Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 30, 1883, Page 6, Image 6

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    , . , : P . 1 f - ' . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - _ _
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I - - t r
it 4 r1.TT DAILY BE1-OAIi1 F1UDt cOVEMB1R o , 1883.
- . - . . . . . . . . - _ - _
. - - - - " - - - - - - - - - - . . - - r-
_ _
1 Cans RZioumatism. Lurn
. Znlgo , ZtznibBak , Sprains and
: Bruises , Ast.lzma , Catc.rrli ,
' Coughs , Colds , Sere Throat ,
' Diphtho.ria , Euns , Frost
, ' . flitos , Tooth , Ear1 and Head
I ; , ache , andaLipains andachos.
- - Ite lest Inttrnkl &n1 ettetn4 ttmeiy In the
S : .vttt. Ieryt.ottleguaraetee.t. d4t'edlCt.e
dea1cneuy.'Lere. DrettkeeIee1ght taegagu.
FOSTER , MILBURN & CO. , Prop'r * ,
: , nUrrALo. N. Y. . U. S. A.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -
I ? IIeahh is WeaIth
; S 5' .flALtA ,
S i. \VIr,4 : , Nitvr : ANH Iht.I4 ' 1'tt.t' .
wrxr n guaranu.(4 . .t1citio fIr It'rin , ) .
. ( , , llvtlhiolkR , N'rvoun leiriIgui ,
- ' J 1tat1itehn , NOTVfl1f3 Proqtriitlrnu citt"I by tlio tui
. e -ofit1choI or tnlacco. SVIIkSfUItlL'.44e. ! TCfltZ1 Io.
S : cftiiing , f t hti I nht nt.u I I inr iii I fl
i.tfljty nttI Il .11Itug to flhIry , , ( IVfl , itI , ( lLttt It ,
S l'rcnutturo Olil Jkgr' , BarttIflIM'4 , 1.o.4 ttf
. S in either sex , JtwoIttiry , JJt4t4 ltttI htK'rIllRt.
crrbui ensed byuvor-nxortliiii ot t liii brain. ,1f.
4tbflfO or tcr-indtIgnnc' , . JncIi Iox ontnne ,
t3tO tflflhIIIItt I rt'zitmnt. $1. ( ) ii Irnx.flr tux Ixxett
' .5 , Ior$5AX ) , t'ttI b malt preztitI on rtctipt oC IrCO.
. ' 1'DCUrflIU1)'Cfl8O. VithcncI& ou1c.rwcIit1)tytle )
' ! nr ei , hoxee uccornrnttt'd with * .LX ) , wo will
S : tad tim mir wrtten girnmnti'o to to.
, fflhld tito rnont'y ii tito tritttntOnt dUOa nut. effect
flCtO , ( Iurintttoe itwnt.d otIyby
: DR. FELIX LE B/lull's
.t , Zi
PltvEN rIV1 AiD cUflr. .
k '
. .
, .5 Tl reniody being lnlectcd directly to the awt
, . tbu roquiree flu change of diet or naItooue ,
t ; cUuttIoTpo1eonouemo1IcInee tobot&I.cti Itern.
JS ; 1Y 'Iten igo &s pruycnttvo by cUtter ccx , It It
Jn2poestt)1o to Otflt13Ct tttl ) priv&te d1tCO but lii the
S e of Ihoto aIreaIy Unfottuiiatoly nfflkted we gur
S ote thrco boxoe to cuxo , or wo will rcfund the
S OflOY. t'Ij by mall , paid , 2 pot box , or
S Iitce boxo for 5.
S aM by , .11 uthorIzod agento.
t iS S Dr.FelixLeBrun&Co
; : aor.z
: C. F. Ooothnin , Drugglet , sole Agent , lot Oniahe
lhb. m&ewly
S : I j.p. WEBER & CO. ,
k .
; , , : : . . IMANUFACTUItEIOF
! : " 'ks : BRACES !
Felt TucacoRltxcTiooF
t ; : . PhyBical Deformitiet1 . , . F
, ( Hipand Spinal Diseases
, _ _ _ _
' Club Feet , StiflUKnee
: Bow Legs , TnockICziees , &c.
k '
0I the het Snake kept on litrol. Tnrte , ropalrrd ,
- S. CrutIiea inado to ardor. 8wall jobs of oil Iln1 , ,
S OtO in Steel , fran and Wood.
S i1ItcjuIrtog of aft hItI , .1 no jitat , croitp } artil
.0 rUflpL Yiret trcmltirn given our work at thu Ne.
S ta State Felt of 1883.
; S 803 South Ton.tI , Sf , , Omaha.
, V ,
. ocJ.LGo 3c,1J3J , cc , :
$ ; I " ' tCtt.v , Fit ) . J 1t ) ' ( . z.u.
. -A1 ' ( III tM ) . H.'ttiit Ito ti'IstlZ'cf
, , .24tJ1b.FAUMr.rz' & eOALeOs
S Sg lift ' I.itln Ltot.t'ttty , ' ' Lj nz. t' ' I 2S II , .
S ' OOOTIFIUtZI4. ! Jt..e.d ? ItI(1 LlSrYLI.
. ' PoRcE , TOOL $ c.
S OEST tORI.E t1IIL VtIIt I.1t1t7 tIIa , in
. lb. Ic , $ VII unit JIt ufi'oIe. IO
S V. . . .rre .e , , ttoe es.d .rnn. .1,1 , . eJ J4' . . ,
, S ZIIWAM. tivIt. ' . Viii. . . . Ottr , Altl'to
4 LI trtcrpIu' ts. ntittt.tio
. -
I O.FDAVI8&OO. , ,
; (8UOCl3SO1t8 ( 'O DAVIS & aNThIrn. )
. . Ocneral floiJej to
, L
f . .v 13o.FAItNAJ5r UT , . . OllitHA.
. . . RSIv4 for palo 200,000 acree careIu1I > tolacted Ianti
S. SU E1ini NvbrtMtitft , Ct low priori and on ei.oy teruir.
) S lutlirovud ferrue for bela In 1)oua.g Io.Igu ,
I S 111tW. hurt , Cundng , UVYi W&h1utn , Merlck1
V undore , and Itutler Cottittlee.
1 rio. jld In all parts of the State.
SS ; S , / loaned on koproved farina.
t , ) ot.irV I'utlIo Mwtyti In otflcr. C.rrepontjeno.
. . : Physician & Surgeon
, ' o.1denoo , lath Struet , over Ilotmro..1 &Uonna& ,
I crc ! OeM Jackion ttruct.
3Lefcronoe-A 20 year ? practk&l ezoorlene. ,
, ' . ac.LKEWYM. I ) . C. A WILSON , 3 ! . Ii ,
1to.Idcuce. Iteelilenee ,
S 009 i. 18th Street 2117 Iacopod fit
S 2hy3ioia. and. Sugoons
) oFVttfl :
Ikyd's Opera Hpuse , Otnaltit. Nth
I Imported Beei
: ' Erlanger , . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . Ittytiiii ,
, Ctilnibachor , . . . . . . . . . . . .
; ' 1i1sner. . . . . , . . . . . . . . . BOIIOIIIiIU )
S : . S
. Budweiser. . . . , . . I ' . .St. Louis
; , Auiltituser . . . . . . . .
13eq'H . . . . , . . . . ,
S Schlitz-Pilsner . . . . . . .Milwtnikee
# , 0
How V8s1 ForLnno Were Ma.
Millionaires Who Have Acournu-
latod Their Money in All
Sorta of Entorprie.
tlctt lVbo Ilavo Slitr ( ' , ! l'onr anti
J Iivo Grown to \Venlttiy. .
The rich tijoit of New York-thu Viu.
elorbilto , thu Goti1tt , t1t Astortr-ovcry.
1)0(1) ' knows about , Thu Now York Sun
lina got. togetltur an intoroating collection
of storicA about tim rich melt of other
cities , mcii , vlio lutvo uiot such a nntional
reputation. There is no one in Phuladul.
phia , according to tlio Sun who iM partic.
cttlnrly noted for lila 0ith. 'Jkio avur
ago I'hiladelphian would be puzzled to
toll who are the riehes citizen. , btit in
Third atreot , where the brokora are no.
cut.omed to Ruzilig up fortuneB , the
wealthiest men are reported to be Mr.
William , Woightinan , Mr. Frank Drexel ,
and Mr. 1. V. Willianiaon. These gentle.
10011 nrc RUppOaCd to 1)0 worth ton or
twelve xnilliouia cacti. It. i curious that
not ; one of these men 1mB a hobby of any
isort.All live camparativoly tjtiiot ltvc8 ,
TIioy ao not fond offast horsesor yitclit.
lug or of coacltiii. Their names nrc
lie cr mentioned iii public itiectitiga ,
atiti they arc hover heard of in pohtcs.
? \Veughtinaii liaa itiado lila money otit
of t1iiiniiie. Thu lirin of l'uwcra
\Veightuiaii for a long tiiiio practically
litd a monopoly of tlli5 btiauiics. Old
? \Vuiglitnian can ho seen in Ith ; slurt
sleovea at almoat any time in his cliwitto-
at worko , at Nuntli 1111(1 I'arhrli etreeta.
Mr. l'owero iii dead. Mr. WToiglitmait
ha8 growit I ) in the businc9 , and a viait.
of. at ; the workfl would iiot know him
front tin. , foreiiinn of a department. hut
fortunu IflI83t be accuinilntiuii rapidly.
Ho utay give away money , but if he dccii
80 ho dooa it iniiccrot. lie utalca no do.
nations iii public. liii dntiittcr iii the
wife of It. .J. \Valkor of Willininaport ,
Pennylvanua , ex.congresslnan. Mr. L.
V. Williamson a a difrerent iiort of a
luau. lie iii a director of thu Phuladol.
pluia & Ucading railroad. lii early life
ho waii a dry goouusinercitant and inveiitcd
hut IlWllO lit railway stock. Ito never
inirclinaed on inargin. liii luau wits to
buy atok outright when there wa.'i a
break iii the market and lucid if. lie luutit
been very utuccesaful. J'ilr.Villiainooui
is a very benevolent time. lie gives a
great deal of money to all earLs of chari.
table inatittitiouus. Mr. Francuii A. lrox.
ol iii at tim head of the banldng lioueo of
Drexel & Co. lie lives in a liandurontu
liouiau \Valnutt street , above Fifteenth.
his lifoi very quiet. ITo iii Iassionatoly
fond of music and is uiever liauipicr thait
when iteatod at lila organ and ourrotinded
by a large collection of musical worko.
lie iii a devout Catholic nuiut give. largely
to cliaritica , but nlwayur through church
chanii eli.
The rcheat inait in the Diatrict of Col.
tnnlia iii prltahly the venerable W. W.
Corcoran. great otart a a capitalitut
wait made during the Iuuxicnn war , wheti
he bought govormuent bondii witoit they
were far below par iind lucid thoni till
they wore redeemed at their fau value.
Sluice this fortunate urpoculation lie 1ias
. ii1nuitt lul8 lnitiiitc life ni banking and in
the care of Jun property , which is reputed
to be worth $3,500,000. Of Into yenta ,
however , the active nianagoinent of his
affairs has beau in the liandit of an utgont ,
liiiniitilf au aged anti wealthy man ,
while Mr Corcoran has indulged his
taste for art and fouuulncss for public char.
It would be diflicult to fliul two men
more unlike iii dispotition and llrthjt3
tItan Mr. Corcoran and the iuiali who is
iitiiultctietl to hO his rival in wealth ,
JosJIlL ) Ii. Willard. Mr. Willard alone
kiioWit how much ho is worth. The
conjectures of well.informed citi'.eius vary
by inilliouua. Seine pit as he is nut worth
a utdllion ; otlitiri leluove he iii worth anywhere -
whore frouus five to teu nijiliouue. ' ' , Joo"
Willard is an odd character. lie lives u4l
alone in a itlaili , tild.ftsliitiictl , liotito in
Poturtetiuth street , uienr Fstrect , which is
nlwitya lcuit ! cloacul. hlti huts no friends
and no Icuintur ; takes part ut no jniblic or
huittiiiosti cittoritriuros wlikh involve social
ruihitions ; iiitltulgea in no sports or social
euigutgeiruunts ; never goes to church ; has
lit. ) fintily , except ( silo SOIl , who lives
away from home ; never uupeaks vitIi his
two brothers , henry uttid Caleb , with
whom lie quarrelled long years ago , and ,
in short , iticehs the world at as few points
of contact as Possible. ills solo nitui ,
apparently , is to accumulate money. uttiti
In this ho lout beeui inuirvellously mcccii t
ful. lie tiwius oito.hitlfofVitlavd's hotel
and a large quantity of real estate iii the
district , anti Is the largest holder of
goveruutnont bontTh \Vashiuigtoiu. . Few
residents \Vnshington have over seoii
tlula odd millionaire , for one of hia eecen
tricitics is to rarely leave his house in the
daytime. After nightfall , however , it is
his cuustons to sally forth anti walk about
town to julapect his lropsrty , auth l'tIna. '
Gruutuly observes that hue itlwuiyn goes back
into hi5 house by the baitouneut door ud
thuenboltut everything carefully up for the
night. lie attends to his rents himself
and as fast nit Ito collects his inonoy coca
to a bank or the troasuryand buys govern.
titunt bonds.
Thu unities of i'ichi zii'ii of Boston sntitl
. in about this order : Fi ed Ii AtuieaJ1i11.
Il. Forves , Joseph B. Thounuta , .J. Itloiut.
gouncry Sears , li njauiin F' . Chueutry , Au-
truttus lleiuwuway. ' _ Fhiu list of iuuillion.
tlit3S contains acute one hundred mid
cigit names , according to tluii ulaumessor's
lust , a ratio of just one in ouju thiuuanunl
of time number of persons assessed , Mr.
Auites is the only one whose canto is
. fauiuihhiar to ( ha public , nod lie is known
chiefly uts the son of Oakes Aumues anti the
brother of the millionaire
Irnor. 'VIio beat estimate of Mr. Aiuwa'
fortune makes it between 2tiOOOOOO
I and $25,000,000 , .lJti is asseesud ( or $15 , .
000.OU ( ) lie ja a quiet uuuitasuuuiluic bourn.
. floss luau , about fifty' years old , Thu uuuu.
. ciotla of his fortune , seine live or six muiil.
liono , lie obtainad by inhueritanco , and
, hut chief tutu hiatt boon thu duvuloinuciut
( f his father's u.roat entorjirisuthio ( Juuloum
I'adlilo railroad ,
hluaiuiesa utuoui estimate .Johuut lii. Trot.
. boa' wealth at usbutit $15,000,000. lie ja
a unait of whioau peraona life his business
associates learn but little , lie iii an old
fashuoned liestomi inorcluant. lie nuulo
. money first in the carrying trade , then
iii thu couuuuuiisatumu business , and thu bulk
of luis ( ortumue \\'euuterit zailtoad cutter-
Irites. Mr. Forbes' residence is a tutu
old countzy ureat mit Milton , whence hue
often drives into his Boston oflice , his
1u1lltllI 1u8o Is a most delightful spot
I ° 1 % thu Islatid of Nauslion , lit Buzzard's
. bay.
, J. Moulgoniory Sears is one of thuc
, youngest of Boston inihhlonairea. lie is
not yet thltly. and on attaining his inn.
jority he r colvedjile mUllous from the
_ _ - . - - S
long ago ho was made the victim of a
moat surprising attempt at hihackintul.
Thia is the first. public allusion to the
CM0 that hum boon made , and the detailed
facts are almost beyond roach. This
much is known , that enormous demands
for cash were made aumd a lilot
to place Mr. Scars in a comprclnising
1'oaitioii wits laid with great skill. 'l'hie
Ihackmnaihens u11)ent 501110 thmouisnnds of
dollars iii preparitug it and carried cii a
voluniimotms , corresimoimdeiice with their
inteimded victiumi , atuti finally host all they
lund naked and fled from the country.
Time chief of time conspiracy was drivuu
mumad by the fniltmro of his great strike for
I ichics , amid is now an iinmmate of an Airier-
jun11 iumsalmr asyhtuuui. Ozie or two of the
lenders tif time coluspiracy wuro time macat
dangerous rf I 'arusian blackmailers and
part of time 1itit , was laid abroad aumd lrii.
Sears' detectives wore counpelled to make
( ) iiO or two trips to i'arua before the coit-
spiracy vM fully broken iii ) .
111011 MI ( ci' TilE wnsr.
, Johmti I ) , Itockefehler is the ricimest maim
jim ( ilovelammd , : uid is worth in the mioghi.
borhood of $15,000,000. Every dollar of
this vast aummm wits made , directly or mdi-
roctly , out of the Standard Oil curmnpammy.
Mr. Rockefeller is forty years of ago amid.
coimmes of Scotcit ancestry. When a
young nuaui lie was a ccnmmission nmer-
chinimt. Ho started a small ( lustihlory as
an exkcrimmlemut , the nucleus of time Stand-
arti ( Jul commipany. I Ic is aimperintendemit.
of the Sccoimd Baptist church , and his
wife , a former umcliool teacher , teaches
the imufant ciuss. : .1. 1 1.Vmulu is time see-
end richest mmmamm iii Cleveland , lie is
worth hcrlmutPa $ : ; ,000,000. lie was orig-
immnhly a ioor carpommtor. Forty ycari ago
hue becamumo an nmnmtteur Imhiotographier antI
lortrait. paimitor , amid timirty-seveim years
ago lie took the first dnguorrcotyjmo ever
made west of Now \'orlc city. 1'tlr.Vadu '
wait the orig'mmmntor of the \Ycatern Umutomi
Telegraph eor.mpany.
Few Jmorsomms fanmiliar with time great
estates of Chicago will 1ucatiomi the
statement that time largest iii timat of
Cyrus 11. McCormick , which is estimated
by tiimaumciens at front $1OOOOOOO to
$ iroooooo. ho mnnde it in mimamamfac.
ttmring rcnpimmg mmmnchinos. I'robably time
sceoiid in ramuk is Marshall Field , who i
mint over .18 years of age. lie is a native
of Comisvay , Mass. , and at an early day
entered a dry goods store.Vimcmi l'ottor
I'nlmmmcr , durimmg thmo rar , decked to abami.
dcii inercamitihe life , Mr. Field had $ l5- ,
000 or so with which to purchase time
chief imiturcat in time valuable Plant. It
80)011 ) becaimmo apparent that he hind fimmami-
cml abilities of the highest order amid he
mmow stamnus.nt time head of the merchnmmt
PrimmCcB of Chicaco. his wealth is ciii-
mutated at frommi $1,000,000 to $7,000,000.
¶ I'licre are imuany sumi cwd lituuuimess mmmcmi
viio insist that time second richest mmman in
Chicago is Philip D. Armour. 116 him
hind atsumic wommdciftml stroles of ltielc and
liii bruit kumowmi to mimml. tlmmtt Ito lma.d $10 , .
000,000 iii cash wills which to work enr-
nermi. It itt ulmmito well known that lie has
beumi catmghut on time losmmmg iildo tIun year
to the tuimo of mmiihliomuq. lInt for thin hmo
would probably take time second instead
of the third rammk. lie has i1I&tUo Jima
iuiolmoy pork packimmg.
Alexutmitler Mitchell , by all odds time
richest luau in Milwaukee. lie its , in
ftct , time richiu3t. imman mu tiLe northwest.
his wcmtltli is variously estimated , all the
way frommi $30,000,000 to $50,000,000.
I 1 ia certainly worth about $15,000,001)
iii solid vroitorty. Mr. Mitchmoll is a
short Scot.eiiimuan , with a roimmid , rudy
face , amid is a good. liver , amid a mmmnn
whose one great hobby is busimmess. Ho
cajmotcxmoCtiy ) be irniled self-made as lie
stan bacLod by a j reat corporatiomm , whichi
fuirimiahued to iuiimi the nienmua of ommibark-
lag imi the banking busimmeso. Still , thirty
years ago , when Milwaukee was a atrug.
ghimug village , Fe occupied a little office ,
which for immany years ho swept out amid
took care ( If himself. half of Imis wealth
was minnie iii time barmkimmg business , and
the other half out. of the railroads. lb
ioasts that Ito miover mmmdc a dollar by
llcimry Slmaw , of SL touus , aim Eumglis1i.
mnamm , is worth $7,500,000. lie is a bach-
odor. Tue fotimidmitiomi of his forttmumo was
laid iii thu fur trade , but time htmlk of it
% .uti acquired by forttmmmato hand invest-
umemmta. 1)tvid Stimitoim , vimo ii 'orthi
luorhmaps $5,000,000 , is the tidiest misaim in
Ciiuciiuummtti. lie made imis iumommoy iii flue
immumomfacturo of iron. .Jolmn ] till , of Si ,
Pinil , prehidumit of the St. l'nul , ljpur e
ahlohim4 & l'tta ifoba road , is worth isroth-
ahiy $9,000,000. 'l'lmrco comuaervmttive
umlem m , two of timummi prcnidomitu of large
banks , gave estiommates of Mr. Hill's
wealth , which averaged $ flf300,000. In
ttIIswcL. to the . "Vho imro time
richmcst inca iii St. l'mutli" atl but ommu ltmt
l\It' \ . 11111 first. Demuis Ityinu caine soenmid ,
with mm dcliuiite f'mgurcc. Ommo banker
said ' ' 4Ul know' is
: wo that lie slmowms
immmmmmeuuso mmtoimoy at times. lie itt a
tory. " Coummimmodoro Xitson ( owner of
.Joiuimsoim , 2:10) : ) canto third , with about
uut'im atm 'N TIlE SOUTH.
There uro a mmummmbcr of rich macn in the
Soimtimurmi states. 'i'hiu richest. mmmami lit
1bhtimoro is thu vemmerablu butt vigorous
futiuitltir of the Baltimmioro Stmim , Aruimait
S. ibcil. It iii ulillicimli to say iuw much
hue is uvorthu ; mmot huts than a dozen mmiii-
hiomma curtnimily , amid time nmmmoummt. of hula
fortumie iii variously ostimnmited at any
figure up to & 20OIJOOCO. Time second
largest imrso iii lbahtimnore is urobably
tniuricd by Ibis \Vimmmtnn , time son of the
faummous' Titoimma "iVimmammur , whet mumado a
ituttiter of $20,000,000 in building rail.
roads for time czar of Itu.ssiui , amid ieft its
mmmuchi to his two cluildremm , hours amid
Celeste , whiomi hue dicd bnmmmo ten years
uugo. 'l'his fortummo has imot beemi allowed
to grow less.Vimmaums has recently built
himmmsulf mt castle iii St. Paul street ,
.lnmmmoa Ii. l'ice is the richest numiut imi
Iticlummiommul. liii fortummo itt estumiatod at
$1,200,000 and mull of it has becmm immado
urimmco time witi ( ) ttt of tobacco. Lila uib.
sorbiimg ilittlreats are limo lilethiodist. ro-
i'mglon nmmd polities. Chmuirleut B.'iuit
lock is raiiked as time accounT riclwst maui ,
his wealth is cstimmmated mit $750,000. lie
uiuttlo his mmuonoy by saviumg lila earniuigo
while a clerk for ten y.ars , amid thmeii
cautiously eummizurked iii the iumnbcr busi-
lucas.Mr. . William B. Sumilthm is geumennuhy conceded -
ceded to be thu wealthiest citmzun of
Charleston. flu to rated at between $1 , .
000,01)0 ) anl 2,0O0,000 , although ho is
( lVh'it cmi time mnunic'ipal tax 1)OOktS at only
$275,000. 'l'Imis , however , tiocs itot jut-
cluthi lila bank utocka mud other non-tax.
ablut hurolIcrty. 1lz' . Simuithi hiatt thmretm
daughters , nil imiarrieti , lie owims a wimttrf
or turn antI carries on time busineas of a
cotton factor ,
By iumiptultir njoniomm , a stohi as by time
record of time utsscastimeimt. rpls ) , Cci , Ed.
ltichmtrtlsomm , Presidomit of time \Vorld'ms in.
dustriul utuitl Cotton Cimattuimmial oxposi.
tutu lit tircinred to lie time miclmeuut mmtaui in
Now Orheamis. A huurgo 1tart of hut wtitItm )
is in PiLtiltmttiOiiS ( lii time Ilississijim river
S t.ut ho owima nuich real estate , and time
uurni of iticiutrdaon i Iay , cotton fac.
tots , of wluiclu lie is scmiior mnommiborpaya
taxes cmi a capital of $3,000,000. Col ,
I lticiuardaon is a native of Notit Cnrohirimt
and was born imi 1818 , Ho became a
cleric imadrygoods store lii DanvileVa. ! ,
A Colored Vommman'a $ OOO ( ) Portimuic ,
1'hlln.meida T1ntc ,
Comnmnomi picas court No. 2 yesterday
referred to Lawyer , Ierome V. itiaateraomm
for audit an account in the estate of Mrs.
llenrmcttn It. Daumiehs , colored , in which
several oxtraorhimmary legal qttcstioims
have arrisemm. Mrs. Dammicis , the papers
iii time case set out , thud iii Phmliadei1lmia ,
a fet' mmmommthus ago amid loft $ i0,000 worth
of property that is chaimmicd by itmi mirmimy of
her owmm ammd her hitmabamid's collateral
heirs. 'fime case iii iii umaumy respects re
ummarkabie amid the procccdimmgs are watch.
ccl with great immiorest. by mimombons of the
bar ammd friends of tiuc death womaim , as
wehlas tiio)8O who expect to rcceivu shares
of the estate.
Ileimriett.a ltobiumsomm , the maiden mmmc
of Mrs. Dammielut , was borii imoar Cimarics.
iou , S. C. , in 1822 , amid was oimo of the
imiammy tilaves of Andrew P. Dwight , a
wealthy phauitur. Site was light in color ,
pretty and intelligent. Wimmi henrietta
was 12 years of age her mnasutonsemit her
as a Chruatmmmas present to his sister , Mrs.
Fraily of Charleston. Mrs. Fraily , however -
over , imad no 1150 for the girl , and. wanted
to mmmd her back. Mr. Dwight then said
hue had too many useless iilavcs about his
house , ammd asked his sister to hire the
girl to sonic omm who wouldpay well for
her services , henrietta was rented to
Mrs. Furmuess , a dress mmiaker , amid in a
ow years later Mr. Dwight was reccivimmg
$10 a imuomithi fromn the drcssmnalcur for tue
services of Imis lnve. Imi oixyears Henri-
etta saved enough immommey over amid above
wages to buy , for $000 , her iimother , who
uttill lived cmi Mr. 1)wiglmts plamitatian.
( iIOATm1i liv A ItIsiloNnsT atAsrln. :
\Vlmemt time last of the money was
Dwight refused to allow time old wommmami
to join her daughter 1mm ( harleuttomm ,
saying that it was enough for her to kit isv
timat ahmu was free. Ior would hue refuimd
time iturcimase mnommoy. Mrs Furness
heard tlmo story , bought Ibemnietta froumi
Dwight. for $1,500 , and then brought
suit to compel him to either give the old
womnami her freedommi or return time $000
paid for hor. Dwight won time atmit , the
cotmrt holding that. henrietta's oarmimg
score as mtmch his property as she was.
rirulo old womilami wcmmt. back into slavery
amid died.
henrietta then bought Imer own free'
dora , Mrs. Fnrmmess allowimmg her to put
in her wages as partial payment. After
purchasing her freedom she miiarried Asut
Daniels , a blacksniithm , mmd Live years
inter she bought bun out of slavery , pay-
iimg $1,000. In abotmt. fiftcumt years this
W)11mL11 hail botiglit her mmiotiier , luorself
amid her husimaud ,
D.umi&s and Imis wife. wammted to come
north at once , but Mrs. Furmiess , who
hind a great allectmomi for Henrietta , induced -
ducod bier to consent to remminin in Charles-
10mm umutil Daniels had found omnpb'yimmtmnt
ill 0110 of the northern cities. Dammiehs
cameo to Piiihndolphtia , : timd cmi Pine street
found work in a blacksmmmith such , which
he afterwards own.
A 1'1LEStNr OF TEN T1lOUS.tW iOm.t.AflS. )
A. few months later Mrs. Furmmcss was
taken sick amid died , but not before she
had given hlomirietta $10,000 in baumk-
notes as a reward for Imor faithfulness.
She also bequeathed to her a house in
Charleston , but as collateral heirs of time
dead woman contoated the will Mrs.
Damuiela came iiortii to join her hiusbamid.
Shortly after she left it was discovered
thuata few days before lice death Mrs.
Furimess had drawn $10,000 from a bank.
The imiommoy could neither be fommmid nor
accounted for. Thu assumptioti was that
Mrs. D.ummicls Imad stolen it , an(1 officers
set oum. imipursuit of her. lii Richmnond
Mrs. Daniels learned that she was being
humitcI. Site secreted herself there for
several WeeKs , ammd was liminily brought to
Philadelphia by an agemit of tite tmmmder-
ground railroad. All timus timmmu alto had
in pOssession Mrs. } 'tmrmmcsa' written
mickmmowledgmmmcmit of time gift of mooney ,
bimt previous experience mmmdc liumirietta
dread tIme decisions of time Charleston
ciumrta. b.iioit her arrival hens she engaged -
gaged a lawyer , tvlio at ousco mmotified the
Ulmarlestomi mttit1momitie , of the tiuti facts
ill time ctso , 1111(1 there the mmmatter emided.
TiEr , tumid Mrs. Daniels bought. a house on
South street mid lived there mumammy .eaus.
lboforo Damumelim died , i' 1879 , Ito mid Imus
wife owmmed two biackamumithu t.hmops tumid a
1etru of toiieummcumt smoumses imi mime cemutur of
the city. 'l'imey mud one iou , who svmts
drowned iii time Delaware four tie &ve
years ngo.
rrint .sr.m0i : or un i''rr.
When 01(1 Mrs Dammichs died it host of
her mummil her husiiaiid's distant relatives
cammio forward otimd claimed thu imitate.
'I'hue Imrovci ty svmis sold hy order of the
court amid the mmmomiey paid into the commeL
Mr. Maatcnson will , as auditor , arrange
ii distributiomi of tlu fimmidum. The law-
yen of time collateral heirs of Mrs. Duii-
iuls itold that her husbammd's relatives
have imo just claiimi upoim the estate , lie
hmaviimg boon her almuvo by IUrChmaSU. 'chic
legal adviser of the relatives of Mr.
Dmmmmiels argue , however , that when hue
caine muorth hue becraunu a free mount uimmd
her equal , zummd that its tIme Philadelphia
propeity was iii hmi mmammmo it should be
divided iumnouug thumum.
- - - - - -
liOiH10m'L' $ .ttcul Pliospimato
\Vakofulness. .
Dr.Vt. . P. Or.ormmiimu : , iltiffutlo , N. Y. ,
says : " 1 lirescribed it for a Cat.lmnhic
1rieat , who wmts a hard stuidemit , for wake
fulneaur , oxtrunmo niurvousumess , etc. lie
reports great bonelit. "
A 11 liii. to Vilhuiril ,
Y41I Htrtet N5. tnt.
If Mr. Villard wammts tO ) ciii domvn cx-
liemiacs ( iii huisVimito Eloplmamit ] j1IiO to
mitmike a reid savimmg , lie should follow the
prograimmimmo of time forimier hiresidemut of mu
short hue iii Indimmuus. The riumtl was
twumuty.two mmmiies long , ummibahlasted , flhtti
owned cue old umigimmo nmmd a passemmgor
car amid two ' 'fjats" Finding that it. was
losiimg imiommey time president duachuhIrget
tue comiduftor anti ordured time brnkcmnaiu
to ruin the train amid act as firemnamu too.
fljtf1i5 hirought. receipts cii a tritle , but , as
the hue stita still lummimgiimg bohuimmth , nil
hands voro mliscliargcd , time two "lImits"
iuireti out by tlto day and the locomnotivo
laid lii ) . t'hemm , themuovor a wouhd.ho
) a55omlgcr iuappemmed aiommg the proaldomit
wauld oxhlamn ) :
"Tue fare by our road 'is twelve ahmil.
tinge , while the stage takes you for a
dollar. "
' 'hftit I'imm lim a hurry. "
"Tlwmu tithe tue stuttu by all mer.mua. It
beats tuuur tinmo by half nit imour. "
In this way thma railroad hitumuprid imp
cuturit enough to enable it to pass into t.hto
iuaumds of a receiver.
- - -
"l lu Iu'i'um IlIlci oil .
aye a w liii an .utff o-
ttomm of thu Timront fromim ciulhthhoorh , enactsI by
thililithucrimi , amid have tired vuiriotus rtumiedld ,
but lone miover foumid anytluhuug ciual to
It imov's ItumoNeuliAm. 'Iocui ursJcm' . ( , ' . if.
.b' , JIanqwt , Ji1.ctorn , Ky , Sohtl only in boxes.
- - -
Thmo C muiptiohl concentrator at Aiplno Is
making a uccuesitil ruiy on tile ores of the
Murphy no. 'flue pimiess of treatlug the
ore 1. a now uts , and solar as tested Is very
latlafactor ) it I. anId lbs exist of reduclog
Murphy cc. no c/seed / over * 8 a ton.
Palo , Poor , Puny , and Pallid.
Consideringall the ills that attaci
littk children , it is a wonder that any
of time poor little youm1gstcrs hivc to
grow up.
There ore children who arc trumly
objects of 1)ity.T11ey seem nhnost :
bloodlcs. Themrcluecki arc tlilmiauul
ittc1iccl ; their eyes arc hollow ; and
their' skin hi tghtlydrawn over their
foreheads. 'l'lierc is nothing hearty
about them. They do not enjoy
'their 1ves. They arc ratifering froi1
the debility that leads to muarasnius.
1or timings1
Io a good deed for tli pale , poor ,
puny , unhhld ch1d. liamid its mother
a bottle of Brown's Iroi& JiiIfrrs.
I krt is life even for the most dcii-
cate , the niost debilitated ; for the
child aimot given tmpfordcacl. Iron
iii time blood is what time child needs ,
to living it UI ) . little digestive
aparatus will rccovcr. The pale
checks will fill omit. The weary
groan of the Chiill will be exchanged
( or tiiemerry prattle of inihutile glad-
'less. ' Your druggist will tell you
what wonders Brown's Iron Billers
has done for very sick children. it
YVHOICtJNACQUAINTCD well TIRe a.oonar.yorsuaeoue.
ref wtti air . tr.ree,2 , Tiiie P.Ap e4Ct THC
S.c- : ' . . .
i ? . : ;
I . 'S &f.f : $ ! ,0 ,
A14p'T u---
$ !
, . , t ?
: ' ' '
iL , . _ :
. f 'J
xmy the . 'c'flirnl molltuon or ui line. connOcts the
ii4t . . ttfld the % V.'nt hr the eIotlct t.ume , nud car-
j.c.t raecnrr. wltho.ti chaga of care , between
CItcao end Knttt ( ' 07. Cou1I Ditiff , . Lcavon-
WrL1r. . .ttchkoii. it1flr.pe1Ie au. % St. Patti. It
Conurot. It , UnzOu Dp5 ttttr aim the ) .rJnelp1
mine , 01 rnat'eon (1,0 Atiint , , auct the 1'ecjtt
Oceeja. Ita cqmprec.nt t. turlveicU rutt rnrp.itli.
rent , hti' cf Most Conithrtnblo end
ukr.utmflii hey ( oeehe. iitflcc. florton lOc-
oliniriC CItric C.wj , PnlIr.rar'a I'rctttct ralaco
hIecI.tnfl Care. . .pd the LIe % Imo or Dunun Care
iii the .orht , Tirco' . " attu tctwern Uhtcnigo and
? .tteourl Tttv'r l'ujat : ; . ¶ two irulna bctw.'rrt Ciii- ofid i.tnarapouis end 01. IuI , via thu Iimoue
A cw nd iirt Itne , via Seneca and ianmtit-
tire. flu 1centlj been opened bctwcon IUcilnond.
Ior1amk.Nwport Il.wt.CIattauoan . , , Auitnma.Att-
ozrlwn , Naehvtic , Lontavtilc , Lexington , Cincinnati.
ludailaI'oil' , . mul Lama'ctc. afiut Omaha Isilnnc.ip.
ollit Un'S Lit. l'aum nus aarnedlate potnis.
Mi Through I'a4Jou2te 'navel on Eaprcaa
Ticitela for silo at all prnoipai Ticket OOica In
the United Statob nod Canada.
Xm&gnao chckcd through and rat. ' . of fare al.
ware a. low a. conipetitora tui..L otter ices at Van.
tAic , .
.For detailed inOorination , get the 1iape and I'od- ]
ers or tue
At your nearcet Ticlict Oiflce. or addrese
ie..aGa5i ' 1r. oet ,
Ii. i-i. MAFHOf-
. .o&r '
. . 'm
-.5 .
Millard i-'jtc't BIk.
OMAHA. . . NEn.
St3am Dye-Works !
! O8 I th Street , bet. Farnam and Uoug1a , .
D. 13. WeaTJeT .vr & CJ J. .
Td..Iins' and Cente Clothing ekaned dyc.l amu. ! to'
rairu , , imimnues aiu'i tIe , eienti.d. tlyel nmnl etteleti.
idI.s Stilt. . , In Silk , matIit and Veitet , dexited by
the French dry cIosuulri vuuce. rA firatciass
taunt thou , Iii Cuiuutectiort
( mr.duato of 3 ! Clii tnuterlt ilouut eat , anti of
mmnyam comlegu of I'Iu.ieician , , I.don , liig. : Ltu 'if
I5oui oi. nitil tdlumltturnmt : euteoal lieu slap. , of Iui.lon
I hrcat hI"pitni arid iuubilii tIui1tai f r wunto , .
Ollict , omiJ.'wit ( , i , U bttt , streot. ltriduutco 2321
St Mars a ameuttut' . hours U it , ii a. , I.i.i to Jand 7
to S Otil.e ' ( vkjihouuu itS.
Furniture !
. .
Have just received a large quantity of
' 1206 , 1208 ndl2lOFarnam St
T 0 M , j.oor. --OMAHA , NED.
M SND hI I ,
. .
7r . . .
Carraeg ! , BuesRoa ! , aon
1s1 and 1i20 iJat'ney Street and'403 S.iEth Street , . --.flj'tfi ji ,
, .
titrtci1 Catalogue furniahed free uiouappimcatian.
_ _ u : t
llhiio Cn1o au
L111 Itepoeltory Li conat.ntIy filled with asolecthtock , Heat WorniaarhIp guaranteeC
Oufice and Factory S. W Corno 16th rnd Capiio/ Oah
Y.erchnt Tailor !
U 1504 Farnain St. , Next Door to Wabash Ticket Offlce.
. . exantintitlon of his flit itcek o. VCCLi N8. A erccJaltymaaJo
of FINE suirs A .r.D OVE1tCOAIfi. ! Also it lull mine of B"oluicre Stiltire md T'oicrirge. 1.1iganint
guaranteed to to made In the lateit it ie8 amid sItS the Lit Loan it te. CALL AD SEE lIE.
cr EII3T
LumberSash , Doors , BlindsBuilding Paper
ffico and Yrd , Cor. 13th and California Streets. - OMAHA , NED /
J. . 0. PRESCOTT & CO. , . , .
'VVb..Q1afjt1L1a a.z3.c1 : E.ottai1
MUSiC , Musical lustruinents of all Descriptions.
tltc , i3.cL'a. .
CAI4L AND EXAM1N1 01311 STOCK ( ill SF.N1) FOil PltTCH.
IJO , Farnam treat - - - - OMAHA.
e ; ri ' ' " " ? ' ' '
yraa 'T 4 'fl
Lu Lj
llllIOr , Ss1i oors , BillETs , 11ill1os , th
Call anti Ge my . Prices before buying elsewhere. Ynrcls , corner 9th 4
aud'Dout1as. A1E0 7th antI Douglas.
- -
- . - .
n i i. i I.ob-r--c-d-O 1.00 I _ .00 I I.OOT'11 _ 0 I E1O _ ' I
1 25 SAVETHSCARI No , . _
- .P 1
It lit good for a firstclassVruterbury . . .
, 25 Ono of thom Meat Reliable 'finse Pieces Made. . 50
25 TRESENTED so story CASH purchacer of CLOTHING. Etc. , to the amount of TWEPJTY-
ta 25 HVE DOLL , . . . - S reevious toJattuary 1 , 11451 , buJect ) to the follosktg m
I ax'i'xcr
, - . : -
IIstJ 25 At ovary jiimrcluiso te will ptumclm tue eorrepomudbng nmtnmmat on the inuurlu of this Card , . . . . ! . .Q
2 5 : auth whuomi the whole amount is irumucited we sIhl : j ( )
' 25 Present the Holder with the Watch ! :
121 - . MORRIS ELGUTTER , - 50
r I 09 ! Farimum , Cor. 10th. Onimuha , Nob. r
- LOG I 1.00 -
The above "Cara represents our hilulmi ot distributing the taumous WATEIIBU11Y WATCh. We have made arrange
monte with the Waterbury Watch Co. , iii order to introduce ilium in this pntt of the country , .
To Offer Them as Premiums in Our Clothing Trade.
W'o cannot soil thieso watches , but intuit , ivo theta away , buying them In large quaumtities and at how figures. We do this to
.rvE1trisi on house amid to give our custoumiura time bomiutit. of gutting
- - IJc : . 1 Ttcb fc'r Nrcti-iiii ! .
A word on our Clotluiims Trade. We are ready for our FALL TRADE and have everything for
Time distribution of Watcimes will NOT affect the Price of clothimig. We use thorn simply mix mu ? advortisenient.
Our Prices Shall Always be Consistent with Good Goods , Good Make , Good Wear.
WI ) isiU as rt U.S table as chose amid careful buying cami give us , amid \VI STAND FIJIST in giviimg our patrons every adyautaje
0 o&um. ORDERS BY MAlL SOLICiTED. THE WATChES CAN BE SEEN at our ostablishnuent.
] , Ot1ia.z1c1. 'i.rzm _ _ _ '
- - - - - - ---------------5----
- -