it' ' , - j - r ttti ! . .un1i.Y l3LL---UUIJNCIL 13LUrt 'S , SATUItllA1 , NOVE,1t.i3Cit , 24. 18u.t. , riE DAILY BEE. 1 COUNCIL BLUFFS. , Saturday Morninr ; , Nov. 24 , sonscnIPTTOH fATrs : Dp Carrler - - - - - - - 20 cents per week Dp klai - - - - - - - - 810.00 Ikr Year , OFFICE : Nd. 7 Pearl Street , Near Broadway , MINOR MENTION. See Joseph Rcitor'a fall goods. Additieal local on seventh pogo , Cheap Railroad Tickets at Bushnoll's. ' Tot coopers wanted by Joseph Boss , upper Broadway , _ . Board of trade meeting Monday night , ' . ; Members should all be on hard , , .l " The Chicago , C Northwestern railway will adopt central Limo te morrow nt noon. Notarial 8caIs-Bost solid inotal brio $3,00. Novelty Works , Fourteenth street , Omaha , Juatico Abbott was yesterday busy withl tire trial of David Ratliffo for tim larceny of lumber from the Hall school build- The twins of which Adam Miller is the happy father woigli 17 pounds , and claim rank as the hoavicat pair on record in this city , The Homo of the Friendless had n ' lively look yostorda ; aft'lrnoun with painters , paporora , etc. , making needed ' mprovomcnts , ti ? A fish vendor on the street corner year . torday had a wagon load of catfish , some ' of which weighed over twenty poundsnll pulled out of the river. A little ono atory dwelling house on (3reon street was destroyed by fire early last craning. It was owned and occupied bya family named Knit , ; 'j John Short oxpecta to got into his now building on Monday. It is quito an improvement provomont , and is in accordnnco with Mr. Short's ontorpriso. Second Spiritual nocioty moots every Sunday 2:30 : and 7:30p.mWood's : block , Middle Broadway , room 4-"Provo all Things. " Invomtigatoforyourself. Permit to wed has boon giver Jacob 0. Hoffman and Augustus Scott , both of . , this city ; also to JosePh Buchor and - - Fannie W. Howell , both of Avoca. Time wife of A. M. llonnott , the man arrested a few days ago for getting drunk ; , and boating her , has applied for a di. vorce. His trial for disorderly conduct comes ofFMonday. Those who through sunshine and . storm bring the mail to our very of ices .y and homes are to give their first annual ball next 1VodnesdaY evening. Itoinom her the letter ctriors. Tomorrow evening at tire Baptist church 11ev. Mr , Lemon is to give an " address on "Spiritualism , " 110 purposes 1 treating the subject fairly and squarely , ' and all are invited to attend. , fr Gorman proachin g ' on Sabbath at 2:30 : I j p. m- and at 7:20 : p , m , , and at too Evangelical church , corner Pierce street and Glen avenue , by llev , M. J , 7i Abrams , of Minden , Iowa. Holly Lewis' bail as of course readily accepted at Des Moines , and the char. actor of the signors , and their responsibility - bility , has had a favorable olroct in that city , He has returned to Marno and him purchased his old.hnrness shop there , " 0 , Gravel Whore is Thy Victory. " I Spiritual circle to-morrow. ( Sunday ) af ' tornotrn and evening at 3 and 7:30 : o'clock in Spiritual hull. Entrance on Main and Pearl streets , first stairs south of the poatofiico. Spiritual sociable tonight. Music and dancing. 1 A special meeting of the city council was held last evening to consider some i few matters including the employment of Sapp C Lyman to assist in looking after certain suits brought aainat the city. The report of the judiciary committee y ' Favoring too retaining of that firm was approved , , The board of oducaLion grumbles much a about petty thieves tvlio carry oil lumber and smaller articles from the school buildings , but still they refuse to let the would-be reformers hold mission Sunda' schools in the buildings. If they won t do that much to lot the reformation work go on , they ought not to grumble if there uro bad boys in the world , , Frank Crow , who wen considerable notoriety hero as the keeper of the old "Bluo Jay" saloon , is not dead as rot - t ported , but is back hoxe again , d ° anito time three bullets which wore said to have ended ifs life. It is reported that ho is to servo as spacial policeman for tire va roty ] theater. Ho ms well fitted for tint position , physically and otherwise. The Filcher-Vaughan electric light ' company is building an addition to time building it is to occupy on North Eighth street. The addition is 35' by 40 feet. The nlobos and wire Was shipped from Boston on the 12th and have had hardly time to roach hero yet , but the work pth erwiw is going right along. The corn- PanY have lust added thireo dynamo machines - chines to their Des Moines establisllmont P Chicken thieves are no rospectom of porsone. One of thous wont through Senator George Carson's lion house , Thursday night , and bagged several of the foathrred bipeds. A teamster die. covered the follow just as he tvas makin B oil , and gave hint a close chase , time timid f dropping the bag in his flight. Time chick ' oils were found with thou , necks wrung Thorn was a happy wedding zeceptio n fn honor of Mr , and Mr. Vi. T. Cole , o nn Thursday night , and time residence of ! ii parents , lltr , and Mrs. R. S. Colo. Timer ° , wore about sixty friends prcgent , and tin \ evening was vary happily spent , amid th hospitality was unbounded. The con b gratulations and well wishes of time guns wore showered upon mho worthy your cou lo , who enter upon their wedded Ilr o under such happy Icoa Time audience which gatlmored at Doha 1 Tly'e hall Thursday night to Lear the hoc tune given by Rev. T. J. Mackay , Was i n numbers and make up highly compli. montary to that talented gentleman. The audience was amply repaid for time , trouble and money , as time lecture was an exceedingly imitorestfngnnd inatruc- Ivo ono. Under the title of "An Unwritten - written Story , " Mr , Mackay gave a clear picturing of prehistoric man , amil time changes of the world , with glimpses of human progress from time to ttmno , 'l'imo lecture was illustrated by over a hundred pictures of display by a stereopticon , operated - orated by Mr. Marko. time photographer. There was a lively little cumpotitfom beiwebmi % , T , Lindsoy and the other boot anti shoo house across the way fronm lmiui on Broadway yesterday , Slippers were hung out fiat at tlmreo cents , thou at two , finally at one cent and a piece of music. Lindsey finally stuck to one cent a pair and a song , letting time buyer sing his own song. Slippers at one cent a pair went off factor than hot cakes , and time crowd gobbled time bargains on both aides of time street quickly , (1uito a joke was played en Nate l'hilli s by smite of time boys , who changed a 7 pair of rubber boots free a string onto , the cheap slipper string , A simple Touton spied time bargain amid cpncludod to take the boots at three cents. On atoppimmg inside to got tine boots done up , the put up job was dfa- covered , L. Burnett , who has been bookkeeper for Burnham , C Coe , tea amid coffee house , somas to ho missing , and several creditors mourn his absence , Mrs. Gray , with whom lie hind been boarding , was recently sued by Burnham for goods nisifed her , amul she claimed as an offset Burnette board bill , which also testified was gunrammtood by Burnham , and which Buriott kept telling her was being credited - ited week by week emi liar bill. Burn- ham amid Burnett both denied any such agroenent , tlmpugh Burnott did not deny too board bill. A judgment was entered against Mrs , Gray , and she in turn swore out a warrant for urmtott'a arrest for oh- tainiug board uudor false pretenses. This aeem to have scared hen and ha skipied , and it is said others are left 'ht the urCh. Ho was a very dasimy young man , and throw munch style. on $10 a weep. 1'tIt8ONitL. Mr. Jonney , of Omaha , the U. P. road- roaster of thin eastern division , was hero yes. torday looking over the street car line , lie was accompanied by tlmo formnau of the Omaha street car line , who suporiutondod time raising of too track there , It. S. Ryan , the railroad contractor , was in , the city yesterday , J. T , Hart is still confined to ] ds homo by Illness , Dr , Montgomery has Bono to Milwaukee on a brief trip. ,1. GGardnoltof Boston , arrived at time Ogden yesterday , 11.111. lChney , , of Winona , Mhum „ was at the Ogden yosterday. Frank Wilson , of Sioux City , was In the city yesterday , I , ltosocrans has just returned from a trip Installing oflfcors of groves of Druids at Omaha - ha , Avoca and IIarlau , III. Stein , of Hastings , Neb , , was a Pacific house guest yesterday , 1V , it. Vaughan leave to-day.for Atchismr , Kan. , whir his little dasghter lda , intending to spend Sunday with friends thoro. w , lCemmody , of Lewis , Iowa , Is at the I'aclflc. John F , clay , of IIaminibal , Mo. , registered at the PachlIo yesterday. IIandsmmio Picture Cards ; ] lfossrs. C , B , Jacquemnin & Co. , are distributing some of the handsomest stool Plato engraved picture cards pub- lisluod , Time butter part is tire notice attached - tached by which they infornulthe public of the reduction in the prices of their goods , amid as time ] uoliday season is ap proaclmimmg it will pny all to give tmeum ] a tall , NABBED NELSON , Arrested for Eutbpzzlenront of About , $8,000 , The police ] more arrested ' 1' . B. Nelson , a young man mmdur thirty years of ago , onarged by Deere , SVclls & Co , with unt- berzlmg $2,812 , the information being tiled with .luatice Scimurz , It appears that Nolsolt has Loon rmmnmg a store at Blair , Neb , , amid hind a laXo nnmmint ci agricultural itnplemnonts consigned ] mint by Deere , Wells , ; Co , It is charged that ho sold these goods in some cases below coat and failed to make , returns. It was also elmarged that ho' transferred his title to a farm frm Audubon cnmmty to Ida father-in-law , with tlmo iutemmtion of get. tic F it out of thin reach of his creditor's , NoIaerwaa lodged in jail hero to await a requisition , COOPERS WANTED , Joseph Rosim , on upper Broadway , w.muta ton good coopers at once , UNDER THE 'WHEELS , A U , 1' , StvltChmimmm Loses a Leg rt the Trmmafir by Falling Under a Moving Car ; Last ovcnilig about 11:30 : , a Union Pa. ciio awitclnntam , Charles IViley by nano , foil from the sideof a ntovingbox car , iu time yards at limo transfer depot , amid time car passed over his left leg between time knee and ankle. Ho was carried up town on a switch ongfno wlmero he was uiot by aurgoon McCrary , who anmutat od too Ifnib. Ile was then taken to lea homo , near limo old Wabash dope ! , Orm a stretcher. IIo is doing as gull as could be oxlnected uudor time circum stances amid wall probably recover , Itaal Itsuu , + ' , Tim following deeds wore filed for re. cord in too ' s recorder's o01ce , November 0 23 , reported for time EIRE by P. J , Mc. I Mahon , real estate agent : o Frank W , Parish to B. Marks , part of sw of se1,1 , ) , 74 , 44 ; 8125 , , R,1 , & 1' , R. It CO , . 'to Frammci a Busse , part of wy , 0 , 70 , 40 ; $040 , f I W. Davis , of al , to 0 , Diedericlm part of 9 , 77,39 ; 8200 , r I. W' . Davis , et ul , to Cimrlos H , Scull. . ling part of 0 , 77 , 30 ; 8175. Oroutt to August FJohna , ac } o 10.70 , 35 ; g5o00 , Total sales , $0,140. . - - a R WORTNFUI WOMML She Mares It Decidedly Iutcresttag for Her Mole Owl. A Stint , cries of 'mlurdor amid Calls for help. At a late hour Thursday night a wo- mnan , who was evidently itot unused to some of time ways of , the world , was inak- ing time rotmds of some of time saloons amid gambling hnmsos in search of her male companion. She was maned with a revolver , which she 'concealed under her simawl , but mint so carefully but what its presence became known to at least one keeper of a house , who was considerably startled by liar appearance nt time door. She wanted her husband , and it was in vain that time keeper of time house tried to porsuatio her not to enter , saying that her husband wan not within , She was detormfncd to see for herself , and pushing him to one side , she did look , but failing to find him , contin- ucd her search eiaowhmero , About 2 o'clock yesterday morning there was another chapter to the affair , which indicated that she had mot hfin , Residents along Sixth avenue wore sud denly aroused from sweet slumbers by loud words , Wotnam's voice , a many , cries for "help , " a pistol shot , and time so and of fast running foot. The man ran along the street , the womnnn evidently disdain. ing to give inn chase. At almost ovoyy atop he yelled at time top of ifs Voice- "Polico , Murder , help , " and repeated these words , while windows were thrown up , amid night capped lmeads peered out in wondennont as to why lie didn't ' stop long enough to yet help. Ito ran up Sixth avenue to Ninth street , then turned up onto Fifth avenue , amid east on that street till hfa voice amid time sound of his feet wore lost in time mist amid mud of the bottom lands , IIo may be ruumfug yet for nil TimE BEE kmtowa , emmd has doubtless - less crossed time river to escape time wrath of time woman who was followimms himn around , a MALVEItN MATTERS. The Boo Gatltors Up a Numitboe of Itema from that Place , MALVERN' , In , , Nov , 23.-A limn in business circles time past low days , ' Frank Harris and semis returned from a two weeks' visit withl friends in Memphis - phis , Mo. Hoary Lamnb , who has been seriously ill for the past few weeks , is slowly improving - proving , The Smnith's Uncle Ton's Cabin company - pany played to a full house on Thursday evening , Norval Jones returned last week from hula old home in Knox county , Illinois , whither ho was called by time death of his father. Mrs , Emma Bush , of Sparta , Wis. , is viafting with Mrs. J. T. Ward , .I , M. Straiman left for Nebraska on Monday last , to attend to business inter- eats. Thomas Bonham , ditto , Major Anderson , of Sidmsoy , spent Saturday with friends in town. A newcomer now brightens the fireside - side of John Falwell , ofVhito Cloud. It's a daughter. The serene visoges of Goo , farmakor and Bernard Byera soorn to say "Wo'ro three of a kind , " i 1r , and Mrs ; J. Koopnefka mourn time lose of a son , aged 8. With deep sorrow we record time death of Rev. 1V. L. Edutonds , late pastor of the Malvern M. E. church , His sudden death was duo to an attack of typhoid fever amid all that. humman skill could do failed to bathe time dread destroyer. A loving wife and five small boys bewail his untimely death. Cut off in time strength of ifs manhood and usefulness , ore time morning of life had brightened into noon , a good amid noble soul has wimigcd its rap. turous way to that homo beyond time grave An idolized husband , a kind and lovi6 Lather , a true amid loyal citizen , a zealous worker fu the church , and aim over.smiling distu ller of the mists and clouds of doubt and darkmcss , hfa loss will be homily felt cmi every hard , Services - vices nvoro hold fn time opera house , the funomi being the largest over held in 1ialvurn. Time funeral rites were cnn- ducted iii most part by time I , ' 0. 0. F „ mil which deceased was an lmonored nmon- her , one bundred and twomtyivc nmen- bars participating , representing nine lodges. Time fuooral sermon s as delivered - ored by Presiding Elder 'mV. S. hooker , of Shouandoah , and many a tear and autotherud sob attested the depth of time sorrow felt om every aide. "TED. " THE NEW DYE WORKS. F. It , IIurlburt has oloned , at No. 31 Pearl street , a ateau dying amid French dry Cleanhmg works , Plulnea amid tips , volveta silks , satins gent's c1ntimi ng. morehamt'a shelf worn goods , all umnde as good as now , SPECIAL NOTICES. NOT1eFSpoclal advertisement , , each as Lost , Found , To Loan , For l4alo , To' Rent , SVants , board. htg , eto. , will ho Insorteti In tide column at the low rate of TEN CENTS L'ER LINE for the arst insertion and FIVE CENTS 1'ER LiNE for each aubseq ent In. sertlon. Leave o4vertlenents at our oa , No. 7 ! 'earl Streoi , near lirondwav WANTS , f ANTEi-Every boyro Council lnun , to lake Tliamas Delivered by carrierat only twenty cents a week. ANTED-A boy. , wlnt yony , to deiRer Tus Imsx , B10DAItOAlN- , , vsillnra wt of John. ap. Encyelo'elin ' , eight t oluuta , canget a bargain - gain by wllitm at Tlla Ilea omlee UADINET' t'IIOTOS-8 , by the dozer at the excel. alorgallery , 1.0 . klaln e'reet ' , Council Iiluas Dlnner , and dumm fare both wxya to Ontalma emus. tunmre on orders off $10 and upwards. FOR SALE AND RENT , , r0 lIENT-A go mil room , So by is feet , over the 1 U etoalos , laclog Pearl strict Apply at Baa office , WANTED AT ONC E , PiftY Tcams To work on too Lincoln and Beatrice ox. tetslomm of the Union Pacific railway , , Teams $4.50 per day , and free tramspor tation , J , J , BnowN , Contractor , Council Bluil's. PILES. treat piles and Palling of the Rectum for radial sud pemunent cure , In trout two to tout weeks. Operation , pahdeaa. Diseases of the Rectum a Speolalty , J. COOK , 11 d&w itempvouucl uws j _ . . 3-- . J RUBBERS ! Our speech is short , but to time point , hest Chicago discounts every day in time year on Rubber Boots ! Shoes ! AND ARCTICS. Goods WARRANTED as good as ANY fh time market , They are made by limo NEW JERSEY RUBBER SHOE CO. We have a big line of SPECIALS and an IMMENSE stock of regular and EXTRA WIDE Boots and Slices in all sizes , ready to ship on receipt of orders , Til H : CC 77 Or second quality Boots we rile introducing are better than many ao aalled first quality , and we give a large EXTItA discount on them , Z. Ta LINDSEY & CO. 412 Broadway Council duffs , Iowa. . MAYNE & PALMER ! DEALERS IN Hard and Soft Coal , BULK AND BARREL LIME , LOUISVILLE AND PORTLAND GE1IENT , MICHIGAN PLASTER , nAin AND SEWER FII'E , No , 039 Broadway , - - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWtt. SMITH & TOLLER , 1' I h > JAI + Merchant Tailors. ri I ) .r 7 and 9 Main Street , TRI7CITORH' , d0'VNOIL La'VFr < ' 1 , TA. JOHN ATTORNEY AT LAW , MANAGER OF POTTAWATTAMiE COUNTY - W BAIRD TY COLLECTION AGENCY. Otfico corner Broadway and Main street. JOHN BEND & CO „ 18 Mahn stAL MERCHANDISE. ' CEESTON HOUSE. MAV N1 OHN hotel , 217 and 219 Main street. DR. a' . F , WHITE , 009 willow avenue. IT L JUSTICE OF ' , TIIEJ'EACE SC i UD 1 , Ofilcc over American Express. S S WAGER ' funarald at reasonat orates. , Will contract for . 22 Fourth street. J M Sr m JOHN U COCAS H BUYERS Wholesalobutter eggs , poul , , , „ , tryand fruit. Ship taus. Draft by return mall. 140 Broadway , JACOB KOCH Stock Complot. . Suits 51ERCIIANT made at reasonable TAILOR , prices. No. 805 Main St. ! G F S MITH . Cornar 7th and Broadway. CONTRACTOR plans AND and BUILDER specification , , furnished. GW DEALER IN FINE IiAHNE99 , W . SHERMAN , h kayo mho variety that brings pntrunsgo , 124 baln street. MERCHANT TAILOR , JAMES FRANEY 1 Artistic work and reasonable charges. 872 Broadway. HOWE & SON FURNITURE STOVES , 1 and Household Supplies. 8aT Broadway. LUV LT & HART ATTORPractice stab , James mock. Practice and federal court. . . L. Sovereign Frop. F. J , Mont. SANITAR I UM aaBroadway. , 1.1. D hysic aa JUSTICE TILE PEACE , EDWIN J . ABBOTT , Notary Pubic and Gonernl Cmtvoyancer. 416 Broadway. 9MITII A NOItTON , R EVERE HOUSE , Broadway nppndtc Now Opera house. Refitted 81 , 81.50 per d.v HAIR GOODS OF ALL KINDS. o1d at the Lowest Prices IN TILE WEST , QUALITY CONSIDERED , At MRS , D. A. BENEDICT , - - 337 W. Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. mb Lf ( OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. ) ESTATE ! Complete Abstracts of Title to nil Lots nud Lands in the County , , . i a a' -IN- ' Solar CnulernEnlnrgement for the trade at reasonnblo rates. Orders Dy mail promptly filled , C. D , LUCrOCK , 143 Broadway , Council Bluffs , GROSVENOR & GUNK' MANUFACTURERS OF : : a QMs , 311 Upper Broadway , Council Bluffs ; Iowa IF YOU WANT I300TS , SHOES OR RUBBERS CALL ON PIiiRCT r r 7 Corner MOtH and First Avenue , Council Bluffs. He hag Them , Broadway Steam Laundry f . A , C. LARSON , - - - - - Proprietor LATEST 1MPROVED MAOHINERY , t 'xl. c : r ii ' Our line of Stoves is time Urea complete in tie city amid includes all time moat , Desirable Patterns and Latest Improvomentll 1 1Vo have Imamnmored time prices down as thin as they will ataud without breaking , amid you are imvitod to call amid see how thick the stoves are in colulparisorl. PECML DRIVE ON A LOT OF HARD COAL STOVES , Nickel' slightly tarnialtcd , . at a reduction of $5,00 each. , I7.4T0 = a 'DD , xc xxP , 504 Broaawa } and 10 and 12 Main St „ Council Bluffs. ' . . . , ; w. + 'ts , . + t4a b .aY la ' .4cYtdi Ens ' kT te Hardware Co t , , ; ' tnf I 1 a 1 , I , t Ir , h 1 q ; 3 100 and 111 S. 11Enin Street , 4 COUNCIL BLUFFS WHOLESALE DEALEItS IN HATSCAPS , , 1 342 and 344 Broadway , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , HOUSES , LOTS AND LANDS 1 IBought 4ti7nd ( gold. bone Loaned ! Abstracts Furnished p , y , MoMg ION No. 4 Pearl Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. BUCKEYE FEED GR1NDEE , L I iI f t a i Win. ; r. - . A fi ' : : 1 WILL SHELL , AND GRIND AT THE SAME TIME l A complete Horse Power. The best Feed MTII in existence. Costs but little moreuthan a common grinder. Write for eircnlars to ' SHUGART , WAITE & WIES , Council Bluffs , Iowa , General Agents for Western Iowa and Nebraska. QRS. D. A. BENEDICT ! 'DEALEIt IN LatheS' Pupiig1iiig ! NOTIONS , JEWELRY , &C. 337 w. arondway , - ' - COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA . M..CALLACHER. New Store , Fresh Geode , Law Prices and Polite Attedanbs. vi--1 First Door east of Metropolitan Hotel , } L0c me i DIuQe.AY. STEINHARDT & FREYHAN , Wholesale Liquor Dealers ! 317 Brondrvny , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS ; 'UT m I BEUIITELE'S , &iropean & , only only hotel ruin on the European plan in this city. Now building , newly furnishedand all modern innprovemeirh , and is centrally located. i PETER BEW TELE PROPRIETOR Nos. 336 aid 338 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa. { , SALE o Unrecleemed Goods. CRAT ARCAS In diamonds suitable for ladies and gents , also in ladies' and gents' solid gold and and silver watches and chains , and a full line of set and plain hold rings , 250 noon's and PO boy's overcoats. All these articles must ho sold. Dloncy lent et ALL KINDS of porsoual property. D , GOLDSTEIN Middle Broadway , opposite city building. Council Iiludl's. ' - IN--I I 1 1 Table Cutlery , Flower Pots , Etc. , call on w. S , HOMER & CO. , - 23 Main St. , Council Bluffs. . CET , LAN3. . On City and Farm Property. S E a.a , aft o 39 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs. Iowa. Justice of the Peace. Omaha and Council Bluffs , Heal estate and collection agency , n Odd FeIiow'a lock , over Savings Bank. ; inSn JACOB Slats , I : . P. CADWELL. SINES & CADWELL , At1ornes COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA Omlce , kldn Strcet. Itoora 1 and ubtigart 5 No' Mat.un's Block. Viii practice In Slate and ple l courts Taws. orrmcsme , m. t'- ruear , OFFICER & PUSSY BANKERS. Council Inuas . ' , Is. 1856 Establishes - - Dealers ri Foreign and Domestlo Exchange and Ilome berutmes Mrs H. J iOtol,1L D. , . , , . , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , 299 Broadway , Council Blulls , R. Rice M. D. or other timmorarenovedwithoutthe CdNCERS knife or draw lag of blood. CHRONIC D1SEASES of kinds a specialty. Omer thirty years practical eiperimice. Oa3ce No , a Pearl street , Council RIuU , rtrConeultatlon free , , Make Your Contracts Now for Your . Winter i'upply of Missouri Earl 'g'ood 1 AND lIARDANpsorr ' lIARDANpsorraI -w'ITIr- P. OVLIITON , 605 First Avenue , - Council Bluffs , Ion's , And seturu tiu be.tarticle sad maul nnosure atthu very lo.e.t prltu. acne wood to any iwr of the dty s ; I JOSEPH ' GAGE. HARD WOOD AND -COMl- - _ - Corner Halo etroctand Eighth nenso , Counci Dlus. . , arLowrt rata sad prompt ddivrrr , ,