. : ' . _ - - - - - - - _ _ ll I ' , l2 A 1 ! ! 11 I I ) I'd & , . _ , , , LAU I 7L I ) V I I I . . I Lii t4 : becoino a 'ority. V1in corn1etcd ' j 1t wI1 1)0 att entitiring rnonutnciit of tim ' . r outerpi Io and pnti intiin , f our coniinoi Country , firmly uuiititic the Lwo vxtr.ii , : f ( ho nation , nid reidoriug thrnn iiitIi. p o1ub1u for alt tirno to cnno. I am , re- I pcctft.11y yourci , . ) YArra. I'ItOM TUOMA C. ) L'ft.r. , k I li L oti , D.cuinber 1. 1' 2b CozVtee , of .1r-(1ni , nu nis , 'Uifl ) \ I J'lClflC ruilrozeZ : ; I Thu honor of iimugurating the grcMe d P 1 I enterprise of this ago j8 thl $ tiny ymir ( I with the kL Of thu goverIIneI ) niul uur I pLtrIotlo pcoplo. Tuo work i to im IUS11L'I 'igorott1y forward , and the (1 % ) wo cclebrntn tim cotupiction Of tlw roa(1 front tin , Its1uUri I iVtr tu the Pacitie I IR 11'arer a liatiti thii our inot : a1ItIIuIo , . . I ' fully yours , Tiioi. 0. 1)t1tAT. I'IIOM IIIR ( JOVE1tOft CM' CALIFORNIA. S.atMR ro , 1)coiiber 2 , 1863. Califoriii acktiowicdge with joy tim groetiiig of lwr 8iBter NobInR. iuul iill ) rove her fr4orit1 regard by ho I tIurL to oxctt her iter iii thu rapklfty with which , crryng the iron boitls of . union , Mho eok a RiBtorly onbrco. , tottittajti and deaurt Bimil soon bu over- oorne. U LV.ANU Srtyoitn , governor. JR1UflAU vowca'i MRRSAUC , I SALT L.tKn , Docontbor 2 , 1863. LOt. L1U3 hearts of the Itoiios bo united to aid the great flatiollal iuiprovetiiettt. BitlallAM YouNo. Tilil onitixa oF IENVER. DxNvlrn , Col. , Decuinbor2 , 1863. Denver Bends greeting to Omaha , I Oolorado freely pledges her iiiotmtain. of gold iii aid of your great enttrprino. ! I AMoS Sric , mayor. _ ; : Tim fldtt1Iitg OftilO HOIitI After the lomtion of the ron ) hnl 1)0011 Rottled in fvor of Orntlia , Aovcral % ttOfl1)t9 ! worn niu1o to iiidnco the PreBi- deig of the Unitiid Sttea to c1ingo IL to oLher ) ) ; , mit the 1)reident iIIVri- &bly replied th : tim road had been In- CtLtIMI ill confer nity with the ri iire- ment of the charter , and ht had no rigli or dP0SttWII ti ) revoke Iiiii ( lCCiii- Ion. Omaha , of oourso , Iiov oxpurieiicel lOOfl and lrncthdec1 to grow rapidly under the atArnulu given to i by this great dfltOrprie. Er1y in the spring of 1864 active work wu betu1 ! Oil thu CoflBtrUctlon of the Union P.citic railroad : contracf having bon lc for the work for 100 UtiIO3 w08t to a 1)Oiflt ill the Platte iley , from which surveys were con- thiud to tim 100th meridian. After abtmt $100,000 had been spent on tim duo westerly courst' , it was abanlonec1 , 1)CftUSO it wa ctailne(1 ( that it was too hilly to d1IW thu inad to ho complete(1 f. L di1t3I1CO 01 100 nileN to avu the charter , which required thlt that much of the road iliouid be liiiisheml l)0LW13efl time ? Iissotri river anti the 100th mnoriilkii within three ycar after tue lilitig ef thin colnpany'8 nRsent to Lhuorgatiic law , filed .Jumn , 27 , 1863. Two 110W r utes worn thou Burveyed. ; 011(3 tO the Z11)rtiI atimi thence west ; and -tb other to thu south , iiearhy to Belle. yoU , aiitl thleliCO miorthvemt and west. The hatter route was called the ' 'ox.bow , " } and wa cii eii by the company , ijot. witliatandiiig thin violent nppnitio1 of the people of Omndmu ; , vhio lind great ii fear3 that the company intended to cross the Missuuri ) river at Bellevue , and leave Ouiah i out in tim cola. The greatest .p Ruxiety existed at Onialia at this time. Everything was litially iiarmiionionsly set- I . - tIel however , and upon the abuid n - ' . - inent of the idea of tartirmg frrnn Belle- VL1 , ) Omnahia breathed easy onCe again. Tim graditig was once more puslIe(1 rapidly forward , fohlowing the "ox-bow" route , and tim laying of th track fol- towed nininatna fast. The tie for tlio t road froni Omaha to the Platte valley were obtained from the Missouri river . bottom lands Being of cottonwood _ I. they were put through tim ' 'Burnetizing .14 ' ' which inule theni ? process , impervious " \ _ to weather , animal or vegetable larasitc. % Tim ties for the rnnaiiidor , of the road ' were AF hard wood , and were obtainoti frin Iiclmigktt1 , Pennsylvania and other diitnmit sLttem ; , aiid frequently cost as high as $2.50 per tie , laid down in Onlaha. 1uno idea of thin difliculty and cost of comitriictirig the Union Pacific may be gainnl froimi tIm fact that there was a breah in railroaml ( ( milIiiitm1ticatlI1 hetwoen Omaha and 1)'s [ .tirIe8 , a ( hist'ulce of 133 miles , and consequently ever3'tiiing had to he trttIMJorteIl by featmis from that pmint , or stoainlnias III ) thu Iiou- 1:1. : Thin comnp tny cliill..3'Otl mix large teiifllOttR on 1110 % 1 iss'mtiri for time traims. IortLtimn : of material , iii addition to hiumi- . dred of teams letVeUI1 Des 1miiics , amid Ojuahmi. The coiiipiuiy tart.ed their Bhiops in Omihia soon after begiutiing time work , 'of build jug tim ti rail road , coin pleti 1mg tl em in the fall of 1865. Tim ovemity-hurtme- power oligine for thin frhiops Whim tramis- ported by ss'imgnnm4 from Dna \lnimies. 'J'lio eiiiiipletiiii of the firat fifteen miles of tnmck of hie Union l'mtcifie was cciubrattd by AZ' IXCtJIL6iON from Onmaha. 'J'hmcnmas 0. Dmirant , who got up time excuriomi , took a hoconiotivo imd a flat car and invited about 20 hioiit goutleiimi'u to go with him on the uiret inspectiomi ( rip to the end of the trak at Saling's Grove. Anmong limo ex cur&ommistH cere Geim. Simernimmn amid lion. b . .1. l'oppieton. It was an enthusias tic hart ) ' , mind mis time comumiMary depart- bent wa well smmIIlie(1 ) , the gzit1emnemi iP ' - enjoyed thiemnsolveu. CF.NEILAL HIIF.IIMAN , who WflB called upon for a speech , related his experience in amukimmg evera1 thousand dollars , years before - fore in California , in an etflirt to . start the Pacific ruilroad. lie reviewed , the dream of other days , amid conclude(1 , with thin exprobsion of a 111)1)0 that lie might lire to rt'e time day , but could scarcely expect at his lige , wimen time two , ocoau3 woul .1 ho united by a complete Pacitc railroad. ( eimomaI Shierimimiri has , contriry to his expcctmitinnm4 , lived to see that clay , and iiaii timivuled over time commi. IlOtO l'1ieitc raihinmod ummiting the two oceans. ha weimt over thin road iii less Luau four 'InrS fromim time day he took the trip to S mlimi4i Ch' ire. Brory twenty imimles of completed road " was dimly immi1ectod by lr1)otiy ) appointed ' inpimcL'n3 , atiot mimislmerolimd oxe1mriioIIs ' wore mmmudc tim till ) mitt of time track , mis it wa mmlVCL ( froimim jmimimmt to 1niiimt. Fifty ! nimbi of time road mva'i comntletwl iimmd iii rmirmmimmig onler on time 13th of ? mtarch , IflU , immiti tle comnmIisjoImor4 of thom go' . t orimimmemit , ( omieral S. It ( JurPIN , CoiI.imii I J. I 1. Simnmomi teidV. . mIVimito , to Omaha emi A ii Il 15th. amid the mmoxt . ( lay wommit over time road to , Nrthm Bend , aimmi accepiwl thin 0) wrk. 1mm Jimly it was auumuuicuil , timiot 1 13o' ; i1IjIL'4 were ready for time car. ' . 'IImti grithing crmmmtinmmeI very raiiIIy , amid the Oasoimmumst , llriithmo'rs. 'vim , , lomil I In' a imtract. r fr track 1yiIm , frequently laid the track at the iitu of LT LUL4 A I.tV. Thuro wore 260 mmlcs of road built . during time year 18O6 2.10 miles in 1867 , almd from January 1st , 1863 , to May 10th , iSOl' ' , fto5 mmmiies were Imild , comnoIet. ) imig tIit nail , 811(1 connectimig 1ti tim Central Pacitic. 1mm time construction of time tlniomi 1'meifk there ere USel 800.000 of I ails , 1 ,7t0,000 } lishm 1ilats)0,00 ( ) ( ) bolt , , 6 , l21t75 ties , amid 23hfl,5OO ( spikes. Meamitimimo TI1I cirn.&i. I'ACIFIC Imad beemi immsiitd ithi cqual rapidity , mtid imnol CPsCd the Sierra Nevada mmioIInt8imm , , btiimg a immarvelious tritmmoph of elmgimlerimIg skill. 'l'Imfrm was a lively race btitwemum time Umminu l'icilic amid the Cemitral 1'aitit rnaIs to build tIme grt'atost imuinber if mimiIo , , nmmd a Ihimmigeroims rivalry prumig imim , whelm was likely to involve bItli mails in mmmm oleasamit amid semiotis dilhicimities , which , hmovevi' , vere settled eu April 0th , 1869 , by the rnilroiul commiuimittee of the house of re reimlttittives agreeing to ask the pasago of a joimut resolutinmi declarimig timat 110 limmd , be isiictl to either corpora. tlimmi for the eighty mmiiin section between tgdeii ) amid ? toimumimeuit Point , until comi- gres arranged a Plait ferTIlE TIlE JUNCTmO2 OF Till' ROAI)5. Meaiitiiiio time relresemitxmtives of Limo tWO corporatioia mnet and mtgrecd that the Pi1 of jUtietinii should be at Prommion. tory Point. It was theme that the romuls were united , on the lOthm of May , 1869. TIlL cnLEnRATmon AT OMAhA iii hInnlr of the COilIpletiomi of time Ummion lacilic mind its junction ith limo Central Pitcitic was a grand niul ommthusiastic miffdr. It was a general holiday for everybody. I'rivato and 1mmmbiic buitdimmgs were onmamuented with decoratinmis of mill kimmih-tlmgs , festooums , banners amiol immottoe , A tel.graih line vims run to a building oii Cahmiti lull , and direct cciii. iimtinication vmis himmol vithi I'romnomitomry , ishiere the golden spike , at time jummctiomm of thin ita4hI , was bcimmg driven vitii mm silver hnummmimor imito the mat tie , wimicim was of laurel synod. \'imozm the last lilow was ghemm at. Protmiomitory it was in- smtnntly known iii Ommumima. , where one immmnolro'd guns were tired in rapi(1 sncces- Bioli when limo amimmouncemimeut vas mimado. A vtis formed iii time after- 1100mm OIl F'mrmmnmmi street , atid with flags amid banmiers flying. time citimeimn niarchied to Ciipitol solimmire , viiere time Ineetimig was prosid d over by ( overlmor Smumnderim. Eli1miont s1)oIcli010 worn imiade by Gen , Chimitoim [ 3. FLik , of 'itissommri , amid Gnu. ? bmuuderiuimm meid .1 tmdgo takeiy , of Oimma his , mmumhl time most ummboummded enilmusi. aim. aim.Timo illumination iii time evening was a brilliant riieet.aclom. Time city vms : oume llaZe ( if light , while time ohisihiiy of pyro- teclumica was very I'ammt ifimi. It was the zramidemot diiv moser recorded iii time history of Omnahma _ Thu result is kmmowmm to ( iVOrhIdy. Time Atlamitic ami Pacific were jo imd by bands of motech , nod a revolmition was miccoimuimlished. in the world's conmmmmerce TIlE 3tISSOUItL S1'ANNEl > . The Umnumi l'atelllc Jirlolgo. Time next thing necessary after Limo conm1)lctiImn of thin Umuion Pacific was time eommstructmmi of a bridge over time Mis. soon river , to coumnect vitli time castorim railroads which iumiol made Council BlulTd their teriniimtms. Time Chicago & Northwestern was the first roa(1 to roach unaha from tIme er.at , time first train arrivimmg lucre cmi Sunday , Jaumimary 17 , 1867. Next caine time St. Joe i ; Coumicil 1llLiff road , now kmmown hF ; the Kansas City. St. Joe & Council Bluffs ; time Burlir'gtomi & MissoUrI , now called time Cimiemgn , Bumlimmgton Quiumcy. and time Chicago & 1tck Isiaumd , emu.ly iii 1868 ; amid timemu caine thin Ciii- cage , Bmirlimmgtomm & Quincy , which was then called time Burlimmutoim Iissourm. C , nnectinms with the Union Pacific were made during the summmuer by nucans em transfer moteamimboats , nuid during time wimm- ter time transfer wits made over an ice bridga The Ummion Pacific bridge was not begun - gun mutmtil tifter the co.iiiolotiomm of thin road , ni though time immitimmtory steps hind 1)00mm takemm in 1866 by gottimmg num act passei through commgress. A tight arose as to un location , vimethier it simoimiti l'e ' a low bmioigo at time 'i'el'gramh 1leto , , " or Ii verimmaucmmt hmieli bride' ' , down thin river at ' 'Ohiiid' Mills. " Ciotuimeji liiutia o1ijctec1 to the locatinim at time 0 'reIegrmmh 1'ihe , " aumil both Council Bluff. , imumti I immahma OpOf3el ' ' Cimilds' Iillu. ' ' Time locatiomm where the bridge univ stands wiis limmaily agreed upon. timrommghm thin oufi'nrts of mm r'oumimimittoe comim- poacol of Alvin Sommiders , Frommeis Smmmitlm , Augustus l.mmmnmto. i'zra i\lmiarml ) , Emmt)8 1401S'O mmoi C. P. I1urfird , silmni ivemut to New York far that purpose. On Mmmrcim 20 , 1868 , I"Ir " Saunders , cimairniami of I lie cuumimmmitteo' , telegrimjiI"ol to O'nahim ' , ' ' 'flue bridge is located at 'Fraimi 'I1ubo ! 0mm- ima jmledgcs time depot gmomunds uud 25O , . 01)0 ; Council Bitmfl'i pledges $200,000 ; ground mOld right of way will be coum- dunmmmed. " Omnilma voted 250O00 , in bonds as aid to thin bridge , jim commmomdcraticn that shin aimouid loire the ummain trmmnsfer depots , gemmerni offices , niichinme shops , etc. Coun- cii Uluffi voted $900,000 in bomids , but Limo commipany nevi'r received them. The Missouri River Bride company. an orgamiiz stioum which was cimdmuemi to be aim independent institutiomm , although corn- imobeol of Union Pacific siockimoiders. was organized under authority of a speci.d act of congress to lUild time bridge , and tlmey were autlmnrizod to issue bonds tot thu amount of 82,500,000 , which bonds were sold in Thmglnmid. Time iloomor Bridge company. of Ciii. cage , ohm time 4th of Sept.emnber , 1868. secured - cured time contract of buildimig thom bridge for $1,089,500 , toe timno of it conmple. tirni to be Nmiveuiibev 10 , 1869. They were geeatly delayed , however , and did not. gut time fir'ot cyiimmdoJr ready for sink imig until ? mIirclm , I 869 , 1mm July follow. imig the Ummiorm I'iicitic tk , lmuid of thin work , fiio cmommtrmmct with tIme ! Joommu'r Bmidge comnipany lmtvimmg heumm aiiimuiiiuI. 'I'inm motrtmctmmrom wtms commmiiu'tcml , oilm time 25th oil March , 1873. It is 2,75f ) feet lomig- I 1 spaims ( if 250 feet each-amid iii comma. ) ' emmtirtiy of iron Time rmuperstrue. turn is ) ) by piur , ouch formumud ( If two iromi ptmnmmmmm ititi ttmes , siuuik mm j mum a aimd Ii II cmi with cciii cmi t ummimsoum my , emmeim tithe beimg , eiglmt umimi a huh fret jim oimmmmuimter 'I'iii hi idgo iii said to have cost $1,450,000 , _ _ _ 'run CIUtIT MOHhIiTtR. I 1iii tIme Vim hi14Yomi ObummincoL 'fun charter of time Uninum T'tmcitio ro qtuireml thit : I ito hOoks slmmmulml ito Icimlit 01)00 for mmimiucm'i1mui'mn ' micitil $ l0O,000.000 should bu suiucribod mmmiii Pomiti fur. 'rums nichmeumo , however mimI uiot simecenid , as Cim ) . it4t1jti 1001(0(1 with uommshicinrm ) mmmi time en- turprisu as a jrofiii1o i mvodtmemmt , ammil the plan was abirmdoziei1. TJiUI-UpOrm - - - - - - - - - . - - George F'1sft. ) . . Train orginized the fain. oils Credit r0II.sr , , with time view of oh' t.aimmitmg fimmmds with , ! to build time road. Great ditiicui' ' , ! ' , was ex imoricilced in secmmrimmg uu'01i03' , to ) COmUlhilito the immulortakimig , tumid as a COuusoqimotico them were timnea dmmrimig tim " poriiI of comistrmmctiomm when time coom i'aIly ' i'fl8 f'mumsmmcimdly eunlEurrasitol , aimd timn tti > iii a % 'ery ci iticml tmialimmor. Fiumnmticimd m.'id win sought in mum jim New York , l'imm'maheh pimlit , amid eisewhcrei , but t'mummdly in ii's- toll Ciii8idUriliO maciney vmts ( , ltmiImil ) % : , mImul evemmttmimhiy noulUciemit was secured fur the e ommilmintion nmmd equiutmmvmmt i.f thin mad , b ) time sale of time tirt mmuulrlgimgo timid mmml grmmimt bommds of time commmlonmuy to' lbs. toim c.ipitauists. This ivims 1mm Aimril , 1'Oi SOilti g time lmmommoy i.iIs fortimcut.iiuum. , time cumumpamiy settlci LtI ) liege ltmt'ltCl. , mmcss which it had commiracteot iii Oumlm.t itiuti olsowimere , amid imtmslitl I lii mE work tO coiumplut1mum vitn a mnareti. bus ripidity. : 'l'lmo LIrect. tipohm tmmmmulmii atmd NotIrnaka is tOt ) ivt'hI kitowum to be told ngaimm at timis home 'I'hmo I'mtcitic rail. . cad , iv hich for ummimmy years , was ami ideal umidermakimig. bec.umne mmii accommhilished fact imhmd omme of time greatest utiterprises time world has ever scUll. It. woUs miccoimuiulisimed too imumlem circumataimee which were at timmmes tim. , most dmllieiml t. and dmsimeartemmttmg , iiumd when we ltik , back over tim iuistiury oil time eonstruction of time UtmiOmi l'untiu , we wonder that. Limo gigimmmtic eumterlmrmnti tinisimed. 'l'lue i'imu ' , was ever macmm cmii- barked in time emiterprise 811(1 umyt'stecl timeir huoney , amiti 1mm sommimmi immstnmmces , risked their Iive , are nimuinieui to time gruatcst credit mmmi welt as to time fortummwi that they umma..ho immit of it. 'l'Imo pushing of time Umminim Pacifm.i railroad - road for Over 2,000 imiiius over triockitnus jlLiIiS , ( utiihiIiiIiitXl save by time iimdiitii iiiitl time lmimt1mlo , mmmiii over the itmieky uimotmmmtiuiumi amid time Sierra Noivmmda , scoimIs immure like mm romimiumee Luau mm remtity , nmmd 210 OlIn Cliii reani time Imimitory of time first through tramuseommtimmemmtiol railway line without. iultmmirirmg time 1iouc'k amid iii- omomuitable emmergy of time builders of time great iiatiuiumml highway. OCAT1ON OPTIIF UN1OJ PACIPLO I imicro-si tug I a lruiiai Pi-numi Peter A. l&y , time 1'iriI OJilef Emigimmoer. IOWA CiiiNovcmnbcr 29 , 1883. L' . loooewitter , Riitor OMMIA hiEI : IhL'AR Summ-1 : thimik jim 1862 1 attended time conveumtioui in Cimicago that lormmmed time 1lthitm1i11flu ) ' orgaumii'.atiomm of Limo Uuiuim Pmcific rnilraatl. 1 vumit there at tue request - quest of tim into I leuury Fimi minim , ( imfi er wimomn time prilmeilnal thmorotmgimfat o jul Omaha is umomucol ) , in witomo emuimioy 1 hail licemi for a mmuuuber of yezmrs , tlmemm time preai.-rmt of thin C hmicago Rock lmtiaumd mad. lims immtouitioim was to immtcrcmit hmimumseif in time ) r.'jocL Au I Imiod givcmm eioo at'en. tioll to time cx1ioizitiiis across time con- tiiiummt umumde by tim goverumnnmexmt , 1iIt FarI4nnL desired to avail hmimnisel I of ammy iiif.'rmuation that I might m ° smess. 'l'lme policy of the govermmmmmcmmt ircvius to time war lmmd ; lieli to smmlisidizo I we rmmiiroadmo , a mmnrtimermm amid z amjutiit.jrmi himmo , arid coum- parativeiy little attL'mmtiohm mad becim 1maid to , . 'xauiiiimiiig Li cemitutil mmimmt. , . A tmmdy of Stammsbuny'mi nurvoy of S .It Lmk..m mind 51)1110 other discoumumected recommimoisammcts had tmatistied umo that kis difi'icmuitiemm V.iUl(1 ho emicoumitered cii a linme follow- lug thin I'Iatto river as mr mum liraclicitbie niiol cotmtiimuitmg west jim about that intl. tude , timcm : cmtlmcr ncirth or mimiutin of it. At the coimventiomm mine comimpammy was temporarily orgaumized iy time election tif Vnii. B. Ogden as prcideiit , iIcmry V. Poor , sccremury , amid TimimmimasV _ Oleott , treasurer. Early imm Septcmmmbi.r of the maine year , by ( lmrectioim of l'ilr. ' Farminim , , I wCumt to Diivtmr , lomiked fur ii practicable crossing of thin nimotmmmtainiim vetmt of tlmiit imiaco. Fi..ihiiig to timid any ojmemmiimg I iviitmt north to time lmcmi(1 of Lidgu I'olu crock , exammilimed time coismitry , : iimd fixed upon a cromsimmg of time Iinck 1-I ills that I regmorded as feasible. I timcmm iremit wc.ot arid uiclctcd a crosmoimigcif time mimmliti di Idui of time commtimit'mmt amid also of time iimmi of time Great Salt Lake basin. 'I1Ima mimturu : of time commmmtry vmia Much that aim emigimictor had mit little dihiicumity in fixing tin , mourn whore time road mitmoimid go if mlieme three pomimitmi acre deternmmiit1 , r lie enitrmmimctm to Limo Siiti Lake v.ilioy wmia a simmiplo immarter. I ii3' uirimcd in tImeaii niid 1011(10 ii huh epmrt with a at ii ciiieut oif m lie lmnimute where time ro iii wmimmid enicoumit or it gro it.i'L dliii- ccii 1cm amid time gradieimts timat a oull prb amiy lie ' : . W'iiilmi iiy , icliort wimit minim u ftivorabiu uimmd the i" eject setmimed Ca it i' I f ii ccommmiil in emit I I t aim ii tim ici id , Air. Fiormmanmi dot mint. itirue time mnitter further imuimi iii mm imlioni timmme vemit' to Euriipe , Nearly ii year tiltopiud ammil mmotlimiig iva's olommu to Imuhti mime prjct miioimg lii Amigubt , 1863 , lilt. t'hummiiH 0 . Dimr.immt telegramimcit mime to urmeet. Iiiiim in New Yen k wittm , muchm imifor. inmmntmnu miii I iimid wmtlm megmom d in Limo , route. 1mm Selitommiber , by his directio.t , 1 tmrgimmm. izeol emgitmceiimig : lairtit's , immadu surveys from time mnoutim of time f'jntto river , helm. VUO , Ommiaba auth Fiom-t'tmco over hiLt , the Piatto valley imear Fremimnuit. I also sema a pm..y tA rumm a liii , , froam Lodge Polo creek unto time Lam ionic pinimis , mind imiso over time mimuin divide , I think hromigh l3riiiger l'iss , I a an maimit a geoil'iiot to exaimimume time strata sit t immi uiuiunmtiojmms timid anlummig Bitter creek nuol ( iremim river , to niSOt'rtflhmt thin extent imuid value .mf time coal Immeasturos , mitml aheertimin whtutittir iron could le found in mhlmautitica to warrmmmmt working. About time fituit of November I went wit.lm Mr. .llmlraumt , Mr. Carter , a gov- erzmneIit dim ectoir , mmd time hun. .Juitin Kassom , , to SVusimumigtoii.Vhuie we Were there Prcsinhmmmt Limicuiia fized tlmo terimijimus of time road at Ouuiminmi. Time certificate' , whmicim Imo Irammied itmnasoif , hiummited thom point to any lii time moi ctnomm in which time cmty of Oimiiilii aims locoted. ? ly oiamm jtidgzmiemmt. mit time uimmie , W1OM that . . 'i'hier Ltulluvuo or OImtid' lii ill ws thu imra , pr r pol ut. 'l'hiia w1m4 tiitmd mmpotm the Iuict i Inst it suemued easier to hrmdiu the M 550,111 , 1 river there , mmuicl the grmitles toi time Platte river would he better tlmmtm fumrtimer tmortim. I umover iimiew time retsuni fur tixiuig time poimmt at Ommmnimui , 1)Ut timit it wits regmiruiemi mum Immure immimetmeahie to liming time Eu wa ramd4 , tUttmsr there thins not tiny pimmt fuirtimer imurtim or smuth , Dimruumg thmim ye.mr :1 : 86 t an tVts , were un.i'hi , fmoumi 0 minima t K.iamrmioy , froumm I.aigo Pmi'c.mk , cimmsecu. tiruly , to , nut ( ilitimmtumg of Ychoir river 1mm. Lii Salt Like volley. i , smmmwt'y wmiim mmiiiii e tim t' . itt : Ii time I.ra mm ic caumyrm mu Durirmg the mumummu , your ciiumamtierablu gnmii. I img mYms oh t iii ii frau m ( ) mnmmimiiw mit , mmiii ! ar iii I I 140mm ii etm iii were m motile 1 , mmiri ) iC ml I mg tica amid t i m mm I icr. ( inismii , .irimmg t ii u oh i Ii icmmi ( y iii sccurimmg labor tiio1 so ImimiRms , St. .1 , . lie I un i tii up t lie mm tmimmeot 1mmmj I t t. ru'michmud by ml I , very i mm i u elm w.is micel i mm pi Itoh. u I 'l'im ii emmtiro rommte waim imracLic.mily oiuitertmitmumui , situ a rmammabiu , motnirt. wni zuimmlu , to mwartiii e'.n4t ructiumi. ( : i Liii , tt u'f Jamnmm.iry. 18U5 , toy ruiimtiuns with time reid Lentil. ml uteti , ! i'siN T. B hIotiM , Joimne A. Bvuuiiq , S. II. Reed and Ii II. liraytomm 'v'ro ' in , mici tied witim i'mo in tiuii work thiiim. , dimming thus ; all hut the hut im'ntetnall remimiuiimeth umutil time road wmms cmifileted atid added to their Iirevlcuis huighi r'iitmtatbills by limo aItiity ) displayed duuritig limo ) grcss of time uirk. , Reiuctftihiy , I'ETnmII A. hgy. 'I1hIt I'IhtST MtitiY4 , 4uimi , , ' I tmt"rest lug IIt'ihItt4 ( , ( ibi atticil huomum ittiIu'ti' , ltl.4oa,1u.m. _ LI * 4 Ouuo Of i lie 8mm. % (3 uIt'i. ' 9oim were one of this t'mrst rmlmrvevor. , emumpinyod mum Limo ilmiti of thin L'tmiiumm l'a. cithi r..i1rtiotI , " soiii.l ii 11mm 7eproscmmtativo (0 Mr. Ammdreuv ltsowmotor , wiio is hour time city nmmgilmcer of Ommumima. , I\.es , I ii ai a mmmummmber of one of time iutmreyimig imirtirs , " neiihietl inc. ' 'Cimut ) 'uiu give nie 5mhmiO ( fmmcts rind 1mm. eitleimts commcermhimig time early survysV' t' cs , bmmt. in a rather dicommnmected umiammumur , You'll Imare to dross thmemui up to smut. 3ummrsulf , " ' 'Nuter tmmimmd that. ( hire ims some facts ; we'll take cmmro of time dresimmg. " ' 'Time tirst sumrvI'y of time lTnium , Pa chic , " wild Mr. it. sjwater , ' ' 'ias mm tljrcm.jt Immmo vvsL frommi Uiuiiilmi to Limo hlklmormm m uver , timr.mumgim I his ( lmitiimm foortim , 1mm thu wimittir of 186 1 , after a comifer. uumca vmthm SiLi. , Sooymmmuur , cimmmsmmttimig cmi. gino em , ( ii ii Ot4 Wit ii iSBUCd fur surveys to hu mmmdc by time way oil Mud creek , n imicli i i mm. . , vats um ii mc mmmii i ummgo r I ii mimi thu direct romumto , or , D.y tmtmu to time E iimm rim , .1 . E I I . mimso. ' . it5tl5 tilim t CI iglmm ocr , minnie the imrst simuvey over timl ronto. , 'rime umigimmeer lrhms ciuimm1med out , iii time s imitt'r cmis quito open on- tmi time limit mmu t of J motmuary , wim.mmm timero i'as mu heavy emmnw nih ; but time Orion k ( iii thOM lute ivits steadily hmrosucmmtti Oh t liii M mid c reek route 'l'hme mel o hitini n , If tlmi8 uourvt.y , n.a'mnist time Pretests of Peter A. I ) . . ) ' , time chief emiginmeor , is-mu tim cause of that gctmtiemmiimmmm : romigmiittiommm time mutt prinmg. Ills iiiacn ms.moo tilled 113' .I B. i I iummst. , who was known as time muctinmg ci i ii I olmgi inner Ii in iuoimmmo thou. Over $100,00 ( , ) imod beumi exputided on tii0i Ity hue , simemi it vims abammilommed. Ot.e tif time nummu3iuig iiictdomits c' 'mmim".ti ' with time urnuk nm that , him was time cmiii lii ) ' . imuemmt of ii hut tif lumuhian oitiIws mis grmd. ttrii , bimt iiis u.xpumlnmmuimt umuomi ) ) a itmiltim e. 'I'Ime first limcommmmotive tiiimt arrived imere Wa B eiit I cii time Ci cmi ci at S mmiiunm. I t to fl $ ill omiglit. in're by sheather froimm St. . Jim.1 early iii 1 iti5 , mmmiii it was tetet omim I iitee hnumuitred yardo of time timat track iuuitm duis ii oh the river Imott.omiim. I'iumi I mms'vm : Igers 4 II i t ii u incum nttivm.m v'ro .1. 'i B. I I mmmy , of D..vermport , mumd liii wilt' . I Itniry wits t lie tint iiLmhurinitommtlcmit of time tiiiiiii Pimeilic. A large crotril of pomiulu witmmtod t imbi litti. ' s'xemirmti 'mm of timu first to mom mini. mtm Ye. I cinm' t renlommi b .r time imimimm ii I if t I me ci mgi u m cur. 'fim o i'comnl I non i iii it I vu s.lts imiiilmC(1 1\IcPiicrionlm \ , imimil uvits mmlio tramip mrtoi by stemommmumr frommi St .1mo. I drove time stmmkus for the tirmot rumimumil mimic iii id tim c mmiii i mm simot m m e mm i ni otium ( Wi tim Asastatmt Etmgiumeor Shmmitwell. "IIoiw ui'out. time far-west surveys , Mm , Itiiso'watcr ? ' 'At timid time all thus mivisioimi ommiimmopra ivero , imut mm smmrvo a imp time Platte vittloy ummni Imcrtis I ho Itoeky mmmotmnmtmiuma , hmuiutms Finuis : , dmvisiomm engimuecr , started front 0 imomimu. on A miil 1 5. Ii , 1 86 1 , t n mu moko a Imii I VI y fri num t lie 1. mot of Lii e tfmmck Ii Il I s , mttml at time iniuimti Linac l' _ lii. Cisc wmis iimakimmi. rumrvt'yiu pimtitii towmirds Iommvor , amid Percy J1 Brown was surveying across thin I ii ni mis , tim. side of i lie I tiieky moo mammtai us Onto hmummdred thmnnmsanmol dollar.s worn sin'iit tlmat year for ummgimmoenitmg , the tmmoimty being advimnicod by 'l'iiimnmas C Diurummit. It toiik mis onme mmirmth to retch time finit 0)1 thmmi It oky immiititmtmminms. ' % 'e himil three teammis mmiiil 1I iitumm. Amnnmmg our vmrt.v thcro W'itiViitoy Diximu , Aumdy h'itcAmmsliimd ' , arid Froth Ilmiegul.Vhictm ivo te'mmchmcd time nmmiuiitaiiis ivoro visited iy mimi 'ilol I tidinmn cimt.'f , who hmistl a o1Itmx- icnnwlmo , cmomlil toilk Emglialm , , mis aim uniter- ureter. 'i'imio chiicf maul mm mmienlat which lie imad received wimilu on a viioit. to'mmslm. . iiigt ) ! i friimmm i'yemiidummt Frammkiiu 1iumcu. Vimcmi iimfmmrimicd I ) ) ' time surveyors oil time imitemmtimimi ( of i numnmimig a ritilrommol tiitoiiglm tinzit cmithnitr3' lie SiiHmk lila imead amid simid it wommiti 1)0 t i t mpi imooii iii e I 0 C' ' immit iti t mm rio tocid timrouii , mm regiomm that immul mmeithmor gnus 11cr ivitter. ' [ 'his wino emi time i.mnmk , of Lomige I'oie crook. ninrot , yeirs altor. warii , time raimrood : rcmeimed ; timid. p01 mm.Ve mi i O m t t it ii ti t e of C it cy umimme i a tine nil I rm mig of I 867 , in its-i n ig m it itim I ing ii iso ti ) ii ti , as vo could hrOCeutt mm further mit that I iiimo Olin mmccoimmnmt oil aimtiiv. 'i'hmree tmmotmtim tufterwitiolto , iii J imiy , I inn railmumad re mcliii ( Jlmo3 Ciitmfl. Our titakent seio toni up iiiith mmmothilietl ummmohei time direction of Gum. . . I ( } dgo. UPtt imio rm'turum oil our 1'iirt.y iii time liii ! We fommuid Chie } critic. time ' mmimgic city of thu plains , " as it wits calicot mm litiLcu oil li,00 ( ) , . . I t vns tutu time t or i in I mm mmmi of t ii. , road , ii mud was o tic of tinii inveiicist hiortier towns I over mmmw. It watt I liii greatest ganimhilitig center imi time weitt. I t a ittli ohm itttii iiiid * ' ii tI iiiottt ly u giumi hl.IH , , iiiacilegi , tli'itioeritnioci amid nimi- vemmturermo , and it wiut immdocd a quiet city wimenn two ) or three mmmcii worn uiot uuhmut tmd killed. " I romumotimber durimmg time early sur. Veys of nimeutinig ild Uritlgu.tr at I"ott i4tt tommie. F.mrt iiriolgtir timid ilridger 1'.u.si wet-u mistimed after him , rho mmmd Conile west ui'iiuni a mere boy , amid imitci spenit all hut lift , then , . \Vtmomi Inc ( hiscovereut Salt L'ukot , tin thiimngimt , uilamn tniottimmg time water , that lie hod conic to thu Pimcttic ocemmmm. lie wmms buorum iii St. Itiimi , situ whom tipuakiug of tine streets ut , ciiod timuma cammyormmn. lie did not believe that it vts vrticmi. bitt to build a raiiroiul timrougl.n tintit. cmiun. try for time ritmnio resons that had been given iy tine ( liii I inolnaum chef. " 'fJow , fmir west did nu surveyt" ' 'My iavLy went ( itmir tlmr.ugit to Greeni river. Fr..mmm Greemm river west- waril thu . .urvtiyimng wttt dummo by mi tianmy iii cimargoo of S Ii Itnuil.thmtiiis wmtmo thu niiiimot otmtlicmmtt ptrt ; of tim wiioml umlmrvuy. itimol , great asamsbmnmcu % Ym rtiuilurod. iiy Iirigiumum , Voini m mg ' ' ' ' \'iitimm I lie c trio hogan runmmiing , what. d i ci tlumi I tiohimim u is t in I ii in o if ti. , , i ri inn hurst , ? ' 4 'I mi tim' , sun umg iii 1 8ht ( , w Item time romtii was c inmnhitut. . ci mib immt.it ) unities , ii iitro Imudy oil Iinliimmno4 wore umivituil to tune ii Immil % 11mg truiti , mmiii timumy mittimibIuil withi thiiI r fitimnii i i's iti m un g Lime trmtmlc . 'mY miii ) t I m j t mimi mm Lilt I I 0 miii img thin onm1.i inter lit . ' or I mi wit mittlo i ommg mm i m I ii uutl , no m nil ic t oil , mtu'aim , tuimuu it terrible rtulc'st ' , which ( nigtmr.ummuul thu Imnmiiomns , wino turned mund lieu in gruit terror , After lnciiimmitig moo ctntoom miii ti ) tin n ii ugh ii ii , un we ner , I I m frmqmmuimmtly iimumoed tiiumiuottos hiy r.acmiig 'I , I mm i than Lr.tii m i otmi tutu r I iuuin , 'L'.d k I m i' a1 in in I. I rid I m ri. mti tim n ti ti i mitt t mat t hey from- ci i t ntiy tn i ii Iii oid dim su rvoyo ms ii mvmi I moo I inc e. omm ti mu ltmm I i it I tM , ii nmml uinn cc or t wico , uttitek ut I t ii ii tad m u s mm I i em ti m n rotaul cr.m.tt eimmm1iknred ( 1110 11 immmmnmhir of itimr. veyminmo worn k itlimot , tmiiiommi , _ I liii nummmler , , i'iiuiif Percy I' . limit cnn. 'I'tnls hmoppo'iuoiot I in I 867 , j ii time flm i m I t II II 04 , 14 III I I'mr cy sOul iou watt nmitmurot : nun hmmmnmor oil imiuin. litr. 11,11 , , ii imnitiur.iim-loq , oil ityr.nmi . Itmmjgi. WLu hilled time samnmo year , anti lhjhlidmulu . - - - - - - - - - - - . - . - - W95 imanimoct alter hdni , A young nimumm nininitmi Clark , a relative of iIiitiio P. Clark , nftorwarnis pros iileumt , of tim road , vns also killed. \ o frequmeumtiy hint ? 50)180 very uiarrour es capes from tine hmmdiitmms. Ammmnmig other Cipers Lucy omico carried uitl thirty nilies of tdogruo1ih wire , " " 4)1 courst , you suiteret hiardshmils mit tmiimt'.1 "Vet ) ' fremiomtintl. In time sprimig of 1867 so ummarehed 300 imuhht tlmromm . tumour two feet ote..p , anti CIunhi not cross t liii mmmiitimtaimms ( hit aceunmiut of SfliW. VImiu iSti croissi.il time Iaimi time hninhlult ) ammil nimto.ioiin ivoro very thick , stint t0 hiatt PiemitY cit ( mum iiieut , which imeltiud us Im I t. conisitieratmhy. 'l'hto ham iFdot's ro i ) thmick tinat freomnmitiy timooy ltail to ho ciriveim nosy tom mthiiw time Amimsage of time o. lreigimt trmmimms timat wnrti themi eros immg the Piahmis. Thmt iulF.mious were 9(1 tociun t mat thm. coti ) . , iu , to ) thu trtmhis at old FurL K'trmiey to ) drunk.Vhmeit ire crotitoti tim. ' I ted oleoc'rt ' , y ( ) hiatt ti ) carry isater for a ivhuiiot week iii 1 , mrreis. Ve nut intL oil eater aiuot ivero loft. iii a son- coma Predic..mnenmt. hail it mint minim for a hmem'y rain stormmu ommo uiigimt we wttmttt , imavo died buforu we could have got ira- ter. Vo cling imoici , in the grotmimmi momid titus cohlecteit emmotiglt water to carry iii timmuingin to hitter Crock. " ' 'Ctui yomm give tis nmmythnintg elsti regarol. hmg time early timmys oil time LJmiioni i'acit'nc7' ' 'v'li , fur a isimile I was inialnector of ties muiLl tritigo ummaterlat at Onmmaima . 'rime ties were Ihoiteot ott.onm time river on rifts , amnti weno brotn1imt imp time river 1mm uitooanm. erg. Jul mi ELmrbacim , was ii heavy Comm. tmiictotr iti those cimmyn. . in thmo 5)rimig or 186th the river wits utmuusuaUy high , amid carried out nU inmumntemmie nmummmher of tius mmml SWliit ( i'OrS tiortiomi of Lime first mmmiio of track. 0mm of time steamboats was tilsi ) ammtmk. " ' \Vimoi iron , tim duel eumginueons of Limo mail 1" ' 'First came Peter A. Itmy , wIno iras fnh1ius-ti , by .1. i. I Iiiim' , , , whom 'rams miet. ilig ehm'mef emigilmoer until time apohmmtmumutmt , of P. U. led , , l'imo nitixt rmms Oommermd. I.dgi , vhm us.as followed by 'I' i Sickiemo. i'imtm iiroolmt cimloif eligimmeer , Mr , liiiclc- emmnnierfer , trims Limo mmiaim aciectoil by time gnvermimmmommt ti ) uttt'rmmmimmoi what comm. stitutud tim itocky 1'iImnnumtmium ' ( hii'imsiomm. .i . T'tnrvIciv ' .Vutlm 1. F. 110)1040. 0 0 Vhemi dii' you inciii yotlr smmnvthyinmg work emi time I. ) ihoum I'mit'mc" immitmmirod a spieial lir.um ei immimussionor of1r. . .1. E i lotion , svimo imid cimturti of time first sun- i'oytt on time out ormi div'nsioni of Limo road. 'II O.ttii ) hint , in Otobur , 18 ; 3. Our surreys were mmt.irteti mini time 14th of ( hint tmmommtim. \'ti starLet ! a hum front tia rirur to ) ( hill weutmvurd , mint I crossoti timu E kimmmrmt river mit thin pnnaonmt locatiomi. \voI were 'inmgigl ttnmrmmmg time whiter of I 863.6 1 in imiitkimmg nmuirvoiys iutwt'emm wlmat ii 1111W kmmowmi as Limo Siuu City & Pit- cific , cmi the niortli , tutu Lime I'h itte river oim thmoi mioutim. V'TO ' really minnIe two inca. titiiia fronmi ( ) mmmiima : to Irunumummt. Omme irmis cmi Lime D0y iinio tin thin Ehkhtarmm mivun. , amid time otimur w.mu up Limo v.iilov of time [ log [ 'apiltioum hy , tim way Ill Elkim 'rim City anmit iinll Creek. I was in chirgti oil Limo mommrvoyo mimmot iocatioins , mmmiii % vmeo time omiginmool u o f ei umstrimet Ii o r time con mm t r.te- tmir.i. Peter m't. D , , . ' , ' riti time cimiul eungi. muter oil time r.dlrmn.td ctmmimiiy. : ' ' . 'I Viioit thu you bugiti gentling on time Doy lime ? " . ' 4 vo. , itigttt grmtlimm on thmo iey 1mm iii time siriImg of 180 1 1rEr N. 13. 'Vmhiiamnis , of Syrmemimmo. N 1. , lmad chmor4e of time first f'nmr mmmiieo to the siumimimmit , mmmiii rnuvis Cimnmim'mciiiiut hiatt claim-go of tue work 1)0- ) yiiiid. Ve vorkiod Ott the gr.ule olimminig time ioiimmtmmo'r of 18(1 ( t. 1. think it trims iii .Jiinuimary , 186i , tinoit the Chicago itock I milmimid mviii emiomiptoituti frotmi Grimmmmull to ICeit. r , arid Limo miLieu force of macmm and tummmntt usam traumsferred frimmmm thmmit roami to tiim.t Uimiomm Ptcmiic , mtmmtl right iii the immidit oI titi ( iri1 rt CJitnio to cimmtnigti time ! oci- : titmni oil thu roatol I o tiiti hod Crook route. ' ' to tVimojmm diii you iminikot time chmamigmi ? " ' 'Not out ii I"oihnii try , as I hind to niur- 'roy thin miuw rimmmto ; iMnt mniooammtinmmo I kept. tiioi muon mit work omit thmo Dmiy linu iii order to hmm'ltl tim utu. By time way , dnmrimmg time summummmmur of 1 86 1 tin woric(1 mm very mommmall fmmmce tim time grmm1e , mint iweriiiumg tot titmnojim over tivunity five mmmcmi , thin tioimnhio boi mmg that tim mm frcit in ters itpt imini tig cm in r ummemm away fromim mom for teommittters. : I t was mmii ii i iot I m ml ii tisi hi o Li , kuom p mmiumu. ' ' ' ' v hum n it-tem tin u tm'.ick I a _ I rig begin nm ? ' ' I I Lmmgmm t , it5. ; v0 lmtjim , timmi limit ex.tnmm 1 m mcii tic i ml jtcco 1doml , , f 'rty mu i I uio oil trmmc n by .1 ii ! m mary , 1 8611 I'jm , mnm Lii ii t i mm tori ni k p rm ig nurm4oiil tommy rim p mi iy. I 1 um mm tmg time whiter oil is67 ; ; thin imumuiqimarteino 0 1 1 t lie sin p cr1 m m tom mm ii m t. ci I comm otrmmc tiomn trere itt Nimrtii Ph.it.te , itumil olmmriumg time wiumtimr oil I 867-68 itt Cinoyt.mtmmmo. " 'Wimuii did ( ihmiet Emmmmmeer Day no- Simon ? " ' 'him I"ohtrui try , 1865. 1 wai tliemi dlvi- aiimi emi.imm uotr i on ohm urge ofcotnstr i i eLi otmfi ii. limit coimttri..ctord.Vhiuti Chief imngiumuur 1t'.ietl OJiiiiot , as loy'i.m ni i mCLuii0i , n , i mm .1 iii m mm itry , 1861J , I trrmimslcrnod , to time otuigi- umuor cicportnmneimt : oil time momatl , I ioeatcot time nice i miii I I 01) t mm ii us t ' 1 ( hum roat1 in Li mu mmmommtim mf l'ohruary timtit year. ' ' "Wimro Were ) 'Ommr imeamimiuartora in Onmmilmz. ? ' ' ' 'Over Comic ! well hfamtniitoui' hummk , 1 U II til tim o ( mu 1 oil I 805 , mmcm t ii o commit rue- tutu dupmrtimmonnt. mimivoid , thmuir ofhietes to the little tilti oipitiil hinmildinigtime first C itiitiii ( if Numbraskmi-onm thin west side of Ninth street , b&mtweoni Fimrmmamnm amid 1)uughmms. It was icing 511)00 tonii ol.wii. Our uihiicos numnismnmeti inn that hmmiiollnmg umm til 1869 " 'Dmd you ever immvos ; onolonon to stop work , ninth go to Iteiloviami with a view of lumaitiimg tiiit road fronmm ( hint poiumth" ' .vu mmiii such orders , but they wore revoked iii it few cimiya. " ' 1S1T 01' ( IO'IILNM1T 1)1 ELECT- 01 IS. ItII Iu41m110110)ii Trip Over .il7 MhIeooof Tg'tmu1-A Trlbmmt. , , Li , 'rlmonmiii' C. 1)tirtimt. Jim Snptonnibm.nr , 1866 , time govornummmonit dirocttnr.i , , [ loll. .Leuo \Viilimuimms , oil I rtliaua ) ; I toni. 'I' .1. Otrtenr , oil Illinois ; hlommu. Spriim ur U irb.mughm , of Puuimmsyl. 5'.mmuia ; timid I I in Chant , , 'I' . Mimorni in , oil ( ) imm , , Liihaiitlm1mimIod , hiy Silas Snyimvnmr , eouismmitinmg unnminmunr of Limit tlsiimnim l'aeil'itm , uimaol U 11 tn i i mis lioct 10111 I ) Vii r tim o coimnm. 1iiuted 1mrtiorn of ttme reid. lieu. ( , , , Auimimmimut , of t1tsimmeiiusotts , wim , trims ittomo It uinronctor. olitt limit aeeimmt.tammy . Limo jimrty ( ) um Li to mmm'i rim I umt emI ( liii I I L ii nil S , p tin maher - her tints. , gutmtluimmumm , ! i.CCommilctnm'iCLl by ( kim 0. tmt , Fnrlgto , chief enigiimeoir , M4j'mn 1tmnmt , imimil St&jnr Cites irnmighm , tnuk it specimi traim ) , iii cimargo oT Mr. S ii 1t'io i , time gouiiirii ooujiomrinitnuiloiumt , tom- thu ouoit , oil time tack , which , wits timemi hmoiil til7 unlios westward. Tinny arnireti ( JpLPiitn Fort. ICuarucy mit 4 ' . an. , may- - iii i.i , 'ti avon 200 niiio of - , i OigFmthimflfR at thin mute oil 2hi nmiiios mini in 'or 1m1es ° irj thmorb.mnmghm , C.onio'r mmml aimt mmuspectett tine Sinc'nmmian , iteimt mi b uitumtco of Lire conaiphnt& . ' lmortImi of Lime road , * 11(1 therm rottmrmmql rpmo,1tlVuiol. 1 lie rest of time P1tt7 want on tO cniven t stiugo frc'mu EomtL lCemunmmay , Imi tim. . . ' COit licetloim it umumy be stated tiic tibiittt P V clmnmmt , froumm Cimiemgot : over time C1i'ucutrt .k Nortlmwousterii vumntt to thin enol of ht'n tracim , .tOO tmiItii ; urost of Oimicao , , mud frnmi , time ooimd f time track timoy coonuici to ( ) uuaina hiy stuu. ; a ditiimieo of ninety mmmiii's. Buftiro , ijrmmceediumg nit tlit.ir trip ut'estiyani ( mmmi ttmmtima tb,9' , cx ommmiino'd time ottnnmsivo shmols of thin imiomni 1'.mcIli , tvhmmcit hiatt beemi ectmstrtmtjtect withiinm thin limit 3'ar. hr iioyumtnnr rmiit Ills CohuipTitiions to. tiriied fcotmn ( ' ) horitl1 cony un Octoubur. \tr. Soynmotmr iii wnitinmg aim acciinmnt oil hums tnt ! ) itiith 'Thmo scimme almmg the mail Irits . 1)11th imttorcstuim ( nuid uxcitimig hero I ti.Ai mm thin pivsommger sUmtiomm imi cou of commstromctic.um ; timere , a freight or wmmt4ir stti : loam ivas bimt tnnt till nit if Iy ur.agie. Now , we wereimmiltomot mnpmmm a ktom trmck to atiow ii train of thirty or fiirty cars imitten with thai , rails , chiins mmmd spihlo's fur thin trmuck to pass. Aimot thmcmm we would mmmont a ( miii tittumi withi stoomto or otimer iii iterist for thin fotmmmthiitjnmmm , oir m stmpurstnimctureof it otisuint bridge. Every. I tiimimg mmmii evurylkioly umuommmod limit of ill0 mmmii emiurgy ; mmmd nit wenkimig to time moammie grunt emaL ammol homing dintucted by tine imuuho lumanitsir nmmiimol. " lilt. Soymmmour'mu hut. tern to Limo Ness' York Thnci commcourmmtmmg ( hit great oumtorpnise , mtttracett a great iloat of attenitiolni , mmiii irene afterivarotom Pmitlisiiuot 1mm mm littio voitiumie emmtitknt ' ' \'estur'u ' Iimcktummt.s , " In came of his let. tuui lie took occaumiemi to pay time foiiow. imng rmommunim 'no rmZoM.tni C. mwmt.Nr : Noi omie into kmiouvs ] 'itr 'l'imomnns 0. Dtmramm ( , the vice iirenitlotmt of time Ummioum Picitie railroad , mmmii Inn' . wntuteusoit imimi eum tire ( levittmmu , to thus great .muit.orprisoi , amiot time hmmmtiring enmorgy tvhmich lie hints tiroiugimt toi boar iii ovorconmmiumt , the mmmammy dmti'mutmi. tins 1mm its rapid commstruct'monn , mum nctiimg I mis time pnimicip it eucoetutivo otlictir ott Limo cimiimlmamiy , iii thin itiueIico ( ml thin iirimichiumit , ( len. Dix ( ovhmoso tinmio , olmurimig time late iran , w.mm Pr ticip thy &ttivotett to iii's .tmmticoo . iii Limo nm-may)0 ) wilt iwttitnte to aw.trd to iiimmm the imlghmost hmommors , botim mis mm ritlirozul mmiatmagor amid 1immhlio benmelmietor. Omit ) year utgo , mint a mum oil road mail tieit RcOhittMI ly thin gmmvornmmimu ut ; tinily twelve or hiftotomi nnmiio'm hail himmi bill uvust of Ommmnum m ; mummmi it trims ootntmggiiimg idonig at I thin rite oil fromim ommu qu irter Li ) a iim..if inmilo tier day. 'I'.i-'lmiy , tovt ) imunidreol mcmii foirty umillimi of trick litre bommi im.ueeptuit iiy time govermmimmnumt. Somim , twelve omr ( 'ml- tttIt ) timite.t mtilditiiitiit immmvm liceum otmmmm pietod , mmmiii it is istoaiiiiy Imrogromssimmg mit. Lime titLe of lroimi onmol timid a iiitif t two , nniie'o tier t1iy ; _ 1"iiim-to.oit , tlimniommumtt ttmiil tivim lmmmtmtlnod feet. oir tWO ) ottmn ! .ncm'cn.tcoe/m ' / I1it'fi0 , imavti buoumm lititi 1mm mm siiiite day. Ommo ye mr agim , thin fomiuidmmtiiinmmu were cimmummimunucoml lot time immaciminie sumum.u at time C utermn tornniimmui oil time rtiitt. : 'I'o.ulay , ( tiny mire simiutimitimitly cmiimiitutmnt. : mimot iii limit diitratiiui ) , with mitalts for twemmty 11101) . t mluot1V0J14 , LOUt nit ihmintury lor dtmimng time re- limmirs of timrouu in in tmdrutt mattes o I r imiti ; also 01 c.mr.miiii i 1)mn , iimmiiim ; lmmctii rim ig tumid t ii mmii nig inn t. two c mui eseim clay ; mmml tim mvim'iti , givimmi iitiiimiuynimutmt L i three hmmmmmdntuil timid fifty nmmo'ciiaum icni. 0mm year n'o , thorn irere ommly titree liteimmiutitives mmmd twemmty imimmtformmm cats umi- : tgtc1 in thin tm-aim iprtimtiommt of initoirials. : 't'mi-mhiv ' , there mire twommty-timreo limo 'nun- r tive , mmiimt two ) iminimlituit ttmitt fii Ly frouigiit cmrmu eummployeml in tue simmmmu hntmsimuest-iive first-class ti uiii'mmger care , witim time nieces smry : limit mmmd bagage cirs. timid twoi nmmumgnuitiiummt oaciirononm amid sieepiimg citrs , Iit'iiuiimt'otl for timimir &mlmlmrofoniutte leon. One Oiit ago , mssummgor for Demivor , Salt , Like , timid Sami hi'niumcisco vore Oltigoul to ride thin wlmoio distaimco Irmimmi (110) liuiosonmri river iii ohmiqhiiommed , stagocoacineH , hacks or unmmml-mvagomns. , 'Ibolt3' ; , ( inure are mm ataes rumimmimig Oist ( if Fort JCearimuy ; mmmii imuarly olin hnioif tine tistauice to Dommvor imuy bu travuieti jim u'nm liners , mmiii imi time miitmjt iiixunjous maittomlgeicans. . One year ago , every pommnmtl of fruigiut , wmmeil mnithmur by tine govermmmmuommt or imi- hivitlin oh , , hunt to ito trammaimirts'd west oil ii o.i i\Iiiutiimm ri , by iii umiiimi if ox o r imiimle ennui , at. timu nitmor nato of fifteuni or ivoumty mimilus iur ( lily. 'I'oi-day , cumr.i ieimt'mly imtoht withm givermmniuemmt stores i'id hmrirmto : freight , dustiumed for thu i acStum-tm IilOlO of tine comm tiiiciit , are mit- : ichmuul to , tl iii cmmmmmm I rnmc tjmmm i I ini m is , ummmol tutu thmuir way 1mm Liremity-fomur hmiitmm'a to iii , ) emiti of time trick , mmmimimy mules west of imn ( trio imimimdrudthi umiuriiliitii. Ommu ye.ii ago time grorit timmiotm l'acmtie L'aiirimuL iv'.ts mtgnimtot no a ilm3'thm , mmmd thu limoiui uuigigcol imi amid cimmtroiilinig it , as a otut f iotiicl-jntmhuua , VmiIi nitreuct spuctuf haters. ' [ ' .i-day it. iii kimnwmn , mmmi felt to liii a mmi)11or , 1011(1 Ii rood i ty ; imnmmt h r. 1) ii- imunt. mmmd his mmiuniuciati'mo , mire hiuiieveml to iiii iii oimmrmmest nun fnmtly cmiiiuihiloi of currying -mU t. tot no nmccwmnfnil cimmmi ph ii Limini t inn mmmiii miiitim wurk which they mum imimmiurtithuum. \'Jiomi it. iii remimumumijered that , thus traim- sitiiimi mmmi bumia accomiiplishmtod iii ( mmio moiiitt year , iii ii comitntry dust i t u Los of lalior , imiitturiimin ammti suiiiiies ; ; mmmd withm mmomtii. lug hut thui tiiommgeroius ammol Umicl'r : curtumiii uhimvigatioli of time i msniuiunl liver to rely uponi doming time sumumimer mmmmumtims mis a basms of operations , it immumit I ) ) admiimtted ( limit a nmw era is thawimimig' , or rather lint already been smicci ioofimhiy immnmugurtmtd , iii tine history of railroad conmstrimo iii. A M I.LO1tAi1 hit FIXCUILBION. it L'iurty or 1)imotIuguhahicd , CItizonus of t In' , Uumltoo1 n-mimi O'M TLkC IL 'trill to ) Limo lOOt.ln 1t.rIoiiamm-1ton S'ftttu'mi ) , ' * 1. Clii. ciigoi , Tine most notable excursion during time couistructitimi iitnloil of the Uunioum Pam- dOe raiiroad occurred imi Octonor , 186(1. ( It ; was cailuil time 1'nItic rauirovl exciur- 510)11 , and iris orammizd imm Now York city. On Thmuri my , thu 18dm of Octoiber , it was oihiciauly amimmoumicol timat time oxcurainum had macmud Ohmicago , mmmcl naigint be ex jmucted to arrive in Omnuhia ott time follow. immg ! mnni1mmy mnmunmmimi , ' . 'l'lio mmuimyor immmumuudimitoiy comivommeci thin city counmoil , amid time imrosidunmt of time board of tm-ado cithiomi ( hut body togotimor fuir time vum'psu of coimifenniug impoum time subject , timid unmmk'nnmg ut'iammgointemmts to give time distimmguiaumum.t viitormi ii reception. It w : liii oily arramiged imat tine frouemlonm oil time city siioimmld be teumilurommt to ) thin mx- ciirsiuuni4t , mttil thmit : mm grmumd recupt , I t ml 1 mm i ud iou iiiur , simoimmitt ho given timei im itt thmn I I urtitumi I Iuiue cmi time ovummhuig oil their arrmvaf. 'i'ii'i ' uixcmmrsjtmi ) wam gotten imp by time Imlumtmitgur $ o ( thin great mii'ioicml eimterjinmsu iii tinliuhiritu tim , , eiiumm ihtmin.iui oil the first otivi.ion ( mutt time Missimiri river to time I 09dm ummeiibiut of hmmmgitummlo , wimmoli wits Iimuiminoat withmimm ounmsidurably iesi thnmni mm yurtr ( room tine tiumo rnqunrot by jimmy , - Inmvitatn were aoorthitig1y c'xtondo4 to time iirosmdommt of time Unmited States , mmmd mmmetimbcr , , of imis cnllmlet ; also to mill Limo Inoinihuours of congress , fcmrougn mnimmis. tern , iiimhitimry mitmol naval cnmmimamucim-rs miumol to tim pnnmcipi ! railroad muon tutul leadmuig cmipmtahists throughout time coun. try , to jomni in a granil exciiu-siin , from Now York city to ) time 100th imunrltlimmn , In , &h Great P1tto vmilloy , a ditmiii nf mib'.tUL 1,700 imillos , amid mono than half , i % ' m.1ni : time Coflhjiotmt. 1t : l raQr'itt nxcmmrsiomm of sitmiilar chiarmia. II tirannl mm1ogit4tilt1O imaci over hcni pro. jectoud iii thms , o. ' amy otimer cmmimtr.y : and m the iartic irtOit muitoresfod were , oil connrr ) , numhiririg mm think eulorts to ruiiuko it a ccmlomtoi sumccm-s. ¶ h'imo ditl'oremmt Hiim of rMnmlccting' ralt- romds , steamnbomats a.ct ntugcs betuveon Noitv Yoir nimil Omii ota , wsco at OihCO pimiceol itt thi dis1i 'sal of time tnimhlrnmiy by' Lineir liberal mmmd entorpriimmg inmatungr , wi.t , so.'oummmed to rio i'itim each mtiimjr Llmo'lr eIiirts 3o niot the L'mmbnri Ptciffcr Ittihruiul eommm1ptiy iii it.s grout mutt sonic. ucimat univei tmrmdertmmkimig. Very immtncii Lii time u-rreL of te o tmrsioimiists , aim wcll as t1a rcceptio"isti 110)1mg the route , ( lciieriii , lohu A. 1'ix , hie iirtsictoumit ( if tlictCoImlarly [ , Wa ; prO- ruimtont froimm nmcuximulianvimig the party , b. ' re'ce'mviimg ( remit time Prusidont of the Umniteol Stitto's , time mmpp.imitmmiummt of mimminim. [ 'ho mmmamm.u.gcri of time mid thought thmi ihmomnmld mint o > tiiy be amiita5ly n..tm4rtised to Lime world , limit rtmu'i.smictoniiy vtiniiied ti.y time pnopor ( itijtjtjflt ut the gov- oTflimiommt immiol unmemumhiouii mP congress. tor to Pramen , , just mrevbnus tn'it.sdopart. tIre fromim New 'iirk. Tnmi chlaro of time iixOimniiioit timurefoune dtuvoilvo.tl tion l ° .Tr. 'FIuiiiittu 0 lnm-ammt. , , rico liro'sitIOmi. and otbssrnm , Sinermmmaum , Cookliihumn , L on- homol , ammot ! ) mmtY , oliroctons ; nomoisted by ? itr. ii. li . llmmmtcoir , aimo.tiumt. sucrutany oil. the Iimmiiuiimy ; 0 utoimiul N. A ( it'stmmer mtimmt tr. li Simiimimtmmmds , frimmm time New \'uork chico. . 'I'huo marty. c'immsistiimg ' of abimtit oimio imunmdrm'd iiers.imms , fully Rmmilpikot with verytimiumg that cimmittu be immmrii'imuzl , , or Limtitigimt of for its coimmmfont mind eumjmiyrmmourmt , [ tilt. Now Voirk cmi lilomidny et.ouumimig , Co. ohiour ISoim , iy , way 0)1 tIne New .iour3oy mmmcl Poiumtmsylvammii Ctuimtrah railroads. to Pittsuimirg ; amid time I'ittnlimmrg , F'urt Vitymmn Olmiengo raiiromaol to Cim'ncago , vimero thmey itrnivwt mm high umpiniti out the rtiiltWiimgVediuuitchay ovuumimmg Ceumsitlerablo mmcetisslomma oil iumvited , imumttim wen'ti mhmfumu to time party 0mm thit way t 0 , nimit mit , Cfuic.mgti , Several of time oxcnmrsioumistnm preferred. Lot retmmzmimm mm dti' or twoi itt Ohmicagn , mmmiii imumm lirocuert over mime Chieao & Nrtim. vestormm railruiml , imm coniatmny . with tinti mihictjrs imf thmmit rommel , t o jt mm Iiiiioit ) , and. roiii thiommcu to Ommimmimmi by st.mmgoi. Hint by ar thou immmgost inirfiilui. mmcc.imnipttmiiett by lie Great S'ea'ertm 1gmt ) ( huorot bmmud , itmrttii fnimmi Cimicam t aim I'imursdlt3' iimorn- nig , Outnher 1htim , by way oil time Cinimago iimriinmgtmium t ; Q nimmey , amid time IIuimibJ S iimmt .Yoaoehiim rimilniuls , mmmiii arrived at. it. .husejmii mini tIme foliowimmg Friday eve- mug. itonro they vore immot imy Mr. 1 ! . M Iuxjt. tilt ) goutmeruml w'mmtourmm ngemmt of' Inn Ummiimum l'itcil'mc raiir.immtl . , to whose mre imail iio.toMt a4sigmmtuil time trammspou'tatiomi mum time Misioiuri river , mu ohistatmee of t.w ( ) iomndned timid fifty mules , by river , froimmi it. . .Joseimlm to Oummithmim ; omit miisii thin nub- iinotojimce oil thin etmtiro latity umnmtil iti return .0 Smimit Joueiiin. 'I'wo of time largest charms rssOtiri river inchoitom-time Ieimver , CaiitiminmViehdeii , iiitl thin Codonm.mIo , C.iptaimi I hoioiierwitim mum athtitiommitl btmmot cf mmmnttic on b'in..rd ' , iere iii roatimmesum tot receive tine iirtY on tim mirrivat at , Sminmt .Jcitcpim ; rmmmoL thin ox- airsionmists soomim fiumumol , timnmmseives vLtis iimmmcis iiiiyiimn. itmmtt coloirtu fiyiumg steamniug iii tutu great lilnsnionmri river. f 'Pimu jotuniloy frummi Saimmt .Jommciiii t ) unmnima was nccocmplishmed , without uteri. ito , accklnumt or doutemmtmomm , 1mm less tlmamm oirty.eiglit hours ; timid time hmmmrt3' neacimo1 hme citnitoorui torminmums of time Iimmiumm , Pa- ii bin rim I I norul out lit omiday mmm orum i mng , time .ol of O..toiiur , imuivimig hm'cmm ton time vamy 1rimmn New York a little lemma thimmm nine reek. m'oiitMATtO& on vita ELEmmOnto cr011. Tinmit 1)irtionm of tIme immrty which hail uromseil , time stmmto of Iowa by Jmmmtd , in- ladling ttlr l'cm'm' I I .3mimitin , I hue vice- im emmiilmtt , amid i'olr. ' ( eorgu L. 1)mnmmiap , 1mm gotmermit miupurtuitemmdmimt 'if ' time Cimicago : Nmiithnwciterni iitiiiizmd , Pit esnins. ( mm , her , l' [ louwtuni , hJituice , amuti several iLhi- uN Irommi Chicago , hmmviii : icjinmed time iarty iii time imiluimmiumg , weuo.i mmsioigmn.d to' luiitntura ' lii time mmijlrcitol etimlilnmmmy's iteiimnmer 1ikimuiiin , wmnichm hay mit time mmd. mmg immummmeoiimmteiy mtcmuius tine bows of thmo itojmtmmnei lk.mmver. : I I ; moimoimmiti hionti lie recorded for ( hue ban. iii t 0) 1 iii I ( mit mm rim his t o irhmnm ni , that , oni tim Ia I , mnumumoiritbio ohmmy , mitmil impomun time usteaune lkinoru , t mo fimnonms , timid imuvur-tu-bo- oorgmmttuum 1Ikhmoiruu elinhi mu dimly aig mum- zcml amid uat.mtbl immined mm imoinm mm tirnnm , timid ' . viii I lieu inoiiuol mmmi ctidurimm _ Linus. ' 1imo lob mnmchnmdcct jim itmm mimoitumberalmip nil time ii limitier 0) ) fileerms o if time 11 ii it mum i'ac nh c , nuud ithor local m.iiiroamol mouid stage u'enm , amid t uvmms time Eikhmormm cumIn tinat toumggested iio I il cit of ii iiIi ) r oil oui 5. imtr.mim ns time urest or coat of anmims of limo Union P.m. : mhic Tire ItttCEtLON iUOi ) nuL. Time miutimoritics of Oaimiumt : were on tine tiurt at atm early lmotmr fur time purpose o ! I : weicomumitug amid umitomrtm..immiumg thu dis- Limiguimtimucl party. ( itvermmor Somntmders , 4ecretmmry I 'muiduck , Mayor MIller. nmnmd. Vkn.Prous'nuleumt I'mmtrick , of the board j ! t.r.tittu. mitsui made their nmipommrammco upon thin nutouaumer , mmmmd womicomnmed hit , uxcur- siomminits iii ahilniIirimttU , opoue.heni , tender- 11mg tini'nmn time freedona of Limo city amid. territory , anti inmviting ( mcmii to a reot'p- tutu 1)511 mit tIme Llernmdoim iii time ovenihig , mill of which wemoj duly retopoimided to mumd m..cenimtetl by Scuatoir Patterson , Gouvourn- tmmoimmt Jmreetor 3hornmaui , nnmmj. otimema of Limo pmirty. Carrimiges were in waiting , to convey such of time imnumimbor as desired to k'rsv6 ihie bo.mtni , either atmut time Luwmm , to the hmote1s , our to time resideiio'es oil auvoiral of thin prit'mote ftmujlbe , wimicim had been inmost liberally thnrowui iptunm for thin coca. slumi. 'Fime oxcursiommists , with thmeir iumsim'miixi. m of rihbommio mmmii ronttos were Stimuli to be suuii mi mmii juiit'tni oil the toiwnm. mozid mtmnmouumg tine uxtemmmnivu mvtiuilahmojis of time railroad cumuli , tiny , uvidormtiy douimghmted mind mnoommme- whati , umis iunmiahmen.l ti imnut iimunmmselvom. iolter Ii mmojtk' jounmionyimng wtustwimid frimum Now \rk , still atnmuog imcovhe of wealth , me' Ii I n mnnmiu mit mtimol till t.'rjirimitm. 'i'ime limit imm time omvuummmig , however , vtms hunl.hmmP ( lie gucatemut mourmlrmsu. 'L'hie pms- cOlIc oil Oeumermii J'Immlhiiu t George Cooke , emnmmmniuuidinig , time dojomrtmmmezmt , withm hi mot eli ; ( i.uerimtim Summimnokro , Ohiief.J uBtico Reii"gg , Sccrutauy l'oddm'k , Soimnmmtiura 'l'immiyur amid 'l'nimtoimm. alt oil Neliraska ; to. genimur with time city aiim hornniutm , , timid time wutitimymumtcrirismungimimsimmtas 'mmiii vroufs _ sjmumi&ti mmcmi of I ) inmmhmmi. with ihicur fauum. tnt's , nil conitloncimmi tou mnmako it mmmi oumt.r- tmmilmmnmemit which multi Inure tltime omJiL 10) ltI ) gmmtloui , immg oil ii moimiiihmtr ci.arac'o. . mu Oimiego , 'amihmiumgcommm omr Now Yet-k , ' wOsrwAuIm ) niouNti. . - NtoxL ) uormmmumg thin itmsu'rmt t-xcursoii. iota iumioliouettL time ruuhn-immid himolu , nuid thou prmeedud to the C.uiIi'Sluii tmntju , cousitiimg oil mimue car d4wu by tw