- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - : ? - . --s-- - ; : ( THU1SDA'1 oMR 22. 13 THEDAILYBEE---iAflA , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , - I , TIJEDAILY BEE. O1\1AHA \ Thursday Morning , Nov. 22 rlI9 Vcat1icr. For the upper Missip1)i Vft1I07 cloar. ing woatlior , preceded in the southern portion by Iigh rains , nliglit rise of bar crnot43r , and nearly stationry tenipira .turo. For the Missouri valley , fair % voathor stationary or slight fall uf torn. poraturo in the north portion and sbght rise in the southern portions. LOOAL BREVITIES1 -3arnoy ] & Jiorry skates at Ilirnobaugli & Ty1ora. lOood lrn -Illinobatigh & Taylor , Omaha , sdl Buffalo U. S. 3tandiuU scaio. Write for Prices. n8lrn . -Tho entrance way to tli Patton hotel Is bthig papered and otherwise beautlfiel. -In vollco court yesterday there were two cMos for disturbing the peace. They wore each lined $ and costs. Ono of thorn liald and the ether , ias committed. -TImo immprio.or of the Millard hotel ate mutt1ng "p a stsndplpo with a ladder on each side of It In tIme centre of their 1)ouglas troot front , to ho used as a fire escape. 8ovoral other appliancoi for similar purpose are being ing contructod about this poimular house , and whoa all are completed a very complete sys. torn ofliro escapes will bo the romult. The liro- trlotori of this house are Justly entitled to the ' 4.hankzm of the traveling pubilofor titus looking ( after their safety , and it will ho fully appre- -Time Academy of Music will ho open next 'week. Castlo'd Celebrities will ho the nttrac. tiomi. -Travel contIntioi to be lIght , and is ox- Iected to rornaln so until the approach of tIm hoiulnys. -ThanlcsivIng day a . .oriot. of turkey shootiurmatcho. . . v1lI ho held by tIme city - NextVcdnesday evening , the 28th , the Ibletropolitan club will give the first of it. . winter acHe. of ball , . at Falconor' . . hall. -Bishop O'Connor will remove , In a few iayii , to hi. now residence on 1urt strcot , .iorth of the Academy of time Sacred ilortrt. -TIme second story of thonow St. l'hllomo- ma's school buildiug , on Ninth and Howard ftrect. , has boon reached , and will be finished iii time for the prlng term. -Time street cars did not run farther than ( ho corner of Fift.eontli and Farnama stret. yoitorday , owing to the work that hi being done upon the track at that placo. -The cao of IionGoorgo , charged with the roblcry of $70 , was called In the police court yesterday. 1art of the testimony WM heard. The ca..o will come p again at 10 o'clock tbL. morning. -A .orlos of meeting. limo. been commenced at the Baptist church by Rev. H. W.irown , ; . ot Chicago. Ruy Brown will preach every . ' evening except Saturday1 and will hold Bible immetings every afternoon at 3 oclock. Every. body ordIally Invited. -A nowbrlck building for a malt house ha. . L Imecut put tip at Krug's brewery , part being . I five storlea In height and vart seven atomic. . Who building stands 60b780 foot on the ground and will aulport two tower. , an elevator , and ri a ahafbfor the kiln , on the south attic. Time 'k , latter shaft rises to a height of 1013 foot from p hoground. : -The Omaha Auxiliary society for the I JLorno of the Friondiemus will macct Saturday , Nov. 21 , at 3 p. in. , at the ro.sidonco of Mr. . Dr. 1)Inamoro , nirthwost corner of Eighteenth f3troet and Capitol nvonuo. All member. are roriucated to be present. Time olflcnrs for the ensuing year uro te ho elected. By order of . the secretam y. -The apparatu , for imupplying the city ivithu gas by the now process , tinder the con- ract with the United Un. . Inuprovement coin. aumy , hma arrived. lingo Iron and brick cyl. uideri. , boxes and a large steam enpiuo and boiler are among the conuiguimont. Fully a j. ) . mumontli vhli be required to go ; the apparatu. asot Ut ) and ready for running. t _ _ _ fluckioui' , . As-nina Salvo. : Thogroatostmodlcalwondor.of the womud. Warnwtod to speedily cure burns , Cut. . UI. coma , Salt lthmcuum , Ifovcr Sores Cancer. 'ilos , Chilblains , Corns Totter , dhappoul liamuis , and all skin orultons , gurmrantood to cure in .Iver7 instance , or money refunded. 25 coot. c , mr'box : * PERSONAL. ' 4 _ _ _ _ flA F.V. . Kenney , of Blair , is at the Paxton , L v. H , Mungor , si Promont , is at the lard. : j iT. A. Keith , of North Platte , I. at thu J. B. lEsyos , of oward , I. . atoppingat thu . Millard , ( leo. W. I'ost , of York , I. registered at thi , . Ibilulard , Dr. A. L. Stovonon , of Grand Island , Ia a the L. 0 , Burr , of Lincoln , rogiiter.d at tb l'axt.on yoatrdny. 1 ? ! r , and Mrs. John 13. Tidball , of Crete , ai b -at this Paxton. IL It. Downing , of Kearney , was among tb laxton'a arrival. yaterday. -0. 11. Andoon , clerk for H. It , Becket ( returned from a woek'i visitat CrestonIows Tucoulay cvonlug. B. M. Wilsey , of Blair , Neb , , I. at this P.u t.on. . * J _ IT. Ilaziett , of Kearney , La & Paxton mu rlyal. Julia B. Enghh , of 1oter , is atoping a t tbo I'axton. 1' . SYilson , ef Lincoln , Li at tIme Paxt.on. J. J. Stubba , of Oakland , Is among the arm vtuia at the l'axton , lion. 0. V. l'ost , of York , Nob. , I. at ti MIllord. Sanford l'arknr , of Niobrara , arrived at ti I.hillard last ' . ' ip J. v. Barmmiaa ' . and wife , of Elk Creel % Yeto at the I'.xtou , last evening , on time } I svadding trip , Mr. flarnbart we. married ' Tuc..day last at Tecumnsoh to Miss Cltulb V04ter , of that phzce , Rev. V. luL Carey , the Episcopal church , performed time rem snony. Mr. Barnhart La ( ho editor ar ImmoPrletor of the Elic Creek Echmo lEe a ; ' , . L14 bride return to thoirimouno this morning , lVeIt Jiowaruisti. m it liberal reward will be lald to any imxl whu vliI vmduc a ca.io of Liver , ] Cldumoy St.omnach camplaint that. Electric Bitters wi ' F sLot iiocdIly cure. i3dng them along , It co4 you nothing for time medleino It It fnIl I cute , awl OU will be ve1I rewarded for you trophie bo.lutoa. All Blood dI..uma..e. , BhiIou suviJ , , laundic.u , ConsUpation , mmmi general del ' Ility are quicklycured. IJatltfa.cUcn gaurantoc or money refunded. Price only fifty cent. i battle. 1or sale by 0. 1 , Gooznsu ' , I. ' 1. . j , e' ; _ ! . _ _ DOWN AND 0111. ttill JUl11 B. Fnray Reoo from ftc Postal Scryic. A Letter that lie Wrote iu the Probable pauso. Ifo find Already Itesiguicui and Joes Not Cat-c. A brief telegram , under the date of \Vasluingtoiu , was wired to the Associated l'rcss Tuesday itight , as follows : "John B. Furny , postolilco inspector at Omaha , 1mM beemi removed. " This was tim first and only intimation , until 110w , given to the public concerning this surprisinf action of the pottofilco department. The telegram was confirmed yesterday , when a DEn reporter met Mr. Furay and asked him about it. Ho said it was truo. Ho had boon dismissed. Ho ox hibitcd the following official telegram : \VsiumHaro , P. 0. , Nov. 20. Johfl B. Furay , P. 0. Inspector , thnaima : 'rime postnm.ster.genoral Issued an order Into Isat evening discontinuing your pay and aer- vicosmu. . a atoffico inspector from that date. You vIlI turn over your case. and other gov- ornrnoht property lii your possession to some one who Imam. been instructed to go to Omaha from Chicago for thu.t. PurPose. [ Signed ] StrAin' , Chief Inspector. This telegram was received at Mr. Furay'n office Tuesday afternoon , but ho was out of the city end did not got it until yesterday morning. Time first notice - tico of lai dismissal that ho saw was in Limo dispatches in time morning papers. Mr. Furay has bug boon in the sor- % -ico of the postoflico department , and has done some gout1. work. TIm confirmation - firmation of the announcement of his dismissal will be received with great sur- priso. The public and his friends will be anxious to know Limo cause. It is , briefly , that Ito wrote a certain hotter to Limo department. This latter roused time ire of the dopartmnont , amid the answer that Mr. Furay got was the announcement - mont that his services and pay were forthwith discontinued. This letter - ter La quito iciuglhmy , and covora the entire - tire case. It is givois further on in this article. Another poiit to which attention - tion is called is that Mr. Furay had already - ready resigned. His resignation has been omno time announced , to take affect January 1 , next. So ito is not sufl'oring a hardship in retiring from the position. flow this matter of dismissal came about is as follows : On the 3d of No- vomnbor time postmaster general made an order and gave notice by telegraph that on and after November 1 postal in- spector. when in service moat miot take take more titan $5 a day and actual ox- penses. Hoictoforo they have boon al- loycd a salary of $1,600 per annum and $ i per day for expenses when in actual service. This b var day would be no longer allowed , but now inspectors itiust send in an account of their actual ox- expenses , accompanied. by receipts for tim sums expended. On November 8 , Mr. Furay sent in his report for October. This report was made out on tim basic of October pay. That is , $5 ior day was charged for ox- polises , as the Jaw , as it existed in October - bor , allowed. This account was sent back to hint with the statement that time postmaster general declined to approve it ; , and asking for an itemized oxponac ox- p02150 account. nh. Foray , in ropiywroto the letter , What followed has already boon stated. Mr. Furay takes tim matter very calm- ly. 110 says lie is glad that it has hap- Pened. Ho had resigned already , and doesn't want to get back , lie says lie viil not be bound by a retroactive law. In his way of looking at it , a ruling inrido iii November cannot be applied in the month previous. The dill'uroiico in the amount duo him under the old ruling and thu now one is not great , but ho objects to the priiiciI)1o. Mr. Furay says that ho has taken 'lip Lime cudgel iii behalf of the fifty-seven postal inspectors of the United States , and is perfectly willing to bo the first victim. Inspoctora all over the country have soot tologriumums congratulating himmi upon the stand ho has taken. Ho says lie will never jhlt iii his claim as the do- partutomit directs. i-Ic will carry the October account into the court of claims. The following is the fatuous letter , iii which is quoted tim corruspondonco ye- coivod from time dopartmuctit by Mr. l'urny : Po'royyicu Diii'uiratiN ; OFFICE Ol lrMvEu7roim , OtAiiA , Nub , Nov. 15 , 1883. J Sin : On Noveumibor 3 ( lust. ) I received from you a dispatch , of which time follow. I ing is an exact copy , as I take it ( rain tim oiinuil message , which is before inc t as I yrito , to.wit ; W.uumIiNoToN D. Ii. , Nov. 1. 1883. t To J. B ifuray , I' . b. Inspector , Oiuimihmii Nob. 'Vim. ihtmuMter geuiaral ha. ordered that uffrr .Nomy.ncr 1 , lmiepuctirs now receiving imo S utloumi uIIl be Paid iii Iiou thmrcof , their aetna OXIonscs , , mint tooxcecul IIo dohlarm , ver dn Li s'ImiIo actually traveling Oil tiopartmnont buMi fur which voucher. , imitist be lurosontud Full articuIais by imiail. ( Signed ) SilAlui' , C Chief Ium..pcctor. In duo course of mail I roceived'a lot , tar of which the following is a copy , to-wit : l'ostovFIcE DF.i-AIITiIrNT , ; . Orzcx oiCuimv P. 0 , INSVECTOII , WAHimiNuroN , B , O.Nov. fi , 1883 , r. Joiiut B. Furny , IC.i , , 1' . 0. Insimoctorm 5th-TIme vstrnMter guuieral l.a. . dlrect.e t inc to inform you that from nuul afrNose. . : bet lit inst. , you will bo reiumuburseti for yor sctual anti imeceesary expenses vIiiIo actuahl emnuioyed In travuling on the bu..immo. of tim I , dopartumont , imuut oxceedluug five , IIIari , , pe day , in lieu of fF.e jr diens formic. Ii allow. you. 10 "In mull cases vhmon vract.lesbie vouches must be taken for oxpemuutituros , anti be mi 10 woruind with mnnusthly accounts. In case o ImoudituroS are zmecoasary , for which it is ii. liracticablu to take vouchers-ms detailed stats k , mont of the samne mnuust be inado fom- time mmmuit Ic auth forwardeul wIth this sunistlily pay w'c'iumnl it m . "rw/ou1ns c/accounts trill /tnicurdol y. . with aim oathm attachmoti , Imichs must. in a ci casem.bo ocuutod bofruforwardiug , , aceousmit of ( Sigued ) "A. ( I. HsIAnI , 0' Chief Iuispect'mr ' , " id hut this all was not auflicient to ho ri isi gardod mu. completely welding the " 1111 of love" that was to c/maui tue dovi from and after Noveitibor 1 , A. 1 18831 It took one more letter , amid this wi y the most linportatit of all , for it scorn i that Rd I wea asleep on tim aught of Oct li bar 31 , 1883 , at 12 mIdnight , my comi L4i mission , isasder which I hiatt heretofo : mm thought I was doing very well , scouts I a. have expired , and in order to keep mite the service at all , IL was apparent it im.ucouary under existing law that siould be sent the following reappoin . . ! - . , I mont , which is before mo , and reads na follows , namely : ( } 'orm 21j 1'osToEr1ci lar-AtITimgr. \VAMIIuaTo , 1) , C , , Nov , 0 , 183. Siam-Time ; ostmnastr general imni mnaulo an order renpointh'g ; you i)115tffiCe Inspector at limit ileimarimont em Mall 1)epredationi , from Not-cute- , 188.1 , Your c.nspeui.atiomu will ho at a rate of sixteen lun. , dred dollar. ( $1,600) ) , per annum , and 3011 wIll be allowed your necessary anti aituial oxponsti. when actually engaged in travehlmig uion tile business of thodepartunont , hot to exceed five dollar. per day. Very ro'jcctfuly , [ Slgnedj Your Obedient Scrant , Jtsmaq A , ' ( ) \hI0i11titmC11t Clerk. To , Toimn B , Foray , E..q , , Omaha , Net , , Now then , I aPPeal to any human being who lives aiim ! moves amid has a 501150 of equity , as between mcii , whether the foregoing official correspondence , w1dcIa cvcry word and llaMc 1/mat I have rcccivcd , does not show ( lilt ) that this change of mind of thb department , with regard to the pay of in. spector. , was not put in force either directly or indirectly , so far as my case is concerned , until No- vambor 3 , 1883 , and ( lid ) whether there is u.mio word by which asty human beisug could or should infer that this sudden and unexpected chmango of per diem in the pay of inpoctor wits to anto-date Novern. her 1,1883 ? When a person is under employment , under a wrilten contract , at a sven price , and the conditions are fixed in that contract - tract , the laborer is worthy of his hire , and so long an ho performs his dimly under that contract , just so long is lie entitled to the PY awarded in that contract. Up to November 3 , 1883 , aiid for many years preceding , I was under the omuploy of tin4clopartmnoiitat a given fixed salary and allowance , to-wit : $1,600 per annum amid $5 per diem for the days actually employed in traveling on the hil5IflCSS of the department , and in liar- molly with that contract amid expressed agreement , I made cut my report for cervices rendered in time month of October - bor , and duly forwarded tim same to the p'v ° ' . officer of the department on the 8th day of Novomnbor , and mundo it out , at the rates for which I was serving during October , iiamly , $1,600 and $5 per diem for the days actually employed in traveling iii time iiitorost of the depart- titont ; , Thai. day I am in receipt of my report and hay account back , being returned with a circular letter of which time follow- ilmg in a copy : PosT Orvica DEI'ARTMnNT , Orrici or CutEr 1' . 0. INSPc7omm , \VAsmmu.aToN , B , C. , Nov. 6 , ' 83.J Sin : Thu postmaster-general declines to apisrovo your ticcount for the mnontim of Ode- her , and the sante I. returned herewith. I ama directed to inform you that in lieu of the isar dicta charge , a detailed statement of time CXjCU5O53 inctirrod by you , must be for. warded , with receipt. , so far a they can bo lroctireul , whiero thi. I. imot practicable , a careful o.stiumiate must be made of your oxpon- 55013 while actually engaged in traveling on buaJ inc.of , the department titiriuig said mnonth , and to which you nuumat mnakooath. ; Very itespect ! sully [ Signed ] P. . Sirauti' , Clmlof Inspector , What this course of action moons , I do not ; understand unless , it be that of the dopartimiemit intends to muako the order of November 5 retroactive to October 1 , 1883 , and ifthat be so , I. shall resist it for the reasons that if I had only known it on October 1 , I would then instantly have resigned , and not knowing - ing it , I continued to work at tim wages. I was employed under , and continued so to work during the whole month of October - tober , and as it takes two parties to make a bargain , I do' ' not propose to hot tIm other party do time whmoloof the arranging , aflcr 1 have completed the work faithfully - fully and well , and under existing con- tract. I have a man at my house , working for 1110 at $25 per mmmouth-he ; worked all through October faithfully and voi1 , -suppose I was seized with an economnc almfli eli November 5th , and imperious. ly remarked to him. "If you continue to work for mu you will emily got $15 per month from November 1st , " amid suppose lie said , "Very well , the winter is upon us , and. I"l lmnvo to take it , " Then in a few days ho asks me for his pay for October , amid miska for $25 as being his duo , and anpmse thou that I soiit back his accoumnt amid stated to him that I hind , since I first spoke to 1dm , mentally resolved to date thmmt roduotiomi bock to Ocobcr 1st , instead of Novorn. bar 1st , as I had originally agreed with ; him , to time oxtomit of cancelling Iii. old contract nod giving him a zmow mm. 'What , I ask , wouhd that hired mimi ; think of toy souse of t'tjiitty ? What ought lie to think of tue as a umot calnblo of treating any otto no , niuct this being so , I will resist such troatimmemit toward immy- umolf. umolf.Time Time postoflico department owes me time aumuount stated in my report for the uiiultlt , of October , and until it is fully expii4tiod to mu why amid how they oqmutatdy do not , I will accept payment oiiiy oil that account. 1 urn not badly off for the money , as somno of our poor follows sire , liomico I do ntitJUVO to aequisco to what 1 regard as a gross wrong , mind IiWll , so do it , ; Froimi Noveimiber 1 , 1 wilt render ro- S turns as directed amid w such returns from tue arc simply for the information of the department for tim immuntli of ' October. amid it is requested for that pur. iose emily , and not with a view of isredi- eating immy pay , tccouiit on it , I intl of I course gladty comply With the instruction , r as soot ; us so advised , but as stated , I . hmavo'iso do.iro or inclination to nectipt , anytbiisg for the nuomithi of October cx- C01)t time salary and ver diem for which I worked durimmg that mouth , amid I , - therefore , return the account for such , further action as imisy be by you doemno advisable , I sincerely hope you will cause that tin t question raiaud by mu iii this letter haI r be carefully considered , for , regarding , mu i : do , that a mduction of sammy ( where the aervicta are as faith .1 . fully Imorfonsmed as amino wore dunn1 I. time mouth of Ottober Imust ) , can not be made retroactive , mmcl so beliovhmg 0 1 ( iSitifli it due that I aimmili resist it em r principle , mint that I care a hg for tim it ditIurummce , if aisy , that mummy exist , him . there is at U'ronJ ( about the order thm ; 805110 OflO ought to resist , and I fuel I aim C- just about as good simapu as any loam m' In time imisliectiomi divisiosm to unciuntaico it I- aim ; , sir , moat respectfully , your Ob't Ii . Sv't , Jo hi. FUIIAY , 1' . 0. Immapoctor , lION. A. 0 , SIIAII , Chk1 lmmpecto ; . . P. 0. Department , Vashimigtomm , 1) . C A IP.mim omm a Fm-us Store. LuNever Wa. . such a rusim mmmdc omm aumy thmg ate : Ic imow sit C. F. ( ] oodmmimumi's , ( or a trial boi 1 , tIe of lr , KImmgs New Iiscovery for Cci ) , umimi.tIoms . , Coughs a'mii Ccitt.tl . irsnm sdfoctod with asthma , itnualmlti. , Itomuselmos , severs comugha or aisy altectinmi of too throm as mmii lungs , comm get a trial bottis of this gre. SI remedy free by cahlimug at above drug stun 0lerulM ( size $1 00. ; VIUIt UEAUTLIUIi o Now ulcaigims never before pubUtho inViil vieo any imerson. Sent free on rm ciupt of Qn stamp to every reader of Ut OMAUA ihEa. Address Samnuol Cantoi t. 35 Park 1' co , 1'ow York , mc&w'tf BA I [ WAY The Iowa Foo1 Ibo Pani lloO. Meeting of the Coloraulo l'ool Asso- eIntIonIhI..coIlni1Comls Notes. Tzmr. ST. IAtTh FIACO. Time adjourned meeting of time Iowa Trunk Line association , whelm was to imavo boon hold on Monday at Commis- abner Midgeiy's office , iii Cimicago , was rendered unamocosanry by time wiimdrawaI of thto Milwaukee and St. l'nui road from time association , amni an immdeflnito post . Poflcmfleflt iii announced by Ihmo comnmis- abner. Time situation does not lose its gravity , amid all of Limo hues interested are gottingroacly for a fight . Time l3ur. Hngton , Rock Island , and Northwestern arc all in excellent positiomis , not only to defend thick Ceunil Bluff. business , bitt also to make it excecdimmgly warm for their competitor oim SL l'aul business. The Northwestern has an exclusive hue direct to St. I'atml , but time Burlington and Rock Island will lrnvo to work to- gather over time sante line. Each of time roads owns one-half interest in tim 11cr- limgtom , Cedar Rapids amid Nortimorn , whelm runs direct front Burlington to St. Psaisi. Tlmo Rock Islnimd there has a further - thor advantage iii a trafl'ic arrammgemomit over time : klbert Lea route , rumming front Liberty City to SL I'aul. If matters are not fixed up before the expiration of time thirty days' notice , time Iowa pooi ivihl necessarily go to pieces , and iii ite downfall vill be car- ned time Central Iowa and Northwestern Profile associations , These are merely trafilo agrcemmmemmta to maintain rates , and when the j)01 collapses there will be no occasion to maintain rates in these mao- eLation. . Tue Southwestern Railway as- sooiation Calm Ofll be afThcted by mimi extended - tended war , it is thought . It existed long before any Iowa association was dreamed of , and has weathered several stormy seasons among it. northern neighbors - bors Time cutting of rates to the Mi.- souri river vii1 naturally effect through western buniimcss , and the result of such a war no this promises to be , wouid be a gemmeral dommioralizatiomi of great unagni- tudo. Some are inclined to regard the action of ) the Milwaukee amid St. Paul as a inure "bluff , " but the guttural feeling is that serious business is intommded by the dissatisfied lines. TIm Colorado Pool. Tlmo regular monthly meeting of the Colorado Pool associatson vil1 be hold in Denver to-morrow. None but the ito.- semiger agent. will participate iii the p - ceedings , and it is stated that these will be quite interesting. Just what will be the nature of the procoedingr cannot be ascertained to aimy great extent , but sommm questionable actions of the North- era Pacific road will be discuesed. For seine time this road's passenger rate Immci leen lower than other roads. For instance , it only charges a rateof $40 from St. Paul , Minim. , to Helena , Montana. Passengers who come from Omaha and go to Ogden via either the Union Pacific or Denver and Rio Granda roads are charged $60 , amid besides there is the tdditionnl cost of transportation from the latter named point to Helena. Over this matter it is cxpcctodthat there will be quite a lively discussion and a reduction in the rates to moot the decreased rate of the Northern Paciflo will in all probability be the out- come. . SmItIEF OTEi A weetorn railroad man said yesterday that ho was credibly informed that tim freight war between the Missouri river and Utah points would not be brought to an end until .Tanuary 1. I1 said that merchants had beeii given coimtracta until that date by nearly all the roads engaged iii time light , and that they were assured that hostilities would not cease until the new year. Time directors of the Chicago , Burlington - ton & Quincy rt.'ad have declared a 2 per cent quarterly dividend on steele of No- vemnber 26 , poyabloDocemimber 15 The October earnings are expected to be time best yet recorded , with the exception of those of September , antI , if so , the August - gust , Septeimiber and October earniiiga vih1 exceed those of ammy previous three nmommths in the history of tIme road. 4\ private dispatch , yesterday , ( noun George P. Daniels , conimissioner of t'me Colorado pool , convoyed the intelligence that titter December 1st all second-class tickets to Icammimum Ioimmts would be ordered oil'silo. . \v. M. Sage , general freht agent o the Chicago , Itoek Ialaimd and Pacific , an- umOUuiCea that mill special freight rates will expire December 3L S. H , U , Clark , gtnioral maumagerof Ike Umiiimmm Pacific , is at. rho Grmnid Pacific hotel , Chicago. \Vorti , not be witimout. Rodding'm. Russia Salve , is the verdict of all. who. muse IL Price 2r ceota. ANOThER STREET RAILVkY ( , fl4)ggN & HIilProimsn tBniIml hallway 'lIsrougis 'I'tstt Omnatimi View ittdItiOmi , A petition was 1)reaolmted to the clty council last evening by Bogga & Hill , I real estate dealers , askimmg imrnmissiun t 1 build amid operate a streat- railway frou S time terminus of time preseimtline on Saun : dens street , to antI through Oummaima Vioi - A reporter of Tizi' 11am ; called upor Mr. flogga yesterday amid hind a hitthi 0 talk in regard to the ProPosed now line L Mr. Bogga stated that the scimumnu Imad ito t msrogressetl. far , emiosigim as yet to arrive a : defimmito comtcluaious , but imat timi - lr1)05e ) to do is tisis : 'I'o build a hue. mu - above stated , hut oh timeir owi ; rohlini stock and operate it tlmeumsalves , ' if po . slide an arrmtmmommiuimt will ho mmmdc with : Captain Marsh to trnmmsfcr time iaasumier fruit ; time ears of the new couimpany to this ottus of time 1mrosommtcomimpany , oil Saunderi a street , provided ? 'Ir. ? ulumusim ivill puy t the now commmpammy a m-igimtful ercmmtagu 0 5thu smumulea earned by such ti-amisautiona I. They are imot in time least amatagommistie Is : ' l5sLr. lslnrshm or Itlim imiturcata , ho t iim case satisfactory divisiomma o - through fares can not b miiade , they will iu.k vurimsi8I0um to extemms their limo. ( , f ratt down tlmmisugim thu cii : aiid run their cane accordingly , Ms I , Ilo s mnaista that people who buy lots ii I 3. t1iui Omnalmim View additiomm mmust imav ; U time mtviiugea of a street railway , 'l'li r , Messrs. Patrick have a tract of land be tweun time present city limits amid Ui EE' Omalma View addition , amid tiicy n'O , with Messrs. Ilogga & lull , interested 1i' time proposed street railway schomno , and I time lute will be laid tisrough their land. Lot them come ; time mumoro tim martian , and we are pleased at nil times to note tue himtroduction of street railways. Tisoro is no other class of business in Omaha in which timaro is no comipetitiomm except time street railway , and it would bo gratifying to time ummnjority of our citi. Zeus simould time lnr'ioscl , ' 110W road be cx- tended dowmi thi-ough time city. DUST TO DUST , Time limly of' list ; halo , Jlmn Ii. Dot- wmler Couislguui'tl to Its Last Itcatimig l'inco. One of tlto largest tunorals wimich has taken place iii timia city for several years was that of tim luito , Tohmi ; B. Detwilor yesterday from time First Preabytor- Ian clturch , corner of Seveimleontim and Dodge mitroeta. Time body was escorted to tue chtmrclm from lii. lto rcaidoiico by a largo nun- bar of ICaigitta Tomopiar and Masonic brotimren amid was followed by a large number of carriages coimtaining the friends of time deceased. Time church was filled with citizens ammxions to pay timeir last respects to a good amid hmomiored rnamm. On accommmit of thmo great heaviness - ness of time casket contaiiiimmmz the remains it was not carried to time ammiliemico room , but was placed in the vestibule 6f time chmtmrcii mmd was guarded by a ( letacimnmemmt of Sir Knight. , 'Vito pat1-boarer worn Senator Man- dorsonV. . J. Broatch , S. A Ilustoit , U KountzeVin , W. Bartlett , J ) L. l'erimmo , 0. K. Coutnimt and T. A. Croigim Time entire charge of tue funeral Ivan under time direction of A. Atkinson. 'l'hmo music by time choir was very nppro. priates amid the umermimoim by the pastor , Mr. \v. J. Ilaralia , WOB very mmpressive. The remains wore taken to l'rospect Hill cemetery for immternment , whither they wore followed by a large cortege. Flftceumtlm Street. Imi conversation with Mr. Croigiiton , president of the committee em ; public works , yesterday , a Ban reporter was informed that , in all probability , Fif- toontim street botwotrn Douglas and Far- haul atreets , would not be pavedthiis season - son , owing to time delay caused by tim street car company in putting in their tracks. Mr. Creighton stated that the company was notified thrco weeks ago to do this workbut paid ho attention to the warning until about one week ago , mind themi only rota very sutall force of men at work , and time outcome is that time work is not yet. finished , ivimilo the eartim is frozemm sufficiently to prevent putting oil the l'istishimtg grade. Mr. Grant attempted - tempted the work this umiorning but was baffled by time frost , and now Fifteenth street will iO iii the sonic horrible cor cli. tion for am.other winter that has citarac- terized it for so rnminyyeara past. if you haven Sore Titroat a Cough , or Cold , try B. ii. Iourlass & Sono CaisicImum * Cough Drop. . . , they arc 1eatuit to thu tatc , . pcriectiy harmmmlcsts. ommd wilt surely cure you. you.U. U. 8. Coumrt. The iJ S. Court did. a fair amount of businems yesterday. A jury was ompan- naiad in the cmiso of Max Weinberg . & Co. vs. Time Association , an insarance company of Philadelphia. Tlmisis a suit on a policy taken out cit property , wliicth was destroyed by fire at Hastings , this state , some time ago. Four cases are to abide time rosblt of timis one. The prose- cuiiomi claim ; ; a lose of goodL The defame - fame assert thot there was no loss no claimed. A great number of witnesses are in attendance. The jury went out in the case of Roy. nolda vs. Frazor. McVay , cimarged with ; counterfeiting , pleaded guilty to one count-that of pass- immg spurious ten ccitt piecos. A negro , whose name was not learned , pleaded guilty to selling liquor witLout govorrmmneutt licenmie. , . 'J- V -1ArnM PWR Absolutely Pure. This powder sewer varies. A marvel of purily ' .strengt , and wholesornnss More sm onomulcai timsi it , . OttIflSry ulnds , mind caeot be sot. , Sum con,5 etitlor I wlthttme muttitud. at law test , .hort sulght lummu am PmmO5Ih.tO imoilrs. Soul only to cans. lIuy..i t.ak I Irt I'owi , , ( 'n. . Itid % % a.il t3creot Now YOrk. ; SPECIAL NOTICES. tA'Spoclala will PositIvely riot be inumertec m unless iuai In advance , : TO LOAN-Money. : ONmV Is ) LOAN In stuns at $ OO , or moor. or L' j 10mg tltmi 4 01 Icr cent 5'er aemmun , by C L I'aOtrsums , tC , , . , 1404 laredo , bt. 7U.mts p' " I UN , . ? LUANKO-Oum custsi ) becurlt. C. V su MAVNS&coiwJ : FartaumSL , ik.41urni it loSv. % 00u. 05 - .H lmc..ma l.oatm Asummmey , ittis & iotm.das. . 234-U . ' T ONSX TO LOtN-Cs1l at Law elitism ci U. L Thouma , , roomu 8 , Crummmtoum Ulock , 1 a ' - ' ' i.OAN-J. 'F. [ Scatty ama. ou chmtte prop.u-ty. 215 South 14th St. . a 4 1IEI.P WAN'LW. ) ' - NTEI'Q luruimmu cut 011. 10 ' f 15,4 , 0 niogiths. (1'o4 wagon uiork. Aj It1 ; . J 0. Slurpt ) , at II , . work , Oi4-2 $ i TAllA vos4 tiri for g imoral luous" . cml t I ismqtmru a m ; nuolam .k Ericks' . , . 0 423 , % TAUT1ti-lO lil.or ms for r' iwl work. II ! , j Sisensu , lir , tittm , tet , , me5r , I aroammu. OO 25 - rArmls-.tum : uxrerlunccd Iuurss , gIrl , UoIeeii , ? ' 1cId , r.suIuet1. A'pl ' 4 ibiS tiauritpomt tivCl - , , , , i ( tortmau , , WI ) nm eu and on U diuftig ruoum lr5 at F.tntvr' . Iluu. . . 1503-UI 0 . st.bt. t . . .ii.i : must. . ' 5bsthi V l.'iuire ol 3 , C. ilurpby , F1.tsmmc Vimt.uff. Ii 8ST27I _ - _ - - - - - - - _ , . - - - I t - . . q , I I A - . . . for frnaSandChiIdren. - Ciislorlnpromumotes 1)Igeion andiirconmcs. f1atuIeney , dOiisiTpa- tion , Sour Stornacim , Diarrimcxia , and Fevenisimneag. It fitsures health and natural 81e0p , without lnorjlilItc. " Castor-Itt I. o well adapted to Cimittiren that I recoinmncimd It as th.mxrior to any vrtcrlption known to limo. " 11. Mtciucuu , lit. 1) . , 83 Portland Ave. , ltrboklyn , . Y. What gives oumr ChIldren rosy chocks \Yj.mat cures tmehfevers : ' fevers , m ( vs tlieun'SlCOtI S Castor ) . . , 1'heu b.ilen ! ft-el ansI C17 by turns , What cU"s their colic , kilt. Umon- Hot ( instorin. What qumkklpcimres ConstipatIon , Sour Stomnactm , CoMa , lmidJgcetlon ! ! ! ft CWItOTIft. } 'aroweii then t.i Iorpltinc , Syrup. , Castor Oil amid 1'ansor1c , and ] fnIi Cn..t-Inf - CENTA 13 R LINIMENT-nut absolute cura for Bhcum. . tisimm , Sprains , flurims , Galls , &c. The most Powcrfrtl mid ionc , . tratiaig l'almi-rclicvizmg nitil Ilonllumg ' Remedy Juso'wu to nian. - L - - - - - - % VANTED-Twenty tcaun for wagon work. Wace V ! 13.1.0. Inqulto of .1. 0. a1uhy , Fiorenco Cut. of ! , SSa 271 TANTIiItSlx Cornice hard' , 0 Tjnnes 3 Slate V V hoofer. . Stcaili irork all year r.und. , Inquire at Western Cornice Work. , inc Iioigla. . ss.tf yANTln-A : sowing itmahino baud at the Omaha 7 shirt fac 0:7 , 12u7 } 'arnns trcot. 855-23 . \ 'TASTEt-Fir.tclus nian to tr.i-oi for our notion tlepartinent _ Muot tsmrnislm best of rccommmnun- ; datloia , to ability. Mu.t bo familiar with ti.t class of goals. No other need .pply. 000C wages paid to a flnt.cs ) nuan. 835.26 I'Ax-roN & aAtLAoumun. WANTED-A good blaci.nltlu on geumemal job4iug V anui torso simocing at MtilIooim' , sues ) tath ammU Ltavesuworth 8o8.211 1TANTE1)-1'ress feedersuid boyatloS nortlu 13th ' V , treot. 576-22 , ' \TANTEI-000d cook stud , cco.ij yin. Inquire bvtweon 9 nnl , it a. in , SlitS. CIIAS. WLLL9. 2315 Weinter strcct 8Th.26 - ' \TANTtDA good adsortising solicitor , S I. anT. 11th ammd Douglas , roeni3 , up.Stalr. . 875-21' -17 ANTED-Ten icood crjentors at 412 Tenth St. , y , , dtwtun Ilara..y and IIowsrtL 830 21 % 7ANTD-A neat , quiet girl todo .oconil work S S lit a primate faulty. Aiply S. 11. cor. 20th mmd Caiior&a , treta. 888-ri. ' (7ANTED-Girlforgcncram hocrtewcrk In taiwiiy , , of two , 1014 howard sure t. 807-211 % TANm-Two cnnva.er , for the luistalimnent S V book truIo. Cnuuuls'ton. , paM weekly , rcom 0 antI 7 ivoretts tI.ck Councml Bintli. Iowa. 546-1 TANTE-Cokand chamber mmntd vaus 01.00 V V per week. ippiy 2s15 Chicago St. 813-211 % ANTED-A good solicitor. one acquainted hit V the serial book trade. Teru ry , Kansas. Iloom 0 ant 7 EVcNIt'd bock , Couimcil Bluffa Ia 785-21 -ti 7AN'I'Fh-Locai agelmis in Nebraska to-represent ! our Imuirsery stock 1'cr terimus a.idrea , S. ( I. I'LMEiI , , Kaimsas City , Mo. , orliioomnhigton , lii. nov 14.17-25 24 .TANmFD-Uiri fur grocmni housework , at 102' ' ) V Douglas street. 746-tI 1TANTED-Saieeimmar , for each county hum the U. I 1 S. iS and expenses. Goods soil by saiitpmo. Send stamp. LA 1iELL MFO CO , , Chicago , ill. 080-sat cod , ) ANTIm-uo.a ; girls roe gouti tmnmimeB. BesS I V wages. Apiy Ininmodmately at employment bureau 217 N. latim ilL No. office foe. 622.tf SITUATIONS WANTBD. , LADY experienced in the education of' children. A would ike a iiua'1on to care for and instruct young clmimdron. Atitires's 'i' ] 2oo ofilce. 558.241 liespectabie 3-oung.mnan wishes afurnisimoth room A near Congreg.'tioIKi Church , 18th or reNt. Sis. Neat mum sins m r. oun will do. truce 68 to $5 , Address - - dress "IC ' 1307 Siernaii asenuo. S8-23t IXTANTED-Situatlon by a ycung- man to do I1 chore. in prwnte f.rnhiy for board , and go ta school. Aeidies "S P Om" lice offico. . 805-221 IICELLANEOUB WANTS. ' ( XTANTF.D-To buy asocond hand double ) uguy V V lmarncss. Addraae"Cash , " this office. 8742i TANTEi-'rooxd aigo , , doirabie city m-esidcnc for tarn , in eastern Nebraska. Appiy to J. W LOUNSBURY. heat estate agent , lith and Farnarn 602-tI roit RENT--Houses anu Lots. IIBNT-A vom- comfortable imou8o on 16th F U meet , sear lI.owii list ) , , containing 0 rooms. Stout $3i a month. Apply to F. LE Davis , Flist 1a- tLnal Bank. 8S1-21 . Foil IIENT-New cottage , liveroom. . . moon , . , South U. i' . de5ot. Ji phIfli'S iIitl1 , 801 271 1512S.utlu itim streor. Foil lIEN I'-iiIk , house , nrrnaett for SW , ) fain- lies , one mile south of U. P epot. Rent $10 u-cr - mmmonth. inqum at 8. m : . coru.r Dodge aumd 12th streets. SOJ 28 ' htiNT-Furni.tol rooms nith or is-ithout j'on , In a ruivatu family , 700 miorlti 18th street. 885-27' Gitmt1iNT-uIotmso live r urns , all c.nveuieucos. , ] Apply at 12 7 5.cit1c street. 879.21' flENF-Eurnishett roomnal OW r . tOI-221 ilNI'-A furnL-imemmiouso. Term..reasonnt.o FOR - N. 18th , trect. . 9. 0 lhi1T-itootus vf1h bo'srtl at moderate rates , entiemmmcum prefecd. 1iqmmlro , at 184 1.veim. 10Tt SI. Ia ) ' bourtierur.ls , destred 88m-21f Foil IIENI-kitgamt , fuummlad ) rooms 1810 Podgo St. S-lD-24t F Oil 1ENT-S room cottage 21nd anti Ilarney St. 850-228 O NF1 fumnisimetl room for rent at $10. iamve enough for two sccmipaits , 1314 Wubsteritroet , 54-tf UI.\i.tIiDanduidurnishutI rooms 1357 Dweu , . F Pert 851-281 'OmtlIl-NT-Ncatiy furnished room with cloiot , I al U paroralil me. t .limgio omen suit , 8m4 nortim 155th iii. A. II. IIIA'i'r , 801-21 T-Two umrnbshed rooiim with or m-itIiont F I boa-U , N.1. . causer of 23rd isimd 1)aveaport , 851)11 , IIENT-Ifoum' o and Iarmu barn No. 102. . ) IT. I I IStim St.and lm.us : moot bar , , corner 261) ) , and iZmswa , iSts.Vni. . I. . hIommrooOtisssd , Poiglas St. 8361U , Oit mtn'T-Flvs nicely furiLtad scorn' at II. I 8piegel'sSurnituru store , oqoUio iShilasil lintel. 538-131 1'Olt LIENT-Two Iurmmbshed rooms 8. tV. corner r 19th mid Fisvmam. , 838-231 r'oh IIENT-Itcuso of tour rooim imid' kitchen. j't .nqulre of A. Nmr1my , , 42" south luth St. 768-821 itKNr-A large sail .mnaih coma with tlrst. F ciasabvard.ai i618 Dodge stresS. 522-83 ; 8ENT-A 0 or I roonu brok house. N. E. ocr. ii iti , and 1)aseimport. Call on 821.231 . rp ( ) IIENT-l'leas-ant room , , flvu biu k ti-on , the I l'o.t.OmilcS. lmformmi.tion , givems at 1619 Icdgm Street , 8m0-221 mW.NT-Nlcuiy turisistied iarlor. Also aloes' . ii room , whit ay % s iiiqV. , outti troimtags , wilt , - bed reosum "ci , mutt. , " waiter % vithout board. N. W , , xr. 1W-tm nail Farimain streets. 788-H INit httNT-Oood Imouso anti barn 0mm pmorth 16th i .62-cot. .uhtahie for marty udng a i'usnmbor of 8a.m. . lmsquirtm UI ii , Kuui.tzs , I Nat.iommai itank , 727-22 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -ioit IUIN1'-A , , iccI IurIiied , foci , , at 17121a11. 'r i.1 forniabuinein iTttm ais.I 181mm 51. 603-225 , ; ; P-1e , ' ruomill , also fimnmhmed and on0 4 unfrmriilsieI 1057 Chlenco etreet. 782-tf - T-'omt III1NF-Cottages , moar2Sd end Clark itreet. , . 110 iler momth 'I' .1. Fitatnurri. . 642 ml. 17th SL r5mnusT-ooumu Its Nebraska Zmtlomal Ilimk - L' iiuhldhmg. 81o4 deairibks eStee. So the city , . bupIIsd sitIi hyilrsuimc chin-aloe and lmumted oy ateamn. Apply at flack. . 626-U 0 T"OIt itnNT-I1ea.saut roome , furuistied or not , a. [ 1 ileitrvd.taQr bioca from opera hosm.e. API : tyu Farimi-in. - .415-ti 1-oh ttI-urit1sd leommi room , 1lt1.ougia.s _ U 'C S p011 IENT-Newetore in TcebIeck on Stun. _ J. _ dee. street. Oooel location 1tr grocery et4)re , butclmorshopdto lisquiro at l'oOlleS flank , Dodge' St. 2411.u ] OhIhtn1s"r-itc.tdence. and etorubulidings. USC : FORD a ROULII , HesS Estate Agency. Offlc east sIde 14th troet , between Farnam and Dougla. , , . streets. 702a'b - -Iolt : 1t8N-r-Fiodh.j rooms on ths northwest -a car. 13th and Caphtolavonno. 139-tf Foil LEASg-Four choice iota on 20th St. , long time , 217 N , 10th St. J. L Marble. 625-ti FOR SALU. ii8omt SALLsae and fmmrmhturo , of boardfi'.houso , _ I _ cheap. Addres. "IL 1. ' tee oflice. 540-20 ' 8 acres of land for , ate eight inhie front Omaha , ' with thmnberand creek. i'rico iery low. DAVIS & SNYI ) } , 809-131 } 'armmanm itt. -TOR SALE Oil EXCIIANOF.-Oood livery Nun , _ J _ well located. J. W. LOUNSIIUIIY , SDS.tf ISthmmd Farumsam. - Tion SALE-A ore acre lot anl houmo of 4 roocms. _ J . at agrermt bmmrgnln. 1L Im. iltY & CO. , 907-if Agemmtt , 15th him-I Farnsmn. pen SALK-Lot tOxi4O , and Ohouces all bringtr. good remt. If , It. 1111-iT & COA.nts , , . 905-tI 15th and i'arnaun. SAL-A to' , fire .e-ro lot , . near the Fair gr'.tmndverycimeap. on long time. 885-tf C. 11. SIAYNE a co. , mtoo Farrmam. F Oil SAT.11-A great bargainroomn house. rut lot. elI imuprovemnent. , dcilrabio location , $1500. lviii meil on monthly tn..talimonts. wth emnnmm iay. ment dowum C. I MAYNB & CO. . 894-U 1500 Farnam. E'uOmt SALE-house Sr-oem. , flulliot , well , cistern , i and other improvements. IsP in good rcir , on streetcar line , only 01,50. , . C. K MAYNS .t CO. , S 803-tf 3500 Fm'rnamn. Foil SALI'1-On long timettume residemme lots with- In a few block , of Street car llne 94Y' . to $250. C. Ii. IIAYNE CO. , 89T.tt Jro9xanuun. Foil SALK-Fine farm , iris ) Ron , . . 16 mites from Omaha , 100 acres tinder cuitivation 40 acres tim- bee , with running trater , and 20 acres' his meadow amid fruit. 150 1earingavpietr C. , Ooodouse and other lmnpromcxmmoimt& $25 per acre. 895-tI C. IL MAYSLA CO. , 1509Farnnm. -5 ii SALiS-iSt acre farm 2 muSs froni. eilem-ue , - Nob. Good Imouse. , barn- amid other Improwe- nments. 11. B. . IIIEY & CO. , Ant. , 802-23 15th anilFarnam. -Umoti sArg-vorehouse prcpcty , the brmsb in time " _ I _ City. Lc'mtesl ( in raiiroa5 Crank 11. II. JItBY & CO. , 1leai'FatctoAgtumt , 871-28 S. W Cor 15Th anulF&mm am. - tot on S. 10th arC Centre trcota Ilbuse' 5 roonts and good bain.nt. Lat 60x140. Terms easy. 11. a : imusv &cO. , Iteat lt'-tsto Agents , 870-21 , S. W Cor l5tmt andNamani. SALE-Somothtng , mow , cotta go 5 s-oomn4 do I etR , pantry , cc-lam , ciqiore , outhouse' . led' ' met mnileand hail fromim S'o t olfice , yers' diem-u only $230. , homtn. balmimmee on long 6 inc. C. N. MAYNi&CO. , 1500 lMnmamn. , . 156.-tI ioa SALE-ott TI2AD1I-Twn first rate light mares .L for heaier hone. Address "Lb A" Imume niticu. ' 014-211 .1 011 SALII-iOi ) to' io cortla of bard wood , now F belngchoppo-I en "Lowe 1arni" 0u Ctmr.dig Sr. , halt utile trust of MIlItary bridge. WIii.oimis ho eohi to one purchaeer. fl11dlS , Agent , 18th and.Dougias streets. sATn-5.ooo acres of i'lne lamid In Mtmouri. FOR 4 ) vumdmomn resObsiucese Sandusky Ohici A Slime tannin lasmeas , amid one In Dnl.ot.e to cx- change for Onmaha seal estato. SIliLlVElt& nELL , Opposite Post 0111cc. 505-22 -U-toil SALE -Farm 3niic , 9. W. of oily. lrqtmlrtt I of Sirs. Meyer 023 N. 16th St. 8fl-1ml ' 0ti HALE-An eleamt house or ii COomsba , h I roon , . closet. , woii aimmi cistern. Large io , 1eimneha.ugh ) ace , oc Mt. L'tcasaiit eva , one block wcmt of ear Jhmmo. A bargain. Call lnuaeuia.ko4y on 3IcCAOUu , o,1mnshto L'tst til&e _ OTCI. run S1LE-A iioatly fin-imiThed hotticon- H sisthlig of 251 0fllS ( forsals lii omue of tims most thris-hmg to.smi1mm Eft.terui Nebraska Tern-s meason- nbhe , reaeurm for .cihlng. .oor usd11 , . Inquire \V. L BARNES , i'roprictemr lindiso , , Ntb 784.27 DAmtEC1LANIi-Wo sUer fort-ate at a bargin it two thousand acre , of land 1. , body. viiI make a lute stock eanch Six miles from County Scat of fluommtm count ) . 'l'trma e.ay. 0 F. IAVIS & CO. . 717-tf U ; S FarnatnetreeL ' - Taliorlimg 1uqiness , neil es- tabllshod ansi paying Good reasons Sc' : , cihimg , , Aiir.-ss " 0. 0. " lIce ottlec. 693 tf tit t3AIE-Fann , in eastern Nebrska. .1. IV. LOUNUIIUIIY , heal Cotate Agent , 111th ancm Far- nasa. 850-U ; 'oit SALE-Lot. i5 and 16 b ock 3 IInrmm.oom . p15cc an l'ark ova , only 8550. each , 517-tf Slcb'AOUE opoelto P. 0. omitALE-A well established Prick busIness with iminchineryand groummds. 6m4-tf aIcCAGUE , odpoeite P. 0. I ijsomt SALII-Twolots N. IV. corner of 25th antI _ I _ Chicago St. Iimquire of 1lhohmn and Erickson. 457-tI tUtt 8AL6-tiormcr lol ii , StmiiimsmmUustioi , , . I 51o-tf McCAOU12 , opposIte I' . 0. SALB-Nomv cottage In good locatlom , , $3000 -Foil SicCAUUB , opposite 1. 0. 1iOhl SALE-A first ciae. second band top bu gy. _ J _ Call at 1310 IIamev atrost. Slit UuctIt BALE-Ilosidence and business lrOlwrtY Sit I ami parts of Omaha , aimS Farm Land. in nit part of the tatc. IIKOFOIiD & SOUBit , 703-ti 213 8. 14th 58bet. . Farnam and Douglas. I7sOl1 SALII-A number of mnortusge. , firatcia. . . as. . 1 _ curmty. ) JcOAUUE , olmpoeits 1. . 0. 618if mtALi-Two pv8lmoiU oom.ers , iO.morso powc , Felt at I ) . FITZIATIIICK , 665-if 218 South 15th Street. 'oit tt.LE-lIousu and corner lot one aquarfm Street cars at * 1.700. 503.tt IdcCAOUIioimposite P.O. 011 SALF.-000sl buMxmes. thaiwe , , at 217 N. i t II etreet. J _ L. ? mIA.IIIJLIS. 681)-ti T1ion ; SALE-At atiargaina amnali Siosierlhammcmauo _ I . .mul Cos fire jcoot usale. Inquire at thu olflou 1TM"TED-To buy , tnnha Real Ectate for laws. V V tore , CaU 0-s Slct.tG UE , ippo.ite 1' 0.amati ama-ti Uo1t SALB-Uiu newspapers ma large rd small _ J , icantlttoa at this chIt-s. II Lmomt mtAIE-Threeor four residence lots ( corners ) I _ Ii , boat locatlo , , in chty , tim-U ) lcC/tOUE , opposite P. 0. 1cISOELT.AHF.OU I ; , L ( SST-A lath s brestphti my 81 , garnet setting. The t1vder mslil l. ru-casUal muse , , n tunm.img value to- 2111 Webster St. 51115. 1. 1' I1VANPS , 801.21 T OSP-Siiiall biatk Imofis , 4 or Sve-arisoldwitlopo _ L4 round tile mmcck aimS no a ly eiio,1 om , f nut fe.t. Finder leias lens e at i utlmer emmo1s 8 , IV. corner 23 cud Cuumhimg ittreet. t)0-tJ T ADlt8 doirln , liiatruictIon I , ' tiennau trill Sad a competent tesclmer by m.pplying at 10m3 lodmo ilL 73221 * EDWARD KUIHL ! , IIAUISTEI8 5&LIIYSTKIIY AND CONDITION. ALIBI , 5O Tenth street , between Earmiam &nd Ifs , . aey , will , whOm the. aid of guartilsu .pIIU. obtala-lr'g u cue a gses 01 Lb )51 aitd present , ia' the odi.lu , commdltions iii the future , Uoot.s and shoesi ala 10 oiiit , t'ettevt astlsiaclc'a guaranteed.