r . - , iI Iw ( - I - - - - - r \ , _ , ( p . I . . . . , . . S / . ) I ' ' ' , ( ' L 1 : 1'H'E ' OMAHA DAILY BEFI ' 1 1 t ; THIRTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. SiV1'URDAY MOINING,1)ECEMBER 1 , 1883."DOUBLE S1EEE'I' . NO. 141. U .cTofIIII tcti1te from dIeft'td condltl.n of I bIoiI , .ntl a the blool dcrRc It vutenno5froni the toniaeh attI depends tot it ltrtyRtulot 'hoIIy l'on thc eCtofl ! of tht.t organ , ' 40 cIkn that whtt I. good moiticine for the tonch I , eqiirfly goo4 for the f > I 1 ftfld conepicntty tutptett to cofnI. Cor$4tfl $ tL Ii that HIrtIock Blood lftttere euro .rTOfLI II. , Th y iio onI ) tine rriuety for JlraN Cf sh ioin&of but pcrfcc cure for . .crofufa , efiber 1ritenit or eztornaf , &utI & ill other OtfI ozftIn In tb.eblood. cIlItnIr wItPC'4. - Of ecry ClMerlptlon rheutr , rfn orni , ttter , * . , Imi1e , ) . .fld eC-.ry , .l't.cte A' . ha ( IiOMO , tO flOt nurcly trm1orarIIy but Tiently turc4 by Hurdock Ilfood IUtter. In thlt inetJiiIn a euro for dI.c.se t the tlod wo maIo only ( ho caonab1e rciiuet that the atIent enfbfy fnthonnd eterciiufreitontIy , iuitl Iirei'ho plenty of gooI fro3tl ar I of % Itf c3nCcqlleceo teA A ? IANPOMI 'tF. cn on thliu. o Il'Il(1 u1etertnInt the fouty or UIfnti of a oiioti a the uifto of ( ho 1km. A 1rirht c1cr kIii wiff tnaIo nlnloMt two hantiCome ; and ' Ithout huefi no .ne fettCro4 , no tUottcr how tinofy inoultied , cn ho rgRrdt1 n t. trctfvo. Ilurdock flloc'iL Iiltter by ( Ithing out ho. 'iirILk from the circulation never tail to ttautlfy atio sldn. They ore lwttcr thui nfl the cotnut los arni . . - f4O pow.Ieri hi the orId. It , J1cugI'tM ucryhere. FOSTZIt , NILIUIUT &co , . l3uflaio.N.Y. 1 ItoCiti bltIuii ( to OT % t , orery Joint anti titir ' itti ft' or onil ngClo , CCLII' or bUot14 rellIItteIt ! thu tciit flfl ) % ho frvtt frin thu mall otnI Ittith * liotettLrs H Ittteri. 1rotec thu iy.tein nafI3t It . with ttiI henctk'cnt -E An I8ACWOtIC ! , ' % hteh lo ftirthurmor a PtlIIrcnlu remedy for Ihor cmnpaInt. ootmtl , mtlon ' aI ) . fp5IA , ( I 0 tI'I I I t v , mhuumtkrn kldmoy troub1tui .n.I other STOMACH mmUnent. For a1e by nil Iruig1st ant float. or gvmcrIl3. : ' . BEWARE OF COUNTERFEIJS An excellent appetizing tonic of : t . - . . eNqimibito flavor , now Used over thc I . - . . . WIItO world. curcmm Iyopepoln , ilarrhna.FcverntctAgue ) andal ; dloorder ottlic Jlguotlvo I . A few dropim Inmnart A e tiavortoaglaoocfmani .S to all tunrner ( irIn1o. Fry it , hul bcwarcofconmmtertvlt. Ak : goct r or druggist for the g&nmmlnr : mmrtmcto. manuactmmrid by 1)11. J : ( . n. siiuiitr : .t t : - - J y YPPER.AIII1 , Sole kent B'-co..nto J. W. flAICoZ1 1 Bro4wziv. N. - - . Y ' 'p d : FARMER'S FRIEND. 4 . ERTEL'S HAY \kC\ : PRESSES Are the cheapest ; wilt bale hay at Icm ! _ ' bid moore In rallroaJ . car than any other o . warranted or no atle. t Semi for illustrated cIs - cuter. CEO. EITEL tt CO. , Quincy , III. $ x. IL-Mr. Ioderlck : Thc' } oonOmy I. .tiIl ready ' ) .ettlo the cbalkngo with 8OO 00 to the wtoner. Jmnt oay when and where , and we wilt go for lb. VMU. U. IC. Jy Il waov aat me DR. fleron. . 117011 , LECTItO VOLTATa J1lIT. no.1 otfi.r lf.wrain : r % Vo will 1n4t on 7IiIrty Iay. ( . rrtal.TO aIKN , ylUf ott oi.ii. % VlC Cr. ' PClIffoFlllg horn Nr.iiVoVil 1)OOILITY ) , J.0141' VITAlITY. AIII tICooo 'dleeaC.'d of n , l'EhOOAO Narvams roimttjiig tnin .ADOIIM aiuf Otilalt CAVIC.q pjy ffrf 4 VILto rookratton tu IImAIrIC , ViolIn and tLINIIO4Th ( JUlIUaTI'uD. HefldAtIllCeefOrlilflltrAt4)dl'iUllpble free. Mdrce VOLTAIC BELT 1O. , ARSHALLJHIIL IT IS A FACT TIIATTIOIRANIS [ ) OF OI'It IIL'8INE.4S MIN : ( U ) 'l't ) TII1IIt ( ) FFIcFi : IN TIlUfOItNII ( . % ITFitAN : UNIASY NIGhT , Oil A LATI' IIINNIIt , FFE.IN ; ! ttJLI. AP M.h 011' t)1 tlt'I' $ . TilUt Ut ¶ IltI'.I.Y lYNN ivrr : IiI ) A SIll.U ih4F OF THAT $ I'AftIl.It Fo1t3iLc ; hIV.t'I Jm ; , Tar- ? ant'n Seltzer Aporiont , 'l'tKUN 11E1IIC ( ) IlItTAIV.kST , WIlb IMifFIIIATEI.y : 1)IIlt , ALl. PlI.lN4 ! ; 01' 1IIASI'II ; ) , itiovi : iFWI'i.Y f5s . . iitrr Ht1ItII'Y 'rnI'ACSU. : Ai QuIcilN : INT ) ; * .5 ATIION Is'Fltv : : i'IIfltI Of' 'I'Jfk tiVil. WKkL FOIL tlA1J BY AI.I. l)11CUU114'f $ . YleslernCorni ce-Voks ; IaoN AND SLATI gooFiCo. Ca SPEORT , PROP. -flu Douglaa Hi. . o.a , ] f.b. ) ( ANUTACTUIIU 01 ( Calvanizeti Iron Cornices taDormer WtndOwi , PlotMi. lb. Iron and BtIt4 ' Metaflic tkllghI , Patent ' ° ° 'DgI BpobI'I pMeot * djt.mtod Ratchet Bar and liricket Hhelvlng. I i ) t. general .ent for the ibove line of good , . from ' , n1n , Cre.ltngi IlatuCtr&40C , Yerandae , Iron flint wi41h1P , Window Ititrili , Cetlir Uuirde iI generi1 eot nf I'eer , 11U ¼ 11111 atent tnslIe fund. / " A C 4 T ! I hIt 1l. . . .i. (10n2 I.lI.O4IOCI. II ICS.I VT ICiItCliC ifl . . _ . .t. . , n.,1 , t.1.CIfflCI , dl.'J 1.4 I' 'rerk. . . tiF. , , . dttr. . I' pctty , eE4 evtasl . .4 .i , flIy gncI. alit. . , . , 1aict , wrjh.I ; , ' . Ptvfn'l b JSkIT , .So. S.i. .I C ' 't.C r I4 , .1 mr..141 . . . . TI. .h OlSfli.iI.,1 Nc , . , . , TS.ttltI , . ' . . . . 4u. , . nn.C. 1. $ " . , . ' , . . ' . ' I. , 'ru m U t I-1 lri nmCIt' . . .IS / ' .VH er r's' ' . . cj' . lr.t. , a I. 1.11 4.3 Pit. rv Qa4 , , .2I , . hoe S. 4 ii , I 4' C 'rStey , I.a1s1 C..s , ' I 4F1 I1'llt. ' . f' ' ' . I . I ' , Ii I. . ' . : , c t1F-I.i , . . , , . , , . , . Iit I I. f , I t C..l.p 01 Ct I' . , , em. 11IlI'l cli . f o , I , lfllCt. 'II'Qt t'CItulill. . . , ( III. Ill. 1 I ( iCEL.T , ) , , " . . Islilill ) ( f ( j.I I. , , It \ Itnu.zI , if maria jr- , . I , ? I I.lii , I. , I. . i . m C . , , ' , 14o ClOt ( ' , .t.f. . . ' , u4 ; ; t iii' . .ttf hitotmir I 'I ' , I i . . . 7 , ( ' ' "j . .ltr I . ' . ; cL C I. , iI .5 tie , . r Ii. , I q' . rj y.s a fl ft C- Wmts . . THE SLAYER OF CAREY. Tlia Iuiiii1e AYllOF Oil Tri1 for ho ror of ftc Irish 1111 or IIICFS Great Interest Maiiifostod in the Outcome in Englaiid azid America , The Testimony of Oaroy's ' Wife and Son not as Positive as Expected. hlIto At tornoyR Itt' O'Ionimell Ftort ( 'lnmrntlIetloIIK from Iioti. Lostoi , , Nc.veinbor 30.11'lic trial of O'Donnell for the imiurtlor of , JamtiusCarey hugut : t1is Itturnhlig before .Jttdo ( icorgo Dttiutnttit III tlim ! old. 13iiluy : police court , ' [ 'wo sherilis mmii aevcral alticrinoim occu- 1)med cata ilIO11 the bench. The tittall court room wite crowded , auti aovcral ladies wore present. No oiw was mttl- imilited wiihoub a tickeL 'l'Iie approaches were thronged. Chits. Ptissu1l , A , M. Su1ivati , solicitore , Guy anti Roger A. Pryor were present. as counsel for ODo- tiult. Henry James attorney general , and Poland and tt. S. Wright appeared for the government' i'Doiiiieli cutered time dock from the adjoining prison murroundcd by officers , and ho seemed unconcerned , standing very erect at first , titemi bowed his head , clasped his hands , quietly cast glances at ctiiiso1 and closely watched the jurors as called. After rendingof the charge O'Don. nell took a seat , leaned over amid while- pored to counsel for a few minutes. Tue jury is a very intelligent otto , C0fl11)OSCd of inert of middle amid niature ago. No excitement exists outside of the court house. But few people are there , and mostly respectable ones. A large lolico force is guarding the court. Russell , of O'Donnell's counsel , demimanded , that wit- fleeces be excluded from the court room , which was urantetl. The jury lmving becit called , time clerk asked O'Dor.nehl if Ito had any objectioii to any of themim. o'Donnell rollit'd , ' ' I trust to mmiy solicitor - licitor for thiat. ' While the jury was being completed O'Donnell seemed amused and exchanged tyrectings with Mr. Pryur. None of the jurymen were challenged. Henry .James opened the case for the aovernmont. lie described Carey's departure - parture from England and voyage to Capetown , and said there wa no evidence to prove that the prisoner embarked on the steamer Kinfaun8 aetle to Icill Carey , but the witness , ( Jubitt , would testify at Cantotown that ho gave the prisonerat his urgent request , a rough sketch of Carey , and the prisoner remarked , impomi receiving it , ' 'i'll ' shoot him. " The at- toriiey.gonoral repeated the details of the murder of Carey , and pressed U1)Ofl the jury that the act was not comnmnitted in self-defense , bitt was a willful amid pro- nieditated murder. Ho enjoined the jury not to allow a fooling against Carey to prejudice tlmoin in their consideration of time case. O'Donnell liatemied closely to tito address of the attorney-gomieral. Ho has been allowed to use tobacco , which ho chews freely in the ( lock. James Parish , steward of the steamer Meiroso Castle repeated the ovidumico given at the prelimitinary examination. 'l'syo p1ans of time cabimi of the Meiroso Castle were tiiown , otto prepared by the prosecution , the other by the defense. \Vitnes declared the one ( , l'tlrcl hly the defense incorrect and time jimlge rejected it. lie iuistu'I timat O'Dommmmell was sitting - ting dowii when ho fired the shots at Carey who stood leaning against the cor- ncr of the cabin two yaids away. Carey might easily have icached O'Donnell but ho made no gesture to seize him. Wit- 11085 saw no ( thIer Luau O'ioii- nell's ; did not see young Carey go to his father's berth , and only knew by hear- smI ) that his father's pistol was found ulmoll the boy. Much discuasioti concerning the cur- redness of time pjaiis of time cabin , nil of which time judge declared faulty. The judge went into the witness bo. : iiid asked I'arish to explain thie position of the tables amid seats , and witness said all the PlmtltS yore incorrect , and O'Donnell aippeuro L to ho greatly interested iii this episode , watching time judge narrowly. rime judge cautiommed l'ariah to be carfu1 in giving reithica tu inquiries , especially regarding his position wheit the shuts wore flrtd. Citaries Jones , boatswain of the Melrose - rose Castle , testilied a's at time former o - atninatiomi tiimtt lie wmt mtlinitmit sure but refused not swear timat O'lltfIImehi's words were , ' 1 did not do it. " The judge ex- atnitied O1)omineht's revolver and placcd it on tile ( lock. There was a dead silence whmemi 'riwmnae Carey , s ( a of .Janmes Carey , ateppwl into the witmirBe boz. lie gave his uvidemico promptly anti cooly , but was sometimes told to speak more distinctly. Occasionally - ally ho would consider a ( htlestioll ivell before replyimig , amid when ho failed to umdorstand the inquiry would shako his bead. The judge questioned hmimmz in regard - gard to his father's jo.it1oii when he was shot end was assiduous in making notes of young Carey's evidence. Then the bag and revolver ot Jamnee Carey wore placed in the hands of witness to identify Ito weighed the weapon amid looked down the barrel , O'Jommueli scrtitiniod yoummg Carey narrowly when ho said ho was miot positive whether O'lannoll after thto shooting saul ; ' 'liako ' hands , Mrs. Carey. I was setit to do it , " or hIatt IA ) do lie further teatjflo(1 : " 1 wont for father's revolver ttitd Icopt it in toy pocket , because father wan unable to ust ) it. " luring the afternoon young Caroy's exatmflnattflhl dtmvoiopcd litany iiicoiitist. eIicits. , 'I'llO frequency with i lOch the witmmess entradietcd , limmiseil , , ClttIbC'i amuck ammiuseimit'itt III eulirt Imiul thu spectators - tators ajipearcil I mm 1111 nIfllmiCl at itia umI . abailmeti tiomneimmor anti eirrimmtery. Mrs. Care ) ' , widow tif thu murdered nmmimm , : m ; , arud itt a a I I 8t55. She .viitt ( lresctu lii duoj , toflurrilmig , mtiiil SPIthI ) in m ruhijut'cl tittt roftateIl , ? tilt ) tt'a. tlmntmity shio gave at time prmlitimiflhir } ' O - : InhImIatiou , and roiteratoti that O'Ioiimmcil oielaluietl ' ho was ccitt to do it " 1hhie croti exarnimatjtan of Mrs. Carey wits i-em ) and dovolo1ed iiothuimg mtow. IsrI-uI , III hid tt-'tiuv'imy , sait thute - - cae no Pistol imi Carey's imaimd , amni lie itearti O'Ionueil tell Mrs. Carey that he ' 'could Itoh help it. ' ' Robert Thoimmas Courbett testIfied to recogniriug tile 111511 l'owur as Carey front kILO ltortrait gjfl iii a silimplelmittlIt of 'I'hmo Dmtbliu Freomiman. .1 lo showed the per- tntit tO ODonimelJ , t'itti remnarked , ' 'I'll flhi)4)t ) tilmt.1IIe5I.9 attachedi ito iortanco to the remark. tither testilted mushily as at. the previous exatmummtiou. A Iegtl the. Cussloht arose over time nthmuimtsioi of a newspaper ciittiimg , headed , ' 'Irish Revo. ltitittiit , iii A imierica , " which was found ill O'loumieht's trunk , Sullivaii said its intromluctiomi wuld , , ilmiport , itlitica1 element into the trial. 'I'Iio judge thought it would be (11111. gorous. Attorney ( lomioral Jmtnws would not. lress the muatter. . i'olico Superintendent i'tttiUiim ' , of 1)mil , . liii , idtitiliod Cat ey's pistol mis time one lie .reve iiitii for 1)rotectitn wiiuii ho left luh' , 'm. I Ia stitl Carey ii'mis i'ery exeita. he , ( leslcrtto , and utterly regardless of imti limit 1 i fe. 'Ultu prosecution ci sed , and thu court ndjumiritetl. O'Domtmielt was calni ntmd clmmlOSOtt , tliroutiummit the day's iirnceed logs. Roger A. Pm'yor frequently coiimtulted , fliRt imintle several smqgcstioml8 to the prisommer's cmmumtsul. 'l'Iiu entire 1)roct3edumgsi,3 Co ( ruin exciteludnt. GI'Xi'If11j lItEI ( NflVS. TO 8.tTLSFV iiimt 1104011. l'AdIs , , November 80.-It is report. ed tilIltVaddingtomi , French ain bassadcr to Lumidon , list imiformnud the British foreign secretary that France intends to occupy Baeitimih muol Sontag to satisfy her honor , hut miot cmi- gage in war with China , and after tha surrender of the two places France prO- 1)05CC nit nrmnistico and will ask for Eng lish mnediation. LONIION , Noveinlcr 10.-It is reported that Sontag and. lLicmtimih have bee ii evacuated , CRIMINAL itECOItI ) . A TIUIIUIILi ANI ) EXCITTNO FlOuT \Vi'rIt IIUItOLAUS. SnItLmmv , 0. , Novenilter 80.-Four bur. glars cracked a safe at Now Wash. immgton last night timid escaped on a hand car to Vernon , Junctiomi , wimero time3' throw the liamid car into a creek to avoid being trackctl tutU vent to Shelby. \Vorkimmemi saw them throw tile car into tlto creek mtmid reported to the authorities who tt.legi'apiicd to Shelby and the gang irus arrested. Iilarslmat Sutter found time burglars hear a hotel and ordered thorn to go with himu , wiiorcuiiomi they fired live shots , two Imittimig Simttcr , one in time log and omia in thu side. Smmttor thou shot one throimglt time head , killing Imitu instantly. 'i'he othmorim lied towards thu woods , followed by citizens who wore wit- flosses of the almootiiuti. 'I'wo niiles iiortli cite of the gang turned amid fatally shot . .IohmiLomigacer , baggageinneter. By this timmie 100 nien were in immirsuit. Two uttiles further M. A. Cunningham captured - tured Lomigacer's murderer and took him to town. Pretty much time emitiro population - lation turned out , greatly excited amid armmmcd with all manner of weapons. Oimo of the burglars found a horse and buggy ot it macumber of time pursuing party amid started away with it. , but fimmdimig time buggy an imicumbrauce ito cut the liar. hess amid escaped on horo- back. Encountering Will May , who vmt3 in pursuit , the burglar , at the point of a ruvolcor , compelled May to give up imis own Pistol mid oxciiauigo horses. May's horse , fatigued frommi fast ( lrivimmg , imroved slow , and ott time route the burglar mumet two ladies iii a bmmggy , and with drawim revolver hoortlered tiiemmi to give up the rig. ( time of thu 1aIiett struck hint with it ivimij , , whiemi he fired , ltmt with ommly the tmfThct of frighttnmimmg tue itorse , which ran away. Time imurgiar PresommtlY mmiot a mmmliii amid boy wiLl , a teatmi. lie frigiuttmmmed themmi out , too time team , atiti started time liaise imm a rimmi , collided with ammother wagomm , amid was thrown out , tim wagon fahlimigrimmimimmi. 'J'hmo tue pursuers shortly caine up , wimemi time burglar PiltC0t18iY oxclaimmmcd , ' ' itoys I have a mmico mmuothor. " lmtstammtiy Ito was riddled with bumlicta. This occurred timirtecim mniles front Shelby. 'I'Iie bmly was bormme triunmpiiammtly to towit. Time corpses of both time dead bum'glara were exhibited in aim undertaker's wimidows , wimichi incrcase(1 time excitement , and time ammo lodged in jail would imave been lyiichcd Immt , the slmerilllmad quietly takcmm iminm to Mitneuied. Itunmor says time last ( mf time four was captured at Plyimmotmtit. Omic burglar killed was about 22 years of age , good looking , simmootim fmmco amid imad 2,7OO. 'I'Iiu otimor was mmmiddlo aged. A satchel was foummtl containing a full btmrg. lar's kit amid ii quammtity of citioroformmi amid ( lymmaimmito. tlmirsltuii Suitor will probably recover. A .Mtit lmNm ) in m T I vUm.L. SAN .Joit , ( J.mia. , Novemmiber : io..10 - etili , Tewull , one of thu three mmiii wimo Inst March mnmmrdored M. 1' . Itommowciumm to get pftslessiomm of his carmlimmgmmnmmmonmlt. lug to 2lOOO , was hamiged thia morn- lug. A hAn dOll. MACOS , , Novemimber -Anmbroso \\Tost , a negro 18 years of ago , comivicted of mtmrdering Jaumes ? ifumiroo , ofVortlm county , cit time ifitit of Sui4ummtbor , 1883 , was hung to-day in tue presence of 2,000 peeplo. lie was carried frommi the Albany jail to Isabella , ( lie county seat. Time first attempt mit hanging was a horrible failure , the rope breaking , but after time lapse of an hour time noose was adjusted again. death ipeediIy following the fall. A Btreet. ( Jam' Murder CDCIATZ , November 30.-At one o'clock this mornhmmg Fraimk Atkimms , liv. lug in the iiortimoaetorn portiomi of tue city. know an Walnut hills , was awak. oned by lirimmg , and found a street car stamidimmg still. As ito approached it. a luSh stopped till time car , fired at hijimi and rail. Bitten ng time car bmo fuummd .1 oh mu Cosgrove , tiitm driver , amiti "tYimi. South , coudimetor , biecdimmg and mincommscious ( HI time floor. lie drove time car to time stable amid coiled a smirgenim. 'l'kme mmmcmi rumimaimmtmcl llImCotieciuu. , their wouimds being 1mm thu mmbdummuimi aimd ftUlIORel ) to ho miecesearily fatal , 'J'1meo iito Ito witimessemi to thu itlmootimmg , hut parties who got off thu car bufom u thu oiuitimig toil of a qimarmel ho. tmveen tue commmlmictmr and m masselmgur. 'l'lmlt is suuimliused to be time mmmaim who dmd thu shooting. or Cotirsti lb Was , Sixa Sue , N. Y. , Novcmmmbt 0 - Lawmimmmcu Ft'eiiuy , sgod 70 yearn , starved hmirmmteif to death. 1J did miot eat nor drink for over it week , lie IYM out. of i'ia a to I It t. tt I' ) ' l'th. ' - - THE SCALP DANCE , - Tiokol Brokers Boillg A Liyoly Bnil 11055 t llcthico Halos , The Omaha Road Liable to S'art a War in Its Own Territory. A itcecivem' Aimptilittoti for time mt. .Jtist'plm . VesIcrui. ltAIIdtOAI ) M4tTTEIt. ' . A iti'miiVEfl hAS l'lll { MV. .inI , . * m' ' WVMTHItN. 'I'Oi'UICA , Knit. , Noveimibor 80.J tmtlge ? tcCreary iii the Umilted States circuit coimrt. yesterday delivered a decision iii St. itto \ostorut : railroad case gramit. imig time jqtitiomt of 1ilmtimmtitrs by ordering tint apmumintmmmont ( if a receier. lie itihl timat. tmmtdur time laws of ICmumsmis mmmi order of foreclosure of a nmovtgmtgo cotmld mud be uimmttlo beatiso by stay of cxecmmtiomu a sale of time property would be staved ofr six mmioiitims 1111(1 thmms prevomit relatrt of the bill beimmg umade ummtil time mmoxt No. vemmihmer ( emmii of court , timereforo iii 1mm order to close imp tile bmmsiitess whIm- out. delay he was comimimelled to appmiimit. receiver.I . TlfiV ALL 1)0 iT. Sr. LoUis , November 80.-Au ad. jouriucd niectimig ofjmassonger agemmts was iieil to-day to give thin represcmmtative of time Lake Edo is' ; SVost.ormt all opportumitty to defend that road agaimiet a clmard of cuttimmg rates through scalIers. it re- stilted. 1mm time , imidiscrimmtimmato chitrgiumg timat nil time other roads were guilty of time same ofThmuse , which was miot. sucacesfully denied , and tub mneothmg adjotmrnod. A I.1YRL.Y WAIt OF JuATES. Sr. PAUL , Novcmnber30.lt. is feared the war on Chicago rates will be precipi- thted by time refusal of limo Ommmaima road to live up to tIme local agreomnomit , amid re- dcciii tiekot sold by sommipersatcut rates. Omiiahmmm oflicinis say oilier roads oxchammgo tlmeirowmt tickets for those ptmrc1mmsed via Ozimaima , givimmg a bommimmm , ammd timemu emit time tickets for redemption. Time gemieral mnalimmger's agreememit itt to mmiaimi- taut rates wimicim will provemmt opemi cut- tiuig by time roads , bum a lively itar is mmmm- ticipated tlmrommjtlm scalpers , and , iii time ovemmt of a lircak in the Iowa imool , may lmuvo ( ) lemm mvnr. Tmml ( 'UI' ON HAI.T i.Aiit nmcrnmmr. SALT LAlU , Noytmmmibcr,30.-The Union l'acitic gives a twemity-ilve cent rate on freigimt. umielassitied ( room the Miss on Itiver to Salt ltlco. The Dutiver Oramido stick to time fmgtmrus of their for. ixier cut , 50 ceuits. , , ' , . . volt , TIlE G/VEIJ. - ' . . . . R- , . . . 4 - a A iihUlo imidItitIom nlnbxm..Strongtlm. \VAslrINnTor , November 30.-It was expected that 20 demuocratic umitimmilmers of tilt ) NOW York dciogmmtiomi would attend a comufercmico to-muigiut , but ommiy 16 jmmmt imm an luppearamice. On a imrolositiomm to vote for Cox umutil released hy itimmi from nmiy obligatiomi to do so , emily 11 votes wore mit iii time aflirmmialivo. Time otimer live mnemmubora wommlml imot , vote for Cox timrummgiu- tmtmt , nltltougiu timoy eximressel a willing. liceim to go iimto Limo caucus as itis stmtport. ens. Thu smicomid cimoico of time five itt mm- dorstood to 1)0 ltammdall. Svtmtlimnvitl Ujt Ity I lie ' % rlL.H Cimuc'tuo , Novemmmber 10.A .spchm1 frommm Torommto to 'I'Imo 1) tily News , says , Time crew of the iummmber barge , ilaimmiltoim , waft rescued by time life saviimg crew at Sturgeon l'ohmt , Cicmrgiamu flay , timimi nmonimimmg. after beimmg exposed to time do- imiemmt.s two thttys. 'I'Imo barge was 1mm tow of mm prime1lcr , limit iris ; cutlooso because siia ivas water logged aml drifted imul p. lesisly , 'flue mmmcmi emu Lime barge were mmear. ly dead frommi exposure wimon resetmod. Telegrams received here state time Sault Ste. Marie is frozemi over , block big imavigatiomu into Lake Superior. All rogim- mr limme lmrOPOltOrS got through both ways. but ammo or two large itteammu itrgolm : gut catmglmt amid will go into wimmtor quartet's. An time mnarimmo immsimrimmicu expiroti at imoon to.dmiy , mtavigatiumm , exceiit betwecim mimi. jmictmiit ports iS 1mrlctica1iY closed for time w'mmmti'r season , 'FImo bark , 11 mmmmgenfurd , wimoso primu1)1tt loss wits roportel this mmmorlmimmg , froimi Toroimto , hums miot yet beemi lmeard tromim , timotmgim situ broke away lmrtmtu time , mtoammier Niagara , four tlayit ago. Sue had mu crew of mix mmmumm. 'l'ftu barge Sweeintaki's imrrmi'etlat ] : .tst 'i'muwait , It Ititmmil Nmmii' I'Izillat , BOSTON , Nuvemmibor 3O.A cable d is- patch imas boomi received mit lIirvartl ; col. logo observatory mulmmmoimlmcilig time discov- 3ry of a emmiahi 1iltmmut by Baliza , al Viun- liii. Its poa'mtiomm , Novunilmur 28 , 13 imoure 20 mninutes , ( lnt'emmwiclm time , was rmgimt asccueioim 3 hours it ) ummimmutea 14 seconds , doiimtatiomt mmorth 15 degrees 52 mnimimutes It ) secomids , daily motion lit right ascoim- sioim-48 seconds , doclimmatioim notilimig. It ii of time twelfth mmiagnitumle. Time 1iamiet , ii readily identified at Harvard college observatory , auth observed by Weitmiell a follows on Novommmber 30 : Nine imours 80 nmimiutcs Cambridge timmum , rigimt. ascfflms'iolm 3 htourn 17 imilmunteim 27 soCmthtt , , dcciinatiomm miortit 15 degrees 51 1-10 umimiutet. HcrttlieI on Nulls. PlTrsImumto , l'a. , Novtmmmibdr 80.'J'bu I mu Ago pimbilaimes timis week a mmtllmmiiem ( it letters ( room imail mmlammufaetimncrmf , giv- 11mg VIeWS of timu , pnesermt comitlitloim amid future imrsitmmcta of the tra'lo. A mnemmm her of time 'eterim Null asociatjmimm says : iTammtifaetincmrs ; , vili c'ommtrot the Imr.itltlct . by rimslmelmmmiomms. 1 f mm utoppage of five weeks ivill miut. effect. timu tilijeet mtmmotlmtmr sti1i irill follow. Amiritimer mmmemmibur comi- ttiulu'm-s time oimtlonk for I $ i't-I decidedly glomimity , wimlia time easturmi umiammtmfmmcturenmm' ozpressiomm of ( iaiflitim in Lititt tium great. iimcremu.u of fitetories svas catisod by time l'ittsburg tmhio tWO ytmLrt3 ago , mimi dur. 11mg timat timimu a iiitimmm was created whmicim resulted iii time Orglllii7.atilm of mnammy mmtmw Imlutmits , Timny , therefore , fear the trade cammuot be CimltZClOd. 'fimo presidemmt of thd 0. bb.i iufl and { mti1 c junui1 , ti - - \ _ Atiroi-s , hid. , says , time mIsil trade is iimutorgoimmg a enmimploto ruvtiiuitlnn by time tmso of vrotmgimt. srap , by wimicit minus are nmmumufaetnru ti (10 cemmta a keg less tlmau front pig immtmtal , _ - l'ilullmim. lilt Amiiuiiuitltliiii , , Now 1i.'mc.i . , Novemitltdr 30.-It. iii re- liortemi timat time \Vimmoimesttmr Arimia Co. , of New iinvemm , time h.'mit mi ? iletal ( 'art. ridge commipaimy , Briulgoport , Coimim. , and a largo cartridge company of Ioweil , l1ass , , Imavo commmbimmed tout imi time fimtimro ivill art logolimor as a symitlicatu , cumm tr..liimmg . time cartridge interest of time cotiiutt3' , 'l'hto commmprnmy at I inidgoiort. umltl)1113's It'itQ ) operatives mumid time \Viit- cheater mum irly its mmmammy imidepemiduimt of time mmtmlnbenmvorkimfgmlgtmmth. , I'ii II turt's nI 'l'lle 't'uk. .N rts Ntiiiemmtber , :10. : - 'rIme Imumsi- hess lailimu-ca of the Inst seven days iii time Uuiitei States mimiti Caimm.lim : . , mltmmmmber 2-12 agaimmst.217 timoitrei'itmus VOUk. - .1t'ff'Vit1tti' $ Vttit'c tietmmruis , CmNitATl , ( ) . , Ntiveimmbem -Ioserit .1 c li'tmm-omm mtt'i'ivmI lmmmtt mmiglmt. I'o. d ny i lie i tieu ites retimrmietl , iuimtt iii' is 'iii mu fair i'muy to recover its ( till umso. A C LOSE CA I. L Balcollio's ' 111 ick Urcally Paiiiaoi1 tiy Firo. Its icsfmiuetluut Tllrtmatglllel Ir a Tlmmmo 1Art .f tim Irimimer Story Badly Seorciucti. At iialf.past 11 o'clock hMt evonimmg a fire broke otmt imi time Balcommibo biock , cormior of Sixtoemitim amid Davenport streets mud caimme imoar rcsultimmg iii its tot.al destrumctiomi. Time block is two-stories high amid cmi- t'urely a frammme structure. it imas a froimt- ago of uiearly 100 foot amid runs Itack probably 40 feet. The rooms on time upper floor were occupied by sevemu fmimmi- ilies , 0mm tIme lower floor were four stores. iii time following order , bogimiing at. time curmior : Cmrmjor room , vacant , imavimmg iateiy lwemm occupied by 1" . .1. tSimRmme , as a Imardmvmmm-o store ; 'I'imoodore lellummu , restatmuamut ; P.V. . 'I'mtrpy , imluimIber ; S. \ \ Riley , tmpimolstery. 'I'Ime onUru buildimmg was owned by St. A. D. Ilaicomnbo. , II ; was uimfortunmifo that the alarmn was turned. iii froun the wrong location , box 49 , and atfirmut.imoid. . time depmmrtmmmummt to Thirteenth suid Douglas streets. Several valuable mitinutos were titus lost before tim scemiu of time'fmro was reached. Whomm time firemen arrived aL time Ba1cmmtbo , ld k UM fire ras eoon1iscyerod to be imi a back roommi in time south part of time buiidimmg , on time upper Ilimor. It was thou mmmaking good imemidway , for time flames were soomi celmmimmg out timrotmglm time side amid the roof. Fotmr streammms wore 500mm playing , bitt. time lire seomimod to gaimm. It bewtnmo imecossary to put imp time scmmlimig ladders autti go up muid tear away a Imor- Lion of time cornice in under to better remmeim time limmimmes witim time strumuims. ltmnimig all this tiimme there was ii hun. ned carryimmg ommt of Limo imommecimoid goods frommm time upper story , aimtl time variolme mmmcrcimamidimto timid other goods frmmmmmbulow. 'lime famimiiies up stairs uimmummmmgctl to mimivo mmiost of their , rjmurty , but immmmclt of it is ill ii badly dmmmmmmged commditiomm. Time goods froumi below were mmeam'ly all saved. 1 t it-na fmmhly mmmi imomur before time fin , was mmmmdor control. As fast as tint lirsimneim mmumued to imavu it checked lim omme ilitce it brtLm omit imm amiotimur. At ommo t'mmmmo it kmoked its if time ommtiro block was certaumm LI ) go. Fimmauly time line wits pmmt omit , amid time bmmiidimmg jrLiauiy saved. 't'lij entire , upper story is danmageml. 'J'ime romif mmml tmjpor ) trails of Limo somitim half are almost' eimtirtmiy destr.yed. 'I'imu line Wits itto1ijtcd before it itpreme1 to time iitrLli , half of tipper fimir. , 'I'huu itrigimi of time fire cannot , at this tiimmo , lie dutimmituly learimed.Hfwevcr , It' isutiiiiimosod to have 1)0(11. ) - . fectivu , Slime , amid to immwotar l 'uiiat pmrt : of time hmiildimmg aS' " , ' ' , . hoIpry . ' ' ostabiiithimmommt , ' 'J'Imo , imuoumit of , I4' ttimo buiidiimg cannot imew _ , x , but very likely ft few imtdec1du1Imrs will cover it. \ViiuLhmctj 4 tImbuu immimmy ( ilusmmrmtlmoo 0mm tiio'-tnMttlimtg ma muse mmmi- lCimowit ; lut , it. is votjtobabio that timomo 1.4 emuommgim to fuilyitf mill tite Irns cue- tmuimmetl. 'I'lmu buflmihig wiiieii was miimmiost totally du'itruyctl by line iat imiglmt was at. omt.m . timmmu ( imme of Ommmmiima's finest imlocks , it wits 1jul11 12 years ago ii ) ' . ? tlr. II. II , Viecher mijammi I.IIO corimer of 'I'imirteeumthm and 1)uiigluis streets , uhiomm time grouimd whenu the ! iliilard imotel mmow atmImmls. Two years ego it was mnoved frommi there to its present iucmutiumm amul imits , since its z-emmmovtul , belommged to St. . A , B. Bmil. coijibc' . Jim the days whemm it was first errectoil it. was comisidored olme of time fimmuet blocks jim time city hut. has bug miimmco givemi up all claims to glory. one by cue the tilui laud mmmarks disap. pear , either by fire or else one torn dowim to masks way for limier amid imioro aubst.aumtiai etructuress ; amid time ( lid ret.tlors' eyes almost. grow dimmi whim tears as they watcim , yearly amid almost daily , time destruction oftimosu uidhmiildiimge they have Jearmmed to love so it eli , mmmd but a tow year's will elmijmsu ummitti imot uimmo wili nt'mmimulmm to immdicato what Ojimaima , umow thu Chicago of thmu west , itmicu wits. 1auter.-8iimce time above wmis written , a report conies to timis tillico that an oflicur lou mitt a box i mm tim o rear of limo I ) mmliii i img , irhuicim imui , been ii .pmirt'II . t ly Ii I led iv i .11 ( H ) immhu sti iii ti mm mati iii I a iid se t on Ii ru , I'umis wtumld , imimike it. iwommf , mitten imil , that I lie l'mre i'iumt the work of mmii immeemiditiry. : NO5'iI'IVtI IJI , : ' ifam are ( itlTUrimd4.f mRIt i'm' mumm'I , loI.re4mdI1 ,4h.ilit' , ; iNss ( II uj . IIItI to , gemit-ral , ie'IiiIi ty , tilt- I 'I 1li'tOt ? i.tti I , is .itk c. . mrMtltm , t'momi , hmeu'im'lmu ' , ut mnm..utu tif a blilimmit mmattm n , I my mill mm tommie i1r11crtt Ii I , otti , , of I : iucti Ic I littern , ' ' , tmm s4'l I I itii simni Ii iseti t , , at ' 41 tii , ' m'i 4i1 lmmm.nu.vummmummt ; ( limit. i I Ii Itillims ; you will ho immei iii .111 . wI tim mmcii. hum ; mtrsiitim mimmit tmctli ity nill rutlmrn ; jiiilii mmti nilsery will ce'mui , mimmil hmoiioimfrtli you mujoioi 1mm thu 1mm time j.ralu of : ltrlc llLtt.tird. Sold at fifty c'xis tt LK.ttbl by 0 1 , Utiii , cmii - - - . - - - - - - A FRENCH VICTORY. The Chicago Boy Dfcatc in the Bit- 1iar l1mh1iollshul ) ilauic ill Paris. The Nervy Pronoliiiian Runs Out the Game by a Small 1ijority. it St liomuls jfmlmtImmmr "in1ceg time lUgged - god huh ( iii I tecorti. I 'A ION' , i'm'cmmiber 30'Fimo commel tmdhimg gammmo tetwoomm Scimsofor amiti Vigmiatmx for time billiard cimanipiomuiltip witimesseti b3' a large crowd , Mamm3 iorsomis wore mmimauiio to gain emmtrammce to time imall. Before - fore tue gammai Scimaefur niummotimiced flint , whatever tilt ) 155110 , ito woulti dial. bingo Vigtiaux to lilaY a miuw gammme with cusiiioimn oiml3' , the poimmts amid time stake to be tue sammie as imi limo pnesemmt mmuatcii. ltiitlolphmo dial. lemmged time i'iimmmer of time lresdmmt gmimuo to ; tlmm3' a muimniiar gauumo iyitim imimmi. \'ig. mmiuux nccoptcl Scimmumfer's cimallomige. Schaefer mitt utot. rnmmtwer ltiidoipimo's citsi- iemmgo.nigmmaux ltegmt to 1)11 ) % ) ' with runs of 02. Seimmiufer began to mmmmtke up time groummul lost yesterday , amid mmmmuio rtmmis of 164 and 15fl , retselmimmg a ts'tal of 015 , Vigiumuuix Imavimig made 237. .At thus hmoimmL there was au immtormnis- 51011.'m'hmemm time gammie was resummmied Scimimofer mathi mime of till , .47 , 72 amid 81 , Vigmmntmx mmmdc rims of 110 amid 78.nig _ untIl f'mmmmtlly womm , ieavimmg Scimmiofer 12-t behind. Vigimnux played 28 times ; Sehmmieftir 27 timmmcs. At time commclmmtihmmu of tIme mmmatcii Vigmimnmx was loudly cheered. Wlt.m..iA ii t0VTtN'H M <Vfit.Ot' $ ILUN' , Sn. LiIJmit , Nimvemmibor 30.-'tVilhiammi Cottomi , mm well kmmtiwit local bilhiarsli.t. , iii a practice gammmo of three-ball billiards , to.day , made a run of ' 219 , tIme highest over mmmade , bczutimmg Schaefer's best mu by 24 lioimits.- Air ( 'tIeshlaliemI lIsnstcr. Womueawramt , Mass : , Novemmibur 30.- Time Imersomis iiuj rcd 1mm time accident last Vcdumesday ott tue Boston , Bai'ro & ( iiurdiucr railroad worn mill livimmg timme immimrlmimmg. 'l'ime recovery of Mrs. A. (1. iavis , of hlumbhutrdstoii , mmd ! illrs. i-hml- immmmd Marble , of littldimum , itt very doubt- fumi. Tlioro is tie uxpiammntioii of time mmcci- demit. 'l'hme track was recently laid with stool raiisammd time car wits new. it went dtuvmt time ommibankinemit 211 feet , mttmd' ' roiled over ommee or twicebtmttlme ruilmilmig gear , wits imot displaced. ltnilroad mmnimi say it uI inconipreliemmaible timat. a car could have gomme over in such mm manmmcr witimuut tearing off time trucks. lentim olJmttigt , Savidge. Special dbpatcii to Tjir.Bsmt. , , lCltAitNRY , Nob. , Novcmnbor 30.-.Ttudge Samuel L. Savidge died this morning at : i o clock. 'J'hio ftmmmeral will be held Sumi- dmiy afternoomm mit 1 o'cimck. , A Great I'ltsier. LAWAsTEmt , I'a. , Novommibor 80.-A mortgage for 10,000,000 imi favor of the F'armmmt'ra' Lommmm mmiii 'l'rmmst comimpammy by tue Bumkers' amid ] i1orchmmumits' 'l'ulegraph eommiltltii ) ' , iVitit receiveti for record , by the recorder today. - - TEI4liiItAl'il NOTES. l.i T.cu4oIm'i Riy time Smmtmz Canal c.mlilmzmny (11im cmiiimigm , Its cmiial , uailmg its oWn land , with. ommt nit Omunl ty , , r mnommoy frommi mummy aims. A html minuted lri.rg , a ! Fummmviile , itilchm. , t.rit'ii to tcii imuw mmuiw thu cars he coulil up. ; .rmchm ( mmd gut away. lie woo Immtmimitfy killel. l'rIuseon , .1 . If. ' [ 'ice , thu St. Jouis woathimir iirmii.imet . , diomi isuthienly yostermitoy umonmmlmmg. 1)eamm ) Ii uhtiwtim wan commsecrated as bi8iiip of liimr.mm ut l'tiommtrumti yoeterdny. 4' 'rime cot aogii at thu I 'Iii immuloipldaimil mit. dmmri mig uvuiimher mimmmimimimtoii tt , tl , U72-20. , - I' Now \'trk , illmmetratoil jsmec waimts tlmu , ro- itmlillcztmm , immutlomai eummvomitkmm held mit ( Jhmau- tiitmrma ; I , mmke , ill thmmut tstatt , , / .TeI.iu T. ltaymrmommd'et mtmiw play , ' Far Comm. ruse , " wime tmmmtfmtmmtlantlcmuliyrccelvod inVmuth. . . 'hmmgtomm last mmiglmt. Tlmaimiaut Jimos : 11aM } ) OOli acqimlttotl of the clmarg. . , iii immuring cold stulumm from the Now York comnitrollu's.olhce. By ii railway coilia'mmm , noarSt.iloommFrazmct"1 ycsturdmiy , 18 weru kLtltiiI mmd It lmmjmrutl , _ lint. . & , Jmtcmi , Cohoim , ivie , rummi ' 'ulfit. , chitiming itnrhmrs' ' in I a'lmIa4i'hilO , i'y. , hvu ttlilltltoii to Cimieao , louvlmmg thom store tdtlt * immit.&lml. ! ilaicetl burglars yettortlay ril.ix'tl , . tlto lmoim.u tf lemao , I limb , mmtJir C ) wiismi , , ! tiem ) , , i.e. e'mrlmmg ' lO ( ) amid twm ) gold wmitcimemm , timid redo mmway iii tim time mushy i 1g. M. F. Cow.irsy . , tim , , Ohio odtmcatom' , imas booms strletiomm teEth itarmmt'els. Catarrh. At timli iCUOfl of th year oi'arbody lies a colti &iitl .ommitm b cry bid ones ; fly frcqlunmt ozp..urce . tIme imcmmmbramm , ' . Ill time mmoo bucirmu , i cry semmeltlt , ' , arol etarrlm atad Irmitumizas are ej.ld..uilo. . Ifelluf nmiy Lie obtained by time uco , , f flood's Hanut.arlll. . Vor ' . .aiy oar. In .Uce..lotm be + clmmmmh'g ' .0 fir hack I doe I remember wbori , I had thu catarib tim WY timid. II couul.tod of & continual how Iroom my florA. florA.Ringing and Bursting Aoisos Ill may head. flonietlmor the hearing In ray loft eat warr.ffected. f'I'tt year. ago ibout this .osron of the ycir. I I1mialm to u.e lmo.l'a Sersiparills. I wa. Imeii.o.I rIght awry. but I cuntirmod to ui , II minta I fell ray W.CI curud-Mrs. EIlr IS , Ceuiqfd , L.owelf , Ma. . . Jerome lmrowrmcll merchant . and ritenejy , mWsr at Victor. , Ommtarlu coutity , N. 'I. , , wilter : " 1 has. uiud itotdr miarapaiIllr for roy Catarrh , and ttIia hOiI.ed moo. I coitridu , lIiod'e .araaparimla memo of IoLberb remaudlee for blood dlreare t , , lao obuifrmvmI , 100 Doses One Dollar , "I havC I.i'en tr.mmbtaI , i , ItIm limit diotruising co'n. i.lulmmt , rmit.urh , amid itavu lieu , imollig ) lwl'e Hiri.a. pariltim , otl , hut ! it _ _ _ _ _ host meeultuj I beet nor talme , , . My trial. ltted ii. , , cam's. cud 11.0cr c&itid , ga atmy relitt until I coo woitol iii Low lloo,1 HareeIarlfl.i."Mimrljum itlilt hi. C.hleago , IU Dan9o1 Irai , Ca ( arth Oelwmmif. Umloli thu timi'immmit , am-ui octumit ci thu S'rufu' Illume mmsfectlimi. Uniuu. tloImmtIy ! mma''y ' iteathe loon 4.mtiIfmtJi4IOf& & calm flU traced ii . 'tgts-tmtI ) tmitmrrlm Thu vu I. I b lilt-sit iU.trvr. , Idatratud amid oughirig 'lid lie , the oy r see , , mini ii..iu dlichaoed Cu.louIy , dm1 thu unit sum , . . to r1Jlt. hi mmcIm corer Hoot' . b.rammaril'.a arced. thu cc- tiurim by It. direct umtti"mm Imi t.oimrlrig limo lrmmt , tli'i 111011 tiiiiittti mI.urvii griul eutlut , , iO hat iiLtiiiiuy , 10001 % 'mLiol rei.cimj ti tm mcLotmcnf amid It iloocs Sarsaparilla HcM by 'itutIgt , l ; ida to : (5. I'relaamiI b ; C ) , I , 1It'Vt ) CU. , .tptlmtcmriwLu'zc1l Mitil , - - - - - - - ttIY' SPECIFIC MEDlCiNS1 TRADE MAflII. Tmm0in.i F.NG.TRADE MARI m.mIIi , Itrwemiy. Am , . immifailluig cars for ' - SemInal Voah. , . , .t ' - Ilmftt follow ci . . iimeuico of Self. . - . , . ' -I . .Uflher. , acoRE TAKlflO.ealIw.itumtlot'ain ATTER TJtIINfl. s Imack , iimnne , , . of % 'lrlon , i'remnmmtumrn 0mm Age , inAim ) . otherlI.ciU , . thatleal tolmmrmity orCon. I flptlor , and c I'reniatmmr ( lrau. HeWITt. of il-orti.cncumts , to refund mooney , when Jnmg.t.e trommi i.imotn the medlctmmo Is lIommht ( to net r'bei1 , limt rrfer 3omi to the mimcnufacturere , cnl the rcqnlrenierte , ire .mmth tlmit they are ceLlo , , , , if eir eompllcl lth. Coo thelrwrlttenguaranteo , A trict of omuo slgla , , Iuckato of ( ira ) ' . Sieciflo a-Ill corn loan the most itelitical of Iii nwi mettle. On cc'tnnnt ( .1 eoummmOuteitere , we hc adopted Lb. \Vrauqer ; time 01113' gemmumlmme. fl7FtmiI t'artlcumli.m' . In omit lunphtCt , which we do- lrii to prtmti fret , by mmmcii to riury one. t-fFTho Spo- . ciSc Mnflclmme ii . .old . by cli , Inmggi.b , it Sm tier iek- tire , or .l ickao for fIA , me wIll be emmt free b7 much emi time r.'c'etlit of the mooney , imy iililre.emng Tll ( IILtY tiE1JIdiNICO. , nutfalo , N. T In Onmiha hr ( I flNIm.Sn. lv itm&ee- . RED STAR LINE. flt'Iglmtim 1tn3'nI mimiti 'I' . S. % Emuli Stt'aniems S. I I4TNi. I E vEll- : SATURDAY mmmrv : cm NEW YORK NO ANTWHEP , The ill , itt ( , ( rslummuup , Jt.tl , , iIiuuI ! CtIml Frrt ; ice. Otmt.m.rii Strcrtvzc. ES : 1'rephl frmmi Antoorp,3. : EiariIot , elate ) ; , l Cabim , , 55 I-it-imrton , ivo. itaoomm frota tOu ) to 7i ; liicimrelon iimO to i2i. 4TI't'tcr Vrlglmt & Somm , , Con. Agfa. ilmoadway , re'tlwell , tlemmmllton & Co. , Omnahi ; P H. Fl..dmm.m & ( in. , (04 N. 1(11) ( ) , Sheet , Onma.a ) I ) . E MltmilaiJ , Utmiahe , Agenti. m.oinI.1y $3Q.DfeDZ $2. IitruuarMonthI Dmwiim , wilt t.ako p1ae 4 lii thy smaormlcima I , 31&eonlc Temple Boil- dlm , , lii I.oulei'tile , Ky , Thursday December 29th , 1883 A Lawful L.ottory& Fair Drawings. cher uruil tO lime lcgl.lctoro of Ny. , and tIce d.lat. cii legal by limo hlgimuit cnmrtli , tra ) .tato , llonl gliumi o ilcnry County to the sum of 4100tiOOfor tbtc Irmu lyucnL t.f all , rirocimold. A ILEVOLUTION IN IIINOLIC NUMBEP. DRAWlNO Eeer tllmet imolder tmtson-n surorvicor. cm fill LImO mmunmber on imit tIkot and iou , the correspond. leg mmtmrmibcr oum the tag ilat'.i to time wheel In h In-uo. , There , traiilng , . iilI occur on the led 'fhuralay of every mnomtim. , Road tim. magimiScout 1 = December Scheme. 1 l'rlro. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3'O' . I l'.iw. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 I 1rlzo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . aetxi 2 l'mlmut , 2tOI eoci. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. ! 00 a i'tlzum , , mcoo oath. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,0cc Co PrIme. , ( OUcecli. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 ion I'tlzt' , , mro eacim. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 200 i'rlze. , fl ) eicm. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1o,00G no l'rlter , tO eachi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lo.ormo- lode I'i'Izee , 10 emu-tt , . , . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . l0OdD m ) I'rfwe , 300 maoApproimatlon L1'ize . , 2.700 I ) l'rfztmu , , 2uo " ' i,84U' 0 1' Izum. , 100 each " P 1,816 i'iLze. . p. . Whole Tickets , 52. Uaif T1oes1. " .27 TIckets , $50. 55 Ttccets. $10O. Itetidt money or flank Draft ml Letter , ' 6r'end exprorA. DON'T cliNt ) liT IiiO1TREfl T.11TIC Ott POST 0FF1CllOalMtt , until fnrthormiotlce. 0.- . uteri of end tmIwAflhIby cxpcnj. erut at our- expmrmr _ Ad rea'iil ordcrt l4liihYIflu , gy. tI.eat.tu.th-Jeeiat 0W'rna-t- UJMPEYS 1OMEOPATfM ' V Es'pEciFICS Pen T1 Chill OF AT.T. Drsrts1s O1' IIohIsiCtTTJ : ! , gliLiddI DOGS. 1IOUF. enme l'uUl.lLl' , , poll rwrac-r't Yr.A1S llmmniplirovo' llooien- ) 'attmlc V'm.rlmmnny f'4prclIle , , mmnvu Lu-en um..a.t iy' Fnriumrs.CtocIL ) ir-i1m'rr ml.j..rv . t.iniit' tuuiti 'l'ruiirm ( , , . Ii ore , , I I nil runi , . bin iumifnci uarors.- t'.Iumi Si Im , . , ( ou , , pmOmli-iI , 'l'rnv' I , ; . . , , emimI loneizorlee. amid uiher hammmiiiig atuek. iviUm I'rt.vt , tlcre. llmuiImrii , , , , ' S'-lrrIunry , ttinimmnl. ( ) 10. . S 10111 rm . , , by utah an rtvt-lpt of vrtco. f41'eimtC g.ePimut Id ode stumi , I run aim ni.iilctic1rm I1UMI'IlliiiVH llOt1lPA'i'IIlt' i1IlC0q 109 Fmmltomm Smreet.Cew 'urIt. NERVOUS EUTY niinrvc" vitm W'ntiflcSt amid rrom- I iunirnn i ' tratmomm frou , , uver .ork t,2lacrctinn. . P I rntteallt amutprutoptly U 1.1)1 Ii I IJiU cured ijyk _ Iteon in flee ni ( iIi -Ii tbe nunt cuivere. ; ) , YJm1TOITWlykflOWiI. i'i-loo3 mrvLo , oravmaha Lirge iai of powiler for & . , Piflt post-fro on teA - A 'motor price. IIit.im4r.'y. , " IIteo. 11.4. ( imnzcoiwguotnjAuuVuituubt..N.Y.a - mtIIOUI mcd- A Iciumu. i'atortedoc. , tober 16 , 70. One 'box No. I will core army eo Ia fomir days or lore No. 2 mIll cur. , tIme mmmormt ob4lmieto caeo rio matter of bow buff , itammdlng. A/lan 's SolubloModicafed Bouglea No raueu , , ifotce of , ubub , opaila , , or oil of ran- , irti wood , tirrit . - ' . . . ' , to pri4ueo Jepcpria by dtitTU3frig time c.oailngsuf time itomee ) , . I'rice $ m.rO Soul luy all iirugglmte , or moeJird on rucoipt of mrtoe For further I.artliura i.mimmd for circular. l.o. hot 1L53. . 'I J. C. ALLAN CO. , bI JoI'i Street , ! cw York. nfl lllflJlll'IJUIlPJ A rocuimz liii , u1iiUit1UUil , imme.Ilclrmo. Over aliteen SOSand miomi Wy imiulotto St. yemiri. ' jractIoo-twei. to ICAN13AK CiTY , MO. ChIcago. : : l AmmUmorfmcd by the stat. to tees. 44 ' :1 Chronic , Nervoimr arid I'rlvnte disenece , 4g1 Arthimmum , Epileiny , 1Umeumatlan.mi'Ue. Ji4)o ; : ; .Tah.e . Vormn , Urinary intl Skin Die- r.tt - caacaKewfrmalWcamnceethlghtlouea ) 'i . - V Bozumml , ficbmilty ( Ion mit icruel power ) . , -to. ( arc4 guararituet ) or mooney refunded. Chirges I w. flmuindi. of ceac. cured. No Injurious toed ! . C trier tIiXfmleimCd oCcu to I'athcmmta it c diatance , Con- euhtatl . tree arid com.Sdtmitial-caII or wriW ag. cn& rtieICdOO arc lnnpoxtarmt. A BOOK for both raise- llimatrcdcd-cimti ctmtnlats of oilier thIngs sent sealed iillIi tea U Cent etemope. ItEM MUSKUM iy med od-w ST. LOUIS PAPER V1AREHOUBC Graham Paper Co. , vu and lO North Main St. St. Louli. WIIOLICALII DEALEII2 Ut BooK , 1 I' A r J WRITDCO NKWII , 1 M I" . l wwi'iii ICdVXLOPK5. CAThIB0ARD AND PRINTERS' STOCK , DCub mild or Itagi .ad lip. Stook , SeiMoLalada. , I - - - - it Nebraska Cornice -AND- Orllamellt erRs ! MAiCub'ACT'Jiunls ot' GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES Vt7i m..c'-vv- , PINIALS , WINDOW CAPS , TiN , IRON AND SLATE ROOF/NO , rATENT METAIJO SKYLIOLIT , Iron Fencing ! Crutluge , Raluatrarlee , yeriumdcs , OlSee and flanie Uaitthg. , Window mud CcttarUuizdi , k'to , N , W , 0011. 1th'it AND JONh8 tiTti. WM. O18Lt , 31tal.ex 9