. - - - . . - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - --.z--- . T _ . , . I ( _ : ; TIlE DAiLY BEE . - OMAHA SATURDAY NOVEMBER 24 , 1883. ¶ 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ - - - - - - The Doctor's iuistaice. One of the oki rnistakcs of the ) professionwas to think that there were no other ways of cunng dis. ( case except those which had been lmnded down from former times. i It is not to be deified that the Doctors hayc done great things for : the world. But when it comes right : down to the real curing of disease , t must be admitted that Brown's Iron Bitters has ( tone enough to : carn the generous gratitude of this : whole present generation , including the medical profession. Them arc no mysteries or secrets about the ' Iron Bit ' compounding of Brown's tcrs. This preparation ofiron is the _ only prepamtion which viII notei i jure teeth or stomach. In this it is , beyond comparison Jctter than tlc ! other prcpations , which arc mis chicvous and injurious. 'I- You aced not fear a mistake in trying Brow.n's Iron Bitters. Your : dmgist has it. It .givcs vigor to tlic1ccblc , and new life to the dys. peptk. Children take it , not only with safcty , but with great navan. : tage. 6 --i Catarrh At thl cuon of the year verybody h cold . nd omc , ory b&l onc. Dy frequent exposurce the . , mcmhreneeol the nose become % cry ecnltlp , irnd catarrh stud Infiucizae are cpldmlo. Relief inoy be obtained by the uso.of Ilood'e Sarsxpftrllls , ' For many ycare In euocssIon bclnning en fer . back I don t remember when , I tlio caterris In my head. Itconsletod of a ciLIntaaI liowfrom , soy nose. : iIii ; ; ; BiThsiin1Nois in soy hoed. Bometlmci the hearing In my loft ear . wasaffocted. Fho ycare ace , about this peceon of the year , I began to use iIoode SarsparIlla. I wa helped right away , but I contlned to use It tttII I , , felt toy myself curcd.-Mre. Eliza Li. Caulflcld , Lowell , Mass. - Jerome tirowneli merchant an , ! oxtctse1o sniller sit . A 'Ictoie , Ontario county , N. V. , write , : " 1 Is.vc need . Ifoode Sarenpaslila for my Catarrh , and Itha helped ' Ito. I coneldes Iloo.t'e iarsaparillti one of tholbest renscdIei for blood disease to be obtained , : : 1OOjDoses One ] IDol/ar , . q have been tTOtIbiCd witis that distressing corn. , plaint , catarrh , an.i have been tisIn flood's Sarga. parlUs , and find It one of the beet remedies I have 4 . - t ever taken. My trouble hM lasted ten years , and i Isovor could gctnny relief until I commenced to use hood's Sarsapariila.-Martln Shield , Chicago , Ill , I : Danqo1 from:1catarrl,1 : , i Depends upon the amount soil extent of the Scrofu. . i S Ions Infection. Unquestionably many dcathe from S consumption can he traced to neglected catarri , . 1here Is a iolent distress , prostrated and coughing 51c115 , the oyte weep , the sioso sliechargos copiously , and the head ecems to spilL t In euch cases Ilooii'e Saraaarl1ia corrects the ca. S larch by its direct action in discharging the poison . , from the blood through nature'e great outlets , so J that healthy , sound blood reaches the mcmbrsuses , _ ( nd is * holcsouse. L Hoocs Sarsaparila So1 by druggists , $ i ; 5W for er . Propsired by C. 1. 11001) &CO. , ApothccariosLoweil Mass. -TH1 NILD POWER CURES.- : i , LJUMPHREYS' t OMEOPATIIIC - I ( k SPECFICS.I I ; Ii use fl yonrs.-Ench number the spocini pro. - scrlptiosi of an esnhsienr piiyeiciais.-Tho only Itlinpir. Snstonnd Hun , McI clues for thu in'oiio . . LIST IIUNCWAL O5. Ofl1t5 rlUCfl. . . . . . 1. Poycre , , . 2. % % orlne. 'Worm 1over. Worms oi1o. . . . .2S . : i. Crylox Colic. or Teething of 1iifsunt .2S 1-i. Jiarrlnen ) of chtiniren or Adults. . . . . . is. Ieontary. arip1n. liiiiIou"olie , I6 ; 6. Cliolora 61orbii , % omitlu . . . . . . . . , n 7. CouSIns. Colil. . . . . . . . . 1 M. Nnnraii' ' , 'roothn.ctio 1nc5ac1no. 3 9. Ilesideclnci. mdc licadsicijos , verLIso .26 . . 10. Iy.pesneia. iSilitons . . . . . 11. Hinppreeeocl or i'nInhnii i'erlode..25 . 12. WhItes. tool'tofugo . I .t. ( roInp. Cough , 1)ii1iCUi I3roathinc. . . .26 14. Hilt Rhnoninu. Erysipoins. EflhitIons . .25 15. Itlieumauie'n. lUsetnmatloVains..25 1(1. EcvnsranilAgue Chi1iIoverAgues .59 - . I 7. IIIc. . hued or . . . . . . . ) lii. ( hstarrh. acutoorchronlci . Influenza SI ) - .O. VtinopIng ( nuch , vloionteotsghe , .60 - . ,21. ( noxal tcbiiity 1byaiCatVeakness.60 - . 27. Ijidney ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) - rervoue IcbIlity..1.01) . S :10. urInary Vrskneu.Vttingthebed .51) . ' a2. lilseesoorilno Ilenirt , Palpinatlon. 1.00 & uoidhydruggiela. orsont by the Case OrMu. giG Vial , free of charge on reeoip o price. iend for flr.Ilumphreya Hook on IIuen.n &e. . (144 pngeei.also IIInnatraed Cntalognic VItlI. Aadrns * , Il'Ininhnoys Ilomonisnitlilo Sled. Icine Co. . 100 YnlIon lrceI , Sew York. j . J. P. WEBER & CO. , ' MANUFAOTURERS OF1 BRACESI ron TJIICOIlREOT1ONOF : Physical Deformities. Hip and Sputa ! Diseasas , 2 Club Feeb , StiiI.ICiiees , Bow Legs , 1CiiockKitees , &c. TRUSSES of the best snake kept on hsul. Trusses repaired , Crutches made to order. fimali Job4 of aft kInds I Ions in Steel , Iron and Wood. ) ifltopairlnsg of alt kinid. 4 no neat , cheap smut ImrumIL First Fremniurn gheu our svork at the Re. raska State Feir of 1883. : ' 803 Souili Tenth Sf , Omaha. - I _ . jl. _ _ _ 1r . ; r. , ' [ I r. . C r J , _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ I c _ . BEtTER AND CHEAPEBinuiSOM , - iroit ALL 1Iouo.C1oanthg Purposes. 'yr WILL CLEAN PAINT , MAflDLE , OfT , CLOTHS , IIATI n3 , itOCtEIt KiTChEN UT1RS1L I'I'IXIOWS , C. IT WILL POLI4 . , i TB&SSICOL'PJIAD STEEL W.ABE O1f.ALL KtRDa , . - - Mutually 2Iita1con. Shn toouI up In a ) iorse car , That maid , with carolcas grno , And oft the bold conductor APIOftrOd to scan her face. 11cr cyca wcrO lnrgo Sf11 dreamy , And goldemi wac hoe hair ; Her crimson cheeks were creamy , And ho was-iaasing fare. Alone tnbi loaned that morning 4auiist tiio suliding minor , Aunt all their glsmice.e corning , She eyed the sitters o'er. While there sue stood reflecting , The man of mIImm's , flU1 Cent'S WSC hiisIIy collecting , \VIth Imduetry , lintenso. 131st in hi , prkato pocket No shimos he slipped that morn , 411l , 1ht1065 , ( ruin each socket , Ins arms hung down forlorn , "V1iy mince ho gaze sno wildly ? " -i The flOdOlit inaidcn.thotmght ' , VIiiIo , fmnnbllng hIs caish lnhIdfT , Ho muttered , ' I sin ussiglit. ' Ills etaro became so rigid , The snidsi was In uiospair. And , with ma glance imiost frigid , Shso sought the outer air. SVhY did her face burn hotter , And why WM ho not cool ? Ire took her for a "spotter , " Sue thought ho was a fool. 11ONE liAlIES. General hcrman says that the Boston girls arc "entirely too massive. " IMVo is blind ; but tim rest of the boys can too the long hair on the coat collar. TuSCO lmiin t $ are tIm correct wear for the opera , when any bonnct is worn. Monkoyjowolry Is ( lie latest freak of jaw. aIry. Naturally it followed the dude. Natural heaver , both in its light a'id dark alindos , Is t1ulto pujiular among young ladies , 'Fine , long elastic cashmere gloves are tak. log the place of limicul silk glovoe for general wear. For dancing the mdmort skirt is do rigneur , noise but dowagers vearing trained dresses at balLs. Parlelami women nra ) owdering the hair and arranging it a is Mary Stuart in the evening. There ii a girl In Now York with four sirius. If she over gets married slw will be tIm ioss hair puller . Titian red a lovely shade verging on au. burn , bids lair to ho tito most fashionable bright color of the Incoming season. Thorn arc no absolute rules of fashion , a.'S formerly ; 1)001)10 ) noWalays follow their own individual fancy , within certaIn himimitations Quilted sihic petticoats , In the old Irish style , with mulct. of black oscimrlal lace , are the latest fashion. 'I'hoy are lined with elder down. "Thoro Is a lady in Washington who can play the lilano vItIi line foot. " It must be in. torosting to watch her stretching for an oc tavo. 1voniiig gloves are of undressed kitl , in soft Palo tints , nmmd roach t.o time elbow or to the ehonller. With the very looggloves noalouvo is worn. To wipe the dust from papered walls take a cleasi , soft piece of flspiioi. Of course it lutist not ho damp , but the dry flannel will remove the dust , Pretty iarnlrequins for bedroom win. ( lows are inside of muslin with the ode trimmed with antique lice , or 'wide toeclion is very pretty. Illack marten hiss long boon noted as one of the strongest furs , amid for that reason vas (11511103(1. Itecoutly ii now process for deotlor. izing it Iiis : proved very successful. l'rotty table corers auth covers for shelves smith lasubrequins , also , are made of the miow shades of liaimnohwhlchi coinoindoubho wilthns. For seine uses it i oven preferable to felt , and Is foumttlto be very serviceable. Seniskin romaine the fashionable choice for fur garments , and so popular ha's ' it bucoino that it is nimnost impossible to lot a pet cat out of doors without having some small boy grab It aunt start ui mu run for the furrier's. A robe for a child's sleigh , or for a man's either , l made by knittIng a stripe of bright colored yarns , using for this tIm oiils aitil endsimi the house then have a pisimi stripe of darkcolorod yarn ; finish withascahlopod edge. Soalekin jackets closely fiLtod to the riguro are iiow this season. They two simmgle.broasted with arohilug collar , and are thirty.throo or thirty-four hmichies bug to correspond with the length of thno vurso which it takes to buy thomn , Among elegant novelties In dross trimmings sent over fromit Paris are richly oi brnidored metallic hiuhlions and incrustations of aonui. vrecious stones in relief upon velvet , chenille , brocaded satins anti finely darnassod sIlks in Louis XIII designs. Painteti triiuniiimgs of all kinds are meeting with marked favor , and many slur , velvet , and satin i > ltuiis , t'everis , pauiols , ansi waist COLitIS for cutaway bodicom mire now 1mm the course of iroparatlon ) , to wear combined with elegant evening dresses of a contrasting usa- terial. School girls are crocheting dark red and shirk blue zephiyrs imi tufted tricot.stitchi whichi they shape imito coverings to the derinsumi bsiiitlsniaii stud jockey.cap foumitlatlomis , which they purchase at the fancy stores for a trifle. 'l'ino timiy brimna over the ayes ore covered with velvet or phimeli , with ii twisted ISICCO of the shine carried around the edge of the cap in the back. Tue newest bodice for young ladies' hmomito wear is the mmmano'war blouse , with loose sleeves buttoning tightly In a wide binid at the wrist , auth with the regular deot , , loose turn.ovor mnmurimso collar tied with a bunch of Iiioatl rlbtsosts in front , or fastomied by i imihic cord caught together in a sailor's Icimt. The blouse Is hung , falling in a imoft pouf over time tunic or skirt drasery. 'rimsy palm Psittorits aisil Oriental designs in a great variety of rich colors , time intorining. ling of whIch takes oil any effect of gaudiness , are to be seen both 1mm silk auth woollen fabrics mis uvohl wi iii fancy mixtures of both materials. Those are utot this season omuisloycil for entire dresses , but rather for effective nppliancus such as scarfs , paiseis , vests , nsitl facings. A correuslomldent of the New Yorlc Evening Post iraIses thu umiontal amid mmioral qualities of .4515 1 runiclsco women. but obImmt to their lavish use ( If 1saiist and Powder mismil fashion of womirimig their hair lttw tlnwu on the forehead. His exceptions sure vell takeim , for If anytimims . cast detract froiss a hiamsulsosimo face it its aim art ficial comns1exion amid a brow obscured by "saul 506 waves ' of false hair. Iteserveil , Time mimics P1 ° gmaccth thmi festive board , l'ulauclmig ' its juices rare , Ansi time umuoutliof our babywsutorstho while lie loweth the treasure there. . Tue doctor smiloth a wams , sad smile And hoavoth a crocodile moan , And the marble umiamu oethout into his yard Amid vohishoth up a stono. Amid the ummdortalcer mournfully asks \Vliat " uvill isis ineasurobot" 'mVhiilo thiosoxtoniabols a spot " Reserved , ' 1Jndera willow treo.-'hmilatlolpimism News. i JtIIulG1OUS. Hankoy vhhl have emily Christian singers im isle chief us , f Thmo Third German I'reslyteriau obsurchm ol Newark , N , J , , was dedicated Novoimuler 4 , The general commferonce Of time ilotimouhfel EiIscoimh church , which mueotis in l'hiiiamlei I' j > hsis next May , wiU another about (00 ( issues. bees. l'ere Hyacinth , iii ma sutrumsumi at the Frencl Protestant chmumcim Iii Nosy York , closoti b mayizig that the immerease of riches is tlto great danger of the United States , A zn.'usive pulpit of brass amimi nolishmeml immar his and a hirsums lectern were unveiled All SaIimt Day , in St. uInrk's church Mstuchz Chemisk l'ii. , ium moinoiiahs of the wlulow auid son of thu late Asa l'aekor. l'rem.byterhmuuissn 1ut a Pretty sohiul footiss ; hi the great statu of i'ozuiusylmania , The synot l of I'enmmsylvamsia embraces tusosmty.thurce Pros l , byterim's , P31 chussrchmes , 183fl9t ) coiuissmuimlcaut.s and 14103 Sabbaths m.ehooi mmsuwbers. 'rise l'reabytery suf Sacransento took actios requesting its issimuietors not to huorformis tb S asarriusgo ceremony between divorced h1ormsus except thi divorce be for the cause speciflom in the Scriptures , and only for the innocent party , Roman Cathuohio Bishop htendricken , of l'rovidonce , It. I. , Issue issued is vastoral pro. hnibiting ( lancing at fairs and iazanrs , huelmi for church or in aid of church societies and associations on the ground that ilancing tefll5 ( tO immorafity. lie reserves to himself amid his Vicar.Gonoral time to forgive lhsoso who trangrosim the rub ho lays down in thmi reef nect. A curinuse provision appears in the will of , Tohuim (111pm , probatouh ( In Tuesday 1st hittaus. ing , l's. lb beqimoathis SlOt ) annually to St. 2miary's Catisolla church df ICittaning "to be given on Christmas 1)sy each year , provided the bell of said church is ring for one hour on October 8ti ( if every year , stout on failure to ring said bell for three consecutive 'oars thin bequest ceases. " October Sth is time deani moan's birthday. Time Reformed Cisuirchi has a total communi' cant membership of 80hlhS. Time members ro. ceivel ( iii confessinh of faiths last vent were a 81"S and by certWcates 2,307. 'there ' are hoW 1,67 chmurchme.'e , beimmg a gain of covets over the previous year : fnb uuinistorms , a gain of thmirt.eon , 555(1 .nroG families. 'I'hme baptized noncomntmninicasItM muimmniier 29,60q , and time scholars iii Smimmulay chmool , & 1,59. 'l'li to tal contributions for all hssrposes ) Was iO97 , . .icr5. An Elovnor Acekiont. I'rom The Wnshimmgton Critic. Quito a stir WM created in tim postoffico do. iartmnosit at noon to.tlny by thie tailing of the elevator Iii tisat building. At time time of the accident thioro were thsreo ladles , belongisig to the sixths auditor's office , and tIm attend. ante In time cage whom the steel rope broke , ani , as the cage only fell one story , nobody wan hurt , thought the ladles , of cousrso , wore mucim frightened. There was souse trouble in relonsisig tlmo ladies ( rout time cage , Inst with thia almI of a ladder thmoy were smiost free from their inconvenient position , 'Twas on time elevator's deck Sue stood in all her glory- ( Time mneasloy timing had stopuod half way Above time second story. ) Shin stood alone \Vithfn I her breast ) Ahternato fears and 10)1)05 Swelled 'ii' and down-thmo boy uhid smut Quito understatmd tIme ropes. : Fast flow thso news , ammil fester yet Cause melding till thmo uderks , acfi omm fish cager thmoms to show .Jtmst how time old thing worlcs. The watchfuh captain of time watch Itaus off arid gut a latluler Amid placed it iii , against time vali : lie thossghst for sure lie lutd hen Aiasf Ambition oft is ( loomed Our lips oft amiss tim cmmpi Site mnado one effort to come ilowit Amid then-f site gave It upi Dumb terror seized sipon the throng , And ninny a lip grow halo , \Vimihu strong most turned aside and went Outside to got their ale. "lEo ! Make a way I" Time hero comes I Time Ittlies bold communassler , Sprumig to tIme broach , and on thmo floor In safety seems did land lien. saved I hurrah I The cheer wont tsp , And thou each bravo speculator Made way to let time iady pass . Who stopped the el vator. PEL'I'EltMINP J)1tOPS , Title is time season of time year whoa it Is a cosimseon occurommco to find a dog.collar in the nuimsco pie you buy at time baker's. TimoCithlfornlans are worried. Whmenever a fresh chest of to is opommud they oxpeet ass isnportcd Clmiimese laborer to hop out of it like , Jack frees life box. 'l'hma lllsmns.rck musts got ( hit yestermlny wtlm his linoim coat on amid looked at his timormnomn. etor. Ossly 'JO degrees below zero I lie took off hmimm coat and carried it on his arm. The omsgineer in cimargo of the government vonicus at Key Vest has fishtail up a copper catusson of tiso fiftoomuths centusry. 'mViiich elmo of our war voel dropsout it is imot stated. It speaks well for Emperor \Viiliam's so' briety that ho hiss vIne lit his cellar 20(1 ( years old. however , ii the whmite hioue had boost built thmat mummy years -but it ] masss't , and wlmat'ms time Use of speculating 1" A Cimscinnati street car conmpany hiss given each of its comsductorun a present of 81(10 ( for else year's faithful services. Timose conductors must have uscked in thmo passengers witim street imavers hammuinorms.-Sunday Dispatcim , A Chicago yomsg mass in a rash moment a St. Louis paper Wmys , told his girl that if site would htammg isis imer stocldng on hallow E'en ho would fill it to time bruit with somnethi mug nIce. When he saw her stocking lie was tissue. clued whtotlmor to get into It himself or buy her a sowism ! machIsmo. Advices from the hseadwaters of Salt creek are to the effect timat the firmn of Butler. Foraker , asiti lCiimco Imas gone entirely into the busimmess of funmmlshtimmg sfliie's tlowmt for feather bode. Snipes are very iieiItY on Stilt creek timis 5005055 , amid they are imusmited in tIme old way- wIth a base druni and a groess ba'izo bag , \Vimat would society think ? " asks an ox- cluango , ' if a immams shiculd enter a ball rooimm with imis anise bare to thu shiousldor amid his imIrt open fromme where his suspemuders cross in tlso back to time third buttofl on his vest in froimti" Society wousld thlssk isis issatrintoni. al lot a irotty toughs onu.-Bunhimmgtoms Fnco 1'res. . "Asm' Illiwat is yen son , Tamno , dolmt' now , 1us. O'Imtltertyh" "Sitro , an' lie's bocomne a great gimmtloimmamm , wid sicim foimmo clothes on hmimmm yu'd mint know hmimms. lie's in soisme basmk be. ymimit Cincitmmtati , l'ure , O'Flammigaim. " ' ' 4sstl ilmwtmt batik ius it ? " "Faiths aim' it's time Fany batik I iolayo they calls it.-Kemmtimchcy State , Totmnmmal. "Where were you ommgagctl last ? " asked a lady of the now colored conk. ' 'Yen ougimtott 'ten ask mmmc that , lady. " ' 'I just wamutto kitow 5 $ it SisSy tommul to give you character.Vnlh , In'iy ' , do las' ' ( into I was engaged was dowmm lit mb bottoitis. I was emmgngotl to Bob l5imillips , do tnllflnestyahler mmmii 1 obor seoul.Vyiady , dat immamm st ltl my yomsr'nimigs amni nmmismmed away. how mnsuimy thues vus yerseif engaged lath- i'lmiiatlelphmln Gail , A ] ialtismmure judge Imas Just decided titat a ssmsi is ilmuble ummmder a law of , tarvhatstl for mml'usmderoums vorm1e uttered by Isis wtfe , nmsd a tr. Scltoles of that tity , hida had to tmay $ ior bccmntstm 1rs. .9t'holes hunt nid uumklsmd timings of ma Mrs. Machum. 'l'imls tloelsiomm cortalimly toimde to commtplseato timu imsasital rolatiost iii Il mirylosmul , mmmiii u lit imscm ease thmo caution with which young inmost of hiimhted inscomnes are sup. , csoul to nnproachi tisum wielded state. . CONNUIiIaLITIES. A double s'otlthiisg in wimichs two brotlsors % u.lIl umuarry two sisters , is to take llaee near 1111)011 ) , "iVfscoitsois , cmi 'rhmnnlcsglvlng , I'nimmco Louis , of iiattemsborg will r'arry Pmincemss Victoria , of Itusso larmststau1t , fit Fobrisary , Thus I't4mmco ofValos attommds the coromstotty. A niece of tIme late Sotsator Ben Hill recent. ly , mit a fashtiommablum wouhuhimug , mmmet for the first timmmo us young gommtlommsamm whom she mmuarnied'timu 551110 us ) ' . A ' 'wisim.bone" ' wedding is now thmo roper way to tie hlymmiems's rosy fetters. Time couple stand umhor a floral piece , shaped in time torus of us wisim.bonu. Time custom of hmnvimig a "mmsaful of imonor" at Now 'i"urk vuult1lmmge is pomtslmur.Ve Immsnglmte thmst timee immighut bt ) .Ilftitiuhty in obtaimmi mug ' many of tlmomn tissue tlmatway , ? tr. ltiuumiltomm .IcCumnurifcc , of Chicano , timc immvomttor of the thtreshmiimg mmtacimimme will idmorthy , imuarry an Erie yoummg fatly. 'l'imo Erie girl lou , amparuimtfy treat confidommue lit hmorsolf. Max Motzer atiti 111)55 ? mfmsoro mmsot In Nets York , site trying to tutu lien lover uvhmo 'ru ' ceded lien fromn Gorimsasmy. Time iotor svasmm't ' ready mumul 1'tiix amid Itossis stmarniud , It ahl itainisomiuui fit tsmme hsotmz , A Bridgeport imsinistet' is tyorrioul boc.ttsso hu morfonimmeul si mnanmimugo oorommtommy uvlthmmst look. rig at time license. After time curomsmutmmy lie fmntriti that time uloemsimmumit uvaus issued imt mtessa' I clmuistmtts , amid mmow lie does mmot kmtow where 1mb cemmimle sue smesmdlsig their itumiteymimooss , so as Ic warn timommi tlmut Ihtuy mnut beglim mull over egoism , . Tue ronmtimmtie oxisorfemmee ( If Miss Beach , , the Bethel , Commms. , yiummg lauly Wit ) ) s'ruto hues , imasmme cmi time band mmf a bat suid flimsily szmmirniod time Now ( ) rleans gomitloistan isuto wlmoso imaumihi t It full , imsum had arm unoxlectetl sequel. Of I course time other girls in tis bitt shop dId the . 805550 timing , ammd zsow \Vostonn Iirmmu hiss no' I fused a eunsigmimneut of lusts ccitt ems timek ordom I - because so nuany of them have yotsag women's names written Inside the bands. The Cincinnati Enqumirer snontions the case of a girl who Ii engaged to hO marrinl. The dsit of time wetiding iS fixed for Christmas Dey , with the odd condition , imposoni by the prospective bzimhegroom , that limo bnido itt the altar shall weigh l'2 pommnnl. She custs'l have recourse to time methods of jockeys , and bring herself up time required standard by strafmpin pieces of nsetah to lien body nor will time ord nary ( lovices of firoduscing a comely mhegreo of rotundity to Uuo eye of this casual observer an. swer tim hmusrposo. Accordingly , she is now a hmard drimilcer of kousnise. Miss Bile. , leisklns of Manchester , Vt. , iota Just stumrtei , for St. I'etcr , Musts , , on a ratimer tmnitjtse imiisin-to , , become a guest at. the Imotise of mu wealthy farnmer-assd5 if the sjir. ronmsdings are to lien taste , to fssmahly imsanry him , ' .limreo years ago 0550 of Ella's miii coin. passions married stud weimt Vest , Before mIning so , however , iio promnifOti to hmusnt 1sf ) a hmu'bnustl for Miss , Iemsklne. After looking around time neigimbonimoomi oh St. l'ctcr for an eligible young mass , slmo fussily ottled on is widower , infrined , imini of her promise to Miss , iesskirm stud ienuaicul , , imiiii Is ) write to time ytting lamly in Matmciiestet. 'l'hiia lie did , anti thte reemsit it ; tisat MIss , lenkimms is ssow osi ltor way to flsoot hser sinknowim hover amid to marry' him If all limits out well , MAItSIIALL. Mo. , November 16.-A very singular incidoist oceurrc'l ' lucre last evoimiisg at time reshhenco of D V. harrison , 1sq. , the occasion leing ) time murirriage of hiss oldest slaughter , Miss Nettle , to Mr. Charlie McAfee of-Spnirmgflohmi , Mo. The time nhiiointctl for time coromnommy Was 1 o'clock , as titmuy intended to heave on time 6 o'clock train for time trast. At the appointed hour Fnthmer O'Dwyer , time Cathiolio imriost of this city who hmmul been ma. vitea to perform time ceremnommy , arrived. Pro. viosse to iogimsimimmg thmo ceremony the Priest called Miss Nettio sable from the tither mimemn bersof time famnihynnul in.striscte'l ' lter in tiio isature of somne qisostione , according to Oaths. mmhfc ceroimmony , which , he wotmid be expected to answer , ommo of which was that sue woumlul rear amid elmmctte , hmcr fuumimsly 1mm time Cathohi3 belief. She at once immiigtmammtfy , refused to answer mussy ssmcim questioms , aims ! informed tue inlcot tisat if imo coultl imot mnatly thi'smn witis' test uichm mitsestidims that lie imeed not mars' ) thtoiti , 'l'hme luriest rephit'd timat , hso coisld tint immarry thomim useless titus ahjvo , nitd otlmer qutos. tlomms voro complied witim , whmicht she still ( he. chimseul to fliIsWcr , ammtl imotilietl lmimsi thmat ho Would be excuseul from ) erformmming the core snny. , ) ltov. Ta. 1' . Bouvemi , hmastor of time I'reshyteiami citurchu of timi city , of which the bride Is a ismomnimor. was semmt for and mmmade tlte comspio clue. Timogroosmi im ; a Catitohic , amtl it was at iii. request that a lineal was called to marry them , Tlmo Tragedy of ( iso Flowers , ' 4 My dear , " said airs. Clarence Browum , One nigimt at hialf-jmast eight. " Unless you take those flower Imots down 'I'lmoy'hI freeze its sure its fate ; Time nir is growing very chill , Anti frosts time grass ammul grove- So take thorn fImmfl time WIIIIiOW sill And sot thsomn round the 8tove. " Now Mr. Brtwn , jutet like a mass , Wasi in ito mood to luloae , And simuttoring , ' ' I doim't care a - - " And " Let tlte old thimmgs freeze , " lie , witlt a heartless. nusthihoss air , l'oked nstralglmtway off to beth , Amid left those flower'pot.s atsssmdhsmg there Forlonmt , as aforesaid , Whton mrs. Brown betimnes noxt'day In trepidation rose , What Wits lion anguish and dismay To flimd Imer Plammts wore froze ! Time gentle lLow'nms that once ut bloom had isheasod with busch and scent Wore now wititin that frosty room In dull destructIon blent. ENVOY. Some obscquiea engros ed the town That day at half-past three ; They buried Mr Clarence Brown Bemtcatiu a willow tree. MUSICAL .D J1tAM.T1O. Mme lUve King played last week in Boa' bit. John McOmmlioup'h will be time attraction at the PhIladelphia Opera house Christmas week. "J'imo Stranglers of Paris " which has made a hit at tito Now York Paric theatre , will ho putt upon the stage. Miss Zohino Mantoy , the violinist , has become - come ISis's. ZeiineMnutoy-Beroghty , hex' Itus- band being the well.kaewn basso , Time ongagosnent of Fanny , Davosmport in "Fedora" imas booms extended to December 22 , at Ilmivorly's Fourtoossthm street theater , "Itichord 111" was given at the Boston Museum , with Mr. Charles Barren as King wito imsade the dogs itowl whiba ho was bent. Maulamno Jnnauschek produced a new play entitled "Marina. " it lit Clavelanti Nov. 8 , I' , a translatliun of "Madelainu ; or the Belle of the Faubourg. " Eti'ie BusIer lisa been engaged to replace Mitmmmie Cottsvay Levy Tearle sit the Ummiomi Squsane theatre and. vihl make her first up. hlearaitce itt ' 'Sts'rm Beaten. " Sutnday mwhmoois , citurcim chmoics and all inter' ssted 1st Cjinistmnas immuslo are now bumsy soak. lug their selections , preimaratory to putting in roimearsal time mommy masterpieces. Mr. Irvhsmg intends to play sosmme one part lit oachm city tiuat iso hiss miot played fit army 'otiser city , amid lie hiss cimosen 1 hilatlelimbia to give "hamlet" for time first time jim title country. Tito Jay lUsh "Taken from Life" company opened iii Portland , Oregon on the 5th tsmtt isimul are tvell slokomt of by blue local ia1)Ct's ) , u.s titoy have been all aiommg time Northern l'acilic route. l'iaimo teachers and vuidls will be greatly In. tonestod in the asmmstmuumcemont that Frammz Liszt hiss iii isress his "School" for the piano , its thuree vohummnua , ems ss'imich Ito has boost at wonic all hmls life. : it1'tu Llihimumm Norton Cower hind ii warm ne coimtiomu at her opemsiimg concert lit l3tmutoim last week , Simo is time Mume. Nondica of tile l'anis oiwrI. : , lIrs. ( lower ismatle Imor dusbutt in Bos. toms five years ago , thtemi a P ° ° ammd friendless girl. Site retutnised famous and thio tvifo of a iulhiiomomiru. 'rime Now York Tribune says that Patti no. ceiveul a s'ehi.ssmenIted tmvutlouu Iii ' 'La Guzza ] adra , " ' 'Simo scoimmed imovet' to have ummoved wIth ummoro Imitluamit grace , or to imave usmmg amid acted with mmtoro wflolcsnitto devotion to time bumsimmess hue hail In hmamsd. 'i'tm describe lmow shmo smusig us'otsld be slmmmply to rhapsodize ; liar simmgimmg vams smut simply aim oxpo.sltiomi , it was aliim0st a revelations of isis arc utmitauphIy at lms'esemmt lit its decadence. " Time Drasmsatio Timsios says : Mr. IrvIng's fmrmstwouk was somisetimimig ussmder $16 000. it would lumsvo Iwost mtlthmlmmg 111cc thmls ham ! miot ? ulr. Abbey multi eusbecnitition ticicets to time asssousmst of 3OOOO , for time emigisgemmmemmt of fomtr weeks , whsichm of Itself gives t'JOOO a week to the mmmassmmgcmmmont. ' 'l'hmese subscniptiomt "oats ts'oro hold by the simocttlmutom'mm at Imigit irlces usutil timroe days befmmnts the oummiimg , wimomuit bcgtsi to look tory thmibloum , . ' 1 luesi tlmoy all euuiiemsv. oreul to tutlotul. 'l'boro c.m'mmse mu glut of tIckets. ammml at a ijutarter iust , : 8 nit tue opemmlmmg umighit very emsusmy omcimestrms snubs Were sold omt tin sidowalic for 51) cemmts each. 'I'ise gmthhery wai msumt half full , nimul the balcony only fairly bC - A Great Traveler. ' BALTI8IOIIn , IiId.-lIon , George Ccl toit , Police Commimissionor , writes : \Vlter. over I Jmavetrhveled : in Esigland , Framtco Gormstammy , 1igypt or time holy Laud , Sb , ' Jacobs Oil Is recognized as it blessing U hmumitamsitl' , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ] irowmu furs are fmtst cumnmiimg lit favor egahsm . amid iuuilos 'Win ) have takoim cairn mit thucir so bios eumul seismic fuss's aiim minus' rewarded , 'I'm I iiovelty Iii thmo'm Is bite use tmsmtuio of the tall of the asmimitals , wimichi tins mmow itot iii so strilos , but urn mnmtthu to Imamig st'jsarntel ' like time fnimmgo of scalps on a wild limdiau belt. - _ _ _ _ Time Olmimiest , Must Go Amid so must mmeunmmlgia ammul rhuonsmimatisumt I truest Dr. Ttouta'rlecritu Oil attacks timeimm - 'l'hmis inouhiclimo is is inam'vehtinum lurou'tuct of imigu imbue thuoumghmt. Ills ) ' it asmti try it. Soiehm1mu ie used mm blmidimmg omt coloret velvet hnolummmlulso , smith ismssiehu a ciutly tnimmismilci thmzit it Is soul by time fitch. 4'tsmyummo wIth m'cil-traiueui eye for mnnmuuttrOmimeiut cami tell at I . glammee hew sodit time fair weaner's husband w'mi go I msto I mmumkrimptey , Osmo of time rules of the board of school 1mm specters of , ioliet Is : ' ' 'flint sic teacher tm'Il bo allowed to accept a Prebetmt by doitatinim ' and etusitnIbutiomme of the vuvlis of utmmy of tim . puiblie schools. " PAND IF. , 'I If youste ! suffering from poor health 'or languIshing on a bed of sickness , 't.sko cheer , it OU are lm1ly ailing , 'or if you foci weak and dispirited , wIth. 'oust clearly knowing why , iiop flitters 'will . " enrely cure you. "If ou area mtnieter , and hsve overtaxed your. ecif with )0UT 1Os'I ruluties , or allethcrworn oust 'with care and work , otis man of humsiness or laboret weakened hytha strain of your cs'eryuiay dutIes , or moan of letters , toiling over you , nsidnight work , flop Bittois will y strengthen you. " "II you are suffering 'from over.eating or ' , hrfnkin any immdoscre. 'lion or dfcelpustiat , , ) r 'era youngantl growing too fast , as is often ( ho case , " "Or If you era in the workshop , on the farm , at the ilesk , numsywhoro , and foci that your system needs clcatmslmmg , ton' lag orstimulating , without Irstoxicatlmmg , you areold , blood tisin amid impure , 'puio fcablo , asrs'o unsteady , faculties 'waning , IL1s flitters is what yats need to 'to give you new flfc , health amid vigor. " If you are costive or dyspeptIc , or euflening from sissy ether of the mummer. oudioaso. of the stomach or bosels , It is your own fsumlt if ) 'oU remain iii , " Ii you are wastIng away wIth any form of ICidisey disease , stop tempting deaths this issomont , and turn foracuroto flop Hitters , If you mure sick with that terrible sickness Nervousness , you will finti a 'flaimnin Olicad' in iiop flitters , If you arc a freqmemmtor , or a rceldcnt of a miasmatIc , littrict , barricade your system agnimmet time scourge III all coimmi. tries-malaria , cpitiomufc , bilious and Intermittent fevers-by the use of flop Bitter , . If yots have rough , pimply , or sallow skin , had breath , hop flitters will gis-o you fair skin , rich blood , the sw'otest breath , and health. EOO whit ho paId for a case they will mmot cure or heip. 'Ihat ioor , bol ridden imwnlhl tyfic , sister , tuother , orIaugimtcr , , can be mssatlo limo iictmmro of imoaith by a few bottles of lIop flitters costing but atrillo , tr. S. 13. Wiiitisoy , time eminent Boston organist , hiss always iuisiule it a hlractlce to dis. I emise ts'itit imotos when playlmmg 1mm publIc. rime iractice has imrovod as bemmeflclah in his csue as 1mm timose of ulo plmsmuists , time playing gnmnlmmg romnarkabhy in fummisit mmd expressive qualities. ilorsford's Acid l'iiospliato FOIt ALCOHOLISM. Dr. C. S. EI.LIS , Vabash , md. , Bays : 01 prescribed it for a man who had used imitoxicamtts to excess for fifteen years , but during the last two years has entirely sub' sthinod. lIo'thtimmks the Acid Phospltato is of much benefit to him. " Mile. Dudley mit nuts Titeatre Frnssca'ts , Paris , surehy is devoted to imer ant , Site lisa just itad six fromst tooth drawn , us order tltat lte nmay lisp in nccordanco witim tjie require. snout of hmor role itt "IjOs Maucroix. . - . A B"tL Breath Is insufferable , We don't like it , A person with a strosmg breath mntsst smot isimmko hlmmmsehf very famnlliar with us. An inmpuro breaths i caumseh by an ummmimoalthy stoninclt. Burdock Jibed lliffrm's will correct this evil. They are the boat stoinacit immatlicine knosvn , Edwin Booth's engagumtmommt in Boston is tiuo largest over kimosvn ins the Globe Thmootto ; tiso receipts are over 82,000 imighitly. Mr Booths's trip nbroad Imas dommo him snuck good , both physicaily imsid mentally. Tghtnces in thochost is a forerunner of disease. , S'anarUan , Xcrvine is the antidoto. $1 50. 'I Every epileptic sitiferor ought to try Sanzarian .Nc'vinc at once , " says Rev. , J. T. Etter , if Now Glarus , Wis. " It's a never failing remedy. " fr. Joseph N. Cltapek has inst returned to uhilwaukoo frnsn isis violin studies in Benhims , Ho ampoared at a concert last week in the first partpf time Mondelssuimn concents and is said to be a very good vlavor. . Served ilfist ItIgmt. "I have used JImrdock Etood liittcrs autd am happy to say thmoy imavo done sue mono good than anythimmg 'et. Send a furtber quamttity at oms3. " Timts moan was a sufferer front dys- 1)01)515 for twenty years. His minnie Is Alexan' dor Lough , amid ito llvos at Ahpena , Mich , Time country editor hmaa isis hands full nowadays - adays writing good old.fashuiuned , gray-head. ad , tootimless jokes about the Thmastksgiving tttrkoy aitd whooping it up to imis subscribers to bring itt thteir wood while the roads are good. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fiuy 13. II. Douglas & Ceiss' Capsicum Coumh Drops for your clmiidrems ; time ) ' are isarmsulcse picasimmg to ( ho taste and suhil euro ( lieu coids. I ) . 3 , and Trsmd Mark on misery drop An Ohmio man trmed to steal a church , , Tust what an Ohmlo muon wanted sutch sum edifice for will puzzle a good many guessers. _ tAJ'i ASPECIFIC FOR ' FAIt2 ° 8 : , z11. - ' - . - - - - - - sbus , .1"taung yU1 = , = : : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Scrofula Kfngs I I r I Evil , Ugly Blood _ _ Diseases , .DLISPep' . eta crvoUSflC8B , UJOINIQLEIBIOjR ) ; : : .Nrvoas Wcaknus , Brain Worry , .WOG. .2 , Blhfoumaness , CostWcness , Nervous i'roetratiou , Ktdnci'l'roubtcs atcl ! rrefluttzrWCS. 1.flO. t'Smimmpi o 'l'esm I mommln is. "Samnnitamt Nervinois tiotmigwomuders. Ir. J. 0. MeLemoims. Alexasudor City , Ala. . "I feel It may duty to recommend it. " 1)r , I ) . P. Lasigishin , Clyde , It.ansas. "Itcmiredwhere lulmysiciasms fallout , . Jtev. J. .A. ldie , fleaver , Pa. farrespuss.lt'nco : rccly nnsss't'retl. " sr testimonials end circulars send stamp. The fir. S. A , ilchmnonmi : Med. Co. , St. Jooph. Mo , i- . ' ' uv , cli ' ,1Ov''l j AI' ' , A tI iI ; k I ' ' Ct , k5I _ "f ! , . . . 44Y tJ'stZiii5Z1 ( ] ' $ * + c st 8. ' . CD ; ' 'u ai i . 4 # . . _ _ _ CHARLES SHIVERICK , Furniture ! ' " : ; apc Have just received a large quantity of flew c , E AND AM OFFERING THEM AT VERY LOW PRICES PI.SSENaER ELBVPAITOBD CHASI SHIVERICK1 rTl 'II 'r'i 1200 , 1208 ml 1210 Farnani St I' 0 . &OOL ] - OMAHA , NEll. V7M SIF.YTD H3 , . ' . . ? 'MMiUFAI7rURER OF OF ST1tIOTLY FIUflT.CLAS Carriaae , BuaaeRoa ! aaOlis AND TWO WHEEL CARTS , 1519 mind 1820 Harney Street andlo3 S.18th . Street , . . , -'f'7tff ft 71' netnatod Catalogue furnished free upon applIcation. " 3'e 'S Granite Ir nware 1' Ti. ' 'ID BROILING. EAKING .U 1 , BOILING , PRESERViNG , JttaTE aTE r LIGHT EANDSOME , .L WiiOI ± SOME , .DURABLE. c . , The Best Ware Made ! 'or tile Iitchen0 ' .4 " & 'IROt MANUFACTURED ONLY thY TH 'd , LOUIS STAMPING OOMPANY , St LOUIS :1j'oi. : ' , a1o 1iv 311 tovo , JTor1wi d joufurpi1iiiirr { ' ' J. A. WAKEFIELD , , EWUOLESALE AND EErAIL DEALER IN LuMber. , Lath , Shllg1e ! , Pickets , Sll1 BOORS , BLINDS , AUULBIITU , LIE , CBIENP , PLASTER , &U. STATE AGENT FOR MILWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY. Near Union Pacific Depot , - ' . - OMAHA , NEB : . -rEtF : / DEALERS IN Hall's Safe and Lock Comp'y FIRE .MTh BURGLAR PROOF SAFESVAULTSLOCKS&c. , : i. 2Qx'isLxxLcLm trcot. mztJa. AnheuserBusch f4419BREVING ' ASSOCIATION ot f4419/ # Al - / ( , ,6. . _ _ _ - 'Va : - ' i : . CELEBRATED ; ijji.5 \ , cS * . E .e' . I LLW.Lii2 : ? I Promptly Shipped.s , . . ALL OUlt GOODS ABE MADE TO TUE STANDARD cJfc't ; ] ? , F. SCHLIEF , SolQ Agent for Omaha andtlme Wost. Ocr. 9th Street amid Capitol Avonuo' c I3 cui : = ASK oua oitoctms Fofi TIIH _ _ _ L OMAHA . DRY HOP YEAST WARRANTED NEVER TO FAIL. Manufactured by the Omaha' Dry Hop Yeast Co 2718 nUitT fltEET. OMAHA , NF.Ii I sooth's OvaF' rad . AD L FIESH FISH AT WHOLELESA \ , , ' p. II. BEEMER , .AgemmtOmnaha. A A H. PHILLIPS , II I Merchant Tailor ! U U 1ff04 Yarnctm 3t. , Next Door to Wabash Ticket Office. N . . , . . . Rcquol t. an ixatmuimustion , of Iii. flue stock a WOOh.EZS. A scia.1ty ua'o of YlSuE SPIES A .D OVbWOA'fll. Juiso a fmiii hinu of 1S'sintss SuItfi-g. . mmd Tiosiienirpe. .tfl gara.etmts guaramtced to be made in ( us fat est it ) lee amid ithu the beet tmlmwlm'gs. CALL Ab I ) SEtI ME.