1 % r , 1 I I 1 ' , ' DA t.LiY I3LL GaltAIIA ] itIi)1.Y 1 TO\ .1 , J.LR 30 1883. ! CLOAKS .dT WRAPS ! ' ' 'Willie. COR , 15TH AND DODGE STREETS , If you want a fine Tailor-Made Garment , Come to us. If you want a Serviceable Garment , we have it. I If you want a Cheap Garment , none can beat our price. . . i .I' . all/ ap3 iW India , Brocha , Cashmere and Wool in great variety. IVUSSES' & CHILffEWS WRAPSI I Boys' Olothing0 I WILLIAMS , COR , 15TH .AND DODGE STREETS , Wool Blankets I $3.00 Wool Blanket , the best ever sold at $3 00. All Scarlet at $4 00 per pair. All Wool White at $5.00. A Great Bargain. A good Grey Blanket at $1.00 per pair. California Blankets , at Williams' 15th and Dodge. Corn- forts at low Prices. All Wool Flannel at 35c , sold elsewhere at 45 and 50c. Flannel at 25c , worth 3be. "We Will Not be Undersold. " L. B. WILLIAMS 8c SON , Cor. 15th and Dodge Streets. : k I 1 TKR ' ' OLDEST WHOLESALE S5 RETAIL I r JEWELRY HOUSE r IN OMAHA , Yiaitnr3 an hero find all the novolthea in I SILVERWARE , CLOCKS , luau AND STYLI8II JEWELEY , I 1 The Latoat , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in 1 Prooloue alS4o7nos , ; , AND ALL DESC1UPT1ONS of FUJE WATCHES. AT An L ) W PEIOE8 As is compatible with honorable dealers. Call and 300 our t ; ogant now s ore , Tower Building , CORNER 11TH AND FARNAM STS t ' MAX MEYER & BRO. 1 l MANUFACTURERS OF ; 'I ' SHOW CASES ! A large stock always on hand. NINE LEADERS I IMPORTANT TO BUYERS OF the many hundred manufac turers of this line of goods , we lay claim to representing the leading makers , and can show a more complete and larger line of Pianos and Organs than can be found in ano ONE House in the west. Our NINE LEADERS are the following well. known and celebrated ilistrumenta. STEINWAY PIANOS , CHICKERING PIANOS , KNABE ; PIANOS , POSE PIANOS , PEASE PIANOS , ARION PIANOS SOHONINGER CYMBELLA ORGANS , CLOUGH WARREN ORGANS , STERLING IMPE1tIAL ORGAN N o want everybody desiring a Plano or Organ to call or write to us for infer niattion and GET POSTED , We can sell oS the best instrumentade for the least mono if you will give us a trial and want torbuYy. All we ask ms to ahow you , as we know we can satisfy everybody froinour Nine Loaders , which are racog nixed by lhoao posted , as the best ] Wade. Scud or catalorue ( and price list ) ITDE OLDEST WHOLESALE & RETAIL MAX MEYER & BRO. , WAUEROOJns Cop , 11th & Farnam , ' is , O'-ha EDHOLM & ERICKSON , d WHOLESALE , RETAIL AND MANUFACTURING j I ( JEWELERS. 1 Elegant lines of Ladies'lind ( Tents' Gold Watches and beautiful stock of Solid Silver Ware , Diamonds , Jewelry aid Spectacles , We would I call special attontlon to the best and most RELIABLE RAILROAD WATCH r I Ever placed on the Mnrket , nnmely , the celebrated Quick Train , Colum bus , Ohio , Wntch. It is superior to all others , i We have the Agency for time above renowned Pinno , whit i is second to none. Also the Lmdonmm & S011's Pianos , mid have ] 11so time famous Uarlnlaml Piano on sale. We ulho carry full hues of best Organs and Sheet MusicWe warrant out goods the best in time nutrkot. An inspec ! tion will convince the most skeptical. ' OUR TWO STORES Are located as below : Jewelry Store. Corner 15th and Dodge , opposite Postofce , Piano Waruroom and Music Parlor , Crounso s Block , 16th street , near Capitol I Avenue , 1 Please call and inspect our goods at both of our stores. Pianos and Organs sold on monthly Iaynlents. EDHOLM & ERICRSON ' I TIIE JEWELERS i Dodge , and 16th , near Capitol Avenue , Omaha , Neb J , t , . h r I S1.Vk'r ia ON TO RICK MOND. 303(111111 ( Nillcr's ' Pcaccfnl Pre rtcss. Battlc 1'I'IQ4of the 1 aAt-Illrthplnco . Iii. heir ) Clay-tiCerk ; ml' Art. Corre pondenco of the Chronkle. lttot50oNn , ( Va , ) . November 10 , 1883 , Itichnlond is by rail today 110 miles d14. taut from Washhmigton city. Twenty years ago it was as distant ns eternity to m Toro than 100,000 men. The faro today is $4. It once Cost hundreds of millions to got there. The fast mail ulakos the distance easily in four hours now. It cost as many years twice two decades ago. And , oh ) the largo beauty of the bmidseapo as you glide out of Washington city across the broad , tranquil Potomac ; the stately edifice on Arlington heights ( Leo's ) wmo ) ; the stupendous donlo of the Federal Capitol fading away like a cloud a9 you disappear down the I'otonae toward the burin ( plaecaid still further on the birth. place , too , of George Washington. You arc glad to got out of the ( lopot. Dccont Ctlough it is except for the heaps of knock knecd , bowlegged , and altogether gone to pieces colored moon , tumbling and hobbling , falling , ightiug , brltwliug ill a lazy sort of way about the broad doors of the brick edifice. But its presence , the insolent presemieo of this depot in the heart of our country's capital , is s meli nu humpcttinouco that you get maul at the slight of it mud remain so till you get oat of sight of it. A OIL14I'IN(1 ( COltl'IhtTION. You see , this railroad company asked permissiou only to temporarily enter this beautiful city and sot dove and receive passengers till they could look about and buy a suitable place for a depot. Well , having got this munch permission , they sat down to stay and they built this aubstan- tint brick and gray-stone structure as if they owned the city. But , porlmps , as they own congress , or a large majority of it , that is all they desire. And now permit me to ] Hake this prophecy right hero that some day soon , not ten years hence , the 1)001)10 of these United States will rise up and take all this amid all similar lands back fromn these thieving , grasping roads. The first great man who moves in this matter successfully - fully will find his foot sot solidly on the steping-stow to the presidency of tliose United States. This railroad company , which carries congressmen free , of course , has sot up a little marble eagle above the spot in this depot whore General Garfield - field was shot. A little brass slur-it was plated with silver-marks the spot where the president fell when shot. It is a good advertisement for the corn- pony. FREmnicRssUno. : And now , with Arlington Heights fading - ing away on the righitand the demo of the Capitol rounding its huge shoulders in the rear , let us dash on through dull and grass-grown Alexandria toFredoricksburg on the low , sandy banks of the narrow Rappahannock. This is a crooked , slug- gisli , dirty , stream , narrow enough for abe bo to ) itchh a stoto across it and as el- hoar most of the time as the tail.atream of n miner's sluice. One would have thought on roaaing the achievements of OWioral Burnsido there that this was a river of some importance. Fredericksburg - burg has never beat rebuilt. But up the river a little way from the dirty surround. hogs of the railroad you ado a good ninny church spires still pointing up throught the oaks and magnolias. You sea earthworks - works up and down the river and din ] outlines of the great mine fiasco are still visible. "how many men did Burnsido really lose hero ? " I naked of an ox-confedorate general , who showed no about in his buggy' "Twenty-five thousand at least , " "And Lee ? " "Not 200. " "Heavens ! but this is not history. " AN OLD HOLDIER S HTDRY , The Gray old soldier drew up under at oak , lazily and meditatively tapped the top of a red pakeborry l uah which towered - ed above the other weeds in the fence corner , with his long ragged whip , and said : "Do you remember the conversation - tion of Napoleon and lips generals after one of his great battles , when one of his marshals seemed to show 5011)0 concern as to what history would say ? " I shook my head and he vent on , as he lazily whipped time berries till they ran blood.Vell , salt , Napoleon said , sharply , ' \Vhat is history , gentlenmon , what is history'/ / ' One marshal answered this and one answered that , but the Little Corporal lifted his finger , and wagging it in the face of his five great gonorala , said , very firmlyand very trimly , 'Getlomcnhistory ' is fiction agreed upon. The old soldier StOpped whipping the berries in the fence corner and we rode on over the grassy little ridges amid shallow ditches a good distance in silence. He was fighting ovtr this old battlefield once more. I was looking down from time side of the buggy into time trenches far shot , shell , bullets or whatever I might see to take away with me as mementoes of the place. But I saw nothing nothing but weeds , little pebbles in thuyellow sand , tall pokoberrles towering in thecornora of time old Virgin. is warm fence , a few blaekpigsand now and thou an indolent old colored mean , loafimig barefooted and ragged as an old. time prophet , plodduig down time dusty lane. As we neared time central part of the city we saw a pile of these people thrown up together , hoadnnd heals in ttmo fence corner , asleep-thrown timers , hmi grI ' mid helpless , by the cow-catcher of progress , , 111NIY : e1.tY'8 IIiiiTIII'I.ACI : , It is called .lahland , this birthplace of Ilunry Clay , because it is nn ashen land. Ilald , barreim nod white , not nmeh unlike the sagebrush land of Nevada ; but for thu'little ' pine and oak tl'Cea which stamlll in the stead of our sage it might look 11x aetly like the plains , mind this euly a few Illilca frolmi Iticllnionti. YO have dashed down through full fifty miles of this bar' rem and impuveriSliod kind of bare land 8illcc leaving the fertile tributaries of thu higher 1'atonmae. liulow u4 u little way is the femful corduroy road of dead. here at this apot time trees fairly trem. bled from time roar of caution shut during the dl'Oamiful sevol days light in time \Vil. demness. Ashland is adesolate place private vato rosidomees , a few stores , stables and Ito all-present insuparablu , helpless crowd of diallearteled ; . ad leoplo ; but , of course , back and away iron the road whore they ire at work they are happy enough. AIiT IN 1U011510ND , As the hospitality of Virginia people is proverbial , 1 iced not enlarge here on that , 1 could not , inleed , without talk. hug too much of myself. Ihut as we have been nectmBtom ed to look upon this capita ) of the perished capital of the comifederaey as the paradise of the duelist , limo sent of war in the soulilnal , a great tobacco cel tar , 1 earnestly beg to call atteutinn to two great-very great-works of art now in prucdss of conplothami here. Think of a than vhmo has spout his brat years ill ltotuo , famous in Europe , famous all over time world in fact , settling down Moro in the ulhdst of all those associations anti traditions npd doing an immortal piece of Homer in marble ! Mr. Valoutinewhoao recumbent statue of General Leo was recently tniv'eiled at Lexington , is doing time most poetic piece of work Ilow , to my word way of seeing things , that time has neon for a long time 'rime WIfO of Troy's hero , weaving her web and thinking sadly of the possible fates of war , has let her right hand fall heavily at her side , while the child in her limp toys with the necklace at her throat and looks up lovingly iii time mother's great , sad taco. And then from under the folds of the lion's skits and under where she sits the lizard-the old HeleuhC symbol of death , coming out of time darkness , sudden don , swift or slawbut always stillco tain -nuts the half-tiuished web from her h mud. D , ) } ol not see in this dhnuultil , e t great , tciuter stot'y r half of the "Iliadr" indeed ? Aim , if you could but sec her sad and submissive f.ico , you would under. stand better than all I could Rimy whit thlia marbly means. Thu piece is of heroic size. I t has inntoyed , Slr.1'alc tiuo for . It will take him ' to years y 'cars yet con- lletu ) it , 'l'hcrn is nuthhug in all :1nu'r- ' Ica to mated this ; nothing , i think , in all liuropo moss iii process of couIpleliun that can compete with it , and this is time old confederate capital , "l'L'BTIi S LAST euLtn01 : . " There is another work hero , unit so worthybecause time subject is Ices worthy , It is a pictlue by Evans on a lOxlfe foot emivas of "Ouster's Last Chntge. " Of course , any ratan halo ehousea to take a battle scene for his subject cvl do so , 1 know it is a thrilling theme amid ono that stirs the blood , this battle work ; but be. fore I would celebrate mty war event by either song or story , 1 would starve. Having said this and giver uttornce tomy prejudice ngaimist battle pictures by which warsand deeds of blood are perpetuatedif not inslired ) , I mu free to say that SIr. Evans' picture is alooat entirely great. Leaving the hhehcst masters of Paris to cone heru and serve through the war , ha got lessons while campaigning fighting , bleeding on time field , that few artists ever receive mid live. This gives hitu rare and remarkable - able skill in painting the grim terrors of battle , as seen through the smoke of war in which God veils coon's pitiful butcheries ies of each other. In these two studios , with these two gentlest of gontlemeu , in almost the last { ) lace in which you would expect to fluid inspired artists , I to leave you for time present. JO.AQUIN MILLEtt. II/NNC $ Ily Fire. NEw Yonl { , Novonber 30.-Congratu lotions are general to-day that the lire in the Windsor theatre was discovered after the performance. Stevens , lessee , places his individual loss at about $20,000 , part. lyitlsurcd , htirruptioiof ) engagoucuta may cost hint $50,000 more , Schitzer , Israel . Co. , furniture and carpet dealers , lose $ 15,000. Loss of buildimm60,000. : , The other loesos are about $55,000 , , distributed among a nunm- ber of people and about one-half insured , BosToz , November 30-fho latest estimates place the loss on the burned wooheu mills in Saxonia at $300,000. Stills , machinery and stock insured at $105,000. H. IC. BURKET ! ( ! -AND 11. , , M 3 A U , . tit19IGw R w 1:10 Dougla , Street , Omaha , Nch , , Millard ilottl L'lock. A CAPITAL PRIZE , $150,000 "We do hereby eerfy that us niper.iss the at. ranpemenb ( or alt the Monthly argil Seum.Anntuu Drawirvpm of the Lousana ( State Lottery Company , add ( n person manage and control the Drawing , tAaruetrres , andthat the same are conducted r.IA koneety , farnes , , and ( n good faith Coward alt par , lira , and ttd authnrie the company to use this cer tiPlurte , withIaaaimilet of our aiynaturei attached b1 its aduerttaementa , " Oouulssl04aas. NPRECEDENT'ED ATTRACTION , Over half a Million Distributed , Louisiana state Loficry Company , inoorporated In mass for 25 yeara by the Iegntatun for edueatloni and charitable purjwtea-with a cap tal of d1,000,600-to which a rotary. fund of ovi m $ M0OOo has elnoe been added. By an oyerwhlming popular vote a. traaohl. . wu made a part of the rodent state ooneUluttoe ado ted December 2d , A , 1) . 1879. Its grand single number drawings'take place monthly , it never tcatee or poetponea. Look at the follow. trig dlaldbutlorl : 163d Grand Monthly MD TIn : ; Extraordinary Semi Annua ! Drawin AT NEW'OlLLEAN4TUlsnAY , uycInrl1RItm883. Under the posonal , upervtalou ad nlunagernerli of Con , G , T , BEAUItEGAItD , of Louis. hnna , and Gcn JUBAL A EARLY , of Virginia , Capital Prize , $150,000 , tirNotlcu-1ickote are Ten Unllan only , halve. , 15. Pltth.$2. 1'ontht01. Lair of PttizF : s 1 dAPITAL Pltlzi w d,5oo0 , . , . . 1110,00' 1 OILAND Phtlzl ; OF 50u00 . , , , 50,000 I ( VIAND vmlz ) : of 20,000 . . , , ruome 2 LARUIPillzE..SOF 10,000 , , , , x,000 i r.AnulFtu/Eli OF a.DOU 8,000 2) 1'111'LNJI 0 } ' I,0i ) . . . . 20,9)0 50 " 500. . . , " 5RM1 mni ' . sue . . . . lAW1 200 i' 200 , , , 40,4(0 tau " ] 00. . , 00,000 iUiO " 0 10,400 API'IIOXISIATION i'itZi : i IW Approxinmtlou 1'rlmt of , CIA . . . . t nmo 100 " I' 109 lnl o IOU " " 75. . , , 7,500 2,70I'rizeAmounting to. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( U2hA0 Applacation tor rates to club , should Lu analo on1) ) at thu olltou o1 tau ( ioinllauy in Now Orleans. For further Information write clearly glrlur lull aldroa , , S1aku i. O , Sfonay Order. payable our address Regbatered Lotter. to NEW OItLEANB NATIONAL DANK New Orleans , I a Postal Notes and orllnary letter , by Stall or 'Er' ' preps ( all autus of $5 aad upward. by Esprtew at out uxwnau ) to U A. UAUI'IiIN or U , A. DAUPHIN , New Orlon 607 Soyrath SL. % Vaehlugtou , D. 0 MANHOOD RESTORED Artotlmofearly imprudence , uuslnroenou.d.bl , ' ( r. pr.matur. decay etc. , havlcg tried lu ile a , . kaowcir.medr tie. dlwov.red a dmple .an.of eel a 1' , wbkbbewilltend PREY.tohi.f.lIew .uthr.r , . AQdnw J. yL 1LEkVEil , tJCltMbara It. . Icw Yerk SPECIAL NOTICES. tr , Spsoals will 1'ostttvoly not bo inserted ultlee5 Datd 1n advance , TO LOAN-1Ionoy , . ' UNEY TO IOIN In amen of V0 , or more ml Jl I long Nmo at 01 1'er edit lwr anmmt by a , C Pnttt'Itiuu kCo,140 $ Fsrnant SL 7cbtno 11 ONEY to.tNEIUu chattel tecarlty. C. 1. 1tAt'NE A CO , not Fanain , 8t ( nl lml ] UNIX 'tOtOAN-Tholowct rate , of Interest 11L Iletnl. ' I.o.n ? gency',11th S lhmmglna. 231.11 11 oNEY To LOAN-Call at law mace of D , 1. ThomuroomsCnlghtuntib eke i ONRY TO IRAN-J. T , lieatty oana on chattel 111 property , 913 Routh lath Bt , ecp110 u .i wANr'uu , 11'A 1'kU-Two ' roe ramuen fir , 11 KnowlerlgeofthesethlMatlrateneeees + ary , room 0 anti 1 n , alit' , block , CoumicII Minot lows. 1.00 l1 ANTED-A ecrIimall wailer In retatratit , alml 11 boy for 111tcttti work at Ilnlry Coops. SIPS. 15th 81. 107.1) ) ' % TANTII-wyman : to auto Jdtn.-.nd ' u 1 { ants. AJdttw , I'atte Nekrr lice oaltn , 1203 1l1TANTED-A Loy to ndlk and lied cattle at I ) , 1. 11 Ilayden' IldiyuotUtcudtuthiii. 11931 ANTI , ) A dining room girl and one for gener' V nl hmltoaork mil dl.hwa + hing lmmecbOdly , heal wage , told , 501 l'lertw St. corner 5th. 109.11 - . , , , , 1W tea , , , , for It , It , anti , .apply II , Slaltnadler lilt , St near Fnltni. la ) At V1'1:1)-111,1 : , .t ( 'otlpetent glib wanlul at 11 :01U liar , , ) } hr famidl } of u. . . 111 SCI } 1'tN rFIm-Annll tnennt tire lit a tultnble lo. 11 rule , , .tddre.r "R , II , " Ike Mlles 13J ll 11 1N111)-1'woagrnh ) 8aanry nod couuul. + lon , trolISutttr,1U ( 'tItgntii' house 1:111 : and Cap. ntl a. . J , I' . I'btlllKS 1t5.3U1 7.tNT1U-,1 : gltl lamb u or lama , eta ) ran of ego , { n goat humcfor n goof earl. .apply 150) notth 1811 , St ItU 801 't .tNTUD-ADrettlt" + rollrrtorfur Indalluwnt ,1 hnuuy aalart nod otpeu.u. + lo umn ahu rte fur. , n'al , recutitd11,1ree 'S. II. ' lieu Olin , 11 : 91 _ l A\mD-ttoo tv.tk nod , woad gull S. C mt 1 . 'ulh mud t thfurula SL 0S1-l' l rANTEII-Afcmalu luhuashcratScmtdlnntlati , 1 hotel. U 3 :01 % : - : Ncb. Vito. \ t'luklo unit llrkpnulck. 1)81.301 \ 7ASTED-Aguot girl hr goioral hotl.nworc ) , 1) Applynt150(1JaclnnSt. 080.11 1\TANrID-Fir : hart and blot. lro'u Standn"I Cnmit sly'Cn.aTnbnlaereapaLluofpialugnull ( i.arte of wbagc , and a ii , Il.t Burnet for haul and or. cheats , meat hate Itnundut. . Addrees et tbug .alary. 11AbIT S btuwlnmt Steudanl Qomrdv Cu , David City Nub. 070.291 'l7ANTED-A tow a'e11t , bmmedlatcly , Ommha 11 Store ItrlalrWorks , IOJ S , Nth St UI5 lml - - tratuling salcmien , who are \7ANTED-8eteral 11 thoroughly a'qudntetalththe clithltlg hul near. NOOn lit eaperlcucud ulna miecd n'ply. ' , Mt. dre'v .Ith tefercuw , , I. WEI1 , k CO , 905.1 Ht , J oseph Sio. ' 1 TANTEn-eh Cnrnbco lu"d , fl Tbnnoia 8'Slat 1 hooter , . Steah' , work all ) ear rund , Inqulr at Neatens Condco il'erke,1110 Dougna : , 883 tfo ' TANTEU-Old for general housework , at 1020 T1 Douglastreet. 715-t1 r . 'rnu-Balcmart for uaci , county in the U ,1 S. 175 amid ex .enso. . 1oode eold by eau ( do Send , tamp , LA l1ELLK U'U CC „ Chicago , IC , 690 ISt co , ! , 'IAANTED-Uoalgirls for Real taoulloe. Iloet VY wage , . Appdy ltttmedutely at employment bureau 217 N. 10th St. No. of lco too. 022 tf lANT1D-A good gl I , at taw Anetlratt home , VV 920 Dauglni etruct DSU 3Il SITUATIONS WANTED. ' { - { n'alum iron nge , w h eup a ec t 1 Y of boulu ur , o any oilier aorh. Addru + ' L. Ilen el1Lw , 121 tf _ - . \ , ANTI D-AI'natlnn by nn u perlenocl glib t n y do gem r t liou.u work and ennklug Dupllrt at M a. Lulguu.tOOII St bctauu Lwtoawor h tar , 1 . r aeon , - - 3'7.201 0r14 cm. , dratemakcr would liku a few luoru A placeetoaw in uratu ft Ilbu + , 8.t.lactbun guarantte' , Cu iat1317DatunportStbetween105 h and 11th , 951 I I MISCELLANEOUS WANT6 , 4 lady would Uko to bcrow 810 to three L ulmltht , tvlllpav hlg Intarort Addrea " 1" . A , S. Itoo uOIcc.tathag nlteru h tcrtlew wu ho bob. IU5 50f - } , ' , - fern boy 7 , a , l girl8 to attend I 1 shoal for thu trintcr or Imager Add , to (1. ( lv. 0. IS ; " lice unlue. 111.01 focK OF (1001)31VtNl'II-I { would like to buy S a.tock ofguuernl uwrchalle , It miuy be lit , Ooal. a d Clothing , or Orocerlue , Dry ( Lute and Hoot , and Sheen , I scant to 1111) ' cheap for each , 1 want toptyab.ut(0cents ail tau dollar. Atlhro.s "Oma11o lluq No. IW , " D72.31 TAN1 51)-Ti' exchange dtv pcnperty for 1)ouglee ) VT County or Nobraeka Lamb , . SIcCAGUE , O'1.0 ' cite Potomce , 857.1 1) ) < 7ANTEl-1'nrtnerwithmall capital In aaret 9 elan. bu.tneea Addru , , "Slone , lieu elude. 037.201 TIITANTED-Touxchango , do.lreblo city rolduuo YY for farmhtcastcna Nolmaeka Apply to J. W LOUNSUUIIY , aualuetatoagent , 15th and l'anlam 0S5 tf ANTIU-8n11 : of thtce roon'e , fundhod for I , I Ilght hnu.o6ueping. Addres , , .tating term , , , "J ; ' Ilse olll'u , 11 FOE 1IENT--hlouuos and Lots. IIi0/t / It1iNl'-Caner , nos 11th and U.dlu , Iri ii Iru at llubcrman' Jewelry atoru , 102-It - ronin for harbor nh"p or ollhor 1 dmahhmincel I12H , 13th Ht LiIwcull Ilntuuy and lloward. 117'31 Uht ltlNi' : 3 now holnct , lU room , oeh , bath , Ii gas , hot amolcoil water &c. I neap to flret char. ( omit , IIOnnS A II ILi. . 118.11 ICELY/urnlbed / room Ill it oath or wltho N boan110131ldgoSt. 1236t moll ttSrl'-Two mdurnl.hal room..ultablu fir 1I house keeping at Nu. 625 north Nth St. Iwtwucn Cos , endChkago , 104.1) ) r O 11EN'r-Furnlbed tooth without beard , 5 ndn I lutes walk fruit , the font Oilier. Apply at U Don ahcw and Uownuy near dour to the ( 'oat ( Mile. ' . 113.1 Oil IIENT-Unfurulacl and furnl.hed room 1010 F Ieaniamlit 032 301 71011111NT-Furnlhalrnomforgentlrutm Ad. 1r drue. "J. C ; ' cue lieu mile , O9T 6Y 'molt IIENT-Ilnu.at810 H. Clot Ht. , with six 1' ruonis kltclot and eolbcr , $20 , lwr minndlm , BrJ : Gl I Olt IISNT-Nicely furuldi In ill. Full luNT-5 : roulnoottalu22nd mid 1laniuy lit. 1' 830.11 Obt IUN'f-I'un,1.hcl { rooms std day boanl at . , , 1811 Uou'port street , It. IViand _ _ 10111 _ 021.31 Olt IllNl' : = rwo hamdeonaiy fnnilehed . min , alt , snltablu bur twit or tour geutbeumn. Uatli rholtt uuhtuaIVmwe,172' Cap ( iii uiv 1171 2D1 lI ( lll IiINi'-ILntoaod'argu : barn Noy 1020 N , lbtliSi.au1 le + uu mid barn corner Osih add Iluwalht's. % Vmit.I.Sburou0thshdUutgtnaht. bU : 3U' I boll ItEN r-lhiu bbiz 11ouo goal repair , remit 820. Apply to Joe. W. Dell , cru/ght. U2t ! Col I hOIIIIIhl'-15Irnlcdtb.nrfor ! light hou.ukuep' lilt fir fondly wltlluut thud cu , 1818 hlodu St. 034.20 I Olt IISh1'-Furnbhal room nn the northwu.t cir.18thendCapltolevuuitu , formerly Cwlgblun nmlea. 138.11 NIS fund.hevl moum fur remit at d10 , larzu enough for twit ucx npuute,1014 wuh.tcr.iroet. 819 tf - r--- I. + Ot ItItT-Tw" uml.hcl town , wlthor atlliou t . Lea ti , N. } . curlier of 23rd aihd Uutun/ort. / 838 II . ' I 1 OIt IISNT-Cottagos uear2 k1 arid Clark street , $10 per month , r , J , } 'Itrulorrl , , 012 H,17ta 81 , Felt Iti2N'r-ltoomua lu Nubrula , Natloua haul Oulldlu' . Stoat dcelrable oalce , In thu city Suppaod with hydsuUc elevator and bcauat b steam. Apply. ( hkvtk. , 024 U 11Oll } dLtgt-Four { ellolro tote on 20th 8t , loug 1 tltno,21T N,1sth tlt J. L , 5ttrldn. a25 ) t l 'OI11IUNTNew plate in Toll' , block on Rom' den eneet , ( IrnMI Ioeaaall fur grocery etorf , hotelier chop do. Ingubm at People Bank , Ualge St. _ 4)Ltf OIt ItFNT-llo + hloneea and etorohutldhza. , 111:1) II Foul ) q BUln:11 : , Real E.tato Agency , COle. eats Aldo Nth street , twtweon Farnam and nouglea , lrcota 794.8 Full SALE , _ mat SALE dent. hl Illmebuigh pasta one blak from lit , vat lmocrydtalrnblo ; re.ldenre 1.rop ally. SllhlbVIIts : lilLi. 50740 I + Olt SALE-Look for apecla ( bargame In thl. eel. umn lom otruw. 12139 I + tII , - acre lot. , $1OO an acre , $23 , down , i PSO-ti AMF3I'aioamit I ; ' ( ) It SALS-One hundred acre 1nt. , 11N at acre 3. doau , AMF 1 , Faruaut Sb. 0ci If . .1 ' - , , ) anare$25.u ' , Bin' I. lOb1' Al'E-100 acre bolt , tom an acre 80a. down. . 01 ti ANm:9 , Farnam St Foil SANE-Ono hundsd AUEalOo $ a nt She' 003 tt , j Olt SALE-At ate 'aln , tlrtt dada restaurant Iii gontloeabon , pme.trattnnfotclling , Attired , "U , S n0lhnala , I' . 0 , 003.11 Obt SALK-l.onk for epcdal bargain , In thle etd { emu % O mlottOW. 12030 - + 011 B.t .m-o : Ra.l etntel.nm , hmllture and a I Iargu quahtlty' of c ieIient ttlno tern' client 1803 C dal nda SL Olt'Irno Olt SALE-.hrnp , gael eountrr , lugulrn at T , 1' . ( , yon' . ( 'Isar $ lurc , 007 a , 15th St. Ui9 tl 5.111 : l'lalntlow tot , 921 , t i L'0 , down , bal. ( allccl0umun/h , Alt ) :0Farnam : t lluelit. Ii Pltlntlot'thebmtnud cheapest trop' ! Orly In Onhaha , ih ) 11 v ° ll SALILntrImi : PInlltluw min Stundcr + St. , ( utlhetretcore nodOilywaternlready' there. Ahlld,1307 : iantain , Chetpe.t out be.t 1'lnluciete lots , , muthly paya mint , , $ S3 , to 850 , dua , . I'Inlmluw. UU3 II Olt SA1.1.Lu't : for Special liarglneh1lhb.col. null , to.u urrnw , 125 5U lilt 8Atd-Tim bent and clout'1e.t ' lobe In Omaha I e , Snumiddr. St „ 23 , to 8111 , llueu mud mnntldy l ayn elite. . i'Inlnvlmv tell , fader than any. property uter of. fend , l ecau It 1. gtod pttylerly at low l1nto4 and on cane payluilite. .t511:4 : , larmun Sm. 09d tf Olt N'LE-A .tell establl + 111.1 confectbntory I .lure , plea a lot of tmnsuhold hlrulturo either to gether or separate , 11111 Ire 101 vertu 10th St. 073.1) I OIt SALT -Look for spoclal bargahm. In 11,14 eob uuul toanorruw. 120110 ; SAi,1-llounw and ltt old term , . 11. II. Iomit k CO „ S.1I' . corner hits and Farnaut. 050 tl loll BALE-Geo nod tnmlluro rat c audinghouse II Cheap , Address'71,1. " we Odle , 81U Il Il.cot. II nun Il ) -loook forspecld hargdn. In thl .cot. S loll SAIE Olt ltl:7l'-A 5 ruem hone , nunrly I + naa' , hol lot , nu rhnrlea etraut , near Rh1 , $ m tkU. ) Tone.mall rash paylnuot with uuntthly pnui a itt. ( lent MI5 ) wr month. Cell mu or addrute tee. It , ttathbuu , city. , roe. KIng and Chatle Ht , . 1121.11 Olt HtLi : Ott ESCUANOII-earl burry Lain , vrll located. J Vi. 1.OUNSIIUhIY , hSS tf 15.hand Farnam x011 BALE-A few flee acs lot. hoar the Fair 1 , ground , tar ) cheap , in , lnng thne , 8u5 tl C' Ii. MAYNE 5 : CO „ 1500 Fanmm 1(111 HALE-100 to 150 cords of hail wood , now II hclug chiph of on "Lowe Torus" ill , Cmning lit. half mile wont of Military brldgu. VIII oul ) ' bu col i to eau purehatr. UEmiis , Agent , loth mud 1)uttglaa etroete. 833 tf poll SAIE-Fan , 3 mlbei S. W , of city. Inquire II of hire. Nuy'or 023 N , 10th lit. sn mnl 105 1451.E-Look for .puclal bargains In this tol- II umnto monon. 128.31) DAltnCnANcU-we offer fnr.alo at a bargain , Lb. two tlmunnd acrea of bond ht a body , will muku a line atoclc ranch , 8bt udlu , from Count ) ' Seat of lluunu county , ' 1'Crmc ea.v. 0 F.IAYISkC0 „ 717 tt 1500F'anuuntreat. 911 I-Faun. acastenl Nebrske , V' II LOUNSUIIIIt-Itcal J eIatO Agent , 1511. and Far. umn , 001 tl ( Olt HAL-Tn nlotr N , w , coruur of 25th and II Chicago lit. blqulro of EiIholnt and Irlck.on. : 487 tI FOtt HALO-A flat claw , second hmad tot , baggy. Call at 131011anwv strum Silt i OItSALa-Iteldlutcn and bu + kleao moperty to I all prote of Uuiaha , and Farm l imld.Ira nil harts of thu State , 11lDFOIiI 9c HOUL'll , 703.1 ? 213 0,11111 Bt huh Fanni and Dothglae. ' Oil HAId1w'o noaore , It , torso pose , .tpplyat I' 1) . F't'zl'A'1'ltIC1 { , 0013-if 218 South 15th Street. HALE-Uood bu.tuus , chnutce at 217 N .10th Poll . J. 34. MARBLE. 539 tf 7Olt HALR-At alnargahl , a small Sloder , llahnienn 1 and Co'a fire proof rata Iugulro at 81.1a omco , It HALE-Old new/awr1 { in large as d email FUIt at this rime. . tf DgISOELLANEOU8. eST Ott 8'I'IIAYKU-A roil and white cow about L a years old , Tull we crooked. Iteward w ill ho ufercl if returnat to 17th atul Wlllluur. t'7rnlt IIOVE I1Udl N Ul'-ATod heifer , weer can have the I barn. ky pruylu" rruparty and paybug expunec. . J,1. Larson 24tha anT 17 , P. It. it. track. 101.11 'yOAIP ( amid Islglug B1.t0 per week at the llarnoy ,1) 81. Itestanmut. 812ano ' E' 1 STAUIBTEiI OF I'ALSIYS'FEIIY AND CONDITION. ALiST a037'mdlatrcetbotwconFarnam and liar. coy , will , with the old of guardian Iplrite , obtaining au ) nu. a gat ieo of lb past and prevent , mud the curtabt conditiout In thu fnttuo , ] loot. and tmoe. : nalu order. Perfect satlsfactlon gnarantuod. gOY4 RliYeiannn ? 911 Y5 1 ' r.5. N p u l r r ] 1 I 1'y 4mM. PWR Absolute Pure. Tads puwdtr never vane. . A marvel cf purl y , strcuha { and wlauteeoumonoo. Nero u"umulcul than ahu apiary klude , and comet ho tolu In euugmtillum willdhemnltltndu at low text , short wulht , niuln mil phusphatopotdura.Hold olllylal hi'o'el Lak g l'uwder Cu. , 100 Wall Sired 2k w York. G 1tAND , l AT 'Ill ) NEW RINK , Cupltot Ate , betwoun Suveuteeu'h and Elghteuothr , I\1DNDAY \ EVENING , DEC , 3 , Tiukels.it5o , Vuu.I1.DANlatnn..nn , n. , n , Uanag.r , fd , atlucu 1 1 CHEAPEST ' Lots1 \ 1 , f IN THE CITY OF ' , ! 1 ( Very handy to U. Pe Shops , Post- . 1 oltiee , etc , ) . I FOR SALE i , . -IN- , ; 4 , COLLEGE PLACE r , h ( New addition of 234 lots. 1 , r t PLACE . ' i , 1 , I I ( Only 58 Lots relna11110 lI 119014. ) , j t i' .r T.OvrHS : > Z i ' FIRST SECOND ADDITIONS , , 1 Near ( all sold in these 2 additions. . , , -AND- I ! 1 Third Additiun a , r (8 ( Beautiful Lots loft. ) , art t f ? On the following Streets : . , ' -CALIFORNIA- 3 - , - -BURT- - 1 , , CUMING , . .l' rr --IZARD- , -NICHOLAS- - , - CALDWELL , ' ' n t -PAUL- , [ LTON- ' , , rl ---IIAI , - r ; CIILQ LES t ' , . . ' ' s -SEWARD- , > , -FRANKLIN- , , DECATUR , e -PARKER- - , - --BLONDO- i AND ON -29th , 30th- , -31st , 32dt 33d- , 34th , 35th and 30th r-StCCetB.- ALL INSIDE CITY LIMITS-U&tUTIFULLT LQ.e. . T1 D. . t STREET CARS Will run out Cuming Street , Early Next Spring ' . IOWE AVENUE AND THE NESERVQILf -ANU TIIE- . rumlht next year wlthlr ( ablock or two at ' tme.o ) Iota All located wlt,1n live minute , walk et MILITARYBRIDDE AN ! ) T11E TURN TADLEIOF TAE Red Street Car Line On Saundore Street , and all within the ntinutce walla t of the $20,000 SCHOOL HO ' , On Delaware and Klmg etroet , , Ijl Parker. 1- dou. Price ; : ' Q1 ? ' UPWARDS. Only 5 per 'Gelit down aid 5 po ; colt per month , nuueui , Tents and all other kind , of Ibeal F .tate for , ' , ante Iii tummy and eo'r ) ' loeatloh lu aildalwur a ; . Omaha.OMHhkIr S00 EIiiCa fr. A , CALIi AND G E'1' Plato and"Full Particular , f AT t BE1flIS'- . - I Y Real Estate Office , . FIFTEENTH Li DOUGLAS BT * . „ .Yaii.W , < , h.w"M. . P .