyimmg imiddeim HOW
ill the lilUmitaitms ( If that region. SVhy ,
air , to SPeak of time political mmoceasmty ,
sommme imiemi have talked about. time dmsun-
intl of these states. I imevor was omme
who believed in that , because I have
hover seen where time Almighty hind
erected a barrier sufficient to dmvide our
nation itit.o parts. [ Applause. ] You
immay look to tue Ommif of Mexico , am ! to
all our uxtromne southern boumidary ; you
mumay traverse thmat limme UI ) to Cammada , amid
ovemi there OU will fluid mm adequate
boumidary. [ firtiat applause. ] You may
go west front tue Atlmmmmtic ocean , traversing -
ing timese vast fertile plaimis over wimucim
we travelled , and you will find no piaco
for ami izmtermmatiotmal boundary himie. No
aocesniomiist. nor dintimmitnilat can go over
time groummd aimd tleaitmmato time hiimo wiiero
dhiummiomi could possibly take 1)itco. : [ ftp-
ilaumeo.1 I miuvor believed time timing pos-
sihle , antI witim a genial p001mb , 1101110-
gemleoUs in all their aemmtiiimommts , timomr
iiilhits , their edmicatiumi , all , as it. wore ,
0110 famimily , for any tmiamm to suppose that
there is ammytiming timat can fimmhly rend
thietmi nstmmmder , is utterly propostorous.
I mimeaml to time crest of time Becky Moun-
taimms , for timers , imm imiy judgomimemmt , is time
ommlv imlace whore aimy selaration could
by ammy possibility take place. And whieti
I commtcmiiimlate that. amid coo timat vast
regiotm ioyoimd , ricim as time otimer in agri-
ctmltmmrai capabilities , anti intiniteiy richer
ill time mimatorimil wealth , mmimd peopled too
by time same class of people , still , sir , 1
mnighit fear timat ambition might conceive
tim idea that. beyommd time Rocky Mowi-
taiii , Oil time Pacific coast , a great. and
Prosimeromma natiomm , Beparato from us ,
iiiigimt. be built up , and when I contcmn-
lmiate timat , air , I timimik I see tim neccs-
aity of intimate connuctiomia with that
potmplo by commimnorce , by social relations ,
ami(1 nil thioso ties timat bind mmations to-
gotimer. [ Applause ] Not believing that
thieve is any daimgor of such a timing , for ,
for thu imonor of that great people over
there be itsaid , timoy have given us no
imititnittiOti timat there is auy design to
separate timommiselvea from time rising amid
prmmspoctivo glories of this great iopmmblic.
LAiiilituso. ] lImit , sir , it is a dictate of
prudence politically to cmiltivate time 1110sf.
imitiimmate roiaticmmms witim timat lieopie , amid
use every facility fmr conmmctiimg ourselves
mmitmat closely with thorn. how , sir , should
timis be dommo ? l'mlaim's immgemiuity has in-
vormttii 110 other way except the all.ohhi.
ciomit instrumentality of Limo railway.
Amid that is mnmthiciommt to bind nations to-
getimer this day iimfimmiteiy stromiger timmi
time poopie of the old tiimme wore capable
of. ' [ 'hmereforo , sir , I do honor to all
those wime , eitimcr through liatriotismml or
time far-roacimimmg knowledge of their own
imiterosts , are takimmg in hiammd to expend
their capital , their timougimf. aiitl tiieir
labor OR tins great mmiterpriso. And as
we liroceeded west over those vast plains ,
amid foummd what time energy of those xiiomm
hind done , it tilled our immimitla with time
greatest degree of admimiratmomi. As tue
gentlemimami who Iroceoded me has said ,
there was no mnami among us viioso imeart
did miot. svarmii toward time macn who cmi-
gaged their fortutmes in this great miter-
prise. They have IrOsocuted it with an
ommergy that astonished me , whether it
did others or miot. I had mio idea that
this roati was creeping aloimg with such
facility toward its western termiminatiomi :
amid whomi I aw it I felt. glad that all time
votes I Imave over given iii congress , imav.
imig any coiimicctien with timis
great ommierprise , have beomi to
aid it. [ Applammso. ] I labored
to have it done , lomig before it. was.
'l'lmore was a time precodiimg the war-for
this great. work has boemi in contemnl)111.
I iomm for a good nmamiy years-that we
fommghit this tiiiimg lorststemitly , but. without.
atmecess ; we could mint got. it tiirotiglt con.
gross. We somit gut. surveyors to ros-
hiect. itmmtl estimmmate time coat of the dmller.
omit roads through time Itocky mnouimtaimms
muid omm to time Pacific coast , thid they ro
pmrted tiiat it. would cost a imundred mmiii.
hiomms of dollars to establish this road
timoi-o , ammd muon thmouglmt thus summit so
great that. mio iiatioim cotmid ntlbrd to omm-
gage iii time enterprise. You all kimow
time argmmmnmmta imsod in comigress against
it. It wan extravagant , it wmis oimormmmoun ,
it wommld bamikrupt the mmatiori to undertake -
take it , yet a plivato comnimammy of mdi-
vidimals , utideti a little by time govermmmont ,
immive goime on amid rendered it. mlot. ommly
possible , but. have , iii a great. measure ,
acct.mmi1lisimod , tile vork , [ Applaumse.J
As time gommtiemmmu who preccdml mime
stated , we traversed the road sovemi immtmi-
drod mimiles vest of this ymca , iimlo time
Very heart and centre of time commtimiemmt ,
mtimd there we found thorn goimmg on almimoat
its fast as a luau could walk. Iimdeod I
Ilid. imot kmiow at one time if we should ho
able to got to the ommd of it , for I will say
tlmat they are prosecuting it with au umm-
abated ommorgy , amid with a unity of Ptmr-
1)050 that. is perfectly amazing. Every
vorkmmmtimi kmiowa hits vlace-everyono is
as bimsy as imo can ho-time work goes per.
ceptibly emi while you atsimil timoru vmew-
itig it ; amid , sir , this is most imomiorabie to
those gemmtlemmmen wimo imave timis great
work iii cimargo. I tell you that live
years will not ciapso before OU immay
take the cam-s here amid go to Saim Fran.
cisco ill four days , [ Appiaimse. ] Amid
1)10mm ) thiimk of time devolopmmmoiita of timmut
great country wlmicii will ho disclosed ,
how is mt how , air , iii your Itocky Moun.
taiim regiomi , a region so rommioto amid so
little kimowmm , that ten years ago , I rocol.
Itict , 1mm congress , vimen we ummdertook to
divide it UI ) immto territories , we vere PUz.
zied mnost of nil to ti time boummdarics ,
because we did miot kiios whore time
would run , amid , if you hook 1mm our wor
you will timid that we have boummdctl timommi
oil time wim t ' 'by time crest. of time Rocky
imiouiimtains , wimorevor that mmiighit be , "
? 4) lcmmow mint if timers was ammy goid or
other mmiiimerals worth iookimig after there.
'I'hmeso , imowuvcr , time elmergy amid ommter.
jriSe Of our &io have disclosed , amid thmo
llmmestiOui 110W 10 , Imow shall the wemmltim of
those regions be developed for the ad.
vavitagu of time natioim amot time benefit of
tIme world at large I vilL say one timitig
hero , by way of digression , that there are
tiioso who look IlIOti time liubilo debt comm.
scqtmemmt upon this vork witim great ; 0l1mu.
hmeimaiomm , but sucim gemitleinen imavu net
hecti of tiioo excursionists. [ Applatmo. ]
They hiavo miot looked to time amazing
rcsumrccn , of this govormilnont , agricul.
tHrill , mnitieral , amid otimerwiso.oW ,
just. thimmk for one moment what amotmimts
of gold nmmd silver have been dug otmt. of
these mimruntains under all time dmsad.
valitages of havitmg mio great. mode of Coin-
mnumiicatiomi , whioii mcli hind to dreg tiiumr
heavy niitl poimdortius immstriitmmnmmts for
gottimmg out. these minors a over tlmousammds
( If mimilen of untracked territory , amid yet ,
sir , they hare dimg otd. those preciotma
imieLln by imtmntlrctls of mmmihlioims. Now ,
timitik of tue vast. clmaimm of Imlotmlmtnimln ,
extending frotu limo umortim of Mexico to
the remnotest nortim , rtmmiiiimg timrougim this
great republic from end to cud , amid all
( mmli of timeso lmrccioms metals , and thmink
wimemi thus railway simall be accomplished
there , wiien these great amid pommdorous
iimstrmiimmoumts so miccossary to develop those
inimierals , shall be taken there by time
SPeed of time railway , and that. great mmmiii-
ral region shall be exposed to time
omitorprise of time Anmerican pee.
Pie everywhere with stmcii ease
and facility-wimoco the workinomi musy
lIe fed by railway corn nmunication-
where all their u-ammta can be so easily
supphicd-itmmgine , if you cati , the imii
immense wealtii tImat will lie developed al.
nmost instantly uiiemi time railway reaches
timose regiolis , and themm doubt , if you
can , the ability of thmis mmatiofl to cii.
counter any debt whatever. [ Appiammso. ]
And aimotimer timing occurs to me that. .1
have no doubt will take place the imio
mimont thus great thmurommgimfaro readies thin
I'acific ocean ; flue whole course of trade
tImid cotmmmiierce will be changed by which
all nations , amiciomif. amid mnodormi , imave
soughif. the great and ricim comimitrien
( If the east. Cimimma amid India
will be reached in one-half , mitty
one-third time timmie wo roach timemmm
miow , aimd timoy will find-for self-interest
governs all these thmimmgs , whatever time
pride of mmatiomms tony dictate-it. will not
divert time course of trade froni its cmi-
oat. chmannolsand whemi yomm have diverted
time course of trade tiirotmgh emir republic ,
: ll thmat Europe 11103 of time spices , teas ,
nmmtl silks of time cast will commie timroughm
this cimaimnol , here by you , time peop1o of
Chicago. [ Appiause.J I toil you , sir ,
end I say to tliio commipalmy , you have a
rigid. to bo protmd of what you have dommo ,
for you are revolutioimizimig tile commerce
of the world. I do miot. know that any
milan can how form a judgrnoimt of the
exceeding importammco of this great work ;
hut. I ani glad , sir , timat it has fallen to
mily hot to support. it before the nation , to
give iiiy voice and intluomico in its behalf.
[ Applause. ] I am glad , sir , that it
atamids recorded there that , througii good
report amid tinoughi evil report , I stood
by this as 1 stand by all those great thor-
ougiifares timat cominect. time interests of
thus great rcjmubiic with one another.
The gentlemmiami alluded to that great iii-
ternational work , the vatur communica-
tioim between imere amid the east , almost as
immiportammt as time other , and worthy the
omiterprisimig people of Chicago to bring
before time lmublic , amid I trust. they vil1
imavo time intelligence and time power to
imnircss its importance emi tue whoio 1)00-
1)10 of tue United States , so that time
work slmall go hand iii iiammd with the othi.
or , and tiiiniiy bo accoiiiplisiiod. [ ftp-
plause. ] Therefore , again I say to you
thmnt time itmiportaimce of this location
traimscemmds probably what most. muon
thmimik of it. If yotm are not to be the
first city of tlmts contimment , you will never
have but. two rivals-Sami Francisco , on
the Pacific , may comitoimd the palm of
greatness with you , amiti New York has
got to run fast to got. out of your vay.
[ Laughter and alIuiauso ] You may
deomii that an extravagant expression ,
lut. recollect. that. New York city hind to
struggle for one imuimdrcd and fifty years
before she lund tue population and wealth
tiiilt you have to-day. Look at her his.
tory , amid then at all this you have made
UI ) ammice I visited this , themi barren spot ,
thirty-two years ago , and ccrtaimiiy neithi.
or your immtolligonco nor your enterprise
are slow to perceive the great advantages
of your Iocatiomm ; and what I have scomi
to-day convinces inc that you will not be
slow to appropriate all the advantages
you 1)055058. No PeoPle of this Country
hare more intolligeiice , more of enterprise
torpriso , more of time Amen-
can Yaumkee go.aiicadativeness than
time people of Chicago. [ Applause. ] I
say again , there are but. two cities on this
comitimmezit that can comuipeto with you and
your posterity for the palm of greatmiess.
"Amid now , as to tue oxcunsiomi. I
imavo said before , amid I repeat it here ,
thmat it was on time most comflirohiemisive
scale of mngmmiticcmico that I have oven
seen. Tue company have stopped at
miotimmng timat would protnote our imappi.
Imess or brimmg witiiimi our grasp all time imi-
teflmgommco we could possibly acqtmiro emi
timus subject. 'l'hmoy atoppeti at nothing ,
amid there is miot P. momnber of timat oxcun-
m3momm panty iiio WiUid miot admit. time perfect -
fect orgamuizatiomi that was brought about.
by time hmuamiagera of the oxcursiomi. It.
was tiiorotmgimiy oraimized-amud , travors.
umig timis continent more thou fifteen humi-
tired nuilos , imavimmg to use difloremit. modes
of conveyance , transporting thmts great
Conipimimy fromu oio : imoiimt to mimmother witim-
out time least confusion or time least do-
hay , was a work that required braimis as
well as generosity Their arrangements
wore all perfect , and time emijoytnommt of
time exctiraiomiiats 'was as great as it was
1)oanLiiU that it eouid bo imiado by all that
iiuummami iligommUity could give , and I be.
iievo timoro is not mt 1111111 amimong timemu but
fools today , iii 1mm imoart , gratitude far
the opporttmnitics it gave imimmi to be no-
quaimited with our great coummtny. here
I mmmay also say , sir , timat wo took away
ommt timoro , amuu'mg time Pawmiees , amid
brought face to face withm barbat-ismn ,
ailnoat time oimtire imistrtmmemmtalitiea of
our iiigimest civilization , We had thmoro
a pnintimig press ; a niornimig paper was
prmmited imi time Platte valley , beyommd time
ilummdredtb rnonidiaum , amid wimiio time Pawnees -
noes weno dammcing their wild ( laiiccs , time
Iniumtors wore working eli'a description
of time scone. Time 81)0Chli0 was a miovoi
amid a gratifyimmg ommo , amid 1 doubt if , in
time iuistory of these timimes , which ammiazo
timid surprise uumeii , tiiero has been ally.
tIming nmoro stmrpnising than tk place
eli those i-omnoto ; ilaimis. 'iVitim time print-
immg ) r058 We imad time tolegrapii , that
wo Zmlmghmt in a hiiemliohit communicate
with our friends at hiommie fco.n that dis.
taut negiomm nmnommg time yoiis of time aborg-
inca. For cue , 1 ommjoyod it mumono tiiamm
I calm express , amid my gratitude to time
omitIomiinmi who invited nie to participate
111 this great occaaiomm ma mono timamm I can
expro8s. To time peOile of Cimicago , to
thmo mmuayor of time city amid its otilcials
gommom-aily , I also 1isll to return imiy mmiost
silicone timauiks for their abummdamit liospi.
talities. They hmavo domie all to prommioto
etmr liheaiimre , amid niako ilmtorostimmg timis
great oxcursiomm , that inemi could do.
' ' 1 thu timammkful timat I aumt.emiabied to
return mmiy timamiks timus publicly to all
wimo have commtnibutcd to ommr ehmjoylmuelit ,
immmd with this exlrosaion vih1 detaimm you
no lomiger , as thmero are to follow muie gen-
tlommiemi wimo are mmiuchm bettor able to du-
sonibe time scommea timnougim wimmcim we have
. "
_ _ -
lr. .Tohn Itch , of Now York city. hues only
missed two k3ummtlaya freimi sickmieas dmmrhmmg time
slxteeu eaes of hIs Amerlcamm mmilnlstry.
The llllllrO Mi11ioll1rcPsidho ! Fa-
cub Eo1n1iou.
Pounding the Orodit Mobilior and
Oonstruoting Paoiuio Railway -
way !
Collapsing Two Hundred Milliou8
aold---"PsyohoBull" With
Fogy Ohinal
Holocaust of Wealth---Tho Union
Saved by Oonstruoting the
Union Pacific Railroad.
Interesting Chapter of Inside hfbmtory
-Geom'go Francla Tralim Immtor.
viewed by Our Special Cor-
respommdotmt ,
Last Sumnlay afternoon the special
correspondent of Tim 11am ; called upon
George Francis Train at the Ashland
house , Madison square , and handed lmimmm
the fohlowimmg toiegramn :
O1t.turA , Nobr : , November 2.
To P. ! t. Richardson ,
Itoomna of the Omaha Bits ,
No. 65 Tnlbumio Building , New York.
Call on George Francis Train , Ashland
imoume and get ten colummumis if possible , his recollections -
collections of fact , location l'acific terminus at
Omaha , immcidontal with breakimig ground
twenty yonra ago , Docommibor 2d , Also brief
outhimmo , org.inizatton anti work Credit Mobi.
11cr , and Credet Fomicier. Waiit niatter mmoxt
Friday sure. Tolegrapim whether we can
rely on it.
( Signed ) . I : . II0SEYATEn.
r1. r. T.-If. would cover toll emmtiro
pages of Tun Bunt lb tolegraphia you for
but tomi colummmmis.
Reporter.-Novor imiind quantity Citizen
Train , when quality is at rcumiitmmn. I
understand Mr. itosewater's omiterprise.
lie wants to take time edge of all other
papers on the anniversary of the opening
two decades ago. So 1 will take down
as much as you are willing to pencil amid
any ready made facts you may possess !
Were you miot the originator of the
Union Pacific ?
G. F. T.-Yes , tile whole programme
was mmmdc over my table at 156 Madison
avenue ! October 1863 Dix was elected
president ! Cisco , treasurer with 30 directors -
rectors ! Timese thirty formed an excim-
tivo committee of seven ! These seven
appointed a contractimmg committee of
three ! [ Dix , Bushnell and Duramit. ]
This trimiity mmmdc a contract with come
[ [ Toxic ! ] Fromu October 29 , ' 63 to May
2 , 1869 , Durant was sice-proiidemit.
[ And evorytiiing else ! ] iloxie's proposi-
tiomi to build the first one hundred miles
was accepted by time executive conlmnittoe
September 23 , 18G ! Ten days after
147 mullen were added ! iloxie assigned
the contract. to a syndicate of Duramit ,
McComnb , Bushnell , Lomubard amid Grayl
[ All U. P. directors except Gray ] . Tue
contract. was divided into sixteen hun.
dcccl one thousmnd dollar shares , or parts
of shares , $1,600,000 ; Duramit taking
$600,000 ! McComnb $100,000. Balance
aniong lily fniemmds. [ Aineses , Lombard ,
Griswold , Gray , Macy , McCornmick ,
Holliday , Nickerson , Bmitlers , Baker ,
Moncli , Williams , Glidden , Bardwell ,
teadmiiaui. Dexter , Hazard. ] These last
came iii later. To get $50,000 taken I
hawked the commtract through Moses
Taylor , Garrison , the Carcys , , Weston
and Gray , Vanderbilt , W. P Funnies.
Simnomi Cameron , Upton , Forbes , Thayer ,
Jay Cooke. A. A. Lowe , Dunhmam and
Diamond , Grimmmieil and Mimiturmi , Charles
A. Marshal , Addisomi Jerome , Dummicaim
Clews , Eber Francis , Boardmnan , Apple-
tomi , 'I'ommi Harper amid the icadimig mmiii-
liommaires of St. Louis , Chicago , New
York , Boston , Philadelphia and Pitts-
rIIm CitElflT nomitalsu.
Reporter-As you organized Credit
Mobihien ! 1)lmuited Termimmus at Omnalma !
oxcursionod several commgrcssos to time
Rocky Mountaimis , how iimippens it , Mr.
Traim , that you never gave public true
illwarluiCSS of tiits celebrated outer-
pnise ?
C. F. T.-Bocauso it. did muet. interest
mileYiiomi ! Citizen Damma bomuibmmtled :
Credit Tilobihior statosimmon , lie placed a
pmL of time Sun at mnydisposal , if I would
tell tue storyl But. I was too mimmich mu-
teroated in watchming his Tildomi comisimir-
1LCY Oil ( ireeiy to soil out lila Dcmnrcrata to
Grant ( when C. A D. was being used
as atool-pigcoit by "old Cyphmorgramim , " as
he is now ! ) to comnimly with hits request !
Besides , ime wammted fraud , and timero was
MOimiLimilt 1ITOCK.
Roportor-'mVaa there really any Fraud ,
itr. Train , iii timis Union l'acific Credit
Mobihier affair ?
0. F' . T-Fraud ? No ! There mievor
was so imoimest a transaction ! As I imiade
nearly every brick in time building , I
ommghit tokmiowif tiieyworo made of straw !
'lime fact is time shrewdest capitalists lied
faith ill tim apeculationi Ask Macy ?
Guioumb Bomi ilalhiday ? McCormnickl amid
time Americium capitalists if it was miot mmiy
paycimohlgy thuat magnetized those who
imivuatod timeir tsmmmip4 ? Moses Taylor ,
time twenty Inlilmonairo had mio couifm-
deuce ! Ask Stokes amid Timonim ! if I did
not offer him presidommcy day be.
fore election , if lie would take $100-
000 ? Ask A. A. Lowe if Imo too did iiot
refuse immy offer ? Ask Stokes ( [ 'helps ,
Dodge & Co. ) if lie did mmot decline $50-
000 of timis womidonful bonanza ? and Chit-
tomideim aumd .Iay Cooke ? Ask ammy of time
bug list of muammies wimo doclimmed atrair
' ' ° to with
as 'crazy sjioculatiomi attemnpt ,
so ammiall subsidy , such mmmainmnotii ommtor.
pnise ? Nobody had faitim ! ( Such mimer.
Ciiilimtii amid baimkera preserve letters ?
Let thmoimi publish muihie imi 1804 I ) I
worked on Duramit six mnommtims before I
imooktutl imimmm , mmmd , , but for his terrible energy -
orgy amid prodigal oxpoimmlitumre of mooney ,
road would not. have hocim built to timimi
tlay ! it was tue crowlmiiig act of the
greenback ago ! It was built of Aimiori.
can iron ; a mitdihuj tribute to Amnenicaim
industryl It employed Ammmcnicsmi labor
on its roadway anti its outfit ! Irish
labor got the stamps !
Bankers wouldn't bank !
No confidence In Credit Mobillor. I
UnIon i'acllic imp-lull work ,
Millionaires ave It wide ierthi.
Omaha could mint grass Itl
New York too sinai ! to see IL.
Aimgtmstmms boiiiitz lost a great chance ,
This life miarativo of time best known
assocmatiomi oil time globe is so different
froni its reputation.
Train-\1y financial ulans subscqmmemmthy
adopted in building 40,000 mullen of rail ,
Reporter-Did you say the great cap.
italists imad mme faitii imm the apecimlatiotmi
ci. F. T.-Not. a particle ! I wrotea
score of old bamikitig friemmds to join us , in
letters like this to Moses Taylor , after
building time first zucctiomi :
OituIA , January , l8G ( ,
Dear Moses Taylor : Forty mules road open !
Twemity more imi f'obnimary ! ltimmmtlmod ( In time !
'l'imen two imuimidred a yonni lii five years will
Jitii Central PacIfic comnmimig this way at Ore-
gomm ! 'Tis an Imnmoimso mmatiommal oiiterpnilo ,
mmiitl the simoctilatlomm Is an Iimthtvidmmal bomianza !
\'ill you joIn mm witim $100 000 ( oime.aixtoentim
coimtract on Itisido ring ) ? iou 1tit time prosi.
deuicy wimemi I otterotl It to youm thin tiny before
electIon , tlmrough lack of fimitimi Domi't ioso
this contract ( gold mimic ) through a similar
lack of conficloimcoi See Lowe ! Stokes ! Sloamil
l'hieips ! amid ask If I shall save thmemmm a siiaro In
time moat creditable , miatlommal amid profitabio
emiterpriso ntioatl Ammawer immedIately.
G. 1 T.
Tue Bostomi mnen also gotiottora of timia
tenor. My tirst romnittsnco on coimtract.
catne from my tw decade friemid , Wmn.
P. Glidden :
BOSTON , 18ff ,
MyDetir Train : Enclosed is check for 50 , .
000-hail to mmuy credit bainmmco to Wililamims-
on l'acific comitrapt ! daim't you spare mime $25-
000 for l'rimico Gr'iniehl , wlni is a Prince of a
tallow. WM. T. Gr4IDDEN.
Nut. Thiayor was too tliagmuntod because
I turmic'd imini aumd I1icimigaim Ceuitral
Brooks out of directory to speak to iiio.
Joimmi Elliott Thayer was the man who
amiggested timat muiy share imi mrmim of Enocim ,
Train Co. , imm 1852 , should ho not less
Luau $15,000 ! Ito was time only miian that
demmiorahized me oum customn imouse muiattors.
1 sumiuggied his silver bammquet service
asilore in time Ocean Memiarclm ; but I did
mmot know any better then !
how few are aware , except "time argonauts -
nauts , " thmat Citizen Traimi is on record in
typed a1)cechios as liolmeor of our wiiolo
railway system west of tue Missouri as
well as western Iowa.-Emi. Bun.
Oh , yes ! I , who land from 01(1 Frammce ,
Of "pranio teaiiis" iii "rail advance ! "
In mlozeim status I mnimppod thm scheme
That bailt the roads to clmammge the scone.
Ask Nebraska who first laid town ,
'l'imeir iron railm from town to towii ?
Ask Colorado-Denver mmien ,
If they over heard rail thu mmmc of Train ?
Ask Kansas who first built their rail
Irma Wyandotta through "l'awtieo vale ? "
My "sixty tlmousatmd dollar check"
Saved St Louis railway iflOll froimi wreck !
hlahlett was baumkrimpt amid my cahm
Saved ICaimsas l'acihc railway crash.
"Eti rearmietl" tried to stesi the road ,
But had hot force to wield time load ,
"Camiatia Itos , " and Carter , too ,
In ICaimsas tried to Ptmt oil tim screw ,
Leavcnwortm ! kmiows now , to lien cost ,
How mmmcii her cold receptiomm cost.
lied citizens then lieid faitii jim mc ,
itili ! termmminus wommld hma o made town free ;
Two lnmiitlretl thousand Ilimtl Freernommt ,
Stone , Isaac , McDoneli , Ewing , Fomit.
On Pottawottamnhi Imidmaui lantls ,
I'lacetl Kiuisas road in Ilailett's hands.
Amid I arranged witim IIallett there
To rail the state as millionaire.
Then from Saint Jo to Omaha ,
\Vith 1'Jmehiis mmd my ,
Tlmat road was built at early day ,
To open nim the harvest day.
U. F. T.
Reporter-And is it true , Mr. Train ,
timat tue Credit Mobilior is-as solely your
owii creating ?
G. F. T.-Yes ! I paid Myers , surveyor
of Philadelphia , amid hall ( immnpoctor )
$20,000 ( $5,000 cash dowit amid $15,000
in stock ) for old Dutr Green's Ponmmsyl-
vania Fiscal agency ! having just. arrived -
rived from the old world , wimere I saw
Periero's great bank ( in Place Vandome ,
which developed Fremmehi iuidustry ) , I pail
hail $500 to give timose old Duteimmen at
Ummrnisburg to cimamigo name to Credit.
Mobilier of America.V. . II. Harding ,
of Philadelphia Emmquiror , told me he
could have done the bunimiess for $50 ! )
1 sold this charter to Dmmrant , March 3 ,
1864 , for $50,000 in Credit Mobilier
stock ! ( The annie was changed by legislature -
lature March 20 , 1864. ) To simow how
little faith one of time shrewdest inca in
New York , my , George T.
N : , Davis , had in time Credit Mobiiier , lie
solti iiiy stock , much to nmy disgust , and
his wimemi lie saw tue dividomids ( as trustee -
toe ) , for eigiity comits on time dollarl This
settles time swimidle idea ! Nobody had
faith imm the Umiiorm Pacific as a safe spec-
ulatiouml ( or immy fatiier-irm-lasv 'a-mild not
have sold what I kmmew was so valuable
lIt tweimty per cent discount ! a clear loss
of $200,000t ) Tlmis was whore psycho-
visiomi was ahead ofVnll street ! Yes !
Gould owes what I put immto Durant's
hands ! But unless time U. P. py mo my
mmmilhion conimimissions , time road sommme day
will be iii receiver's charge ! When I
wammt stammmps for poammut picmmies with
times little iieoplo on Madisomm Square I
mmmay nmako Rome howl !
OAKES AIIES AND 111100104.
Reporter : Did Oaken Amos act emi time
square ?
G. F T.-Yes ! Brooks and Oaken
Ames had the whole swill pail of Credit
.Mocilier Colfaxism slopped over their
heads ! Both of time commgressmnen were
fair and square ! They paid us their
cimecka like mmmcmi ! ( Dana does thorn a
terrible injustice ! But lie timimmks lie is
righmt ! He is miof. time mmmii to be outright -
right ! Ho fired at Ammmcs to hit Garfield.
ismim ! ] Time reason Brooks imold UI ) in coum-
gross so exultingly time Nelson Credit Mo-
bilior certificate was because lie paid
cmii for it like a man ! ( Nelson's marriage -
riage witim Brooks' daughter was arranged -
od at. zimy Imouseab ) The reasomi Oakes
Aimies almowed his niemorammdumni book was
because time ommtries timoro wore imot. bogus !
( No legislature or commgresa was over
elected without direct or iimtlirect use of
mommy. Wimy lie about it it ?
l'arty is based emi spoils. Pa'tisaims
depend eu etahmmp8 for votes. Every son-
aLoe , comigressmami and legislator is out of
1)oCket in electioim expenses ! Ewoum ICoar.
tmuy's reform convention spout $200,000
moore than time appropriation ! Jim drinks !
Time syatemmi is wrong amid should be aboi.
Yes ! It killed poor Brooks , who was
scholar as well an geimtiomuiaimb Time old
scimool wimig beemimne young schmooi democrat -
crat , immmd was credit to time Pmrtyl : I amn
glad to wipe oil time sta'im of Credit Mo.
bilhier atEsir by saying timat lie .armie immto
it as capitalist , imot as lobyist or bnibiat ,
ammd thief. 1 could not imavu heat the die-
imuimest 'l'lmad Stovemma strikers witimout
imimmi ! Time bill , as r said , was saved by
forty-four u paid demriocrata under niy
lead to victoryl I cm give yomm ziamos
if you wamit thmema. 'I'hoy all dimmed withi
mao at immy twenty piato bamiquet atVil -
- -
Iard'si Time two hardest. momi I had
fight were hlolnan ( Damimi's letter-pad
cammdidato ) amid \Vnshmhmtmrn Ych thie
was tiino referred to when I beat Belmont
amid mmuule iiimmi ptiSLlOiiO Chicago commven.
tioii 18114 from siuly 4th to Aimgtmt 29th.
Sonic day I viil show lieu' ltothmsciiild
put tip iStcCk'hlami to elect Lincoln ! an
Scyrnoumr was munched to elect Gramit !
Greeiy to ro elect Imimim ! and Tililon to
coutmt iii II'yo * ! ima Ilammcock was ptmt up
to elect amurtield. All donmucratsoxpect ,
( like 11 mrrimiiami , wlmem , If owell ammd Emnmis
coachmed hlimmm to get ahmar o of syiidicato
gate mmiommoy.
lteporter.-Did yomm really ofFer Gene.
ml Garfield Credit Mebuhier stock , Mr.
Traimm ?
a. F. T.-No , 1mm mneniory is at. fault ,
I hover niotitioned Credit Mobiiicr to
him , had imo occaaiomm for hits service in
coimgrcns. Cotmiti imot in any wiiy Imso hmis
legislative imithuemice ! imo connects ammether
traumsac'iomm ' that took place iii 1865 , timroo
years before Ames unemmmorandurn book.
My conversation was on Credit Foncior ,
ammothier fmnaiicial iimsti'utiomm of whmichi 1
was and amii presidemit , amid SYihilamn P.
Furniss , Augustmms lCoummtzo , Oakes
, mimes , \Vilhinin ii. Macy amid Charles
McAlistor , directors , to dovolopo inmula
along l'acific ltailway. Wishmimug icatlimi
mcmi of nation iii enterprise , I offere
Gartield tlmousantl dollar share at par ,
whichm lie declined , because lie imart no
means to buy it , amid did not wish to
imave his mmatno down unless lie could pay
wimomi called upon. Timts slmmwa that.
lie ovidemmtiy cninmmmitted iiiniself by mis-
takiimg Credit. Foimcier for Credit Mobi.
Reportcr.-So you exoncrato Garfield ?
0. P.1.-Yes , Onrhield coimlimmually
niade thin inisimike. I hmave time following
. extract froumm Garfield's speech \Vnrron
Ohmic , iii 181J4 :
In tim immtcr of IS"V , , Mr. Train came to
Inc anil 8m'Iwel ! ' ummo a lmst of mummos and sub'
scribers to the stuck of the Credit Mnbiiar !
commmp.mmy , , amid asked moo to subscribe S1,000.
I idmoimid say tim.'lr were fifteen or twenty mimenm.
bees of euflgrO5 on time list , and ninny nowo
PiotIliiiOtit business muon lie said that the
cimrpatly was going to bimv lands doug the
line of time Pacitic railr.1ul at places
where thai' thought thmero would cities and
viloges ! grow mum : deveiope , anti ho mmd no
doubt that time griiwtim of the cnmmmtry , would
mimaka that iimvestmimeimt dotmblo itself in a very
short timmmo ,
Deacomm Richard Smnith , in time Cimicin-
nati Gazette , of time sanmo date , like mny
friend , . Damma , was also eu time wrong
scent. He says : "Whmemi time company
was first. fonimied , George Frammeis Train ,
timemi active iii it , canme \Vashmiimgton
ammd exhibited a list. of subscribers , of
leadimig capitalists , amid sonic members of
couigress , tt , tIme stock of time cornpammy.
The smibacriptiomi as described as a popular -
ular one of $1,000 cash. Train urged
General Garfield to subscribe omm two oc-
casioims , and each time he decimmed ! , " So
you see Garfield mixes up Credit. Foncies
with Credit Mobilier , to hits own confusion -
fusion , mmd this sets imimii might on the re-
cord. Yes , Simimomi Cammmeromm , Formicy ,
Senators Allisomi , Pommioroy , amid Harlan
wore all subscribers. Johmn Simermnan is
also co-partimer. The come lmummdrcd mlamnea
iYem.o all mmmcmi of nark , amid when Gar-
field's work for solid coiim wrecked every.
body , I gave up pecimlatiomi and let re-
suniptioti sivamimp time nmemm who miiade it.
Time black mark I made against. ( Ian-
fluid can be made agaimmat both parties.
I would abolish coin , wimilo lie would
abolish greeimhacks. But , as greenback
platform is stronger thamm spcco IiaYmflent
if possibletimami demumccratic or republican ,
the people get thom throat. cut no immatter
how timey vote. Their only escape is ab-
atemitiomi frommi ballot box.
Reporter-Then you don't take all time
credit , Mr. Traimi , iii building the world's
hiighlway betwoomi time occamma ?
G. F. T-Oh , no ! I am willing to
divide Ilolmors ! Durant could not Imave
built it without mb , zion I witimout. Dc-
ramit ! Nor either of us without Brooks
ill congress ! Nor Ames ammiong hamika !
Casement with his teum miles day track.
laying ! Or , mmmore irnportammt , the armmiy
of Irish laborers at one end and Cimimia- , p'
men at other ! ( After such work , why
should Ciminese go ? They did more than
all time ICearmmeys ! all time aumti.Chmineae
connections commmbimied to iron commtiimcnt.
amid save I'acific states to time union , )
Each played his part ! No ! New York
will jlease stand aside ! Boston raised
the first. mnomioy ! After tue wheels were
oiled , Now York , at. tmaurioua rates , kept
up oil supply ! lii 1805 I saved coumpa.
imy's notes fromim protest by loatmimig Umuon
Pacific $50,000 ! ( See nmy cheek cii city
bamik ! ) Yea ! Durant was as much iim-
dobted to Aummes as Ames to Duramit in
building road ! Omie of his telegrams
read , alludimig to cash drafts omm Boston
to pay labor , "Durant draws like a
jackass ! "
No ! time bmmlk of stamps whiami days
were darkest amne from time Ames trees-
ury ! Yes' ' Durant deseives time credit.
which Gould , who stole time road after it
was built , now gets ! His history ? Tlmis
is wimat I said in 1806 :
Bmirhm abommt tiuime Napoleon died at lId-
dma ! Educated a physician early in life ,
ime loft. mimetlical college for counting
house at New York ! Twenty years ago
lie was buildmng steam-boats ! shipping
flour to England ! controlling New York
corii nmarketl amid giving orders to Baring
Brothers & Co. , to sweep the market of
all breadstufl'a timere ! The speculation
would have paid enormously , but for
exile of Louis Pimihhip amid advent of
Bonaparte ! Timat French revohmtion in
1818 upset mnaimy a man's calculatiomis !
But time Duranta were too strong to be
capsized by cimamige of dynasty of Fraimcel
Fromn and Produce markets
he wont imito railway building mania !
his first. experience was ptmsimiimg along
time Bureau Valley and Rock Isiamid
road from Chicago to Davemmport , and
Missouri ammd Mississippi ! frommm Daven-
port. to Des Moines ! only a step towards
hits great Pacific enterprise , time line from
Chicago to Platte Vaitiyi !
Wlieim hme visited Omaha ton years ago
it was time imicipient idea that developed
mimi such a grammd scald Has Omaha for.
gotten timat memorable toast giycn him
at time Henmidomm ?
CoeNeir. hIt.uri-a AXE ) OMAHA-TWIN Sis-
Titus-Time one to be torniitmus of railroad
( coma Atlammtlc , time other frtmmm I'aclfie Mai
their Increase anti lIrosIenity nevcr be retard-
iil by failure to make connections !
When imo was connected with Rock
Island Comnpany , Eugimmeor Dodge , now
Major.Cemierai , was sent out to make
survey ! Frommi year to year since time
project. imps boemm watched ! Viierm lie
t Wan carrying thmrough hmis bold ajmccmmia-
tiomm on Now York Stock Excimammge , lie
was thimmmkmmig out time imigimway across time
coimtiimemmt ! When lmo was bmmsy imm 1861
ill comimimuemicing to open imp the great Iron
Mouimtaimms of time Adirondacks lie was or-
ganiziim fimmammcinl mnmicimiimory of Pacific
Itamlway. 1mm 1859 ( lemioral Curtis foutid
hmiimm hard at work at Wasimiugton ! In
1862 lie paid down jim cmii three-
fourths of till time subscriptiomms ( I ob-
hummed ) aimd tlmo commmpany was created